#fuck trillionaires
nando161mando · 1 month
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derseprinceoftbd · 12 days
Imagine the unbearable pain of Alfred Quinque. Only person in the commune with a Real Job. I'd have killed myself way earlier.
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elektroskopik · 1 month
Billionaire on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says
Informa Connect Academy’s finding about the boss of electric carmaker Tesla, private rocket company SpaceX and social media platform X (formerly Twitter) stems from the fact that Musk’s wealth has been growing at an average annual rate of 110%. He was also the world’s richest person, with $251bn, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, as the academy’s 2024 Trillion Dollar Club report began circulating Friday.
The academy’s analysis suggested business conglomerate founder Gautam Adani of India would become the second to achieve trillionaire status. That would reportedly happen in 2028 if his annual growth rate remains at 123%.
Jensen Huang, the chief executive officer of the tech firm Nvidia, and Prajogo Pangestu, the Indonesian energy and mining mogul, could also become trillionaires in 2028 if their trajectories hold. Bernard Arnault, the LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton boss and the world’s third-richest person with about $200bn, is on track to eclipse a trillion dollars in 2030 – the same year as Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta.
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rosicheeks · 8 months
I’m just so tired
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rainingincale · 9 months
Bro no joke, forgetting that not everyone hates capitalism and then having to try have a reasonable conversation with someone about buying things... *eye twitch*
#to explain we will have person A - person B and then me#so person B is asking me if its ok to buy stuff from ebay - because i am a person that tries to avoid buying from amazon etc#and im like yeah should be because its independent sellers mostly - to be fair though yall. i barely buy anything online because i hate#online shopping. i try to buy things in person instead#anyways insert person A whos like 👁👄👁 oH aRe YoU oNe Of ThOse PeOpLE ThAt DoESNt pUrCHasE frOm AmAzON#yall im sighing just thinking about this conversation omfg its so stupid#anyways queue me explaining that yeah. i try to avoid it if i can because i dont like my money going to some motherfucker who doesnt need#the money (person B pipes in that jeff bezos is on the way to becoming a trillionaire which is Not Good 🙃 . thank you B now i will go on)#A then goes on to explain all the benefits to amazon “what if you want something the next day” i ask if theres really anything you truly#need right away like that. we used to live in times where you would have to wait or find it in a shop. A says “oh but its so cool and#convenient“ and i say sure. because they have the money and grew their business of being more 'convenient' than other businesses#A says “oh but the customer service is so good. if i want a return theyll do it straight away with no questions and maybe even give me#credit too“ and im like yeah. because they can afford to do that. ”sometimes independent sellers are in there too“ ok so buy from them then#If You Must but i can guarantee you mostly dont. not to mentuon theyre probably only on there in the first place because amazon has made it#so its one of the most popular places to use instead of anywhere else#and it went on. i just stopped talking eventually because it eas one of those situations where the other person was not fucking listening to#the point i was trying to make. which is that if you really have to. ok do it whatever. i get that its a bit impossible to avoid sometimes#im not gonna sit here and pretend when ive not been able to get something anywhere else i havent got it from there. but the point is to#actually think about WHY youre buying stuff and WHO the money is going to. because websites like amazon especially have created such a trend#of overconsumption. that you just buy stuff and then buy prime because oh its so cheap and useful and comes right the next day! and you dont#consider why any of these things are true. whos getting fucked over in the process. that you are one of the people getting fucked over!!!#lord i could go on but i shant#point is. genuinely do what you want like deep down i do not care it does not affect me and i know its not so straightforward#but people who just BLATANTLY and actively SUPPORT rich people (forgot to mention A kept talking about how the whole site was smart and that#Jeff was a genius blah blah) can you sit and realise that this whole system and that FUCKING Imbecile of a man are!!¡! a problem!!#i wish i could articulate it better but im leaving it at that#good morning yall xD#le text post
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Can you imagine those fucking trillionaires waking up from cryo in their fancy ships, finding out it's been 10,000 years, all happy and smug cause everything must be fixed now, that annoying cult leader is long dead, they can go back to earth and re-build society in their image while living in luxury ect ect
Only to find the galaxy in disaster mode, billions of refugees on displaced planets because their planets died, giant creepy beasts eating entire worlds, crazy death wizard people ruling most of the galaxy. All lead by the Supreme Emperor Necrolord Prime God whatever. Who is that annoying cult leader. Who HATES YOU.
