#gimme gimme gimme all the angst
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maedre13 · 2 years ago
so we all agree that Crowley storming into heaven to save Aziraphale - after him choosing heaven and his plan obviously failing - would be fun!
But, can I interest you in a much angstier universe in which Aziraphale's plan WORKS? And Crowley gets to see (and hear) so much about all the GOOD things Aziraphale is doing?? Sending angels down to earth to do good - and live a little?
Imagine a small horde of young impressionable angels following Aziraphale around during a trip on earth, eagerly trying to learn from him.
Imagine Crowley lurking around the corner, seeing how happy Aziraphale looks, surrounded by other angels - and clearly not needing HIM. Clearly not even missing him.
And imagine Aziraphale's face when he thinks he faintly senses a familiar demonic aura closeby, but nobody is there when he turns around.
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actualbird · 8 months ago
// tot cn server spoilers, anniv 4 pv
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elvhendis · 28 days ago
Honestly it's no wonder that I latched onto Lucanis' and Illario's fucked up sibling dynamic. Just thinking back on how much I loved Thor and Loki ("I never wanted the throne I just wanted to be your equal") or Gamora and Nebula ("You were the one who wanted to win and I just wanted a sister"). I eat that shit up every time. God. The more fucked up the better
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sskinlikepuffpastry · 3 months ago
i was thinking about that theory of alicent being the one who poisons aegon and....... god, it would be like full circle and so gut wretchingly tragic my stomach turns with just thinking about it bc you are my child, my first born, my first baby, but i didn’t want you, i never wanted you, you were forced on me but you are my son so i love you, but i struggled with it but i loved you still because you are my son but i struggle with my love for you so i showed it terribly and i hurt you and then you grew up and i didn’t like you and you disappointed me but i love the bones of you but then i sold you to your enemy, who happens to be my soul’s desire, because i wanted to end the war bc i wanted to protect your sister and your child, so i sold you, you, who were the very same thing that cemented the end of our already broken bond, you the very reason why nothing was ever going to be the same, but i struggled with that as well bc you are my son but i knew, she said, that she had to take your head so i said yes. i sold you, my first born, to free myself, to protect my daughter and her baby and to rectified my mistakes, by doing the very same thing that froze me with fear for years, that made me rage and bitter and made you believe that you wanted something you did not but then you escaped and she was looking at me like i betrayed her, again, you were the reason she was cold and distant and cruel and far away while being so close but then you came back and you, you, you, you, once again are the reason why she’s gone. but this time i can’t reach her, this time i can’t go to her and offer your head because you knew, you always knew because you burned her in front of my eyes bc you are the reason, you and you and you and so i’m mad with sadness. my soul’s hallow. and all that duty, all that sacrificing, my own heavy cloak of righteousness, my rage, me loving you, me protecting you and your siblings, me giving you up was for absolutely fucking nothing because i kill you, me, me, me, me. your mother me. rhaenyra’s alicent’s me....... [GUNSHOT]
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caitlynspistol · 6 months ago
“you don’t know the things that i’ve been through”
girl you’re about to find out
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sillygoofyqueer · 7 months ago
'Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)' by ABBA but it's just the MXTX love interests trying to get ready for their dates (as roommates) while simultaneously gushing about their boyfriends. Of course they have a moment where it cuts between each of them rushing around and they break into an impromptu synchronised dance session halfway through it, before acting as if nothing happened as they split away to keep getting ready.
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ghxst-bird · 1 month ago
The curse rubs a hand down Junpei’s back, along the curve of his spine, feeling the prominent ridges and the way the soul strains towards him, seeking release from its mortal coil.
The boy’s eyes are as dull as his soul as he looks up at Mahito, rage and desperation churning together, transfiguring itself into a an amalgamation of resentful emotion intense enough it could give birth to a new curse altogether.
His mother is breathing heavily on the bed beside them, her face pinched in slumber. The residual pain of being torn in half and sown back together again a memory that will not quickly fade from her mind. If she survives the night at all. Mahito has never bothered to put a body and its soul back into the correct order before, so he doesn’t know what to expect.
