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mostlysignssomeportents · 26 days ago
Announcing the Picks and Shovels book tour
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This week only, Barnes and Noble is offering 25% off pre-orders of my forthcoming novel Picks and Shovels.
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My next novel, Picks and Shovels, is officially out in the US and Canada on Feb 17, and I'm about to leave on a 20+ city book-tour, which means there's a nonzero chance I'll be in a city near you between now and the end of the spring!
Picks and Shovels is a standalone novel starring Martin Hench – my hard-charging, two-fisted, high-tech forensic accountant – in his very first adventure, in the early 1980s. It's a story about the Weird PC era, when no one was really certain what shape PCs should be, who should make them, who should buy them, and what they're for. It features a commercial war between two very different PC companies.
The first one, Fidelity Computing, is a predatory multi-level marketing faith scam, run by a Mormon bishop, a Catholic priest, and an orthodox rabbi. Fidelity recruits people to exploit members of their faith communities by selling them third-rate PCs that are designed as rip-off lock-ins, forcing you to buy special floppies for their drives, special paper for their printers, and to use software that is incompatible with everything else in the world.
The second PC company is Computing Freedom, a rebel alliance of three former Fidelity Computing sales-managers: an orthodox woman who's been rejected by her family after coming out as queer; a Mormon woman who's rejected the Church over its opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment, and a nun who's quit her order to join the Liberation Theology movement in the struggle for human rights in America's dirty wars.
In the middle of it all is Martin Hench, coming of age in San Francisco during the PC bubble, going to Dead Kennedys shows, getting radicalized by ACT UP!, and falling in love – all while serving as CFO and consigliere to Computing Freedom, as a trade war turns into a shooting war, and they have to flee for their lives.
The book's had fantastic early reviews, with endorsements from computer historians like Steven Levy (Hackers), Claire Evans (Broad-Band), John Markoff (What the Doormouse Said) and Dan'l Lewin (CEO of the Computer History Museum). Stephen Fry raved that he "hugely enjoyed" the "note perfect," "superb" story.
And I'm about to leave on tour! I have nineteen confirmed dates, and two nearly confirmed dates, and there's more to come! I hope you'll consider joining me at one of these events. I've got a bunch of fantastic conversation partners joining me onstage and online, and the bookstores that are hosting me are some of my favorite indie booksellers in the world.
BOSTON (Feb 14): Boskone, 4PM, Westin Boston Seaport District
BOSTON (Feb 14): Brookline Booksmith with KEN LIU, 7PM, 279 Harvard Street, Brookline
VIRTUAL (Feb 15): YANIS VAROUFAKIS, sponsored by Jacobin and hosted by David Moscrop, 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern, 6PM UK, 7PM CET
MENLO PARK (Feb 17): Kepler’s Books with CHARLIE JANE ANDERS, 7PM, 1010 El Camino Real
LOS ANGELES (Feb 18): Diesel Bookstore with WIL WHEATON, 630PM, 225 26th Street, Santa Monica
SEATTLE (Feb 19): Third Place Books with DAN SAVAGE, 7PM, 17171 Bothell Way NW Lake Forest Park
TORONTO (Feb 23): Another Story, 630PM, 315 Roncesvalles Ave
NYC (Feb 26): The Strand with JOHN HODGMAN, 7PM, 828 Broadway
PENN STATE (Feb 27): Kern Auditorium, 7PM, 112 Kern Building
DOYLESTOWN (Mar 1): Doylestown Bookshop, 12PM, 16 S Main St
BALTIMORE (Mar 2): Red Emma’s, 2PM, 630PM, 3128 Greenmount Ave
DC (Mar 4): Cleveland Park Library with MATT STOLLER, 630PM, 3310 Connecticut Ave NW
RICHMOND (Mar 5): Fountain Bookstore with LEE VINSEL, 6PM, 1312 E Cary St
AUSTIN (Mar 10): First Light Books, 7PM, 4300 Speedway/43rd
BURBANK (Mar 13): Dark Delicacies, 6PM, 822 N. Hollywood Way
SAN DIEGO (Mar 24): Mysterious Galaxy, 7PM, 3555 Rosecrans
BELFAST (Mar 24) (remote): Imagine! Festival with ALAN MEBAN, 7PM UK
CHICAGO, Apr 2: Exile in Bookville with PETER SAGAL, 7PM, 410 S Michigan Ave, 2nd floor
BLOOMINGTON, Apr 4: Morgenstern Books, 6PM, 642 N Madison St
PDX, Jun 20 (TBC): Powell’s Books (date and time to be confirmed)
I'm also finalizing plans for one or two dates in NEW ZEALAND at the end of April, as well as a ATLANTA date, likely on March 26.
I really hope you'll come out and say hello. I know these are tough times. Hanging out with nice people who care about the same stuff as you is a genuine tonic.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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apod · 4 months ago
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2024 October 25
Globular Star Cluster NGC 6752 Image Credit & Copyright: Massimo Di Fusco, Aygen Erkaslan
Explanation: Some 13,000 light-years away toward the southern constellation Pavo, the globular star cluster NGC 6752 roams the halo of our Milky Way galaxy. Over 10 billion years old, NGC 6752 follows clusters Omega Centauri, 47 Tucanae, and Messier 22 as the fourth brightest globular in planet Earth's night sky. It holds over 100 thousand stars in a sphere about 100 light-years in diameter. Telescopic explorations of NGC 6752 have found that a remarkable fraction of the stars near the cluster's core, are multiple star systems. They also reveal the presence of blue straggle stars, stars which appear to be too young and massive to exist in a cluster whose stars are all expected to be at least twice as old as the Sun. The blue stragglers are thought to be formed by star mergers and collisions in the dense stellar environment at the cluster's core. This sharp color composite also features the cluster's ancient red giant stars in yellowish hues. (Note: The bright, spiky blue star about 8 o'clock from the cluster center is a foreground star along the line-of-sight to NGC 6752)
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241025.html
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averagewriter-inthedark · 9 months ago
Back in Time P.1 ⏳| Agent K/MIB Imagine
An AU of MiB—takes place during MIB3
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Part 2 | my masterlists
Characters & Pairings: Agent K x MiB agent!reader (romantic)
Content warnings: fluff, profanity, angst, mentions of death, violence, age gape (read the note below), cannon divergence, suggestive themes, shitty realities women & queer had to go through in the 60s, friends/strangers-to-lovers | female!reader (she/her) | wc 9.3k
Premise: The universe was full of secrets. Y/I learned that in 1997 when she signed her name on the dotted line, swearing her life to MiB with the promise to protect all life: humans and visitors alike. But her world flips upside down in 2012, when the secrets her longtime partner K come knocking at their door. Leading Agent Y/I to go on a wild goose chase to 1969 and employ a young K to stop a madman from killing him...but he doesn't know that just yet.
Note: disclaimer I do not own MiB or the characters mentioned, This is fanfic for fun and while most of the scenes are from the MiB movies I did change most of the dialogue for Y/I. ALSO here is the whole age-gap thing: K was born in 1940, reader born in 1964--24 yr age gap (I know I said I’d never do large age gaps more than 10+ years but this is one exception.) In 1997 K is 57, reader is 33. In 2002 K is 62, reader is 38. In 2012 K is 72, reader is 48. In 1969 K is 29, reader is 48, young reader is 5. Your Initial = Y/I, Y/h/c = your hair color, y/e/c = your eye color. In the movie Boris killed on July 15th, 1969, changed this to July 11th 1969.
Y/I = Your First Initial. Y/h/c = Your Hair Color
The last thing Y/I expected when she woke up that morning and headed into HQ was she’d be the only one to remember her grumpy, always serious, and sometimes melodramatic partner, Agent K. The man who showed her there was more than what meets the eyes in the stars of the night sky. A shooting star? More like the source of a new arrival. As humans were not the only ones to call Earth their home.
Aliens walked among them.
Y/I remembered it like it was yesterday. One minute she’s chasing a culprit in New York as Detective Y/n L/n of the NYPD, the next she’s being fitted in a black suit, identity wiped across all government systems, donning only her initial, Y/I. From there her life turned a complete 180.
Over the course of their 15-year partnership there was never a dull moment. Well 10 years actually when you count the fact the first five years of Y/I career was without K. They’d safely captured the galaxy and disposed of the bug in 1997, her first job after K recruited her. Then he goes saying he wants to retire and orders Y/I to nueralize him. The next five years Y/I went through partners like clockwork. Unable to connect to one like K and neuralzing them left and right.
It just wasn’t the right fit. Which confused the woman greatly because they had literally been partners for a week. Surely anyone else could fit the role. But for some reason Y/I butted heads with everyone Zed set her up with.
Then in 2002 all leads at finding the Light of Zartha points back to K, causing Y/I to recruit him back to MIB and remind him of the life he once had. Of course the task was better said than done. K was as stubborn and cynical even without his MIB persona, believing to have been in a coma for 35 years.
Y/I wanted to strangle him the second he got his memory back. Furious to discover the bastard had neuralized himself so he’d forget where he put the Light of Zartha. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
Of course K had a plan. He always did. Which was annoying for the young agent since he hardly ran his ideas past her before going through with them. Honestly Y/I believed K was betting on luck half the time.
But who was she to complain when it always worked in their favor.
The most downright awkward moment between the two happened during their high speed chase trying to get Serleena off their trail. K, forgetting he’d been away from MIB for five years and that the cars were newly modeled, pressed the red button causing them to go into hypersonic mode. And Laura, who Y/I had been casually seeing over the course of the investigation and had grown rather affectionate of the beautiful woman, got to witness it all from the backseat.
“Okay here we go automatic pilot,” K fiddled with the controller resembling one that belonged to a playstation before pressing a button, prompting a decoy to pop out in front of K. Unfortunately, a decoy was all it was. Not taking control of the ship at all causing K to lean over with annoyance plastered on his face. “It is not automatic pilot.”
“He doesn’t operate at hyperspeed,” Y/n’s gave an ‘I told you so,’ face.
“I could really use a steering wheel!”
“Tough luck we don’t have a steering wheel! This is what we got,” her hand gestured to control, reaching over to press the button removing the decoy. K threw his hands up in defeat. Y/I huffed, “didn’t your mother ever get you a GameBoy?”
“What is a GameBoy?!”
Sweet Jesus she couldn’t believe it. What’s a GameBoy? Did this man live under a rock? She was going to have to change that. Bringing her finger up in a stern point, Y/I ordered the man, “You know what, move.” K’s jaw dropped in a ‘O’. “Move!”
And before either had the time to process, Y/I lifted herself off the seat, swung her leg over and straddled K. His eyes practically bulged out of his head, hands going to her hips. The action made her jolt forward, yelping as her thighs pressed against his and feeling something brush against her groin. They both froze, eyes locking as Y/I heard K gulp.
Oh. Fire ignited in the agent. Migrating all the way to her face she prayed didn’t show. K was packing.
Instantly she leaned against the door, pushing the man to get the hint and he quickly ushered himself over the middle console. Face red like a tomato. When they both got situated the car was completely silent. K adjusting his tie while Y/I took hold of the joystick and cleared her throat.
“Alright then.”
Luckily, for her sanity, everything worked out. Serleena indisposed, New York saved once again from a homicidal maniac, and Y/I got her partner back. Only downside was having to say goodbye to Laura, who’d been revealed to be the long lost princess and, quite literally, the Light of Zartha. K was kind enough to give Y/I and Laura a moment to say goodbye. And when a lone tear fell from Y/I’s eyes watching the spaceship ascend to the skies, K was there with a tissue and comforting hand.
They never talked about that moment in the car. And frankly Y/I wanted to erase the memory of her mounting K while at Hyperspeed from her mind. Even half tempted to neuralize herself. But as much as it mortified her, Y/I felt a bit giddy. A bit of her ego boosted at making K speechless….and a bit more.
Her mind quickly shot that down. Remembering this man was her partner--who she went to extreme lengths for to get back--her superior once K got settled back at MIB, and the tiny fact he was a whole generation older than her. Literally. When she did the math it was almost 25 years between them.
Now Y/I had nothing against older men. She loved a silver fox as much as any other, and honestly preferred them to guys younger than her. At the bars she drew them in like wildfire. Never having to pay for her drinks. Then when she was 25 still a detective Y/I had a two year relationship with a man 12 years her senior.
But this was K. They’d really only known each other for maybe a week during that whole bug debacle before the shit with Serleena. It would be highly unprofessional.
Though she can’t lie. The man looked good in his 60s.
Ten years later the two were MIB’s best duo when it came to handling extraterrestrial business and keeping the world safe from unwanted visitors. Y/I with her charm and K with his quick wit, they were unstoppable.
“Don’t worry, K, you can sit this one out,” she’d tease, adjusting the cuffs of her suit with a confident smile. “I got this.”
He’d match her grin, “sure you do, slick.” Then he’d start walking and get right to work leaving her behind.
“Are you ever going to let me drive?”
“Maybe next year.”
“You said that last year, K.”
“I did?” his feigned confusion with a shrug, “Hmm don’t recall.” Like always, he was met with her groan, hearing her head fall back against the seat in defeat.
“I’ll have you know I’m an excellent driver, K.”
He chuckled under his breath, casting a brief glance, “Don’t doubt it, sweetheart, now call Zed and let him know we’re on the way back.”
What could go wrong? Apparently everything.
They’d been on a job the previous night. Investigating Wu’s following suspicious activity and K wasn’t acting like his usual self. On edge, behaving in ways Y/I kept wondering what had crawled up his ass.Then all hell broke loose causing them to lose each other at one point. When Y/I finally made it to the roof, out of breath and in desperate need of a drink, she discovered K wasn’t alone. Greeted with an alien named Boris the Animal.
And he was not the happy camper. In fact, he broke out of prison just to hunt K down.
Later on K vaguely explained the history between him and Boris. “I should’ve killed him,” were his exact words, surprising the agent. She’d always known K to be the man to see all life as precious. He’d take the risk in apprehending a suspect rather than putting them down. Boris, however, did not fall under that.
The night ended with K pulling a play out of left field by suspending Y/I for four weeks when she refused to let go of not pursuing Boris. Who’s arrival shook K to his core. Quite literally. And when he called her that night to say, “you know what the most destructive force in the universe is?”
