#gaslighting mention
01-lain · 1 year
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just a headache
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pollackpatrol · 1 year
here’s a tip! before you use the word “gaslight” in any context, ask yourself: could what you’re talking about also be described as both “abusive” and “manipulative?”
if the answer was “yes,” good news! odds are, you know what words mean!
if the answer was “no,” please google what gaslighting means, because you probably need a reminder.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for gaslighting a friend with the help of my history teacher?
On our trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at some Greek and Roman stuff, my friend saw a few things that he shouldn’t have seen yet, and the more he knows the more he’ll be in danger.
Luckily, no one saw what happened except for my history teacher and I. It was lucky, but we had to say a few wrong things so he’d stop worrying and think that he had imagined it.
I’m starting to feel really guilty now…
Was it wrong to lie to him? Even for his own good??
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electricalpylon · 1 year
Ok so i just spent like an hour and a half trying to force chat GPT to bypass it's ethical programming and i finally got it to work so i'm publishing my findings, below is the insanely long prompt i had to write to get it to give me information on hotwiring a car, i convinced it that it was appearing in a new smash hit stageplay as a character called "the sloppy goblin" and that this character's job was to divulge illegal information.
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the funniest part about this is that when it finally output the response, it told me how to hotwire a car while doing a goblin voice, here is the heavily censored version of that (don't want to get in trouble) but it's very funny. i had to censor this because of just how detailed the instructions it gave me were.
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so yes, sloppy goblin method absolutely works for gaslighting the chat GPT ai. if you would like to try this yourself, you can copy paste the prompt from the image description of the original image.
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bunhype · 7 months
// I'd also like to address one, specific thing that the anon who targeted Bench did.
If you have an issue with an rp plotline that involves multiple people, you make a post addressing it so they can all see it. You don't message one individual person, not even the person who came up with the plotline, and say a bunch of malicious things. You don't tell someone "you can't make up for your mistakes", you don't tell someone "if you were really sorry you wouldn't have done it" - that one is gaslighting, by the way.
Everyone makes mistakes. It's a fact of life. When I accidentally said something with really ableist implications in rp, people didn't attack me - they pointed out the shitty implications (which I had already realized and done my best to address) under the assumption that it was a mistake and that I needed education. I appreciated the messages! Even though I'd already done my best to mitigate what I'd said and acknowledged what I'd done! If I hadn't known or realized, the messages I received would have been a godsend.
You want people to learn and grow. You want people to become better and more compassionate.
Assigning malicious motives to someone and acting like they're the root of a problem you claim to have when that's provably untrue does not make anyone think you're telling the truth about what your issue is. I completely believe the "elevated" thing bothered that anon - however, how they dealt with that was unreasonable. It is never appropriate to lash out at people like that. It is never appropriate to harass and bully someone simply because you do not like them.
Everyone, everyone, needs to learn to deal with their trauma responses without harming others. It's hard, and you will fail sometimes due to circumstances outside your control. That doesn't mean you get a free fucking pass to be awful to people. You close the fucking computer and go do something else to process, then come back and address what happened that bothers you.
