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tdrawz444 · 2 months ago
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Alright, smile everyone!
Sal is taking the photo :]
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bewarethetooth · 7 months ago
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Now excuse me while i sleep until 5pm because the sun IS rising and i AM so tired
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spaghettigod69 · 9 months ago
Reblog if you’re a Sally face fan so I can stalk your blog
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Is this fandom still alive?
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smittenzart · 9 months ago
so like...is this fandom still alive?
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sally face brain rot got me in a chokehold
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pyramids-of-ass-in-ma · 1 year ago
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highoncatfood · 10 months ago
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i nevr posted this here........ criminal
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30teeth · 1 year ago
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just a very pixely doodle (oops drew in the corner of the canvas again)
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seraphicloves · 9 months ago
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞
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⊱✿⊰ summary: he isn't yours so why do you get so jealous?
⊱✿⊰ warnings: jealously, you're possessive but sal likes it, he doesn't believe anyone would love him :( cringy confession; reader is a dork i fear (she is me)
⊱✿⊰ notes: i heard this song and had this daydream and was like dang this would be a fire fanfic so here we are. ALSO WHERE ARE ALL THE SALLY FACE FANS LIKE I WRITE FOR IT GUYS NOTICE ME ahem anyway
⊱✿⊰ taglist: @fashionablysouly @kozumesphone
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You had a secret: you were excruciatingly and agonizingly in love with your best friend, Sal Fisher. Okay so maybe it wasn't a secret to anyone except for Sal himself but it was still something you would rather die before Sal found out. He definitely didn't see you that way and he would probably reject you immediately if he found out. So it was safer to just not say anything.
He didn't need to know about the nights spent screaming into your pillow or crying in Ashley's arms over how sickeningly giddy his voice made you. He didn't need to know how easily he made your heart beat like you ran a marathon or how easily he made you feel like your head was in the clouds.
However that led to dilemmas such as the one you found yourself in currently. You were probably the most aware of Sal'a attractive but unfortunately, you were not the only one to notice it. So it was common as was happening right then, to find a girl start talking his ear off obviously trying to flirt with him.
"You're so funny, Sallyy," The girl giggled, sitting across from Sal at the cafeteria table. You tried to stop your glare from settling into your face but it was far too late, jealousy was disease that affected you quickly and viciously.
She was beautiful with tanned skin and soft lips, she was perfect and far more in the league of someone as incredible of Sal. But no, she doesn't deserve Sal. She doesn't know him like you do, she doesn't ache in her bones at the thought of being near him. She can't have him.
"You might as well leave." Larry commented to her, seeming far to amused as he glanced at you. You felt self conscious and tried to relax your face from the deadly look you had been casting on that girl. He continued, "[Name] is far too jealous to let you stay for much longer."
Murder should be legal, you quickly decided as you shot a look at Larry that made him well aware he would not be living for much longer. Why the hell would he say that? In front of Sal too?
Did he want you to die of heartbreak? Surely Larry fucking Johnson was praying on your downfall because there is no other logical reason for him to have done that. Unless he has a death wish.
"[Name] isn't dating Sal. Isn't that right, honey?" The girl replied, placing her hand over top Sal'`. That was when you snapped; how dare she touch Sal?
Before you could fully process thinking you grabbed her wrist and yanked it away from Sal. You looked at her, trying to cool the inferno of anger in your gaze as you said, "That boy is mine. Touch him again and I break all of your bones."
The girl let out a whimper and quickly rushed away, leaving a majority of the lunch room's eyes on you. You sunk into your seat, far too afraid to glance at the blue haired boy beside you. You were beyond embarrassed by your possessiveness, who were you to say he was yours?
Larry and Ashley were absolutely cackling, way too amused to see this side of you publicly outed to the boy you loved with your entire soul. Sal turned to look at you, his prosthetic hiding any hint of emotion you could have gotten.
"I'm yours?" He asked, his voice making your tummy rumble and roll. Even his voice was attractive, it physically wasn't fair to exist beside him and not have him to kiss and hold.
"Have you really not noticed, Sally?" Ashley asked, nudging you on the shoulder. You bit the inside of your cheek, preferring none of this to happen. Why did your feelings have to come out this way?
Sal made a confused noise but you grabbed his arm, and said, "Can I talk to you alone?" He nodded and let you lead him away from the lingering stares, into the hallway which was far more empty.
