#funky demon dude :]
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demidruidart · 6 months ago
They Rise from the Shadows *⋆˚☽˚。⋆
A commission for @wisedragon22 of their demon character Etsuhito
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Such a fun and interesting commission and character to work on. I'm really happy with how it turned out. And it was such a joy working with @wisedragon22 :]
Commission info
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thebabygronckle · 4 months ago
pain and panic from hercules
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evilminji · 1 year ago
Okay, you know how bird don't ACTUALLY look the way we think they do?
They are far more colorful? But only to the eyes of other birds?
And it has to do with how light reflects off them and how their eyes are shaped etc etc.?
Well..... humans can see the most shades of green, right? But! We sure as shit can't see UltaViolet and InfraRed? Or shades BEYOND those. Ectoplasmic colors. Magical ones. Third eye, need to see with your SOUL type ones.
Danny? Could very well still have lil baby "kitten's eyes who haven't open yet" syndrome.
He thinks the Zone is Green and his hair is white.
But it's not.
His hair is Starlight colored. Frost. His suit is specifically "the void between stars" colored. Which looks... different? Then black? No, no, guys. How can you guys not see it? It looks REALLY different! How did he not NOTICE before?! They're not ever CLOSE to the same shade! It's like calling salmon and hot pink the same. You know... if you were to compare an actual fish and some irradiated, violently glowing version of "hot pink".
His gloves are.... guys, these ares stars. Pressed so close together there's no gap. His body is the night sky, all rearranged. He's wearing SPACE, guys.
*continues to stare at his gloves for the next five hours*
Now... why is this relevant? Because! Danny slowly, as all humans do, adjusts! It's like finally having glasses after years of blurry vision. He... forgets, what it was like, not NOT See Zone Colors. Not completely, mind you, but enough he has to be reminded.
And the Zone? A Realm of the Dead. Specifically, the great catch-all and highway of the Dead. They get EVERYBODY. Misfits and vagabonds. Those who don't quite fit. Funky lil dudes. And of course, assholes, but everybody has those! See, Zone colors?
They're all of um!
It's like looking at the technicolor, stobe light, multi galaxies in one, Sun. Tingly(tm)!!! You get used to it. What helps? Is that as garish as the Zone is? The painting and grand tapestry of it all? Keeps changing. Like weather. If it's too much for you, you can stay inside your Lair until the current Color changes. Until the designs shift. Vibe changes.
There are even glasses for that! "Temperate" areas for people to set up, that get headaches or are just... kinda killjoys. Too each their own. Though the stormy areas? Those guys are freaks. Watch out for those guys. They're the kind who stare directly are stars until their eyes burn out.
Where was I? Oh yeah! Danny!
No longer a wee baby, smol baby, twig-o!
Sad. We miss it.
But he did get used to Seeing The Colors. Got a handle on his powers. And! Finally worked with his parents on how to safely turn the portal OFF. There was much booing. Cries of "kill joy" and "booo! You suck!". But? Like? Dude DID have the right to protect his home. Go to college. What can you do?
Problem with THAT is? Baby grew into his "built like a brick shit house of constantly running off to literally tackle the Supernatural excellence" Fenton genetics. He Tall. Muscles! And he PUMPING out "somethings fucked up with me" Vibes!
Add in his DEEPLY Sus off hand comments. Weird ability to tell when someone has or is about to die. Basic immunity to the cold. Fuckin EYE GLOW?
Ha ha... *Horror movie screams from his college dorm mates*
Clearly a demon!
He gets kicked out. Well... not kicked out. He's a model student and broken no rules. They'd never survive the lawsuit. But... he's? STRONGLY INCOURAGED to finish his education elsewhere. Repeatedly. By like... 15 colleges.
Sam is not just livid, she's actively foaming at the mouth.
Breathe, Sam! Remember what your doctor said! Your mortal body can't handle that kinda Vengance spiral! Think of your blood pressure! Breathe!!! (Were not for the laws of this land... and the weak, fleshy constraints of her mortal form!)
Thankfully? Tucker's been interning, remotely of course, with Wayne Industries. He asked his manager where he could find some of those scholarship forms. (Since Gotham University is just a touch out of Danny's price range.) Manager wanted to know why. And oh! Oh holy shit. Apparently? Danny is the hot new office gossip.
People in the main office are OUTRAGED. Danny's "too spooky"?! Too FUCKIN SPOOKY!? Are you KIDDING THEM? Even juicier, a Meta kid from some wacky ghost hunters turned scientists. From a line of Supernatural hunters. Wants to be a aeronautics engineer.
Ooooooh how SPOOKY! Better watch out! He'll design an ENGINE at yooooou!
Fuckin casuals. Non-Gothamites are WEAK. "Too scary" their collective asses. Yeah, maybe the kid SHOULD come too Gotham. He can be the weird kid. Mildly unsettling or something. His powers won't be SHIT in Gotham. Just remind him to buy a gas mask.
So! Danny gets his Scholarship! Merrily packs his bags for darker, Gothic hellscape hills. Unaware... that Constantine has been following reports of a "demon" that he's? 80% sure is a Banshee but MIGHT be a winter spirt with a shtick? For the past 13 colleges. He's getting closer. And this sucker is a strong one.
