#funniest bug ngl
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nazbruhh · 2 years ago
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wormbloggign · 1 year ago
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taylor stop lifting techniques and tactics from others challenge (impossible)
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yeah.. you're a cloud of various insects, people arent looking to get in your way
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taylor its not innate cmon you need to notice the swarm covering you isnt a comforting prescence for anyone but you
(also, if someone fights grue and wins, his darkness would dissipate. if they fight skitter and win, they have to deal with the many insects who are VERY pissed, and VERY unpredictable. it's simply a more extreme implicit threat than what grue has)
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is she.. emulating coils convo tactics?
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to taylor the bugs are just her little guys, doing their best with what they got
to everyone else the bugs are spiders, flies, and wasps; vectors for poison, infection, and pain all organised by their thousands under a single cunning mind
its a very funny bit of dramatic irony (not the right term)
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honestly surprised it took her this long to tell that to the PRT, taylors favourite pasttime is outing bad actors in their system
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the funniest way to get immediately excecuted, ballsy move taylor
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notably in those records she was telling the truth consistently, miss military seems to buy a little too much into armsmustards narratives
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(miss minutia seems very dogmatic in her beliefs of justice and criminality, kinda cringe ngl)
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skitter im sorry to say but im pretty sure theyve known for a while now
they havent gone after your civillian identity yet because you havent really been findable as taylor herbert and in the rare cases you've gone out as taylor, they've had much bigger fish to fry
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that mustve taken a lot miss militia, i can respect that
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2 ways to take this, either tattletales doing some mind games with how skitter is perceived or she wanted to get a better look at taylors butt
knowing lisa, probably both
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oh yeah that too maybe
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the bug pass over she does on people is very funny bc people almost definitely read it as a weapons check or an intimidation tactic but no, she just wants to know what the person she's talking to looks like
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her face and eyes were covered in blood no wonder were more tense than normal "ooh why are people so unnerved around me" you look like a monster from a horror movie, you're walking around like you dont even need sight to know everything around you (she couldnt see regardless but they didnt know that)
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oh theres no way they don't know her identity now
it takes one person with probably low to medium security access to hear that and go "gee, let me run a check to see if anyone with Skitters brown hair and skin colour (they wouldve seen at least that on the skitter clones, even outside how disfigured they were) matches with anyone who is blind or has been recently blinded" and then bam you find taylor with her school's recorded connection with Sophia/Shadow Stalker, her locker incident (possibly a trigger event?) her absences from school which start a couple days after skitters first appearance, line up with skitters activity AND escalate to 0% attendance once Skitter starts doing things like participating in the Endbringer event and soon after claims territory (a full time occupation seemingly), if you keep digging it seems she has moved out of her dad's house around the same time to an undisclosed house on the edge of town (no actual address given, possibly a misdirection), her father and all of his work friends survived (with minimal injuries) the Shatterbird announcement at the begining of the Slaughterhouse 9's occupation and they stayed alive for its entirety, And as a cherry on top, Taylors last 2 documented interactions with the public is Asssaulting a minor which was handled and doccumented by Shadow Stalker and COILS BOMBING where she was one of the survivors but was BLINDED, shortly after MYSTERIOUSLY DISSAPEARED with no release or transfer papers signed (or if they were, it'd be signed by Lisa W or an unknown third party)
they could just ask dragon
that was kind of long sorry
back to the livebloggign!
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(insert funny masking joke here)
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sometimes i wonder if taylor has a death wish (hint: yes)
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i sincerely doubt that. our girls tolerance for abuse is ridiculously high by now
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the writer is fucking with me. the day we get a proper breakdown of anyones costume is the day hell freezes over
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are we just gonna pretend that isnt deeply disturbing and violating?
eh, alright
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taylor may know the kind of thing he saw but its very clear from how he's behaving, whatever he experienced has a lot harsher of a grasp on his psyche, probably because his trigger event and the context around it happened at such a vulnerable and young age
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anyway hows that search for a villains therapist going? i really think they should invest in one
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lisa either never fucks around or never stops fucking around and i cant tell anymore
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nani-nonny · 1 year ago
Lord, oh lord oh lord oh LORD!!!
Ch 10, we needed to go through 10 chapters so we can know what would happen to lcd after he expose the truth, and we now know, I swear Big blue going for the kill across the fire was so similar to the part of " lion king " fighting the uncle.
The moment where dmd sharing his story i teared up for him, he hated himself, hated his existence and covered with bloods.
Big blue begin the funniest peepaw in the group, i bet him raising his hand was from one of the siblings taking almost control, i think...
And Reunion as LCD called him " mystery " he's correct, am laughing at the idea you don't have much lore about him so you make him ✨mystery ✨ 😂
And then there's LCD, ngl the build up to him made me nervous, palm sweaty, and checking if you're not gonna pull a d**k move by ending it there without letting us know the peepaw's reaction.
DMD joining in got me nervous and scared but then reunion get in like a boss- nope, like a dad to stop a sibling fight.
" I've got your back " was quite reassuring to me and at the same time was scary as LCD mentioned.
But what was scarier in this ch was reunion himself; he could be lying about 'helping building April's school' and be doing something else, his cold eyes are giving me the CHILLS!! Forced smile it makes me believe he has the power to put everyone in their place.
But now am much more scared what will happen AFTER this event?!
Lord, nonny you completely f**ked my mind up./pos
Even right now my heart can't stop pounding from excitement.
You thought of lion king too??? Hahaha! I even made a tiktok for that moment !! Chapter 10 wooo!!
But yes! He finally rips the bandaid and confesses his crime! Tensions are higher than ever hehehe
And my poor, sad lil peepaw… my og peepaw, the one who started it all. A man filled with so much grief and survivor’s guilt, but showing growth. Brings a tear to my eye /hj
Mwahaha! Big Blue aka WDS is getting real bothered lol his ghosty brothers keep bugging him hehe
Reunion’s the biggest mystery and also the spookiest because of his mysteriousness hehe
But the buildup is what made me so excited to write this chapter!!! It was so fun!! I love tense scenes I get so immersed! I always said that Big Blue would hate Achilles aka LCD the most haha! You’d think Barbarian would be the first to attack like he’s done in past I’m Blue chapters lol
But of course Old Timer being the wise mutant, he broke the fight and attempts to ease tensions… even though he’s very spooky lol he lies a lot and without hesitation. He omits the truth just like the other peepaws and filters what he shares hehe, but with expertise
Don’t be scared sniper! You know what happens in the next chapter! It’s gonna be exciting!!!
I’m glad I got your heart pounding and all excited because that’s what I’m aiming for! And that’s how I felt writing it!
