#apokolips war is fake news
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Also note that in Real Life nothing dies instantly from a fractured neck unless it sends vertebrae fragments into, or contorts, the brain-stem in such a way as to shut down all lower brain functions. A broken neck is no guarantee of a "silent kill" either as, if the aforementioned brain-stem damage is not inflicted, all you are left with is a quadriplegic victim, severely injured but not dead, and still able to speak and scream. In addition, as mentioned above it takes a lot of strength to pull this off - fail to incapacitate the target, and you’ve given yourself away in a seriously vulnerable situation. Furthermore, if the spinal cord is not damaged at all, a cervical fracture can heal with proper treatment.
- Excerpt from TV Tropes’ Neck Snap page
So yes, guys. If we add realism to say, Superboy’s scene in Apokolips War, it is realistic that the paradooms would have the strength to do the neck snap. However, it is just as realistic that the snap would only injure him and not kill him.
It’s likely that he was still alive, just laying on the ground essentially immobilized - i.e. “as good as dead” or “confused for dead”, but still technically alive. Had the timeline not reset he could have needed a neck brace, granted, or become partially paralyzed, but it’s also possible his kryptonian half would have given him a decent healing factor.
Essentially - Apokolips War defeated by the power of REALISM
Also confession in general I think neck snap deaths are more hilarious than they are like, actually an intimidating way of killing something/someone. Media just does it so much that it’s borderline parody to me.
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 years ago
All of the Comic References in Wayne Family Adventures #7
Starting Their Own Superhero Team:
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Dick co-founded and led two versions of the Teen Titans (the 'Fab Five' Silver Age Titans and the New Teen Titans); he also ran the Outsiders (Judd Winick's 2003 Outsiders run) and two iterations of the Justice League (JLA: Obsidian Age, as Nightwing, and the post-Cry for Justice League, as Batman)
Jason started the Outlaws (New 52/Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws)
Tim co-founded Young Justice (YJ 1998 and YJ 2019) and led his generation of Teen Titans (Teen Titans Vol. 3, 2003-2011, and Vol. 4, 2011-2014)
Damian was part of a new lineup of Teen Titans (Teen Titans Rebirth, 2016-2021); his Super Sons team-up with Jon Kent also probably counts (Super Sons saga)
Changing their Hero Names:
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Dick became Nightwing in Tales of the Teen Titans #44. Not included on this list are his time as Batman (Batman: Prodigal and Battle for the Cowl #3/Batman Reborn era) and Agent 37 (Grayson, 2014).
Jason became Red Hood in Batman: Under the Red Hood (2005-2006).
Tim technically became Red Robin in Robin (1993) #181, but was only named as such in Red Robin #1; Drake was in YJ 2019.
Cass became Batgirl at the end of the No Man's Land arc and properly debuted as Batgirl in Batgirl (2000) #1. She took up Black Bat in Batman Inc. Vol. 1 (2011) #6, and Orphan was her initial hero in the post-Flashpoint universe, starting with Batman and Robin Eternal (2015). She's currently operating under Batgirl again.
Trained By Assassins:
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For Damian and Cass, it's their entire backstories, so pretty much anything touching on that will cover it
Tim was trained by Lady Shiva in his first miniseries (Robin Vol. 1, 1991), published before his solo run in 1993; he also got some training by the League of Assassins during his 2009 Red Robin run
Jason was trained by Talia al Ghul, the All-Caste, and LoA in between being resurrected and his return to Gotham (Red Hood: The Lost Days and the New 52 RHATO run)
The Dick-Deathstroke mentions are either a reference to the Apprentice arc in the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon or Nightwing: Renegade, where Dick went undercover as 'Renegade' and ended up training Slade's daughter, Rose Wilson, in exchange for Slade agreeing to stay out of Bludhaven. Neither one would give him a legitimate bingo (TT because it's not comics canon, Renegade because he was doing the training, not being trained). HOWEVER, Dick should still be raising his hand because of his time at Shrike's Vengeance Academy in Robin: Year One.
Murders and Resurrections:
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Jason was beaten and murdered by the Joker in Death in the Family. Technically, his resurrection happened in Infinite Crisis/Batman Annual #25, but really...just read Batman: Under the Red Hood (2005-2006)
Damian was killed by The Heretic, his adult clone, on his mother's orders in Batman Inc. Vol. 2 #8 (2012) and resurrected via a chaos shard on Apokolips in the Robin Rises arc of Batman & Robin Vol. 2 (2011-2015).
Cass died and was resurrected twice during her Batgirl solo series; the first time in a fight with her mother, Lady Shiva, in Batgirl (2000) #25, and the second time in a fight with her LoA "adoptive brother," Mad Dog, in Batgirl (2000) #71-73. On both occasions, she's resurrected by Shiva (the first time, Shiva restarted her heart via some mystical thing that's never really explained; the second time, she dunked Cass in a Lazarus Pit).
Dick's wishy-washy murder/resurrection and the Crime Syndicate stuff was Forever Evil (2014). Dick was strapped to a bomb that only worked as long as his heart was beating, so Lex Luthor killed him via suffocation, disconnected him from the bomb, and then restarted his heart. Dick was "medically" dead for less than a minute and was promptly resuscitated, resulting in the ongoing fandom controversy on whether or not his death "counts" for the purposes of the "Dead Robins Club" (lampshaded by Jason and Tim's argument)
Sidenote: even though Steph's death in War Games was later retconned as Leslie Thompkins faking her death and smuggling her out of the country/into witness protection, Steph genuinely flatlined and it was intended to be a genuine and permanent death at the time of publication. If Steph were in the Cave, I assume she would also raise her hand.
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robin-27 · 4 years ago
Man of Steel
Origin Story
Main Villain = General Zod
Cameos = Martian Manhunter & Abin Sur
References = Supergirl & Brainiac
Batman: Gotham Knight
A few years in as Batman
Robin & Batgirl = Tim Drake & Cassandra Cain
Dick has been Nightwing and formed the Titans years ago
Main Villain = Deadshot & Black Mask
Cameos = David Cain & Riddler
References = Various Batman Villains (Arkham)
World’s Finest
Batman and Superman team up movie
Reveals other metahumans/heroes - Flash, The Hawks, The Atom and The Lantern Corps
Main Villains = Lex Luthor & Deathstroke
Plot - Batman and Superman at odds, but team up once they realise Lex and Slade are the bad guys behind things
Cameos = Firefly & Bane
Wonder Woman: Amazonian Warrior
Present Day
Origin story, kinda
Fish out of water style movie
Main Villain = Ares
Cameos = Batman & Superman
References = ARGUS (Through Steve)
Justice League
League Line-Up - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Barry), Aquaman, Green Lantern(Hal) & Martian Manhunter
Apokolips invasion - Led by Granny Goodness and Steppenwolf
Formation of the Justice League
Explains why there was a Teen Titans before League (Batman)
Cameos = The Hawks, The Atom, Shazam & Green Arrow
References = Darkseid & Amanda Waller
The Flash
Features Hal Jordan
Buddy Cop movie
Main Villains = The Rouges - Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master & Captain Boomerang
Cameos = Kid Flash, Jay Garrick & Henry Allen
References = Reverse Flash
Aquaman: War for Atlantis
Orm learns of Arthur
Similar to actual movie
Main Villains = Orm and Black Manta
Cameos = Kaldur
Young Justice
Reach invasion
Introduction of Bart Allen and Jaime Reyes
Team lineup - Robin, Wondergirl, Impulse, Batgirl, Aqualad, Blue Beetle & Miss Martian
Main Villain = The Reach
Camoes = Jason Todd
Green Arrow: Emerald Archer
Introduction of Black Canary and Emiko Queen
Flashbacks to Oliver’s origin
Main Villain = Shado & Komodo
Emiko is the illegitimate daughter of Oliver and Shado
Cameos = Ra’s al Ghul, Nyssa al Ghul, Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne
References = Connor Hawke & Malcolm Merlyn 
Justice League: Unlimited
Origin story for John Stewart
Focus’ on new heroes
Main team lineup - John Stewart, The Atom, The Hawks and Shazam
Main Villain = The Royal Flush Gang
Cameos - Various League members & Gorilla Grodd
