#fuck the NHS
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nightmaretour · 3 months ago
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as they turn you away once again. No appointments left today.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as the doctor brushes you off. It's all in your head, stop being selfish and wasting their precious time.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as the call operator tells you to take some ibuprofen, and make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. There's nothing they can do.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as you count your fourth hour in agony in a crowded room, waiting to be seen. The woman next to you is bleeding, a blood soaked rag clasped to her arm. She hasn't been seen yet either.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as the paramedics wheel you into a crowded bay and line you up in a corridor alongside ten others. They tell you that the wait will be long, you can see the sorrow in their eyes. Pain and fear echoes around you but the man in front of you lays eerily still, makes no sound. A nurse lounges at her station nearby.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as the nurse tells you there's nothing wrong with you, and sends you home. It's all in your head, and the doctors are too busy to see you. You've wasted their precious time.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as your mother clasps you against her chest, crying. You've been bedridden for days but tonight she found you like this, and she called an ambulance immediately. You've only been getting worse in the two hours since.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as the doctor tells you it's just an infection. They'll give you some antibiotics and send you home when you start feeling better. They don't do any tests, they don't need to.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as the nurse tells you to stop being lazy and get out of bed. You're overreacting, the pain and swelling are because you've been laying in bed for too long. She yells at your mother for coddling you, she's imagining the lump on your head. No need to call for a doctor.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as your mother arrives to find you seizing and soiled in your hospital bed. They didn't notice. They didn't check. They're busy, after all.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as your mother calls for help again. Nobody answers. The nurse who lounges at her station simply didn't hear. She's too busy.
"We're the pride of the country," they say, as they tell your family to hurry and say their goodbyes. It couldn't have been prevented, it was just one of those things. Nobody is at fault here.
Especially not the pride of our country.
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blanark · 8 months ago
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cllightning81 · 4 months ago
My Story
I'm not sharing this for sympathy more just to educate people on the fact that they never know what someone is going through. Also, because people never share these types of stories
For ten years (taking me back to my single digit childhood 😭), I have had chronic back pain that's been left undiagnosed for these ten years and increasing day by day.
Physical signs of swelling and constant pain with leg weakness occasionally nowadays.
It started off with local general practitioners (GP's) telling me it was just growing pains because I was so young. Pain kept up until my double-digit years, when I continued to go back to my GP until they told me it was a pulled muscle into my early teens I continued to go to my GP who told me to go to physio privately.
My family was in no place to afford this, but thankfully, we knew some private physios who would do it for free because they were family friends.
The first private physio did some acupuncture, which eventually helped, but then the pain came back and told me it was a pinched nerve. The second private physio told me it was a pulled muscle again.
Back to my GP nearing my adulthood (according to Scottish law) they sent me to a NHS physio who did all the basic information, felt my spine -detected scoliosis-, gave me exercises and referred me to rheumatology by this time I was on a painkiller called "Naproxen"
A year later. Finally got my rheumatology appointment met with the consultant who took my information, felt my spine -detected scoliosis, hyperflexibility in my cervical and thoracic spine-, promised he'd do something about this, sent me for bloods and X-rays.
Had my bloods taken. No sign of inflammation or rheumatoid arthritis.
Nearly 3 months later, I got my x-ray results. There is nothing there time for an MRI.
2 weeks later, I had my MRI. Waited 5 further months on my results. Irregularities in my sacrioloc joint but no inflammation.
At this point, I've been through two different types of painkillers. Diclofenac and co-codamol. In my teen years. 3 different types
It's time for another x-ray. It shows nothing. Found this out the day I got accepted into my dream uni for my dream course ( I didn't get the grades. However, I'm just doing a different course at my dream university)
Went back to my GP after finding this out for the trainee GP to tell a teenage me that I "might need a hip replacement in the future." Left annoyed and upset.
Started using kinesiology tape from a suggestion from Google for back pain. It helps a little, but I still have major flare-ups.
