#fuck DC
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my-brain-on-mars · 2 months ago
The fact that Alfred Pennyworth is still dead in the year 2025 should be illegal and it pisses me off every time I think about it.
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junespriince · 9 months ago
Winged heart au
Wally, open his front door, sees a very out of it Nightwing on his floor: finally decided to sleep like us common folks?
Dick, giggling: no, just high? I think? Are you real? Am I real? Are anyone of us real?
Wally: oh no, not an existential crisis on my floor, that's for me to do wondering if I made the right decision and stuff. Why are you here anyways, ain't you heroes have places to go?
Dick: feel safe here, and a pretty man live here, he so pretty like, really pretty,,,, pretty.
Wally, senses DC bs they put Dick through: okay, let's uh, let's get you to bed so whatever you're on can get through your system... God, leave a family of fast healers now babysitting the to be determined human heros,,,, *picks up Dick far to easily* oh that's not good—
Next day
Dick, wakes up worried, frantic, not in his bed:
Wally, sleeping in the chair beside his bed unfortunately uncomfortable:
Dick, noticed everything still on him, nothing different, tries to leave but boy failed:
Wally, looking at Dick on the floor: finally awake Nightwing and was going to leave after I put your high ass to bed.
Dick: sorry...
Wally: save it, you want breakfast? The answer is yes, you're way too light.
Dick: uh thanks... Did we do anything?
Wally: I picked you off my floor, you passed out on the way to my bed, I tucked you in and watched you so you didn't die. Your family broke my other window, again, and my vase my mother picked out, and now you are awake. French toast or waffles?
Dick, shocked he didn't has his autonomy taken from him: um waffles.
Wally: cool, uh you can use my shower if you like, and I have these *sunglasses* Robin says the adhesive for your mask can get irritating soooo yeah, I'll make those waffles. *Leaves*
Dick: I'm going to marry him.
Barbara, who bugged Dick so she can keep him safe: dude, the bar is in HELL.
Dick: don't care I'm wifeing him up.
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webshood · 1 year ago
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The way we finally got a Damian and Jason cover, but the whole "Can Damian learn from Jason’s mistakes? Or is the reflective mask of the Red Hood doomed to be a mirror held up to his own future?" thing, just makes me want to puke
what if I k*ll myself in front of the DC editorial building
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sky-has-moved · 9 months ago
this has most definitely been said before but
(also batman beyond spoilers??? i guess??)
im so pissy about the whole "actually bruce is terry's genetic father" thing like
one of my favorite things about terry is that he's just some random high school kid who just happens to be in the wrong (or right?) place at the wrong time and just BECOMES batman. because he's just that guy.
but nooooooooo everything HAS to be a lineage and fkjegfkjgjkfgejkwfgkjsdgfjksfj
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swiftlark · 3 months ago
When I tell u the fuck dc tag is so me especially when it comes to dickkory in general please they piss me off so much
THEY HAVENT BEEN A COUPLE IN THE COMICS SINCE THE 90s THE 90s and not just that but early 90s legit fuck u dc
can’t wait till the newer generation who watched dickkory/robstar content take over the writers room cause I know for a fact that there more dickkory stand then dickbabs ones no hate to them but I miss my star crossed lovers so much 😔✊
The fact that they were together real time for like 20ys just to rip them apart pisses the ever shit out of me like wtf dc!??
listen. they haven’t been a couple TO THEM. to me, they’ve always been a couple.
we just need to get some of those writers OUT. revamp the titans please i’m begging.
calling dickkory star-crossed lovers… oh you get me. they are so meant to be. dc was just too afraid of what the had created.
dc bring back dickkory. the people YEARN for it.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 1 year ago
Hi I just saw someone defend Tarantula ha ha ha I need to buy a gun wtf
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chicadcc · 7 months ago
Time to say goodbye
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dutchessofcaladan · 1 year ago
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keiranan · 1 year ago
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I'M BATMAN (as said by this uquiz)
I do need help tho.....
