#gang related murder trial
remembertheplunge · 9 months
A Christmas Eve Miracle
12/24/2023I can’t recall if I have blogged this story before or not. But, being that it’s Christmas Eve, I thought it would be worth writing up and publishing here today.
A Christmas Eve Miracle happened Christmas Eve 2015, eight years ago.
Since my first years of criminal law practice up until about 2019, I would act now and them as pro term judge in traffic court, meaning, I would fill in for the actual judge.
Christmas Eve 2015, I did this out in traffic court on Floyd Ave in Modesto, California.
The afternoon session ended at about 2:30pm . At the stop light at Oakdale Road and Floyd, I looked out about 2 miles to the north west to see intense black low clouds. They seemed to be in the area where two significant events in my life had taken place.
I was in a grocery story there when the Loma Prieta earth quake hit at 5:04pm. October 17, 1989. The store floor began to have a rolling motion and things fell from the shelves. I thought the roof was going to give.  And in 2013 a man was killed in front of some apartments behind the store. I would be appointed to represent Lisandro Mendosa, one of 5 codefendants charged with a gang related murder of the man. A 6 month jury trial resulted in a hung jury and a New York Times article about the trial, “”How do you define a gang member?   New York Times Sunday Magazine 5/27/2015. The trial was long and emotionally violent.
I continued my drive down Floyd Ave toward home. I decided to stop at the Star Bucks for a hot chocolate at Coffee road and Floyd. It sits across Coffee Road and a parking lot from the store I was in during the 89 quake. Just beyond and behind the store is where the man was killed resulting in the Mendoza trial.
Before entering Starbucks, I stood about 40 feet from Coffee Road and leaned my head back. Fine mist was falling now . I closed my eyes, felt the mist on my face and sent a healing prayer out across the store and the seen of the killing beyond it. 
Just then, unbeknownst to me,  about a mile west on Coffee road, a  storm related microburst caused a tree to to fall into telephone wires causing 50 foot tall telephone poles to one by one collapse into Coffee Road headed in my direction.
I finished my prayer, unaware of the collapsing poles, and walked 17 seconds to the Star Bucks. Inside , the power was out and there was a general sense of panic . The staff locked the door and wouldn’t let us out. Starbucks had no windows facing Floyd or Coffee Road, so we couldn’t see that the pole 40 feet from where I said the prayer had collapsed into the street as well the one just beyond  that I had just driven by.
Despite the fact it was Christmas Eve afternoon, and that Coffee Road is a busy four lane road, no one was hurt or killed inn the mile long collapse of polls and live wires into the road.
We had been told during the Mendosa jury trial that the trial had been cursed by people in Vera Cruz, Mexico. The man who was killed was hispanic. Not sure who placed the curse or why.
I drove to the jail after leaving Starbucks to meet with Mr. Mendosa who was incarcerated there.
I told him about the telephone pole incident and asked him if he thought it was as a result of the curse. He said he didn’t thinks so. He said he thought it was a sign he would get a break in the case. He did. In 2016, he received a 16 year sentence instead of life in prison via a negotiated plea. Recently, due to a change in sentencing laws, he was re sentenced and released!
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is everyone in milgram just dead
Okay I'm making this post because while I'm not sure how much I believe this, it's a possibility that's been eating at my head for a while, so I gotta share it somewhere even if it's not the most solid theory in the world.
So anyways, hello members of the jury! Today I want to discuss the weirdly recurring theme of the prisoners in Milgram possibly being dead, and Milgram being some sort of afterlife thing. Given the fact it clearly has some supernatural elements, it certainly isn't impossible. So let's get into it!
CW Death, murder and suicide, abortion, child abuse, drowning, cults and indoctrination, waterboarding, gang violence
Yuno and the Allegations
The biggest hint that at least some of the prisoners might be dead is the in Yuno's second VD, Absolute Zero.
Yuno: Oh! Also, that reminds me, there was one thing I'm curious about. Es: What? Go ahead and say it. Y: Am I…really alive? E: That's…what do you…. Y: Hm…if you don't know, then it's fine. E: Yuno…. Y: Hey, it's time, right? E: Y-yes. Prisoner number 2, Yuno. Sing your sins.
Weird thing to say, really. So, presumably, she has some reason to believe she might be dead. Which is especially worrying because Yuno is one of the most intelligent and perceptive prisoners in Milgram, and might even have higher awareness of some of the more supernatural/meta elements of the series, as seen by images from both her cover songs appearing in Umbilical and Tear Drop.
All this is to say, if Yuno has reason to believe she might be dead, we have reason to believe so as well.
There are two points of Yuno's story were I feel she could have died. One is during her abortion, given a question from Trial 2.
(T2) Q20: Did you hate the person you killed?
Y: It was too much of a pain to for me to think about anything.
So her abortion was painful, which likely means it wasn't done in a hospital, as professional abortions typically don't cause too much pain in the moment (source), even if they can cause cramping or discomfort in the recovery period. If it wasn't done professionally, and it hurt a lot, it's very possible she may have died while performing it.
However, because of a few things we'll talk about later, I'm not sure this is very likely. The answer I find more likely is that, unfortunately, she may have committed suicide by jumping off the staircase we see her standing on in her Undercover silhouette shot.
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For one, because what the hell would this shot even be otherwise. I've seen people suggest infanticide as opposed to abortion, but that wouldn’t cause physical pain (you could argue that answer is about emotional pain, but I'm not sure how much that works), it doesn't match her kill-shot in Undercover, and she herself has claimed her "muder" was abortion (and I don't see reason for her to lie about that). It also doesn't seem likely she would get pregnant more than once, seeing this question:
(T2) Q10: If you could turn back time, would you commit the same murder once again?
Y: I'd make sure that I won't have to commit it. That's it.
So, then, what the hell is up with that Undercover shot? Usually they say something important about the prisoner or their crime, but it really doesn't seem to have anything to do with anything.
This is where I bring up that Yuno falls off a staircase at the end of Umbilical.
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Like, obviously this is more meant to be metaphorical, as in Yuno "slipped up" and now has to avoid falling by grabbing the balloon, which ends up destroying the staircase which had previously been related to the mixing of DNA (long story). But... she still is falling from a staircase. That is what is happening in the video. This is a silly argument, but it does exist.
Now, there's a few other things which could imply this, but that will have to wait for a moment. So while there is very little evidence for now, I'd say this is the most likely reason for why Yuno believes she may be dead. Especially given she might have depression (check out this cool post by weather-cluddy), her comitting suicide is sort of the best guess we can make I feel.
Nevertheless, no matter the reason why, Yuno believes she may be dead, which opens the door to other characters, if not all of them, to be dead as well. Let's take a look at the other prisoner most likely to actually be dead in my opinion, and see if we can establish a pattern.
Haruka's Worrying Situation
I believe, even if no one else is dead, it is highly likely Haruka attempted suicide. I am not going to go too in-depth in here, because moibakadesu already made a really good post about it, which is where I got the theory from in the first place. In fact, the idea Haruka may have at least attempted suicide has existed ever since Trial 1, check out this cool post by Venus from thinkin-bout-milgram. Here's a summary of what the main points of the theory are:
-The repeated motif of water and drowning could indicate the way Haruka killed himself, especially since he lived in Naogaka, Niigata, known as the "city of water."
-Haruka repeatedly attacks and even strangles a younger version of himself in Weakness, in one occasion alongside the lyric "I've become a victim, I've become a victim."
-The young girl in Weakness might actually be a representation of the "ideal Haruka", as he's stated his mother wanted a daughter instead of a son (I don't actually agree with this part, I do think the girl is a literal girl Haruka killed, due to several lines from his VDs, such as him saying Amane "brings back bad memories." However, it's still a possibility)
-The nonchalance with which Haruka speaks of comitting suicide in his second MV, Metamorphosis of the Weak, could imply he's already done it once.
-The line "if with one click, and I can reset everything" in AKAA can be more directly translated to "if with the push of one button I could be reborn", which paired with butterflies being symbols of death and rebirth and being connected to Haruka because of the name of his second VD, could imply Haruka died and was reborn.
-Haruka standing on a chair in AKAA as his shadow lines up with the shadow of the bars in the window to create the ilusion he has a noose around his neck.
-At the end of AKAA, Haruka is surrounded in what looks to be formaldehyde, which is used to preserve the corpses of dead animals, while the aforementioned "I could be reborn" lyric plays.
As you can see, there's a lot here, which is why I think it is highly likely Haruka comitted suicide.
There is an issue with bringing this theory in, which is that part of the theory is that Haruka's silhouette in the Undercover shot doesn't have white noise, which separates him from the others and could imply he's a victim like Hinako and Mahiru's boyfriend, who similarly have no white noise. The problem for our purposes is that this theory assumes a lot of the other prisoners, such as Yuno, may have committed suicide as well, creating an inconsistency with this point. I don't have a good answer for this, beyond a really odd, Hamlet-esque "Haruka is a victim of his own madness" kind of thing which doesn't work very well, so unless any of you have another explanation, it's best for this theory to just sorta ignore the white noise thing.
So, now we have two prisoners who very likely died before Milgram. This vaguely establishes a possible pattern: what if all the prisoners were taken right as they died?
Muu’s Mysterious Memory Mishaps
Es: You said you wanted to go back home, right? And, "suppose" we did let you… Even if you were to leave this place, you'll then have a brush with the police, won't you? Muu: *Surprised* E: I mean, you've killed someone anyway, so are the police not making a move in regards to that? M: Well, I don't know. As of now, I don't have a clear memory of what happened after I did it. And then before I knew it, I was here. E: Is… that so? M: You guys should've known that, being the ones who brought me here after all.
This line from Muu’s first VD has always intrigued me. Muu doesn’t have a very good reason to be lying here when seen in full context, so she’s likely telling the truth. But, why? Why doesn’t Muu remember anything clearly after her crime, and why was she taken so quickly after committing it?
First idea is that perhaps all the prisoners are simply taken right after the murder they’re in Milgram for; even in the case of multiple murders, you can say Milgram just decided to take them for the last one exclusively.
However, Shidou serves as a counter example, because of the ending of Throw Down.
It’s a pretty simple logical progression. Shidou has no reason to kill after the flower person dies, so their death is after his last murder most likely, and yet he does remember it happening. Thus, Shidou has a memory of something which happened an undetermined amount of time after his final murder.
That means the "fuzzy memories" thing isn't universal. This can also be vaguely inferred by the attitudes certain prisoners have regarding their "murder(s)", like Kazui for example.
Now, you could argue Muu simply doesn't remember well because of the Trauma, and she just happened to get taken shortly after her murder. However, there is a chance now that there is a reason she was taken shortly after her murder.
You know what this post is about. You know what I'm about to imply. So I'll make the observation now:
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In It's Not my Fault, one of Muu's shoes is off after she kills Rei. And we have seen this imagery of "one shoe off" to represent suicide before.
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It's common in Japan to take both shoes off before comitting suicide, but if you want to read into only one of the shoes being off, you could argue it represents they're "half-suicides", as Milgram also considers them murders. In that sense, you (or Muu) could argue were Muu to commit suicide after killing Rei, then she would also become "Rei's victim", the same way Hinako and Mahiru's boyfriend are Kazui and Mahiru's victims.
