#fun fact if ur smiling it is perfect!!
soft-girl-musings · 1 year
idk man sometimes I get so unnormal about seeing celebrities with average teeth. like I'd never call anyone's teeth "bad", just as someone who didn't wear their retainer after braces it is so breathtaking to realize that X actor/public figure/etc. that I find attractive also has a tooth out of place, an off-centered smile, a gap?? unparalleled discovery
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confusionmeisss · 3 months
baby cousin - c. sturniolo
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🫧 chris sturniolo x fem!reader
🫧 where you bring chris along with you to a family party and your little baby cousin absolutely steals all his attention.
🫧 fluff.
🫧 1.4k words.
🫧 hi lovelies!! thank you so much for wanting to read! uh this idea just popped into my head when i seen this picture of chris, i was like, “i got the perfect thing to write based on this” i think i was also heavily inspired by the fact that my baby cousins baptism was coming up so i was gonna be seeing my little cousins! anyway, enjoy bc i loved writing this! much love to you all!! <3 oh also, apologies if ur ovulating or have baby fever 😣
Your five year old cousin, Lila, had to be the most bubbly and extroverted of all your cousins. She would chat to anyone willing to listen. Most of all, she’d been attached to you since you could remember, turning herself into your little shadow. She mimics your mannerisms and what you say. And whenever you’re anywhere with her there as well, you have to be so careful with moving about because she’ll be stuck to you like velcro.
So it was normal that as soon as you set foot into your aunt’s backyard and the little girl spotted you, her features lit up and she made a mad dash for you; her small body colliding with yours.
You let out a breath at the collision, a smile overtaking your face afterwards. “Hey Li,” you say, crouching down to her level.
“Hi, Y/N!” She shouts out brightly.
You laugh softly. “Heard you started kindergarten. How’s that been for you, bug? Make any new friends?” You ask, brushing back a piece of stray hair from her face.
She nods her head enthusiastically. “Yes! His name is Austin and we push each other on the swings and play legos together!”
“That’s great! Hey, I have someone I want you to meet,” you say, standing back to your height.
“Mhm,” you say, grabbing her small hand and leading her to where your mother is standing talking to your uncle; Chris standing next to her.
“His name is Chris and he’s my boyfriend.”
Lila stops you before you reach them by tugging at your shirt.
You look down at her. “Do you think he’ll wanna be my friend?”
“Oh for sure. I think you two will get along real well in fact.”
“Okay! Then let’s go meet my new friend Chris!”
You let out another soft laugh as you both finally reach your mother and Chris. Your mother spotting you both and letting out a gasp.
“Oh well if it isn’t my favorite five year old!” She says, reaching down and tugging Lila into a big hug. “How’s school going for you so far, darling?”
“Great! Made new friends! Bout to make a new one now!” Lila lets out from her place in your mothers arms, squirming just a little bit.
“Oh, yes,” your mother lets out a chuckle. “Go on and meet Christopher now, darling.” Your mother lets go of the girl with a pat on her head before wandering off to talk to another family member.
Almost immediately Lila looks at the man now standing next to you. A bright grin taking over her face, making her cheeks squish and her eyes squint.
“Hello! I’m Lila, and I would like to be your friend! Would you like to be my friend?” The little girl asks with a little hand outstretched towards Chris.
His bigger one engulfs hers as he returns her greeting. “I would love to be your friend, Lila.”
Lila lets go of Chris’ hand and claps her hands together with a squeal of delight.
“That’s great! Do y’wanna go play in my sandbox with me? We can make sandcastles!”
“I would love to!” Chris says brightly.
And as soon as the words left his mouth, he was being dragged away by Lila and towards her sandbox.
“So, I heard that you’re in school now. Do you like it?” Chris asks, as he plops down onto the grass next to the sandbox.
“Oh I love it!” Lila replies, picking up two pink shovels, and shoving one towards Chris. “It’s super fun! Like, I get to color, but I gotta stay inside the lines which I guess can be hard sometimes. But like we also get to watch movies sometimes. And now I can count up to twenty! Which is how old Y/N is! How old are you?”
Chris lets out a chuckle at the girl’s enthusiastic debrief. “Well, I’m glad you enjoy school. I’m twenty too, but I won’t be in a couple more months; then I’ll be twenty-one along with my brothers.”
“You have brothers? I’m an only child, I dunno what that’s like. Wait, why are you and your brothers all turning the same age at the same time? That’s not how it works,” Lila says, her head tilted to the side in confusion.
“Ah, you see my brothers and I were born on the same day, so we all turn the same age at the same time,” Chris explains. “We’re triplets. It’s like twins but instead of two, there’s three of us.”
Lila gasps, sand flying up from her excited hand movements - which Chris notes she’s picked up from you - and into her hair. Lila remains unphased by this as she says, “That’s so cool!”
“Yeah, it really is.”
Lila quickly changes topics though as her gaze focuses on something behind her. “Let’s blow bubbles, and then we can chase them trying to pop them before they disappear!”
“Alright,” Chris agrees easily, standing up from the grass. He watches as Lila runs over to a little plastic picnic table and grabs a tube of bubbles.
“Will you blow them?” She asks, running back over to him. Once she reaches him, she holds out her hand with the bubbles in it out to him expectantly.
“‘Course I will,” Chris says, taking hold of the bubble tube and twisting it open. “Ready?” He asks.
Receiving a nod in response, he starts blowing the bubbles, watching them float out into the air and Lila chase after them trying to pop them.
Chris has a happy smile on his face as he watches the little girl giggle while trying to pop the bubbles.
“Chris, can you try and make a super big one? Y/N can do it, and it’s always so cool!”
Chris nods and focuses on attempting to make as big of a bubble as he can. It takes a few tries, all of which Lila giggles at, before he finally gets one out.
“Woah!” Lila gasps out, before giggling and reaching up to pop it with her little finger.
The bubble bursts and splatters against Chris’ face, making him scrunch it up in distaste. “Oh ew, soaps on my mouth now.”
Lila lets out a loud laugh at Chris’ distress.
“Oh, you think that’s funny?” Chris asks.
“Mhm,” Lila says, attempting to suppress a giggle.
Chris doesn’t even hesitate before he drops the tube of bubbles and starts chasing after the girl. Her giggles so loud, they make you look over from where you’re making plates of food.
A soft smile overtakes your face as you watch them run around, your smile widening when Chris grabs hold of Lila and starts tickling her, making her giggles somehow get louder.
“Mercy! Mercy! M’sorry for laughing at you!” Lila squeals out. Chris surrenders and places the girl down on the bench of her picnic table, then sitting across from her.
“You’re silly, Chris,” Lila giggles. “I’m hungry,” she then whines out.
“Ah, well lucky for you, I’ve come to be your savior,” you say, placing a plastic plate in front of her. You place another in front of Chris before setting drinks down on the table as well.
“Thank you!” Lila shouts, before stabbing her fork into her mac n’ cheese.
“Thank you,” Chris says, smiling at you softly and placing a kiss on your cheek.
“You’re welcome, my love,” you reply, going to sit down before you’re stopped by a small hand.
“Sorry Y/N, but only two people can fit at my picnic table and I want Chris to sit with me,” Lila says looking up at you with an apologetic expression.
You let out a gasp of fake offense, placing a hand over your heart. “I can’t believe this! I’ve been replaced!”
Lila gasps. “No! You can’t ever be replaced! You’re my favoritest! Chris move, you can sit on the grass and Y/N can take your spot!”
You suppress a laugh at this. Chris takes it all in stride though, and moves to sit on the grass and you take his spot.
“So I’m taking it you like Chris then?” You ask Lila, taking a bite of your food.
“Oh yeah! I hope you keep him around, he’s real fun! And silly!”
“Yeah. Yeah he is, isn’t he? I hope he sticks around for a long while too,” You say looking at Chris softly.
He reaches over and grabs your hand, interlocking your fingers, resting them on the bench. “I will,” he assures.
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predestinatos · 8 months
we so lowkey - OP81
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pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader (x tiny bit of charles at the beginning)
summary: "the game is called truth or dare for a reason" | 5k words. warnings underneath. MINORS DNI.
tags: smut, sort of stoner!oscar, jealous charles to drive the plot, college student reader, dirty talking.
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warnings: drugs (weed), cigarettes, (consensual) unprotected sex, backshots, a lot of dirty talking, oral (male and female receiving), double orgasm.
notes: sorry for the delay, i have been on a writing slump (ignore the fact that this is 5k words long...) and trying to enjoy my last days with my bf before he leaves on erasmus!! but i hope you guys like this one. lmk your thoughts and thank u for ur patience always!
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"I am not getting drunk today" you said, putting your foot down. "I can take tipsy, but not drunk" your friend laughed at your comment but nodded in agreement, both of you acknowledging the fact that you had to calm yourselves down now that exams season approached. "It's just a small get together either way" your friend replied, shrugging. your clothes scattered across your clean room, an off-putting contrast you couldn't avoid. "You know a 'small get together' usually means at least 30 people" you applied lipstick in front of your closet mirror as you observed your friend through it. "He's here" your friend whispered as you entered the living room of the dorm room heavily decorated with alcohol and LED lights. She needn't say who she was referring to, for the name sounded forbidden yet that's what made it so enticing. grabbing yourself a drink and glancing around the room, you realized it really was a rather small group. it seemed comprised of around 20 people, the girl to boy ratio very balanced. if you didn't know better, you'd say this was planned. the first sip of alcohol touched your tongue and you swallowed happily, moving slowly to the rhythm of the music along with your friend. "Will you hate me if i leave you for a second?" she asked, lips close to your ear in nervous secrecy. you merely looked at her brown doe eyes and smiled, the best answer you could give her. You were both in college for more than grades - you were there for the full experience. the regrets, the bodies, the hands, the flirting, the waking up with a headache - it was all part of this phenomenal journey that lasted around 3 years, and you'd enjoy every single one of them. so as she left to go talk to someone, you knew you'd be fine. Of course you would, because as if he was waiting, Charles approached you, all strong perfume smell and smug attitude approaching you. "Didn't know you were coming" his eyes look down at you as he remains close but without touching you, daring you to make the first move. "Me neither, or I wouldn't have come" you spat, eyes shotting up at his, expression unchanging and unaffected, almost please with the reply. cocking his head to the side he brought his hand to your chin, stroking it softly yet teasingly. "You were never good at that when it comes to me" he said, clinking his plastic cup against yours, mocking you in a frustrating yet attractive way. you we're supposed to be having fun, fucking around and getting to know how other bodies fit in your bed, yet for the entirety of this year Charles Leclerc had been the one fulfilling that duty. It frustrated you, how you were so addicted to how he felt and made you feel, how the two of you had more than chemistry, creating friction during lectures and letting it all out during the night.
You weren’t exclusive, nor did you discuss feelings – something the both of you appreciated, since this back and forth between you two was pleasurable enough and it had absolutely zero strings attached. Breathing in deeply, you decided to simply strike him back the way you two enjoyed “what can I say, I’m a good actress.”
He exhaled through his nose with a smile that recognized your humor and your momentary win, a ‘touché’ leaving his lips in perfect French, attractive enough to make you take another sip of your drink in order to focus on something else.
Minutes pass with the music blasting and you and Charles going back and forth between dancing and teasing each other, your mutual attraction clear to everyone around. Yet, after a while, the volume lowered as someone announce “truth or dare! Everyone gather in a circle on the floor please!”
Everyone complied – easily so, given the fact that there weren’t that many people in the room, making it extra personal and giving everyone a chance to talk and meet each other, something you didn’t particularly do. After around 2 minutes, everyone sat enthusiastically, talking to each other with slightly lightheaded giddiness that only came after the right amount of drinks. To your left sat your best friend, side eyeing you disapprovingly at the person to your right – Charles. “Way to meet new people” she said, ironically. Pretending to be mad wasn’t her forte, as she laughed slightly at your predictableness and you shrugged, “c’est la vie!”  “And now you’re speak French?”
The host – a beautiful girl with the most amazing curly hair and prettiest eyes you’d ever seen, sat down and clapped her hands, an “alright!” coming out of her exhale. “We will spin this bottle twice: first chooses truth or dare, second gives the truth or dare. Be interesting, please!” she explained, causing everyone to laugh excitedly.
The bottle spun, landing on a boy who you were sure had had a thing for your friend for the longest time. “Dare” he decided as the bottle spun once again, landing on Charles. “I dare you to text ‘I miss you’ to the 6th person in your contacts” he said smuggishly. Everyone ‘oooh’ed as the boy grabbed his phone and searched for said contact. “Fuck-“ he exhaled, frustrated, “it’s my ex.” Charles merely laughed as he said “those are the rules!” nonchalantly placing a hand on your upper thigh without even a glance. Before you could ask, the boy’s voice exclaimed “done!” as he showcased his screen to everyone in a circle, the hand on your thigh disappearing as fast as it arrived.
A couple of rounds went by, you asking one person about their shittiest sexual experience and more drinks being poured as people kissed each other after being dared to, when, around the 9th time, the bottle landed on the dark brown eyed boy you and your friend always found adorable. His name was Oscar, and he usually kept to himself, coming to these get togethers and hanging out with his own friends shyly, occasionally smoking but never getting too drunk or too high. “Truth” he said, his voice deep and sweet like a caress, contrasting with the way he fidgeted nervously in his seat. For the second time, the bottle landed on Charles, who rubbed is hand in a mockingly villainous way. “Oscar… Who in this circle have you had fantasies about?”
Oscar instantaneously blushes, hand running through his hair nervously with a shy smile across his face, revealing an adorable set of teeth that made you smile as well. “Fuck’s sake…” he exhaled softly, before downing his drink quickly in order to provide him with some confidence to reply. “I’m gonna regret this” he repeats, everyone jokingly complaining about the suspense he was creating. “I’m sorry in advance, Charles” he exclaims, before his arm lifts towards you and your eyes cross. Still bushing but with a darker expression, almost as if reviewing some thoughts he had, his gaze pierced yours making you feel as if he could show you his own thoughts. Everyone ‘oooo’ed once again, clapping and drinking, despite Charles’ body tensing slightly as he said “sorry for what?”
Oscar merely shrugged, “for anything”, an apologetic smile showing up, one you couldn’t ignore.
The game lasted only a few more rounds until the small crowd distracted themselves with each other, getting up to get more drinks and not returning due to slightly drunk forgetfulness. However, even that small amount of time was enough to feel the palpable tension whenever Oscar’s eyes crossed yours, a quick glance away and joke throwing making you almost believe like you had imagined everything. His nonchalant persona combined with the knowledge that he had thought of you in other contexts drew you in, the same way your instant shyness and inability to look away only intensified his desires.
The boy next to you, however, was tenser than you had ever seen him, despite his great attempts at hiding it. Even before you could confront him about it, Charles’ excused himself, claiming that he had an exam first thing in the morning. Eyebrows furrowed, you knew that wasn’t true, but he merely kissed your cheek goodbye and closed the door behind you.
You were frustrated. In more ways than one, your body still very much coherent to take things lightly and carefree. Your leg shook up and down nervously as your best friend sat next to you in a couch, talking to an attractive girl she had her eyes on for a while. Tapping her shoulder lightly, you motioned the ‘gonna smoke’ sign with your hands, to which she smiled in recognition.
Opening the closest window to the balcony that oversaw the city, cold air hitting your lungs, you let your back hit the wall and let out a much needed breath. Grabbing a cigarette, you placed it between your lips as you searched for your lighter, the closeness of the relief imminent in your veins. The technicolor lights shone bright, cars moving like fireflies dancing to the rhythm of the song.
It was white noise that calmed you, the muffled sound of the music restarting in the house as you took more drags of your cigarette. You were so immersed in the sheer act, as if it was a meditation technique, that you barely noticed the light brown haired boy opening and closing the window, placing himself next to you, with a respectable distance between your bodies.