“Sugar,” Y/I sarcastically replied, not really in the mood.
She went silent for a moment, “You don’t have to wait. Just talk.”
“I promised you the secrets of the universe nothing more,” K reminded her, making the woman roll her eyes in frustration.
“So what, K? There’s secrets out there the universe doesn’t know about? How can we be partners if you can’t even trust me?” When he didn’t answer, Y/I had enough and hung up. Unaware the man on the other end was holding himself together. So desperately wishing he could tell her the truth. The whole truth.
Falling asleep not long later, Y/n woke the next morning like any other day. Completed her morning routine, whipped up some breakfast and nursed a cup of chocolate milk. Something she hadn’t had since grade school but got the sudden crave for. Slicked back her mix match hair into a tidy bun, gave one last look in the mirror to make sure her suit was nice and tidy before heading out the door.
The entire journey to headquarters felt weird. Unexplainable really. A dreaded feeling in Y/I’s chest on the verge of making her physically sick. But what was it?
When she arrived at HQ Y/I was greeted in the elevator by a man she didn’t recognize, but somehow knew her. Saying he was Agent AA and they’d been partners for a while sending Y/I into a frenzy, “I have no idea who you are, and we are certainly not partners. Where’s K?”
“Who’s K?”
“Who’s K?” she repeated, making him flinch by her sudden shout. “You know who I’m talking about. K! Agent K--the best MIB has ever seen. He’s my partner--My K!” Y/I pushed based AA to frantically search for K. Anxiety rose each time she asked a passing agent where he was and they said they had no clue who she was talking about. “K!” she kept calling for him, saying how it wasn’t funny to be playing a prank on her after their argument last night. But with each second Y/I was becoming scared. Circling in the middle of HQ until she finally broke with a pained scream that echoed through the building, “Kaaayy!!!”
It was then O dragged Y/I to her office, stating she was in charge of MIB….and that Agent K had been dead since 1969.
“Okay, you’ve got it all wrong,” Y/I chuckled to avoid having a mental breakdown right there. She was beginning to hyperventilate, struggling to process the buffoonery. There’s no way in hell K was dead. And that he had been for 40+ years. “K is not---what-whatever joke this is needs to stop--.”
“This isn’t a joke, Agent Y/I--.”
“K can’t be dead! That is impossible--I-I just did a job with him last night. We were on the phone before I went to bed. This is insane!! I am not crazy!!” Y/I leaned back in her chair, apologizing for the outburst when she saw how O was staring at her. “I’m sorry, O. That was out of line. But, O please,” she stood up, pleading with her eyes. “You have to understand that this--.” she gestured to the vicinity, “was not my reality yesterday. Something happened to K in the last twelve hours and we need to get to the bottom of it.”
There were a lot of things Y/I accepted in life. Her father left when she was five. Her family kicked her out at 18 when they caught her with a girl. Ex boyfriend cheating on her because her detective job had her working long night shifts. Blockbuster closing down. The Mets losing the World Series year after year. Pepsi replacing Coca-Cola in the MIB vending machines.
But a world without K? Y/I refused to accept it.
So that’s how she found herself at the top of a skyscraper about to make a time jump into 1969. Jeffrey, the store clerk she tracked down who gave Boris the means to travel back in time, followed behind her.
“Okay, you know the rules of time jumps, right?”
Y/I wobbled on her heels, doing her best to not look down. The wind blew in her face, “give me the short version.”
“Okay. You want to save your partner, word of advice: stay away from him.”
“Yeah got it,” Y/I nodded, making a motion with her hand. “Stay away from K just kill Boris.”
“Now,” Jeffrey handed her a pair of goggles. “Take these because it gets pretty windy on the way down.” Y/I spluttered a sound.
“The way down?!”
Jeffrey either doesn’t register the dumbfounded expression plastered on her or chooses to ignore it. “With your eyes tearing up it’s hard to read the time dial plus,” he offers a smile, “it helps you look like a real time traveler. Which is cool.” Her face never changed.
“There’s no way in hell I am jumping off of this building!”
“Time. Jump,” his face reads, ‘what did you think it meant?’ Y/I just gulps, peering out into the distance. Contemplating her life choices. Meanwhile Jeffrey pulls out the time dial, “Okay now I gotta set this thing to the 11th. Uhhh,” his fingers work over the device. Setting it to July 11th, 1969. “That seems right….ish.”
Y/I lifted her head to stare at him, “I’m gonna need that to be on the money, Jeffrey. Time is at stake here. Literally.”
“Now, all you gotta do…is jump,” passing the dial, he gives her a light push on the back, making her stumble and go, “hey-hey, stop. I don’t need to fall to my death before you finish telling me what I’m supposed to be doing.” Slowly itching herself to the edge, Jeffrey explained the final steps.
“Now as soon as you’re moving fast enough that circle is going to fill up with some sort of green time travel liquid or some such and it’s going to glow really bright--” Y/I cursed when she nearly slipped, catching her hand on the smooth surface. ‘God, I shouldn't have chosen today to wear my heels.’
“As soon as that happens you need to break that blue laser line with your thumb to complete the circuit,” Jeffrey scans their view. “At this height that should be uhhh…let’s see massive Earth and 30 something feet per minute uh--.”
The fear of jumping off a building combined with the stress of failing to save K, Y/I felt the pressure break. “It’s 32 feet per second per second.”
“That sounds right--ish,” Y/I mentally groaned at his lack of confidence. “So that would be, I guess uh, about two feet off the ground.”
“Then I break the laser line?”
“No, don't break it!”
“I mean when I’m fast enough,” Y/I reiterates and receives a thumbs up.
“Sounds good.” Well that didn't help her at all.
“So do I break the laser line or do I not break the laser line?”
“Do not lose that time device,” Jeffrey warns, making the woman sigh and accept she’s going to have to wing it and pray she lives to tell. “Or you will be stuck in 1969.” He didn’t have to say anything else for Y/I to understand. She was going to be a fish out of water.
Was it too late to change her clothes and dye her hair?
“How will I know if it works?” She asked, stomach dropping at the sight of spaceships entering the atmosphere. The Boglodite invasion had begun.
“You’ll either know…or you won’t.”
“Fucking A,” Y/I pulled the goggles over her head. They were tight against her skin, but she was able to at least breathe.
Before he left, Jeffrey had one last thing to say. And it really put into perspective how important K was to Y/I. “You must really love this guy to do this.”
“Yeah,” she muttered under her breath, tightness in her chest while heat flooded her veins. “I guess I do.” She brushed the intense feeling as platonic love for K. Their partnership had lasted 10 years. He was more than just a colleague, he was her best friend. Turning back to Jeffrey before he could leave, she yelled, “Wait! How come I remember K but nobody else does?”
“Woah!” Jeffrey exclaimed, looking as if she just unlocked the key to immortality. “Woah! That means you were there.”
“I was where?” She didn’t understand. Yeah she was alive in 1969, five years old in fact. But what the hell does he mean by she was there?
“If you survive you gotta come back and tell me everything, okay!”
“What are you talking about? Where was I?!” she was interrupted by a ship attacking a nearby building. Jeffrey ushering her off.
“You gotta go! Go! Go! Go!,” he fled to safety, leaving Y/I alone on the rooftop. More ships attacked, sending an alarm across the city for residents to seek shelter. Below Y/I made out their screams.
Time dial in hand, Y/I said a mental prayer, “I’m coming for ya, K,” and leaped to her destiny.
Once Y/I settled her heart rate and mentally cheered in victory she didn’t die, her feet carried her off the rooftop and down the elevator. Had her mind not been preoccupied, she would’ve found humor in the man who looked rather scared out of his wits when she entered the elevator. Clutching the paper close to his chest while giving her an odd once over.
“What’s today?” Y/I picked up on his adversary, not meeting her eye at all.
“Tuesday,” he said shortly.
“The date,” she corrected with a sigh.
“The 11th.”
“My man, what’s the year?”
“Nine-nineteen sixty-nine.”
“Thank you,” she threw a hand up, startling him more. “God, and I thought people sucked at answering simple questions where I’m from.” She left the elevator in a haste once it hit the lobby floor, rushing out the doors to a 60s New York.
After stealing a rich man’s car, neuralizing two cops and knicking a bottle of coca-cola from a vendor to quench her time travel thirst, Y/I finally made it to Coney Island. Approaching any and everyone to see if they’d seen Boris.
“He’s about six foot, gnarly beard and looks like he could use some screen,” the young couple hippy kept eyeing her up and down, expressions mixed with weariness and awe. It’s not everyday a woman in a dressy suit approaches to ask you questions. Y/I huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I take that as a no?���
It was like this all morning and Y/I was starting to lose hope. But she had to stay. It said in the records Boris murders an alien on July 11th at Coney Island. Maybe if she could find him she’d save another life.
A scream filled her ears, Y/I running in the direction of the ferris wheel. Breaking through a curtain with her gun raised where she found a body laying on the ground. “Shit,” she muttered, head raising a second later to thumping.
There, leaping across the panels of the ferris wheel, was Boris. Y/I trained her blaster up, eyes following Boris’ until she could get a clear shot. She predicted he’d jump to the large billboard, so she focused her aim to await him.
But fate had other plans.
As soon as she lined up the shot Y/I felt cold pressure against her temple. Blood rushed as she mentally cursed herself. Then a familiar southern drawl filled her ears.
“We’ll take it from here.”
“K?” she gasped, eyes wide as saucers. Smiling as she turned to see him, young and alive, “K!”. ‘Damn K was a stud.’ However the happy reunion was cut short when the agent remembered this was a young K. His face visibly surprised at the mention of his name. Y/I once again cursed at herself.
He didn’t know who the fuck she was.
His defensive demeanor showed that. “I’m afraid I’m going to need you to lower your weapon and come with me, ma’am.” Had this been her K she would’ve teased the fact that even so young authority seeped off him. Carrying himself in a way Y/I was sure he had gals falling to his feet left and right.
But she couldn’t tease him. This wasn’t her K. And this K looked like he was about five seconds from losing his patience.
“Sorry, pretty boy,” she found her voice, his face shifting at the nickname. “Can’t let that happen.” Before K could blink, Y/I shot her arm up to push his blaster away, kneeing his stomach causing K to grunt and bend over, before kicking his legs. She made a mental note to apologize to future K once she returns home.
If she manages to pull this off.
Once K was down, Y/I took her chance to run. Unfortunately she didn’t get far. Heading in the direction Boris fled, Y/I got caught in a maze of tents, unable to find her way out. She stomped her foot, “Dammit.” It was there K found her, tackling the agent from behind, “Ooof--!” They rolled on the harsh ground, scuffling their suits and shoes before coming to a stop. K kicked Y/I’s blaster away, annoying her greatly, “Rude.”
They engaged in a small brawl. Which was pretty much Y/n doing all she could to escape and K attempting to get the upper hand but falling short. It was a new thing for K. Having an opponent on his level. He’d never had his work cut out for him until now. This woman was something else. She intrigued him.
After two whole minutes of fighting, they were becoming tired and frustrated. K took a blow to his rib, Y/I’s hair now loose from the hair tie snapping. It came to a climatic end when they fell back onto a curtain and tumbled onto a table full of orange crates. Moaning as they made impact with the ground. Y/I pushed herself up only to yelp in pain and fall back as electricity filled her veins.
The bastard tased her.
Breathing heavily, K wiped the sweat from his forehead. Leaning back on his knees as he observed the unconscious woman in front of him. Now that he got a better look, K assessed her to be in her mid to late 30s. Striking features with signs of aging, some wrinkles by her eyes and smile lines, but breathtakingly beautiful. Hair styled in an unusual fashion. Two toned in a way K couldn’t tell if it was natural on the sides framing her face or if they were purposely dyed a stunning white/gray. The top of her head was layered in y/h/c. Her makeup relatively simple with the exception of bold red painting her lips.
The most interesting detail of the gorgeous woman was she adored a black suit just like him. She stuck out like a sore thumb when all the women wore dresses and skirts. Yes, some wore pants, but a woman in a sleek black suit and tie? Unheard of. Not to mention her suit was made in a different fashion than his own. More tight on her figure, thinner tie, not as boxy on the shoulders.
K’s suspicion rose when he found fancy gadgets in the pockets of her blazer. He’d made sure to disarm her in the event she woke before they arrived at HQ. Besides her gun, he discovered a pen-like tool, and a circular device reading the current date. ‘What the hell?’ he thought to himself, examining the tools closely before pocketing them. Brows raised to his hairline when he found her badge, the MIB logo in bold printed above her identity.
Agent Y/I.
“Huh,” K hummed in wonder, “Well I’ll be damned.” He glanced down at the fallen agent, lingering on her features, “Now that’s something you don’t see everyday.” Badge in hand, K gently lifting the woman in his arms to take to his car. But not before neuralizing the crowd that had gathered around them.
Whoever she was, K was going to find out.
Y/I awoke with a groan. Feeling tension in her neck and back and throat dry as a desert. Bright lights filled her vision, causing her to blink rapidly until the blurriness became clear. Making her brows furrow at the sight of a very different MIB headquarters she was used to. For starters this one had color. Burnt orange furniture and bulky furniture to fit the times. It was buzzing with MIB agents and travelers from other worlds. Y/I heard one alien on the phone with his dad begging to bail him out.
Good luck with that buddy.
Still feeling the numbness from the voltage, Y/I massaged her jaw with her hand, groaning lightly as she turned her head to scan the rest of HQ. A sudden gasp leaving her as she found K staring at her, making her jolt in her seat.
“Christ, K,” a groan left her throat, eyes narrowed at the man--who again observed her with skepticism. “Would it kill a girl to ask you to turn the electricity down on that thing? I can barely feel my tongue.” He cut right to the chase.
“How do you know my name?”
‘Fuck,’ Y/I gritted her teeth. Pissed at herself for making a simple mistake. Now she had to improvise. Something K always clowned her for. “What? Cause I called you ‘K’?” She could tell he wanted to smirk at her nervous chuckle. “No, I call everybody K. It’s my thing really--What up, K?” the person passing the two gave a look, and the agent continued the ruse much to K’s displeasure. “Kaaaaayyyyy, pasa. Yeah, you know how it is.”
God this was embarrassing. But she was too deep now.
