#getting into shaman king now is bringing back all that
sebdoeswords · 1 month
Insane how much nostalgia I can get from reading a 90s manga I didn't even read and the anime to which I didn't even watch back then
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loveinamystery · 6 months
Oh goody, the worms are alive and angsty today so I guess it is time to post another long blog post on my favourite series.
I really enjoy all of the Shaman King characters. The cast put together by Takei is one of my favourites. Recently, I have come to appreciate Ren more, I have become a Renthusiast if you will.
And as a result, my heart breaks for this little bean. I have some thoughts, and I just need to get them out of my system.
So, let's begin.
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This post will discuss spoilers for the sequels and spin-offs.
There is a tragedy around Ren as a character. Growing up, he was groomed to be a killer, and we know a small part of what his family made him do to train and get stronger. All for the goal of becoming Shaman King and for the Tao family.
The hate and anger which developed in this teenager was so much. Murder meant nothing if it got in the way of his goals. Luckily Ren met Yoh and was able to break the circle of hate. He was able to make the changes before he went too far down the wrong path.
I always thought Ren had a strong burden of guilt for what he did in those younger years, and how he seemed to dedicate his life to writing the wrongs of his past.
It wasn't just about keeping the promise to Hao, but more of something he had to do for his own peace of mind.
It would never be enough. Nothing is ever enough.
But Ren would continue working towards the greater good to correct the mistakes of the past.
But, like I said, it would never be enough.
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The reward for trying to make the world a better place? Nothing.
Instead, Ren is faced with losing his wife in a brutal attack in their family home, and sending his son away.
You would think that from all their work to make things right, Ren and Jeanne would be rewarded with a happy life with their family. But the world never works like that, and that's one of the things which is so soul crushing to me.
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I think this is also telling for Yoh and Anna too.
They gave up their dream of an easy life in Japan to try and make the world a better place. Their reward? Dying a violent attack and having to leave their son in Japan as they continue with the possible task set by the Shaman King.
They gave up everything and they continued to stumble and fail. The girl who's family abandoned her and the boy who never really knew his father, have to leave their child behind due to the risk of losing him for good.
Let's look at some other characters from the series, their actions and the consequences.
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Now, now, I am a firm member of the church of Hao and I pray many times a day. But I cannot help but feel conflicted about the out come to his story.
I'll mostly focus on his third life. Hao did a lot of questionable stuff in his third life. From buring innocent people alive, murdering families, and killing orphans.
For me, Hao never went through a redemption for his actions. Instead of being brought to order and held accountable for his actions, he is rewarded with the title of Shaman King. Now yes, it was a tournament at the end of the day, and Hao wasn't the only one acting in this way. As mentioned, both Jeanne and Ren killed people in the process of their journeys. But Jeanne and Ren seeked redemption for their actions.
Hao ever had that. You could argue that he hasn't really changed much since becoming Shaman King. He accosted Yoh and Anna for bringing a baby to a battlefield when he is the one who put them there.
What about the lives destroyed prior to the Shaman King fight? Hao brings everyone back but not those who he murdered along the way. Such as Lyserg's parent's. Maybe too much time had passed, but it does raise the question. He is a God at the end of the day, surely he has the power to do that?
Another character I would like to highlight is:
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In my opinion, Marco had a lot to make up for following his actions in the main series.
I hate what he did to Jeanne and Lyserg. I really do think he owes their both an apology and needs to work to fix his wrongs.
Maybe that was his goal with asking for these new powers from Hao. That by becoming a pawn in the battle ahead, he was gaining redemption for his past. But I don't think this is the way he would gain it. I think the only way is through Jeanne and Lyserg. But they don't seem to recognise what he did was wrong and the X Laws still love him so 🤷
It comes across as instead of being told to stay on earth and work to seek redemption for his past sins, he is rewarded by becoming Angel Boi Marco.
And sure, maybe there is a catch which comes with this. Maybe once the battle is over and his redemption complete, he will join the great spirit. But I see it being more likely he will go back to his old form and live his remainder of his life working with the X Charity and Jeanne.
But this is all interesting thoughts which occupy my thoughts and grip at my heart.
Those who continue to work hard to make the world a better place are targeted and forever pushed away from their goal of happiness.
Whereas those who have done wrongs in the past are instead rewarded.
I don't hate it. I enjoy this storytelling method by Takei and I look forward to where he takes the story next on his return to TSS in the Spring.
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If you made it this far, thank you for reading.
I love making these types of posts and talking about Shaman King. I am a little shy and anxious about making them at times. But I really love the series.
Please do not take this as an attack or hate towards the sequels or any of the characters. These are just some thoughts I had, and as mentioned, I am a member of the church of Hao. Even if he is a petty kitty God.
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year
ok I'm finally doing it I'm finally drafting up this post. if you've spoken to me about shaman king literally ever or even followed this blog for more than two days you know this one
goose's Renmei Thoughts™ aka:
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(thanks @gelatinous-jellyfish for making me this wonderful image a while back)
(quick explanation for everyone unaware, renmei is the canon relationship between iron maiden jeanne and tao ren from the sk sequels. I never explain this in the post but if you want to read it and don't know that's what this is. also I mention this takei guy a lot he's the mangaka)
so pov you're me circa feburary 2022, currently unaware of the kzb manga ending or sequels because you got into sk 6 months ago and the 2021 anime isn't over yet. you're innocently googling your girl jeanne for idk drawing references or whatever and BOOM autocomplete drops the most confusing spoiler of all time on you
that's how I remember finding out renmei exists, and at the time I'm pretty sure I was like "oh this must just be a popular het pairing from the Olden Days or something it'd be ridiculous if that was-" it was it was canon. cue a terrible amount of suffering april 21st 2022 when episode 52 of the new anime aired and it was what it is
of course I was upset but in an attempt to not be That One Annoying Fandom Person I sat down and thought about it and gave the concept the benefit of the doubt for a bit and now I have a pretty solid idea of how I feel about it. my renmei thesis is basically:
well that could have been a good idea but wow did takei completely fumble it
part a why it's not conceptually terrible: this one's really simple it's just that they're both similar characters. I'm anticipating you the reader have actually read/watched shaman king so I'm just gonna present you with the chart I made a few months back
murderous child -> oh shit -> what now it's quite similar
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btw this file was named "the.png". that is such an unhelpful file name I had to DIG to find it. wtf past me
basically if it was actually written properly I think we could have gotten some cool things out of a romantic relationship between these two characters. however
part b: we didn't
my favourite way to describe renmei is that it just wasn't written. because it wasn't. across over 300 chapters of mainline and spinoff manga they have maybe four interactions, three of which were after they were already a couple (and the fourth one is that time she raised him from the dead and they didn't speak. does that really even count?). and those three actual interactions were flashbacks and not... actually important. I think one of them was just about cheese. as a reader your experience is
2 characters who never interacted -> literally what the fuck when did that happen -> she's DEAD???
when my friend was reading the manga I had to tell her to reread a scene because the panel where they explain it is such a blink-and-you-miss-it moment
literally the same pacing and payoff as CANON DESTIEL.
their entire actual relationship happens during the downtime between the main manga ending and the sequels beginning. and I'm going to bring osp into this because I think this graphic is helpful
(side note as I was scrolling through this trope talk I noticed a problem red brings up that does apply to the sk sequels but that's for another post...)
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this is from the osp trope talk on sequels, and it shows the difference in Stuff Happening levels between plot time (red) and down time (grey). the issue with renmei is that it is an IMPORTANT PLOT EVENT (two characters with little interaction having an entire love story) that happens during DOWN TIME, when the audience only sees things through flashbacks in snippets. and it doesn't help that we never get any flashbacks to before the event happened, before they got together. it's jarring because the ENTIRE THING happens during down time. plot time 1 (the main manga) ends with no interactions between them, and ONE scene that's supposed to set ren up for getting Straight Married that in my opinion didn't work. because it is stupid. plot time 2 (every sequel manga) starts after jeanne's death. it's literally the inciting incident for red crimson. their entire 7+ year relationship is encapsulated in foggy down time, and we're expected to care.
and this especially doesn't work because we aren't set up to care. again, 1 interaction in the main manga, where they don't talk (but I will go to bat for the inherent intimacy of raising someone from the dead like we could have done something there). it's pretty clear to me from rereading the manga that takei didn't know these two would get together when he was writing it. that one scene I mentioned where he tries to set up ren getting Straight Married? if you've read it you know it's incredibly vague and with how takei wrote literally everything else it sure doesn't work as intended. or I'm too aromantic and yaoipilled to understand his literary genius idk. it's clear from some other missed opportunities that the jeanne part of the equation wasn't exactly planned from the beginning. which is even more insulting tbh
part c jeanne character assassination: out of the both of them jeanne really got the short end of the stick in terms of characterization in the sequels. I say this because I actually really like ren in the sequels I like the way takei took his character, so holy shit does sequels jeanne look even worse in comparison. the whole housewife thing is eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh, not really a fan of that but I'm also not mad enough to comment. her death I do have some thoughts about. conceptually the beheading herself with shamash thing is BADASS AS HELL and I do like it conceptually, I also know like, the themes. yeah remember that time "atoning for your crimes with your death isn't the right thing to do" was an important part of the plot. TWICE. FUCK THAT I GUESS. there is some equivalent exchange bullshit happening with these two and the continuation of main manga themes and I want it to stop please
part d tao men: one thing I've thought about a lot is Why. why fumble this so badly. why do this at all. what do we get out of this. and the answer is an inciting incident and tao men. and the fumble bag continues because tao men deserved better this is a tao men appreciation account. we could have done some cool shit with his revenge thing but nope fuck that I guess. poor guy
part e contrast: so the sequel manga where renmei is most relevant is red crimson. I absolutely love red crimson I recommend it to everyone. and that's because of jun and pairon (and chapter 9 full transparency). jun and pairon in red crimson have one of the most beautiful relationships I've ever seen. they have an established dynamic and baggage to work through and that's what the manga focuses on. and it works it works really well. however this is also the Renmei Manga, and having most of that stuff right next to jun and pairon just makes it look worse
those are all my renmei thoughts I remembered while writing this post, I think that covers most of it but I may reblog this later with stuff I forgot
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eversea143 · 1 year
I just need to write this down and (potentially) seek out some advice/opinions on a dream I had that seriously didn’t feel like one and might actually become an AU of sorts in the future so-
We have about the whole kids cast from TOH (Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, King and (most importantly) The Collector post finale) who have ended up in some sort of alternate/parallell/other universe. They first find themselves in what looks to be a stereotypical crowded city with hints of different asian cultures blended together. When they try to leave, however, to figure out if they’ve somehow ended up in the Human Realm the group discover that they’re on an island surrounded by a seemingly endless sea
But it’s no ordinary sea. It’s overgrown by all sorts of jungle-like growth and massive (I mean redwood-massive in some cases) bamboo stalks that shape the ‘landscape’ into a vast plain made out of pure waterfalls that give the weird illusion of hills and valleys. It’s wild, even wilder than what the TOH group are used to and thoroughly shocks them cold. This isn’t the Human Realm nor the Boiling Isles
Next step (after recovering and exploring a little of what they can) is finding a way back home. The Collector discovers he can’t just snap a portal into existence and King is temporarily removed from the group when he’s confused by some local shelter as a stray ‘dog’. First they try to find King (succeed) and next they try to figure out a way back home that doesn’t require hurting their only Titan friend who might actually be too young for his blood to work (said by TC) and clearly already doesn’t like this new world they’re in
Here is when things get even more interesting as the group literally run into a tomboy teen girl (might be genderfluid) who is already trying to find a way off the island (there’s no easy way because it’s one of several and none of them don’t have money to buy a boat ticket to mainland not like this would help the TOH gang) and offers to help them as long as they let her join them, believing their talk of ‘another world’ is just a weird way of saying ‘home’. Everyone is a bit cautious but agree
At some point the gang is forced to stay at the tomboy’s place where she tries desperately to hide something and manages right up until The Collector comes down early morning (bad dream) to discover their new friend arguing with her aunt and uncle about wanting to go home and hating everything about the islands. The two adults leave, more focused on their business then listening to their niece, and in a moment of weakness the girl shares with Collie why she wants to leave (aunt and uncle, obviously, aren’t nice folks but she’s stuck with them because her parents are ‘away’) and promtly receives a hug and understanding because, yeah, the Archivists were asshole siblings and TC knows what it feels like when family doesn’t seem to care. Thus a surpisingly strong and happy friendship is forged that required no coercion on The Collectors part and he’s over the moon about this that he accidentally reveals he isn’t exactly ‘human’
Tomboy girl takes this in stride (go her!) and decides that, even if her new friends are really looking to leave to their original home world, she’ll still tag along because the Demon Realm sounds cool and she doesn’t want to lose her newfound friendship with TC. They start looking and begin uncovering old history forgotten by time that reveals how the islands’ origins are more mysterious than they first thought. Help from a group of people who know that magic once existed in their world brings the friends to eventually uncover a hidden temple where they find this kind of immortal shaman guy who’s actually a fallen god. He’s lacking one arm because it got chopped up at some point and the pieces were scattered, forming the islands whilst the leftover nerves combined with a special kind of tree that grew in what used to be dense marshes to form the now sparkling beautiful waterscape surrounding the islands. He was once worshipped as a deity but eventually cast aside when a ‘fallen star’ appeared. He hints that this other deity might possess a way for the group to leave and they begin searching
They end up finding an ancient tower structure at the edge of the seascape and discover that it’s inhabitated by a teen Collector (the species, not the person) who is clearly more knowledgeable about the world and life but also has that ‘naive’ understanding of death when they start describing how people came and ‘broke’ themselves in front of him and never let him ‘fix’ them (everyone realizes this was actually human sacrifice and our!Collector goes green as the full implication of what mortality is and just how much he’s actually witnessed it without knowing settles in) Here it gets a little blurry but at some point other!Collector shows everyone what’s hidden underneath the water and the islands, revealing a seemingly endless chasm stretching from end to end with a tectonic glowing tree structure supporting everything so nothing can fall into the dark depths. One part of the group goes to explain mortality to other!Collector whilst the rest figure out the whole history of things through murals in the tower
Some character growth, a dash of angst and drama and at some point everyone leaves but I don’t know if Tomboy girl does because I want her to have a good ending but her current home situation is abyssmal and I genuinely believe her leaving with the others would actually turn out to be a good thing. Perhaps have her travel with The Collector as he decides to go on his space fieldtrip (still mad about that!) or stay to learn magic alongside Luz. That’s... about it
For now
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 12
Taglist:@v3d3rl1cht @thegreatdragonfruta
Gif by: @mndvx
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He hasn’t felt young in the longest time.
