#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon
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Everyone loves the idea of Memory having a younger brother.
I am thriving off of the idea that Memory had an older sister that he didnt know about, and Galaxy let it slip. Because blame Galaxy./j
Love your fanfic btw dude!!!
Yooooooo, I'm fascinated by the idea!
I like to imagine that when Galaxy lets it slip, everyone is too shocked to say anything, and it's Alex who first loses her patience and says, "Void had a daughter? Why didn’t you tell me?"
I hope Memory and his older sister have a good relationship, if they ever get a chance to meet.
Thank you for sharing, and thank so much for reading my fanfic!!
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#anonymous#rrff#rrff steve saga#steve saga au#the galaxy family#rrff!memory#rrff!galaxy#rrff readers being the goat
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If the Galaxy Kids had a bunk bed with four beds, who do you think would get what bunk, and how would they decide?
Alright, anon, this is hard because there are multiple styles of quadruple bunk beds, which means there are multiple roomie scenarios we can imagine.
Some quad bunk beds look like this:
For something like this, Memory and Illusion would totally pair up to claim the beds that are adjacent to each other, same with Time and Elemental. The two pairs would have a competitive debate on who deserves the top level and the slide.
Then there are the beds that are mounted to the wall like this:
If these are the beds, Memory requests to take the bed that doesn't face the sun, which he easily gets. He doesn't care which level he gets. Time and Elemental want the beds that face the sun. So Illusion sticks with Memory on the side of the beds that doesn't face the sun. Illusion asks for the biggest bed on the bottom, and Memory happily lets him have it. Elemental joins Illusion on the bottom level, where they can have in-depth discussions about random things. Time takes the last bed. Time arranges his pillows to face away from Memory, which Memory appreciates because it gives him extra privacy.
And finally, there's the one where all the beds are stacked on top of each other:
Oh boy, this is going to be a mess.
Elemental requests the lowest bed because he gets tired often and would like to flop into bed after a long day. The family doesn’t fight him on this.
Time wants Illusion to take the top bunk with the smallest amount of space. Illusion doesn’t want to. Time asks Illusion to be reasonable and considerate because as the smallest, he would be the most comfortable in the smallest space. Illusion still refuses.
Memory, wanting to be a peacekeeper but doesn't want to pick a side, goes up to the top bunk, builds a wall and a tiny crawlable door, and uses his powers to turn the top bunk into an entrance to the Memory Dimension. That basically turns it into a man cave that’s bigger on the inside.
So with Memory claiming the top bunk, Illusion and Time stop arguing and just pick the second and third bunks for themselves. Illusion takes the third bunk so he can be closest to Memory. Time takes the second bunk so he can take care of Elemental during his extremely tired days.
And there we go.
Multiple answers.
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Coming soon: Galaxy Family 2023 Ask-a-thon
The poll has concluded. The Galaxy Family 2023 Ask-a-thon will be starting on November 27, which is 5 days from now!
I'm in the process of scheduling everything, so there is no detailed schedule for now. It will come eventually. For now, here's all the other important information.
11/23 update: detailed schedule is here now!
What is the Galaxy Family 2023 ask-a-thon?
It is a marathon-like event where I’ll be answering a lot of asks in the span of 5 days. There will be a lot of posts during this week, all related to Galaxy Family and RRFF headcanons! (and some miscellaneous stuff)
What kind of content will be posted during Galaxy Family 2023 ask-a-thon?
The ask-a-thon will only feature asks the blog has received before November 2023. This event is not about sending asks during the event for me to answer in real time. The event is about me finally catching up with the asks in my inbox. If I receive any asks during the ask-a-thon, they will be answered sometime after the event, not during.
How many posts will be in the ask-a-thon?
Around 42. But I'll be honest: I may have miscounted, and there may be less than 42 posts.
11/23 update: 40 asks! (one ask contains 4 questions, so there will be 37 posts total!)
I know this isn't as many posts as the last big ask-a-thon. I know I still have plenty of Galaxy Family asks to get to. I hope to eventually get to all of them, whether it be for a regular post or a future big ask-a-thon!