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scarletsaphire · 1 year ago
No those three at the end aren't a mistake, I know you have lots of WIPs and I wanna hear about them (insert activethreat emote)
✨-What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit):
Hmm. I'd say Ten Lives (The One Worth Living) but I think I might be biased and just want to talk about my Johnny, Kitty, and Shadow ideas more. I like them a Very Normal Amount I prommy.
🎀-give yourself a compliment about your own writing
There's a post that I've seen plenty times before that I think about all the time that goes something along the lines of "I'm having creative ideas above my skill level!" or something like that, for when you have a great idea but just don't know how to execute it the way you want. I legitimately feel where I am at a point where that isn't an issue for me with my writing? I think most ideas I can execute within the general sphere of what I want them to be; I might not always like them, and they might not always be what I consider "good," but they are comparable to the original idea.
🎈-describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
It tends to change based on the type of thing I'm writing. And how much sleep I get. I like a lot of shorter sentences, followed by one long rambling one for most kinds of prose, since most of my prose is an ooo ouch my bones type of prose. It does change all the time though, so that might be different in a few months. It certainly wasn't what I preferred until like, August.
💞-what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
hm. augh. mm. thats a toughy! I'm going to say worldbuilding, because I often find myself more interested in the worldbuilding that the Actual Story I'm Trying To Write (its why a 30k first draft of a novel is fitting, completely unfinished, in my google drive. The current guys suck. I want the old ones. But the old ones only work as history for the new guys. Its sad.)
💥-find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
I'm ngl I completely thought it was gun safe but First Concert! It's a pretty short one, but it does what I sought out to accomplish; combine Dora and Ember's interests in a way that illustrates their differences but also shows that they're much more similar than you'd think.
🎙️-which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
I have literally never put thought into that ever. If I had to choose, probably All In The Name Of Love or Strength of the Past And Weights of The Present, mostly because they're my favorites.
Welcome to WIP hell! See, you'd think that it would be a problem, having two of my WIPS be EI so I can't talk about them, and one being one you know so much about already. You might think that would hinder me somehow, in being able to tell you about them. YOU'D THINK!!
💌- share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Chapter 2 Of Cover Blown: I love pitch pearl man, I really do, and with what I'm planning for this one I think it is going to be about as good as my pitch pearl can get (Dreamwalker excluded dw). I love putting guys in situations, especially when those situations involve bad injuries and babbled confessions.
Speaking of Dreamwalker, I'll add this here too, because while you might know a lot, I always have more. I love how I'm writing the ghosts, just across the board. They are all pieces of shit in the Funniest Way, especially since Danny is a whole ass child right now. You're scheming about a nine year old babes, calm down. He hasn't even lost all his baby teeth yet.
As for the last one, I'm going to put it under a read more. TW for bugs and Danny rotting, but its ok he's fine with it.
Bug Boi (title to be changed later) has been shelved indefinitely for. Many reasons! I have. So much to write. Bug Boi is, for those who do not know. Where I put as many bugs into the boy as possible. He loses organ privileges and instead becomes the landlord for a hoard of different bugs. He loves them, and they love him, and when they die (as bugs often do) they give him their little bug souls as a thank you so he because More Bug.
Anyway, I recently learned about the scorpion fly, who looks like this:
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It is so cool, and has recently (idk how recently) been seen in forensic entomology, meaning that I can put these fuckers into Danny's eye sockets or esophagus or wherever else and be. Not technically wrong!! I have no idea if Bug Boi will ever be taken off of my list of to be written, but if nothing else it gives for me a place to put bugs.
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crowndaz · 4 years ago
Guess who just had to order a new tablet bc their current one is actually so old the computer can't even recognize it as a tablet anymore-
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anonymouslobster01 · 2 years ago
Which Naruto characters know what a meme is?
inspired by a conversation between me and my boyfriend
I don’t know what this is
-did not know, but Naruto taught him. Now he uses them incorrectly for the express purpose of pissing Naruto off. Makes him lose the game like five times a day [you just lost the game btw :D]
-knows memes. Makes memes. Thinks they’re peak comedy. References memes during fights. It gets a bit old ngl
-pretends to know what a meme is. Does not. But now he’s too afraid to ask.
-has a vague idea of the popular ones but most of the time she has no idea what Naruto is talking about. Referenced one once but Sasuke glared at her, so she never did that again.
-knows what a meme is but pretends he doesn’t to bother Naruto. He also intentionally uses them incorrectly when Naruto tries to explain them to him.
-doesn’t know what a meme is and has no intention of finding out.
-definitely references memes. She doesn’t care if anyone gets them because ✨that’s showbizz baby✨. Takes immense joy in the boys’ confused looks.
-doesn’t even know memes exist. Everyone is in agreement to keep him pure.
-sort of knows what memes are but honestly doesn’t care for any of that stuff.
-goes on Reddit and as such knows Reddit memes, but not much else.
-Mostly looks at those food porn videos on Facebook, knows what memes are but doesn’t really interact with them that often.
-Tiktok dances. Secretly goes on Reddit. Thinks Cbat is the funniest thing ever.
-similar to Asuma; is aware of their existence, but doesn’t really care for them.
-doesn’t really get memes, but knows what they are. Sends Naruto and Kiba wholesome dog ones.
-He, Tenten, and Naruto form the holy meme trinity, bothering others with their incessant references.
-the bugs whisper memes to him.
-wine mom memes on Facebook.
-boomer memes on Facebook
-Reddit mod.
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monmuses · 2 years ago
The fandom meme For Team Fortress 2
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Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
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blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): EASILY Soldier. by far. idk what it is about him but he has some of THE funniest lines ever. plus hes just a screaming idiot and i love him so much for that
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): HEAVY. HEAVY IS JUST SO SHAPED??? I LOVE HIM??? hes a good guy.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Engineer. like, cmon. hes easily one of the best AND most sane mercs out of the entire team. hes easily best dad
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): honestly, i’d gush about uhhh Sniper probably. people are downbad for him but honestly, i think hes just Neat.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Pyro, honestly?? like, Pyro is a GREAT character. hes got potential w/ his backstory but people uwu-baby him really, really hard. hes not an infant, and it bugs me so bad.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): ngl i would LOVE to torment Saxton Hale. for fun. hes an Australian Big Bastard so i got a chance to fuck with him
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): both Redmond and Blutarch. they’re idiots fighting over land and the mfs grudges go past death. fuck em
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years ago
Oh Brick, you should of seen this coming.
For the gt ask game
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
i will reluctantly (/j) answer... :D
1: answered!
