primeofprimes115 · 2 months
A Flight with Supergirl - Supergirl x Male Raeder
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Note: Fluff
"I got you"
Y/N hadn't thought he'd be asking out the girl who had been keeping the city safe since she made the world known about her presence in the form of the blonde girl with the red cape and the identical S on her suit that only Superman proudly wore.
To say he was over the Moon was kind of true in a way, he hadn't thought much of it but when Kara Danvers revealed there was more to her than meets the eye? He was ecstatic, had many questions, wondered if Kara was real and that only made her ever more interested in him, she found him cute, funny, and at times, vulnerable but she vowed to protect him, no matter what happens.
This was before the first date, the two had only met prior to bumping into each other in public, Y/N was nothing but an entertainer on social media, while Kara Danvers worked as an intern for Cat.Co Worldwide Media from time to time...
On the other half? Her real job was nothing short of being a superhero, she worked closely with her adopted parents, Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers who both loved her as their daughter, working closely with the D.E.O. from time to time. And on the other half? She'd work closely with heroes like Batgirl/Oracle, Spoiler, etc.
Kara Danvers was Supergirl, the cousin of Superman and sole defender of National City.
A lot had changed since Kara revealed the suit and cape to the unsuspecting Y/N, his life had changed since then, for the better in a way, but he had to keep the secret off social media for his safety alone, none of his fans could know that he was in touch with the Girl of Steel, not even his family... For now that is.
He found Kara Danvers to be this cute, nerdy girl who seemed to be a lost puppy at times, just someone outgoing and super friendly, she looked gorgeous in his eyes, but after she revealed she was Supergirl? It only unlocked a new perspective.
He didn't ask out Kara because she was this strong and mighty superhero who was more powerful than a locomotive, could fly anywhere; even in space, could shoot lasers out of her eyes and all sorts of other things... He asked Kara out because he was generally interested in her.
And she accepted, though she gave warnings to him about dating her, he didn't let it bother him much, he loved for who she is and would love to go on a date with her.
"I... *nervous giggle* I haven't exactly been on a date in a while" Kara eyed him, not planning to keep her eyes off him anytime soon.
Y/N took a glance at her, she could've mentioned it earlier rather than later but... He wasn't bothered much. He had other shocking news. "Let me tell you" he leaned in. "This is my first time".
"Wait, really?!?" she tried not to shout it out so everyone could hear her, pushing up her glasses to keep herself disguised. "You've never been on a date before? I've known you for two months now and you now tell me this??" she asked him curiously as she slurped some of her milkshake from the straw.
"Nope, and for someone like me? That sounds bad, doesn't it?" he asked her, resulting in a giggle from her.
"If you asked someone else? They'd be lying to you and saying it is" she cooed. "But it's not, I can understand the tension, but you don't seem to be tense around me and that's good" she told him with a big smile. "I'm happy that I'm your first date" she gave him a smile in his direction. That cute, warm smile she'd been giving him since the day they met randomly.
"Y-Yeah..." he began to lean in. "But I had no idea I'd be asking Supergirl out on a date though" he whispered after looking over his shoulder. "Like it's crazy to still think about it".
Kara giggled at his observation, she looked down to what she wore, knowing she had her Supergirl suit underneath, she smiled while sipping up the tasty strawberry milkshake from her straw.
"That reminds me" she finished taking a sip. "I gotta show you something after this, it's something I want to share with you" she gave him a little wink, her words enough made him curious to what it was she wanted to share.
"Oh? What is it?" he asked with a little smirk at the corner of his lips.
"Haha, you'll see" she smirked back. "But damn, I forgot how delicious these milkshakes are" she continued to sip on her milkshake, before Y/N done the same.
"Yeah, they are pretty delicious" he agreed.
What followed after was the pair leaving the diner they went to on their date, their hands brushed off of each other which added to the whole romantic tension.
Kara noticed Y/N blushing after their hands brushed off each other a few times, which only made her grab his hand softly and gently at a moments notice.
"I got you" she told him sweetly, he didn't understand the meaning behind her words, but he'd soon find out from where she was leading him to.
An audible look of confusion spreaded across his face when she led him to his apartment building of where he stayed for now, he didn't remember telling her where he stayed but she teased that Supergirl had been 'keeping' an eye on him, with a wink at the end.
He laughed at the hint she gave, saying how it was sweet of her to keep an eye on him the entire time, if only he knew what was coming next...
She took him to the roof of the apartment building from the stairs, using her super speed to make the journey more quicker which was a woozy experience for him but he recovered soon after...
This was when she began to take off her glasses and cardigan, revealing the suit underneath, before she took off her disguise completely, transforming into the Girl of Steel, her alter ego. He began to realize something was a little off with Kara's plan, knowing they were far up from the ground...
Like her? He had a secret of his own...
He hated heights...
Heights made him quiver, he always feared heights as a kid, he hated them.
It didn't sound as drastic as someone being a superhero, but this was something he always had a fear of, and he had a feeling Kara was going to show him something he feared.
The sun shined through the view ahead of Kara, she floated up a little, her cape being picked up by the gentle wind, rustling behind her softly. Her hair flowed like a golden cape as she closed her eyes, letting the sun soak into her face.
She inhaled and exhaled through her nose and out her mouth, letting out a satisfied sigh, her red skirt soon picking up from the tender wind, the warmth of the sun on her face soaked into her skin.
She reopened her eyes, smiling.