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xoshepard · 2 years
i’m not saying boe is wrong but it’s weird of them to get self righteous too bc they come from a branch of people who escaped john’s Great Culling but only bc they were going to leave all of humanity to die to global warming so dhskdhdj like y’all should be happy right. everyone was going to die and you were going to escape and they died and you escaped.
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katakaluptastrophy · 3 months
The ships … the ships were still full of people. I reached our hand out into space. I extended. I struggled. He said, I bit through the sun first. It’s human nature. That started things going.
Imagine being on those ships (and remember, not everyone in those ships was a nefarious trillionaire) zooming away from earth.
Maybe you've watched mushroom clouds blossoming across the face of the earth as you pulled away, the lines of communication fizzing out and going dead.
Watched...something...happen to the earth. Watched the sun flare and then flicker out.
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I sliced through Venus, Mercury, Mars … by that point a couple of the tugs had already launched through the Kuiper. I had to kill Jupiter and Saturn in a fucking hurry. I reached … they blinked away from me … all I could do was hope that they’d watched what I was doing and all died from fucking terror. You and I went full fucking Hungry Caterpillar. We took Uranus … Neptune … crunched down Pluto … found every satellite and craft, reached in, crunched up all the humans, moved on.
You try to make contact with the installations as you pass - the small city on Mars, the helium-3 capture facility at Jupiter, the mines on Saturn's moons, the skeleton crew constructing the shell on Uranus, the Kuiper platform. Maybe the comms are eerily quiet. Or perhaps, you make contact for just a moment, enough time to witness what happens when god doesn't kill people "clean".
As you speed away, the rings of the gas giants burst asunder and the planets seem to desaturate, the readings go haywire as their magnetic fields suddenly destabilise. And something, oh god, something seems to slip away from each one, some absolute acid trip of horror, like some kind of writhing, fleeing ghost.
The moment I found the fleet spinning up to enter FTL, it was too late … I could only grab one of them … and you and I held it in the palm of our hand. I was in there with them. All those frightened people. All those runaway rats.
And then something physically stops one of the ships. Alarms are going off, sparks are flying, lights are flickering, and there's a horrifying sense of presence (if John feeling Alecto's presence was unremitting screaming inside his head, what does the presence of the newly combined John and Alecto feel like? Because I don't think that invovles less eldritch psychic screaming, somehow).
And then you break free, and spin off into some kind of warp of time and space, with the knowledge that you are the last humans left alive in the universe and that something truly terrible lurks on the husk of the earth.
Imagine 5000 years of that tale being passed down through humanity (that's equivalent to the time that passed between the stone age and the present day), as civilisations rose and fell across planets and systems.
And then imagine, one day, being the ship that encountered something they'd never seen before. A ship, of an entirely unfamiliar design, bearing an unfamiliar symbol: a skull. The whole ship is covered in bones. Sleek, designed, inlaid bones. Human bones.
When they hail you, you see humans, but not like you've seen before. They're dressed in strange outfits: military uniforms and robes that look like something from a textbook of the most ancient history. They're carrying swords. Swords! Many of them seem starved and sickly, as if their bodies are consuming themselves. They speak of their empire and their god in strange, archaic words - an impossibly ancient language from the earth that was - of the resurrection of the dead, of the Lord over the River, of necromancy.
And you realise that however horrifying the tales of the earth's death in fire, there are things worse than death.