This idea that Muu might still be a victim in the situation could also be implied by the lyrics here:
[It's Not my Fault] It’s not my fault after all, after all. Everyone wants me to be innocent. What a relief. Can’t be helped. I’m always meant to be pitied!
(Btw I'm using the fan translation in the wiki because the English subs in that video are... odd)
Yes that sentiment is repeated a lot during the song, but Muu does shout "I'm always meant to be pitied" ("I'm always the drama queen") at the top of her lungs here.
Now, the shoe thing isn't quite like that in After Pain, but we never actually see Muu's shoes in the real world, only in the blank inner world with the broken hourglass, and there are other inconsistencies with reality there, namely Rei's body's position.
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You can see her right shoe is on there, but again, this scene isn't real.
The concerning thing is that apart from that, After Pain does not help Muu beat the suicide allegations.
In particular, look at the scene of the photo I put there. You can see there's a bunch of people judging Muu for her murder, as it's usually not considered a socially acceptable thing to do. But, hold on, didn't Muu say she didn't remember anything after her murder? Correct! That means she doesn't remember this "judgement" happening, but she imagined it would. Perhaps that's what the one line means:
[After Pain] Counterattack being a suicide note
Counterattacking Rei, killing her, is social suicide. For obvious reasons.
But it's still called a suicide note, which is not a good look. And yes, I do think the Japanese lyric explicitly references death, though take that with a lot of salt since that's just Google Translate and DeepL talking.
In fact, that entire set of lyrics is pretty odd.
[After Pain] Let’s meet up inside the pain, a place just for me Postmortem makeup to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret The stabbing of the little devil’s voice, counterattack being a suicide note “I love YOU”
"Meeting up inside the pain" probably refers to hurting Rei, so now they're hurting together. The "stabbing of a little devil's voice" is probably referring to dangerous impulses, so murderous thoughts. "Counterattack being a suicide note", already explained. "I love YOU", because Muu is a girlkisser.
But the "postmortem makeup" is odd. You could argue the "death" which happened before the "makeup" was applied was the "death" of Muu's reputation, her old persona. Rei "killed" "that Muu", and now Muu is hiding her real feelings with "postmortem makeup."
But then, why would the method to solve it be a secret? Who is she keeping it secret from? Rei, and all of Muu's old 'friends', all know what lies beyond that makeup, they all saw what Muu was like before Rei stepped in.
That means there's another interpretation. If her real feelings are a secret, there's only one person they would be a secret from. Es (and us by extension). In a way, After Pain is hiding part of her heart, the less sympathetic parts shown in full in It's Not My Fault. Muu being a bully was already implied in After Pain, mind you, but it was still relatively "hidden", at least compared to It's Not my Fault.
And if that is the way we're meant to read that line, we run into the allegations again. If the makeup is for Milgram, and it's "postmortem" makeup, then Muu is already dead.
And that's without mentioning how much After Pain seems to imply suicidal tendencies in general.
[After Pain] If I was gone, If I had just disappeared I overheard, I found out How much I’m not needed There’s no special meaning, I got the short end of the stick I overheard, I found out How much I’m not needed
I don’t want tomorrow to come, I want to forget yesterday I was miserable, someone please help me
Maybe I’m done Just one more time before saying goodbye I’m just kidding, please forget I said that
The only lyric that doesn't seem to imply it is:
I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?
But feeling alive and being alive isn't quite the same, right? You can be alive without feeling alive, and if someone doesn't feel alive, it's possible they're not a very good state of mind.
So, what could this all imply? If we're going with the idea of murder-suicide, it's possible Muu was very worried about how people would hate her after the murder, as implied by After Pain, decided she didn't want to deal with that, and unfortunately made the decision to kill herself.
One small thing which could serve as a counterpoint is her Trial 1 Voice Reveal distorted line.
Fufufu... It's your fault... for doing horrible things to me.
She seems pretty sure of herself here, and it's very likely this is after her murder. But it's perfectly possible she said this initially, then thought about the social consequences, and that's when she started to feel bad. It's also worth noting the only time in It's Not my Fault where Muu seems to hesitate is right after her murder.
[It's Not my Fault] Wait, wait, just as a hypothetical. What should I do if I’m actually a bad girl? Don’t ever hate me, and don’t look for what lies “after and from” the pain.
This is immediately after the murder, when she comes out of a caccoon, presumably her arriving at Milgram. So, she was initally confident, that's when she says "I’m always meant to be pitied!" in It's Not my Fault and presumably her Voice Reveal line, then hesitated and started to feel awful as we see in After Pain.
... Well, there's also the way more uncharitable reading where Muu killed herself so people also pitied her instead of just hating her for killing Rei, but that's a bit too dark and in bad faith for my tastes. It is there, though.
So, yeah, Muu may be dead too. And she brings with her an interesting implication; the prisoners may not have clear memories of the events leading up to their death. So, even if some of them committed suicide, it's possible they simply don't remember ever taking the decision to do so, explaining their behavior in the prison.
And it also could explain away... one apparent contradiction. One which exists outside of this theory, but that this theory could explain.
Amane and the Voice Reveal Trailers
As most of you know, the Voice Reveal trailers for all these characters contain certain distorted phrases which in general seem closely linked to their murder. And as pointed out by blueepink07 in this post, it seems the First Trial Voice Reveals are things the prisoners said after their murder, while the Second Trial ones are showing a point before their murder. Check out Kazui's, for example.
(T1) "I'm so dumb... Why did I have to dream?"
(T2) "Hinako, I love you more than anything."
There's also Muu's, since I've already brought it up before.
(T1) "Fufufu... It's your fault... for doing horrible things to me."
(T2) "Hey..why don't you listen to me...? I'm telling you... Hey...HEY, I'M TALKING TO YOU"
The second being right before she killed Rei.
That works well enough for all the prisoners... except Amane.
(T1) "Ahh! I'm so sorry...! I'm sorry...! I'm sorry for breaking the rules!"
(T2) "Father is a very praiseworthy person. Once [my/his] virtue increases, he'll come back home, right? It's a little lonely, but I'm fine!"
In theory, Amane would have been punished before her murder, as we see happen after she heals the cat in the taser scene. Meanwhile, if she's lonely without her father, it could perhaps be because her mother is dead after Things Happened (yes I'm going with Mother!Victim theory on this one).
But that's not the case. Following the pattern, the line about her father coming home at some point is before her murder, and apparently, she was punished for breaking some kind of rule after her murder. The implication here, horrid as it is, could be that her father returned home after she killed her mother and punished her for doing so.
Thankfully, this is impossible. After all:
(T1) Q18: Do you regret your "murder"?
A: No. It was a natural obligation.
(T2) Q3: State the name of your victim.
A: There is no victim. Only the punished.
(Taking some liberties on the translation of Trial 2 since the questions are still coming out as I write this)
So Amane genuinely believes she was following her cult's principles to a T when she killed her mom. As much as that likely isn't the case (long story), if she had gotten punished for killing her mom, then she wouldn't think like this. If she had been punished for it, she wouldn't think her murder was a "natural obligation", but rather a mistake on her part.
What this implies is that Amane doesn't remember being punished by her father.
Amane... doesn't remember...
Yeah, remember when I said it was possible the prisoners don't have clear memories of the events leading up to their death? Going by the "T1 after - T2 before" logic the Voice Reveals seem to follow, we can infer Amane was likely punished for killing her mother, but we also know she can't remember it happening, otherwise she would regret it. And based on what we learnt from Muu, we do have a way to explain how that could happen. If Amane died while receiving the punishment the T1 Voice Reveal alludes to, she wouldn't have a clear memory of it.
And the thing is, it does seem likely Amane received this punishment. Think about it. Interrogation questions are one thing, since the creators don't fully control them, but why mention her father would possibly return home in the Voice Reveal trailer? Unless he did. Hell, you could argue we might know the exact moment he returned. Amane does look at the entrance of her apartment at the end of Purge March, though that could simply be for dramatic effect rather than being a literal thing which happened.
But there's more. Because if her father returned home, we might actually have an answer for another one of the mysteries surrounding Amane's situation. The Undercover prisoner card.
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The image on her card seems to show a bathroom. It is widely assumed the images on these cards are the location the murders happened in, but to my knowledge, this isn't 100% confirmed. However, this creates a small issue with Amane. Just looking at the murder shot in Purge March is enough to confirm that.
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I made a more detailed theory on her murder on this post, diagrams included (scroll to the bottom if you're only interested on the murder), but for now, there are two things to note here. One, there's a trail of water which seems to come out of the door with the light on, as the puddles are bigger the closer they get to it, implying that room is the bathroom. And two, the room the murder actually happened in seems to have a window/door behind a curtain, which isn't what Amane's bathroom looks like.
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Adittionally, there isn't any blood outside of the murder room, implying the victim's body wasn't dragged there.
All this seems to imply Amane's victim didn't die in the bathroom, which is sorta a problem considering the previously mentioned commonly accepted theory. But this idea that Amane may have died while being punished, perhaps while being drowned as we know that's one of the accepted methods of punishment in her cult, brings up a different possibility.
What if the images in the prisoner cards aren't showing murder location? What if they show the last place the prisoner was seen in, the place they died?
Kotoko, Mikoto, and the Prisoner Cards
So, first, is there any indication either of these might be dead? For Mikoto, not really. Sure, there's the whole Death card at the end of MeMe thing, but that doesn't have to be taken so literally.
Kotoko has a very little potential hint in the fact she's shown alongside a wolf at the start of HARROW, but by the end the wolf is by itself. If the wolf represents a potential partner (long story), then maybe Kotoko died?
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Though you can easily argue the wolf is slightly different and thus is meant to just represent Kotoko.
However, the reason I'm bringing them into this is because their prisoner cards are completely nonsensical under "murder location" theory for the images shown. Let's start with Kotoko.
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It shows an alleyway, which at first seems like it makes sense. We do see her attacking a man in an alleyway. However, after that happens, one of the pieces of background text says this:
◆ A wanted thief was assaulted by an unknown assailant Early yesterday morning, a nearby shop employee reported hearing screaming and seeing a man lying on the ground. According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the man had lost consciousness after being beaten on his face, stomach, and other areas, and was taken to the hospital. The police are currently trying to identify the suspect. [...] According to previous investigations, the male victim was wanted throughout Tokyo for theft and assault charges and was identified as the suspect, Mikio Oshii.
(Translation by Maristelina)
Mikio Oshii is the name of the man Kotoko assaulted in the alleyway. It seems odd to me that we would learn he was taken to the hospital if he later died in it somehow, especially because Kotoko didn't want to kill him. We can clearly see this because of a crucial difference between her attack on him and her attack on the serial killer who likely is her victim.
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She covers her face while attacking Oshii, because she doesn't want to be recognized. She is committing assault, after all. However, that only matters if she's planning to keep him alive. Conversely, she doesn't cover her face while attacking the serial killer, because she knows he won't be a witness. She went into that warehouse planning to kill.
Of course, she could have accidentally done too much damage, but the issue there is that she would probably express some remorse in that case. She doesn't, and the fact she only ever talks about one victim-
[TASK (T1 VD)] I did kill someone. [...] I don't have a single regret.
-it really seems like Oshii was able to survive her attack.