"Um..." Y/N soon brought her attention after he'd been staring at the golden S on her cape the whole time. "Why did you bring me up here?" a tone of nervousness came out of Y/N, as Kara turned herself around in midair.
"I never get to show much people what I see, to show them what it looks like to be up there" she looked up at the sky. "Even if its just casually, sure I've shown some friends of mine but... I never got to show someone like you what I see" she revealed, her words were rather sweet and tender, just like the milkshakes they had on their date.
Kara... Supergirl, looked down toward her date once more, before offering her hand to him while floating closer to him.
"I wanna show you what I see, I want to share this view with you, and it's a perfect time too" she smiled at him, her hand still out for him to grab. "Let me show you".
He looked at her hand hesitantly, before he found himself staring at her hand before shaking his head.
Supergirl took notice of his behavior, knowing something was up. "Is something wrong?" she asked him sweetly, putting her hand to the side before floating down in front of him, she showed a concerned look on her face.
A pure, sweet, generally concerned look...
"I... This may not be the best time to tell you..." he twiddled with his thumbs, looking down at the ground away from Kara's eyes for a moment...
"You're afraid of heights???" she asked him, despite leaving him shocked at her guessing correctly.
"Wha? How did you know that??" he chuckled nervously, his face heated up as he looked at her.
"It was a pretty wild guess" she shrugged. "But hey! That's okay! I can... Help with that" she told him next, smiling at him nicely.
"H-How?" he asked, feeling more nervous by the minute. "I-I-I hated heights as a kid, how can you help me?" he stuttered, beginning to stammer his words before Kara shut him up by placing a finger on his lips.
"I got you" she cooed, repeating her phrase from earlier after she held his hand gently, her hand was warm and soft, the soft wording made him a little bit less uneasy about her plan to show him the view.
"O-Okay" he breathed in and out.
She smiled before swooping him from his feet, into her embrace, carrying him like a bride which was something he didn't expect for her to do.
"You're safe and secure, I'm gonna start levitating okay? The wind is gonna pick up soon once I start flying completely" she cooed, Y/N nodded silently as Supergirl began to take flight, slowly her feet lifted off the roof, stage one had began of taking flight.
A minute had gone by and Y/N began to cower into Supergirl's neck a little, closing his eyes as the wind picked up a little more.
"I-I don't know about this" he let his fears known to her. "Maybe this is a bad idea" he said to himself, digging his face into the crook of her neck, feeling the soft skin and the part of her cape attached and tucked into her suit. Her scent smelt like a comforting vanilla.
She felt his face burrow into her neck, the sounds of her cape rustling in the wind growing stronger as she continued flying up soon followed, she was only half way up now.
Maybe he shouldn't have agreed on this... Maybe something else would've been said instead if he thought about it more clearly.
"Keep your eyes on me Y/N" Supergirl cooed with a little giggle at the end. "It's gonna be okay, you're in my arms, my warm embrace" she continued, the wind began to pick up a little more intensely as she increased her flight speed. "I got you" her coos went forward into his ears. "You're safe and sound within my arms" she cooed one last time before the wind picked up even more.
He could feel the warmth of her words, as comforting as they were, he still felt hesitant... He felt sick to his stomach.
But she was right... He was in her embrace, he was safe and sound in her arms... She has him.
"D-Don't drop me, Supergirl" he pulled back a little to speak, his pupils landing on Kara's eyes as she then looked at him with a sweet smile.
"I'd never do that... Never" the Girl of Steel vowed, she found it a little adorable that he dug his face into her neck and hell, this was his first date and he was already doing this. She couldn't lie but make a mental note that this was cute, and she was supposed to be the cute one around here.
It was no wonder why she suddenly fell for him the moment she laid her eyes on him more, his laugh, his humor, his gentle kindness... He was someone perfect for someone like herself and she didn't really know about him till she bumped into him, even if he was this big social media entertainer on the internet, laughing and gaffing with his social media friends just like him.
"I suppose that makes me feel a lot more better then" he chuckled nervously before gaining the courage to look at her in the eyes, taking his face out of the crook of her neck.
The caped girl smiled more brightly, showing her perfect white teeth, her eyes laying upon his and she knew she had fallen in love... He seemed to...
Perfect, even if he had said before that he wasn't...
Even she wasn't perfect, countless times she's said that she always will make mistakes, but she gets over them and pushes on, everyone makes mistakes.
No one is perfect...
Y/N kept his eyes on her, watching her baby blues stare back into his eyes, before her eyes drifted to the sunny view ahead... And at that moment? She began to fly forward.
Y/N felt his stomach aching a little bit more from the sudden movement, but he ignored it... He did as she told him...
He kept his eyes on her, watching her blonde, golden hair beautifully billow in the now softer wind like a golden cape... Her cape and skirt rustled in the wind in the corner of his eyes also but he kept his eyes on her... Only her.
On the girl he asked out on a date... He asked Kara... Supergirl, in costume... To go on a date with him and she willingly accepted not long after he asked.
It was awkward... But it worked.
"You can look now if you want, you don't wanna miss it ~♡" she winked at him once again with a huge smile. "I brought you up here so I can share this special view with you".
Y/N took up her words carefully, before seeing the ecstatic view ahead of him... He began to make a mental note of where she took him, no longer where was he in the city...
He was high above the clouds, with just her... His date, the superheroine of National City, the Girl of Steel... Supergirl.
"W-Wow" he let out a shaky breath, the view made him breathless, it was a sight to behold. "This is... What you see?" he kept his eyes on the clouds, the sun... The sky... Beginning to think maybe this wasn't so bad after all. "When you fly and all that? This is..." he didn't exactly know what to say.
