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pupsmailbox · 10 months ago
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Agender Man ★ ❭ Someone who is agender and a man or man-aligned.
Aboy ★ ❭ An agender-identifying individual who prefers to be or has no trouble being perceived as a male or a masculine-presenting individual.
Blankboy ★ ❭ Refers to a boy who cannot explain their manhood any further than being a blank space.
Bxy ★ ❭ A gender that is both male and agender/greygender or otherwise genderless.
Voidboy ★ ❭ One who is void of gender, or who has a gender that is filled with void, that is also, in some way, related to masculinity.
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your-bigender-big-brother · 8 months ago
There are dozens of ways to be genderless and it's not as simple as just having no gender. For some, genderlessness might mean:
Agender (a lack of gender identity)
Agiaspec (a spectrum of agender identities and those that are aligned with or related to being agender)
Gendervoid (an empty space where a gender should be)
Libragender (being mostly agender with a connection to another gender)
Gendernull (having a genderlessness that is "blank" or "null" but is otherwise tangible)
Neutrois (an umbrella term for gender neutrality, gender nullity, or genderlessness)
Genderblank (a gender that is simple a blank space that may be confusing)
Epigender (a gender or lack thereof that is detached from the gender spectrum and may even be nonhuman)
Of course, there are many more that exist! Being genderless can be as varied as any other gender experience. - Your Bigender Big Brother 💙💚
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trashpandaperson · 8 months ago
My LGBTQ Identities
No one probably cares, but i just want to say this somewhere lol.
I am genderfree, genderblank, schrodigender, and blankboy. I am also aroace, bellusromantic, gay, androromantic, and ambiamorous.
I use they/it/he; in order of preference.
My chosen names are Malachyt, Rayn, and Cerberus.
Have a nice day/night/afternoon/morning! :)
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year ago
Ghost identity headcanons: Ghouls
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omnisexual (with the preference for men)
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omnisexual (with a preference for women)
intersex (has a penis and a vagina)
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omnisexual (with a preference for men)
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intersex (has a penis and a vagina)
xenogender; chaosgender
Multighoul (Fire, Quintessence and Air)
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multisexual (gay, lesbian and berrisexual)
intersex (has a penis and a vagina)
Water to Fire
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multisexual (abrosexual and lesbian)
transfem, boyflux demigirl
girlfag boydyke
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bigender (man and xenogender: musigender)
Multighoul (Quintessence and Air)
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Phil/Special Ghoul
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honorary cishet
Multighoul (Fire, Quintessence and Earth)
Written by Jez.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @mybotanicaldemise @igodownjustlikeholymary @natoncesaid @bloodmoon-bites
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epiceneandroid · 24 days ago
radiomogai experiences questions so far
1.) so, for the first question, are you asking "us" or are you asking "me"? because i'm SOME kind of disordered system, and "us" and "me" are partially blurry, partially distinct entities. personally, as ashren, i'd describe myself as some sort of bi oriented, greyrose, panabinary agender mxsc and fxm genderblank person. that makes most sense to me. our system collectively identifies as genderfluid and epicene, even if i don't personally feel the whole epicene thing strongly, and a lot of us, especially me, are objectum. most of us that front regularly have a gender hoard aside from like...sprinkles who feels really uncomfortable labeling pup's gender identity beyond pupgender and epicene and butch.
2.) my personal experience with names as a system is like...names kinda pop into our head for us and they stick. francis george and bonett were both named after a h*talia character (unfortunately), i named myself completely randomly vibes based, etc. our system has a vague fascination with names, so we enjoy seeing a lot of varying names we could've called ourselves. most of our system feels comfortable with they/them except for bonett, who prefers he/him and any neos, and i generally just prefer they/it/null so far.
3.) i guess one of my favorite gender terms would be agender and genderblank, for different reasons. agender is partially kind of a political thing; i want to be treated like a person, after being treated like something to be feared as a former persecutor and current mental illness holder in the system, and genderblank resonates with me because like...whenever i try to actively THINK about my gender, personally, it comes up a blank, empty space.
4.) lol i can't really express my identity through clothing and style i want to buy men's clothes but i can't! i'm semi-closeted and my mom KNOWS our system is some form of transgender but we can't socially transition because she's afraid it'll make us "want a sex change" our desire to get t varies lol most of the time we just want to pass for a sexless, generic person.
5.) i mainly plan for social and legal transition, like, our system's blanket name changing (though i don't know what name we'd use irl; if we can find a suitable one for all of us that we feel drawn to we'll eventually use it), and maybe either estrogen blockers, progesterone, and SARMs or estrogen blockers, progesterone, and low dose t. i'm not sure.
