#fuck tucutes
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d-parade · 4 months ago
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Uhhhh I think people need to realise that someone can subconsciously believe they’re something and doesn’t have to be 100% intentional and conscious about it.
And to answer the question, because it’s already normalised to not have dysphoria so why would they want to go a step further?
Why the fuck would someone go through the trouble of pretending to be in immense pain.
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tampon-eater · 4 months ago
The thing with the whole “nondysphoric trans people are faking being trans because they think it’s trendy” is like. If they’re lying about being trans why wouldn’t they lie about having dysphoria. Like personally if I was going to fake something I wouldn’t half-ass it. “Hmm yeah okay I’ll pretend to be a different gender but pretending to have dysphoria feels just a little too dishonest you know?” Why not go the whole hog
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sirenium · 1 year ago
'You need dysphoria to be trans' motherfuckers when they realize the 'trender' they 'called out' for having xenogenders is a dysphoric trans person: erm actually you're still not trans cuz I don't understand you! >:(
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terminalmetaphor · 1 year ago
Transmeds don't know what the word "Dysphoria" means, so they just say being transgender it's like having terminal cancer....because it's easier for them.
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You guys are just dumb asf.
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translifetips · 1 month ago
To my trans siblings: your existence is resistance
As a transgender person in the US right now, this week has been terrifying. I am fortunate enough to live stealth in a blue state, but many transgender people do not have that luxury. If you are an adult and have been waiting to do so (and live in a state that allows it), I urge you to get your name changed. If you have the means, get your birth certificate amended. These procedures are obnoxious and designed to be overly complicated, but take advantage of them while we still have the opportunity to. If you don't have a passport yet, apply for one. Those who have an amended birth certificate (with sex or your name changed) you are safe, they have no right to deny you from getting a new passport. It might seem extreme, but it is much better to be safe and have your documents in order to leave if things become completely unsafe.To those who have already lost the ability to 'legally' transition (using the term legally to refer strictly to paperwork ie. Birth certificates, name change etc.) I am so sorry. You do not deserve this at all.
Community is more important now than ever.
Reach out to people in your local community. We need to support each other. If you are in school, and your school has one, join a qsa. Don't have one? Start one.
Use your voice. They are trying to silence us and make us feel small, don't let them. If you feel unsafe presenting as a transgender person (ex. Being stealth) use social media. Anonymous support is still support.
Stay informed on what companies supported project 2025 and Trump. If they wouldn't protect you, don't let them have your money. If you have the means to stop supporting companies like Amazon and redirect your support to small businesses do it!!! Buy second hand as much as you can.
Remember not to lose hope. Light will shine through the dark.
Transgender people have always and will always exist.
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coolasstransgay · 10 months ago
lol tell me something i dont know
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lumalalu · 7 months ago
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labgrowndaddyissues · 9 months ago
You are so misguided it's actually really sad. I hope you learn to listen to facts and science before random individuals on the internet who have communities which spread countless amounts of misinformation
Is this a sysmed or a transmed. I cannot tell.
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d-parade · 2 years ago
please don’t be like this
useless warning mentions of violence
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my original post for context (not at all vicious or rude, just me reacting mildly to a violent comment and explaining):
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here are some comments she made. she blocked me, of course, not even giving me the time to respond before blocking to make it look like she has the upper hand. but luckily i have another tumblr account.
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she’s not even a trans woman… if you were a trans man before that means you were female. how is it in any way transmisogyny if you’re not a trans woman?
and… we skipped right past transphobia and straight to transmisogyny? whew what a leap.
oh and there’s other comments too. she combed through my account. lucky.
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ohhhh so we misgendering now? kinda hypocritical and ironic how you believe in a mindset of respecting everyone’s “identities” until it’s someone who you don’t agree with.
at least transmedicalists misgender because of how they define dysphoria. it’s not like they purposefully want to misgender (when they don’t even see them as trans in the first place) (like if it’s a binary tucute with dysphoria they use proper pronouns). not the same for tucutes apparently. they just do it because they believe they’re the good guys and misgendering is an act of justice against evil…
and funny enough this was my post directly below the one she commented on… which sums up my experience with her nicely. i’m sure she read it too.
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i’m not saying this person represents all tucutes and inclusionists of course. like i said in the above pic, there’s genuinely nice people who come from a place of love. i just don’t agree with how their ideas work.
all in all, no matter who you are, what you are, do not respond with violence. and it’s not because i’m triggered or disturbed by it or anything. it’s just straight up immature. you’re also not at all open to discussion or even try to counter argue my points, just straight up “TERF RHETORIC” “TRANSMISOGNY” “KILL YOURSELF”
do you not find it embarrassing?
this is a reminder that your actions determine how someone else perceives the communities you’re in. while it’s impossible to control other’s perception of an entire community, change starts with you. just be a respectful person. no matter how much you hate the other party, maintain dignity. by doing that, you already won the war.
it’s not so much about “being a person you want others to respect”, but more of self respect. don’t ever reduce yourself to plain, mindless hate.
it’s not that hard. so just please don’t do this. you’re only hurting yourself, and the ideologies you represent.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months ago
Most passing and binary trans woman on earth: "actually I am biologically female, a real category that both exists and matters, because hormones. So obviously transphobes should respect me and its factually wrong to be transphobic agaisnt me because I've somehow managed to transition into a cisgender person."
Anyone even slightly educated on the broader queer community: "What if, now hear me out, intersex women and afab enbies tormented you using demons and magic spells."
