#genderless until proven gendered
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Oh, im Mutterleib? Das ist ja eigentlich sehr fortschrittlich von der AfD, aber eine 100% Frauenquote fĂŒr ganz Deutschland klingt doch etwas ĂŒberzogen.
Die AfD ist so dumm đ„Č Sie wollen im niedersĂ€chsischen Landtag einen Beschluss betragen und fordern darin, dass "auf Landesebene durch gezielte Regelungen und administrative MaĂnahmen" sichergestellt wird, dass Kinder und Jugendliche in Schulen und Freizeiteinrichtungen "keinerlei MaĂnahmen ausgesetzt sind, die einen Transitionswunsch hervorrufen oder befördern".
#der menschliche fötus beginnt weiblich. entwicklung von mĂ€nnlichen geschlechtsmerkmalen beginnt erst nach 6-7 wochen.#die info könnte inzwischen veraltet sein idk#in dem fall erhielten wir aber im Mutterleib eine nichtbinĂ€re identitĂ€t#da könnte ich mich wiederrum komplett dahinter stellen#genderless until proven gendered#dann hĂ€tten wir das mit dem sexismus auch gleich geklĂ€rt#âaber die meinen Gonosome!!â#tja. die befruchtung und somit zuteilung des X oder Y chromosoms findet aber im Eileiter und nicht dem Mutterleib (gebĂ€rmutter) statt.#pech gehabt wir sind jetzt alle enbies#shitpost#ramble#trans#german stuff#bundesTag
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This is mine version of Silent salt's pre-corruption and
I DON'T care what gender Salt is. They can be a dude dressing pretty like Affogato or can be a woman dressed as a man like Caramel Arrow. Hell, they can be non-binary for all I know, I'll be happy with whatever! The design and drawings of them will STILL work not matter what gender because I made it that way!
I just say HE/HIM is because I go what I see first until proven wrong. The only proof I can have is the leaks and that's just them shape shifting!

I seen one guy dressed in a black suit and veil at a funeral once (which was eerily cool) BUT I get it. I get it. Just remember that THESE are concepts and old ideas of the beasts... Salt could be genderless and I'll still be fine with it. Moonlight cookie's concept was a old man but you don't see me complaining.
#just wait#I'm tried of this shit#shroomlord#cookie run kingdom#crk#silent salt cookie#sea salt cookie
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So I saw someone mention Namy Gaga on here and... well, if you want more context, I'm more than happy to provide links (to videos by Biotex Racoon on Youtube - overall they do a good job at detailing credible information regarding Namy's actions (English subtitles are needed btw)) for more context:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/tYptunXswYI?si=omEUyuajQwhUUZK7
Part 2.1: https://youtu.be/sjwFO6v8j84?si=dqvPyc5ourgKjGYo
Part 2.2: https://youtu.be/hOsdtXk4P_U?si=aSNa9cye6qUarQUi
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcrRkJPeQKg
I'm actually surprised not enough people are aware of her actions, which is actually worrying to me given that she still has her online platforms (Youtube, Deviantart, Tumblr, Insta, Cara, Twitter, etc.) despite the hurt she has caused.
The reason why I'm not showing images/evidence for some of her actions on here is because I want to maintain my anonymity for my own safety (since Namy has had a history of harassing her critics and manipulating her fanbase to harass those who publicly bring awareness to her behaviour) and Tumblr doesn't allow you to share images in an anonymous ask.
If you want a summary of some of the more egregious things she's done, I'll quickly provide one below (with the appropriate disclaimers and content warnings for any readers ofc).
TO ANYONE READING THIS: Please DO NOT send harassment to either Namy or anyone else involved.
TO ANYONE READING THIS: Please DO NOT contact/harass Namyâs current partner or any of her family as, to my knowledge, they have no involvement in the incidents Iâll be discussing.
TO ANYONE READING THIS: Two things can be true at once. Namy should be held accountable for her actions regardless of her LGBTQ+ experiences AND invalidating/disrespecting the identities of Namy and those involved (her victims included) is bad and sets an awful precedent when it comes to cases like this.
Namy was born in October 1998 and currently lives in Mexico (as per her DeviantArt bio).
At the time the majority of the incidents that Iâll discuss were documented (2015-2024), Namy had been very open about her lesbian identity and a lot of her work features LGBTQ+ characters and relationships (mostly those under the sapphic umbrella). As of me writing this, she still identifies as lesbian/sapphic (âI still like women, I have a sexual and romantic preference for feminine traits, I don't care if the person is a trans girl, an androgynous person or a genderless person or many, as long as they look feminine, I like itâ).
For the majority of her online presence, Namy identified as a cis woman, but explored androgynous gender expression (e.g. fashion) in ~2022-2023. As of August 2024, Namy opened up about being genderfluid. While Namy still prefers âshe/herâ (which I will be using here), she doesnât mind being referred to as a guy.
Some of the controversies Namy has been involved in have been omitted from this ask, either because they were caused by a genuine misunderstanding, were resolved privately, were just blown out of proportion by some people to justify harassment, and/or will take focus away from the more concerning incidents should I discuss them here.
When discussing some individuals, certain details have be changed/omitted to respect their privacy and to prevent further harassment.
Despite the substantial evidence supporting the testimonies of those she hurt, I regrettably need to state that, until Namy has been trialled and convicted in a court of law, she is innocent until proven guilty (that, however, is a legal disclaimer and should not be misconstrued as me dismissing the aforementioned evidence).Â
As a FNAF fan since mid-2019, I used to be a casual fan of Namyâs FNAF AU from that time up until mid-2022 (when I first found out about some of the more egregious things sheâs done, including what happened to one of her victims) - this is why I know a bit about her AU story and how closely tied the development of it was to the incidents Iâll discuss (essentially tarnishing the legacy of that AU).
While I will give Namy a SMALL benefit of the doubt that she has changed from certain behaviours and mindsets (e.g. transphobia), no amount of âwanting to changeâ will exempt her from being responsible for the hurt she caused to her victims and any legal consequences that she will have to face for that.