— sneak peek of an upcoming fix-it
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pearlsinmyhair · 2 years ago
₊ ⊹ the price of the name.
synopsis: reader has had a hard life, and now she’s an orphan. but someone just as lonely comes into her life to take her under his wing.
warnings: there’s death in this one. miles being injured. self deprecating thoughts from miles (brief). suicidal themes (brief). cursing/language.
let’s do this guys. reminder that birth miguel and star girl have trauma that hasn’t been dealt with.
part i | part ii | part iii
word count: 3.3k
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pt iv: the price
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚
prophet girl,
chosen by the sun,
do you hear the gods whispering
those silent stardust words?
it had been three months when hobie jumped through the window of your bedroom to tell you what was happening.
you had been cooking at the stove, boiling water and checking the seasoning cabinet when you heard the tell tale thump of hobie’s boots on your floor.
you expected the usual: hobie wanted to hang, maybe listen to music, maybe take you to his dimension for a show.
but then he stepped out of the bedroom doorway, wearing a look of cold disdain, and you realized something was truly wrong.
but you were getting ahead of yourself.
₊ ⊹
the three months without fighting anomalies or training with miguel had been fine. typical. normal.
but you hated normalcy, especially after the madness of inter-dimensional travel.
and on the quiet nights, where hobie was too busy to visit and there was no crime, you felt lonely.
you didn’t have close friends in your demension, all thanks to how much time you dedicated being spider-woman. when you were just defending your own new york you spent most of your time fighting. but the addition of miguel’s apprenticeship had left you with very little free time to make friends.
the three months without company had worn you down, to the point where you nearly used your watch to go back to Nueva York multiple times.
and that’s how you came to the realization that miguel meant much more to you than you originally thought.
and it felt like shit. because miguel was stubborn. he would not change his mind on bringing you back. and even after three months you were sure that he was still pissed.
you shouldn’t have mentioned gabriella. it was unfair and below the belt.
but your words were not lies; you didn’t want to be treated like you were fragile. you weren’t.
yet you craved it, being held like you were something to be cared for.
you missed your mother. you missed your old friends. you missed the stupid shenanigans of the spider society. you missed…
you missed miguel.
his glares. his scoffs. his chuckles. his smiles.
hell, you missed the way he and peter b bickered. or when he would yell at lyla. or when he would criticize your notes on complex cellular functions.
if it weren’t for hobie, you were pretty sure you would have risked the trip back to Earth-928.
so you had got up from your bed, still in sweatpants and a tank to cook. productivity was hard, but you could try by at least making dinner.
₊ ⊹
and here you were with your head in a spice cabinet, trying to find three seasonings that it looked like you didn’t have. you promptly pulled back upon hearing a thump from your bedroom, greeted with an uncharacteristically grimacing hobie.
“hey” you said simply, trying to figure out what was going on.
he looked up.
“miguel’s chasing down a kid from 1610.”
“wait, gwen’s kid? miles?”
“that’s the one.”
you paused, watching as the steam began to make the pot cover rattle.
“why?” you asked, turning the stove off and fully facing hobie.
he sighed, dropping his head back to look at the ceiling. “his dad’s the captain. and he wants to save em.”
your hands tightened on the countertop. “and miguel will have none of it.”
of course he wouldn’t. he had spent so long holding the canon together, why should he let it crumble for one kid’s father?
you had never agreed with that logic.
which was exactly why hobie was here.
“so what can we do to help miles?”
hobie smiled, passing you a box covered in various stickers and sharpie drawings. “i need help finding him. i’ve already sent one to gwendy, so i’m gonna get her and touch base. but miles doesn’t have one.”
you opened the box to realize that ‘one’ was a homemade watch, just as decorated as its box.
“miguel’s gonna murder you, hobes.” you whispered as you studied the make of the invention.
“yeah, well, he’s had a while to do it, and he hasn’t yet.” came his reply.
you smiled, closing the lid. “so, what’s the plan?”
₊ ⊹
universe 42 was a hunch, an educated guess that left you swinging through a world with no idea of what ‘spider-man’ was.
all around you, roof tops were burning, cop cars were blaring sirens, and thieves were running ramped. it took all of your self restraint not to pause and help.
but you had a mission, and barely enough time to complete it. you needed to find miles morales, before miguel did. you had no doubt that if the kid wasn’t in his dimension that miguel wouldn’t figure it out, so you had to be quick.
you hadn’t expected to find the kid so quickly, running from this universe’s prowler through the streets.
well, swinging.
the kid was fast and unpredictable. but the prowler matched him easily, keeping up with him and even getting a few hits in.
it took you webbing miles and tugging him against a building for the chase to end.
miles threw his elbow back against you, no doubt assuming that you were one of the spiders sent to find and detain him. but then he glitched and went momentarily limp.
you had just enough time to drag him under a covered rooftop and snap hobie’s watch onto his wrist.
that gave miles pause, and you watched as he slowly figured out that you weren’t going to kill him. for good measure, you pulled off your mask, and that seemed to relax him a bit more.
