I am a noob when it comes to comic book heroes so I decided I am going to share as I discover new characters! I have another page title Every Character is a Marvel where I am doing the same thing but with Marvel characters. Wish me luck!
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Starting tomorrow (8/29/2019), I will be taking a break because I will be having a busy weekend. I won’t be posting until Tuesday (9/3/2019). Thank you for all the support and love! :)
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“Just because I'm slightly over the flesh ratio shouldn't mean a damn thing! I've got mechanical rights!” - Ladytron

Real Name: Maxine Manchester
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 1000 lbs (454 kg)
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Cybernetic Enhancement
Mechanical Aptitude
Coolant Rupturing
Various Hidden Artillary
Wildstorm Universe
Prime Earth
Origin: Born a Kherubim Lord from the planet Khera
Citizenship: British
Base of Operations: Halo Building, New York City
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: WildC.A.T.s #21 (July, 1995)

Cybernetic Enhancement: Maxine Manchester is a cyborg, having suffered critical to fatalistic injuries during a police ambush. As such her physiology is mostly robotic and she is built of what Majestros calls 75 million dollars worth in parts.
Flight: Maxine can fly through the use of rocket packs which are housed in her back.
Gun Enhancements: Maxine carry's weapons stored inside her body's housing which can remain entirely hidden until she needs to kill.
Gattling Cannon: Likewise she also possesses wrist mounted blasters on her forearm.
Finger Laser: Maxine can emit a low yield heat beam from the tip of her digits, useful for igniting oil fires.
Automatic Transmission: Maxines bionic frame can channel and cycle varying levels of dynamic energy from most any power source available.
Resistors: Internal function which can ramp up the amp amount pertaining to whatever ergokinetic force she's channeling. Potentially she can kill a Kherubim Warlord with such tactics.
Sound Manipulation: Maxine has a powerful sonic cannon housed in her mouth.
Superhuman Durability: Maxine has withstood powerful blows from aliens and superhumans alike.
Superhuman Strength: Maxine has been seen lifting and throwing cars with relative ease.
Superhuman Speed: Ladytron can run, jump and move faster than most automobiles while on foot.
Superhuman Stamina: Manchester's power source is a condensed fusion reactor running on inexhaustible nuclear power. For all intents and purposes, Ladytron's body never tires nor wears down no matter how much she exerts herself.
Superhuman Reflexes: Despite her brash, impulsive nature. Ladytron is as quick with reactions as she is fleet of foot.
Superhuman Agility: Manchester is able to move more so seamlessly without physical impediment despite her heavy metal.
Enhanced Senses: As a Cyborg, Ms. Manchester's auditory functions are peaked well beyond the human norm.
Enhanced Hearing
Enhanced Vision

Mechanical Aptitude: Being a cyborg, Ladytron has a knack for interfacing with other forms of machinery. She can physically link herself up with any on board computerized system in order to commandeer it's functioning for personal use.

Stupidity: Both a strength and a fault, Maxine Manchester isn't very bright not is she all that levelheaded an individual. Often charging recklessly into distressing situations without pause for thought.
Psychopathy: Being raised by an abusive father and after several motions of negligence between foster homes and penal facilities. Ladytron's psychological and sociological state of mind stands hideously imbalanced.
Coolant Rupturing: Ladytron is powered by a small nuclear reactor which runs the risk of an atomic meltdown should her liquid nitrogen coolant system fail.

Exo-Mantel: During her time in a comatose bionic state, Noir modified her body with some additional bionic augmentations that greatly magnified her physical performance. Outfitted with Pincers and razor sharp feet additions giving her a semblance similar to the arachnid family, she could crush and stab her enemies with them as well as flail them about. After the world's end event she had it modified her old mecha body with some Kherubim technology to resemble more of a scorpion semblance. Enabling a semi-even battle between herself and Daemonite Royals Defile and Lady Decadence.
Various Hidden Artillary: Maxine withholds a great variety of hidden firearms on her person, some ranging from handheld pistols to heavy duty munitions wears.

Maxine Manchester was abused by her father as a young teenager. She fled from home and turned to a life of crime, robbing stores and killing anybody who got in her way. Soon, the government caught up with her and she was hit several times during a gunfight with the FBI. Her wounded body was handed over to Doctor Khaz, a mad scientist, who enhanced her body, replacing most of it with robotic parts. She escaped and continued her crime spree as a cyborg. Khaz recaptured her and told her about Stanley, a robot he had created before her. Khaz saw himself as father to Stanley and Maxine and sent her out to bring back Stanley. Maxine and Stanley shared the same psychopathic mentality and soon married between crime sprees. Maxine and Stanley decided to kill Khaz, but Khaz had an override in Stanley's brain. The brainless Stanley turned on Maxine and she killed him. She then killed Khaz and returned to her life of crime.
At this time, Savant and Mister Majestic were trying to rebuild the WildC.A.T.s after the previous team were nearly all presumed killed. They convinced Max Cash, alias Condition Red, to join and acquired the Tactical Augmented Organism for their team. Savant wanted another woman for the team and decided upon Maxine. Majestic didn't want to be associated with a criminal like Maxine, but T.A.O. managed to change his mind through his hypnotic abilities.
The new WildC.A.T.s captured Maxine while she attempt to rob both sides of a drug transition and T.A.O. built a virtual reality-program to reeducate Maxine. The program worked and Maxine joined the WildC.A.T.s, but still remained violent and anti-social. She became romantically interested in Max Cash, but he was turned off by her robotic body and her abrasive personality.
When Max got wounded in a bombing, he used the opportunity to sneak out of the hospital to avoid her. Maxine was furious and took out her anger on the man responsible for wounding Max. The man told her and Spartan that T.A.O. had ordered him to bomb the building.
The WildC.A.T.s confronted T.A.O. who turned out to be an evil mastermind after all. T.A.O. inflicted heavy casualties on the team, including Maxine. He managed to remove her cooling systems so that her internal nuclear reactor overheated. Majestic removed her nuclear reactor, but Maxine was heavily damaged. She was taken to the Church of Gort, a cult for cyborgs, robots and Artificial Intelligence, for repairs.
During her stay with the Church of Gort, Maxine became a convert and started to follow the teachings of the Church of Gort. Mister Majestic who had become somewhat of a father figure to Maxine was pleased to see her embrace the tenet "all life is sacred", though she only seemed to recognize mechanical life as sacred. Still, according to him, it was a step in the right direction. But after a schism within the Church, Maxine was targeted by other members for having too many organic parts.

Maxine fled the Church of Gort and met up with Max's brother Cole Cash. Cole was annoyed by Maxine and left her with the Halo Corporation. There, she overheard that former WildC.A.T.s-member Voodoo had been injured by serial killer Samuel Smith and decided to take vengeance upon him.
Her plan was simple-minded: she visited all hotels and motels in the area to fight anybody listed under the name "Smith". After attacking a few innocents, Maxine met with Samuel Smith, whose superhuman powers turned out to be more than she could handle. The damage was so great that she was deactivated.
Later, her body was reprogrammed and adapted into a more scorpion-like form by Wildcat-traitor Noir to attack Spartan, now known as Jack Marlowe, but Marlowe easily defeated the body. Her body was then used by Grifter, whose legs were broken, as a remote-controlled body. Her personality was encrypted and filed away in the Halo Corporation's mainframe. When Grifter's legs healed, he no longer needed her robotic body.
World's End
After the Reaper clones of the High ruined the Earth and all its resources, Ladytron along with the rest of the reformed Wildcats protected Los Angeles from the Halo Building which was the only location that still had power due to their unending batteries. Mr. Majestic repeatedly attacks the building for supplies to take back to his new home in Hawaii. He asks some of the team to come but doesn't ask Ladytron due to her anti-social behavior. She takes part in the team's missions to find the oasis that was thought to have been made by the original Engineer but actually created by Tumbleweed. Later she and the Wildcats encountered the Daemonites' presence in L.A. and battled them until a shaky treaty was established between one another.
Ladytron was even able to rally a group or robots and cyborgs that were members of the Church of Gort to fight against Daemonites that broke the treaty and she made the city's surviving humans understand that the robots and humans need to work together if they expect to live through this crisis. Nemesis and Backlash later left the team expecting Majestic's offer to relocate in Hawaii but they later send a distress call to the team asking them for help. However, Voodoo, now the group's leader, told Ladytron to stay behind because of her relationship with Majestic; but after the team leave the Daemonites were ready to attack their now vulnerable base. Ladytron was able to protect the refugees and proved herself in stalling the Daemonties, Lord Defile and Lady Decadence. Though she was soon subdued by the two Daemonites high lords, but the Wildcats arrived back on time, and Maxine was saved by the robots from the Church of Gort.
After the Halo Building was destroyed, Maxine and the Wildcats joined up with Team-7 in stopping Tao from becoming a mad god who threatened creation. Just as Tao was forcefully given the Creation Equation by Max Faraday, Ladytron had listened the words that were spoken by Faraday to Tao, and transmitted it into the ears of all the heroes, given everyone and herself possessing the power equivalent to Tao. However, Tao was proven stronger and had each of the heroes facing their own fears, in which Ladytron faced her abusive father which briefly sends her into a terrified and catatonic state. After Tao's defeat, Maxine and the other heroes were then gifted with new, augmented costumes reminiscing to their 1990's attire, in which Ladytron was not totally satisfied with her new look.
Maxine and the Wildcats later heeded to the Authority's call in UnLondon and offered the chance to leave Earth on the Carrier. After the Carrier departed, Maxine participated in the war against the Knights of Khera. Following the Knights' defeat, Maxine was tasked by Spartan in helping and joining with Jackson King in finding Earth's new Doctor as she is potential from being unaffected from mind control since King's previous manipulations from Tao, in which she accepted much to King's great reluctance.
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“They seek to complete Project Reunification. Should that happen, the survival of all mankind will be in jeopardy.” - Zealot

Real Name: Lady Zannah
Lucy Blaze
Sister Zealot
Gender: Female
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Race: Kherubim
Kherubim Physiology
Dark Sorcery
Master Martial Artist
Weapons Master
Enhanced Intellect
Mental Illness
Universe: Wildstorm Universe
Origin: Born a Kherubim Lord from the planet Khera
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:
Washington D.C.
Halo Building, New York City, New York
Parents: Harmony; mother
Marital Status: Single
Majestrix of the Coda
Government Operative
Education: Traditional Kherubim Education, Advanced Coda Training
First Appearance: WildC.A.T.s #1 (August, 1992)

Kherubim Physiology: Zealot is Kherubim, and a Kheribum noble meaning all her abilities are enhanced to various degrees, extremely long-lived, and nearly immortal. Her vocal cords are highly developed allowing a far wider range of tones than what is possible for a human being.
Enhanced Senses: Zealot's senses are more developed than those of earth humans; most notably her sight and hearing. She is easily at human peak as far as her ability to note detailed objects. Her hearing on the other hand is very enhanced.
Superhuman Stamina: Zealot has a very high level of endurance. Her body and will are so strong, she will continue to try and fight even against overwhelming odds and when pain wracks every portion of her form. As a note, this isn't invulnerability. Simply a very high pain threshold.
Enhanced Durability: As a Kheribum her skin, bones, and muscle tissues are denser and super-hard compared to a normal human. A regular bullet will not adequately harm her.
Accelerated Healing: She can regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She can regenerate from anything, even injured tissue, brain cells, missing limbs and organs. Gunshot and stab wounds, cuts, and broken bones can perfectly heal in a few minutes.
Enhanced Immunity: Her body neutralizes all detrimental contaminants making him immune to all poisons, toxins, venom, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergens, and radiations.
Immortality: As a Kheran, Zealot possesses virtual immortality. Her race is extremely long lived and she has been on Earth for literally the whole of human civilization and is showing no sign of growing old anytime soon. She is for all intents and purposes biologically immortal.
Superhuman Agility: Zealot has a level of agility that is quite literally astonishing. Her agility, balance, flexibility, dexterity, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic gold medalist, with a quickness far beyond norm. She's capable of feats such as vaulting off of walls, going from flips into a vertical stomp, adjusting her rate and direction when in terminal velocity fall and is essentially, well over Olympic level as far as her ability to flip, dodge, dive, spin and move about. This, coupled with her strength and endurance makes her a formidable fighter alone, not to mention fighting skills.
Superhuman Strength: As a Kheran, Zealot is naturally stronger than a normal human, this ability is further compounded by her extreme level of training and abilities as per her status as Coda Majestrix, and level of experience. She can lift/press up to two tons of weight with effort and in addition to this, knows how to best apply her strength.
Dark Sorcery: For one hundred years, Zealot was in service of the weaver of souls Tapestry. During that time, Tapestry attempted to subvert Zealot into her own image. In that time Zealot became a powerful enchantress with skills and powers nearly on the scale of her teacher; along with the potential to be among the most powerful magic users on the planet. Although later Zealot would purge herself of these terrible abilities, powers she would rarely use. Zealot still has a powerful mystical aura and abilities she demonstrated when she faced Tapestry once more.
Telepathic Communication: The ability to project a dreamy vision of flowing white energy; read minds, view and erase memories of others with or without the person's consent.
Teleportation: She can send herself and/or anyone to anyplace she/they wish to visit without any space/time restrictions.
Mystical Blasts: The ability to generate powerful blasts of arcane force.
Matter Reconstruction: The ability to reconstruct matter such as clothes into a different form and appearance.
Mystical Shields: The ability to generate protective shields of magic
Mystical Manipulation: Twists and subvert other magic's cast at her; return energy projections sent to her back to their source without loss of momentum or power.

Master Martial Artist: With weapons that are older then some civilizations and a status that placed her as the head of an order of warrior women. Zealot has literally been described as one of, if not the deadliest assassin on the planet. Her fighting abilities are unmatched among the coda, with and without a blade. And she can hold her own against virtually anyone, including those physically better then her, in one on one and even group combat. She is more than a match for the best of the best. Her range of martial arts knowledge spans almost all arts known to man and include the alien fighting arts of the Coda.
Weapons Master: Her skills with weapons mainly focus on the use of bladed weapons such as the Coda Clef blade and the katana blade; as well as the one and two handed sword. She is also an expert marksman. She is skilled in the use of throwing objects, such as daggers and the bladed weapons connected to the back of her armored costume.
Enhanced Intellect
Computer Operation

Mental Illness: Zealot hides emotions and is prone to obsessive tendencies.

Lady Zannah, also known as Zealot, is from the planet Khera, where she was part of one of the leading political and cultural groups known as The Coda. On Earth, she became a prominent member of the WildC.A.T.s.

On Khera
Zannah was one of the few fertile Kherubim and therefore she was picked to mate with Lord Majestros of the other leading faction of Khera, the Pantheon. In this union she gave birth to a daughter named Kenesha. However, because Zannah desired to be a warrior rather then a priestess like other Kherubim mothers, her mother Lady Harmony declared the child dead, took a lover and claimed her as her own. This meant Kenesha was brought up as her sister and Majestros was told the child had died.

Trapped on Earth
Thousands of years ago Zannah became one of the Kherubims who had become stranded on Earth when the explorer ship she was on crash landed after battling a Daemonite warship. It was only due to her lover Stratos that she was able to survive, as he was able to get her into one of the ships rescue pods. Not long after she joined the earth war between Kherubim and the Daemonites who wanted to take the planet over.
Zannah and the other survivors were scattered, but found they could easily hide amongst the human population. The Daemonites, while less humanoid used their powers of possession and shape-shifting to hide amongst the population. It was then that the next few millennia was spent waging a secret war, unknown to average humans.

