#ganbare me I guess ^^;
quinloki · 1 year
Update - no longer sick \o/
Hey it's been a hot minute since I've made a post - lets do an update.
This is mostly about my open multi-chapters. I do my work pretty raw on Wattpad before it ends up on Tumblr or Ao3 (check out my pinned post for links, and for the sideblogs where I post to here.)
I have a LOT of open wips - my apologies to people who aren't fans of that, but it works for me. Don't worry, all wips will be completed. (Most are at least mapped out to completion.)
Heart of Gold - Priority one - Once I complete Heart of Gold Book 1 I'll be setting up to release Quicksand: Warlords, Thrice Prophesized Book 2, A Light Touch: Emperors and Heart of Gold book 2. (Family Ties book 2 is somewhere in there too)
Secondary to Heart of Gold, I want to complete Just Like Fire (book 1 >.> ahem) because it's probably only got another 4-5 chapters.
EVERYTHING ELSE will be worked on as I have musing/time/focus for them. Meaning, there's no real schedule (those of you who have been dealing with me for the last year know schedules don't really work for me anyway).
I'll try not to let them go for more than 90 days between updates, but I also don't want to force a chapter and have it be less than what I want.
Hat Trick, Mafia Ink, Family Practice, Famous Last Words, Elevated, Royal Pains and Booked are fairly well planned out.
Honeysuckle Red, Souled Out, Unseen (ah crap I haven't posted Unseen to tumblr yet, I forgot! it's a Killer x Reader fic), and two as yet released titles are more Fly By the Seat of my Pants, and thus will get what they get when they get it.
But I'll do my best to be more consistent with the planned out titles at the least. Expect to see 24-26 titles by the end of the year just for multi-chapter stories . (I'm hoping my NaNoWriMo goal of 100k words will help complete Hat Trick and Family Practice at the minimum.)
Lastly - next week I will not be updating as much as usual - there's some personal stuff going on and beyond just work I'll be unusually busy. So don't panic if I go dark for a few days ♥
Ah, LAST LASTLY - I haven't forgotten or abandoned the Birthday Requests xD - getting sick knocked me off working on them, but they'll still be getting love this month =3
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pikahlua · 5 months
MHA Chapter 422 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 差しのべた手で送り出してーー さしのべたてでおくりだしてーー sashinobeta te de okuri dashite-- Sent off by the hand that reached out to him--
1 青山くん! あおやまくん! Aoyama-kun! "Aoyama-kun!"
2 走れ☆‼︎緑谷くん はしれ☆‼︎みどりやくん hashire☆!! Midoriya-kun "Run☆!! Midoriya-kun."
3 白く… しらく… Shiraku... "Shiraku-..."
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1 攻撃が通じない‼︎固すぎる‼︎ こうげきがつうじない‼︎かたすぎる‼︎ kougeki ga tsuujinai!! kata sugiru!! "Our attacks don't go through!! He's too hard!!"
2 AFOと違ってマボロシにマジレスしてくンだけど! オール・フォー・ワンとちがってマボロシにマジレスしてくンだけど! OORU FOO WAN to chigatte MABOROSHI ni MAJIRESU shitekuN dake do! "Unlike All For One, this guy is mad-seriously responding to my illusions!" (Note: The slang Camie uses here, MAJIRESU, means "a serious reply on a message board such as 2ch.")
3 "道"をつくるんだ‼︎ "みち"をつくるんだ‼︎ "michi" wo tsukurunda!! "Make a path!!"
4 死柄木に至る道を‼︎ しがらきにいたるみちを‼︎ Shigaraki ni itaru michi wo!! "A path that leads to Shigaraki!!"
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1 「全因解放」 「ぜんいんかいほう」 「zen'in kaihou」 "All Factors Unleash,"
2 その本質は"感情任せ"に膨れ上がることではない そのほんしつは"かんじょうまかせ"にふくれあがることではない sono honshitsu wa "kanjou makase" ni fukure agaru koto de wa nai "the essence of which is not to leave all to my emotions and swell up."
3 数多の力を"抑し" あまたのちからを"よくし" amata no chikara wo "yokushi" "It's to suppress numerous powers"
4 "支配"してこその故 "しはい"してこそのゆえ "shihai" shite koso no yue "and control them."
5 数で勝ると思うなよ かずでまさるとおもうなよ kazu de masaru to omouna yo "Don't think you've outnumbered me!"
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1 葉隠X はがくれX Hagakure X "Hagakure! [line cut off]" (Note: This text line is cut off. I assume the full text is "Hagakure-san!!" which wouldn't change the meaning here.)
2 光線の類Xわたし こうせんのたぐいXわたし kousen no tagui X watashi "The type of light rays X me." (Note: This text line is cut off. Based on the context, I can only guess she's saying something to the effect of "No matter the type of light rays, I can refract them!")
3 電磁投射砲! でんじとうしゃほう! denji toushahou! A railgun!
4 用意 ようい youi "Ready."
5 ウェイ UEI "Oui!"
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1 小賢しい こざかしい kozakashii "Clever."
2 これ以上皆をーー これいじょうみんなをーー kore ijou minna wo-- "[You won't hurt] everyone any more than this--!"
3 全身ズタボロだろ!温存しろ! 全身ズタボロだろ!温存しろ! ぜんしんズタボロだろ!おんぞんしろ! zenshin ZUTABORO daro! onzon shiro! "Your whole body is in tatters! Preserve [your strength]!"
4 あいつに届く力はおまえだけだ‼︎ あいつにとどくちからはおまえだけだ‼︎ aitsu ni todoku chikara wa omae dake da!! "Only you have the power to reach that guy!!"
5 俺たちが禦ぐ‼︎ おれたちがふせぐ‼︎ ore-tachi ga fusegu!! "We will defend!!" (Note: This word for "defend" is the same All For One used in chapter 363 when he said that heroes are the ones who "defend/protect.")
6 行け‼︎ いけ‼︎ ike!! "Go!!"
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1 ママ!お姉ちゃん‼︎ ママ!おねえちゃん‼︎ MAMA! oneechan!! "Mama! Big Sis!!"
2 パパお姉ちゃ‼︎ パパおねえちゃ‼︎ PAPA oneecha!! "Papa, [it's] Big Sis!!"
3 梅雨っ つゆっ Tsuyu "Tsuyu-!"
4 ガンバレお姉ちゃあん ガンバレおねえちゃあん GANBARE oneechaan "Do your best, Big Sis!" (Note: From this point on, understand that I am using "Do your best" as this chapter's translation of ganbare. This word is something shouted when cheering someone on, such as at a sporting event. It could be translated in many ways into English, including "Do your best!" "You can do it!" "Go for it!" "Hang in there!" "Keep at it!" "Good luck!" "Give it your best!" etc. etc.)
5 障子くん… しょうじくん… Shouji-kun... "Shouji-kun..."
6 がんばれ障子くん…! がんばれしょうじくん…! ganbare Shouji-kun...! "Do your best, Shouji-kun...!"
7 俺たちの機動力じゃこの猛攻をかいくぐるのは難しいが おれたちのきどうりょくじゃこのもうこうをかいくぐるのはむずかしいが ore-tachi no kidouryoku ja kono moukou wo kaikuguru no wa muzukashii ga "With our mobility, it will be difficult to evade this onslaught, but"
8 少しだけあなたを運ぶことぐらいなら すこしだけあなたをはこぶことぐらいなら sukoshi dake anata wo hakobu koto gurai nara "if we can carry you just a little..."
9 障子くん しょうじくん Shouji-kun "Shouji-kun!"
10 梅雨ちゃん! つゆちゃん! Tsuyu-chan! "Tsuyu-chan!"
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1-2 根性‼︎ こんじょう‼︎ konjou!! "Guts!!" (Note: I think they're shouting this word to hype themselves up.)
3 鋭ちゃん‼︎ えいちゃん‼︎ Ei-chan!! "Ei-chan!!"
4 三奈‼︎ みな‼︎ Mina!! "Mina!!"
