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DC - Announces animated Crisis on Infinite Earths
Me - I literally do not fucking care about this fucking bullshit anymore. I know god damn fucking well that Reign of the Supermen Conner is not going to fucking appear in it. In fact, they will likely only feature the YJA version of him in it if any version at all, just to hammer in the fact that they consider that version superior and are GLAD that they killed off Reign Kon and refuse to ever bring his design or personality back no matter what. The only characters from the DCAMU that DC wanted us to care about where Damian, Raven, Clark, Bruce and John Constantine. Caring about anyone or anything else is wrong in there eyes, so why should I expect anyone but those guys showing up in that movie at fucking all.
Fuck DC.
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I will stan this man forever
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“Sorry, pal. Crash my party, you get bounced!” Conner Kent | Superboy in ‘Reign of the Supermen’
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If only....
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I’m just saying DC, you could very easily just flat out ignore Apokolips War from having happened and continue the continuity like that. The only one making up these “rules” is you. I’m just saying.
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Apokolips War should be ignored from DCAMU canon and the series should just continue as if it never happened.
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Looking up images of Apokolips to use as a reference for something I’m working on
I’m feeling incredibly angry about Apokolips War again
I will never, ever forgive that movie or it’s crew for what they did to Superboy
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DC decided to kill them, so I decided to just make my own universe.
I’m still deciding on what girls to put on the team
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Sometimes I get so upset over what happened in Apokolips War and that I’ll never see that Superboy from Reign of the Supermen again that I lose all motivation to do anything with him in it at all because I see no point in doing so at all....sigh
IDK what’s wrong with me
I want him back.
Please bring him back.
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Link to the story from Chapter 1
Link to the Chapter with this quote in it
This fic will likely make you feel guilty for liking the movie if you do. I can not promise that will do that but it just might.
I can not bring myself to watch Apokolips War as a full movie. I can only watch isolated clips.
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Also note that in Real Life nothing dies instantly from a fractured neck unless it sends vertebrae fragments into, or contorts, the brain-stem in such a way as to shut down all lower brain functions. A broken neck is no guarantee of a "silent kill" either as, if the aforementioned brain-stem damage is not inflicted, all you are left with is a quadriplegic victim, severely injured but not dead, and still able to speak and scream. In addition, as mentioned above it takes a lot of strength to pull this off - fail to incapacitate the target, and you’ve given yourself away in a seriously vulnerable situation. Furthermore, if the spinal cord is not damaged at all, a cervical fracture can heal with proper treatment.
- Excerpt from TV Tropes’ Neck Snap page
So yes, guys. If we add realism to say, Superboy’s scene in Apokolips War, it is realistic that the paradooms would have the strength to do the neck snap. However, it is just as realistic that the snap would only injure him and not kill him.
It’s likely that he was still alive, just laying on the ground essentially immobilized - i.e. “as good as dead” or “confused for dead”, but still technically alive. Had the timeline not reset he could have needed a neck brace, granted, or become partially paralyzed, but it’s also possible his kryptonian half would have given him a decent healing factor.
Essentially - Apokolips War defeated by the power of REALISM
Also confession in general I think neck snap deaths are more hilarious than they are like, actually an intimidating way of killing something/someone. Media just does it so much that it’s borderline parody to me.
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These two look like they would be in a bromance.
And I love it.
If only they met....
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Bruh Moment:
I have seen James Tucker himself, one of the DCAMU Producers, has liked one of my #BringBackDCAMUSuperboy tweets on my twitter account
I....I do not know how to feel about this?
Is it a sign?
Is it pity?
I’m shook rn
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ravenfan1242 · 3 years ago
Oh my gosh I love it!!!
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They massacred my boy so I decided to take him and create my own universe with him, and since multiverse logic that means this universe is now actually canon somewhere. puts on sunglasses like a boss.
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Me: Hates Apokolips War
Also Me: Realizes that if it wasn’t for Apokolips War I would not have had a reason to write “Flashpoint 2: Advent Solaris” so I have to at least respect the film to an extent for that fact because technically that fic got me back into actually writing stuff.
Also Also Me: “#BringBackDCAMUSuperboy”
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