#gah sorry. I really love them
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 3 months
I’m so lucky I have the support I have in my life <33
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lacomandante · 3 months
ADHD for me is sitting at my desk with photoshop open, designing multiple outfits for Teresa spanning pre-war/partisan/post war, and then swiveling in my chair to face my sewing machine to continue sewing my post-war Teresa dress :)
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blowflyfag · 9 months
Wrestling magazines are my worst addiction
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Legit one of the most episodes of all time
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camellcat · 8 months
I keep writing these very short rosesimm ficlets cause I can't stop thinking about them, which makes me want to check the tag on ao3 cause, y'know, I'M writing so SURELY if I KEEP CLICKING then it'll update, but alas. the tag doesn't change and I'm just stuck with my own shitty writing to keep me fed </3
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ceramicbird · 1 year
so i've seen the sara mini episode.
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
oh before i forget lemme just say that i love that rgg6 gave us silly little riddles and puzzles as part of the main plot like way to shake it up a little!! that's innovation baby
(actually this was gonna be shorter but I'm not done let's talk about onomichi. very minor spoilers for rgg6)
rgg as a series has always shown a lotta love and care for its settings that i really respect. i can't speak for accuracy but like. i could NEVER give as much of a shit about local food as these games do, for instance. but someone on staff thought it was important, and i think that ROCKS tbh. and onomichi, to me, really demonstrates that in a more open way, including mechanical/design choices that i think are pretty sick.
when kiryu first gets to onomichi we're shown/told a few times that the people there are slow to trust newcomers. at the same time, something i noticed immediately was that there was jack shit to do in this massive town. (honestly, i was a bit disappointed.) but, as you keep interacting with the town, you unlock minigames through helping and earning the trust of its citizens. you get more out of the town as people let you in, as you prove yourself to ono michi (almost like its shrine offerings, where you have to give first to receive). and, between new gaudi, the baseball team, and spearfishing, these activities tend to be group-based. contrast this with kamurocho, where everything's immediately available, but it's always stuff you can (and almost always) do on your own, reflecting the more solitary, flashy entertainment-centric energy of the place. the mechanics follow the character of the town, yeehaw.
the plot also hinges a lot on onomichi as a location, specifically "the secret of onomichi", as well as who is involved, namely a shipbuilding company, in a shipbuilding town. it makes sense that these big industrial powers would have sway over their lives (though, of course, bc it's an rgg game, iwami shipbuilding is more than that).
and then we have the poem stones. i just assumed that these were another inclusion for realism, like ono michio crying throwing up thinking about his cute fish pouch omg oh my FUCKIGN god and the oysters and the shrines, another little bit of fascination for and dedication to these places and what makes them unique. and then they got roped into the conspiracy too and frankly i love that because the only reason it was a surprise was that I'm so used to the series just including stuff like that because it wants to. like i would believe that rgg6 just wanted to give us some poetry to stir our and kiryu's thoughts and nothing else. it doesn't lose anything by being woven in like this and i think it's nice!!
basically i just think it's cool that they wove it more obviously/intensely in a story where the setting matters more and where it's more developed
tl;dr i love rgg's dedication to building its settings and i think they did a splendid job w onomichi, 10/10 I'm a big fan
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writingwrench · 7 months
Confession (Stanford x Reader)
 I hope y’all enjoy! If you want me to write another or you have a suggestion, hit me up!
 Stanford glanced at the photo of the cheerful woman on his desk. She had this immutable, meanderous personality that he’d fallen hard for.
 Ever since they were younger, he’d had a type of respect for her enthusiastic and bubbly personality. Ever since high school (maybe even before then) he’d acquired an officious fervor for her. He didn’t really know how to tell her for fear of provoking some kind of rancor. 
 Even so, he ventured from his basement in search of his parsimonious heretic of a brother....
 “Stanley?” he asked,shutting the vending machine door. The twin was found sitting at the register, counting his day’s winnings.
 “Hey,bro!” he said, sea-tanned face splitting into a grin.
 “I need help,” Ford muttered,pulling a chair over to the counter and sitting down. 
 Stan set the money down,giving his brother his full attention. It wasn’t like him to ever ask for help. Even when they were on the Stan-O-War II.
 “I....I have feelings for (Y/N)....” he awkwardly began,hoping Stanley would understand. 
 Slowly, Stan began to smirk,before full acclaim filled the room. 
 “Finally, you admit it. It’s been over thirty years!” he laughed. Ford’s face was set aflame. He knew his brother wasn’t being callous, but he still felt somewhat ashamed for him to take this long to bring up the gall to tell her.