References - JSA
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Pretty much the same as the movie
Main Villains = Joker, Red Hood & Black Mask
Cameos = Nightwing, Red Robin & Talia al Ghul
References - Killing Joke
Titans: Bloodlines
Old team coming together
Team lineup - Nightwing, Kid Flash, Troia, Arsenal, Tempest & Omen
Introduction of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven & Cyborg
Main Villains = Brother Blood and Hive
Cameos = Jinx and Bumblebee
References = Trigon
Wonder Woman: The Hunt
Introduction of Cheetah
Main Villain = Cheetah
Suicide Squad
Line up - Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Cpt. Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, King Shark, Killer Frost & Condiment King
Sent in to defeat Gorilla Grodd & KGBeast
Deaths = Bronze Tiger dies killing KGBeast, Killer Frost shot in the head by Deadshot, Condiment King mauled by Gorillas & Grodd killed by King Shark
Main Villain = Gorilla Grodd & KGBeast
Cameos = Various villains
References = Potential alien invasion
Justice League: Death of Superman
Superman dies
Darksied sends Doomsday to kill Clark
Main Villains = Doomsday & Desaad
Camoes = Supergirl
References = Cyborg Superman
Dark movie
Introduces Jade Nguyen
They “Click”
Roy loses his arm
Main Villain = Prometheus & Sportsmaster
Camoes = Jason Todd
References = The Outlaws
Dick has to stop the penguin
Barbara is his Girl in the Chair
Main Villains = The Penguin & Blockbuster
Cameos = Red Hood & Arsenal
References = Mar’i Grayson
Flash: Scarlet Speedster
Eobard fucks up Barry’s day
Main Villains = Reverse Flash
Cameos = Weather Wizard and Leonard Snart
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Origin of Kyle Rayner
Features John, Hal and Kyle
Mainly a Hal Jordan movie
Main Villains = Sinestro
Camoes = Killowag and StarSaphire
References = Red Lanterns
Justice Society of America: WWII
Line Up = The Flash(Jay), Green Lantern(Alan), Wildcat, Hourman, Black Canary(Dinah Drake) & Doctor Fate
Main Villain = Vandal Savage (as Hitler)
Camoes = Alfred Pennyworth & The Waynes
References = Darkseid
Justice League: Reign of the Supermen
Pretty much the same as the movie
Introduces Conner Kent, Steel, Eradicator & Cyborg Superman
Debut of the Black Supersuit
Main Villains = Cyborg Superman & Parademons
Cameos = Justice League
References = Conner joining Young Justice
Superman: Brainiac Attacks
Pretty self explanatory 
Introduction of Cir-El AKA Mia Kent & Jon Kent
Introduction of The Legion of Superheroes
Main Villains = Brainiac & Bizarro
Camoes = Brainiac 5 & Lightning Lad
References = The Outlaws
The Outlaws
Buddy Cop movie
Comedy Rated R
The Beginning of the Bromance
Line up - Red Hood, Arsenal, Artemis & Donna Troy & Bizarro
Blue Beetle
Team up with Jaime Reyes & Bart Allen
Introduction of Girl 13
Main Villain = Klarion
Cameos = Zatanna
References = Lobo 
Son of Batman
Similar to animated movie
Damian becomes Robin
Red Robin replaces Dick in this movie
Main Villains = Deathstroke
Cameos = Ra’s, Talia & Nyssa al Ghul & Connor Hawke
References = Court of Owls
Birds of Prey
Better than the one we got
Line up - Oracle, Huntress, Black Canary, Batgirl(Cass) & Stephanie Brown
The Birds train Stephanie to become Spoiler
Main Villains = Cluemaster and Carmine Falcone
Camoes = Batwoman, Renee Montoya & Black Mask
References = Bertinelli Family 
Justice League Dark: City of Demons
Line up = Zatanna, John Constantine, Jason Blood, Etrigan, Deadman & Frankenstein's Monster
Zatanna and John recruit this team to help John fight Felix Faust
Main Villains = Felix Faust & Klarion
Camoes = Swamp Thing
References = 
The Teen Titans
Line up - Robin(Damian), Supergirl(Mia), Ms. Quick, Aqualad(AJ), Arrowette(Emiko), Speedy(Mia) & Superboy(Jon)
Connor Hawke defects from League and joins Titans as Red Arrow
Main Villains = Nyssa al Ghul & Malcolm Merlyn
Cameos = Talia al Ghul
References = 
Booster Gold
Buddy cop movie w/ Ted Kord
Main Villains = Cult of the Cobra
Cameos = Ice and Fire
References =
Batman: Hush
Combination of Hush and Long Halloween
Bruce and Selina “Click”
The villains literally steal Selina’s heart
Main Villains = Hush, Scarecrow, Bane and Mr. Freeze
Cameos = Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
References = The Bat Family
Shazam: Power of Youth
Billy makes his siblings heroes
Black Adam sees Billy as a fake champion
Main Villain = Black Adam
Cameos = Superman
References = 
Huntress & The Question
Neo Noir detective movie
Helena and Victor “Click”
Tracking down the murderer of Helena’s family
Main Villains = Sal Maroni, Black Mask & Electocutioner  
Cameos = Birds of Prey
References = 
Justice League: Babylon
Batman’s contingency plans are leaked 
Batman quits at the end
Line up - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Barry), Green Arrow, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern(John) & Cyborg
Main Villains = Lex Luthor, Bane, Cheetah, Mirror Master, Metallo, Malefic & Silver Banshee
Camoes = Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan & Various League members 
References = Batman Inc.
Green Lantern: Crimson Flight
Kyle Rayner movie
Red Lanterns attack OA
Kyle, Katma Tui and Killowag team up to fight
Razor defects to the Green Lanterns
Razor dies fighting Atrocitis
Main Villains = Red Lanterns
Cameos = Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner 
Gotham Knights
Batman has his back broken by Bane
The Knights feature Robin(Damian), Batwing, Batwoman, Spoiler & Blue Bird
Other members are out of Gotham busy
Main Villains = Bane, Scarecrow, Firefly, Riddler & Mr. Zsasz
Cameos = Various members of the Batfamily
References = Batman’s absence from the Justice League
Aquaman: Heir of Manta
Black Manta challenges Arthur to the throne
Kaldur takes the title of Aquaman at the end
It’s revealed that Kaldur is Black Manta’s son
Main Villain = Black Manta
Cameos = Garth, Mera & Orm
References = The previous Aquaman movie and Young Justice
Teen Titans: Welcome to Hell
Trigon escapes his imprisonment and goes after Raven
Team Line up - Nightwing, Kid Flash, Tempest, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy & Tigress
Raven dies in the end to save everyone from Trigon
Main Villains = Trigon
Cameos = 
Batgirl: Family Matters
Cassandra Cain movie
Cassandra fighting her father and later meets her mother in Hong Kong
Defeats her father and is on mutual terms with her mother
Main Villains = David Cain
Cameos = Bart Allen & Lucius Fox
References = Shiva’s dead sister 
Young Justice: HIVE Academy
Young Justice faces off against young villains
HIVE trains villains like Mammoth and Jinx
Conner and Cassie “Click”
Main Villains = HIVE
Similar to the movie
Barry fights alongside Thomas Wayne
Thomas Wayne kills Eobard
Barry gives Bruce the letter after he fixes everything
Main Villains = Reverse Flash, Wonder Woman & Aquaman
Cameos = Grifter, Shazam, Etrigan & Captain Atom
Floyd breaks out of Iron Heights
Takes a job to get money for his daughter
Amanda Waller sends Task Force X after him
Rick Flag lets Floyd leave with Zoe
Main Villains = Amanda Waller, Tobias Whale & U.S. Government
Gotham City Sirens
Harley, Ivy & Selina work together to take down Black Mask
Harley and Ivy “Click”
Selina finds out she’s pregnant with Helena Wayne
Black Mask is killed by the end
Main Villains = Black Mask & Lockup
Cameos = Bruce Wayne & The Joker(Arkham)
Titans: The Judas Contract
Rose Wilson joins the Titans
Wally & Artemis “Click”
Rose is revealed to be Slade’s daughter
Rose betrays the Titans
Rose redeems herself by freeing the Titans and sacrificing herself against Deathstroke
Slade doesn’t kill her, but the mine they’re in collapses
Main Villain = Deathstroke
Batman: The Last Laugh
Joker has kidnapped Tim Drake
He tortures Tim and sends videos to Batman
Batman, Batgirl and Red Hood search for Tim
Joker turns Tim into a Joker version of Tim
Joker is killed when Tim’s brainwashing fades and shoots the Joker
Main Villain = Joker
Cameos = Oracle & Superboy
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Batman rejoins the Justice League after they’re attacked 
The League travels to another Earth with an Alternate LEx Luthor
They fight the Crime Syndicate
League Lineup - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow & Firestorm
Syndicate Lineup - Owlman, Ultraman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, Archer, Sea King & Black Siren
Sea King, Johnny Quick, Archer and Owlman die
Main Villains = The Crime Syndicate
Cameo = The Jester 
Superman: The Legion of Superheroes
Superman joins the Legion years into the Future
They fight an intergalactic warlord
Legion Lineup - Superman, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl & Timber Wolf
Wonder Woman: Amazonian Goddess
