cytgen · 2 years
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beforeiruinmyself · 2 years
It's official official today. I have celiac disease.
Here's my journey to diagnosis in a nut shell. It started off slow and just cascaded starting this past summer:
Moved to a new state ~4.5 years ago and instantly got a weird rash (which has only gotten increasingly miserable). Assumed a local allergy.
Didn't test positive for any local allergens and none of the 4 doctors I saw recognized DH. In particular, the dermatologist literally left me in a puddle of tears. He was so rude about my dermatillomania.
About a year ago, I stumbled upon Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) on Google and got suspicious.
Ignorantly decided to go GF to test my theory (don't, for the love of God, do this before you get tested). 80-90% of the rash cleared in about 6-8 months.
While waiting for a new doctor's appointment over the summer, I got like 12+ cavities filled and discovered an enamel pit on one of my front teeth. (I've never had a cavity before and I'm 28.)
General annual blood work shows deficiency in vitamin D + elevated ALT and AST liver enzyme levels.
Finally got an appointment with a new dermatologist, who agreed it was probably DH. First biopsy was inconclusive.
Started my 6 week gluten challenge and obtained a ton of fun new symptoms, like severe head ache, stomach ache, bloating, gas. Plus my DH surged again, with a vengence. Absolutely **fucking miserable** time.
Celiac blood panel shows ttg IgA and Deamidated Gliadin IgA both >250 u/ml (normal range is 0-3 u/ml).
Two new skin biopsies come back positive/consistent with DH.
Additional blood work shows iron deficiency.
DEXA bone density scan (still don't have those results).
Gastroenterologist said my endoscopy results showed extreme damage to the small intestine. Villi are basically completely flat.
So here I am. Systematically going through my kitchen to get rid of gluten-y things. I'm so excited to have an answer and to FINALLY feel better over the next few years!! 🎉
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glutenfreeworld · 30 days
What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat (including both hard and soft varieties), rye, oats, and barley. The main components of gluten are gliadins and glutenins, which give dough its elasticity and resilience, allowing bread to rise and take on the desired shape. Bakers and pastry chefs rely on the unique properties of gluten to create fluffy, soft bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods. But…
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smirse · 4 months
Celiac disease, wheat allergy, gluten sensitivity: what are the differences according to a gastroenterologist?
Wheat is the basis of our diet. World Celiac Day, May 16, is an opportunity to take stock of its involvement in several pathologies. Wheat allergy, gluten sensitivity or intolerance, how to navigate it? A gastroenterologist helps us see things more clearly.
Celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
Its causes
This autoimmune disease specifically linked to gluten (notably gliadin ) occurs in a genetically predisposed area . We also talk about gluten intolerance.
Its symptoms
Celiac disease can begin at any age, including in the elderly (20% of people affected are over 60 years old) and affects women more frequently than men.
The diagnostic assessment is less and less often carried out (less than 20% of cases) in the face of classic manifestations: weight loss, bloating, diarrhea, deficiencies, etc. It is most often carried out in the face of non-specific digestive symptoms, symptoms extra digestive (sterility, alopecia, early or severe osteoporosis, recurrent mouth ulcers), or even biological abnormalities (iron deficiency anemia, liver problems, etc.).
The treatment
Strict exclusion of gluten (wheat, spelled, wheat, kamut, rye, barley) for life.
Oatsare tolerated if they are certified gluten-free .
Wheat allergyWheat allergy
Its causesIts causes
Different proteins contained in wheat can cause an allergy: albumins, globulins and gliadins and glutenins (gluten proteins).
Its symptomsIts symptoms
In infants, it can manifest in a chronic form, such as enteropathy, with symptoms similar to those of celiac disease: weight loss, abdominal pain, bloating. ..
In children, various symptoms occur within 2 to 4 hours after ingestion, often within the first year of life. They are similar to those of a classic food allergy : burning and itching in the mouth, rhinoconjunctivitis, eczema, skin rashes, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and even in severe forms anaphylactic shock.