K turned in his chair around to grab something off the desk, “Now that I know what you look like when you’re lying.” Placing the items in front of Y/I, she mentally cursed. It was her neuralizer, gun, badge and time travel device. “Won’t you show me what you look like when you’re telling the truth?”
Oh boy. She hadn’t thought of him confiscating the stuff she had. Super important stuff. How was she going to get out of this? K was the smartest man alive. He’ll know she’s lying no matter how much she tries to deceive him. Time was running out and she needed to get away fast.
Putting on a convincing smile, Y/I leans her elbow on the corner of K’s desk. “I won those at Coney Island on the ring toss,” the lie was met with a gesture of her hand, like she actually was tossing a ring.
“I won a stuffed bear once, but never one of these,” he shakes his head, giving that damn smile where he knows she’s lying. Of course he fucking knew. “Must be good, slick.” God there was the nickname. The one that in the beginning Y/I hated but learned to love as it was only reserved for her. Hearing the younger K say it brought comfort to the agent, reminding her why she was in 1969 in the first place.
“All right, sir,” she pulled herself together, becoming serious which surprised him a bit. “I was minding my own business. I was out there waiting for my girl, who, by the way, is probably worried sick looking for me right now. So I-I just need my things and I need to get back to her.”
“What’s ya gal’s name?”
“Your gal,” K repeated with a smirk, “what’s her name?” The question threw her off, but then Y/I she did, in fact, say she was waiting for a girl and not a guy. Forgetting she was in 1969 where lgbtq+ unfortunately dealt with prominent homophobia and persecution. ‘Fuck’ she thought again, hoping young K was just as accepting as his older self. Who, when Y/I told him she was bisexual his reply was, “I know, slick.”
By some God awful reason, Y/I’s brain melted at having to come up with a fake girlfriend name, “Schtaron” saying it aloud even made her cringe.
K even looked surprised, eyebrows raising as though he misheard her. “Schtaron?” Well she couldn’t take it back now. So Y/I did the only thing she could do: nod, accepting her fate. K’s mouth opened slightly, processing the information. “I bet Schtaron likes that suit of yours. Hm?”
Y/I peered down at her outfit where K was looking. Crisp black suit matching his only a tad different in style. She raised a brow in defiance, “What, it’s a crime to wear a black suit?”
K shrugged, finger brushing his bottom lip, “Not a crime, but it makes you stick out compared to the other pretty ladies wearing pencil dresses and skirts.”
“Yeah well,” Y/I scoffed with a roll of the eyes. “You men haven’t realized yet that women can rock a three-piece suit and tie better than y’all.” As though confirming her words, Y/I heats up when K gives another glance over her suit. From the tie around her neck to the red bottom heels on her feet.
Obviously he didn’t recognize the shoes since Louboutins didn’t release until the 90s, but K was still impressed nonetheless she’d be brave to wear such footwear in that line of work.
He leaned back in his chair, turning away when he was caught staring, red creeping up his neck and hand raising to adjust his tie. Y/I smirked, pleased with his reaction, while battling the warmth feeling in her chest. Part of her wanted to poke fun at him like she usually did, but there was a job to do.
“All right, listen, pretty boy,” she gets his attention back, visibly reacting to the nickname, “I haven’t done anything wrong except be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I need to get out of here,” she slaps a hand down on the stack of files in front of her, “I cannot be here with you.” They’re suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a beautiful blonde.
“Terribly sorry,” she apologizes to Y/I before turning to K. “X is frightfully upset about the whole Coney Island incident.” K moves to grab his cup of coffee, meanwhile Y/I could not contain herself and was openly checking the blonde out. Which K caught and had to do a double take.
“Alright thanks for the heads up,” he takes a sip, wincing at the bitter taste, “Oh, man, this coffee tastes like dirt.” Y/I snapped her head to him in shock before turning back to the woman, ‘no fucking way,’ her suspicions were confirmed seconds later.
“What do you expect? It was--.”
“Just ground this morning,” Y/I finishes the saying, eyes wide and grin threatening to expand. “O?” ‘Damn O has always been fine.’
Both faced her, expressions of bewilderment. Especially O who had yet to know who Y/I was. It was further proof to younger K Y/I was hiding something big.
Realizing her mistake Y/I attempted to do damage control. “No, I call ladies ‘O’,” her hand waves. Feeling small under K’s hard stare. “To me, O is feminine, K is masculine.” What the actual hell was coming out of her mouth? She didn’t know and couldn’t stop, “You know, I see a couple, I’m like, “O-K.” Before anyone had the chance to react to the utter bullshit she spewed, X was rounding the corner. K dropping a large booklet on top of Y/I’s stuff.
“What a mess,” X exclaimed, standing beside O. “Any casualties?”
“Yes, Roman the Fabulist.”
O appeared devastated by this news. Almost like she could cry whereas X just rephrased the question to specify, “Any human casualties.” Y/I narrowed her brows slightly, offended by the audacity of X which didn’t go unnoticed by K. He matched her expression. To him, all life was precious. Humans and aliens alike.
“No, sir,” Y/I picked up on his strained tone. It was then X turned his attention to the woman seated in front of him with a piercing glare, “Who the hell is this?” He was put off not just by her scowl, but the fact she wore a suit and had mixed-match hair.
“Look, I was…” K interrupted before she could make a fool of herself.
“Stray human caught in the net.”
“Code 43 her and throw her back,” X ordered. O, sensing there was more to the story, diverted X away from the desk, “Sir, you’re gonna be late for a meeting with the Viagrans. They have a revolutionary new pill.” Y/I tilted her head at O’s words, ‘What the hell? Viagrans? New Pill? Oh my….’ She wanted to laugh at the irony, but K was back in front of her, serious as ever.
“Okay, slick,” he leaned on his elbows, waiting for the woman to come clean. Y/I kept her guard up, shaking her head furiously and sticking with the stupid story, “I was waiting for my girl.”
“Yes,” Y/I wanted to crawl under the desk and hide, “she’s….Greek. It’s a family name--very unique.”
A moment of silence passes and K finally gives up. Accepting he was going to have to use unorthodox methods to get answers. “Okay. Just one last thing…..an eye exam.”
Oh no.
Any attempt Y/I made to escape was to no avail. They caught and strapped her to a stretcher like contraption, after she put down three men and managed to disarm K again, making his jaw drop. They wheeled her to a room, her eyes landing on a large machine resembling a device she was all too familiar with. “That’s not an eye exam, K,” she shouted appalled, “That’s a big ass neuralizer!”
“You sure have a lot of information for a gal who doesn’t know anything,” he approached the control machine.
“I see what you’re saying. Woah--!” They spun upside down. “You know what, K, we need to hold up a second. K!” Her y/h/c and white hair fell over her face, Y/I blowing air to get it out of the way. Necklaces smacking her cheek.
A man in a lab coat and white suit approached her. Leaning down with an object in his hand. “Let’s just get this bite guard in here.” Y/I clacked her teeth in an attempt to bite him.
“Hey. Back up,” she did it again, causing him to draw back. “Back the fuck up. I’m not afraid to bite you.” The stretcher jolted up, making it to where she was level with the machine. “K, listen,” she pleaded with a chuckle, “I think we got off on the wrong foot, all right? So let’s stop this show and talk for a second. Don’t put me in this thing, K!”
K thought about it for a moment before replying, “Too late, lass,” and pressed a button. Y/I groaned, stretcher moving to enter the vessel.
“K, no, you have to listen to me. I can help you with this case!” her pleas went ignored, K focusing on the dial. “K!” She makes a face, “I’m doing the truth face--you’re missing it!”
“Ah, I’ll just use my imagination.”
Buzzing filled the room. The neuralizer was closed and locked, beginning to spin in a circle as it lit up. Y/I started feeling nauseous, struggling against the holds. “K, I’m after the same killer you’re looking for. He’s a Boglodite named Boris.”
“Ship has sailed, amiga.”
The dizziness was becoming intense, Y/I blinked her eyes, “K, if we don’t get him now we’ll have to deal with two of them. Two!” K adjusts his headset.
“You had my undivided attention.”
“One will have one arm, and one will have two,” she informs, neuralizer speeding up. Now her heart was about to burst from her chest, desperation consuming her. “K! Listen to me, please!” the stretcher set in place as it locked in. “If you erase me you’ll be erasing the whole world!”
“Fifteen seconds to neuralyzation. Fourteen.”
“Fuck-fuck-fuck,” Y/I mumbled, the fear now setting in. The last time she felt terrified--besides that morning--was after getting poisoned by an alien stinger while on a job in 2003. Never had she seen K so scared. Cursing at everyone and breaking every traffic law to get back to HQ. So frighteningly angry he nearly threw hands with Zed while O had to step in to calm him down.
“Thirteen. Twelve. Eleven.” her thoughts became fuzzy. Neurons pulling apart and pushing together. The area of the brain dedicated to memory being targeted causing her mind to spin. “Ten. Nine. Eight.” The least she could do before her brain was scrambled was warn K one last time. “When you see Boris tomorrow, K, kill him. Do not arrest him, you have to kill him!”
“Six. Five. Four.”
Y/I’s eyes closed, steadying her breathing to calm herself and not allow the fear to take over. Memories started to play like a film. From her childhood, to adolescence. High school and police academy. Her time as a detective to the moment she met K. Discovering the world beyond Earth. Every mission, every job. Every precious moment she took for granted.
Outside, K kept replaying her words. Warnings. Whoever she was, she knew too much. Between the technology, the suit, knowing his name as well as O’s, this woman had a past. A past with the same man he needed to find.
For God’s sake she had an MIB badge. She was one of them.
‘Fucking hell.’ “Three. Two. On--.” K stood abruptly and smacked his hand down on the button to shut it down before it could reach one.
Y/I let out a breath of relief, feeling the contraption slow down until it came to a stop. Lights shutting off. “Is this thing off, K? Hey, I don’t think it’s off all the way--can you check real quick?” Cranking her neck as best she could, Y/I desperately needed an Advil. “It’s still whirring and buzzing. I don’t know if I don’t know nothing.” Now she was being dramatic. But who could really blame her after nearly getting her memory erased.
The stretcher exited the machine, pulling Y/I upright causing her hair to become a wild mess. K approached, headset off, and watched her carefully. “I knew Roman. His wife cooked me dinner once and while it was not pleasant, he was my friend.” The men unlatched the metal straps holding Y/I in place, K stepping forward to extend a hand so she’d safely step off while saying, “Last chance, who are you and what do you know?” She took his hand, both flinching at the tiny shock that occurred and Y/I stumbled back once on her feet so they had a bit of distance, but still close. Inhaling, Y/I spilled all K needed to know in one breath.
“I’m an agent at Men in Black, but I’m from the future--we’re partners, ok? Twenty-five years from now you’re going to recruit me in New York, and fourteen years after that, the guy you didn’t let me kill today at Coney Island, he escapes from prison, and jumps back into the past and unleashes a full scale invasion of Earth,” Y/I checks her watch briefly, “we’ve got approximately four days and ten hours to catch him and kill him. So really, we need to go right now because he can be anywhere!” She let out a small groan, letting the air catch up. Nerves arose at K’s blank stare. Y/I unable to tell what he was thinking and that brought great annoyance.
They stayed like that for a moment. Staring at each other in silence. Y/I allowed her shoulders to drop, sighing in the process.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, K turned on his heel toward the door, “Alright.” Puzzled, Y/I blinked rapidly in question, but followed after the man.
“So that’s the story you believe.”
“That one was the truth,” K pointed out. “Wasn’t the whole truth, but I guess it’ll do for now.” Y/I looked at him offended.
“What the hell do you mean? Of course it’s the whole truth!” Liar. “I told you everything.” ‘No I didn’t, but what you don’t know won’t hurt ya.’ They entered the elevator, “The problem with a lie, K, is once you start lying you put yourself….” she trails off when he turns to her with a look of, ‘Don’t even try,’ Sighing again, Y/I licked her lips while placing her hands in her pockets, staring ahead rather than at K.
“Agent K,” a voice called from below as the elevator rose. They turned to find X and O. “What’s she still doing here?”
“Oh I might have cooked her for too long. Thought I’d better walk her out.” Catching on, Y/I said the first thing that came to her mind.
“I put my pants on.” K rolled his eyes, lifting his hand as if to say, ‘See what I mean?’ Once X looked satisfied and took his leave, K gently placed a hand on her shoulder to turn her back around. His touch sent another wave of heat. She straightened her posture, looking ahead.
Y/I jaw hurt from how hard she was holding her laugh. Squeezing her eyes shut, but she still felt K’s gaze, damn well knowing she’d break if she made eye contact. “Please stop looking at me before I lose it.”
“How’d you know--.”
The elevator jolted a stop, Y/I exiting first before K took the lead. She quickened her pace so they were next to each other. Outside K led her to his car, Y/I’s unable to contain her reaction at the sight of his car. A 1964 Ford Galaxy 500. She whistled as got into the car, missing how K was biting back a smirk.
The driver’s door slammed shut behind him, “Okay future-gal, where to?” Y/I’s brow raised, hands making a motion. She didn't have a damn clue at what to do next. Now that her original plan blew to shit.
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” K parroted, just as confused and she made a face.
“I don’t know. Uh…go wherever you went last time.”
Did she forget she traveled back in time? “I haven’t been here last time. I didn’t tell you where I went?” She had to choose her next words carefully to not let anything slip. Nonetheless she let out a light chuckle.
“No, we don’t really talk.”
K huffed, adjusting himself in the seat, “What kind of partners sit in a car all day every day for 14 years and don’t talk?”
“Exactly,” her smile is tight, proving her point. She points a finger between the both of them, “and this is the type of problem it causes. It’s dysfunctional and annoying if I’m being quite honest. And technically we’ve been partners for ten years but that’s a long story and one for another day.” She didn’t miss the curious look that came over him, but it was quickly replaced with frustration.
“Alright, sweetheart,” he put one hand on the wheel while his arm laid across the headrest of the seats, face serious. “You better get useful real quick, or you’re going back to room 43.”
Y/I muttered something he couldn’t hear, turning away to gaze out the windshield. Brows furrowed deep in thought as she picked through her brain for any information.