“we need to get you to a safe house, away from the open. can you swing?” you asked the boy, quickly taking inventory of the various injuries on his skin.
you were going to kill miguel when he came.
miles nodded, his eyes drooping slightly with exhaustion. you grabbed him under the armpits to pull him to the edge, and together you webbed to a warehouse not too far away, just on the outskirts of town.
it was a place that you had established long ago. if you ever needed a place to sit and tuck away, you came here.
hobie didn’t even know. and miguel especially didn’t. at least, you thought so.
miles landed unsteadily on his feet, and you once again circled you arm around the younger boy, leading him to a small cot tucked away behind a wall.
he went willingly, practically collapsing onto it as you left him to get some water and first aid. when you returned he had an arm thrown over his eyes.
“hey hey. i know you’re tired, but we don’t have time to sleep right now.” you murmured regretfully, handing him a water bottle and a protein bar. “i need you hydrated and energized. now, let me see your injuries.”
when he removed his sweatshirt and jacket, you inhaled sharply.
forget killing. you were going to gut miguel alive.
as you cleaned his scratches and iced the bruises, he watched you, searching. he may have been young, but he was attentive.
“you’re miguel’s apprentice.”
your fingers halted against his skin, holding a bandage over a small cut.
“yes.” you said. there was no point in lying. “but i assure you that i don’t want to restrain you, nor beat you into a train.”
peter had told hobie about what had happened, and hobie had relaid it to you before you had disappeared into the portal to this universe.
miles winced, from both the hydrogen peroxide and from the reminder. but he didn’t talk about it more. you took it as a sign to drop it.
“this place is terrible.” he muttered, and you noted the way he shifted the conversation.
“yeah, it is.” you agreed, more so to get him to continue talking. he was tight as a wire, this kid. he needed to release some tension, and these words seemed like a trickle before a flood.
miles looked up, studying the metal beams of the warehouse. his jaw tightened, and his eyebrows knit.
he was starting to cry.
“it’s my fault that it is.” came his quiet voice.
you stopped, watching his face as he refused to look at you.
“and what makes you think that?” you whispered, moving your hand to rest over his in an attempt to calm him.
a single tear rolled down his cheek as he looked at you.
“i’m an anomaly. i…the spider wasn’t mine to take. if i hadn’t been bitten, then this world would have been better.”
your heart thumped hollowly as you registered his words. here was this boy, so young and wonderful and strong, torn apart.
by someone who you cared for.
“are those his words?” you asked, and he turned his face to the side, attempting to recover.
but you reached up and pulled him down, and he bent his head to tuck against your shoulder. you pulled him close, letting him cry, granting this one moment of release.
the eye of the storm.
“you are worthy of this suit, miles. it was not you who took that spider. it was fate that you be bitten by it. you couldn’t control that. you are not an anomaly.”
his arms tightened. you held him fast against you.
no kid deserves this. no child. he was only fifteen for fucks sake.
your spider senses tingled. then they roared.
you pushed miles behind a crate, and he went invisible, already sensing as well.
he was hidden right as you heard a portal open below.
your chest tightened, and you pulled your mask back on. you stepped out to the balcony, looking down to find him already looking at you.
miguel ohara.
“long time no see.” you called, and his eye marks sharpened.
hobie had warned you that he had gotten harsher since you left.
“where is he?”
“the child?” you countered, anger already boiling. “the fifteen year old that you beat the shit out of?”
miguel didn’t relent. “he will break the multi-verse, y/n. i don’t have the time to bicker with you. where. is. he?”
“not here. i searched already, and he’s not in this dimension. maybe you should tune up your go-home machine.”
he was in front of you in an instant, towering over you. it would have been intimidating if you had just met him, but you had seen this man shed a tear at holding a newborn mayday, so you stood your ground.
“i’m not playing games, y/n. tell me now.” he growled, and for an instant you felt actual fear.
before you could even open your mouth to reply, a screw dropped from the ceiling.
miguel turned, and miles’s invisibility shivered as he lost his concentration.
miguel launched forward, but you threw a web and tugged him back, quickly webbing him against the railing until he couldn’t move.
you hadn’t stopped training just because you didn’t have miguel.
he yelled after you as you and miles left the building, swinging faster than you ever had before. you needed to make a portal quickly, but your watch was blocked.