5 頑張れ‼︎ がんばれ‼︎ ganbare!! "Do your best!!"
6 頑張ろ‼︎ がんばろ‼︎ ganbaro!! "Let's do our best!!"
7 うん!!!!!! un!!!!!! "Yeah!!!!!!"
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1 何だ なんだ nanda What's this?
2 屍肉にしか見えぬ者共… しにくにしかみえぬものども… shiniku ni shika mienu monodomo... These people I can see as nothing but dead carrion...
3 何故 なぜ naze Why
4 死なない しなない shinanai won't [they] die?
5 ろくに動けていないのに ろくにうごけていないのに roku ni ugokete inai noni Even though they can't move very well,
6 目玉だけが めだまだけが medama dake ga only their eyes-- (Note: He's saying that the most they can move is their eyeballs, or in other words, they can only watch and do not much else.)
7 目玉をギョロギョロさせるだけの めだまをギョロギョロさせるだけの medama wo GYOROGYORO saseru dake no Helplessly watching on...
8 出来損ないに渡ってしまった事が間違いだって できそこないにわたってしまったことがまちがいだって dekisokonai ni watatte shimatta koto ga machigai datte Conferring this power to someone so worthless was a mistake! (Note: Text from speech bubbles 7 and 8 is a flashback to chapter 287.)
9 そうか緑谷 そうかみどりや sou ka Midoriya So that's how it is, Midoriya.
10 緑谷出久… みどりやいずく… Midoriya Izuku... Izuku Midoriya...
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1 緑谷!!! みどりや!!! Midoriya!!! Midoriya!!!
2 おまえの omae no Your
3 弱さが よわさが yowasa ga weakness
4 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
5 頑張れ‼︎ がんばれ‼︎ ganbare!! "Do your best!!"
6 オールマイトにはなかった OORU MAITO ni wa nakatta is what All Might didn't have.
7 頑張れ…! がんばれ…! ganbare...! "Do your best...!"
8 弱き強さが よわきつよさが yowaki tsuyosa ga The strength of weakness
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1-2 こいつらを何度でも立ち上がらせているのだ こいつらをなんどでもたちあがらせているのだ koitsura wo nando demo tachi agarasete iru noda is what makes these guys stand up again and again
3 おまえがその足を止めぬ限り おまえがそのあしをとめぬかぎり omae ga sono ashi wo tomenu kagiri so long as you don't cease your steps.
4 射出座席は切った筈X ベイルアウトはきったはずX BEIRU AUTO (kanji: shashutsu zaseki) wa kitta hazu X "Must have bailed out (read as: ejection seat) X" (Note: This text line is cut off.)
5 あんたの仕業だな あんたのしわざだな anta no shiwaza da na "This is your doing, isn't it,"
6 オールマイト OORU MAITO "All Might?"
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1 あの子らが目指したのは… あのこらがめざしたのは… ano kora ga mezashita no wa... "Those kids were aiming for..."
2 完全勝利だから… かんぜんしょうりだから… kanzen shouri da kara... "a complete victory, so..."
3 喪うものは少ない方がいい… うしなうものはすくないほうがいい… ushinau mono wa sukunai hou ga ii... "it's best if we lose fewer people..."
4 どの口が… どのくちが… dono kuchi ga... "Look who's talking..."
5 緑谷少年…あの日君が駆け出したから みどりやしょうねん…あのひきみがかけだしたから Midoriya-shounen...ano hi kimi ga kakedashita kara Young Midoriya...because you dashed out that day,
6 私も体が動いたんだ わたしもからだがうごいたんだ watashi mo karada ga ugoitanda my body moved, too.
7 あの日からずっと君はーーーー あのひからずっときみはーーーー ano hi kara zutto kimi wa---- Ever since that day, you----
8 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
9 頑張れ! がんばれ! ganbare! "Do your best!"
10 初日の下校を思い出す! しょにちのげこうをおもいだす! shonichi no gekou wo omoidasu! "I remember when we left school on the first day!"
11 今なら彼女が言っていた事もよくわかる気がするよ いまならかのじょがいっていたこともよくわかるきがするよ ima nara kanojo ga itte ita koto mo yoku wakaru ki ga suru yo "Now I feel like I really understand what she was saying."
12 麗日さん うららかさん Uraraka-san "Uraraka-san"
13 もう病院つくから… もうびょういんつくから… mou byouin tsuku kara... "is already headed to the hospital..."
14 頑張れ…皆も頑張ってる がんばれ…みんなもがんばってる ganbare...minna mo ganbatteru "Do your best... Everyone is doing their best, too."
15 でも demo But
16 「デク」って 「DEKU」 tte "Deku," well…
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1 「頑張れ‼︎」って感じでなんか好きだ 私 「がんばれ‼︎」ってかんじでなんかすきだ わたし 「ganbare!!」 tte kanji de nanka suki da watashi (literal translation) I like how it's got a feeling like, "Do your best!!" (official translation) It just screams, "Do your best!!" I kinda like it.
2 がんばれ…! ganbare...! "Do your best...!"
3 今すぐ全ヒーローを日本へ向かわせろ! いますぐぜんヒーローをにほんへむかわせろ! ima sugu zen HIIROO wo nihon e mukawasero! "Have all our heroes head for Japan right now!"
4 しかし大統領AFOが勝利しー場合 我が国の保 しかしだいとうりょうオール・フォー・ワンがしょうりしーばあい わがくにのほ shikashi daitouryou OORU FOO WAN ga shouri shi-- baai wagakuni no ho- "But Mr. President, if All For One is victorious, our country's protection-"
5 知るか行けえ しるかいけえ shiru ka ikee "Who cares? Go!"
6 皆の声が みんなのこえが minna no koe ga Everyone's voices,
7 聞こえる きこえる kikoeru I can hear them.
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
2 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
3 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
4 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
5 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
6 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
7 ガンバレ GANBARE "Do your best!"
8 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
9 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
10 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
11 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
12 がんばれっ ganbare "Do your best!"
13 私の最高のヒーローだったよ! わたしのさいこうのヒーローだったよ! watashi no saikou no HIIROO datta yo! "...you were my greatest hero!"
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "Do your best,"
2 出久‼︎ いずく‼︎ Izuku!! "Izuku!!"
tagline 1 No.422 緑谷出久:ライジング 堀越耕平 ナンバー422 みどりやいずく:ライジング ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 422  Midoriya Izuku: RAIJINGU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 422 Izuku Midoriya: Rising Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 仲間が拓いた道の先ーーー みんながひらいたみちのさきーーー minna (kanji: nakama) ga hiraita michi no saki--- Ahead of the path paved by everyone (read as: [his] comrades)---
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hinamie · 2 months
do u have any tips for uhh idk art term....highlight and contour but for art? specifically w digital art? w pencil and paper it feels super intuitive but then when i switch to digital it looks all flat.............
(is it shading? idk what im doing tbsh)
(also hope ur doing well i feel like im crawling into ur asks every two days or smth looking for art tips sorry T_T)
(yuuji comic made me cry so hard btw)
hi rin!!!!!!! that wld be shading/rendering yes hgbhgfjs there’s no One specific term tho so ur all good <3 also omg re: the yuuji comic IM SORRY I KEEP MAKING U CRY GHJKGJDSGHKJ its ok i made a lot of people cry if the death wishes/pos in the tags are anything 2 go by so ur in good company :D i teared up also
i would Also like to apologize in advance because fr me this is one of those Art Things that becomes more intuitive the more u do it so i am a bit. lost as 2 how to explain but i will sukuna voice ganbare ganbare !!!!
it’s all about light sources babes so pick a direction where the light is hitting from and use that as your main point of reference. If u need to remind yourself where the light is coming from i was taught to draw a lil arrow or sun somewhere on your canvas 2 keep track . areas closest to the light or planes that are more Elevated will be brighter than areas farther away or Deeper. When u think of a face, the forehead and cheeks rest Higher than fr example, the eye sockets, so those areas will catch more light and appear brighter. it /is/ kind of like makeup in that way. 