Was it beautiful? Amazing? Both??
"Yeah! It's amazing, isn't it?" Supergirl laughed softly, her tone all happy and joyful at Y/N's ecstatic view on what she sees. "Flying is definitely my favorite part about being... Well... Supergirl" she admitted to him, smiling all the way.
She kept on flying slowly through the clouds, watching the sun set with her date, setting up the perfect view for her to share with him, she couldn't stop taking some glances at him when he wasn't looking while he was hyper-fixated on the view.
She began to think this could be helping out get over his fear of heights, just a little, he still kept his arms around her tightly, in fear of course.
"Want me to fly a little faster over time to give you a taste of how fast I can go? At this point? I might as well show you around the entire United States" she joked, though she was serious about it still... However, he didn't answer.
He was too busy on feeling comfortable in the superheroine's arms, eyes fixated on the view ahead of them as she continued flying him through the sky, soaring like a slow silent missile, his smile began to grow as seconds went by.
"Y/N?" the girl called out his name, hoping he'd answer her question.
"Just kiss me already" he muttered under his breath, before giggling followed from her with a little blush across her cheeks, gaining his attention. "What?" he frowned. "Wh-What's so funny??".
"I heard you, I've got super hearing" she blankly told him, resulting in him being a blushing mess, his eyes widened at his mistake.
"Oh..." he muttered loudly. Soon after, Supergirl stopped flying forward and stayed stationary in the air, not keeping her eyes off him now. "I-I... Um... Sorry".
"It's okay" she began to lean in, her lips drawing closer to his to the point he could feel her warm breath on his lips. "I was waiting for you to say something" she put in her word before closing the gap, taking him by surprise.
His eyes widened as soon as Kara's lips touched his, her eyes fully closed before his slowly but surely, eventually closed... He hadn't felt this feeling before, not once had he kissed a girl on the lips.
Imagine how big his one post on Instagram would go of him kissing the one and only Supergirl? It would probably take headliners all across social media, hell it could make him more internet famous than he is with the crew he's apart of when it comes to making content for his Youtube channel.
But he was smart enough to not do that if it were the case... It'd be putting a target on his back from Supergirl's many enemies, and probably enemies that Supergirl doesn't face most of the time, especially those in Gotham.
He melted into the kiss, their lips slowly danced with the Girl of Steel taking the lead, she was going to give him a first kiss to surely remember.
Kara moaned into his lips, adding more to the first kiss to make it memorable for him, she has kissed guys before, she had experience, she wanted to make it memorable knowing his inexperience on dating, she smiled through it all.
Suddenly, Y/N had to pull back for air, unintentionally slowly, he was panting slowly as he pulled himself back a little, soon opening his eyes to meet Kara's, who only smiled brightly at him as he soon chuckled.
"So?" Supergirl left her question linger, her smirk soon being known to him as he chuckled lightly.
"I... I haven't kissed a girl before, I know it sounds bad but... Yeah" he nodded before bringing something else up. "I just got kissed my Supergirl? My first kiss too with Supergirl?? Man, imagine that hitting social media? I'd be making the internet blow up" he joked as the Maiden of Might herself soon laughed softly with him.
"You know you can't do that, but I can imagine how it'll go in a good note too" she could imagine it blowing up across social media, before she leaned in again. "But you know you gotta keep this a secret" she cooed, making an obvious remark to the suit she wore, the cape that billows behind her and the hope she brings for humanity.
"You know I will" he told her. "I need to ask, why did you agree to go on a date with me?" he suddenly asked her which in a way, backed her in a corner in a sense, she wasn't expecting such a question but she had a form of an answer, if something similar were said.
She giggled lightly after a moment, the wind casually blowing the bright red fabrics that donned on her sky blue suit, the gold belt that shined and illuminated off the sky and sun, bright colors all around.
"The reason I agreed is because... I thought you were interesting" she revealed, surprising him... He used to always think many girls didn't want to date him is because he was this Youtuber that played games for content with his crew, having funny moments and gaffing around in those games, perhaps she could make him see he was wrong. "And... You are cute, funny and honestly very kind, though you're such a fiend to your friends" she giggled.
"Oh? So you've watched my content?" he asked like a jumping bunny almost. "Damn, I didn't think you'd like my vids" he admitted.
"Oh no, I do, you're genuinely funny. You love pranking your friends in those videogames you all play, that's the type of fun I kinda need in my life to see, just someone who's themselves and isn't afraid to be so" she smiled with a wholehearted meaning behind it.
"I... I don't know what to say" he chuckled nervously, he'd scratch the back of his neck, but being high up in the air? He couldn't... He still held onto Kara for dear life, despite being calm. "That... That means a lot" he smiled brightly.
"I really like you, Y/N... I do. And I want us to be... A thing, I want this to work, us to work" she admitted, though she felt nervous about it all... Dating a human? She done it before but it didn't really last as long as she hoped it would.
"Kara, Supergirl. I do want this to work, I'd be happy for us to be..." he paused for a moment, letting his words linger as the caped girl caught onto it and her smile radiated.
"Good..." she leaned further into the gap between herself and him. "That's all I needed to hear" her smile grew as her lips then connected with his once more to leave a cheeky kiss, pulling back to speak once more soon after. "Like I asked earlier, want me to go a little faster with our flight? I can also fly you around the entire United States if you like?" she offered him nicely.