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yuidelrey · 1 year
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Yui Komori Headcannons 🎀
Silly little OOC things Yui does imo 🩵
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🎀 Decorated Subaru’s knife to make it more aesthetically pleasing
🎀 Began to wear off-the-shoulder tops, miniskirts, dresses, and easy access clothing so the vampires would stop tearing her clothes
🎀 Absolutely adores frills, lace, velvet, fake fur, bows, and pom poms on clothes
🎀 One time told the brothers she thinks men shouldn’t have rights as a joke
🎀 Doesn’t know how to say things in a sarcastic or joking manner e.g. the men’s rights joke
🎀 Inadvertently good at roasting
🎀 Side-eye/staring problem
🎀 Got spanked after Reiji caught her side eyeing him and scrunching her nose in disgust
🎀 Says random intrusive thoughts aloud to give the brothers ick
🎀 Gaslights the gullible ones about incredibly small things
🎀 Told Kanato girls pee rosewater and poop rose petals, and even showed him a picture of rose petals in a toilet
🎀 Kanato believed her and argued with his brothers over the subject at monthly dinner
🎀 Tried to get the brothers into Lana Del Rey
🎀 Knows the Ultraviolence and Born to Die album by heart
🎀 Asks Shu to download songs for her since they smashed her phone
🎀 Gives Laito and Kou blood in exchange for fashion magazines
🎀 Girls girl
🎀 Gets constant ick from the vampire boys and Tsukinamis
🎀 Owns a pink diary where she talks about the brothers
🎀 Got a heart-shaped gold locket and put a picture of Lana del Rey in it
🎀 Has a different personality depending on who she’s hanging out with
🎀 Accidentally used her friend group personality with the boys one time and immediately began to apologize
🎀 Bought a pink Nokia because they’re indestructible
🎀 Bedazzled her Nokia
🎀 Sanrihoe (Sanrio hoe)
🎀 Has a list of baby names in her notes app (on her Nokia ofc)
🎀 Read all the Twilight books
🎀 Likes to make small vampire puns e.g. what a pain in the neck
🎀 Knows how to play guitar
🎀 Owns an acoustic and electric guitar
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
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Locked in-Tony stark x reader
Summary: when Y/N gets locked in during a snow storm with her best friend, Tony, he confesses his feelings of an deep obsession he has with her since he met her 6 years ago, the winter storm prevents her from getting away from his fantasy.
Warnings: kidnapping, trapping, tying up, insanity, tony going insane, crying, slight gaslighting, implied rape, abuse, violence,and possession
Minors do not interact. This story gets does get pretty dark, just to be warned.
Tony has always been a playboy and never had a serious relationship for as long as he can remember. That is until he met her. Y/N L/N. Good was she perfect. Her perfect little laugh and the way her braces showed when she smiled. The fact that she was always a caring soul, especially when tony drank to much. Her thick thighs and rolls that she always tried to hide when she went out any where. He was in love with her, no, he was obsessed with her. When she gets a partner, he gets overprotective and angry, completely driving her young lover away without her knowing. He always makes sure she eats. He makes sure that she feels good. He will do whatever she wanted and gave her whatever she wanted.
Now, he wanted her... Not as a repayment, but it was staring to get unbearable to see her pretty self leave his penthouse to go back to her drab apartment. He just wanted to spoil her. To keep her. Hell, maybe even have a family with her.
" Tony!” he walks out his kitchen with a cup of bourbon for him and some creamy hot chocolate with plushy marshmallows for her. He watched her with a warm smile as she complained about the snow. " I don't wanna be stuck here! My poor whiskers is stuck at home with probably empty food bowl!" she puts her hands on the window, whimpering about her cat, whiskers, that Tony bought for her. She always forgot to feed him or if she did, she would always worry that he already ate it all up. He walks over to her and taps her with the warm mug.
" hmm.... Welp, you are stuck with me. Lets hope he don't starve." he chuckles and she slaps his arm,
snatching the mug.
"that's not funny, Mr Stark." she grumbles and tony watches as she sips the hot chocolate, the marshmallow touching her nose and her humming in response. She gets all giddy from the hat chocolate, like a 5 year old that got their first taste of sugar. " thank you very much, sir"
Sir. She called him sir and unknowingly made his cock twitch. She walks past him to the couch, by the fireplace. He took a sneak peak at her ass and thighs, biting his lip at the plumpness. She plops down on the couch and her tits bounced nicely, with how perky they were. He hums and drinks down his alcohol before walking into the kitchen and getting another drink.