That creates an issue with her prisoner card. It shows an alleyway, but her only victim died in a warehouse. As confusing as that sequence is, he did die in the warehouse.
You know when we do see an alleyway again, though?
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But she's not wearing her face covering. And if this was the alley with the one sign about a car accident that shows up over and over in HARROW, I'd imagine we'd see the sign, even if it was obscured in some way. So once again, a silhouette shot which seems to have nothing to do with her murder or her general situation.
So, is it possible she died in this alleyway? That's the only other reason I can imagine why it'd show up in her prisoner card, so. As for what exactly happened, I imagine she may have been murdered at the whim of her victim's father?
Shocking revelation: The heinous criminal behind the crime is the privileged son of a high-ranking official!
(Article referring to Kotoko's victim)
So, she got found out and immediately assassinated? It's a bit out there, but it would explain both her prisoner card and her attitude in the prison.
And then there's Mikoto.
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As you can see, his card shows a street. The issue with Mikoto is one of format. The cards only ever show one location, but we know Mikoto has at least two victims.
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[Text: To the right, the Subway Murder, which clearly has a ceiling. The murderer has blood on his right cheek, his left cheek is hidden. There's also the bathhtub scene, where the right cheek is hidden, but the left cheek has blood already trailing off, which doesn't quite fit what we see in the other murder if you think about the bath chronologically.
To the left, a murder out in the street, with an open sky. The murderer has blood on their left cheek, but not on their right. This is seen in both the crime and the shower scene]
So yeah, at least two. You could argue the bathtub murder is actually a third one, which... huh. Two things that absolutely exist and a Secret Third Thing, the existance of which is disputed? Trikoto vibes.
Point is, Mikoto has two different murder locations at least. The street, yes, but also the subway. This creates a problem with the "images in the prisoner cards are murder locations" idea, because it only shows one. You could try to gymnastics your way out of this by saying maybe Hostkoto committed the street murder while Orekoto killed the other victim(s), and because only Hostkoto is considered a prisoner by Milgram, only his murder is shown? But I feel that raises more questions than it answers.
Instead, if we assume the images to be death locations, the ambiguity disappears, because Mikoto as a system can only have one death location. The issue is you have to explain how Mikoto died in the middle of the street, which is a bit difficult.
The best guess I can give is related to the subway victim. It's been pointed out before that guy looks a lot like a stereotypical Japanese delinquent, which could imply he was part of a gang. If that's the case, it's possible the killer angered the wrong people by killing him, similar to Kotoko, and thus was later murdered himself. We know that street isn't very safe, on account of one of the alters getting away with murder there. It's a pretty large stretch, and has like zero evidence, but it's physically possible at least.
Let's take a quick look at the other prisoners and see if their images can also be explained by the "death image" theory.
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We know Muu would share a death location with her victim if she really committed suicide as the theory states, so nothing weird there. Haruka's a bit more awkward, because it shows the forest he very likely killed the girl in, but I'm not entirely sure if the forests near Nagaoka has bodies of water deep enough to drown oneself. There is the Shinano river, which has... trees, around it.
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This was taken from Google Street View in Nagaoka. Again, not sure how deep it is, but assuming it's deep enough to drown, it could work if you ignore the trees don't look too much like the ones irl. Maybe Haruka threw himself off the bridge?
Alternatively, Nagaoka borders the sea, and it seems like there's forest almost all the way up to it. So maybe that could work? Unsure.
Worst comes to worst, we can maybe change it to saying Haruka didn't drown himself, but killed himself in some other way in the forest. Point is, I think Haruka's isn't too big of an issue.
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Fuuta, Mahiru and Kazui don't have a lot of evidence towards what the hell would have happened, but the best assumption I can make is they all committed suicide because of guilt. Fuuta in his room, Mahiru in the suicide forest (likely also where her boyfriend committed suicide), and Kazui by jumping off a building like Hinako. As for their evidence...
>Fuuta burns at the end of Backdraft, which is the same thing that happens to Killcheroy, so you could argue that's meant to show he's dying. It's not great, it absolutely is just meant to be metaphorical most likely, but it is there.
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Additionally, he's also an outlier for the "muder location image" theory, since what one would consider his "murder location" is very ambiguous. Is it his room, where he sent online hate from? Is it Killcheroy's room, where she assumedly died? Wouldn't it be the front of Killcheroy's house, where Fuuta took the picture to dox her? Again, death location is less ambiguous.
Fuuta's attitude during Trial 1 could be seen as a bit weird if he was suicidal, but I'm not sure we can comfortably say that with the limited information we have.
>Mahiru in I Love You goes to sleep after seeing her boyfriend dead, which could be read as her committing suicide. You know, if you're insane like me.
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Especially given this question from Trial 1:
(T1) Q20: What do you think about smoking?
M: I've never smoked before, but I might copy him if who I love smokes.
That, alongside a lot of the bg text from TIHTBILWY, implies Mahiru likes the idea of copying her lover. Not the greatest quality to have when your lover commits suicide.
>Kazui has this:
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Where the smoke of his cigarette turns into a noose. Of course, that's meant to represent self-destruction in general, but it could also be taken more literally. He... doesn't have much else.
Thus, everyone else vaguely fits the idea of "death image"... except him.
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Our favorite headache inducing doctor strikes again! His card shows a hospital room, which is a very strange death location, but perfectly fits his murders. You could argue he runs into the same issue as Mikoto, but it's actually possible Shidou just killed all his victims in the same room, so.
Yeah, Shidou's probably the biggest counterargument for this theory. Because while it's possible he died in a hospital, there is zero evidence for it, beyond the image itself. Hell, neither Throw Down or Triage ever seems to imply he died in the first place, which is an issue. This theory's already heavily dependant on the extremely flawed "you can't disprove it" argument, but at least most of the other ones have some kind of logical progression which gets you to how they died.
So, to complete the theory, we have to make the pretty big jump that Shidou died inside a hospital room, without knowing how that happened.
... Wait, inside the room?
Wait wait wait, show me Fuuta's and Amane's again.
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Hmmm... 0308... hmmmm... 0308... I totally didn't just do this to put the two together... hm...
Yeah, same thing. They both show the inside of a room. Which, along with Shidou's, shows that these images can show the inside of buildings, right?
But, then... why is Yuno's outside?
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That very clearly isn't the inside of a building. But this generates a problem for the "murder location image" theory, because Yuno's "murder" was abortion. Even if it wasn't done professionally, she would have still done it inside, presumably. This creates an inconsistency with Fuuta, Amane and Shidou. If their murder locations are shown from inside, why is Yuno different?
However, this inconsistency disappears if we assume the images to be death locations. I previously established if Yuno died, she likely committed suicide by jumping off a staircase, which does vaguely fit this image. It's similar to Kazui's in that way.
Now, I don't want to get too ahead of myself here. Murder location is still absolutely the more straightforward answer, but it does come with its issues. As stated, Fuuta's image would face some ambiguity, Mikoto's would face extreme ambiguity, Amane's seems to contradict the evidence we're shown in Purge March, Yuno's is wildly inconsistent with the other images, and Kotoko's is straight up nonsensical.
Meanwhile, death locations physically work with all the cases, even if Shidou's case is extremely weird, but it requires huge assumptions and stretches. It relies heavily on how impossible it is to disprove, which is not a good sign. Russell's Teapot, and all that.
Summary of the Theory
>Everyone in Milgram is dead, and their prisoner cards in Undercover show the place where they died.
>Prisoner's memories of the events leading up to their deaths are extremely fuzzy, explaining why only Yuno seems to even suspect it.
+Haruka: Committed suicide by drowning himself, possibly in the Shinano river or the sea. [Most likely to be dead]
+Yuno: Committed suicide by jumping off the staircase we see her standing in on her Undercover silhouette shot. [Most likely to be dead]
+Fuuta: Committed suicide in his room out of guilt. [Very little evidence]
+Muu: Murder-suicide, she committed suicide after killing Rei. [A bit more evidence than others]
+Shidou: Died in a hospital room [???]
+Mahiru: "Copied" her boyfriend by killing herself in the suicide forest. [Very little evidence]
+Kazui: Jumped off a building, like Hinako. [Very little evidence]
+Amane: Drowned by her father as "punishment" for her murder. [Unfortunately, sorta likely]
+Mikoto: Murdered by one of the members of Subway Victim's gang. [Sort of filling in the blanks here]
+Kotoko: Murdered at the order of her victim's father. [Very little evidence]
Do I believe this theory? Honestly, I don't know. It makes a few too many assumptions for me to fully believe it, but I do think it's a decent possibility, so I wanted to share it with you all. In any case, that's all I have to say for now. If you have any thoughts about any of this, feel free to share! Also I didn't even touch on Es but you can try to fit them in somehow if you feel like it.
Anyways, if you made it this far, you deserve a hug, this post was depressing. Take care!
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versegm · 2 years
Fgo singularity where the gang somehow ends up in the ace attorney universe. They kill a servant (related to fixing the singularity) but unfortunately due to the way this world works instead of shit being solved immediately they instead end up on trial and the singularity will only solve itself if they manage to get away with it.
The AA gang as defense
Guda & Oberon as the key case witnesses (actually the murderers but they managed to be subtle enough for some other schmuck to end up taking the fall)
Castoria as prosecution who really, really doesn't wanna be here (she forged her badge)
Important scenes, in no particular order:
Castoria and the AA gang run into each other during an investigation and have a short philosophical debate on the importance of truth (namely "the truth is always worth searching for" vs "dear fucking god i wish i could see like 10% less of the truth")
Castoria has NO idea what court proceedings are like. She has Mash and Morgan on speed dial as co-counsels.
Funnily enough Guda is the witness who gives the most trouble to everyone involved. Oberon lies and lies well enough that it slips through most truth detectors. Guda however is a neurotic mess of nervous tics and repressed emotions that keep setting off Apollo & Athena's gimmicks.
Oberon forges SO much fucking evidence. He insists on doing it himself so if he gets caught (and he does a few times) it's only his credibility at risk and not Castoria's (which would end the case.)
I only wanted to make a dumb joke about Castoria's fairy eyes fitting right in the AA universe fucking rip to myself.
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archivalofsins · 1 day
So I found a really fun visual parallel between Harrow and Deep Cover today.
For quick and easy reference these are all of my posts regarding this prisoner.
Kotoko Yuzuriha
July 8, 2023 Dissociation Gang Round 1 July 13, 2023 Dissociation Gang Round 2 July 17, 2023 Um hey- what the fuck??? (goes over everything in her basement studio and the animal pelts.) July 19, 2023 The Notorious Five (Seriously discusses their covers songs even though it's been stated those are just for fun but are chosen with the character in mind to an extent.) August 12, 2023 Obligatory Yuno mention (This continues the dissociation gang thing. As I point out the glitched switching within in Tear Drop and relate it to that briefly.) January 17, 2024 Possible reason for the pairing of 09 & 010 January 18, 2024 Deep Cover Analysis Stage 1 January 18, 2024 Defining Grooming (Status: Irritated.) February 3, 2024 Kazui and Kotoko Similarities and Parallels March 25, 2024 Second trial First Interrogation Question (Status at time: Bored) March 27, 2024 Second trial Third Interrogation Question (Status at time: Annoyed) April 3, 2024 Won't tolerate sin? April 3, 2024 Persecution & Ableism
And many others not tagged probably.