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beguilingcorpse · 2 years
john gaius is the funniest character in the locked tomb tbh. he's such a fuckin clown. he's literally just some dude. he got magic death powers one day and proceeded to astronomically fuck everything else up from there. he was a twitch streamer. he projects his ennui onto cows. his goal was to stop the trillionaires from fucking off and leaving everyone else on earth to die, but somehow managed to literally kill every human being on the planet and STILL let the trillionaires escape. he gave the earth form from his own flesh and panicked and made her look like barbie. he then locked barbie in a top secret underground tomb and told everyone else he killed her (he didn't). he was very confident that this plan was eternally foolproof until he was bested by a 10 year old lesbian nun. he resurrected all of his dead besties and made them think that he was their god, mostly just for fun. he's so goddamn horny that he was tricked into TWO SEPARATE EVIL THREESOMES. he named himself John Earth. he's my worstie and my silly rabbit and i'm obsessed with him
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nando161mando · 19 days
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liberatedfromtheworld · 7 months
Fuck everyone at Jolly Ranchers if I ran this shit we would be trillionaires
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zeestie · 4 months
୨ৎ rich girl ୨ৎ
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I am so rich it is insane. I am the richest person to ever walk this earth. I have always been rich. I come from old money and my wealth just keeps on growing. I am deserving of all the money I have. I deserve to be showered with money. money is so easy to make. money has always been there. I never find it hard to make more money.
money just keeps on growing. money just keeps on coming from expected and unexpected sources. it is so easy to make money. I am a money making machine. I'm a magnet for money!! I love making money. I was born to be rich. it is my birthright. I'm rich. I am literally so rich it is insane. everyone wonders how I got this rich. I keep on getting money all the time. I make money in my sleep. I make money while having fun. I'm living my best life while also making money.
I make trillions every day. I am the first trillionaire ever to walk this earth. I broke records with the money I make. I make money the way I want to make it. I make money by inspiring others. I'm making money through helping others. all the money I have I got it cos I deserve it. I am so worthy of money.
people wanna give me money. people love giving me money. money is so fucking easy to make. money has always been there form me. I'm so loved by money. money loves me. I love money too, like it is not possible for me not to love her when she's always been there for me yk? money got me the lifestyle I want. I am blessed with the lifestyle I want, like God, thanks for all the money!!
I feel so happy that I get to make money and share it with others. I feel so relaxed and safe knowing that I don't have to work a day in my life. all the bills are paid for. I get to live anywhere. I am so excited to treat all my friends & family with the money I have. I am literally the rich aunt stereotype bumped to a 100!! it really do be so easy to make money!
I've never feared money cos I've always been abundant. I have been taught since I was a child that money is easy to make so that is why money is easy to make. I have amazing beliefs around money so that is what reflects back. my mind is so malleable, doesn't matter what I thought of before cos now ik for a fact that money is the most abundant resource in the world!! it is normal for anyone to get rich like millionaires are just regular people you see everywhere, I'm literally the perfect example of that. money has always been easy to make, it is literally paper, just a number.
I'm so grateful for the money I have right now. Thank you God for always helping me when it came to money. I am so grateful for all the freedom I get to have cos of the ridiculous amounts of money I got. my bank is full. people wonder how I got all this money. well it's with the power of my mind! I decided that I'm rich so instantly I became rich!!
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Capitalism is so depressing, cause like. What's the end goal to all this work I need to put in. It's always "once you get to the next thing (next year in school, starting uni, work, promotions, a new job, etc etc), it'll be like this, so this is how to prepare". But what's the actual goal in preparing for and doing the next thing? What do I achieve except for the ability to do smth else after that?
It's so individualistic, and there's nothing to live for but going up in the ranks. But there's also no end goal, you just keep going. For what. What sense of fulfilment does anyone get from the system? Like oh you could be a millionaire, but wait, what about becoming a billionaire, or a trillionaire? And other than a select few people, no one's gonna be able to do be a millionaire anyway, let alone have more than that.