Y/N thought about it for a moment, he still felt a little sick being high up, but at the same time, he felt comfortable in her warm embrace while she soared through the sky, just noticing she was stationary since the long lasting kiss earlier. "When did you stop flying forward?".
"Just before we kissed" she answered nicely. "But..." she lingered, keeping her eyes on him like she'd give someone puppy dog eyes.
"Sure" he chuckled lightly. "And maybe... If you're fine with it, you could... Stay at my place for the night? I-I know it's early to ask but I-Mmph!" Kara quickly shut him up with a soft kiss, where he soon melted into it, her lips pressing against his like a pillow.
"Mwah! *giggle* of course! I'd love to! Doesn't matter if it's too early or not to ask" she agreed regardless, beginning to continue soaring through the sky as she began to fly forward. "Remember... I got you"
"Wouldn't have it any other way" he smiled, beginning to actually enjoy the flight, despite his fear of heights... 
Y/N thought to himself. 'Maybe this isn't so bad after all'...
'A Flight with Supergirl... How someone would be called lucky for that...'
* * *
Word Count: 3888
Tags: @fandomnerd9602 @6rookie-writer0110 @multi-fandom-enjoyer @ma1egamer @ab1nsur @cole-el @jacenradio7 @jadenyukiyusakufujikiyutoduelist
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harleychick91 · 21 days
Where You Go, I Go (rated M)
Summary: After narrowly surviving an assassination attempt ordered by Lex, Lena seeks out help from old friends. The only way to stay alive is to leave National City and go into hiding with a new name and identity. Imagine her surprise when a certain Super decides to go with her. What does a small South Dakota town have in store for the two women?
Chapter One: New Lives
Barely escaping Lex’s most recent attack, I held a cloth to my forehead. I need help. I can’t stop him on my own. Checking the gash above my eye, I winced. At least the cut on my nose and lip isn’t too deep. Sighing, I closed my eyes. There’s only one group of people who can help me now. I just hope they agree.
To stay under the radar, I took public transportation as close to the D.E.O. as I could and walked the rest of the way. Standing across the street from the entrance, I stared down at my Super watch. Should I activate it? Would she even come now? My chest ached remembering the betrayal in her eyes. She thinks I’m a villain. Putting my fear and pain into a little box, I pressed the red diamond and walked inside.
Instantly, I was surrounded by agents. “I come in peace,” I held my hands palms forward. “I need to speak with Alex.” J’onn, please! I need their help!
“What are you doing here?” Alex asked, her brows pinched. “And why are you bleeding?”
“Lex is trying to kill me. Yes, I worked with him but once I realized his ultimate plan, I tried to stop him. He wants to use Q-waves to brainwash the world into loving him. He’s going to use Obsidian North to do it.”
“Put your arms down.” I did as I was told. “Why should we help you?”
“You shouldn’t but you’re my only choice,” I paused. “I don’t want to die…and you’re the only ones who can stop him.”
“To live, you would have to go into hiding,” Brainy said as he came to stand by Alex. “I overheard what happened. From my calculations, you would need to go to Univille, South Dekota or Storybrooke, Maine,” he paused. “You couldn’t come back until one of us came for you. It could be weeks, months, or years even. Fake identity, low tech life, the list goes on. Depending on what happens, we might have to fake your death.”
My life as Lena Luthor could be over. I may never see any of these people again. I may never see Kara again. “What's the chance I live?”
Brainy thought for a moment, “47.32 percent.”
A familiar gust of air filled the room. “And if I go with her?” Turning, I saw Kara walking towards us. Did she come because of the watch or because of another alert?
Finish reading on AO3. Chapters will be posted Mondays and Fridays.
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dannyboy-writes · 9 months
Careful where you enter II
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It’s finally here!! Part 2. I've been rather gone from this blog, but I finished this last night at 3 am and I'm trying to get back into writing pace soo here it iss.. Hope you enjoy!!
She kept going to your cell, something was still pulling her to you. To your shiny eyes.
She wondered if it was the reflection of the light or if you had been crying. Maybe it was the colour of your eyes, maybe something unique to your kind. 
A kind they knew nothing of.
Somehow you dodged the question every time she asked it. She’d enter the room to ask only that, and she’d leave after telling you about her childhood and her many sleepless nights. Still empty handed.
“What do you want?” She asked, sitting in a little chair in front of you, with the glass playing with her eyes.
You thought about it for a long minute, often humming to yourself as ideas took over your mind. “I want out.”
“I don’t know if I can do that for you.” She said, rather defeated.
The glint in your eyes left, and your gaze dropped to your hands. “Well, it was a long shot anyways,” you smiled. “I think you should leave now, miss Luthor. Thank you for your visit.”
A glaring red light coloured the halls of the D.E.O., as Lena found herself wandering once more through the prisoner’s wing.
You had asked her for the codes, and in a forgotten act, she had even given them to you. She remembered your grin and the glint in your eyes, although your words escaped her memories. 
“I trusted you,” she said, closing the gate to your cell behind her. 
You raised your eyebrow, “That was your mistake, my dear.”
Her breath grew heavy, and her vision blurred itself with tears. “Why?”
“I needed one of them, to get out,” you stated. “You were perfect, darling. It’s in your nature to help people, as it’s in mine to deceive them.”
“But why me?”
“Because you‘re fascinating.”
“No really, why?” She asked again.
“You don’t believe me.” You looked at her. “You, Miss Luthor, are one of the most extraordinary people I’ve ever met. I felt it that very first day you crossed that door. So full of hope and wanting so much love…” You clicked your tongue.