“Okay, uh,” she bit her lip, “the file--the file I read about Boris before coming here said something about a factory,” she looked back at K, “something happened at a factory on the 13th.” She heard him sigh, and Y/I held back her own. “Look, pretty boy, I’m giving you all I got. You can stare at me with your jedi knight--,” she forgot Star Wars had yet to be released for another seven years. “Looking eyes, but that’s all--we’ve got two days to find out where he’s going.”
To her surprise, K started the car. She tilted her head, “oh, did that spark something for you, cowboy?”
“Roman had this on his person when he was murdered,” In his hand was a matchbook, Y/I reached to take it. On both sides read ‘Cosmo Lanes,’ the letters encased in bowling pins.
“It’s a matchbox.”
“No, it’s a clue,” K corrected, making her look at him puzzled. Then he answered her unspoken question, “He didn’t smoke.” They were off with the roar of the engine trailing behind. Off to Cosmo Lanes with their lead.
The entire drive Y/I kept stealing glances at K. Not hiding her intrigue at all or how she admired his features. Jet black hair, shiny and sleek. Smile lines--which she always found adorable. Brown eyes that twinkled whenever he smirked or gave a genuine smile.
She must’ve been staring because K snapped her out of it as he said, “You lose something over here, darlin’?”
Instead of becoming embarrassed and flinging herself out of the car, Y/I held her chin high, feeding off the confidence she usually carried herself with. Lip curling, as she tipped a brow up, “Say, K, I’m curious. How old are you?”
It took a moment for him to answer, “twenty-nine.”
“Wow,” Y/I hummed, making K give her a, ‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Her grin widened, tone taking a teasing nature, “Just that you got some city miles on ya.”
Now it was K’s turn to smirk, “You know I’m starting to understand why we don’t talk.” Y/I chuckled, facing forward in the seat. K turned down the music lightly, “Exactly what year in the future are you from?”
“Twenty-Twelve,” she heard him make a sound, like he was calculating his age in 2012. “Don’t worry, you're still a stud even in your old age. Silver hair suits you.”
“Glad to hear,” Y/I heard his smile, matching her own. “What you said earlier, about us being partners for ten years, what’d you mean by that?” She hadn’t expected that question, tightening her lips as she debated on opening that can of worms.
“Like I said, it's a long and complicated story.”
K’s eyes flickered to her, “we got time.”
She snorted, “Should I really be telling you? I’m not an expert in time travel, but what if telling you about what happens in the future inevitably dooms it?” All she received was a shrug, making her head fall back against the seat.
“Well,” she breathed through her nose, clicking her teeth. “As I mentioned--after you nearly fried my brain--you recruited me in ‘97, but after the first job you decided to retire and had me neuarlize you,” She briefly glanced to find K raising his brows, visibly surprised. “Then five years later in ‘02, you held the key to stopping a homicidal maniac so I had to drag you back to MiB. Once that was over, you just stayed,” leaning her head to look at K, Y/I smirked, “And we’ve been going now ten years strong. My longest relationship really--you should be honored.” She couldn’t help but tease, watching the man flush red.
Even as a young stallion K was easy to fluster.
“I love that,” she giggled lightly, looking away when he turned his head.
“Oh nothing,” she jutted, but then came clean, unable to contain her laugh. “Just that you’re still easy to tickle.” Y/I didn’t see it, but K’s gaze lingered on her. Fondness peaking through as a million questions racked his brain but he refused to ask--the leading being just who was she to him? Yeah they were work partners, but call it intuition, K felt there was something more to Y/I and what she meant to him.
Whatever it was now was not the time to drown himself in theories. Gathering his priorities, K kept only two things in mind: 1) they had a job to do and 2) this woman was from his future. They needed to find Boris, stop him from changing the future, and get her back home.
They pulled up to the bowling alley, K shutting off the engine after putting the car in park. Y/I leaned forward to get a better look. “How well do you know this place?”
“I know its reputation.”
“I don’t like it,” she shook her head, finding it sketchy. “I hate going in blind. I’m gonna need my gun back.”
“Sure thing, slick,” a handcuff clasped on Y/I wrist, a gasp leaving her as he cuffed her to the steering wheel while she gaped at him like he lost his damn mind.
“K! What the hell?!” she fought against his grip, “I need to go in there with you!”
“You just sit tight. I’ll be fine.” K was out the door and entering the establishment. Leaving Y/I shouting after him, “Stop--K! You can’t go in by yourself. When I get back to the future I’m going to have serious words for you!” She puffed out a breath as his suit clad figure disappeared. Her hands searched around the car, ‘I wonder…’ reaching for the ashtray, Y/I made a ‘ah-ha!’ sound as she found the spare key underneath.
“Same old K,” the smirk stayed on her lips, freeing herself from the cuffs and racing out the car. Going quiet as she accessed the center to take in the scene. K had his gun on a man, who in turn had four guns pointed at him. Grabbing the first thing, a bowling pin, Y/I inched her way until she was bringing down the pin on the alien’s head. Promptly knocking him out.
“See you still keep the key under the ashtray,” she saw the flicker of what looked like astonishment.
“Lucky guess,” he played it off, facing the man who was not passed out on the floor. “Now, where were we?”
After landing a spare on the lanes, finding the owner’s dead body, and a call to O for information, the two tracked down where Boris was heading next. From what K said, it was the factory.
Now they had two days to spare until then. And frankly, Y/I was beat like a tennis ball after Wimbledon. She needed a hot shower, food, and at least ten hours of sleep. It was pushing close to 6pm and Y/I was about two seconds away from making a bed out of K's backseat.
“Where are we?” a yawn escaped her when the car came to a halt. Squinting at the unknown building they were in front of.
“My place,” K casually replied, exiting the car as if it were nothing while Y/I choked on her saliva.
“Your what?” The wind hit her as she climbed out, gawking at the man. People passing by gave them looks which they ignored. “Why are we at your place, K?”
His brow tipped up, “You’re exhausted. So we’ll pick things back up tomorrow.”
“Okay….” she agreed, but her tone was still confused. “That still doesn’t explain why we’re at your place.” Then it hit Y/I, heat filling her veins and she began to splutter. “K, If you’re insinuating what I think you are, I can go get a hotel.”
“Oh really and how are you gonna do that?” K countered, hands going in his pockets. “You don’t have any money on ya, sweetheart.” Y/I tilted her head in surprise.
“And just how do you know that?” She could’ve sworn she had her credit cards on her. Learning not to carry cash on her at times now that most places were switching to cards only or never had change in the registers.
Fuck K didn’t think about how that would sound. Face redding as he adjusted his jacked, “Um,” his throat cleared, “I confiscated everything on ya at HQ and there was no wallet. Just assumed you weren’t carrying any.”
Instantly Y/I fished for her MiB badge, where she hid her Capital One credit card. Flashing it to him, “I have this.”
“What is it?” He snatched it to get a better look. Reading the print of a name he assumed was her alias, several numbers in a line and expiration date. Not recognizing the company labeled at the top.
“My credit card,” she said as if it were obvious, forgetting where she was. K’s face was questioning, making Y/I go, “What?”
“This won’t work at a hotel, slick,” he passed the card back, but not before reading it one more time. Before she could ask why K gave the answer. “For starters Capital One doesn’t exist yet. And the expiration date will have everyone turning heads,” his face turned serious, “but the main thing, if you attempt to pay with that, the authorities are going to have a field day wondering how you managed to forge a credit account.”
Y/I’s jaw dropped, absolutely floored. Forge an account? Yeah the name on the card wasn’t her real name but it was the MiB issued credit card and worked perfectly fine. And she was certain she hadn’t maxed it out yet. It’d just been used on her daily bodega order that morning.
“This isn’t fake! I get it’s not my real name, but thanks to MiB it hasn’t let me down yet. How will it--,” she cut herself on as it crossed her mind. What he was trying to tell her without really saying it. Y/I brought a hand to her nose, scrunching it. Feeling stupid she hadn’t realized it sooner as a sigh left her, “I’m not supposed to have a credit card.”
In fact, no woman was supposed to have one. They wouldn’t get the right to open their own credit accounts until 1974. Where they’d be free without having a husband, father, or brother cosign on one.
Gotta love the 60s…..
“What’s it gonna be, slick?” K voice brought her back to reality. Lifting her eyes from the pavement to meet his. Air caught in her throat suddenly, ‘Wow K has beautiful eyes.’
“I’m taking the bed,” Y/I gave in, lighting a cigarette she stole from a pack in K’s car before heading into the building with one thing on her mind: sleep. “I deserve it after jumping off a damn building and almost having my brain cooked.”
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azurehaiku · 9 months ago
throughout the past 3 days i've been playing a demo for
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an extremely stylised gamecube-dreamcast era platformer inspired by the likes of psychonauts, super mario sunshine, FEZ and wind waker, where you catch fish, collect scales and do cool ass tricks with your fishing rod.
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you play as Caster, a young, recently come of age bunny-bird [known as a Fysker] who passed all his trials to become a Fyskari and start doing fishing work in the wastelands for hire. this work is a big part of their culture, it being tradition for Fyskers to undergo acrobatic training to hunt and catch fish.
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he works for a resturant, The Big Catch, under his boss Chef Leurre. we don't know much yet but the game seems to be set a few months after he starts working there, with some great disaster approaching that's going to doom the resturant unless he goes to save it. if you wanna read more, the website [https://thebigcatchgame.com] has a little info on the characters we know of and the general story.
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his smug, cocky rival and coworker, Tackle, is a little older than him, and just as skilled! but his attitude and lax nature hold him back. speaking of him, he's actually the character you play as in the demo!
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the demo in question serves as a prologue taking place a year or so before, featuring content that won't appear in the full game. as said, you play as Tackle during his last days of training to become a Fyskari, riding around the desert plateau through 12 different areas for a total of 26 fish and 688 scales. it's labelled as a demo but it is REALLY dense, a good 10-15 hours of content if you're goin for 100%.
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the music, too, is really good! using MIDI sequencing to simulate the music from the era it takes inspiration from, it hits a spot in my brain that reminds me a lot of super mario galaxy.
one word of note is that the difficulty curve in this demo is STEEP. once you get out of the tutorial pit almost every area asks a LOT of you, and it can be frustrating to start. if you manage to get past that, however, the platforming puzzles in this game are really satisfying to figure out. not to mention there's TECH
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overall, while this demo does have its flaws, with falling being a bit punishing when there isn't enough checkpoints and shortcuts available to get back quickly, pushing past them and improving leads to a LOT of really tight platforming and satisfying realizations when you figure out what to do.
[THIS IS OUTDATED!! SEE BELOW] the game has a Final Area locked behind 100%, and, another flaw, this game has no method of tracking where you've missed scales.i heavily recommend getting a notebook or opening notepad and keeping track of how many scales you've gotten in each area. people have already counted up how much each area has, so if you check and the numbers don't match, you know where to look! otherwise you're stuck aimlessly backtracking.
EDIT: the compass was added in a later patch, and it lets you know which area you're missing scales in once you reach the final hundred or so! it pulsates red when you're in the same area as them [minus the garden and mortar bird island, they're the biggest so you might need to go further into those to get it to trigger] and pulses stronger as you get closer. it can still take a bit to find the scales you're missing but it means you're no longer completely helpless if you missed some!
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if you're willing to stick to it and aim for 100%, the reward is absolutely worth it! the atmosphere in the final area is incredible, with the music building as you progress through it, and even beyond the item that lies at the top, you can go even further up and experience the view of a lifetime. i'll leave that for you to see for yourself though! hope you have fun! see you on the dunes. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2985610/The_Big_Catch_Tacklebox/
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underspacegame · 3 months ago
Welcome starchasers! It's the Steam Autumn Sale (which takes place in the heart of winter for some reason) and predictably, we've got a patch just in time for you. I know you love patches, in the same way Mimosa loves her mechanical duck toy and Prince loves his string.
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This update's got a few new tidbits that I finally got around to doing. No it's still not the big milestone update, seeing as that includes a lot of huge stuff like full planetside interiors, it obviously takes a lot of doing. But there's still some neat things!
Update HighlightsYou ever make use of drones, autoturrets, or those fishing platform thingies that heal you (did you know that?). Well been completely changed in how they function. Rather than actively draining your energy, they now work off an active time amount followed by a cooldown. This leaves your AI skill a bit more useful.
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We've also got a new weapon type, one of our most request types: summoning pods. These launchers pump out weapons platforms that attack your nearby enemies, but their health decays over time. Again, your AI skill increases the time they're able to stay alive.
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There's also been some lighting changes. Turns out there's some old code from like five years ago (back when lightning wasn't actual lightning) and it was causing issues. Now it's not. Very atmospheric.
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Finally, you kept wanting to see more activity throughout space, so now there is! Asteroid fields, nebulas, and the deep reaches of space now have encounters for various space pirates, smugglers, and more.
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Onto the patch!
Changelog is as follows:
Total overhaul of how AI and the AI skill works. AI now no longer drain energy, but instead have a maximum amount of time they're able to be active before they go into a cooldown. The AI skill now increases the amount of time the AI can be active. Mining drones are unaffected by this change (as they don’t drain energy to begin with).
Added summoning pods: These are missile launchers that go into your AI slot and can be used to temporarily summon forth weapon platforms that attack nearby enemies. These platforms decay over time, with your AI skill affecting how long they can stay active. You can find a variety of these pods sold through stations across the galaxy, with a special few able to be crafted with… certain materials.
Station descriptions now include a list of the equipment sold at the station. Remember: You asked for this.
Points of interest that haven’t been found now have a new scan pulse icon, to help colorblind players.
Increased ship presence: Pirates now inhabit many forgotten corners of the galaxy, and if you’re off the beaten path in nebulas and asteroid belts you’ll often encounter them.
Train lines are now colored based on inbound and outbound services. There will be no service to Miami.
Conceptual primers now stack.
Several crafting items are now special items instead of cargo items, and are held in your overall, nonspecific ship inventory.
Made scanning for the courier ship in Long Legacies more reliable.
Adjusted drop tables of knowledge items to base 10% (down from 30%).
Adjusted drop tables of repair items dropped by NPCs. Tier 3 ships now have a base 5% chance (up from 1%) tier 2 ships now have a base 3% chance (up from 1%)
Fixed some text culling issues with the Apocalypse’s cockpit.
