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I finally broke down and made a GW2 sideblog. I follow from @chezgeeksoaps
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wall-legion · 2 hours ago
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@mistfallengw2, IF YOU INSIST-!
So! Starting with Frode, since he's where it kicks off. Leyya's unique relationships with Frode and Lyhr.
When Odetta and Leyya first arrive in Wizlandia, they basically got caught because Cerus sensed Cepir's "stench" on Leyya, remembering him as his brother's Little Lapdog before he was banished from Nayos. When they're pulled the rest of the way through by Frode, nearly falling right on top of Zojja, it's Frode who realizes he recognizes the energy on Leyya.
She, like him, has something crawling in her mind... but unlike him, she doesn't know how to control it. Assuring Zojja that he understands and it'll be fine when she starts worrying,
Once they're back in Skywatch, while Zojja gives Odetta a rundown of what's going on and how to use the Heart of the Obscure, Frode takes Leyya over to meet his Rift Hunters. He sits her down, offers her a drink. They do need to find his daughter, but Leyya's disoriented and shaken, her head hurts.
He knows what that can lead to. So he takes her under his wing.
It takes some time, but he coaches her on how better to manage Cepir's presence in her mind, especially now that the veil between Nayos and Tyria has been thinned so significantly. Of course, he also warns her of the dangers of overusing the ability or pushing Cepir too hard, even if he is more agreeable to the "usage" than other Kryptis might be since he doesn't like his old employer.
This does lead him to take her to Lyhr!
Lyhr can also see the stress and the struggle... but he can also see the fondness and affection she has for Zojja, and it stirs something distant inside him. He offers to make her a special set of gauntlets, but he needs very specific ingredients. A ward of protection of sorts, from the people that love her.
A bottle of lilac and bergamot oil from Odetta. A piece from Mr. Sparkles from Zojja.
The gauntlets help her limit Cepir's control. She has to spend a lot of time with Lyhr while he's making them, and he has all kinds of questions for her: he wants to know about Zojja, what their childhood was like growing up, their relationship. He's the first one to tell her that they've got something special. Something that, regardless the outcome, he thinks will survive.
Both he and Lyhr have an almost fatherly relationship with her, reminding her a great deal of what Snaff was like with her when they were kids and he was raising Zojja.
It actually keeps her sane through a lot of the story as they progress into Nayos, as she will sit in silence just spending time with Lyhr watching him at the forge, or she'll go to Frode when the pressure of what's happened becomes too much for her to bear, especially when Cepir gets restless.
Post-SotO, they maintain a good relationship, and Leyya keeps them filled in on how Zojja's doing both in Cantha and later when she takes on a council role.
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wall-legion · 3 days ago
Me seeing that Eir vs Rytlock being bad parents go around again. When I know for a fact the both of them get damned for not being present parents.
It's not only Eir. Rytlock gets it too, Rytlock's son goes and starts an entire world crisis so he 100% gets demonised by people for it.
Eir probably stands out more cause we're friends with her son who hated her for not being there until mid lws2.
The discussion should instead be the fact they both shouldn't be demonised for it because of their cultures, not dragging down one character to raise another on a pedestal.
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wall-legion · 9 days ago
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Mana mentioned him during fractals today, so I had to make some memes.
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wall-legion · 29 days ago
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The Pact Marshal probably was not expected to show up to the Tyrian Alliance meeting dressed in some of her finest, but Deshauna has never been one to show up to an event underdressed.
She's definitely side-eyeing Isgarren, though; she doesn't trust that guy as far as she could move him with a poke.
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wall-legion · 1 month ago
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OC Kiss Week - Desperation
They had been in love for years, but it wasn't until Vezz's (brief) death and eventual resurrection that he and Rissia finally reached the logical conclusion, sealing their agreement to finally marry with a desperate kiss before heading off together to prepare to kill a god with the rest of their guild.
Featuring @wall-legion's Rissia.
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wall-legion · 1 month ago
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Holy SHIT Braham is wearing crocs.
And they're in SPORTS MODE.
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wall-legion · 1 month ago
Ficlet idea
She felt like a creep for what she was about to do. Admittedly it wasn't the worst thing in the world: it wasn't a crime to look at someone. Sneaking around about it like she was back in her foster home and trying to avoid being caught out after bedtime, though, that was something different. Odetta shook her head a little, mentally pushing the thought of that house in Divinity's Reach away as she did, before gently combing her fingers through her fine blond hair. She was going to talk to that handsome young man, Zio, today even if it killed her from embarrassment.