also, shadows/highlights can have soft or hard edges depending on how . uh . intense, i guess?? the angle of the light is. like with a box vs a sphere, the former will have a lot more Cut and Defined areas of darkness because the plane where light hits is cut off more directly by the presence of a corner, whereas with a sphere the Slope means that the values follow more of a gradient. 
tbh tho if you’re still starting out, to practice light sources and shading it actually might be good to scribble and shade some 3D shapes and spheres/boxes or maybe even draw from life so u can really take time 2 pay attn to how light catches different surfaces . it’s boring work but the practice is never wasted !! lighting can be tricky so try and take the time 2 form Good habits :'> references r ur friends here now more than ever.
other than that, which i feel more or less covers the basics n fundamentals, my wisdoms 2 u and any1 else who will have it: INVEST TIME IN2 FINDING GOOD BRUSHES omg i feel like a lot of that New Artist Look (tm) comes from using default brushes —which on its own is fine, but the kicker is not taking time to get comfortable with how to make the best use of them. the fun of the render is getting to play with textures and colours so find some brush settings that help add a bit of personality!! also . resist defaulting 2 the airbrush tool to shade it Rarely cooperates and can muddy a piece. uhhhh what else what else try not to shade with black for the same reasons ???? i'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here but i hope something here was of any value :'>>
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Mukashi no jibun wa donna koto iwarete mo ikeru to omotta. Nani iwarete mo ganbarou to omotta. Nazenaraba, hito o yorokobasetetakatta kara. Kitai o kotaetetakatta kara. Kekkyoku, kizutsuita no wa jibun shika inakatta.
Ano oroka na musume wa seichou shita kedo yo. Ima no watashi nara nani yatte mo, nani iwarete mo, ai ga nakereba donna koto mo shinai. Ichiban shitai no wa jibun o amayakasu koto, aishiteitai no yo. Kore dake ga daiji. Mukashi mo kasuka ni sou omotteita kamoshirenai kedo, ima nara hakkiri kotoba ni dekiru.
Dakara, konna fuu ni ikiteikou.
choppiri na hanashi
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It used to be that I thought, no matter what was said about me, I could just let it slide and go on. No matter what was said to me, I should just continue to give it my best. The reason was that I wanted to make other people happy. I wanted to meet their expectations. In the end, only I was hurt.
That silly girl has grown up though. Me now, no matter what I do, no matter what anybody says, I won’t do a thing if there ain’t Love there. What I wanna do most is to be sweet to myself, I wanna love myself. This is the only thing that matters. Back in the day, I guess I vaguely thought about all this, but now I can clearly put it into words.
So, this is how I’ll live from now on.
a trifling story
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tsuki-sennin · 5 months
The terrifying monster known as Gigist has emerged from the Door of Darkness, and he granted Clotho a "boon" that's clearly having a horrible effect on her mind. And to make things worse, Hundred is knocking on our door! Will Legend pull through and help us in our hour of need?
Spoilers, I guess...
-Kasshines everywhere.
-Hi Spanner.
-We're dead meat.
-Mr. Gigist wants this alleged superweapon too.
-Hundred Four
-You're telling me that Robin Furuya's part of a Shitennou?
-"Damn, dude. Dripped out."
-Insane to drop such important lore in a crossover special.
-There's the Aurora Curtain.
-"Kamen Rider Gotchard..."
-Tasogare! Mimei! Saigetsu!
-Panna Cotta...
-Ah, Mimei-san's quite good with that sword.
-Vision Driver~!
-Oh yeah, not like Hotaro'd remember, but there wasn't a Glare or Gazer in Strongest Chemy Operation.
-Fucks me up that they still have Dark Kiva lying around.
-...does that make Saigetsu a Fangire then?
-Eternal too, I'm surprised they kept that so well preserved.
-Hiii Clotho
-Things are pretty damn chaotic here
-Oh, she's got a Madwheel too
-Valvarad Ni-go...
-"You stole that power????"
-Ohhhhh, interesting...
-So they're not alternate versions of these systems, but instead stolen?
-...it'd fit in with the "conquering worlds" angle.
-Oh shit, Kajiki
-That confirms it then
-Glare can hijack any Rider System.
-Stupid future tech.
-Ohhh, Antwrestler this time!
-Clotho's ready to throw the fuck down.
-Byeeeeee Mimei~!
-Ohhhh.... Can't bring herself to do it...
-"Ohhhhhh, that fucked me up..."
-ZEIN DA???????
-Oh my god Sincere Shaolin Fist
-You've gotta be fucking kidding me
-Oh she's dead
-Yeah I'm sure you're super disappointed, Mr. Zein.
-Kajiki knows now...
-"Ohhhh, aren't you the nicest guy on Earth, Mr. Kamen Rider~?"
-Ganbare, Kamen Rider :)
-Gotcha discovered.
-"You bootleggin' no good dirty thieeeeeeeeef!"
-Dai Mazine.
-Hello, Kaguya.
-...I feel like a tool giving you top billing, but oh well.
-"Took them out like the recyclables they are."
-Oh cool, he's got his own little insert song.
-Going through every last one!
-Even Hibiki gets in on the Gorgeous
-Yo, that Kabuto transition though?
-That's our superweapon. A tiny gun.
-Legendary Legend~!
-Oh fuck my entire life, he has free final form access.
-Well this was
-Certainly something
-Is it good? Is it bad? Did it even happen? I could not tell you, I could not tell you!
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your-lovely-rose · 2 years
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Sometimes in fics I use short Japanese phrases to convey the atmosphere of the country and also the relationships between the characters. Sadly, not everyone may know what they mean. Here’s a list of everything that might appear.
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Informal ones are used only by people close to each other - such as close friends or family, you won’t speak casual to your boss.
— Greetings 歓迎
• もしもし -  Mōshi-mōshi   | a common japanese telephone greeting: 'hello', used when answering the telephone.
• おはようございます -  Ohayō gozaimasu | 'Good morning' (until about 10-11 am).
• こんにちは -  Kon'nichiwa   | 'Hello' (during daytime only)
• こんばんは -  Konbanwa   | 'Hello'/'Good evening' (during evening/night)
• ただいま -  Tadaima   | 'I’m back!' (home from work, school, etc.)
- おかえりなさい -  Okaerinasai   | 'Welcome back', response of the householder members to: 'Tadaima'.
– Informal/Casual:
• やあ -  Yā!   | 'Hi'
• よう -  Yō!   | 'Yo', a very informal (rude) interjection similar to: 'hey', women don’t use it usually.
• おはよう -  Ohayō   | 'Good morning'/'Morning' (can also be used in the afternoon and evening)
— Goodbye
• いってきます -  Ittekimasu   | 'I’m going out!' (e. g. from the house)
- いってらっしゃい -  Itterasshai   | 'See you later!' (lit. 'Please go and come back'), response of the householder members to: 'Ittekimasu'.
• おやすみなさい -  O-yasumi nasai   | 'Good night'
• さようなら -  Sayōnara   | 'Goodbye' (use only if you don’t plan on seeing them again soon)
– Informal/Casual:
• じゃ -  Jā   | 'Well’, used in the sense of: 'Well, I guess I’d better get going'.
• じゃあね -  Jā ne   | 'A rivederci', 'See you'
• またね -  Mata ne   | 'See you next time'
• じゃあまた -  Jā mata   | 'Well, see you', this is the much more common: 'goodbye', 'bye', 'see you later'.
— Consent and denials
– Yes:
• はい -  Hai   | very formal, often has the meaning of: 'yes, sir'.
• ええ -  Ee   | less formal
• うん -  Un   | informal/casual
– No:
• いいえ -  iie   | formal, if you want to respond to someone thanking you it has a meaning: 'it was nothing'.
• ううん -  Uun   | informal/casual
— While eating
• いただきます -  Itadakimasu   | 'Enjoy your meal/food', 'Bon appetit' - thanking the gods for the meal, spoken before a meal.
• いただきます -  Gochisosama   | 'Thank you very much for putting so much effort in this delicious meal', this is a phrase that’s used when you finish eating.