He had been Namor and K’uk’ulkan, but not Ch’ah.
The Talokanil king feels as nervous as he did when he gave her the bracelet.
“You know, I can feel what the artist felt as they painted them. It’s almost as if I had been there when you painted them.” The witch had said as had shown her the murals back at the outpost they came through.
These here were different than the ones he kept in his real home. These depict his lineage, his family, his important milestones, all the things that were deeply personal to him and somehow this strange witch had become part of it.
“I think you’re the first man who’s remembered my freckles.” She comments breathlessly as he embraced her from behind and she grew warm and aroused by the very real desire he feels for her and the one that lingers in every brushstroke of the mural in front of them.
“As if I could ever forget them, wàay.” He kissed the one below her ear reverently, as if she were Ixchel herself.
“Fuck me.” She said in that breathy tone of hers and he readily agrees. Ever since that night, neither can’t get enough of each other, Ch’ah knows he won't ever get enough of her even if they live a thousand lifetimes.
“As you wish.” And as if by command, Eva collapsed in his arms.
This time he doesn’t see the vision, he just holds her as she muttered something in Spanish, then English, the Nahuatl and eventually his language.
“In Ajawo, we have captured two men!” his head general finds him with an unconscious witch gasping for air and eyes white as the pearls she wears.
“They have come for me.”
Santiago Rosales was fourteen when he discovered his uncanny abilities to blend in with everything and everyone also included finding everything he thought about.
These two gifts also included, being the only person who could find Eva at any given moment.
The villagers near the cenote had warned him of K’uk’ulkan's wrath.
He took my virgin sister; he had told the curandero whom he paid handsomely in blood. Three drops for three questions.
Your cousin, the curandero had corrected, not a virgin, he took that too.
Only I can summon K’uk’ulkan, he is a god, you coming to take his bride away and he will be offended.
“You didn’t have to come, Nacho.” The Mexican-Catalán spy reminded the complaining man trailing behind them.
The shaman set up the ritual summoning altars and unwrapped the conch shell passed down by generations.
He freed us from the Spaniards, the curandero had said, we protect his secret in eternal gratitude.
“Eva is my cousin just as she is yours, be glad mamá didn’t come.” Nacho huffed and looked around with his flashlight.
“Who said I needed your permission, Nachito?” speaking of the devil.
Tia Livia appeared dressed as of she’d be going on a safari in Africa, like she’d go and try to spread the good word of God like a dimwitted missionary and guided by the curandero’s plucky fifteen-year-old grandson, Eduardito.
“Why did you bring her here, Lalo?” his grandfather asked in shock.
“She gave me one hundred pesos, nool, and said she would pay for me to go school in Merida!” The boy said excitedly, thinking he’s gotten a great deal.
They were too liberal with money, Santiago could admit. They spent as quickly as they earned, and no company in the world could profit like them and treat their employees like human beings nor could any charity compare to theirs.
They were rich assholes, but not that type of rich asshole.
“I am the blood of a great witch, nagual. Your tricks did not work on me. Now summon K’uk’ulkan or I will do it myself.” The red-haired queen of Mexico City threatened.
And so, the man blew the shell.
“Let me go with you.” Eva pleaded, and he refused once again. “They are my family, if they know I am safe they will leave, and I will make sure they forget the cenote even exists.”
A tempting deal, but one he is against.
Who is to say she will choose to leave with them than stay with him?
They are her family, and blood comes before a stranger who spirited her away without giving it much thought.
“Please.” She begged prettily, nothing she did was unattractive, every cell of her was designed to be alluring, like the voice of the Talokanil and the grace with which they swam.
“What makes you think the people we captured are your family?” he asks her, her vision had said her aunt and two of her cousins would find the village and the witchdoctor would bring them to the cenote.
He had not been given much detail except for three chilangos that Eloy said came looking for someone they claim he took.
For all they know, it could be some rich people from Mexico City or America who have bribed and coerced Eloy, the waay of the village they protect.
“My aunt has red hair and wore that same odd clothing when she visited Marruecos last year with her husband and my cousin Santiago who owns a house there, Santiago is the only one I know who may put up a fight against a Talokanil, and Israel’s battle cry might as well be not the face.” She explained and he laughed a little at her accurate summarization of his three ---five if you count Eloy and the teenage boy--- prisoners.
“It’s my fault, I should have left a note or called one of them, so they wouldn’t assume I was in danger.” She added as she chipped away at his resolve.
K’uk’ulkan could order her to stay, but Ch’ah knows the moment he does that he loses her forever. He doesn’t want to risk the chance of losing that future he saw with her.
Terrible thing to know how the story ends and yet knowing the ending can change at any moment.
“You can come, explain what happened and erase this place from their minds for my people’s safety and theirs.” He gives in and brushes the fly away hairs that have broken free from her braid. “If you wish to leave with your family, I won’t stop you.”
“Who said I wanted to leave, Kukul?” Eva reached out to caress his cheek and used that nickname that he used to hate and now doesn’t really bother him. “I want that life we saw in my vision just as much as you do, Ch’ah, and as much as it scares me to admit it, I want it more than anything the surface has to offer me.”
She loves him, she doesn’t know how it happened, but she does.
Maybe it’s because she knows how it ends and that gives her the certainty to make sense of her feelings without the feelings of dread and horror that she usually gets when it dawns on her, but Eva Leonor Smith Riley knows she loves Ch’ah even if she has only known him for a fortnight.
The way back up the cenote is different than the one they arrived in was by Playa del Carmen in Campeche, this one was in that village an hour drive away from Merida. Eva should tell him that even blind and missing his arms, Santiago could find this place again.
Nacho even with a map in broad daylight, would never find it again, however. But where Tiago goes Nacho follows.
The Mayan shaman and his grandson bow, begging for K’uk’ulkan’s mercy while her cousins look at them in relief and her tia is as angry as her famed red hair.
“Are you the fucking pendejo who took my niece?” her aunt asked fuming.
You are intruding on my lands, and I will not take any disrespect from the likes of you.”
He may have been speaking to a wall, as her aunt continued berating the God King of Talokan as if he was just another young man who did something stupid.
Even worse, she is doing this in Spanish which angers him more.
Even much much worse Livia accuses him of kidnapping her and taking advantage of Eva’s questionable state of mind.
Calls him a shameless Don Juan and her a naïve mocosa in the same breath.
K’uk’ulkan dismissed his soldiers to lower their weapons and squares up with a woman that somehow looks down on him despite barely reaching his chin.
“I didn’t take Eva by force; she willingly came with me.” He is imposing, not like he has ever been with her. No, even that night she summoned him, Ch’ah had treated her with gentility and as if they were equals.
Here he is the King K’uk’ulkan, not Ch’ah Toh Almehen who was too horny and comfortable with her to care about things like rank.
“I want to hear it from her, I do not know you and I do not trust you.” Her aunt crossed her arms and had no fear in her rich brown eyes.
“He didn’t kidnap me, tia, I left with him because I wanted to.” Eva reminds her and adds a sincere apology.
“I am sorry for making all of you worry, especially after saying I wouldn’t disappear again, but I didn’t want to risk everything with a telephone call or a letter.” The witch apologized to her aunt who was still mad as hell.
“She’s always been selfish, you know, always thinking about herself first and then remembering she has people who care and are worried sick thinking the worst has happened to her.” Livia doesn’t accept her apology and complains about her to Ch’ah.
“Eva is safe with me; I would never let any harm come to her. As Queen of Talokan, she would have no reasons---”
Livia makes a noise that is somewhere between shocked gasp, an incredulous scoff and a bitchy laugh. “My father is turning in his grave, a king, Eva?”
Livia asks her incredulously. “A king?!
“I told you the real issue they would have been you being royalty.” Eva whispered as her aunt rambled almost nonsensically. Something about her plans to take down the English empire using Eva and how Eva finds the one monarchy their family would wholeheartedly support.
“How did you find us here?” K’uk’ulkan asked Santiago who’s nonchalant enough to try and smoke a cigarette only to have Livia take it for herself after finally running out of words.
“I can find my cousin anywhere; it is one of my specialties along with espionage and murder.” He took a second cigarette and offered them and Nacho who refused. “I am Santiago, this is Israel who prefers Ignacio and his mother, Livia.”
“My people call me K’uk’ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor.”
waay: mayan,witch (genderneutral word)
curandero: spanish, witchdoctor
nool: mayan, grandfather
nagual: nahuatl, male witch
chilangos: spanish, Mexican slang meaning person from Mexico City
marruecos: spanish for Morrocco
pendejo: spanish, dumbass
mocosa: snot nosed brat
tia: spanish, aunt
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sharonrb · 2 years
Death is only the Beginning Pt2
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Disclaimer: If any characters resembles any of those in BP2WF; because maybe they are. They story has been altered due to the imagination of the author. Fanfic and all in fun.