Founding the Earth-based Coda
Not long after crashing on the planet did Zannah start to train human females in The Coda fighting tradition. She even took part in the Trojan War on the Greek side. The payment she was to receive was the 99 baby girls to add to her new Coda. During the war she helped the warrior Ulysses come up with the idea for the Trojan Horse, for her part she spared the royal family, so the massacre would not affect the women and children. The rest of the Coda would not allow such a betrayal of the tenants she had taught them, even from its own founder. She also further earned their contempt when she refused to kill her ally Artemis in a duel she had won. She was then cast out into exile.
It was during her exile that she came across the witch Tapestry and was forced into being her slave, in return for Kenesha's life being spared. She was a slave for many centuries through which the witch tried to brainwash her into thinking like her, but Zannah stayed true to herself though wasn't completely the same. It was during this time that she was taught dark sorcery by Tapestry, though because of its corrupted nature she would refuse to use it for many years after she had escaped.

Team One
In the 1900s Zannah took the name Lucy Blaze and joined Team One, alongside fellow Kherubim survivors Emp, Majestros, and John Colt. She would form a short lived relationship with John and they have a child, she then gives the child to a Siberian family for the child's protection. The team battle the evil Helspont on the first mission. Helspont is a Daemonite Lord and has formed a group known as the Cabal, made up of post-humans and Daemonites. The Daemonite wanted to destroy all humans using nuclear missiles so the Daemonites could rule the planet. Team One fought him and one of their members Regiment succeeded in destroying the only missile left at the cost of his life. The team disbanded after.

Years later, now going by the name Zealot, she came into contact with a human male named Cole Cash. Zealot trained Cole in Coda fighting arts but despite his training he still preferred firearms to edged weapons. Cole later took the secret identity of Grifter. The pair would join forces with Lord Emp in gathering half blooded Kherubim to form the WildC.A.T.s.
During her time on the team she again fought Helspont and his followers. This time he wanted to bring Daemonites to Earth, they foiled his plans. When Voodoo joined the team she also trained her in Coda fighting techniques. It was during this time that Zealot would be brought face to face with her old master Tapestry and the group she had hired. The WildC.A.T.s became involved and the battle even caught the attention of Mr. Majestic and Savant.
Zealot later was involved in the discovery of a crashed Kherubim ship, which the team used to travel back to Khera. Khera turned out not to be the utopian society they had thought it to be, even Zealot was confused as her memory was very different then what she had remembered of her homeworld. Zealot learned along with the rest of the team that the war against the Daemonites had ended thousands of years ago, and they were now second class citizens living in slums and ghettos. Zealot's attitude toward the situation strained her relationship with Voodoo. Also the Coda wanted to kill her hoping she would become a martyr for their cause. Zealot was disgusted and along with the rest of the team returned to Earth. Upon returning they found they had been replaced by a new team. The new team was Mr. Majestic, Savant, Ladytron, Max Cash and Tao. However, Tao was revealed to had been manipulating the team into starting a gang war and she almost killed Tao when they attacked him, but Majestic killed him first. However, it was reveal later that Tao staged his death and had a hypnotized shape-shifter Mr. White in his place.

Zealot was recruited by Department PSI to be a part of Wildcore when they had to deal with a group of aliens known as the D'rahn. She gained intel using a alien database, kept by a group of alien exterminators known as the Puritans. She learned that the D'rahn seek to hunt down earth's Kherubim, during the intel gathering, the D'rahn attack the military base killing the Chasers who protect it. The only people to make it out of the base alive are Zealot, the leader of the Chasers Brawl, and the leader of the Puritans, General Grant. Grant turns out to be a Daemonite in disguise and swears his faction's loyalty to the D'rahn, in turn the D'rahn enlighten them and they become more powerful. Wildcore is able to erase all but ten names of the earth-bound Kherubim, though they are not able to save any of the names left over but one. His fiance Alea is enlightened and she joins Wildcore. At the advice from Ferrian, Wildcore sought for Majestic for help, and their sorcerer ally Azrum to go look for Tapestry to get her help. Majestic joins the battle and kills the Typhon of the D'rahn causing them to retreat. Tapestry is found to have imprisoned Azrum and enslaved Zealot, she then reshapes the world, but Ferrian regains his memories and saves them. In the escape the team loses two members and Zealot left the group.

Coda Revisited
Zealot then returns to the WildC.A.T.s. During a mission involving Daemonite tech being used to turn humans into super soldiers in an Irish village, Zealot tries to save a group of children and is mortally shot. After being shot the village was caught in an explosion and the team believed her to be dead. In truth she was in hiding from various Coda factions, whom she was hunting down in secret, and had a one night stand with a drunken Grifter, who then joined her in her quest. F.B.I. agents soon tracked her down and sends Agent Orange, who unbeknownst to them is under Jack Marlowe's control. The Coda also tracked her down and sends Sarin to capture her, Agent Orange and his agents. Zealot was tortured and about to be executed when Ladytron, under Grifter's control, Mr. Dolby, the Beef Boys and C.C. Renozzo are sent after her. They eventually are freed and the Coda and their base were destroyed.

Kherubim Truth
Sometime later Mr. Majestic requested her help after his time-travel adventure revealed a world controlled by the Daemonites. Zealot, Majestic and Desmond go off in search of a ancient Kherubim tech known as a Planet Shaper. They are attacked by Helspont on their journey. Desmond merged with the device and the they find out that the Kherubim grew in power by enslaving species on planets and taking over that world and that Daemonites were a race that fought back against their control. Soon a rogue Kherubim of the Shapers Guild named Javen arrived. He wanted to use the Shaper and remake Earth into a new Khera and use Majestic's DNA to breed a new race of Kherubims. However, he found that Majestic's body was breaking down due to his dimension and time travel and attempted to take their child Savant as the next best thing. During the battle Majestic made Zealot reveal that she was in fact Savant's mother and he was her father. He then went off to stop the Kherubims forces on his own.

Nemesis from the Past
Some time later a Kherubim named Nemesis made an appearance and it was revealed that she was at one time the lover of Majestic and he used his position to get her trained as a member of the Coda despite her being an Adrastea. Later Zealot and Nemesis became rivals and friends, but because of politics Majestic could not continue a relationship with her and was ordered to mate with Zealot. Nemesis was later framed for the death of Coda members by a Brotherhood of the Sword member named Raven and Zealot swore vengeance against Nemesis, not knowing the truth. Sometime in 2005 Zealot caught up with her, who was killing Brotherhood members. Zealot and the WildC.A.T.s attacked her only to lose easily. She was then bested by Mr. Majestic, who took her to the Halo building where the truth was revealed. In ensuring the battle against the brotherhood Zealot, Nemesis and Majestic made peace with each other and fought side by side, and Nemesis in turn risked herself to stop Raven but is saved at the last minute by Majestic.

World's End
Following after Armageddon, Zealot and the rest of the Wildcats fought all manner of mutations and beasts to bring refugees back to the Halo building in Los Angeles for safety. She and her team were repeatedly, violently confronted by a overzealous Majestic, who wanted the building's supplies of Halo Batteries. After a later hostility with Majestic was altogether pacified, he told the Wildcats that he intended to offer them a chance to live on his Hawaiian kingdom. But disallowed some for being "undesirable", in which Zealot was included for lacking the capability to breed since the birth of Savant. When hearing this, Zealot was especially concerned of her daughter and demanded to know from Majestic as to what happened to Savant since she had left for him. Majestic, however, retorted to the fact that their daughter had always been on her own without the truth of her true parents.
After refusing Majestic's offers and the departure of Nemesis and Backlash, Zealot and the Wildcats were later called from help in Hawaii by Backlash and Nemesis who discretely warn of Majestic. Suspicious, Zealot and the Wildcats left for Hawaii on a feign 'visit'. When Majestic left Hawaii with Spartan to Asia, Zealot and Nemesis silently communicated each other through a training session of the problem. She then realized from Nemesis that Majestic had forcefully kept Savant imprisoned as a breeding mare through test tubes in bringing "pure" Kheran heirs. After releasing Savant, Zealot and the others barely escaped and returned to the Halo building where it was under attack by Daemonites. Zealot and Grifter helped in clearing out the invading Daemonites and allowing the building's refugees to board the MIRV, before everyone escape with the destruction of the Halo building.
Zealot and her team later helped John Lynch and Team-7 in stopping her former teammate-turned villain, Tao, who intended to become a god from stealing the powers of Void, Providence and Max Faraday. During the midst of battle against Tao, Zealot and her daughter Savant were sent by Spartan in recruiting Majestic's help. Upon seeing each other, however, Zealot and Majestic briefly fought each other after the later was still outrage over Nemesis' apparent death until Savant clarified them and informed that Tao was at fault for Majestic's behavior and indirectly responsible for Nemesis' death. When Zealot and her allies gained the power of the Creation Equation and subsequently facing her worst fear, in which Zealot was manipulated into trying to kill her own daughter while Majestic tries to prevent them. Following Tao's defeat, Zealot was granted a new and improve version of her costume patterned after her original attire.
When the Wildcats were looking for The High in Colorado, Zealot and the others were summoned to UnLondon by the Authority and offered the chance of leaving Earth on the Carrier. Zealot decided to stay on the planet and soon joined in the conflict against the militant Knights of Khera, which she greatly acknowledged of their notoriety. She and some of Earth's heroes were sent to the North Pole in succeeding to destroying one of the Knights' terraforming machines. After the Knights' defeat, Zealot and Maul decided to leave the Wildcats after hearing Spartan, who became the de facto leader of Earth's superhumans, of unifying Earth which she vehemently disagreed and preferred on training humanity into a defense force.
Following the three month period of Earth's reconstruction, Zealot claimed African nation of Zanzibar as her protectorate. After this, she recruited willing women across Africa into her own Coda army dedicating to her claim of defending Earth from alien threats. Though her Coda is fewer in numbers, Zealot had Jeremy Stone to artificially impregnate some of her volunteers to produce more female warriors through Kheran technology. This, however, cost the lives of some of the volunteers under the experimentation given that the technology are only specifically suited to Kherubims. Zealot was not concerned of this after Jeremy Stone had informed her of this, much to Jeremy's shock. Eventually, Midnighter, who was carefully concerned of Zealot's agenda since her departure from the Wildcats, investigated Zanzibar and learned of the Coda's fatal birthing process. Ultimately, Zealot and Midnighter engaged in single combat. Throughout their fight, the two were evenly matched as they argued back and forth of their flaws in which Zealot struck a chord in Midnighter in being unable to saved his adopted daughter Jenny Quarx. Eventually both combatants were literally grabbing at each others' throats when Maul, who grew tired of the violence and the guilt for cooperating with Zealot's plan, intervened to stop their fight. As he did this, Zealot was about to slice him out of reflex. Immediately, Maul had no time to avoid this and shrunk down at the subatomic level, in which everyone thought he disintegrated. Zealot was shocked of what she had done, but didn't believe that her sword disintegrated him. She was then chided by Midnighter, who points out that not only did she "kill" Maul but also lost him to maintain the machines for the pregnancies. But Zealot just coolly told him that she and the Coda will move elsewhere and continue their mission in protecting Earth, in which Midnighter vowed that he would follow and stop her wherever she went.

Fun Facts
Since Armageddon Zealot had started a sexual relationship with Grifter.
Almost no one in the Wildstorm universe can beat Zealot hand-to-hand skill wise. Backlash and Midnighter come close, yet in the end, Zealot has weapons older than him and her superhuman attributes. With a sword, she has shown herself to be unmatched.
#zealot#lady zannah#lucy blaze#sister zealot#wildcats#WildC.A.T.s#team one#wildcore#the coda#dc#DC comics#thedcdunce
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“This was a bad idea. I guess that's what happens when you let a stripper play psychiatrist.” - Nemesis

Real Name: Lady Charis of the Adrastea
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 192 lbs (87 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Kherubim Physiology
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Mental Illness
Stealth Suit
Creation Engine Blades
Genetic Concussion Grenades
Universe: Wildstorm Universe
Origin: Formerly a lowly thief of her people, Nemesis fell in love with Majestic and trained in the arts of the Coda.
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Education: Educated in the ways of the Coda
First Appearance: Wildcats: Nemesis #1 (November, 2005)

Kherubim Physiology: Kherubim resemble humans in appearance, but are physically far stronger and more durable and extremely long-lived, nearly immortal. However an evolutionary drawback to their near-immortality is that Kherans are almost infertile, only very rarely will a Kheran produce offspring. This effect is seen in real world natural environments, as longer living organisms will have fewer offspring than organisms with short lifespans. This is a natural check against overpopulation.
Enhanced Senses: Charis has very high levels of senses. most notably sight and hearing. She is easily at human peak as far as her ability to note detailed objects. Her hearing on the other hand is very enhanced.
Immortality: As a Kheran, Charis possesses virtual immortality. Her race is extremely long lived and she has been on Earth for literally the whole of human civilization and is showing no sign of growing old anytime soon.
Enhanced Healing
Enhanced Durability: As a Kheribum she is very very tough and durable. A regular bullet and gun will not adequately harm her and her skin could be considered super hard and dense to a normal human.
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength: As a Kheran, Charis is naturally stronger then a normal human. She can lift/press up to two tons of weight with effort and in addition to this, knows how to best apply her strength.
Empathy: As an Adrastean, she has psychic powers, the strongest of these being empathy, allowing her to sense others by sensing their feelings, as well as learn their past and secret desires among other things.

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Charis was trained as a Coda so she is a spectacular fighter in both armed and unarmed combat.

Mental Illness: If she comes into contact the body of a murder victim, her empathetic ability causes her to experience the feelings of pain and horror of the person who died and compel her to avenge them.

Stealth Suit: She also wears a special stealth suit that lets her create forcefields.
Force Field
Pegasus: An assault hover-bike made from the finest technologies presumably from Khera, Daemon and earth; capable of launching ranged plasma blasts or mounting pickup upon voice command.
Creation Engine Blades: When fighting, Charis wields two blades forged from shards of the Creation Engine that can cut through any material in the universe.
Genetic Concussion Grenades: Pieces of Kherubim ordinance that, once after detonation, horribly wrought ones genetic structure beyond comprehension. Agonizingly warping the recipients bodies apart as their D.N.A caustically disintegrates.

