#fuck you Medicare
doilyboily · 4 days
God knew if he made me not have treatment resistant depression, that I would become an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Or, a rant.
I'm going through Venlafaxine/Effexor withdrawals and HOLY FUCK this is terrible, I spent months tapering down to 75mg but I couldn't wait any longer to get off this capsule of hell. But now I'm going to try Bupropion AKA Zyban which isn't covered by the PBS for depression, it's only covered for smoking cessation, which makes no fucking sense bc its apparently quite an effective antidepressant, which means that it costs ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT SIX DOLLARS (186 AUD or 125USD) which means that I'll probably only try this one only until the box runs out bc I do NOT have the money to spend on a medication that, with my luck, wont even fucking work and I'll feel waaay too guilty if my dad pays for it, even though he can afford it and it is his legal obligation... so my options for treating my depression, not including therapy bc that is also too expensive and I'm too self aware for it to work, are:
spend over 1,200 dollars per year and take the Bupropion/Zyban, if it does work.
try MAOIs, which means I'll have to go through MORE withdrawals and most likely have to stop taking my ADHD meds.
try and see if Ketamine therapy is legal where I live for minors and just in general, then try and get a job to pay for it bc holy shit it is expensive.
try even MORE SSRI's even though I've already tried six different ones since I was eight years old and I'm almost seventeen.
try electroconvulsive therapy, which will most likely not be covered by either my insurance OR Medicare and will one hundred percent cost a LOT of money to have done regularly.
and my final option, which is to follow in the footsteps of my paternal half siblings and all my paternal first cousins, which would be succumbing to drug addiction as a way to numb myself and pretend that everything is fine.
Basically, I'll either spend a ton of money which I do not have, and also need to save for top surgery, which may or may not end up actually treating me, or I follow in the footsteps of pretty much everyone on my dads side of the family and repeat the cycle of generational trauma.
So, either way, I am absolutely fucked.
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anteroom-of-death · 5 months
I think the only thing Drake can do now is shoot Kendrick.
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explode-this · 5 months
The phrases “during covid times” and “during the pandemic” drive me bonkers because hi babes, it’s not over. If you mean the lock down period, say that. But covid is still very much around and mutating like a motherfucker, so if you care about the immunocompromised people in your life for the love of god take some precautions and stop acting like it’s done. The effects of covid are far-reaching (for e.g., I’ve been told I have to be “past this covid cough” to have abdominal surgery or I’ll “tear everything open,” like sir, I don’t really have much of a choice in what my lungs are doing now or how long it will take for them to calm down, if ever). Those of us with shitty immune systems aren’t “scared” for no reason. If you’ve ever gone from “perfectly healthy” to “need a steroid shot to not die” then you’ll understand.
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fromkenari · 24 days
Goddamnit, Oklahoma.
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mrgaminduck · 6 months
My friend has asked that I share this.
Her grandma has had a massive stroke and she and her family are struggling to pay the bills for hospital care and rehabilitation.
If you can afford to donate that would be awesome.
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tiktaalic · 1 year
Being in a society is great you go can I have a raise and the CEO who makes CEO money goes ummmmmmm.no and then it’s lab week and they’re like to show our deep sincere appreciation. Here is a notebook or cup with our company name on it. You may have free food for a week
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lunarflare64 · 3 months
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datastate · 5 months
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who allowed this
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ruinedrainbowpooka · 2 years
not to be a pinko commie socialist on main but... doctors should be legally required to accept state and federal or national or whatever universal health care exists in a country. And they shouldn’t be allowed to go “Nah, not until they give us more money.” Motherfuckers, you’re pulling a 6 figure salary. You can deal with getting $200 a visit from me instead of $300.
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spinyax · 11 months
I hate my job actually
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Current mood... due to pms or state of my life or both I'm not sure.
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unloneliest · 2 years
at the point of really needing to get off my adderall and maybe get on ritalin instead bc on the lowest possible adderall doses i still can't sleep for shit it's 2 in the morning and i took my med at 8 am. but i'm uninsured rn and also moving states. hell
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jainkoa · 2 years
I can’t wait to wake up early as fuck in the morning tomorrow just to see a dentist that will do fuck all to help me with my wisdom teeth removal 😍😍😍😍😍
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qomrades · 2 years
was wearing a mask at the fish and chip shop the other day and this woman approaches me as i wait for my food like 'excuse me..... you don't know me........ but i'm a gp and did you know, when you wear a mask' and i'm like ohhhh my god okay. well maybe she has something interesting to say she said she's a gp maybe i'm wearing it wrong or something. but then she says 'when you wear a mask the bacteria goes back into your mouth and stagnates between the barrier and your throat? it won't protect you it only works if YOURE sick. i just thought i'd let you know 🥰' which. okay well first that makes no fucking sense and second of all are you sure youre a gp bc i'm pretty sure thats fucking bogus. like i'm pretty sure a cursory google search or jstor scroll could refute your claims there. THIRD of all who fucking give a shit. maybe i AM sick you dont fucking know. maybe i'm actively trying to protect other people maam did you think of that. maybe thats the point of the gd mask. my job often surrounds me with higher risk individuals maybe i want to keep them safe. my job also makes me liable to get Very sick Very often maybe i don't want to pass that shit on did you think of that? no you didn't bc i'm not going to go up to a stranger and volunteer life facts and my unsolicited opinion. in the fucking fish and chip shop.
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buddyapologist · 2 months
I always thought that my self esteem problems with my face would disappear when my acne went away but as with all things i simply shifted to hating other things about my face. cool!
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the-pigeon · 11 months
they should make a healthcare system that doesn't cost any money and is also easy to navigate and utilise.
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