A continued of pt1
Chapter Fourteen
Wakanda spent the last week or so rejoicing for the return to life of their Queen Ramonda; whom they thought had been dead. Along with them, the Talokanils celebrated a milestone for their kingdom. It was the first time in five hundred years and since the birth of their kingdom; they crowned themselves a Queen.
Finally, their ruler K’uk’ulkan found himself someone to marry and share his throne. It was the last night of festivities by tradition for the Wakandans; but it will continue for days to come. The Talokanils were still in their jubilee as the morning sun crept over the two worlds. But, unknowingly to them both, things have taken a turn for the worse.
“What do you mean the Queen is missing?” King M'Baku yelled to the top of his voice. Okoye bowed her head in submission. She had sought a private counsel with him, and wanted him to know first of the events that had occurred through the night and the morning.
“She’s gone and we have no idea her whereabouts, My King,” she told him. M’Baku had agreed to meet with her in a secluded place free from itchy ears. He knew it wasn’t going to be good news, but never in a million years did he expect this situation.
“Tell me everything,” he demanded. Okoye relayed to him what occurred the evening before, and earlier in the day. He allowed a growl to come through, releasing the tension building. This was not good!
Shuri’s mind kept replaying all that had come to pass and her reaction to her mother coming back from her night with Namor. Her mother informing her that she would be returning to Talokan and Namor. The Shaman had given her a potion swearing it would reverse the side effects from the previous in gestation of the heart shaped herb.
Shuri knew her mother wouldn’t take it willingly; she had embraced these knew abilities. She felt of she could convince her, but with Ramonda informing her she would be back with Namor, Shuri made a conscious decision to spice her mother’s tea.
Ramonda took a few sips, relaxing from the fresh air and Shuri’s company. Then she grabbed her head, her face distorting; she yelled out in such excruciating pain. Shiri jumped to her feet backing into the wall thinking; what had she done. Ramonda stood to her feet and with one last agonizing scream flew straight up and away. Okoye and Attuma came onto the scene in confusion. Then the appearance of Namor only made it worse with his announcement of the marriage between her mother and him.
“That damn Shaman,” she could have kicked herself. “Why would I listen to you. It was your recklessness in the first place that brought this about; by giving my mom the herb without consent or permission. You’re going to wish you hadn’t done it.” Shuri caught herself and calmed down. She has to bear some of the blame too. The Shaman didn’t force her to give it to her mother. Or neither would being angry help find her mother and bring her home.
Shuri began to ponder over something that’s nagging her. if the recreation of the potion to remove the Black Panther powers didn’t reverse the effects on her mother. Then maybe the enhancement is due to something else. Shuri walked over to the vial and began to study it, thinking scientifically and objectively. She had been too close to the problem to think straight.
Then her brilliant mind took over; she needed to get to her lab. That’s where she could work the best. She just needed to run some tests. She gathered what she needed and called for one of the planes. Right now, she has no idea if the concoction the Shaman gave her worked or not. She just hopes her mother is alright.
Namor came back to his dwelling and started tossing things about; in anger and silence. Attuma and Namora stayed on the outside for two reasons. First, to let him blow off his rage, and second to await his next command. Namor was very concerned because he has no idea what happened. What he did know it all lead back to Shuri. He didn’t know for sure what she did to Ramonda; but he has no doubt Shuri did something. Now he will have to break his people’s hearts. He could hear them still in festivities; they finally have a Queen of their own. But that is not the case now.
When Attuma had summoned and notified him Ramonda had disappeared; he swam like he never had before. He would have flown but Namora had demanded to come. Hope was in his heart Ramonda would be there once he arrived. It was not so, his fears manifested. Namor stood before a wall he had began another mural; one of Ramonda and his love story. How will it end?
Attuma and Namora heard him grow silent and knew he was in much pain. They wanted to get out there and find their Queen; and wondered why he was hesitating. Namor emerged from his room, subdued and walked over to the edge staring into the water.
“Prepare my people for the announcement. I will not keep this from them any longer.” He told them. “Then I will go to Wakanda to speak with King M'Baku. I need to know what are their plans to assist me in finding my Wife!” He turned and went back inside, never looking at either of them. They looked at each other knowing this was not good. They plunged into the water and headed for Talokan to gather the citizens to the meeting place.
Ramonda stood in the entrance of the cave, pressed against the frame. She stared out as she would the windows of the palace. Not much to see but the majestic mountains, unlike the beautiful capital city of Wakanda. She has a lot to process and decisions to make.
Months of being comatose, being giving the herb that gave the Black Panther their powers. And how did that happen, since the last she recalled; Killmonger had destroyed the plants. Maybe he missed one. No, they had searched diligently to save T'Challa; there were none. Evidently, they did discover more somehow. So, if they have the plant, and they used it on her. Then there has to be another Black Panther.
“What the---,” it dawned on her. The last thing she remembered, Namor and his people were attacking Wakanda. He flew to the throne room where she was with Riri. “Riri!” She remembered him throwing spheres of water at them, and they burst through the windows, exploding. She swam down to get the child who was unconscious and brought her to safety; then everything went black. She wondered, what happened after that? How did they rebuild Wakanda so fast? The biggest question of them all. How did they become allies with Talokan.
“The Talokanil are my people now, and I am their Queen.” She whispered. How will she be able to pull this off? It was not their fault Namor is who he is. They were so welcoming and full of joy to have a Queen, for the first time; since their kingdom came in to existence. If she went back to Talokan, she would have to pretend she was still with Namor; and that would be a lie. She could never be with him ever again. Never!
He seduced her, knowing she had no memory of what he had done. She recalled coming home from the banquet. He was there waiting for her, they talked and walked on the beach; he was so sad. He knew then, it was a possibility he could lose her; if her memories would return. But, he had a chance to tell her the truth; but he did not.
Instead, he took her to meet his people, knowing they would be ecstatic to have a Queen. He knew also she would fall in love with them. They made their commitment to stay yoga her before all of Talokan, binding them as long as they lived. He took her to his rooms; there he made passionate love to her. She was so happy and full of love for his people and him. She came to tell Shuri, she was his wife and Queen of Talokan. And that she was staying there, because they needed her more than Wakanda. But she didn’t get a chance!
Shuri gave her herbs, adding to what was already in her system. All for what? Was her hatred for Namor, greater than her love for her; that she would risk her life? She felt like a guinea pig being tested on all those months; and with Shuri’s betrayal. No one knows but her, what actually transpired the first time she was given the herb. It was frightening; even more now that she has regained her memories. Yes, great decisions have to be made.
Chapter Fifteen
After Okoye had enlightenment M'Baku of everything that happened, from the evening before and earlier that day. He shuddered at the fact; he would have to call another emergency meeting, with the council and Chieftains. His respect for T'Challa grew even greater; this was not an easy position. There was always something new to deal with.
At that moment, M’Baku stiffens; catching movement out the corner of his eye. He turns to see Namor approaching, not surprising! He needed to have a word or two with him, concerning the part he played in this debacle.
“I was wondering when you would come to meet with me,” M'Baku acknowledged his presence.
“We have much to discuss before you announce the disappearance of my Wife, Queen of Talokan,” Namor is straight to the point. M'Baku chuckled.
“Your wife?” He questioned. “And Queen of Talokan?”
“Why are you disputing what is a fact?” Namor held his anger; with M’Baku’s query of the validity, of the matter.
“I am not per say,” M'Baku took a seat on his throne. “What I am inquiring is, does Queen Ramonda feels the same. Now that is the question.” Namor stared at him, as the answer formulated in his brain.
“That I don’t know,” He replied as honestly as he could. The fact of the matter, he has know idea what is going through Ramonda’s mind. Or if she’s even alive; he knows nothing.
Okoye, Ayo and Aneka arrived ahead of the council. Okoye had already filled the two of them in on what was happening. She looked at Namor, then came to him. An unspoken understanding went between them. She went to take her place at the side of M'Baku. Ayo and Aneka were already in place. The council spilled into the room. Namor started towards the door.
“Namor,” M'Baku called out to him. Namor slowly turned around; the two stared each other in the eyes. “I would like for you to stay; after all, it is your wife and Queen of the Talokan whom we will be discussing. Your input will be greatly appreciated.” M'Baku gestured to the very chair he possessed; during the meetings with Queen Ramonda. Namor was surprised, but took the seat offered while the room erupted. M'Baku smirked; it was always a pleasure getting the council roused up. Namor grew a great admiration for M'Baku, he will truly rule Wakanda well.
Attuma was standing outside Namor’s quarters, when Namora came up. Namor informed him he was leaving, to go speak with King M'Baku concerning Queen Ramonda. Even though, it hadn’t been very long since her disappearance; the way she left in such excruciating pain, was alarming.
“K’uk’ulkan is not here?” She asked peering inside, searching for him.
“No, he left for Wakanda to talk their King; to see what they were doing to find our Queen,” he told her.
“That’s good and fine, but why are we depending on them to find her. She is our Queen,” Namora had a certain emotion in what she was expressing. This caused Attuma to take a double look. Is this the same Namora who was angry that Namor had yielded to the Black Panther? But now has a hint of desperation in her voice, for the new Queen.
“Namora, you sound as if I you care about the Queen,” he had a little chuckle, as he teased her.
“You joke at a time as this?” She snapped. “Don’t you understand? Our Queen is missing, Attuma! Our people our basically mourning now. And our K’uk’ulkan is miserable with the loss.” Attuma stood towering over her, with a serious demeanor enshrouding him.
“I understand quite well, Namora,” his voice low and deliberate. “The K’uk’ulkan and our kingdom in whole are sad, so yes I do. But I was wondering the attitude you are displaying. You didn’t want him with the Princess; but you accept her mother for him, as his wife and as our Queen?” Namora walked away from him and stared into the water.
“No, I did not feel the Princess was the right one for him or our people,” she told him. “But yes, the Queen is a Queen; she will love and protect us, just as our K’uk’ulkan has done. She is better suited for him; look how happy he is around her. We have never seen this in him since ever. So yes, I want her back in the worse way.” She ran and nosedive into the water, then swam away.
Attuma stood watching the ripples settle down, then laughed out loud. Could there be a surface dweller, their Namora could truly love and care about? This is astonishing. He couldn’t wait to pass this development along to Namor. He wasn’t sure about Namora accepting Ramonda, let alone as his wife and Queen. Well, Namor can rest on that problem and dwell on finding their Queen.
While Shuri was grieving over her mother’s flight and after she had given her the potion. There was something that lit up the corner of her brilliant mind. She just hoped she was on the right trail. After gathering some things that belonged to Ramonda, she went to the lab.
“Griot” Shuri called to him as she rushed into the lab, tossing things everywhere. “There is something I need help with.”
“Yes Princess, anything I can do I will,” he told her.
“Pull up the analysis of my recreation of the herb, and the one the Shaman gave my mother. Then analyze this sample I am going to give to you.” Shuri dropped what was left of the vial onto a slide, and pushed it into a compartment; then waited.
“Princess your recreation as we discovered; is not the same ingredients as that of the Shaman's. She added some other herbs, but they didn’t alter the outcome of what makes the Black Panther.”
“Yes, I just wanted to double checked if my mother was given the Black Panther serum. And see what was in the latest one I just gave to you?” Griot begins to analyze it.
“It’s different than the others. I’m detecting a rare flower plant, that hasn’t been used in Wakanda for decades. It was banned by the Shaman sect due to the after effects.” Shuri became alarmed.
“A rare plant? Banned for decades you say?” She asked.
“Yes Princess,” Griot replied.
 “What were the side effect?” Shuri asked.
“After twenty-four hours of ingesting, they would go insane,” he informed her.
“Why would she do this,” Shuri recanted her statement. “Why would I ask? She fed her mother the Black Panther herb for months. I can’t deal with her right now. Griot, what was that particular plant used?”
