#fuck russian supreme court
beta-lactam-allergic · 10 months
I'm just going to say it. I'm glad I don't live in Russia.
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jayjuno · 7 months
US Supreme Court can go fuck itself.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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yulikitten · 2 months
Trump supporters have no more arguments left. We're winning.
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dontforgetukraine · 22 days
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"In response to attacks and accusations being directed at our film, 'Russains at War,' and myiself, I want to be clear that this Canada-France co-production is an anti-war film made atg great risk to all involved, myself especially. I unequivocally believe that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is unjustified, illegal and acknowledge the validity of the International Criminal Court investigation of war crimes in Ukraine. The suggestion that our film is propaganda is ludicrous given that I'm now at risk of criminal prosecution in Russia. I also understand and empathize with the pain and anger that the subject matter may provoke in those who have suffered from this conflict. My mother emigrated to Canada, from Russia, so that we could live in a country that is devoted to freedom of expression and human rights. My hope is that our film can be assessed and discussed based on its scope and not agendas and assumptions beyond its frame, and that ultimately such discussions contribute to the war's end." —Anastasia Trofimova, Director/Producer, Russians at War (Source)
Bullshit. She's a director and producer for RT with most if not all of her films funded by RT. I guess she apparently wasn't vetted by the Canada-France co-producers.
Even if promoting Russian propaganda wasn't her intention, it can't be separated from the content. The damn trailer has soldiers saying propaganda narratives in it. (Kyiv Independent)
"Russia and Ukraine have always been inseparable. I miss the brotherly Union" reinforces the false narrative that Ukraine cannot exist as an independent state, that Russia and Ukrainian history are inseparable. Even Putin has said similar things.
“I came (to war) today so that my kids don’t go tomorrow,” conveying the belief that their military aggression in Ukraine is somehow just.
"An order was given. We went." Ah, yes, I was just following orders. Where have we heard that one before, I wonder. Not only that, it reinforces the narrative that ordinary Russians are powerless and blameless in this conflict. This isn't their war, but Putin's war. Fuck that. We know many sign up willingly such as for the money or a clean slate if they are a convict.
You can't separate the propaganda ordinary russians have been stewing in for decades and don't fight back against from this film, sweetheart. It's part of the damned context and you don't get to ignore that. Either she actually realizes that but doesn't want to say it, or she's a useful idiot. It doesn't matter which, because the result is the same.
"The fog of war is so thick that you can't see the human stories its made of."
Yes we can! This isn't the era of WW2. We can see it on Telegram! All the war crimes that are willingly committed and recorded and posted pridefully! All the ethnic slurs said to Ukrainians! All the interviews between journalists and POWs. The translations by volunteer translators showing what "ordinary Russians" on the street actually think about Ukrainians and the war. Even what the families of russian soldiers think. Never before have these stories been more accessible. That's not agendas or assumptions.
We. Can. See. It.
Just because you don't like what's in the information space doesn't mean it's not supremely relevant to the topic you're trying to shape into a narrative.
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blackmetalsnake · 10 months
The Russian Supreme Court has just declared the “international LGBT social movement” extremist and banned its activities on Russian territory.
Good fucking job, now I'm even more illegal in my country simply by the fact of my existence.