In adolescents and adults, wheat allergy generally takes a particular form which results in symptoms which only appear when the ingestion of wheat is associated with rather intense physical effort, or after taking alcohol or anti-inflammatories. They are varied: digestive disorders, generalized urticaria, difficulty breathing, even anaphylactic shock.
The treatmentThe treatment
In children: elimination of wheat, rye, barley and oats. After the age of 16, 96% of adolescents become tolerant and recover.
In the case of exercise-related allergy: no consumption of wheat in the 4 to 5 hours before or after significant physical exercise.
Non-celiac wheat sensitivity (gluten sensitivity)Non-celiac wheat sensitivity (gluten sensitivity)
Its causesIts causes
It has no clearly defined basis at the moment. The following are implicated: gluten, ATIs (amylase/trypsin inhibitors) and fructans (which are fermentable carbohydrates falling into the category of FODMAPs.
The diagnosis is only made after elimination of wheat allergy and celiac disease.
Its symptomsIts symptoms
Sensitivity to wheat combines:
digestive signs :abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, etc.,
extradigestive signs :significant fatigue, particularly after a meal, joint and sometimes muscle pain, skin rash (eczema, etc.).
The treatmentThe treatment
After the elimination of celiac disease and wheat allergy (essential condition), start with a strict gluten-free diet (wheat, rye, barley, oats) for 6 weeks, to confirm the diagnosis in case of disappearance of symptoms.
Then, reintroduction, starting with foods containing traces of gluten and, depending on tolerance, with very gradually increasing quantities, each person having to find their tolerance threshold.
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Foods that Inflame the Thyroid
#inflamatory foods
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September 30, 2020 in Nutrition, Women’s Health 0
“What should I eat now that I have this diagnosis?” This is a question I hear all the time, from people who are either dealing with hormone imbalances, thyroid disorders, or autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s. While there is no concrete answer to this question (and believe me, I wish there were!), I want to empower you to make the best choices you can make for your body and your health. Let me first say that food is a personal thing. What works for one person may not work for someone else. The best advice I can give is that you listen to your body. This involves finding what makes you feel good and getting rid of the things that don’t! But to help you get started, I want to highlight a few foods that are known to especially affect people with thyroid dysfunction and give you alternatives to help you take ownership of what is going into your body.
This is the number one culprit when it comes to thyroid disorders. Gluten is found in the grains wheat, rye, spelt, barley, and triticale (a wheat-rye hybrid), as well as wheat variations like wheatberries, durum, emmer, semolina, farina, farro, graham, and other derivatives. These grains contain a protein called gliadin that your body can easily mistake for a thyroid molecule. If your gut is irritated and inflamed because of sensitivity to gluten or stress, the gliadin protein is able to enter right into your bloodstream. Then, your immune system mistakenly identifies gliadin as an intruder and attacks it by producing antibodies to gliadin. Once these antibodies are formed, they can attack your thyroid gland, essentially compounding the effects of Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid, meaning you don’t have enough thyroid hormone). (1) Even if it doesn’t get to that point, the inflammation caused by gluten (if you have a sensitivity) can really disrupt the homeostasis between your gut, brain, and thyroid, which causes imbalance and affects your metabolism, energy, brain health, and more. (2) Alternatives: It takes a good 6-8 weeks to completely begin the healing process from gluten issues. Unfortunately, one bite of gluten can set you back to square one. When you go gluten-free, do it hardcore. A whole-foods diet rich with grass-fed animal protein and lots of veggies is your best option. This way, you don’t even have to worry about reading labels If you do venture into the processed realm, be sure to stick with items that have a few identifiable ingredients. And don’t run the risk of cross-contamination. You’ll also need to be ready to ask questions when you go out to eat. Gluten can lurk in salad dressings, marinades, and spice blends. If you are able to tolerate grains, try using brown rice, quinoa, gluten-free oats, or other nutrient-dense foods. Watch out for foods that are labeled “gluten-free” because many of them compensate for the lack of gluten with lots of added sugars and starches that will continue to cause inflammation in your body. You also want to watch out for foods processed in a factory that also handles wheat. Finding alternatives rather than direct replacements is your best bet here. For example, try your favorite pasta dishes on spaghetti squash or other spiralized vegetables instead of gluten-free pasta.