Over the past months now in my adult years (😭😭), I've been experiencing hip pain where I've been unable to lie, sit, or put any weight on my right hip. The hip is on the same side as my back pain.
GP receptionist tells me it's not an emergency even though it is causing me to lose feeling in my right leg and that the first appointment is in a week and a half.
Appointment rolls around, and I've got another trainee who dismisses me as normal. I mentioned I thought it might be linked to my back, and the whole appointment moved from my hip to my back.
At the end of the appointment, she tells me, "Surgeons won't do anything, so I won't refer you there. Rheumatology will refer you back because you were there recently, and more X-rays and MRIs are unnecessary radiation, so we won't do that"
IM STUDYING TO BECOME A RADIOGRAPHER I KNOW THE RISKS. Her patient centred careness was thrown out the window during this appointment.
So she tells me she'll speak to her supervisor about giving my lidocaine patches to help with the pain.
Two hours later I get a phone call from her where she repeats everything she said at the appointment and follows it up with "We're going to give you more diclofenac and lanzoprazole" to which I reply "I already have lots of that. I take it constantly, " but they have continued to give me it.
After I hung up, I explained everything to my mum, and I couldn't hold back the tears. The way the NHS treats young people in constant pain is ridiculous. I'm not being listened to.
All they see and have ever seen is my age. Never the condition. And now studying radiography, and I've requested all of my medical records and images because I need to know.
I've never been in so much pain physically and mentally, but here I am. I'm struggling so much, and no one's listening to me from the medical professions.
What do I need to do to get them to listen?
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ceilidhtransing · 8 months ago
British trans people and our allies: write to your MP!
Just before Parliament was dissolved, the Conservative health secretary Victoria Atkins put in place an immediate ban on the prescription of puberty blockers to trans and questioning youth, with a penalty of up to two years in prison. The new Labour health secretary Wes Streeting has said he wants to make this ban permanent. The Good Law Project is challenging this ban in court. Find out more about the situation here.
It's important that, if you can, you write to your MP to let them know how you feel about this and ask them to speak out against it. It's really easy to write to your MP using the website WriteToThem - you don't even have to know the name of your MP; just put in your postcode and it'll tell you.
I'm not going to include a template letter to send, as lots of people sending an identical email tends to be very ineffective at getting an MP's attention and convincing them that a lot of people do actually care about an issue. Unique, individually written emails are much more powerful. But I want to emphasise how easy and doable it is to write to your MP in your own words: there's no set way you have to do it, you don't have to worry about being super formal if you don't want to be, and any personal touch you add is likely to make your email much more persuasive than a copy-pasted template, not less.
If you want to write but are truly stumped as to how to start, here are some ideas to think about:
Specify your personal connection to the issue: whether you're trans yourself, or the parent/sibling/friend/cousin/etc of a trans person. Obviously you don't have to do this - not everyone is comfortable outing themselves this way. You can of course just state that you're a “trans ally” or “someone deeply concerned with trans equality” or “someone deeply concerned with the transphobic trajectory the UK is taking” or something like that. It often helps to emphasise that the issue you're writing about is one that you as an individual care strongly about.
Similarly, if you have a personal story about trans healthcare, especially puberty blockers, feel free to use it. Don't ramble on and on, of course, but personal stories of your experience with an issue often help to make your message more impactful.
Make clear how you feel about the ban on puberty blockers. You can be as concise as you like; there's no obligation to write an essay if you don't want to. If you feel very strongly, say so. You don't have to mince words.
Use the Good Law Project's pages for inspiration on phrasing and arguments if that helps. The GLP has several pages on their site on this issue (here is a good one, and here is another). It's best not to just copy their exact wording, but it can be very useful as inspiration for the kind of points you might want to make.
Don't abuse your MP. You can write in very strong terms without lowering yourself to sending abuse, threats, insults etc at your MP. That kind of thing only guarantees they won't listen to you sympathetically.