   Seeing Ford’s impression of a tomato, Stanley laughed again quietly,before,”Look,Poindexter, just go out there,hike up your big boy panties,  and tell her. She feels the same way...even though I don’t really understand, I am the better looking twin!” He grinned,winking. Which earned him an eye-roll from Ford.
 Still unsure, Ford, paused before the door, before Stan got fed up and just pushed him out to where (Y/N) was sitting with Dipper and Mabel. 
 “-I’m trying to nail that quack reporter for his actions,” She was saying. Stanford didn’t really understand what kind of conversation  he’d managed to walk into, but just hearing her voice, he’d instantly felt relieved. 
 “Hey, (N/N)?” he asked, nervousness seeping into his pores.
 “Hey, Ford!” she smiled brightly,turning to him. He stared at her for a moment, lost in her (E/C) eyes, before the awkward silence was broken by the angel he’d fell in love with.
 “What’s up?” she asked, not at all perturbed by the awkward silence. (She’d gotten used to it fairly quickly since Ford himself was such a cute, awkward person.)
 “I....um...I have to confess something,” he stuttered out, not meeting her eye for fear of peeing himself. He didn’t understand. He could take on demons and other horrifying creatures, but with a mere glance from (Y/N),his knees would buckle and he’d be a total loss for words.
 The girl raised a brow, signaling for him to continue....so he did.
 “I want...um...I would love.. gah,screw it! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU!!” he yelled,startling (Y/N) and the younger twins.
 It was quiet until- “OH MY GOSH,GRUNKLE FORD!!!!!”
 (Y/N)’s face tinted pink.
 “Kids,” she said shakily,”Please give us some privacy.”
 They did as told, making their way to the house. It wasn’t long before she saw two heads pop up over the window sill. 
 Rolling her eyes and grinning, she rushed over to Ford,tackling him in a fierce hug. They both landed with a thud,before surprised giggles filled the air.
 “I love you too,Ford,” (Y/N) said, still grinning before pulling him to her by the front of his overcoat. Their lips met. The kiss was sweet and passionate, the  both of them marveling at how long it took for them to get to this point.
 They disconnected, resting their foreheads on each other’s shoulder, and quietly grinning.
 “(Y/N), I’m so sorry it took me so long,” Ford finally said,breaking the silence.
 He was met with another kiss.
 “It’s alright,you dork,” she said, still grinning.
 It may have taken forever, but she finally felt truly wanted.
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dark-and-kawaii · 7 months
Raphael x F!Tav/Reader
Haarlep x F!Tav/Reader
⋆˙⟡♡ Summary: Two separate little stories for Raphael & Haarlep being parents!!
⋆˙⟡♡ Notes: Purely self indulgent!! I just really love the thought of them both being parents okay! Especially Haarlep!!! I brought back Impsy from a previous story as well for Haarlep’s story!! Enjoy xoxo
⋆˙⟡♡ Parenthood | Dadphael | Fluff | Haarlep As A Parent ♡
Prt 2. - Prt 3.
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Raphael tended to his duties amidst the solemn quietude of his archive. Engrossed in the scrutiny of a newly inked contract, the rustle of hurried steps reached his ears. With a practiced motion, and without a glance away from his script, he caught hold of his daughter's tail as she attempted to dart past.
The abrupt interruption of her sprint sent her tumbling, "gah!"
"Pray tell, to what urgent destination are you racing?" Raphael inquired, his attention steadfast upon the curling letters of the contract.
"Nooowhere..." came the sheepish, drawn-out reply.
Raphael's voice, still calm and measured, carried a note of paternal admonishment, "Venture not too far, and refrain from such reckless haste within the archive. These relics are delicate, their histories irreplaceable.”
The little devil, a mischievous glint in her eyes, nodded slowly, her tail now still in her father's firm but gentle grasp. With a reluctant sigh, she straightened up, her posture mimicking the elegance she so often saw in her father.
"Sorry, father," she said, her voice a mix of feigned contrition and lingering excitement. "I'll be more careful. But, um, can I ask you something?"
Raphael finally lifted his gaze, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that belied his calm exterior. "Of course, child. You know you may always speak freely."
She shuffled her feet, the earlier urgency replaced with a sudden shyness. "Yoooou are going to meet with a client later, and I... I was wondering if maybe I could watch? I promise I'll be silent and still as a statue!"
A small, knowing smile crept onto Raphael's lips. "A client, you say? Very well. You may observe, but under two conditions: You shall not interrupt, and you shall learn. There is much to be gained from understanding the art of negotiation and the binding of contracts."
