#gnc names
pickle-the-lad · 2 years
I love trans man with feminine names💙✨️
I love trans women with masculine names💖
I love trans individuals who are still figuring out their names🌈
I love trans individuals who hordes names🐉
I love trans individuals who uses the dictionary as a names book 📖✨️
I love trans individuals who use honorifics, titles, pronouns, and/or punctuation to get around having to legally have a name🚫
I love trans individuals who has honorifics, titles, pronouns, and/or punctuation as their name because that's their name! 👑
I love trans individuals who use the emojis as their names! 👾
I love trans individuals who are named fluid and
Only pick a name because they wanted to legally change it to something else 📃
Hasn't changed their legal name cuz they can't pick or don't want to ❤️‍🔥
Feels no need to change their legal name because it's one of their names! 💕✨️
I love trans individuals give themselves names out of necessity or pleasure; with no regards to those who say "it's too confusing" because there's no wrong way to name yourself💕💖✨️
That name or lack-there-of Suits You💖✨️
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nonbinary-polls · 3 months
genuinely curious about this one
personally i have (sorta?) changed my name and i stole it from a youtuber i liked 😈
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pansylair · 2 years
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the act of self creation
words inspired by julian k jarboe
cone 5.5 stoneware plate wall hanging
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clowningcrows · 22 days
is it horribly cringe to pick your new chosen name based off of your favorite book character (who is also ftm autistic!!) or is that like…. okay
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cracklewink · 4 days
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some sketches of my guy
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Yeah it’s cool and all that Lyanna Mormont and Wylla Manderly are such vocal Stark loyalists. But it’s actually quite important that they share names with two of the most important women in Jon Snow’s life: Lyanna Stark - his mother, and Wylla - his wetnurse and rumored mother in universe. Such stunning loyalty from these two girls who are named after women so important to Jon just tickles all the key parts of my brain. These are the women who gave him life. And it’s even more poignant when we realize that by ADWD, when the girls are declaring their loyalty, Jon is the KiTN who bears the name STARK per Robb’s decree.
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haleswallows · 4 months
Dead on May-n week is over, but I am intent on finishing this. Mind the tag changes and change is rating. Teaser:
Jason is not wallowing. Wallowing is what hippos and elephants do. Jason is neither of those things, even if Tim says he’s the size of one. He’s laying in bed long past his alarm has gone off. Maybe moping a little bit.
He may or may not have had a wet dream.
It's not up for discussion.
“Little Wing,” Dick coos at him. Entirely incapable of dealing with his bullshit, Jason reaches for the gun he keeps wedged under his mattress. He doesn’t bother rolling over when he brandishes it. “Hey, bad firearms safety.”
Of course he isn’t intimidated at all. “Fuck off, or I send Tim your senior photo outtakes.”
“How–?!” Dick makes a strangled noise, leaps onto the bed. “I burned those!”
“You think Babs and I didn’t join forces to archive them?” Jason plants a foot on his brother’s thigh and pushes. “Seriously, I’m in a bad mood. I know you think you’re going to help and you need to be the emotionally intelligent one in the family, but I do not want to hear your self-help book bullshit today.”
“What makes you think I’m here to be emotionally intelligent today? Maybe I just want to see my little wing. Maybe I just want to get dinner with you before I go back to Blud tomorrow.” He wilts when Jason stares blankly at the ceiling. With a sigh, Dick flops across the bed, punching Jason in the face when he starfishes.
“Ok, I will admit to being worried. Because I know you won’t say anything. And I’ve been thinking about how freaked out you must have been in that coffin.” He pauses. “That water spot looks like a cat. Do you have mold?”
Jason resigns himself that he’s going to have no peace for the rest of the afternoon. He pinches Dick’s wrist as hard as he can to make his brother collect his arms back to his own personal space, instead of colonizing Jason’s. “I don’t have mold. And it looks like a fox to me.”
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elvisqueso-iii · 1 month
might have convinced myself of something guys
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chambers003 · 3 months
this is BY FAR nowhere near final designs probably i want them to be spookier . but vague ideas. and notes. 👍 reblogs appreciated :33
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i binged all of malevolent in 6 days and now it’s been 10 days and . lets just say i like it a bit. hello malevolent tag i’m new. ID under the cut
[ID: a digital spread of variations upon the king in yellow. The background is dark grey, and all of the drawings and text are done in a limited colour palette of black, white, and 3 different shades of yellow, each representing a different fragment of the king in yellow. the king pre-split is represented by a mid-yellow, where yellow is a much cooler, nearer to green tone, and john is a warmer egg yolk shade.
The first bit is about the ‘pre-canon: The King In Yellow;’ it’s noted under this title in dot points that they have a full mask and crown. there’s a bust drawing of the king facing the front under here; a yellow, high-collared cloak; a full white mask with only minimal details, no mouth, and two holes for yellow eyes with white pupils beneath. they have a full, spiked, yellow crown, and wild black ‘hair.’
The second is about ‘S1-2 The King / S3+ Yellow.’ The dot points for this read ‘top half of mask’ and ‘split crown; tiara -> still more ‘royal.’ The drawing here is a side profile bust, the same design as the king in yellow but with changes in the mask, only going down to their cheekbones, and their tiara; still spiked, but smaller and doesn’t go all the way around their head.