• 乾杯 -  Kanpai   |  'Cheers' (you should really only go for this one if you actually have a drink of some sort in your hand)
— Thank you
• ありがとうございます -  Arigatō gozaimasu   | 'Thank you very much'
• ありがとう -  Arigatō   | 'Thank you'
— Respond to someone thanking you
• どういたしまして -  Dōitashimashite   | 'You’re welcome'
• いいえ -  iie   | 'it was nothing'
— Others
• あらあら -  Ara Ara   | mainly used by older females and means: 'My my', 'Oh dear', 'Oh me', 'Oh my'
• 助けて -  Tasukete   | 'Help me!'
• すみません -  Sumimasen   | 'Excuse me'
• ごめんなさい -  Gomennasai   | 'I am sorry'
• 月が綺麗ですね  -  Tsuki ga kirei desu ne   | 'The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?', this phrase is a more poetic way of saying 'I love you' (rarely used nowadays)
• かわいい -  Kawaii   | 'cute', 'tiny', 'lovable'
• がんばれ -  Ganbare   | 'do your best', 'good luck' (should only be used when the speaker has no control over the outcome)
- がんばってください -  Ganbatte kudasai   | A more polite form
• 変態, へんたい or ヘンタイ -  Hentai   | 'perversion', 'sexual deviant', 'abnormality'
• スケベ -  Sukebē   | 'Pervert', 'Dirty Old Man', 'Lecher', 'lewdness' (perjorative, but sometimes used in a joking way)
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vulpiximisa · 4 months
Dream festival was made specifically for me if they have a “precure ganbare/miracle lights” type scene during a event ruined by storm kun
Anyway, I kind of got the Kanade centered episodes I was hoping for. But it didn’t really fulfill my need for sad boy hours. (I wanted more fun times during the pajama party!!!!) Ep7 was kind of ACE focused and then Ep8 was more about the boys as a group. I’m glad they did mention that Kanade was actually the center and how he became it/how and why they chose him.
Anyway I hope ep9 is the only other Kurofune ep left because I don’t think I can stand it if they took another 2 episodes. I mean, I guess they can, but I want more from DD!!
0 notes
asknarashikari · 7 months
Well thanks for giving me a super serious and nerdy explanation of how the greeds are already core medal gijinka's...(Not in the rude way) well then here is how i think all the combo's would be if they were instead summoned Tatoba:Just like the original eiji, all about underwear, making sure people are ok, and etc about eiji Gatakiriba:Is kidna the nerd of the combo's, always making sure the time is right to fight, and uses its clones more carefully...Atleast more carefully than the time it decided to use his clones just to hog a ganbarizing machine (https://youtu.be/pY7Igu9CMfs?t=59) Latorartar:Is kind of animalstic, but still smart enough to do things right, and randomly say's "GAOOON!", (like how one fourze character says oop's) and is best friends with gatakiriba Sagohzo:He still hits his tit's- I MEAN, sagohzo is a gentle giant, always buying the popsicles for ankh, always buying underwear for eiji and is even a bit experienced in car engineering! so he's a grease monkey as well but he's also part gorilla so...Grease gorilla? Tajadol:The most majestic one, that actually is just tatoba, but in a different form, so you could say tatoba just changes personailty with his tajadol form (alongside the other things) but he is very majestice and has a bit of pride... Shauta:It's an anime trap to say the least, he is even more gentle than sagohzo, but when angered enough he will not hesitate to drown greed's...he also likes popsicles like ankh since they calm down the heat for him. Putotyra(NO HISSATSU):He is very chaotic just like the actual form, but he is a bit more funny, not to mention later he becomes part of the team Burakawani:he has some parts of a snake charmer, although hes a bit weak to woman thigh dances...Due to dances. Renai combo:Unexpected i know, she is the only female combo, so she acts femine, along with the classic megaton punch. Saramiuo:Saramiuo Combo embodies the tranquility of the deep sea. It is calm and composed, showing wisdom beyond its years. It often advises and guides others, seeking harmony and balance in all things. It can be patient to a fault, and it values deep connections and introspection. Saramiuo Combo is a protector of aquatic life and takes its role seriously. Bikaso:Bikaso Combo is known for its fiery spirit. It's quick to action, bold, and passionate about justice. It loves a good challenge and is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Bikaso Combo has a strong sense of camaraderie and values friendship and loyalty above all else. It's also quite competitive and enjoys a good rivalry. Shigazeshi:Shigazeshi Combo carries a noble and regal demeanor. It's dignified, graceful, and often reserved in its interactions. It has a love for art, nature, and beauty and is inspired by the natural world. Shigazeshi Combo embodies a sense of elegance and tends to be very methodical and meticulous in its actions. Mukachiri:HE'S LITERALLY PERVERTED, sure he is an hero so he still does hero deeds, but that dosen't mean when hes not doing hero work he's looking at women, he even has a crush on renai, which caused the rest of the combo's to have reaction's familar to ankh and hina's reaction to eiji loving a girl Seishirogin:Seishirogin Combo is calm and collected, with a strong sense of honor and duty. It embodies the spirit of the polar animals it represents, enduring in challenging conditions. It values teamwork, unity, and family bonds. Seishirogin Combo is a loyal and reliable companion, always ready to stand by its allies in the harshest of circumstances. That is all, how would you make the combo's ***AND DON'T ASK WHAT HAPPENS TO TATOBA WHEN GATAKIRIBA OR LATORARTAR NEED TO BE FORMED***
Okay I guess? I guess it's more varied than what we got for the Greeeds I guess 😅
0 notes
tatakaeeren · 2 years
it's me again <33 i've been doing well !!! been procrastinating on my last few assignments but i'll get them done eventually HAHAHAH hopefully awww tysm !!! i'll make sure to do my best on my last few so i can come back with good news 💪 ur absolutely right !!! dw i always make sure to relax as much as i can maybe a little too much but we don't talk about that HFDSJKFD oooh that sounds so cool ?? i hope ur also enjoying your time even if it's for a business trip !!! did u get to see any cool places ?? eat any new foods ??
-- your animanga secret santa <33
Ani-Saaaaaaaan! 💖 hahaha haven't we all been there more often than we would like to admit 🤣 Welcome to the procrastination nation XD hahaha. Still, it's great to know that you are feeling good regardless of your assignments and the end of the semester! I'll be waiting for your good news! *ganbare ganbareee* 🎉🎉🎉 I'm guessing by this time you have already finished???? *fingers crossed*
Yeah, I had a great time! 🤗, It was for work but because it is in another country (Brazil) with different people, it didn't feel that hard :) And experiencing the world cup and Brazil playing is the most fantastic thing ever, they do know how to celebrate and watch the games! I didn't get to visit too many places in Sao Paulo but I made sure I spend a day in Liberdade (The Japanese neighborhood) The perfect combination of street Japanese food (okonomiyaki, dango, taiyaki, and onigiris) and Brazilian (cupuaçu (no idea what it is but the juiceeee is AMAZINGGGG, quindim, coxhina, and brigadeiros ) 🤤🤤🤤 and also... a lot of anime merch and manga and themed cafe and beautiful streets and parks, one of my fav places 💖 I'm not gonna pretend I didn't spend all my bday money here hahaha. Once again I send you positive vibes so you can finish everything you need to do ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
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animebw · 2 years
Question: do y’all remember that scene in Matilda where Bruce Bogtrotter is forced to eat a gigantic cake? And at first he loves it because of how tasty it is, but by the fifth slice he’s in agony? And Ms. Trunchbull just keeps shoving piece after piece of delicious chocolate death down his throat until the poor boy is so gorged on his favorite food that death would be a welcome release from too much of a good thing?
Anyway, on a completely unrelated note, here are all the shows I’m watching in Spring 2022.
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai: Deadpan comedy with a strong hit/miss ratio. Definitely check this one out.
Ao Ashi: One of many surprisingly decent sports anime this season. Worth a look for Haikyuu fans.
Birdie Wing: SK8 the Infinity, but for golf? 100% down for that.
