#gay folks
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A Lifetime Served in a Little Cup
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.3 / pt.4
bill, babygirl, the red flags get outta there
#gravity falls#billford#the book of bill#standford pines#bill cipher#stump art#comic#A Lifetime Served in a Little Cup comic#AND WE'RE DONE !!!!#a month of my life condensed into a frantic gay mania#i'll wanna do a post-mortem at some point because that'll be FUN#but yeah i really love this stupid comic#was just a random concept i decided to commit to . thought this would take a weekend but lol#anyways to the folks who been reading i hope you enjoyed !!!!#they're gay !!! they're going to mutually self destruct !!!!!#they're going to accidentally both buy into the same timeshare in florida and then be forced to share !!!#romantic comedy of the fucking century !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#GOOD for THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Auf dem See! 'Freiheit in der Demokratie und sich gegen die eigenen (auch zukĂŒnftigen vielleicht noch inneren wie Ă€uĂeren, aber vor allem wohl die inneren!) Feinde verteidigen!
Wollen die sich nicht lÀnger erfassen lassen, werden sie zu Feinden des Systems, zu welchen von ihm erklÀrt!
der Verfassungsfeind (innerhalb von auch Demokratien und anderen politischen Systemen)
'Frei : if Ar*** + Ei! (Endlich frei zu sein von jemanden oder etwas, oder aber erst auch zu werden beabsichtigen)
''Freedom's just another word for if even you! (already) have nothing more left to (hang) loose!' (Vordere Teile, Vorteile haben, der Mann, MĂ€nner, der Mann hat sie gegenĂŒber Frauen, weil er dieses AnhĂ€ngsel besitzt, die Frau aber nicht!)
'Unsere familiengefĂŒhrte Firma betreibt fairen Handel ĂŒber nun schon drei Generationen hinweg!!' (der Besitzer einer Kette von BĂ€ckereien und heutige Urenkel des GrĂŒnders, Ălms.)
fair : if + Ei + Ar***, die Hand (dt.) des oder vom El (sp.: er), Handel, 'In the Air tonight' (Collins, Phil, the poet, auch song ..., being at ...)
'Ukrainische Offensive noch nicht gescheitert!! Ukraine greift mit Drohnen auf dem mehr SchwÀnze (*Schwarzmeer) Tussen an!! Indem man die Technik weiterentwickelt hofft man Tussenland vom eigenen Fernland fernzuhalten!'
'Wer AfD wĂ€hlt, den mĂŒssen wir schĂŒtzen!' (Steinmaier auf dem Chiemsee)
'deutscher Schwa(r)zwald', *Ar*** de. if (Namensgebungen politischer Parteien)
der SchĂŒtze, Gewehr und Bogen, Das 'Feuern und das Anlegen (auf den Feind)' 'Klima schĂŒtzen'. klimmen, auch herauf-klimmen, wie selbst auf Berge oder die eine Seite des Mondes.
'Auch wird mit Angriffen wie diesen (ĂŒber dem Schwarzmeer eingesetzte Angriffsdrohnen) eine Botschaft an das tussische Volk gesendet. Der Krieg er könne noch genauso auch nach Tussland kommen!'
'Was den deutschen Geheimdienstchef antreibt, dass er den Kampf gegen rechts so offensiv fĂŒhrt, und er die Leute der AfD beobachten lĂ€sst!'
'Ohne eine AfD gÀb' es Freiheit von Meinungen in Deutschland' (originaler Text: ... keine Meinungsfreiheit). Zitat stammt diesmal von einem ihrer Deligierten gleich selber, der erwÀhnten AfD.
Freedom (engl.) : If Tree (der Baum, dt.) + the Po (dt.) + em (portug.), Genauso gut könnte es aber auch fĂŒr three als Zahl stehen erneute. (das Trio, gemeinsame, auch: Bett-trio oder 'ein Dreier')
the Donbass (Es gilt nun auch ihn sich zurĂŒckzuerobern deswegen!)
der Bass-Spieler od. Bassist : the Bi- + Ass, nicht abhÀngige oder bislang noch unabhÀngige Gebiete, to hang loose
'Will Putin das Ganze irgendwann beenden, brĂ€uchte er dafĂŒr zumindest den Donbass'
'Der Erfolg unserer Offensive, der ukrainischen, er bemisst sich daran, wie viele Gebiete können (auch) wir befreien! Wie viele Tussen können wir zerstören oder zurĂŒckdrĂ€ngen!'