#2 – DAIRY
Many people who are sensitive to gluten are also sensitive to dairy. A study found that 75% of patients with Hashimoto’s were also lactose intolerant. It showed that removing dairy helped balance out their thyroid hormone levels. (3) Dairy can cause more inflammation and makes your body’s pH more acidic, which throws off your thyroid by keeping you from absorbing all the nutrients it needs to thrive. (4, 5) Alternatives: You can use nut milks like coconut, almond, and cashew in place of dairy in most daily uses. Many stores also carry cheeses and yogurts made from these milks. Just read labels to make sure there are no unwanted extra ingredients! Worried about not getting enough calcium without milk? Leafy greens, seeds, and vegetables are full of calcium and other nutrients your body needs to thrive. And the non-dairy alternatives listed above often have a healthy dose of calcium as well. Supplements are also a great option for upping your calcium quotient, and these may be a more bioavailable option than cow’s milk anyway!
It is critical that you keep an even blood sugar level to protect your thyroid. Spikes and dips in your blood sugar can make your body feel stressed. This causes cortisol to be released from your adrenal glands. This cortisol slows down your thyroid’s function and can trigger issues with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. (6) Sugar, starchy foods, and carbohydrates all can cause your body to enter this cycle of stress, so it is best to limit them. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal) and sucralose (Splenda) raise your risk of getting Hashimoto’s because of their effect on TSH levels. A recent study looked at people who consumed artificial sweeteners and had a recent Hashimoto’s diagnosis. The study found that removing these sweeteners caused the subjects to reverse their symptoms and lower their antibody levels. (7)  There is no health benefit to artificial sweeteners, so there is no reason to put them in your body. Alternatives: Cutting sugar out of your diet can be like quitting an addiction. I know it is hard, but it is so worth it. Here are some resources I put together to help you break up with sugar! An alternative I use is stevia because it is natural, plant-based, and will not affect your system like other sweeteners.  Just watch that you don’t overdo the natural sugars like fructose found in fruits!
I know, I know. I love coffee, too! And you don’t want me to mess with your coffee. But hear me out first before you make the decision for yourself… While coffee has been found to have multiple health benefits (8), it is also a known stress-enhancer. (9) So what does this mean? Basically, caffeine is not the problem — your stress is. If you are already feeling stressed (which is a root cause for so many of our thyroid problems), that daily coffee is probably making it worse. When you are stressed and are releasing cortisol into your system, your thyroid function is lowered by your pituitary gland because it is in survival mode. Coffee will just amplify the effects of the cortisol in your system.
Side Note: In some Instances Soy and Soy based Products are also deemed a problem.
Soy has been a topic of debate when it comes to thyroid health. Let’s explore the reasons behind the controversy:
Historical Beliefs:
In the past, soy was classified as a goitrogen, a category of foods that could potentially alter thyroid hormone production and cause the thyroid gland to enlarge (goiter).
Laboratory and animal studies suggested that soy isoflavones might:
Prevent the action of thyroid hormones, leading to hypothyroidism (low thyroid function).
Reduce the absorption of thyroid medications from the intestines.
Stimulate thyroid growth, potentially causing a goiter.
Trigger autoimmune thyroid disease.
Human Studies:
Contrary to animal and laboratory findings, human studies have not consistently shown the same results.
A 2019 meta-analysis of 18 clinical trials found that soy has no significant effect on overall thyroid function.
While soy supplementation was linked to a slight rise in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, it did not have clinical significance.
A 2022 review of 417 studies confirmed that soy isoflavones do not negatively impact thyroid function or hormone levels.
Current Understanding:
Soy’s reputation as an endocrine disruptor is not well-supported by current research.
Isoflavones in soy do not significantly affect thyroid function in humans.
However, excessive consumption of soy products may still be problematic for some individuals.
Iodine Interaction:
Soy may alter thyroid function in people who are iodine deficient.
If you have adequate iodine levels, moderate soy consumption is unlikely to harm your thyroid.