Ask your MP to take a specific action. In this case, the action is likely to be “speak out against the ban on puberty blockers”. It helps to give your MP a specific Thing you're asking them to do, to avoid sending a rambling email that only makes them think “ok but what do you want me to do about it?”
If you can, find out a bit about your MP and tailor your letter accordingly. There are some MPs who are consistently really good at supporting trans rights and it probably doesn't help to instinctively go on the attack with someone who is already our ally. In that case, you can thank them for their support so far, state how important it is to you that they have been a trans ally, and ask them to continue their support by speaking out on this issue. With some MPs, especially the new ones, it's really hard to find out their stance on trans rights, but you can do a little sleuthing by searching their Twitter, googling “[MP name] trans (/rights)”, and seeing their voting record at TheyWorkForYou.
If you're writing to a Labour MP, and the issue of trans rights is an obstacle to you voting Labour, you can tell them that. If you no longer feel that you can trust Labour to support your rights as a trans person (or trans rights more generally), you can say so. If Labour has lost your vote over this particular issue, you can say so. If you have voted Labour in the past but didn't do so this year because of its stances on trans rights, you can say so. There are lots of new Labour MPs in this Parliament and many of them have relatively small majorities. Don't be afraid to be explicit that Labour has lost your vote because of its lack of support for trans people, if that is in fact the case. They need to know that this is an issue that people care enough about that it affects the way they vote.
Equally, if your MP is someone you voted for on the basis of their or their party's support for trans rights (for example a Lib Dem or a Green), say that too. Again, MPs like to know the issues that voters care about so much that it sways their vote.
Remember: transphobes are writing to your MP. If you think “ugh, what will just one letter do”, remember that bigots who work against us are very good at writing to MPs to try to sway their opinions. If an MP receives 30 letters from transphobes and 0 letters from trans people and allies, they will think the bulk of their constituents - at least the vocal ones - support the transphobic position. Even a short letter lets them know that actually, there are voters out there who want them to act in support of trans people. Don't let the transphobic voice be the only voice an MP gets to hear.
And if you want some further reading on the Cass Review, the document that Wes Streeting is pointing to in an attempt to justify the ban (which is nuts because the review, while deeply deeply flawed, doesn't even recommend this ban anyway), may I suggest...
The Cass Review: Cis-Supremacy in the UK's Approach to Healthcare for Trans Children by Dr Cal Horton in the International Journal of Transgender Health (I posted some choice quotes from this article here)
What's Wrong with the Cass Review? A Round-Up of Commentary and Evidence by Dr Ruth Pearce
Do No Harm? The Trouble With Cass' Therapy Recommendations by Elia Cugini
Advocates Say a Controversial Report on Healthcare for Trans Kids is “Fundamentally Flawed” by Samantha Riedel in them.us
A Parent's Perspective on the Puberty Blockers Ban by the Good Law Project
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hollcwboy · 2 months ago
My L&C Headcanons: The Problem with British Healthcare Edition
Increased depression at the onset of fading Talents was such a common occurrence amongst young adults it had a diagnosis: Post-Talent Depressive Disorder, or PTDD. Aging agents with DEPRAC insurance could get comped counseling services and medication, but the system was so backed up the waitlist to get seen could take months, even years. By then, many decided that staying around in the hopes things might get better wasn’t worth it. If they didn’t take the long way out, they were stuck in the mud indefinitely, hopelessly trying to keep their heads above the rising muck of unemployment and despair. It was an open secret that the NHS couldn’t handle the constant waves of former agents seeking care, not to mention those unaffiliated Nightwatch graduates without company representation. Despite DEPRAC PSAs about how to spot symptoms of PTDD in your children or employees, little was done to ensure diagnoses and subsequent treatment.
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puddlellama · 1 year ago
I'm so mad at this bullshit. how fucking dare they. soulless bureaucratic monsters. if i ever get my hands on that rat-faced fascist, he'll be fucking begging for death.