Fixed culling issues where some nebulas still showed objects.
Fixed some rendering issues aboard Battleship Greatclaw.
Fixed old as balls lighting issue with lightning in storms. Ambient lighting during a storm should generally have smoother transitions now.
Fixed issue with drop tables for several larger ships during random missions.
Fixed some secret dialogue where the speakers were incorrect.
Added better restrictions to the Omadaz to prevent docking on it.
Fixed some mismatched icons and names in the Bigger Picture.
Fixed issue where out of system waypoints wouldn’t work if you had ever discovered a space leviathan.
Fixed issue where you could quickload a savegame mid-jump, causing issues.
Fixed issue where the Volatile Planetoid would play a victory sting, even if you didn’t actually beat the boss.
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nerdieforpedro · 11 months ago
Nerdie’s Fic Picks - Volume Six!
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All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. YOU are in charge of your own reading experience!
Main fic recommendation list
1. two pack habit & a motel tan by @trulybetty (Frankie morales x f reader)
2. Door Number Three by @morallyinept (Javi G and reader)
3. El Punto de Olvidarte (Part three of Mejor Sin Ti) by @fhatbhabie (Javi P and female reader featuring asshole Joel Miller)
4. Cave In by @javierssunglasses (Jack Daniels x f reader)
5. Bloody Kisses - Part One - Less than zero by @perotovar (Shane “Dio” Morrissey x Tim Rockford)
6. going to make you sweat by @undercoverpena (Javier Peña x f reader)
7. To the Flame chapter 10 by @pedroshotwifey (dark Javier Peña x f reader)
8. Tension by @notjustjavierpena (Javier Peña x f reader)
9. Taurus by @magpiepills (Joel Miller x f reader)
10. 18 x heart candies by @trulybetty (Dieter Bravo x Bryony - ofc)
11. Cruel Summer by @fhatbhabie (Dieter Bravo x plus size reader)
12. Respected by @kteague (Javier Peña x reader - Diosa) SA warning
13. Dámalo by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Javier Peña x f reader)
14. Salty Sweet by @pedroshotwifey (Javier Peña x plus size female reader)
15. Scandal by @wannab-urs (Dieter Beavo x f reader)
16. My Girl by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Din Djarin x f reader)
17. Masterpiece by @morallyinept (Dieter Bravo x f reader)
18. Fairy Gold by @julesonrecord (Ezra - Cali Gold Rush AU x f reader)
19. For the Record by @wannab-urs (Dieter Bravo x f reader)
20. Imagine (Drabble) by @bonezone44 (Ezra x Frankie Morales
21. Sanctuary by @fhatbhabie (Dieter Bravo x plus size f reader - wife)
22. Like Real People Do by @fhatbhabie (Frankie Morales x reader)
23. Love’s a weed: new dress drabble by @tinytinymenace (Frankie Morales x Ruby - OFC)
24. Mine by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Din Djarin x f reader)
25. Breakfast is Served by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x reader)
26. IRL part three @han_shot_first by @grogusmum (Javier Gutierrez x plus size f reader)
27. bloody kisses — part two: i don't wanna be me by @perotovar (Shane “Dio” Morrissey x Tim Rockford)
28. Longing by @creedslove (Javier Peña x f reader)
29. Cherry Wine by @julesonrecord DDNE (Jack Daniels x wife reader)
30. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 1 First Contact by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
31. Should’ve Stayed Bored by @pedroshotwifey (Chump Joel Miller x f reader
32. To The Flame chapter 11 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x f reader)
33. Que Creías? by @fhatbhabie (Marcus Pike x plus size female reader)
34. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 2 Juniper Cottage by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
35. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 3 Making Breakfast by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthing f reader)
36. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 4 Freaking Out, On The Outside by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
37. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 5 Di’kut by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
38. The Wolf & The Lamb by @morallyinept (Dave York x plus size female reader)
39. A Work of Art by @boliv-jenta (Lucien Flores x f reader)
40. Roommates 1 You’re Joking right? By @punkshort (pornstar Joel x f reader)
Happy reading everyone! Remember to like and reblog all these amazing writers' fics. 🥰
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vera-deville · 10 months ago
Vera's Hauntober 2023
Day 19 - Familiars (Kyoya Ootori)
10/26/2023 - 05/03/2024
Pairing: Kyoya Ootori x Reader Word Count: 1,516 Warnings: Reader has a lot of familiars, and they include but are not limited to snakes, spiders, birds, puppies, and mosquitos. Gender: AFAB Taglist: @animusicnerd, @leonistic, @pyroxeene, @savanaclaw1996, @thequeenoffishburrito, @ellssbellss, @reshi-galaxy, @hanafubukki, @hitoshislover, @purplecandything Notes: This fic is by no means an encouragement for you to go buy a pet (especially of the exotic kind). Please don't see the shenanigans in this fanfic as your sign to go get a snake or something-
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"Y/N?" Haruhi called for you.
Fumbling around with the boa on your neck, you call out to your friend from the depths of your room.
Every time Haruhi finds herself a guest of your home, she is reminded that you are, at your core, a damn rich person. Sure, you were also the most down-to-Earth person she knew from Ouran, but who else would be able to afford a glass greenhouse that connects to their already expensive bedroom?
A rich person. That's who.
Haruhi traversed through the small tunnel that lead to the actual greenhouse section of your room. The last time she visited the place, she'd seen you dancing around with mosquitos. Mosquitos.
Curious, but also bewildered by whatever animal she may see this time, Haruhi's mind came to a stop when she saw a snake strangling you.
Terrified, she tried to will herself to pull the snake away from you (without having it attack her in any way) until she heard sprinkles of laughter coming from your direction. You were gently nuzzling the reptile, cooing at how handsome and charming he is, all while allowing said reptile to wrap itself around strangle you.
"Hey Haruhi!" You beamed at her.
"Ummm, Senpai?"
"You have a snake around you."
"That I do~"
If the lack of urgency from your voice didn't show that the snake and you were friends, then your coddling most certainly did. Taking a step backwards, Haruhi watched curiously as you gently untangled the snake from around your neck and placed him on the ground.
You watched Haruhi as she nervously eyed the snake as it seemed to slither in her direction and watched as relief settled into her features when he cut a right and went about his way. The relief only lasted a few seconds though. "Y/N?"
"There are more snakes in your room."
"Ummm, yeah?"
"And they're not in aquariums-"
This confused you quite a bit. Why would they be in aquariums? They're terrestrial snakes. Even if they could go into water, they weren't meant to constantly be swimming in water (unlike sea snakes).
"What do you mean aquariums?" You asked Haruhi.
"You know, like the glass boxes that they put reptiles in? I saw a video of someone who had an iguana in one of those aquariums." Haruhi explained, still keeping an eye on the snakes.
Suddenly, it dawned on you.
"Haru, those aren't aquariums. The 'glass boxes' you're talking about are called different things depending on what you put in them. The ones that hold reptiles and other animal life are called vivariums." You clarified. "Besides, they're happier like this, free to roam inside the greenhouse as much as they want."
Nodding her head, Haruhi ignored your typical habit of speaking as though the animals were people themselves and asked, "so what'd you call me over for?"
"Oh right, thanks for reminding me!" You exclaimed, scurrying over to the other side of the greenhouse. Haruhi could see you reaching inside of a pet cage, which usually would be used to carry animals like cats, but knowing you, it could literally be anything inside that plastic cage. Haruhi craned her neck a little bit to observe your actions, heart nearly slowing to a still to see what freak of nature you were going to pull out of the magical cage.
So it was a cat-
You pulled the adorable tabby close to your bosom, your calming aura immediately relaxing the paranoid creature. Walking over to Haruhi, you introduced the cat. "This is Aki." You stroked the cat's head starting from its forehead, and Haruhi watched as the cat fell impossibly deeper into sleep. "I found him on the road a couple of days ago, and as much as I want to take care of him, I'm kinda running out of space here." You say sheepishly.
As though on cue, the parrots started screeching from all over the greenhouse, causing Haruhi to look around in fright.
"I'm going to be sending Aki to a shelter, but the shelter I contacted is also currently full." Mournfully, you continued your story, all while gently rocking the feline in your arms. "Until then, I need someone to take care of him for me, because I don't think I can take care of him myself."
Well that was a little shocking. You of all people couldn't take care of a mere cat? Why you had parrots, cockroaches, and snakes, and you couldn't handle a cat? Haruhi figured there was another reason, but didn't bother asking for it.
"Do you want me to take care of Aki for you?" Haruhi asked.
"That's exactly what I was going to ask! If you don't mind, could you take care of him for a few days? Just until next Thursday, I promise. I'll give you everything you need, so you don't have to worry about a single thing."
Well, if was just for a few days, she'd be able to manage. She was sure that her father wouldn't mind (he got along great with you).
"Sure, why not?"
"Ahhhhh, you're the best Haru~"
It had been a few hours since then, and you were awaiting your next visitor. In the mean time, a capybara snorted running around without a care in the world. The sight put a smile on your face, content blooming in your heart.
Knock knock.
Jumping up, you sprinted to your door, and peeked through the window near it.
Finally, he's here.
You pulled the door back with such a fury that a miniscule shred of surprise appeared on Kyoya's face before disappearing as quickly as it came. Pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, you pulled him into your greenhouse (mindful to close the door behind you).
"Haruhi came by earlier." You started a conversation.
"I assume that Aki has been adopted then?" Kyoya asked.
"Give her until next Thursday. She's not gonna want to send Aki to the shelter after all that quality time~"
If there was one thing people should never underestimate about you, it would be your motives. There was almost never a definitive reason for what you were doing until the reason was revealed. Your latest scheme involved finding a lonely cat a loving home.
"And how's Mr. Cuddles?" Kyoya asked, looking around the greenhouse.
"Right here" said a familiar snake as he hung down from a branch above Kyoya's head. He looked up and smiled at the boa. Mr. Cuddles slowly slunk down onto Kyoya's shoulder and wrapped himself loosely around his figure. Kyoya allowed this, enjoying the snake's presence.
"You know, it's funny how well the two of you get along now." You say, arms crossed.
"Jealous?" Kyoya and Mr. Cuddles as at the same time.
Scoffing, you turn on your heel and walk away to some other creature that would cuddle you the way Mr. Cuddles was cuddling your boyfriend.
As they watched your figure walk away, Kyoya and Mr. Cuddles faced each other, chuckling to themselves as they shook their heads at your antics.
Mimi the capybara waited for you to sit down on your chaise before jumping into your adoring arms. Squealing in glee, she nestled deep into your embrace as you hugged her tight. You watched as your boyfriend and his new best friend sat down on the chaise opposite to you and felt a gust of wind before feeling a weight on top of your head.
The head that peeked down to look at your face (albeit upside-down) belonged to Marisol - a sun conure.
"You thought that old cuddles hated you." Marisol squawked, laughing to herself.
"In Kyo's defense, he didn't know that we're familiars." Cuddles responded.
"Kyo?" You parroted. "Since when were you on nickname basis with my boyfriend?"
Your animals (and boyfriend) laughed at the pout that adorned your face. Mimi jumped off, jumping into the lap of your boyfriend instead, and the look of betrayal on your face made everyone laugh even more.
"I didn't know at the time that Cuddles was fond of me, but had I known, I would befriended him much sooner," Kyoya said, adding more salt to the already festering wound.
"Yeah, yeah, you're all just such great friends. We get it-" You say, annoyed. Marisol, the lovely thing didn't say a word as you sat petulantly.
As fun as it was to tease you, Kyoya loved you the most. No matter how many friends he had, and no matter how close he was with them, they didn't compare to you (except for maybe Tamaki). Having teased you enough (for now), he called your name.
"Y/N?" You finally looked at him.
"Come here."
Cuddles adjusted his position and Kyoya lifted Mimi for a bit, a silent gesture for you to cuddle with him. Smiling, you do go to him, Marisol still sitting on your head and cuddle with your favorite beings in the whole world.
Eventually, some of the other familiars also joined the cuddle pile, while the others watched from a distance.
All was right in the world.
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Author's Note: I know that I said that the Hauntober event is currently under hiatus, but when random bursts of creativity occur, one does not simply not do anything about it-
Now, I actually really enjoyed writing this fic, because I'm an absolute sucker for animals. I've always wondered why characters only have like one familiar. Why not two? Why not ten? Why not as many as you want? So, to placate that, I made this. I had a particular idea as to how I wanted this to go, but it took a few detours.
See you in the next fic!
Masterlist Hauntober 2023 Masterlist
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hananoami · 8 months ago
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Server Maintenance on July 15
The game will undergo maintenance from 04:50 to 11:00 (UTC+8) on July 15. During the maintenance period, Linkon City will be temporarily inaccessible. The server opening time may be advanced or delayed depending on the actual situation. Hunters are suggested to arrange their game time reasonably.
Client Update Notice
💡With the release of Love and Deepspace Version 2.0 on July 15, a mandatory update for the game client will be required. You may need to download and update to the latest version of the client, as the old version will no longer grant access to the game. It is recommended to perform an overlay installation without uninstalling the old client beforehand. The new client will be available during the server maintenance on July 15. You can download it following the pop-up notice in the game to complete the overlay installation. *Uninstalling the old version may result in the loss of local data, such as photos not uploaded to the cloud. Please take notice and do not uninstall the old client in advance.
Update Details
After the update on July 15, Love and Deepspace Version 2.0 [Opposing Visions] will be officially available. 💫[Opposing Visions] New Version Update This update features Sylus's debut, Main Story updates, and exciting new features. Enjoy fantastic rewards including free 5-Star and 4-Star Memories, Outfits, Diamonds, and more! 💫After the update, the 4-Star Memory [Xavier: Lost Signal] will enter Galaxy Explorer. You may obtain them by exploring Silver Galaxy or Radiant Galaxy.
Optimizations 💫Battle Lock-On Function Optimized
Improved the [Lock-On Function] in battles. You can now choose to enable [Smart Lock-On] or [Priority Lock-On] to optimize your battle experience.
Added a new function [Target Lock-On]. Once enabled, your target will be locked onto the enemy you tapped. Your attacks will prioritize the locked target. *You can enable it after entering the battle in battle settings.