Hades comes to power after feeding on the darkness since Ares death
Diana teams up with Nubia & Artemis
Diana uses the Godkiller armor 
Main Villains = Hades & Fury
Cameo = Cheetah
Flash: Speedforce
Reverse Flash returns from death in order to steal Barry’s speed
Eobard was followed by the Black Flash trying to claim his soul
Wally fights Black Flash while Barry fights Eobard
Barry sacrifices his life killing Eobard and sendong Black Flash away
Wally takes on the mantle of The Flash
Bart becomes the new Kid Flash
Main Villians = Reverse Flash & Black Flash
Cameos = Bart Allen & Jay Garrick
Teen Titans & The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The TMNT are thrown into the Teen Titans world whilst fighting the Shredder
The TT and TMNT team up to take on the Shredder and Nyssa al Ghul
Damian Wayne & Connor Hawke fight over leadership
By the end Connor is happy with having Damian as team leader
Main Villains = The Shredder, Nyssa al Ghul & The Foot Clan
Cameos = Master Splinter
Kid Flash: Legacy of the Flash
Bart Allen has become the newest Kid Flash since Barry’s death
Bart battles a speedster known as Inertia
Cassandra Cain helps Bart against Black Spider
Cass and Bart “Click”
Inertia is revealed to be a clone of Bart
Bart defeats Inertia by trapping him in the speedforce
Main Villains = Inertia, Black Spider & The Trickster
Cameos = Jay & Joan Garrick
Justice League: Doom
The Justice League are faced with a new problem: The Legion of Doom
Legion Lineup - Vandal Savage, Deathstroke, Fury, Zoom, Orm, Atomica & The Magician
Vandal Savage is killed once and for all by Superman
Wally’s first major mission as the Flash
Young Justice vs Justice League
Shortly after the Justice League defeat the Legion of Doom, Starro arrives and takes control of a weakened Justice League
Young Justice are the last formidable line of defence since the Titans disbanded after Rose’s death
They use Batman’s plans to stop the League
Young Justice Lineup - Red Robin, Superboy, Wondergirl, Kid Flash, Orphan, Spoiler, Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle, Girl 13 & Static
League Lineup = Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Wally), Aquaman(Kaldur), Cyborg, Zatanna, Black Lightning, Katana & Green Lantern(Simon & Jessica)
Simon and Jessica are the first to break their control and help YJ
Main Villains = Starro
Cameos = Various League members
Nightwing & Nightfire
Dick Grayson finally meets his daughter that he’s had with Korri
Mar’i visits earth for the first time
Dick teaches Mar’i various rules and wisdom and they both bond
Blackfire travels to earth in search of Mar’i
Main Villains = BlackFire, Nite-Wing & Black Spider
Cameos = Garth & Wally
Zatanna: House of Mystery
Zatanna learns of a way of separating her father from Doctor Fate
She enlists the help of John Constantine
John and Z “Click”
The two end up fighting a possessed Doctor Fate
The spell doesn’t work but Doctor Fate allows Zatanna an hour twice a year to speak with her father
Main Villains = Wotan & Felix Faust
Cameos = Girl 13
The Outlaws: Sins of the Fathers
Lian, having become the new Speedy, wants to learn about her mother
While searching she runs into her father and Jason
They agree to help her and they find Jade
Jade evades them and the search continues
They eventually learn that Jade is in deep with CRIME and they help
Once over Jade makes a promise to visit Lian once all this blows over
Main Villains = CRIME & Sportsmaster
Cameos = Artemis & Donna Troy
Batman: Betrothed 
Talia al Ghul, now the new Demon’s Head, asks for Bruce’s hand in marriage but is denied 
Talia goes after Selina as she is engaged to Bruce
Batman, Catwoman & Robin fight Talia and the League
Talia kills herself in an attempt to kill Bruce and Selina 
Selina and Bruce tie the knot after that
Damian, as heir to the throne, now controls the league
Main Villains = Talia al Ghul, Komodo, Shado & The League of Assassins
Justice League: Apokolips
After series of invasions the Justice League plans an invasion of Apokolips
It’s a joint operation of The Justice League, remaining members of the Titans, The Outlaws, Young Justice & The Teen Titans
Justice League lineup - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Wally), All Green Lanterns, Aquaman(Kaldur), Martian Manhunter, Shazam Family, Cyborg and various other members of the League
Titans lineup - Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Tigress, Tempest, Omen & Bumblebee
Outlaws lineup - Red Hood, Arsenal, Artemis, Troia & Bizarro
Young Justice lineup - Red Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash(Bart), Orphan, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy, Miss Martian, Girl 13 & Static
Teen Titans lineup - Robin, Superboy(Jon), Red Arrow, Speedy(Mia), Supergirl(Mia K), Arrowette, Miss Quick, Aqualad(AJ), Batgirl(Carrie) & Crossfire(Lian)
Batman’s leg is critically injured near the end
Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan and Martian Manhunter sacrifice their lives holding off enemies
Donna Troy is killed protecting Roy Harper
Superman kills Darksied by flying him into a red son
Conner, Jon and Steel save Superman before he can die
Dead Heroes - Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter, Donna Troy, Omen, Billy Batson, Ted Kord, Booster Gold, Green Arrow, Bizarro, Etrigan, Batwoman, John Constantine, Lagoon Boy & Tempest
The Young Justice is slowly transferred into the new Justice League
Batman - Tim Drake, Superman - Conner Kent, Wonder Woman - Cassie Sandsmark, Flash - Wally West, Aquaman - Kaldur’ahm, Green Arrow - Connor Hawke, The Atom - Ryan Choi &  Batwoman - Stephanie Brown
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ectonurites · 4 years ago
so i read the big long young just us kon vs yja conner post. (amazing analysis btw) but i have another question about your thoughts on superboy as a character. So in the dc animated universe (that's over now but whatever) there's the Reign of the Supermen movie, and in that one Kon learns that Lex is his dad very very very early on. And since you said that you think Conner learning about Lex early was the biggest thing that changed it, I was wondering if you have thoughts on DCAU Superboy?
awh thank you! i am so pleasantly surprised people actually read that 
[link if u are only seeing this post and want to read the other one]
BUT AH YES THAT BOI i very nearly included a section on this version of him in the other post but decided not to just because it was. already nearly 6k words. however im glad you asked this because I DO have thoughts on him (sorry no pictures this time just words):
My ultimate thought regarding him is: the Reign of the Supermen movie managed to create a Superboy that the Lex reveal wasn’t anywhere near as big a deal for, compared to his other versions. Which I personally think was really cool to see!
This reveal having a smaller impact allowed him to maintain what was basically his 90′s comic characterization even after it, instead of going deep into broody tt 2003 territory or being anything like cartoon yj Conner.
Though, that now raises the question of why it has such a lesser impact
In this setting, he already had an association with Luthor from basically the moment he’s in the movie. Here, he is LexCorp’s Superman, rather than him partnering with Tana’s news station like in the comic (because they chose to understandably omit Tana. Also, trying to adapt the actual role Lex had in the comic version of this whole event would be a mess especially because this was during that era where Lex had like... faked his death, was pretending to be his own illegitimate son, had long hair, and was dating Supergirl? it was very weird, and understandably a movie adaptation wouldn’t wanna touch any of that with a 10ft pole. In general the Reign of the Supemen movie changed SO MUCH from the original comic, but I think did a pretty good job of integrating a lot of the spirit of the story into something new. I haven’t rewatched it since reading the comic though, so I might be looking through memory-fogged rose-tinted glasses, but I plan on doing so soon and will prob talk about it). 
Anyways, even before the actual reveal that Lex was also one of his DNA dads, Lex is out here acting like he’s Conner’s stage dad and... is literally in charge of him. Thus, even though obviously Lex still isn’t a great guy in this universe, it has nowhere near the same impact as finding out ‘renowned supervillain, that I have seen heroes go up against time and time again, is my dad!’ It’s more like finding out ‘oh my weird controlling boss is actually my dad?’ Still weird, still a lot to deal with, and he still gets sulky for a bit after finding out, but it’s way less drastic.