Иди нахуй, правительство России. 🖕🖕🖕
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sourcreammachine · 10 months
✨My Favourite Moments of 2024!✨
uk prime minister keir starmer resigns in disgrace after accidentally referring to a trans woman by her correct pronouns
elon musk attempts to prove the safety of the tesla truck by letting mitch mcconnell drive. both men die within seconds of entering the vehicle
in response to worldwide famine, the World Food Programme appoints taylor swift as its director-for-life
the IDF continues carpetbombing occupied gaza after the ghosts of hamas are spotted. all gazans are required to evacuate into a shallow grave
the conclave repeatedly fails to elect a new pope, causing a schism. one conclave elects some italian bishop you’ve never heard of while the other conclave elects agent Q
the IMF buys pakistan
donald trump wins the republican primary carrying 60 states, 14 countries, and 8 circles of hell. during his victory broadcast from prison he suffers what it clinically described as a MegaStroke, removing his ability to move and speak. he declares one of his busty nurses to be his running mate and leads biden by 30 points
following the death of musk twitter is divided by gavelkind amongst multiple rival warlords
joe biden finally finishes his 13th genocide, winning a bet he made with obama
after it retreats from ukraine and georgia, putin personally murders every single member of the russian army. he is reelected in a landslide
his holiness the ayatollah ali khamenei dies peacefully of old age surrounded by his loving family and a grieving nation. days later he is found in a disused oil pipeline hiding from protesters while off his tits on heroin, and is dragged through the streets and beaten to death
the largest war in human history erupts in africa, costing dozens of millions of lives. it is a slow news day at the UN
president millei attaches argentina to the dollar. the us economy immediately crashes and undergoes apocalyptic hyperinflation, the dollar becoming the first currency to have a negative value. the only surviving american industry is joe biden ‘i did that’ stickers
the PLA begins its amphibious invasion of taiwan. the war claims the lives of one million PLA soldiers, ending within 20 minutes when the generals learn that tanks can’t swim
donald trump wins the us presidential election carrying all 100 states. during his victory broadcast from the intensive care unit, he suffers what is clinically described as a Heart Apocalypse, rupturing every single artery in his body and leaving him as pile of blood and gore. the supreme court rules that despite being, quote, “the most dead person ever recorded”, he is still eligible to be president. he and vp-elect Busty Nurse will be inaugurated on 20 january
due to a weird loophole, elon musk’s trans daughter inherits his entire estate. she immediately uses all her wealth to found a mutually-owned food distribution network, ending world hunger
the switch 2 still doesn’t have fucking analogue triggers
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stele3 · 10 months
I’m sick and fucking tired of US queers responding to the news out of Russia with “oh, we’re next” or even “America is just as bad.”
I’m non-binary, born a woman. I take testosterone that is covered by insurance. I’m legally married to a (nonbinary) woman despite the fact that my legal gender is female; that marriage is upheld at the state and federal levels.
Have I faced discrimination in my life as a queer USAmerican? Absolutely!
But right now in Moscow, police are raiding gay clubs.
In 2020 the Russian constitution was changed to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. There is a national movement against queer people; you cannot possibly compare that to, say, Florida or Texas passing anti-trans bans. Yes, those things suck and we need to fight them, but they aren’t happening at a national level. (Yes, I realize Republicans are trying. They haven’t yet succeeded. In Russia they have.)
Things are bad for our Russian community right now. Don’t you dare fucking minimize that by comparing them to the privileged lives of US queers, when I can get HRT in the mail, file a joint tax return with my wife, and sue somebody for not respecting my pronouns.
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lucrezianoin · 10 months
I've also think it's so fucking interesting that there's an equation between being Russian = being not queer, by labelling everything LGBTQ as part of an international movement.
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"foreign agents"
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mariacallous · 11 months
On November 17, the Russian Justice Ministry announced that it had filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court demanding that the “international LGBT movement” be banned as an “extremist organization” in Russia. The agency failed to explain what exactly the “LGBT movement” is, who leads it, or how it’s structured, but it claimed to have identified signs of an “extremist orientation” in its workings. The Supreme Court is scheduled to consider the request on November 30. Meduza has compiled some of the initial reactions to the suit from prominent Russian journalists, politicians, and bloggers.
Valery Fadeyev
Chairman of Russia’s Presidential Human Rights Council
What LGBT movement? Is this a movement, an organization, that exists in Russia? That what my initial thought. We’ll have to look at the details of this lawsuit and see what we’re talking about here.
Yekaterina Mizulina
Head of the Safe Internet League
This means a serious barrier will be imposed against values that undermine Russia and destroy our identity. I want to thank the courage and professionalism of our law enforcement officers, Justice Ministry specialists, and Safe Internet League experts who helped prepare this historic event. We’re making progress.
Farida Rustamova
Independent journalist
The Russian Justice Ministry invented the “international LGBT public movement” and is now trying to ban it. In practice, this will likely mean they’ll be able to jail someone for having a rainbow flag on their social media avatar, for example. That’s the kind of electoral campaign Putin is running as he approaches his fifth term.