I have written so much on all these characters. I could make lists for all of them. Yet the one pertinent to this post would be July, 17, 2023 Um, hey- what the fuck?
Because the parallel I'll be showcasing here can be directly tied to points made there.
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Though this very well may be another visual interpretation of the same scene. Since as we know from Harrow and Deep Cover showing it more blatantly the wolf represents Kotoko anyway. Also since Kotoko was working over time trial one to make the focus of her music video just that one guy despite it still being implied there were other victims it wouldn't be strange for the paper relating to that to be the only one scratched of at the end of Harrow.
Yet, in Deep Cover everything is crossed out in some area displaying the accurate number of attacks or the progression of her behavior. Also in the Deep Cover shot we get a clearer image of what I highlighted in the Um hey-what the fuck? post the pelts.
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We can see both pelts clearly in this image something that's a fair bit more difficult to see in the image from Harrow.
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Because of the lighting. The way the light is shining in can be considered indicative of the time of the day. So it could be around sun down in Harrow or just more cloudy outside given it was raining as she attacked that guy and it stops after she finishes and since Kotoko is in her murder fit when she's down in this room in Deep Cover.
A outfit she is never shown wearing inside this room throughout all of Harrow but the hoodie is shown to be hanging on the chair at the beginning of it.
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Jacket circled for convenience here,
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It's fair to reason that the sequences when this jacket are shown in this area happened after the attack and murder. She probably started with sitting on the floor then got up hung her jacket on the chair and sat down.
The end of Harrow where we see the area without Kotoko or her jacket is probably during the crime as illustrated though. However those two pelts are there within Harrow from the very start.
Here's a version I edited to circle the areas where the pelts are.
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Deep cover only makes them a bit easier to see do to the better lighting. So yeah that's why I'm saying these scenes are paralleling each other or are the same scene depicted two different ways.
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 2 months
Alright y'all, I'm going do something I don't normally do and get political for a minute. I mean, I reblog things that are political sometimes, but I don't make my own posts about them.
So, I was on Kamala Harris' wikipedia page. Bc she's running for president. And I'm gonna vote for her bc she's not Trump. But I wanna see what she stands for or whatever. For what that's worth in American politics these days. (btw how fucked up is it that everyone refers to Biden and Trump by their last name, but Kamala by her first? like with Hillary there was the excuse of her last name being tied to a former president aka her husband. but with Kamala Harris there is no reason to justify it? it's just plain old sexism)
And I found this:
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That's a screenshot from her wikipedia page. Oh shit, screen readers won't be able to pic up what that says. Let me copy and paste it here:
In February 1998, San Francisco district attorneyTerence Hallinan recruited Harris as an assistant district attorney.[55] There she became the chief of the Career Criminal Division, supervising five other attorneys, where she prosecuted homicide, burglary, robbery, and sexual assault cases – particularly three-strikes cases. In 2000, Harris reportedly clashed with Hallinan's assistant, Darrell Salomon,[56] over Proposition 21, which granted prosecutors the option of trying juvenile defendants in Superior Court rather than juvenile courts.[57] Harris campaigned against the measure, which passed. Salomon opposed directing media inquiries about Prop 21 to Harris and reassigned her, a de facto demotion. Harris filed a complaint against Salomon and quit
For those of you who don't know what Prop 21 is, here is a summary from the wikipedia page:
California Proposition 21, known also as Prop 21, was a proposition proposed and passed in 2000 that increased a variety of criminal penalties for crimes committed by youth and incorporated many youth offenders into the adult criminal justice system. Major provisions of the proposition, as summarized by Attorney General of California are:
Increased punishment for gang-related felonies; death penalty for gang-related murder; indeterminate life sentences for home-invasion robbery, carjacking, witness intimidation and drive-by shootings; and a new crime of recruiting for gang activities; and authorizes wiretapping for gang activities.
Requires adult trial for juveniles 14 or older charged with murder or specified sex offenses.
Elimination of informal probation for juveniles committing felonies.
Required registration for gang related offenses.
Designation of additional crimes as violent and serious felonies, thereby making offenders subject to longer sentences.
As someone who works with kids, let me just say that charging a literal teenager as an adult is absolutely horrendous. Because they are not adults. Studies have, in fact, shown that the adolescent brain is only about 80 percent developed.
I have worked with teenagers. They are not children, but they aren't adults. Like Britney Spears said "Not a girl, not yet a woman" Except you know, replace girl and woman with whatever your gender is.
And it's tough for these kids. I think a lot of adults forget how hard it is. Puberty. Hormones. The social hell that is high school. And there are so many of these kids walking around undiagnosed. Bc a lot of mental illnesses can trigger in your teenage years, most commonly depression and anxiety. Which is like, just a natural fear response to the American education system, tbh. Not only for mental illness, but also for disorders and disabilities. There are parents who refuse to get their kids help. I'm not talking about the 'I don't want to medicate my child' people, though they are annoying af too. Like, there are parents who will be told somehow by the school system that their child is showing delays, etc. And they just...refuse to process that. They can't accept it, so their kid goes their whole life until adulthood without getting the help they need. Some of them get help as adults. Some of them don't. And that's not even to mention the dozens of kids who fall through the cracks.
So I personally think it's a good thing that our possible future president was opposed to it. Like, she's got that going for her. And in today's political hellscape I take my wins where I can.
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simlit · 7 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // thirty
| @izayoichan | @maladi777
ABILITY CHECK | CHARISMA Aster is assigned a base stat of 10 charisma, with a bonus of 5. Question #1 requires a roll of at least 15. Question #2 requires a roll of at least 16. Question #3 requires a roll of at least 18.  Question #4 requires a roll of at least 18.  Question #5 requires a roll of at least 20. 
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next / previous / beginning
LUCIEN: Then… someone died? ELDEWYN: Indeed, someone did. And none of the remaining nine claimed responsibility. Made things quite interesting for spectators. There was some rumors that perhaps even the Chosen of the Sun might have been the killer. INDRYR: Surely the goddess of the moon would not select a murderer as her chosen. ELDEWYN: Ah, but it is sometimes the case. After all, back then, anything was acceptable. Even had they admitted their deed, they would not have been punished. LUCIEN: How awful… INDRYR: And who was the victim? ELDEWYN: Mm, the last to lose their life in the moon trials… What was it… ah yes… Castien, was his name. Castien Thallan. KYRIE: Who was he? ELDEWYN: A rabblerouser from the south. He used to get into all sorts of trouble. I remember before he was chosen, he and his little gang would stir up the city, made people restless. The guard was always after him for one thing or another, but never could hold him long. Imagine our shock when it was announced he'd been picked. After that, he was untouchable of course. Ironic, you ask me. KYRIE: He was just a delinquent, then? ELDEWYN: Yes, you could say so. A thorn in the capital’s side, really. But clearly honorable enough for the Moon to choose him. ASTER: A toast! To a veritable troublemaker! I can certainly relate. After all, they only had to drag me out of jail right to the steps of the church! ELDEWYN: Ha! That’s right! I’ll say, there was quite the gossip about it in town! INDRYR: Whatever were you arrested for, anyways? ASTER: Oh, you know, a little scuffle… bit of a bar brawl if I’m honest. I’m not much of a fighter, but tell that to my tongue! INDRYR: How curious that no one ever admitted to the deed. Are they certain he didn’t die to the elements? ELDEWYN: To be frank, there was a great deal of speculation about it, but seeing as how no one but then Ten were inside, there’s really no way of knowing. Afterwards, he was given over to the King’s clerics and prepared for burial. We honor the fallen, of course. They’re still Chosen, even in death. But he had no kin to speak of, and no one after came to claim him that wasn’t one of his fellow troublemakers. KYRIE: Whatever happened to them? ELDEWYN: I’m certain I don’t know. Went on their way, or grew up, I suppose! INDRYR: Perhaps there was someone else in the labyrinth? ELDEWYN: Hm? What do you mean by that? INDRYR: You said there were many dangers within the maze, it could be that he encountered someone there. Someone not Chosen? ELDEWYN: The labyrinth is located on the outskirts of the city. During the trial the entrances are heavily guarded, and very few people know the way through. Even if someone could get passed the blockades, they’d be utterly lost! INDRYR: Then, it doesn’t seem particularly efficient that anyone would plan to use the trial as a cover for murder. Unless… LUCIEN: Why would anyone think to do that? ASTER: Quite conspiratorial there, Indryr! And who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory? Mm? I’m sure there’s a secret dragon under the castle waiting to make snacks of us all. More wine, my lord? ELDEWYN: Of course, of course! KYRIE: Surely you don’t think there was outside involvement? INDRYR: I’m only speculating. KYRIE: I’m certain there’s no evidence of that. Isn’t that right, my lord? ELDEWYN: Well, you know, he’s not the first to say so. There were rumors at the time that perhaps Castien’s involvement in the trials had been predetermined. KYRIE: Predetermined? ELDEWYN: They said he was selected deliberately. At request of… It’s all hearsay, anyways. LUCIEN: But the Chosen are selected by divine right! Lunar Priests get their orders directly from the goddess of the moon! Right, Your Grace? KYRIE: Uh— ELDEWYN: Of course, Your Highness. It is silly gossip, nothing more. Some people believed the presiding priest was espousing false information. But the trials were successful as every year before. There’s no reason to think he was lying about Castien being one of the true Chosen Ten. But people will get all sorts of ideas if given even a shred of mystery.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
khr + prison
This was a really interesting one, and definitely not an AU and fandom combination I’d been thinking I’d ever see. I’ll fully admit that this one had me a little stumped at first, but I eventually came around to an idea. So listed below, you will find a decent handful of characters and the crimes they got imprisoned for!
Okay, so while a lot of the fandom likes to pussyfoot around it and act like Tsuna is this total good-boy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, let’s get honest. Tsuna straight out murdered Byakuran in the TYL! Arc. Plain out and out, so obviously, the crime that ended Tsuna in prison is murder. It might have been murder for a good reason, but it’s still murder.
Gokudera gets arrested, charged with, and imprisoned for assault with a deadly weapon. And then keeps getting time added on for all the prison fights he gets into.
Yamamoto gets put into prison for aiding and abetting when he tries to help his friends. Given that he was trying to help them break out of prison because he felt they were being wrongfully treated in prison and were in danger, it’s understandable that he gets a pretty lengthy sentence.
Hibari gets put into prison for assault, battery, assault with a deadly weapon, racketeering and tax evasion. He ends up completely running the prison in less than two months.
Fuuta gets a rather short prison sentence because he was arrested and charged with breaking and entering. It’s just that there was something really cool in that place that he just had to rank for his book. Prison terrifies him but at the same time, he never runs out of things to rank in there.
Bianchi is charged but acquitted for separate counts of attempted murder and second-degree murder. Not enough evidence to make the charges stick and a mistrial happened after a large portion of the jury found themselves hospitalized with severe food poisoning. While she spent time in prison, it was only while she awaited her trial.