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wall-legion · 1 month ago
Asura hcs that I live by in my settings:
MOST asura are lactose intolerant. This stems from having been a race from deep underground that didn't have access to cow or dolyak milk until they came to the surface permanently after the loss of the six original cities. Much of the "milk" used in asuran cooking nowadays comes from other sources, like almonds and oats, but there are intrepid asura trying to invent the Tyrian version of lactaid.
The asuran language has no gendered words. Being a strict meritocracy with zero emphasis on gender or gender roles, asura don't really care much about the gender of another person in the grand scheme of things. It isn't uncommon for asuran sexualities to be very fluid, and of course homosexuality exists for them as much as anyone else, but as far as in their culture, your gender is something that is on your paperwork and can be changed whenever you like. Coming out as trans is a lot easier when it's "That's great, New Daughter, now let's finish your homework quick because the line at the Gender Record Office is gonna be about twenty people deep and I don't want to miss Tyrian Jeopardy."
Albinism, vitiligo, poliosis, amelanism, and leucism are very common among asura. It's really common in cave dwelling species to exhibit much higher rates of albinism and other forms of pigmentation loss, and I don't think it's any different for asura (or skritt, for that matter). It's probably seen as something incredibly attractive and desirable, despite the negative effects that come from living on the surface where the sun is a deadly laser. This is probably a leftover cultural trait from when they were underground, despite the inconveniences of the genetic mutations in the modern day.
Canonically we know large ears are attractive to asura, but I also think very large eyes and heads plays into this as well. With the eyes accounting for visual acuity and the head size... well. Asura are big on brainpower.
The Inquest still speaks "old" Asuran and doesn't use New Krytan unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Seeing as how they're an Asura On Top organization, this just makes sense to me. Why would they BOTHER to speak New Krytan? That's the language of inferiors, as far as they're concerned. As such, if you want someone to translate something from the time of the exodus that has terminology and structure that's become obsolete, best find yourself someone in the Inquest. It's part of the reason they've remained relevant in asuran politics, despite being hated by much of the populace.
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wall-legion · 1 month ago
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this month's (na) vsartparty portraits!! been a few months since my last artparty, and it was fun to get back into it!! 🌸🎀🩷
Prunéan: @magistersieran
Springborn Areli:
Mourynn: @manasurge
Rossie Vance:
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wall-legion · 1 month ago
guild wars is an insane setting because it's a normal fantasy world but also the closest elf analogue that exists is humanity. what people would at first glance assume to be ""elves"" are actually just vaguely humanoid plant monsters made to serve an unbelievably ancient god-dragon that's also a living jungle and also all of the plant people are at maximum 25 years old because their entire species are basically collectively babies in terms of how long they've existed in-universe. also the orcs are giant cat people. the gnomes are rats. the dwarves are normal but also they're steadily going extinct and also all living rock people now. nobody even knows what a horse is
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wall-legion · 1 month ago
i know that SOTO was a controversial gw2 expac but i personally think not all isgarren hate is completely fair... he gets a lot of flak for trying to stop experiment 626 but you have to remember this was a dangerous indestructible alien experiment that had been unleashed onto earth and he was only doing his due diligence. he didn't know it would form a bond with a broken family, and to his credit, the instant he knew, he stepped down
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wall-legion · 2 months ago
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hello, would you like some curve-balls?
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wall-legion · 2 months ago
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Me and Vex finally finished our personal stories over a year after the game was released and we made sure we went out with style
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wall-legion · 2 months ago
Tyria-432 Commander(s): Vezz of Cautti & Oaklinna (mine), Garrus Firstblood & Rissia of Pazz (@wall-legion's) This is our main Tyria, focusing on our main four commanders that act as a unit, with Oaklinna leaving after Trahearne's death, Vezz and Rissia retiring after Kralkatorrik, and Garrus stepping down after the death of Soo-Won. Logan "dies" in Arah instead of rejoining the team, ending up taking Zojja's place in SotO. Eir survives HoT, though by the skin of her teeth, losing most of her left leg in the process. Zojja spends some time in Amnytas starting at the beginning of EoD, but returns home after the end of SotO. Currently, our pact marshal Deshauna Tahir and her wife Eshara Ulvhit are dealing with matters in the Lowland Shores. The commanders remain retired, Vezz and Rissia living with their twin progeny in Applenook, Garrus with his mate and cubs in Althoma, and Oaklinna as the Knight of the Brother Tree in Maguuma, a new tree that grew in the place Trahearne died with the firstborn himself as its avatar.