There's no end goal. There's no purpose outside of yourself. There's no need for a community, cause everyone is in competition with everyone else at all times, and you'd best believe you're a failure when Timmy next door got that promotion cause you had to stay off work due to a debilitating illness.
And people wonder why there's so many people with mental health issues. Yeah, why the fuck would anyone be depressed in this damn system.
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lowkeyrobin · 22 days
Could I request, what dating sparrow!ben hargreeves would be living a peaceful life possible after season 4 (let’s pretend like it never happened) preference or one shot (you decide)
Peaceful life- like the plans he said to Jennifer in the car, moving away, etcetera
P.s I loveeeeeee your tua and descendants writing keep up the amazing work 🫶🏻🫶🏻
aweee stop this is so cute 💔💔💔 ; also yes went for hc cause no way am I figuring out how to oneshot that shit ; also thank you 🫶🫶 I appreciate it lol ; also if there's supposed to be an anon emoji down there I can't see it 💀💀 it's just an [obj] box, prob cause I have an android and we don't have the same emojis as iphones n shit lmao ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; ps idk why I couldn't find that scene so I just kinda made some shit up lmfao
SPARROW! BEN ; runaways
summary ; your perfect life after running away with Ben except it doesn't end the world
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; no jail time for Ben / no s4 at all ig, reader isn't a brellie but refers to them as siblings + as kind of like an add on to them like lila
word count ; 363
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you and ben, after falling in love during the s3 era, decided you should just run away together
he'd taken a fond liking of you considering you were both so oddly peaceful when it came to just the two of you
the wedding at the end of the world really solidified it
and then you made out!
but after resetting the timeline and losing your powers, there was nothing to really stick around for
considering you wiped out all the marigold and sloane had disappeared (considering she would've never been born or was erased somehow) and your siblings had all gone off to live their lives, it was time you did too
you only knew Ben for like two weeks before you actually fell for each other so learning about one another was really fun
you packed up your bags (or what remained of them) and headed to wherever the back roads could take you
in the car you learned about each other's music taste and your hobbies, and all the sights you wanted to see around the world
the road took you to south carolina
you stayed on the beach for a week and it was honestly really nice
thank god you were able to steal thousands from sparrow-reggies secret stash lol
there you discovered Ben's hatred for water...
but after a week or so you packed up again and headed west
you drove around the country for about three years just sightseeing and living the most you could considering the two of you never really saw anything outside of home
but after a while, you had to settle down somewhere and make a proper life for yourselves
you both craved to be normal people, to pay bills and taxes and hold down jobs, maybe even make a family, as fucked as it was
I mean, trillionaires son moves to the middle of nowhere to live like a normal person? kinda crazy
you built a house on some old farmland on the outskirts of a little town, surrounded by forest and acres of empty land
you call around the family every once in a while, wanting to know how they're doing and what they're up to
ben couldn't really care tho, he only rlly cares for you, the others weirded him out
you couldn't blame him tho since he barely knew them and they knew a different version of him
when you're on the phone, head tilted as both hands are occupied by biscuit mix that you were mixing up, he stands by you with a soft smile on his face, helping you morph them into balls and put them on the tray
think a 90s type of house, very brown, window seats, etc
you live such a sweet ass life man
you sit on the front porch swing and drink coffee while you watch the sunrise
and in winter you cuddle up by the fireplace and watch shitty hallmark movies
you even started a YouTube channel for shits and giggles where you watch awful movies on cable TV and commentate over them because it's funny
you have a calico cat named sorbet
you have a strawberry garden in the backyard that surrounds the porch
and you go out to eat every friday
so many hugs from behind from the other when one is cooking
sweet kisses on the temple as well
so cavity causing sweet
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
It's definitely a refusal to engage with or truly understand politics. I'm 24, I was in middle school during Obama's second term and 17 in 2016, and I feel like a lot of my peers just continue to be appalled at how bad things have gotten with the Republicans and why Democrats can't do anything to stop it. What's missing from their understanding is how long it took for the Republicans to get here. It didn't start in 2016. They worked for decades to do all the nightmarish shit they're doing now, and Democrats just haven't been able to do the same (because people refuse to vote consistently and give them the power to do those things). I feel like that's where the "both sides are the same" bullshit comes from - the idea that if the Dems wanted to stop the GOP, they would. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of how anything works, and often relies on downplaying how bad the Republicans actually are in order to support their 'Dems are just as bad' stance.