2: what size do you interact with best?
speaking PERSONALLY, i feel like i'd be a fumbling mess (in a nervious/scared way,,,) around a giant so probably my own size 😭😭
3: what would your giant/tiny home look like?
ngl i think about this so often!! i'd have a tiny home cause yk,, but i want something like pogtopia !! like the array of stairs everywhere?? it seems so eerie but i'd love it! :D
4: do you have a sona? tell us about them!
i'm like... 99% sure everyone is aware of c!brick but i'll still give a rundown
brick is my sona, she's a borrower at 2.5 inches. she looks a lot like my pfp (although her hair is more of a hot pink--think my old pfp). she's a griffin hybrid and she lives in c!orchids house :) atm c!orchid is unaware of this 💪
there's more to come on her :D
5: answered!
6: fairies or borrowers?
borrowers. HOWEVER i do not have a lot of experience with fairies,,,
7: answered!
8: sci-fi shrinking or magic shrinking
*looks at curiosity and looks back to you*
9: what's your favorite piece of sizey media?
honey i shrunk the kids trilogy it cute, my favorite of those movies are honey i blew up the kid cause what's not to love about a giant kid? :D then honey we shrunk ourselves is #2. and honestly that's probably it,, i don't really consume a lot of g/t media because i don't know a lot of it. arrietty is cute but also the only other g/t thing i've seen. recs would be nice !! :D /nf
10: what's the last tv show you watched, any size headcannons for it?
kimmy schmidt is the last thing i watch watched !!
i like the thought of the reverend being g! and the girls being t! like it'd be so much easier to kidnap them, PLUS the bunker'd be so tinyyyy sdjgds
i like the thought of t!titus too, but primarily t!kimmy is what sparks in my mind,,,
also the thought of t!lillian just murdering ppl is so funny---she'd just attack everyone lmfaoo
11: what song gives you size vibes?
i think this is a really generic answer, but always forever by cults
12: answered!
13: what kind of pet would you like at your size?
for a borrower, befriending a bug would be the most obvious things, but i'm thinking logically, and logically speaking that would be absolutely terrifying (imo). so my next option would be to befriend the household pet. it'd be a free ride. and hopefully they won't steal me and take me to the human--
14: answered!
15: what g/t scenario is the funniest to you?
same as orchids, when another person shrinks someone on accident when they're messing with a shrink ray/potion/etc. that or two humans asking a sizeshifter to size them down and they just run amok and cause chaos (hint hint school floors au hint hint) oh and also when the human is more scared of the tiny than the tiny is of the human (hint hint ghost files au)
16: answered!
17: how long have you been into g/t?
long as i can remember. when i was younger it was definitely more subtle and i didn't exactly know g/t was a thing---but still!
technically speaking i joined the g/t fandom mid-last year,,,,,
18: answered!
19: what’s your all-time favorite g/t daydream - the one thing you keep going back to?
on a daily basis, i still think about a borrower chatting with a human through a vent. like behind the bars and stuff, that way the borrower is safe. and my bed is on the floor while we wait for a new bedframe and the vent is right by my head, so that thought crosses my mind more than once a day.
also tiny workers is on my mind 24/7,,
20: a fictional character you really wanna shrink/grow?
no one, because he already exists in shrunken form
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(my answer is wilbur even though technicallyyyy he isn't fictional,,)
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mebbrrr · 3 years ago
Ngl this is the funniest thing to me we bug assed them so hard they just straight up blocked all of us lmao
Also no remorse cause ew a pro shipper
i always feel a little bit bad for the folks i bug ass (only a little bit bc i also think its funny as shit lmao) but yeah no this is the only one ive been purely like WOW at
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years ago
From Dusk Till Dawn
Top 5 favorite characters: Kate, Seth, Scott, Eddie, Vanessa
Other characters you like: Rafa, Ximena, Burt
Least favorite characters: Kisa, Sonja, Carlos, Sex Machine
Otps: sethkate only
Notps: kate/richie, seth/kisa
Favorite friendships: Richie & Scott lmfao
Favorite family: Kate & Scott
Favorite episodes: 1.04, 2.01, 2.02, 3.04, 3.07, 3.09, & 3.10
Favorite season/book/movie: overall I think s1 is probably the best but I like s3 the most
Favorite quotes: “You… be cool” and Kate threatening to bible-thump Richie’s ass back to Kansas XD
Best musical moment: maybe the old west theme that plays after Seth’s flying reload? lmfao
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: WHEN SETH RUNS TO CHURCH 🙌
When it really disappointed you: when they brought carlos back in s3… 😤
Saddest moment: when they killed kate. also when they killed Eddie
Most well done character death: SONJA. IT WAS WHAT SHE DESERVED
Favorite guest star: Tom Savini as Burt!!
Favorite cast member: MADIE
Character you wish was still alive: Uncle Eddie
One thing you hope really happens: an onscreen sethkate kiss lmfao
Most shocking twist: it’s been so long I can’t remember actually shocked me… lol Maybe Dakota shooting Richie?
When did you start watching/reading?: I first watched s1 in 2015 just a few months before s2 aired.
Best animal/creature: I guess the Xibalbans??
Favorite location: the RV lol & the Dew Drop Inn
Trope you wish they would stop using: killing off all the best characters for man pain
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: giving the “innocent” female character so much depth instead of her just being a one-note goody two shoes character. Kate does bad things too!! And she gets angry sometimes and lashes out!! I love that about her!!
Funniest moments: Seth and Richie’s bet in s3 XD any time Seth says “shut up, Richard”. Kate yelling at Richie. lmfao when Richie was so excited to get a one-way ticket to Xibalba 🤣
Couple you would like to see: sethkate obviously. But also I’d love to see Richie and Scott hanging out too. Also Richie/Dakota!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek!! That’d be amazing!!!
Favorite outfit: SETH’S JEANS AND HENLEY AND GLOVES!! also Kate’s Amaru outfit. THE RED BOOTS. I WANT THEM.
Favorite item: Kate’s cross, Seth’s jacket
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I wanna rob banks with Kate and the geckos!! XD
Most boring plotline: anything involving Kisa and Carlos or Richie tbh. I DON’T CAAAARE
Most laughably bad moment: Natalie as Amaru 🤣 I’M SORRY I CAN’T
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: KATE ROBBING BANKS AT THE END OF S3!!
Most layered character: KATE FUCKING FULLER. Seth too lol
Most one dimensional character: CARLOS
Scariest moment: ngl I was actually afraid for Seth’s life in that fight against Brasa in 3.09. Also when Kate gets kidnapped by the chanan in the temple
Grossest moment: any scene involving Tanner 🤮
Best looking male: SETH 🥵
Best looking female: KATE. IDC SHE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS. Also Monica and Vanessa were really pretty too
Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH AND KATE. I LOVE THEM BOTH TO DEATH
Favorite cast moment: All of Madie’s on-set photos of DJ lmfao Also any time DJ fangirled over Madie at the panels and interviews XD
Favorite transportation: the camaro seth and Kate ride off into the sunset in at the end of s1. IT’S SETH’S DREAM CAR XD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I think the motel scenes in s2 were really visually appealing to me with all the bright colors
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. TOO MANY TO LIST HERE.