The third is about John. The dot points say ‘Bottom half of mask -> VOICELESS but more visibly emptional’ and ‘Split crown; laurel wreath -> victory, ‘The Undefeated.’ The matching design is drawn below, another side profile bust facing left, instead of yellow’s right. John’s eye is yellow with a white pupil and eyelids, and he has yellow eyelashes - almost sun-like.
It should be noted that while Yellow and John have a unique shade of yellow, both of their halves of the crown are the original shade of the king in yellow.
There’s a simple, full body, lineless drawing of the king in yellow - they are wearing a simple yellow cloak or gown, and is floating freely. It’s labelled KIY [basic] and has an arrow to a caption that reads ‘there does need to be a spookier mode.’ there’s another caption expressing a similar sentiment, ‘bro is NOT madness incarnate,’ which in turn points to another simple drawing of the KIY but with 3 masks floating, outstretched hands, and black tentacles? around them, captioned ‘this is better.’
Finally, there’s another pair of drawings of john and yellow. these are just rough sketches of shapes, each of them with a half-cloak blocked in in their respective colours with anatomical bases drawn in black atop them. the idea is that the kiy’s cloak split between them; john’s covers his left while yellow’s covers their right. there’s also a close up of john’s left hand, done in mostly black, but yellow is used to mirror the injuries done to the hand they share custody with arthur. so the pinkie fingertip and the recent bite mark. his fingers are thin and pointed.
End ID]
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2fiorello · 9 months
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drop a tab at 1:40 am and at 9:09 am you will be buying flowers for your wife with so much glee in your heart
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telltalebatman · 3 months
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szad's tags reminded me that we (the poles) (as in, people from Poland, eastern Europe) have a gnc celebrity who sincerely looks like elf senshi from dunmeshi
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p-s-yokubo · 4 months
Invader Zim Future AU (ooooooo!)
Hello IZ tumblr. I come bringing an AU and character designs. Enjoy them please :)
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ZiM - 200+ Years Old - College Student/Irken Invader
Ten years have passed since ZiM began his quest to conquer Earth, and things couldn’t be going better! (At least, in his opinion.) Despite the literal years of failure after failure to achieve his goal, he still hasn’t given up. In fact, he believes every scheme he makes is more amazing than the last. (Because he’s a genius, in his opinion.) There’s just one thing standing in his way… Dib. As always. But ZiM will be ready for him. He has been keeping an eye on the Dib creature, even making sure to attend the same high school as him, and now to go to the same college. Even though ZiM thinks things are going wonderfully, he can’t help but feel like something is off. Like someone is watching him…
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Dib Membrane (Agent Mothman) - 22 Years Old - College Student/Paranormal Investigator
These ten years have been absolute hell for Dib. ZiM’s constant scheming to take over the earth and tormenting of him in particular have made Dib lose his mind a bit. Okay, a lot. He’s now more determined than ever to capture ZiM- no, not just capture ZiM, kill him. He wants ZiM on that autopsy table more than ever before and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He is now being assisted by the Swollen Eyeball Network to do it, so he’s more of a threat than ever before. (Though the Swollen Eyeball Network are only helping him because they fear if they don’t help him now, he’ll continue annoying them for the rest of their lives.)
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nonbinary-polls · 2 months
; poll !! What vibes* does the name " Raye " give off ??
1. Feminine
2. Masculine
3. Neutral
4. A mix
5. Other / see results
; *upon first hearing the name, how would you perceive it ? Whether it's " meant for " a certain group or not, just how do you perceive it.
; ( hopefully this is on topic enough !! I wasn't sure where else to ask this lol /gen /nm )
this definitely counts on topic for me at least
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realbeefman · 1 year
i'm a cis woman, but in the past few years i've developed a habit of headcanoning any male character i relate to as a trans women, beginning a fic trying to explore that, and then miserably falling short as i can never figure out how to end the story. i've recently joined a new fandom and started my most recent attempt at writing this ever-elusive character interpretation i've been trying to explain for years. and it occurs to me that maybe the reason i keep trying to interpret these characters i relate to as women and failing to, is because i'm trying to project the wrong experience. because i think that conclusion i can never fully bring myself to write isn't one about coming to terms with womanhood and embracing that identity, but about coming to terms with being a man.
so tldr im a trans man and this is a coming out post.
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menalez · 3 months
Some famous straight man is getting congratulated because he corrected a famous lesbian on a famous TIF’s preferred pronouns and well if that doesn’t sum up the entire movement …straight men ‘correcting’ lesbians on not being ‘progressive enough’
Sue Perkins even says she feels ‘terrible’ about having done the misgendering like Jesus Christ
the laughable part is he didn’t even correct her! he referred to his co-star by they pronouns probably bc he’s used to dealing with this co-star. people are literally praising him for nothing! they wouldn’t praise a woman if she just replied with “they’re brilliant aren’t they?!”
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annoyinglandmagazine · 11 months
Finwe: Is it a boy or a girl?
Feanor every time insisting on a suffix that doesn’t indicate gender: It’s a Finwean!
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