Einen besseren Scherz als den bekam ich selten von jemand ĂŒber ausgerechnet jene Partei, in der man selber ist, zu hören! (Genauso wie es sich nur um lediglich Scherze handeln kann, bei auch noch weiteren hier wiedergegebenen Zitaten einflussreicher Personen!)
'Warum das viele bei der AfD fĂŒr völlig normal halten, Verhaltensweisen wie Attacken auf selbst Migranten, und fĂŒr gar nicht extremistisch!'
'Bundeswehr mit falscher Zukunft' ('Zu!!!' der Zusammenhalt, gemeint vom Reporter waren diesmal HauptmÀnner welche in ihr dienen)
'In Afghanistan verlieren Frauen gerade ihre Zukunft und Uhren werden zurĂŒckgedreht. International ist das Regime isoliert'.
'Verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum'
'Es ist leichter ĂŒber BrĂŒcken sich einen Weg zu suchen als ĂŒber ein Minenfeld' (*Etwas, das dann aber noch genauso gĂ€lte oder wĂŒrde, sollte jemand den Versuch vielleicht dazu unternehmen wollen er wolle vor jemandem davonfliehen!)
'Immer mehr BrĂŒcken Deutschlands erweisen sich als baufĂ€llig und benötigen einer ĂberprĂŒfung'
'Keine Armee kann stĂ€ndig nur in Bewegung sein. Daher fĂŒhren wir einen Abnutzungskrieg. Kleine Trupps die den Gegner zurĂŒckdrĂ€ngen. Viele der Waffensysteme und Haubitzen der Tussen konnten wir so bereits vernichten. Westliche VerbĂŒndete helfen mit Informationen und beraten. Aber es sind die Ukrainer welche kĂ€mpfen! Durch entfernte PrĂ€zisionsschlĂ€ge konnte so die Ăberlegenheit deutlich geschrumpft werden, die der andere bislang noch besaĂ, wie selbst Nachschubrouten, allmĂ€hlich macht sich das auf dem Schlachtfeld bemerkbar!'
'KalkĂŒl, Taliban selbst mit Geld zu Konzessionen zu bewegen, schlug fehl'
'Die Linke war schon des öfteren komplett totgesagt und ist doch stets wiedergekommen' (eine Aussage des sogar Fraktionschefs der Linken, stammte als solche aus der SĂŒddeutschen vom bereits schon auch dem Vortage)
'Der bisherigen Linken bei uns droht die Spaltung wegen Sarah Wagenknecht, die plant sie neu zu grĂŒnden'
'der sogar auch Linksextremist (po-nie!ticker'sche oder politische unter MĂ€nnern, gelegentlich gibt es ihn oder finden wir ihn wohl sogar bei oder unter den auch Frauen, nur scheint er dort viel seltener immer auch vorzukommen!)
Ass ad. (SED). Als auch frĂŒherer Einheitspartei noch (von ebenfalls Po-Idealisten). *Stasi : der Ast + (sein) Ass + das Ei (-i-). Marken welche dieses Mal nicht etwa erneut Hunde hinterlieĂen an BĂ€umen und die von ihnen stammen, sondern ganz offensichtlich ein paar Engel - stattdessen! *Gestapo : Gehe Ast & Po!
'Wider die StĂ€nde und den StandesdĂŒnkel'. Französischer Widerstand. Widerstand unter Hitler. 'WeiĂe Rose'. *'Was kann die Rose noch sein auĂer dass sie Blume ist?' 'Wenn Rosen erblĂŒh'n vor Malaga' 'WeiĂe(n)-Rosen aus/*in Athen', Alexis Sorbas selber beherrschte noch keinen Breakdance (brechen, zerbrechen jmd., aber auch: kotzen, sich plötzlich von etwas, einer gegebenen Mahlzeit, erbrechen mĂŒssen, 'dem anderen auf der Nase herumtrampeln, 'Haubitzen zerstören, die des Gegners')
'AfD zeigt die eigene RadikalitÀt immer offener, ihren Hass auf alle die (den Hintern betreffend) anders denken'
''Schweinebacke for Kanzler' (Hog A., *erkennbar stellt auch dieser Name eines Politikers nur ein erneutes Gemisch zweier Sprachen so dar!)