“It actually was a type of memory elixir. It didn’t effect all but enough to cease using it.” So she was trying to help her mother regain her memory. Why didn’t she tell her the truth?
“Alright, I will take care of her later,” Shuri took a comb she had brought from home and pulled a strand of hair from it. Then she placed it on a slide, and pushed it inside a small drawer for Griot to analyze. “Alright Griot, what you see?”
“Very interesting,” Griot stated.
“What? What you see?” Shuri was frantic.
“This person has the X-gene; the Black Panther mixture triggered it. They are in full blown mutant stage.” Shuri’s jaw dropped. She figured as much, but needed for it to be confirmed.
“That’s why taking the serum had not effect. My Mother is a mutant!”
Ramonda came down on the shore near the hut. She felt out if anyone was there; she wasn’t ready for any confrontation. She needed more time to sort things out; too much was at stake. She moved closer seeing it was empty. Shuri most likely went to the lab. She had came to get some things to hold over until she returned; whenever that would be.
She retrieved a tote bag to carry whatever she could. The outfit she wore would not do. Shuri had some pants, maybe she could get a couple or so. She had lost weigh to next to Shuri’s size, if she could not fit them, she could always alter them. She saw Shuri’s jacket tossed across her bed. She picked it up and placed it to her nose, breathing in her daughter’s scent.
“Shuri!” She rubbed it against the side of her face. Tear filled her eyes. “Now that I remember you, I don’t want to see you right now. If I did my words would be too harsh, and it’s been enough separation between us. And I don’t want that; give me time.” Ramonda got herself together and grabbed what she could; then ran to the shore, only to stop abruptly.
“My Queen!” Namora exclaimed with great joy. Ramonda was stung beyond words. So much for get in and out, she thought to herself.
“Namora! What are you doing here?” She asked. Namora came closer to her. “We are all out looking for you.” Ramonda feared as much. She hates she’s hurting others, but if she doesn’t deal with this right now; it will be more painful later.
“Namora,” She said. “I need to figure some thins out. It has been so much to deal with, especially now that I got back my memory. “
“Oh,” Namora said quietly.
“Oh no, not like that. I remember everything, even last night with all of my Talokaniles. You all showered me with so much. I remember all of that.” Ramonda informed her. “This is one of the reasons I need to make some decisions. It’s not going to be easy for me. I have to be away from everyone that I love, so I can be with those that I love. Does that make sense?” Namora understood, so much has been done to the Queen.
“I do My Queen. We all love you. We want you home and safe.” Hearing this coming from Namora warmed her heart. She always felt Namora was the more standoffish. Ramonda walked up to her and pressed her face against the side of Namor's. If blue could blush it would be Namora.
“Thank you for all you said. You really don’t know how much I needed to hear that.” Ramonda wanted to cry, but kept her composure as Queen.
“What should I tell K’uk’ulkan?” Namora asked.
“I don’t want you lying to him. Just tell him what we discuss.” She told her. “It probably be a few days, then I will return.” Ramonda told her and flew high in the air, so when she made the turn towards the mountain; Namora couldn’t see it.
Chapter Sixteen
“Okoye, where are you?” Shuri asked, calling on her kimoyo beads.
“I’m in the throne room. We just finished speaking with the council and tribal Chieftains” she informed her. “They are aware of everything.”
“Good, no more secrets and lies,” Shuri says. “I need to share some findings; I discovered this morning with all of you.”
“I will let them know,” Okoye told her. “You want us there in your lab?”
“Yes, please,” Shuri expressed. “It’s easier to explain here.”
“Something you should know,” Okoye says.
“Yes?” Shuri braced herself.
“Namor attended the meeting, and remains here speaking with the King.” Okoye enlightened Shuri.
“Good, then I won’t need to summon him,” Shuri replied. “He has to hear this too.”  Okoye was taken aback at how somber Shuri seemed; at the mention of Namor’s name. Now she was anxious to hear, what is so important.
Namora returned to Talokan and sought out Attuma; she had to notify him she had spoken to the Queen. She needed him to be her support; when she reveals this to Namor. She found Attuma playing their favorite pass time game with a few of his friends. Namora pulled him away, which didn’t please him at first; but he saw her distress and came with her.
“What’s wrong, Namora?” She took him to a place where they would not be heard by anyone. This needed to be confidential.
“I saw and spoke with the Queen,” she told him.
“This is good news, Namora,” Attuma yelled out in excitement. Namora tried to calm him.
“No, no it’s not Attuma,” she expresses. “She’s still gone.” Attuma stared at her bewildered.
“What? What do you mean she’s still gone?” his excitement turned to dismay.
“I went to the place the Princess and she lives, just by chance,” she begin to explain. “I was standing on the beach when she appeared; coming from their home. She was very surprised to see me there, and I also. But that changed, when she told me she remembers everything. She knows who she is, Attuma.” He was silence for just a moment; until all Namora had told him registered.
“That means she knows what K’uk’ulkan did, and the cause of all this trauma,” he looked to Namora.
“I’m afraid so,” she confirmed. “But she remembers all of us as well; with love. This is what is making it so hard for her; choosing the right path. She is truly our Queen, and she wants that to be known.”
“For us it sounds good, but for K'uk'ulkan it’s not,” he sighed loudly. Namora sadly agreed.
Shuri was going over her files on her mother, when M'Baku, Okoye, Ayo, Aneka and Namor entered. M'Baku could tell by her expression, they were not going to like what she had to say. He had come to consider her his little sister now. A promise to her brother, T'Challa. Namor was edgy with the uncertainty of what he was going to have to accept. Okoye, Ayo and Aneka waited patiently.
“Thank you all for coming,” Shuri was nervous. “While I was thinking about what happened, and my mother in so much pain that I inflicted on her for my own selfish reasons. I realized I was too close to the subject.”
“Subject, Princess?” Namor injected. “She is not some lab research; she’s your mother and my wife.”
“You don’t have to remind me of that, Namor,” She snapped. “Or the fact, it was your actions that generated this whole mess.”
“Alright! Alright you two! Let’s get on with it,” M'Baku demanded. Shuri turns around from facing them, exhaling; then slowly back to them.
“As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted,” she rolls her eyes at Namor; and he conveys a loud snort in response. Okoye, Ayo and Aneka look on; amused with the interaction of the two. “I ran some tests on a theory. The herb I recreated for the Black Panther and the one the Shaman gave my mother; were one in the same.”
“We know this, Princess,” Okoye came closer.
“True, but why did it not kill my mother; is the question needed to be answered.” She addresses her AI. “Griot, explained what you told me.” She told it. They all moved in front of the screen, to see what was being displayed.
“Queen Ramonda, at some point during her comatose; went into a death state. And when the elixir was administered; she was revived. The reason it was able to bring her back? Because she has what is known as the X-gene. Once this gene is activated; mutation occurs. The Queen is at this time in full generated mutant stage. She has been endowed with her powers; whatever they may be.” The room was silent, each lost in their own thoughts with what was revealed.
“You telling us, she is no longer human?” M'Baku asked, breaking the quiet. Namor took offense to M’Baku implications. But it didn’t hinder him from asking a question of his own.
“Can you explain, what caused her to suddenly fly off in pain?” Namor already knew that answer; Shuri had something to do with that. He felt this was the best time to get the bottom of it.
“It was something I gave her,” she finally admitted to him. His eyebrows furrowed. He knew it! “The Shaman said it would reverse the effects from the herb. I trusted her, but now I know she did it again.”
“Did what again?” M'Baku asked.
“My mom did die. Not initially, but when I saw her on the ancestral plane; she was gone. The Black Panther serum was given to her by the Shaman; activating the x-gene to initiate her into a mutant.”
“We need to deal with the Shaman; she did too much without authorization,” M'Baku looked at Okoye. She turned to Ayo, signaling for her to arrest the Shaman.
“Wait! If she had not taken the chance, Ramonda would not be among us. No matter in what state!” Namor reminded them. “Did not Shuri in desperation, do no differently?” They digested what he said.
“One other thing,” Shuri looked at each one. “The herb the Shaman gave to me was not the same herb, as the heart shaped,” she informed them.
“What?” M'Baku said.
“It’s a flower that was banned by the Shaman sect because of the side effects,” she explained.
“Princess, tell me it is not the plant for memory loss,” Okoye asked.
“Okoye, you know of this flower?” M'Baku asked.
“Yes, many years ago it was used to help those who suffered from memory loss in some forms.”
“Princess!” Namor came to her, she could see the fear in his eyes. “What are the side effects?”
“Only one, Namor,” she was gentle in replying to him, but nothing will soften the blow. “In twenty-four hours of ingesting it; the person goes insane. Not all have; but enough did that they chose to banned it.”
“What?!!” Namor was beside himself. He had heard enough, and left the room before they could notice he was gone.
“Twenty-four hours,” M’Baku paced the lab, thinking. “How do you find someone who doesn’t want to be?”
“With everything we have,” Okoye said and left also. Now there were four.
“We need to activate the Midnight Angels, come Aneka!” Then there were two.
“What good is being the Black Panther, when I can’t find my mother and save her?”
“Aww Shuri,” M'Baku walks to her and rests a hand on her shoulder. “You are one of the most brilliant minds around. Just like you figure your mother becoming a mutant; you will find her.” He left to expedite the search; time is of the essence. Shuri stood alone in the lab feeling hopeless.
“Princess?” Griot called to her.
“What Griot?” She stared at nothing in particular.
“What happens after the Queen is found?” Shuri thought about what he just said.
“What do you mean?” She asked. “We bring her home.”
“And then what? Watch her go insane?” Shuri realized what he was asking.
“We have to find something to counteract the plant,” Shuri sprung alive. “Let’s start with its make up. Maybe if we discover what is in it that causes the insanity; we could isolate it, and actually create a variant to aid in memory loss.”
“Exactly Princess,” Griot agreed.
“We don’t have much time,” she reminded him. “It’s going to be a long night.”
Ramonda arrived back at the cave she now calls her refuge; and placed the bag of supplies in a corner. A cool breeze flowed through from the outside; she saw she would need to start a fire. Luckily, she thought of grabbing a lighter. She wishes there were a door to shut, and curtail the cold. It was close to winter and the mountains were feeling it’s approach sooner than any other place in Wakanda. Soon they will be covered in snow. She would have to endure, there is none other place to conceal her whereabouts; and especially from Namor. She paused, hearing a noise coming from the entrance.
“What is going on?” She exclaimed, turning to see the opening had been sealed over. She slowly approached it, staring at what was once a exit, but now sealed. “Open up!” She yelled! At that very moment; it did as she commanded. The entrance became as it once had been. She began to inspect the walls not sure of what was happening; her mind racing. Could it be another one of her abilities; connected to the earth? She will have to figure what her powers were and how to control them. This time she willed it to close; then she returned to start a fire.
Ramonda pulled the bag in front of her, as she sat near the warm fire. Even with the protection of the wall in place of the opening to the cave; the brisk air could be felt. She brought out the blankets she had retrieved from the hut. Shuri won’t miss them; she can always have more delivered. Or better yet, she could just return to the palace.
Ramonda paused for a moment of reflection. She was very angry with Shuri for her part in this; but she was being sarcastic with what she had thought. Shuri is her little girl; her baby. Well, not exactly a baby anymore. With so much that has hit her; in such a short time. It would easily: have cause a person to make bad choices out of desperation. Her baby has grown into womanhood; and she was proud of the person Shuri had become.  
Ramonda came across a mirror and peered into it; shocked at the person who gazed back. Someone a little younger than herself; but definitely her. Had to be at least twenty years younger. How did this happen? Is this another one of those side effects, from taking the heart shaped herb? If so, will she be going through, what that guy in the movies; Benjamin what’s-his-name did? He continued to grow younger and younger, until he became a baby; then he died? What’s happening to her?