Added a new training stage [Lock-On Training]. You can go to the [Training Room] to get familiar with the [Lock-On] Function.
💫New Feature [Quick Pass] in [Hunter Contest] Added
When the number of medals reaches 24 for Senior Level Contest, the Quick Pass feature will be permanently unlocked for Senior Level stages. After unlocking Quick Pass, you can directly challenge the first 3 stages of the Senior Level. Upon winning, the previous stages are automatically cleared with full stars. You will also receive the corresponding rewards.
💫Fixed an issue where skill cooldown times were occasionally calculated incorrectly during battles.
💫Optimized the fighting mechanism and performance of some Wanderers.
💫Enhanced some in-game text descriptions.
💫Fixed some in-game display issues.
*For more details, please check the in-game announcement in [Bug Fixes and Optimizations].
Special Notice
Due to changes in the underlying logic of game resource files, you will need to manually re-download historical resources of Main Story, Memories, Dates, etc. in [Manage Resource] after this update. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Additionally, customized login background previously set by hunters will be reset to the default background after the update. You can readjust your settings in [Custom] once the update is complete.
Special Gift for Version 2.0
After the update of Love and Deepspace Version 2.0, you can claim a special gift of 💫[Empyrean Wish×10] in your mailbox. Mail system will be unlocked after completing Main Story [Under Deepspace] 1-9.
Maintenance Compensation
After the maintenance, you can claim compensation rewards of 💫[Diamond×200, Empyrean Wish×1] in your mailbox. Mail system will be unlocked after completing Main Story [Under Deepspace] 1-9. Please note that the compensation mail expires at 4:59 AM (UTC+8) on July 18.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 10 months ago
infinity thoughts
ok so 🍰 anon asked me about my infinity thoughts and an explanation here but unfortunately i'm american and got access to the song with the official mv release, so when i answered it i was in a post-negibanana haze and unable to comprehend abstract thought. sorry!
so anyways it's such a fire song. easy top 10 nijien songs. i'll be honest and admit i don't pay attention to a lot of niji music, even for some of my oshis, but hear me out. infinity bangs slaps bops jams etc
i'd like to point out the parts that i adore/can explain a bit
imma player imma play my game / imma slayer and i claim the fame
i'd like to imagine this is a double entendre for being a heartthrob AND a #gamer lmao. especially with the tiny internet/vtuber references all throughout
i make the dream that make believe
that should be "make-believe," with a hyphen. never catch 'em slippin
not a lyric but i'd like to formally thank yga for deciding that shu should be wearing a sleeveless hoodie and a turtleneck and a half-off jacket AND an arm garter. that arm garter is carrying everything
not a lyric but also thank you lord for giving sonny a scarf. he looks cozy and i'll be thinking of this factoid later. also the lightning effect in the rain/monster line 💛
we stay young forever
lol i see u anime boy png reference. also the ad libs here are peak. wait hold on classic og lxm fans: shu was the one that did the brr woo right? ...that a callback?
(yes sir)
i am not mentally well about an ad lib of all things. i'll be there for him. with open arms. and open legs. and an open mouth
better move that body that the big man gave ya
this is just funny to me. like yea this is what i wanted to hear in my kpop inspired dance song by two anime boys. a line that just barely dodges religion. that's hilarious and i want someone to sample this line specifically for a rap beat
ain't no gravity in my galaxy / we soar like planes, like birds, like angels
i get why they end the lines with "angels" (ethereal, beautiful, a body that the big man has given) but... if it ended with planes... it could be a slant rhyme with sonny's next lines
hundy degrees
also just funny to imagine sonny unironically saying "hundy." i can only see him in my mind's eye saying it when he's putting on the Big Stereotypical Bogan Accent. not so out of character for him now is it
you on your knees
ok wait hol d on hwat the fuck
tell me are you ready for me
ye s
honestly that whole bridge just fucked eternally and again, will not stop thinking about it. what tf are those high notes. knees, huh. the whole theme going on through the entire lyrics where the singers r nonstop but everyone else needs to be prepared/can't go on as long as they can (tehe stamina joke). whatever they were doing with the ascending "are you ready for me." whatever SHU was doing with that high note into the chorus SIR ?
so when this got announced post-ar live i threw the preview into my playlist bc it was just that good, and i always imagined it as one of those radio bumpers. so so so so so happy it was everything i dreamed of and more.
i love negibanana as a duo a lot and i'm glad they were the first to get an encounter, since neither have a original/cover song on their channel yet. especially for sani. he's my oshi but tons of tons of tons of people have expressed he's a very underrated and very talented singer, and if you don't happen to be there for karaokes or his features on other songs (ringo! mogire! beaaaaaam!) then it's easy to sleep on him.
and what can i say about shu that hasn't been said before. his voice is lovely and his high notes shine. negibanana is such a good duo because of their strengths. you can really tell that shu's at his best when he gets to use his falsetto and show off vocal runs, and sonny's energy when he raps is so infectious.
but never forget the goofy bits 💛 shu has no idea how to whisper sexily like "infinity yeaah" in the beginning sounds like a kid trying to learn how to do a death metal scream without waking their parents in the next room 💛 what was the entire verse about your neighbor and the big man who wrote that 💛 every time the pre-chorus hits i wait for the hyphen in make-believe and yet 💛💛💛💛
peak nijien in 2024 experience tbh
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illusion-reality-steve · 1 year ago
Coming soon: Galaxy Family 2023 Ask-a-thon
The poll has concluded. The Galaxy Family 2023 Ask-a-thon will be starting on November 27, which is 5 days from now!
I'm in the process of scheduling everything, so there is no detailed schedule for now. It will come eventually. For now, here's all the other important information.
11/23 update: detailed schedule is here now!
What is the Galaxy Family 2023 ask-a-thon?
It is a marathon-like event where I’ll be answering a lot of asks in the span of 5 days. There will be a lot of posts during this week, all related to Galaxy Family and RRFF headcanons! (and some miscellaneous stuff)
What kind of content will be posted during Galaxy Family 2023 ask-a-thon?
The ask-a-thon will only feature asks the blog has received before November 2023. This event is not about sending asks during the event for me to answer in real time. The event is about me finally catching up with the asks in my inbox. If I receive any asks during the ask-a-thon, they will be answered sometime after the event, not during.
How many posts will be in the ask-a-thon?
Around 42. But I'll be honest: I may have miscounted, and there may be less than 42 posts.
11/23 update: 40 asks! (one ask contains 4 questions, so there will be 37 posts total!)
I know this isn't as many posts as the last big ask-a-thon. I know I still have plenty of Galaxy Family asks to get to. I hope to eventually get to all of them, whether it be for a regular post or a future big ask-a-thon!
Is this interactive? How do I participate in the ask-a-thon?
Not interactive. The ask-a-thon only goes over asks already sent to me, not asks sent during the event.
To participate, all you gotta do is sit back, follow my blog, and enjoy my blog posting exceptionally more content than usual.
Feel free to send follow-up asks after the event if you have something to say. Just understand that the follow-up asks will be addressed after the event, and it might take a while for me to get to them. The frequency of posts will resume to “3 posts a week” after the ask-a-thon.
What if I don’t want to see anything from the ask-a-thon?
All ask-a-thon posts will be tagged "galaxy family 2023 ask a thon" (no dashes). Feel free to blacklist that tag if you don’t want the ask-a-thon to flood your dashboard.
Conversely, the "galaxy family 2023 ask a thon" is how you can keep track of all the posts for the event. Feel free to follow this tag to keep a closer eye on the ask-a-thon.
When will the RRFF/Galaxy Family masterpost be updated with all these answered questions and lore drops?
I'll get the masterpost fully updated by December 8, a week after the ask-a-thon.
Is there a schedule for the ask-a-thon? I want to make sure the ask I’ve sent a long time ago will be a part of the event.
Yes. There is a detailed schedule beneath the "Keep Reading/Read More" section. It’ll give you details about each day of the ask-a-thon, such as how many posts are scheduled for that day, and the specific asks that’ll be answered on that day. That way, if anyone is worried that they missed a post, or they don't know when an anticipated ask will come, they can refer to the detailed schedule below.
See you at the ask-a-thon! If you have any questions or concerns, drop an ask! I’ll try to clarify any confusion or concerns.
Galaxy Family 2023 Ask-a-thon Detailed Schedule
Note: this schedule follows Eastern Standard Time (EST). All posts will be released in 5 minute intervals.
Monday, November 27
5:00pm-5:45pm: 10 asks
Theme: The Galaxy Family all together!
The asks:
Owl House covens
Your opinion on whether or not Time and Memory would be amazing cryptographers because they grew up with Elemental
"Oh, so you like the Galaxy Family? Name all the members" response
Phases the Galaxy Family kiddos went through
If the Galaxy Fam were elements (earth, fire, water, air, ice, etc) what would they be?
Age of the Galaxy Family members
Music tastes of the Galaxy Family members
Strength of the Galaxy Family members
Illusion's physically appearance
Quadruple bunk beds
Tuesday, November 28
5:00pm-5:25pm: 6 asks
Theme: 1-on-1 character interactions
The asks:
Illusion and Alex: angst
Elemental and Illusion: hair
Everyone: bite
Elemental and Memory: pumpkin soup
Illusion and Time: cute childhood thing
Elemental and Illusion: babied
Wednesday, November 29
5:00pm-5:20pm: 8 asks
Theme: LGBT headcanons
The asks:
Pride flags
Trans!Memory ideas
Questions about Illusion's gender (1 of 4)
Questions about Illusion's gender (2 of 4)
Questions about Illusion's gender (3 of 4)
Questions about Illusion's gender (4 of 4)
Bunk bed
Galaxy and Elemental's sexualities and gender headcanons
Thursday, November 30
5:00pm-5:25pm: 6 asks
Theme: AUs
The asks:
Secret descendant AU
Alex raises Illusion instead AU
Unified Galaxy Family AU
Older Sister AU
Slumbering Memories AU
Demon Steve and Guardian AU
Friday, December 1
5:00pm-5:45pm: 10 asks
Theme: Miscellaneous
The asks:
Baby zombies
Void face reveal
Rainbow's age in RRFF
Memory's favorite enemy type from Deltarune
American sounding RRFF characters
Scars on Steves
Illusion's age and voice claims
Memory doing anything lol
Illusion's bangs
13 notes · View notes
waycaseuk · 7 months ago
Tumblr media
iPhone Charging Cable Type-C to Type-C
High-Speed USB-C to USB-C Braided Charging Cable! Upgrade your charging experience with our premium USB-C to USB-C braided charging cable. Designed for durability and speed, this cable is perfect for all your USB-C devices. The robust braided design not only looks sleek but also ensures longevity, resisting tangles and fraying. Whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go, our USB-C to USB-C cable is the perfect companion for fast, reliable charging and data transfer.
Key Features:
High-Speed Charging and Data Transfer: Supports up to 100W power delivery, ensuring your devices charge quickly. Also capable of high-speed data transfer up to 480 Mbps.
Durable Braided Design: The tough nylon braided exterior adds extra protection to prevent damage and wear, extending the cable's life.
Universal Compatibility: Perfectly compatible with all USB-C devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and more.
Reversible Connector: Easily connect the cable without worrying about the orientation of the plug.
Compatible Models: 
iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max
Other compatible devices:
Samsung Galaxy S21, S21+, S21 Ultra, S20, S20+, S20 Ultra, Note 20, Note 20 Ultra, Note 10, Note 10+
Google Pixel 6, 6 Pro, 5, 4, 4 XL, 3, 3 XL
OnePlus 9, 9 Pro, 8, 8 Pro, 7, 7 Pro
Xiaomi Mi 11, 11 Ultra, 10, 10 Pro
Huawei P40, P40 Pro, Mate 40, Mate 40 Pro
iPad Pro (2018 and later models)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7, S7+, S6, S6 Lite
Lenovo Tab P11, P11 Pro
MacBook Pro (2016 and later models)
MacBook Air (2018 and later models)
Dell XPS 13, XPS 15
HP Spectre x360, Envy x360
Lenovo ThinkPad X1, Yoga
Microsoft Surface Book 2, Surface Go
Other Devices:
Nintendo Switch
External Hard Drives with USB-C ports
USB-C hubs and adapters
Product Specifications:
Length: 1m (3.3ft)
Material: Nylon braided exterior, aluminium alloy connectors
Power Delivery: Up to 100W
Data Transfer Speed: Up to 480 Mbps
Package includes:
1 x USB-C to USB-C Braided Charging Cable
3 notes · View notes
luna-the-bard · 1 year ago
this is an oc x canon lore dump, you've been warned
-> Act II
Just for organization purposes, I'm calling this Act I. I'll add links to other parts as (and if) i write them. Anyways let's hope Tumblr can fit 11 pages of text into one post! :)c
General lore:
Te’rra is a small planet that stopped participating in Big Space Politics about a century ago. Due to this, its existence has been forgotten by most.
It doesn't help that the planet is in the middle of fucking nowhere
It’s fine they chillin
The society populating the planet are called terraninans, and they are an avian species - humanoids with feathered wings and tails, and some other features like blue skin, striking, cat-like eyes, or elaborate skin patterns that are unique to each individual, akin to birthmarks.
Here’s a couple examples:
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Note that the Head Priestess (pic. 1) lacks wings, which is normally not the case for the species. Lower image shows more patterning on parts of the body that aren’t the face (mainly arms).
Fun fact: this species is entirely female! This is not relevant to the story tho, so I won’t dwell on it.
The life expectancy of a terranian is somewhere around 1k years. There are old folk still alive who remember Te’rra before it isolated itself from the rest of the world.
Te’rra has pretty high levels of technological progress. However, culturally they put a large emphasis on co-existing with the ecosystem, which makes their technology rather different from what you would normally expect. There is a very developed culture of artisanry, with most goods being produced by individual masters or small guilds.
Main storyline:
Skeets is a relatively young terranian huntress. She is part of a small, about 10-person, hunting group - a common occurrence for her city, as they are located on the edge of a vast jungle. 
She is neither a newbie nor a master of her craft; her position is more akin to a promising junior - not quite ready to lead her own hunting group, but experienced enough to hold a certain amount of weight and respect among her peers.