"What's up with you?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. You felt his gaze on your face, making it warm even more. Although that didn't seem quite possible with how feverish every inch of your skin felt. You looked down at your shoes, trying to stall the confession.
"I don't want you dating anyone." You said finally, jealously arising yet again as you remember that girl flirting with Sal. He let out a huff of confusion, his eyes still directly on you. Crap, you had to explain more.
"Seeing those girls flirt with you or hearing them make those vile comments about the things they want to do to you. It makes me so angry, it isn't fair. I don't want you dating anyone except for me. I want you to be my boyfriend." You ranted, feeling your blood boil as you remember all the times you had gotten jealous.
When Sal froze, you realized what you said. Oh no no no, he is going to reject you and never talk to you again. If only there was a self destruct button on your body you could press in this moment.
He kept staring at you, making you wish you could see beneath his mask to have a guess at how he was feeling. How disgusted he might be at your ridiculous feelings for him.
"why do you like....me?" He finally asked, sounding shocked that you could have feelings for him. Your gaze shot back up to meet his, and you saw the surprise (and dare you say, happiness?) in his eye.
"Why wouldn't I like you, Sal? You're so amazing and god I love you so much I think I've gone insane." You replied, feeling almost breathless with this string of honesty. His body finally relaxed and you could almost sense the smile beneath his mask.
"I love you too, [Name.]" Sal replies quietly, "Can I be your boyfriend?"
You felt your lips part with surprise, not believing your ears. Sal must have noticed your shock because he laughed and leaned closer, interlacing your hand with his deliciously cold fingers.
"Yes, you can be my boyfriend." You said, rambling slightly. You must've been injected with a dose of caffeine because you kissed his mask right where his lips lay under. Then you ran away, giggling like a lunatic. You stopped in a hallway, feeling flushed and faint and giddy and ridiculous.
Finally that boy truly was yours.
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eeeeuuughggg · 1 year ago
sal fisher hcs
note: i hope u enjoy this madi
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sal almost always smells like zaza and cologne. actually no he probably uses the bubblegum hello kitty perfume. it just smells so yummy to him he doesn't like 'proper' dates that much tbh. he wouldnt wanna go to a restaurant bcs of his prosthetic - so it's probably you guys at home in a pillow fort watching final destination.
he definitely goes to music shops and spends hours there. he'll spend a good 2 hours or so looking through what vinyls they have, maybe looking for CDs, too.
whenever they have the newest sanity's fall album in stock, he buys it straight away. he loooves that shit. (don't blame him, me too.)
sal brings a small digital camera with him everywhere; he takes pictures of interesting things he finds, memories, ghost stuff, evidence/findings, whatnot.
he paints his nails a lot. mainly black, but sometimes he goes for a bit more colour. (red, blue, that's.. kind of it.) he's constantly redoing them because he chips off the nail polish absentmindedly or when he's bored.
he sleeps weird. he falls asleep on the couch and wakes up facedown in the bathtub. he's definitely one of those people who falls asleep and then wakes up on the other end of the bed or on the floor.
his spotify playlists r so fucking long. like 30h minimum at most. there's no such thing as a playlist that's too long, wdym?
he fucking loves nintendo games. he knows all the secret power up and hidden locations in the mario games.
not too happy w this one cus its short af and feels kinda fanon but eeeehhhhh i hope u enjoy this @ihateyouz!!
remember to reblog to support creators :)
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baxndaid · 7 months ago
hiii i hope your day is going good so far i was just wondering if you could do sal fisher x shy reader headcanons please? it’s okay if you can’t or don’t want to no pressure at all, thank you and I hope the rest of your day goes good ☺️❤️
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sal fisher
x shy reader 💛🍔⭐️
an ; this is two requests combined into one btw,, super short im sorry!!