Let’s not forget that Ken, Chikusa, Mukuro, Birds, Lanchia, the Twins, and M.M. are all canonically people who have been in prison so let’s keep that going in this AU. This gang has so many different felonies and charges against them that it’s almost a game between them now to see who can get the most charges or the most bizarre ones. Ken has multiple counts of public indecency against him because he feels he should be able to take a piss wherever he needs to, as long as he’s not whipping it out in heavily crowded areas or anything, but Mukuro was charged and convicted of war crimes, so those two are tied for ‘what the hell’ charges at the moment.
Xanxus, Levi A. Than, Squalo, and Bel are all imprisoned for murder. Lussuria is imprisoned for murder and committing an indecency against a dead body.
Mammon gets imprisoned for tax fraud, grand larceny, and various drug charges relating to him being a huge drug kingpin.
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dreamsofminnie · 1 year
🔎Sherlock & Watson🔐
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[Luke Pearce x Reader] Series
Synopsis-> Luke the one who has always been by your side throughout school years. The one who wouldn’t hesitate to run back home to get you something you forgot and really needed. Luke who smiles so-so fondly at you when your smiles pierce through his bad days. The same Luke who thought running away from you would be beneficial for you.
^Continuing—It however, only served to push you out of your way to find him. Seeing your surroundings in an entire different city, you are in search of Luke by tracing his detective trails. His name plastered on the newspaper one day by accident, served you to find him quite quickly. Now by his side, the works of detectives and secret agents left you both to conquer swiftly.
^Continuing—Joining his line of work after thorough debating and arguing, he reluctantly let you invade his dangerous lifestyle. Of course–only with him by your side at all times.
Genre tags-> Luke x reader, partners in crime, detectives, partners to lovers, mystery, suspense, action, adventure, mutual pining, comfort fluff, angst, hurt, NXX, childhood friends, luke is meant to stay in that trope imsorry, reader is rosa, but not really, sorry rosa ily😓
Warnings-> Fraud, swearing, abuse of power, corruption, sabotage, weapon trafficking, identity theft, psychological horror, mentions of body horror, crimes against humanity, forgery, organized crime, treason, theft, toxic friends, bullying, messed up relations, desperation leads to crime, mentions of sex, libido, depression, guilt, treason against human morals, gangs, death, muder, obsession, self-hate, self body shaming, mentions of rape, mentions of sexual assault, harsh language,
(Criminals brought to justice by Luke♡)
Inspirations-> Themis main story line + Event stories/card stories; Enola Holmes movies, Charming the Duke of the north, tba. . .
Status-> Was discontinued but might start it up again.
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>>>[Name]~Ch.1–5 “Her Revival”
~Ch.5–10 “His Escape” [Luke]<<<
Chapter X (10)-> Finding Luke + 15 year long trial
Chapter XI (11)-> Reader agent recruit + mission abroad
Chapter XII (12)-> Underground Renaissance socialite world murder
Chapter XIII (13)-> To be added. . .
Chapter XIV (14)-> Tba. . .
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[Taglist] Always open!!
@neigesprincess @crucnhice @backintomykpopphaseagain @kazedaka @little-aruma
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kiiromaru · 1 year
THH's Moral Alignement and Reasoning
[spoiler for danganronpa 1]
disclaimer: I haven't read the novels, also these aren't character analysis, just my reasoning for why i put them in this category, also please add onto it if you disagree or have anything to say ^^
Lawful Good
Sakura Ogami: She always takes decisions that she considers to be the best for the people around her : trying to proctect her dojo by accepting to work with Monokuma or committing suicide and making sure to write a letter explaining to everyone why she did it as to resolve the situation and create a more peaceful atmosphere among them.
Kyoko Kirigiri: She has good intentions and i feel like what pushes her to act is kind of a "i can do it therefore i should do it" mindset.
Chihiro Fujisaki: Cute baby sunshine, never did anything wrong in their life.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka: He's the Ultimate Moral Compass, pretty self-explanatory.
Naegi Makoto: A genuinely good person who tries his best to be kind.
Neutral Good
Aoi: We can see during chapter 4 that she put her personal beliefs above all else but even if she tried to kill everyone i still think that she is a good person.
Toko (Ultra Despair Girl): If we were talking solely about THH i would've put her in Neutral Evil since she doesn't care about anyone but herself and is pretty mean (also something that i find very interesting during the 4th trial is that even if throughout the game she seems totally devoted and in love with Byakuya + her obvious lack of self esteem she still chose to defend herself when she thought Genocide Jack had killed Sakura which could've led to his death), but the character development she gets in that game is golden so yeah.
Chaotic Good
Mondo: Feel free to disagree with me on that because of the fact that he killed Chihiro who very much did not deserve it but contrary to what Naegi says in the game it absolutely wasn't a cold blooded murder, himself stating that he blacked-out while killing them. I still chose to put him in good because otherwise he really tried to do the right thing (protecting Chihiro's secret by moving their body or even when in the anime he covered Mukuro's bldy with his coat it showed that he was a kind person) + we also know that he uses his influence to minimize tensions between gangs.
True Neutral
Byakuya: I feel like his god complex makes him kind of uncapable to relate to other people and consider their struggles on the same level as him so he doesn't care about anyone + we saw during the 2nd trial that he definitely can't be described as a good person. I truly feel like he couldn't care less about rules or moral implications as he considers himself above it.
Leon: His actions only seem to be motivated by what he wants in that moment without a lot of reasoning behind it, like changing from baseball to music or killing Sayaka when he could've totally ran away after she tried to kill him.
Chaotic Neutral 
Sayaka : I feel like she's morally neutral in the way where she's so goal-oriented that she doesn't care too much about the means to get to an end (which is also implicate in her backstory) but she's aware that what she does might bad : she was willing to let everyone die and pin the crime on Naegi but once her plan failed she still made sure to save everyone instead by writing Leon's name.
Yasuhiro : I hesitated to put him in chaotic evil because of the fact that he quite literally could have/tried to kill Sakura + he never was particularly kind to no one in the game and tried to steal money from us during his free time (tbh im still kinda mad at the wasted potential of making him a nice chill guy but well). In the end i went for neutral because i feel like its more a case of picking the worst possible choice than being a bad person, even if he is quite selfish.
Lawful Evil 
Hifumi: The reason i put him in "lawful" is because what convinced him to kill Ishimaru was Celestia accusing him of SA, which is an understandable reason especially paired with the chance to get out happy and with Celestia but he was still willing to sacrifice everyone to get out so lawful evil it is.
Neutral Evil
Celestia Lundenberg: It was pretty complicated but i settled on this alignement if we take the things she tells us at face value (since i've seen a few people saying that she wasn't actually trying to win the game and that's why her plan was so sloppy). I don't feel like she's a bad person but she doesn't care about doing bad things to get what she wants.
Mukuro Ikusaba: That's where me not reading the novels probably makes a difference because i know that she gets more development there but based on the game and the anime i have to put her here, even if she was obviously manipulated by Junko she still seemed to agree with her.
Chaotic Evil
Junko Enoshima: Do i really need to explain ?
Genocide Jack: I mean, she enjoys killing people and has no other reason for what she does.
Thank you if you read all of that, sorry for any typos/grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language and i wrote it all in one go. Please tell me what you think :)
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commenter2 · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel season 2 episode ideas
Though season 1 of Hazbin Hotel ended a while ago, it’s been made clear since the announcement date of season 1 that season 2 of Hazbin Hotel is already in production and could come out earlier then we think. 
Sure Vivzie will likely want to wrap up on Helluva Boss season 2 now, but I could still see HH season 2 coming out around late 2025/early 2026. Hopefully all the success the first season of Hazbin Hotel brought convinces the people at A24 and Amazon to give VIvzie and the others more funding to make more episodes for season 2 and/or get the next season out sooner.
Only time will tell, but till there here are a few ideas for episodes that I could see happening in Hazbin Hotel season 2 in no particular order.
Trial S2x01: Lute vs. Hazbin Hotel- A possible idea for the season 2 premiere. We find out that ever since Lute became in charge of the Exorcist and is still angry at Charlie and co., Lute has been threatening to use the Exorcist army to attack Hell more often than just once a year, or put the Exorcist army on strike, unless Heaven punishes Charlie and her friends for the murder of Adam. Heaven in a combination of fearing of what could happen if Lute does anything like this, and that Adam’s death was indeed a shock, does decide to at least hold a trial to assemble the whole story of what happened and if someone is possibly responsible and should be punished. Things get intense when Lute negotiates a deal where if she wins this trial, she wants Niffty to be executed since she was the one who killed Adam.
This could be a good way to recap the events of last season as Heaven could use their version of the MMPR viewing globe to show events of the past AKA clips. To not make it a full clip show, I could see the episode review the events through the eyes of certain characters where we see the events shown in certain ways like Charlie has a lot of things look very happy, Husk see’s everything in a Noir setting, and Angel has all the male characters be very sexy before Heaven tells him to stop XD. We also could have segments where the angels give some of the backstory of several characters when they were human like Angel Dust, Niffty, and Husk. Sadly no Alastor as that deserves its own episode.
There is also the possibility of Charlie and the gang find out what happened to Sir Pentious while there, or not which could lead to plot of a future episode but more on that later.
In the end Heaven finds Charlie and co. not guilty cause they were technically in their rights to defend themselves, BUT Niffty is forced to go to court ordered therapy. Lute is furious at this decision and it is made worse when while out of the court she overhears that some angels/winners are glad/don’t mind that Adam is gone. This drives Lute insane and secretly vows to destroy Charlie’s hotel, the forces of Hell, and the “traitors”, in Heaven. This could lead to something related to the Lilith Imposter theory or hint at a future threat to the series, as someone tricks Lute into allying with it. Charlie and the Hazbin crew happily return to the hotel thankful that nothing big happened to them until they see Lucifer there with Lilith, surprising them especially Charlie.
Grand Reopening- Another possible choice for the season 2 premiere. I talked a little bit about this in my review of season 1 finale, but I could the first episode of season 2 starting with a bit of a recap of the events of season 1 told by Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench, where through them we also find out what has happened to everyone and Hell/Heaven since the season 1 finale.  It could then cut to Charlie and the others going back to the season 1 problem of trying to recruit more guest for the Hotel and depending on if they know about Sir Pentious’ fate, how they can redeem a sinner.  After shenanigans and problems, like now people don’t want to be associated with the people the Exorcist hate or poking at Charlie at still not knowing how to redeem sinners (again if she doesn’t know about Pentious), they do recruit a few more people like Mimzy, Baxter, and that Cryimini character to name a few possibilities which makes Charlie happy but then the episode ends on a cliffhanger with Lilith appearing to say hello to Charlie, much to her and all the S1 character’s shock.
If it isn’t the season premiere, then I still see it being about Charlie and the gang having another attempt to try to get some residents in the redemption program, but the same problems from the previous paragraph still happen and maybe Lilith’s new presence there makes things awkward until she tells Charlie about something (maybe the story of Dante’s Purgatorio) that helps her in a way. It also could hint at something being up with “Lilith”. 
Party Time- To celebrate Lilith’s return, the Morningstars hold a party to welcome her back. While happy to see her mom back, Charlie also thinks this would be a good chance to get some news clients for her hotel and to get people in Hell to help support her dream, but sadly her plans are put on hold when the Von Eldritch family arrive. 