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deadinside8675 · 2 months ago
happy New Year’s
hay this is supposed to show and celebrate that I’ve been here for one full year but I can’t help but feel like this entire year has been wasted I really do appreciate all the support everyone gives me but it’s hard to keep going when the one goal I made all these accounts on the Internet for in the first place still isn’t achieved it and has no sign of ever being achieved reason why even made all these accounts on the Internet was just too and this stupid porn joke of ankha this porn joke has been around for literally five years and I know it’s such a petty thing for me to care that much but seriously it’s always something that I like that gets ruined because of some disgusting degenerate or comedian I want to say I’ll be happy in 2025 but I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be no different from this year whatsoever and I know you’re probably reading all this text and calling me a trauma dumper or afterward that again you don’t have to read any of this in order for you to call me a trauma dumper in the first place i’m so grateful for all the support you guys give me but sometimes it’s hard to tell with you all just give me a like out of genuine compassion and because you actually like my content and agree with me or if it’s just something to shut me up it doesn’t matter it’s not like I gotta stop uploading anytime soon anyways one last thing here’s to shrimpfriedthis go support them along with nosleep666
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zoethehead · 1 year ago
In light of DC being dickheads.
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sardonic-sprite · 2 years ago
Just watched Under The Red Hood all the way through and I am Unwell
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cessmaga · 2 years ago
I will claim them as my original characters, maybe some of their characters related to them, I don't care if it's impossible or actually owned by dc, they're mine now, so I declare halbarry as canon 🥰🥰
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paigeoforacle · 2 years ago
Fuck you, Screenrant.
They made an article about Babs's Semblance in the RWBY crossover (where she is Batgirl cause of course) and the article ends with "this proves that, forever and always, she will be Batgirl" and I just want to.... gugh.
Here. See for yourself.
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DC - Announces animated Crisis on Infinite Earths
Me - I literally do not fucking care about this fucking bullshit anymore. I know god damn fucking well that Reign of the Supermen Conner is not going to fucking appear in it. In fact, they will likely only feature the YJA version of him in it if any version at all, just to hammer in the fact that they consider that version superior and are GLAD that they killed off Reign Kon and refuse to ever bring his design or personality back no matter what. The only characters from the DCAMU that DC wanted us to care about where Damian, Raven, Clark, Bruce and John Constantine. Caring about anyone or anything else is wrong in there eyes, so why should I expect anyone but those guys showing up in that movie at fucking all.
Fuck DC.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 1 year ago
Titans Tower sorta pisses me off on one hand yah they are brothers so whatever siblings try to murder each other.
The thing is, that wasn't what DC was going for they weren't brothers they weren't attempting to make them brothers why is DC so ok with excusing child abuse.
I am a Red Hood apologist till the day I die. It was shitty writing same with Batman these are supposed to be heroes or anti-heroes I love Red Hood protecter of women and children the ones who need help.
Yet we have Batman beating his children and I guess that's the problem with heroes because parents are supposed to do anything to protect their children be it killing or dying for them and then we have Batman who has a hoard of children and yet he would sacrifice their safety and protection for the good of the city.
The Joker needs to die but not just cause he is a horrible person but because Jason can't feel safe I am sure every night he wakes up screaming remembering the person who clipped his wings is still out there. I have seen a lot of people on here say Batman can't kill and maybe he can't but no child should have to be terrified and their parent do nothing.
I know realistically parents suck but come on we love the heroes who will do anything to protect the people and how can you call yourself a hero when your child is terrified and you then chose their abuser over them. I know Jason could kill the joker but wouldn't you be terrified to have to kill the person that destroyed your life and know that your father would hate you for it.
Fuck Batman that's not a father, ok he doesn't want to kill the Joker give Slade the contract ask Ra or Dames Mom he knows a hundred people who kill let your child sleep at night.
But that's the problem they wouldn't be hero than would they at the end of the day this is why I like Deadpool, Red Hood even the Punisher cause they would kill a rapist or help a child but the heroes wouldn't. They would burn the world while the hero would let you.
This is what they wrote I don't hate any of the characters and fanfiction exists so we can change stuff but I just wish some of the people who create the comics would sit back and think hey this is fucked maybe we should make it better. No let's excuse it all just like in real life.
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