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he finds you so cute, but he does get a bit concerned about how shy you can get
he can relate since he has a lot of social anxiety and easily backs away from most social settings like college parties (unless his friends are there with him)
due to this, hes very understanding
he doesnt push you to talk or do anything that your not comfortable with doing
before you two got together, he always had a sneaking suspicion that you liked either him, or larry from how awkward you were when you (tried to) talk to either of them
turns out, you were just intimidated by larry but gave it your best to talk to him to learn more about sally, which larry very boastfully told sal, almost as if he was proud that somebody finally had the hots for his step brother
sally LOVED it bru
larry would basically be the middle man, you would ask him about sally's interests and sally would ask him about yours
obviously he got a little tired of it, even though it was hilarious
larry separately asked both you and sally to meet him at a small park near the apartments, the only thing he forgot to mention was that he wasnt going to show up
this left you and sally alone to finally talk for real, and the day ended with sal walking you back to your house, hand in hand
in the relationship, he tries to get you involved in the (safer) activities he and his friends get up to, however, he respects you if you refuse
when it comes to leisure, sally loves video games and often steals his friends horror games to play it with you
or rather, you watch him play bc ur too busy pissing yourself
does he know it scares you? yea... is he gonna stop? no...
he cant help it!! you just look so cute wrapped up next to him, your face cuddled into his upper back while he fights the gross monster on screen
once he wins though, rest assured he'll make it up to you with a cuddle sesh and putting on a cutesy childrens cartoon on the tv
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captainxerx · 3 months ago
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I depend on you but salvis 💔💔💔
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tdrawz444 · 2 months ago
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Fondest memories
Ash is taking the photo :]
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ffhhfff · 3 months ago
happy bday Salio❕❕🎂🎉
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shnoob · 4 months ago
Sal Fisher HC’s!:  
I normally wouldn't write something like this, BUT I love Sally Face and it NEEDSSSS more recognition 🙏🙏🙏  
(I'm totally not in love with him or something. WHAT WHO SAID THAT??)
 I feel like he would be one of those types of people who carry lotion, hand sanitizer, tissues etc due to him taking good care of his skin/body. Due to what has happened to him, any little germ can get under his skin which is not a good thing :P 
That being said, he would get bad allergic reactions to scented lotions so he’d stick with the typical scents. (However, if it's a scent he really likes..he won't mind getting a rash for once, he already has a prosthetic..) 
SOOOOO good at comforting people. Even if you just met him, he may be a bit awkward but he won't just let you sit there and cry. Possibly just reach in his bag and hand over a tissue while staring at you. 
Again, just carries EVERYTHING. That doesn't mean his bag is full! Due to Ashley, Larry, and even Todd he has random ass items in his bag until they ask if he knows where it is. (Even offering his space to carry your stuff too!) 
“Hey Sal, have you seen *blank*?” “Oh uh..*rummages through his pockets* this?” “Thanks man!” 
The type of guy to try and cuff his jeans but they always end up uneven so they either are uneven or not cuffed. (The stains man..)
Lets Ashley paint his nails. Can't tell me otherwise. Usually Black, Red or a blue similar to his hair. Probably matched with the gang at one point due to Ashley begging them. 
Has calluses on his hands due to guitar playing. 
First off, such a good listener to everybody. He could sit there for hours listening to you and comfort you if you felt like you were talking too much. That being said, if you mention you like ANYTHING (such as a candy) you know he will start carrying it just in case you wanted it or had a rough day. 
If he sees a bug or rock he likes, you know its going into a collection. Started collecting rocks in about 7th grade and hasnt stopped since. It probably started just in a box and now has a small display on a nightstand. Bugs he obviously cannot keep in a condition like that so he may just carry it around for a bit on a finger until they are in a place where they are safe. (Maybe even to scare Larry with). 
Is probably used to most jokes that could be considered “too far” or “rude” now due to the insults he's experienced of his prosthetic, but if it ever crosses a line by touching it or even towards a friend…watch out.  
With that, he probably makes dark humor jokes.  
When he's nervous, he probably scratches the sides of his hands or picks at his nails. (They never stood a chance) 
He jokes around so much with his friends of “bromance” (like fake kissing, lovey terms etc) to the point he has had a rumor or two with his friends.
Cannot do gymnastics tricks well. He probably tried a handstand once to prove to Larry and fell right over. Ash most likely teaches him over time so he gets..better? 
I bet he reads a little! When he isn't ghost hunting or needs a break playing the guitar, he will pick up a book for fun. (Maybe even reads to Gizmo once in awhile) 
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0kawaiikune0 · 7 months ago
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lol more Sally Face
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otaku-bartender · 2 years ago
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Self Esteem Protector Larry Johnson
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