Leonid Volkov
Politician, Alexey Navalny associate
And so it begins: Putin’s “electoral campaign dedicated to traditional values” that we were promised, with Russia portrayed as a “family of families.”
Well, to be precise, it started a bit earlier, when they suddenly launched their anti-abortion agenda from all directions. Now is the second step. The fact that there’s no “extremist LGBTQ+ organization” is of no concern to anyone, of course; Putin’s political strategists need the image of an enemy that the elderly president can confidently defeat, and as a bonus, all Center E branches will get the chance to fabricate as many criminal cases as they want and receive promotions.
Ksenia Sobchak
Journalist and media figure
EVERYONE has finally fucking lost it. It’s just unbelievable.
We’re really going to find ourselves in the same league as North Korea, the Taliban, and Hamas pretty soon.
Yevgeny Popov
Deputy chair of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, propagandist
The details of this lawsuit are not very clear, and, of course, we can’t predict what decision the court will make. So let’s refrain from speculating about it right now, because we’ve begun discussing even the rainbow openly and publicly. Let’s not be absurd — it’s impossible to ban a rainbow, wind, storms, or clouds.
As far as LGBT’s recognition as some kind of organization — let’s look at the explanations, the arguments from both sides. It will be a very interesting legal process. For now, I don’t have an understanding of how it will be interpreted.
Sergey Badashmin
Are they going to declare rainbows “extremist material?”
Maksim Olenichev
LGBT activists will continue their work; after all, there are millions of LGBT people living in Russia. But their work will get significantly more dangerous. The number of LGBT initiatives will most likely shrink, some will go underground, but the work of helping LGBT people will continue — in new conditions and with higher risks.
Sergey Parkhomenko
Am I understanding correctly that this international LGBT movement that the Russian Justice Ministry wants to declare extremist and ban is not a specific organization, not a legal entity or an association of people, but just the general LGBT movement, small “m,” with no quotation marks, in its entirety, in all of its forms and manifestations, on a global level?
Or am I missing something, and they mean something or someone more specific?
Georgy Urushadze
Founder of the publishing company Freedom Letters
So you’re telling me that the Taliban can’t be declared extremist, but an entire human rights movement can? [...]
We’ll show them our flag. Along with our middle fingers.
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thunderheadfred · 7 months
I usually try to keep this crap off my blog because I obsess about it enough in my real world life (constantly, always) but after today’s supreme court decision to stall Trump’s bogus "absolute immunity" appeal for months and possibly put our entire country at risk in the process, I just have to scream about it a bit
The United States is still in the middle of an active coup. Jan 6 wasn’t even the starting point. the slow-roll advance of fascistic Chistian Nationalism has been unfolding for decades through dark money, legislative obstruction, gerry-mandering elections, and packing the judiciary. It’s all bubbling to the surface now, and people far smarter than me have been screaming about MAGA since 2016, with seemingly no one listening.
They want theocracy. they want a dictator. they want Russian oligarchy. they want martial law. They want to shoot you in the street. They want children to work for slave wages and women to be chattel. They want asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants to be rounded into camps.
They are not patriots. They are not messengers of Christ. I’m in no way religious and even I can see plain as day that Trump is the actual fucking anti-Christ and his cult followers continue to fail whatever tests God might throw at them.
it is imparative to VOTE in every election, large and small, and to convince everyone you know to vote too. it is imperative to involve yourself in local politics and activism, to constantly badger your elected representatives, and to push for reforms NOW. We need to demand voter protections, new regulations, shortened term limits, an expansion of congress and the supreme court... there’s a million things and we have to do them all. Involve yourself in everything you care about. School boards, city councils, HOAs, church groups, volunteer organizations. Do not be silent. Silence will end us. Silence IS ending us.