Predatory/abusive relationships
Inappropriate and illegal/immoral NSFW artwork
Queerphobia including but NOT limited to:
Transphobic remarks
Fetishisation/harmful depictions of bisexual women (in a fictional context in her FNAF AU, but still has worrying implications)
Distasteful remarks regarding ace and pan people
Potentially harmful depictions of sexual abuse and mental health struggles experienced by LGBTQ+ characters (again, in her FNAF AU)
Harassment including but NOT limited to doxxing, sexual harassment, and spreading misinformation
Manipulative behaviours
Using slurs as a means of deriding those with genuine criticisms/concerns
Basically, here is the summary:
Namy has had a long history of creating NSFW artwork condoning/romaticising incest (e.g. one of the romantic pairings in her FNAF AU being of Circus Baby/Brenda and her adoptive mother Ballora/Roselle) and the sexualisation of teenagers/children (e.g. her infamous TOH comic), some of which date back as far as 2014/2015. As of 2024, she claimed that she has removed those pieces from all of her NSFW platforms, but as of me writing this, they're all still up on her Baraag account.
She has swung between condemning and supporting Shadman and his drawings (if you know, you know) whenever it was most convenient for her, claiming that he was one of her inspirations when it came to drawing NSFW artwork herself from a very young age.
In 2018, Namy harassed another FNAF AU creators (Ed00chan), claiming that her FNAF AU was better and making a couple of what I can only describe as harassment drawings (both of which are still on her Deviantart (https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/Pero-ke-Mrd-es-esto-NO-706449559) and one of which included the AUs of other artists who I doubt supported her harassment in any way (https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/FNAFNG-What-did-you-say-753972002)).
Namy has had a history of being incredibly immature and spiteful towards her critics (not the trolls, I mean those who had genuine concerns about her behaviour). In response to getting kicked out of a Welcome Home Facebook fan group in May 2023, she accused the admins of homophobia (essentially using her identity as a shield) when they were actually concerned about the safety of the other members. In the years prior to this, she had used multiple slurs to refer to her critics, such as "gringo" (a derogatory Latin Spanish term for anyone who is a foreigner, regardless of someone's skin colour or ethnic/cultural background), the n-word, and the r-slur.
In July 2023 (around the time something VERY important happened that I'll discuss later on), Namy made a Tumblr account and made two posts mocking her critics. She has since repurposed it as an ask blog, but that blog was still intended to be used to harass her critics.
In 2015, she made a post on Twitter arguing that medical transition and gender-affirming surgery was a pointless endeavour for trans and gender-diverse people, telling those who have had surgery to get a refund and calling them the latin Spanish equivalent of the f-slur (that screenshot may still be circulating on Tumblr).
In 2018, Namy made an infamous "meme comic" gatekeeping LGBTQ+ experiences (i.e. according to her logic, exploring and coming to terms with your sexuality/gender is a 'decision' and that her advice is 'the most correct') - warning that some of the comments underneath this post are pretty confronting: https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/LGBT-Correct-answer-Meme-757868018
In the years to follow, she has been criticised by LGBTQ+ people for a number of things including but not limited to: making distasteful comments about two pansexual characters from her FNAF AU (see in the description of this post (https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/FNAFNG-Pride-Month-11-881475230) and Namy's response to one of the comments of this post (https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/FNAFNG-Pride-Month-14-966150705)), ignoring the fact that ace and a-spec people can have relationships (translated from one of her Twitter posts in 2021: "As long as a character may be able to feel love, they have the right to have a partner"), pairing bisexual women characters in her FNAF AU with incest jokes (the adoptive daughter of Chica and Stacy/Toy Chica: https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/FNAFNG-Photo-album-926228818) and incestuous relationships (Circus Baby/Brenda), pairing Brenda's bisexuality and her trauma from sexual abuse (which she also fetishised in this censored drawing: https://www.deviantart.com/namyg/art/FNAFNG-Freakenda-begins-ECCHI-880842769) with said incestuous relationship without any level of sensitivity or consideration, and tagging an NSFW artwork of Poppy Partridge (a trans woman) from Welcome Home as "futanari" (a hentai genre that has been heavily criticised for fetishising trans and intersex bodies).
On two separate occasions, Namy engaged in predatory, abusive (emotionally and sexually) relationships with 16-17 year-old individuals. One of these relationships took place in 2019-2020 (Evan, a trans man who Namy dated prior to his transition - after their relationship ended, Namy would misgender and deadname him behind his back) and the other in 2020-2021 (Mely) - both of which while Namy was in her early 20s and completely aware of their ages (blackmailing Mely into keeping her age a secret).
As per their testimonies, both Evan and Mely experienced emotional/sexual abuse, romantic grooming, and manipulation from Namy. Biotex's new video details Namy specifically did to them both (warning for some of it can be incredibly distressing to read/hear about).
Namy has defended both of these relationships, even falsifying Mexican laws to downplay how illegal these relationships are (despite the fact that the ages of consent in most provinces in Mexico, including her own, is 18 - and that Mexico does not have "Romeo and Juliet laws").Â
After Mely cut ties with Namy, Namy allegedly continued to harass her, especially in her comments on the former's Facebook posts. In July 2023, Mely - who had come out about her experiences publicly in September 2022 - filed a lawsuit against Namy (yet to be resolved as of me writing this).
In response, Namy doxxed Mely's full legal name in a video addressing the lawsuit (which has since been deleted) and lied about the relationship, inciting her fanbase to harass Mely. This harassment worsened in December 2023, when Namy released a Google Drive attempting to paint herself as innocent and to victim-blame Mely. The Drive in question has been privated as of me writing this, but it contained screenshots and other evidence confirming that love-bombing and sexual coercion/exploitation among others were involved in this relationship (meaning they could easily be used in to support the victimâs testimony in a court of law).
Namy continues to victim-blame both Evan and Mely, despite privating the Google Drive and claiming to have apologised to both victims.