Nemesis was born Charis, a member of the Adrastea. They are like the normal Kherubim but they all have psychic powers. The group was originally a slave caste but became a powerful underground criminal organization.
Charis' first chronological appearance was when she met Mister Majestic on Khera. At the time, she was trying to steal his weapon so she could sell it after. After he caught her, they soon became friends and lovers, and Majestic was able to get her Coda training, something an Adrastean like Charis was normally not allowed due to intense discrimination. Unfortunately, since Charis was an Adrastea, Majestic being with her was frowned upon so they had to stay together in secret. However, their secret wasn't as well hidden as they thought. Kheran politicians, trying to make peace for their planet, chose Majestic to sleep with Zealot, an act that would unite the two most powerful factions on the planet, the Pantheon and the Coda. Majestic felt it was his duty as a Kherubim to do what he was asked of him for the sake of Khera, but the politicians would have blackmailed him by threatening to tell others about Charis if he didn't. Because of his "duty" Majestic and Charis separated, though they still loved each other. They ended up on Earth together though when their ship crashed on the planet.
Charis was part of the Coda on Earth but was betrayed by another faction, the Brotherhood of the Blade. The Brotherhood had joined with some rogue Daemonites in a plan to overthrow both their people. The first step of this plan was to kill hundreds of Coda and frame Charis. They did, leaving only Charis alive among the original Coda. After this, both Zealot and Majestic swore to hunt down Charis, not knowing that she had also sworn to avenge her sisters. The whole betrayal had taken place in Ancient Greece, and Nemesis hadn't been seen since. However, she appeared under the radar in Europe, Japan, and American under various monikers, killing Daemonite enclaves, encountering figures like Majestic and Sherlock Holmes along the way. It wasn't until 2005 that she fully showed up again.
Majestic, Zealot, and the other Wildcats with them, found Nemesis in the middle of killing some Brotherhood assassins, though the Wildcats didn't know that was who they were. She had been hunting and killing Brotherhood members since the betrayal in Greece. After she had killed them, the Wildcats tried to stop her from kidnapping a child that was with the men, but Nemesis made short work of the team. She even managed to cut Majestic with a sword. She escaped with the child but Majestic and the team eventually found her.
Before the Wildcats could arrive tough, Daemonites found Charis and Kara and managed to take them by surprise, but she was able to hold her own until Majestic arrived looking to take Kara back and to kill Charis. After surrounding herself and Kara with a forcefield, Charis blew up the building, with Daemonites and Majestic caught in the explosion. Majestic survived though and used his former relationship with Nemesis to take her down.
Majestros took both of them to a Halo Corporation building in New York City. While there, Charis revealed the truth behind her “betrayal” and also explained what was going on with the girl. The Brotherhood had been mutating humanity since they had betrayed the Coda and their people in Ancient Greece. The girl was created as an activator to trigger the mutations so Nemesis was keeping her safe so the Brotherhood couldn't use her to control humanity. Majestic and Zealot accepted her story, but before Nemesis could be released, a Brotherhood spacecraft emerged from a bleed portal and fired hundreds of projectiles into the Halo building with the Wildcats inside.
The projectiles were Scimitars, Brotherhood/Shaper hybrids, living weapons born and bred to kill. Majestros saved Nemesis at the last minute from being cut in half by a Scimitar. While Majestic was fighting some of the Scimitars, Kara was kidnapped and the Bladeship attacked. After the Brotherhood ship bombarded the building with plasma canons, Charis was the last one standing, thanks to her force field. Following the Scimitar that had captured Kara onto the ship, she came face to face with Raven, the leader of the Brotherhood. She was too late to stop him from activating the girl, and the resulting blast knocked her off the flying ship and to the ground. When she awoke, she was with Majestic, Zealot, Grifter and Savant. It was then that Majestic and Zealot called a truce with Nemesis and offered her the chance to finally avenge her slain sisters of the Coda. Majestic, Nemesis and the Wildcats battled the human mutates in New York City, while other Wildstorm teams fought mutates all over America.
Savant located the Brotherhood's battleship in space, and teleported all the Wildcats using the Halo teleportation system. On board they found that Raven had the entire population of New Jersey frozen in status pods as hostages. He was ready to kill them if the Wildcats didn't surrender. Nemesis, being a Coda warrior, was unable to surrender, and threw out some special grenades, taking out the Brotherhood and buying time for her to send the hostages back to Earth and set the ship to self-destruct. Nemesis was able to locate Kara and free her, but she was attacked by a Daemonite and was about to be shot. Grifter, deeply in lust with Nemesis, took the hit for her. Savant tried to teleport the team back, but there weren't enough beacons to get them all back, so Nemesis gave hers to Kara. She also gave Grifter a goodbye kiss and told Zealot to tell Majestros that had she not sacrificed herself, she would have showed him what he had been missing for the past three millenia.
After the Wildcats were gone, Charis faced off against Raven. Raven also had a blade forged from the material that allowed Charis' blade to cut through anything, so when they fought, it was especially dangerous. They fought and Nemesis won, but in killing Raven, she had damaged the ship and she was sucked out into open space. It was then that Majestic returned, saving her from certain death since the forcefields she had activated when she was sucked out, were losing power. Back at the Halo Corporation building in New York City, Majestros asked Charis to stay with him and be with him as well as join the Wildcats. She turned him down, and after one last kiss went on her way to more adventures. Nemesis, now armed with two indestructible blades was on her own once again.

Armageddon & Revelations
After some time the Void contacted Nemesis to inform her of the on-coming cataclysm that would bring about Armageddon. Void transports Nemesis to a future where the majority of the Earth is destroyed by powerful metahumans. Furthermore, she discovered that Majestros became a mad tyrant and sought to rebuild a "New Khera" on the ruined Earth, while becoming enemies of the Wildcats. Returning to her own time Nemesis joins forces with Savant and Backlash in an attempt to stop that dark future from happening. Ultimately their lead led to a hidden missile bunker in western Utah and discovered that the American government had been weaponizing clones of The High known as Reapers. With the silo destroyed and having killed off a escaped Reaper, Nemesis was rescued by Mister Majestic. However, on the next day she realized too late that the destruction of the silo wasn't able to prevent the inevitable apocalypse, culminating into the events of Number of the Beast.

World's End
Nemesis found herself with the Wildcats when Armageddon hit, and guiltily believed that she herself allowed the cataclysm to happen. She stayed with them for a while, battling against Majestic who had begun a new Kheran empire on the islands of Hawaii. Majestic offered for her to join him in his new empire but she refused. However, after a battle against Lord Defile and his Daemonites, Nemesis and Jodi Slayton decided to take Majestic's offer and left the Wildcats to join him.
However, it was later revealed that Nemesis and Jodi's reason for coming to "New Khera" as they were blackmailed by Majestic as he has been imprisoning Savant for the means of breeding pure Kherubim "heirs" via test tubes. Furthermore, Savant was also imprison for learning that there was something other than Armageddon that driven Majestic to go mad. After the Wildcats came to rescue the three women, Majestic attempted to stop them. Nemesis, alone, fought Majestic in order to gave time for the others to escape. As the two reluctantly fought, their fight brought them over to a active volcano in which Nemesis decides to sacrifice herself to kill her lover into the volcano. However, after the two plunge into the volcano's lava, Majestic was the first to emerge alive and believes that Nemesis didn't survive, forcing him to briefly take his anger on the Wildcats. Majestic later returned to the place of Nemesis' supposed death and had been searching vainly for her trace, but finds only her swords.
Unbeknownst to anyone, Nemesis was saved by someone when she fell into the volcano. Whoever saved her told her that she could have whatever she wanted and what she wanted most was Majestic. She came to UnLondon among the gathered heroes that were notified of the chance to leave Earth on the Authority's Carrier. Following the Carrier's departure and during the Knights of Khera's attack, Nemesis remained hidden throughout the conflict and rescued a wounded Majestic who was impaled in the neck by Sebastian. She took him to be recuperate at his Mount Rushmore hideout and chosen to keep the mute/paralyzed Majestic against his will to conceive a child she desires, which would take years or more to conceive according to their Kherubim physiology. It became apparent that Nemesis's sudden change of personality is being controlled apparently by the individual who rescued her. After the three months period of Earth's restoration, Nemesis finally became pregnant. She then decided that Majestic is in no condition to be a father, and sought the one who rescued her from the volcano to be her unborn child's father figure instead.

Fun Facts
Nemesis once fell in love with Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, who was also the basis for one of Alexandre Dumas' The Three Musketeers character. She regretted being immortal while seeing him growing up to his old age.
It is stated in the 1939 edition of the Planetary Guide, that its author had personally met Nemesis.
Nemesis was an acquaintance of Detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson.
Nemesis sailed on the RMS Titanic and fought Daemonite/Brotherhood assassins who were responsible for sinking the ship.
According to Nemesis, she actually served as the inspiration to or the actual Greek Goddess of Vengeance in ancient times.
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“My name's Priscilla, or you can call me by my stage name if you want. That's Voodoo.” - Voodoo

Real Name: Priscilla Kitaen
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Kherubim Ancestry Physiology
The Sight
Voodoo Magic
Magnetic Manipulation
Daemonite Physiology
Expert Martial Artist
Talented Dancer
Universe: Wildstorm Universe
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:
Halo Corporation
Marital Status: Single
Exotic Dancer
Education: High School Graduate
First Appearance: WildC.A.T.s #1 (August, 1992)

Kherubim Ancestry Physiology: Kherubim resemble humans in appearance, but are physically far stronger and more durable and extremely long-lived, nearly immortal. However an evolutionary drawback to their near-immortality is that Kherans are almost infertile, only very rarely will a Kheran produce offspring. This effect is seen in real world natural environments, as longer living organisms will have fewer offspring than organisms with short lifespans. This is a natural check against overpopulation.
The Sight: Voodoo possess highly advanced telepathic abilities that were limited only by the fact that she had not received any formal training and mainly had naturally developed them. Named, 'The Sight' as most of these powers revolved around her ability to perceive things beyond ones normal sight, they are the focus of her prime abilities. The ones developed due to her status as a Kherubim/Human Crossbreed. The primary power in the Sight is the ability for her to perceive hidden truths. Shape-shifters have no solace from her. She can see a Daemonite possessing a human as it is. No disguise can hold up to this powerful ability, and it is exactly because of this, that the Daemonites wanted her so badly during the beginning and would occasionally target her specifically during later events. Hers are the eyes that cannot be fooled.
Telepathy: Voodoo is a neophyte telepath in that she is quite capable of perceiving the thoughts of others. Be it the thoughts in a crowd, or receiving specific thoughts from individuals. She can read and manipulate the thoughts and emotions of others, and even shut off people's minds. Her powers increase proportionate to physical intimacy, enabling her greater ability to psychically manipulate and read others.
Psi-Blast: Voodoo is powerful enough to focus her psionic energies into a very painful and direct attack. This, psi-blast was powerful enough to effect the Kherubim Lord Entropy. A non-psi would be temporarily crippled by such an assault as their mind flares with a feeling like acid being poured upon it.
True Sight: Voodoo is capable of seeing things as they are. She perceives things as the truth. No disguise holds up to her. No shape-shifter can hide from her powers and no Daemonite is safe when she is present. This power is infallible and so strong she need not be present with the person as she can apparently detect a Daemonite even over television and perhaps via photo's as well. She is capable of perceiving if someone is lying to her.
Mental Separation: Voodoo has the ability to separate psyche's and manipulate such psionic patterns that she may perform literal 'separations'. Be it forcing a Daemonite to leave it's host, or purging a willing individual of unwanted parts of their soul and psyche, or separating and restoring damaged and trapped psyche's within others. Usually she does this via touch, however she can do this from a distance as well. Regardless, whenever she does it she is usually left drained and very vulnerable. Usually very intense pain is involved for one or at times, both of the participants in a depossession and separation attempt. More often then not, the staggering and draining effect is shared by both Voodoo and her target as she, via her natural empathic abilities, seems to feel what they feel temporarily.
Mind Lock: Voodoo has the ability to literally seize control over someone's mind, temporarily freezing and mentally controlling them. The less psionically resistant someone is, the easier it is for her to do this obviously. Voodoo is also able to enter minds, and manipulate an individuals powers and abilities from the outside.
Mental Illusion: Voodoo is capable of very minor telepathic illusions, used to briefly distract and deter and opponent.
Empathy: Voodoo seemingly has slight empathic abilities that generate a magnetic attraction about her that members of the opposite sex can't help but notice her. If she's in a room chances are someone will pick her out or have their eyes drawn to her. She is naturally appealing, this power enhancing her already considerable beauty.
Voodoo Magic: Voodoo learned a limited amount of voodoo magic from a Voodoo Priestess. Wishing to return to her voodoo rituals she sought to learn more from her southern roots.
Necromancy: Voodoo has the ability to reanimate and control dead bodies.
Magnetic Manipulation
Daemonite Physiology
Accelerated Healing: If a Daemonite is ever harmed it can heal indefinitely while it's brain still survives. Daemonites have been seen losing their limbs, internal organs and portions of their brains while still surviving. It also seems that Daemonites heal more quickly while resting within a host body.
Chronokinesis Most Daemonites possess a degree of time manipulation however the exact limits of this ability are unknown.
Claws: Daemonites have long, dangerous claws on each hand and foot which they use within combat and to help break the mental barrier of their host bodies. They can also expose these claws while within their host body to allow for stronger attacks.
Fangs: Daemonites have long, dangerous fangs in their mouths which they use to rend and tear at targets. Their fangs can help them breach the mental barriers of their hosts. Some Daemonites use long tendrils instead of fangs for the same effects.
Immortality: Daemonites have survived for countless years within and without a host body. It is assumed by scientists and enemies of the Daemonites that they are immortal; however, this may only be the case in mental form. As such Daemonites can in fact live forever if only while within a host body. Without a body it can still survive at least a million years.
Metamorphosis: Only the strongest of Daemonites can shape-shift. Only the strongest of those Daemonites can change into inorganic material. A Daemonite can shape-shift even while possessing a host body but they'll normally revert quite quickly. Only one Daemonite has been seen shifting his body parts into inorganic material but the possibility remains for all Daemonites.
Phasing: Daemonites have a degree of intangibility allowing them to phase through solid objects as they do when they take possession of a host body. They can continue to phase even while within their host body. Their phasing isn't automatic and they must concentrate to hold their form.
Possession: Daemonites are parasitic beings that not only take complete control over another being's body but inhabits their mind as well. They feed on the nutrients and physiology of the host body until the body is destroyed or the Daemonite abandons it. Normally, possession causes no harm to the physical body but the process changes frequently. The stronger the Daemonite the easier the transition. Occasionally, the Daemonite can leave the host body violently and destroy the body.
Superhuman Durability: A Daemonite's body is more durable than that of a human while on Earth. While some Daemonites cannot survive a bullet to the head which removes their brain functions others can take multiple bullets to their body without harm. Physical training can increase a Daemonite's durability.
Superhuman Speed: A Daemonite's body is faster than that of a human while on Earth. Either while within a human host or not they exhibit incredible amounts of speed which can carry them to speeds that match that of most street cars while their physical capabilities of speed while in combat also increase past human levels.
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Strength: A Daemonite's body is stronger than that of a human while on Earth. When a Daemonite must they will resort to physical combat and exhibit their strength enough to roll over cars or rip off a door to a plane. A Daemonite's strength is determined by their physical capability and some Daemonites may not be as strong as others.
Telepathy: Daemonites are not only physical beings that take possession of host bodies but they manipulate the mental effects of the beings as well. Not limited to only understanding the thoughts of each other or their hosts they can extend this ability to a wide range and even track targets by their mental signature. Most Daemonites are connected by a central mind which they do not need to focus to maintain.

Expert Martial Artist: Trained in the martial arts of The Coda.
Occultism: She was also mentored in the use of Voodoo magic by a High Voodoo Priestess.
Talented Dancer

Priscilla Kitaen was an exotic dancer before being rescued by the WildC.A.T.s from the Daemonites. Voodoo possessed a unique ability known as "The Sight", which allowed her to perceive a being possessed by a Daemonite and exorcise it from its host body. She was therefore important to both sides in the war. Upon joining the WildC.A.T.s she developed more significant and powerful psychic abilities as well as animalistic powers. She was taken in for training by Zealot in Coda fighting techniques. She also began a long-term relationship with team leader Spartan. Eventually Voodoo was shot and went into a coma. Void used a computer to enter Priscilla's mind and found out she was descended from a Kherubim possessed by a Daemonite making her a Kherubim/Daemonite/Human Hybrid.