For the rest of the episode we see various characters deal with the family members like Charlie dealing with her rival Helsa, Seviathan bothering/annoying both Charlie and Vaggie by bringing up how he and Charlie dated in the past, Angel clashing with Bethesda while Niffty wants to learn from her, and Fredrick talking to Husk and Alastor about business ideas, deals, and “deals”.
Pentious’ Paradiso- A Sir Pentious centered episode where we see him handle his new life in Heaven and being shown around by Emily like the poem the episode’s title is referencing. An episode like this is another chance to learn more unique things about Heaven and how it works, as well as be introduced to/foreshadow more angels and angelic characters that can appear later like archangel Michael and Jesus Christ.
If Charlie doesn’t know that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, then the main story for this episode would be how Sera has, until further noticed, forbidden Pentious and Emily from informing Charlie that he is there. They of course don’t like this as they think she is trying to stop Charlie’s plan, as I can imagine there being people in Heaven fighting against Charlie’s redemption program at this point, so they decide to go against the order and try to contact Charlie to confirm that redemption is possible for sinners. They eventually succeed (Helluva Boss did show us that Hell can receive video from Heaven) but of course get caught afterwards, where Emily takes the blame. The episode could end in 2 ways with Emily instantly becoming a fallen angel, or it’s another step to her facing such a eventually fate. I prefer the second option as her becoming a fallen angel should happen dramatically and after doing something really big like maybe cursing in front of someone XD.
A Day in the Garden- This is a prequel episode that would showing us how Lucifer met Lilith, the day they gave the apple to Eve and Adam, and Lucifer and Lilith being banished to Hell. It’s a fun episode that could give us more info on how things came to be, and maybe foreshadow things to come later in the season or series like something related to the Lilith Imposter theory I’ve been talking about.
Field Trip- During another debate between Charlie and Heaven about how a soul is truly judged, someone brings up the idea if Earth could somehow have a factor in it. After both sides take interest in seeing if it does Charlie, Emily, and a few other characters are allowed to visit Earth to do some research. This would be a fun episode as we could see how both react to Earth, as it was implied that Charlie likely never went to Earth, or not as much.
Such an episode could also have references to Helluva Boss, like seeing Blitzo and co. in the background or maybe Charlie and co. find Cletus and his other banished Cherubs there and try to get them to help with the redemption process. Not to mention it would be a good excuse to see the human disguises for characters.
End of Act 1- The season 2 finale. I’m calling it this cause I’m personally hoping for Hazbin Hotel to have at least 4 to 5 seasons, I mean if Helluva Boss is getting 4 then so should Hazbin Hotel. It’s also a callback to how the title of the S1 premiere is a reference to how a play/musical starts and how the finale didn’t end with such a title as this.
Some things I can see happening here is that Alastor calls in his favor to Charlie and this causes Lilith to do something that along with spelling out bad news later on in the series, finally reveals that she has been an Imposter for most of the season as if the Imposter Lilith theory does turn out to be true, it would get old wonder if the character was really her or not.
Maybe said Imposter gets destroyed, only for an eviler threat to be hinted at for the next season.
That is all I can think of right now, but I’m sure there are other ideas for what could happen next season like the eventual Vox confronting Alastor, Angel getting free for Valentino and seeing the moth pimp try to get him back, and an episode about the other Overlords like Zilla and Zestial.
Do you want to see any of these episodes happen in season 2? What could you see happening?
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remembertheplunge · 8 months
The Jury Is Out
"Do nothing because it is righteous or praiseworthy or noble to do so: do only that which you must do and which you cannot do in any other way."
Ursula K. Le Guin. Author
10/17/2006. 7:21am Tuesday
So, what if the jury decided Rogelio's case in the first 10 minutes. Guilty of Count One, First degree Murder? And, the rest of the time, they've been haggling out the the other co defendants and the others walk in some fashion? Will I shake like another defense lawyer I know did during the reading of the verdict in a recent trial? No.
Learn from the burn. Take the jabs you will get from other lawyers. Let it go. In all it's pain. In all it's not knowing anguish (the jury is out deliberating), it's a mere learning tool.
a little after 3pm
Judge Lacy declares a mistrial. Both counts. My client said thank you to me and to the jury. The vote was 8 to 4 for guilty (8 guilty, 4 not guilty as to the Penal Code 245 Assault with a deadly weapon charge).
Around 12:40pm, Susan, a reporter, calls from the Modesto Bee "Why didn't the District Attorney settle this case?"
The jury never even got to the Penal Code 187 or I guess the gang issues.
excited exhaustion sets in.
No more work today.
Sleepy easy.
End of this part of the entry
I represented a young man in a 4 co defendant First Degree gang Murder jury, trial. The trial ran from June 19, 2006 to October 17, 2006.
The jury was out deliberating for s 3 weeks before they announced that they could not reach a decision. The judge on the case,Judge Lacy, declared a mistrial.
The entries above describe the agonies and extasys the trial lawyer experiences before and after a jury either reaches a verdict of declares a mistrial.
In the 7:21am entry, I am preparing myself pre jury announcement of a mistrial of how I will handle a major defeat. The jury had been deliberating for weeks, but, we didn't know the reasons why.
The 3pm entry was written after the mistrial was declared. A huge relief set in. A mistrial in a criminal case is rare. About as rare as a not guilty verdict. So, it was considered by the legal community at the time to be a significant victory.
Eventually I plead my client out to a manslaughter for 14 years. he was young, so he would see the street again. Had he been convicted of First degree murder by the jury, under the laws at that time , 2006, he could have been sentenced to a minimum of 25 to life.
The 4 men were accused of being Surreno gang members who had kicked and hit a Norteno Gang member after he had been knocked to the ground. A 5th Surreno gang member had shot the Norteno to death while the other's kickrd him. The shooter then fled the country. He was not apprehended by the time that we went to trial in 2006.
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charliemac · 2 years
i counted “rcg involvement” as any episode written by rob, charlie, and/or glenn, including with other non-rcg writers or creating the story but not writing it. every episode in this list does not have rob charlie or glenn credited as writers. excuse my typing errors and also feel free to add/correct anything because this is absolutely fascinating to me
s2e8 the gang runs for office - david hornsby
s3e13 the gang gets whacked part 2 - scott marder and rob rosell
S3e15 the gang dances their asses off - david hornsby, scott marder, rob rosell
s4e4 mac’s banging the waitress - david hornsby
s4e8 paddy’s pub: the worst bar in philadelphia - scott marder, rob rosell, david hornsby
s4e10 sweet dee has a heart attack - rob rosell and scott marder
s5e1 the gang exploits the mortgage crisis - becky mann and audra sielaff
s5e3 the great recession - david hornsby
s5e4 the gang gives frank an intervention - scott marder and rob rosell
s5e6 the World Series defense - david hornsby
s5e7 the gang wrestles for the troops -scott marder and rob rosell
S5e8 paddy’s pub: home of the original kitten mittens - sonny lee and Patrick walsh
s5e9 mac and dennis break up - Scott marder and rob rosell
S5e10 the dennis system - david hornsby, Scott marder, rob rosell
s6e1 mac fights gay marriage - becky mann and audra sielaff
s6e2 dennis gets divorced - Dave and john chernin
s6e4 mac’s big break - rob rosell
s6e5 mac and charlie: white trash - luvh rakhe
s6e6 mac’s mom burns her house down - Scott marder and rob rosell
s6e8 the gang gets a new member - david hornsby
s6e9 dee reynolds shaping America’s youth - david hornsby
S6e10 charlie kelly king of the rats - Scott marder and rob rosell
s6e11 the gang gets stranded in the woods - Scott marder and rob rosell
s6e12 dee gives birth - david hornsby, becky mann, audra sielaff
S7e1 frank’s pretty woman - scott marder and rob rosell
S7e2 the gang goes to the jersey shore - dave and john chernin
S7e3 frank reynolds’ little beauties - scott marder and rob rosell
S7e5 frank’s brother - david hornsby
S7e6 the storm of the century - charles hornsby
S7e9 the gang gets trapped - luvh rakhe
S7e10 how mac got fat - scott marder and mehar sethi
S7e11 thunder gun express - dave and john chernin
S8e5 the gang gets analyzed - luvh rakhe
S8e6 charlie’s mom has cancer - scott marder and rob rosell
S8e7 frank’s back in business - dave and john chernin
S8e8 charlie rules the world - david hornsby
S8e9 the gang dines out - mehar sethi
S9e3 the gang tries desperately to win an award - david hornsby
S9e4 mac and dennis buy a timeshare - dave and john chernin
S9e6 the gang saves the day - dave and john chernin
S9e7 the gang gets quarantined - david hornsby
S9e8 flowers for charlie - david beinoff and d.b weiss (game of thrones creators/writers)
S9e9 the gang makes lethal weapon 6 - scott marder
S9e10 the gang squashes their beefs - rob rosell
S10e1 the gang beats boggs - dave and john chernin
S10e2 the gang group dates - rob rosell
S10e5 the gang spies like U.S - david hornsby
S10e7 mac kills his dad - david hornsby, dave and john chernin
S10e10 ass kickers united: mac and charlie join a cult - scott marder
S11e2 frank falls out the window - david hornsby
S11e3 the gang hits the slopes - dave and john chernin
S11e4 dee made a smut film - eric ledgin
S11e5 mac and dennis move to the suburbs - hunter covington
S11e6 being frank - scott marder
S11e7 mcpoyle vs ponderosa: the trial of the century - conor galvin
S11e8 charlie catches a leprechaun - jon and josh silberman
S11e9 & s11e10 the gang goes to hell parts 1 and 2: david hornsby and scott marder
S12e2 the gang goes to a water park - eric ledgin
S12e3 old lady house: a situational comedy - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S12e4 wolf cola: a public relations nightmare - david horsby and scott marder
S12e5 making dennis reynolds a murderer - conor galvin
S12e8 the gang tends bar - megan ganz
S12e9 a cricket’s tale - david hornby and scott marder
S13e1 the gang makes paddy’s great again - david hornsby
S13e2 the gang escapes - megan ganz
S12e3 the gang beats boggs: ladies reboot - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S12e4 time’s up for the gang - megan ganz
S13e5 the gang gets new wheels - conor galvin
S13e6 the gang solves the bathroom problem - erin ryan
S13e7 the gang does a clip show - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S13e8 charlie’s home alone - adam weinstock and andy jones
S13e9 the gang wins the big game - conor galvin
S14e2 thunder gun 4: maximum cool - conor galvin
S14e3 dee day - megan ganz
S14e4 the gang chokes - john howell harris
S14e6 the janitor always mops twice - megan ganz
S14e8 paddy’s has a jumper - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S14e9 a woman’s right to chop - dannah phirman and danielle schneider
S14e10 waiting for big mo - david hornsby
S15e2 the gang makes lethal weapon 7 - keyonna taylor and katie mcelhenney
S15e3 the gang buys a roller rink - rob rosell david hornsby
S15e7 dee sinks in a bog - david hornsby and rob rosell
S15e8 the gang carries a corpse up a mountain - megan ganz
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westdallasgang · 12 days
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Barrow Gang member: W.D. Jones (1916 - 1974) The gang's teenage gangster
W.D. was born to sharecropper parents in Henderson, Texas. He was the second youngest of 6 siblings. After postwar cotton prices collapsed the Jones' moved and settled in the campgrounds of West Dallas, where the family befriended the Barrow's. W.D. was 5 years old when he met Clyde but developed a tight friendship with L.C. Barrow (Clyde's younger brother) who was closer in age. When W.D. was 6, he lost his father, sister and oldest brother to the Spanish flu. He quit school by the 1st grade to sell newspapers to support his single mother. By age 15 or 16, W.D. was known to the local police. In 1931 he was arrested for the first time for stealing and wrecking a bootlegger's car. W.D. joined the Barrow Gang on Christmas Eve 1932 and left in early September of 1933.