Since Biotex's newest video came out, there was a third victim (Zoe, who was one of Namy's voice actors for her FNAF AU animations since 2017 (when she was 16)) of Namy's behaviour and who knows how many others she's hurt! Even with the potential argument that Namy had no intent to have a romantic relationship with Zoe, that doesn't ignore the fact that, during 2017, Namy initiated sexually-charged conversations with Zoe, talked about ideas for NSFW art, and requested audio from Zoe to which she responded by saying that Zoe had a "sexy voice".
Thank you for reading.
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Another Rito headcanon of the day!
Young Rito start learning to fly when they first grow in their primary and secondary flight feathers, around age four/five.
Around age seven/eight is when Rito boys will typically start learning to shoot a bow or use basic weapons.
There's a speculation from other domains that Rito culture is a little on the sexist side for not having female warriors, however Rito have a significantly different view on gender identity to many races. There is no way to biologically know if a Rito is male of female at birth because they all have cloaca, so whether or not you are an egg layer or not doesn't become apparent until adolescence. Instead of determining their gender by anatomy, infant Rito are all considered genderless until they either begin to take an interest in more 'masculine' or 'feminine' activities, and they sort of decide their own gender in childhood. Rito warriors are typically all male because wanting to fight is considered a male activity. Many Rito warriors lay eggs and are still considered men.
When Rito warriors turn eighteen, they receive a coming of age ceremony. The young warrior is dressed in ceremonial clothing and must battle with an elder warrior and win. Once they have proven their strength, the young warrior receives two traditional arrowheads of the tribe which are worn at the end of their braids to show their maturity.
Warriors often wear a sash decorated with patterns which represent their legacy or family, and if a warrior is lost in battle, his companions will often paint his traditional patterns onto their own garb aside their own so that he may still join them in future battles.
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@saintjustitude asked me to relate HallowedHarpy's First Video abt Dragons and Targ Women fertilizing them.
Basically, with all the knowledge of Septon/Barth and the dragons' sex is changing as ""flame", Harpy posits that dragons have no real gender and all are capable of laying eggs at some point, but their eggs can only be fertilized once they have a bond with a female dragonrider.
it cannot be possible that every dragon is a male until "proven" female, bc other dragons out of sight of human eyes have laid eggs (Cannibal, Sheepstealer, they came from somewhere) -- female-proven after the fact of eggs laid
Septon Barth-Maester Aemon -- dragons don't have a fixed gender and can change genders (Barth was around Jaehaerys when dragons were around; info he wrote destroyed by Aegon III, Dragonsbane to prevent dragon reproduction...which seems like Barth was telling some truths)
all dragons have the ability to lay eggs (however you wish to conceptualize that) & are genderless
some dragons will go their entire lives laying no eggs bc their ability to lay eggs will depend on size, environment, health, etc.
not all eggs will hatch bec we know from the series that they are laid but never hatched...so that means that they might not have been fertilized
since dragons are not strictly sexed male-female and thus their eggs aren't fertilized by "males", the dragon has to be bonded to a Valyrian-descent/dragonlord-descent woman
in recorded history, there was no dragon bonded to a male Targ or otherwise who produced any known offspring OR EGGS
again, people have assumed that the dragons laying eggs were female AFTER THE FACT
so the "male"-thought dragons may have laid eggs...but they just never hatched
Rhaenyra and Daenerys had hybrid human-dragon babies/stillborns reinforces this idea of bond-w-human-woman-influencing-dragons-fertility -- fertility connection goes BOTH WAYS, dragon affects woman, woman affects dragon
all a consequence (whether intention or not) of all the blood magic to create this bond in Old Valyria
#the targaryens#asoiaf writing#asoiaf dragons#asoiaf#asoiaf tik tok#asoiaf sorcery#old valyria#hallowed harpy#asoiaf theories
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If you know any of my ocs please assume theyre all genderless and bisexual until proven wrong ignore the gendered pronouns pleaseeee
#Im not using they them for all of them itd get confusing... Also itd make ghe ones with a solid gender identity stick out like a sore thumb#When all the characters genders are supposed to be equal. Cept for the trans NB ones.#If you see me calling a character She He They & I haven't disclosed ghat theyre trans or smth ignore it#Its as natural as me switching from calling him Grey & Gray.#nillas#my ocs
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And while I'm on here you know what, I'm undeleting the theory from the other day. Here goes of what I can remember, plus some new thoughts since I've had a few more days to let it percolate!
With the addition that I am now aware that "Isgarren appeared to Turai as such, it was in Turai's journal", I have one thing to say to that: how do we know what's real in regards to documentation left around in the game. The current maps we are playing in are obviously lousy with a magic we as the Commander/Wayfinder are completely unfamiliar with and cannot do a vibe check on. Beyond that, we have never met Turai (living anyways) as the Commander/Wayfinder so we have no reference for how he sounds. In short, I am chalking a lot of the documentation left around up to magic manipulation/unreliable narration until proven otherwise.
And to get back to the theory as it once stood: Isgarren claims that he is a Seer. If we go back to the Guild Wars 1 wiki, a Seer appears like the one in the image below.
The face is correct for Isgarren, but he is blue and not black and as someone on Discord pointed out, Isgarren is lacking "the weird Seer pizza feet".
Also of note at that link: there was a dead Seer at Zinn's lab back in Guild Wars 1. There certainly isn't one now in the fractal. đ€
But now to the meat of the matter - if Isgarren is not a Seer, then what? I posit that is in fact a djinn, as seen below in a screenshot from (once again) the GW1 wiki.
Now to make my case...
1) djinn can shapeshift, while it is never indicated in the lore that Seers are able to. Yes the argument can be made that "his magic" but;
2) Isgarren seems to prefer a form of elemental magic in the fight against us, which is also indicative of djinn. He gives Garenhoff the elementals, as well. The magic in the boss fight against him is admittedly different but I circle back to my point of the realm having magic we don't know how to utilize;
5) djinn are also capable of choosing paths of good or evil, like most mortal races of Tyria; and finally,
3) djinn are native to Elona, where Turai's ascension failed;
4) djinn are historically enemies of demons, explaining Isgarren's beef with Eparch and his ilk;
6) Seers are written in the GW1 wiki as being genderless. I don't think GW2 would arbitrarily decide to start gendering a character from a race they wrote as being genderless almost twenty years ago.
