I just think it would be funny to switch things up and lead with "popular far-right online blogger, Joan Rowling" once in awhile.
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god Tumblr it's like I never left. how could I ever leave you.
Neil Banged out his tunes today, on a train you have the comfort and relaxation to bang out your own tunes
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awwwwwwww you created a whole AO3 account just to leave a hate comment on my fic? now THAT is a compliment.
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silly doodle
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people on here are always saying “we NEED a story where the art of storytelling is abandoned” like ugh literary devices are soo annoying like that wouldn’t happen in real life that only happened to further the story (why is there story in my story) why would orpheus turn around when he was explicitly told not to why would icarus fly so close to the sun romeo&juliet catcher in the rye why are they so earnest why pour your heart and soul into anything why bother why cant all art be quippy logical monotony like my marvel movies there’s a void in my heart bc i refused to fill it and the curtains were blue
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i would really love to stop Going Thru It™
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strangles you with the red thread tying us together
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what if I uhhhhhhhh started writing fic again
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You are balenciaga harry
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my friend sent this to me saying "this reminds me of your fic" and I have never been so thoroughly called out by a FUCKING PONY
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Goliath and David by Mariano Steiner
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it's me, the still-fleshed corpse of a saber toothed motherfucker, melting free of a glacier
i am seeing activity from blogs that have not posted in years, its like watching permafrost melt. observing you all in my petri dish
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you ever get a comment that makes you want to reread your fic ?? it’s like ‘dang u liked it that much?? lemme go look’
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31 Oct
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If you would like the incomplete fics you're reading to be abandoned, this is a very effective tactic:
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A friend was betaing a new chapter but honestly? I can't think of a good reason to post it.
The saddest part is, I know they were interested enough to check back and see if I updated now, months after my previous update, which was months after the update before that. They cared. And caring meant they felt entitled to my creative output. I don't owe this person a goddamn thing, obviously, but they felt betrayed, so they lashed out.
Well done, commenter. You did it! You hurt my feelings. You made me not want to post my work. You made the world smaller and worse.
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Something I've noticed about Snape fans and James fans is that Snape fans find it funny but overall douche-y when Snape acts like a dick and James fans find a way to turn James' assholeness into something so "pure and good and rightful" and I'm sick of it. Bitch explore his character!!! Write dark James Potter headcanons!! Stop making him this boring perfect angel who can do no wrong. You literally had a fucking OC and you turned him into a Mary Sue??? Such a waste
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