“Have some light?” he asked, and you jumped at the sound of his voice, the realization he was there. You nodded and handed him your lighter, and he thanked you as he lit up a perfectly wrapped blunt. “Sorry, by the way” he exhaled, along with the smoke that got out of his mouth, eyes roaming through the landscape in front.
“No problem, I get startled easily” you replied, admiring his side profile. His features were both hard and soft, eyes shining brightly in such a relaxed expression it mesmerized you, the way he let out a soft chuckle at your response. “I’m not apologizing for that,” he started, filling his lungs once again. “I’m apologizing for earlier.”
This time, he turned his head towards you, and you noticed his flushed cheeks, slight embarrassment still showing even as his body and mind relaxed. “For saying you fantasize about me or for saying sorry to Charles?” you asked, daringly. It had offended you, hurt you, even, that he had apologized to Charles as if the guy owned you, as if that answer needed to pass some sort of approval from him before becoming valid.
Oscar merely shrugged, “both, I suppose.” His eyes seemed a bit sleepier already as they rather shamelessly roamed your body, followed by his head resting against the wall as he looked up. You felt the tension, electrifying both your bodies already, shivers invading your body – maybe from the cold, maybe from the sheer presence of his indifferent frame.
“Was it true?” the question hung the air for a few seconds after it left your lips, your cigarette now almost over. “Depends on if you want it to be true or not,” a dazed giggle mixed between his words.
“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t” you crossed your arms in front of your chest after putting out your cigarette in the ashtray next to the balcony. His gaze turned to yours, lowering towards your chest before moving back to your eyes. “The game is called truth or dare for a reason” he answered, leaning sideways against the wall so he could look at you fully.
You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm, though you couldn’t deny how attracted you were to how he played out this nonchalant persona, the indifference contrasting with his words making your body burn.
 “And that,” he started, the hand holding the blunt pointing towards you, in a upwards and downwards movement. “That’s exactly why I have them.” Confusion invaded your mind as you failed to understand what his words meant, although his brown eyes remained on you as if revisiting every thought he ever had. “What?”
“You’re a tease without even realizing it,” he started, closing the distance between you a bit more, eyes glued to your lips as if fighting the urge to kiss you. “Describe them for me” you whispered, using your closeness to your advantage.
“How about I show you?” he whispered back, breath hot against your ear as his index finger ran along the exposed skin of your neck. Though you tensed, feeling your entire body respond to his suggestion, mouth watering, you wanted to play a bit more.
“What about ‘sorry, Charles’?” you mouthed, irony laced all over your smirk as you looked up at him lustfully. Oscar’s gaze scans the inside of the apartment quickly, more figuratively than literally, before turning back to you. “I don’t see him here now, do you?”
His index finger brushed your chin, forcing your gaze towards yours once more. “If I were him I would’ve made sure you only craved me.”
“How?” your voice was hoarse and breathy, your thighs slowly clenching at the need for touch. “Let’s just say my name would be the only thing you’d be able to utter.”
Your eyebrows raised and your breath got stuck in your throat as his lips brushed against you. You felt almost embarrassed at the effect his words and demeanor had on you, requiring little to no touch to get a reaction out of your entire body. This was not the Oscar Piastri you knew from a couple of shared classes, who sat at the back and always left first, who remained in his own zone at parties, interacting with a couple of closest friends. The fact that he was showing a more daring, direct and sexual attitude towards you felt like a compliment, exclusivity being silently attributed to you.
“Didn’t take you for such a fuckboy” you commented, almost as if making sure that this wasn’t actual his usual move, something everybody knew but didn’t talk about, a party trick he commonly used. He chuckled slightly, so close to you that you could see his throat bobbing up and down in though and feel his scent – some very light perfume that faded slightly due to the smell of the joint he was now finishing. “And I’m not,” he smiled, “I just know what I want. And I’ve been wanting you for so fucking long…” he trailed off, his eyes scanning every inch of you with lust, dropping to your lips for a few seconds longer than anywhere else, before returning to your eyes.
Before you knew it, his lips were on yours, ravenous and hungry for you. Your hands were on his soft hair, tugging it ever so slightly as his tongue teased yours and his breathing increased. Gripping your waist, Oscar pinned you against the balcony wall, the people on the other side of it disappearing from both of your minds as soon as you touched. His kissed matched him so well – so careless yet not aggressive nor bad, just confident and slow paced, as if possessing all the time in the world to enjoy every part of you. You couldn’t help but moan at the novelty of it, how different he was, how his touch left your body burning with freezing need for more.
His lips curved into a smile upon hearing you, an aroused gleefulness displayed in between kisses, fueling an ever growing necessity inside both of you. One of his hands rose to your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek sweetly, that touch so opposite from his grip that claimed you as his for a moment.
As soon as that moment came, it went away, his face distancing from yours, one of his hands attempting to fix the mess you had made of his hair. “I need you so bad right now” he whispered, cursing to himself at the loss of composure he ensured he had built. You merely stared at his disheveled look, frustrated desire written across his body as his brown eyes seemed to darken as time went by. You did not dare to speak, afraid no words would come out, brain foggy from sharing the absolute same wish as his: to continue what you started, to finish it completely.
“My dorm room is literally right above this one” he said after a few seconds, steading his breath in order to seem calmer, more relaxed and casual about the clear tension between you. You knew what he meant and knew he wouldn’t be elaborating any further. Knew he would simply go to his room and wait, watching tv as if you showing up – or not – wouldn’t influence much of his night. Like whatever was happening wasn’t happening, like he didn’t just say he needed you.
You replied with a nod as he opened the door and climbed inside, knowing that when you entered that kitchen he wouldn’t be there anymore. You waited a few more minutes, smoking another cigarette as you considered your options, tried to clear your head and think rationally, yet it was hard as every part of your body ached for more of him, your legs weak just from the kiss you shared on the balcony. Finishig your smoke, you climbed inside the kitchen, where people remained unaware of what happened outside, as if you belonged to two different channels that now intertwined.
You searched for your best friend, wanting to let her know where you were going, reassuring that she needn’t worry but that you’d be just one floor above in case she needed something. Finding her was harder than you thought, minutes passing with you growing more nervous at the prospect of Oscar having given up on you, thinking you had done the same with him. Had he more options? Was he this open with every woman he found attractive? These thoughts clouded your mind as your eyes crossed with your best friend’s and she ran towards you. Tipsy, but not drunk. Good. You both filled each other in on what you had missed during the short time you weren’t next to each other, promising to be close if any of you were in need. Her good luck wink gave you all the approval you needed to leave that dorm room and head towards the upper floor.
The floor vibrated with the music underneath – Oscar wasn’t lying when he said it his room was right above – every beat pulsating with energy that matched your own beating heart. Your nervous hands knocked on the door, your mind too aware of your stance, wondering what would be considered normal in a situation like this. But all those thoughts evaporated your mind as the door opened and you were greeted with the mesmerizing view of the boy you had just made out with.
His hair was slightly damp, indicating that he had taken a shower, or was in the middle of one, as you noticed some droplets running across his smooth skin and a towel lazily wrapped around his hips. You felt hypnotized by his slight smirk and unpreoccupied appearance as he step aside to let you in. “Was starting to think you wouldn’t come” he commented as he pointed towards the sofa in the middle of the apartment, sitting casually next to you. “Hence the look” he continued, giggling slightly.
You were too aware of how naked he was and how little he seemed to care about it. He kept a comfortable distance between you, as if allowing you to stand up and leave were you to change your mind. But that wasn’t even an option to you as his eyes landed on your lips, lingering in there before he gently shook his head and looked up at the ceiling. “God, you have me wrapped around your finger” his tone was half joke, half truth, as if he couldn’t believe it himself, how you seemed to so effortlessly produce such an effect on him.
“Well, I was promised something” you shrugged teasingly, your confidence growing as you realized how much he craved you, how this was something he actually wanted for a while. With your comment, his eyes shot back to you, and his body quickly followed, hovering above yours, droplets of water falling delicately on your face as he looked down at you, hands placed on each side of your head. You couldn’t help but bite your lip hungrily, crossing your legs tightly trying to relieve some of the need you were feeling.
Oscar’s eyes remained on your face as he stopped your legs with his own. “No” he whispered with assertion. “You want me to show you want I imagine doing to you, then you’ll have to play your part and look pretty while at it.”
You were shocked at his words and actions and how they affected you, making it so the only thing you could do in response was nod. Your eyes wanted to wander to where the towel threatened to unwrap himself, but Oscar’s soft finger lifted your chin towards him. “Eyes on me” despite it being a command, his voice indicated anything but that. It was calm and reassuring, confident but not cocky.
His thumb grazed across your lower lip, fondling it gently before opening your mouth subtly. He inserted his index and middle finger inside your mouth, pushing smoothly against your tongue. You took it upon yourself to wrap your lips around them, sucking on them, your tongue playing with his skin as you maintained eye contact. “Fuck” he cursed, muscles trembling from trying to keep his position and composure.
After some seconds, he removed his fingers from your mouth, replacing them with his own lips, hungrily possessing you. As he did this, causing your brain to go lightheaded and register little to nothing at all apart from his touch and tongue caressing you, his hand slid down your exposed stomach to the inside of your jeans. Your arms were around his neck, trying to pull him closer despite the impossibility of it – but you needed more. More of him, of his touch and of his body on yours.
His finger caressed your clit softly, satisfying your needs in part, but simultaneously leaving you more frustrated. You couldn’t help but whimper, trying to grind against his teasing hand, hips moving almost instinctively, which caused a sensuous chuckle to leaving his lips. “You sound even better than what I imagined,” his finger dipped lowered towards your entrance, teasing it, playing with your own desperate hunger. “And you’re wetter, too.”
You moaned at his words, and despair invaded your brain, your hands rushing to unbutton your pants and giving Oscar all the liberty of movement, a silent plea for the feeling of him inside you. Your walls clenched around nothing when he pulled your top up, revealing your exposed breasts. His eyes lingered on them as he tasted you, placing his fingers in his mouth while his other hand removed the towel from around his waist.
Finally, you thought, throwing your own jeans on the floor, red lace panties covering little to nothing of the lower half of your body.
His erection sprang free as he dropped the towel as well, the tip glistening with pre cum, its entire length throbbing. His hand wrapped around it as he took the entire sight of you in, eyelids revealing a drunken thrill as his breath became more irregular.
“I thought about this so many fucking times” he started, not with longing but with a primal urge to have you, a matter-of-fact tone in his voice that caused your whole body to erupt in need. “Come here”
Oscar positioned himself on his knees at the edge of the couch, continuously stoking himself as you moved towards him on all fours, not daring to look away from the sheer sight of him. Pulling your hair, he directed your face towards his erection, pressing it against your lips. You opened your mouth and enveloped him slowly, savoring the salty taste of him as your tongue explored his length. Each one of your caresses made him groan and sigh in pleasure, your head bobbing up and down underneath him.
The sight of you was beautifully overwhelming to him, especially as you started grinding your hips against nothing at all. “Fuck, if I knew you wanted it this bad I would… I would’ve done this earlier” he struggled to say, mesmerized at how your eyes looked up at him, ecstasy-filled.
You moaned against his cock, vibrations traveling throughout his body as he jerked his hips up, deeper into you, more than what you thought possible. You teared up with the suddenness of it, though it made you dizzy with pleasure.
That pleasure was short-ended as his hand pulled your hair softly, an indication for you to stop. As he removed himself from inside your mouth, a string of saliva connected you both, your lips now swollen and red, shiny with spit.
Oscar lowered himself in order to kiss you while laying you on the sofa once again, his mouth leaving wet marks all over your body until it reached the area underneath your bellybutton. He blew softly on your skin, and goosebumps invaded your body as he pulled your underwear down and off of you, hands now placed around your thighs, opening them with fervor. Before you could register the coldness hitting your now exposed skin, his face buried in between your legs, licking you softly as his damp hair touched the skin on your thighs.
The warmth of his mouth contrasted with his still-wet hair, your mind clouded by wanting to wrap your legs around him and the instinct to pull away from the cold. He grinned against your wet pussy before sucking your clit, your hands flying towards his hair, pushing him against you.
“So needy…” he whispered, readjusting himself so he could bury two fingers into you and keep his attention on your clit, devouring you. His tongue sent your body into frenzied shivers, his name escaping your lips incoherently. His fingers intensified their pace, sliding in and out of you and curling inside you. “Fuck, you taste so good” he mumbled, “and my name sounds so good when you whimper it” he now looked at you intently, analyzing your pleasure with so much attention it almost made you blush – were your cheeks not red due to the heat of the desire. It was all so much, so much you couldn’t focus on it all, your body erupting into an orgasm, walls pulsating around his fingers, his gaze adoring your body and all of its movements.
Your chest rose and fell almost as fast as your heart beat, and you giggled, actually giggled, from how lightheaded you felt. “I need to see and hear that again” he stared, more than asked you, although he remained in place, only his hand slowly pulling out from inside you, covered in your juices. He wasted no time in wrapping it around his own erection, now even more visibly hungry for something – someone. You.
“Please” he pleaded, suddenly looking so greedy, so needy and desperate. For some reason, this reignited the desire within you, and although your body was still recovering from the intoxicating orgasm, you were ready to do it all again.
“Do I keep going in your fantasy?” you asked, voice hoarse and breathy. His eyes widened slightly, the pace of his movement as he worked himself up increased as he nodded. “Then why are you asking me?” you told him, the fact that you consented implicit in your tone, your legs spreading apart for him to gawk at.
He barely needed two seconds before positioning himself between your legs once again, the tip of his cock rubbing against your entrance. “You’re soaking” he tried saying, stumbling across some vowels due to his own excitement. “I don’t know if I can last much” he slowly entered you, savoring as every inch buried deeper inside you, “you drive me fucking crazy.”
Your eyes rolled the back of your head at how he filled you up, at his praise as he did so, at how good he sounded when incoherence and pleasure laced his words. His hips moved, at first in a slow, consistent, pace, which quickly changed after some seconds, along with his breathing.
His eyebrows furrowed as your nails dug into his back, the sudden pain feeling so thrilling when mixed with the pleasure of being inside you. “Turn around” he said, pulling himself out of you for less than a second, giving you only time to lay on your stomach with your ass in the air.
That position allowed for him to go even deeper inside you, to hear you scream in pleasure as your own hand touched your clit in desperate need for more release. “You like that?” he asked in between breaths, knowing he could barely hold it any longer.
You tried saying the word ‘yes’ but even that failed you, your vision cloudy and your head foggy as you felt him close to release. His moans increased in loudness and intensity, your name being one of the few coherent things he could say before pulling himself out of you and orgasming, his cum spread across your back.
You couldn’t do anything but succumb to your own pleasure erratically, the simultaneous nature of your orgasms driving you into your own craziness.
Your body collapsed on the couch as his pressed tightly against you, both of you trying to gather your thoughts. Lying on his back, his head now looking at the ceiling, Oscar turned to you softly. “Want to sleep over?”
Your plan was not going to work.
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sugrhigh · 6 months
HOTBOX 2 - ( m.s )
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part one
summary- matt smoked with his best friends for the first time, and after you guys get home his dirty thoughts about you finally come to life
warnings- SMUT !! so don’t read if ur uncomfy, swearing, unprotected sex, slightly subby!matt
bff!matt x fem!reader
a/n: HEHE i had fun writing this so i hope you guys truly enjoy. i will be working on boy next door and a beautiful fall req i just received, but until those are posted my inbox is open for any comments, reqs, or sweet nothings xoxo
dedicated to the lovely @awsturn thank you for requesting!!!
@fawnchives @mattswrld @l1ttlefreakk @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick
“oh wow, matt.” nick can’t stifle his laughter as his brother walks through the front door with the rest of you.
he’s got his arm around your shoulder, leaning some of his weight on you as you move in unison. he promised he could walk fine on his own, but you insisted on being there just in case.
not that he minds the physical contact.
“what?” he asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his eyes finally focus.
“nothing you just look…very faded.”
“that’s because he is.” you reply for him.
“hey, so are you guys!” matt argues, and you nod your head absentmindedly as the two of you head past nick to the living room.