Tyria-404 Commander(s): Rhenn of No One On this Tyria, the asura who had been meant to be commander - Tebb - winds up dying with all the other racial representatives and all the order mentors at Claw Island. Inquest Overseer and genius geneticist Prikk saw an opportunity, pushing his creation and "son" Rhenn into the spotlight as a replacement, largely as an Inquest publicity stunt. Remaining loyal to the Inquest initially, Rhenn's time away from his father and the organization slowly start to make him realize the truth of how horrible the Inquest really was and the extent of his own father's abuse. He travels with a Priory healer named Kippa, a formerly captive mesmer named Iuno Wrathtalon, and an asuran engineer raised by charr named Sidera "Sid" Hackwrench. He's currently back in the saddle in JW, with Kippa having served as Wayfinder during SotO. As in other timelines, Logan died here in Arah, but this time for real. It would be Rhenn's mysterious older sister Rhiia replacing Zojja in SotO.
Tyria-2007 Commander(s): Rosamund "Rosie" Marriner (mine) & Guinevere "Ginny" (@wall-legion's) A Tyria following the great-granddaughter of Cobiah Marriner and her best friend, who become commander because of the intervention of Logan, who in this timeline was a sellsword after the disastrous downfall of Destiny's Edge. Like in other timelines, he would eventually supposedly lose his life in Arah to resurface in SotO. The pair would be joined by a gladium charr necromancer named Umbra Shadowshot and would eventually find an asura from Rata Novus who'd been frozen in a specimen chamber by accident for 150 years, Xeonna. They would also be joined by a Priory engineer named Crispinus, or "Cris." Swapping duties and sometimes splitting up to "divide and conquer," the pair cuts a path through Tyria together. They have yet to reach Lowland Shores, but once they arrive, it'll be just as much of a chaotic affair as all their adventures previous.
Tyria-115 Commander(s): Peregrine "Perry" Jaffe (mine) & Vexalia "Lia" Grey (@wall-legion) Details to come. They're expies, though.
Tyria-1972 Commander(s): Praxxi of Lahia An asuran guardian who became commander after the death of her spouse Lopp, who died in her arms after a horrific injury on Claw Island. Further details to come later.
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wall-legion · 2 months ago
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Maybe showing up with Isgarren at the Tyrian Alliance meeting without telling your half brother, who up until this exact point thought you were SUPER dead, that you hadn't actually died in Arah and were up kicking it with a super powerful wizard cult was a bad idea, but that might just be me.
I've had this image rolling around in my head ever since Jenn and I decided Zojja would be the councilor present in Lion's Arch, since Logan took her place in our setting in Wizlandia, and I finally got around to drawing it.
Featuring my boy Zio Fortino, who is Logan's younger half brother.
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wall-legion · 2 months ago
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What kinds of things did you do? Left a trail of red on every island As I traded friends like objects I could use Hurt more lives than I can count on my hands...
Jenn's been into Epic lately and sent me this song, just going "THIS IS VEZZ AND RISSIA CODED." I had to draw something, since... you know, yeah. The vibes are certainly there.
But yeah, Vezz struggled a lot (and still does, to a degree) with his past and the things he did when he was still with the Inquest, including how he left in the Theta-9 Massacre, and sometimes (read: a lot of the times) feels unworthy of Rissia and her affection. But she loves him as much as he loves her. They'll be all right.
Featuring @wall-legion's Rissia.
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wall-legion · 2 months ago
9 and 13 for the otp questions? 🤭
OTP Questions
Since they're newer, let's talk about Sid and @wall-legion's Iuno (vetted with her since she's next to me on the couch lmao)!
9. Who is being way over the top and dramatic and who just nods and cheers on their partner from the sidelines?
Sid is a thousand percent more dramatic than Iuno. Iuno was training as a Primus previously, but Sid grew up in the rough and rowdy workspaces of an aging Iron Legion warband, so she has a tendency to act much larger than life despite her otherwise very small size. She's also always willing to fight people many times her size, as an asura who was raised from infancy by a warband of Iron Legion charr, and Iuno may worry but Sid does know how to take care of herself.
That being said, I'm sure there've been times that Iuno has just sighed and put Sid over her shoulder to walk away, just to keep her out of trouble. That doesn't stop Sid from carrying on at the offending party over her shoulder, though.
13. What is a memory they share together that makes them both laugh so hard they cry when they think about it?
Iuno and Sid first met in the fahrar, and it was with this tiny little asura progeny biting the shit out of anyone who tried to bully her. Despite being smaller than her counterparts, she was just as willing to throw down, and Iuno was drawn to her from day one.
That being said, there was a time Iuno had to hold Sid over her head and kick off a number of cubs who wanted to get back at the girl for her aggressive bitey tendencies, and Sid loves to tell the story, as it must've looked absolutely hilarious with this scraggly charr cub holding up a runty asura progeny kicking off a bunch of other cubs like the most aggressive game of King of the Rock ever played.
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