Not "this is going to cause me serious, life imperilling danger" strong. But more? "Man, that cat is HUUUUUGE". Could he still get mauled a lil? Yeah. Scratched to all hell and back? Probably! But DIE? Unlikely.
He just needs to know why the FUCK this spirit his hanging around colleges.
Which is made harder... by the fact that what HE sees? And what OTHER people see? When they look at this guy? Separate things. Yeah, he'd LOVE to give you guys a description! IF HE HAD ONE.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hdgnj @spidori @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @lolottes
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sillygoofyqueer · 27 days ago
P-PART TWO. (Part one here) PART TWO OF LIU QINGGE AND LEVIATHYUAN. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD- So Liu Qingge has just woken up, swaddled in the skin of an animal that Leviathyuan had easily tossed around like a toy, and he's obviously disoriented. Cheng Luan is laid down beside him, blood mostly wiped off it (did Leviathyuan lick it off?....................NO. He used his raggedy-ass robes. Probably), and very pleased that its master is awake and alive right now. In the background, Leviathyuan is pattering around with raw meat and random plants he found in The Depths, trying to remember everything that other creatures from The Depths had told him about humans and what they needed to survive. They needed to eat, they needed to sleep (the human was already doing that!) and....they liked being warm! Obviously, having something leaking out from their body was also bad - although, this human's blood was a strange colour. Whatever!! The plants that help him when he's being attacked in his humane form by some cocky land demons should be able to help the human. They taste funky though, so the human can wash it down with the meat from the beast - surely humans can eat meat, right? It's really plain as well, he's pretty sure that there isn't any poison with this beast; they like to roam around The Cavern sometimes, so he gets into scuffles with them when he's bored, and they do basically no damage. Liu Qingge is being hand fed by this demon creature thing that has not once tried to kill him, and is even grinning at him (with blood-soaked teeth. No, this does not affect him in any way). It's hard to have any sort of conversation with it because the creature doesn't seem to understand his language, trying to communicate through different sounds instead of forming words - which is fine, because he hates talking. He's also swooning because like "...dude....you're providing for me and helping me?" He immediately asks Leviathyuan to come back to CQM with him, and the creature is just like "aight bet" (<- he has no idea what's going on). Something something, they get back to CQM and everyone is like "Liu-shidi, is that a fucking DEMON?!?!" and he's just like "yeah" and then goes about showing Leviathyuan the sect and doing whatever is necessary to accommodate him. This creature needs to eat? They have a lot of interesting times trying to figure out what he can eat. The creature likes to watch the disciples and clap for them? Let him join in the training sessions! The creature needs somewhere big enough to accommodate his leviathan form?....SHANG-SHIXIONG!!!!!!!! Oh god, someone's- someone's gotta stop Liu Qingge, he's lost his mind!! Surely Zhangmen-Shixiong- no...no, he seems far too pleased that Liu Qingge is learning what it's like to have to keep a feral person on a leash when they just accidentally destroy everything and want to go everywhere. Plus, it keeps Liu Qingge on the mountain more, so he's in meetings and actually training his disciples, even if it's just so this strange demon will smile and pat his head. What about Shen Qingqiu? He seems to despise demons, so surely he'll have something to say about this?- Ah, no, no, he was irritated by the demon at first, but then he found himself getting frustrated that nobody was trying to forge communication with this demon that Liu Qingge had KIDNAPPED (in his eyes). After some taunting from a certain source when he points it out (Qi Qingqi), he becomes determined to teach Leviathyuan how to speak and read and learn- Okay, but like, Mu Qingfang can think about the dangers of having a demon in the mountain sect??? Oh, he's far too busy following the demon around and trying to figure out how the fuck this creature works. He cries with each new baffling discovery he makes because he just wants to learn more about the other species that live in their world with them but nooooo, of course they have to be super confusing and make him want to give up and have a tantrum all at once.
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herdofnerd · 9 months ago
Random Remus Facts
1. He eats not only deodorant, but also glue sticks.
2. He’s allergic to soap
3. Contradictory, he owns a fucking shower (I don’t understand)
4. He can speak to demons
5. He can shift body parts
6. I don’t want to get into detail but he owns a vat of a certain body process… (I hate it, thanks).
7. He owns multiple weapons (Mace, bear traps, knives, etc.)
8. Roman is his twin brother (duh)
9. He’s only ‘bad’ creativity because of the overwhelming catholic guilt C! Thomas has.
10. He’s my favorite funky dude!
There’s a lot more, but I don’t feel like writing it.
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autism-autobot · 1 month ago
I want to see more of Wukong interacting with the general public of heaven and surprising them more and more with how wrong they were in their assumptions of his character. Like I can imagine the plumhill boys and/or peach madens wanting to hang out with him again and setting up a picnic in one of the public gardens just to run into some nasty noble or smth. I like to think that besides the Havoc itself, the peach madens were actually pretty cool with their little monkey boy, bonus points if they called him baby brother or considered him One Of The Girls(tm) since if I remember correctly the jade emperor had no sons therefore the peach madens had no brothers but then one day this funky, clever little monkey dude was given the same job as them with a fancy title and they're like "Aw this ones ours now🍑❤️🧡💛💚💙💜" wukong is just so "Please like and adopt me, idk what I'm doing" coded even if he is competent and self sustaining, he's just so cute, look at his little face!