“yes, we are. do you want to sit?”
“are you going to?”
you laugh and untangle yourself from his arms once you’re beside the couch. “you don’t have to do everything i do, you know.”
his legs are far less shaky than they were before, but he plops down on the plush cushions regardless. the rest of the group is still chattering in the foyer, and he appreciates the few seconds of alone time he gets with you.
“just wanted to make sure you weren’t leaving.” matt shrugs lazily in response.
“i’m literally spending the night dork.” you remind him, turning to head into the kitchen.
you’re unknowingly giving him the perfect view of your ass as you walk, covered only by those thin little yoga pants, hips swaying back and forth like you’re taunting him on purpose.
he has to force himself to look away, to try and put an end to all of the filthy thoughts churning in his mind. he shouldn’t be thinking them, especially not about one of his best friends.
but matt is too fried to pretend he doesn’t have feelings for you. he always has. it’s just harder to hide how much he wants you when he can barely remember how to breathe.
it’s pretty late, so chris and nathan announce that they’re going to his room to play video games. the pair are already bounding down the hall as you return to the living room, equipped with a bottle of water in one hand.
“where the hell are they off to?” you ask with a grin, passing him the drink.
“going to play fortnite or something.” matt replies, taking the water into his own trembling hands.
he tries to ignore the way his fingers pass over yours, tries not to wonder if you feel the same spark that he does just from a simple touch. luckily, nick enters seconds later which relieves some of the tension.
he watches his brother wrap you in a quick hug. “i have to finish editing, but i’ll see you in the morning.”
“you better be up in time for mcdonald’s breakfast.” you point an accusatory finger at him as he heads to his room laughing.
“yeah, yeah, wake me whenever. goodnight matt, drink that water.”
he hears the door click closed a second later, his eyes trained on you as you move to sit down beside him. your thigh is inches from his, but you’re still too far away for his liking.
“are you sleepy?” you ask him as you settle down against the cushions, finally meeting his gaze once you’re comfortable.
“not really.” he finds himself smiling at you, for no real reason besides the fact that he loves you.
you tilt your head to the side, studying him with a look in your eyes that indicates you’re amused. “okay, how are you then? enjoying it?”
his eyes are low and red, watching your lips as they move. he can’t stop thinking about your fingers gently gripping his thigh earlier, the confident tone in which you speak to him, how you handle yourself.
all of that mixed with the weed is making him incredibly turned on. he shifts a little, dropping the water bottle on the couch so he can use his hands to cover his lap.
“yeah, i’m enjoying it.” matt says quietly, unable to look anywhere besides you.
you furrow your brows a little bit, but your grin doesn’t fade, which makes him feel better.
“alright, what’s going on? i know you’re high and everything, but you’re acting a little too weird.” you accuse him, though your demeanor is light-hearted as you nudge your shoulder against his.
he shakes his head just slightly as if he has no idea what you’re talking about. “what do you mean? i’m totally normal.”
matt finds that his voice is just a little too squeaky and quick to be convincing, and he knows he’s not a very good liar, especially when it comes to you.
“come on, i know that’s not true. you can tell me anything.” you push, moving a little bit so that you can properly face him.
the light coming from the kitchen silhouettes your features beautifully, and he can feel the words crawling up his throat. it’s involuntary, but the truth is coming out either way.
“i already told you earlier.”
“i just…want you.” he finally admits breathlessly.
this catches you completely off guard, considering you had pushed your previous conversation in the car to the back of your mind. you figured he was just tripping, only saying flirty things because he was so out of it.
your lips part like you’re going to speak, but nothing happens. matt studies your face for any kind of emotion other than shock, but he can’t read you, which makes him anxious.
“i’m sorry, fuck, i don’t know why i’m saying this shit right now, of all times, but you look so pretty and i just…i needed you to know because—” he stumbles over his words, which morph together in the wrong places.
“matt, matt, it’s okay.”
you put a hand on his thigh again, trying to let him know that everything is fine, and he literally twitches from the pressure of your palm being so close to where he needs you.
“don’t do that.” he hisses, unable to control the way he slightly bucks against your fingers.
but you don’t move, because you feel yourself throb at the sight of him growing hard in his sweatpants. all because you touched him.
“matt…” you tilt your head, trying to get him to look at you.
he exhales a long breath before he finally does, his faded eyes wider now, cheeks flushed and brown hair messy from the wind of the car ride home. he looks beautiful, your beautiful best friend.
but matt is way more. you need him to be more.
“are you sure you want this?” you say faintly, leaning in just enough for him to notice.
“do you want this?”
you nod your head slowly, staring at his pink lips, unable to stop wondering if they’re as soft as they look. so you meet him the rest of the way, your mouth meshing against his gently.
matt almost melts at the feeling, and butterflies erupt through his chest. he can’t believe this is happening. part of him wonders if he fell asleep, and is dreaming it all up.
it’s thrilling, how desperate you both are for more, how his tongue slips against yours so nicely, and he has to contain himself when you bite down on his bottom lip every so often.
you pull away and swing your leg over his lap so you can straddle him. he groans quietly underneath you, because your hips feel so nice on his that he already wants to combust on the spot.
and then you lean down to his ear, moving slowly against his hard dick, so close he can feel your breath tickle his skin.
“i’m gonna take care of that, baby,” you whisper, “but you have to be quiet. can you do that?”
matt nods eagerly and you kiss his neck in response, tugging at the skin lightly. his hands travel to your ass, gripping it tightly to force some more friction.
he feels you grin against his throat, and he has to hold back a moan from the combined sensation of your tongue and hips going to work.
you move up to his jaw, across his cheek, back to his mouth, and this time he smiles against your lips. kissing you is just so sweet, even when it’s sinful, and he’s so high and happy it's impossible not to.
you pepper him with a few more quick pecks before crawling off of his lap, crouching down between his knees. he’s already needy, missing having you on top of him even though you look gorgeous at his feet.
matt reaches out to smooth your hair, holding your head in his hand as his thumb brushes your cheek.
“are you real?” it leaves his mouth before he can think.
you let out a breathy laugh, turning your head to kiss the heel of his palm softly. “i’m real, i promise.”
the intimacy of the moment, just that small gesture, is making his heart slam against his ribcage.
you reach up to hook your fingers underneath the waist of his sweats, tugging them down to indicate he should lift himself. matt does just that, pressing his back against the couch so you can slide the soft material down to his ankles.
your run your hands up his thighs before you go to the band of his boxers, pulling so that his dick springs free. he’s already wet and straining, precum soaking his tip, and he’s a little embarrassed by the way you’re looking at it.
but you’re only staring because it’s bigger than you expected, possibly the biggest you’ve seen in person. you’re entranced as your fingers glide over his tip, spreading his wetness across the rest of the base.
“shit…” matt mutters under his breath, throwing his head back against the couch as he fucks himself into your hand slightly.
you love hearing him all breathless, watching his muscles clench in pleasure as you stroke him. but you can tell he’s already worked up enough, so you start to slow your movements to a stop before pushing yourself to stand.
his head snaps back up, surprised by the switch in pace, and then his eyes get wider. you slip your leggings off, reaching for the hem of your shirt after so you can tug it over your head and discard it with your pants.
he loves seeing you exposed like this, every curve, every gorgeous little detail that makes your body your body.
“my pretty girl.” he praises, completely pussy whipped already, and it makes you a little bit shy as you stand before him.
you just like matt so much, and hearing him compliment you in such a personal setting only confirms how much you need him.
“want you inside me.” you murmur, straddling his waist again, sliding your wet panties against his shaft lightly as you get situated.
“please, oh my god—” he’s choking on his own words as you push your panties to the side, lining him up with your entrance.
you sink down on him without warning, feeling that delicious and familiar pressure in your stomach as he fills you up. matt’s hands find their way to your ass again, in a state of complete euphoria from having you wrapped around him.
you both groan, and you lean in so you can attach your mouth to his, swallowing the sounds of your shared pleasure. he helps guide you up and down, slowly at first, admiring the way you squeeze his dick every time he’s fully inside.
“fuck, you feel so good matt.” you whine against his lips as quietly as possible, picking up the pace and moving your hips at a quicker speed, hands on the frame of the sofa to help you bounce.
“promise you feel better.” he manages to respond before having to bite down on his bottom lip hard to contain a moan.
you’re riding him so well, skin slapping skin together ever so slightly. matt uses one hand to tug your bra down so he can slide his tongue over one of your nipples. you arch into his wet mouth, enjoying the way he softly sucks on each of them, swapping every so often.
he loves having your tits in his face so much, and he knows he won’t be able to hang on much longer with the way you’re moving.
“m’close, oh fuck—” his eyes roll back as you rock against him as fast as possible, rotating your hips so he hits a different spot every time.
“that’s it baby, keep fucking me, let it all go.” you command, relishing in the wave that’s taking over you as well.
matt slams you down on him a couple more times before he feels his fingers lose their grip, shuddering as he finishes inside you, breathless and sweaty.
your own muscles tense and you dive into it, releasing all over his cock as you slow your pace due to the overstimulation. you’re also panting as you slide off of him, rolling over his leg so you can sit beside him for a minute.
“that was…wow.” matt sighs happily as the both of you readjust your underwear.
“agreed.” you turn your head to smile at him, leaning in for one more little kiss.
it’s short, but it’s still just as passionate as the ones that came before. you could do it all day, his lips are just that soft.
“we should probably get cleaned up. do you wanna spend the night in my room?” his voice is still hushed once you pull away, and there’s a certain weight behind his words.
“i kinda want to sleep in your room every night.” you reply honestly, and his face lights up again at the confession, because he feels the exact same.
“i think i would kinda like that a lot.”
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agirlwithglam · 3 months
how to stop being so obsessed with them.
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heyyy bestieees! heres a few tips to stop you from being so obsessed with them cus honeyyy its just not worth it. it doesn't just have to be romantically btw!
"she's literally perfect.. like how??" <- affirmations!
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༄ ✬ move on! ༄ ✬
numero uno. move on. okay hear me out! there are 8 billion people in the world. (8 billion freeky deeking people). do yk how much that it? a lot of 0s. and i know for a fact that SO MANY of them would be thrilled to know you, to spend time with you, to love and respect you! if that 1 person out of 8 billion people doesn't seem to recognise your worth, so what?!
"oh but they're perfect and i just love them so much!" ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sorry, what do you love again? the fact that they don't care enough to return a text, treat you right, make you feel loved?
"i just want them to love me back and treat me the way they treat others because they are so funny and always seem to make me and other people laugh!" oh ma lawd. ur not serious r u? you are?! okokok i won't make fun of you. i can relate to how that feels. but sweetheart, 8 billion. trust me, you'll find a lot more people who are twice as funnier and caring who will love you to the moon and back and make you feel like the most specialist person ever and massage ur crusty musty toes. jk about the last one- unless u want that?
༄ ✬ not everyone will know your worth. ༄ ✬
so asking questions like "but why can't they realise how great i am? or how funny i am? or how loving i am? i would do anything for them, why can't they realise that and treat me the same way back?" im sorry honey but the world doesn't work that way. if someone doesn't feel or treat you as if you're the most glamorous girl in the world, then you need to stop giving them sm energy and importance.
heres an analogy that i got from simonesquared on youtube: in gilmore girls, Rory has this super rich boyfriend Logan right? (who has the most cutest smile ever i might add) and he buys Rory a birkin bag. now to Rory, she doesn't realise the value of a bag like that! to her, its just another bag. she's grateful of course, but she doesn't fully realise the immense value this type of bag has.
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༄ ✬ have a life outside of them.༄ ✬
lemme repeat that. have. a. fleeping. life. outside. of. them. they should NOT be the center of your life or the cause of all your actions NUH UH ABSOLUTELY NOT! its okay to do SOME things with the thought of them, but that part is separate from the rest of your life. your life is your life, not theirs!!
this can mean going to the gym, working out, finding new hobbies, educating yourself, self care, etc etc! but don't go about your life, thinking about them. you go about your life thinking about YOU.
༄ ✬ stop chasing them. ༄ ✬
"gee, thanks vanilla. thats so helpful! how did i not think about that earlier?" im assuming thats sarcasm, but whateverr. okay so if they know that you're chasing them, that you're obsessed with them, yk what they'll think? they'll think that 'oh! this person is chasing me, so she really wants me. so she'll stick around. i dont really need to try too hard to keep her cus i know she'll stay. i'll explore my options in the meantime :)'
GIRL do not so available like this! BE BUSY (which relates to the point before). once you glow up, work on your life, not taking it so seriously, and just being happy and enjoying this beautiful gift of life, they will start to think: 'oh! this person (you) is actually quite fabulous. i better try to make her feel happy/ be friends with her before i miss this awesome opportunity!'
cus girl, cmon, you've got things to do, places to be, and people to talk to. i've got goals and dreams and my bucket list. you don't have the time to sit here and be crazy obsessed. so like, if they just leave, um okay and? "yes, and?" what about it? am i meant to be bothered? likerrr okay, byee? i mean, i've got a lot of things to do so i could try to fit in a "help i need you" session between my pilates class and my cooking class? jk <3
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༄ ✬ give yourself the damn love. ༄ ✬
why are you obsessed with them? why are you head over heels for somebody who literally couldn't care less? its because they have something that you feel like you're lacking.
is it the fact that they always seem so happy and laughing-y with people around them? that they get super high marks on their test? they are attractive? they have a high status? money? what is it?? often, we can actually give these things to ourselves. some, easier than others. but not impossible. if you really wanted to, you would get up, dust yourself up, and give yourself the love you crave. What you want in others, give to yourself first.
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More resources:
How to stop comparing yourself & feel fulfilled without needing external validation.
Thewizardliz: becoming selfish was the best thing i did
Lumma Aziz’s videos
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michibap · 1 month
cool for the summer ch.1
beach house
childhoodbff ted
5k words 💀
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-Ted had been promising you a road trip for forever
-literally since high school.
-And honestly he’s a little scared that if he puts it off any longer, you might actually show up at his front door with a firearm
-So, your post-grad celebration was the perfect excuse to hit the road with you!
-You, and a few other friends (who actually stuck to school while everyone else dropped out to focus on their social media careers) had finally earned their degrees
-So, the gang decided to rent out a house on the east coast for a week to celebrate and finally see each other after having gone basically off the grid for the past couple of months to wrap up finals
-The minute the reservation was confirmed, you were already on the phone with Ted, trying to find plane tickets for the two of you so that you wouldn’t have to brave LAX on your own
-You had the phone pressed between your shoulder and your ear, rapidly scrolling through the website to find a flight that was equally as cheap as it was survivable
-You’d sent him countless clips of public freakouts and doors flying off mid-flight on spirit, but here you were, mouse hovering over the check-out button
“I don’t know dude, it’s literally $45 round trip…” you muttered, anxiously biting the nail of your thumb
 “We will actually fucking die.” 
 “Then we’ll die with dignity. Our final stand against Big Aviation.”
 “Right, of course. Dying by fire is really sticking it to the man.”
-He hears you inhale, about to continue arguing before he finally intervened
- “I was actually wondering if you maybe wanted to drive?”
-The other line goes quiet, and he actually worries for a moment that you’re going to say no
-And then he hears the three beeps signifying the call has been ended
-And his stomach drops to his ass
-Before he has the chance to spiral too far, the black screen he had been staring at himself in lights up with an incoming facetime
-He quickly swipes and prepares to explain himself but before he has the chance you’re already off on your own tangent
- “Are you actually serious? Because if you’re fucking with me you’re actually sick and twisted.”
-Your face is close to the screen, admittedly looking a little haggard after finals had done you in, hair messy, under eyes dark, and skin pale from not seeing the light of day after basically locking yourself in the campus library for days at a time
-Either way, he couldn’t bite back his smile at the sight of ur cute lil face
- “You’re right, that was mean.” 