No one fixes this except us. Democracy is not safe just because it has been around for a little while. Democracy is under attack around the world, and like it or not, the United States is one of the pillars of that idea. We THE PEOPLE have to fix it. We cannot hide or run away. There’s no one else.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Have you noticed this too 🤔
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redacted-metallum · 8 months
Not gonna lie. Terrified for whats gonna happen to the entire fuckin world if the dems idiocy results in trump winning again + getting a republican controlled house & senate
With the electoral college as it is its pretty much impossible for a third party candidate to take power as prez, and the house and senate wouldn't work with one Anyway.
Like part of the reason genociden biden cant get progressive legislation passed stateside is bc the republicans refuse to work with the dems and basically sit there and refuse to pass legislation. The whole executive orders thing is messier but it's like. There's legal precedence for the prez doing that for war, but there isn't for protecting human rights, so he can't do it without a court case, and at the moment the supreme court is stacked with hard right ideologues who love white supremacy.
Like yeah, i get that im speaking from a huge place of privilege as a white person in america. But it's like.
All of our elected officials are doing the opposite of what the people want and are accusing people of being russian or chinese spies. The military is bombing some of the poorest areas of the world, which are also some of the most resource rich and as a result have been fought over and exploited for fucking Ever.
And im terrified that it'll only get worse.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 years
Pro-life MAGA candidate Herschel Walker is in another scandal, as today it came out first that in 2009, he paid for his girlfriend’s abortion. Shortly after that, his son went on a rant on Twitter, calling his father a violent abuser and womanizer. He threatened the family so often they had to move multiple times to escape him.
Turkish citizen and ex-Turkish military, “Dr.” Oz murdered over 300 puppies, including disposing of a litter of dead puppies by throwing them into a bag with live ones and throwing them in the garbage. He should not be in the senate. He is not only a national security risk, but a psychopath.
Trumps former lawyer is now cooperating with the DOJ.
The J6 committee has obtained over 800k communications from the Secret Service, proving they lied about the events and deletion of text messages from J6.
Yesterday Elon Musk said that Ukraine should give up and hand Crimea to the Russians as a peace concession. The ambassador said “fuck you”. Literally.
Trump went on Truth Social and called Mitch McConnell’s wife and former Trump Cabinet member Elain Chao “China loving Coco Chow” and threatened Mitch’s life. Nothing whatsoever has been done about it.
Every single Florida Senate and House member voted NO on receiving Federal disaster aid for Hurricane Ian. Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor, has been telling people not to donate to charity, but to the state, and then put his wife in charge of the fund. Then today Matt Gaetz decided to use the lack of funding as a talking point even though he voted against it
It was revealed that not only did Trump lie about returning the love letters from Kim Jong-Un to the National Archive, he also stole them. They were among the documents seized.
The Leader of the Oathkeepers just threw Trump under the bus, defending himself in court by saying everything he did on January 6th was legal because it was under Trump’s orders.
The Supreme Court has DECLINED to hear Mike Lindell's appeal which effectively destroys his efforts to block the $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against him.
The US ARMY fell 16,000 troops shy of its recruitment threshold.
The next J6 hearing will be on 10/13
Happy ADHD month.
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pinkgrapefloyd · 4 months
1 for tdims; 4, 5, 10, 17, 18!
thank you for the ask! <3
1 share a song that makes you think of 'there's daggers in men's smiles'
I don't necessarily think the themes match 100%, but I listened to "moon song" by phoebe bridgers a lot while writing! also "coma" by taylor acorn because it has major johnny-unlearning-bullshit vibes.
4 How many WIPs do you have right now?
oh god. if we're talking unfinished works that I haven't abandoned... thirteen. jesus fucking christ. one for good omens, four for frey & mcgrey, eight for cobra kai. but I'm only actively working on about three or four of those right now!
5 What's a fic idea you've had that you'll never write?
hm idk. i usually write something down for every distinct idea that i have. the only one that i currently haven't written anything for is a frey & mcgray idea that plays off the TPLOSH scene where holmes implies he's with watson to get out of being propositioned by a russian ballerina. because i think that'd be juicy as hell with the mcfrey dynamic. but i can't guarantee that i'll never write for it! maybe one day! it's just currently a very basic idea.