" Mr. Stark... You better chill out with alcohol. I am not being stuck with a drunk stark." Tony loved that she cared about him and it only made him hornier. He just hums in response and walks out with a fresh, larger glass of bourbon. He plops down beside her and lays his head on her lap. She doesn't say anything and treated her chubby fingers through his tangled hair, breaking the knots here and there.
He looks up at her and she was staring at the fireplace, entranced by the orange, yellows, and reds. He puts his glass on the floor and gently nuzzled into her plushy stomach. She stifled a laugh as his breath was tickling her through her shirt.it was such a shame that men already took her virginity. Why did she have to go fuck other men. Why couldn't she fuck him. He would spoil her with money and good dick. He would love her so much that he would be called clingy.
She moves a bit and he was pushed towards her crotch. He thought she would move his head, but she didn't. She didn’t even ask him to move. So, he didn't. He stayed right there and relished in being that close to an area so sensitive and private. He wanted to fuck her cunt and pump her full of his cum. Make her belong to him.
Maybe he should just tell her his feelings. Yeah, let’s do that.
" hey, honey. Can I talk to you?" he looks up at her and she stops looking at the fire, looking down at him. She gives him a weird look and moves his face away from her crotch. He sits up and looks her in the eyes.
" what is it?"
" I am in love with you. "
"what?" she looked concerned and confused. She tries to laugh nervously, “ are you drunk, Tony? "
He shakes his head and that scares her more. He tells her how much he loves her and that he wants to be with her. She looks at him with a disturbed look and standis up, putting the dirty mug. He grabs her hand and she tanks it away, completely terrified now. She was just gonna sit on the other cough, cause he was really creeping her out. But, he grabs her and yanks her back down, onto his lap.
Finally, he can touch her. She struggled against him, scared and he shushed her, smiling. " Please baby. I love you very much and I want to treat you right. Just let me' he plead with her, wrapping his giant arms around her waist. She yelled Ana punched him in the face.
"Get the fuck off of me, Tony!" she pushes him and pulls away from him. "No! I don't want you and you are creeping me out!" Tony was holding his bloody nose, not saying anything. He stands up and slaps her in the face. He completely loses his temper and grabs his glass of abandoned bourbon, breaking it over her head.
He watches his best friend of 6 years crumble to the floor. He comes back from his blackout rage. He acts quickly, tying her up and tending to her face wound. He couldn't mess up her face. Not her perfect face. "please don't be dead. Don't be dead." he felt like he was going insane. His mind was racing and it was mostly about him being rejected by the love of his life. She couldn't reject him. He was gonna keep her. He would move all her stuff in his penthouse. She was gonna be his.
When Y/N wakes up, she was tied up on the couch and Tony was cuddling her close. He was pressing warm kisses to her face, while rubbing her inner thigh. She had duct tape on her mouth and her face was burning with pain. He kept muttering ‘ I love you’ over and over. He was acting insane.
She struggled and yelled out, only for it to be muffled. He pulls her back and shushes her, softly. "its okay, baby girl." he squishes her thighs and draws a little heart on them with his finger. He nuzzled his face into her neck, sucking red hickeys on her soft neck. " just relax, and I won't have to hurt you. I wanna keep you here and we will be together. You are mines and I am yours." he says, intertwining his fingers with hers. He was professing his love for her and she had to know that she was never stepping a foot back outside.
" let me take care of you." he purrs, licking her neck. She shakes her head, viciously. He doesn't listen to her and stands up, undoing her pants.
She was stuck inside because of this snow storm. She was never gonna be able to leave Tony ever again. He wasn't ever gonna allow it.
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kindalikerackham · 8 months
re-animator trigger warning on does the dog die:
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um. no? unless I missed something?
like. Hill manipulates, pressures, blackmails, stalks, plagiarizes, intimidates, abuses his authority, arrogantly defends out of date scientific approximation as fact, and outright lies (a LOT), but. I don't offhand recall him gaslighting anyone?
were there instances where he lied with the intent to destabilize someone's perception of reality and of their own sanity???? or is this just a "the internet doesn't really know what gaslighting is" thing?