Not sure if I’m going to be able to articulate this next point well, but there’s another thing I think that kinda factors into it too. In my other post I had talked specifically about how not only the timing of finding this out was relevant, but also how the level of confidence Kon had in who he was as a person at the time mattered. 
In the comics, when Superboy found out, he had been very confident in himself and been an established hero for years and thus learning this new information made him (to some extent at least) feel like his whole life had been a lie, and he now felt he was a danger because of how evil Lex is known to be. [Also of note: not only was he worried about hurting his team, but this happened after the point where he’d started living with the Kents. He had a lot of anxiety around thinking Clark wouldn’t trust him to live with his parents if he knew, and fear that he might hurt them.]
In the Young Justice cartoon, when Superboy found out, he had confidence in his abilities as I said before, but he still didn’t really know who he was. He still never got to experience trying to be Superman like he had expressed always wanting to, because he was brought into a world that already had a Superman. So this revelation is just adding onto a pile of confusion. [And I believe (I haven’t watched season one of yj in a while so this might not be correct) that at the point he finds out, Lex was already a known adversary of heroes & The Team themselves. So the fact that someone they were actively going up against had a connection to him (and was manipulating him through the patches) was a point of concern.]
Then we look at movie Superboy. He’s cocky and pretty confident in himself and his abilities, and was getting to shoot his shot at filling that Superman role right away, just like his comic counterpart. But he doesn’t go years believing a lie about himself, since he finds out about the Luthor connection so early. At the time of the reveal he also doesn’t have the same connections to other people (either the Teen Titans & The Kents like the comics or The Team in the cartoon), meaning he’s not going to angst over being a potential danger to all of them. 
Also... he finds it out while he’s still actively working under Lex. In the comics, he finds out from an email he and Tim get while they’re at Titans Tower. In the cartoon Lex baits him to meet somewhere alone to tell him, before demonstrating he has a code word that effects him. In the movie, Lex brings him down to the very lab he was cloned in while lecturing him, because he works for Lex, and the reveal happens because of one of the scientists. It’s just such a wildly different circumstance for the reveal to happen under, because movie Superboy doesn’t see Lex through the same “only exists to me as a villain” lens his comic & cartoon counterparts do.... he’s basically just his overbearing boss at the time. 
Like yes this is where the seams start to unravel, because Superboy then realizes ‘oh god Lex was bringing me down there to kill me then just decided against it’, but he’s going through an entirely different struggle with that than what his other counterparts had going on. Also by having this reveal happen in the middle of the movie like, before the final battle and everything, he doesn’t really have time to dwell on all of this. He’s gotta go stop Cyborg Superman with the others he doesn’t have time to go ‘angst angst angst’ about it for long!! 
This also means that by the time he met Superman, Superboy already knew about the Lex connection. In both the comics and the yj cartoon, Clark and Conner met and knew each other (not necessarily in a close way in the yj cartoon BUT regardless) before Conner found this out. Meaning it was something that he kept a secret from Clark for a period of time, as it ate away at him. But here, since he finds out before Clark is even active and alive again, it’s not something he ever needs to hide! Like he deadass tells Lois about it the first time he sees her after he found out. 
SO to summarize, the Lex reveal is way less drastic for this version of Conner because:
Superboy and Lex had a completely different dynamic at the time of the reveal than any other versions 
Superboy in this setting didn’t have as many connections to others/wasn’t on a team at the time he found out, meaning there were less people he’d be concerned about putting in danger
Superboy never felt the need to keep this a secret from anyone for any extended period of time 
Honestly I would have loved to see more things with this Superboy because it puts him in this unique position of having already faced this big challenge (dealing with Lex being a DNA dad) but not letting it bring him too deep into the angst, he’s not hiding it from anyone, he can just kinda... exist as himself! But noooo Apokolips War had to. Do that. that whole thing. 
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pinkrae · 4 years ago
Beyond the War | Chapter 1
Setting: DamiRae, Post!Apokolips War, new timeline AU
Inspired by: THIS Comic by chromium7sky and all the Super!Rae fanart xD
“Do we know that this will work for sure?”
“It’ll work.” Violet eyes looked into green before the gaze was averted, letting a sigh of concern leave the young man’s lips. There were many uncertainties, many questions lingering in the air. As it was expected after everything they had gone through. They’ve had one hell of a time, after all. But there was something else, too.
“Would you rather have the world as it is right now?” She then asked again after a moment, placing her hand over his and bringing his eyes back to her.
“I- Of course not,” he stuttered and took a quick look at the people- the survivors around them before locking his eyes with hers once more. “I just- We only just got each other back. I don’t want to lose you again.” His brows furrowed, he tried his best to hide the immense pain in his chest that he felt just thinking about it. But he knew she felt it regardless. She always did. A sigh escaped her lips as well.
“I know,” she mumbled and looked over at the water before them, her lips curling into a sad smile. “But- We found each other in this timeline. I’m sure we can find each other again in another.”
He looked at her in somewhat of an awe and surprise of how lightly she seemed to take the situation at hand and before he even knew it, he released an incredulous chuckle. 
“How do you know that?”
“I don’t.” A simple shrug and a gentle squeeze on his hand as she could see Flash preparing to start his run from the corner of her eyes. “All I can do is hope.”
And a whoosh sound went past them. That’s how they all knew these were their last moments together like this and it brought a tear in her eyes. As fucked up as the world turned out to be, she had loved so much of it. She found friends, found family, she found love. And all of that would be gone in a blink of an eye. Even if it was for a better future, she couldn’t help but to feel sad about losing all the positives that she had gained during her stay here. 
“Raven-” his voice brought her back from her thoughts and she looked at him teary-eyed, noticing the sadness in his own eyes as well- “what if we can’t find each other in the new timeline? This new- Flashpoint?” The thought of her not being able to find him pained her to the point that it felt like her heart had just gotten pierced by a dagger, but she had to remain hopeful. She had to.
“Dum spiro spero, Damian,” the girl spoke through her tears and lifted her free hand to caress his cheek. “While I breathe, I hope.”
“Dum spiro spero,” he repeated in a whisper in an almost desperate thought that speaking those words out loud would help to make it come true and slowly leaned in until their lips touched for their first and their last kiss in this timeline as the world around them slowly disappeared in a bright light… 
Deep breath…  
Be calm… 
You can do it… 
Violet eyes slowly opened as she took in the scenery before her. It was definitely much different than Metropolis. Darker. More grim. Filled with so many negative emotions. Fear, hatred, greed… She hadn’t arrived too long ago and she already hated being here. But she had set her mind on doing this and, well, she was already here, so there was no backing down now. Sporting the signature look of her family, Raven roamed about along the rooftops of this godforsaken city in hopes of attracting the kind of attention she came here for. And she didn’t have to wander around for too long before she heard that very familiar deep voice behind her.
“You’re far away from home, kid.”
She wasn’t startled or afraid of the man in the slightest, so she turned around to face him as if she had expected him. 
“I didn’t know how else to contact you,” the girl responded confidently.
Sure, he wasn’t the friendliest of superheroes she knew. In fact, most people, sometimes even his own friends, were afraid of him. And while, yes, he did give off this dreadful vibe, Raven was more- curious. There was a sense of familiarity with him and she felt comfortable enough around him. 
“Well- Not without Superman finding out about it, anyway,” she added in once his silence told her that her response wasn’t extensive enough. Of course, there were other ways to contact Batman. But not without someone else’s help. Which is exactly what she didn’t need this time. 
“Why are you here then?” Brief with his words, as always, the masked vigilante stepped out of the darker corner of the rooftop.
And that’s when she froze for a moment. Like she hadn’t thought of even getting this far. Suddenly doubting if it had been a good idea to come here after all. Was this the right thing to do? Behind Clark’s back? Not telling anyone? Not trying a different alternative and just going straight to Batman? Who was currently looking right at her, expecting an answer-
“I- I wanted to ask for your help in finding someone,” Raven stammered a bit at first, but found her confidence again towards the end of her sentence.
“There are legal ways to do that.”
“Not for someone who’s got no legal records on the entire planet,” she was quick to respond, but stopped for a brief moment before elaborating with a sigh. “Look, all I got is a fake ID and fake adoption papers. As far as the law is concerned, I didn’t exist until I was fourteen. And even for someone who was born on Earth and dropped at an orphanage as an infant, it could take years to- to find your actual family, so… Please. All I want is a chance.”
Batman looked intently at her, putting the puzzle pieces together the more she spoke. He didn’t say anything- did he ever?- only hummed in thought. Sure, he could ask her why she didn’t just go to Clark and Lois for this. They were renowned reporters, very much capable of helping her. But she had made it clear that she didn’t want Clark to know she was even in Gotham right now, meaning she probably didn’t want them to know anything at all about this. A foster child looking for their blood related family not wanting to tell their foster family about it to not hurt their feelings? He’d seen that all too many times before. Some with less happy endings than others.