Her face lit up, a beaming smile cutting through her attempts at decorum. "Yes, father! Thank you! I'll be the best statue you've ever seen!"
Raphael released her tail, and with a gentle push, he encouraged her toward the door. "Go then, prepare yourself. But remember, should you break your promise, there will be consequences. We are, after all, a family of our word."
The Apple of his eyes nodded vigorously before darting off, this time with a skip rather than a sprint, her excitement barely contained as she vanished from the archive.
Raphael's eyes returned to the contract before him, the smile lingering a moment longer before the mask of the composed dealmaker settled back into place. He placed it down on the table so he could focus on you, the mother of his heir who slept soundly at his side on the opulent sofa, your head resting upon his lap as he stroked your head. His gaze shifted to the crown of karsus, the brown irises tracking its form, “A family of our word, indeed."
The day arrived when the cries of a newborn half demon echoed through the halls. Haarlep approached the cradle, where a tiny creature with horns just sprouting from its head and a mischievous glint in its eyes lay. The tiny creature a perfect mix of you both. The incubus's heart, though not often given to warmth, swelled a tad with a strange pride.
"Ah, my little impling," Haarlep mused aloud, a smirk playing across their lips. "How I long to see the chaos you'll unleash."
It didn’t take long, Haarlep could barely believe their child was growing so fast…
"Come now, offspring," Haarlep spoke with a softness no one would believe they possessed. The incubus opened the curtains to your room, the moon casting down upon the city, "You see this world? It's yours to play with, to bend and to shape. I will teach you the art of emotional manipulation, to dance with the hearts of mortals as one plays the lyre." The child clung to their parents leg, its tiny tail giving an excited twitch, Haarlep could only grin.
“Haarlep~” You sung their name, catching your lovers attention.
You crossed your arms, your infamous imp, Impsy, standing next you, doing the same with an arched brow. A subtle smile crossing your features, “…She’s 3…”
“You are just no fun, are you?”
As the child grew, it became clear that she was indeed Haarlep's progeny, causing minor chaos with a mere giggle, and using her innate powers to toy with the emotions of those around her. But Haarlep's teachings were not yet complete.
"One must never be alone, my little tyrant," Haarlep instructed one evening. "Tonight, you will summon Impsy. A loyal playmate for all your days."
Their child, eager and wide-eyed, nodded and began to chant under Haarlep's careful guidance. The air shimmered, and with a pop, a small imp appeared, its face unamused with its little foot tapping on the ground.
"Hells…” Impsy held the bridge of its nose, “I can’t believe there’s two of you now.” The imp shook its head, “But I mean look at her!“ Impsy’s eyes sparkled wide as it walked up to the tiny little halfbreed, pinching her cheek, “Awh she looks perfect as always! Let’s thank the gods for Tavy’s good genes-“ Impsy smirked at Haarlep, “would’ve been a shame if she got your looks!”
Haarlep watched, a proud smirk etched on their face, as their child and Impsy ran off to pull their first prank together. The bond between them was immediate since her birth, and the imp proved to be a fitting companion for the young thing.
Time passed, and the little half demon grew bolder, often attempting to slip away to explore or cause mischief beyond Haarlep's or your watchful eye. On one such occasion, the child tried to race out of the room, her tiny tail swishing excitedly behind her. With a swift movement, Haarlep's foot came down upon the tail, causing the little demon to tumble onto her rump.
"And where do you think you're going?" Haarlep asked, his tone playful yet stern, the smirk on his face belying his true delight in the little one's antics.
The child pouted, looking up at her father with a mix of annoyance and admiration.
"To explore, to play!" She exclaimed, her eyes shining with the promise of trouble.
Haarlep chuckled, lifting their foot. "Tut, tut. Patience my little one." Haarlep’s mind reflects back to when they were gifted to Mephistopheles… Then Raphael… The incubus’s features twisting at the memories. They wouldn’t allow such a fate for their offspring, “I shall join you, we’ll play a little game! Together! In the city with all those fools.”
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metaphorical-goblin · 10 months
Thinking about Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth being kidnapped for ransom or whatever
The thing is that he is So Done With This by now, and when he feels something press against his back and some squeaky voice just saying “don’t move!” he sighs and puts his hands up, all casual compliant whatever
Sits very primly in the backseat of the car that they threw him in, and of course he tears them up, “really? An unmarked vehicle? Do you understand how suspicious you look? And not even any accommodations, don’t you understand that hostages are much more compliant if they feel they have some sort of leverage—“ (they give him a cup of tea to placate him for a bit)
Then “I suppose you want the entire police force after you, too. My husband is known for his ruthless pursuits, as I’m sure you’re aware.”