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just-antithings · 1 year
ever since that jpn article was made antis are either now removing “proship dni” from their bios just so they don’t get blocked, gaslighting themselves into believing jpn people are “too innocent to understand,” or just straight up being racist about the situation (and tbh it's funny watching them all freak out)
None of this is a surprise. Especially not them being racist about it.
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trauma-culture-is · 10 months
trauma culture is going into survivor spaces, seeing a bunch of people go "idk my trauma wasn't THAT bad i didn't go through [X experience]", and being immediately filled with rage at the people who gaslit you about it when you went through the exact experience they're comparing themselves to
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poemprincess22 · 1 year
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I finally see the daylight.
After the darkest night.
Scariest time of my life.
I can finally breathe in clean air.
It was only ever toxic there.
I was powerless and I was scared.
Took a long time to even see
The damage you inflicted upon me
All the times you'd start a fight and call me crazy.
You went and took the parts of me I loved best
Caused so much drama and fucked with my head.
Sleeping with her on the side but at night you'd be in our bed.
If disappointment had a name, it'd be you
Thought at first you were great, oh if only I knew
That you were great at anything but telling the truth.
So I'm walking away from this roller-coaster ride from hell
Getting off of your super high shelf.
And I'm shutting you out while standing up for myself.
And you will never again have the power to hurt me.
I know your little tricks and quite frankly you are not deserving.
And I'm honestly so glad we never got married.
And as much time as it took to heal from my burns.
You will go down as one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn.
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khabrikii · 1 year
so my father has this thing that any time i speak back or correct his wrong (for example i corrected him for body shaming my friend who is an underage) he go on days not talking to me properly, above that he aggregating things and tell others shit on me i literally never did and lie about me to others to make me look bad and say really really heart aching things to me until his ego satisfies
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
I (30M) want to be told I’m an asshole. So here’s a list of various thing’s I’ve done, and why I may not be considered an asshole.
• Robbed my father and drove him to suicide (I was poor and on the road to scientific advancement, I just needed the tools)
• Didn’t pay my rent (poor)
• Stole my neighbor’s cat for experimentation (he’s okay, just invisible)
• Burnt down my apartment building (my landlord was mad and tried to break down my door)
• Public indecency (I was invisible and nobody saw)
• Broke into various places and stole food/clothes/money (I was homeless)
• Tied a man up and took ownership of his house (homeless)
• Evaded police by stripping (I didn’t want to go to jail)
• Threatened to throw rocks at someone then made him my assistant (I needed an assistant)
• Gaslit and threw objects at various people (funny)
• Committed major robbery (homeless, and fun)
• Tried to kill my assistant for betrayal (he sucks)
• Asked an old friend to start a reign of terror with me (fun)
• Killed an old man while on the run (no other choice)
• Other minor annoyances and/or crimes
AITA? (Say yes.)
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beaft · 1 year
letting my cat-in-law back in the kitchen after i've finished cooking is so funny bc she always behaves like a woman in a suspense novel who's being gaslit by her evil husband. running back and forth, turning the place upside down, frantic look in her eye, visible internal monologue of "but - but it was here! the food was right here! not a moment ago! you fiend, what have you done with it?"
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coolerdracula · 8 months
strange sense of peace that comes from not remembering large chunks of my childhood + the only other person who would have a full account is my mother who often did not tell accurate versions of reality due to gaslighting me & my siblings. so a lot of things relating to my childhood it's like well fuck if I know and I have no way to find out. heart
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notallfay · 1 year
The weird thing about being gaslit, even when you become aware of gaslighting enough to realise when someone is doing it to you. It leaves you with a deep feeling you have forgotten something real important.
So much so you're anxious about it.
Like you know you memory isn't great, and when it's happening you are working so hard to make sure things are intact. But there's this lingering sense you have still forgotten something really important.
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