Kheran Truth
When the WildC.A.T.s later traveled to Khera, the Kherubim homeworld, Voodoo was placed in a Daemonite ghetto because of her heritage. It was here that she discovered the long war between the two races had ended centuries ago and the Daemonites had lost. She also discovered that not all Daemonites were evil as she was led to believe. The ones she was use to combating were fanatic militants, the ones she met on Khera were citizens. When she finally found the WildC.A.T.s, she confronted Zealot about the treatment of the Daemonites, Zealot in turn told her she was of an inferior race in front of the Coda sisterhood. This put a great strain on their relationship, to the point Voodoo would have nothing more to do with her or Khera. She relented and helped the WildC.A.T.s stop the Coda from trying to assassinate Zealot, who then also turned away from Khera. When they returned to Earth, Voodoo couldn't forget what she experienced and left the team.

Now living in New Orleans, Priscilla returned to exotic dancing. She began working in a club called the Midnight Lounge, owned by a man named Christian Charles. She became good friends with a fellow dancer named Purity. A man she met while living there named Attibon found her a place to stay at the Royale hotel. There she met a former prostitute named Freeda and a former hitman named Saturday. They would then reveal themselves as Erzulie, Papa Legba and Baron Samedi. Priscilla's boss Christian was found to have been using his dancers in a voodoo blood ritual, killing them and bathing in their blood, in order to bring his dark magician father back from the dead. Priscilla along with police detective investigating the murders, lieutenant David Dove, came just in time to save Purity from Christian but he already absorbed enough blood to resurrect his father from the dead. Priscilla channeled Erzulie and fought Christian and his father, who were no match for her dance. Luring them back to the Royale, where Baron Samedi, Erzulie and Papa Legba forced them to bow to balance and walk through a door to face Damballa, which in turn blew up the Royale. The experience made Priscilla decide to learn more about voodoo magic and she became an apprentice to a mambo.

Priscilla & Jeremy
Several months later she rejoined the WildC.A.T.s briefly. She then left the team when it disbanded after the supposed death of Zealot. She moved in with Maul, but he became more introverted the more she tried to get closer to him, locking himself away in his lab. Jeremy in truth had fallen in love with her and was trying to come up with a method to remove her Daemonite genes. Unknown to her, she was being followed by a Daemonite possessing an old man.

Brutal Attack
Priscilla was later given a credit card from the Halo Corporation under the name Marlowe. She was then attacked by the serial killer Samuel Smith, the grandson of Slaughterhouse Smith. Samuel was trying to kill Jacob Marlowe and all his relatives. Jacob had defeated Slaughterhouse sometime in the past, and now Samuel wanted revenge. He surprise attacked her and used his powers to brutally injure her. Cutting off her legs and cutting open her throat. Spartan and Grifter were instrumental in Smith's demise. It was at this time that Grifter convinced Maul that trying to get rid of her Daemonite genes may not be what Voodoo wants.

Daemonite Training
Recuperating in the hospital, the medical staff was amazed at how fast her throat injury healed. It wasn't long that she discovered a Daemonite among the medical staff. Soon she was confronted by the Daemonite. He explained that he was a rare conscientious objector among the daemonite military fanatics of Earth, he also claimed to be her grandfather. He taught her how to use her daemonite powers: time manipulation, and regeneration in only a few hours, she had fully regrown her legs. He told her it would be in her best interest to start a relationship with Jeremy, then he left.

Mental States
The relationship became problematic, when Voodoo's telepathic powers started to increase with the amount of physical intimacy she had. Voodoo, wishing to further the development of this situation, was willing to even go as far as sleeping with other men. Jeremy couldn't handle the situation at all and they would constantly fight about it. Priscilla then intentionally angered him, causing him to grow in size and therefore decrease in intellect until he forgot the reason they were fighting. Giving her the opportunity to leave the relationship.

WildC.A.T.s Reborn
Priscilla once again became an exotic dancer for high end clients, such as oil shieks and billionaires. Hadrian would come and ask her to rejoin the team, and despite the amount of time that had passed between their relationship and superhero days, they still were very attracted to each other and they ended up sleeping together. She came back as an employee of the Halo Corporation, getting paid triple her former salary.

World's End
After Armageddon, Priscilla had become a more calm and understanding individual. Using her mental abilities to keep the peace in the horrible post-apocalypse the Wildcats now live in. She is seen comforting both Spartan and Maul alike creating jealously between the two she loves. Ultimately her relationship lied with Spartan, though Maul accepted it as he saw through that he himself and Priscilla wouldn't make a perfect couple. Priscilla proved herself of being a more capable leader even when she dealt with Paris of former Stormwatch P.H.D. in establishing an easy peace between him and the animals in the Nevada Garden with human survivors outside the garden's boundary, and settling a brief truce between her team and Lord Defile's Daemonites in Los Angeles.
After her team helped Team-7 in stopping Tao, Priscilla was gifted with a new and improved costume based on her original attire by Max Faraday. She and the Wildcats were later summoned to UnLondon by the Authority and notified of the chance to leave Earth on the Carrier. However, Voodoo chose to stay shortly before intervening in Earth's war against the militant Knights of Khera. During the pitch battle in UnLondon, Priscilla obligated in having Spartan resume his leadership and was given a mission of trying to locate the Garden of Ancestral Memory in gaining the Earth's help in stopping the Knights' terraforming machines. On a helpful note from Grunge, Priscilla revived the former English Doctor of the 19th century, Sir Edwin Makepeace, and communicates his spirit in the Garden for the Doctors' help. However, she learned from the spirit of Sir Edwin that the previous Doctors had already been trying to heal the Earth since the Number of the Beast incident, but came with no success. And neither do they know of the newest Doctor after Habib bin Hassan went insane. Despite this, the Knights were managed to be defeated.
Following the end of the invasion, Voodoo was tasked with the undead Sir Edwin in finding Earth's current Doctor.

Fun Facts
Described as the most gifted of gifted ones. Voodoo is perhaps one of the more powerful cross-breeds and SPB's around. She possess extreme potential and her powers when all added together, coupled with her coda training, and now potential training in the arts of voodoo magic. Make her one of the most fearsome individuals in Wildstorm, anyone would have to face. Her abilities cover a wide range and in the past she was limited only by her lack of experience and conviction. Now that she has both, she is a force to be reckoned with.
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Gorilla Grodd
“Soon all humans will join our species and our cause or die! Grodd has spoken!” - Gorilla Grodd

Real Name: Grodd
William Dawson
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 6″
Weight: 600 lbs (272 kg)
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Race: Gorilla
Gorilla Physiology
Genius Level Intellect
Mental Illness
New Earth
Citizenship: Gorilla City Citizen
Base of Operations: Gorilla City, Africa
Marital Status: Separated (Boka; wife)
First Appearance: The Flash #106 (May, 1959)

Gorilla Physiology
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Strength
Animal Control
Mind Control
Mind Transference
Psychic Wave Bolts
Thought Sensing
Molecular Reconstruction
Energy Projection
Force Field

Genius Level Intellect: Grodd is extremely intelligent with knowledge of technology beyond the development of human civilization.
Mental Illness: Despite his acumen, Grodd was a degenerate savage who killed and ate the brains, often the whole, of his victims like a vicious beast.

Quadromobile: In Grodd's early days as a villain, he used a ship based on Gorilla City technology to move around. The ship could move at the same speed as the Flash, except could change direction without losing velocity instantly. The ship also had a bore on the front to drill through the earth and was named after it's ability to travel through Air, On the Ground, Under Earth, and through Water.

Gorilla Grodd was The Flash's enemy from Gorilla City, a city in the jungles of Africa populated by intelligent gorillas. He possessed amazing intelligence and force of mind capabilities, powers allegedly granted him when he was exposed to a space-rock that landed in the African jungles.
Grodd's mind took over the body of criminal William Dawson, who was in prison. When released, he traveled back to Gorilla City. Upon reaching his destination, Dawson's body devolved back into Grodd's original gorilla form. There, he saw and fell in love with Solovar's bride-to-be, Boka. Determined to have her, he designed a machine that caused his body to emanate neo-magnetic radiation. As a result, everyone who saw him instantly liked him. He arrived at the wedding procession, and Boka immediately became infatuated with him. They were married, and Grodd was declared king of Gorilla City. Not satisfied, he had the gorillas build him a plane, which he flew to Central City, where the humans quickly began adoring him, including the Flash. He began running for governor as the Statewide Party candidate, planning on continuing on to president after that. However, the Flash foiled Grodd's plan when he discovered that the neo-magnetic radiation could be counteracted by solar flare radiation, which he duplicated by vibrating his body at super speed to match the frequency. Afterwards, Grodd was easily apprehended.
Grodd had been trapped inside the human body of an overweight street bum. He was attacked by a gang known as the Vultures. One of them commented on how their member Iggo had the strength of a gorilla, which reminded Grodd of his true form. Suddenly changing back to his original shape and size, he quickly defeated the gang, making them believe that they are burning in molten lava by using his force of mind power. Reading the minds of the crooks, he saw that one of the former members of their gang was a friend of the Flash, and a plan began to form in his mind.
Grodd found another space-rock, identical to the one that had given him his powers, and contacted Hector Hammond, a human who had also gained similar powers through another space-rock, hoping to use this meteorite as a super-weapon to rule the world. However, while Hammond and Grodd tried to wrestle this meteorite away from the Green Lantern, who had joined the Flash in Africa, it exploded, accelerating Grodd's evolution even more so. With these heightened powers, Grodd was able to gain control of Gorilla City's entire population. With the help of Rex the Wonder Dog, the two were able to defeat Grodd. The battle left Grodd's mind like a child's, and he and Hammond, who the meteorite had turned into a Cro-Magnon, were left in Gorilla City to be educated into useful citizens.
After being nearly killed, Grodd was healed by the Nzame, a holy child to the gorillas of Gorilla City. He was prepared to kill the infant, but was suddenly summoned to Keystone City by Spin in an effort to defeat the Flash. Angered, Grodd proceeded to destroy Spin's lair. Their battle spilled out into the streets of Keystone, where they were met by the Flash.
#gorilla grood#grood#william dawson#the injustice league#the society#tartarus#Anti-Justice League#antijustice league#anti justice league#the secret society of super villains#the secret society of super-villains#the secret society of supervillains#legion of doom#dc#DC comics#thedcdunce
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Richard Dragon
“An old Chinese proverb says the ordinary man takes revenge at once, while the superior man waits three years! Three years from now, watch your step!” - Richard Dragon

Real Name: Richard Drakunovski
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 175 lbs (79 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Master Martial Artist
Dragon's Claw
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: New York City
Mitchell Metcalf; father
Denise Metcalf; mother
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Martial Arts Instructor
First Appearance: Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #1 (May, 1975)
Last Appearance: Detective Comics Annual#12 (February, 2011)

Equestrianism: Richard Dragon is capable of fighting on horseback.
Master Martial Artist: Although Richard Dragon possesses no superhuman abilities, his astounding martial arts feats often make him seem more than human. Dragon is proficient in the use of all martial arts weapons, though he prefers hand-to-hand combat. He possesses a talisman given to him by the O-Sensei, a claw carved from jade called The Dragon's Claw. This totem seems to mystically collect and direct Dragon's energies in times of greatest need, though it is probable that the Claw serves as a focusing point for Dragon's concentration and contains no real powers of its own.
Aikido: Dragon is known to have mastered Aikido.
Karate: Dragon is known to have mastered Karate.
Kung Fu: Richard Dragon is a Kung Fu Fighter.
Dragon Style Kung Fu: Richard Dragon is a master in several forms of Kung Fu, notably Dragon Style.
Leopard Style Kung Fu: Richard Dragon has mastered a technique which includes an attack known as the Leopard's Claw.
Jiu-Jitsu: Dragon is known to have mastered Jiu-Jitsu.
Judo: Dragon has studied Judo.
Muay Thai: Dragon has mastered and taught Muay Thai.
Pencak Silat: Dragon is known to have training in a Javanese armed Pencak Silat discipline.
Meditation: Richard Dragon is skilled in Chinese meditative techniques which he uses to enhance his concentration and channel his chi.

Dragon's Claw: A small jade amulet given to him by O-Sensei. The Dragon's Claw is a mystical artifact that collects and channels mystical energy in times of great need. Richard Dragon uses the Dragon's Claw as a focus for meditation and channeling his inner ch'i.

Richard Dragon is one of the world's greatest martial artists. This has allowed him to take many different roles. He has been a thief, a secret agent, a vigilante, and later in life he became a martial arts instructor. In this position he has tutored several prominent superheroes.

Kung Fu Fighter
Richard Dragon grew up poor and neglected in the slums of St. Louis, Missouri. He has mentioned that his father died in a plane crash. Richard was living as a thief in Japan when the O-Sensei caught him trying to steal a Buddha statue. He tried to kill the old man, but O-Sensei easily defeated him. O-Sensei saw goodness in Richard Dragon, and decided to take him in as a student. Richard spent six years studying with the O-Sensei, learning to control his anger. He also developed a close friendship with Ben Turner, the O-Sensei's other student. Their lessons included combat, history, philosophy, and science. When their training was finished, O-Sensei sent them to find their destiny. They were immediately recruited by Barney Ling, an agent of G.O.O.D., who used them to break up a slave ring in Sudan. Dragon and Turner decided to start their new lives in New York City, traveling with the O-Sensei's goddaughter Carolyn Woosan. They are attacked when they get there, and Carolyn is kidnapped by a spy called the Swiss. The Swiss became obsessed with Richard, and set up an ambush with exotic weapons experts. Richard defeated them by channeling his strength with the Dragon's Claw given to him by O-Sensei. He then pursued the Swiss by motorcycle, leading to a car accident where Carolyn is killed. This devastated Richard, and he followed the Swiss to an empty junkyard then beat him to death in a fight.
In the aftermath of this tragedy, Ben and Richard set up a martial arts school in Manhattan. Barney Ling enlisted Richard to take down Guano Cravat, an industrialist who hired the Swiss to kidnap Carolyn. Carolyn's sister is the deadly assassin Lady Shiva, and Cravat tricked Shiva into fighting Richard. Richard convinced Shiva that he did not kill Carolyn, and they teamed up to stop Cravat. Their extraction plane was crashed by a pirate named Slash, who Richard was able to defeat. Cravat returned to take revenge on Dragon and Shiva by hiring Doctor Moon to kill them. Dragon and Shiva defeated Moon's surgically altered brutes, but Cravat and Moon escaped. Slash returned and used a trap to blind Richard, but Richard was able to defeat him even with no eyesight.
Ben Turner was targeted by assassins. Ling promised to give them intel if they will do another mission for him. Richard went to the Caribbean with Shiva and Turner to defeat the mysterious Preying Mantis. Turner learned that his sister was murdered by a corrupt logger named Hatchett. The trio defeat Hatchett to rescue Turner's nephew Benjamin, Jr. Turner was attacked by another strange assassin, the Silent Samurai. Barney Ling sent them on an undercover mission to China, where Dragon killed the Samurai. They are drawn into a conflict between Blodwyn and Madame Sun of the Doomsday Tong, where Richard is forced to defeat a clone of himself. Ben is poisoned in another attack, and Shiva recognized the League of Assassins. Dragon and Shiva pursued the assassin Viper to Mongolia where he died trying to escape.