- @fruit-fight 💜
"How can anyone hate him? He's just a little guy!" - A Peach Maden
"Well, you see, he *lore dumps about Wukong*" - Celestial Soldier
"AND???!!!" - Other Peach Maden
To them, he is very much one of the girls. Wukong is very happy they still feel that way about him.
Nezha brought Wukong to a café in the Celestial Realm one gentle morning. Sun Wukong had been slowly getting more used to using mobility devices in public. They were chatting while Wukong sat in the rollator anxious about his surroundings. He hadn't made many public appearances at this point and was concerned with how the other celestials who noticed him felt about his presence, especially in his current condition.
An elderly woman entered the café with who appeared to be a descendant of hers and just... stared at Wukong. Deer in the headlights kind of look. The young man only took a quick glance before turning to his elder.
"Grandmother, there's no line."
"Whatever is Nezha doing with that thing?"
"Grandmother, he's a monkey, not a thing. And I'm certain the Marshall has a good reason for the company."
"Hmm.... I'll go ask him."
Wukong ducked his head and awaited the inevitable. Nezha noticed and scooted into a more protective position next to him.
'Grandma' bombarded Nezha with a million different questions about Wukong. Nezha answered her patiently, not wanting any trouble. Her grandson looked embarrassed.
Luckily, the grandmother seemed content with Nezha's answers and walked away when finished. The grandson apologized profusely for his grandmother's behavior.
Twentyish minutes later, the grandmother returned and placed a cookie in front of Wukong and pinched his cheek.
"Now, you keep being a good boy and get well soon. Alright, dear?"
"Yes, ma'am. I will."
Nezha had dropped Wukong off at the Demon Bull Family's place while he went to another boring meeting. As usual, he eavesdroped on the other celestials while he waited for things to get started.
The rumors were different than normal.
"Did you hear that The Monkey King is sick? The poor thing!"
"Wukong's living with Nezha now? How sick is that guy? Do you think he'll be okay?"
"You should have seen him in the market the other day, all cozy with his blanket holding onto Nezha! Oh, he's the cutest!"
"I was planning on dropping off some medicine at Nezha's place for Wukong if you wanna come with."
"Gods, I hope that The Monkey King feels better soon. Even my children have been praying for him."
Nezha smiled. These weren't the tones his dearest friend was usually spoken about with. It was a nice change. If only Wukong had heard it himself.
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fisherobsessedmyb · 1 month ago
(sal and larry + little brother reader) oooo well I used to have a lot of nightmares as a kid, and I would have loved to have a sibling to hug, so maybe something about that? lil brother coming crying to them at night and asking to sleep next to them where it’s warm and safe, MAYBE he’s having the nightmares due to the ghosts and demons in the apartment, and they both get a lil mad and go out of their way to find whatever is causing it :)
could be headcanons, or if it’s too short then a small oneshot would also work, but you do you! and yes, you have a life outside of tumblr, take your time! :D thank you!
🔹Sal/Larry older brother hcs!🔹
🔹Sal Fisher/Larry Johnson X M!Younger Sibling!Reader!🔹
🔹CW|nightmares i guess?🔹
🔹Sal and larry would definitely have different approaches to comforting their younger brother after a nightmare🔹
🔹Though both would be caring and helpful🔹
🔹Sal would be able to empathise a lot due to his night terrors and would maybe try to relate by sharing the fact he has his own nightmares🔹
🔹Larry would probably crack a joke or two to cheer his younger brother up, but he'd also listen if that was what he needed🔹
🔹Maybe one particular night their younger brother left his bedroom during the night after a particularly bad nightmare, to find them🔹
🔹And maybe saw them watching tv so he sat inbetween them on the couch🔹
🔹I can imagine Sal asking if hes okay, and why hes up🔹
🔹Which then may lead to either their brother crying remembering the dream, or bottling up those emotions and lying🔹
🔹If he lied, i think larry would pick up on it, along with sal🔹
🔹Larry might pat his back gently, asking something along the lines of"you sure, dude? Youre not usually up this late"🔹
🔹And sal might ask softly something like "you dont have to lie, y/n. Whats wrong?"🔹
🔹Which would lead to their brother admitting he had a nightmare and being visibly more anxious, though he calms down with the comfort of larry and sal🔹
🔹In the case that he just admits that he had a nightmare though, i imagine he'd still be shaken up and maybe tear up a bit, looking down at his hands🔹
🔹Which just might be fidgeting like sals do(a/c:sals hand do fidget/twitch in the game when hes younger!)🔹
🔹He'd be embarrassed, saying quietly something like "i had another nightmare, i dont know why"🔹
🔹His voice may even crack a bit, leading sal and larry to worry more🔹
🔹But i imagine sal would gladly hug his brother(if wanted) without hesitation, sympathising with his brother🔹
🔹Larry would probably pat his back, listening🔹
🔹I imagine theyd be 10x more concerned and sympathetic once their brother describes his nightmare🔹
🔹Given the details, it isnt hard to tell that theyre influenced by the apartments🔹
🔹I imagine larry being pissed, feeling protective🔹
🔹I imagine sal would feel equally as protective, though less angry and more worried🔹
🔹But they'd keep those feelings down for the moment, focusing on comforting him🔹
🔹In either scenario, theyd comfort their brother, and sit with him watching tv until he fell asleep again🔹
🔹Then discuss what to do about it🔹
🔹I imagine they'd continue to comfort their younger brother after every nightmare, while trying to stop them🔹
🔹Sal might sit with their younger brother until he falls asleep🔹
🔹And larry might draw with him until they fall asleep(on his shoulder)🔹
🔹In the end, they'd end up getting rid of their younger brother's nightmares🔹
🔹Though, they'd still stay with him to help them feel safer🔹
🔹I think theyd take turns staying up incase their younger sibling woke up🔹
🔹Theyd always be ready to comfort him when he wakes up, even if he didnt wake up from a nightmare🔹
A/n:i wasnt sure how to end this lol but i hope this is ok, anon! Brains a lil funky lately o.0 n ive been busy so it was harder 2 come up w/ stuff but yk :) hope ya enjoy, it was fun writin! happy reading!