'Beste Angriffswaffe der Bundeswehr ist der Tornado. Und so sollte die Ukraine gerade ihn auch bekommen!!' (*In Dubais Innenstadt wirbeln Passanten wĂ€hrend eines Nachmittag-Spazierganges durch die Luft, ungewöhnliche LuftverhĂ€ltnsse u. Strömungen sorgen dafĂŒr, ein weit im Netz verbreitetes Video zeigt sie dabei. New Yorker erleben plötzlich etwas sehr Ă€hnliches.)
'Israel - Ein Land im Ringen um die eigene Zukunft!!' (Spiegel-Titel). Noch einer oder jemand, der es tut!!
'ElfenbeinkĂŒste kĂŒndigt an Soldaten nach Niger schicken zu wollen. Auf Krisengipfel in Abuja einigen sich die Staats- wie Regierungschef jedoch auf Abwarten, man hat weiter Hoffnung auf eine friedliche Lösung' in dem Konflikt. Die selbe Hoffnung Ă€uĂert auch eine deutsche Bundesministerin, Svenja Schulze'.
'Zu Abschnitten der Weltgeschichte gehörte eigentlich immer schon ein Wiederaufflammen von Anarchy erneut gleich auch mit, beides ist eng verbunden'
An *Ar*** nie! *Volksschichten, G-Schicht(e)
The Taliban : der Mal Ei Bann. mal, sick, schlecht (dt.). der Stamm-Ass FĂŒhrer.
'Immer mehr Menschen, vor allem Ă€ltere und ĂŒber 60-jĂ€hrige (auch in Deutschland!), schaffen es nicht lĂ€nger auch oder kriegen es selber auch nicht hin, anfallende Arbeiten und anstehende Aufgaben im auch eigenen Haushalt auch weiterhin noch zu erledigen so wie bisher, (oder fĂŒr das eigene sogar auch Hinterhaus!), und kommen ebenfalls ins Pflegeheim!'
#gay folks#der Chiemsee#Aufflugsziele von Politikern#Frank-Walter Steinmeier#Politiker-Zitate#Markus Söder#Ilse Eigner#SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung#Marx & Engels#der Schalk#Gottschalk macht Ende mit Wetten dass!
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I too wish to be perpetually cast as a lesbian, gay or bisexual in a project by Mike Flanagan; like to charge, reblog to cast
#pretty please?#not to be that person but Iâm literally just another gay đ#shout out to the trans and queer identifying folks too#carla gugino#kate siegel#rahul kohli#tânia miller#sauriyan sapkota#victoria pedretti#amelia eve#annabeth gish#mary mcdonnell#fall of the house of usher#the fall of the house of usher#the haunting of bly manor#the haunting of hill house#midnight mass#mike flanagan#tfothou#thobm#thohh#lesbian#gay#bisexual#lgbtq
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From today's Los Angeles Times (front page even).
All night long, cowboys swaggered into a packed nightclub, dressed to impress in shiny boots, tight Wranglers and wide-brimmed hats.
They had come to throw back tequila and Tecate, to sing along to blasting banda and to dance â chest-to-chest, legs entwined â with each other.
Each spring, hundreds of men from across Mexico and the United States make a pilgrimage to this colorful colonial city for an annual gathering of gay vaqueros â or cowboys. At private events held over a long weekend, they share carne asada and traditional folk dances and crown a cowboy king.
Pop music is forbidden. Instead, live bands play for hours, with musicians in matching suits churning out cumbia and Norteña hits as a sea of Stetsons fills the dance floor.
For Mariano Escobar, the lanky 51-year-old bar owner who hosted what he believes was Mexicoâs first gay cowboy convention here in Zacatecas 18 years ago, itâs nothing short of heaven.Â
With his python boots and plaid shirt unbuttoned to reveal a plush tuft of gray chest hair, Escobar said the idea behind that first party was simple â if a bit self-interested.
âI like to dress like a cowboy,â he said, âand I like guys who dress that way, too.âÂ
As the event has expanded and the subculture has spread, with weekend-long vaquero conventions now held in more than a dozen cities on both sides of the border, the gatherings have become a refuge for gay men seeking connection not just with each other, but with Mexican identity itself.