Danse Danse Danseur: Damn, Mappa pulled out all the stops for this one. Here’s hoping it can maintain that level of quality.
Deaimon: It’s no Barakamon, but it’ll do in a pinch.
The Demon Girl Next Door Season 2: GANBARE SHAMIKO!
The Executioner and Her Way of Life: I have jinxed myself by saying this before, but I think this is gonna be the rare Good Isekai. Please, please, please don’t let me down now.
Fanfare of Adolescence: I may drop this one soon, but for now, the Sawano soundtrack is enough to keep me watching. Yes, I am that petty.
Healer Girl: An actual anime musical that isn’t just idol or idol-adjacent? I never thought I’d see the day!
Heroines Run the Show: Promising boy-idol premiere, but whoever told Inori Minase to do the voice she’s doing here should be shot.
In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki: Well, at least Takagi-san is still great.
Kaguya-Sama Season 3: That premiere was the funniest episode of this show yet. Holy fuck.
Komi-San Can’t Communicate Season 2: No question: I am ready to die of diabetes again.
Love After World Domination: This feels like a premise that can only sustain 3 episodes at max. But I guess we’ll see.
Love All Play: Decent badminton anime that sadly pales in comparison to the much more exciting and polished Salaryman’s Club. Still not bad, tho.
Shield Hero Season 2: Yyyyyyyyyyyyep.
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie: Biggest surprise of the season for me. Came in expecting cringe, was rewarded with a genuinely moving portrayal of a young relationship.
Spy x Family: Yeah, you all knew this was gonna be awesome, and surprise! It’s awesome.
Ya Boi Kongming: 3rd century Chinese strategist gets reincarnated in modern-day Japan and decides to become the manager for an aspiring club diva. It rocks. Don’t sleep on it.
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moemammon · 3 years
hey !! I've recently discovered your writing and fallen in love !! everything you do is so amazing !!! I love it all!! could you write about how the boys would react to MC getting a little cold/stomach bug and needing to be taken care of ?? if this hits too close to home I'm sorry !! you def don't have to write it but I've always been a sucker for sicfic fluff !!
MC is Sick?! (Feat. The Demon Bros!)
(Tw for illness)
It was universally known that humans were fragile, and prone to illness. Some even died from simple colds. That being said, your little cold was still enough to bother the oldest brother. So much so that his work has been... of a lower quality than usual.
This dude is all disheveled and haggard because he's so worried over you, but that doesn't mean he's skimping on your care.
It's a surprise to everyone that he keeps you in his room, where he can monitor you and make sure you have everything you need. Might even cheat a little with magic from time to time, as long as it speeds up your recovery.
He's also making sure you're comfortable and at ease, often putting on a soothing record to lull you to sleep. In reality, he might also be using it to de-stress, too-
"To think you ended up like this while in my care... I should have paid closer attention to you. But now, you're my entire focus. Leave your recovery to me."
You've been sneezing, coughing, and vomiting all over the place! This is some kinda human illness, right?? aRE YOU OKAY-
Proceeds to go OVERBOARD with the care. You're wrapped in twenty blankets, you've got an ice pack on your head and a thermometer in your mouth (the kind used in cooking because they don't own a normal thermometer), and he's gathered every medicine he could get his hands on
But once he calms down, he's actually pretty good at caring for you. Mammon isn't COMPLETELY useless when it comes to caregiving, so that's a plus. He's just especially worried because it's you.
Refuses to leave your side, and won't let you leave your room. If you need anything, he's just going to get it for you! He's also barring his brothers form entering, claiming that he's trying to keep them from getting sick.
"Who told ya to go out and get sick, huh?! Makin' me all worried and stuff... Guess I've got no choice but to take care of ya! I'm not leavin' your side, ya hear??"
Levi's literally been dreaming of a scenario where he’d be able to nurse you back to health. Uh, not that he wanted you to get sick, though!
He's always wanted to do the 'pressing your foreheads together to check your temp' thing.... And 100% own a nurse cosplay that he's tempted to wear
But it's a little hard for him to focus on his fantasies when you look so pitiful. He's got to make sure you're back to full health ASAP! There's a marathon you two need to binge, and he doesn't want you throwing up every five seconds!
He'll take you to his room, since he'll be able to take care of you 24/7. And tbh?? He actually does a decent job?? He's a little annoying about it because he keeps checking on you every three seconds and talking to you when you're trying to sleep, but he means well.
"If only the 'Kira Kira Curing Beam' was a real thing.... For now, I'll just do my best with what I've got! Ganbare, MC!! Faito! Faitoooo!!!!"
The first one to notice that you're getting sick, so he's on it 👌
Obviously he's read enough to know the basics of taking care of a sick human, and he can study anything else he doesn't know, so you're in good hands.
Also EXTREMELY worried. It's written all over his face, despite his attempts to keep it cool. He's read how humans can succumb to things like this....Actually, he just finished a novel where that was essentially the main plot-!
So gentle with you throughout the entire process. He makes sure to keep you warm, brings you all the essentials, makes sure you're hydrated, and keeps tabs on your medicine. He's got a schedule for your care and everything!
"Honestly, you should have told me sooner that you weren't feeling well. It's fine to come to me for things like that, you know? I'll always be happy to take care of you."
Snot, phlegm, AND vomit??? Yeah,,,, that's a hard pass,,,,
It's taking every ounce of his mental strength not to abandon you in your time of need, but thankfully his love for you is greater than the disgust for now
But his dramatic ass is gonna come into your room in full hazmat when he takes care of you, no exceptions. Even if you ask him to bring you a glass of water, he's acting like you have the plague.
But he's also pretty good at taking care of you? Even demons get sick, and Asmo has a tendency to get pretty intimate with wide varieties of demons, so he's had his fair share of sick days.
"How am I supposed to hug and kiss you if you're so sick?? It's killing me, MC! Though, they say you can sweat an illness out of your body if you try hard enough. I think I know plenty of ways to work up a sweat~"
Now is no time to think about how hungry he is becaUSE HES WORRIED ABOUT YOU
Beel isn't the type to really know much about humans, other than stuff about their food and how weak they are, so he's pretty much assuming you're going to die.
Literally won't leave your side. If you need anything, he brings it. If you need to go somewhere, he's carrying you.
He doesn't know how to care for you, so he asks his brothers for all the help he can get. Though he insists on personally bringing you the remedies they give him.
"Hang in there, MC. You should eat more to build up your strength. I know you can't keep anything down, so I asked Satan to make something good. Here, it's soup. I'll blow it off for you, so open wide."
Honestly, he thought you were just taking a REALLY long nap. You hadn't left your room at all, and you didn't even go to RAD. He was lowkey jealous that Lucifer didn't scold you until he realized it was because you were sick.
And very sick from the looks of it. There were tissues everywhere, your room was hot, and you looked like you'd been dropped in a lake, fished back out, then beaten up and thrown back in.
He couldn't even tease you when you were in such a pitiful state. Belphie had seen illness plenty of times, so this wasn't anything new. It didn't ease his worries, though.
So he keeps you company by curling up in bed with you, not caring if he's close enough that he might get sick. He's not the best at actually caring for you, because he tends to forget to bring you things or falls asleep on the way, so he leaves that to his brothers.
"You must be lonely, being holed up in your room all alone. It can't be helped, so I'll stay with you until you're feeling better. Just don't get your snot on me, okay? ....heheh, I'm just joking. Come here."
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pikahlua · 4 months
uhm tbh tomura is a martyr at least from the narrative's pov. his character was there to show the mistakes from modern hero society that felt so safe on the outside and ''allowed'' afo to groom him into believing he was evil incarnate, or at least he represented that in the beginning. tomura's storyline also felt rushed with this ending (it was acknowledged that he never chose anything for himself and then.. ganbare izuku ^_^). the build up for izuku saving tomura also became a pile of nothing.
Do you know what a martyr is? I don't think you know what a martyr is. Especially because Tomura did not believe he was evil incarnate at the end there. His beliefs changed. Pretty much the opposite of a martyr. And I think it's a bit wild you think it's viable to blame all of society for AFO grooming Tomura, wtf? I don't think even Tomura believed anything like that. He hated that society wouldn't try to save him because he was deemed an undesirable.