Is this interactive? How do I participate in the ask-a-thon?
Not interactive. The ask-a-thon only goes over asks already sent to me, not asks sent during the event.
To participate, all you gotta do is sit back, follow my blog, and enjoy my blog posting exceptionally more content than usual.
Feel free to send follow-up asks after the event if you have something to say. Just understand that the follow-up asks will be addressed after the event, and it might take a while for me to get to them. The frequency of posts will resume to “3 posts a week” after the ask-a-thon.
What if I don’t want to see anything from the ask-a-thon?
All ask-a-thon posts will be tagged "galaxy family 2023 ask a thon" (no dashes). Feel free to blacklist that tag if you don’t want the ask-a-thon to flood your dashboard.
Conversely, the "galaxy family 2023 ask a thon" is how you can keep track of all the posts for the event. Feel free to follow this tag to keep a closer eye on the ask-a-thon.
When will the RRFF/Galaxy Family masterpost be updated with all these answered questions and lore drops?
I'll get the masterpost fully updated by December 8, a week after the ask-a-thon.
Is there a schedule for the ask-a-thon? I want to make sure the ask I’ve sent a long time ago will be a part of the event.
Yes. There is a detailed schedule beneath the "Keep Reading/Read More" section. It’ll give you details about each day of the ask-a-thon, such as how many posts are scheduled for that day, and the specific asks that’ll be answered on that day. That way, if anyone is worried that they missed a post, or they don't know when an anticipated ask will come, they can refer to the detailed schedule below.
See you at the ask-a-thon! If you have any questions or concerns, drop an ask! I’ll try to clarify any confusion or concerns.
Galaxy Family 2023 Ask-a-thon Detailed Schedule
Note: this schedule follows Eastern Standard Time (EST). All posts will be released in 5 minute intervals.
Monday, November 27
5:00pm-5:45pm: 10 asks
Theme: The Galaxy Family all together!
The asks:
Owl House covens
Your opinion on whether or not Time and Memory would be amazing cryptographers because they grew up with Elemental
"Oh, so you like the Galaxy Family? Name all the members" response
Phases the Galaxy Family kiddos went through
If the Galaxy Fam were elements (earth, fire, water, air, ice, etc) what would they be?
Age of the Galaxy Family members
Music tastes of the Galaxy Family members
Strength of the Galaxy Family members
Illusion's physically appearance
Quadruple bunk beds
Tuesday, November 28
5:00pm-5:25pm: 6 asks
Theme: 1-on-1 character interactions
The asks:
Illusion and Alex: angst
Elemental and Illusion: hair
Everyone: bite
Elemental and Memory: pumpkin soup
Illusion and Time: cute childhood thing
Elemental and Illusion: babied
Wednesday, November 29
5:00pm-5:20pm: 8 asks
Theme: LGBT headcanons
The asks:
Pride flags
Trans!Memory ideas
Questions about Illusion's gender (1 of 4)
Questions about Illusion's gender (2 of 4)
Questions about Illusion's gender (3 of 4)
Questions about Illusion's gender (4 of 4)
Bunk bed
Galaxy and Elemental's sexualities and gender headcanons
Thursday, November 30
5:00pm-5:25pm: 6 asks
Theme: AUs
The asks:
Secret descendant AU
Alex raises Illusion instead AU
Unified Galaxy Family AU
Older Sister AU
Slumbering Memories AU
Demon Steve and Guardian AU
Friday, December 1
5:00pm-5:45pm: 10 asks
Theme: Miscellaneous
The asks:
Baby zombies
Void face reveal
Rainbow's age in RRFF
Memory's favorite enemy type from Deltarune
American sounding RRFF characters
Scars on Steves
Illusion's age and voice claims
Memory doing anything lol
Illusion's bangs
#i didn't have enough time to proofread this post so please forgive any errors#my computer crashed on me while i was writing this post so i had to write this two times *sob*#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#update#steve saga#the galaxy family#favremysabre#rrff#rrff steve saga
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uhhh just wanted to mention that i think memmy's™ favorite enemy type from deltarune would be the swatchlings kk bye
"They’re like…mutant penguins!"