“Is that why you chose me, because I wanted to feel loved? Is that why you tricked me into giving you the codes, because I was easy to fool?” She said, her voice cracking.
“Oh, no. No no no, you mistake me for one of your friends. I chose you because I found you… Irresistible. Because I want you by my side, Miss Luthor.” She rolled her eyes at that, but you paid it no mind. “Being the bad guy can be lonely,” you muttered.
“Well get used to it. Because I will not join you. Not now, not ever.”
You shrugged at her attempt at an insult, “Never say that. Don’t close the opportunities, dear. You’ll come back for me - once you realise who has really been tricking you from the very beginning.”
“What does that mean?”
“Ask Supergirl… Or her sister, they’re both in the building.” Lena got up at that last part, what an unusual set of words. “Unlike me.”
There it was. What Lena didn’t know but had been expecting once she heard it. As she moved closer to you she saw a device on the floor, and a blinking light. 
“Don’t let the light trick you, Miss Luthor. You’ll find me, do not worry. We’re connected, you and I,” you told her before the hologram she had been speaking to for the last half hour faded away.
She ran out of the room as fast as she could, making her way into the main hall to speak to Alex.
“Did anything happen, Lena?” The agent asked her.
She bit her tongue, connecting the dots. “Can we talk in private?”
“Of course, this way,” Alex walked with her into an office nearby.
“Are you okay?” She asked Lena.
“I have a question…” Alex nodded so she kept on, “Supergirl. Who is she?”
Alex’s eyes widened in surprise. She had spoken to Kara about it, but it was Kara herself who had to tell Lena. It was her secret.
“Both you and Supergirl have come for my help countless times. I just want to know who I’m helping.” 
“Yes. I understand, Lena, I do. I just… I don’t know if I can tell you.” Lena scoffed and Alex raised her arms, trying to stop Lena from walking away. “It’s not my secret.”
“But it is, It’s your secret too. Isn’t it?” Alex tried to talk, but Lena interrupted her. “Yours and Kara’s.”
Lena shut her eyes, stopping her tears from falling through her cheeks, and left the office, not uttering one word.
Instead, she started to search for you. She had been staying at the D.E.O., but L-Corp still had some toys.
She found you in an abandoned building, on the last floor. The power shut off, only lit by the night light.
“What did you mean when you said we were connected?” She asked into the room.
“Remember that first day we met,” you said, standing by the opposite wall to her.
You started to walk in her direction, not close enough that she could hurt you. “Well, I remember it perfectly. At least one little part of it.”
“What part?”
“The part where you gave me your name,” you grinned, taking another step in her direction.
It seemed to click in her mind, “You never gave me yours…”
“Of course not, one’s name is their most powerful weapon, or their biggest weakness. Neither of which I’d want people to know.”
“Why did you pick me?” She asked again. “Really this time.”
One more lazy step in front of her, “There’s so much potential.”
She furrowed her brows, trying to see where you were getting at.
“With your brain, and my wit. We could be huge. We could rule the world,” you said, just one step away from her.
She took one in your direction as you grinned, “When do we start?”
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Young Justice Knowledge Check #12
Note: this is for the Young Justice comics and the comics alone
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stardustjarr · 11 months
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Codename: D.E.O. (Derrassium Engine Operator) Name: Aniya Gauss Redesign Made as a break from Uni work.
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"An enforcer also known as the "Seraph Unit", Aniya is a former human whose conscious got transferred onto a new body by her brilliant mother after a terrible accident. She's unable to express herself properly, both in tone of voice and facial expression wise, due to her build, but she doesn't really mind."
Bonuses: Earlier attempts +Older Designs. (feat. a redraw of her first ever design!)
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psychokatrixxxy · 2 months
Random rant/analysis (ig) of the CW's Supergirl (Arrowverse)
Heads up, I only watch the first 3 seasons of Supergirl before losing interest. Writing just wasn't as compelling, and I was busy with other stuff.
My first introduction to Supergirl was through the CW's Supergirl, I had no knowledge about her character. Hell, I barely knew anything about Superman's origins. The only DC media I had really consumed was Young Justice and a few episodes of Batman: The Brave and The Bold. The only reason I even watched Supergirl was because it looked interesting. (And for some reason, it was in the kid setting for Netflix, which... yeah, it shouldn't of been. There was no nudity but the implied sex and stuff made child me a little uncomfortable and like can we get back to the fighting?) But that's besides the point.
My point is, that show did Kara dirty.
When I first mentioned the character of Supergirl, one of my friends' critics was that she thought her character was pointless because she was just a female version of Superman and she found it pointless to just make a girl version of a character.
And yeah, that's what the CW did. That Kara was just a girl version of Clark. A quirky reporter that's actually an alien adopted by human farmers and is struggling with her identity as a Kryptonion and as a Human.
Obviously, there are differences between her and Clark. She has an adoptive sister, she works with the D.E.O, etc. But the core of her character, her humanity, she's just a girl version of Superman.
But as stated before, I was a young dumb child who didn't know much about Superman, so I loved it. But now I understand that they completely messed up Kara's character.
Kara is compassionate, but she's also a hot-headed, fierce, and impulsive teenager. Yeah, you could say she does does become like the cheerful bubbly Supergirl of the CW, but we never see her being the scared, angry girl who just lost her parents, her entire home, and is now stranded on a new planet, with new powers she doesn't understand and can't control. We don't see her as the teenager that comes off as angry because she's scared and doesn't want anyone to see it.