Later, when he retired as an adventurer, Richard Dragon became a trainer of several costumed vigilantes. This included Barbara Gordon, Vic Sage, and Helena Bertinelli among many others. Unfortunately, Dragon fell under the sway of the notorious Lady Shiva, who drew him into the world of underground fighting competitions. Now Dragon is redeeming his past sins by tracking down the many criminals he encountered while immersed in the deadly world he indulged in.
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Lady Blaze
“I'm not one for endless and convoluted bureaucracy.” - Lady Blaze

Real Name: Blaze
Angelica Blaze
Gender: Female
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Race: Human/Demon Hybrid
Demonic Physiology
Tactical Analysis
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:
Parents: Jebediah of Canaan; father
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Action Comics #655 (July, 1990)

Demonic Physiology
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability

Tactical Analysis

Blaze has been working behind the scenes for a long time and was involved in the creation of Superman villains Silver Banshee and Skyhook. A red-skinned demon with horns, she disguises herself as Metropolis nightclub owner Angelica Blaze to steal souls. Superman follows her to Hell to fight for the souls of Jimmy Olsen and Perry White's son Jerry. Superman manages to save Jimmy Olsen, but Blaze succeeds in taking Jerry White's soul.
Blaze later appeared in Fawcett City where she took a new mortal guise as a mob boss. Her plans for the city were foiled by Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family. It was also revealed that she and Satanus were only half-demons, their father being the wizard Shazam, and that it was Blaze who corrupted Black Adam.

Reign in Hell
Blaze is seen to be going along with a revolution staged by her brother Satanus against the lord of hell Neron.
#lady blaze#blaze#angelica blaze#shazam#satanus#lord satanus#triumvirate of hell#dc#DC comics#thedcdunce
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Lord Satanus
“Go to hell? My dear, I am Hell.” - Lord Satanus

Real Name: Satanus
Collin Thornton
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Race: Human/Demon Hybrid
Demonic Physiology
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:
Parents: Jebediah of Canaan; father
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Adventures of Superman#493 (August, 1992)
Last Appearance: Reign in Hell #8 (April, 2009)

Demonic Physiology
Size Alteration
Energy Projection

Lord Satanus resembled a traditional demon, save that he wore a heavy Roman-style helmet, and either had black skin or the helmet buried his face in shadow. He and his sister Blaze fought for possession of the latter's domain, using Superman as a pawn. At the end of it, it was revealed that Satanus was disguised as Colin Thornton, the publisher of Newstime magazine, who had previously hired Clark Kent as editor.
Lord Satanus, meanwhile, had created DMN, a magical drug that transformed people into demons, which he arranged to be sent to areas of the world where people were in desperate straits. After the Fall of Metropolis, the city became one of these areas. Horrified by what had befallen his home, Satanus sent a disguised magical message to Zatanna, who used Perry White and Superman's knowledge of the city to restore it. Satanus would use the DMN addicts again, however, to distract Shazam from detecting his presence when the wizard visited Metropolis.
Following Brainiac-13's recreation of Metropolis, Satanus made an ambitious effort to capture the soul of the entire city. Superman offered his own soul in exchange, but eventually thwarted Satanus with the help of a young psychic and a mysterious shaman named Night Eagle who, it was implied, might be Blaze.

Day of Vengeance
Satanus recently revealed to Superman that he was Colin Thornton when the Spectre arrived in Metropolis as part of his mission to destroy all evil magic during the Day of Vengeance. Whether Lord Satanus was destroyed or not was not revealed. He does appear at the magician's seance to summon the Spectre during the Infinite Crisis.

Reign In Hell
Satanus and his sister Blaze have decided to make an attempt for the throne of Hell by causing a revolt against Neron. They preach to the damned about the hope of getting beyond being a simple realm of suffering eternally and becoming a place to atone for past sins and then to be free of torment for the debts long since paid. Satanus preaches of a hell not bound by laws handed down long ago, stating that the only ones keeping the laws in place are those who continue to toil under them without hope. He pledges to change this.
Lord Satanus led his forces against those of Neron in a battle that raged throughout the Infernal Dominion, throwing Hell into chaos the likes of which it has not known for centuries. While at first his forces were holding their own, as time went by, the overwhelming number of warriors and demons under Neron's command became too much for his forces to handle. While his sister Blaze faced off against the sorcerer Doctor Fate, Satanus set the last of his plans in motion.
Coming to his sister after the end of her duel with Fate, Satanus revealed the truth of his plans to her. Reminding her of the magical drug he had created years ago, DMN, he reminded her of its properties for turning mortals into demons, it could also work in reverse for turning demons into humans. He explained that the entire war had been a ruse, a way for his plague-carrying troops to reach throughout Hell, spreading his plague. He also simultaneously used his power to create a conjuring for Neron to witness their conversation, a direct challenge to his power.
Neron accepted, and broadcasting his intentions to the entirety of the Infernal Dominion, teleported to Satanus to bring him to task for his actions. Satanus fought Neron in a magical duel that spread across the realm of Hell. Satanus was able to barely stand against Neron, and just as his enemy prepared to end their fight, he triggered his trap, speaking aloud "Shazam". All the demons infected with DMN were transformed into humans, and each one drew power from Neron, reverting him back to the pitiful demon he had started out as.
Lord Satanus wasted no time beheading Neron. Proclaiming himself ruler of Hell, he gifted his sister with the head of their enemy, and prepared for his rule to begin.
Transporting to Neron's former citadel, Lord Satanus and his sister Lady Blaze moved in, taking over. Trading in his battle armor for robes, Satanus is waited on by numerous servants. Waiting for the Infernal Dominion to re-align itself to his will as it had for Neron, Satanus cut it off from all other planes while his power was consolidated.
He explained to Blaze that instead of placing demons over the souls of the Damned to watch and torment them, he would instead allow them to torment each other. He explained that needing to pass blame on to others, because of their curse of Pride they would keep each other in check, blaming one another for their failures in life and damning themselves even further. Entering his throne room, where thrones waited for both him and his sister, he picked up the dispatched head of Neron and forced it to say the words that would hand over control to him.
He then used his power to re-constitute one of his former demonic servants, sending him forth to find Doctor Fate so that he could be properly punished for the disfigurement of his sister. Waiting as his power grew, Satanus used a burst of strength to remodel and reshape the citadel. Sitting on his throne he began to plan, ready to bring all past debts in to call.
Black Alice later appeared in an attempt to force him into returning a part of her soul that was dragged to Hell during the war by Lilith. She attempted to absorb Satanus' power but was intercepted by Blaze who absorbed Satanus' power for herself and overthrew him as the ruler of Hell while leaving him chained to her side as a shriveled husk.
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“That's it. That's the way it always is. I caught you fair and square and you go and call the damn fish.” - Scavenger

*Trigger Warning*
Real Name: Peter Mortimer
Gender: Male
Height: 5′ 9″
Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg)
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Scorpion Ship
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: Atlantic Ocean
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Professional Criminal
First Appearance: Aquaman #37 (January, 1968)
Appearance of Death: Hawkman Vol 3 #15 (December, 1994)

Diving: The Scavenger is an expert diver.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): Though he rarely engages in physical combat, the Scavenger is an able-bodied fighter and is proficient at fighting underwater and being able to compensate for changes in water pressure.
Swimming: The Scavenger is a skillful swimmer.

Scorpion Ship: The Scorpion-Ship is a submersible vehicle and is the primary tool of the Scavenger. In addition to navigating through the ocean depths, the ship is also equipped with four, modular legs for traversing the ocean floor. The ship is also equipped with a "Retriever Beam", which uses a column of energy to pull cargo from sunken ships. In addition, the Scorpion-Ship can also generate a Force Field beam, ideal for catching prey. The exterior of the ship is extremely durable and can withstand massive blunt force attacks, such as a ramming bull whale. The ship can also coat itself with a sheathe of ice, which is ideal for warding off heat-seeking weapons.

Peter Mortimer was a deep-sea diver and pirate who called himself the Scavenger. Dressed in a specially-designed diving suit, he plundered the ocean waves, scavenging for valuables from sunken ships. He operated out of an advanced submersible vessel called the Scorpion-Ship. At some point in Mortimer's past, he had an alliance, possibly even a partnership with the Ocean Master, but the nature of this relationship has never been expanded upon, save to say that neither man had any real loyalty to the other.
Many years ago, the Scavenger learned of an alien artifact called a Time Decelerator. He believed that this device would grant him immortality. He journeyed to Atlantis and confronted the Atlantean king, Aquaman. Believing that Aquaman secretly knew the location of the Time Decelerator, he kidnapped his wife Mera and his son Arthur Curry, Jr. He used the technology from his Scorpion-Ship to poison the waters of the Atlantic, forcing Aquaman to help him locate the device. It was actually the Ocean Master however who found it, and though he pointed the Scavenger in the correct direction, he ultimately betrayed him by sabotaging his Scorpion-Ship. The Scavenger found the Time-Decelerator and activated it. Rather than bestowing immortality however, it actually regressed him in age until he ceased to exist.
The Scavenger's essence remained in limbo for many years, but he eventually reconstituted himself to his correct size and age. Donning a new costume, he rebuilt the Scorpion-Ship and allied himself with Kobra.
The Scavenger located a highly coveted sunken submarine called the Bellerophon and began looting it on behalf of Kobra. This brought him into a second confrontation with Aquaman, and this time, he succeeded in keeping Aquaman at bay. Aquaman persevered though and used the aid of some sea barnacles to down the Scorpion-Ship and capture the Scavenger. Infuriated by his underling's failure to raid the Bellerophon, Kobra had the Scorpion-Ship destroyed.
Scavenger is later shown to have reformed, and even become friends with Aquaman. Their last battle was over stolen cargo that turned out to be vaccines. Mortimer's conscience got the better of him, and he was treated like a hero for the first time as he helped deliver them safely. Aquaman helped him clean up his act, and even become a business owner.
After, Scavenger had somehow acquired the avatar of the barracuda. He used his newfound powers to fulfill his pedophilia desires and also profited from selling videos of him raping young boys and girls. Now calling himself Barracuda, he was tracked down by Hawkman, who was investigating other people who had become avatars like himself. Barracuda tried to overpower Hawkman with his mental powers but when he failed, Hawkman slammed his face into a computer screen, killing him.
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Uncle Sam
“There's some folks as call me the Spirit of Liberty but I'll letcha make up your own mind about that.” - Uncle Sam

Real Name: Samuel Wilson
Spirit of America
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 5″
Weight: 140 lbs (64 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
American Idealism
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
American Idealism
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: The Heartland
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Justice League of America #107 (October, 1973)

American Idealism: Uncle Sam's powers are proportionate to the United States' faith in the ideals of liberty and freedom.
Possession: The American Spirit will merge with a dying patriot to manifest physically. Uncle Sam will usurp all memories of the host. The possession is permanent until that Sam chooses voluntarily to leave the body.
Immortality: Uncle Sam's appearance, though occasionally different, remains relatively the same in every year. He always appears as a middle-aged though able-bodied man with white hair and a white beard.
Interdimensional Teleportation: He is also shown to be able to transport himself and others to a pocket of an alternate dimension called The Heartland. Pre-Crisis, he was also able to travel between Earth-Two and Earth-X at will, though he lost this ability when fatigued.
Limited Clairvoyance: While on Earth-X in 1941, Uncle Sam received a vision of the attack on Pearl Harbor occurring on Earth-Two. The vision came unbidden, and was not something Sam could control.
Size Alteration
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Strength
Bio-Fission: In great American civil conflicts, Sam can split in two entities, each one supporting one of the sides. During the American Civil War, Sam had been split in two as Johnny Reb and Billy Yank. It's unknown if he can split in more duplicates.
Historical Object Detection: Sam can detect the whereabouts of patriotic objects, as the American Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and possibly others.

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)

American Idealism: Uncle Sam's powers are grounded by the strength of the American consciousness. When the overwhelming spirit of America falters, Sam's strength and stamina declines. During the American Civil War, the country's faith was sundered and Sam was split into two composite forms, Johnny Reb and Billy Yank.

Uncle Sam is described as a spiritual entity created through an occult ritual by the Founding Fathers of the United States. This "Spirit of America" was initially bound to a powerful talisman and would take physical form by merging with a dying patriot. The Spirit of America had taken human form as the Minute-Man during the Revolutionary War, Brother Jonathan in later conflicts and, during the American Civil War, had been split in two as Johnny Reb and Billy Yank.

Freedom Fighters
The Spirit first assumed its now familiar Uncle Sam incarnation in 1870, when it resurrected a political cartoonist who had been killed by Boss Tweed. The second host of Uncle Sam fought in World War I. A third was a superhero during World War II, fighting alongside young Buddy Smith. After the Japanese attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii brought his country into the war, Sam organized and led the Freedom Fighters and was a member of the All-Star Squadron but vanished at the end of the war. The Spirit was resurrected in a new costumed form called the Patriot during the Imperiex War, but later reverts to Uncle Sam. A new incarnation of the Freedom Fighters was formed at this time.

Infinite Crisis
During the Infinite Crisis, the Freedom Fighters were attacked by the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Uncle Sam was shown easily standing up to Black Adam, even knocking him away with one punch. Three of the Freedom Fighters, Human Bomb, Phantom Lady and Black Condor were killed in the battle. Uncle Sam himself seemingly dies at the hands of Deathstroke while the other team members are brutally injured but survive. Sam was not seen among the dead Freedom Fighters after they were found strung up on the Washington Monument.

One Year Later
By the end of the "Lost Year", the spirit of Uncle Sam was reincarnated and attempting to form a new version of the Freedom Fighters. This new incarnation of Uncle Sam emerged from the Mississippi River while Father Time, the leader of S.H.A.D.E., was elsewhere planning the future of his organization by using new incarnations of Freedom Fighters members as recruits. Uncle Sam, disturbed by the deadly force used by the new versions of Phantom Lady, The Human Bomb, Doll Man and others, successfully recruits these metahumans into his new Freedom Fighters team, which results in Father Time ordering his remaining S.H.A.D.E. personnel to pursue and kill Uncle Sam and his team. Although Uncle Sam is shown to be against killing, particularly rebuking Doll Man for murdering a crime lord in front of the man's young grandson, Uncle Sam is not against using deadly force when necessary.
Due to circumstances, Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters came into an alliance with S.H.A.D.E. against the evil entity Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard, which resulted in Sam becoming, briefly, the director of S.H.A.D.E. before control was of the organization was regained by Father Time, while under the watch of Checkmate.
During the Final Crisis, Uncle Sam was among the many super heroes that were corrupted by the Anti-Life Equation.
#uncle sam#samuel wilson#spirit of america#minute-man#minute man#minuteman#patriot#freedom fighters#All-Star Squadron#all star squadron#dc#DC comics#thedcdunce
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Rainbow Raider
“Why waste your time Flash? Even if you catch me, nobody'll appreciate it!” - Rainbow Raider

Real Name: Roy G. Bivolo
Gender: Male
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 165 lbs (75 kg)
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Prisma Goggles
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: Central City
Marital Status: Widowed (Joseph Waller; husband)
Professional Criminal
First Appearance: The Flash #286 (June, 1980)
Appearance of Death: The Flash Vol 2 #183 (April, 2002)


Prisma Goggles: Shoots a variety of colored beams.
Rainbow Bridge
Emotion Control

Roy G. Bivolo was a wonderful painter from an early age. He was also color blind, however. His father, a famous optometrist, was determined to create a device that would allow his son to see in full color, but Roy did not receive this gift until his father died. Unfortunately, the goggles did not correct his vision. What they did do was project beams of light that could become solid objects, make him invisible, blind his opponents, or affect the emotions of his opponents. Angered that he could not pursue a career in art, he turned to crime instead, becoming one of the Flash's Rogues Gallery as the Rainbow Raider. He also clashed with Batman and the Flash when he worked in partnership with Doctor Double X. He was eventually killed by Amunet Black.
During the Blackest Night, Roy was revived as a Black Lantern.