ARCH HIS EYEBROW. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”
ohgodohgodohGOD quick get his PHONE, find— GAH WHERE’S THE NAME— oh there it is, Phoenix Wright. Dig the gun into his side and tell him to make up some excuse
“Hello, Phoenix. I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m going to have to cancel our plans for tonight. Things got busy at work,” yadda yadda
Phoenix, sitting there in his sweatpants and fuzzy socks, stuff sitting out for their mud masks and snacks for their monthly Movie Night: “uh”
“Alright, I love you. Goodbye”
HANG UP FAST, throw his phone out the window, whatever, and MEANWHILE, Phoenix gathering evidence (first name basis? canceling plans to watch Steel Samurai?? I love you???Something seems fishy….)
They find him in less than an hour
“So… husband?”
“Shut up, Wright”
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teaableu · 9 months
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Last one I promise I swear- *sweats*
OH my god
YES YOU GET IT this is exactly what rotates in my brain for these two AGH
I am having a hard time communicating how perfect this is but believe me this is wonderful I love it so much and their expressions are PERFECT. I hold this gently thank you so much
I made a joke a while ago that One's got the "I'm the villain and I always will be" (emo) complex while Two has the "I'm the villain and I always will be" (sparkles) complex but when it comes to the deepest most vulnerable layers of the twins as brothers in constant competition with one another and Two's role in his family it's more like a bitter reality moment with the exact tone that you portrayed here. One internalizes being a villain as a necessary fate he can't escape, so he really leans into it (you want me to be the bad guy? Fine, I'll be the bad guy), but Two just accepts it as who he is and he's fine with that (very slight distinction but one that I think of so much). Two doing exactly what he (thinks he) has to even if One resents him for it, "Guess that makes me evil"-- AGH sorry I am emotional
Two looks so tired and upset I'm holding him gently. The way One tries to hurt Two but Two just spits it back in his face.. gah, it's so them
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evelynsgarden · 4 months
You should write some hcs or something about living alone with Abby, sorta cannon but not if you get what I mean? On a farm or in a home :3
Living With Abby Hcs
Cw: smut under the warning fluff otherwise 🩷 :p(ignore spelling errors if any (request open)
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🩷 Mornings with Abby are always special. She loves waking up early to make you breakfast, bringing you coffee in bed, and sharing quiet moments together before the day starts. She enjoys the simplicity of starting the day with you by her side. However, she always forgets to wash the dishes after breakfast and will in fact leave them in the sink all day💀 she’s super sorry about it but forgets every time 😭
🩷 Abby loves surprising you with impromptu date nights. Whether it’s a homemade candlelit dinner or a spontaneous drive to a scenic spot (with a super cute picnic ahhhhh) she’d definitely wanna keep you entertained and happy :( and can you imagine her coming back from patrol and instantly wanting to take you to some nice patch of grass she found not far out because she’s missed you and wants to have as many nice moments as possible
🩷 Abby coming back from a patrol with trinkets and gifts because she missed you and couldn’t stop thinking about you. She’d come back with jewelry, glasses, charms, stuffed animal, music, etc just to see you smile
🩷 Living together means celebrating holidays ^_^ Whether it’s decorating the house, cooking special meals, or exchanging heartfelt gifts, she’s so ready to go all out. Imagine decorating a ginger bread house with her and she makes a little you and her out of ginger bread😭 she’d be so excited to show you too(shit would be funny af if ur shorter than her lmfao- a lil ginger bread dude next to a really fucking tall one 💀)
🩷Abby fixing anything and everything that’s broken in the house or not up to par with what she thinks you deserve. The oven isn’t working properly? dw she’ll figure it out- oh the door handle broke again she’s right on it- she’d fuck it up and make it worse and then proceed to actually read a manual(she totally knows what she’s doing😐) THEN fix it but she loves you so it’s fine
Warning nsfw
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🧁 GAH sleepy morning sex with her would be sooo sweet❤️ she’d mumble out little “come on baby”s and hushes while she pushes her fingers into you slowly, listening to you beg for more half asleep. Her hands would be ALLLLL over your thighs afterwards squishing them softly, kissing up and down your neck before falling back asleep :(
🧁Abby has a bad (good-)habit of turning ordinary moments into something much more heated than they need to be😭. While you're cooking together, she can't resist coming up behind you, pressing her body against yours. Her hands slide under your shirt, caressing your stomach and breasts, her lips finding your ear as she whispers little moans into your ears. Before you know it, she has you bent over the kitchen counter, pounding into like shes scared she’ll never get to fuck you again. Girl is DESPERATE to make you happy(cum)
🧁After a particularly stressful patrol, when Abby needs to release all that pent-up tension she’ll take you against the nearest wall, counter, door, shit she’d settle for the floor- her hands gripping your hips tightly as she moves against you. Begging for you to scream her name louder because there’s not a single person for miles and even if there hypothetically were she’d want them to know how good and how deep she’s fucking you anyway.