Ramonda gathered her knees to her chest, and as sort of cushions; rested her head on her arms. She stared into the fire, watching the flame swaying in a seductive movement. Her mind reminiscences that fatal day her life ended. The day her husband; Namor threw those water grenades right at her, as she stood in the window. Right after he had tossed his spear into the window; right at her face at her. But the window only cracked.
Ramonda recalled the way he glared, because she pulled Riri behind her; as a protective mode. That sinister smile chiseled on his face. She saw him leave and knew he would return to deal the death blow. She told Riri to run, but children are children; Riri didn’t want to leave her side.
Namor came back as she knew he would, the windows exploded with the impact of the water bombs. Riri and her were thrown backwards, losing consciousness. She was able to come too quicker than Riri; she was sinking fast and needed to be saved.
Ramonda remembered making a crucial decision, she plunged deeper into the water to save someone’s drowning child. She struggled with the dead weight of Riri to get her to safety. It took all she had in her to get her out of the water, and onto the floor. Ramonda tried to pull herself up and along side Riri; and make a attempt to revive the child. But too much of her strength had been exhausted. She remembers sliding back into the water; it covering her face, then it all went black.
There was something else cloaked from her happened; prior to her waking up in the room, she now recognized as the Hall of the Shaman Sect. She didn’t remember anything or anyone, except the summer place she spent summers with Shuri. She made her way through the catacombs and by the river; until she saw Namor. No, she didn’t recognize him; but he knew her, and that was comforting. At that moment, her body quake all over with forcible tremors.
Did he devised this plan, once he realized her memories were lost? All the sweet gentle kindness he showed her; but plotting all along. Her tears stung her eyes, her heart ached. She felt violated! The man who killed her, let her fall in love with him. For what? She was no longer Queen of Wakanda, it does not make sense. What did he hope to gain making her his wife, and moreover; Queen of Talokan.
Why? To get an alliance? He had that. This was wrecking her brain. He gained nothing, unless there is a piece from this puzzle missing. But what wasn’t she getting? Namor was not complex then, nor is he now. He is always straight forward. People only get fooled when they paint him as this complicated person. But she knew then and knows now; Namor needs and wants are very direct.
Ramonda felt cozy secluded from the outside. She made a cot with her blankets before the fire; and laid down on it, resting her head on a pillow she had brought also. She continued to look at the flames at their sultriest dancing was almost hypnotic. She knew what it was that Namor wanted and needed, but she didn’t want to think about.
It’s insane to formulate in any words; but it’s classic Namor. When did he first developed the scenario in his mind? When did it hit him what he wanted; but above all needed? She had to know at what point, Namor decided he wanted and needed her as his wife; and the Queen of Talokan. Her head had begun to pound. Maybe a nap will help, she thought. Ramonda shut her eyes; seeking some equivalent to tranquility. She then found her peace and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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arachnostalgiac · 2 years
WoW expansions by someone who hasn’t played WoW since Legion
Classic:  Everywhere sucks, also there is a big place full of bugs (and a squid is there, doing crimes)
Burning Crusade:  We’re sorry, have paladins and shamans.  Also, the antiheroes from Warcraft III?  You Gotta Fight ‘Em.
Wrath of the Lich King:  Remember the villain from Warcraft III?  You gotta fight him (but watch out).  Maybe he’s your old boss, good luck with that.  A war crime happens.  Also, a squid is here, doing crimes.
Cataclysm:  There’s a fuckoff huge dragon, and he works for the crime squids, and you gotta fight him.
Mists of Pandaria:  Remember the joke character from Warcraft III?  Well, you can be that now.  There was a squid here, but now he’s mostly doing crimes from beyond the grave.  Also, there are war crimes, but those aren’t squid based.
Warlords of Draenor: We decided to make a War Crimes AU so we could bring back the villain from Warcraft the first one.
Legion:  Aw beans the world’s ending because of our War Crimes AU.  Anyway now you can have horns and wings but only if you’re an elf.  We brought back more popular characters woops but that’s okay because we kill off even more.  The world gets stabbed.
Battle for Azeroth:  The planet got stabbed and that’s good for the economy I guess.  More war crimes happen (but you can do Not as Many if you want, I guess).  Also, the Final Squid makes his move to do more Squid Crimes (but maybe you’re cool with that???).
Shadowlands:  What if everyone went to hell no matter what?
Dragonflight:  All that was pretty intense, what if we just partied with dragons instead?
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tomyo · 8 months
Post core 5 intro and I'm right, Nami just gets to do whatever she needs. Buys pretty clothes, Sanji dotes on her, she finds a dragon with Luffy, gets to decide they'll help it first, and comes up with a moving plan where she just told everyone what to do and they did it all for her. The whale episode is the most distressed I've seen her this whole time. Veryyy interesting???? That they had a character design similar to Vivi just before she was used as well????
Also whoever made the comic of Zoro looking lovingly at Luffy while he's doing stupid shit was so fucking right. The guy watched Luffy get tender with a hat once and by the second opening he's diving for it like it's his life. Tbr I'm also not over how instantly fixated he was on getting it back to his captain in the Luffy backstory episode.
Also also the pacing feels weird having them go to grand line so fast. I know it's now known that a crew of 10 was planned but heading to the goal destination so fast almost makes me feel like the series was supposed to end much faster than it did. It's kind of amusing because these shonen series will set out of the character goal Naruto wants to become Hokage, Luffy wants to be King of the Pirates (presumably by getting one piece), Yoh wants to become the Shaman King, and Maka wants to make Soul a death scythe and often these narratives get highly sidetracked if not fully abandoned. Usually it's because the protagonist comes to terms with a much bigger task and the nature of shonen is rocky as hell. Still it feels funny when this series is long past 1000 episodes that just in 60 they're already in the grand line. At the same time I'm aware that they keep pointing out how unprepared they are. Heading to the grand line seemed like the first real leap into fantastical, while there were oddly dressed characters the fishmen where the only real leap into other worldly. For the most part we just had normal human pirates fighting the same. However getting closer to the grand line started to bring out sea monsters and dragons. And obviously the next member to come is Chopper so it's quite the works.
My childhood memory of this part is pretty minimal but I'm under the assumption they will change course again soon before getting to one piece or find out they need to go somewhere farther. I know the farther it goes the more crazy the power creep (fantasy creep??) Gets. It's gonna be wild from basic pirate and navy fights to sky Islands and giant bugs. Or to whatever is up with the future city is in the new series.
Also karoo was with Miss Wednesday so my hunch she was Vivi is confirmed.
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tokiro07 · 9 months
Martial Master Asumi ch.26 thoughts
[On the Fencer]
(Contents: Character analysis - Hanagasaki, critique - art direction, speculation)
Do you think Kawada likes Shaman King? Cus prim and proper lady with a Jeet Kun Do bodyguard sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it?
I'm always a sucker for lovestruck girls, so seeing Hanagasaki instantly fall in love with Bruce Lee and martial arts was immediately endearing for me. I know I said a couple weeks ago that I figured I'd like her a lot, but I didn't expect Kawada to lean this hard into making me do so
It also helps that she clearly does care about Takanori. She says that she wants to be like Bruce Lee, and she certainly seems like the type of strong-willed person to decide on a career path for a whimsical reason like that, but it's also obvious that she's doing this for Takanori's sake too. He loves MMA and has real talent for it, but he was going to give up any chance of going pro so he could focus on protecting Hanagasaki. I'm not going to say that she used MMA as an excuse to let him pursue his passion, but I am going to say that she saw an opportunity that would make them both happy and made sure to take it
Man, in one chapter, they established such a strong and endearing dynamic. They're definitely in the lead for my faves in this series. Plus, Hanagasaki's first punch has exactly the sort of aesthetic that I was hoping to see: her attacks are directly compared to fencing techniques, and even have flower petals for flare! I always wanted one of the National Treasures in Hinomaru Zumou to use a leaf or petal aesthetic, so I'm glad that Kawada looks to be making that happen at long last! Here's hoping we get to see Hangasaki's bloodlust!
Actually, I think that might be the thing that MMA is missing compared to Hinomaru; until Asumi's Water Hammer, all of the moves were just moves, none of them were given exciting imagery to really sell the weight of the moves. If Kawada starts bringing that concept back now, I think readers will start to get more on board going forward. Hopefully other people like Hanagasaki as much as I do!
...Ah, I just realized that I've been calling Takanori by his given name and everyone else by their family names. Oops! I'm already used to it, though, so I'm probably going to keep it up. I might end up changing everyone else to given names over time, but we'll see
To cap it off, I'm not really sure how this fight is going to go. I could see it going either way, since Kawada is the type who likes to build tension by making his characters lose fairly consistently, but he also probably wants to build hype by making Okiba wrack up a good winning streak. We've seen her fight twice, and she won pretty easily both times, so it seems pretty likely that she'll have a more hard-won fight here, but at the same time, Hanagasaki seems like she might be being built up as a major player, so having her lose in her first match while this is Okiba's third might not be the best showing for her (even if she's had three victories off-screen)
Either way, aside from what it will do for both Okiba and Hanagasaki's characters, the purpose of this fight is ultimately going to be to create tension between Asumi and Takanori, as no matter who wins here, their fight will be a revenge match for the honor of their fallen maidens. I get the feeling it would be more compelling for Takanori to be the one taking revenge since his character is more defined by loyalty than Asumi's is, and Asumi would already need to overcome having his confidence shaken from Okiba's loss in the fight with Kuronuma anyway, but it's really hard to say
I'm really looking forward to this fight, and as the first major professional match of the series, I'm willing to bet it's going to be the one that sets the bar for the rest of the series
Until next time
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mysageukinbio · 1 year
500 Year-History of the Lee Dynasty’s Women (TBC, 1972~1980)
Plot of Season 2: Yun Ji Gyeong
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recycled from my forum posts here: https://deiner.proboards.com/thread/10627/tbc-year-history-dynastys-women
tl/dr; Princess forces engaged nobleman into marrying her and acts surprised when he cheats on her with his ex-fiancee
Yun Ji Gyeong is engaged to Choi Yeonhwa, but when he passes the civil exam, he attracts the attention of Princess Yeonseong, who selects him to be her husband. She sends in a recommendation for him, which he refuses. This angers Jungjong, who jails Ji Gyeong and breaks off his engagement with Yeonhwa. Eventually Ji Gyeong caves in and marries Yeonseong, but never touches her and keeps himself at a distance, meeting Yeonhwa in secret every night. Yeonseong runs to the Palace and tells Park Gwi In, who separates the two lovers and fakes Yeonhwa's death. Yun Ji Gyeong, convinced that Yeonhwa is dead, goes into mourning for three years, but Choi Hong Il's (grand?)child Yuri tells him that she's actually still alive, and shows him where she lives (Jaha Gate). Ji Gyeong runs there and meets Yeonhwa again. Eventually, Ji Gyeong stops showing up in Court just to meet Yeonhwa, giving Jungjong and Yeonseong an excuse to exile him to Daeheung in the South, and Yeonhwa to Hamheung in the North. Pregnant with Ji Gyeong's child, Yeonhwa gives birth upon arrival in Hamheung. Yeonseong decides to poison Yeonhwa by sending a female fortuneteller to Hamheung, but Choi Hong Il finds out and stops her. A report is made by the Hamheung Magistrate and Ji Gyeong's mother acts as a witness, but Yeonseong dismisses all charges, saying she knew nothing of the incident.