“You’ve been on Earth for how many years? Why now?” His raspy voice then finally broke the silence, startling her just a little bit. Of course, she had expected a question like that to pop up. But truth to be told, she had no solid answer for it. Or, what could be considered a solid answer, anyway. There were many things she could tell him in response. That she wanted to know if she had any blood relatives on Earth at all. That her mother had been an adopted child herself and she wanted to do this for her. Or that she could never go back to Azarath because it got destroyed and she missed her mother, even though they were never truly allowed to have a proper mother-daughter relationship, so she was seeking a way to somehow connect with her through others of her bloodline. Or that there was just something constantly missing in her life and she felt like she was always searching for something- someone, not even knowing what or who that was, so she was hoping that finding family would perhaps quench this feeling. But- It was all so complicated, even for her.
“I just want to know.” That was a simpler answer. 
Raven shrugged and hid her hands behind her back, thinking for a brief moment as her gaze grew distant, not focusing on anything in particular. “I’d like to think that getting to know both sides of my family would do me good.”
A part of that was true, too. All she ever really was recognized as by those who didn’t know her was the demon’s daughter. A hellspawn, born to an interdimensional beast that almost destroyed this world just like he had done with countless others, had her adoptive family and the heroes of Earth not intervened and helped her stop him. Having a nice, quiet, normal family somewhere sounded nice sometimes. But again, it wasn’t the main reason.
The Bat’s “hm” almost sounded like a growl as he contemplated the sincerity of Raven’s explanation, unsure if he should trust it or not. Well, she didn’t blame him for not trusting her. Not a lot of people did. Her eyes returned to observing the masked man before her in anticipation of his response. Luckily, however, she didn’t have to wait for too long. Glancing sideways for a second as if hearing something, he looked back to her and swiftly turned around.
“Follow me,” he said as he started making his way to the edge of the roof. “It’s not wise to parade around Gotham with that “S” on your chest.”
“It’s- not an “S”...” The girl mumbled quietly under her nose, but quickly levitated after him as the two of them got down into one of the many dark alleyways where he’d hidden the Batmobile. It was for the best not to argue with him since he seemed like having agreed to her plea, even if he didn’t outright say it.
It wasn’t a no either.
FF.net link || AO3 link
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“Nasty woman Lois Lane says I am “Working with Darkseid ruler of the hellish fascist planet Apokolips” and “Building war suits with kryptonite death rays” Untrue! Fake news from very bad newspaper the Daily Planet! Cancel!
-         Lex Luthor, on the DCU version of Twitter, probably
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thedcdunce · 6 years ago
“I'm not like Tim, or Jason, or even Dick. I'm light-years ahead of all the past Robins in skill and training. I'm either your partner in this or I'm not.” - Robin
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Real Name: Damian Wayne
Damian al Ghul
Demon's Son
Gray Son of Gotham
Hafid al Ghul
Ibn al Xu'ffasch
Knute Broody Junior
Gender: Male
Height: 4′ 6″
Weight: 84 lbs (38 kg)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Business Management
Martial Arts
Genius Level Intellect
Medical Science
Peak Human Condition
Universe: Prime Earth
Base of Operations:
Gotham City
Mercy Hall, New York City
Titans Tower, San Francisco
Citizenship: American
Bruce Wayne; father
Talia al Ghul; mother
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Batman and Robin Vol 2 #1 (November, 2011)
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Artistry: Damian is considered as skilled with a brush as he is with a sword.
Business Management: Trained by his mother and the League of Assassins in the way of controlling a company with an iron grip. Even as a young boy he knows that in business there are wars and even in war there are assassins. Damian is involved with the Wayne Enterprises' board members. He even intimidated the board members by tracking down financial irregularities within the Wayne Enterprises' accounts.
Disguise: Damian has disguised himself as an elderly bus driver and a substitute teacher.
Driving: He learned to drive at the age of five.
Martial Arts: Trained by the League of Assassins. Damian may not be physically tough but he knows how to control his weight and has stated that he knows, "one thousand ways to kill a man." Damian's training has made him a formidable hand-to-hand combatant able to defeat or hold his own against multiple opponents, armed opponents or skilled hand-to-hand combatants.
Genius Level Intellect: Damian has inherited a genius IQ from his father.
Investigation: Damian, having been trained under the "World's Greatest Detective", has been able to deduce people's actions as well as solve mysteries with few amounts of data.
Medical Science
Peak Human Condition
Stealth: Damian was able to sneak into Gotham City and furthermore into the Batcave virtually undetected until he felt necessary. Of all the Robins, Damian may be the one that is the most silent.
Swordsmanship: Although Damian no longer uses his sword he may be unmatched with one if armed correctly.
Throwing: Damian is trained by the League of Assassins in shuriken throwing and further trained by Batman in Batarang throwing.
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Arrogance: More often than not, Damian believes himself to be better than he is, this has allowed him to underestimate opponents as well as irritate his allies.
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Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman.
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Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Raised by Talia and trained by the League of Assassins, Damian became a skilled assassin by an early age. Coupled by his innate talent for the art and his lineage, Damian became a respected member of the League. Eventually, when Damian finally met his father, Batman, Damian defected and joined his father's cause. Batman granted Damian the mantle of Robin,and Damian became his father's latest crime-fighting partner.
After Bruce's death in the Final Crisis, his first protégé Dick Grayson took over the mantle of Batman and Damian became his Robin. Alongside Grayson, Damian faced new threats such as Doctor Hurt, Professor Pyg and Flamingo.
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Born to Kill
After his father's resurrection, Bruce and Damian began patrolling together as Batman and Robin. Bruce tried teaching Damian, still a cold-hearted assassin, about the sanctity of life, but had trouble relating with his son.��Damian began showing restraint, which Bruce commended, although Alfred still criticized him for not being supportive enough. Bruce bought Damian a dog named Titus. They were both targeted by a super-villain named Nobody. They were kidnapped by Nobody, who tried to show Batman that his no-kill methods were ineffective. He encouraged Robin's darker side and tried to take him as an apprentice. Robin angrily left the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asked him to execute a criminal. Robin revealed that he was lying, and refused to betray his father. Nobody decided to torture Robin, continuing his personal vendetta against Batman. When Batman discovered their location, he beat Nobody mercilessly and came close to killing him, but stopped when he realized Damian was watching the fight. Nobody swore that he would return and kill their friends, so Damian killed him with a move Nobody had taught him. Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. When Damian regained consciousness, they talked about how difficult it is for Damian to adjust from the life of an assassin. Despite their differences, they played ball with Titus and began to enjoy spending more time together as father and son.
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Batman Incorporated
Batman and Robin began working together against Damian's mother Talia al Ghul, revealed as the head of Leviathan. During a fight in a meat factory, Damian converted to vegetarianism and adopted a pet cow who he named Bat-Cow. He was believed dead when he was shot in the head by an assassin named Goatboy. It was revealed that Talia had created another clone as his replacement, the obedient fully-grown Heretic. Robin was shown to have faked his death, and is confined to the Batcave at Batman's orders. To avoid the bounty Talia placed on his head, he began using the name Redbird and switched to a new costume. This allowed him to team up with Jason Todd, who was using the Wingman identity. They worked together with Batman Incorporated to take down the League of Assassins' top killers. However, Batman told Damian he had to quit crime-fighting altogether. Bruce revealed that he has seen Damian's future, as told through "Batman in Bethlehem". If Damian did not retire, his actions would lead to a plague that would force the President to nuke Gotham. Batman Incorporated fought Leviathan in the streets, while Damian was forced to stay inside. Alfred Pennyworth got him a cat to take care of, who he also named Alfred. Damian refused to stay home while his allies were dying, and Alfred allowed him to leave knowing he could not be stopped. He flew his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan had taken over Wayne Tower. He neutralized the child soldiers, and teamed up with Dick Grayson to take down the remaining assassins. The Heretic flew Grayson aside, and challenged Damian to a sword-fight. Despite his bravery and refusal to give up, Damian was impaled through the chest and killed.
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After various trials and tribulations involving his corpse, mainly revolving around Ra's al Ghul and Apokolips, Batman managed to rescue his son's body and, through using the Omega Sanction infused within a Chaos Crystal shard, brought Damian back to life within the Batcave.