🧁speaking of stressful patrols and my prior post(god her with a oral fixation) being in the bath with her to calm down after a long day and she sucks on your tits and plays with them with a thigh between your legs. When she gets bored of that she’ll drain the bath water and eat you out, sucking softly while forcing you open despite the overstim and multiple orgasms.
🧁cleaning you up after because you’re painfully exhausted (in a good way) she makes it her priority to have you comfy and close to her before you pass tf out because she still has you fucked up and unable to walk hours later 😭
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OH THIS IS SO CUTE(the first part not the part where my ovulation is speaking for me-)
(I really appreciate requests- writing is helping with my anxiety rn- short and sweet as always ;D)
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dotster001 · 1 year
Girlies End
Previous Chapters: One Two Three Choose Another Ending
Jamil's phone had been non stop ringing for the past ten minutes. Which was unfortunate, because he was trying to take notes for Kalim, who would definitely forget everything the cat was telling them.
"Our next step will be to have you slowly work your way into Y/N and my daily routine," Grim pointed a yardstick at step three on the whiteboard he was standing in front of. "Recommendations include, offering to buy my tuna, buying me regular gifts, purchasing necessities we need around Ramshackle, like a new deluxe mattress, or deluxe slippers, or carpeting so that I don't need the slippers. Really, you can just use your imagination here."
"What about a new diamond choker, that's super shiny, so Y/N always knows where you are?" Kalim asked excitedly.
"That's brilliant! It's ideas like that that prove you're the perfect match for Y/N!"
Jamil would normally have been livid. But he knew that someone like you would quickly see that Kalim wasn't as complex an individual as you needed. And he would be right there for you to fall for…
And if not…well…he'd gotten quite good at controlling his signature spell. He couldn't say he hadn't warned Grim. He was practically begging him to do it at this point!
"Will you please deal with that buzzing? Kalim and I can't think!" Grim suddenly shouted at Jamil, as his phone rang for the umpteenth time.
He scowled, before muttering a "be right back" and answering the phone in the hallway.
"What?" He snapped.
He quickly apologized upon hearing his mother's voice.
"I was just wondering if Najma was settling in all right?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Jamil asked, completely confused.
"Well, she said you had a guest room all set for her, but I just wanted to make sure she was comfy, and that you were both behaving."
"Wait, Najma is here?" Jamil had a terrible, horrible, feeling in his gut that he knew where she was. 
"She said she saw you-"
"You're right mom, sorry, I've been overwhelmed lately and just got confused for a moment." It was a terrible excuse, he just had to hope his mother would accept it.
"Alright, just make sure you get some rest. Tell Najma I love her, and to be good!"
He breathed a sigh of relief as she hung up the phone. Then he made a beeline to Ramshackle.
The door was cracked when he got there, so he just walked right in. And the first thing he saw was Najma making out with you, heavily, on the couch.
He cleared his throat, and Najma looked up, startled, before bursting into laughter. Confused, you looked up and covered your face with your hands.
He watched as you looked flustered, and mumbled nonsense as though trying to explain yourself. Najma just looked smug.
"Sup buttface?" she said.
"Jamil, I can explain!" You said.
"Nah, he knows now, babe, might as well tell him," Najma said, gently caressing your cheek. She turned back to Jamil.
"Y/N and I have been dating ever since they came to visit a couple months ago. We didn't tell you cause we knew you'd flip out."
"I-gah-I'm not flipping out! But why would you do this?!?!?"
You shrunk deeper into the couch, looking at Najma like she would protect you from Jamil's yelling. Najma continued to look smug, even in the face of danger.
"You're totally flipping out. But it's cool. I know it's cause you're jealous that I landed a hottie like Y/N, and you're gonna die miserable and alone."
Jamil frustratedly ran his hands through his hair.
"Najma…Y/N…gah! Y/N, you like girls?" 
"Yes," you whispered.