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
Hii~ as you know its spooky month!! ;)
So i was thinking about a demon reader for the tadc cast
The reader looks like a stereotypical demon( horns ,hooves ,maybe a tail idk) BUT is chaotic good
I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
TADC cast x demon!reader !
gonna knock this request out real fast then go lay down; i feel all uehdoivnffvnelfnfv but i am still on that grind !!!!!!! (please dont be like me please work on trying to create a healthy work/life balance and take care of yourself) short segments for this one sorry anon :(
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honestly he would occasionally make himself look like an angel to match with you; give himself a halo and wings and all that! loves your energy, i said it once and ill say it again, i think caine would love a chaotic reader who keeps him guessing! keep this man on his toes, hes into that, keeps things fun!
naturally a little put off at first but warms up to you. does she think you can be a little too much? yeah, sometimes... does she know you mean well? yeah, and she tries not to hold your way of doing things against you! sometimes you let her fidget with your tail if shes feeling nervous about something
"you may be a demon but you're the sweetest person i know!", does not miss a day where she says she loves you.. should you ever think badly of yourself and believe there was a reason you were made into a demon in this world, ragatha will immediately dismiss any bad idea you have about yourself
SAY IT WITH ME NOW!!! ITS ADMINS FAVORITE JAX HC!!! if you have a tail hes gonna fidget with it!! bonus if it wags around, like in the tail haver reader in a previous post; this dude would find it cute too... thrives in your chaos, you two just bounce off each other... not uncommon for jax to do a little prank and you trying to correct what he messed with in the most.. well chaotic way.. probably ends with more people confused or annoyed, though
probably thinks youre a legitimate demon for a minute before realizing, oh wait no you arent youre just like. funky like that, digital world stuff. please try to tone down any chaotic activities around him, he is already freaking out enough as things are TToTT
i think they would be similar to pomni, kind of put off by your energy but knows youre not a threat. plus they would rather hang out with you than half of the people here so hey, i guess you can say youre winning. thinks your horns are cool, regardless of what shape you as the reader imagine them to be. i think i also mentioned that zooble seems like the type to be into darker stuff and i think that would also tie in with supernatural stuff, and well, demons are supernatural, right? i mean youre not really a demon, but the appreciation is still there
maybe this is self projection again, or maybe its because i think gangle would be an artist and this is just. a common artist trait, but they would think youre like. really pretty. thinks demons and monsters are cute, has definitely played a monster dating sim at some point before getting stuck in the digital world
not much else to say i just think this idea was a little funny for gangle.. i can kinda see zooble being a monster dating sim fan... maybe i just kin them both
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Out of all the hermits, only one is human.
Although a good portion of people believe it’s Joe, he’s so jarringly normal that it actually comes off more suspicious. Impulse is a demon wearing a form of glamour to disguise himself as a normal dude, Keralis, Bdubs, and Hypno have traits that are more fantastical (Keralis never blinking, Hypno’s suggestion and hypnosis abilities, Bdub’s strange association with the Day Night cycle) and Etho is Etho.
It’s Mumbo. Mumbo is the human. Due to him always having some trace of redstone on his hands and as an extension, a metallic smell lingering on him and his habit of only wearing tuxedos, all the hermits assume he’s a vampire of some sorts.
he’s just funky
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kawareo · 1 year ago
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What's better than a devil you know? A devil with really stupid fucking knee guards. what are those little skulls my dude. why are there skulls of funky little demons all over your house
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radioisntdead · 1 year ago
Good evening folks! Thank you tuning in!
I'm supposed to be finishing up a request right now but It's six am, I was missing my dog and this popped in my brain, Alastor who hates dogs and a reader who has one
and I can NOT write anything else until I get this out of my brain, I may be projecting a little bit here.
Alastor x reader with a dog headcanons + a drabble thing? in the middle [Romantic]
Brief mention of your dog passing on [it's implied from old age]
all dogs go to heaven but yours wanted to stay with you even if you ended up down below, Alastor being mean to dogs, also once again Alastor may be OOC or leaning into fanon, Apologies for any grammar mistakes!