Best promo: All of the cast posts on instagram and twitter and the live tweets during the shows. I also really enjoyed seeing the clips they’d release on twitter and youtube… I liked the one of Seth’s s3 line “reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit” with the fancy text XD Also Madie’s song “Monsters”!!
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the Mexican Honeymoon episodes. I don’t think I really shipped sethkate before that but they really made the whole show for me
The Mandalorian
Top 5 favorite characters: BABY, MANDO, Peli, Kuiil, & Greef Karga
Other characters you like: IG-11, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth
Least favorite characters: Qin & Xi’an
Otps: None
Notps: Mando/Cara. Just. No.
Favorite friendships: Din & Cobb Vanth
Favorite family: Din-Grogu-Kuiil!! Alternatively Din-Grogu-Peli lmfao
Favorite episodes: 1.02, 1.03, 2.01, 2.07 and maybe a couple others idk
Favorite season/book/movie: hmm maybe s1?
Favorite quotes: “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold” & “I have spoken”
Best musical moment: the theme song!!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: when mando rescued his son in ep3!!
Saddest moment: when Din’s ship got blown up right after the baby was kidnapped
Most well done character death: IG-11’s sacrifice
Favorite guest star: umm maybe Matt Lanter in s1? I didn’t actually watch Clone Wars tho :P
Favorite cast member: PEDRO
Character you wish was still alive: KUIIL
One thing you hope really happens: I guess it already happened? baby got to see Din’s face finally
Most shocking twist: how many times Din removed his helmet in s2 lmfao was not expecting that
When did you start watching/reading?: I started watching I think either the same day or the day after ep 1.03 came out lol
Best animal/creature: the blurrgs XD
Favorite location: Tatooine
Trope you wish they would stop using: the baby eating random shit. WATCH YOUR CHILD, MANDO FFS
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I feel like this series is the most accessible to casual and non star wars fans? I’ve never really been into star wars anything that much ngl but this one I really enjoy. maybe because the creators actually really care about the content and it shows
Funniest moments: the stuff involving the Jawas in ep2 XD
Couple you would like to see: uhh I don’t ship anyone
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I heard Sophie Thatcher might be joining in s3? IF NOT THAT’S WHAT I WANT OKAY. A PEDRO AND SOPHIE REUNION.
Favorite outfit: Mando’s suit? I mean c’mon!!
Favorite item: the beskar spear in s2
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: a baby!! my tiny green son!! The bigger one with the plastic head lol not the ugly plush
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: haha idk I never thought about it. being a bounty hunter would be cool though
Most boring plotline: that bounty hunter noob betraying mando, as if no one saw that coming
Most laughably bad moment: Gina’s acting lmfao
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: so it’s not really a flashback, but Grogu’s memories before meeting Mando
Most layered character: Din!! Just his whole journey through fatherhood and his struggles in s2 with figuring out how he can reconcile practicing his religion with his obligations to the things he cares about
Most one dimensional character: those bounty hunters in 1.06
Scariest moment: so maybe it’s not scary exactly, but when the baby was getting beat up by that asshole storm trooper. I was afraid he’d get hurt
Grossest moment: the scene with the space spiders
Best looking male: Cobb Vanth!!
Best looking female: Fennec!!
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Din of course
Favorite cast moment: anything involving Pedro. Maybe that one clip of him doing voice overs while holding a pillow and pretending it’s the baby XD
Favorite transportation: rip razor crest 😥
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): haha idk I guess whichever planet it is that mando takes the baby to contact more jedi
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: nothing I can think of…
Best promo: all the baby merch!! Also any interview with Pedro XD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: ep3!!
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ourmondobongo · 3 years ago
Heyo! I'm the anon who started to ship LH in the most random way. All this started bc of the pandemic and tiktok lol. My friend loves SnK and she send me lots of Levi tiktoks and roamin around that app I found some Hange edits and I was like? WHY NOBODY TOLD ME SHE EXISTED? I swear Cupid shoot me straight to my heart. So, I started watching youtube compilations about Hange mostly and later I saw some video about Levi and Hange interactions and I oop? I was so fond of their dynamic (1)
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(3) so, later I found the forest panel and I think that's when I totally saw them as something more than platonic...Why would you blush after someone heard you ranting? My logic was because you didn't want that person to hear, but they seemed pretty close right? So, why so shy? I think Hange was so vulnerable and expressed one of their deepest desires there. Later, I found some fanfics about them and I was like? I love them so much? I need to look for more interactions. (thisissolong sorry +)
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(5) as you can guess I'm very chatty and my head is a mess haha. I said I started to ship LH in a random way, because I fell in love with Hange's character first, later I found this youtube video with their interactions and along the way I wanted to adopt Levi so much? And the funniest part I only know about snk story with tumblr, spoilers and metas I've read. I plan to watch the whole series this summer and plan to read the manga someday. I hope you still here around and we can discuss :)
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and the eyepatch. At that moment I swear some cupid saw me and shot me right across my heart. Later, I started to watch youtube videos about Hange and I found she was a scientist and that made me love her 100x times more, since I love characters that are smart and related to the stem field, also she was hilarious and badass, and idk she had a lot of attributes who made me feel she would a really good friend irl. At that moment, I swear I started a hyperfixation around Hange since I rant (2)
a lot about her to my friend haha and my friend was so sweet haha she said she was glad that around all the SnK characters the one that caught my eye was Hange. Later, some girl in tik tok rated some Hange ships and one of the ships with the highest rank was Levihan and Mobuhan. So..I was like, Levi??? My friend loves him and he’s quite popular… Why would she ship them? I remember that the girl gave them a 10/10 since they trust each other a lot and idk what else and the only one that (3)
surpasses them was Mobuhan hehe (the girl said they were her fav SnK ship)… so I was like, Let's see!! That’s when I discovered that Moblit was one of her closest subordinates and sadly he died but he saved her along the way and that was the way she lost her eye (Moblit, you’ll always be my hero and this ship has great fanarts ngl). Later, I searched for Levi x Hange interactions on YT and I loved it so much since they seemed really comfortable with each other...but I saw them more as friends(4)
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dynamic with Levi I had to know more about him, so I searched around the internet and his life was SO SAD. and so different from what I saw on tik tok...In that app he’s like a Christian Gray sort of guy lol or a really romantic-sensual-bad-boy-kind-of-guy and I found the real Levi so reserved, socially awkward and he had rough manners and he was a fucking beast when fighting, but at the same time he was no a bad person at heart at all. So, he was really one of a kind of a character