"Yeah, Y/N likes girls, now get out of here so I can keep making out with my partner," Najma didn't even wait for him to react, she just grabbed your face and resumed kissing you.
"Y/N, tell Jamil to stop being a little freak, so I can keep kissing you," Najma said poutily against your neck.
You opened your mouth to respond, but Jamil cut you off.
"I'm leaving! Sevens, if mom asks me if I've seen you though, I'm ratting you out."
Najma flipped him off as he left.
Once he exited the building, he leaned against the outer wall and groaned. Leave it to his sister to ruin everything he'd spent months planning. He shouldn't have even been surprised.
Oh well, he'd let you tell Grimm that he wouldn't spend his life living like a millionaire at the Asim household.
The End
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
Lee!Lucifer X Ler!Reader Scenario
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Warnings: Some swearing but that's all, only did it for comfort.
Author's note: Lucifer. Brainrot. That's everything I have to say for now 😞🙏💞
"Be careful with those, they don't get pretty all by themselves, y'know?" Lucifer says with a calm smile, which quickly shifts to a more "cocky" smirk. "Well, maybe they do."
You chuckle at his stupid comment, slowly returning your eyes to your main goal: his wings. A pair of wings was already amazing for you, but now three? No way you would lose the chance to check on them. See them, admire them, touch them...
You slowly caress one of them, taking a good look and with your eyes almost shining in amusement. "They're so soft..."
But as you keep stroking his wings and exploring each inch, you can hear a light snicker coming from him. He cover his mouth and looks away, not wanting to interrupt you.
"Huh? What happened?"
"N-Nothing, nothing. Just be extra careful there, alright?" Lucifer answers, looking at what people normally call a 'wingpit'.
"Ah... does it hurt? Sorry if I-"
"No no you didn't hurt me, it's just... ehhh... y'know..." He tries his best to explain without actually turning it even more embarassing, making a few hand movements aswell. "...sensitive?"
It took you a few seconds to understand, but once you did, your confused expression changed almost instantely.
"Oh, alright. I'll be gentle." But as you spoke, your fingers traced around that same spot once again. "See?"
Lucifer jumped a little on his bed.
"Okay, now this one was on purpose!"
"No idea what you're talking about."
The rythm of your fingers did not changed, basically dancing on Lucifer's wings. Everything he was able to do was cover his eyes with a single hand, using the other to grab the sheets tightly.
"Wow, your feathers are so nice to touch... I could stay here all day." You say, wearing the happiest smirk you could have right now.
His superior wing flapped lightly as you kept tickling it, only making it worse for Lucifer himself as you now barely needed to move your hand.
"You better not hit me with those."
"It's really hahard not tohoho!"
"...was that a complain or a threat?"
"Bohoth- AH!"
You knew he wouldn't help himself, this man just loved giving you motives to keep going. As a consequence of his "rebel" answer, you let go of his wings, going straight to his ribs.
"I just felt offended! I'm complimenting you, and you're threatening me to attack me with your wings? Tsk, tsk... not nice."
Due his constant squirming, you decided to put a little pressure, pushing him down to the bed to make it easier for the both of you. His wings were so fun to watch too, it was almost like he was about to open flight.
"Just don't fly outta here." You joked.
His giggles and laughter were a mix now, creating this goofy yet adorable (in your opinion atleast) laugh of his. Lucifer kicked strongly in the air, trying to avoid using that huge strength of his on you and end up pushing you away; or worse, throw you away.
The demon's ribs began to have a bit more of mercy as you moved your fingers off of them, but only so you could reach his armpits. They moved very very slowly, tickling all the way 'til there.
"W-Wait! Wait! I- I knohohow what you're doing, dohohon't you dare!"
"Nothing is stopping me to do so..."
"Because I cahahan't! Hehehehe!"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his poor attempt to make it look like he's not letting you do that. "Will it make you happier if I pretend that I believe you?"
"Yehehes! Wait, nohoho!" Your teases were making him way too nervous to think coherently, much less speak. "Fuhuhuck, I don't knohohow!"
"If you say so." Just a few more inches before it hits a death spot... "I won't stop, because I'm evil and I love seeing you "suffer" with your oh, so "hated" tickles!"
"G-Gah- No- Nahahah-"
"And you know what would make me even more evil?"
"I don't wanna know! I dohon't wanna know!!"
It felt just like a button. You pressed his armpits, and Lucifer let out a cackle as soon as you did so.
He tried to roll from one side to another, and as he tried to protect his own weak points, it just made your thumbs get stuck there. All you needed to do was wiggle them, tickling them whenever you feel like it.