#i don't know anything about deultarune chp 2 but i think you are So Right anon#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#anonymous#rrff#rrff steve saga#rrff!memory#headcanon#memory steve
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I just want to share this au of mine the slumbering memories au or the sm!au. basically mems has a younger brother: sleepy (sleep Steve) who got incredibly injured at one point that mems had no choice but to absorb him so he could heal slowly in mems mind. He sees everything that mems go through and at the end of act 2 he switches. Finally fully healed after a millennia he’s determined to protect his older brother. So what if that means lying to this random salty stranger that has family energy. Memory is on his season 4 of depression and is just depressed in the mindscape not trying to escape as sleepy is just on purpose being a nuisance to everyone (mostly guardian because the whole thing with the great librarian was actually void but void told him to send a vision of his brother doing it).
so yeah that’s the slumbering memories au of rrff! Hope you like it!
Omg, this AU is so sad.
Someone who has protected their injured sibling for so many years becoming the protected, even though the method of protection isn’t the best option (no one likes being stuck in someone else’s head). It’s just…ASDFJKL
Illusion and Time knows that it’s like to be stuck in someone's head. I hope they (and Sleepy) are able to visit Memory in the mindscape to give him support during his depression.
Also, I love how you retconned the incident with the Great Librarian and gave everyone a new reason to hate Void. That is amazing.
I love this AU, so thank you for sharing!
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#clearstream#rrff#rrff steve saga#steve saga au#the galaxy family#rrff!memory
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Are we ever gonna get a Void face reveal? or does he not have a face?
He does have a face, but there probably won’t be a face reveal.
I’m still brainstorming RRFF!Void's design, and I’ve kept his face abstract beneath his hood in my art while applying he has a realistic, tangible face in the writing. My goal is to eventually design his face, but it probably will not happen in a while until I come up with a character design I’m satisfied with.
So for the time being, I’m keeping Void’s character design vague on purpose, so readers can imagine whatever they want with Void, lol
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Crack idea, three actually.
Memory is trans mtf during the story so now the galaxy sibs have a badass cousin.
Memory is trans (again ik) but was always ftm and is a badass.
Memory has a very high pitched voice.
that is all goodnight!
Those are all really cool ideas!
Trans Memory would totally say, "I’m an ace at transferring memories. Sorry, but I am on a roll with the puns."
Thank you so much for sharing!
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#clearstream#rrff#rrff steve saga#headcanon#memory steve#rrff!memory#aroace!memory#lgbt headcanons
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Cute thing Illusion did as child when Time was raising him, go!
One time, Illusion went up to Time and asked, "what is the sky? Everyone in the books keeps talking about it but I have no idea what that is."
Time tried his best to explain Illusion what a sky is. Like how it can be blue, gray, or black, and how it changes all the time. And when Illusion asks why the sky changes colors, Time explained weather and the sun and the moon.
Later, Illusion tried so hard to imagine what the sky is like, but he really couldn't. He just stares at his surroundings (the yellow space) and tries imagine how it's different from the sky.
Eventually, Illusion went up to Time and this happened.
Time: Yes?
Child!Illusion: The sun is the yellow thing that turns the sky blue! And this place is yellow!
Child!Illusion: We’re living in the sun!! :D And since the sun is supposed to be so hot, and I’m not burning into crisp, I’m super strong!!
Time: Great observation :)
(in hindsight, this scenario is SO ironic when you remember that Illusion learns about the audience, aka the Sky People)
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#anonymous#skits#headcanon#wholesome#rrff#rrff steve saga#rrff!illusion#rrff!time
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Maybe instead of crafting Elemental pumpkin soup Memory could have some from the times Galaxy went to other dimensions and stuff 👀
(In response to this post.)
The soup probably comes in a can. I love the mental image of Memory confiscating soup cans from Galaxy and thinking, "what are these strange objects? Are they like fancy decorations to show pictures when you don’t want to use a picture frame?"