10 Is there a fic that got a different response than what you were expecting?
honestly, i was surprised by the sheer amount of readers anti-hero had because I personally don't read WIPs that often. (I know, shame on me, I'm probably missing out on many great works and the fun of reading and commenting as someone uploads!)
and i thought tdims would get a lot of 'cute fic but would have been better with karate' type comments and was really happy people liked the fencing content independently of how much previous fencing knowledge they had!
17 What's something you've learned while doing research for a fic?
My top 3 facts that I've learned during fic research:
in my research about typhoid fever i learned about the worst potato salad of all time, which was prepared in 1898 by a cook in Saarbrücken who didn't wash his hands after cleaning a toilet and subsequently killed forty people with his cooking. yikes.
if you remember the 1982 fencing championship casualty - it was actually a german fencer who fatally injured a ukrainian one (USSR at the time). when russia invaded ukraine forty years later, he took in his opponent's son-in-law and grandchildren.
I bet everyone's sick of me talking about this, but the US Supreme Court case that decided sodomy laws were unconstitutional is called Lawrence v Texas. I just think it's cool that the plaintiff shares a name with Johnny, whose fic I researched that for.
18 What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
published: it's split between these two (both from tdims. lmao. no i don't have favorite children.)
"Grief makes you into an odd animal that flinches at all sorts of normal things. But of all animals out there, none are as adaptable as humans. You can get used to the unacceptable if you just give it enough time."
"The heartbreak burns so brightly inside of Johnny that it called across the ocean like a lighthouse, and now the other monsters are crawling up from the depths of the sea to extinguish him before Johnny's softness can give them a bad name."
unpublished: this line from "worse by the hour" of a character in 1880s scotland coming out to his butler (pretty much the only family he has left). I wrote it and immediately said "bro!" out loud. lmfao. i feel like that means something.
“What if the McGray name dies with me?” “Then it should feel honoured to share yer grave.” 
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muddypolitics · 1 year
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(via Sue's News: A Round-Up of Screw Yous)
Fuck you to Target for caving to threats from anti-LGBTQ activists and removing certain Pride Month merchandise.
Fuck you to South Carolina Republicans for jamming through a new six-week abortion ban after the State Supreme Court struck down a different one in January. The only thing that’s changed is the composition of the court.
Fuck you to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for creating a cop-recruitment program that’s paid bonuses of nearly $7,000 to officers with histories of using excessive force and some who’ve been charged with domestic battery and murder.
Fuck you again to DeSantis for aligning himself with the transphobic and creepy pro-natalist Elon Musk to make his presidential announcement on Twitter Spaces. (The only saving grace is that it was a raging disaster.)
Fuck you to the Russian court that extended American journalist Evan Gershkovich’s pretrial detention by another three months.
Fuck you to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) for saying that the 20 articles of impeachment he’s facing are the result of “corrupted politicians in the Texas House.” Bruh, if your own party is saying you need to go, you need to go. (The investigation began after Paxton requested $3.3 million in state funds to settle a lawsuit brought by former employees who accused him of retaliation.)
Fuck you to Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) for complaining this week that the price of birth control is what led to her third of four children, despite her actively working against making contraception more affordable and accessible to low-income and uninsured people.
Fuck you to Nebraska State Sen. Julie Slama (R) for leaving the hospital where she was being treated for a rare but serious form of morning sickness in order to vote for a combination gender-affirming care and abortion ban, and then lamenting that a reporter violated her privacy by taking a photo of her.
Fuck you to Florida woman Daily Salinas for complaining to a Miami school about Amanda Gorman’s poem “The Hill We Climb” and other books, which resulted in the school banning them for students under grade 6.
Fuck you to Texas billionaire Harlan Crow for having his lawyers send a letter to Congress claiming they can’t investigate his “friendship” with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
And, finally, fuck you to Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley for continuing to repeat her lie that a national abortion ban wouldn’t happen because it couldn’t get 60 votes in the Senate—as if Sen. Mitch McConnell (fuck him too) would let the pesky filibuster get in the way of conservatives’ wish list. Actually, double fuck you to Haley for continuing to make the same gross transphobic joke about Dylan Mulvaney.
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