In summary, while soy does not directly harm the thyroid, individuals with thyroid conditions should be mindful of their soy intake and consult with a healthcare provider if they have concerns
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pacehospitalshyd · 8 months
Celiac Disease Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors and Complications
Celiac disease, commonly known as "gluten-sensitive enteropathy," is a small intestine autoimmune disease where the body's immune system reacts inappropriately to consumed gluten (a protein found in barley, rye, and wheat), resulting in small intestine inflammation and damage. This is a chronic condition, and patients with celiac disease can present with severe diarrhoea and failure to thrive, and some may be asymptomatic.
Celiac disease affects roughly 0.5 -1 % of the overall population. People suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as Addison's disease, type 1 diabetes, and microscopic colitis, have a higher risk. Avoid eating anything containing gluten is the only cure for celiac disease. The risk for nutritional deficiency and complications of celiac disease, as well as the required degree and duration of adherence to a gluten-free diet, can be identified by distinguishing between celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Celiac disease causes :
An individual with HLA-dominant DQ2 or DQ8 genes who is genetically predisposed has a higher chance of developing Celiac disease. The other possible contributors include infant feeding methods, gastrointestinal illnesses, and gut microorganisms. Surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, a virus (enterovirus and adenovirus infections), or extreme emotional stress can sometimes activate the celiac disease.
The condition is caused by the immune system's abnormal reaction to gluten. The glycoprotein gliadin (found in gluten) directly harms enterocytes (cells of the intestine) via increasing IL-15 production, leading to inflammation and the destruction of small intestinal villi.
Vili (a finger-like projection) presents in the inner lining of the small intestine and aids in the absorption of nutrients. The destruction of small intestinal villi results in diminished gut surface functionality and malabsorption. The lack of nutritional absorption has an immediate influence on the digestive system, in addition to an indirect impact on all of the body's systems.
Celiac disease symptoms :
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The common symptom of celiac disease is chronic diarrhoea (loose, watery, frequent bowel moments). In addition to this, the following are the symptoms:
Gastrointestinal symptoms:
Abdominal discomfort/pain
Intolerance to lactose due to small intestine damage
Difficult to pass stools
Non- gastrointestinal symptoms:
Weight loss
Iron deficiency anaemia
Mouth ulcers
Pain in joints
Delayed menarche (late first occurrence of menstruation)
Skin rashes
Hyposplenism (reduction of splenic function)
Osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones)
Nervous system injuries such as muscle weakness, paraesthesia, seizures and ataxia
Vitamin K absorption impairment-induced coagulopathy
Depression or anxiety
Celiac disease symptoms in children :
Difficult to pass the stools
Chronic diarrhoea
Delayed puberty
Foul smelling stools
Nausea & vomiting
Abdominal swelling
Loss of weight
Damage of tooth enamel
Failure to thrive in infants
Low height
Neurological symptoms include attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, seizures and lack of muscle coordination
Celiac disease risk factors :
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As celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune, people with the following autoimmune diseases and chromosomal abnormalities are at high risk of having celiac disease, such as:
Autoimmune diseases :
Type 1 diabetes
Thyroid disease
Addison's disease
Chromosomal abnormalities
Down syndrome
Williams-Beuren syndrome
Turner syndrome
In addition to the above, people with dermatitis herpetiformis and a family history of celiac disease are also at increased risk for celiac disease.
Celiac disease complications :
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The following are the complications of celiac disease if it is not treated:
Small bowel adenocarcinomas
Miscarriage or newborn with congenital birth defects
Short height and failing to thrive in children
Secondary lactose intolerance
The consequences of poor nutrient absorption include:
Decrease in bone mineral density
Bleeding diathesis (increased tendency to bleed)
Celiac disease screening
The celiac disease screening test is beneficial in patients with asymptomatic first-degree relatives of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of celiac disease. Serology tests to check for celiac disease antibodies should be performed on people who exhibit celiac disease symptoms.
Celiac disease diagnosis
The gastroenterologist will perform a physical exam and check the patient's medical and family history to determine the need to go for the following diagnostic tests.