and the fact that he was so in sync with Hange although he wasn’t a person easy to deal with made me like the pair so much more. NOW, this is important to clarify, all I know from these characters were based on scenes from YT and people analysis. Until now I haven’t read the manga or watched the anime lol which is funny because all I know is from metas I found around the internet (Big kuddos for y’all).Well, everything was ok until this moment, but FOR SOME SPOILERS IN THE SAME APP (7)
I found out that Hange was dead! and since then I’m not okay. I’m not lying when I say that knowing she no longer existed felt like someone ripped me in half and took my heart and ate it in front of me. And I haven't even followed the manga/series since the start..but Hange was a character with so much potential and was so cool and I still can’t believe Yams killed her </3. Well with the spoiler of chapter 132, I found the famous forest scene. There’s a girl in tik tok who made a video of (8)
that scene and when I saw it I went ‘and I oop’ and I was like WAIT A MINUTE, WAIT A DAMN MINUTE. Basically in that scene we have two really vulnerable Levi and Hange, Levi was severely injured and Hange was going through so much and in that helpless state Hange made that statement of leaving everything behind and just staying there together?? I went ‘and I oop’ again because Hange was blushing!! Why would she blush? Hange’s not particularly shy and the other time we saw her being more shy (9)
was when the journalists were praising the survey corps and the other time she blushed was with Eren’s titan. But Levi’s neither of them, and we know they know each other for years and he was ‘sleeping’...So of course he caught her admitting something she wouldn't say if he would’ve been awake right? And, I don’t know, I think that was a very special moment since they were both at their most vulnerable, basically at a apocalipsis and Hange was considering at their lowest just to run away (10)
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and Levi’s eyes on ch 132?? The light faded out of his eyes. So, I think LH is a ship that deserved way more than they had. Both of them deserved so much more. THIS IS SO LONG, SO SORRY. But, yeah as you can see I went from ch 132 to 129 and now 115 because I needed context from everything haha. THE LOOK ON HANGE ON CH 115?? LIKE DON’T YOU DARE TOUCHING HIM?? I went ‘and I oop’ AGAIN. Hange’s definitely a ride or die person...you can say, ‘well, she would do that to everyone’. Well yeah..(12)
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when they’re together they complement each other so well. Remember that scene when Hange went to Erwin and she left Levi alone with the 104 kids and he grabbed Historia by her collar? I think that’s an example of that. He looked pissed, probably because he knew he would be terrible at that and hange should do the talking. They were always a great duo and nobody can change my mind. I’ve been ranting so bad!! I hope this makes sense. Well, to finish this essay I just wanna say that (14)
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with my sadness and to watch beautiful LH art where they’re happy haha. I plan to read the manga and watch the anime in summer (at least in my country summer starts in December) and it would be nice to exchange opinions haha who knows? Maybe some of my views change along the way. I just know that I love Hange so much, and tumblr’s been like a safe place because I’ve seen other websites talking so many awful things about her that I prefer to omit haha and I’ve found blogs where they love Hange(16)
so much and I’m so happy for that. Also, I will always have Levihan at my heart...even though they weren’t endgame, they were (still are) so beautiful. I’m sorry, I haven’t shipped anything harder since I don’t remember when haha and I’ve found myself tearing up just by thinking of them lol. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I’m sorry for the mess and this would be so much funnier if I could put gifs. But yeah, I think about LH 24/7 and I need help. (17)
I'm so exciteeeeeeeeeed!!!! hahahaa
I feel like I could very well connect with the excitement you have while writing this too, and I couldn't help but spent the whole reading with a huge smile in my face!!!
I can so relate to you discovering SnK through your friend!! And I feel like you've probably hugged your friend with one of the warmest hugs you could give her after discovering Levi too hahaha
I'm glad you could find Hange and Levi and Levihan during the pandemic too! This times restricted to be confined inside house/apartment and the pressure over the risk of everyone's life is really stressful and hard to go though without positive things filling up our time and mind. Levi, Hans, and Levihan are so beautiful, so healthy, so inspiring both separately and together that I swear they are one of the top best things that could be so in growing highlight in this moments!!
And yes, yes, yes - Hange's character is seriously one of the most wholesome beautiful and badass characters of AoT!! And, ugh, I feel you in falling for her narrative! To have a (mostly seen as) female character displaying all that scientific side, and badassary, strength, bravery, pure heart, and comic/light heart/positive mood all at the same time IS REALLY UNIQUE! I think Yams really did a great thing by doing Hans like that, and I love to see that to many people (especially women), she is a great inspiration and a character we can relate to!
And, God, I totally agree that Hans definitely would be a FANTASTIC friend irl!! Can you imagine the insane amount of fun and creativity and inspiration and heartwarming moments we would get together ranting about all kinds of things we love, and want to explore, and have in common? We would pull many all-nighters for weeks throughout the years!!
Levihan and Mobuhan are really the biggest ships Hans is paired up with!! Which again, is so nice to see! Both Levi an Moblit have really great care over Hange, and they treated her with the best of their abilities and hearts until the very end! And, really, this makes me be glad Yams really did another great thing for Hans by giving her the best men around her! (Levi, Moblit, Erwin, and Onyankopon valued her character so much, and it's wholesome that before their death, Hange was sincerely deeply loved, appreciative, and cherished by them all 🤧😭)
And, yeah, Mobuhan do have their unique share of popularity and beauty!! God, there are some really amazing fanarts-!!! They really have a precious dynamic in both the manga and outside!
As for how HOT and sensual Levi is greatly seen, I don't have Instagram nor Tik Tok because I'm really almost anti-social irl lmao, but in Facebook and YT I've also seen some really hot compilations from TT!! And laughed so much when you said the "Christian Grey" reference lmaoooooo But in fact, many fics (of many ships) and fanarts involving Levi have pretty much content depicting him with his sexiest side in highlight! Then, I can imagine your big surprise knowing his heartbreaking past!
Now, seriously, you have been reading a lot of nice metas and stuff about Levi and Hans! As you really well said, Levi is one of a kind, really special, and not really the "hot takes" he is mostly presented outside the manga! I feel like we also agree with all the metas about him that clearly highlight his best traits and pure heart, and dedication, selflessness and compassion - like, Levi is really Yams best written and well layered character in Snk!