Superman came to Earth as a baby, Earth is all he knew. It is his home. He grew up learning to control his powers to fit in, to not accidentally hurt someone.
Supergirl came to Earth as a teenager, her home is gone, everyone she knew and loved is dead. She has to learn about a whole new culture, while grappling with brand new powers she hasn't learned to control.
Superman and Supergirl are very different characters, just because they're both "Supers" and have similar costumes and powers (which is because they are cousins) does not mean they are just gender bent versions of eachother.
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superdanverstrio · 11 months
Kidnapped PT.7
PT.1  PT.2   PT.3   PT.4  PT.5 PT.6
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: Will a 100% be a marvel x supergirl crossover.
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When Kara arrived to your apartment, she found you safe and asleep in your bed.
Some days passed and you just kept getting worst and worst. It got to a point where you didn't get out of bed except for emergency, and it took everything in you to just take a step without falling. You were nauseous, dizzy, really weak and your still healing wounds were hurting more than usual. Sometimes you were so cold, and sometimes you felt like you were in a volcano.
“Alex?” You ask when you woke up and saw your sister. “ Hmm?” She said, closing her book and placing it in her lap. “I really don't feel good.” You say. Her expression quickly changed. “What do you mean, what's wrong?” “Everything hurts and I feel so weak.” You say, tears brimming your eyes. “Alright, how long have you felt like this?” Alex asked. “A week.” You said closing your eyes to try to get rid of the dizziness.
“Hon, please don't fall asleep, I know you must be tired, but I have some questions.” Ales asked in a soft voice, she placed her hand on your forehead to see if you were hot, and unfortunately you were really hot. “Shit, you're really hot.” She says. “Alright, do you feel like throwing up?” You nodded your head. “Kind of.” “Ok what do you say we bring you back to the D.E.O, it could be nothing, but I prefer not to take risk.” She said, and you agreed.
You were back at the D.E.O, hook up to many machines, with Alex taking care of you and Kara at your bed side, with the same worried expression. “Do you feel a little better.” Kara asked. You gave her a little nod, the frown on her face deepen as she saw how unwell you still were.
“Alex, can I talk to you?” J'onn ask entering the room. “I'll be right back.” Alex said giving you a kiss on your forehead. “I just saw the footage of the Alien escaping, and I think i sort of know where he went.” Alex frown. “What do you mean 'kind of know'?”
“Well, a little before you join the D.E.O, I had this weird dream, but now I don't think it was a dream.” Alex nodded, signalling j'onn to keep going. “I woke up in a building in the middle of New work. I won't go into too many details, but I met people there, they were superhero sort of. They called themselves the Avengers.” Alex scoffed. “The Avengers? That's a… original name for a team.” Alex said. J'onn then went on by explaining what everyone did and what happened when he was there. “Ok, but how is that related to the alien's location.” Alex asks. “Well, Doctor Strange, the wizard, he can teleport by creating these circles that bring him wherever he wants. Those circles are the exact same as the on the alien when through. So now that we know the multiverse is real, I think it wasn't a dream, and somehow I travelled to another planet.” J'onn said.
“That makes sense, so now can we get there.” “I'm not sure, maybe the device that Cisco gave to Kara could travel us there.” J'onn suggested. “Maybe you're right, I'm going to try to look into it.”
A few days passed, and your condition just kept getting worse, you were exhausted all the time, you had lost all your appetite, and you threw up at least 3 times a day. Alex was so caught up with everything, she had barely enough time to take care of herself. She needed to take care of you, find the alien, find a cure for you and on top of that she needed to find the alien. Of course, she wasn't alone Kara helps with taking care of you, Lena with finding the cure and brainy help tracking the alien down, but it was still a lot.
Kara walking in Alex quarters, she saw Alex sat on a bench staring at the wall. “Alex?” Kara asked, braking Alex out of the trans she was in. “Mhm? What?” "Are you ok?” Kara asked, Alex took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah… yeah, I'm fine.” “You know, you're a really bad liar sometimes.” Alex gave a small smile and place her head in her hands, starting to tear up. “Come on, tell me what's wrong.” Kara said, placing her hand around her sister to comfort her.
“It's just… I know everyone is telling me it's not my fault, but I really feel like it is and having to take care of Y/N on top of being the director having to deal with everything it's just a lot. And I'm really worried about them and what if they die, I don't think I could ever forgive myself.” She said tears falling. Kara hugged Alex tightly and rubbed her back. “Alex, why didn't you tell me. You know you're not alone, you have Winn Lena J'onn Brainy and you have me. You know what, I think you should go home tonight, and before you argue J'onn is just as qualified as you to take care of the D.E.O and me and Lena can take care of Y/N.” Alex hesitates for a minute but agreed, “fine, but you have to call me if there is anything wrong.” “Of course.” Alex went home, and she could finally get some much-needed sleep, and everything went smoothly all night with you and the D.E.O.
Although it was the last thing she wanted, Alex had no choice but to call Eliza when your condition didn't improve. The look on her when she saw you laying in the D.E.O's med bay hooked up to so many machines was one of pure worry. “Oh god, sweetheart, you look so bad.” Eliza said, coming to your side. “Thank you.” you said barely above a whisper. Your mother place a comforting hand on your forehead and when she did, she noticed how hot it was.
“God, they are burning up, how long have they been this way?” She questioned. “Um, maybe like a week, they have only been getting worst since we brought them here.” Alex said just as worried. “ What's wrong with them?” Eliza asked, “Well that's part of the reason we called you, we don't know yet.” Alex said.