After all, while the event draws actual cowboys â men leathered by long days tending crops or cattle â it also attracts accountants, attorneys and other city folk for whom donning western wear is both a kink and a lifeline to Mexicoâs rural past.
âWhen you come here, you feel a certain pride in being Mexican,â said Emmanuel FernĂĄndez, a 29-year-old lawyer from Mexico City who first learned about the world of gay vaqueros while living in Atlanta.
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Very tired of people who continue to argue that Bill destroying Euclydia was completely on purpose and he didnât care about anyone at all because heâs just trying to garner sympathy in The Book of Bill, despite all the supporting evidence outside of Billâs words that allude to how deeply traumatic it was, (so many, many things about) how he loved and misses his parents, how much of a sore spot the topic is for him, how much he wants to return home but canât, etc. in addition to how perfectly Alex and co. crafted a parallel narrative between Bill and Ford, including how they hurt the people they love out of carelessness and blind pursuit of their dreams, justifying to themselves that the people they hurt just couldnât understand
Yes, Bill is an unreliable narrator, and that includes all the very obvious posturing that he did it all on purpose and it was actually a very good thing, that everyone loved him, that heâs NOT incarcerated or anything and that heâs still a really all-powerful being, etc etc etc. To fully believe that EVERY vulnerability he reveals is an evil manipulation tactic, and not actual character writing, you have to interpret his very prevalent denial of weakness, which continues into the conclusion of the book where he already knows heâs lost the reader and is still denying any emotional needs or trauma, as itself a lie.
Thereâs a reason why the Pines family cracked open this book and laughed at Bill, calling him a fractured, pathetic mess.
The Book of Bill has a plot, a great plot, and great character writing. Itâs a crazy companion to Journal 3, Fordâs story. Parallel stories, but where one ends with someone healing from their trauma, coming to terms with oneâs mistakes and accepting the need for human love and relationships, the other ends with one stuck forever in their layers and layers of denial, never acknowledging their own trauma, never acknowledging their need for human companionship, grasping in desperate need at their continued facade of hating to love and loving to hurt.
Bill isnât an always-in-control sly master of the mind, heâs a delusional and desperate man, fractured by his own trauma, who will continue to hurt others to prove that heâs in control. Iâm tired of the false narrative that abusers canât have trauma, arenât people, giving them this otherworldly status above all humanity. Aside from not being narratively or societally productive, it undermines the ending and message of the book. Acknowledging Billâs brokenness gives his victims POWER over him. The fact that Bill needs Ford, but Ford doesnât need Bill is powerful. Them laughing at his desperation is powerful. Looking at someone who once seemed untouchable to you and realizing theyâre just a suffering meat sack like any other human being is powerful.
The ending of The Book of Bill is the demystification of Bill. The book is a real look into his mind, telling a story thatâs actually very tragic. Itâs a very real story, a cautionary tale. Youâre not being manipulated or tricked if you feel bad, itâs a very intentional writing decision that this ending elicits that dark pity, as he desperately fades away (arts and crafts materials confiscated) saying that heâs FINE.
So yeah, The Book of Bill and the website are a masterwork of the character, I love them, theyâre incredible, and I donât want to see such a tight character story discredited as âyou canât believe ANY of it!â
#gravity falls#bill cipher#the book of bill#book of bill#gravity falls analysis#the book of bill analysis#bill cipher analysis#billford#? maybe? conceptually? is having parallel negative and positive story arcs about trauma gay folks#thisisnotawebsitedotcom#character analysis
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Fun fact! This was the real tipping point that made Edgeworth run away after AA1, they just couldn't show it on screen because they didn't have the rights to Chappell Roan's music <3
(A spiritual successor to my "Hot to Go" joke from this post. Image description under the cut below)
[Image ID: a four page black and white comic of characters from ace attorney.
The Judge stands solemnly at his podium holding a gavel "Mr. Miles Edgeworth, you are on trial for the murder of blah blah blah..."
A cheerful Maya Fey leans over to Miles Edgeworth, who is staring straight ahead and looking very concerned
Maya: "Psst! Mr. Edgeworth! If you win your trial, can I show you Chappell Roan?