And this:
I found out that Hange was dead! and since then I’m not okay. I’m not lying when I say that knowing she no longer existed felt like someone ripped me in half and took my heart and ate it in front of me. And I haven't even followed the manga/series since the start..but Hange was a character with so much potential and was so cool and I still can’t believe Yams killed her </3
I swear, I can fully make your words mine, and I'm sending you a late comfort hug 🤧😭
I also discovered Hans died through spoilers, and I started crying right there, and say "wft - NO!! Don't do this to me!!" Then I could hardly read the text bubbles after the first panel of Levi's face going heartbreaking!! Then I cried randomly for the rest of the day 🤣 (I'm really a crybaby!!)
Hange's death still affects me deeply because, well, by now you've seen the discussion here. But after that last AU actors illustration Yams did, I could feel less shitty about the whole AoT ending, and especially Levihan. I'm working my mind to believe they are all alive and well, and taking vacation after the TV was done!
Levihan in the forest:
I love you going "oop" hahaha
And DAMN - certainly the Forest scene was a BIG cardiac arrest for all of us Levihans!!
You said it all really well: that moment was especial for them both in so many levels! Their bond is just too much of powerful! Levi had almost died by thunderspears, Hans and him had to go down the river to survive, and Hans killed her subordinates to save him, and the level of vulnerability, urgency, protection, care and everything else there is just... UGH, my heart can't take it!
You know, putting a side the fact that they were really in danger at that time, Hans really wanted to have a peaceful life with Levi. She just wanted them both all safe, happy, and in a world in peace. My shipper side totally think that if AOT was meant to have a happy ending, Levihan would be together enjoying the true freedom they really deserved after so much shit. Damn. We just wanted them to be HAPPY 😭😭😭😭
And YEAH - in the chapter Levi is rough with Historia, we CLEARLY SAW HOW HANGE WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE. She would have handle the situation better. And it's why again it's pretty clear that Yams really created Levi and Hans to complete each other in all senses. The way they balance one another, and read each other's mind and behavior, and comfort or say the right thing when they need to hear the most IS really something unique!!
They were always a great duo and nobody can change my mind - YEEEEEES, WE ARE TOGETHER IN THIS!!
Hange, LH, and Tumblr - our safe Heaven
I feel you in this too! This is the best place to find Hange lovers without stumbling over antis, Yeagerists, manga haters and whatever! There are so many incredible metas, fanarts, and Hange and LH appreciation here! I hope you can keep having fun and enjoying the best things of this crazy and quite savage fandom!
And you're definitely not alone either shipping LH so hard that you have a totally levihan heart and brainroot and it hurts 🤧🤧 I bet there are days you sleep thinking about them, and wake up thinking about them, and then a song, a TV commercial, a movie preview, a silly talk with someone, a random textbook sentence, a random bird flying by the window makes you remember or wonder more about them LOL But this is quite beautiful, you know? That a pair can stirr the best part of our imagination and emotions just by how their dynamic is really precious and cherished!! None of us will ever regret have been their stans, I think!
The final rant
You can rant how much you need!!
And if you start seeing/reading in December, it will be almost with the last part of anime! It will be a nice time, indeed! Our hearts will all bleed in sync with the part 02 again, so we definitely will be needing each other to cope a little better. I do hope to still be here around that time! It will be a pleasure and really fun to chat with you, and hear your discoveries/interpretations/insights and rants!!
When AOT ends, though, I'll probably finish this long journey for good. Because I love AOT, and Levi, and Hange, and GOD, I LOVE LEVIHAN... but staying with Hans's end is incredibly painful. TT
Thanks for presenting us your TED TALK!!
I really love seeing how people fell for LH, L, and H!! And I found it fascinating as most of the time we all love them individually then together! It's like we love them for real for who they already are, but then this colossal love and appreciation we have for them just explodes out of the stratosphere as they come together as a couple!! And you know what, when chapters 115, 126, 132, 136 and 139 are aired, I'm sure Levihan will quickly escalate as one of the most loved ships of AOT in all kinds of social media! It will be awesome to see, and read, and follow their relationship being more loved! It will certainly inspire more fan content for them too!!
See ya, my friend!!
(Ps: for the missing parts, you can send them again if you want! Then I can edit the post and add them tomorrow!)
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crying-over-gay-dramas · 5 years ago
Okay here is my official rant post about My Engineer, specifically the finale. Spoiler: I literally have zero criticism for it so it’s just gonna be me gushing about how perfect it was, and analyzing some things. (I save the best analysis, RamKing, for last)
I’ve mentioned this before, but as a whole this series was so good I think for just how well put together it was. All the couples got pretty equal or at least well distributed screen time. And for couples who got less (Like TharaFrong) I assume they’re keeping it open for season two. You couldn't really get bored watching because it always flowed so well into the next scene, and all the couples were really great and special for their own reasons. Plus the character development was great and I know it’s gonna get even better in season two.
Now I want to go in and talk about all the couples:
Throughout the airing of this series, I saw many people having doubts about BohnDuen. I saw many good points such as how they were reallly bad at communicating, Duen never tried to understand Bohn’s feelings, and Bohn was always too pushy about things. However as the series progressed we could see them slowly evolving and becoming better. Obviously even at the end, they still have problems but they’ve improved so much and I know that in Season two they will continue to progress. For Bohn, he started out super jealous. He was always really pushy towards Duen. Towards the middle he finally started to become better, keeping his jealousy more in check and pulling back a little. For Duen, who kept ignoring Duen’s feelings, he finally started trying to see things from Bohn’s point of view. He opened up a little more and even changed their relationship status on Facebook, something he knew would mean a lot to Bohn. For both of them, recognizing their flaws was hard but they wanted to be better for each other. Also in the finale, we got Duen finally telling Bohn he loves him. That was a really big deal for Duen who honestly is pretty shy. This is his first relationship. He’s not used to someone being jealous over him, someone thinking he’s cute. Physical affection was also something that came hard to Duen, but as seen by the finale (*sobs*) he’s evolving in that regard as well, even initiating a kiss himself. 
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I really liked too, how before the second kiss when Duen put up his hand to block him, how Bohn kissed him through his hand (twiceeee). Bohn accepted that maybe Duen wasn’t ready for a second kiss yet, and let Duen make the choice. Even when Duen lowered his hand he let him make the choice, which he did and initiated that second kiss. <3 I think these two putting in so much effort for each other and developing so much as a couple, and as individuals indicates a really great future ahead for them. 
Okay I’ll be real, I may have doubted Boss for just a tiny second. I heard a rumor they were gonna have an unhappy ending so when Fon (Is that her name? I’m too lazy to look it up) showed up I got scared. But omg Bossss!!!! He handled it so well. He was so sweet to Fon, and that hug honestly made me cry a little. I was really happy that he told her she shouldn’t give up becoming an idol too. It wouldn’t have been right for her to have to give up her dream for Boss. (It was really sweet that she was willing though) And then when he went back to Mek and revealed their relationship with that megaphone? A cinematic masterpiece. For Mek, who had spent so long hiding his feelings for Boss, Boss clearly stating that they are together and that he loves him in front of everyone would have been such a cathartic release for Mek. For Boss too, who had also had feelings for him tucked away. 