-He watches the excitement in your eyes dim and he knows you’re about to hang up-
- “WAITWAITWAIT IM SORRY IM JOKING” he pleads, knowing for a fact that you WILL hang up and possibly even put your phone in airplane mode for remainder of the day
- protecting your peace, as you call it
- luckily, you showed mercy and heard him out
-and very excitedly agreed to him picking you up two days prior to the first day of the reservation so that you could make the 37 hour drive from LA to wherever the fuck the house is (not accounting for stops, of course)
-He was kind of guilty that you guys didn’t have a fun goal or theme for the trip like there have been for others, you assured him you had no problem playing it by ear
-So, before the two of you even knew it, the first day of your expedition rolled around
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-It was the morning of, and Ted was enroute to your place, braving the two hour ride caffeine-free because you had pleaded with him to get a “fun little drink” from a newly opened coffee shop near your house
-He had been griping at the camera set up on his dashboard in the meantime
-content AND a healthy release so he wouldn’t be snappy once he picked you up
-So by the time he finally pulled up to the front of your house (and grumbled a bit about your shitty parking situation), he was only  little cranky
-But when your front door finally opened after he sent the text to let you know he had arrived, all of it was washed away
-You were bright and bushy tailed, looking like life had breathed back into you after finals had drained you of all your whimsy
-You were dressed comfortably, in an old tank and sweatpants that were a bit too big on you, so you rolled the waistband up
-He pointedly ignored how low they hung on your hips
-After a moment he remembered he had to be filming, and whipped out his phone to film you bouncing to the Tacoma with a bright smile, duffle bag slung over your shoulder
-Your roommate was standing in the door with her girlfriend, both of them with a cat in arm, making their little paws wave goodbye
-Ted laughed, zooming in on them for a moment before your face was right up in the camera
- “Good morning.” you greeted, rather formally
- He gave you a strange look, “...Hi.”
-You stepped up on the truck’s running board and stuck your head into the window, looking for the camera you knew would be on the dashboard,
- “Hi.” you greeted the viewers as well
- “Alright, get outta here” He chided, placing his palm on your forehead and pushing you back out the window, ignoring your disturbed “AGH!”
- “Put your shit in the trunk and let’s get this show on the road!”
-After giving you instructions on how to actually open the trunk, he turned to acknowledge the camera while you loaded your bag up
- “Alright, guys, hostage acquired. We’ve got 37+ hours until we-”
-He should have rolled up the goddamn window. 
-Instead of entering through the designated passenger side door
- you decided to hurl yourself through the driver’s window
-There was a moment of chaos as you tried to climb over both him and the center console, a mess of sharp knees and elbows, all that could be heard was incomprehensible bickering, manic laughter, and an occasional “OW”
-Once you were both settled, rather than providing any further explanation, Ted shut off the camera.
- “So where’s this coffee place you wouldn't quit yapping about?”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-After about fifteen minutes and MORE unpleasant parking situations, you finally found yourselves in a very cute cafe with comfy chairs, lots of plants, and a handwritten menu that neither of you could read
“The Lana Del Rey?” you read excitedly,  having taken a photo of the menu so you could zoom in
“I don’t know…” He hummed, reading over your shoulder, “I think I’m just gonna get a caramel macchiato”
-You booed, getting on his ass for not trying something new
 “I just want something I know I’m gonna like, you know?”
- you only disapprovingly shook your head, clicking your tongue
-You two ordered your drinks along with a couple of fun pastries 
-And much to Ted’s pleasure, you ate your fucking words as the two of you watched the barista make your drinks
-The underpaid teenager crafting a beautiful macchiato for Ted, and for you…
- You watched in horror as they cracked open a can of coke, pouring it over the ice in the cup with your name on it, before topping it off with two shots of espresso. 
 “You’ll have to let me know if it’s good! It’s a new menu item, I’ve been a little scared to try it myself” they laughed, handing you the cup of murky, bubbling liquid.
- You took the cup with an awkward laugh and a thanks before making your way back to the tacoma, biting back giggles at the thought of consuming such a concoction.
-When you get back in the vehicle, Ted turns the camera back on with the explanation that the internet NEEDS a review of the Lana Del Rey flavored beverage. 
“Alright guys, we’ve got our little drinkies for the road, but first I think we need a taste test.” He says with a giddy laugh, he’s always been a sucker for kitchen potions, which is exactly what you ordered
 “Our total was $30 for two drinks and two pastries-” you deadpanned
“Thank you Mr. Biden!” you both sang, before breaking into giggles
“Okay, okay, we actually need to taste these.”
- You decided to try Ted’s first, both of you pleasantly unsurprised that the caramel macchiato was decent
-Then you both took a bite of each pastry, thoughtfully humming before trying to explain what was going on
-Then finally, your drink…
-Ted eagerly watched as you gingerly took a lil sip before flinching back, and watched as your expression shifted from disgust to confusion to surprise then back to confusion
-Once you come back to you give him a bewildered expression before going right back in for another sip and going through the process over again
- “Fuckin gimme that” he snatched the drink out of your hand and took a sip himself and had basically the same exact reaction
- You both take a moment to process before,
- “We can share.”
- “Yes, we can share.”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-Relative to other trips he’s taken, two days is basically nothing, and goes by in an almost disappointingly quick blur
-He did basically all of the driving the first day, allowing you to relax and enjoy the scenery
-For the first hour you both sang obnoxiously to the playlist you’d been crafting together for years in preparation for your first actual road trip
-Then once your voices got a bit raw the volume was turned down with the intention of having nonverbal time, just for you to go on to yap about basically nothing and also everything (?) for another three hours
-At one point, you get a little cold for a tank top with how cold Ted keeps the truck to keep his sweat at bay, and you unbuckle so you can rummage through the back seat for a sweatshirt, coming back donning a hoodie of Ted’s that he hasn’t seen in weeks. 
-It’s not unusual to see you in  his clothes, but the combination of having gone a while without seeing you and the hoodie reemerging from the abyss left him a little discombobulated
-Definitely does not have to do with how cozy you look, a little flushed from the effort of rummaging in the back seat, your hair tousled from pulling the sweatshirt over your head, and swamped in excess fabric
 “Where the fuck did you find that??”
 “Back seat.”
 “Huh, I haven’t seen that thing in a while. It’s probably been in the back seat for a solid month at least.”
 “Yeah, that tracks. Smells like it.”
 “Fuck off”. 
-Eventually, the conversation lulls to an end and you’re both left in a comfortable silence
-That is, until he hears five quick clicks from the passenger seat
-You both side eye each other for a moment, before you break out into a sheepish smile and pull the pen out of your pocket, holding it out to him
 “You want?”
 “I’m driving.”
 “That’s not what I asked.”
- He shook his head with a smile, “I will later, we’re gonna have all week to be deviants”
“Also, I’m not smoking and driving, you fucking psycho.”
- You only simpered in response, shrugging as you take a drag and blowing it out the window
-once you’re decently high, you lounge in the passenger seat, head comfortably rested on where you have your arms folded on ledge of the window
-dazedly enjoying the scenery and the wind in your hair and blowing on your face as you hum along to the music on the radio
-and ted just smiles to himself, enjoying your company
-relieved that the two of you were able to fall back into sync easily after going so long without seeing one another or talking much
-not because of bad blood or anything, more-so life just taking the two of you in separate directions
-after high school, you’d moved to the west coast for school
-though as proud of you as he was, and as much fun as he had with his own college experience, he wouldn’t deny that there was a part of him that wishes you’d decided to stay closer
-just because he was able to handle the naturally growing distance between the two of you like a mature adult would, does NOT mean he enjoyed it
-during your time apart, he has met some of his closest friends who he would follow to the ends of the earth [threateningly]
-but no matter how hard he tries, he’s never been able to replicate how at home he felt with you
-while he was building up the courage to ask you to come on this trip with him, part of him was worried that it would be different now
-i mean, both of you were grown
-no longer elementary schoolers fighting with stick swords and having sleepovers, or teenagers bursting into each other’s houses and being asked by teachers where the other was when one of you was absent
-and both of you had developed significantly from then
- it would only make sense for the dynamic to have shifted at least a little bit
-and maybe it has
-but he glances over to where you have your hand dangling out of the window, your cheek comfortably squished against your shoulder as you doze off
-and decides that maybe he doesn’t mind
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-when y’all finally rock up to the motel you’d been planning on spending the night in, you’re both apprehensive
-the bright orange paint smeared on the cement building had become dingy and and brownish, and the office where you checked in had a strange funk to it
-and of COURSE the room only had one bed, which both of you could have tolerated, having done it before without issue 
(you were rated your friend group’s politest sleeper, but ted knew it was only because you sleep like a corpse, dead to the world and unmoving once you’re knocked. but it pairs nicely with ted, who is a notorious sleep talker and tends to toss and turn)
- you anxiously insist (ie FORCE) ted to pull the corner of the mattress up to check for bed bugs (after he had tried to assure you there were none)
-he tries to make you do it, with the excuse that he has to film, but you snag the camera out of his hands and begin filming
-later when he checks the footage, it’s a shaky recording  of him being like “There’s really nothing to worry about, this is clearly a trustworthy establishment” as he waltzes over to the dingiest mattress you have ever seen
-he goes to cockily lean on it, but has he pops his hip and settles a hand on the corner
-a fuckign MOUSE skitters out from under the pillows at the head of the bed, scampering dangerously close past ted’s hand before it hides under the mattress
-resulting in both of you shrieking, ted almost falling as he clumsily stumbles away from the dinky mattress, the camera shaking wildly as it records you leaving him to die and booking it out of the room
-Needless to say, the two of you decide to sleep in the car.
-ted tries to make the best of it, insisting that you guys sleep in the bed of the truck and pretend you’re camping
-he even drives another hour to find a scenic rest stop to settle at
-two find yourselves shoulder to shoulder on the uncomfortably bumpy truck bed, duffel bags for pillows
-after hearing the angry shuffling of your sleeping bag and another huff as you turn over, ted can’t help but open his fat fucking mouth to try and defend the situation
“It’s like we’re old timey pioneer pals, out on the road,” he brings a hand up to reach for the admittedly beautiful night sky (which tracks, seeing the two of you are in BUTTFUCK NOWHERE), 
“camping under the stars, out in nature, reconnecting with-”
-he’s cut off by the not necessarily distant sound of a pack of yipping coyotes
-after the raucous ends, both of you are sitting at attention, nervously looking out at the desolate landscape surrounding you, before looking at each other
-by the end of the night, the two of you end up getting a solid three hours of sleep after you drove another two hours and settled in a walmart parking lot, taking extra precautions by doing all of these strange “lifehacks” you had seen truckers on tiktok using
(the two of you groggily struggled untangling the seatbelts from the sidebars in the morning)
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-needless to say, both of you were a little grumpy the next morning
-ted insists he drives to the first rest station, the both of you agreeing that once you’re fed and caffeinated that you would do a good chunk of the driving today
-the two of you grab bad gas station iced coffees (ted side eyes you as you grab a concerning number of redbulls as well, but decides against making a comment when you glare)
-he settles into the passenger seat as you sync your phone to the car, so you could use your own gps and listen to your music, and ted would be allowed to catch up on all of the iphone time he had missed while he was driving yesterday
-however, he found himself unable to enjoy the internet
-seeing that he has one hand tightly gripping the grab bar (i call it the ‘o shit’ bar but i think that's the proper name), the other shakily reaching across the center console to feed you the donut holes the two of you had decided to share
-though he misses and smudges some of the powdered sugar on your face, too busy anxiously watching as you weave through traffic at what was definitely an illegal speed
“Dude, watch it!” you grumble around a mouthful of dry, cakey gas station donut
-ted pales when the truck swerves as you take one hand off the wheel so you can take a sip of your watery coffee
“How the fuck do you still have your license?”
-you lips curl into an impish grin as you use one hand to once again shift lanes, and the back of the other to wipe your mouth
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
-a couple of hours later, ted catches a few text notifications from a familiar number pop up on your phone where it’s nestled in a phone holder on the dashboard
-he glances over and sees you see it, before shifting in your seat, taking one hand off the wheel to bite at your thumb
-ted hums, an entertained grin spreading across his lips as he watches you squirm under the combined pressure of your itch to answer your phone and ted’s knowing gaze, 
“You gonna answer that?” he teases
-maybe it’s a little weird how invested he is in your relationship
-in his defense, it was originally his way of extending an olive branch out to you after an extended period of radio silence on both of your ends
-maybe a girlfriend of his wasn’t a huge fan of you (lord only knows why), and at her request the two of you go your own ways for a while
-which sucked, especially considering that the two of you were HYPED to be living on the same side of the country again
-while it was unfortunate, you respected her wishes (no matter how badly part of him wishes you hadn’t)
-both of you were left with an absurdly large amount of free time that usually would have been spent together
-he pretended it didn’t sting to watch from afar as you easily fill the space, making new connections, picking up new hobbies and brushing up on some old ones, thriving at school and working towards your future career
-so it felt like an obscure crossover when his co-host and dearest friend mentioned your name in passing
-maybe ted had been lowkey tuning him out, smiling and nodding as he prattled on, but it was like everything came to a screeching halt when he heard your name come out of schlatt’s mouth
-after making him repeat himself, he ignored the odd twist in his stomach in turn for smugness
-he had KNOWN the two of you would have some sort of connection when he introduced you to one another a while back, with both of you having an affinity for getting under people’s skin a shared sense of vicious competitiveness
-he really didn’t mean to become as involved in your relationship as he had
-Schlatt being into you seemed like his sign from the universe to reach back out to you, both to break the silence between both of you, and for scheming purposes (duh)
-as a messy bitch who lives for drama, of course he was playing both sides
-eagerly listening to you rant about schlatt before getting on call with him to act coy about knowing something that he doesn’t, and doing it the other way around with you
-MAYBE he got in a little too deep when his own relationship began to get a bit rocky, distracting himself with his new mission of hooking up two of his closest friends
-so it really wasn’t his fault that when he finally broke it off with his ex, it was so easy to fill his newfound free time with the two of you
-whether it be with either of you individually, or the three of you hopping online to play games together
-and besides, 
-it would be much more weird if the two of you didn’t encourage it as much as you did 
“Do it for me?” you ask, glancing over at him
-he grins, picking up his own phone to shoot his friend a quick text about being a “d1 cheeser” and provide some updates about how your travels thus far
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-ted insists that the two of you stop for an early lunch, needing a break from your notoriously bad driving
“I’m not bad, look!” you argue, pointing to the screen, “Could a bad driver shave three hours off of our ETA?”
“That’s insane.”
-of course the two of you make all of the fun stops for any interesting attractions, taking photos and recording some of your little side quests
-trying fun local restaurants when u guys drive thru cute lil towns :’)
-but the hours on the road all blend together, and before either of you know it, you’ve made it to the beach house you’ll be staying at
-the house is empty when the two of you walk in
-after checking the designated groupchat you learn it’s because they’d already gone to dinner, not knowing when you guys would show up
-so the two of you decide to unpack before you go and get something for yourselves
-you follow him up a scary spiral staircase, laughing when he hits his head
-he gives you a strange look when you follow him into his room
-he assumes it’s a force of habit, with the two of you having been automatically designated roommates since elementary school
-but it’s replaced with excitement when you open what he thought was a closet door, 
-it’s a good thing the house was empty aside from the two of you, because your cheering definitely would have disturbed anybody else inside
-technically it was a jack and jill bathroom (both bedrooms have access), but it was still exciting nonetheless
-after unpacking, the two of you set out to find dinner, eventually deciding to just get takeout from a random diner
-you two have had the same fool proof order for forever: ted will get a burger and you’ll get a chicken sandwich (you HAVE to make sure you ask for them to be cut down the middle, so you each of you can have half), one large fry and a milkshake to share, and ted will get a rootbeer while you order a cherry coke
-both of you decide to bring the greasy bag back to the house and eat it on the beach, which is accessed through a small path in the backyard
-the two of you settle on a paddleboard that had been left on the sand, brushing shoulders as you eat in a comfortable silence, occasionally passing the milkshake back and forth (it was ted’s turn to choose the flavor, so ofc he chose oreo)
-you stand up when you finish a couple of minutes after him (he’s always been the faster eater), and he looks up at you expectantly, holding out a hand for you to pull him up by
-both of you break into another fit of giggles when you struggle to haul him up, stumbling backwards and planting your ass in the sand when he releases you
-you make your way back to the house, delighted to see that the lights are now on and to hear the sound of music and your friends chattering inside
-eager to join them, the two of you race back to the house, you win, though ted is hot on your heels
-your friends cheer when the two of you burst in through the back door
-you all exchange welcome hugs and congratulations to the few other graduates who were able to come, before settling on the couch
-it’s a bit of a tight squeeze, but you’re happy to squish yourself between ted and niki, going nonverbal as you enjoy the sound of idle chatter and watch the smash bros tournament happening on the TV
-a little spacey after a long day of traveling, but enjoying the company
-as everyone prepares to head to bed, your phone lights up with an incoming facetime call from schlatt
-the crowd regroups, surrounding you as you swipe to answer
-you don’t even get the chance to greet him, interrupted by a chorus of hellos from your friends
-you grin, content to sit back and listen once more, before your attention is drawn back to the phone when jay calls your name, 
“I should be there tomorrow afternoon. Don’t wash.”