“lyla!” you screamed at the watch, and the ai-woman appeared. “let me through!”
“i can’t do that, star girl.” came her reply, almost sounding mournful.
so it was up to miles to open the portal. but hobie’s watch wasn’t as perfect as the one on her wrist. where the portal popped up was unpredictable, and it didn’t stay open for long.
and because the universe loved you so very much, an orange web stuck to both your bodies and hauled you back.
you both rolled onto a nearby rooftop, but you quickly recovered, dragging miles forward as miguel slammed into the ground behind you.
“you run, i’ll distract him. whatever you do, get through a portal.” you shouted as you turned.
you webbed a long string into each of miguel’s shoulders, then pulled so that you slammed your feet against his chest, throwing your bodies off the building.
miguel was fast, but you were smaller, more agile. you kicked at his back, slicing his webs as he tried to sling them. he tried to restrain you, but in the open air of the city, you easily avoided the webs.
but miguel was still gaining, and you were nearly physically incapable of stalling him.
hobie’s voice cut through the watch. “we got ‘em, star girl. you’re doin great.”
“hobie!” you cried, panting as you kicked against miguel’s chest again. “how are you doing that?”
“spider-byte.” he replied. “y’need help?”
miguel caught your foot and threw it to the side.
“nah, i got this. just like old times.” you said back, ignoring the way your muscles burned with overuse. “just get miles out of here.”
“yes ma’am.”
miguel’s fighting tactics were aggressive, almost always throwing and punching. but now, it seemed like he refused to even touch you.
he wouldn’t scratch or aim to hit. he just moved you away and kept going.
you didn’t know if it was pity or mercy, but either way it was pissing you off.
you were swinging forward when you suddenly glitched. hard.
which didn’t make sense. you were wearing a watch, which should have prevented it.
miguel caught you with a web when you fell, and you lifted your wrist to check it.
only to see a blaring ‘CANON EVENT DISRUPTED’ warning on it.
“lyla, explain.” you heard miguel call from above you. you still dangled from his web, and you utilized that to catch your breath.
“there was a canon event in y/n’s universe, but it snuck up on us. the algorithm has never seen it before.” said lyla’s hologram.
miguel looked down at you, cocking his head to the side in question.
you shook your head: you had no idea.
he pulled you up to a roof, where you stood up on unsteady legs. he rested his hands on your upper arms, letting you lean your weight on him for support.
your spider senses were going haywire, and it felt like your head was buzzing. your knees buckled, and miguel sank with you.
you realized he had pulled off your mask when the cool wind hit your face, and opening your eyes, you saw that he had removed his as well.
he looked exhausted. even more than the last time you saw him. how this man was even on his feet was astonishing.
“i’m gonna kill you.” you said as you set your forehead against his shoulder. he chucked, and you punched his chest.
“m’not joking. you traumatized that kid. he was shaking when i got to em.” you muttered, and for a moment you felt like you could fall asleep, warm against miguel’s shoulder.
but then your spider senses screamed, and you jumped up with a rush of adrenaline.
“hey guys, hate to mess up this reunion, but y/n’s universe is collapsing. fast.” lyla spoke up.
you sat up quick, stumbling to your feet. miguel reached to steady you, but you were already pulling from him.
“lyla, open a portal.” you asked, and she did immediately, understanding the urgency of the situation. but a hand closes around your wrist.
and there’s miguel, keeping you from rushing into danger.
your conversation three months ago flashed through your head.
you can’t lock me in a tower and call it love.
his grip loosened as he met your eyes.
“there’s a high chance that i can’t protect you in there, y/n.” he said, voice low.
“does that mean you’re coming with me?” you asked, daring to even hope.
he exhaled, looking to the side. you turned away, your stomach sinking as you remembered who exactly you were talking to.
you jumped through the portal.
₊ ⊹
you had seen the hologram of what the world miguel had been in looked like when it disintegrated, collapsing in on itself. you figured that you’d be prepared when you were faced with your own.
you were so very wrong.
the instant you exited the portal, there was screaming.
hundreds of people flooding the street, trying to escape the black void approaching them. children crying for their parents, families huddling together in a last goodbye, others standing still and letting themselves be taken away.
the plan formed in your head as you zipped through the streets: grab as many as you could and put them in hq. there had to be a way that you could save some of them.
but then your web hit a building, and the void traveled down it with a speed that made you stop. the black mass nearly reached you when a blade cut the string, and you were pulled into a hard chest in midair.