Hunting groups normally alternate between staying close to the city and going further out into the jungle to balance out their impact on the flora/fauna. Skeets’s group has recently started going further out, as more experienced hunters.
Meanwhile, there is a Space Pirate ship that happened to be passing the planet - a rare occurrence, considering there were no trade routes nearby and ships of any sort were almost never seen in this sector of the galaxy. The Space Pirates were likely taking such an unusual route to avoid a police or military patrol; the reason is really not that important. Identically, it doesn’t matter why exactly the Space Pirates decided to take a closer look at the little blue planet before them, because the impact is the same nonetheless: the small hunting group that ventured a bit too far from the city catches their attention.
Skeets and her group were actually sent to investigate a disturbance in the ecosystem - because of course the Space Pirates have made quite a ruckus, scaring away the local wildlife. What was a result of their ship’s landing got mistakenly interpreted by the city’s lookout post as a sign of a large predator, which would have to be warded off to avoid causing damage to the area.
Unfortunately for everyone, it was not, in fact, a giant blue dino-chicken. 
The Space Pirates decide that “exotic” humanoids would fetch a good price on the black market - especially considering no one has seen their kind for almost a century, and most have forgotten what they look like. This leads to an ambush and the subsequent capture of Skeets’s hunting group.
Having got what they need and not wanting to attract more attention, the Pirates promptly take off; they’re gone from the planet before anyone has time to react. 
Unfortunately for everyone. But especially the Pirates. The ship experiences an engine malfunction, forcing the Pirates to land on a desolate planet that has long been abandoned by civilization; in hopes of either fixing the engine or finding parts to fix it, the Pirates with their precious cargo have to descend into the deteriorated catacombs under the planet’s surface (as the surface itself is inhospitable). They make their home in an empty room that is still structurally sound and fairly close to the surface. It even has some of the basic technology still functioning, likely from an emergency power source (they attempt to locate it, but to no avail). The room only has one entrance, so it’s easy to guard; this was not the last reason on the list of priorities. The bunch of terranians are placed in that room for the same purpose - easy to make sure nothing gets in… or gets out.
Now, you were probably wondering why this circumstance is especially unlucky for the Pirates. As it turns out, the catacombs aren’t as desolate as they appeared. 
As the Pirates find out from their own experience, deeper in the catacombs dwells the apex predator of this planet; whether it’s a result of a genetic mutation or a creature native to the ecosystem is unclear. But the monster is at the top of the food chain for a reason; it’s fast, its spider-like lower body giving it the ability to climb walls and dwell on ceilings. Its limbs have a poison canal underneath each claw, making even minor wounds lethal - the only difference is that this death is much more slow and painful than getting mauled. The creature has a humanoid upper body, but there is nothing human about it: a demethor would be prettier; those at least lack rows of sharp, curved teeth and even more prominent fangs. Its mouth and skin can secrete a slimy substance saturated with its poison; it leaves a wet trail on the walls of tunnels it frequents most.
Not able to retreat back to the surface, and desperately needing to find resources to fix their ship, the Pirates are forced to witness their crewmates being plucked one by one each time they venture out into the planet’s depths; those who manage to escape are subjects to the unsightly fate of being slowly consumed by the poison. The creature knows these catacombs far better than the Pirates do; it calls them its home. The only reason Skeets and her kin are in relative safety is due to the lack of worthy prey closer to the surface - the spider-like abomination has no interest in rodents and other small animals that scurry along the industrial pipes. Terranians see the state in which the Pirates return from their missions; watch their numbers grow smaller and smaller. The ruins are cold, unwelcoming. While the Pirates have to deal with injuries and worry about their resources running low, their captives are faced with a survival issue of a different kind: none of them are suited for the climate. Te’rra is a warm planet. The temperature in the jungle never drops past zero or even close to it; it has no winter.  Hunters almost never have to go into freezing areas, and when they do, they are heavily equipped - a complete opposite of Skeets and her team, who were dressed very lightly. 
For most, it starts as a cold. The average body temperature of a terranian is slightly above human; it runs around 38-39 ℃, and being constantly exposed to the chilly, humid air of the catacombs is taking its toll on each of the ten captives. Colds grow into acute bronchitis; Skeets, who has been secretly sneaking out to look for resources, develops pneumonia.  Before it gets bad, she continues toying with fate: having a much smaller build than Space Pirates, she can fit into tight maintenance corridors and dried-out pipes. Those on guarding duty are delirious from poison, and sneaking out gets less and less challenging with time. Once, early on, she gets lucky and finds a sealed first-aid box - most of the things there expired long ago, but rubbing alcohol and bandages are still safe to use. She brings them back to mend some minor wounds received during the pirate ambush (they were so, so lucky to avoid any serious injuries). Later on, however, her condition worsens too much for her to continue. At this point, everyone is sick, and Skeets and some of her teammates are rapidly declining. The Pirate numbers are so small there is only one of them guarding the door; and even he is near-comatose from wounds and poison. The Pirates decide to take their chances and send out a distress signal - it’s better to get arrested by some Federation patrol than become food for the monster that lives below. Although, the Pirates hoped that the signal would attract a less armed, civilian ship - so they could kill the unsuspecting crew and get off this planet.
Fortunately for everyone but the Pirates themselves :)c the distress signal is received by a lone gunship that happened to be passing through the area. The gunship that, of course, belongs to the universe’s best bounty hunter - Samus Aran.
To no one’s surprise, Samus traverses the catacombs with ease. This is far from the first time she’s had to navigate a labyrinth of rooms and ruins. There is so little left of the Pirates that Samus almost gets suspicious of how… unchallenging it is to defeat them. Then she finds out the reason behind the Pirates’ weakness; whether or not she kills the arachnid creature is unknown. On her way back up, Samus finds one last Pirate - on the brink of death, guarding the entrance to a room. Compared to being slowly digested from the inside, death by Samus’s hand is almost an act of mercy for him.
However, instead of an ammo stash or a navigation room, Samus finds a bunch of very sickly-looking blue humanoids. The readings from her suit indicate that, although their species is not in her database, they clearly require medical attention - even more so since Samus doesn’t know that terranians have an above average body temperature, so to her their state is not much better than the Pirate’s. 
Luckily, the room is close enough to the surface for Samus to be able to contact A.D.A.M. without having to re-emerge. She sends out a request to the Federation - although, really, it’s much more like a firm order, - to direct a rescue vessel their way; she includes just the necessary minimum of information in her message - that there are about ten individuals, species unknown, in need of immediate medical attention; the coordinates of the planet; the instructions on where to safely enter the catacombs.
She does have to leave the terranians briefly, to clear out the path for medical personnel - the last thing she wants is them getting hurt by the local wildlife. She returns quickly, however, making sure that everyone is still there and that no one has declined to the state of comatose (luckily, things are not that dire).
It shouldn't surprise anyone that the ship the Galactic Federation sends is not an emergency vehicle. Or even a military patrol vessel. Or anyone directly affiliated with the Federation.
Because, simply put, the Federation officials are cheapskates. 
Why spend money and resources on sending a warship somewhere, when they could just find some cruiser that was the closest to the disclosed location? Paying a random merchant ship is much cheaper than paying for all that fuel.
So, the ship that enters the planet’s atmosphere is not full of paramedics; in fact, there are only two doctors on board, the minimum legal requirement for a small merchant ship like theirs.
Samus has to cast her frustration aside and work with what she’s got. Terranians get evacuated from the catacombs; some on their own two feet, some - on a stretcher, being too weak from fever to properly walk. In case of the latter, the doctors have to make several trips - there’s only one stretcher (they never needed more). When they descend into the catacombs the third time, Samus, who has to accompany the doctors for safety reasons (she already cleared out the path, but it’s better to be safe than sorry), decides that she doesn’t want to do this a fourth time. There are only two terranians left that still needed to be carried to the merchant ship. One of them is being carefully placed onto the stretcher by the medical personnel. The other has spent the entire time that Samus has been there huddled alone in the furthest corner of the room. 
At this point in time it should be obvious to you that the one in the corner is Skeets. The reason she’s distanced herself from others as much as possible is because she is sick. More than others - her pneumonia worsened violently due to her frequently exposing herself to the cold of the tunnels. She was doing her best to not pass it onto others - somewhat successfully, I must note - the other three terranians who were in a similar state suffered from acute bronchitis, not pneumonia.
Not willing to make another trip through the catacombs, Samus simply picks the little avian up - her suit is enough to avoid the biohazard, she is in no danger of getting sick. In a different setting having both her hands - arms? - full would compromise the crew’s safety, but having made close to five trips down and back, Samus knows that there is nothing dangerous left on their path. So she simply trails behind the medics and their stretcher until they’re back on the surface.
No one wants to stay there longer than necessary - the atmosphere is mildly toxic, and it is not recommended to be out in the open for more than a couple hours - the toxins would accumulate in the body. Thus, the two doctors situate their new passengers as fast as they can - and this is where the first issue arises.
In the best traditions of fictional tropes, they are one bed short. 
It’s a small merchant ship. They’ve done what they could. Took in as many people as safety regulations allowed - and even if they could take in one more, their medical bay was simply not equipped for handling this large of a number of people. They would simply not have enough medication.
The nearest multispecies hospital is a week away from this desolate planet. It would just be futile to try and accommodate everyone - someone would inevitably decline beyond what they could heal in that timeframe.
Samus, on the other hand.
Surely, in her line of work, she had to be as self-sufficient as possible and equip her gunship with top-quality medical equipment and supplies?
Judging by the size of it, she can take in one more person no problem. So do you really have a choice, Samus Aran? Are you going to let someone unfamiliar into your personal space because she desperately needs your help, or are you going to refuse and have that on your conscience for the rest of your life when, inevitably, someone dies?
If you don’t know the answer to this, you don’t know Samus, lol.
The second issue surfaces right before Samus is about to bring Skeets over to her ship. 
None among the present know what species they just rescued. There is an apparent language barrier. Skeets, barely even conscious from fever, is still able to see what’s happening -  and draw her own conclusions.
The Pirates disappeared.
There are new, unfamiliar people, and they took all of her kin into their ship - she can’t understand a word they’re saying, and thus their intentions are unknown.
Sure, there are what seem to be medics - but is that really a sign that they are coming to their rescue?
After all, someone who illegally buys sentient creatures to show off their wealth would want their new exotic decor to be in good, presentable shape.
It doesn’t help that she, alone, is not joining her group. No, she is held firmly by someone else - the same person that first entered their shelter. Tall. Imposing. Armed.
Perhaps the mystery byer only wanted nine specimens. Or could afford just this many.
It’s not unusual to divide the product and sell it to several highest bidders, is it?
Samus is almost taken by surprise when the frail, sickly creature in her arms tries to struggle free. Almost. For someone with her reflexes, however, this is more of an annoyance than anything - all she has to do is adjust her grip so that the alien doesn’t accidentally hurt herself.
It is rather uncomfortable, however, when someone you’re carrying is frantically flapping her wings and trying to wriggle out of your grasp. It is also even more annoying when said someone is desperately scratching at your suit - this doesn’t leave so much as a scratch, the powersuit is so much more durable than claws, but the prospect of it is still… irritating. 
Skeets doesn’t stop thrashing around after her first failed attempt to break free. She has to do something, she has no choice - how could she just let someone separate her and her kin? They were all she had left; they depended on her. They could be facing a fate far more terrible than starving to death in abandoned catacombs.
So she scratched. And she kicked and she flapped her wings and she tried everything she could to get away, get back to her group - to her people, whom she may never see again - until she could do it no longer. Until her body harshly reminded her that she was ill; that adrenaline alone is not enough to fight someone far stronger than you.
And so Skeets cried.
She wasn’t trying to accomplish anything with her tears. They weren’t a tool, or a message, or anything intentional at all - they were tears of frustration; tears of powerlessness; tears of anger and tears of giving up; they were the kind of tears that you simply have to cry, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
She did not expect her carrier to stop.
Samus was beyond capable. She was The Ultimate Protector, she was a top-class bounty huntress, she was an unmatched warrior; she’s been on the brink of death and came back, she has saved entire planets and, on the larger scale, the galaxy as a whole, she knew how to survive and get through the most hostile of environments, and then save the universe on top of that.
She had no idea what to do with feelings.
Even less so when she had no ability to verbally communicate. Samus understood that she had to do something, it has become apparent that the girl in her arms was in intense distress, and she couldn’t put it off until they’re at her ship anymore. Sure, she could just ignore the issue and keep walking to her ship, but that would likely only create more problems - ones she would have to deal with until she can find a way to communicate what she was doing. (Which would take weeks; she’d have to identify the girl’s species of find someone who could identify it, then find a translator or at least a textbook on their language, learn said language, all the while potentially fighting off a scared avian who she’s supposed to be treating so she wouldn’t die on her before they got to a hospital - it was clearly a better course of action to solve the problem now).
Regardless of how much Samus would like to get back to her ship and get this whole ordeal over with, she walks back to the merchants. The two doctors are standing at the entrance ramp, talking - no, gesturing, - to one of the rescued aliens. This must be one of the less sick ones - even so, one of the medics has her arm over his shoulder, supporting her weight. The other is holding up a small screen; when Samus gets closer, she can see that the screen is actually a drawing pad filled with doodles. The doodles are… ugly, but readable, and Samus takes note of this being a working form of communication - at least the alien seems a lot more calm and composed than the one currently shivering in her arms. Samus mirrors one of the doctors, carefully lowering her burden so she can stand - still, however, firmly holding her so she doesn’t fall. Even so, the girl can barely stand - but at the moment this was far less important than making sure she can get an explanation of what’s happening. 
It works - even without the help of the crude drawing of nine beds and ten stick figures (no offense to the doctor), the other person immediately starts talking in an unfamiliar language, the avian that Samus is holding answering in a hoarse, strained voice. Samus pretends her and the medic’s arms aren’t in the way when the two aliens awkwardly hug and put their foreheads together. She even ignores the fact that that’s a biohazard - honestly, she just wants to get outta here.
Which she eventually gets to do; finally being able to carry the exhausted alien girl to her ship, get her bed set up with medical equipment (she has to dig out an oxygen can), and leaving the planet. 
Samus charts a course to the nearest hospital and prepares an array of medications - from fever reducers to cough suppressants to an IV (all of the aliens are malnourished and dehydrated after spending a month in the ruins; the Space Pirates didn’t exactly provide them with a five-star buffet, if you know what I mean).