-ted groans from where he’s sitting next to you, 
“You two are sick.”
-you only laugh, “I’ll keep it ripe for you, babygirl.”
-ted pretends to retch when schlatt brings the phone close to his face, aggressively ‘sniffing you through the screen’ before throwing his head back with a groan
-with a final giggle, you bid him goodnight before hanging up and heading upstairs
-ted showers first, both of you knowing that he takes less time and won’t use up all of the hot water on you (this was a hard lesson to learn, ted having had to take an unreasonable amount of cold showers before coming to the conclusion that he just had to go first)
-he’s laying in bed, his laptop propped up on his stomach as he edits some of the footage from the drive
-he looks up when he hears the connecting door open, finding you in the doorway in your pajamas with wet hair
-he raises an entertained brow, 
“You’ve washed.”
“Dude, I smelled like an abandoned chuck e cheese.”
-he makes no move to correct you as you crawled onto the bed like you owned the place, settling across from him on your designated side and scrolling on your phone
-both of you are content with parallel play time, but when it hits 1am, he glances over and finds you knocked out, phone resting on your chest as it gently rises and falls
–he grins, taking his phone out to snap a picture, unable to resist an opportunity to catch you lacking
-he goes to send it to schlatt, but pauses, his finger hovering over the send button for a moment
-it is objectively strange to send his best friend (your boyfriend) a picture of you sleeping in his bed
-and if it was anyone else, he was sure he wouldn’t dare
-but if it was anyone else, you wouldn’t be in his bed in the first place
-he decides to send it
-laughing when he receives a text back not even a few seconds later
schlagg: dubious creature
schlagg: i was wondering why she stopped answering
-he places his phone on the bedside table before reaching over and tearing the pillow out from under your head and whacking you with it
-having to thwack you a couple of times to wake you up
-when you do, you slowly sit up, groggily wiping your eyes with the back of your hand
“What is your problem?” you grumble, turning to blearily glare at him
-he really has no clue how your hair manages to become so wild the minute your head touches a pillow
-especially considering that you couldn’t have been sleeping for more than an hour, tops
“You gotta go.”
-you stare dumbly up at him, and he can practically see the cogs in your brain turning as you struggle to wake back up,
“Go!” he laughs, bringing the pillow up to whack you again, but this time you block it, “Begone!”
-you stand up on wobbly legs, 
“Jesus, fine. I’m going.” you mutter, shuffling towards the door
-you pause in the doorway, turning to face him, 
“I’m keeping this open.”
-he’s unable to bite back another knowing smile, you’ve always had trouble sleeping in unfamiliar places without somebody by your side
“Fine. Now go on, git!”
-he watches you pad into your own room sending him a pathetic look over your shoulder before crawling under the blankets
-and admittedly, you do look lonely in that big bed
-all by your lonesome
-but before he gets the chance to conjure up any other courses of action, you turn off your light
-ted follows suit before rolling onto his side and falling asleep to the sound of the ocean outside and the faint sound of your even breathing from across the hall
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
this may be my peak actually, idek if im gonna write another chapter for this
if i do it wont be out for a while
but it may be out eventually (key word), so if you enjoyed this keep an eye out i suppose
lowkey it was supposed to be my masterwork like i have this shit all planned out, its just a matter of transferring it from my brain to tumblr
also hockeygf smut is coming guys its just so hard bc fucking a man in theory is fine but in practice??? why god PLEASE like where is your coochie what am i supposed to do with this
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Hellooo!! Ik I just requested but I can't help it- I love ur fics Soo much!!
Can I request a teen!reader who is touch starved and their love language is physical touch? They are an absolute cuddle bug. Their parents (step dad+ bio mom) don't really give her much affections and reader is a quiet and shy kid so she doesn't ask for them either way. Though her quietness was the effect of their father dying when they were 6. Their father was the closest to them. If possible can I get this with Ranpo, Poe and Nikolai? And maybe some head cannons for the rest?
I want to say so much more but I don't wanna bother you😔
You don't bother me, so, don't worry.
And I am sorry l, that it takes so long for me to do your request.
Hugs for a good mood
Self-Aware! Platonic! Nikolai Gogol x Fem! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Sigma
Self-Aware! Platonic! Ranpo Edogawa x Fem! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe
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Description: Sometimes, all you need is a hug to make a good day into a perfect day.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language
A large, colorful box with “Hugs for a good mood” written on it was finally ready.
Paint the TV box, decorate it, write the phrase... It took two hours, despite the fact that your dad helped you. Well, he did most of the work, while five-year-old you were coloring pictures you want to put on the box.
You wanted to climb into the box, but dad stopped you. His big hand ruffle your hair.
"You can't play with this right now. Wait for paint to dry, [Y/N]. Okay?"
You nodded and hugged his leg.
"Okay, dad."
He chuckled and picked you up, giving you a hug.
You giggled. Live was fun and full of hugs.
The next year he died. And shyness replaced your easygoing nature.
It's been few years since your dad died. You were a teen now and were going to school.
The school bell rang, you pick up your bag and books. The day was over.
You walked down school hall. You saw, how your classmates were leaving in groups, while talking. You were alone. Too shy to make friends, you were on your own.
You bit your lip and walked faster. You just want to go home.
Your mom and stepdad were at work. Of course, they always have their phones with them in case of emergency, and you also weren't a kid anymore. But, you really want to have someone near right now.
You wanted a hug.
Your mom was a good mom. She loves you. You aren't holding it against her, that she remarried. Your step-father was a good guy. He respected you, didn't force you to call him dad, didn't force spending time with him. He and mom let you get used to the new situation in your own speed.
You were grateful. But, if only... If only they hugged you more often... Much, much more often.
They loved you. But didn't like hugs.
And you were too shy to ask.
You ate your lunch and went to your room. You will do your homework and will be free to do whatever you want.
And will try not to look in the "Hugs for a good mood" box you still have in your room. That now was in the corner and full of books.
Few hours later. In BSD World
Sigma felt, how Little Light landed in his head, cuddling him. Guiding Light's voice, coming from above, followed.
"New Sigma's card has such a great attack. I am so lucky I got it."
Her voice, as usual, sounds warm and soft.
Sigma smiles. The portal soon will be ready, and they will finally see Guiding Light in person. Sigma wonders, how their first meeting will her will go. Sigma was lost in thought and didn't notice, how Nikolai, with a butterfly net, was sneaking up on him.
Little Light left Sigma's head the moment before Nikolai swing his net. Little Light flew away, and Nikolai's butterfly net was on Sigma's hair. Nikolai quickly freed Sigma, and with a quick "Sorry, Sigma
", chased after Little Light.
Sigma rubbed his temples. Little Light was just a floating blob of light, it didn't have body. Anyone who tried to pet it (a.k.a. Oda and Fukuzawa), had their fingers go through Little Light. But Nikolai still tries to catch Little Light (with net) and pet it.
Well, whatever keeps him occupied.
And Guiding Light will have so many head pats from Nikolai.
Sigma chuckled. Soon.
Few months later
You were in your new room. The last few months were wild.
First, BSD Cast were real and adopted you before you met them in person. Second, after a very long discussion with your parents, they agreed to share custody over you. With daily phone calls to mom, weekend visits to mom's house, with spending half of the holidays with her.
The relationship between BSD Cast and your parents were good. Even great. Koyouou and your mom quickly became friends, and your step-father and Steinbeck watched games together from time to time.
Your family became bigger. If only there were more hugs.
A knock on the door interrupt you thought.
"Hey, [Y/N]! Can I come in?"
Ranpo's voice was cheerful. You clear your throat and answered.
The Best Detective in the World ("you can call me Big Brother Ranpo") skipped into your room and stopped right before you. Ranpo's grin was huge.
"[Y/N], there is something I want to ask you." Ranpo stopped talking, waiting for your response. You tilted your head.
"Um... What it is?"
Ranpo opened his eyes and opened his arms. Did he...?
"Can I give you a hug?"
Your world froze. You can't believe it. Ranpo was asking for a hug.
You nodded and step forward. Ranpo hugged you immediately. You hugged him back and almost melted in the warm embrace.
Ranpo gave you a head pat.
"Don't feel shy to ask for a hug from me, [Y/N]."
The hug from Ranpo was nice. The normal day became better.
You were scratching Karl behind the ears, while having a conversation with Poe (you can call me Superior Older Brother Edgar).
He was telling you about his last book, that go quite well among readers.
You nodded, while Poe was describing ideas for his new book.
"It sounds great, Poe! Can't wait to read your new book!"
Poe grinned.
"And you will be a first one to read it."
Suddenly, Poe stood up from his armchair and walked to yours. He opened his arms for a hug.
"Can I?"
You nodded slowly and stand up. Karl climbed on your shoulders, rubbing his head against your hair. You hugged Poe. He gave you a tight squeeze.
"Here you go, little sis."
A normal day became a happy day.
You were exhausted. All the school work was tiring you up.
You were in the library, finishing your homework. You put pen down and looked up. You closed your eyes. Soon... The school soon will be over.
You heard steps. Then familiar voice.
"Tired?" Sigma hummed. You just nodded.
"Want a hug to make it better?" You nodded again.
The next second, Sigma was hugging you, ruffling your hair.
"Here you go. Go away, tiredness, stop making [Y/N] sad."
You smiled, leaning towards Sigma's hand.
A normal day became a good day.
You went to the kitchen to grab some snack. While you were in a middle of making a sandwich, Nikolai entered the room. He looked at the almost finished sandwich on your plate.
"So, I am late for making you a snack? Well then... Want to have a hug? For no reason."
Nikolai opened his arms, inviting you.
You smiled and hugged him. Nikolai chuckled.
"Thank you, sis, for being you."
A happy day became a perfect day.
Your life was happy. Full of family members, familial love and hugs.
🐯 Atsushi likes give you side hugs. Will let you hug his paws, when he is half-transformed.
📒 Kunikida will mostly pet your head for doing a good job.
🩺 Yosano will give you hugs for taking good care of your health. It includes you brushing your hair and teeth.
🌨️ Junchirou will hug you just to make you happy.
👩🏻 Naomi likes to give you a "friend hug".
🍵 Kirako isn't a cuddler, but she will sqeeze your cheeks.
🛏️ Katai will let you hug him and his futon, but will be very clumsy, if he hugged you.
🐄 Kenji will carry you during hugs.
🐰 Kyouka is another shy one. You will give each other a side hug.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa isn't a cuddler, but he will give you headpats and praise.
🦀🪢 Dazai will gush over you while hugging you.
💉 Mori is another one, who stuck with headpats.
🍷 Chuuya's hugs a tight and makes you feel secure.
🌂 Kouyou's hugs are warm. You feel safe each time she hugs you.
🇫🇷 Verlaine will give you small and quick hugs.
🎧 Rimbaud's hugs are extremely warm. He will try to stay close to you during winter.
🚩 Flags will have competition between each other on who will have more hugs with you.
🧥 Akutagawa will give an awkward head pat.
🔫 Higuchi's hugs are soft but quick.
🚬 Hirotsu will hug you for doing a good work at school.
🔪 Gin will give you less awkward head pats.
🩹🧲 Tachihara's hugs a tight and protective. He takes his role of big brother very seriously.
🍰 Elise's hugs are sudden but soft.
💎 Karma is too shy to hug you.
⭐⭕ Kyuusaku are another sneaky hugger.
🍋 Kajii's hugs are tight but stiff. He doesn't know, how to hug.
🍛 Oda gives "dad hugs".
💰 Fitzgerald will be another one, who gives "dad hugs".
🐋 Melville will often ruffle your hair.
🐙 Lovecraft will give you even more awkward head pats.
🍇 Steinbeck likes to pick you up during hug.
☕ Lucy's hugs are gentle and warm.
🪶 Alcott is too shy, but will give you side hugs.
👒 Mitchell's hugs are soft but quick.
♊ Twain's hugs are bone-crushing.
✝️ Hawthorne prefer to give you hand pats.
😷 Pushkin will ruffle your hair.
🫖 Goncharov's hugs are careful and protective.
🐀 Fyodor will brush your hair.
🦇 Bram will let you hug him as long as you want. You can grab into him like a koala and he won't bat an eye.
⚔️ Fukuchi is another one with "bone-crushing hugs".
👧👩👵 Teruko's hugs are sudden and long.
💧 Jouno's hugs are soft and makes you feel calm.
🌸 Tetchou's hugs make you feel like you are behind a stone wall, that will protect you from any danger.
⛩️ Taneda will just pet your head.
💻 Ango's hugs are long, with him ruffling your hair.
🥷 Tsujimura's hugs are strong and secure.
🕶️ Ayatsuji will playfully scoff, while hugging you. His cats will rub against your legs.
👻 Mushitarou's hugs are awkward, but soft.
⌚ Gide will give you soft headpats.
🐉🍎🍏 Shibusawa will give you side hugs.
🐈‍⬛ Natsume will let you hug his cat form.
🤖 Adam's hugs are mechanical, but enjoyable.
👧🏻 Aya hugs you, when you two manage to win games.
🚸 Kousuke, Yuu, Katsumi, Shinji and Sakura will quickly hug you while you five are playing.
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anantaru · 1 year
i just remembered that one trend on tiktok where you get onna fake phone call and pretend you're getting some juicy gossip just to see how ur s/o would react and its so funny to imagine how the gossip bfs would be so nosey.
Kaveh full on turning the corner to stand beside you after hearing you "gasp in shock" and kuni slowly peeking his head around the doorframe and getting caught LMFOAIOJDJWJS
- 💳
cw. none, crack, gn! reader, gossip bf kuni & gossip bf kaveh, modern au!
synopsis. you play a fake phone-call prank on them
a/n. help nonnie i love this idea i had to write a little something to it <3
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— scaramouche
"no, i do not believe this!"
dramatically pondering into the phone, you had made it your own personal duty to prank your boyfriend once again, unbeknownst to him of course.
but as might be expected, kuni wasn't stupid, so this had to be perfect, mind-blowing and you lowered your breathing to get in step with your devilish play.
scaramouche was currently in the living room, comfortably laying on the large couch while resting his eyes for a brief moment— today was one day like any other, needless to say it was demanding, becoming fatigued was only one of the many negatives of his job.
but then, before drifting off into a tranquil nap, your voice shook him awake, his eyes split open at your perceptible tone, scaramouche knew something big must've happened for you to be this all over the place and noisy.
and he knows better not to question it— that he was awfully bad at containing his excitement for any gossip, really, as long as there was something to gush and giggle about, complain or chitter chatter to his hearts content, kuni would always be right around the corner, cocking his ears to catch onto your words.
"but why would he do this?" you yell again, this time a step louder, "wait what?! he did what with his money?"
"who?!" bingo— you sink your teeth into your bottom lip to prevent yourself from laughing, it was way too easy to pique scaramouche's interest.