I think Isgarren is a djinn, and I have my doubts now as to whether this is even the real Isgarren or someone playing at being him- or them. But I suppose time will tell.
#gw2 soto spoilers#gw2 Isgarren#wall-legion theory hour#(since it's not a headcanon)#I find this character fascinating but his motives and ways of executing his plans are so... nothx#I FORGOT THE DEMONS#edited
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"Good design have complexity control" Android type: Replica android of GCA/Ground Crawling aircraft Gender: Genderless (he,him) Height: 182 cm/ 5â12 ft Story: The first made and the eldest of the GCA, the only one with no programming flaw which ended up being the worse thing the engineer did to him as this resulted in all the stress going straight to his body and thus, he ran out of time quicker than the rest of his brother. After being hooked to the Brevity testing system by the humans. Klavicle concluded that the human wants to measure his self-awareness level by convincing him that heâs sentient; to pass the test he must convince them that he believes himself to be a machine no matter what. Klavicle love all of his brothers and his creator with the entirety of his engine but with the short time he has, he chooses to distance himself from everyone as he sees no point in establish relationship that will not improve his situation nor last long only to be proven wrong when it was too late. Unfortunately, this Klavicle is not the actual Klavicle but a recollection of the other 5 automatas's perceptions of him. Klavicle do not know the true point of the test nor his existence aside from that he is supposed to provoke a certain conversation between the other automatas, but he will play the part until commanded otherwise.
Aircraft form: More coming soon
Combat form: More coming soon
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My running theory until proven otherwise is that humans have no gender. Monsters are very gendered in the sense that every one of them looks and presents different from one another, but all the humans we've seen thus far are the same: referred to with singular they pronouns and generally androgynous (relative to humans as we know them).
These worlds have boys, girls, everything in-between and out-of-bounds, identities that break the mold... in monsters. All humans we've seen (and have been able to create ourselves) are a completely genderless simplification of the form of a "human".
What is gender in this world? Here, the traditional definition is hardly a concept whatsoever. Again, no judgment passes on how anyone identifies in this world. It does, however, has its own answer: humans and monsters.
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so i just finished the Mistborn trilogy (loved it omg it was amazing) and, maybe due to your blog (by maybe i mean definitely) I now want to read Stormlight Archive but I was wondering if there is any queer representation in it, since Mistborn left me wanting a little?
Yes, there is queer representation in Stormlight! It's not much, but considering that the vast majority of fiction contains zero queer characters, it's something. I'll list them out below.
Warning for minor spoilers
Shallan Davar. Bisexual woman via Word of Brandon. Fans pointed out that Shallan seemed attracted to a woman in the first book, so Brandon retroactively made that canon. It only comes up a few times throughout the books.
Drehy. Man who is "courting a man." Only referenced once in the third book and does not specify his sexuality.
Jasnah Kholin. Asexual woman who experiences intellectual attraction. Brandon wrote a detailed reddit post about this shortly before the fourth book was released last month explaining how he decided to make Jasnah ace. One of her POV chapters spends some time talking about her experience with (a lack of) sexual attraction. It's canon in every sense save for actually using the word "asexual."
Ral-na. Transgender man. The king of an island nation, he is afab in the second book. In the novella set between books three and four, Dawnshard, the POV character mentions that he now presents as a man, due to gaining the magic powers of the series. It is also confirmed that the magic powers enabled him to physically transition from a female body to a male body.
Those are the four canon/Word of Brandon canon queer characters in the books, as best I recall (@the fandom please list any I missed). There are a few honorable mentions of characters who are coded as queer in some respect, but how canonical any of these are is unknown.
Kaladin Stormblessed. Man who has expressed little romantic or sexual attraction to other people, save for two women (well, technically one was a teenager when he was a teenager), but only briefly. My reading of him is that he's demisexual or gray ace, though this may be proven wrong in future books.
Renarin Kholin. Man. Due to some comments Brandon has made about the way the magic works in Stormlight, some people have speculated that Renarin is gay. However, there is no canonical evidence for this. Furthermore, Renarin's relationship to gender is complicated because he is disabled (autistic and epileptic and wears glasses) which has interfered with his ability to live up to the masculine ideals of a highly gender-regimented society. Whether or not this he can be considered "queer" is a matter of debate because of the intersection of gender and disability.
Several characters of one of the non-human races in Stormlight. I'm keeping this vague to avoid spoilers, but several characters of this race have mentioned they had little interest in "mating" with others. It's difficult to apply the word "queer" to them because, as beings with non-human bodies, their relationships to gender and sexuality are not like ours. However, certain readings may find their disinterest in mating to be metaphoric for asexuality. It is not a significant part of the story.
There's another example that might count as being transgender, but the process by which it happens is a fairly major spoiler, so I won't detail it here. It is not a significant part of the story.
The ardents. More or less the monks of the dominant religion of the main characters. They are essentially a non-gendered category of humans that anyone of any gender can join, socially transitioning to a genderless class of monks. While they fall outside our world's gender binary and in that respect queer, they are not considered as such in the context of the fictional world.
It can sometimes be difficult to determine with Brandon's works since sex and sexual attraction play barely any role in his books, so a lot of characters are in that "straight until proven queer" default zone. However, Brandon has stated that he's working to incorporate more queer characters into his books since he's heard from queer fans about how important representation is, so I'm hoping that more queer characters will appear in future books.
Also, if you haven't read it yet, Mistborn era 2 has a badass wlw gunsmith in it, though that's also only briefly referenced.