She makes peace with the fact that she’s going to sleep in her pilot’s chair for the next week, since her bed is taken; one thing that kind of compensates for this is the opportunity to research a species she’s never seen before. Samus is a nerd at heart (if Prime logs are any indication), so diving head-first into research is a nice way to spend her time while she has to care for her passenger. Besides, she’ll have to at least try to learn her language. Out of necessity, of course, simply to be able to communicate - this is what she tells herself, but we all know it’s not the only reason, haha.
Now, some closing notes for Act I: 
This storyline takes place after Fusion, but before Dread (closer to Fusion in the timeline). 
Samus definitely saw something vaguely resembling her suit in the doctor’s doodles. It was lopsided and had her arm cannon on the wrong side
The terranian they were communicating with is the leader of the hunting group; Skeets sees her as a mentor figure
Due to being a solely female species, terranians don’t really have a concept of gender. They don’t even have words for it (or men lmao) - when they need to describe a male specimen (like some insect or mammal that inhabits the jungle) they just say something like “non-female” or “opposite” or some other word (I’m still working on a better term for it bc I came up with this literally just now) (also this is completely unrelated to the storyline, just a fun lore fact)
This ship was born before I even knew what metroid was. A friend of mine was infodumping about it, and I thought: Hey, most people probably ship this Samus gal with other humans or themselves; looks to me like she needs a cute alien wife
And so Skeets was made. Literally because I decided to be Not Like Other Girls™ . You're welcome people✌️
-> Act II
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shvkespearc · 7 months ago
fun facts about da blogger
Tagged by @elizabeth-karenina for ANOTHER ASK POST <3
1. why did you choose your url?
special interest williyum shakespeare...simply. i have had many urls. many many. someone out there may recall: kit1564, daarcy, kitmaarlowe, darcy-alexander, lavender--lover, adraelian, king-of-irises, old-ass-gandalf (favorite) and several others.... OH MY GOD alexander-hamiltons-gr8-butt. alternative design: alexander-hamiltons-spooky-butt. god take me out back and shoot me
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.week.
@lordbyron666 is my kind of miscellaneous fandom memes etc. blog where i reblog things i dont particularly want to reblog to main. i started it in like 2017(?) when i became more of an aesthetic blog but QUITE HONESTLY i find myself using it less these days. i fink ive stopped giving a fuck
@1seafoam cottagecore ISH side blog, mostly for comfort pleasant images. soothing space for my panic disorder having ass.
@vnge11 art blog i DONT REALLY USE. though i do stay drawing. i just dont post much. i once had an art blog in 2014/5(?) , which actually became the lordbyron666 blog.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i made my blog in july 2012 and started as a black and white grunge blogger + memes. me now quite honestly like the vibe is still there. my best friend at the time (RIP) made me make one. i remember i had a music player and she said that it was "good, just not really tumblr"... i remember having like a galaxy background at one point when i started to get into it.... then over the years i had like a VERY CUSTOMIZED INSANE BLOG like with gifs and transparent things and pixel buddies AND MUSIC PLAYER. my friends would say they couldnt load my blog but i never had a problem 😤
4. do you have a queue tag?
i BELIEVE it's 'q' but i don't use the queue feature.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
re: my friend made me make one, but i think i really enjoyed it being a place where i could collect moody feelings (and laffs). then i joined a few fandoms (polite way of saying homestuck) and it felt more and more like a community and fun.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
ethel cain w a shotgun. not much else to be said
7. why did you choose your header?
bjork writhing around on the floor kind of a no brainer to me. absolute vibe absolute mood.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
OOUAAGHH i think it's either my vampire uquiz orrrrrr ugh idk there is like a handful of random ass posts that have blown up. it's all fun and games until people are weird in the replies and you see yourself screenshotted on imgur. ALSO i think i just don't like when they resurface years later and i'm like STOP SPREADING IT AROUND IM NOT THAT PERSON ANYMORE ID NEVER SAY THAT!!!!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i dont know! i dont know!!! i just recognize people on my dash or in my notes but whether or not we follow each other and specifically enjoy one anothers content. I DONT KNOW
10. how many followers do you have?
in da 4-digits. enough that i get not 0 notes but about 2 notes per post.
11. how many people do you follow?
700-something. i like to follow more rather than less people cause following many blogs is the key to a healthy dashboard ecosystem.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
every day of my life
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i look at my activity daily but i dont ALWAYS scroll every day anymore. but usually every day ish at least for a minute
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i am sure... now the idea of "fighting" on tumblr.com is so hilarious to me. bro this is website. clown on clown violence
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
i do not do it... but those "REBLOG IF YOU ARE NOT A HOMOPHONE" posts really hit in 2013
16. do you like tag games?
YA. however sometimes i get too overwhelmed and say i will do it and then never do <3
17. do you like ask games?
YA. however sometimes i g-
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
WHICH OF YOU SHOULDERS THE GREATEST BURDEN? IE: FOLLOWER COUNT? it is unknown to me... i just work here
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no...but i am not immune to getting attention on the internet from a Cool Profile disease
20. tags
👉👈 do it if you wana
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24carrotcorner · 7 months ago
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uhh hi welcome to my blog :)
• i’m claiming this lil corner of the internet to immortalize the silly little things i do to get through living. not sure about the structure yet, but we’ll figure it out as we go i guess (pls note the title of this “episode”) •
some things about me:
i’m transmasc non-binary & use they/them pronouns 🤍
my queerness is pretty much my entire personality
i’m mentally ill & i’m on drugs
i have a very mean dog who is the light of my life
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on to the blog part:
since it’s the beginning of august, i thought it’d be fun to talk about the lil things i do when a new month starts.
reading challenges & goals
i’m a big reader, so i always look forward to refreshing my reading challenges & setting new goals each month!
i use storygraph (truly a game changing app for me— i can’t sing its praises enough) to log what i’ve read, my tbr, and my challenges/goals. there’s a really great blogger i found through the app (booksare42) (a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference that warms my soul), and they host a monthly tbr tackle challenge that includes 5 prompts usually based on canada’s international holidays.
i also have a couple reading challenges of my own, but only one that i update monthly. i’m a big fan of randomizing things thanks to my neurospicy big sis & all our games of neurotic barbies (more on that another day), so i made a randomized reading challenge. i use random (another great app i swear by) to get:
a letter — i have to read a book beginning with the letter i spin
a genre — self explanatory
a number (5-10) — # books to read
so far i’ve completed all of my monthly challenges, which always gives me a lil dose of dopamine :)
i’m relatively new to tarot & it never ceases to amaze me. at the beginning of the year, i did a 12 month spread that i reflect on at the beginning of each month. i really appreciate the insight— plus it’s like a lil here’s-what-to-expect treat :)
for the 8th month, i drew the king of wands. the themes of this card are “leader, visionary, intentional” and the guidebook suggested that i write all my ideas & dreams in a journal. i really love this idea bc i have so many plans and projects floating inside my head and in my note app, and having a complete & organized tangible list will be such a relief for my very loud inner monologue.
p.s. i use the queer tarot deck by ash & chess and OMG i love it!! i live by the guide book (all of the card interpretations and spread ideas are queer-centered, and it’s super helpful & accessible to folks new to tarot). not to mention the art is absolutely stunning— each card features a queer model (and the guide book lists their names & pronouns!!) it rly is just a lil deck of queer joy 🌈
cool things of the week
• this is the segment where i tell you about some cool things i’ve been enjoying this week •
song: casual, chappell roan
chappell has captured the hearts of just about everyone and good for her!! we stan chappell in this house, and i’ve had casual on repeat all week. it’s a staple of a new playlist i’m working on. speaking of playlists—
playlist: soundtrack to my bipolar ii
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i blasted this playlist through my car radio at least once every day during the past week, and i can’t blame me— it’s great ;) it’s full of songs that make me ✨feel✨ but there’s not a singular mood— it’s all over the place, like my bipolar cycle
• my phone is being dumb rn but i’ll update with the link when it gets it shit together •
book: the dark matter of mona starr by laura lee gulledge
here’s my review on storygraph, bc it sums up my thoughts:
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needless to say, i loved it
thing: gift basket from me to me
i’ve recently discovered that one of the best ways to love myself is with my own love language— gifts. i prepared a gift basket for myself the way i would for a friend, and i waited a few days to “give” it to myself so it would be a treat after a long work week :)
Tumblr media
gift basket contents:
cute lil bag of purse essentials, including travel hand sanitizer, lotion, & tissues and a tide pen
coupon for a free donut
set of micron pens
journal that i decorated with stickers
cute lil hardback spiral notepad
paperback notepad (i painted the cover!)
l.e.d. lights for my room (i put them up today & my soul is singing)
pink fuzzy socks ft dogs
handmade card w/ a sweet lil note
catstrology by luna malcolm (dollar tree find that is essentially a book of astrology cat memes and i love it)
rings (i immediately broke one them so that was cool)
choco chip cookies :))
that’s all folks
well, dear reader (if you’re out there), i hope you enjoyed the first episode of 24carrot corner :) i’m not entirely sure what next week’s post will look like bc of the aforementioned idk-what-i’m-doing thing, but hey, planning ahead is for losers anyway
pretty pls be nice to yourself in the coming week 🤍 you’re stuck with you so might as well, right?
k bye
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lotusbxtch · 8 months ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you to sweet @luxurychristmaspudding @nerdieforpedro and @alltheirdamn for tagging me! sorry it took so long for me to do this.
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
7 but i have more coming!
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
18.2k approx
3. what fandoms do you write for?
4. top five fics by kudos (notes) ooh i'll do this by AO3 and Tumblr because the differences are interesting! (for AO3 I will also list hits)
the best ride in the galaxy - 29 kudos / 788 hits
lightning of the blaze - 20 kudos / 1,281 hits (LOL)
don't ruin this on me - 13 kudos / 239 hits
sunlight - 10 kudos / 219 hits
and i lost you - 10 kudos / 180 hits
the best ride in the galaxy - 291 notes
sunlight - 199 notes
SoCal to NorCal ch. 1 - 155 notes
the best ride in the galaxy pt. 2 - 143 notes
and i lost you - 101 notes
5. do you respond to comments?
yes i do! i love interacting. i don't often get asks but those are open for commentary / requests!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's a tie between "and i lost you" and don't ruin this on me.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i generally write happy endings for most of my fics! my series aren't done yet, but i think SoCal to NorCal is going to be an almost entirely happy fic series. :)
8. do you get hate on fics?
not yet, although someone on ao3 told me they didn't like making fun of poe at the ending of TBRITG and i'm like, but POE would make fun of himself lol
9. do you write smut?
.... do i ever. ;) it's legit my favorite thing to write!
10. craziest crossover:
probably SoCal to NorCal. Joel is the husband and Frankie is the boyfriend in the throuple.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I'm aware of!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but @for-a-longlongtime and i just talked about collaborating on one in the future.......
14. all time favorite ship?
fic ships? Tim x Javi P x Mai in Let Me Get What I Want
show/movie ships? frankie x santi. if they don't make them a couple in TF2 (whenever it comes out, hopefully), idk what the point even is lol.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a dbf!cowboy!Joel x afab!Reader fic idea that i would loooooove to write but between SoCal to NorCal and some other WIPs i have going on, it might be awhile before that one sees the light of day.
16. what are your writing strengths?
smut - it flows pretty freely for me. i also love writing feelings!
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i will often get stuck before starting writing because i have this desire to write everything in order in one go instead of just writing parts to get the juices flowing. blame my perfectionism.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language besides your own?
i dig it, as long as it's translated well and you're consulting with others.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Star Wars, specifically Poe! TBRITG was my first foray into fic writing!
20. favorite fic you've written?
i haven't written it in full yet ;) but probably my SoCal to NorCal series. it means the most to me (the idea was the one that convinced me to start writing fanfic) and i'm really excited to show y'all how Reader, Joel, and Frankie all interact. (plus, the Santi feature in ch 1 was SO FUN.)
NP tagging some lovelies: @mermaidgirl30 @penvisions @mountainsandmayhem @milkypompon @legendary-pink-dot
@for-a-longlongtime @sin-djarin @dancingtotuyo @casgrandslam
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7grandmel · 1 year ago
Todays rip: 11/10/2023
Loopdeloop Griddy
Season 7 Featured on: siivagunner's highest quality rips: volume
Ripped by ChickenSuitGuy
I'm not ashamed to admit it - I think Griddy memes are immensely funny.
I'm really unsure where this trend of mildly annoying music tied to bizarre dance moves truly got its start...like, of course there's always been dance moves iconic to certain songs, and of course there's always been music we've retroactively labeled as annoying or cringe. But in recent times, perhaps as a combination of Gangnam Style's everlasting cultural impact and the heighted pace of media spreading due to TikTok and other social media, it feels as if the entire process just keeps happening again and again. Due to its auditory nature, though, its clearly not something SiIva ever shied away from, as we've seen with both Gangnam Style itself and other so-bad-its-good songs like Now Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae).
A lot of these songs, when featured on SiIva, receive special attention as part of the joke - its funny to hear mildly trashy music being arranged with far too much effort, such as with It's Everyday Bro's use in rips like THE NEW TEAM 10 FORT​!​!​! [Francis Flow: Original Mix]. Sometimes, though, its equally as funny to just hear a mashup with simple pitchshifting applied - with mimimal attempt of suppress the glory of the original jam. Such has been the case with most rips on SiIvaGunner using Right Foot Creep, and such is the case with Loopdeloop Griddy.
Really, its a rip that wholly speaks for itself as to why its good. Its funny!! It takes a song that's already very silly, and places a silly song attached to a silly dance on top of it entirely for laughs, but still goes through enough effort to still make it sound at least somewhat as if its part of the same tune. Be it the added beat to the original song's flow, or the Raft Ride-esque high pitched notes that the singer suddenly hits due to the pitchshifting...I don't believe Loopdeloop Griddy is going to fool anyone into thinking this was how the music always sounded in Super Mario Galaxy, yet it may very well be enough to make people bust a gut laughing from the absurdity of the mashup and how shockingly okay it sounds. Speaking personally, its still able to make me laugh even when I know what to expect.
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