"tell me who? hey!" he peaked from behind the couch— his voice a little breathy, lower too so he wouldn't interrupt your phone call which, unsuspected to him, was fake.
"i can't believe he would do this, wow." it's over, kuni assembles the remaining power in his body to push himself off the warm confines of the couch before stomping towards you.
"what happened?" he asks again and tilts his head in a confused manner, but you do not respond.
"end the call, i want to know."
and this time you couldn't hold back the bristling power of an incoming laughter as you hiccuped and howled at his pleading face.
"it's a prank!" you giggle, lips split into a contagious smile, "i‘m sorry!" but he wasn't having it, instead scaramouche purses his lips at you, closing his arms around his chest— which fun fact, he'd always do whenever he wanted to appear more stern or poised.
"tsk." he clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, "you better make it up to me now."
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— kaveh
"tell me!!"
kaveh restlessly whispers from right behind your body, once again— begging you to spill the beans, if it helps he'd even go on his knees for you.
but you further slant onto the kitchen counter, unbothered by all of this while motioning a short 'psst' sound with your lips so he'd keep himself quiet and wouldn't interrupt your oh so important phone call with your friend.
that admittedly, they weren't on a call with you right now— because in truth and nothing but the blatant truth, you began to play a little prank on him— quite evil, but what's new?
it was befitting too, to catch a glimpse of your boyfriends sweet tendencies to be hungry and eager for each and any gossip you could provide to him.
kaveh was unnerved— excited for something to gossip about because your stories tend to be so much better than his own which would mostly include his roommate alhaitham being a menace to society.
"wait!" you inaudibly gasp and dramatically place your hand on your chest, right above your heart for that extra special nuance that whatever was said right now, must've been huge, "so she went home with her?!"
"with whom??" kaveh whimpers, nudging his finger into your shoulder, once twice— beating frantically against your skin like he was trying to win a contest on; 'how to annoy your significant other the best'.
"who baby, say a name, please!"
"psst, kaveh!" you scold him and he squints, though you're a natural at concealing your amusement, "but i want to know." and he stomps his feet on the ground while sloping his body forward so he could hug you from behind and crush you with his weight— maybe even listen to the voice coming from your phone himself.
"i don't hear anything!" he pushes himself into you more, ear tightly planted against your hand that was holding your phone, "wait are you messing with me?"
he cocks a brow, pulling himself off you so he could look at your face and discern this mystery himself. he knows it in the way you suddenly hid your mouth with the back of your hand, sneakily placing the phone on the kitchen counter while giggling to yourself.
it doesn't help that you're so sweet— or that kaveh was madly in love with you, one of the two, otherwise he would've been actually mad at you now.
"seriously, i was so excited baby!"
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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deathbxnny · 5 months
I saw ur hsr requests for Penacony were open so I had to sprint in first!! This ones pretty basic tho but it gave me brainrot for a few days. Could I request headcanons for Sunday with a daughter with a chronic illness? The only reason this had me in brainrot was because imagine Sunday trying to get everything like festivals and further expansions of the dreamscape perfect for his daughter! Or even his daughter being like a little ray of sunshine for him amidst the work and diplomacy facade. Or even using her illness as a way to have her close by under the guise of 'Learning how to lead when she has to take-over'. Or even auntie Robin, it's giving cheek pinches...
I really love this idea, Anon!! It's definitely very interesting! So thank you for the request and I hope you'll like this!!<3
Content: Daughter is a young teen girl, dad Sunday, talks of vaguely described chronical illness, brainwashing?, manipulation/gaslighting?, slight themes of obsession, potentially ooc Sunday??, sfw
Daughter is referred to with she/her pronouns here!!
(Not fully proofread, may be edited if mistakes are found.)
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Sunday's daughter was known by many guests to be Penacony's so-called princess, the next in line to inherit the man's place as the head of the family one day. Another thing she was known for was her chronical illness, which has always made her life rather difficult since birth. Sunday took the challenges with pride and ease, not once treating her like a burden. In fact, he saw her as perfection, a gift from THEM to him for his neverending loyalty and devotion.
He had the best doctors' money could possibly buy lined up for her every need and woe, never a single penny spared on spoiling her either. She could do no wrong, and neither could he in her eyes, which he, ofcourse, ensured of. He took care of her day and night, abandoning his own duties at a simple call for him. It may be a bad habit of his, but alas, his dear child came first at all times.
His daughter is made to believe that no one can take care of her as good as her father can. He is everything to her, and in a way, she also idolises him in turn. It's how he ensures that she stays by his side, where it's safe, and he can protect her from everything... and everyone, ofcourse. That, however, means she'll grow up very sheltered, but it's worth the sacrifice for her health in Sunday's eyes.
With that said, he will stop at nothing to make her a perfect leader for the future of Penacony and her own. He teaches her the ins and outs of the dreamscape's, how to lead with pride and strength under THEIR eyes. He instills the fear and devotion to THEM in her too naturally.
He trusts his daughter with no one. Robin is the only exception, ofcourse. She may not be around often due to her career as an idol, but she LOVES spoiling her niece with tons of gifts whenever she returns from a long tour. She dotes on her and definitely pulls on her cheeks, unable to contain her love and affections. Her heart often aches when she sees the illness in the girl get worse, but she'll try cheering her up with songs and stories of her travels to make her forget the pain even momentarily.
Festivals in Penacony are meanwhile also seemingly solely made for Sunday's daughter, just like basically most expansions in the dreamscape ever since her birth. All the fun things she likes are included in everything one way or another. And whilst children aren't usually allowed in the dreamscape, she is an exception on these special days and occasions. He practically burns himself out to make everything as perfect as possible, just to see his dear daughter smile.
All of his hard and grueling work is worth it through her existence in his life. She is the sun that makes him keep going and retain the warmth in him he was slowly losing due to his responsibilities as a leader and diplomat. Seeing her happy makes him feel deserving to breathe, and so he will do anything to keep it that way.
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Okay, so I hope this is alright, Anon, because I'm honestly writing this a little sleep deprived (and painfully sick, lmao), but thank you again for the request!!<33
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lowkeyrobin · 9 days
hi! I got a kitten yesterday and i was thinking about a sparrow!ben hargreeves x reader where the reader brings home a kitten and at first he hates it but then she catches him like cuddling or playing with it. Just a thought! Have a perfect day! 💕
oooo okay I can try! ; and omg I bet ur kitten is so cute okgnghehjajd ; fun fact I started feeding one stray cat and this mofo brought along his wife and then his 3 or 4 kids 💀 ; anyway thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
SPARROW! BEN ; feline friend
summary ; you come home with a cat to surprise ben
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader had some similar familial neglect growing up
word count ; 791
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Ben, growing up in the Sparrow Academy, never got a little kitten or puppy for Christmas. Christmas didn't even exist. The best Christmas they ever got as kids was when Grace brought home special treats for the Sparrow kids on the special day. That day was special for every other kid in the world except them. They didn't get presents, or new toys, new books, new clothes, they didn't get to spend solid family time together.
Reginald wasn't as bad as he was to the Umbrella Academy in this timeline, but he was like one of those parents who refused to do anything fun. Any childish belief or dream would be shot down instantly. You shoot down the idea of Santa Clause to a bunch of little kids with superpowers and act like it's outrageous they ever believed it in the first place.
All Ben ever wanted growing up for Christmas was a cat. He had a soft spot for them.
He always felt bad for the stray cats on the street that he'd sneak out to feed with Fei. They were always too scared to want to be pet, but they were confident enough to sit with the still little kids. Ben didn't have that many great childish memories either. Instead of trying to hold it all together like the glue of the family, like he was in another timeline, he was miserable. He grew cold.
He essentially had nothing to really live for until you came along.
And you brought a cat home one random evening after learning how he'd always wanted a cat. You kind of forgot that he wasn't much different from you. He didn't have the chance to have a pet growing up unless you counted Christopher because he was a high-maintenance little asshole. Over time, he grew up into an adult, too mature and old to want to care about Christmas or wanting a cat for Christmas.
You carry the kitten in your hands, entering with a bit of struggle through the front door. A litter box, food, toys, and other essentials sit in your car as you'd wanted to surprise Ben first, then make him help you drag everything inside.
You find him sitting on the couch, his attention halfed between the television on Cartoon Network and his phone in his hand, scrolling through the hellscape that is Twitter. He looks up at you, quickly saying hello, asking how your day was.
You're silent, a wide smile on your face as the kitten looks up at you, curled up in your hand.
He then notices the little creature and he furrows his eyebrows. He sets his phone down and stands in front of you, seeing the little kitten in your hands.
"Where- why?"
"You never got to have a pet growing up, neither did I. We both deserve to have something else to live for, especially something so adorable," you smile.
You hand him the kitten, allowing the small animal to sniff out Ben and begin to trust him. He softly strokes the kitten's small head, unknowing of how to react. After becoming cold and miserable, he didn't really care for animals anymore.
"When I told you about never being able to take in strays as a kid, I didn't insinuate I wanted one now"
Safe to say Ben didn't want the cat, then.
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You didn't get rid of her, though. You couldn't do that to your soul or to her. You deserved that kitten even if Ben didn't. He didn't even have to look at her for all you cared. She was yours then. You didn't really understand why he was being such an ass about it, though.
But, you return home from work once more, expecting to see Ben on the couch glaring at your playful kitten once again. But, as you enter the living room, that's not what you'd found.
Ben was on the floor, his right hand swiftly moving over the carpet, the kitten's eyes quickly following as she sits in front of him. The cat lays down, her butt in the air, ready to pounce. Ben sits with a smile on his face, allowing the cat to tackle and scratch his hand up. He picks her up, cradling her in his arms as he pets her small head.
You raise an eyebrow, setting your things to the side. "I thought you hated the idea of having a cat?"
Ben quickly looks up at you, allowing the cat to run free. "Uh..."
You shake your head with a smile, "Glad you warmed up to her, dickwad"
"I've honestly been hiding it since, like, week two," he shrugs. "I was trying to hold my grudge."
"That's mean."
"I didn't ask."
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lesbians4lottienat · 16 days
could I request sleepy nat x fem!reader?
like she’s super worn out and over tired but is refusing to go to sleep ( maybe it’s right after her dad died or sm and she’s having nightmares ) and you’re her gf and all you want is for her to get a good nights sleep and so you’re cuddling and ur sneaky plan all along is to help her take a nap
( also can I be 🫀? )
ooo i love this request 🫀 anon !! i hope i did your idea justice :3 i wanted to go for domestically here hehe, so hopefully i succeeded !! lmk what you think <3
Rest Up
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Nat had been over at your place a lot lately. It was to be expected with the anniversary of her father’s death coming soon. She always struggled a lot around this time of year, and you were one of the few comforts she found in this world that wasn’t self-destructive. You didn’t mind, however, loving your girlfriend more than anything in the world. You would do anything if it meant her happiness and health.
Speaking of which, she hadn’t slept in days, and you were worried sick. You knew why she was avoiding sleeping like the plague; her nightmares were always vicious this time of year, but you also knew that she needed to get some rest. You sighed, thinking about ways to get her to sleep; your girlfriend was stubborn to her core, after all. Then, as she’s taking a shower, it hits you—the perfect idea.
You start by baking some brownies. It seems silly, but you need brownies for your grand plan to work. Once out of the shower, Nat stifles a yawn, wrapping her arms around your waist. You hum in response, turning to kiss her on the cheek before resuming your baking.
“Whatcha making?” she asks, trying to sample some of the batter while you aren’t looking. You swat her hand away and she pretends like you’ve just chopped her hand off. Despite her dramatic antics, you can tell that she’s exhausted, Nat’s deep eye bags sticking out like a sore thumb on her pale skin. You frown looking at them, placing the bowl down, and peppering her face with kisses. She laughs silently, making a noise of happiness at having your attention.
“Brownies,” you say between kisses, “I got bored waiting for you.”
She smiles at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, sorry, principessa,” she says, and it doesn’t even matter to you that she’s totally mispronouncing it; just the fact that she’s calling you pet names in another language is enough to turn your legs into jelly. You roll your eyes, but the heat radiating from your face tells her she’s succeeded in flustering you. She snorts at you.
“Did that seriously work?” she sleepily asks, yawning and stretching her arms above her head.
“Shut up,” you say, “Go sit on the couch while I put these in the oven.”
She does as you say, getting comfortable on the couch, and you soon walk over and join her. You grab your biggest, fluffiest blanket and lay it over the two of you. You pop a stupid, cheesy rom-com into the VCR and open your arms to your girlfriend. She rests her head in the crook of your neck, wrapping her arms around your midsection. Initially, she’s making fun of your choice of movie. It’s fluffy and stupid; soon, however, as the smell of baking brownies fills the air, she feels her eyes getting heavier.
She yawns, curling up further on you, and you have to resist the urge to coo. She’s just so cute like this, it makes you want to wake her up by kissing her all over. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, you let the film play as ambient noise. When the brownies are done, you carefully slip out of her grasp, pulling the blanket up further on her. You take the desserts out and put them in a small container to cool before returning to your sleepy girlfriend’s side and holding her throughout the rest of the night.
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ijwrsmff · 27 days
Hey, i hope ur having a good dayy...heard yu wanted some yandere arcane asks...how about vi(romantic) with a naïve piltover darling (generally soft and clumsy as well) fem reader please!!💖💕
Thank you so much that's so sweet!!! I'm getting to requests really late, but I'm doing my best XD thank you for requesting and your patience! Even though it's really late, I hope you enjoy ^^
Soooo glad the second season is coming out soon, I crave it so bad XD
Words: 1,642
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Vi was in Piltover, doing what she joked was a small heist. It was just her this time, Vander having cracked down on them all not returning to top side in fear of their safety. She made sure Powder was safe first, and left her in the boy’s care. She had received word there was an event going on, a series of stalls and shops along the road. It was the perfect opportunity to blend in and steal from all the rich assholes who could buy out the whole street if they wanted to. 
…That was her plan anyway. 
It started off simple enough, showing up right in the middle of the day when it was the most busy. She paid close attention to the people who looked like they had more money than others…and with how idiotic people could be, it wasn’t hard to tell who could afford the most. Starting off, she took small items they had purchased that she thought could go for more underground. She didn’t expect to be bumped into as a girl fell to the ground. 
As it were, you only wanted to go to see what the shops had to offer. You weren’t paying much attention though, and bumped into something…or someone. Both you and the person fell to the ground, and you looked up at her from the ground as you whined and rubbed the spot on your leg you just knew would be bruised later. She was laying next to you, and you caught sight of her snarl. You jumped up looking her over. 
“Crud! Are you okay? I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you! Did I damage anything you’d bought? I can’t believe I did that again! Gah!” You whined and looked at her as if seeking forgiveness. She looked baffled, and raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “I can pay for anything I broke! Here, let me buy you something, too!” You took her hand, and she accepted it. You couldn’t tell what expression was on her face, but you were terrified you’d made a bad impression on this woman. 
“Uh…you don’t have to. I have what I need.” Vi spoke, and she seemed guarded. It was almost as if she thought you were tricking her, not believing you were really being this nice to a stranger. “You hurt, cupcake?” She said, seemingly coming to a conclusion in her mind. She brushed off your shoulders, touch lingering only briefly. Her touch was rough, but it didn’t seem to phase you. 
“I’m not hurt! Not any more hurt than I usually am when I fall anyway…” You mumbled the last bit, and shook your head. “And it’s okay! I insist, it’s the least I could do!” Your smile was wide and bright, and somehow contagious. As soon as you locked eyes with her, she smiled back at you, though her smile was much more akin to a smirk. 
She leaned forward so your faces were near each other, and her eyes glazed over yours and she continued to smirk as she pulled back. “If you really insist, I have something in mind.” Her original mission had subsided in her mind, and it seemed she had a new plan she wanted to see through. She was still being cautious, but she would play along for now. This could prove to be entertaining, afterall. 