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I really want to throw a gender-reveal party for my eventual child with pink, blue, and (one of the enby colors) fortune cookies, and when everyone opens them, they have messages like:
âGender is a social construct!â
âOur child is genderless until proven otherwise!â
âYou should only care about whatâs in our babyâs diaper if youâre going to change it!â
#queer#lgbt#gender#gender reveal#agender#genderless#trans#transgender#trans ally#non binary#enby#enby ally#humor#funny
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if youre up for it, do you think you could explain how imposter is coded as a trans man? ive honestly never thought of them that way before and im really interested about your thoughts on the matter
sure! whether itâs coded is hard to know, but considering all the evidence, it appears the only logical conclusion is that imposter is a transgender man, or a weirdly secretive cis one. there are multiple parts to this, so iâll split them up...
part one: imposter is not nonbinary. his gender is confirmed. he is male.
the idea that imposter is nonbinary, ironically, came from a transphobic sentiment.
this is all the wiki has to say about it, and this was enough for the fanbase to take it as gospel. i totally understand wanting to take the scraps of nonbinary rep one can claim, when thereâs so, so little, but this so-called rep is based entirely on the idea that sex = gender.
seeing someoneâs CAGAB tells you a grand total of nothing about their gender. iâm sure you donât need me to explain that sex =/= gender and that implying otherwise is transphobic. also, if youâre wondering, this is the quote where imposter refuses to strip:
some could put this down to insecurity about his body type, but if the way he acts at any other time is anything to go by, he isnât insecure about his body at all. therefore, we can assume that it has something to do with his CAGAB.
basically, the writers of this wiki page have seen that imposter considers himself, presents as, and wishes to be seen as male, but wonât accept it until he proves it via his CAGAB and until that happens he is genderless. thatâs a little... hm.
âwait, since when was it proven that he identifies as male?â
in his final fte! he refers to his âtrue selfâ in the third person as a man. twice!
âç·â means man. in the above screenshots, heâs saying âwhat if i was a more handsome, disagreeable man?â and âlet me tell you an interesting story. a story about this man.â not to mention that âă€ă±ăĄăłâ means handsome man exclusively and canât refer to women.
this is decidedly not when heâs talking about togami byakuya. in fact, he told hinata this story under the impression that hinata wouldnât be able to realise that he was talking about himself under his disguise. if anything, he should have a motive to obscure the gender of the storyâs subject so that hinata doesnât put two and two together! but no, imposter refers to himself in the third person as male. if you donât believe me, he does this in the english too.
he even uses he/him pronouns, and i assume that if japanese used pronouns regularly then imposter would have used ćœŒ for himself as well.
iâm obviously not an expert on the ins and outs of transphobia, and if anything iâve said here is wrong any corrections are extremely appreciated. but as i understand it, if someone tells you what their gender is - especially in an intimate moments such as this fte where imposterâs telling hinata as a close friend - you should believe them no matter what. what someoneâs true gender is can only be confirmed by word of mouth from the person themselves. whether their CAGAB matches their claim is simply not relevant.
imposter identifies as male, so he is male. thatâs it.
and before people ask, of course you can hc imposter as nb. i hc hagakure as nb, who also refers to himself in the 3rd person as a man -
and there are nonbinary men/male aligned nb people who are okay calling themselves men as well as nonbinary. but saying heâs canon nb is basically equating gender and birth sex. heâs canonically male.
part two: is imposter trans?
this part is far more just a theory. but considering how all the facts about his character line up, one has to wonder if he was written to be a trans man.
for starters, his voice. while he can impersonate togamiâs voice fine, when he relaxes, his voice sounds like this.
itâs kinda masculine, to be sure, or at least since he says âäżșâ if i were hearing it totally out of context i would definitely know it was a dude. however it shows that 1) heâs extremely good at impersonating male voices that sound nothing like his normal one, and 2) itâs.... kinda feminine. remember this is in the same language where a cis woman can voice naegi and komaeda, and a cis man can voice fujisaki, and have zero problems. (even i find this when i speak; for some reason, in japanese changing your voice âgenderâ is surprisingly easy.)
this changes in the anime, though this could just be because heâs decided to put on a new voice for himself. if thatâs true, then this means heâs decided to work on making his voice more masculine that it is naturally and is in and of itself some pretty solid proof that he might be trans.Â
another part of it is of course that screenshot iâve used already - imposter reaaaally doesnât want people to know his AGAB. he literally says he will ânever, everâ wear a swimsuit. no ifs or buts or any potential for him to change his mind later.
considering that imposter only ever impersonates men (togami, mitarai, kyousuke), with the exception of one time he dressed as kirigiri for an anthology, it would be a little strange for him to obscure his AGAB like that. if he were AMAB, then putting on a swimsuit wouldnât... break the togami facade? nobodyâs researching togamiâs dick size. i canât believe i just typed that...
it is possible he just doesnât want people to see his CAGAB so that he could dress up as a woman later if he so pleased. however, all canon evidence suggests he isnât really into that idea, and he also says this:

once imposter gets spotted as an imposter, he simply disappears and moves on to other things. to go impersonate someone entirely different, i would imagine. heâd leave everyone heâd known as âtogami byakuyaâ behind, and so it reaaaally wouldnât matter if they knew his AGAB.
considering all these things, the only logical conclusion i can come to is that he doesnât want people to know his AGAB because he is CAFAB.
thereâs also how his backstory and identity very clearly mirrors the trans experience to the point where it could be an allegory. again, i canât say i know the complete ins and outs of this experience, and so corrections are appreciated if required. but to be fair, neither do danganronpaâs creators. they too are coming from a cisgender perspective of how being trans works (unless thereâs a trans person on the team iâm unaware of but lbr considering fujisakiâs arc thatâs highly unlikely!), so if thereâs any âmistakesâ, assuming this coding is actually intentional coding, itâs probably just because they are cis.
the first thing is unfortunately... kind of transphobic, but it would be foolish to not bring it up. heâs the âultimate imposterâ.
trans people are often called âimpostersâ for simply wanting to be treated as their real gender. itâs transphobic and horrible, but is the unfortunate reality of how they are treated. imposter is referred to as è©æŹșćž« which means âswindlerâ or âimposterâ. the word implies someone who is a master of lying and deceit.
i know how horrible it sounds, but again we have to understand that this is the same people who wrote fujisaki chihiro. him being the âimposterâ before even getting a name could very well be the writers trying to say that heâs a trans man.