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In that moment Boss was choosing Mek 100% without a doubt. All the time they had spent together, the way Mek always helped and took care of Boss. He was fully realizing that he wanted Mek and only Mek. They spent so long being so close but so far from each other. That moment was a new start for them, a real start.  lmao and Ting’s reaction will never not be the funniest thing ever: “What the hell? Did I join a volunteer camp of a love camp here?!” 
Agdhh poor Frong lmao. I had a feeling nothing major would happen with them in the finale since they were moving slower than the others. Frong, after getting over his feelings for Duen so quickly falling for someone else, Thara, would be really hard. After experiencing Duen’s rejection (sort of, Duen was so clueless during that smh) putting himself out there again would be really hard. But he started falling for Thara anyways, falling for the way he took care of his patients (specifically Frong’s mom), the kindness he so naturally gives to others (such as searching for Thara’s necklace, and the weirder aspects of his personality (such as a certain adorable lizard he can’t seem to stop talking about). 
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I don’t really see Thara’s line as friend/brother zoning him. More as I feel that he hasn’t considered Frong in that way yet (although him taking pictures of him shirtless was a bit suspicious lmao) and I think in season two we’ll see him develop feelings as well. (I’m kinda hoping for them to be a lil angsty ngl)
Okay. Here it is. RAMKING.
They 100% had THE best buildup, and plot. The way they met, the slow transformation into friendship, people around them either shipping them or thinking they were a couple, it was all so !!! It was perfect too, because they had us so convinced that King was gay panicking, and pushing Ram away because he didn’t understand what he was felling BUT NO he knew EXACTLY how he felt, and he’d just been holding himself back this whole time. I can’t get over that. All those flashbacks they showed, King knew exactly what he was feeling and it was overwhelming that he finally couldn’t take it anymore. I think when Ram made him that crown, and their friends commented that they looked cute together, like a couple.. I think that’s when King really started to realize he couldn’t do it any more. While Ram was smiling, King had a different look. 
He seemed to be under the impression Ram didn’t feel the same, or maybe he was hesitating because of all the stress that Ram has been under with his dad. I think it was the former though. His face when Ram put his arm around him in episode 13 was so unsure. I originally took it to mean that he didn’t understand what he was feeling, but now I’m thinking it was because he couldn’t understand why Ram was doing that. It’s like he was torn between his feelings, and his uncertainty of Ram’s feelings. He had no way of knowing for sure if Ram had feelings (although at the point, the way Ram looked at him and took care of him it would have been hard to miss, but when your emotions for someone are so strong it’s hard to see things from a clear perspective. Does it seem like they feel the same because you want to? Or because they really do?) For King, who understands Ram so well, not being able to tell how he was feeling was terrifying, and having to hold himself back was painful (as he said himself *sobs*) As for Ram, I think he also knew full well what his feelings were, and also didn’t know how King felt. He was happy just staying by his side, as a friend taking care of him. King suddenly pulling away was confusing for Ram. It hurt him to be away from him, but he was patient and waited for King to tell him why he was acting the way he was. King had always been so understanding with Ram’s emotions, and Ram wanted to do the same. While they were apart, I noticed how during BohnDuen’s reunion and MekBoss’ confession they focused on King’s reaction. He was happy for his friends, but I saw another emotion in his expression. One that reflected the conflict and pain he was feeling over his emotions for Ram. 
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The way he went from smiling, to that face was soo good. That one little moment was a big indicator of what was going on in King’s head and the pain he was currently feeling.
Then, finally (it might have helped that he was a little drunk) King admitted to everything he’d been feeling. That he was pushing him away because he feels good with him, and it was painful to hold back around him all the time. And we all know what happened next (*Sobbing noises*) They finally released all those emotions they’d been holding in, the pull they’d felt for each other since day one, the unexplainably deep understanding they have for each other. It all came together. Okay but that kiss was so !!!! Like the !!! the foreheads!!! The closed eyes!!! It was all passion, emotion it was so aHHH 
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Then the way they were lying the next morning (also may or may not be my new computer wallpaper oops) was so !! They’re turned in towards each other, King’s arm lying against Ram’s chest, his head tucker into him. I thought that position did a great job of reflecting them as a couple. The way they kept being drawn to each other. Also, after King woke up and the way he so quickly believed that Ram had forgotten what had happened last night, made me even more certain that King is scared and uncertain of Ram’s feelings. They both obviously have feelings for each other, it’s now just a matter of figuring out how to express them to each other. (Although who knows what complications Season 2 could throw at them)
Okay So I lied, I do have a very small criticism: I didn’t like that Bohn pulled the “I don’t like men, I just like you” line. That always bugs me. In BL there’s always a fine between a series being genuinely good and romantic and a series being focused on mainly fan service. I’ve always seen that line as a sign that a series is gonna be kinda fan service-y. However, My Engineer was not at all like that. It was definitely one of the good ones (one of the best honestly) so in this case that line wasn’t a bad sign. Still, I wish that hadn’t been included. Also, we deserved more Cupcake content and we better get some in season two. I want to see Thara baby his lizard some more god dammnit. 
Also this is random but I really hope they give Ting a man in S2. She deserves it. (Or a girlfriend in which case I volunteer I love her so much)
This was a really massive post and if you read this entire thing I would like to give you a virtual hug. Have a good day!! <3 I’m gonna go back to sobbing and replaying the episode now
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years ago
I'm thinking of that scene where Hinata legit THROWS himself in front of Kiyoko bc Terushima wouldn't stop hitting on her and if he knew about it at the time he woULDVE BARKED AT HIM AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND
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fortysevenswrites · 4 years ago
In depth fandom questions: FDTD!
Top 5 favourite characters:
Kate, Seth, Kisa, Richie, Amaru-In-Kate’s-Body
Other characters you like:
Zolo, Scott, Jacob, Margaret, Ximena, the baby doll stand in for Billie, Uncle Eddie
Least favourite characters:
Malvado, Carlos, Tanner, Sonja
SethKate, RichieKisa
RichieKate, SethKateRichie
Favourite friendships:
Kate and Richie, Kate and Scott, Seth and Richie, Freddie and Dakota
Favourite family:
The Fuller siblings and Los Hermanos Gecko
Favourite episodes:
Episode 1x02 because that’s when we first meet Kate, 2x10 because Kate and Seth are in the SAME DAMN BUILDING and they don’t run across each other, 3x04, 3x07, and 3x10, because DUH.