“miguel, let me go!” you screamed, pounding a fist against his chest in an attempt to get free.
“it’s too far gone! there’s no way to save them!” he called back, finding a rooftop that was still safe.
“no!” you screamed again, shoving him away. “i have to try, miguel! i have to! this is my home! i know these people!”
the blackness was seeping towards you two, approaching with an ominous humming that made your hair stand up.
“i can’t let you die.” he whispered as he pulled you against him again, trying to force your through the portal.
“let me! let me die with them! it’s what i deserve!” you were crying, voice so loud and desperate that your throat aches. “let me die miguel.”
he looked down at you and webbed you close, tucking your chin against his shoulder.
“i’m sorry.”
and then there was nothing but the sound of universes rushing around you.
₊ ⊹
you were launched through the portal, rolling across the floor to land face down. your body ached, wanting to give in to sleep. but your mind was racing.
“what was the canon event?” you demanded, getting on your hands and knees in an attempt to rise.
miguel looked at you, a terrible sense of deja-vu flooding his mind as he watched you break down.
lyla scrolled through her charts. “y/n, i don’t think you’re in the right mental state to-“
“i don’t give a fuck what mental state im in right now, i need to know.” you yelled, pounding a fist against the ground as your gut rolled.
miguel rested a hand against your back. “mi estrella, you need to calm down. por favor-“
you slapped his hand away, flinching at the contact. “no. you don’t get to call me that. not now, not ever.” you seethed, turning once more to lyla. “please, i need to know. tell me.”
your voice trembled as emotion stopped up your throat, and tears threatened to spill. your chest was heaving as your body tried to get enough oxygen to fuel the rapid pace of your heart beat.
lyla bit her lip and looked at the screen. “it’s a unique event, and the algorithm didn’t know what number to give it. so…it’s called event 0-star girl.”
you waited as she read the screen, watching her projected expression slowly drop.
“event 0-star girl description. spider woman of universe-328 meets universes doc oc. fight ensues. and…”
she paused, re-reading the page, searching for anything but the words that appeared to her.
“no, no, no…” she whispers, frantic.
“lyla.” you beg, tone desperate as your shoulders start to shake and tears trickled down your face.
she looks at you, with an expression so devastated that your heart drops down to your stomach.
you die.”
masterlists. | next
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one more to go. are you ready?
btw if it seems like i rushed through the whole universe-has-collapsed thing, i did. next chapter will address it. star girl hasn’t fully let it hit her.
edit: guys i kinda…i kinda hate this? idk, what do you all think. i feel like it’s not we’ll written.
@brittany69 @ladyfairenvale @teamwolverine @kinkybandages @lunamhm565i @dhadiirah @pearlssdiary @zeyzeys-stuff @alexisabirdie @ifuckyourmom @hagdgishr @migueloharaslxt @ladynecromancer
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turtleblogatlast · 2 years ago
[ cw: injury ]
They pull Leo out of the Prison Dimension and give him a big group hug and everything is fine and dandy and then they hug him a LITTLE too tightly and-
Leo: 😃😀 oh was that another bone haha
Raph, Donnie, and Mikey: 😨😨😨
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rapidhighway · 1 year ago
K I've been thinking about this for like a week now. Ignoring any immortal headcanons if you have them. Knuckles knows he's not going to be able to guard the Master Emerald forever and that probably troubles him, but, if he was dying do you think he'd ask Sonic to guard it? He's the person with a unique connection to Chaos and the Chaos Emeralds and he's basically chosen one the most specialest guy, and one of the few people Knuckles could trust with that duty.
Of course I think Sonic would say no. I think he'd never be able to do that and he wouldn't want to.