And I keep seeing this idea that he "never chose anything for himself." You know there is no requirement that that has to happen, right?
But even allowing for that, of course Tomura chose things for himself. He chose to exact vengeance on AFO when he could have just faded away. He chose to be a hero for the villains, and it was acknowledged that came from something fundamental to him since childhood. Just because AFO had a hand in everything in his life since birth doesn't mean Tomura made 0 choices. You don't have to take AFO at his word, you know.
Y'all keep railing on ideas that you see as flaws in the story without a mind for that they may actually be features. You're just not willing to countenance the thought that Tomura's story may be a tragedy or have a bittersweet ending. I'm kinda shocked, because I really kinda dug that Tomura got one last hit in and that he let go of his hatred but still retained his identity as the hero of the villains. You do you, I guess.
Izuku's story is another matter, but it's also the most obviously incomplete at this time, so there's not much for me to do there but speculate.
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putschki1969 · 3 years
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『Wakana Shark Festival Special 2022 ~Talk &Mini Live~』Live Commentary
Wakana’s event is about to start. As always I will be providing my live reaction. If you are interested, there is still time to get a ticket. Tweet by Wakana staff | Instagram post by Wakana | Tweet by Yurie
‖Details Botanical Land Member Exclusive Event 『Wakana Shark Festival Special 2022 ~Talk & Mini Live~』 Date:2022/02/06 (Sun) Time:15:30~(JST) Appearance by:Wakana Piano:Yurie Sakai‖Ticket details Ticket sales: Bitfan tickets Livestream: Bitfan Live Ticket sales period: Jan 21 to Feb 10 (Archive until Feb 14)
● [FC ONLY] Premium viewing ticket with autographed 3rd Anniversary Card and T-shirt ¥ 7,500 ● [FC ONLY] Regular viewing ticket ¥ 3,500
❗ Join her FAN CLUB NOW! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗ Japanese tutorial for BITFAN | My tutorial for BITFAN
•————— ♬ —————•
Wakana is wearing a gorgeous floral dress. They are starting with the live corner. *excited*
LIVE CORNER: 01. 時を越える夜に (Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni): Love the sounds. They have pretty good acoustics, Yurie’s piano accompaniment is beautiful. Wakana sounds solid for a studio live.  Loved it! 02. 愛の花 (Ai no Hana): OMG, did not expect that! SO HAPPY! One of my all time faves as you know!! 03. 夕焼け (Yuuyake): Such a good set list so far. Loving all these ballads! 04. 夢のゆくえ (Yume no Yukue): Glad we also got one of her anime covers! Great pick! 05. Happy Hello Day: This always makes me happy. Wakana has so much fun performing it. It’s the final song (hopefully there is gonna be a little encore). I was hoping she would be singing her new song. Would be fitting for her anniversary. 06. Shark Song: With Wakana on piano! So cool. it’s the first time I am hearing her play the piano. She struggles quite a bit but is definitely trying her best XD So freaking cute!  She is just too nervous. Yurie is a kind teacher and being super supportive, she cheers her on!  Ganbare!!! LOL, this totally turned into a piano lesson XD Wakana is embarrassed that this will be available in the archive for everyone to see.
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DESIGNING T-SHIRT TOGETHER CORNER: Ohhhh, fans get to design her 3rd Anniversary t-shirt together with her. We get different options for the design: 1. T-shirt with a drawing by Wakana 2. T-shirt with her cute characters (shark-chan, leaf-chan, hippos, gyoza-chan, etc) 3. T-shirt with Wakana’s face 4. T-shirt with with a Wakana badge which you can remove 5. T-shirt with a print of the shark song music sheets Waaaaahhh! I want #3 so bad!! Give me her face on a t-shirt! I will wear it proudly!! Some fans are suggesting a set of all five t-shirts. YESSSS!! Give it to me! Btw, Wakana’s favourite is actually #5. Wakana is a bit surprised and embarrassed that so many fans want her face on a shirt. Right now they are thinking about using one of the designs for the front and one for the back so we have more options. Seems like the front will be a drawing (#1) and the back will be the shark song (#2) [No big fat Wakana face on my t-shirt *forever sad*]. They want Wakana to draw the picture right there in front of us, she is doing a dinosaur (which could possibly become a new character). Wakana will do a proper drawing later, this one turned out a little funky. Now it’s time to decide on a colour. Most people want blue or (mint) green which would be fitting I guess. It’s gonna be mint green (good choice!). Wakana also decides that her dinosaur character will be a velociraptor (Rap-chan) so everyone, please look forward to it ^_^
LOTTERY CORNER: She throws a dice to decide how many people get a present. First she throws a 4 but she feels like that’s not enough. She throws again and gets a 5 so she decides that a total of 9 people will get a present. 5 people will get one of her goods with a signature. 4 people will get a polaroid from today’s event. Unfortunately I didn’t win anything. Used up all my luck with the Keiko hat XD
No new announcements of a release or future event T_T Guess we will have to be patient.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Attention! CipherDefender.exe has intercepted an unknown transmission, "Shinobi46.txt" from A.R. World untouched by the Desire Grand Prix. Extracting this file can cause damage to your GlareOS/GazerOS system. DGP Management will immediately and painfully replace you in the event of network compromise or Master Suel's game of PUBG lagging. Proceed anyway?
->Yeah sure, why not? Heck no at all!
Running Shinobi46.txt...
Nin-Pow! Episode 46 of Shinobi! Sniff... oh Kanjo... How I miss you so... may Geiz Revive from Decade Season 2 carry thee to thy rest.
I thank you all for accompanying me these past 45 episodes. We laughed, we cried, we made new friends and foes. I got to date a smoking hot kunoichi and now we get paid to laze around and do nothing... life is good.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Oh don't remind me! Sniff... these damn recaps...
-You're the most evilest son of a bitch I've ever done seen in a Ninja show, Amakusa. I mean, Jesus Christ! ...literally.
-Ganbare, Rentaro-san!
-They got Bomb Chick, Kusarigama Dude, Kunai Lady... and my babygirl... Sai Guy...
-Whoa wait a sec OTHER WORLD NINJA RIDERS????
-Who the hell is this doofus?
-Keiwhat now?!
-I thought he was the Geats guy!
-Oh thank god, Izanagi. I feel better.
-Icchi..... I miss you...
-Oh that's nice, Dork-on and his cute sister got added to the intro.
-Oh man... showing me episode 3 knowing I'm crying... I hate this show sometimes, I swear.
-Oh that's a cool belt. I wonder what kinda toys you sold in your world?
-Do you need a reason, Keita? Or whatever your name is?
-Oh, down he goes!
-Bro doesn't know about the Ninja Act lmao
-...this dude talks to lawn ornaments. Weirdo. Not like us, we talk to wall scrolls!
-Oh that Gamano. Always so well informed.
-Y'know I wish that neechan was the Ninja Rider from your world. She seems to have a backbone!
-That kagemusha is my friend, Geronimo.
-Oh wow, he can just... instantly tell from that Daikon guy's belt, huh?
-Amakusa's a gold digger.
-Things have gotten real bad for us all, Keitai.
-Boooooo! Booooohoooooohooooooo!
-"Hah... Dumbass."
-Rentawooooo :((((
-He hungwy :((
-I still can't believe we've gone this long with Iroha still knowing nothing about Shinobi's identity. Not like in [REDACTED] Sentai [REDACTED]. Sun Wukong and pals are the most open and functional of friends!
-Ah, a noodle boy? You do seem like you drop your spaghetti a lot.
-No ninja wedding? Okay, sure.
-...Something tells me K-Touch's sister gets fridged somehow in her world. Poor lass. I don't even get told your name.
-Oooh, fuck 'em up Iroha!
-Oh right, Amakusa's magic glass lotus thing.
-So, Ketamine hides his secret too. I wonder how hard Trigon has it with those Jamiroquai guys?