"Just raise your arms, like that I can get my hands back!"
You went silent, looking away with a bratty smile. "Now you're asking for too much."
It would be just a matter of time until you stopped and finally let him rest, but for that, Lucifer needed to grow tired of the tickles first.
No, you didn't need to "free him".
After all, getting rid of you was a task that he could've done as soon as you touched him.
He just decided not to.
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s/o with yelan, shenhe, navia, xianyun that got badly injured and s/o is treating their wounds ^_^
take your time!
(Genshin Impact) Yelan, Shenhe, Chiori, and Xianyun's S/O treating their wounds
Navia has already been done in this post, so I shall compensate with the newly arrived Chiori!
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Yelan winced as S/O finished wrapping her arm, giving them a wry smile.
(Yelan) "Thanks. Sorry for showing up like this."
(S/O) "As long as you're okay, it's fine. But what in the world even happened?!"
Yelan was silent for a moment, thinking of how to answer S/O's question before giving them a kiss on the cheek.
(Yelan) "Bad fall."
(S/O) "Really? A bad fall looks like slashes all over you?"
(Yelan) "What can I say? It was sharp. But trust me, you won't have to worry about it hurting me again."
(S/O) "Just...please don't scare me like that again."
Despite her coy tone, she gives S/O a reassuring squeeze on their hands. Yelan truly did appreciate having someone to come home to, and it was a reminder of why she was out there to begin with.
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Shenhe remains still as S/O helps wrap the bandage around her stomach, exhaling a little in relief.
(S/O) "Is it too tight?"
(Shenhe) "No, I will recover just fine, thanks to you."
(S/O) "Okay..."
S/O knew Shenhe wasn't the type to lie. If she said she was going to be fine, then she was.
But their anxiety must've been easy to read, since S/O was quickly hugged by Shenhe.
(Shenhe) "You do not have to worry. I will not go down so easily."
(S/O) "I...I-I know, Shenhe. I still don't like seeing you get hurt."
The faintest hint of a smile forms on Shenhe's lips as she somehow hugs them even tighter.
Unintentionally almost snapping something in S/O and cutting off their breathing, but they could literally feel the love almost crushing them.
(Shenhe) "If it means I do not see you harmed, then I will endure whatever pain awaits."
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Chiori hissed in pain when S/O rubbed the cloth on her leg, gripping onto the chair.
(Chiori) "Gah, that stings!"
(S/O) "I didn't think something like that could happen in a clothing shop! Your leg looks like it was slashed by a sword!"
(Chiori) "I was lucky it wasn't my hands or arms that got injured, but this will certainly make work a lot more annoying..."
(S/O) "C-Come on, at least act a bit more concerned about your own health! You can't work if you're dead!"
Chiori hummed in acknowledgement as she rose to get up, S/O helping her with one hand grabbing hers.
She clenched her teeth when she properly stood up but turned to S/O with a small smile.
(Chiori) "...Thanks. I'll make you something sweet when we're back home."
(S/O) "Just rest up instead of working yourself more, please."
(Chiori) "Alright alright, I promise."
Chiori didn't need S/O to baby her, but it was times like these where she was reminded how much better S/O made the work day.
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Xianyun looks at S/O curiously as they wrap her hands in cloth.
(Xianyun) "This One must bring up the point that bandaging my arm is moot. The form one currently takes does not entirely reflect-"
(S/O) "It'll give me peace of mind knowing you're at least somewhat taken care of. Can I at least say that?"
Xianyun chuckles, adjusting her glasses but then quickly recoiling in pain from doing so.
(Xianyun) "Ack! R-Right. One appreciates your concern, then."
Xianyun tries to play it off cool, but honestly S/O made her heart skip a beat with acts like this.
This injury was truly nothing, and they definitely knew that.
But that didn't stop them from caring about her.
However, the real consequence from her injury was the fact she could not indulge in eating her food as much as she wanted.
(S/O) "H-Hey! That much fried food will make your injury flare up!"
(Xianyun) "Nonsense! Such delicious delicacies has nothing to do with one's-"
(S/O) "The doctor told me that you should at least wait a few days before eating something that hot."
Xianyun pouted, annoyed she had to put the food on hold.
(Xianyun) "Hmph, One does not need a doctor to tell her what one can't eat!"
(S/O) sigh
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sadistic-kiss · 3 months
🐺House of Alphas🐺
Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse )
Summary: Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
Disclaimer: Angsty but I ain’t Gege
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Gojo x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Getou
~Chapter 37~
Nanami stifled his laugh while waving his hand, “I’m sorry I’m sorry, please forgive me, sweetheart, you were so tense when you asked me such a question. You couldn’t even look at me.”