You were slowly falling asleep whilst your mother and big sisters talked, You were half of sleep when your stomach turned. You groan and slapped your hand over your mouth, you frantically looked around for Kara. She noticed your panicked state and quickly gave you the bucket, she sat you up and pulled your hair back. “Alright, let it all out, it's ok.”
When you were done throwing up, you laid back down. “I'm sorry.” You muttered exhausted. “Don't apologize, honey, it's not your fault at all.” Your mother said soothingly. After that, you fell asleep for a while.
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innamorament0 · 1 year
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Yes, it's my second little dirty story. I decided it's time to post in here too.
“And what exactly have you been doing with Sam for weeks?” - Kara chewed her lips aggressively, glaring at Lena. 
The woman scowled at her, irritated by both the question and Kara’s disgruntled face. They stared each other down for a few minutes until J’onn cleared his throat, startling them both. Alex watched them awkwardly, not knowing what to do and where this tension came from. The suffocating silence fell upon the people who sat in the room. 
Lena pressed her lips together and peered at Kara, who chewed her lips even more aggressively. She finally averted her gaze just to make the most disappointed grimace Lena had ever seen on a Kryptonian.
“For weeks, Lena. For weeks, you hid Reign from us.” - Kara looked at her hands, picking on her nails, her lips still pressed together. Lena rolled her eyes, watching the Kryptonian having a little temper tantrum. She still couldn’t understand why Supergirl was so stressed about it. It wasn’t like she would open up to the cladescent organisation she only found out about today. And Lena wanted to help Sam, whatever it takes. She wouldn’t trust anyone here, especially not the people she confided in so much and who lied to her for months about who they were.
There was something else in the offended expression of the Kryptonian. Lena narrowed her eyes, watching her pouting at the table. Kara lifted her eyes and looked into Lena’s green ones. Still pissed, the human held her gaze easily. She would never be scared of the Kryptonian, especially not now when she has magic. And not after they had a few encounters in the bathroom of the D.E.O. She watched Kara getting slightly frustrated under her gaze and smirked.
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computergeek123 · 4 months
Winn Schott D.E.O ID! :)
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I remember seeing Winn for the first time and I was amazed. To bad that he left during season 3 :(
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astrophiliaxx · 7 months
| The Collision |
This was not how Andrea envisioned her day would be. She did not expect that the two worlds would literally collide.
Warning: English is not my native language.
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“W-what. Y-you look exactly like me just-just more mature, ” Andrea stuttered, looking at the woman in front of her who seemed to be the older version of her. The woman in question just stares at her for a minute with a blank expression, then looks at their surroundings.
“Who are you, ” the woman asked. “Where are we? ”
“I-I don't know this place, ” Andrea replied, after taking in the surroundings. She had not realized that she had gotten further than she planned. She only planned to walk and find a room to cool down for a while, but it seems that she got too caught up in her feelings. The earthquake that occurred seemed to be the one that snapped her out of it.
The earthquake.
It had happened so suddenly. In just a minute the world was just normal, and then suddenly the ground began to shake so intensely that there was a massive crack in the middle of the room. Then, for some odd reason, there was a blinding light that came from the crack, and as it dimmed it revealed the woman that was standing in front of her.
After this, Andrea will definitely go and ask Kara or her friends from the D.E.O. about it because it was certainly not a normal event.
“Well, isn't that just great, ” the woman muttered sarcastically, her expression showing a mix of annoyance and worriedness. However, it disappeared in just a split second and was replaced with a blank poker face. “May I know your name? ”
“I don't think it would be a great idea to give my name to some stranger. ”
“Well, it would be too late to apply the rule of not talking to strangers. Because you are already having a conversation with a stranger, don't you think, ” the woman replied, amusement mixed within her voice.
“That-that is not why I-I won't give my name, ” Andrea reasoned.
“Sure, ” the woman hummed.
“I'm telling the truth! ”
“Did I ever say that you were lying, ” the woman bit back, one eyebrow arched as she stared at Andrea.
Andrea would have responded to the woman if she had not been startled by the sudden sound of her phone ringing in her hand. She took a glance at the name of whoever was the caller before deciding to answer the incoming call.
Miranda Priestly
“Where are you, Andrea? ”
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owl127 · 1 year
Request: omega kara (with or with out powers) gets taken by someone who hates her alpha
The whiskey burned on Lena’s throat, the usual suave touch a harsh reminder of her failure. The crystal cup trembled on the glass desk of her office, and it took her a moment to realize she was the one shaking.
"Mrs. Luthor?" Jess’s voice followed the soft knock. Lena didn’t respond at first, taking another sip of the Glenmorangie. "You asked to be informed of any developments?" Jess added, and Lena was on her feet in a second.
"Did the D.E.O. find her?" She asked while throwing the door open, and her secretary barely flinched at the half-drunk move.
No one blamed Lena for any of this; she was already excellent at blaming herself.
"We got an update from the DEO, yes," Jess said, checking the tablet in her hands, "it seems they have located Supergirl."
Jess was part of the small, selective group of people who knew the true identity of Lena’s wife. "Is she okay? Is she alive?"
If Jess saw desperation in Lena’s eyes, she didn’t comment on it. "Dr. Danvers said she is alive, but the situation escalated to a hostage exchange. They are asking for you."
Lena had her own team deployed to track Kara, but of course the D.E. Fucking O. had found her first. "I’ll be there ASAP. Get my helicopter ready."