After leaving the gang, W.D. kept a low profile in Houston, Texas, picking cotton and harvesting vegetables on farms to support himself. He was arrested November 16, 1933 without incident. An acquaintance identified him to the police as the mystery Barrow accomplice. Because W.D. was just a teenager, Clyde persisted he take the blame for his crimes and even coached W.D. to tell authorities that he, Bonnie, and Buck had done all the killings and robbings, and that he was only an unwilling member of the gang. W.D. was tried for being an accessory to Bonnie and Clyde's murder of a Dallas deputy. Although Clyde was the one who killed the deputy sheriff, W.D. took the blame in order to avoid going to prison in Arkansas for the murder of a city marshal.
He was put behind bars at the Dallas County jail. At his 1934 trial he was convicted for murder without malice and was sentenced 15 years in prison. After serving 6 he was paroled. W.D. tried joining the army during WW2 but was rejected due to many buckshot wounds, a bullet in his chest, and part of a lung was blown away. W.D. lived the rest of his life in Houston where he worked as a concrete truck driver. He married but was widowed in the mid 1960's. He became addicted to pain-killing drugs and in 1971 went to rehab. In the early hours of August 20, 1974, he was shot dead with a shotgun during an altercation. He passed away at 58 years old. The man who killed him, George Arthur Jones (no family relation), was tried and given 15 years, but released on bond pending appeal. When learning of a prior conviction that made him ineligible to be released pending his appeal, he was ordered to be returned to jail. When George Jones learned of this, he took the same shotgun he used to kill W.D., sat on the tailgate of his truck and ended his own life with a single shot under his chin.
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staydandy · 2 years
The Devil Judge (2021) - 악마판사 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : In this world bereft of law and order, Head Trial Judge Kang Yo Han signals the need for change. His courtroom is the subject of a reality show where he mercilessly punishes the guilty, earning him the “Devil Judge” nickname, a divisive figure with an aura of mystery that belies his true identity and ambitions. On a quest for true justice, does rookie Judge Kim Ga On have what it takes to challenge the notorious “Devil Judge”? (MDL) AKA : The Demon Judge | Devilish Judge | The Devil Judgement | The Devil's Justice | The Merciless Judge
Whumpee : Kang Yo Han played by Ji Sung (right) • Kim Ga On played by Park Jin Young (left)
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Mystery, Law, Political, Crime, Friendship, Bromance
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • This is the a revision of my Partial List, which only had 2 episodes on it! Honestly I've rewatched this show half a dozen times or more, and on the recent rewatch I decided to expand on my original whump list. I can hardly believe I left so much out of the first list, but that just goes to show how much my list-making has changed. • My favorite episodes are pink : 00 • Even though I'd love another season, they did wrap it up well. So the most I can hope for is these 2 acting together again in another show! Their chemistry is amazing!
Related List : Devil Judge (2021) - partial list
Episodes on List : 14 Total Episodes : 16
*Spoilers below*
01 : Kim Ga On is knocked to the ground by an explosion … #plantdaddy 😆
02 : (at end) Kang Yo Han & Ga On are caught up and blown to ground by an explosion … Yo Han carries/drags a mostly unconscious Ga On away
03 : … continued from previous ep. ... (replay) Yo Han & Ga On are caught up and blown to ground by an explosion … Yo Han has a cut on his forehead, Ga On is sleeping, bandaged.. wakes in pain (in Yo Han's house) … startled awake, still sore, holding his side … moves too suddenly, pain … startled awake (again), pain, Yo Han changes Ga On's bandages 😊 .. slapped on the back on his wound … Yo Han is in a fight … Yo Han bumps Ga On in his sore ribs (Yo Han just loves torturing him)
04 : *ah this is such a cute moment, Yo Han picking out Ga On's clothes for their date 😁 … the hand on his back leading him in 😆 … Ga On is pinned to a wall & choked … [flashback] Yo Han is inside a burning building, which collapses on top of him while he's trying to protect someone
05 : [present] Nightmare … [flashback] Ga On's face is bruised up from a [not shown] fight … [present] Yo Han is hit over the head & knocked out, kidnapped & tied up
06 : … continued from previous ep. ... Kidnapped & tied up … knocked out with a drug.. wakes in his car, unsteady … Ga On is pushed into a pillar … in a fight … Yo Han & Ga On fight
07 : *Yo Han reads 1 line in a self-help book & thinks he's now an expert in talking to teenage girls 😂 … Ga On has a nightmare … falls to his knees in grief
08 : (replay) Falls to his knees in grief … [flashback] Yo Han hospitalized … [present] discreetly stabbed with a hair pin
10 : Yo Han & Ga On fight against a gang *I love when they overlay a fight with a good song. In this case the song is: What You Gonna Do, by Zeenan
12 : Ga On is slapped … Yo Han has a nightmare … shot … Ga On in a fight … Yo Han is forced to watch a friend's murder (not Ga On)
13 : … continued from previous ep. ... Bleeding heavily, collapses … gasps awake, been given first aid to stop the bleeding for a bit … Ga On getting his ribs bandaged … Yo Han given further medical attention at home.. rips out his IV.. anxiety attack … Ga On is hit in the head with a rock, bleeding.. Yo Han is hit with a rock … Ga On watches his best friend die (not Yo Han)
14 : … continued from previous ep. ... Watches his best friend die … unsteady, falls to his knees in grief
15 : Ga On is choked by Yo Han … Ga On tries to stab Yo Han, who stops the blade with his hand … has phantom pain in his back … arrested, handcuffed … panicking … Ga On holds his head in pain/disbelief/grief (? not sure which), falls to his knees … Yo Han dragged away
16 : Imprisoned … in a fight, a chair broken over his back … attacked ... Ga On is knocked to the ground by an explosion that Yo Han sets off
More Whump Lists for this show: WhumpsList
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✨Danganronpa Sorting ✨
Makoto strained his eyes against the words on the page. The paper seemed like an old type, crinkled and discoloured.  “Welcome to Hogwarts!” it read, in a looping inked scrawl. Beneath was a doodle of a bear wearing robes and a witch’s hat, pointing up to the words with a… stick in its hand??
Let’s go, people. This has been rattling around in my head for a while, so here’s a compiled list of the Danganronpa characters in their respective Hogwarts Houses! (imo). I’ve explained my reasoning for each character, and used process of elimination for less obvious ones. THH only (for now!)
Class 78
Sayaka Maizono— Slytherin: 🐍
Sayaka is a good example of a Slytherin. She’s ambitious, doing whatever it takes to achieve her dream of becoming a pop star. She is also cunning with her murder plan and manipulation of Leon and Makoto, resourceful with her use of the sword and dying message, and has a keen sense of self-preservation, with the nature of the killing game sending her into panic and causing her to become willing to kill to escape. She also shows some Hufflepuff traits with her compassion, work ethic and loyalty to her friends, but this can also be seen as Slytherin fraternity, and her work ethic due to her ambition.
Leon Kuwata— Gryffindor: 🦁
Well, he’s definitely not a Ravenclaw. For some reason, my gut says Hufflepuff, but I can’t really explain why. He shows some Slytherin traits, with his ambition for music despite not having a musical related talent, and also shows a certain amount of cunning and self-preservation given his showdown with Sayaka and the trial breakdown at the prospect of his imminent death. Ultimately, however, I would place Leon in Gryffindor as he’s pretty rash, impulsive, daring etc with a keen sense of chivalry. He may not be all that brave or noble, but that’s not to say that he doesn’t value or want to be these things. 
Chihiro Fujisaki— Ravenclaw: 🦅
I don’t really see any Slytherin traits in Chihiro. He seems to embody some Hufflepuff traits, being kind, fair and hardworking. I wondered whether or not to put him in Gryffindor, seeing as he really values traditional Gryffindor traits like bravery and desperately wants to embody them. The sorting hat is more about what you value, but in the end I decided to put him in Ravenclaw as Chihiro seems to both embody and value creativity, imagination and intelligence. He single-handedly invented the program that allowed both sides of hope and despair to succeed in their respective goals, which is a very revolutionary Ravenclaw thing.
Mondo Owada— Gryffindor: 🦁
Again, definitively not a Ravenclaw. Mondo seems pretty ambitious, becoming the head of a gang, but this isn’t a goal he actively works towards— rather a role that he accepts. He doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of cunning, given how he murdered Chihiro and his acceptance in admitting it. He seems to have a strong steak of Hufflepuff loyalty to people he cares about, but doesn’t really embody other traits of the house. Mondo is impulsive, brave and daring, preferring to solve problems with his fists and being the one to attack Monokuma first. He’s also noble and chivalrous, honouring a lifelong promise to his dead brother, feeling guilty for punching Makoto, offering to help Chihiro grow his strength and bravery and feeling shame at the trial for what he’d done. Mondo is very much a Gryffindor. 
Kiyotaka Ishimaru— Hufflepuff: 🦡
Once again, Kiyotaka is likely not a Ravenclaw. A Gryffindor argument could be made due to his outspokenness and chivalry, especially after he becomes closer with Mondo, but I don’t think Gryffindor really fits as Kiyotaka hates impulsivity and doesn’t really seem to value bravery. I think he is a strong Slytherin candidate, though. Taka is very ambitious, his life practically revolving around his goals. He leans heavily into Slytherin fraternity with his comradery with Mondo, and appears to be resourceful due to his attempt at leadership on both the student council and throughout the killing game. However, Taka doesn’t really display any sense of cunning or notable self-preservation, instead seeming to detest deception or underhanded tactics. As the ultimate moral compass, Kiyotaka is a good example of a Hufflepuff— he’s kind, loyal and extremely hardworking. He has a very strong sense of justice and relies on trustworthy, comfortable methods. Breaking the rules would kill him. 
Hifumi Yamada— Ravenclaw: 🦅
Hifumi shows a little of every house, displaying cunning in his plan with Celestia, bravery and chivalry in his going through with it, and some loyalty and compassion towards her. However, I decided he is probably a Ravenclaw, as he’s very imaginative and creative, and therefore also pretty quirky. Fiction motivates Hifumi, along with general knowledge. Unlike the traits of the other houses, which only appear at certain times, these remain pretty consistent throughout his characterisation, and so places him in this house. 
Celestia Ludenberg— Slytherin: 🐍
Slytherin Slytherin Slytherin all the way, baby!! Celestia is EXTREMELY ambitious, with a goal of winning every game, amassing as much money as possible and achieving a lavish lifestyle. She’s incredibly cunning, deceiving everyone else surrounding her entire identity, and creating the nighttime rule specifically to have people lower her guard around her. She has no problem manipulating Hifumi into sacrificing himself for her, owing to her high sense of self-preservation. She may or may not show a few traits of other houses, but it doesn’t matter because she’s just so slithery Slytherin!! 