Meanwhile, Park Gwi In is scheming to get rid of the Crown Prince and make her son Prince Bokseong the Crown Prince instead. So starts her infamous rat incident of 1527, where she curses the Crown Prince with burnt rats in his Palace. All the Crown Prince's maids are involved, but play innocent in front of him. But after two days, nothing happens. So Park Gwi In has bones and skulls placed in the walls instead, calling shamans to make the Crown Prince sick. This works, but Jungjong discovers the plot after asking Park Gwi In why she invited so many shamans into the Palace. Both Park Gwi In and Prince Bokseong are executed and Princess Yeonseong is exiled to Milyang. Yeonseong apologizes for everything and says she'll divorce Ji Gyeong, who is now released from exile. Ji Gyeong gets promoted to Royal Secretary and returns to Hanyang with Yeonhwa. They finally get married in a huge and joyful wedding at the Yun family home.
Eventually, the crown Prince gets weak in health. Jungjong dies and the Crown Prince becomes King Injong, leading to Ji Gyeong's promotion to Censor-General. Injong discusses bringing Yeonseong back from exile, which Ji Gyeong feels obliged to support. 1 year later, Injong begs Ji Gyeong to make Yeonseong his concubine and bring her to see him one last time, which Ji Gyeong gloomily obeys. Yeonseong has changed since exile, converting to Buddhism to shed her past sins and live a new life. When Yeonseong is released from exile, she meets Injong one last time in front of his Palace before he dies. She then asks Ji Gyeong not to make her his concubine, and devotes the rest of her life to the Buddha in a monastery, wishing him and Yeonhwa a happy life together.
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franki-lew-yo · 3 years
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AU #3: Babeh
Read below for background details and here for my establishing headcanon on these two.
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Instead of just leaving in shame, Notwhere King made one last effort to talk to the Princess at his ‘Riftworker of the Year’ party and invited her to personally help him construct the key that would secure the Rift and allow humans and centaurs to move freely between worlds. She took him up on his offer. They had many small misadventures together in both their worlds, the Princess intent to use centaurworld’s magic to feed her people and end the wars that were plaguing her society. In time she became the lone wielder of the key which she could use in place of her naturally absent magic. She was going to help her friends and maybe somehow also help Notwhere King who she learned had body dysphoria -then her father found out. He could not take the shame and humiliation of knowing his daughter had eloped with a centaur and used magic. He promptly adjecated her from her title as Princess, stripped her of her name and any inheritance, and banished her from his kingdom for life- maybe then she’d understand the pain she’d caused him. Luckily it wasn’t long before some of her centaurworld pallies found out about her situation and helped smuggle her back through the Rift. Notwhere King, once enamoured by humans, was disgusted by her family’s treatment of her and broke apart pieces of the key the two were working on, leaving the Rift on a permanent fritz. He quit his job and moved with her to some more trustworthy allies in the forest. Here she hoped to again become a shaman, but her poor health after her disownment meant she was unable to harness the magic she once had.
She was heartbroken- but she had him, and she had her ever growing expanded herd. She was if nothing else a scholar and felt in debt to centaurworld, her world, for not being the ally she needed to be. She threw herself into her studies: their wars, their history, their culture. She would unite centaurs who fought; she would bring justice to centaurs who had nothing. She was super eager to see her body begin to change in order to fit in. Maybe she’d have smoother skin, maybe she’d have fluffier hair, maybe she’d have magic again. None of these things happened but she did get pregnant, not that that’s slowed her down at all. It just means her hubby is extra clingy now and her son is uber grouchy and rude.
Don't have a name for their son. I only know he's a 'reverse centaur', so he has the legs and ears of a human but the rest of him is an elk body standing on two legs.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar error, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1177
| published : 12 november
| request :  Hello 👋 I just read your story ‘Reunited’ and I really loved it! I was wondering if I can request a sukuna x female reader oneshot? The plot would be somewhat similar to reunited but instead mc was a powerful witch that was offered to sukuna but they ended up bonding. Mc gets killed from an attack and sukuna kinda builds a temple or burial for her. Present time- Sukuna takes over during a mission and runs off to the temple and finds mc’s preserved body and revives her??? Bonus if you add everyone’s reaction to their reunion. You can reject this if you want and thank you!! 😊
| barista’s notes : i didn’t have time to add the reaction bonus, so i apologies for that  ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ, i hope you love your cup of black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request)!
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An offering that turned into a blessing.
That’s what she was to him.
Slowly looking down upon his lap, all that came into view was a woman peacefully sleeping with her head hidden at the crook of his head, savouring the lingering warmth that the King of Curses had kindly offered her with a few strands of her hair suddenly falling upon her face. Raising his hand, he tenderly stroked her cheek before gently pushing the thin strands behind her ear to savour the beautiful view that could disappear any second.
Since the beginning of their time together, Sukuna was nothing but captivated by the woman that was with him right now. Everyday with nothing but filled amusement when he was with her, from her feisty comments to the way she could stand on her own. It was like that ever since the shamans offered her to him.
“Oh? What do we have here?”
“If you’re gonna say something, then say it now,” you commented back, surprising Sukuna on how you were so self-assured when others would cower within his presence.
“For someone being offered to me, you sure seem confident, woman,” Sukuna snapped, wondering how you were still able to stand on your ground.
“Well with you being a curse and me being a witch, I don't have to respect someone like you,” you snapped back, resulting in a ball of flames being thrown towards your direction, only for you to suddenly put up a shield to cover you from the attack.
“What the hell did these shamans offer me?”
“As I mentioned, they offered you a witch”
“Why are you staring at me?” someone asked, causing the curse to zone back into his surroundings, only to find you staring up at him with your glowing eyes that he loved so much.
“No reason, little witch,” he answered, only for you to pout in response. “You know I hate it when you call me that,” you stated only for the King of Curses to smirk at you, “only a better reason for me to call you that, little witch”.
An offering that turned into a blessing.
That’s what she was to him.
However, the shamans weren’t willing to make that blessing last
Your arms were wrapped around his neck as he looked over your shoulder with eyes widened with shock on the current events that had just occurred.
What seemed like a simple hug from a lover was the opposite. The shaman that was behind you quickly created some distance from the both of you, only for Sukuna to fully see the blade that was in his right hand, covering in the red liquid that was dripping at the end of the sharp tip.
“You know...I never thought I would sacrifice my life for anyone,” you muttered, as you weakly tighten your arms that were around him. “But I guess, you were the exception,” you suggested as your knees began to weaken, resulting in Sukuna tightly gripping onto your waist to help keep your balance before he kneeled to the ground see what he could do to reverse the damage that was already done.
“Ah...I wanted to see more of the world with you,” you quietly admitted, as Sukuna positioned your head upon his lap.
“I’m going to miss you”
1000 years had passed, and here he was slyly standing behind Fushiguro Megumi after eliminating the special grade curse that had manifested within Eishu Juvenile Detention Centre.
“He ain’t coming back,” Sukuna informed Fushiguro, making his presence known leading to the first-year shaman to turn around in a panic. ”Don’t worry, I’m in a good mood, let’s talk,” Sukuna casually mentioned, only leading Fushiguro to increase his guard making Sukuna smirk with amusement.
“You know if I remember, there’s a temple called Komorebi temple that’s nearby here” Sukuna suddenly mentioned, leading the shaman to look at him in confusion while still keeping his guard up for any incoming attacks that could happen. “Fun fact is that I was the one that built it, yet there is little to no curse energy within that area, you want to know why?” the curse rhetorically asked, only to quickly answer with “there’s this woman that I was offered by the people like you, I buried her body thereafter a shaman killed her and her being the feisty woman she was, her power still emits slightly keeping any negative emotions away from her,”.
Fushiguro didn't know where this conversation was heading to, but this gave him some time to think of a plan to get Itadori to gain consciousness and switch back. However, it seemed like it was going to take a lot more effort than he had hoped.
“I’m going to pay her a visit, if you wanna come you can,” Sukuna informed the Grade-two sorcerer as he turned around to go towards the exit, only to look over his shoulder to say, “that is if you can keep up with me of course,” before suddenly disappearing from Fushiguro’s sight, leading to a wave of panic to take over the shaman’s body.
Standing in the middle of the shrine somehow calmed Sukuna down as he looked around at his masterpiece that lasted surprisingly well throughout all these years. However, what calmed him down the most was that your lingering power was still somehow radiating throughout the whole building, giving off a sense of comfort rather than hostility - the complete opposite to him - that was no surprise to him for a powerful witch like you.
At this moment and time, what he was standing in front of was a small shine that was littered with flowers and burning incenses, most likely from people coming in to give you offerings for blessings for someone they knew or for themselves. Sukuna was no different, in his hand was a small charm that was infused with his curse energy with the remainder of your energy that he managed to retrieve after killing the finger bearer. 
Gently placing the artefact down in front of the shrine as an offering, Sukuna slowly closed his eyes before praying to anyone right now to bless him with what he wanted. What he craved for.
Nothing was heard. Only the rain that was pouring down was filling the building, leaving Sukuna to tut in annoyance at how foolish he looked right now. There was no way he could bring you back to him, you weren’t a curse like he was, there was no way you could come back. 
There was no offer that he could give for his blessing to come.
“You look well Sukuna”
Quickly opening his eyes, the King of curses turned around to see a familiar woman standing in front of him with a small smile on her face as she dawned the same kimono that she had back all those years ago.
“What blessing would you like in return for that offer?”
“You, my little witch”
An offering that turned into a blessing.
That’s what she was to him.
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lemons3ason · 4 years
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The Asakura Twins Loving the Same Person Headcannons
-You grew up with Yoh, you come from a powerful line of Shamans and since you were both the same age your families thought it would be good for you to be his protector from Hao.
-That plan was a failure since both of you were equally lazy and only enjoyed the simple things in life like music and food.
-You were the two little kids that made the promise to marry each other when you were older and his parents openly called you a couple until Yoh met Anna.
-With Anna’s strict training you both became surprisingly strong Shamans but you left about three years before the official Shaman tournament.
-While you were traveling and enhancing your powers you met Hao. Though the whole meeting left you heartbroken and alone something about you made him want you more. The tearless enraged (e/c) orbs that complimented your blood stained face made him fall head over heels for you.
-Though with what little energy you had left you escaped him easily but he never could find you again.
-Neither of them see you again until during the Shaman Fights and Yoh absolutely tackles the hell out of you.
-“(Y/n)! You’re here I can’t believe it! Well of course I can believe it this is you we’re talking about but (Y/n)!”, Yoh screams hugging you tight.
-You’re both babbling away at each other like Nala and Simba were when they reunited and everyone is quick to notice the huge smile that drew over Yoh’s face as you spoke to him and embraced him.
-When you all have your encounter with Hao in Patch Village, Yoh is immediately protective of you stepping between you and Hao since he dared to walk up to you.
-That’s when everyone finds out you already know who Hao is since you’ve shared a fight with him.
-He killed your Mother and in return your left him a noticeable scar against the side of his neck, He’s been tracking you down ever since.
-Hao loves you because you’re strong, you don’t fear him, you hate him. He wants to keep you all to himself and since he’s surprisingly good at flirting your forced to blush on several occasions.
-Hao changes when you’re around, he’s almost so convincingly calm and gentle that you wouldn’t be able to tell that he was a mass murderer.
-Hao becomes a constant bother to you until you start getting used to his presence but you’d never tell him you enjoy having him around since he is still evil.
-“Such a pretty shade of red, did I make your heart race?”, Hao will ask cupping your cheek tenderly as he admires your red glow.
-You’ll slap his hand away and scoot closer to Yoh who will grin and stick his tongue out at his older brother.
-Each fight they’ll hope to hear or see you in the stands rooting for them, showing off just to impress you.
-Likewise they both do the same for you, Hao watches from afar but when you win he’ll make his Spirit of Fire create small heart shaped flames in front of you to show that he was watching. Yoh jumps from his spot in the stands and raced to hug you and congratulate you on a job well done.
-One night just before the pre-finals start both brothers find you and have something important to ask of you. Hao is much more calm and collected a soft smile on his face as he nervously plays with the ends of his hair. Yoh on the other hand, is a blushing mess nervously playing with his fingers as he calls out your name.