-Diet Ryuki, huh? I bet you're wishing for something cringe like "world peace" or whatever.
-NINPO! ...Nin-No!
-Gotta hand it to Canine, he seems to know his way around a fight.
-Rickshaw express to Konjou Company!
-Oh, there's neechan.
-Amakusa would have a private Christian wedding. Great attention to detail there, Kaori-sensei.
-Stop the wedding!
-There's Keijo's belty thingy.
-Oh shit!
-Movie Riders showing up in-series never happens unless it's Decade or Decade 2!
-Who... who's this green guy though? The Great Prophet Master Woz, who served under the wonderful Geiz Revive, never had a watch for this lime dude. ...he looks cool, I'll give him that. Also... strangely familiar...
-Bro doesn't even know about Rider Fights lmao
-And Kayfabe hits the floor!
-C'mon Kagenari, you've got a daughter!
-And youuuu.... Green Guy! You have somebody you care about, right?
-Shun Sugata! The man! The Ninja!
-You're looking great, Ryo!
-Ooooooooohoohohohohoho, goes hard!
-He's helping us!
-"C-Cyborgs?" Indeed he is, Kiddie Kong!
-Excellent technique, Neesan!
-"...this isn't Madoka's track meet."
-"...Kento????? Bro????"
-...why do I know that name?
-"Oh man, Niichan...I hope you stop sucking soon."
-ZX's ninja gadgets are always so sick <3
-It's nice seeing Kagenari do good :)
-Oh, this green guy's a book guy, huh?
-Another Hattari!
-...is there retooling from Yaminin in that suit?
"-Icchi, come on man! I don't wanna fight you again! Remember how much we were fighting in the 20 mark?"
-Oh, there's Senhor Geronimo.
-Oh wow... Taiko's got a cool form. ...that buckly thingy he's got on his belt looks fun to play with too. Kinda like the Shuriken Starter!
-Get in there, Shinobi!
-Well, he's down! Oh, not yet!
-Whoa... you're cool.
-Get in there, Rentaro!
-Shinobi Buckle!
-Keiwa-kun! ...no, Kamen Rider Tycoon! Show that jerk who's boss!
-...have I been shit-talking his successor?
-Ohhhhhh, that's so sweet, they're singing it together :3
-At last... the holy ninjutsu!
-Rider Double Slash?
-The other Ninjas...
-Ninja Riders, Squad Up!
-Kamen Rider ZX! Kamen Rider Fuuma! Kamen Rider Kenzan! ...apparently! Kamen Rider Tycoon! Kamen Rider... Shinobi!
-Go forth, Ninjas!
-Holy Ninjutsu! Five Footed Assault!
-Noooooo, nooo Icchiiii...
-Amakusa, you fucker!
-Thank you... Ryo-senpai...
-Little Bro Keiwa, vanishing whenever there's trouble.
-Thank you, Keiwa :)
-See you around, Keiwa-kun.
-Damn, I bet the guy in Geats World must freak out whenever he hears it.
-Pffft... Geats... bet he's some kinda Beowulf type.
-...bet his actor's a real fox though.
-Wait for us, Icchi.
-Shirou, you monster
-Oh man, I can't wait to talk about this on social media with all my Rider Bros.
-I heard that up and comer Fuku Suzuki is a big fan!
[This concludes the decoded transmission. The World of Shinobi has been added to DGP Record as potential stage for next DGP Series upon World of Geats reaching Grand End.]
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vixenpen · 4 years
Absolutely love your writing! You absolute q u e e n. May I raise to thee an idea? Kabedon head cannons for the MHA boys, how would they perform the Kabedon on their s/o or crush? stay funky queen!
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* In Todoroki’s opinion the kabedon stance was too intimidating.
* He didn’t want to feel like his old man. Like he was being too forceful with you
* He decided to do it in the hallways, once everyone was done transferring to class. Maybe it would feel a little less intimidating in a semi public setting
* “Todoroki-kun what did you want to talk ab-oh!”
* Before you knew it, he had you pressed against the locker and caged between his arms; hands on either side of his head
* You noticed a slight blush on his cheeks
* “Y-y/n,”
* did his voice just crack? Aww!
* “I...like you. I know this might be forward, but I needed to tell you, before it drove me crazy. I’m not really used to these feelings yet so—“
* You silenced him with a kiss.
* Todoroki’s heart sped up so fast he thought he might pass out
* “I like you too Todoroki-kun.”
* Todoroki opened his mouth to respond, when a familiar stern deep voice spoke up behind you.
* “As cute as this is, your little confessions are gonna have to wait.” Aizawa is standing there with a blanket wrapped over his shoulders. “We have class.”
* Even though both your faces are on fire when you two enter the classroom together, the two of you couldn’t be in better spirits
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* Tokoyami takes you on your usual walk in the park.
* The two of you like to go during sunset (dark shadow said it would be more romantic, and he wasn’t wrong)
* So here he was talking himself up to do it. He had just said something that made you let out that cute giggle that could break through any darkness
* It seemed like a perfect opportunity
* “Y/n?”
* “Yeah, Tokoyami-kun?”
* When you turned to him, he pushed you gently against one of the painted brick walls that surrounded the park
* You blushed when his arms went around your head and his beak tapped your nose
* “I want you to know how I feel, y/n, and I can’t keep these feelings to myself anymore. I like you, and if you feel the same way, I-I’d like to go out.”
* His eyes were closed as he confessed and you could see a blush below his black feathers.
* With another giggle, you stroked his smooth beak, giving it a peck that made him open his eyes.
* “I would love to go out with you, Tokoyami-kun.”
* “Y/n-I don’t know what to—“
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* This blunt bastard, catches you after sparring practice
* That’s when he feels the most confident. His adrenaline is pumping and he feels like he can do anything
* “Oi! Big head, hang back real quick.” He mutters hands jammed in his pocket
* He takes you to a more private part of the training grounds
* “What’s up Blasty Mcplode?” You teased. “You want round two? Hey! What the!”
* He damn near slammed you against the wall. His hands were placed right beside you, and his sweat slicked bangs were tickling your forehead.
* “Ba-bakugo, what the hell are you do-“
* “Shut up for once, big head.” He snapped. “Listen. I like you, alright, and I’m tired of beating around the bush about it. We’re fucking dating now, got it?”
* “Do I have a choice?” You shot back.
* “Does it sound like it?” He leaned closer, challenging you quietly.
* Without answering you smashed your lips against his.
* Bakugo let’s out a surprised grunt, but melts right into your kiss, groaning a bit.
* When you pull back, he’s got that signature cocky smirk on his face.
* “That’s what I thought.”
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* (Since I HC that Aoyama is probably gay, this is for the fellas specifically and just for fun. I think Aoyama would be the most fun boyfriend)
* Baby has confidence for days
* Why wouldn’t you say yes?
* “Mon petit, I can’t hold it back any longer.”
* “What are you talking about Aoyama?”
* Presses you against the wall in the most 50s romance movie way possible. Somehow a rose has materialized in his hand
* “Mon amour, the only person in this school who shines brighter than me, is you. I would be honored if you would consider my feelings for you, and if you’d consider dating me.”
* You giggle as he hands you the rose. At this point you’re used to Aoyama’s antics.
* “Ok, Aoyama-kun. We can go out.”
* He actually gives you the sweetest little peck on the lips when you agree
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Does it in the most manly way possible
He catches you in your dorm after you guys get done studying
“Bye Kiri, I know you can pass Ganbare!”
Your back is semi-gently pressed against the wall
Kiri is taking deep breaths and blushing as red as his hair before he talks
“Y-y/n!” His voice cracks too. “I have to be a man. I have to tell you how I feel. I...I like you. I have serious feelings for you, and I want to be your man. Your boyfriend. Will you go out with—“
You kiss him. Slowly at first and then Kirishima cups your jaw and it becomes deeper and more passionate
When he pulls away he’s grinning ear to ear
“I guess that’s a yes?”