imposter is of course called this because heâs a ćœç©, which means âimitationâ. this is actually the word used to refer to him by the majority of the jp fanbase instead of è©æŹșćž«, which is a lot nicer. heâs not called an imposter because he doesnât want people to know his AGAB; heâs called the imposter because he pretends to be other people. but again, the parallels are there.
not to mention the parallel about how there are no records of his existence beyond who he pretends to be. there are no baby photos. his birth certificate is god-knows-where. he doesnât have a family and if he does he certainly doesnât talk to them.
again, trans people often go to lengths to ensure that any records of their birth sex are destroyed or ignored, and if things go sour post-coming out they may simply act like they donât have a family. imposterâs story takes this idea literally in that he genuinely has no family or name or birth records. itâs very possible this was also an allegory.
all of this leads me to believe that imposter is either:
implied to be a transgender man OR
a cisgender man who is super secretive about his AGAB and also has a lot of allegories for being trans in his design for some reason.
i have genuinely no idea if this was an accident or not. if i could ask the writers ONE question, it would probably be about that. but until then, as the evidence leads me to believe he is transgender, this is how i have decided to see him. i hope this helped.
#hi de ho#danronposting#long post#Anonymous#zkfk >> twomiki#the ultimate imposter#ultimate imposter#byakuya twogami#twogami
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This is a blog for Four from BFB!
I, the owner of the blog (@the-announcing-fox) am not affiliated with the creator. This will only be a blog canon to BFB, with occasional appearances of X, though Four will be the only one here most of the time. Long versions of PERSONALITY and POWERS will be underneath under a tag, where it goes more in-depth.
[ NAME : Four ]
[ GENDER : Genderless. Goes by he/they ]
[ AGE : (non canon) 19 ]
[ PERSONALITY : Sadistic, but has a kind and caring side. He's proven to be somewhat insecure, and wants people to depend on him. ]
[ POWERS : Screechy, Zappies, Advanced-level reality-warping, Gravity manipulation, Shape-shifting, Size manipulation, Brain manipulation, Perspective violation, Controlling and morphing clouds, Earthbending, Physical video conversion, Warping, Malleability, Recovery, Mutilation, Elimination, Inception/Astral projection, Super-speed, Teleportation, Incredible strength, Dismemberment, Flight, Regeneration, Fire resistance (external), Thought manipulation, Intelligence, Airbending, Brain scanning, Incredible hearing, Telekinesis, Despawning, Possession, Assimilation ]
[ PERSONALITY (LONG VER) : Although Four seems to be calm most of the time, they do get angry. Four was well-mannered at one point, however, and didn't screech. But in BFB, they have a mysterious, sadistic personality where they use their powers to harm the contestants just for their fun. Four was shown to want a sense of dominance in the show and gets furious if talked back to or has tasks done for them. When provoked, Four would show no mercy and would even do things such as "dissemble" close friends out of anger, even lacking remorse in the process. Four mistook Nickel's response to calling David and Roboty "the only two non-objects on the team" criticism (which they could not tolerate very well). Four threatens to zap Nickel, with A Better Name Than That's plan being the only thing stopping the attack. Soon enough, Four seemed to be a lot calmer, friendlier, and humbler, most likely because the contestants revived them. They were noticeably less violent than before. After their return, they didn't screech anyone until another episode, adding onto how friendly they became, but will still not hesitate to zap those who bother them. They also declared that they could not allow X to find their treasure because Four must be X's only treasure, signifying that they wants to be necessary to X. "The Escape from Four" shows Four's personality in more depth as well as their possible motivations: they seem to be childish. They act like a control freak because they want everyone to stay with him forever, explaining their narcissism and cruelty when hosting the show. Four throws tantrums when things don't go their way and strongly dislikes being abandoned (possibly due to them losing their playthings) to the point where they cry and refuse to let X console them since they think that X will abandon them too. After the split, Four seems to be nicer to the contestants and shows more personality. Toward the end of the episode, after the split took place and Two took nearly all of the contestants, Taco tells Four that they lost over half of the contestants. Instead of being angry or sad, Four makes light of the situation by saying BFB has "advanced" to its final 14 contestants. In "Uprooting Everything", when it comes to Purple Face asking if he could be a co-host, Four immediately declines, stating they have a better co-host. Four was down about the last four contestants complimenting X's position and saying they were a "good host" than not recuperating the same to Four. In "Chapter Complete", it is shown that they have an insecure side. They get worried that no one likes them as a host and that they would be better off without them. However, at the end, they realized the errors of their ways after hearing that the contestants enjoyed their hosting and has changed from a self-arrogant to a kind-hearted individual, who treats the others better from then onwards. ]
Screechy: Stuns any contestant who's targeted by said screech. It can also generate hearts when Four shows love or excitement towards something, which can fling a contestant as shown with Eraser.
Zappies: Beams that shoot out of their hands and electrocute anybody who is hit by them, making them lose health. Although Four has to seemingly charge up at times (possibly for a longer duration, constant beam), they can also fire them instantly.
Advanced-level reality-warping: Four can create objects such as cakes, buttons, pillars, Paper Planes, Buzzer Boxes, soup, orange dye, and jawbreakers out of thin air. Not only can they revive contestants, but they can also revive them in a place other than their hand, as seen in "Lick Your Way to Freedom" when they revived the contestants in giant jawbreakers, which they also created. Also, as seen with the paper planes in "Fortunate Ben", they can likely manipulate the laws of physics.
Gravity manipulation: Donut, while inhabited by the factor of Four, was able to turn on and off the effects of gravity. This ability can be refined to only affect certain entities, as Donut only manipulated gravity's effects on the Moon. Four was able to crush down a planet-sized Black Hole into a significantly less voluminous state and near nullifying Black Hole's normally intense gravity, allowing Black Hole to compete.
Shape-shifting: As shown in "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", both Four and X can shape-shift, or change their physical appearance. Also, they can change the shape of other characters as well.