Things did get catastrophically worse when Trump was elected, and he broke things way more than they ever had been, but he doesn't exist in a vacuum and it took the Republicans a lot of fucking work for him to do what he did. The only way the Dems can counteract that is by having a party of people willing to put in a similar level of work, and that requires understanding our structures and how things work (executive orders are only temporary fixes and actual legislation takes time, compromise, and work), and a lot of these people just aren't willing to do it.
The thing is, yes, I absolutely do get the feeling that everything is terrible and we are doomed. I went through it when GWB was re-elected in 2004 and then again in 2008, worrying about whether Obama would get elected and end that particular run of Republican-induced misery (when John McCain looks like a fucking saint compared to the GOP candidates we are being offered now), and obviously plumbed the depths of despair in 2016 with Trump. But I don't remember ever thinking that I should just give up trying, stop voting, or any of that, and I don't think it was because I was some kind of special person who was just so tenacious. I obviously have not been a teenager in the present era and yes, that means I have different views on things from the next generation, but also: this has always happened. Moments of total political despair and feeling that everything is fucked are also not a new thing. We are going through it with Trumpism, the previous generation went through it with Reagan/Thatcher, the previous previous generation went through it with Nixon/Vietnam, the previous etc generation went through it with the Cold War, the previous etc. etc. generation went through it with World War II -- and so forth. There has never been any one point when everything was great and there was no work left to be done, because, y'know. That is not how either history or human nature works.
Hence, that is why I'm trying to figure out what in the fuck is going on right now, and whether it's just social media that have made things so bad (entirely possible). Critical thinking is a shambles, yes, but that's not necessarily something young people have chosen for themselves. The current world is a late-stage capitalist dystopia run by four or five trillionaire oligarch cartels and corporations, and obviously public education, basic civic responsibility, the teaching of any "controversial" history, and everything else that might threaten that setup has been systematically and methodically dismantled, politicized, or so infiltrated with false information that it's basically useless. That in itself is not young people's fault. They have genuinely been dealt a terrible hand in many ways, and I don't blame them for being angry about it. I too am angry about it! I do question, however, when the overwhelming sentiment became "well we should just give up and let the bad guys win, either because it's too much work to change it or because that will spark the Great Revolution and that's the only way to fix things ever, and doing anything else at all in the meantime is wrong."
Once again: I do not blame young people for being angry at the shitty situation they are currently facing. I do not blame young people for being disillusioned with the system and thinking that it can't solve everything at once. But yet again: there has never been any government, country, or organization in the history of ever anything everywhere that was able to do that, and the ones that tried, or insisted that they could do it, were infamously murderous bloodbaths, because breaking society (even with all its flaws) into a thousand pieces and thinking this will make My Preferred Ideological Utopia Now Appear is probably the deadliest belief in all of time and space. The world is flawed and has been for all time because humans are flawed and probably will be for all time. Being a grownup requires coming to an understanding of that fact and seeing what you can do in spite of that. People in every era have had gaps and biases and blind spots and other things that hobbled their understanding or made their efforts for change less perfect or complete than they would have wanted in an ideal world, and they have had to move past those anyway. The current generation is no different. Not to sound like a boomer, but even despite the mess they've been faced with, they need to figure out how to engage with it anyway and not just completely absolve responsibility because they can't fix it all at once. Which I don't think most young people do! There are plenty of them who really do get it and are engaged and idealistic and working for good change, and that's great! It's just the other part that worries me, and which is not as small as we would like to think.