-“(Y/n), we love you but we understand you can only love one of us back. Please choose who you want to care for your heart.”, Hao spoke with so much confidence on the matter.
*Yoh’s Route*
-You smiled at their sudden confession but since childhood you knew that Yoh was the only one for you.
-“Hao I’m sorry but I don’t love you. I’ve loved Yoh for so long now but he had Anna so I never tried confessing to him.”, you admitted softly watching Yoh’s face explode into a blush.
-Hao was deeply upset by your decision, but he respected you enough to leave it as it was. Now he could focus on destroying you and becoming shaman king without hesitation.
-Yoh was so excited that you had accepted his feelings that he lunged into your arms and placed a sweet kiss to your lips
-“Heehee I’m so glad you feel the same. I love you (Y/n).”, Yoh cheers in a soft voice pecking your lips again just to be sure it wasn’t a dream.
-Somehow you snuck into Yoh’s room with the boys and everyone woke up the next day to see you balled up at Yoh’s side, the goofiest grin plastered over his face.
-Horohoro was quick to notice the small love bite on the side of his neck neck and snickered, seems like you were the dominant and possessive one in the relationship.
-Anna is a bit heartbroken at first but you promised to still let her whip you and Yoh into shape if you ever slacked off to much.
-She accepted and in the end she got her dream of becoming Wife of the Shaman king since Hao had confessed his adoration for her about a month later, he won the shaman fights in the end so he did become king.
-You and Yoh were happy, a peaceful couple in a wild world surrounded by the people you loved.
*Hao’s Route*
-You were left speechless by Hao’s blunt confession and it made you sad knowing that you had already made your choice.
-You flashed a sad smile to Yoh and hugged him much to his heart break but with a few simple words of encouragement he seemed okay being friend zoned, in the end it would be the best for both of you. He was happy with Anna by his side and you didn’t want to get between them when you knew they were meant for each other.
-Once you had pulled away from Yoh, Hao scooped you up in his arms and you both vanished. Having returned to his camp you stared at him in wonder to what he was going to do next.
-“To think that you would have actually grown to love me. I still can’t believe you actually do but I’m happy... absolutely happy. My little star.”, he hummed embracing tenderly as if you’d break if he held you to hard.
-You were nervous about your decision, thoughts overfilled your mind about how crazy you were for falling for your mother’s murderer, Hao could sense it so he washed away your insecurities with a soft peck to the cheek.
-“I’ll make sure you never regret your choice, even if I have to start from square one. I love you (Y/n), you don’t have to worry about anything by my side.”, He’ll whisper in your ears hugging you tight.
-Unsurprisingly he’s very touched starve so he’s always seeking you out for physical affection, be it a kiss or just holding your hand.
-Super romantic, you do have to keep him under control since he’s a bit protective and possessive but with a good scold you’re able to get him to respect your personal space and consider your feelings towards his behavior.
-Openly marks you with love bites and hickies even if you complain about them being to dark or to visible to others.
-You become his Shaman Queen *but only after making him promise to bring back everyone that he killed during the Shaman Fights since his new powers granted him that ability* and he loves you deeply with each passing day.
*Self Route*
-You were shocked having been confessed to by the twins, you did love them but not like they loved you.
-You smiled at both of them and hugged them tight before stepping back and explaining that to them.
-It hurt, it was obvious by their expressions but you didn’t need a partner by your side at least not now.
-Yoh respected that much about you, Hao was a bit petty about your decision but he just left you alone after that night.
-You fought alongside Yoh for the rest of the shaman fights and helped defeat Hao even though he took the crown of Shaman King.
-Life made sense due to your decision. With Hao being a god it was rare to see him but as years went by you and Yoh and quickly outgrown him and you made fun of him for it every time you saw him.
-You own an orange cat and named him Hao Jr.
-You’re the first to hold little Hana Asakura once he’s born since Yoh had fainted during the birthing process, Anna literally only trusts you with her baby.
-Your the crazy aunt that carries little Hana around in a baby chest carrier, both of you wearing black shades as you walk around flexing that you are the proud aunt of a handsome little orange boy!
-Yoh is super happy to find out that you end up engaged to Horohoro but does give him the talk about cherishing you and killing you if he hurts you.
-Yoh and Hao become your honorary brothers and they don’t let anyone mess with you even if you’re old enough to protect yourself.
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purplexiasphinx · 3 years
ok so I'm hyperfixating therefore I will hyperanalyze Rider's Lullaby please enjoy
I'm on mobile so I can't put a readmore so uhhh beware of spoilers pls scroll
I'm very obsessed with this. First of all, we don't actually... we don't actually have much information on Rider. She's just Rider, y'know? We know a lot about Horse. We know Horse is brave and strong and willing to give up... anything to keep the people she cares about safe. And that's beautiful.
But PAST that. Rider's Lullaby is sort of... well. Okay.
Let me put it like this.
The Nowhere King's song is often called a lullaby. Rider's Lullaby is literally called a lullaby. It's in the name. Okay, now hear me out bc as you can PROBABLY tell this is going to get a little Out There.
OKAY so. They are both lullabies. What if... what if Rider's Lullaby is some sort of... counter to The Nowhere King.
It holds so much love and trust in it, locked hands and bright eyes and longing.
And this fucking line.
I'll never, ever leave your side...
I have not stopped thinking about this line.
I'll stay here through the darkest night...
PLUS I keep accidentally writing nightmare king when I mean nowhere king and that cannot just be a coincidence
I mean it CAN but I refuse to believe that because I am MAKING my crack theories and you're gonna LIKE IT
But PAST that because I had a new idea, WHAT IF...
what if he just didn't want to be alone?
The Nowhere King kind of reminded me of Elias. You know the one maybe.
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this fucking guy.
He reminds me of Elias.
And you know what Elias was? (At least, in the manga, which is all I have as I have not seen the anime yet)
He was lonely.
He had Chise, after a time. And they were happy. Or, at least, as happy as they could be while in constant peril.
Who did the Nowhere King have?
He had the mysterious woman, at some point.
And then she left.
She trapped him in Nowhere.
... she made him what he is now.
All that is good can never last, right?
My theory is he was toxic anyways, but she loved him. Probably still does.
He isn't just... some malevolent being here to destroy everything for shits and giggles.
He's a person with thoughts and feelings and he's hurting. That doesn't excuse his actions in the slightest, but that doesn't excuse hers either.
Sometimes the best thing is to end it all. But... what if? What if he could have been saved, if she'd... if she'd just been a little braver? Stronger? If... if she hadn't cared so much, she could have ended it.
At least, that's how I think she thinks.
What if.
She's gotta be tired of 'what if's. Of wondering. Of worrying. Of tearing herself apart with guilt and remorse, wishing she could have just done something.
But she can't. And there's nothing left to do.
Rider's Lullaby is a sign of trust and safety. The Nowhere King's song is a sign of danger, and unease.
I really like the lines "You will bring joy to the Nowhere King... when he sees the light leaving your eyes" combined with the fact that sometimes the light actually leaves his eyes. His eyes are dark, soulless voids... but also they aren't. They have a light. It just...
I don't think that's a soul. That is an evil presence, a darkness within light.
The woman is a light within darkness.
Now, this is gonna go way out past what I was talking about and just do a complete U-Turn back to the Nowhere King because IN CASE YOU COULD NOT TELL he is one of my favorite characters right after the Gang (they count as one character solely because I could never pick between them)
his song.
It always contains a lot of voices. More than you can see. The plants sing, sure, BUT.
Those plants aren't centaurs. We've seen centaur trees, and plenty of other things... but those plants are just... plants. That Sing.
And from the Shamans, we know that at least some plants are connected and speak easily.
And then there's the flowers.
I think that they are part of the Nowhere King. They aren't just plants, they're roots. They're connections.
And. Going even farther out.
I think they might also be souls. Souls that the Nowhere King has taken. Stolen. Consumed. Each voice in the chorus is someone that has been lost in the inky-black pool that is... him.
He is a corruption. An infestation.
But... what if he isn't? What if the Nowhere King is really just the skull, and the 'ink' is the real problem? What if he was corrupted, just like the rest of the voices?
What if... what if the light already left his eyes, and he's merely a husk for the one pulling the strings?
What if he died a long, long time ago... and she (the woman) just couldn't handle that? What if she couldn't live without him? What if she was willing to do anything to save him?
What if she was willing to even do something despicable, something nobody was willing to do?
I saw a post talking about how there's probably another world, the one where the Minotaurs came from? What if... what if they're not the only thing that came from there?
A human body can only take so much strain before it collapses. Falls apart.
However, a centaur body...
Maybe something needed a host. And the woman was the perfect vessel... to bring it to the host it needed.
Maybe it offered life. An exchange. It could have a host, and she could have the one she loved back.
But it wasn't him anymore. It wasn't the person she knew. He was the Nowhere King now.
A waking nightmare.
So she did the only thing she could, and locked him away.
Where he couldn't hurt anyone. And nobody could hurt him.
Nothing good is meant to last.
Anyways I'm just really hyped for the next season ok bye
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sapphire-dreamsky · 4 years
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Red Night
Starring: Ryomen Sukuna, Curse!Reader, OCs
Pairing: Sukuna x Curse!Reader
Warning: Death of minor characters.
A/N: It's kind of a historical AU? I mean Sukuna has his original form, and it takes place in the past. But it's also historically innaccurate😅. I apologise in advance.
In retrospect, (y/n) knew it was fruitless. The gap between curses and humans was far too large. It was already set in the humans’ heart, the fear which accompanies ‘their’ apparition. By ‘their’ they mean curses of course. People were so scared of them that the mere utterance of their name, in their superstitious mind, meant immediate death. 
But (y/n) wanted to believe in the hope that one day, curses and humans could understand each other. She wanted them to be able to make a compromise so that both can live in peace. This shouldn’t be impossible. Curses are born from humans. Some humans even become curses. But that hope was squashed down as the townspeople grew to fear her. 
Sukuna watches as the town which once worshipped the ground (y/n) walked on, were now chanting her demise. They brought forth their pitchforks, their torches all in the hopes of killing the abomination. The abomination they once worshipped as if she was a goddess. Well, she was one in his eyes. A foolish, naive goddess, but still his. 
The woman looked around her, eyes gleaming in the orange glow of the fire. She so desperately wanted to turn back time. She wonders where it all went wrong. Did all her good deeds disappear as quickly as the day turned into the night? Her mind takes her back to a few months back. When she was arguing with her king.
“You are being foolish, (y/n). I once was a human exterminating curses. I know how the human mind works. They will hate you whatever you do.”
“But Sukuna, don’t you want a world where we can both live freely? Without the omnipresent fear that humans will always want to kill the likes of us?”
“I live for killing humans. I live for the carnage. But if you’re so stubborn, go on to that town down our mountain. Prove me wrong if you so desire to get along with these pests.” Sukuna rolled his four eyes, four arms crossed on his chest. He could care less about living with humans. He thought that the life they were leading up that mountain was enough. No one could disturb them there. But no, (y/n) had to have this stupid idea in her pretty little mind. Sometimes the King wonders how she became a curse with so much kindness and compassion in her heart. He could hardly see her curse anyone. She was too kind for her own good. That’s a part of her personality Sukuna cannot get rid of.
And so she headed down to the town at the foot of the mountain they were residing at. She remembers their warm smile as they welcome her into their ranks. She looked like them after all. Mere humans wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between human curses and themselves. They merely thought that her tattoos were among one of the oddities which she had. She stayed in the town for six months. Six blissful months where all their woes disappeared thanks to (y/n). She healed the young and elderly to her best abilities despite using curse energy. She helped the crops grow even during floods. The town is prospering more than ever since her arrival. And so, they made a shrine for her. They showered her with praises, thanking the gods for sending their messenger to their town. 