Miles: "What the hell, sure." Internally he thinks "Oh God I am going to jail"
A box saying "later" in the top corner of the next panel marks the passage of time.
The Judge smiles as he says "I declare you... Not Guilty!"
We see a full body shot of Maya dancing excitedly while Miles looks on, emotionless
Maya: YIPPEE omg you're going to LOVE this
Miles internally thinks "oh no, the consequences of my actions.
We see Miles standing in between Phoenix Wright and Maya looking apprehensive. Maya beams in excitement, while Nick puts a reassuring hand on Miles' shoulder
Miles: Alright, so what is this exactly?
Nick: She's a pop musician Maya really likes
Maya: You promised you'd let me show you, and it's legally binding because you said it in a court room!
Miles: That is not how the law works Ms. Fey
Maya: Shh just listen!
We see a panel of Miles' pensive face concentrating as he listens to "Hot to Go". He thinks to himself "hm".
Another panel zoomed in more. His pensive expression has grown more tense/confused as he listens to "Red Wine Supernova". he again thinks to himself "Hm" in a larger thought bubble.
We zoom out again to see Nick, Miles, and Maya standing together again. Miles stares forward blankly, eyebrows raised. Maya excitedly leans in.
Maya: Ok, that's her whole discography. So! What did you think?
Nick looks at him, waiting for his response
We get a panel of Miles, looking bewildered. He starts to speak "I..."
We cut again to see the three of them standing together.
Miles: I... don't think I like women?
Miles looks shocked and confused. Nick is bent over laughing, using a hand on Miles's shoulder to support himself. Maya looks outraged and appalled!
Maya: MR. EDGEWORTH! Just because you don' like her musi it doesn't give you an excuse to be sexist!
We see a panel of Miles looking stressed and confused. He leans his head on one of his hands, which messes up his hair, showing how he isn't his normal put together self.
Miles: I should rephrase that. What I mean is, Ms. Roan is clearly VERY assured in her feelings towards women. I was... unaware that anyone felt that strongly. I thought we all viewed these things with a vague sense of distaste and unease but collectively ignored it. Like how we do with climate change.
We zoom out again to see the three of them. Miles stands in the middle looking deeply uncomfortable and lost in thought, vibrating with unease. Nick and Maya exchange deeply concerned glances across from him.
With lingering unease, Miles begins to walk away.
Miles: Well, I should be going then. Goodnight.
Nick hesitantly raises a finger to point out an inaccuracy in that statement
Nick: It's four in the afternoon-
he gets interrupted by Miles who repeats firmly: I said Goodnight
Nick looks in the direction Miles walked off in.
Nick: ...He'll be ok, right?
Maya reassures him: Of cours Nick! I mean, what's the worst that can happen?
Jump cut to a closeup of Nick's hand holding Miles' letter which reads Miles Edgeworth chooses death in all caps. Then, below in smaller font, it says Also femininomenon was really good, thanks.
We see a panel of Nick glaring wordlessly at Maya as he holds the letter in his hand. Maya leans against the wall and looks away, whistling, trying to look innocent to avoid blame.
As a bonus, we also have a page that takes place a year later. Miles and Nick stand talking. Miles looks calmer now, and Nick smiles encouragingly.
Miles: In my time in Europe, I've been examining myself and my approach to law. Ultimately, the most important focus must be justice. We owe it to ourselves and to the people we serve
Nick: Wow, that's really inspiring Edgeworth. And, uh, hows the... the other thing going?
We get a zoomed in panel of Miles glaring menacingly at a suddenly nervous Nick
Jumping out again, Miles turns his back to Nick as he continues to talk
Miles: So as I was saying, justice is truly so important...