And yes, part of this is just flat-out bad information and the stubborn lack of any desire to change it if it conflicts with pre-existing beliefs. (This is by no means exclusive to young people of this current generation, as it's another bad habit of humanity, but yes.) In the aforementioned "you're driving young leftists away :(" ask I got yesterday, there were also plenty of dubious and just-flat-wrong claims, such as that Democrats keep moving to the right "especially economically." That is just not true. In the last four years, the Democrats have moved the most economically leftward in all of American history and have finally and flatly rejected the Great Reagonomics Myth. Just because Clinton did Reagonomics-lite in the '90s (when most of the current generation of Online Leftists weren't even born), that is thirty years ago and in wildly different circumstances. These things are not difficult to look up. Do it. Try to educate yourself, even if the system doesn't want to do it. You can't just throw up your hands and insist that nobody taught you, so how could you know??? Put that "instant access to all of human history and knowledge" to use, even just a little. It'll be good for you!
Likewise, there was also the anon's befuddling insistence that I was "patronizing" or "shaming" anyone "further left than Biden," which reflects their apparent feeling that telling people to vote for Biden is a "personal attack" on their cherished beliefs, or whatever. I'm unsure how many times we have to keep repeating that voting for a candidate does not mean you are canonizing all their beliefs exactly as your own, and that it's just one tool to do the bare minimum to not live in a fucking fascist theocratic dictatorship, but yeah. I can guarantee you that I personally am well left of Biden. I can guarantee you that most people on Tumblr voting for Biden are probably well left of him as well. That does not negate the fact that Biden is the most progressive president America has ever had, regardless of how much Online Leftists shriek otherwise. It also does not negate the fact that this is by no means true of America as a whole (witness the large faction that still thinks Biden is a godless far-left evil socialist). It does not negate the many complex historical, political, social, cultural, religious, racial, etc reasons that have collided to produce the America where this is the case. Therefore, if I do not want to live in a society ruled by Trump and his orange Nazi minions, which is the case due to how badly the last 10 years have been fucked up, I will use the tool of voting for Biden! He can be successfully pressured to create positive change in the direction that I would like! Trump cannot and will not under any circumstances, regardless of the wild fantasies that suddenly he will transform into a perfect progressive on Gaza or whatever other issue! THIS IS NOT THAT FUCKING DIFFICULT!!!!!!!
Anyway. All of this is obviously complicated. Obviously things are bad and frightening and we want a solution that fixes all of it at once, instead of slowly, badly, and piecemeal. But as I said: that has never, not once, been the case in all of history, and we know what happens when people and/or governments with delusions of psychopathic grandeur try to do it. We do not want the "Final Solution" (which is infamous as what Hitler literally called the Holocaust). We do, in fact, want the careful step by step, we want things to get better and not just explode in a mountain of nihilistic doom, and that does take work, from everyone. So unfortunately, there is no real choice except to do it.
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faerromagnetic · 6 months
Nona the Ninth Thoughts, Part 3
The Parts with John Gaius specifically
You didn't need to take vengeance on the Trillionaires. I get it, it would have been satisfying to destroy their ships.
You didn't need to go all Old Testament Flood on the Planet. I get it, it was frustrating getting crushed by everything like that.
But John, you are a Demigod. The chosen one of the Earth. You could have made the Planet a bloody Paradise. You could have made everything better. You could have turned it all around. With 10,000 years, with Necromancy, with Technology, with the FUCKING EARTH on your side. You could have made the Planet better, better for the 10 Billion people that were left behind. John. You didn't need to do that. The EARTH gave you the power to save itself. You had the power damn it. You had politcal leverage, you had the proof that the Trillionaires fucked everyone over, you had every card in your hand.
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