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Teen Titans
On his 13th birthday Damian was sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contained a dead robin. After meeting with his mother Talia, he discovered that it was a warning from his cousin Mara al Ghul, who had chosen him as her prey as part of an initiation ritual she must undertake in order to properly join the League of Assassins. Mara had been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian but became hers when he chose to leave the League. They too had chosen targets that they must hunt down in order to ascend to the League. Damian decided to collect the other Demon's Fist members' targets in order to form the new Teen Titans; comprised of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash.
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In the Name of the Father
While searching for a tree for Christmas, Jonathan Samuel Kent accidentally torched some woodlands near a swamp in Hamilton. He was subsequently rescued by Maya Ducard, the daughter of the villain Nobody, and Damian's pet dragon-bat Goliath. Jon later awakened in the Batcave and found out that Robin had been keeping him under surveillance for a long time. The two initially did not get along, and the situation was further complicated when Batman and Superman arrived, blaming each other for the conflict.
The ensuing melee was abruptly averted when Jon used his Freeze Breath to separate the two sides and allow him to explain the situation to his father. While their fathers were discussing the lab tests that Damian had performed on Jon, the two boys went off to look at Damian's pets. However, due to Damian's snide remarks and goading, Jon lost his temper and another brawl broke out between them. This was also put down quickly as Batman and Superman looked down on them in furious silence.
In order to properly discipline their sons and teach them the value of working together, Superman and Batman had them undergo a series of challenges. However their lack of teamwork and animosity toward each other caused them to fail every challenge. The boys finally managed to put aside their differences and worked together in order to save their fathers from an apparent threat in the Batcave, but this later turns out to be a ruse. At this point, Alfred declared them to be the Super Sons.
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Super Sons Vs. Kid Amazo
Jonathan was paid a visit by Robin, posing as both his school's bus driver and his substitute teacher. He was later unwillingly recruited by Damian to help him investigate a series of break-ins at LexCorp. This misadventure was further complicated with the appearance of Lex Luthor, who tried to capture them both. The two boys managed to escape Luthor and followed a lead to a home in Providence, Rhode Island, where they encountered a family who still retained their powers from the Amazo Virus. However, one member by the name of Reggie Meyer was driven insane by the excessive use of his powers and took the alias of Kid Amazo. He had also stolen the Amazo Armor from LexCorp and had planned to use it and the abilities of the Super Sons to lure the Justice League into a trap. Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. Not wanting to explain themselves, Robin and Superboy quickly left the area and headed back to Hamilton. However, their absences from their respective homes did not go unnoticed as they encountered both Lois Lane and Alfred Pennyworth while trying to sneak into Jon's home.
The boys were subsequently punished by their respective parents. Batman forbade Robin to go crime-fighting for a week while Superboy was forced to do his chores without using his superpowers. With the prospect of moving to Metropolis on his mind, Jon eventually ran off and headed to Gotham to speak with Damian in the Batcave. This resulted in another argument and a short fight, before Alfred arrived. They were later joined by Batman and Superman, and worked out their differences. With Superman's and Batman's permission, the two boys would be allowed to go on their own, provided that they would do so together.
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Dark Knights: Metal
Damian aided in fighting the Dark Knights upon their invasion, forming the Gotham Resistance with Green Arrow, Killer Croc, Nightwing and Harley Quinn. They lost Croc, the Teen Titans and the Suicide Squad, but they defeated Mister Freeze, Riddler and Damian's evil Earth -22 self and made the discovery that beings from the Dark Multiverse can be killed by Nth Metal.
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Fun Facts
Damian has declared himself a vegetarian.
Damian has a strong love for animals. Pets he has owned include Goliath, Bat-Cow, Titus, and Alfred.
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darkspellmaster · 6 years ago
Young Justice Theory: So I want to talk about Halo...
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I’ve seen a lot of discussion about Halo the character in Young Justice. And, while I’m loathed to throw myself into this discourse, I feel like a lot of misinformation is being bandied about in regard to the character.
Now let me say this much, I am not coming at this from the standpoint of the character being a Muslim girl. Rather I’m coming at this from the standpoint of what and who the character is and why I think a lot of this commentary is…a bit of an issue when it comes to Halo and her role in the series.
So let’s start at the beginning. Who is Halo...?
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The original Halo is a girl by the name of Violet Harper who was a troubled teen. She and her then boyfriend stole a drug formula from Tobais Whale (if you watch Black Lighting you will know about this kingpin) and ran off to Markovia where she was killed by an Assassin sent out by Whale. Her body was later found by the the Aurakle, who took it over and revived her. Batman discovered her, and she had no idea who she was. Due to her using Light powers he gave her the code name Halo, so he could at least call her something, and the two helped form the Outsiders to deal with the war in Markovia.
During her time with the Outsiders, Halo takes the name Gabrielle Doe and lives in a penthouse with Katana, becoming Katana’s Legal ward. She attended high school and started to date, making Brion a bit jealous, and the two realized when they spoiled one another’s dates that they loved one another. Eventually Batman found out Halo’s past and she eventually went to live with Violet’s parents, discovered that Violet needed to make amends for her past behavior and then broke things off with Brion.
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Tobais Whale came back into Halo’s life seeking out the drug formula, and kidnapped her parents. She had no idea what he was talking about as the memory of the theft was gone, even with the help of her friends Violet’s parents were killed. Her memories were returned when the JL discovered what possessed her body, and the Auakle wanted to split her and their friend, killing her in the process. The outsiders saved her, and was finally left in peace to go find herself.
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During this time she got lured into the Kobra cult and had to be saved by the Outsiders once more, rejoined them. However her body was killed during events of an attack on Markovia, where the ex wife of one of the Outsiders allies, and Halo took over the body of Marissa Barron, but went by the name of Violet due to connections to her former body.
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In addition the new 52 redid her story to have it where Violet was imprisoned by the Kobra cult in Markovia. During this time Katana, who is on her own mission, frees Violet and steals a police van with the girl, only for the two to be caught when they stop the van to rest, thinking they’re safe.
In the redone story of Halo, the Aurkles have been captured by Kobra, and with the help of a kidnapped Scientist (I think it’s Dr. Jace) Violet is forced to experimented upon and this gives her super powers. The try to mind control her, but the Aurkles breaks free and kills everyone present but shields Violet from harm. Katana threatens to kill them and they back off allowing her and Violet to escape.
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When awake from her ordeal Violet uses her powers but Katana and her partner the Entchantress knock her out. Enchantress at the time tries to free Violet from the Aurkles, but the bond is permanent. During this time the Aurkles try to free their friend, but their actions would have killed Halo, so Enchantress has to kill them to keep her alive. Halo saves Katana and Enchantress and Katana takes Halo on as a sister and offers to let her live with her.
Second question…what is Qurac?
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Okay so while one can see Qurac as a fake name for Iraq the two nations are not the same and are independent of one another’s history.
Qurac is a gulf nation that runs along the eastern boarder of the Sinai Peninsula from Oman and Rub’al Khali on the south, Saudi Arabia and the Summan on the west and Iraq and Wadi al Batin on the north.
It’s considered an Outlaw nation due to it’s anti-u.s. policies and was a major sponsor of terrorism in the west. Originally, it was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until around the time of WW1 when English and Arab forces defeated the Empire, and the area then held by England until WW2. Now things get interesting…
So during WW2 the Premier of Iraq, one Al-Gailiani, who was a Arab Nationalist, decided to replace the then moderate Iraqi government with a Pro-Axis one. The Brits were having none of that thus the Invasion of Basra in 1941.
Hassan al-Sadr, one of Al-Gailiani’s supporters, fled south and galvanized Arab tribesmen into an army, and, taking the name Sulieman, he was aided by the Germans with materials and funding to establish the nation of Qurac. Because of their alliance Qurac allowed the building of Jotunheim, a giant fortress which was later assaulted by the Suicide Squad when a terrorist organization took hold of it. Jotunheim wrecked the shipping in the Oman and Persian gulfs during this time, and eventually Sulieman’s regime was defeated by the end of the war.
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After WW2 Qurac became a republic and that lasted until the 1970s when a military coup led by General Marlo, overthrew the elected government and declared it a military dictatorship, against the will of the people. During his reign Marlo has tested nuclear devices that contaminated the oil supply which is the foremost natural resources. This lead Marlo to attack several international locations, among them Metropolis, causing Superman to come after him and destroy much of his military capability. Marlo eventually was defeated and brought to stand trial thanks to the work of the Suicide squad. Sometime later Cheshire used a nuclear missile on the nation as a means to show she wasn’t afraid of using the weapons she had stolen, causing trouble for aid workers to help survivors.