Fun Facts
After Bivolo's death, his gimmick was stolen by a gang of villains called the Rainbow Raiders.
The first seven letters of Roy's full name comprise a pun corresponding to the seven colours within the visible spectrum of light; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
Bivolo's condition is a real affliction called achromatopsia, or total color-blindness.
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Amanda Waller
“I don't care. I'm not part of the law anymore. Kill them.” - Amanda Waller

Real Name: Amanda Blake
Black King
White Queen
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 1″
Weight: 200 lbs (91 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Indomitable Will
Political Science
Tactical Analysis
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: Washington D.C.
Marital Status: Widowed (Joseph Waller; husband)
Government Agent
First Appearance: Legends #1 (November, 1986)

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Indomitable Will
Political Science: Amanda has a degree in political science.
Tactical Analysis
Amanda Blake grew up in the crime-ridden Cabrini-Green area of Chicago. At the age of 18 she married the 20-year-old Joseph Waller, and they quickly had a large family together. Her first child was Joe, Jr., then Damita, then the twins Martin and Jessie, and then her youngest child Coretta. Their lives were a financial struggle, and they relied on social programs, but they were happy. Joe, Jr. was set to go to college on a basketball scholarship until he was killed in a mugging gone wrong. Damita was raped and murdered in an alleyway on her way home from church. They knew who was responsible, but the police could not get a conviction with no witnesses. Her husband Joseph Waller set out to kill the rapist "Candyman" and both men shot each other dead. Amanda swore that the streets would take no more of her family. She worked hard to put all of her other children through college, then she put herself through college and earned a political science degree. Amanda decided to go into politics, and she approached democratic congressional candidate Marvin Collins to become his campaign director. Collins was elected thanks to her efforts, and he took her to Washington as his aide. Amanda discovered the old Task Force X files while searching through old bills, and asked to revive the Suicide Squad under her direction.

The Agency
The Agency was formed by Amanda Waller to serve as a small, quasi-independent branch of Task Force X. Valentina Vostok brought former NYPD Lieutenant Harry Stein into the Agency as an operative. Amanda Waller later promoted Stein to the command position and demoted Vostok. Harry Stein would later re-organize the Agency and name it Checkmate.

Amanda Waller rebuilds Task Force X, and its former leader Rick Flag is assigned to work under her. Flag argues with Waller about her agenda, and Waller says the only thing she cares about is his ability to follow orders. Nightshade is the second member she recruits, as an undercover operative. Her first target is Brimstone, and she has a team of scientists analyze the monster for weaknesses. Waller puts together a new Suicide Squad lead by Flag with members including Blockbuster, Bronze Tiger, Captain Boomerang, and Enchantress. The criminals are offered pardons in exchange for their service, and fitted with explosive bracelets that will detonate if they disobey orders. Her team destroys Brimstone at Mount Rushmore. Blockbuster is the only casualty, despite her expectations that all of them would die. Waller tries to keep the criminals in custody, but Flag insists on honoring their deal and releases them. Captain Boomerang is captured by G. Gordon Godfrey, and threatens to expose the Suicide Squad unless they rescue him. Amanda gives them orders to silence Captain Boomerang by any means necessary. Flag insists on solving the problem non-lethally. Waller later presents her case to President Reagan, and thanks to this success he decides to let the team continue on a provisional basis.

Suicide Squad
Waller sets her team up in Louisiana's Belle Reve prison, under the care of warden John Economos. Simon LaGrieve and Marnie Herrs conduct psychological profiles, and warn her that the entire team is emotionally unstable, but Waller is unconcerned. Waller briefs the team and sends them on their next mission, destroying the terrorist group Jihad in Qurac. Waller authorizes Doctor Moon and Karin Grace to mindwipe the traitor Plastique. This infuriates Flag, and Amanda agrees that it is wrong of her. Belle Reve is attacked by the Female Furies of Apokolips, and Waller is unable to stop them from taking her prisoner G. Gordon Godfrey. They are asked to take down the racist vigilante William Hell, and Waller insists they discredit him instead of making a martyr for the "white power" movement. President Reagan has Waller send the Suicide Squad to arrest Firestorm, under the leadership of their incompetent NSC liaison Derek Tolliver.
Waller argues against the team going on purely political missions, but they are sent to rescue imprisoned author Zoya Trigorin in Moscow. LaGrieve worries that Amanda is suppressing anger over her family deaths, and counsels her to channel it into something productive. Amanda confronts Derek Tolliver for sending her team on the irresponsible Moscow mission, and Tolliver replies that her team was expendable. She punches him in the face, and tells him that this does not mean their lives can be thrown away like garbage. Flag has a breakdown following this mission, and Waller relieves him of command duty.
There is a political summit during Millennium, and Waller has an inter-agency rivalry with General Eiling. Waller sends her team to destroy the Manhunter temple with a bomb, and does not tell them they are all expected to die in the explosion. Batman infiltrates Belle Reve and threatens to expose the Squad. Waller stands up to Batman and talks him down by threatening to expose his secret identity, using the fingerprints of Matches Malone. Flag impresses her in the fight against Batman, and she reinstates his command. Waller is forced to send Rick Flag on another mission she politically disagrees with, rescuing Hawk in Nicaragua. She sends the rest of the team to kill drug czar Xavier Cujo. Nightshade argues that an illegal assassination is murder, and Waller replies that it is justice. Speedy tells her that this did not fix anything, and she only created a power vacuum. The Agency is reorganized by Harry Stein to become Checkmate, under Task Force X. Amanda Waller becomes their boss.
Rick Flag disobeys Waller to rescue their operative Nemesis, who was stranded in the Soviet Union. Waller is so angry that she has President Reagan send Justice League International to stop them. The JLI's publicist Maxwell Lord threatens to expose them, and Waller intimidates Lord with violence. Senator Cray blackmails President Reagan and the Suicide Squad to help his reelection campaign. Waller is forced to work under Derek Tolliver, Cray's aide, or she will be fired. In a moment of weakness, she confides in Bronze Tiger that everything has gone with her idea since the start. Amanda reveals that Bronze Tiger was supposed to be the leader, and Rick Flag was imposed on her, which she believes is because of racism. Despite this setback, she regroups and leads the team to save the world from Doctor ZZ. The Jihad returns to attack Manhattan, and they deliver an ultimatum demanding Waller's team be handed over. Waller orders Rick Flag not to intervene, and he disobeys her, so she tells him to do the job right this time.
Waller's inability to deal and compromise with her people led to the departure from the team of Nemesis, the death of a US senator and thereby indirectly to the death of Rick Flag Jr. Nonetheless, the team remained loyal to her, often choosing to side with her instead of the government. It was ultimately revealed that the reason that Amanda Waller even kept the heroes such as Nightshade around, was in order for them to act as her conscience. Over the course of her first run with the Suicide Squad her actions became increasingly erratic as she fought to retain control of the Squad. This was heightened by the public reveal of the Suicide Squad, and her being officially replaced, although her 'replacement' was in fact an actor, and Waller remained the team's director. Even that secret would eventually be revealed and Amanda Waller would be put on trial. During this time, the Squad also became involved in an inter-agency conflict in a crossover between the Checkmate and Suicide Squad titles called the Janus Directive. She eventually found herself serving prison time for her pursuit of an organized crime cartel based in New Orleans called the LOA and killing its leadership, using Squad operatives in the process.

The Squad's rebirth
Waller was eventually pardoned and released a year later to reorganize the Squad as a freelance mercenary group at the behest of Sarge Steel to deal with a crisis in Vlatava, Count Vertigo's home country. Afterwards the Suicide Squad performed a variety of missions, but were ultimately disbanded when Waller became disillusioned with her life.
During the course of her renewed tenure with this team, Amanda Waller became closer to her operatives, even accompanying them on their field missions. This allowed for her and her team to bond more effectively, although she retained her dominant and threatening personality.

Shadow Fighters
Around this time Amanda Waller would organize many superheros to confront the villain Eclipso. Again she would confront Sarge Steel. Her first attempt at a team did not go well as most of the them were brutally murdered. Her second attempt with a much larger team had much more success.

President Luthor
She would eventually rejoin federal service, initially as Southeastern regional director for the Department of Extranormal Operations, and eventually got promoted to Secretary of Metahuman Affairs as a member of the Luthor Administration. Luthor would use her as he saw fit, one of the few who could.

In the wake of being jailed briefly for her alleged connections to Luthor's illicit activities whilst in office, she was released yet again and ordered by President Jonathan Vincent Horne to take command of Checkmate in the wake of the O.M.A.C. Project debacle as a placeholder "Black King" until the United States and United Nations could decide what to do with that organization.

One Year Later
In the revamped Checkmate series, Waller is shown to have been assigned by the UN to serve as Checkmate's White Queen, a member of its senior policy-making executive, although she appears to have her own agenda, blackmailing Fire into committing murder on her behalf during Checkmate missions. Waller's assignment as White Queen has her commissioning the imprisoned Atom Smasher to organize a new Suicide Squad to attack Black Adam.
As leader of the reformed Checkmate, Waller has continued to use morally ambiguous methods to achieve her agenda, ranging from secretly authorizing a "take no prisoners" mandate in an attack on a Kobra stronghold, blackmailing Beatriz da Costa, a former assassin, into returning to her old murderous ways, and executing a female Kobra operative herself when she foils an assassination attempt. She later used the Suicide Squad to round up dangerous criminals and metahumans as part of Operation: Salvation Run, an unauthorized plan to exile various supervillains to another planet, later revealed to be a part of the Apokoliptian Empire. When Waller's colleague found out about the Operation, they forced her to resign as White Queen, though she managed to retain authority over the Suicide Squad.

Task Force X
After her resignation from Checkmate, forces in the US Government recommissioned her as the overseer and director of the Belle Reve metahuman prison and the leader of a new Suicide Squad known as Task Force X due to deeming her teem as a necessary asset to the US Government.

Fun Facts
Amanda Waller's sister Mary has said that she was raised Baptist, which means Amanda was as well.
#Amanda Waller#amanda blake#black king#mockingbird#white queen#agency#Checkmate#D.E.O.#deo#d.e.o#Shadow Fighters#Suicide Squad#task force x#u.s. government#us government#dc#DC comics#thedcdunce
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“I never thought about dying before. It makes me want to live.” - Hardware

Real Name: Curtis “Curt” Metcalf
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 1″
Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Genius Level Intellect
Martial Arts
The Hardware
Curtis' Personal Car
The Hardware
Custom Handgun
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:
Hard Company
Alva Technologies, Dakota City
Mitchell Metcalf; father
Denise Metcalf; mother
Marital Status: Married (Barraki Young; wife)
Education: College graduate with seven scientific degrees
First Appearance: Hardware #1 (April, 1993)

Genius Level Intellect: Curtis Metcalf is one of the most brilliant scientific minds on the planet. He has created breakthroughs in metallurgy, computer science, nanotechnology, and plasma weapons. Curtis is also Earth's foremost expert on Cooperative technology having studied and reverse engineered devices aboard Icon's lifepod.
Mechanical Aptitude
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Hacking
Martial Arts: Curtis Metcalf is a good hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained by his father in the martial arts.
Firearms: Skilled in the use of various types of firearms of his own design.

The Hardware: All of Curtis Metcalf's superhuman abilities derive from a sophisticated suit of armor called the Hardware. There have been several different versions, labeled 2.0, 3.0 et cetera.
Shell: The basic armor is a plasticized metal alloy of Curtis' own design. Using a device called the Shell Forge, Hardware coats his body from head to toe with this material.
Superhuman Durability: Once polarized, the shell serves as a skintight, impact-resistant foundation upon which his external armor rests. Though not bulletproof, the shell is highly bullet resistant and can easily shrug off small caliber gunfire. It also has ablative capabilities that offer protection against low-level energy attacks like electricity and laser beams.
Superhuman Strength: The shell has programmable polymers integrated into its structure. Initially, the shell amplified Curtis's strength fifty fold, meaning that he could lift 5 tons under optimal conditions. However, Hardware's battle with the SYSTEMatic Mark III indicates that Curtis has significantly increased the shell's strength augmentation abilities.
External armor: The external systems of Hardware's armor are stored within the nano-robot housing pods in his helmet and shoulder pads. These systems are constructed by nano-robots, microscopic machines that are released via main control systems in the helmet. The external armor is powered by high efficiency batteries called power packs installed in the shoulder pads.
Curtis' Personal Car: When he became Hardware, Curtis Metcalf was initially reluctant to use his personal car for crimefighting. However, he soon realized his car would be useful in situations like undercover operations in which his other vehicles like the Skylark would be too conspicuous. To this end, Curtis made extensive modifications to the car to improve its effectiveness as a crimefighting vehicle. Curtis has owned two cars. The first was a 1992 Lotus Esprit, which was destroyed by the costumed assassin Volt in an unsuccessful attempt to kill Metcalf. The second was a 1996 Dodge Viper GTS, which first saw action when Hardware aided his father Mitch Metcalf in bringing the crime boss Top Dog to justice. This car was destroyed by a missile fired by one of Top Dog's henchmen. He did not immediately replace it with a third car.
The Hardware: The armor comes with a versatile arsenal of weapons and tools.
Plasma Whip
Retractable Sword
PLASER (Plasma Laser)
Energy Field
Fluid Gun
Custom Handgun: In his civilian identity, Curtis usually has carried a traditional handgun for self-defense. However, he increasingly found himself facing superhuman foes that could not be defeated with a mere gun. So, Curt began developing high-tech, easily concealable weapons to fulfill this need. Most notable of these is his watch, whose face flips up to reveal a hidden compartment containing a miniature version of his Omnicannon shell. In weapon mode, the watch uses pressurized gas to propel the shell toward a target with enough explosive force to destroy a car. Due to its small size, the watch only has enough ammo for one shot and lacks computer targeting systems, requiring Curt to manually aim it. A pressure field of Curt's design prevents the mini-shell from being accidentally detonated if he bangs the watch against a wall or similar hard surface.

Curtis Metcalf, alias Hardware is a superhero vigilante operating out of Dakota City. He is a genius inventor who has designed an advanced armored exo-skeleton with an immense arsenal of technological weaponry. He wages a one-man crusade against crime by night, fighting against his former mentor, Edwin Alva, and the international syndicate S.Y.S.T.E.M.

Curtis Metcalf was a child prodigy from a working class neighborhood, born to Mitchell and Denise Metcalf. At age twelve, famous inventor Edwin Alva took notice of his gifts and developed a personal interest in him. Alva paid his way through the top schools in the country, Curt graduated from high school at age fourteen, and got his first college degree at fifteen. After completing his education on scholarship, the only requirement was that he would come to work at Alva Technologies, where he was given an enormous salary, his own staff, and the freedom to work on anything he wanted. This paid off, and his inventions made millions of dollars for the company. Throughout his life, he considered Alva to be the closest thing he had to a friend, and more of a father than his own dad had ever been. Believing he should receive a higher share of the profits he generated, Curtis asked Alva for a pay raise and found out what the old man really thought of him. Alva had absolutely no respect for Curtis as anything other than a useful servant, and regarded their relationship as dog and master.
Enraged, Curtis tried to quit his position but was contractually obliged to never work for a competing company. Instead, he turned to blackmail. Searching for a blight on Alva's record, he instead discovered that his boss was a complete monster who was also a major figure in the covert international crime network S.Y.S.T.E.M. After submitting the evidence he had found to the proper authorities, Curtis was completely ignored. The level of power and corruption Alva had achieved permeated the legal system, and made it impossible for him to be taken down by conventional means. Instead, Curtis decided to bring him down himself. Making use of the vast technological resources at his disposal, he created an advanced suit of armor that allowed him to fight against the criminal enterprises of his enemy by night, using the alter-ego Hardware. Alva struggled every night against the high-tech dreadnought, unaware that he is funding his own arch-nemesis, who operates out of his basement.
From the beginning of his career, Hardware battled with all types of villains, most of whom were hired by Alva to kill him. From the body doubling assassin Reprise to the tech-inspired Technique, none of them could best the armored avenger. Within months, Hardware relentlessly picked Alva's organization to pieces, costing him millions of dollars. However, one day Edwin Alva discovered Hardware's true identity and appeared in his hideout! Alva's original rage turned into something else. Impressed by Curtis' tactical abilities and courage to stand up to him, Alva made him a stunning offer. In return for Hardware's protection and occasional help, Curtis would be made his second-in-command and allow him to dismantle Alva's criminal organization. Curtis accepted the deal, believing he could shut down the bad parts of Alva Industries and S.Y.S.T.E.M. easier this way. But first, he would need new armor.