Size manipulation: In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Four grows to an absurd size in response to Pillow's criticism. In "Take the Tower", Four grows to a large size when stopping Blocky and creating the towers. In "The Tweested Temple", Four grows to an extremely large size after Four receives Gelatin's cursed totem and declares he is up for elimination.
Brain manipulation: In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Four displayed the power to augment and transfer the brains/personalities of the contestants into each other; however, instead of going back to their original bodies, the body that the person's mind was in shape-shifted into that mind's original body.
Perspective violation: Four can violate common 2D perspective laws such as sliding in front of objects on the ground and suddenly switching to behind objects on the ground.
Controlling and morphing clouds: They have used this to time contests that require a time limit to show how much time is currently left. Donut is seen doing this in "Four Goes Too Far", but it's most likely via the "factor of Four".
Earthbending: In "Take the Tower", Four rose their hands up to cause two hills to rise under the team's towers.
Physical video conversion: In "Chapter Complete", the BFDI was revealed to be BFDI and BFDIA converted into a deep-fried box by Four.
Warping: Profily is killed in "Chapter Complete" touching a Four cactus. They ascended, warped, and popped.
Malleability: As seen in "Enter the Exit", "The Four is Lava", and "Take the Tower", Four's body and limbs can stretch to extreme distances and can change shape at will. They can also contract extremely thin in "The Escape from Four".
Recovery: Four replaces the Recovery Centers from previous seasons by using only their hand to recover contestants and numbers, and also teaches X how to master said ability in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning".
Mutilation: Turns any contestant into an abstract version of themselves, killing them. A harp strum plays in the process.
Elimination: Four replaces the Tiny Loser Chamber and Locker of Losers from previous seasons, by sucking up eliminated contestants or "eating" them. From there, the eliminated contestants are sent to Eternal Algebra Class Withfour (EXIT). EXIT also appears to be an alternate plane of existence, because the contestants probably shrink.
Inception/Astral projection: Four cannot only enter themself to talk to "exitors", but is also able to still do that when they are already inside themself, as shown when they inserted their arm inside themself again to pick up Leafy in "Get to the Top in 500 Steps". Their arm also appeared to be larger than normal, which suggests that anything that enters shrinks (except Four).
Super-speed: Four can fly at extreme speeds, as shown in "Enter the Exit". Also, in "Chapter Complete", when they merge with the Big Rotating Building, they can travel from the Earth to the Sun in approximately 12 seconds, flying at a speed of approximately 45,000,000,000 km/h, or 27,900,000,000 mph.This means that Four can travel almost 42 times the speed of light.
Teleportation: He can teleport whenever a "4" has been played shown in "Today's Very Special Episode". They could also teleport others with a snap of their fingers in "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", "A Taste of Space", "Uprooting Everything", and "Chapter Complete".
Incredible strength: In "Questions Answered", Donut is seen pushing the entire Earth (the Earth's weight is 5.972e+24 kg, or 1.3166e+25 lb) into his camera using only his feet via the factor of Four. This trait also applies to Four's ability to warp reality. Four was also able to stop the FreeSmart Supervan just by putting their hand out, crushing it in the process.
Dismemberment: This happened off-screen when X interrupted Four, who snapped off X's leg. This is unknown to be a power or not, however, as it wasn't known exactly how Four snapped X's leg.
Flight: In "Enter the Exit", Four was able to fly over to the Waterfall to eliminate Roboty.
Regeneration: In "Enter the Exit", when the contestants were recovering Four, they were in a liquidated state up until the point when they were reformed back to normal.
Fire resistance (external): Four is able to stand on the lava and dig their hands into it as well. They were also able to survive standing on the sun and even merging with it without any issue, as shown in "Chapter Complete".
Thought manipulation: During the Cake at Stake in "The Four is Lava", Four displayed the ability to create positive thoughts (or happy thoughts) and send them to the safe contestants of blegh. It is unknown if Four has the ability to create other kinds of thoughts at the moment.
Intelligence: Four can understand Insulavoric (Dora's language), Roboty's Morse code, Teardrop's sign language, and Woody's speech perfectly, even though Insulavoric is supposed to be one of the hardest languages to learn.
Airbending: As shown in "A Taste of Space", Four can give people air, even in the vacuums of space.
Brain scanning: As shown in "Who Stole Donut's Diary?", Four shoots a laser (similar style to Zappies) at X's head and receives their thoughts to find out who stole Donut's diary.
Incredible hearing: As shown in "A Taste of Space" and "Fashion For Your Face!", Four's ears are able to hear from miles away, up to the sun.
Telekinesis: Just like X, Four can make things float by snapping his fingers, as shown in "The Game Has Changed".
Despawning: As shown in "The Game Has Changed", Four can "despawn" a contestant by bringing them off-screen which results in them dying. While the method of how they do it is unknown, we see a white glow where they are despawning them. This ability was further explored later on. As shown in "The Tweested Temple", laser gun sounds play when Four despawned X. This ability was revealed and confirmed later on. As shown in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning", when X despawned Teardrop, it has been revealed that both Four and X have white laser eyes that make a character look black and completely disappear when it hits them.
Possession: In "Chapter Complete", Four possessed a tree, the courthouse, the High Speed Express Train, the BRB and the sun. When doing so, the things he possesses become blue.
Assimilation: As shown in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning", Four was able to merge with the Desert and reshape it closer to their own appearance. ]
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Before his accident Cliffs gender was Car and now it's Robot with a dash of Car.
i've been trying to find a way to answer this ask that doesn't devolve into rambling, but gender and superheroes r both spins of mine, so i had to go off a little bit (in agreement w u) bc this ask made me super excited so!!