Nick nervously rubs the back of his neck wearing an awkward expression as he sweats nervously. He thinks to himself internally "Ooookay then, clearly still working through some things there"
/.End ID]
#Miles can handle horrifying truths about the death of his father and the nature of his guardian#but he draws the line at questioning his sexuality!#also. serious moment for a second#I think we focus a lot on moments of queer discovery stemming from attraction to the same sex#like that being the moment of panicked âoh no I'm differentâ. Which makes sense and is valid!#But I think it's also compelling to explore the opposite but similar twist in your gut that is:#oh my god I don't feel anything in this situation where others do. oh no something something is wrong with me#and this is something that gay and lesbian people have in common with ace and aro people!#I feel such tenderness and kinship to everyone who has been in that situation#and it's why i will never understand why aspec folks are pitted against gay or lesbian representation#we are drawn to the same characters bc we had such similar experiences and isn't that lovely that we can find solace in media?#so NO FIGHTING. We should all be BEST FRIENDS. my brothers in arms. I'd die for you.#all that is to SAY: I personally read edgeworth as asexual and like demiromantic/gay.#but YOU can read him as just gay in this comic if you want <3#Also. i just thought it would be funny if it took a lesbian to make him realize he didn't like women#I think he would have no clue how to react to chappell roan. Same vibe as giving a victorian orphan a baja blast and a crunchwrap supreme#ok sorry shutting up now#ace attorney#ace attorney comic#ace attorney trilogy#gyakuten saiban#phoenix wright#naruhodo ryuichi#miles edgeworth#mitsurugi reiji#maya fey#ayasato mayoi#my art
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If you follow my main you had to know this was coming⊠anyway. Enjoy these bloodweave doodles :)
#bloodweave#gale x astarion#astarion x gale#baldur's gate 3#bg3#baldurs gate more like baldurs gay amirite folks?#yeah sorry the themes of hunger abuse and power got to me. Iâm not immune to thematically mirrors#I have so many thoughts about the itâs not even funny anymore#oh you mean to tell me that canonically gale would offer up his blood if asked and that astarion canât even do that bc of the orb ??#tasteful irony that the guy who would want to help canât do that bc of a mistake he made for love.#especially devastating for someone who measures his self worth in usefulness#oh they are so fucked up and they could understand each other in ways hardly reachable to others#once I start an origin run itâs over for you guys I will be so insufferable. even more than usual
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Jac: âSo i think agatha doesn't want to die, but agatha is fascinated by death herself. and also, i think, has at times, manipulated death herself in order to keep her, agatha, safe.â
This is such an insane thing for jac to say. Like Agatha seducing Rio to keep her safe??? THIS IS STRAIGHT OUT OF A FANFIC WHICH ONE OF YOU WROTE THIS
#agatha all along#agatha harkness#kathryn hahn#agathario#agatha x rio#aubrey plaza#marvel cinematic universe#It does not get much h gayer than this folks#this is insane#jac schaeffer#the woman that you are#You will be always loved by me#lesbianism#lesbian#they're gay your honor#sapphism#sapphic#sapphic yearning
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Tango: We're lovers. That's all you need to know.
Impulse: Platonic. This is a platonic relationship.
Skizz: Not to me!
#a quote#tangotek#impulsesv#skizzleman#skizz gay for impulse and tango! you heard it here first folks skjdhgks#what? you'll kiss your buddy for a point but you won't pretend to be lovers for a bit? what a shame impulse skjdhk#all of this is a joke. I just think impulse hard drawing the line is very funny#this is from tango's vod 'JITS - Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time! LOVE this game!' timestamp 7:36#mod rhys
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Not a day goes by where I do not think about the advent of medicine like PrEP and wonder just what the people - especially queer people - who passed from HIV/AIDs during the AIDs crisis would think
And then, I read this survivor's testimony and it just makes me emotional. I think this is the closest answer we have. HIV has changed, and we must always remember the people who didn't see that change before it happened.
#gay#queer#lgbt#lgbtq#described images#image description in alt#i do try to learn from older queer people about this tome period because i wasn't around for it#but i always wondered what the people who didn't make it would have thought of where we are now#there's this weird grief and celebration because i am so glad we are where we are. i just wish everybody cpuld have seen this#this is why it's so important to learn from each other about everything#it takes a village to create community#i have been thinking about that twitter post at LEAST once a month since i first saw it#very complex feelings on this one folks#there is so much left to learn i think but this just hits me in a specific way
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hheeehhehehehhehehe (rp sketch)
mel (little guy) belonfs to @beepbopitsgt !!!!
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Fit: [Reading Chat] "FitMC is for the lesbians"? I'm not- I'm not- I'm not gonna pull a TommyInnit! I'm- I- I refuse to comment on lesbians! We all saw what happened! We all saw what happenedâ I refuse to comment on lesbians! I'm not gonna do it! [Pauses] I'm not gonna do it! I'm not mâ Iâ [Pauses again] I'm not gonna do it. I- I love and support everybody.