6.) okay, i'm gonna get a little bit critical for a moment, but i'm not fond of the mogai community's pervasive transmisogyny. i understand that there are certain intersex experiences, such as those who are assigned female at birth due to ambiguous sex traits but end up being transmisogyny affected if they desire to still remain women as they were raised (see: eggs at 12 syndrome), that would fall under "afab transfem", but i'm a bit irritated at fellow people who are possibly intersex also like possibly myself, with possible congenital adrenal hyperplasia AND pcos, considering themselves transfem when transmisogyny, unfortunately, and a lot of ways transition relates to gender, relies on assigned sex. it's actually kind of frustrating. at the same time, i feel ostracized from a lot of transfeminist communities for accepting that there are transfeminine nonbinary people who are not perfectly binary, perfectly dysphoric, and perfectly wanting a binary transition, and it irks me because there are so many people i care about who are tma and nonbinary and as a tme nonbinary person, i want to protect them and ally with them as much as i can, and people treat tma women like dirt already so tma nonbinary people are treated like dirt doubly and...people don't get it. and the mogai community isn't very welcoming to the tma nonbinary people who are ostracized from certain communities but ostracized from the mogai community because of this...permissiveness? lack of consideration to tma experiences? it's frustrating.
7.) i don't necessarily think i'll ever find a label i feel comfortable with, but it's like...theoretically, i'd say i'm bisexual, but i and a lot of our system genuinely seems to prefer nonbinary people of any transmisogyny exemption status or even birth assignment rather than cis men, cis women, trans women, or trans men. it's like...nonbinary people 60-80%, binary people 40-20%. but it's not like i'm not attracted to binary identified people, i am, it's just...somehow nonbinary people are far for attractive to us. yet we distinctly feel very multi gender attracted. i don't have a name to put on this label and i don't know if i'll find one i feel more comfortable with than bisexual.
@radiomogai here's mine so far
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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a set of 20 images in 10 pairs. each has one image of the listed project sekai character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Kanade Yoisaki is a transfem agender cistrans apagender bisexual sapphic lancian gxrl who uses it/she/any!
Mafuyu Asahina is a binary straight darcian sophian skiafegender trans boy who uses he/him, and sometimes they/them!
Ena Shinonome is a thistle femme triniy bi lesbian who uses she/her!
Mizuki Akiyama is a transfem faesari bisexual sapphic sophian lancian boyfemme skiamagender presquirl who uses they/she!
All four are in a complex polycule!
25ji Hatsune Miku is an agender transfemnull genderblank voidrose omen that uses it/its!
25ji Kagamine Rin is a transneutral bungender afeminine homoplatonic girlby that uses she/they/it!
25ji Kagamine Len is a queerplatonic agender biplatonic trans boy who age regresses and uses he/him!
25ji Megurine Luka is a transandrofem atrinary cupiosensual grayplatonic anaeflux gxrl that uses any pronouns!
25ji MEIKO is a transmascfem agender andrxgyne anattractional manwoman who uses she/her!
25ji KAITO is an anattractional tutelary transsexual man that uses he/him!
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queer-with-anxiety · 1 year ago
Also to those weird little kids who grew in weird genderless people.
here’s to all the weird little girls growing up into even weirder men
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32s-genderlog · 4 months ago
its 10:17 am, 10/2024
I am currently Genderblank and Pistolian
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pupsmailbox · 10 months ago
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Agender Woman ★ ❭ Someone who is agender and a woman or woman-aligned.
Agirl ★ ❭ An agender or genderless person who prefers to be or has no trouble being perceived as a girl or a feminine-presenting person.
Blankgirl ★ ❭ Refers to a girl who cannot explain their womanhood any further than being a blank space.
Gxrl ★ ❭ Gender that is both female and agender/greygender or otherwise genderless.
Voidgirl ★ ❭ One who is void of gender, or who has a gender that is filled with void, that is also, in some way, related to femininity.
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trashpandaperson · 3 months ago
someone walked up to me today and told me "you know that you'll never be a real girl, right?" and that might have been the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me
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catboyygf · 1 year ago
I'm a girl that took testosterone
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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a set of 6 images in 3 pairs. each has one image of the listed muppets character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Uncle Deadly from The Muppets is a gay bear and is dating Bobo the Bear!
Bobo the Bear is gay bear and pangender and has ADHD!
Tex Richman is asexual genderfluid gendervoid and genderblank and has autism and ADHD!