Serological tests for Immunoglobulin antibodies
Biopsy of skin in individuals in case of Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Genetic test
If the serologic tests are positive for celiac disease, the gastroenterologist may recommend further testing such as:
Endoscopy biopsy of the small intestine
Capsule endoscopy
Celiac disease treatment :
Celiac disease treatment typically entails abstaining from gluten, as onlya strict, lifelong healthy gluten-free diet can aid in controlling the disease. In addition to this, the patient’s symptoms can be managed with gluten-free supplements
Copper, folate, iron, zinc and vitamin supplements to manage anaemic, malabsorption and malnutrition condition
Anti-acne agents to manage dermatitis herpetiformis
In addition to the above supplements, anti-inflammatory agents can be prescribed to reduce bowel inflammation.
Foods that contain gluten:
Wheat, barley, and rye are common constituents in various other eatable or consumable products in addition to a daily diet. Additionally, wheat is included as a flavour, colouring, or thickening ingredient. The following foods should be avoided if they are not labelled or mentioned as “gluten-free”.
Processed foods like Pastas, French fries, Hot dogs and processed lunchmeats
Liquid or semi-solid foods such as Salad dressings, Beer, Soups, Soya sauces
Seasoned snack foods
Crackers and croutons
Sugar candies
Seafood or meat flavoured
Refractory celiac disease :
In some rare instances, even while adhering to a gluten-free diet, symptoms and damage to the small intestine can persist or recur, a condition known as a refractory celiac disease that might cause serious complications such as cancer (T-cell lymphoma) conditions and malnutrition.
 Celiac disease can feel overwhelming, but you're not alone. At PACE Hospitals, we understand the challenges of gluten intolerance and are here to help. Our expert team offers comprehensive diagnosis, personalized gluten-free plans, and ongoing support to empower you to manage this condition and live a healthy, fulfilling life. Don't wait, contact us today and let's navigate this journey together.
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laweewan · 8 months
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แป้งสาลีเป็นอาหารที่แพ้บ่อย โดยเฉพาะในเด็กโดยมักเริ่มมีอาการตั้งแต่อายุน้อยกว่า 1 ปี และเป็นสาเหตุสำคัญของการแพ้อาหารชนิดรุนแรง โปรตีนในแป้งสาลีที่พบแพ้ได้บ่อย คือ gluten (gliadin+glutenin)
* อาการ และอาการแสดง
อาการแพ้แบบเฉียบพลัน ได้แก่ ผื่นลมพิษ ตาบวม ปากบวม หลอดลม��ีบ หายใจมีเสียงหวีด ปวดท้อง อาเจียน และอาการแพ้แบบรุนแรง (anaphylaxis) อาการแพ้แบบล่าช้า เช่น ผื่นผิวหนังอักเสบ ถ่ายมีมูกเลือดปน
* การดำเนินโรค
พบอัตราการหายของโรคร้อยละ 56 ที่อายุ 6 ปี และร้อยละ 65 ที่อายุ 12 ปี แป้งสาลีพบปฏิกิริยาแพ้ข้ามกลุ่มกับธัญพืชชนิดอื่นๆ ได้แก่ ข้าวไรย์ ข้าวบาเล่ย์ ลูกเดือย เป็นต้น หวยเด็ด ดังนั้นผู้ป่วยที่แพ้แป้งสาลี ควรระมัดระวังในการรับประทานธัญพืชชนิดอื่น ๆ
* รายละเอียดในฉลากอาหาร (food label) ที่บ่งบอกว่ามีแป้งสาลี เป็นส่วนประกอบ
– Bran – Graham flour – Farina – Durum flour
– Germ – Bromated flour – Seitan – Shoyu
– Gluten – Couscous – Spelt
* ตัวอย่างอาหารที่มีส่วนประกอบของแป้งสาลี
อาหารคาว : มักกะโรนี, สปาเกตตี, พาสต้า, บะหมี่, หมี่ชั่ว, เกี๊ยวกรอบ, พิซซ่า, ปลาดุกฟู, ไส้กรอก, ปูอัด, แฮมเบอร์เกอร์, อาหารชุบแป้งทอด, ซีอิ๊ว
อาหารว่าง : เค้ก, แพนเค้ก, คุ้กกี้, ซีเรียล, โดนัท, แยมโรล, ขบมแครกเกอร์, โรตี, สายไหม, ขนมปังปอนด์, พุตติ้ง, โอวัล
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ananya5400 · 10 months
Latest Regulatory Trends Impacting the Wheat Protein Market
The global wheat protein market size is anticipated to reach a value of $2.5 billion by 2023 and $3.2 billion by 2028, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% from 2023 to 2028. Owing to the increase in demand for meat-free diets, rising obesity cases resulting in demand for low-calorie foods, and consumers seeking healthy foods. Wheat gluten, being rich in proteins, is a suitable option and has boosted the demand for it in the global wheat protein market.