Sukuna watched from the temple as his lover went and made friends around town. He watched her giving her warm smiles to children as they tugged on her kimono for attention. He watched her become known as the merciful goddess of that town. The king of curses didn’t know what to think. Her ideas were foolish. Humans and curses can never coexist. That’s the truth. But he let her run around. He only watched from a distance because he knew that he was the one who would be right. It won’t be long before she realizes that humans were monsters in sheep’s clothing. It won’t be long until she comes back to his side.
(Y/n) felt happy. She was glad that she could help the people. A positive feeling accompanied all the good deeds. The people were happy with her presence. ‘It won’t be long until they see that curses have feelings too!’ (Y/n) though ecstatically. What she didn’t know was that she gained the attention of not only the people living in the town but also those who ruled that town. And cruel was the man who watched the beautiful woman in the pink flower-patterned kimono as she walked around town carelessly, with an easy smile. He shall have her. She will be his newest concubine. He was the Lord of that land. Everything belonged to him. And that included that peculiar woman. Messenger of the gods or not, that had little importance in his eyes, for he was the Lord who ruled over everything. It didn’t matter if she was married or engaged, for he lived only for his own pleasure.
It was a cloudless day. (Y/n) was going to visit Sukuna again as was her habit. In her hand was a wooden basket an elderly woman crafted for her after learning she was going up to the shrine on the mountain. “Be careful,” said the elderly woman with a concerned tone, “I hear that there are wild animals up that mountain. It’s dangerous. No one goes there anymore because of them.” (Y/n) smile reassuringly at her. She knew for a fact that there were no wild animals. Sukuna was merely protective of the place he decided to claim as his own. The elderly woman was the first one who welcomed her to that town. She introduced to the young curse everything she had to know about the town’s custom and their cultures. To the curse, she was like a grandmother. The elderly woman had no family and was a widow. She lived alone in her house of stone on the outskirt of town. So, (y/n) took it upon herself to visit her as often as she could. She would often bake (y/n) some treats to repay her help around her house. The curse would often bring them up to Sukuna so that they could eat it together. The King was disgusted at first. But after much nagging, he relented and begrudgingly said that they tasted “alright”. That meant to (y/n) that they tasted good. That he liked them. So she would always bring him the treats the old widow prepared for her. Watching him enjoy something so simple makes her so happy. It’s like a reminder for her. A reminder that Sukuna used to be a human. Watching him eat is so grounding because she could pretend that they were normal. That they wouldn’t get shun should they decide to live amongst humans. She wanted to go to the market with her king. She wanted to do domestic chores that her parents used to do a long time ago. She wanted to go to festivals with her king even if he would complain the whole time. It was these little wishes which kept her trying to make peace with humans. She wanted Sukuna to enjoy something human. Something which would remind him that he too used to be human.
The road to the mountain was always quiet. It was not very used since people rarely travelled this way. But today, there was a very fancy carriage with some guards obscuring her usual route. (Y/n) came to a halt in front of the carriage, head cocked to the side, confused. The guards open the door and help a tall man down. He was a tall human with black hair and green eyes. He might have been handsome in humans’ standard. But he paled in comparison to her beloved grouchy King. He gave her what he considered his ‘best smile’. It was a grin really. It was so different from Sukuna’s. The grin of this human makes her uncomfortable. The grin of Sukuna made her feel butterflies in her stomach. It made her nervous in a good way. 
“Rejoice woman! For, the great ruler of the town has decided to make you his concubine! This is not a favour which is given to many. You are special in my eyes so get in the carriage and let’s head back to the palace immediately! I want to get acquainted with you, lovely flower.” The woman cringes. Sukuna who was rude and crass was finally not that bad. ‘There are people who are worse than him when trying to flirt, after all. How shocking.’ But nevertheless (Y/n) politely bows her head in apology. It would be bad if she upset the Lord since she wanted to get along with his people after all. “ I apologize, My Lord. There is already someone in my life at the moment. I’m certain, however, that you will find someone more fitting for the position you are offering.” With that, the young woman leaves the flabbergasted man behind and continues her road to the mountain. The road which led to the king of her heart. 
The man watches her leave in anger. No one was ever brave enough to simply brush him aside like that. How dare she humiliate him in front of his guards like that. The lord was turning red. With a cold cutting voice, he orders his guards to spread a rumour. ‘The pretty little woman will soon run begging for mercy at his feet.’ He thought, chuckling maniacally.
After she spent her night with her King who was attention-starved, not that he would admit it. He would rather fight a thousand shamans than admit that he missed his annoying woman. (Y/n) decides to go back to town to see if there was anything she could help with. Instead of the warm welcome, she always gets, all she receives is cold shoulders and glares. The people cowered away from her. ‘Could they know about my real identity?’ Worried, she decides to go to the one person who would tell her everything. The old woman’s shop was closed today. (Y/n) had to head to the house on the outskirts of town. Just going there took the young woman the whole morning. She knocked on the woman’ door. In the corner of her eyes, she sees a curtain move. The door opens quickly, a frail old hand grabs the curse and drags her inside before quickly shutting the door. 
“Oh my poor child. You should not have come back! You have to run away before nightfall!” (Y/n) looks at her confused. “But why?” The woman shakes her head gravely. “The lord of this town is awful. He takes whoever he wants. If they don’t go along with him, they are killed by the townspeople.” The curse recoils. Frozen in her shock, the elderly woman goes on. “He told everyone that you were a witch. You fornicate with the devil which is why you can heal, do so many miracles for us. Everyone is scared right now. They will-” 
A loud bang resonates. Shouts of anger can be heard from outside. The moon shines in red glows as torches illuminate the night. The old woman drags the curse to the side door and pushes her outside. “Go! I will distract them!” “Grandma, no! You have to come with me! I can protect us both!” The old woman shakes her head and smiles at the curse gently. “You might not be human, but your heart is kinder than most. This house means everything to me. I want to die between these walls.’’ The woman pushes (y/n) one more time. The curse watches as they condemn the human who has been so kind to her from the very first day. The curse watches as they burn this house to the ground. The memories she made with the woman burning and disappearing in the fire. Oh, how cruel humans can be.
Alerted by the smell of fire, Sukuna exits his temple and watches as the town below chases after his lover. Their torches and angry shouts can be heard in the silence of the night. Sukuna watches as his lover stands in the middle of the crowd. The lord watches in satisfaction from his home as they chase down the woman who humiliated him. Ready to intervene, Sukuna runs down the path leading to the little town.
(Y/n) shocked at the turn of the events, looks around her. These people that she helped in the past. These people who would always smile at her when she is passing through town. They were now cursing at her, wishing her dead. They killed one of their own because of a sin that she didn’t commit. Because of the old widow’s kind heart. Her eyes are glassy. She can feel a tear falling down. It hurts. It suffocates her. She can barely breathe as they keep on chanting her demise. The people she loved turned against her. Sukuna was right. Even without knowing what she truly was, humans would always chase away those who didn’t appear humans. 
And so, during that full moon, which would later be known as the Red Night, she burned that town to the ground without Sukuna’s help. She became their worst nightmare. Their worst fear came to reality as they angered the goddess. The lord who instigated all of this tragedy watches in fear as (y/n) burned his town to the ground. He would become the only living witness. He would later tell his children about the story of the goddess of his old town. The scar which marred with once flawless skin that he received from her would be the only proof of her very existence. The proof that you should not anger a curse. 
Sukuna held her as they went back to their temple. For once, he spared her of his snide comment. He doesn’t complain as she wets his kimono with her tears. His four arms encircle her form protectively. She might have been foolish but she was his. And the gods forbid, Sukuna took care of everything which was his. Even if they annoy him by forcing him to eat sweets, even if she would hug him without the fear that he would snap and kill her in an instant. Sukuna might not understand the concept of love, as a human, he loved no one but himself. But as a curse, he knew that he loved her as he let her sit comfortably in his lap. He knew he loved her when he let her make a home in his temple. She knew Sukuna loved her when he held her tight and never let go.
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Since I’ve been posting more and more lately, I’ve decided to make a masterlist! NSFW posts will be under the tag Bringing Sexy Back! I will be updating this masterlist frequently so don’t worry about that! Here are the various categories!
Ask Me Anything!
If you’re new to this blog and don’t know where to start or if you just wanna get to know me better, you can use these ask games to talk to me :)
Sweet and Pure Asks
70 Horrible Questions
Let’s Get Personal
See What Your Followers Think Of You
Space Things for Questions
Fanfic Writer Asks
Anon Fruits
Get To Know Me
Pure Asks
Get To Know Me (Uncomfortably Well)
Send Me A Number!
Send Me An Emoji!
Anonymous PDA
Headcanon Games
If you’re struggling to come up with unique requests of your own, here’s where to start! I accept these requests for all fandoms on my list so ask away!
Fluff Alphabet
Filth Alphabet
Filth Alphabet Version 2
Love Headcanons
Character + Room Headcanons
Angst Alphabet
General/Platonic Alphabet
Valentine’s Day Alphabet
Character Number Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
Now for the fandoms! If a fandom is empty, it’s because I haven’t received a request for it yet or I haven’t written anything for it yet! That’s where you come in ;)
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Characters In Quarantine
Angst Alphabet: C
Nana Osaki
SFW/NSFW Headcanons with a female reader
Shinichi Okazaki
Filth Alphabet: I, J, K, O, and X
Filth Alphabet: Everything else
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Drunk In Love (NANA Week 2020)
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing (NANA Week 2021)
Headcanons with S/O with Self-Harm Scars
Yasu Takagi
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Number Headcanons: 10 and 21
Nobuo Terashima
Filth Alphabet: I, J, K, O, and X
Birthday Relaxation (One-Shot)
Takumi Ichinose
Number Headcanons: 17
Nana Komatsu
Number Headcanons: 20
Ren Honjo
Number Headcanons: 1 and 15
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Yami Yugi / Atem
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Jealousy Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet
Chasing S/O Headcanons
Valentine’s Day Alphabet: A, E, H, I, Y
Valentine’s Day Alphabet: Everything Else
Losing His Pregnant Wife Headcanons
Giving/Receiving Hickies Headcanons
Yugi Moto
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Jealousy Headcanons
Seto Kaiba
Sassy, Chubby S/O Headcanons
Female Employee S/O Headcanons
Making It Work (One-Shot)
Tea Gardner
Valentine’s Day Alphabet: A, E, H, I, Y
Yu-Gi-Oh GX
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Zane Truesdale
Fluffy Headcanons
Fast and Furious
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Letty Ortiz
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Han Lue
Female Racer S/O Headcanons
Female Racer S/O Headcanons Part 2
Dominic Toretto
Jealousy Headcanons
Seduce Me
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Fox Goddess S/O Headcanons
Stressed Out Reader Scenario
Teen Titans
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Headcanons With A Female Reader Who’s Afraid Of Intimacy
Number Headcanons: 1, 4, 13, 18
Being Teased by S/O Headcanons
Jealousy Headcanons
Spending Time With Female S/O Headcanons
Sexuality and Kinks
Silent Night (One-Shot)
Making Love Playlist
Face Sitting Headcanons
Sex and The City: Teen Titans Edition
Code Lyoko
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Ulrich Stern
You’ve Begun To Feel Like Home (One-Shot)
Yumi Ishiyama
Love at First Virtualization (One-Shot)
Persona 5
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Goro Akechi
Blowing Off Steam (One-Shot)
Innocent Girlfriend Headcanons
Love Triangle with Joker Headcanons
Green-Eyed Monster (One-Shot)
Ride or Die (One-Shot)
Ann Takamaki
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Makoto Niijima
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Futaba Sakura
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Haru Okumura
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
These are the fandoms I have NOT written for yet and I am always taking requests for them!
Peach Girl
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Winx Club
Shaman King
Saints Row
Persona 4
Catherine Full Body
Persona 3
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