Favourite season/book/movie:
Season 3. Amaru is just so fun.
Favourite quotes:
“In the eyes of the people I love.” BECAUSE COME FUCKING ON
Best musical moment:
Probably season 1, when the Twister wakes up and the culebras go ham on everyone in the bar while the band plays. It’s just SO absurd. And also that same thing in 2x10.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest:
Any time Seth was shirtless. Any time Seth looked at Kate like he’d been punched in the face by a 2x4
When it really disappointed you:
Not gonna lie, when Richie and Kisa broke up, and also when Kisa disappeared in early season 3 and didn’t show back up until the end.
Saddest moment:
When Kate found out about how her mom died while in the Twister, the flash-forward Freddie had with Billie in season 1, and when Kate had to stab Jacob before he turned.
Most well done character death:
It’s a tie between Kate having to stake Jacob, and when Tanner got thrown into Xibalba.
Favourite guest star:
Adrianne Palicki as Vanessa, Natalie Martinez as Amaru, Demi Lovato as Maia, and of course Danny Trejo as the Regulator (even if the scene where he eats the ear is GROSS)
Favourite cast member:
Definitely DJ because of his absurd IG stories.
Character you wish was still alive:
One thing you hope really happens:
Give! Us! A! Season! Four! With! Los! Tres! Geckos! Doing! Crime!
Most shocking twist:
The end of 3x01 when Amaru-in-Kate’s-Body shows up after Seth and Richie stop the skullfucker.
When did you start watching/reading?:
At some point last year because of all the SethKate gifs I kept seeing rebagled onto my dash.
Best animal/creature:
Does Zolo count?
Favourite location:
Matanzas and Jed’s
Trope you wish they would stop using:
Definitely the one where Carlos had Kisa on a leash that one time. No thanks.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others:
Doesn’t apply.
Funniest moments:
Every time anyone makes fun of Scott’s music, Seth covering his balls in Straitjacket, the baby doll Billie stand-in in 3x10, and every single moment when Seth is 500000000% done in Shady Glen
Couple you would like to see:
Seth and Kate, duh. But also Richie and Kisa reconciling in some way now that Kisa has had time to grow into herself and her independence.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:
Does Vanessa coming back count? It does now.
Favourite outfit:
Everything Kisa wore in S3, and NGL, I am a fan of the leather getup that Amaru wore. Also, any time Seth is wearing the henley and the gloves and the vest and the jeans. So basically half of what Seth wore in S3. And also any time Seth was wearing a susit.
Favourite item:
Seth’s gun, Amaru’s amulet.
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:
Does an enduring passion for SethKate count? 
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:
I would definitely be Team Gecko.
Most boring plotline:
Honestly, finding the Santa Sangre in season 2 was kinda boring.
Most laughably bad moment:
Baby doll stand in Billie. It just took me right out of the scene.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any:
I loved the flashforward Freddie had with Billie in the Twister.
Most layered character:
Kate and Seth. Full stop.
Most one dimensional character:
Malvado and Carlos, because their ONLY motivation is Kisa. So like, I got bored after a while.
Scariest moment:
There were a lot of creepy moments in S1, especially when they went into the labrynth.
Grossest moment:
The Regulator eating all those bodyparts when he was hunting Seth and Richie and Kisa.
Best looking male:
Seth. Duh.
Best looking female:
Who you’re crushing on (if any):
Seth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favourite cast moment:
Any BTS content of DJ and Maddie.
Favourite transportation:
The car Seth and Richie drove for most of Season 1, and the Cammaro Seth and Kate drove off in at the end of S1
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise):
3x10, the blood transfusion. Kate waking up and seeing Seth. In the eyes of the people I love. Kate walking out of hell. The coda with Los Tres Geckos
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
Best promo:
I’ve seen this Instagram post that Maddie posted a while back, BTS of her in full-on Amaru gear with the spooky red contacts, jokingly making a Coke Zero ad. Like, if I drank soda, I’d 100000% go for Coke Zero after that.
Does that count? It does now.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book:
Definitely after all the gifsets that were rebageled onto my dash. Then I started reading some fic, and decided it would be a good idea to actually watch the show too.
In depth fandom questions
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cantdanceflynn · 4 years ago
Hollow knight?
5 favorite characters: uhh hornet querrel cornifer mantis lords(all in one) and elderbug? im not super far in tho
3 OTPs: none rn but ngl lacenet looks cute
Funniest character: Zote. love a lying bastard bug here
Prettiest character: idk :p cornifers wife? i like her design
Most badass character: hornet no question she kicked my ass so many times
Character I’d like as my BFF: hornet
Character that’s ruined my life: pale king i know fuck about him but who has that many buzzsaws
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bibillyhillsbaby · 4 years ago
Helena!!! I am ready to be showered in your love 🥺 ily ♥️ ♣️
Anj!!! Get your umbrella ready !!! A love downpour is coming your way ☔️! (not meant to be a euphemism although it kind of sounds like one??)
You’re my: new friend!!! and super talented and beloved moot 💕
How I met you: when did i follow you?? I feel like when i was first starting to follow bts blogs yours was on someone’s recommended list 👀 (im very glad i took their recommendation) - i slid into your dms recently after you reblogged a super sweet text post about mutuals referring to you by name and it made my heart SOAR im so glad i dm’d you 💗💗💗
Why I follow you: UM ENDLESS REASONS!! your amazing creative content for starters: when you first dropped those headers i thought OOF THE TALENT and THEN you started popping out amazing gifs on top of that?! What cant you do??! Seriously!! Besides your own content, i love how you uplift other creators, and also leave the funniest sweetest things in the tags - going through your blog is like reading a love letter to the fandom and it makes me so soft 💕
Your blog is: OMG i dont know when you changed your header and theme but I LOVE THEM !!! you know im all about pink so i love the font color - and jk kissing the army tattoo is too cute for words im 🥺 i love the glowing lightning bug-esque effect on it wow
Your URL is: the actual perfect url - makes me picture joonie meandering around an art museum and murmuring about the paintings out loud to himself - which is perhaps the softest most perfect image in the world to me so anytime i see your url i give myself heart palpitations thinking about this particular daydream LOL
Your icon is: making me sweat ngl he’s so hot 🥵
A random fact I know about you: you have a super cute dog!! 🐶
General opinion: good vibes all around - super talented super kind super person super new friend!! Very glad and grateful to call you my friend 💗
A random thought I have: are you watching anything right now?? Ive been watching strong woman do bong-soon and i am into it
moots send me a ♧ so i can shower you in love!
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