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themanfromeire · 1 year ago
This is really different from my usual posts, but I really don't care. I currently live in a region of the UK, and the NHS England review has a very bad implication for my future. I might head out early, if you catch my drift. When I go quiet for a while, you'll know why
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4rachn1d · 5 months ago
Throwback to whatever the fuck I was doing to order my prescription I literally need to live
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nightmaretour · 19 days ago
Living as a physically disabled person in the UK is like, I've already explicitly told my family that the money from the medical negligence claim goes to my younger brother when I die
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littleirontablet · 8 months ago
Ngl just putting this online makes me feel like shit but I need the help:
Any donations help me so much it’s actually ridiculous, I also draw digital art and have commissions open in my DMs!
Again this suck ass that I have to turn to strangers for help but here I am because I’m desperate :)
[share around my page and gofundme if you want reposts are appreciated]
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ugly-punkling · 17 days ago
okay reason 10,000 why I hate the NHS:
I have insanely bad period cramps, I just passed out and am shaking really bad because of them and it's literally torture and yet. my GP doesn't have availability. my GP wouldn't give me birth control last year because I was too young and "high risk". there's so many different birth controls which help with these horrendous cramps and torture. literally it wipes me out for at least 3 days then 2 more at the end of my period which lasts usually 8-10 days.
I am suffering, my health is declining both mental and physical, because of a failing health system and doctors who won't listen to women and teenagers (I'm not a woman but that's my AGAB so whatev). my bodily functions are debilitating and they. should. not. be. Period pains SHOULD NOT BE DEBILITATING.
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minililitu · 17 days ago
End of the week update!!! ✧ ˚  ·    .
I know it’s not the end of the week but weekends are for crashing and burning🌌
This week I:
Had 3 doctors appointments
And 1 blood test
Spent 2 days unable to get out of bed or speak
Started Yellowjackets (and finished the first two seasons)
Only fainted once!! 🎊
Actually found the energy to book a shift at work
Did my chemistry homework (unheard of mythical event - I got a good 60% of it wrong)
Managed to find the spare energy to continue story mapping my latest fic
Yellowjackets review?!?!
I cried several times, soundtrack was a banger and every time I see young Natalie I squeal with delight because I am IN LOVE with her.
✧ ˚  ·    .
This is my song recommendation for this post because I think it just really fits the vibe of Yellowjackets and Yellowjackets has been my hyperfocus all week.
I ADORE Florence and the machine🫶
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jurassicworldtieindrpepper · 10 months ago
Do Not Work for the British Government: "Conviction" by Rachel Aviv
So I read that one New Yorker article, and uh....I don't want claim 100% that this woman is innocent of anything malicious, but jesus fucking christ that country is fundamentally broken. The idea that your government can underpay you to overwork in one of their decrepit institutions and then convict you of serial child murder when debris falls on people is terrifying. The idea that this could happen and the public is barred from protesting is absolutely dystopian. I've become a little Lucy Letby obsessed in the past day, so hopefully this puts it to rest, but I cannot believe the sheer scale of the pain the British government has inflicted on everyone involved for the past ten years or so.
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nevermindtheb0ll0cks · 5 months ago
I need £10k for surgery if anyone is keen 🤣
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lifeofmaexo · 4 months ago
i just need to rant i think. I dont know if its the same for everyone but what in the fucking tragic mess is the nhs crisis team...
ive been in and out of crisis team care for years due to my mental health, and everytime somehow these fuckers are telling me im not in crisis.
Like im calling you, or im in hospital because i want to do a cheeky unliving session and ur telling me to drink and have a cup of tea?????
i had the home treatment team over the other day and they said they will call me on Friday 24 hours later and still waiting and they still are not returning my calls. girl pls.
they are chucking me on random medication's because I'm still waiting for my official diagnosis for BPD and i think they are making me worse ARGH
(oh amd side note they told me all my problems are probably because people cant accept im gay... please huh)
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blanark · 8 months ago
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Fuck Cass and the NHS.
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