Sakura Ogami— Hufflepuff: 🦡
Sakura is clearly not a Ravenclaw or Slytherin. She shows strong Gryffindor traits with her impressive bravery, nobility and chivalry, however she’s very disciplined, lacking the impulsive recklessness that defines so many Gryffindors. Sakura is kind, fair and just. She’s incredibly hardworking, tied heavily to her morals and is very loyal to those she cares about. It was only through this loyalty that the mastermind was able to take advantage of her, rather than her bravery. 
Aoi Asahina— Hufflepuff: 🦡
Another “definitively not Ravenclaw.” She shows a good amount of Slytherin cunning in chapter 4, which even Byakuya— the quintessential Slytherin— comments on. However, she lacks the ambition and self-preservation to go with it, and she seems to really disvalue cunning, getting upset when Byakuya calls her that. Like Sakura, she’s a strong Gryffindor candidate, as she’s impulsive, hot-headed and reckless. However, this impulsiveness is done in the service of justice. Aoi is sweet, fair and loyal— even if she’s not particularly hardworking. The reason behind her cunning was due to her compassion and loyalty to Sakura— and her getting upset when someone calls her cunning was due to thinking she was a bad person— through questioning her morality, which is what makes her a Hufflepuff overall. 
Byakuya Togami— Slytherin: 🐍
As stated, Byakuya is the quintessential Slytherin. He’s very ambitious, accruing a ton of wealth and with the goal of dominating his own siblings in a cutthroat competition to own his family’s corporation. He shows a good amount of cunning, with his interference of case 2, and a LOT of self-preservation with his distancing from the group and trying to establish himself as a threat to potential attackers— though never directly killing anyone himself. He is highly intelligent, and his interference of case 2 due to his goal of keeping things interesting, and thirst for knowledge throughout the game is very Ravenclaw, however, this knowledge was sought specifically to enhance his self-preservation, which is what makes him a Slytherin. 
Toko Fukawa— Ravenclaw: 🦅
This one was difficult to sort. Toko doesn’t seem to be much Slytherin or Gryffindor. She shows a strong sense of loyalty to those she cares about, and might be hardworking given she’s a best-selling author, but she’s also unpleasant and can be pretty unfair at times. She doesn’t even really seem to show that much Ravenclaw in her, as she doesn’t seem to be curious or knowledge-driven, but she’s clearly highly imaginative and creative, which are quintessential Ravenclaw traits, and does seem to be very witty given her interactions with Komaru— another quintessential Ravenclaw trait.
Yasuhiro Hagakure— Ravenclaw: 🦅
This one was REALLY difficult to sort. Yashiro has a strong sense of self-preservation and a little bit of cunning— but he utterly lacks ambition, being laid-back and preferring to go with the flow. He shows some Gryffindor traits, as he can be impulsive and kind of reckless, but he definitely isn’t hot-headed, or brave or noble, and nor does he seem to value any of those. He doesn’t really seem to have any Hufflepuff in him, although it is the house that accepts those who don’t make the cut for others. Yasuhiro initially seems like the furthest thing from a Ravenclaw— he’s notoriously stupid, and isn’t driven by knowledge, however he does seem to hold a certain curiosity for his own field, and is obviously pretty quirky and imaginative. Ravenclaw is known for embracing those who just think differently. 
Makoto Naegi— Hufflepuff: 🦡
Another Hufflepuff-Gryffindor cusp! Makoto definitely isn’t a Slytherin. He’s pretty clever, being heavily involved with the trials, and could be said to be imaginative given his vision for a better world, but he doesn’t seem all that creative or knowledge-seeking in any traditional sense. In fact, he’s extremely normal, which is a very Hufflepuff thing— though it’s not why I placed him there. Makoto could be seen to embody strong Gryffindor traits, like bravery and nobility in the face of all hope lost. However, like Hina, this bravery comes more from his inner sense of justice and morality than recklessness or chivalry. Makoto stands up for what he believes in. He’s kind, fair, loyal and hardworking in order to inspire hope and make people happy. You don’t get more Hufflepuff than that.
Kyoko Kirigiri— Ravenclaw: 🦅
Although goal-oriented and put-together in a way that typically conflicts with Ravenclaw’s scatteredness, Kyoko is very much in the house of the eagle. Her talent is related to solving mysteries, and unlike other characters who solve the trials due to justice or self-preservation, Kyoko does it because it’s a personal interest of hers. Her thirst for knowledge and thrill of problem-solving is what motivates her. She’s shrewd and highly intelligent, and is used to thinking outside the box. Although maybe not as artistic or imaginative as some Ravenclaws, Kyoko is creative in her own ways and certainly earns her Ravenclaw title.
Mukuro Ikusaba— Hufflepuff: 🦡
Again, this took some thinking. I wouldn’t say she’s a Ravenclaw. There are definitely some Slytherin arguments to be made. I think Gryffindor makes a lot of sense as she’s clearly very brave and somewhat(?) reckless— like attacking Izuru without assessing him as a threat beforehand (but the anime kind of butchered her character anyway). I would probably say that this isn’t normal behaviour for Mukuro though. Being a soldier would probably require a level of discipline that is not really in your average Gryffindor’s comfort zone, and I don’t see any examples of nobility or chivalry from her that doesn’t surround her sister. Ultimately, she’s a Hufflepuff because her sense of loyalty is astounding. Beyond that, she practical, focused, hardworking and seems to value sweetness and compassion given her love for Makoto, even if she doesn’t necessarily embody it herself. 
Junko Enoshima— Ravenclaw: 🦅
I know! I know, I know. “But rambly-fandom-thoughts3, Junko is evil! How is she not a Slytherin?” Well, sit down, sweet summer child, and let me explain. (Get ready for an essay!)
It’s true that Junko has a ton of Slytherin qualities. She is probably the most cunning character in the series, exploiting societal structures and stereotypes to effectively disguise her role in The Tragedy for a long time. She’s dangerously charismatic and manipulates so many people to her side for a cause that seems entirely nonsensical and benefits absolutely no one, and does it so well that they worship her and permanently disfigure themselves. (And no, we do not count the anime— SDR2 indicates it was a slow, individual process and even emphasizes that everything they did was of their own volition, and having her just lie about that and simply brainwash them is a cheap cop-out). Her goals include world dominion and destruction, and well, you don’t get more ambitious than that!  However, it’s important to consider the motives behind these goals. Junko destroys the world because she’s bored. She has powers of analysis that cause her mind to become this endless black hole, constantly consuming any form of mental stimulation just to keep it from devouring itself. She craves the chaotic, unpredictability of despair. They’re based on an entire philosophy. She wants knowledge for knowledge’s sake— not knowledge to achieve a wider goal, unless that goal is to gain more knowledge for knowledge’s sake. She is an evil, mad genius, and is Ravenclaw through and through. 
Plus, her self-preservation skills are notoriously non-existent. Her impulsive, reckless behaviour and self-sabotage is honestly more reminiscent of Gryffindor rather than Slytherin. 
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petitjury · 1 year
(CANADA) does everyone know about canlii? court transcripts are public information and they’re stored in a big, accessible database that any old joe can explore and read for free.
Link: https://www.canlii.org/en/
Most court cases aren’t reported by the media, especially those related to gang crimes. (because, simply, there’s not enough people and we (being the reporters) need to judge a court docket based on what people will care most about.) So if you’re interested in/curious about what’s going on in the courthouse in your province, or just a crime buff, it’s a great and morally good resource to check out. There's also links to codes, rules and more.
It’s a bit tough to use if you’re new to how courts in Canada work, though. Here’s a cheat sheet, explained in the simplest possible terms (by a college graduate journalist who’s done court reporting before):
Courts in Canada are a system. they’re ranked in order of importance, with the federal supreme court being on top and the provincial court being on the bottom. (in the simplest of terms.) filing for divorce? Provincial court. On trial for first degree murder? Court of King’s Bench.
So—when it comes to actually looking these things up on Canlii, you’ll be immediately faced with the fact that it’s all there. It’s a mouthful at first, but once you know which words mean what, it’s easy enough.
This is very basic stuff, and the starting ground for anything you'll see in the courts above it. Here, the accused faces the court and everything is laid out on the table to determine if they must stand trial. If the accused pleads guilty, this is where they determine the sentence.
This is also where basically anything happens that wouldn't be remarkably newsworthy. On the docket in the courthouse, you're able to see what kind of hearing it is. Browsing Canlii, you won't be able to specifically see what's going on before you click, but it's usually presented to you right away on the transcript.
it differs depending on province, but this is where we would see cases related to drugs and substances, aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a weapon, robberies, theft, traffic, wrongful deaths, suing, small claims (carpenter stole something from my house, etc.) community court sentencings, police misconduct, suings, wills, divorces, custody, etc.
COURT OF KING’S BENCH (or Supreme/Superior Court of the province):
Court of King’s Bench handles the, for lack of a better term, more extreme cases such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, etc. If it’s not a situation where the accused person has been arrested and is going up against the cold first of the law, applicants must have their cases reviewed by the Crown. (For example, “I think my sister killed my brother but I don’t know. Here’s the evidence I’ve collected. Review.”)
These are the cases that are most commonly reported on by the media. They typically involve an extreme, intriguing situation or a person of interest. These are also the only hearings that require a jury, but not all do. Reporters who sit in on these trials must not show any shred of a sign that the accused person is guilty or not.
These trials last a long time and occur long after the accused person was charged. (A serial murder suspect arrested in 2022 may not see a judge and jury before 2026. It all depends.)
For hearings that are person v. person, person v. company, etc. you’ll see it listed that way in the list. Cases involving an accused person facing the law will be labelled R V. (NAME)
These hearings are not generally something you’d sit in on, but there’s potential. On a provincial level, the court of appeal is the senior court, usually with an array of multiple judges, separated into panels and led by the chief justice, overseeing the court. They hear appeals on judgements from the provincial court and king’s bench, and sometimes third parties if mandated. They’re there to make sure that, if there’s a chance that something has happened unfairly, they put an end to it right away. If the original judgement and sentence is justifiable without reasonable doubt, the appeal is dismissed. (The FEDERAL court of appeal is similar, but its basic purpose is to make sure that the federal law is being upheld constantly and consistently. Think about copyright.)
The most eye-catching opening these dockets could have, in my opinion, is “Crown sentence appeal,” which brings an entire case back to light. The applicant, often the accused in these cases, find that they were sentenced unfairly and demand better justice.
And once again—a case involving an accused person, see “R V. JANE DOE”
There are more niche sections of court, but this is all you need to know on a casual basis.
More, if it’s useful:
-Sentencing hearings are labelled SENT. These hand feed you information, quick and easy.
-In Canada, we cannot reveal the identity of accused minors. You won’t find that here. Even more, you cannot find information on trials involving young people, including any way to identify them or their families.
-A Gladue Factor comes into play when the accused is Indigenous and carries generational trauma from the country’s past and current treatment of Indigenous Peoples. Sentences are modified.
-You obviously can’t find audio or pictures.
-CanLii has a blog you can check out for what’s making noise on the site: https://blog.canlii.org/
Basic court and ethics rules apply i’m not your dad
My ask box is always open. Have fun
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