Gah- you still can’t. You dropped your gaze again but this time Nanami shifted so he could reach his hand in your view, palm faced upward. What was he doing? Did he want your hand? You were about to give it to him before he slowly lifted his hand, your chin guided within its path until you were looking at his hazel orbs.
“Besides I had to get you back for teasing me first.”
“Fine fine, we are even~.”
“Good… now…You asked what I like…” His gaze rests upon you for a while, like the gears in his head were turning in the opposite direction, until finally, he says, “I suppose it’s you…I like you. Whatever you like.”
You slowly shook your head, no that’s his cookie-cutter answer. His vanilla answer. You accept it in the game, you had to…but you want to push further than that. Deeper. “No… not that…I want to know what…. Kento likes… the Kento that has no control….” You poke at his chest lightly. “What do you really like? You, said… you were much like me… afraid of losing control…well,” you pop your lips feeling quite brave while throwing his hypocrisy back at him, “I want you to let go…I don’t want you to think, I want you to be greedy.”
Nanami stared at you with something dark swirling behind his eyes. “…You… want…my sinful desires? My greed?” He was locked in just as much as you were yet he seemed hesitant. Like he wanted to pull away and shut himself off.
Woah- what just happened…his tone had shifted and his eyes grew into that crazed glow that your alphas get when they are deep in lust. But…Why did he look… almost… wilder? Dare you say- scarier- this was a look you had never seen upon him. Ever-
Are you in danger?
He looked so sweet like an Angel but within the same breath dangerous like the devil.
-but then it was corrected into your alpha's normal expression. “You couldn’t possibly-“
“Yes…” you pushed on, too deep to go back now. Or maybe you don’t want to go back. “…Tell me… what my alpha Kento likes…”
A light smile touched the blonde’s lips, “What I like…”
“Don’t hold back, tell me everything. I’m a big girl I can handle it.” You joked lightly seeing his face relax a bit.
He clicked his tongue, gaze flowing over your form before coming back to your eyes, “…One thing I like…no…” His eyebrows furrowed as if he just did you a great disservice, “-love… I love when you look at me…” Your breath is taken away as he speaks, an electric current connects your eyes with his own. Pulsing through his touch and his words as he caresses you with them. “I love… when you say my name… Kento…it sounds so beautiful coming from your lips…”
It was all so sweet.
He then sweeps his arm down to grab your hand that was wringing your dress dry. “But I suppose…” Using your hand he shifts your dress out of the way so that you are touching your very drenched panties.
“Ah-“ you gasped, your fingers forced (not really) to rub your cunt.
And then he shifted into something else-
“…You want to know what makes my cock hard…hm?” You let out a whine. He had you stroke yourself slow… and teasingly, you were already so close to the edge without a clue as to how you got there and when. You were so caught up in his design… seeing him in a different light. Piece by piece being chipped away to reveal something else. You don’t know who this man is, yet you did at the same time. “…What I truly want to do to you. I never…think about it…My sick thoughts I keep locked away… I would be afraid to scare you.”
You were close…you were so close. Your eyes now glossy and blurry.
Nanami chuckled deviously going faster, “You’re doing it again… Holding your breath. I always wonder if you’d pass out…if I were to relinquish all control like you would have me do, I would fuck you until you woke back up and pass out again. Would you dream of me fucking you? Would you whisper my name in your sleep my little bird ?”
“Ah-“ your eyes rolled and just as you felt your undoing Nanami snatched your hand away causing you to gasp life into your lungs followed by a deep moan of disappointment. “N-Nanami-!”
You blinked fresh tears as you looked up to find your handsome sweet alpha giving you the most insane smile you had ever seen, eyes blown behind blonde hair. His appearance akin to lunatic Gojo.
He spoke quickly as his eyes lit up like he had just discovered something, “Sorry little bird but I believe I want you cumming on my tongue- ah yes… I’ve been salivating over it this whole time haha~ -if you would have left me I would have been happy with the fragrace you’ve graced me. I probably would have spent all my cum into my hand until it went away- wondering how delightfully you would have tasted-yes- yes I want it- I want as much as you can give me, whatever you have to offer- not a drop of it should go to waste- would you be such a dear?”
You could barely keep up- what the Satoru 2.0. “Is-is that what you-Ai!”
“Yes!” Nanami yanked you by your wrist as he fell onto his back, “-more than anything!”
Feral Nanami anyone?
~Read More~
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