For @sarahthetransguy !
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your-bigender-big-brother · 10 months ago
Here are a handful of terms relating to being genderless or void of gender! 💙💚
Agender boy
Agender girl
Gendervoid (or voidgender)
Nullgender (or gendernull)
Kenochoric (only certain terms under this)
Agenderera (not officially coined yet)
Plutoian (incorrectly labeled as a xenogender here, but it's hard to find a page only for this identity by itself.)
Voidic genders
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calypso-apologist · 2 months ago
could I have some gay head cannons for if a guy was dating the gods? sorry, I don't want to be annoying. just asking because i love the other works and thought it would be fun to be able to see myself in it. if not that's totally ok, I understand some people Arnt comfortable/don't know how to do that, no pressure!
thanks for the consideration!
hiya, soooo
one, saying "the gods" is a bit too ambiguous for me, i'd need specifics to know how many characters you'd like. if i don't know that, i won't work on your request because it might be too many characters for me at once. i'm alright with up to five characters at most, but i'm much better with 1-3 at a time.
two, i'm a genderblank agender/enby, so i try to avoid gendered readers unless i think the gender matters in how the character would treat you depending on it or if it changes anything in the context. for example, with the ask with Hermes and Apollo with an abused princess, i believe the reader being a princess would, historically, make a big difference, so i kept it as princess instead of "prince/ss", which i would do usually on my other blogs. this blog is a specific case because of the historical period Epic is set in (i'm a nerd).
three, while with mortals i could apply some initial moral conflict, many of the gods are displayed in mythology as interested in both men and women (for example, Zeus with Ganymede and Apollo with Hiacynthus), so in their case, it would be rather meaningless since there wouldn't really be much to work with.
i do my best to keep all my blogs and spaces queer friendly, as i am very queer myself, but also for my own comfort, most of the time reader will be kept as gender neutral, even in nsfw pieces, if i can make it happen.
thank you for asking!!
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garden-of-bah · 3 months ago
hello !!! ^^ could we have a creator's choice Omori (general source, not specifically the character /clarify) alter with transIDs, paras, and roles? feel free to go crazy /g /nf
btw !! me n rye (slimeyblossoms) were super hyped that yous @ ed us aaaaa /pos
But what if we did give you OMORI itself :000
Hope you enjoy null, y’all are so awesome!!! :D
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Age: 10
Pronouns: it/it/its, hy/hym/hys, null/null/nulls slash/slash/slashs, blank/blank/blanks
Source: OMORI
Genders: gendernull, gendervoid, genderblank, scopogender
Sexuality: unlabelled queer
CisIDs: pale skin, black hair, permakid, short
Mental/physical conditions: Schizophrenia, DPD, ASPD, autism, AVPD, depression
Faceclaim: @/takawoyo @/metashades
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Alter roles: middle, persecutor, physical protector
Front triggers: black cats, knives, watermelon, any song from source, drawing
Signoffs: -👁️‍🗨️, -🔳, -🔪
TransIDs: transGroomed, transHarmful (more), transAFAB, transNPD, transCatEars, transSeverity (more), transImmortal
Paras: AAM, thanato-, consang, autoimla-, oviposito-, sadomasochism, biasto-, omorashi, somno-, haemoto-, dacry-, spectro-, piquerism
Personality: silent, observant, irrational, usually calm, occasionally violent
Quirks: draws a lot of creepy stuff, but if it gets attached to you then prepare to receive a semi-nicer drawing from hym because boy does this kid love to DRAW.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 months ago
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icon id: 6 icons in 3 pairs. in each pair, both icons have the listed flags in order in the background and the left icon has an image of the listed character with a white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
Baikinman from Soreike! Anpanman is an enbian diamoric bacteriagender narkissigender daegender mischiefgender clowngender egogender pyrogender caelgender astralgender boggender being who uses he/him, vi/lai, vi/vir, and ha/no pronouns, and ha made up the last set haself!
Dokin-chan is a flamfemme enbian diamoric borderfluid histrigender princessgender lunadarian helidarian overfemme altexoy altexirl loverboy femache who uses she/her, luv/luvs, let's/go/girlself, and love/struck pronouns, and let's made up the last two sets lovestruckself!
Horrorman is an enbian diamoric apangender gendermeh fatugender egogender cassgender genderwhatever genderblank gendermaybe maybinary skeleton who uses he/him pronouns only out of apathy!
The three are in a queerplatonic diamoric polycule!
dni link | requested by @epiceneandroid
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