Okay so it's pretty well known that Alastor doesn't like dogs because they were involved during his death [I think, I can't remember if that's canon or fanon but we're keeping it for this]
I don't think he's scared of them, he just thinks they're one of the worst things created, especially the hellborn ones, not hellhounds [to be fair he probably hates them too]
You know the dogs that fizzarolli has in Helluva boss? The tweaked out lookin' ones? Yeah Alastor hates em' if he saw one on the street he either moves away from em', moves them aside with his staff while giving the owners the stink eye, he doesn't go out of his way to do anything to them usually.
Point is dude doesn't like dogs and if he can help it doesn't interact with them, and I see him more as a cat person CURSED CAT ALASTOR
Unfortunately for him he somehow gained romantic intent for someone who ADORES their funky lil' dog.
You have no idea why your dog was in hell with you, they weren't a bad dog, they were a good one! The very best on fact!
Sure they had tried to murder your best friend by trying to suffocate em' in their sleep, several times, but they were a dog, a sweetheart and they knocked off the murderous intent if you gave em' a snack plus if anyone knew anything was that all pets, Dog, cat, raccoon, hamster they all went to heaven! So you had no idea why your lil' buddy was in eternal damnation with you!
You died so close together, it was maybe a month or so from their passing to yours, you couldn't wait to see your lil' elderly buddy again but you didn't think it'd be so soon! You still had a life to live and you knew that they'd want you to live on!
You woke up in hell alot nicer then other folks, with your dog sitting on your chest licking you awake,
A golden ring around their furry neck, they looked a little different then they did when they were alive with you, but you knew that this was your dog, there was just that feeling when you looked in their eyes.
Maybe everything wouldn't be too bad with them here, You could get through with them by your side after all.
It was hard the first few years but you managed, getting used to the chaos around, finding a decent job and having to carry around a weapon just in case some psycho decided they wanted to kill you that day, and respawning was a whole hassle and you had your lil' buddy waiting for you at home!
You got a Job at a local diner near your apartment complex, your manager sucked, as did some of your coworkers but the pay was decent and you got along well enough with the coworkers that didn't suck plus you got to take home meals and share with your lil' buddy, They didn't particularly like the hell dog food so it was a fair way to feed em' without breaking the bank
You had met Alastor there somehow, it was fuzzy in your memory, you think he came in for coffee or maybe it was to make a deal with some poor unfortunate soul, all you remember is that you had managed to catch the Radio's demon eye,
Looking back you were pretty sure he was trying to get your soul only for the two of you to end up courting.
You had neglected to tell him about your lil buddy until he came to your apartment for the first time, after maybe the fourth date for coffee,
it wasn't quite his style but it was nice, and he particularly liked the vintage radio that stood on your kitchen counter, he was having a pleasant time chatting with you before you went into the kitchen to make the two of you some coffee and some snacks, as you went into the kitchen he looked around your living room his smile straining slightly as he found a dog staring at him with the rage of twenty-five grown men, Alastor simply turned to the kitchen where you were making a charcuterie board for the two of you
"My dear, I fear you have a rat problem,"
Alastor said gesturing at your lil' buddy who continued staring at him, the murderous intent of 'who is this man and why is it in my home?' was clear
You looked up from your charcuterie board confused until you see your lil' buddy death glaring Alastor
"Pardon? What do you- Oh! Yeah that's my lil' buddy, I'm sure I mentioned them once or twice, don't mind em' they're mostly harmless."
And from there came a rivalry, Alastor came to your apartment? That lovely lil' pooch of yours would sit between you on the couch, Alastor would move them away with his staff thingy,
He wanted to dance with you with soft jazz playing in the background? Your lil' buddy lacking fear was running between your legs trying to grab your attention, only for it to backfire when you tripped and Alastor catched you effectively taking your attention
He straight up mocks your dog, your lil' buddy is too short to get on the couch? Bully time, doesn't matter how big your dog is they're getting called a rat, rodent or a mutt by Alastor, if your lil' buddy earned their wings they're getting called a winged rat,
I imagine he's probably more tolerant towards smaller breeds like Corgi's or Pomeranians for example and less inclined towards dogs typically breed for hunting.
He asked once if your willing to re-home the lil' buddy, and you probably almost stabbed him because the audacity of this man?
Definitely was a rough patch in the relationship.
He gets a lil' nervous now when your holding very very sharp knives outside of the kitchen and upset
Your lil' buddy definitely tries to bite off Alastor's ankles.
Later on in the relationship let's say when you and Alastor wed, your dog is your best man, maid of honor, flower girl, ring bearer whatever it's one of those and Alastor has to put up with it,
Rosie likes to tease about how Alastor gave your lil' buddy the stink eye as they waddled behind you as you walked around during your wedding activities,
Alastor specifically had Husk hold them during your dance, and the majority of your wedding after,
Husk thankfully was spared from the rage of your lil' buddy by giving them some of whatever dinner was served.
Now let's move on to house life once y'all are moved in and everything.