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Download PDF Brochure:  https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=67845768
What is wheat protein?
Wheat protein refers to the proteins found in wheat grains. It's a mixture of various proteins, mainly gluten and gliadin, which give wheat dough its elastic and stretchy properties. Gluten is composed of two primary proteins—gliadin and glutenin—which form when flour is mixed with water, providing the structure and texture to baked goods. However, some individuals are sensitive or allergic to wheat protein, leading to conditions like celiac disease or wheat allergies.
Driver: Increase in consumer preference for meat analogs
Various plant-based alternatives to meat products have acquired an increasingly growing market globally. Consumers demand meat alternatives that emulate the fibrous structure, texture, and mouthfeel of meat products. This has increased interest in developing plant protein-based meat alternatives globally. Rising awareness about healthy and nutritious food options among consumers has also led to a growing number of new consumer groups called "flexitarians" looking to reduce their daily meat consumption. This gradual shift in consumers' eating patterns has also led to the creation of novel products aimed at fulfilling consumer demand for meat products, which act as the perfect substitute not only for their taste but also for their high protein nutritional value. For instance, academic researchers and many small and medium-sized enterprises have successfully developed new meat alternatives under the European research project LikeMeat. The project created fibrous meat-like structures from plant proteins using an adapted cooking extrusion process, which was eventually processed into different food products.
Make an Inquiry:  https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Enquiry_Before_BuyingNew.asp?id=67845768
Adoption of plant-based meat substitutes is projected to drive demand for textured wheat protein
Textured wheat protein, also known as wheat meat, wheat gluten, or seitan, is a popular plant-based protein source used as a meat substitute for many years. A study published in the journal Foods in 2021 found that the demand for meat substitutes, including textured wheat protein, is increasing worldwide due to health, ethical, and environmental concerns associated with meat consumption. In 2019, a survey by the International Food Information Council found that 22% of US consumers reported consuming plant-based meat substitutes, including textured wheat protein, at least once a week.
Europe is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period
The consumption of wheat protein in Europe is the highest as compared to other regions. Consumers increasingly prefer plant-sourced proteins, such as wheat protein, due to the high prices of animal-sourced proteins. This has led to the growth of low-cost plant-sourced proteins, such as wheat and vegetable proteins, which act as substitutes for animal-sourced proteins.
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Germany is an attractive market for manufacturing companies as well as exporters. Bread constitutes a significant part of the baked goods sector, as it is one of the main components of the German diet. The bakery & snack industry of Germany is well-established and has a large consumer base with high purchasing power. Health-conscious consumers in this country demand nutritive baked goods without compromising on the taste of products. Key players in the bakery product industry are taking the initiative to develop and promote new products to meet this demand. In Germany, barley and wheat are predominantly used as sources for feed products.
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importantgirl11 · 10 months
3rd Blog for Entrepreneurial Mind
Full Name: Gliadine Cafe
Course: BS Business Administration Major in Financial Management
Section: BSBA-FM2B
Group: E
Startup Name: PaBuy Delivery Services
Dr. Gamaliela A. Dumancas: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer
-Dr. Gamaliela A. Dumancas discussed intellectual property (IP) and technology transfer in the Philippines, highlighting the legal basis under R.A. 8293 and R.A. 10055. She discussed various forms of IP, including inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs. She highlighted the importance of technology transfer and commercialization, emphasizing the need for swift commercialization of registered technology to reap benefits before expiration. The mantra is "You create, we protect."