You yapped away, Vi barely getting any words in since giving you her name. She didn’t seem to mind though, and listened closely to everything you had to say. It didn’t take long to learn all about you, considering the fact that you told her basically all the important information. It was fun! You got to tell her all about your job, your close group of friends, and your favorite hobbies and pastimes. Vi even asked questions to learn more, despite you not picking up on her prodding more into your personal life. 
She had tried to justify it as gathering intel for her next trip with Powder and the boys, but she was growing more intrigued by the second. Though as you reached the stall she had escorted you to, you looked at her. “Oh! A flower stall! Are you getting flowers for someone? That’s so thoughtful!” You giggled, and looked at the wide array of different flowers local to your home and even exported from further off. 
Vi smirked, before putting on a small act. She sighed deeply, and looked deep in thought. “I’d love to get her flowers, but I’m not sure what kind she likes. There’s too many to choose from, it’s overwhelming…what kind do you like?” She looked over to you, eyes full of mischief. She only smiled wider when it seemed like you didn’t gather the implications. 
“I think these one’s here are the prettiest, and the bouquet has a good variety of flowers! So no matter the room, you can probably make the flowers suit it perfectly!” You thought carefully about your answer, wanting to make sure she could get the best possible ones for the girl she wanted to get them for. It was no trouble, you did bump into her, so it only seemed fitting to help out however you could. 
“I see…” She said, and picked up the bouquet you chose. “I hope she’ll like these.” As she said it in a thoughtful but playful tone, before handing them to you. “So, do you like them?” Her hand was outstretched, and you looked at the flowers in confusion. She could practically see the gears turning in your head, and tried to wait to see if you’d understand. 
“THEY’RE FOR ME?!” You said, way louder than you meant to. It brought a light blush to your cheeks and you pouted at her. “But I’m the one that bumped into you! I should be getting you a gift!” You looked around the booth, and quickly picked up a bouquet of flowers you thought would suit her. Paying quickly, you copied her motion of giving her the flowers. 
“These are for you then! They have colors that remind me of you and your hair, so I guess it’s…a trade?” You thought carefully, trying to decide if you’d be satisfied with a trade rather than providing something to her from your stumble into her. The flowers weren’t very expensive, so it didn’t really seem fair. 
“How sweet of you…” Vi said, a glimmer of something in her eyes that you couldn’t place. “I’ll happily accept these flowers from you, cupcake.” She gave a wink, but by now she knew you wouldn’t understand the undertones of her words and meaning. She’d have to be more direct to get through to you. Stepping up her game seemed in order, but not just yet. 
“Let me at least buy you something else!” You pleaded, wide eyes as you looked around the stalls to find something else you could give her for her troubles. But Vi looked to the sky, cursing under her breath. At the noise, you tilted your head and asked, “Is something wrong?” You sounded worried, and it only made her heart swell further. 
“My sister is waiting for me at home, I have to go.” She seemed reluctant to say it, but started walking away with a glance to you over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll meet again.” To you, the words were reassuring…whereas most people would have seen it as ominous. You barely knew her, but you welcomed her regardless. There’s no way in hell this would be the last time she saw you. 
“But! I have to buy you something else!” You called, jogging the few steps to catch up with her. She had the flowers you had bought her in her arms, and the other items she’d “bought” within her carry pack. She stopped as you approached, you putting a hand on her shoulder. 
She hummed, turning to look fully at you before smirking with a dark glint in her eyes. “Then…” She leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your cheek, before playfully breathing into your ear, “We’ll make it a date. Next time, you can take me out on the condition I get to take you out after.” She pulled back, and could have burst out laughing from the shocked look on your face as you blushed. 
It only made you smile wide, “Okay! It’s a promise then! Do I get to pick what we do for our date?” You hopped once in place and waited eagerly for her response.
“Of course, cupcake. Anything you wanna do.” With her final words, she turned, as you lost her in the crowd of people. It only then occurred to you that she had no way of knowing where you lived. What if she got lost and never saw you again? Or even worse, what if you never saw her again? It had crushed your spirit a little, and your eyes cast down as you pouted, walking back to your house. 
Though from the shadows, Vi loomed. She watched you walk all the way home, making note of any recognizable locations and landmarks so she would remember exactly how to get to you. You were a new form of intoxication she’d never experienced. You were pure, innocent. You didn’t pick up on her flirting until she made sure you did, and you never once questioned her attire or why you’d never seen her before. It made her let out a chuckle, as she watched you, almost hungrily. 
You’d see her again, sooner than you’d think…and she’d make sure you could never forget her. She knew it was just a matter of time before she corrupted that innocence of yours, making you hers in any way she wanted…any way she desired. 
You should have run when you had the chance, cupcake. 
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malarign · 1 year
ur probs insanely busy but I just had an idea based on a TikTok I saw (typical)… basically I think it would make a really good heeseung angst where he thought it would be fun to play around with his partner and make them a little jealous - either cause they were unintentionally being too friendly with someone else or whatever you feel like coming up with - but it just turns out going bad and his partner gets super upset and there’s a lot of comfort. anyway now that I typed it it kinda sounds cringe but go wild if u want
jealousy, jealousy
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(when you get jealous of his co-worker)
contains: idolbf!Heeseung x gn!reader | genre: angst, fluff | tw! kissing, mentions of food, the reader is insecure about their looks, please remember, everybody is pretty in their own way | wc: 1,1k
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!
author’s note: thank you anon and sorry for the delay, i was in fact pretty busy 😵‍💫 also! no hate to the anon who sent this request but if you want to make your partner jealous intentionally just don’t get into a relationship! 🤭
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“Have a lovely day, dear! I’ll let you know when I’m done with work today and maybe we’ll grab some dinner together?” Heeseung said in a rush, putting his shoes on.
“Sure, just don’t overwork yourself m’kay?” You fixed the collar of his coat and smiled.
“Anything for you, baby.” He left a last sweet kiss on your lips and bid his last goodbyes for today.
Closing the door behind him you decided to get to work on your assignments. You sighed seeing the workload you had. A sudden rush of motivation took over your body and mind and got to grips with everything. Closing your laptop you took a look at the clock on the wall in front of you. The day just started and you had plenty of time before Heeseung would come back home, so you decided to pay him a visit at work.
It wouldn’t be the first time you visited him at work, yet you always can’t help but feel anxious at the thought of your presence there among other idols. You were intimidated not only because of their popularity and fame but also because of their stunning looks which often made you jealous. His pretty co-workers didn’t have to do anything, in particular, to make you feel insecure, intimidated, and simply ugly. Despite your concerns you never dared to disclose them to your boyfriend, afraid he would laugh at your worries.
You arrived at his company and went straight to their practice room, but you met with silence and darkness. Confused you wanted to call Heeseung, but then a familiar voice caught your attention.
“Y/n?” You saw Jake at the other end of the hallway. “Heeseung didn’t tell me you’ll come over” He smiled after jogging your way.
“I finished my work earlier today so I thought I would surprise him but can’t find him.”
“Oh! He’s eating lunch right now with the rest of the guys. Come on, join us, they’re serving your favorite,” Jake laughed as he nudged your side jokingly.
You felt your stomach grumble at the thought of their cafeteria’s food and walked with him to the elevator. Before you stepped in, he excused himself as he had some other obligations and left you.
Opening the door to the dining area you were met with the smell of fried rice and chicken. Many people gathered to eat so finding Heeseung bordered on the miraculous. When you finally noticed him you saw he was talking to one of his co-workers, smiling widely and telling jokes as they both ate their lunches. You took a few steps back at the sight, a wave of fear rushed down your spine.
Their smile, their hair, their eyes, their figure. Everything about them screamed perfection, making you embarrassed about how you looked. They’re beautiful, talented in many ways, while you were just an ordinary person, who wouldn’t find their place on stage.
Heeseung raised from his seat after he finished his meal and made his way to the elevators, right where you were. You quickly turned around and pushed a button to close the door as fast as possible. Looking at the mirror you noticed a few teardrops on your cheeks and wiped them off your face.
“I’m back!” Heeseung’s voice echoed in your apartment as you quietly fidgeted with the hem of the blanket you were under. “Jake told me you were at Hybe, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked and made his way to the kitchen and took a bottle of apple juice.
“I don’t know,” you mumbled under your nose and continued playing with the fabric.
“I didn’t hear you, can you repeat?”
“I don’t know, Heeseung,” you repeated yourself louder, sounding a little bit too harsh than you intended to.
Your tone and the way you called him by his name and not one of many nicknames you used made him confused.
“Hey, are you mad?” he asked and sat next to you. “Is it because I didn’t call? I’m so sorry, my love, but I got caught up in so much work I didn’t realize it got so late,” he said and tilted his head as he spoke.
“No, it’s not because you didn’t call.” You looked him in the eyes and that’s when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks.
“Are you crying? Love, what’s happening?” Heeseung cupped your face as he scanned your features. “We agreed not to hide our worries from each other,” he reminded you.
His sweet voice and full of love words made you cry, leaving him even more confused than before. Quietly embracing you in a comforting and warm hug he waited for you to calm down. Instead, he heard your voice, full of distress.
“Why would you love me, when there are so many other people who are way better than me?” You spoke incomprehensibly, but still enough for him to understand what you said.
“Why would you say that? Love, where is that coming from?”
You pulled away from his embrace and wiped your tears to look at him.
“Why would you want to be with me, an ordinary person, who will never understand your struggles as a public person? Why would you want to be with me, who has nothing to offer but coarseness? I’m not as beautiful as your co-workers. I’m not as talented, as charismatic, as interesting as them, so why would you want to settle down with me? When will you realize that they’re perfect and I’m not enough for you?”
Heeseung listened to you attentively, keeping eye contact with you throughout your whole monologue. When you were done he thought for a second to gather his wits and took your hands into his, rubbing your skin with his thumbs.
“Love, why didn’t you tell me earlier you felt that way? Gosh, I don’t care that you’re not a public person. Why would I want you to be one? Y/n, nobody knows and understands me more than you do. What you offer is not coarseness but stability and my safe space. Nobody makes me feel so safe and loved as you do. You don’t have to be an idol to be the most beautiful, talented, charismatic, and interesting person in my eyes. I love you as you are and nothing will change that, okay?”
You lowered your head at his words, feeling embarrassed at your own jealousy.
“My dear, please look at me,” Heeseung spoke and brushed your hair off your face. Looking at him smiling reassuringly made you cry again. You fell into his arms and wrapped yours around his neck, as he left soft kisses on your skin. “I love you so much,” he whispered.
“I love you, Hee.”
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
permanent taglist: (send an ask to be added) @nicholasluvbot
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hqbaby · 1 year
nine — fan favorite
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.9k content. swearing, marijuana use, alcohol consumption, use of pet names, mentions of vape, harassment
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You don’t quite know how you got here, but it’s not like you’re complaining. 
It’s a Saturday night and you’re outside a convenience store watching Hinata try (keyword: try) to balance himself on the edge of the sidewalk while you, the rest of the volleyball team, and some of your teammates cheer him on. You’re on Atsumu’s shoulders, constantly reminding him not to drop you “or else” as you and Yukie scream the school chant at the top of your lungs.
An elderly woman walks out of the store and you catch her eye as she passes by. She offers you a kind smile and you can’t help but smile back, all teeth and no care in the world. You wonder if she has similar memories from her college days.
You hope she does. You hope everyone does.
You’re on top of the world—both literally and figuratively. You don’t know if it’s the fact that you’re with your friends (or the copious amounts of alcohol you’ve all just downed, or the weed that you’ve been passing around), but everything seems perfect right now. Like nothing in the world can stop you.
Until, of course, something does.
“I need to pee,” you say, tapping Atsumu’s head. “Let me down please.”
He nods and crouches so you can hop off his shoulders. “Ya need me to come with ya?”
You giggle, already linking your arm with Kaori’s. “No thanks,” you tell him. “Toilet time is girl time.”
He rolls his eyes playfully and waves as the two of you stumble over to the restrooms at the back of the store.
“Where’s she going?” Suna asks him, steadying himself on Atsumu’s shoulder when he stumbles a little. He was the repeated victim of the drinking games you all played earlier and even his (extremely) high tolerance to alcohol proved to be worthless in the face of Jenga.
Atsumu laughs a little at his friend, grabbing him by the shoulder to keep him upright. “Restroom,” he says. “Ya okay there, bud?”
Suna waves him off and hushes him. “Not now,” he says, then, “I need water.”
The other boy grins and props him up against Aran. “I’ll get ya some water. Be right back.” When the others hear him speak, they start asking for water too.. and soda and chips and candy. Before long, Atsumu—the designated sober friend—has a whole grocery list of things he needs to get, making him groan as he goes into the store to get everything.
On the other side of the store, you step out of the restroom and make sure Kaori’s okay before you let her in and close the door behind her. Feeling your head grow a little light, you lean on the brick walls of the building and close your eyes. What a nice night, you think to yourself.
“Hey, princess.”
You grimace. Spoke too soon. Peeling your eyes open, you find two boys standing in front of you. You know exactly who they are.
“Terushima,” you say coldly. “What do you want?”
The boy licks his lips, piercing glimmering in the moonlight. “What makes you think I want anything?” he asks in a teasing tone. “I can’t just say hi to a pretty girl?”
You cross your arms over your chest, ignoring the woozy feeling that’s starting to take over your head. Your eyes dart between Terushima and his friend Bobata. On a regular day, you would’ve gladly decked the two of them—it wouldn’t be the first time. But right now, you just feel sick. “Fuck off.”
Terushima steps forward, a hand coming to either side of your head. “Come on, princess,” he says. His face is so close to yours you can smell the vape on his breath. Vanilla. Basic bitch. “Don’t you wanna have some fun?”
You hear the door to the restroom open. 
“What the fuck’s going on here?” Kaori demands, but before she can say another word, Bobata grabs her wrist. “Don’t touch me!”
“Hey!” you exclaim. Fuck your head, no one grabs your friend like that. You try to free yourself from Terushima to no avail, he’s already gripping your shoulders. “Let go, asshole.”
He smirks. “Come on, Y/N, stop being so difficult. We’re just having fun—”
You blink. Terushima moves away from you, staggering and clutching his cheek.
“Beat it, you lame fucks.”
You feel an arm wrap around your shoulder. It’s familiar. 
Holding his hands up in surrender, Terushima backs away and nods his head for Bobata to follow. His friend lets go of Kaori and they walk away.
“See you next time, princess.” He winks at you as they disappear behind the side of the building. “You too, Suna!”
“Pricks!” you yell after them.
You feel your body give, Suna catching you just in time to keep you from falling. It takes you a moment to realize that you were afraid. Those idiots scared you. For good reason, but still. You clench your fists. Assholes.
“Are you okay?” Suna’s voice is gentle against your ear. “Did he do anything?”
You feel yourself relax in his arms. “Just Terushima being Terushima,” you tell him. Your eyes immediately go to Kaori, moving out of Suna’s hold and taking her hands in yours. “Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you say. “I should’ve told you not to come out.”
She shakes her head and narrows her eyes at you. “And leave you alone with them? No way.” She looks over her shoulder and nods at Suna. “Thanks.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t mention it,” he says. “Come on. Let’s get back to the others.”
He keeps his eyes on you as you make your way back. It must be all the adrenaline, but he feels completely sober now. And extremely concerned. What would have happened if he hadn't shown up when he did? The thought makes him want to hurl.
When you’re back with the group, he explains what happened. The mood is dampened and everyone is either angry or worried or both. Atsumu most of all.
He’s at your side at once, asking you if you’re okay and if you need anything.
“I’m fine,” you reassure him. “They do this all the time.”
“That doesn’t make it any better,” Oikawa cuts in angrily. “They never fucking learn, do they? That fucking fan club. Jerks.”
Hinata frowns. “Fan club?”
“A bunch of sick guys on the basketball team,” you explain, clutching your head. If it would just stop pounding, you would be so grateful. But it doesn’t. “I turned one of them down in freshman year and they’ve made it some kind of game to try and get with me.”