Alastor does NOT want them on the bed, he'd rather they be in a whole different room but if you truly desire it aka if it's the hill your willing to die on
He'll invest in a dog bed, or crate, and you can put it in the corner, FAR from the bed you share,
If Alastor falls asleep with you and your lil' buddy is in the room,
They are out for BLOOD, Alastor's in particular if he doesn't wake up immediately he will wake up with a dog on his face,
He can't do anything to harm the dog with you nearby but he can kick them out of the room, or pop's em' into doggy prison he locks them out of your shared room
He does somewhat agree to a truce with your lil' buddy after a few years
Alastor would take the lil' buddy on walks and make sure they stay safe and not attacked by any sinner with a death wish, after all you would probably go on a revenge filled bender and while he'd adore to see it because you know he's a murderous radio demon who likes despair,
he'd rather you not be upset over losing your beloved pet even if he thinks they're a disgrace.
Maybe if he's in a good mood he'll toss a piece of venison to your lil' buddy, and your lil' buddy would not try to smother Alastor in his sleep, or trip the two of you dancing as often as they did before.
Now when Alastor just dipped for 7 years your lil' buddy missed him,
For about three days at most
Your lil' buddy was happy to have ALL of your attention again and they got to sleep in the human bed! And had full reign of the house.
They held very little loyalty to Alastor.
And for good reason!
They were very displeased when the two of you moved to the Hazbin hotel and they spotted Alastor just smiling there, like he didn't just leave for seven years, the audacity!
Let's hope you have a quick reaction time because your gonna have to stop your lil' buddy from chompin' off Alastor's ankles, because how dare he vanished for seven years? Who does he think he is?!
You and Angel dust probably bond over Fat nuggets and your lil' buddy, a very small Pet parent club was formed, Charlie's in it.
Vaggie was probably a lil' concerned about the fact that your dog has a whole adjusted halo as a collar but that's the least concerning thing in the hotel.
If your lil' buddy is big enough Niffty rides em' like a horse,
She has to be watched when she does so.
If you like to dress up your lil' buddy dress em' up as Alastor and he is either flattered by it or your pet is getting a outfit change immediately,
you and Angel have your lil' buddy and Fat nuggets dress up in different outfits sometimes matching if they get along well!
Imagine if we bring cursed cat Alastor into it, I can see it doing two ways
Either Cursed cat Alastor is 100% worse, like Alastor doesn't like your dog but he's not actively trying to eliminate them like Cursed cat Alastor is, radio noises and growls can be heard if you don't separate them, like they are both getting injured, both have murderous intent and just feral time, it is NOT fun.
They team up, Alastor is just trying to eat his deer carcass? Not anymore they are double teaming to steal his breakfast, cursed cat Alastor just appears and starts vibrating while your lil' buddy is trying to drag the carcass off the table,
It never works and often ends with the both of them getting picked up by the scruff's of their necks and getting unleashed outside to wreck havoc on the others unless you find them first.
Thank you for tuning in and reading folks! Reader's lil' buddy is heavily inspired by my own dearly departed dog
hence the murderous intent your lil' buddy has and the tried to kill your best friend bit at the beginning
Also a little tidbit I was thinking was that your lil' buddy was your guardian angel for the time until you passed and then they just followed you down, their lil' doggy halo slipping from their head to around their neck like a really flexible collar, and the earned their wings comment, Alrighty goodnight folks!
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into-the-feniverse · 3 months ago
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I am still v much in monster mode so idk here’s demon!fen and yet another wolf!wood
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Combined photo but also demon fen was heavily inspired by these funky little dudes and I felt required to share that
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Her tail makes her seem more like a cow than sheep tho, but it’s fiiiine I like long fuzzy tails 😔
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looney-mooney-studio · 6 months ago
I have two questions for the Linda Cipher AU! (More might come in the future lol)
-What do some of Linda’s friends/colleagues/family members think of Linda during her time with Bill/after the initial breakup? Especially with how it seems like she gets worse and worse overtime?
-Also does Bill have any alternative forms (such as a more human form) in this AU? Or is he just his funky triangular self?
Excited to see more of this AU’s development :)
Okay, so. In my mind, she fucked the triangle. It is the triangle she dated, the triangle she had a partnership with, and the triangle she had kids with. But in the Star Wars special, Candace specifically says “Oh cool, mom remarried?”, meaning she WAS publicly married to SOMEONE. Most likely someone who at least APPEARED human enough to have seemingly 100% human kids with.
But Bill doesn’t have a physical form in the human world, and he certainly doesn’t have the ability to make his own body here. (Sorry human bill fans.) We know he can possess people (my friends and I even tossed around the idea he might have possessed one of her colleagues), but then that’s a whole other person he’d have to make a deal with to bring into this and I’d prefer to keep the story cleaner than that. This isn’t about Linda being with some random guy who Bill happens to be possessing, this is about Linda being with Bill.
We know he can possess corpses, but I don’t think Linda would agree to keeping a deceased human body in her house, even if it’s just a vessel for her husband to keep up appearances. What’s far more likely, especially in a show with hyper realistic prosthetic and robotic technology like Phineas and Ferb, is for her to make him a puppet. Or at least, have one commissioned.
With that established, let me throw you a curveball. Do yall remember this guy?
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This guy is Professor Parenthesis (pronounced paren-thesis, like a college paper), a former colleague and current wannabe arch nemesis to Major Monogram. He was introduced in the OWCA Files special. When promo materials of this dude were first going around, there was a pretty decent chunk of the Phineas and Ferb fandom who theorized he might be the biological Flynn father, since he bears a not insignificant resemblance to Candace and Phineas.