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 months ago
after seeing the poll about who in the batfam could be Deaf, I am now obsessed with how the masks could affect their sign. If they use their signing space differently when in the vigilante persona or not. Signing is so distinctive to each person that the code switching they do would be interesting to see play out in their ASL. Also thinking about what family signs the family would use to refer to batshit things in their lives. q
(the poll in question) i am deeply fascinated by the mechanics in which Deaf culture could play into the Batfam. bc most of them are wearing masks that would heavily inhibit ASL (given ASL is an expressive language) so i think it's more likely they'd use something akin to Makaton or Military Hand Signals that are not a fully developed language, but a communication aid, with a given set of signs for the typical things that need to be communicated in the field. meanwhile they'd be more likely to use ASL casually. (i'm unsure who all in the Batfam is confirmed to know ASL, but i know at the very least Bruce and Tim are)
i'm also very drawn in by the idea of other firms of assistive communication/tech used aside from just ASL. i personally find it believable that the masks of any of the Batfam could include automatic captioning tech that only they see through the inside of the mask, similar to captioning glasses at movie theatres, if they were Deaf/HoH. also how you would modify the concept of comm links to be more accessible, potentially projecting the message visually through the person's mask or maybe a wrist communicator sort of situation, depending on their personal preference. how the Batfam in general would interact with each other if one or multiple of them were Deaf would be heavily shaped and i think it's so fun. and i *love* the thought of personal signs they'd have to come up with bc well, ASL is hardly equipped for their lifestyle. also fun to consider sign names and if sign names are unique to the person or unique to the mantle. (eg, would the sign name for Robin be specific to which Robin, or just the mantle at large) there's so many little things that would change and i just think it's Neat. most people are approaching the poll from the perspective of their character of choice having hearing loss from vigilante work (which is a super valid way to approach it and i love those headcanons) but personally i find it fun if the deafness is a pre-existing condition and already something the Bat has been dealing with for years and thus approaches vigilantism needing to modify their gear slightly from the standard norm. how they could influence how Bruce trains them, emphasizing other senses. how they'd likely be far more tactical on the field, pressing their hands against something to feel for noise, ergo their gloves may be designed to more easily pick up vibration. (cannot tell you how much i do that irl) whether or not they'd hide it from the larger hero world is also an interesting question. it's all a fun internal struggle as well, internalized ableism and all. so much you could do with it!!
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ennabear · 2 months ago
finished melvika now it’s time to write some heartbreaking angst 100k words no happy ending
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anarchy-and-piglins · 10 months ago
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I'll be doing AU-gust this year because I couldn't last year. You can send me an AU from the list (it's the prompts of this year and last year, for extra spice) + character/dynamics + a prompt (can be as vague or detailed as you want. I'll pick probably the 10 to 15 most interesting ones to do by August. You can send multiple prompts if you want <3 Preferred Techno-centric, you know me kekw.
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sweatersinthesummer · 2 years ago
Which Schitt's Creek (David/Patrick) fic makes you weep, rend your garments, make your chest hurt from all the angst? Maybe it's not one listed, that's fair. These are just the ones I consider the angstiest.
Links: YAMH | sgtfa | tdtltdtb | WTW | ICTHSOTY | HDWGB | Mmoateomr | YCF | GOGOATT
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gingiekittycat · 1 year ago
Listen I am so ready for the petty "silent treatment" era but also there is this layer of absolute devastation that I hope is explored too
because while Aziraphale is thinking that Crowley is being a stubborn arse, Crowley is thinking I'm not good enough
and that should be nothing but heartbreaking no matter how petty it gets
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ontops · 1 month ago
open to : fems. premise    : period    or    acotar    based,    jamie    is    of    high    nobility    (    or    high    fae    if    you    prefer    acotar    )   ,    your    muse    is    his    mate    or    his    betrothed    for    purposes    only    to    suit    both    of    their    homes / courts.    jamie    has    strong    feelings    for    your    muse    despite    her    disdain    for    him    /    her    ignoring    their    mating    bond.
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                    ❝      you      can      hate      me,      i've      resigned      myself      to      that      fact      already.      ❞      timbre      is      of      a      lower      octave,      however      evident      in      darkened,      distressed,      optics      ―      he      hasn't      given      up      all      hope.      flickers      to      meet      their      expression      for      just      a      beat,      a      coward      as      he's      unable      to      maintain      any      semblance      of      eye      contact.      (      especially      whilst      speaking      of      his      feelings.      )      ❝      it      does      not      change      anything      ...      i      yearn      for      you,      yes.      but      ―      i      prioritize      your      safety      and      well      being      over      anything      else.      not      to      mention      that      this,      us      ...      it      helps      both      of      our      people,      if      we      are      together.      so,      you      can      view      my      home      as      your      prison,      but      so      long      as      your      heart      continues      to      beat      within      it's      four      walls,      and      i      am      able      to      protect      you,      i      have      no      reasons      to      complain.      you      are      my      burden,      i      accept      graciously.      ❞
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