Fit: [Reads chat and laughs] "The lesbians have forgiven TommyInnit"? Ok, then I can say yeah I love lesbians.
Fit: At least I got to see Aimsey. [Sends them a "o/" in chat] Oh, and it's raining... [Types "brb" in chat] BRB. [Logs out] I'm not gonna brb, that was a lieâ That's an Irish goodbyeâ that's an Irish goodbye in disguise.
Fit: Soâ [Reading chat] "I can't believe you're logging off because of Aimsey" It's not like that, it's not like that! I was literalâ You all saw it! I'm literally was ending the stream before Aimsey showed up, ok? I am notâ I do not hate lesbians! I'm- I'm glad you put the /j on that comment! I'm glad you put the /j!
#FitMC#Fit#The Realm SMP#You heard it here first folks!#FitMC is for the gays#The lesbians the bis and all#I had to include the bisexual comments in there because we were all screaming ''US TOO''#December 12 2024#Lightly Edited
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Vivi *arguing with Madoc*:Â This bloodline ends with me. Jude *whispers to Taryn*:Â That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say "I'm gay".
#And thatâs totally fine btwđ«¶#reading#book memes#booktok#tfota#the cruel prince#jude duarte#the folk of the air#Lesbian#gay#wlw#madoc tfota#jude and madoc#locke#taryn duarte#cardan greenbriar#vivi tfota#vivi and heather#taryn and jude#Jurdan#memes#incorrect tfota#incorrect quotes#incorrect quote#Reader#books
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Fellas, is it gay to live inside another man forever with Satan himself by my side?
#shitpost#jekyll and hyde#dr jekyll and mr hyde#henry jekyll#jekyll and hyde the musical#edward hyde#confrontation#fellas is it gay#guess what musical Iâm rehearsing for this time folks#I play some fuckass board of governors asshole#who Hyde stabs in the first scene of act 2#every ensemble number in this show is an absolute banger#also it is very gender of me to say my lines as a male character and then immediately turn around and sing a high D6 bc soprano 1 vibes#theatre major#musical theatre
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Another variation of the character concept art for Jinn with a mini spoiler background đ
#dark fantasy#gay characters#lgbt fantasy#human x monster#monster lover#monster fucker#moth fairy#monster kink#monster romance#mothcore#moth#fae folk#fae#cottagecore#fairy court#fairy art#fairy love#fairy aesthetic#eldrich monster#eldrich horror#eldrichcore#cosmic horror#cosmic#tentacle monster#cursed prince#romantasy
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uummm billyâs stuck in the upside down so naturally he takes shelter at steveâs house because who wouldnât take the chance to sleep in their crushâs bed in a demented monster world u know? sometimes he swears he can smell steveâs cologne when heâs falling asleep, on the nights he can sleep - if theyâre even nights. heâs not sure anymore. except their souls are so bonded and connected and shit that they share dreams and kinda sorta feel each otherâs presences most nights but they both ignore that feeling because it simply cannot be real. but then their dreams are becoming more vivid and real and dirty and steveâs suddenly waking up hard and aching everyday to the thought and visual of railing billy, which.. it should and it does feel wrong because he thinks the asshole is dead, and he was never attracted to guys the same way he was girls. but it doesnât stop him from closing his eyes and trying to recall as much of his dreams as possible while jerking off. thinking about blonde curls and blue eyes and soft lips. sometimes he swears he can smell billyâs cologne when heâs really out of it, waking up to the scent of cigarettes and warm spices. plus hairspray, of course. but the smelling and feeling each other there, leaves just as fast as it comes. billy, on the other hand, has been jerking off and finger fucking himself while thinking about steve since the first day he laid eyes on him.
neither of them are necessarily surprised a week later when steve stumbles into âhis roomâ in the upside down and finds billy wielding an axe in fighting position, expecting monsters instead of his old classmates.
#harringrove#billy hargrove#steve harrington#then they kiss#and live happily ever after#idk if iâm annoying#but i love the idea of steve only being gay for billy idk#no bisexuality erasure here folks#just boys in love
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