YES EXACTLY YOU GET IT. cliff pre-accident identifying a whole lot with cars (because, ehm, nd cliff? nd cliff) and assuming that must make him a man bc, i mean, cars are a very traditionally masc interest, and he's never had a problem with being called he or dad or anything. and then post-accident he just sorta slowly realises - now that people don't automatically assume he's a guy (because robots are typically viewed as genderless until proven otherwise), he doesn't really care for it. he still identifies with cars a whole lot, and thinks they're important to his gender, but now where the rest used to be "male i guess" it's now "robot". the realisation that cliff, at his kindest, after years of figuring out who he is, after years of proving that he's still just as human as he's ever been, if not moreso - after all that, he's still not a man. bc being a man was never what made cliff a person, being cliff was.
idk if any of that makes sense but tl;dr as a robogender kid who used to identify super hyper-masculinely i REALLY identify w cliff and i think him being nonbinary (and his gender being Cars And Robots) makes perfect sense
#ask#(for anyone confused: this is abt doom patrol)#car accident tw#(not mentioned in detail but i vaguely refer to 'the accident' a few times)#gender tag
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I just saw the asks about people thinking you were a woman and it threw me for a loop. I guess maybe because I've trained myself to just assume everyone is a genderless blob until proven otherwise so I don't accidentally mis-gender someone both irl and online. Like "Oh, you have breasts? Cool imma just use they/them until you tell me otherwise."
whyyy does tumblr keep publishing my asks randomly??
anyways, oh absolutely same! it just seems the consensus assumed otherwise. no offense taken, obviously, my pronouns (or my gender for that matter) arenât listed anywhere and i donât really intend to put them anywhere, cos i think the confusion is fun
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full name: Petyr Lyn Baelish
nicknames: Littlefinger, Petey, Little Petey
full birthdate: December 27, 1980
age: 38
zodiac: Capricorn
gender: genderless (they/them)
sexual + romantic orientation: bisexual biromantic
current residence: luxury apartment near the Fingers, in the Vale
relationship status: single and always pining for Cat
current occupation: owner of the Fingers, financial consultant by contract
birthplace: peninsula on the coast of the Vale
social class: upper middle class (and werkinâ for it)
family: Marq Baelish (father, deceased), Delia Baelish (mother, retired in Braavos)
pets: a mockingbird nameD Titan
education: elementary school at Eyrie Eagleâs Elementary, high school at Riverlands High School, university at Sunspear University, the streets
criminal record: brought in on money laundering charges, which have since been expunged from their records
achievements: they think they have achievements, but they donât, no matter what the money seems to say
past jobs: bookkeeper for Riverrun Antiques, banker for Lannis Banking, independent financial management around Westeros
physical appearance
faceclaim: Cillian Murphy
hair: nearly black, with grey running throughout especially at temples; worn short, closely shaved on sides and back
eyes: exceptionally blue, never smiling quite in the way their lips do
glasses/contacts?: none
body: 5âČ8âł and not a damn centimeter taller, always has been short and on the slender side, although now they do work out at time just to try not to look like a stringbean, posture is annoyingly good
dominant hand: right-handed
style: a lot of well tailored suits that are clearly very expensive, often times extravagant and not entirely appropriate for the occasion, always with color accents, especially in shades of rose and plum
identifying features: titanâs head tattoo on bicep for old family crest, mockingbird tattoo on chest, light freckles across cheeks, the start of wrinkles from only ever smiling too wide or frowning disapprovingly and nothing in between, scar on cheek from fight with Brandon Stark
voice/accent: clipped, hurried speech, although clear, with a melodic cadence that is deceivingly pleasant, but does seem to have a tone of i know something you donât at all times; theyâre still suuuuper Irish, even though Ireland still doesnât exist here
MBTI type: INTJ âthe architectâ
enneagram type: type 3 âthe achieverâ
moral alignment: neutral evil
temperament: melancholic
element: air
alcohol or drug use?: drinks socially, doesnât touch drugs, but offers connections freely to those who do
obsessions: Catelyn Stark, money, power, secrets
outlook: a realist at their core, they take the world as face value, having seen the harsh realities of life from an early age, they generally find it easier to live by the idea of rival until proven ally
habits: a perpetual smirk, dead eyes
fears: being irrelevant, being poor
motivations: playing the game is just as important to them as getting to the top, they want to prove how smart they are by working behind the scenes to eventually have all the power they want
skills: manipulation, finances/money management, turning a profit, organization, multitasking
likes: a challenge, plums, roses, a good bribe, intense conversation, being cleverer than half the realm, a full club, being surrounded by beautiful people, extravagant jewelry, being adored, having the upper hand, a skilled opponent, expensive clothes, wearing multiple rings at once
dislikes: getting their hands dirty, poor people, slobs, lazy people, tricky blood stains, wasted days, the gender binary, the middle of summer, mingling with the masses, bugs, the wilderness, vulnerability, rough hands, plain chocolate, a lack of sleep, puns, public displays of affection
friends: petyr doesnât have friends, and itâs certainly something thatâs been done by their own choosing. the closest to friends they have are people that they respect and who respect them back, even if these people are quite technically their opponents. there are very few people who they wouldnât betray for the right price, even those that are as close to friends as they have.
family: while their biological family is long since gone from westeros, they were raised alongside the tullys, as their parents were close friends, and in turn ended up seeing a lot of the starks and baratheons as well. in a way, the tullys are as close to family as they still have, even though the majority of them, beside lysa, donât want much to do with them anymore, for fair enough reasons. the only person that they have a true loyalty to is catelyn, and in turn they would do more for her and her children than for most other people in westeros.
enemies: rival, might be a better term in their book. pretty much everyone is a rival to them, or someone who could become a rival if they make the wrong decision. they see people in terms of who can help them get what they want, every action they take is a means to an end; if it wonât help them achieve their ultimate goal of power, then they arenât going to do it. which leads to fucking people over a lot, but usually quietly without others knowing itâs them whose fault it is, all while they smile to their faces. a backstabber in the truest sense, but an honest one, who would tell you not to trust them if asked.
relationships/affairs/flings: there is no one in the world that they desire a true relationship with besides catelyn, and as such, theyâve never had any serious, long term relationships. while they havenât given up on her entirely, at this point, their work is more important to them than trying to wreck that relationship; that can come after they have what they want for their position. still, that doesnât mean they donât take pleasure in physical affairs. everyone knows what happens in the backrooms of their club, after all, and what they lack in fighting prowess, they like to think they make up for in other ways. ways that a number of people have experienced.
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