“What?” Atsumu is horrified. “So they just do this shit and get away with it?”
You smile bitterly. “I’m used to it,” you say, staring at the concrete. When you’re met with complete silence, you look up and find everyone gaping at you. You recoil. Alcohol makes you talk too much. “I’m fine though!” you insist. “They never do anything anyway. They’re just annoying. I usually just kick them in the nuts and leave.”
Atsumu isn’t having it. “Y/N—”
You put your hand on his mouth. “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore,” you tell him. “Please.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment. You know he means well, you really do. But you’re used to this crap. Having to talk about it with a bunch of your friends just makes you feel worse and you’d rather not do that if you can help it.
He gives you a reluctant nod and you pull your hand away. “Do ya want anythin’ though?”
You avoid everyone else’s eyes. “I kinda just wanna go home.”
“We can do that,” he says, a small smile on his lips because at least he gets to do something. “C’mon, I’ll get ya back to yer dorm.”
Suna watches from the sidelines as Atsumu plays the role of knight in shining armor, letting you ride his back and helping you say goodbye to all your friends before driving you home.
Somewhere in his alcohol-ridden brain, he wishes it was him who got to do that. Him who could be there for you when you need someone. Instead, he just watches you go, holding his bruising knuckles as you leave.
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You wake up the next day in Atsumu’s bed. As much as you wanted to act all tough and cool after what happened last night, Kiyoko had gone home for the weekend and you really didn’t want to be alone in your dorm room. So you asked Atsumu if you could stay with him for the night and, of course, he was more than happy to oblige.
Your eyes are glued to the ceiling, worried that if you move, your hangover will come to bite you in the ass. You feel Atsumu’s arm on top of your stomach, his steady breathing at your side. You know you should be happy to have someone like this, to know he’s right there when you need him. But your mind can’t seem to focus on him. It’s too busy being stuck on something else. 
Well, someone else.
He didn’t say a word to you after you got back to the rest of the group, but you could feel his gaze. You know he didn’t take his eyes off of you the entire time.
As much as you’ve wanted to, you haven’t been able to spend that much time with him these past few weeks. You only ever see him when you’re with the volleyball team or with his and Atsumu’s friends. The two of you haven’t been alone in a while—it feels like forever since he last touched you the way only he can.
“Hey.” Atsumu’s voice breaks you from your thoughts.
You smile at him. “Hey.”
He yawns and stretches to the side. “Wanna get some breakfast?”
The two of you take turns using the bathroom before heading out to the kitchen where Osamu is waiting with two plates of bacon, eggs, and toast. He has a self-satisfied grin on his face.
“My two drunkards!” he greets, loudly. “Need a bucket for yer troubles?”
Atsumu hushes him. “I barely even drank," he says. "For Y/N's sake, shut up."
“I love ya, Y/N, but no. I made ya breakfast, so I can do anythin’ I want.”
You give him the finger and he guffaws.
The two of them bicker as you sit down at the counter and start eating your food. You stare out their curtainless window and chew, mind already drifting.
You pull out your phone from the pocket of Atsumu’s hoodie that you’re wearing and find a message waiting for you.
rin: u good?
You try to keep yourself from grinning.
you: just peachy
rin: good for u
rin: i’ve been throwing up all morning
you: take some meds u big baby
rin: don’t have any
you: i can get u some
rin: lmao how
“Y/N, do ya want ice cream?” Atsumu asks, opening the fridge and fishing out a carton.
“That’s mine!” Osamu yells at him, making you wince. He turns to you apologetically and says, “Sorry, Y/N,” before going back to berate his brother. “Stop eatin’ it, ya pig!”
You look back at your phone, fingers hovering over the keyboard. Deep breath.
you: i’ll go to u duh
you: i can hang w u today
rin: is atsumu busy or smtg?
you: nah
you: just wanna spend time with u
You watch as three dots appear, then disappear. Then appear again. Then disappear. Then finally—
rin: cool
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notes. this chapter should be named “reader is also bad with feelings” because that’s just where we are rn. also idk why terushima just gives me basketball player vibes like :”) he just has the personality yk?? anyway!! it absolutely makes me warm and fuzzy reading all your comments and tags, i appreciate you all!! sending everyone all the love 🩷
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
hello! i love ur work ! 💗
is it okay if i request a bimbo reader x ran where ran and the reader are friends. The reader is a virgin but doesn’t want anyone but Ran to take it ! Idk if this makes sense but ur work is really lovely ! so feel free to play around with this idea <3
Okay I absolutely love writing bimbo reader, I don't know why but it's always so fun. I hope you like it 💕💕💕.
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"When do you lose your virginity?"
Ran x Bimbo!Reader
Warnings: Inappropriate language, Mature themes, virginity loss, smut, orgasm, fingering, dom/sub
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When Ran had befriended you in high school, he was taken aback by how such a beautiful girl had absolutely nothing in her head paired with the fact that she wore the shortest skirt his ever seen and bending over in such a manner that had you exposing your panties to everyone, he came to one single conclusion you were a Bimbo.
There was no way you weren't a nymphomaniac, so how now after so many years of him thinking he knew you had the question you just asked been the biggest plot twist of his life.
"Did you hear me Rannie. When are you supposed to lose your virginity?" You said waving your hands infront of his baffled face as your boobs bounced about in his face.
Ran took a moment to let the question fully sink down into his brain.
'Maybe she's just asking this dumb question to find out when I lost my virginty' Ran thought, as the idea of you being a virgin was slim.
"I lost mine at 18" he said as he now kept a neutral look on his face.
"Wow Rannie, that's so cool. I haven't lost mine yet I didn't know we were suppose to lose it then" you said with a smile on your face as if you hadn't just told him the biggest news to his ears.
"You're a virgin?" Ran said confused, still not fully comprehending that you a woman who showed him your skimpy thongs because they were cute was a virgin.
"Yeah, can't you tell?" you asked turning your face back to Rans with a pout on your cute face.
"I mean it's just you're so cute I would think any guy would be lucky enough to have you in his bed" Ran said turning his charm on to avoid hurting your feelings.
"Well I always wanted to lose it to you, but everytime I tried to bring it up you either had a girlfriend or you went to juvie" you said with a giggle.
"But I also didn't know at what age you were suppose to lose it, so guess it doesn't matter right?" You said turning your attention back to the t.v as you tried to focus on some barbie movie Ran put on for you.
So clueless that you didn't even realize the predator like look in Ran's eyes. He didn't know that you kept yourself for him and if he knew back then what he did now he would of easily ditched whatever girlfriend to be buried in your unused pussy.
Ran carefully moved closer to where you sat on the couch, till his thigh was grazing at yours. Carefully placing his big hand on your upper thigh as you remained oblivious to his actions.
"You know the perfect age to lose your virginity is your current age now" Ran whispered into your ear as his hand massaged up your thigh.
"Really?!" You said head snapping towards his, as your eyes sparkled with curiosity.
"Yes really. Boys lose their virginity earlier so their cocks can get bigger but it's best a girl waits a bit so her pussy can get nice and puffy on the inside" Ran said gently coaxing you into his lies that you were readily eating up.
"That makes so much sense Rannie, you're so smart" you said unaware at the hand that was now just hovering over your covered cunt underneath your dress.
"So, come on let's take your virginity" Ran whispered towards you as he brought his lips closer to yours until he closed the gap between the two of you.
Ran kissed you softly at first trying to make it feel magical until his hand began to knead at your covered cunt, then Ran began to kiss you more feverishly. His tongue sliding into your mouth as his tongue lapped at yours. His fingers coming to your clit rubbing tight circles through your lacy pink panties as you moaned into his mouth.
"Rannie ~ feels so good" you said against his mouth.
"It's about to feel alot better soon" Ran said as he moved his hand down to shift your panties to the side, his fingers feeling the slick that dripped out from your cunt.
And in one swift movement he plunged his digits into your cunt.
"Oh Rannie" you moaned out as your pussy felt filled out by two of Ran's fingers.
"Come on, if you can't take my fingers how you going to take my cock angel?" Ran asked as he pushed his fingers back and forth fucking your cunt, causing wet lewd sounds to echo about the lounge.
Rans skilled fingers spread your pussy from the inside as he pushed his fingers as deep as he could causing moaning to escape your lips.
Your pussy was devouring Ran's fingers, pulling him as deep as it could as it milked them, as if you weren't a virgin.
Ran enjoyed the sight of your pussy dripping down on his hand, how your walls were beginning to pulse sate a sign you were close.
"Rannie something feels funny" you said as you gripped at his hands.
"It's okay princess, you're not going to cum now, you're gonna cum on my cock" Ran said as he removed his fingers, watching as your pussy juices dribbled out.
Ran quickly undid his pants taking out his cock causing your eyes to become massive.
Ran's cock was massive, the shaft was long and girthy with a prominent vein on the underside and a thick mushroom tip that had a pearl of pre-cum dripping out of the slit.
"Rannie how's it going to fit?" You asked with slight panic in your voice.
"Don't worry I'm make it fit" Ran said with a smirk as he aligned his throbbing cock at your entrance.
You could feel Ran prodding at your folds gently pushing against your pussy hole as it squeezed out in excitement.
Ran kept his eyes focused on your cunt, your unused cunt that was about to be filled with cock for the first time, by his cock.
Ran's eyes shifted to your face as he began to push into your pussy watching as your face began to contort in pain and pleasure.
Ran couldn't believe how tight you were, how your pussy was both grabbing at his cock and trying to push him out, the sensation causing his balls to fill with more semen.
"Rannie its -" you moaned out but were cut off as Ran stopped half way. His cock had slipped into your pussy only halfway but it felt as if he had already filled you to the brim, you pussy felt so full.
"Lemme just bottom out"
"Rannie I don't think I can-" you began to babble as tears started to sleep at the sensation of him pushing deeper.
"You can take it, you're a good girl. You're my good girl" Ran said as he bottomed out inside you.
His cock was so deep inside you that when you looked down you were able to see the bulge of his cock inside you.
Ran remained still adjusting to your unbearable tightness waiting for you to adjust to his cock so that he could start fucking you.
You lied on the couch with Ran's cock pentrating you so deep, feeling his hands remained on your waist while quiet tears dripped down your cheeks, but they were quick to dry when the pain was replaced with pleasure and soon you were moaning at the sensation of having Ran's cock inside you.
"My good girl wants me to fuck her" Ran said as your reaction was clear enough that you craved for the friction.
Ran began thrusting into your sobbing cunt, slowly and deep causing the air to be knocked out of you with each thrust.
Your pussy walls felt like they were being massaged in the best of ways, you wanted more.
"Rannie fuck me harder" you begged out pushing against his cock.
Ran gave you a predator look and in the next second he started pounding into your pussy.
Ran fucked you like a wild animal, hips barely pulling fully out as he fucked you now. He could feel the cum that was once in his balls being pushed through his shaft just aching to shoot out into your pussy and paint it a nice pearly white.
Ran continued his brutal pace as your pussy kept tightening with each thrust, until the pressure became unbearable.
"Rannie I think I'm gonna pee" you moaned out at your pressed your hand down on your womb feel Ran's cock slide in and out of you.
"It's okay baby, just let go" Ran said feeling how your walls were starting to milk him.
"Just let go baby" Ran moaned out trying to hold back as long as he could.
The pressure in your tummy was becoming to much to fast until it finally stopped. Strings of moans left your mouth as clear liquid squirted out of your pussy and all over the couch.
The sight of you squirting pushed Ran over the edge as hot semen was shot into your cunt as your pussy still milked Ran for more, causing him to throw his head back in pleasure.
You and Ran remained in that position until he carefully slipped his cock out, causing a soft popping noise to be heard.
You looked at Ran who was busy putting his cock back into his trousers as he got up and walked to the kitchen to fetch a clothe.
Ran began to wipe the slick and cum that still dripped out of your pussy, as you watched in amazement
Rindou sat on the couch as Ran was in the kitchen pouring to glasses of whiskey.
"Why does your couch feel so wet?" Rindou asked as he pushed his hands against the damp spot.
"I had sex" Ran said matter-of-factly, as he walked over to where Rindou sat.
"What the fuck and you let me sit on it"
"Calm down it was with (Y/N)" Ran said handing a glass to Rindou.
"She finally let you fuck" Rindou said with a laugh as he took a swig at his drink.
"Nah she let me take a virginity"
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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slamminslamminmcgill · 6 months
recent gabriel rb is making think about tommy experiencing boypussy for the first time 🥴😵‍💫 miller brothers would be boypussy whores tell me i’m wrong 🥸😵‍💫
NUH UH IN FACT UR SO RIGHT (this gif is them after dropping you off at home the next morning and giving each other an attaboy hug 😌)
warning: spit, piss, rimming, oral, squirting, anal, dp, slurs, spanking, pussy slapping, daddy/uncle fauxcest, brothers having a threesome but not doing each other
anatomical terms: cunt/pussy, t-dick
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half the fun is them trying to outdo each other. classic sibling rivalry behavior.
they like seeing who can get you to do the nastiest thing and they’ll laugh about how much of a slut you are
they’ll be spitroasting you w/ tommy in your throat and joel in your cunt. then out of nowhere tommy pulls you off him.
“hey.” he spits in your open mouth and spins around, “lick my ass, boy. c’mon, get your face in there. use that tongue- oh, damn, that’s perfect… mmm… nasty little queer, ain’t he, joel?”
joel scoffs, “tch, that’s nothin’. yesterday i had him on his knees begging to drink my piss”
“jesus, man, that’s… that’s sick…”
joel shrugs, “take it up with him. he’s the one who wanted it.”
they like to talk about you like you’re not even there. like you’re a doll. like a dumb little thing like you couldn’t possibly understand them. like you’re a dog and they’re spelling out W-A-L-K so you don’t wet yourself from the excitement.
tommy’s in your pussy, “god, he’s so fuckin’ wet… i can’t… can’t believe it… he’s so wet…”
“you try puttin’ it in his ass yet, tommy? he loves it.” joel leans over to spank you, triggering your throat to spasm around his cock, “li’l whore’ll take all the dick he can get.”
they LOVE dping you!!! having two fat cocks in each of your holes, rutting against each other through your walls, fighting for space inside your body and keeping you FULL!!! they know it’s a lot for you tho so they’ll be very attentive throughout (they’re the aftercare gods btw)
joel will have you sitting in his lap facing him with his cock buried in your pussy. tommy comes up behind you, lubes himself up, and slowly, ever so slowly, breaches your asshole. the initial stretch stings, so you cling to joel and whimper into his neck.
“shhh, shh, it’s okay, baby.” he tenderly ruffles your hair and rubs your shoulders, “just relax and let uncle tommy in. just gotta let him in, son, daddy’s got you. yeah, you got it.”
“‘m almost there… doin’ so good for us, sweetheart,” tommy kisses your neck, “such a good boy.”
sometimes joel just wants to watch, so he’ll have you rest your head in his lap and hold your hands while tommy takes care of you 🥺 he loves watching you squirm and talking you through it
“oh! f-fuck! fuck! oh, daddyyy…”
“i know, baby, i know,” he swipes a lock of your hair off your sweaty forehead, “uncle tommy’s doin’ good, ain’t he?”
“yes, daddy…”
“so tell him,” joel tilts your face up to tommy, who gives you a comforting—but still a bit cheeky—smile in return.
“well, kiddo? i feel good?”
“uh huh~! y-yes~!”
“am i bigger than he is?”
“in yer fuckin‘ dreams, tommy. now shut up and fuck him.”
and so he does. he does that very well. and you end up powerwashing his dick when you cum. happens.
joel smacks your overstimulated sopping pussy, “go on ‘n’ get a taste of this juicy little cunt he’s got here. li’l guy’s sweet like a peach.”
and once the first drop of you touches his taste buds, he’s addicted. sucking your lips and t-dick into his mouth, the straw from which to drink you.
“oh my GOD, he tastes good!”
“heh. told ya.”
joel likes to cum in you, and tommy likes to cum on you 😌🤍
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