Then the episode aired and we found out he was actually a bug piloting an android.
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So. You know. That kind of killed the theory. And now the Book of Bill’s come out and the closest we’ll ever get to canon confirmation of a possible biological father for the Flynn kids is a one-off joke implying that Linda had intimate relations with a sentient demonic extra dimensional triangle, so the theory’s like, extra turbo dead.
What I’m about to propose is absolutely not true. Professor Parenthesis is shown to be a skilled roboticist, and most likely built this android from scratch himself. But WHAT IF this was a discarded android that Professor Parenthesis found, studied, fixed, and modified for his own purposes? That would be much easier for him to do than building it from scratch himself, considering the amount of large heavy machinery it contains.
I don’t think Linda has much experience working with robotics, but Linda very much strikes me as a collaborative scientist, not the lone pioneer that Ford tried to be. She could very easily have found fellow scientists in other fields to help her develop technology like this, and she could say she wants it for the possibility of remote space exploration, making it easier for people to experience space and do tasks such as space station repairs without spending money sending actual people into space.
She’d argue it should be as humanoid as possible, since humans are used to piloting ourselves and she’d say the transition should be as immersive and seamless as possible. She could also propose the technology could be used for other purposes, such as the development of artificial limbs. She wants a remotely pilot-able android that mimics the human experience as much as possible, including the dexterity and sensory feedback of an above-average human body to compensate for a large variety of skill levels. And she thinks this sort of technology will need several prototypes, some of which will fail.
It’s not too difficult for her to obtain a “failed prototype” as a gift for her partner.
When people meet Linda’s new partner, she introduces him as William Cipher Birchtree, long-lost heir to the Birchtree family legacy of Ciphertology, named for their god. He seems strange, but he makes her happy, and though his beliefs are peculiar, he also seems to be a good match for her wit, and it’s not like there aren’t scientists with strange beliefs out in the world. Her colleagues tease her for her involvement with the cult, but her work is sound, revolutionary even, and she works exceptionally well with her colleagues. Even if she’s getting bizarrely involved with her husband’s obscure cult.
When she breaks up with her partner - her husband - she cuts off all ties to the scientific community. She destroys her own life’s work - a portal to other dimensions, one specifically designed to make faster-than-light speed travel feasible by taking advantage of foreign laws of physics - and renounces it all, warning everyone she knows never to use the portal.
She can’t skip town though, she kept most of her technology in the basement, and she doesn’t want anyone else getting their hands on it and potentially letting her ex husband through. And beside which, her daughter’s best friend lives next door. She can’t bring herself to cut out her safety net entirely, and not many of her neighbors were even aware she was an astrophysicist in the first place. So she stays in Danville. And, eventually, she meets someone who loves her even when she’s not being revolutionary.
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mikeyp16 · 2 years ago
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I've gotten into these silly dudes again and drawing them in this au is so much fun lol
I've decided to actually do that master post with a lot of designs I mentioned like two posts ago, but it's a few too many to put in one post so I'll do it in parts,
Starting with the Main crew as their designs did change slightly and I've improved (Tom and tords are composed the same cuz I do like the shadow to hint at their demon forms)
Their monster types haven't changed one bit but for any new peeps:
Edd: Faun/Avian Hybrid, Its his world so he is allowed to be a funky dude.
Tom and Tord: Both of them are Demons of different types, Tom is a one-eyed Goat formed demon and Tom is a six-eyed Sheep formed Demon. (I thought it would be funny and that it played into their "Rivalry" sometimes shown in canon lol)
Matt: Vampire/Bat shifter, I actually Included his Bat form this time :]
This is post 1/3
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phightingaus · 1 month ago
Pirate/mer au.
Based on the skins from the Mermaid Vs Pirate Pheatival.
Here's what I got so far:
Medkit and Subspace used to be a part of the same crew before the incident .
The crystals work differently, Medkit's crystals allow mer's to shift into a more "human" form (idk what else to call it, all characters are still inphernals/demons just some of them be fish), they get legs but still keep the fins and stuff, and Subspace's poison water sources.
Medkit joined Scythe's crew after the incident along with Broker and the other true eye dudes, he doesn't really wanna be there but at least it's not Subspace.
Subspace's crew is a little funny, Biografts in this au would be more like reanimated skeletons with little to no emotion so there's just a bunch of them, along with Hyperlaser who is still a mercenary that Subspace hires.
Vinesplash and Shurifin are mer's that Subspace's crew are hunting as Shuri got hold of one of med's crystals and Sub wants it.
Skateboard, Coil, Boombox, Slingshot and two OCs of mine are their own crew that end up meeting Vine and Shuri and they decide to help them out. Partially because Coil also has a crystal like Shuri but he stole it from Subspace so they're being hunted too, Coil is a mer too but he likes his funky pirate friends so he usually stays in "human" form (also he is shark mer because yes).
More about the OCs, Rainbow is a thief and vandal that knew Coil and Skateboard before they became pirates, she is usually on look out because her gear allows her to fly. She ends up getting really close with Vinesplash and talks with her a lot when they aren't dealing with Subspace or supernatural stuff.