And then one day he accidentally breaks one during archery practice and he goes like, "YOOOOOO, THESE THINGS CONTAIN SOUP?! AND THEY KEEP IT FRESH?! ELEMENTAL, YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS BUT –"
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#skits#asks#peachfilledstars#rrff#rrff steve saga#rrff!memory#rrff!elemental
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This question is a little weird, but it's plagued my mind for some reason: what would the current rrff crew do if someone randomly bit them?
Wow, this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a very long time, and I'm so sorry for taking this long to finally get to it, anon. I thought it over and, well, here are your answers!
Time: he would use future vision to know when to dodge. Bite evaded, lol.
Memory: when he gets bitten, he’d just look at that person for a long second, refusing to blink because he has no idea what to do in this situation, before finally saying, “...can I help you?”
Illusion: he would immediately scream and try to get away as soon as possible.
Elemental: he would be annoyed because saliva. He doesn’t like that Time successfully evaded while he didn’t. He’d try to get away from the person to cope with his wounded pride. But later, curiosity gets the better of him and he returns to that person to ask, "is this some language that’s only expressed through biting?"
Galaxy: he would scream, "NO. DON’T EAT ME. TRUST ME, I TASTE HORRIBLE." Bonus: assuming Illusion is still programmed to always help Galaxy, Illusion also screams, "YES, HE’S RIGHT. I know your world is obsessed with the galaxy aesthetic, to the point that you guys make galaxy cakes, but you were probably lied to about how tasty the galaxy is!"
Sabre: "No! How many times do I have to go over this?! Just because I dress like a chicken doesn’t mean that I taste like chicken!" (shoutout to Purple Steve)
Void: he would throw a fit, and then destroy that person.
Alex: honestly, being the powerful goddess she is, she wouldn't even feel the bite. She knows that someone is near, but she’s assuming that they just wanted to hug her, and she decided, "maybe this person just really needs the hug. I’ll let them have it." And when other people start freaking out, she looks to her side and goes like, "omg, they’re biting me?! What does that mean?!"
Guardian: he’d get so worried. "Are my wings broken? Did I get an infection? Will it spread to the Steves when I go back to the Spirit World?" So he’d try to leave as soon as possible to assess the damage, and then walk around and ask, "has anyone else been bitten and need medical attention?"
Red Leader: "...can you do that again, but on that guy this time?" [points at Illusion] "And more furiously?"
Green Steve: he would NOPE on out of there.
Overseer: he would make a sheep-like cry. He may have a flashback to the times he was a sheep and had to worry about so wolves wanting to eat him.
The Colors: no one can bite them. But they see the others getting bitten and find the whole situation delightful. Origin Beast appreciates the hypothetical random biter.
Narrator: he would never allow someone to bit him. He would just conveniently have a chew toy to give to the person to divert to bite away from him.
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#rrff#rrff steve saga#asks#anonymous#rrff!time#rrff!memory#rrff!illusion#rrff!galaxy#rrff!elemental#rrff!sabre#rrff!void#rrff!alex#rrff!guardian#rrff!red leader#rrff!green#rrff!overseer#rrff six bright eyes#rrff narrator
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what are the galaxy fams music tastes, in your headcanons? ive always felt like illusion/reality would like melanie martinez's songs, and terrorizes the rest of the fam with it (except for ele, he vibes w it)
ALSO, opinions on genderfluid or nonbinary reality/illusion and memory headcanons? love ur fic btw !!!
Memory's favorite music is metal, which I talked about before here.
Illusion's taste would be "techno instrumental." I don't know the genre's name. But you know the music that was playing during Illusion's arc in the series? That's the type of music Illusion would listen to. He probably plays that music to relax while he's doing housework.
For Time's study music, I think he likes the sounds of hundreds of analog clocks ticking simultaneously. That sound stresses the hell out of Illusion and Memory, but it’s peak ambience for Time. But outside of study, I think Time would listen to retro video game soundtracks!