“That’s a yes.” You smile back
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xmyshya · 3 years
Shoved it: chapter III - Kickflip
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summary: You don’t like skaters. They’re unruly, misbehaved and rude. But this one encounter just might change your view. genre: fluff warnings: tooth-rotting fluff (seriously, make a dentist appointment), slow burn, mutual pining betas: @vanille–kiss​ as always I’m eternally grateful to you, I love you lots a/n: Written for ANILYSIUM (former HQHQ) Server Collab with the prompt “Meet Ugly”. Check the event’s masterlist here! series navi: masterlist | previous | next wc: 1.7k
This is it, you think staring out the window. This is the last tutoring session. Something makes you sad about it, and as if the world tried to be sympathetic, it’d been raining since morning. Early afternoon brought thunders and a downpour so dense, it looked like a fog. You shift your gaze to refocus on the boy on the opposite side of the desk.
“So, ready for the big day?”
“I don’t think I’d be more ready, even if we sat for another week.” He shrugs.
“Time to go home, then.”
You lift from the chair and pack your things, and after a second he does the same. Even though it stopped raining some time ago, puddles are still lake sized and streets have yet to stop being rivers. You’re not really keen on leaving the school building, but it’s evening, your bus leaves soon, and you’re hungry.
“I’m gonna go on ahead.” You say before he can stop you.
This is it, he thinks after you disappear behind the door. He really wants it to last longer, to spend more time in a quiet empty classroom with you. A sigh leaves his lips as he runs a hand through his hair, looking around the dark room for the last time before locking it up.
There’s still at least an hour before his bus arrives, so Rin drags his feet to the lockers before switching to his street shoes and walking out of the building. Everything is flooded, and he sighs again, slumps his shoulders and shoves his hands into pockets. At least it’s not raining anymore.
Suna sees you still waiting at the stop and wonders if this is his chance. Maybe it’s a sign from heavens for him to speak to you, to be friends or maybe even ask you out. You’re focused on your phone, eyes not registering the approaching boy and the car, splashing fountains on its path.
Acting purely on instinct, he reaches you in a few long strides and pulls you away from the curb just in time. Luck isn’t on his side though, as the vehicle passes at the exact same moment, soaking him from head to toe.
“Well… fuck.”
Shocked; this is how you feel after realising what has just happened. The boy who has been pestering you for the past weeks, the one you did your utmost best to avoid, is standing right in front of you completely drenched. It would be you, if he didn’t react; it should have been you.
“Th-thank you.” You mutter while playing with the hem of your uniform. “Do you live far?”
“No, but I still have an hour before the bus arrives.”
Suna tries to wring the water from his uniform, but no matter how much he squeezes and twists, liquid still pours in thick streams. You try to suppress the urge to brush the wet hair stuck to his face and notice him shivering.
“Oh, uhh… My bus will be here in a moment, and” you feel the embarrassment heat up your cheeks, “I live 2 stops away, so you can come and dry yourself first. If you want, I mean.”
The weight of his stare is almost unbearable, but you miss the blush creeping up his neck and ears, not daring to look back. His voice is quiet and shaky, as he responds with
“Yeah, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Rin still can’t believe he’s on the way to your house. Opting to stay by the door so as not to wet the whole floor he wishes the circumstances were different, and he wasn’t soaked to the bone, but he’s not picky. If this is what it takes to change your perspective, then so be it.
He sighs, as he runs his hand through sopping hair. Nervousness starts to get to him, words get lost in his head as his mind presses to say something, anything. Since when does he have trouble speaking to a girl?
For some reason his heart is pounding and palms are sweaty, though (he hopes) it might also be because of the incident. So for now, Suna opts to watch you stare at the passing landscapes, as if you were afraid to meet his eyes.
“This is our stop.” You finally say as the bus slows down.
Panic strikes when you enter home. Do you even have any clothes that would fit? There are some old sweats and t-shirts of your dad, but it’s difficult to say if the size is right. Not to mention that it’s the first time you invited a boy to your house, and your parents aren’t even here.
After leading him to a bathroom, you disappear in the storage room in search of something for Suna to change into. You grab some pants and t-shirt, and go back to him.
“You should take a hot shower, otherwise you might get a cold. I’ll put your uniform in the dryer afterwards.”
You hand him a wrapped bundle and pull a towel from a drawer. Just as you’re about to leave, Suna mutters a quiet “thank you”, and for the first time you genuinely smile at him.
When he walks out of the bathroom, you’re in the living room surrounded by piles of books and notes; your attention shifts to his presence only after he speaks.
“I hope you don’t mind, I already turned the dryer on. Didn’t want to trouble you.”
His hair is still damp from the shower, and the sweatpants are a little too short, but at least they’re dry. With each lift of his hand to rub the towel at his hair, the t-shirt slides up revealing his toned abdomen. It takes a lot of energy not to sneak a peek.
“Trouble?” You’re confused by his statement. “It’s my fault this even happened in the first place, I should have-”
“Listen, I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to, okay?” He rubs his neck nervously and the shirt rides up again. “So don’t blame yourself.”
You only nod in response, too flustered to push words through your throat. All of a sudden you remember about the mess around, despite having a guest.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, I just have so much backlog to work on, I’ll clean this up!”
“No!” Rintarou notices your little shiver. “I mean, you don’t have to… I’ve been holding you back, so just… don’t mind me.” A moment of silence fills his mind with guilt. “Hey uhh, do you mind if I get us a snack?”
Now you’ve done it. There’s a visitor, his first time at your place, and a first boy at your place, and not only are you ignoring him for the sake of homeworks, you also failed at hospitality completely by not offering any food. It is late, and neither of you had dinner yet.
“Ah! I’ll get it! You’re a guest after all!” You almost jolt out from under the table, but a hand on your shoulder keeps you in place.
“No no, please, I don’t want to be any more of a bother. You’ve been helping me with school and now I’m just intruding, so let me do this for you.”
When Suna comes back with two plates of omurice, you’re deeply immersed in your studies. He places the dishes carefully in vacant spots, the gentle knock against the table grabs your attention, and cotton-candy-like warmth spreads in your chest. You expected a snack, some yoghurts or a bowl of nuts, or whatever else, not a warm dinner with a “ganbare” written on it.
Papers are shoved to the far end of the top, making space for the hot food. It looks delicious and you can’t wait to taste it. You clear your throat and speak hoping it would distract you from that feeling spreading in your chest.
“Would you like to watch something while we eat?”
“Sure, do you mind if I…”
He gestures between his and your side of the table; you shake your head and shift to make room for him, which he fills right away.
Omurice is indeed mouth-watering, creamy and well seasoned, and in response to your surprised expression he simply says “I have a younger sister, I can make a thing or two”. The more you know about the boy, the more you like him. You try to dismiss it as just admiring him as a person, convince yourself that it’s nothing but a surprise.
It proves to be difficult, however, when you barely register what’s on the screen, because of his proximity; it’s hard, when every brush of your arms against each other sends sparks to your brain; it’s tough, when you can feel his warmth radiating from his body and you want to be engulfed by it.
It’s nearly impossible, when you lean back on your palms, but his hand is already there, and you cover it with yours. Both of you jolt with hearts thumping violently, praying that maybe, just maybe, the other one doesn’t hear it.
After that neither of you moves, eyes trained on the screen but somehow not registering the events at all. In an attempt to ground yourself, you support your chin with your hand, and that’s the last thing you remember.
Rin hears your soft snores and, seeing your peaceful and relaxed expression, smiles as he brushes some stray strands off your face. He’s already overstayed his welcome, uniform long forgotten in the dryer. It’s wrinkled and still smells like a puddle, guess he’ll just have to give you these clothes back on the next day.
Not wanting to trouble you any more than he already has, Suna brings the plates to the kitchen, arranges books and papers in neat piles, and covers you with a blanket lying nearby. He catches himself almost planting a kiss on your forehead.
Before scooping all his stuff and walking out, he scribbles a quick note:
“My clothes were dry and I didn’t want to wake you. Don’t work too hard. See you tomorrow :)”
Taglist: @kageyamas-love @mikasbloodbag
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