Hook is a Biograft made from discarded bones that got mashed together like some kind of Frankenstein's monster but a skeleton. Unlike most Biografts they are sentient and capable of empathy.
The SFOTH are still deities, some of them are mer's but some are kinda just the same. They will sometimes intervene with mortals either for fun or for their own benefit. Though sometimes they will help mortals out of kindness (it's usually Icedagger, he's probably the most chill with mortals).
Darkheart stays at the bottom of the ocean most of the time but will sometimes surface to scare mortals.
Firebrand lives on an island with an active volcano, sometimes he gives directions to lost ships.
Illumina lives in the clouds and watches mortals, he doesn't really like getting involved much.
Windforce causes storms for fun, if she likes a crew she'll make the journey quicker for them with stronger winds and promises not to send a storm their way in the future.
Venomshank lives in an underwater cave, he still trains Sword in this au (who is also a mer). The water around his cave is toxic so only he can enter and exit, he trains Sword elsewhere so he doesn't get sick or die from the poison.
Ghostwalker is still a Grim reaper type, not much changes for him. Though I like the idea that he runs an underworld similar to the one in greek mythology. Hades codes dude.
Icedagger lives in frozen waters, he makes sure that icebergs don't sink any ships passing by.
Valk, Dom and Banhammer are demi-deities that will also get involved with mortals from time to time. Ban usually hunts pirates and sinks their ships while Valk and Dom would bestow blessings on crews they like, usually so that Ban doesn't drown them.
That's all I got so far, sorry it's long as hell lol.
aaaaaaaa cybertana and nepo, help please i have no clue how to answer this
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beetlebug-bii · 2 years ago
Feral Child MC Arrives
Part one? Let me know if you want more feral child MC with their older brothers. Felt bored so have this funky little crack prompt.
Notes: Gender Neutral MC, slight cussing, written for fun, enjoy!
okay so moving to the Devildom was a whole choice you made
Like yeah you were an orphan
so maybe in response you didn't tell anyone that you- yes YOU got accepted into a ROYAL ACADEMY.
Steal my shoes? fine whatever, guess who gets to go to ROYAL SCHOOL
your face is probably already on milk cartons...
Rest in peace MC you can already hear those shoe stealers saying while wearing YOUR FUCKIN SHOES
But then like you actually showed up
And you aren't sure if you were met with like
Instant Karma for being petty or-
Anyways you're kind of sort of in hell
It's okay though because you absolutely won over the highest demons in the Devildom
...wait actually thinking about it that really doesn't sound like a good thing-
You're here, they love you!
You have been slaying since you arrived.
You walked into the student council room day one, a pair of sunglasses and a mocha latte from Starbucks in hand
You stole that latte too, like you were in the hall and just snatched it from this loser with white hair-
oh shit
You were quick to find out
The demon you stole from was actually Mammon, the avatar of greed and your babysitter.
Let's just say Mammon wasn't especially happy about being a little thiefs babysitter
Which may or may not have received the MOST bombastic side eye from his five other brothers.
Aside from that though, how did your arrival go you may be wondering?
Lucifer just sat with his head in his hands, so upset that they have two children in this program- but damn at least one of them was an angel, then there was you- only comparable to a small glass rodent
Levi was sitting dreading having to move all his collectibles and games and- you know what?? maybe he will just invest in a security system...he so doesn't want to be a babysitter...whatever its Mammon's job..........fuck he was gonna have to be the babysitter!!! Mammon never does his job!!!
Satan could have cared less if you were three or eighty-seven, you're just some human and he was so ready to ask so many questions (unfortunately for him you're kind of a little sarcastic shithead / affectionate. he ain't getting any reasonable answers but he doesn't know that yet shhh let him be happy for like three minutes before he realizes.
Asmo? Asmodeus. My dude. Was so. Fucking. Excited. He was immediately squeezing you and pinching your cheeks and taking pictures of you in your little sunglasses. It's been FOREVER since Asmo has had the chance to absolutely coddle a little sibling. He was the first to just accept that yeah, this human is ours, we aren't giving it back. He was already planning to take you shopping for new clothes, and new furniture, you are going to be the most spoiled kid in the universe...and all you have to give in return is like any sense of privacy. Now smile for the camera!
Beel. Sweet sweet beel. Was also so quick to accept you. Not quite as part of the family, but as a new little friend. He was a bit worried to get close because you're just so tiny, but he quickly found out you were feral when he went in for a handshake and you just...bit him. For why? Why would you do this? Like he's fine, he barely felt it, but like...does he taste good? Did you want to be picked up? You were like a smaller Belphie with more energy...that thought made him smile
Your first day with the brothers was quite flabbergasting for everyone involved
You stole from Mammon, bit Beel, scampered around the floor, chewed on Diavolo's jacket, escaped for a while
By the end of the day the brothers were exhausted from chasing you
Its been too long since a kid has been around
They are far too out of practice
Mega L for them, while they're sleeping you're gonna make pancakes
Do you know how to use the stove?
Are you confident regardless
Unfortunately yeah
Good luck to the brothers
They're gonna need it...
...both for technically kidnapping you and because they have to deal with you-
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