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xqueerneurosisx · 2 years ago
Full offense, and sorry not sorry, but if a person tells you that they have an experience, and then they give you a name for their experience uh that’s all you fucking need*. Just call it what they named it.
You aren’t saving anyone or anything by trying to pick apart and redefine, or outright deny the existence of the name- you think you know something better about, for not your experience to begin with. In fact, that’s called gaslighting. You are gaslighting a random person based on your own ignorance. And yes, it is ignorant, because you didn’t fucking learn a damn thing about an experience- that again isn’t yours, if you didn’t fucking listen to the person who initially described it. Cut that toxic shit out!!
*Yes, I still do mean within safety/good faith reason.
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pyrosquirrely · 2 years ago
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This post got me permanently banned from reddit for hate speech.
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diamondeyes-deluxe · 1 year ago
Ok. Uh. I always tended not to get involved in like "discourse" because 1. I've been here forever and know how useless and eternal it is and 2. I often didn't feel very strongly about like 75% of whatever people were fighting about. But, uh.
I came across a short post that mentioned "radqueers" and "paraphilias" and spent a few minutes looking into those tags to try to figure out what they mean??
Ok so I guess "radqueer" is when you identify as "transracial" or "transabled", amongst other things. Ok. Suddenly I miss mogai and kindrama. Ultimately this stuff is like bad but not really surprising.
But paraphilia is...? I mean paraphilia is just an abnormal sexual attraction right. So you I saw things ranging from bdsm to fetishes for certain body functions which is like whatever right. A lot of really brutal, graphic descriptions of violence that I personally would never see as arousing but still, different strokes ig? But then. I keep seeing people mention "the big three" and, as far as I can gather, this refers to pedo, necro, and zoo. Like, philias. And I see MULTIPLE BLOGS WITH ABOUTS THAT LIST BOTH "into the big three! 🤗" AND "minor!"
I genuinely genuinely genuinely think it's time to blow up the internet. We have entire subsections of CHILDREN larping and convincing themselves that they feel a sexual attraction to animals/corpses/young children. This is beyond "touch grass" these poor kids need to not be allowed internet access for an extended period of time to detox.
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turgidscum · 1 year ago
Girl don't claim to be trans when you have heterosexual sex with your boyfriend. You're the type of people who make transsexuals look bad. It's especially stupid to call yourself a truscum since that implies you're a true transsexual, and anyone who is comfortable enough to use her vagina for sex would never be considered one back when those categories were a thing. Your boyfriend isn't comfortable with anal sex because he's straight, and you'll never be a man due to your mentality. lol the truscum and transmed movement is a fucking joke and full of larpers
couple things here.
1. i am a man legally and mentally. i am working on becoming a true male with surgery, but since i don't have the current financial ability to do so, i work with what i have. i just spent $500 on a new prosthetic actually and have horrendous bottom dysphoria i'm working to alleviate until i have the time, money, and support to have phallo.
2. you do not know why my fiance does the things he does. you do not know him. i'm not going to reveal his personal history and information, but getting him to do anything sexual in general has been a struggle. we are working together as a couple who love and respect each other to get to a place where we both enjoy having sex.
3. i don't enjoy having sex with my natal genetalia when it involves penetration. for this reason, we do it this way no more than like... ten times a year. it involves major dissociation on my part, and while i enjoy the sensation initially, it quickly becomes uncomfortable, overwhelming, and unenjoyable. this is why we are working towards anal on my end, as it is what will have to be done when i bottom in a couple of years anyways.
besides, it's much more enjoyable to me. the pleasure i get is 1000x greater than using my natal genitals for penetration.
4. you're calling me a larper even though i am actively pursing to fully transition and find a way to better enjoy sex outside of using my natal genitalia. if you're saying i'm a trender because i'm not celibate and still want to, i dunno, make love with the man i'm going to be marrying in a way that you specifically don't approve of, i'm going to kindly tell you to pull your head out of your ass for a minute and look at what you're getting mad about.
i am a transsexual man pursuing full transition and looking to have anal sex with my fiance when we do have penetrative sex where i bottom.
on another note, that's not the end-all-be-all of sex you know. jerking off together is much more enjoyable and relaxing.
so while i explained this to you, i want you to understand that i don't owe you or anyone else i don't know any justification about my sex life. you would never see me in person and say i'm "larping" as a man, as i am a very stealth, very passing man in my daily life.
the fact that you think my fiance is straight just has me laughing. if he thinks i look like a woman, then damn, i want whatever he's on. you too apparently lmao
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thegravityshark · 2 months ago
I generally stay out of Disk Horse but its crazy how much of it is "[x identity] doesnt suffer as much as [y identity], and thats why [x] shouldnt be allowed to have vocabulary for their experiences or talk about them at all, really (and if they do they are The Enemy!!!!)"
Like... idgaf how much someone has or has not supposedly "suffered". I want things to stop being shit For Everyone :3
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d-parade · 2 years ago
it’s not that i hate inclusionists and tucutes per se. i have friends who are super heavy on the inclusionist thing and they’re one of the sweetest people ever. i’ve also talked and agreed to disagreed with inclusionists.
but some of y’all… heck most of y’all just straight up fucking annoying, hypocritical, somehow having victim saviour and superiority complex all at the same time. narrow minded, aggressive, whiny.
i don’t hate the idea exactly. tbh i think it comes from a place of love though i don’t agree. but i hate the people.
it’s not even a “loud minority” it’s a loud ass majority.
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