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Alice Therese L. Caballeda, MBA: Startup Ecosystem
-Alice Therese L. Caballeda, MBA, discussed the startup ecosystem, a collaborative environment where individuals play pivotal roles in creating and achieving something. It's a group of people working together to develop and support startups. Caballeda emphasized the importance of infrastructure, investments, mentors, networks, and additional founders in a thriving ecosystem for startups to survive and flourish.
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Ms. Doreen Elsie Jane Gersava: VIRTUALAHAN
-Ms. Doreen Elsie Jane Gersava shared the success story of VIRTUALAHAN, and she explained how VIRTUALAHAN breaks down employment barriers for stigmatised people by promoting and employing an award-winning impact formula that empowers persons with disabilities, solo parents, and other communities to be employment-ready. Through kits, digital skills training programmes, employment support, and well-being sessions, talents are equipped to be competitive online professionals and entrepreneurs, and because of these kinds of employment and development, it led to success.
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ana23-jk · 1 year
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important11 · 1 year
2nd Blog for Entrepreneurial Mind
Full Name: Gliadine Cafe
Course: BS Business Administration Major in Financial Management
Section: BSBA-FM2B
Group: E
Startup Name: PaBuy Delivery Services
In these past few weeks of interviewing some of our target customers and some motorcycle drivers, we've learned and realized a lot of things as a group of people who wanted to start a delivery service business, and that is, a lot of them have different thoughts about our business. Some think that this kind of business is useful because it is time-saving and convenient, especially with their busy schedules. Some doubt our business because of the fear of not meeting their demands and expectations, such as getting their order on time, getting their order with the correct quantity, and being concerned about the quality that they would receive. We also asked them what they preferred, if they wanted to use an app, website, or Facebook page, and a lot of them preferred to use the Facebook page when ordering and contacting us because they said we all know that C.M.U. has a problem providing good connection and signal, and so the majority of them want the Facebook page because it is more accessible for them and this will not require them to have cellular data to access.
As we asked a lot of people regarding our business, we realized that there are a lot more things we need to consider than what we expected, but we take these things as an opportunity to allow our business to improve. Because, as our professor said, you have to be innovative, risk-taking, and adaptable when starting or running a business to become an effective entrepreneur or business leader. Things may be a lot complicated right now, but we are positive to continue and pursue this business as there are a lot of people who consider and want our business because it is very convenient and efficient for them.
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art-sciencedesigns · 1 year
Super Delicious & Gluten-Free Meal Guide, Recipe Post #801: Grilled Balsamic Chicken and Vegetables
Being gluten free means being conscious of what you aren’t consuming. Such as wheat, rye and barley which contain gliadin, a protein that can cause damage to the small intestine in some individuals. People with several allergies to gluten should try to identify all sources of gluten, including many processed foods. It’s important to check labels of all food items as even small traces of the…
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sopranoentravesti · 1 year
Probably have Celiac based on symptoms plus positive results for Gliadin IgA and Tissue Transglutimase IgA.
Just got this call from the GI doc:
“Typically we confirm this with an endoscopic biopsy [I know] but I’m concerned with your Von Willebrand’s that you could be at risk for injury and bleeding [same dude].”
In the meantime I’m kind of in limbo bc I’m quite poor and revamping my diet would be quite a strain until I get paid in a week and also you need to keep eating gluten bc quitting it prematurely risks a false negative for testing.
Which is a little like “hey, ya know this thing which is probably poisoning you? We need you to keep eating it to make sure it’s REALLY poisoning you.”
Like no one is at fault here due diligence etc etc but it’s not a fun place to live
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glutenfreeworld · 30 days
What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat (including both hard and soft varieties), rye, oats, and barley. The main components of gluten are gliadins and glutenins, which give dough its elasticity and resilience, allowing bread to rise and take on the desired shape. Bakers and pastry chefs rely on the unique properties of gluten to create fluffy, soft bread, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods. But…
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foodies-channel · 1 year
Tumblr media
🍥 Blood test says borderline gliadin antibodies. Meaning?
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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fruit-worm-papers · 1 year
Gliadin nanoparticles for oral administration of bioactives: Ex vivo and in vivo investigations
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