So that is the comic history of the nation and character…
Question three is…what is a mother box and a New God?
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So a New God is a being that is from New Genesis or Apokolips. Respectively you can see them as a heavenly place or a hellish landscape. Batman believes each New God represents something, like Orion is War, Mr. Miracle is Freedom, etc. They live on the Fourth world which is in close proximity to the Source, which is basically a place where most of the powers of the universe come from.
“The Source is the "source" of all that exists and acts as the limitless energy from which all life sprang forth in the Universe. The Source created and was created by the emergence of the Universe approximately 19 billion years ago.[1] Mostly associated with the New Gods, the Source was the supposed origin of the "Godwave" that is believed to have been responsible for creating and empowering the "Gods" with their divine abilities. It also seems to be partially responsible for the ability of certain people to develop super-powers, especially those which defy the laws of physics.
Lying at the edge of the known multiverse is the Source Wall, which protects the Source, and traps all those who attempt to pass beyond it as Promethean Giants.”
So New Gods evolved into almost perfect beings due to their close connection to the source, their technology and other factors. They’re faster, stronger, smarter, etc. than their cousins the humans of earth, even though they look like us.
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Another factor about the New Gods is that they are technically immortal, have acceletated healing, and you can’t really kill them with natural means, you need a specific sort of material to use against them, or they just will keep healing up and fixing themselves. Now I don’t know if anyone of them has ever revived directly from death, but near death…yes, several times.
They also obtain powers that are pretty much super depending on who it is.
As for the Mother Box…
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So these “living computers” are half sentient being half highly developed machine. The New God Himon, who used Tenth Metal to build the boxes, which is seen as possibly being alive, created them and they can do a number of things. Anything from forming a boom tube, to translating, to energy manipulations to teleportation to, even healing an injury.
According to Metron, one of the smartest New Gods, the Mother box shares a rapport with nature and it’s user, providing unconditional love to the person that owns it and will self destruct should the person that owned it die. Keep in mind the mother box can be woven into just about anything, Scott Free has his in his costume as a part of it.
The list of things they can do is wild:
Change gravity
Transfer energy from one place to another
 Control the mental state of a host
 Communicate with other life forms
 Manipulate the life force of a host to sustain it past fatal injuries,
Open and close boom tubes
Take over and control non-sentient machines
Merge sentient beings into a single more powerful being
Sustain a life form in a hostile environment.
Okay so now about Earth 16 Halo….
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So what do we know about Violet? We know that she was named Gabrielle and that she was a citizen of the republic of Qurac, which has been having strife with Queen Bee. We know that she came to Markovia after being chased down by a group of monsters that seems to be attacking. For some reason she agreed to open the door to let assassins in to kill the King and Queen and then was killed herself to install a mother box in her.
It’s clear by now it’s a mother box. But who did it belong to.
This becomes important I think in understanding the character we have here. Gabriella died, and while the Mother box did revive her, much like the original Halo, this is not the same girl that was Gabrielle. This isn’t a case of amnesia, the only thing keeping Violet alive right now is that box inside her, and that box, should the owner die, will destroy itself, unless it sees Gabriella as it’s owner now.
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This means that the girl that we have before us isn’t really Gabrielle, she is the Mother box (or New God) taking on a new form, and reading the memories that are storied in Gabrielle’s mind. Because of the fact that the original Gabrielle died, we can then view this person as someone that is, for lack of a better term, wearing Gabrielle’s skin. This also brings up the question of identity and if the being inside her, that being this Mother box, identifies with Gabrielle’s religion or not. Violet at this point clearly feels that continuing to at least wear the hijab is the right thing to do for her, as she says, “it feels right” shows that at least the Mother box is reading the remaining emotions or whatever, inside of Gabrielle’s memories.
A lot of the issues people seem to be having with her centers around if she is her nationality, and honestly I have to say, no, she is not. The moment Gabrielle died and the Mother box activated reviving her, she lost all of that. She became a new person who is learning to be the person that Gabrielle was, but she is not Gabrielle. Thus the taking of the new name. Because of this, you can’t really judge the character on the outfits or actions they put her in based on who Gabrielle was, because this isn’t her anymore, and I don’t think this is ever going to be again. The girl that was Gabrielle died, she is dead, and there is no bringing her back. All we have now is Violet, a person who is learning to be a person, who is experiencing things for the first time inside a person’s body.
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Now was it a smart idea to make her a Muslim girl from Qurac, compared to her original form, I don’t know. On the one hand, I can see where the issues regarding her being killed over and over can come off as something horrible. And that her outfit wouldn’t be seen as proper (and compared to M from Marvel this is a pretty fully covered look) compared to say Ms. Marvel’s look. However, on the other side of things, this isn’t Gabrielle anymore and because of that she has to be looked at by a different standard as she has no clue what Gabrielle would and wouldn’t wear. It’s also important to note that their costumes were designed to best suit their powers, and more than likely Fire set Violet up with cloth that would make it easier to use her abilities, much like Geoforce not ripping off all his clothing.
As more and more of Gabrielle’s memories come back, the likelihood is that Violet will have to face a choice to live as Violet or as Gabrielle. There’s also the added issue of the Mother Box and, well, who’s it is and if there is a New God in her or at least, accessing her body.
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Keep in mind also that Mother boxes don’t normally create illusions, but New Gods do. Right now there’s some form of confirmation that the Mother box is inside Halo, thus making her what she is. We know that the powers she has seems to mirror that of the Mother boxes, and yet there are a few that don’t.
Halo can fly, while the Mother box can alter gravity it can’t make someone fly. Halo can cast illusions, create beams, Force fields, etc. the Mother box can’t do that –unless that falls under energy manipulation, which it could, but it still leads to the other option that could be happening here.
The Mother box is working in tandem with a New God is one of the other options for this. We’ve heard that the Mother box is inside Halo and keeping her alive. However there is the option for a New God to be using the body as well. New Gods can poessess others, it’s one of the options of their powers, and the one New God that matches a lot of the powers that Violet has right now is Solis, or Light Ray.
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Lightray or Solis,  is the best friend of Orion, a powerful New God that can fly, has accelerated healing, Photokinesis or the ability to manipulate light in many ways, including force fields, blasts and casting illusions. The reason I bring him up at all is because of what Bear states in Away Mission. During the episode Bear, says that that the Real Orion is away from New Genesis. Now why could that be?
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Originally I thought that this meant that the Mother box could be Orion’s and that they were holding him captive. However, the big thing about this is that you don’t just capture a Mother Box, it’s not easy to get, and the other factor is that Orion’s controls his beast/rage form. Without it he becomes a wild animal. 
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Which could explain the monster we see chasing down Halo and the others in her memories.
The other option is that the mother box belonged to Lightray who is being  held prisoner, as with Orion, only he tapped into his connection with his Mother box and is now connected to it allowing Halo to access his powers until help can arrive in the form of Orion.
So we have three options here.
Option 1. Halo’s powers come strictly from the Mother Box and the Mother box has become the person Violet that is now inhabiting the mortal remains of Gabrielle Doe, who was the girl from Qurac that died at the hands of Ecks and the others.
Option 2. Halo’s powers are coming from a mix of the Mother box and Lightray/Solis who is right now incapacitated and is using his mother box inside Halo to keep others from using him for whatever purpose that they will. And that Orion is looking for his best friend, thus why M’comm was able to pretend to be him.
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Option 3. Halo’s powers are coming from the Mother box, but the box belongs to a captured Orion. Should Orion be saved this could put a serious issue up in the air for Halo. As the Mother box would belong to Orion this would mean it may have to be removed as it has a connection to Orion and would want to go back with him home, since it helps calm him down. Orion could be a dick about it and want it back as well leading to a fight over Halo and her life, or he could be talked down from it by Bear and the other Forever people, which is also an option here.
Ultimately I feel like a lot of people are viewing Halo in a way that seems to be under the impression that she’s alive. Let me reiterate, she is not. She is not the girl that died, she is a vastly different character, one who’s deaths I think mean something. Each death may be processed by the Mother box for a reason, and probably will be used later in the story. As she understands that pain the box can then probably dish out everything upon someone that is attacking them at some point. That is honestly where I think we are going with this.
I hope this all makes sense.
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harljordan · 7 years ago
Ok, I'm a fake DC fan because I have no idea who are Mr Miracle or Big Barda (i'ts more, I thought they were from Marvel) but seeing all those things you're posting and the beauty of their designs makes me want to start read it, also they do not seem to be the typical couple of comics (stereotypically speaking)? Can I ask for recommendations to read or what powers do they have? Thank you because I really want to meet them thanks to you.