As the overseer of dimensions who has listened to more types of music than you can ever imagine, Elemental doesn’t have a preference. Instead, he just has episodes where he craves for a certain type of music. But with no proper library, he would have to search countless of dimensions to find one with the music genres that hits that mark. It's like scrolling through the Internet trying to find that one song you vaguely remember but so badly need to listen to right now, but ~~cosmic~~
Galaxy and Void both love shitpost/meme music. Void listens to it in secret so no one knows. If Galaxy ever finds out, he'll say, "*EXCITED GASP* I love that song too!!"
Void would then say, "You like it because you mindlessly like everything! I like it because it's legitimately deep but only a few people understand that! We are not the same!"
Thank you so much for reading my fic! I think those genderfluid and nonbinary headcanons are really cool! :D
(Shameless reminder: More asks about gender headcanons coming this Wednesday to a Steve Saga blog near you! Check the detailed schedule here!)
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#anonymous#headcanon#the galaxy family#rrff#rrff steve saga#rrff readers being the goat
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Memory doing anything lol
That's him. That's exactly how he was every time Illusion asked him to do something in Act 1 lmao
Thank you for the glorious meme!
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#gayrainme#rrff#rrff steve saga#rrff!memory#memes#humor#rrff readers being the GOAT
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i refuse to acknowlage illusion/realitys canon voice, instead i think of his voice like the male singer of zydrate anatomy or the singer of romance is boring.
hes silly like that, he would like that type of music.
BTW LOVE UR FANFIC!! amazing read, honestly. if you can give me a range for Illusions age btw? Because some memes in this blog have implied hes a teen, but others/the fanfic imply hes a young adult.
Wow, both of those voiceclaims sound cool! They're still deep voices, but different in a good way too!
And yes, he would enjoy that type of music, when he isn't listening to that synth/techno style of instrumental music.
He's 20 years old at the start of RRFF. The fanfic calls him a young adult (which I meant to mean 18-23). I know some memes imply he was a teenager. It's actually because I made those memes while I was still internally debating, "should this guy be an adult or a teenager?" before finally deciding that he would be an adult.
Thank you for the ask!
#galaxy family 2023 ask a thon#asks#anonymous#rrff#rrff steve saga#rrff!illusion#headcanon#voice headcanons#rrff readers being the goat
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How would scars appear on Steves? Would it be different for the Colors? As in, would they be like cracks in a glass window, or broken glass shards for larger areas, or would it be like normal humans? Or would there be no consequence of injury?
In my headcanon, I haven't put much thought into how scars would work on Steves.
For me, Steves scar like how human scars. You see that when I draw Memory without his gloves, his scars are very human-like. If the Steve has an odd skin color, I keep the scars human-like, but match the color to fit the odd skin color.
In terms of consequences/injury, Steves are more durable and heal faster, so it'll take a lot of damage or physical trauma for a scar to form. But I'll be honest, I don't pay attention to this rule I made up. I don't think, "will this event be hazardous enough to scar a Steve?" when coming up with this stuff. I think, "alright, I'll scar this Steve because I feel like it."
Thank you for the ask, anon!
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Are there any "American" sounding RRFF characters? Besides Sabre.
If you're talking about the literal types of accents that can be found in the US: pretty much every character except Memory, Elemental, Guardian, and Lucas. (I don't really have voice headcanons, but I do know enough to know that Memory doesn't sound American.)
I do want to mention that lately, I’ve been imagining Red Leader with a Chicago accent.
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Sabre refers to Rainbow as his child in RRFF. Meaning he is a child.
In RRFF, Galaxy is a grown man with two (if were talking about the Origin arc, three) children, who are also adults.
So if the canon interactions of Galaxy and Rainbow are canon in RRFF, does that mean that their arguements are just a grown man thats probably in his grandpa age arguing against a child? And somehow the child is smarter? I need to know if this is canon or not.
I am so sorry for the turmoil I put you through as you pieced together the lore, anon, and for leaving you alone with these unanswered questions. May this answer give you mercy: When Sabre called Rainbow his child in RRFF, he was referring to the parent-offspring relationship they had, not his age. That was my intent when I wrote that claim. Rainbow is an adult in the RRFF AU. A childish adult who probably looks like a teenager, who was metaphorically adopted by another adult, but an adult nonetheless.
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