New Armor, New Beginnings
In the months that followed, Alva seem to be living up to his end of the bargain, divesting from his criminal operations and training Curtis in the intricacies of running a multinational corporation. Deciding to go out with a bang, Alva decided to announce his retirement at the grand opening of Utopia Park. But when riots break out, Alva decided to take the safety of Utopia Park into his own hands. Donning a new prototype armor, Alva sacrificed his life to save a group of people from being crushed.
#hardware#curtis curt metcalf#curtis metcalf#curt metcalf#hard company#Shadow Cabinet#technique#alva technologies#dc#DC comics#thedcdunce#dakotaverse
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Animal Man
“I didn't get my powers back just to get killed.” - Animal Man

Real Name: Bernhard "Buddy" Baker
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 185 lbs (84 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Conduit of The Red
Time Limit
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: San Diego
Frank Baker, Jr.; father
Phyllis Baker; mother
Marital Status: Married (Ellen Baker; wife)
First Appearance: Strange Adventures #180 (September, 1965)
Last Appearance: Justice League of America Vol 2 #59 (September, 2011)

Conduit of The Red: Later, Baker learned to draw abilities directly from the "Red", an energy field that connects every animal ever to have lived on Earth. Apparently the Red extends past earth and exists as a universal concept. In 52, Buddy experiences an upgrade that allows him to connect to the Universe's morphogenetic field, providing him unlimited access to all animals in the universe regardless of origin, making him one of the most powerful beings to ever exist. This power also extends to non-animal microogranisms but not to plants, which are part of The Green controlled by Swamp Thing or fungi and molds, which are connected to The Grey.
Animal Mimicry: Buddy can mimic any abilities of any animal as a result of his encounter with a crashed alien spacecraft. He does this by either focusing on a specific animal near him, or, as he learned later, by drawing power from the animal kingdom in general. The nature of these powers has been described in various ways, including the superficial "alien radiation" explanation of his early appearances, the reconstruction of his body by aliens with "morphogenetic grafts" at the cellular level, and currently, mystical access to a "morphogenetic field" created by all living creatures, also known as "the Red". He does not grow wings to fly as a bird, nor does he form gills to breathe underwater when mimicking a fish, but he has occasionally been known to mimic the actual appearances of animals, such as adopting the claws of a wolverine temporarily. His powers have changed considerably in the New 52, after he was killed and reborn by The Red into a body that takes on the aspects of the animals whose powers he is using at the time. This results in him changing into a chimera-like being. Buddy is also able to tap into more than one animal, e.g. during his second fight with B'wana Beast he channeled the regenerative powers of a salamander and the camouflage of a chameleon; this aspect of his power has been shown more frequently in his New 52 series. Among the "animal powers" Buddy has been known to use are:
The strength of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The flight of a bird.
The swimming ability of a fish.
The speed of an ant.
The sonic blast of a pistol shrimp.
The sense of smell of a moth.
The agility of a snake.
The durability of a rhino.
The electricity of an electric eel.
The regeneration ability of a worm.
The wall-crawling of a spider.
The stench of a skunk.
The color changing of a chameleon.
The reproduction abilities of protozoa.
The level of Buddy's abilities are not proportional to the size of the animal they are drawn from. Hence, drawing the jumping ability from a flea would allow him to cover great distances. However, taking the abilities of a larger animal does not result in diminished power for him.
Force Blasts: Tapping into the Red, Animal Man can also fire powerful blasts of force or unidentified energy. He can even use the primordial energies to start a new universe.
Animal Empathy: In addition to his mimic abilities, Animal Man can make contact with animals, empathize with, "talk" to and see their thoughts and memories. This ability to transfer his life essence has allowed him to survive even when his body has been killed.
Animal Control: Animal Man can, to a lesser degree, control animals by entering their minds. He can also transfer his mind to living animals of any kind, using their bodies as long as he wants to.

Time Limit: Buddy can only absorb the ability of another animal for approximately 30 minutes before having to recharge his connection with that creature.

In his late teens, Buddy Baker was a happy hell-raising punk rocker. One fall afternoon he went hunting in the Adirondack Mountains and when he returned home, he had changed. Whatever it was, something in the woods had connected him to what is variously referred to as the Red, the Lifeweb, or the Morphogenetic Field - the force that binds together every living animal on Earth. Encountering some escaped animals from a nearby zoo, Buddy discovered that in the presence of an animal, he was able to absorb its special abilities. He was now the Man With Animal Powers.

Animal Man
At the suggestion of his best friend, Roger Denning, Buddy donned an orange-and-blue costume starting a minor career as the super-hero Animal Man. Partly for kicks, partly as a way to promote their rock band, Buddy actually managed to do several heroic deeds, ranging from foiling a few robberies at the local pet store, to battling actual space aliens and odd crooks such as the Mod Gorilla Boss.
After a few years of adventuring, Buddy retired his Animal Man identity, married his high-school girlfriend, Ellen Frazier, and moved to San Diego. Living on the salary from Ellen's work as an illustrator and Buddy's newly-started career as a movie stuntman, the couple mortgaged a house in the suburbs and raised two children, Cliff and Maxine.

Forgotten Heroes
Buddy thought his super-hero days were over, but that was about to change. After stumbling on an ancient golden pyramid, he was contacted by the mysterious Immortal Man. Joining up with other has-been adventurers - including Cave Carson, Dane Dorrance, and Dolphin - who had encountered similar pyramids around the world, Animal Man became part of the organization called the Forgotten Heroes. Under Immortal Man's direction, the group was able to destroy the pyramids, saving the world in the process. For a time, the group stayed together, opposing threats such as Vandal Savage and the Forgotten Villains. During the world-shattering event known as the Crisis, Immortal Man sacrificed his life, and soon after, the Forgotten Heroes disbanded.
Buddy returned to his family life, although the thought of superheroics was still nagging in his head. He wanted to make a difference, but had to support his family as well. Convinced that there was still a place for Animal Man in this world, Buddy resumed his full-time superhero career, battling villains such as the new Mirror Master and a delirious B'wana Beast. He also assisted in foiling the invasion of Earth by the Alien Alliance. Still not satisfied, Buddy made the decision to become a protector of animal life on Earth. He sabotaged foxhunting in England, dolphin slaughter on the Faroe Islands, and animal experiments all over the USA. He worked with Vixen to overthrow the government of M'Changa, and with the Freedom Beast to oppose the apartheid powers of South Africa. About this time, he learned from a scientist named James Highwater that his powers were greater than he initially had believed, due to his previously unknown contact with the morphogenetic field.

Justice League International
Becoming a member in good standing of the European branch of Justice League International, he was also able to draw a monthly salary. As part of the JLE, he battled the Queen Bee, the Time Commander, and the wrath of Dr. Irwin Teasdale. The media wrote lots about him and his popularity increased. Everything was going his way and then it wasn't anymore. After a fireman had accidentally been killed in a fire started by his animal activist group, a shocked Buddy began to reconsider the path he had chosen. Though still a convinced vegetarian, environmentalist and animal rights activist, he asked himself if superheroics and illegal sabotage activities were the right ways to go. Refusing to become a role model, he quit the Justice League and the activist group, attempting to hang up his super-hero costume for good.

Second Crisis and Grant Morrison
Then, when a corporate organization threatened to kill his family if he did not stop doing his deed, Buddy teamed up with the Mirror Master to oppose them. Suddenly, he found himself in the role of a hero once again, getting tangled up in saving the world from a second Crisis at the hands of the Psycho-Pirate, and ultimately, believe it or not, learning the fact that he was a comic book character. He even got to meet his writer, Grant Morrison, in person.

Alternate reality
Naturally, Buddy was not allowed to remember such revelations for long. Some time after these events, he woke up from a coma with amnesia. This would have been his return to normal life, had it not been for the fact that the world he woke up in was that of an alternate Buddy Baker. In this world, Ellen had divorced him, America was controlled by a right-extremist corrupt government, and Buddy himself had no control over his powers. After a series of weird adventures, Buddy could finally return to "his" world.

Antagon and Animal Masters
Once again a movie stuntman, Buddy continued as a part-time superhero, but his life was to get weirder still. His powers continued to malfunction; birds died when he was flying, he absorbed animal behavior and appearance unexpectedly, and animals around him acted strange. After his powers accidentally had killed every animal on the San Diego Zoo, Buddy and his family moved to Ellen's mother's farm in Pownal, Vermont. Later, it was revealed that the reason for this "animal weirdness" was the coming of a hostile Animal Antagon, a.k.a. the Shining Man. During this course of events, Buddy encountered a Native American shaman named "Stone That Cracked Open the Earth Like an Egg", who revealed that Buddy was one of a group of chosen people called the Animal Masters, destined to be the guardians of nature. Together with fellow Animal Masters Vixen and Tristess, Animal Man was able to defeat the Shining Man, who had already corrupted, possessed, and killed B'wana Beast, still another Animal Master. He also learned that his daughter Maxine was an Animal Master as well, developing powers similar to his own.

Apparent death and connection to the Red
Settling down at the farm in Vermont, Buddy's next mission was to fetch back his son Cliff, who had been kidnapped by Ellen's insane uncle Dudley. While looking for his son, Buddy was run over by Dudley's car and actually died. His life-force survived, however, and after many months living in the bodies of various animals, he was reborn as a hybrid animal and saved Cliff. Later, he was able to re-create his original body.
Still, Buddy was now legally deceased, which he did not really mind. He had become tired of city life and superheroics, being content to live in peace on the farm with his reunited family. Fearing that nature would inevitably get rid of the vermin called humans, he started thinking of ways to make them understand what they were doing to their planet. Ellen's mother's farm became something of an "ark", a refuge for outcasts who did not fit in anywhere. Among them were a woman named Annie Cassidy, who also stood in contact with the Red, and her daughter Lucy Cassidy, who started a relationship with Cliff.
More and more, Buddy felt the animal instincts in him taking over. Overwhelmed by the power of the Red, Buddy and Annie made love to each other. The strengthened connection to the Red made Buddy step over the line, and once again adopt the appearance of a hybrid animal. Flying in rage to Washington D.C. , he plagued the city with all kinds of animals, threatening humanity to change their ways or go under. At the end, the authorities captured him, but he was released soon after, partly due to a lot of compassion from many Americans, who believed this "Animal Man" had a point.
Then, Annie came up with an idea; Buddy wanted to change the ways of humanity, they all wanted to make a difference, and they already had many followers. Why not start a cult, or a religion, with Buddy as an "enraged prophet" and Maxine as the savior - the Life Power Church of Maxine? Though they met a lot of resistance from the authorities, the Church immediately grew in popularity, especially among young people. Ellen could not cope with all this, especially not after Buddy revealed that he had had kind of an "affair" with Annie. Alienated by their community, and the forces she did not understand, she finally broke up with Buddy - at least temporarily. Buddy, Maxine, Cliff, Annie, Lucy, and their followers traveled across the state, picking up countless new "disciples" and rebelling animals in a wild caravan on Route 66. Dubbed "the Red Plague" by the media, they finally settled down as a Church in Montana.

Cosmic Phase
After this, Buddy entered what we can refer to as his "cosmic phase". Once again, he died and was reborn, this time with white-and-black-striped hair. While his friends worked with the Church's activities on Earth, Buddy became less aggressive, making an odyssey through various realms in search for universal truth. He had many revelations from agents of higher power, among them a spiritual bulldog named Mister Cow Ultimately battling an evil called the Spider Queen, Buddy finally realized that the truth was inside him. Just as diamonds and coal are the same substance, so is the divine and the human. Buddy, as well as anybody else, was the Body of God and the Soul of the World. With this knowledge, he easily defeated the Spider Queen. Shortly after, Annie gave birth to his second daughter, supposedly a human incarnation of the World Soul.

The Gamesman
The next time Buddy appeared, a competitive supervillain called the Gamesman had kidnapped Maxine, just for playing a hunting game with Buddy. With the help of Aquaman, Buddy was able to defeat the Gamesman and save Maxine. In the process, he guided the temporarily blind Aquaman, making him realize he had elemental connections.

Adventures with the Justice League and Forgotten Heroes
Maybe this adventure was the spark that Buddy needed to return to his super-hero life, because a few months later, Animal Man appeared in public again, dressed in his old colorful garb, and once again with blond hair. He has assisted the JLA on several occasions, even helping them saving the universe in their battle against Mageddon. At the start of the new millennium, Buddy attended a party together with the Swamp Thing, Shade the Changing Man, Black Orchid, and other fringe heroes. Together they helped stopping the coming of a strange new world as envisioned by a Bernie Madden. He has also rejoined the Forgotten Heroes, joining the Immortal Man and Resurrection Man in battle against Vandal Savage and the Millennium Creature. Buddy remains a semi-active member of the Forgotten Heroes, joining up with other members when the need arises.

Murder of Sue Dibny
Animal Man was one of many heroes who helped search for the murderer of Sue Dibny.

Infinite Crisis
He was recruited by Donna Troy as part of a team journeying to New Cronos to try and help stop the threat of Alexander Luthor. During this adventure, he formed a mentoring friendship with the new Firestorm, Jason Rusch. He, along with most of the heroes in space, went missing.

Animal Man was stranded on a paradise-like planet with fellow heroes Starfire and Adam Strange after the battle. After several weeks, Adam was able to get his spaceship working, and they departed for Earth. Their ship, however, was attacked by Devilance, who they had encountered on the planet and who had pursued them into space. Lobo appeared just in time to destroy Devilance, and after some negotiation, agreed to help them out. During a battle with Lady Styx and her horde, Animal Man was killed by a necrotoxin, which caused its victims to rise again in the service of Lady Styx. Animal Man made Starfire promise not to let him come back as a zombie. At the moment of his death, Ellen, still on Earth, sensed it, and began to cry.
Moments after Starfire and Adam Strange left Animal Man in space, he came back to life. The aliens that originally granted his powers stood next to him, saying: "And so it begins." After plucking him out the timestream and repairing his body, they left him in outer space. Animal Man reached out to another life form in order to survive, and claimed the abilities of a group of Sun-Eaters, including a homing sense. He then observed his wife from a wormhole in space, pondering whether to return to Earth, or stay in space, as he saw her with another man and putting her grief behind her.

Buddy finally returned, describing the marvels of space to his delighted family. Ellen held a party to celebrate his return, but some followers of Lady Styx appeared, bent upon killing the family. They were eliminated by Starfire, who had partially recovered from wounds suffered in space. She delivered Buddy's jacket and then fainted out of surprise when she saw him alive, leaving the family to care for her.