Well, first of all, you aren’t a fake dc fan just because you don’t know two characters, so jot that down. ♥
Actually, I am in the process of knowing them too. I made a list of comics for myself and maybe it can help you too:
The very first comic I read with them both in it is Justice League: The Darkseid War (40-50 from JL New 52). They explain there Scott’s origins and Big Barda has a big pressence in the story. I didn’t realize how good was the explanation they did here about them both until I started reading the new Mister Miracle series, so check that book if you can, it was good.
And now, my list includes:
Justice League: The Darkseid War
Mister Miracle, v1 by Jack Kirby (1-18) and later, others (19-25)
Mister Miracle (One Shot) Special
Justice League International (I would recommend you to read this until Vol 3, this one specially is focused on Scott and Barda)
After JLI, they made a spin-off series about Mister Miracle, which leads to Mister Miracle v2 (1-28)
Mister Miracle, v3 (1-7) by Kevin Dooley.
And the new series: Mister Miracle 2017 by Tom King and Mitch Gerads.
Personally, I’ve read JL: The Darkseid War. Then I started reading the new series by King and Gerads, and in between, Justice League International. And I’ve been doing just fine. When I have had doubts or I need to know more about characters or whatever, I just googled it, you know how comics work, you never know everything, so don’t worry too much about reading all of it, I didn’t lol.
About their powers and habilities, they are both New Gods, so they are stronger, faster, smarter than human beings, they are like… superhumans but better, because they are Gods lmao. They are also inmortals. Big Barda use a weapon called Mega-Rod, it has multiple uses and powers. And Mister Miracle uses advanced technology from Apokolips as weapons, to fly, to protect himself, as armor, etc… and for his tricks (he is a super escape artis!). And them both are equiped with Mother Boxes, MB have a lot of powers too, but the most famous use of MB are the boom tubes, portals that allow Scott and Barda to transport to… anywhere they want.
And I think that is. Longer answer than expected lmao. Hope this helps!
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ziyal · 8 years ago
thewivesofriversong replied to your post: “Diana was a clay statue brought to life and her...
first of all: yes. second of all: I don’t suppose you’d be inclined to do like a hate-summary of New 52 WW? xD bc I gave up on it almost immediately but I’m reading Rebirth WW now and it would be nice to have a better understanding everything Rebirth is now deconstructing haha
SURE, I’ll take a crack at it, although I only got up to about halfway through the run so far, I had to take a break so I could scream about how frustrating it was
the premise of the first arc is that a human girl, Zola, was impregnated by Zeus and now Hera wants revenge on her but Wonder Woman is going to protect her. which is actually a premise that I think is pretty cool and I am on board for in theory but it becomes super weird.
Hermes leads Zola to Diana, and Diana takes her to Themyscira to shelter her. but, Strife (Eris, is the goddess they’re portraying here, but for some reason she’s referred to only as “Strife”?) shows up on the island and starts sowing discord. The Amazons turn on Zola once they find out she’s pregnant with a demigod, and Hera shows up to curse them all. Diana’s like “I was made from clay tho??” and Hera flips out and makes Hippolyta confess to Diana that she’s actually the child of Zeus and all that nonsense. Then, Hera in her anger turns Hippolyta into a clay statue (because irony) and turns all the other Amazons into snakes (!!)
Diana is weirdly less upset than she should be about the fact that her entire people were turned into snakes and her mom was statue-fied but whatever. Also she’s like “I’m shocked but I’m glad that it turns out my mother, whom I thought was never my REAL mother, is related to me by blood after all!” bc fuck adoptive parents amirite
Diana, Hermes, and Zola go off on a sort of world road trip trying to collect other demigod children of Zeus because there’s a prophecy about a child of Zeus taking over his throne and ... Zeus has disappeared, leaving the throne empty and the other gods squabbling over it. So all the gods are also trying to get their hands on Zola so they can steal the baby. It basically turns into a tour of this particular writer+artist’s edgy reinterpretation of the Greek gods where Diana goes around and either fights or talks to all of them.
when she meets Hephaestus is where he tells her the thing about the Amazons selling their male children into slavery, because all of them now work for him in his forges, and Diana tries to be like “then you men are all Amazons, too! that makes you my brothers! will you help me?” and they’re like “no, fuck that, Amazons got rid of us and we’re staying with Hephaestus” which... I can’t blame them but it still seemed really sad and cynical
At one point, Zola gets kidnapped by Hades and sucked down into the Underworld, so Diana goes after her. For.... reasons, this ends with Hades trying to force Diana to MARRY HIM so Diana fakes being in love with Hades and he dresses her up in a super gothy high fashion wedding dress and is like “I’ll only marry you if you are truly in love with me” and ties her lasso of truth around her neck like a noose and she admits it was all just a ploy and then rides a horse out of the Underworld on a river of blood. this is an EXTREMELY WEIRD COMIC BOOK, Y’ALL.
After Zola’s baby is born, it is immediately kidnapped by Hermes, who runs away with it, and “protect the pregnant lady by going to different places and meeting weird god characters” turns into “hunt for the baby by going to different places and meeting weird god characters” basically?
There’s a #0 issue where it turns out that Diana was secretly trained to fight by Ares when she was teenager, even though he’s historically one of her enemies and represents the evils of war that she opposes, because why should any of Diana’s talents come from the Amazons, instead of being the best example of her people’s warrior spirit she has to have been trained by the male god of war, fuck this comic
In issue #13, Orion (as in from the New Gods) shows up, which is the literal first time anything from the larger DCU has appeared in the series and I was like “okay, so we’re getting some stuff that has to do with Fourth World or Apokolips or not just Olympian gods, right?” but he just sort of... joins Diana’s party of people (also he hits on her a bunch? I don’t know much about the New Gods but has Orion historically acted like a frat bro???) and the book keeps doing the same shit
Turns out the prophecy is actually about the First-Born, who is a giant super powerful dude that was apparently the child of Zeus and Hera but was imprisoned in ice for thousands of years and just broke out and now he wants to claim his throne. Diana’s about to fight him and that’s where I stopped.
So, I’m on issue #21, almost halfway through the entire new 52 run, and so far Wonder Woman has not: fought any actual supervillains, met any other superheroes, or interacted with any normal civilian people other than Zola. like, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing weird offbeat stuff in comics but ... Diana is not a superhero in this book? She’s a demigod exclusively doing stuff with other demigods and actual gods. Like, maybe we could have a story where Wonder Woman stops some crime or saves some people, I feel like that would be a reasonable thing to expect out of Wonder Woman’s ongoing solo series in a reboot that was designed to bring new readers on board with DC comics?? NOPE JUST GOD STUFF
and I love Greek mythology stuff in general, I am literally so on board for it, but the part that makes it work in the other Wonder Woman mythology-heavy stories I’ve read is that it’s still intertwined with the real world. This is just.... like I said, it feels like the writer liked American Gods a lot, and went “here’s a bunch of WEIRD EDGY DARK reinterpretations of Greek gods and also a new backstory for Wonder Woman that gets rid of almost everything good about her backstory”
honestly, all I can say about it in the positive camp is that the art is really pretty and Diana has some nice character moments every few issues or so.
I’m probably going to finish it tomorrow I’ll let you know what I think of the rest and maybe Diana will actually do some superhero stuff at some point
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 years ago
I'm A sucker for you
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31sobgs
by Chromic7sky
Having a fake relationship wasn't in his plan at all. Damian Wayne has been pursuing this criminal ever since they terrorize jump city area with Jack the ripper murder style. What makes him puzzled is the way the victim died are in unnatural way.
This incident leads him to meet a certain girl with a special gift. Death forecast. As he tried to solve the forecast riddle, it seems his snobby family esp his siblings sniffing his affair with that girl. Can he solved the mystery with his family forcing him to reveal his secret affair or will he die trying to keep it as secret?
Words: 2079, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Nightwing (Comics), Batgirl (Comics), Teen Titans (Comics), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Justice League vs. Teen Titans (2016), Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020), New Teen Titans, DCU (Comics), DCU, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Batman Incorporated (Comics)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Raven (DCU), Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Eric Forrester, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Raven/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson & Jason T. & Damian W., Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Detectives, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Family Bonding, Family Fluff, Crazy, Demons, Family Secrets, Truth, College, Drunken Confessions, Drunken Shenanigans, solving cases, lol his family not going to leave him alone with the fake affair, his family are talented detective and vigilante, bye Damian lol
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31sobgs
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