Fun Facts
Animal Man frequently break the Fourth Wall, and eventually had Baker meet Morrison.
Buddy tells Adam Strange that his favorite Star Wars film is The Empire Strikes Back.
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Queen Hippolyta
“Whatever fates we are to meet, we shall face them together, as sisters and Amazons!” - Queen Hippolyta
Real Name: Hippolyta
Wonder Woman
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 9″
Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Race: Demigod
Amazonian Physiology
Amazonian training
Gift of Athena
Invisible Plane
Amazonian Weapons
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: Amazon
Base of Operations: Themyscira
Parents: Ares; father
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Queen
First Appearance: Wonder Woman Vol 2 #1 (February, 1987)
Last Appearance: Wonder Woman #614 (October, 2011)

Amazonian Physiology: The Amazons are a race of warrior women that have received gifts and blessings from five Olympian goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hestia and Aphrodite. Hippolyta possesses the same potential powers as an average Amazon. These include:
Enhanced Intellect: A gift from Athena, the Amazons have the wisdom to be guided by peace and justice.
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Agility
Immortality: The Amazons were gifted immortality. The people of Themyscira lived forever, though could be killed in war or in an accident. Those who followed Antiope and Phthia and became the Bana-Mighdall lost their immortality.
Self-Sustenance: So long as Hippolyta stays on Themyscira, she does not require food, water or any other form of nourishment to maintain her health and vitality. Although they are not susceptible to the throes of hunger, this does not mean that Amazons don't consume food for enjoyment. The Amazons frequently hold great festivals whereupon food is served.

Amazonian training: The Amazons honed their skills in many fields, aided by the gifts from Athena and Artemis.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Gift of Athena: Athena declared Hippolyta the ruler of the Amazons, and granted her additional insights:
Diplomacy: Queen Hippolyta is practiced at conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. She has often been called upon to use these skills at times of war.
Leadership: Queen Hippolyta was a born leader and strategist and is excellent in the arts of persuasion and diplomacy.

Invisible Plane: As Wonder Woman, Hippolyta had access to the Invisible Jet. She has since given the disk to her daughter.
Amazonian Weapons

Hippolyta's history begins tens of thousands of years ago. In ancient times, there was a caveman who--embittered over being maimed by a tiger and driven from his tribe--encountered a woman in a cave and brutally murdered her after she offered him some compassion: the first woman murdered by a man's hatred.
Thousands of years later, the Greek pantheon held a meeting around 1,300 B.C., convened by the goddesses. They desired to create a race of humans that would champion their ideals. Zeus, in his arrogance, decreed that mankind would never forget the gods, and that it did not matter if there were champions or not. Ares, being the god of war, did not desire anyone promoting peace. The other male gods did not seem interested, and Hera did not wish to go against her husband. Therefore, it fell to the other five primary Greek goddesses. Traveling into the Underworld, the goddess came to the Well of Souls, the place where the souls of all the women murdered by mans hatred were gathered. They drew forth these souls, dropping them like great tears into a lake in Greece--all save one, a very special soul. The souls mixed with the clay and stone of the lake bed to form the Amazons, women reborn. The first to emerge from the waters was Hippolyta--the second would be her sister, Antiope. The goddesses made themselves known to the Amazons, appointing Hippolyta and Antiope to be the two queens of them. They decreed that the Amazons were to spread the message of Gaea: a message of peace, tolerance, and equality. As a symbol of their devotion, Hippolyta and Antiope were each given a Golden Girdle.
Hippolyta and Antiope lead the Amazons for years, creating a great city called Themyscira. It's unclear if the Amazons aged at first, or how much time elapsed, but it seems from the evidence that perhaps twenty years go by, as Antiope has a daughter, Pythia. Their efforts to spread peace and equality were frustrated, however, as few men trusted them. As the years went by, more and more they remained isolated in their city. Their numbers increased by freeing women from slavery.
Doom would come to the city in the form of Heracles, the Son of Zeus. In the midst of his Twelve Labors, still suffering from Hera's madness upon him, Heracles and his friend Theseus came to the Amazons. One of Heracles's Labors was to retrieve the Girdle of Hippolyta. Arriving at the Amazon city with an army behind them, Heracles demanded Hippolyta surrender the Girdle. Hippolyta refused, marching out of the city and offering to fight Heracles for it. Heracles was defeated by the Amazon Queen, and the humbled demi-god offered peace and to unite with the Amazons in an alliance. The Amazons let Heracles and his men into the city, and a night of revelry ensued. Antiope fell helplessly in love with Theseus, and Hippolyta fell for Heracles pretty hard--too hard. In his madness, Heracles drugged Hippolyta, raping and assaulting her in her slumber. And when she awoke she was in chains. Heracles' army bound, beat, and raped the Amazons, tearing down their city and stealing their treasures. Heracles left the city with Hippolyta's girdle and some of his men, leaving the majority behind to guard the Amazons. Theseus was gone as well, although it's not clear if he participated in the raping and pillaging or if he left beforehand.
After a vision of one of the goddesses let her find her strength, Hippolyta broke out of her cell and set to work freeing her sisters. More and more Amazons were freed, and a running battle began all over the city. Hippolyta watched as many of her sisters succumbed to bloodlust, enjoying the bloody slaughter of the men. They fought until all the men lie dead. Afterwards, Antiope was still enraged--she insisted that they march on Athens itself, killing all in their path until they reached Athens where they could take back the Girdle from Heracles' dead hand.
But Hippolyta said no--she said that such a path of bloody revenge was not the Amazon way, and that to go down that way would lead only to destruction. Antiope could not be strayed--feeling betrayed by not only her lover but by her gods, she cast her Girdle at Hippolyta's feet, declaring that henceforth she asked nothing of Olympus. Half the Amazons left with her--the other half stayed with Hippolyta. It was the last time the sisters would ever see each other.
In the midst of the ruins, the goddesses now appeared again. They were displeased with the Amazons, declaring that they had failed in their sacred mission--now the very name "Amazon" would be associated with death and destruction, not peace and equality. The Amazons must have a penance. They were each given a pair of steel "bracelets" to wear at all times, forever a reminder of their capture and humiliation. Then their bodies and souls were purified, and they began their journey. Poseidon himself parted the sea, and the Amazons walked along the bottom until they came to an island that the gods had removed from the circles of the world--Paradise Island. There they built the new city-state of Themyscira, and were to be the guardians of a great evil that lay beneath the Island. As long as they remained on the island, they would be immortal--though they could be killed, and some were over the many long years and the many battles they had to fight against the evil that would try to escape. For over 3,000 years, here they remained, with Hippolyta their queen all that time.
From time to time, there would be a visitor who breached the mists that shielded the island. One of these would be Diana Trevor, a woman who crash landed her small plane on the shores of the island some time after World War II. Diana Tevor arrived while the Amazons were in the midst of a battle with the evil from the Pits beneath the island, and she valiantly fought at their side. She fired the crucial shot from her firearm that won the battle, although she lost her life in the process.
Not long after Diana Trevor came to the island, Hippolyta began to feel a deep yearning she could not explain. The Oracle of the Island had the answer--Hippolyta was the reincarnation of the first woman who had been murdered, and that woman was pregnant with a daughter. The longing Hippolyta felt was for her unborn child. The Oracle told her that the goddesses would grant her longing. Hippolyta went to the beach, and molded a baby from the sand and clay of the island. Then five goddesses and one god went back into the Underworld, drawing out the last soul that remained in the Well and giving it incredible powers. The soul was merged with the clay and became flesh. Hippolyta had her daughter, and named her in honor of Diana Trevor--Diana, Princess of the Amazons.
Diana grew up with one mother and thousands of sisters--but no children her own age. When she was young, the sorceress Magala used her magic to create a magical copy of Diana to be her playmate. Unfortunately, one of Hippolyta's enemies, Dark Angel, came to the island planning to kidnap Diana. She found the copy instead, and thinking that was Diana, she kidnapped her instead. That child was Donna Troy. After Donna's disappearance, Hippolyta became more protective of her daughter, often coming to check on her at random, even after Diana had fully grown up.
After Diana turned twenty-two, the Oracle of the Island came to Hippolyta with a new message. The gods demanded that the Amazons send a champion to what the Amazons' called "Man's World". Hippolyta called for a contest to determine who would go, but she forbid Diana from competing. Diana did it anyway, and no one knew until the Contest was over, as all the contestants were required to wear masks during the tests. Hippolyta could not deny Diana's place, and so after passing one final test, Diana was given a costume.

The NEW Golden Age Wonder Woman
The Crisis on Infinite Earths leaves many problems for the resulting survivors of the singular earth. Even the Amazons are not protected as Donna Troy, Wonder Woman's younger sister, has been erased from history but still exists in the reformatted new Earth. Wally West and Wonder Woman confront the woman who they know but no one else does and begin a quest to restore the Donna Troy they knew. Confronting Hippolyta on the events of Donna, Hippolyta reveals Donna's true origin as a mystically created twin playmate for Princess Diana. The alternate warped version of Troy known as Dark Angel abducted Donna thinking her to be the original Diana and cursed her to live multiple tragic lives, one of which was as Donna Troy.
Hippolyta, along with Jay Garrick, travels back into the past to stabilize the current reality of Troy as Wonder Girl and correct some of the problems of the time stream caused by Dark Angel's presence in the past. It was during this time that Hippolyta becomes the Golden Age Wonder Woman native to the new reality and joins the Justice Society of America during the team's original days. Hippolyta, as the "new" Golden Age Wonder Woman, along with the Justice Society, defeats Dark Angel. Hippolyta remains there until approximately 1950 when she returns to the present with the help of a Jay Garrick from the future.

Dethronement and Death
Upon Hippolyta's return to the present time, she had found her time away from the Amazon and her royal duties had allowed a break to happen between the Amazon groups. While many outsiders had thought of the Amazons as one singular group of women, the truth of the Amazonian society did have individual groups. One of those groups, the Bana Mighdall Amazons, felt that Hippolyta had given up her right to rule by willingly abandon her throne to fight in Man's world, even though she was originally forced into the role by the Olympian gods. Even her direct Themyscira Amazons couldn't justify her continuing neglect of her royal duties as the Queen of the Amazons for the length of time that Hippolyta had remained away from the Amazons and began to turn away from her. Seeing that she was losing support and her own desire for battle increasing, Hippolyta relinquished her throne and went back into the outside to fight alongside her daughter as a second Wonder Woman, after suggesting that Diana and her saved sister, Donna Troy, rule over the Amazons. Hippolyta's two daughters refused to rule and the various factions were not able to choose and successor satisfactory to all the groups. Ultimately the Amazons decided to abolish the Amazon monarchy system for individual self-rule.
Finding her place as an active warrior and part-time member of the reformed Justice Society, Hippolyta carried on as the "other" Wonder Woman until the "Worlds at War" happened. During one of the cosmic invader Imperiex's attempts to destroy Earth, the Amazons became involved in the planet's defense. Hippolyta fought against an Imperiex probe and was barely able to stop it by herself. When Diana arrived at the battle scene she rescued her mother and ordered the weaker Wonder Woman to leave. But Hippolyta remained defiant despite her weaker power and safeguarded her daughter by throwing Diana out of the way when the Imperiex probe threaten to destroy Diana and all around them. The probe exploded killing only Hippolyta.
One Year Later revival
Hippolyta is brought back to life by the immortal witch Circe who shows the revived Hippolyta that the USA has kidnapped her daughter Diana and was being tortured until she gave over the plans on how the U.S. government could create their own Purple Ray to be used as a weapon. Enraged by Circe's vision and accepting them as real, Hippolyta declared control over all of the Amazons to rescue Diana and attain vengeance on the outside world she had once cherished. Confronting her daughter who had gone underground, Hippolyta decided to continue the battle regardless and slaughtered many males, even unarmed boys. Finding her actions completely out of character for the former Wonder Woman, Diana and Donna Troy discovered that Circe had revived Hippolyta as an extension of herself by placing a portion of her own soul into Hippolyta.
As Hippolyta's persona was modified to now be a composite of her former self and that of Circe, the revived Hippolyta was far more destructive than ever before even to the point that she defended Circe against her daughters. It is not until Circe was rendered impotent temporarily, and the magical influence over Hippolyta's mind is removed does Hippolyta regain her more calm center and end the Amazonian war. Athena makes herself known to Hippolyta and the Amazons and decides to punish them all for their part in the war by removing all the Amazons' powers and memories and scattering them across the Earth to live out their shortened lives as human women.
Hippolyta also stripped of her powers but restored to immortality for an unending punishment is forced to rule over an empty Paradise Island except for four bound Amazons who unless all forgive her will never be able to reclaim their memory and powers. Currently, Hippolyta spends her days seeking their redemption in the hopes of rebuilding Paradise Island and returning the Amazons to their previous status. It has been revealed that the current Athena is in reality Granny Goodness who has succeeded the original Athena after the fall of the New Gods.

Fun Facts
This character is an adaptation of Hippolyta, a character in traditional stories. These include, but may not be limited to religious texts, myth, and/or folk lore.
#queen hippolyta#hippolyta#Wonder Woman#hippolyte#shim'tar#shimtar#shim tar#Justice Society of America#jsa#All-Star Squadron#all star squadron#allstar squadron#dc#DC comics#thedcdunce
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“Hey bratwurst, drop the bags or I'll rip your lungs out.” - Pantha

Real Name: Rosabelle Mendez
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 8″
Weight: 125 lbs (57 kg)
Eyes: Red
Hair: Auburn
Unique Physiology
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Adventurer
First Appearance: New Titans #73 (February, 1991)
Appearance of Death: Infinite Crisis #4 (March, 2006)

Unique Physiology: Rosabelle was experimented upon by the Wildebeest Society which grafted wildebeest DNA onto her own DNA which combined to turn her into a were cat.
Accelerated Healing
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Strength

Rosabelle Mendez, also known as subject X-24, was a cat-like member of one of the incarnations of the Teen Titans. During her time with the Titans, she had no knowledge as to her origins, whether she was a human woman or a female panther before the Wildebeest Society mutated her. But tragically, her ultimately fruitless search lead her to many dead-ends. The significance of her designation as "X-24" was also never revealed.

Teen Titans
While many of the other Titans were close friends, Pantha went out of her way to alienate herself from the team. Pantha was overtly hostile towards her teammates, often ridiculing and berating them. She often referred to Starfire as "princess" and once teased her about Nightwing's other lovers. She also had a habit of calling Flamebird "Miss Wimbledon". Despite her attitude, her feral abilities made her a valuable asset to the team, and even earned her the affections of fellow Titan Red Star.
To her initial frustration, Pantha was "adopted" as a surrogate mother by Baby Wildebeest. She did not like this at first, often making references to grisly ways the child could perish. She eventually took responsibility for his care when she left the Titans with Red Star, forming a unique and somewhat dysfunctional family unit.
Later, she teams up with her old allies when Cyborg, now with an entirely new level of power, threatens the entire Earth. The Justice League of America showed up also and a series of mistakes led to the entire team fighting. Pantha took on Catwoman but neither side won as they were interrupted by blasts from Orion. Baby Wildebeest himself was subdued by Superman.

Infinite Crisis
During the "Infinite Crisis", she joins with another team of Titans, along with a new Doom Patrol and Justice Society of America. Their mission is to stop the deranged Superboy-Prime who has attacked this reality's version of Superboy. The battle originates at the town of Smallville, Kansas and moves to the outskirts of Keystone City. There, Pantha is decapitated with a backhand blow by Superboy-Prime that is so powerful her head knocks Ambush Bug unconscious. Superboy-Prime instantly claims he didn't mean to do it, but in the next few moments, he kills Baby Wildebeest and attacks Red Star with freezing breath. Red Star survives his injuries.

Blackest Night
Pantha has been resurrected as a Black Lantern in the Blackest Night. She was seen with Baby Wildebeest, as well as Garth, Tula, and Dolphin gathering to attack the Teen Titans.
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