"It’s on the roof waiting for you, ma’am."
Gods, this girl deserved a raise.
Lena was either too exhausted or too drunk for small talk, so as she entered the D.E.O. war room with a small visitor badge, she zeroed in on her sister-in-law. "Where is she?"
Alex shared her agony, so she kindly ignored Lena’s alcohol breath and recited the main points of Kara’s abduction.
Ambush. Kryptonite. An alpha posing as Lena, a bait.
"How did Kara fall for that?" Lena asked as Alex recounted the tale. "She would have noticed the difference in the scents."
"They had your clothes," Alex explained, "and I’m willing to bet Kara didn’t want to risk it."
"What do they want?"
At that, Alex finally took a breath. "L Corp research experiments. Apparently, this is not the kind of thing your PR team likes to handle."
"How do they even know what we have?" Lena sat down on one of the chairs. She was a mess, and she knew it. It had been 48 hours since Kara’s disappearance, and Lena was not dealing well with it.
"Lena." Alex knelt next to Lena’s chair, one hand on her thigh. If there was one thing Alex and Lena bonded over, it was the fact that they would do anything to keep Kara safe. "We know who has her."
"Who?" Lena spat the word with venom, though she already knew. There was only one person in this whole world who hated her enough to target the most precious thing in her life.
Alex pressed a button on her tablet and turned it to show Lena. Lena felt bile on her tongue at the short clipped video.
"Lena!" Lex greeted the camera, his beard immaculate, though his cream suit had a blood stain. "You have something I want, and I," he turned to show Kara behind him, her arms raised and bound in a sickly green glowing chain, "have something you want. I’m sure we can make a deal."
He continued to talk, but Lena’s attention was limited to Kara. Her face was swollen, her lips split; Kara was not used to being hurt, and her face contorted in pain.
Lena looked up at Alex and saw the hardened stare, and then and there, there was another promise between the alphas.
Lex was not getting out of that alive.
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harleychick91 · 28 days
Where I Need To Be (Rated M)
Being trapped in the Phantom Zone took its toll on Kara in more ways than one. Plagued with nightmares and unable to cope with the Welcome Home party, Kara asks Lena for help. Without question, the former CEO gives it.
The moment Kara walked into the room, I saw her eyes never able to meet anyone else's. With each hug, she flinched. My heart ached seeing her hands clench and unclench like she's trying to ground herself in reality. When she came to hug me and our eyes met I saw it, blind fear. As Kara leaned forward to hug me, I whispered, “Are you okay? You don't need to be here just to make us happy.”
Holding me tight, she whispered, “Get me out of here, please. I can’t do this.”
“Okay.” Keeping one arm firmly around the blonde, I use Lex’s portal watch. As we stepped through, I heard Alex and our friends begin to panic.
Once the portal closed behind us, Kara’s shoulders relaxed. “Where are we?” She looked around the small, open concept house.
“A place where no one will come looking for us. No one knows I own this place. If you don’t want to be found, you need to get out of that suit.” I motioned towards the farther wall. “Through the bedroom is the bathroom. I’ll get you some clothes if you want to shower.”
“I really do.” Taking my hand, Kara met my gaze. “Thank you for not asking questions,” she paused. “You’re the only one who I knew wouldn’t question me.”
Every fiber of my being wanted to entwine our fingers but I resisted. She needs someone to protect her right now. Not someone who has feelings more than friendship. “You’re welcome. I’ll need to find the tracker in your suit or completely destroy it.”
“It’s in the left shoulder. I’ll let you know when I’m in the shower so you can get it.” Releasing my hand, Kara started towards the bedroom. Hesitating at the door, she chose her words. “Will you….will you sit with me? I don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Anything you need.”
Turning, Kara leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over her body. “Honestly, at the moment, part of me wants you to burn the suit.” Looking over her arms, she continued, “I spent months in it. The second I got back, it was straight to a sunbed. I was still in this suit at the tower. Alex didn't even get me a change of clothes or a pillow. She knows I sleep best with two pillows and a soft blanket.” Sighing, Kara leaned her head back. “I know they love me, I love them too, but it all felt…off. I've had nothing but time to think while I was in The Phantom Zone.” A soft smile ghosted the Super’s lips. “Do you realize, even when we were fighting, we looked out for each other more than those we teamed up with looked out for us?”
Thinking over the time period, one moment stood out more than others. The terror I felt when I thought Kara would be shot with the kryptonite canons still gives me nightmares. “You’re right, we did.”
“Alex stayed at the D.E.O. and wiped her memories when I needed her the most because she was needed there to keep me safe. But after Crisis, when I needed her to help me handle Lex, she leaves because she's not in charge. You look out for me. I need that right now."
Coming to stand closer, I spun the ring I wore. “If you want, I can destroy this suit and make you another. Think about it. However,” I placed my hands on Kara’s biceps to ground her. “Right now, you need to go shower. Wash the D.E.O. off. I will always look out for you. You’re my priority. I had a lot of time to think while you were gone,” I paused. “I’m not ready to talk about it yet but I will in time. I’ll give you a few minutes before coming to sit with you.”
“Okay.” Wrapping me in another hug, Kara nuzzled her face in my hair, inhaling my scent. She’s been touch deprived for months. Resting my chin on her shoulder, I held her close. I’ll give you as much contact as you need. It was something I always craved but never got. Begrudgingly, Kara released me and went into the bathroom.
After gathering loungewear and towels, I knocked on the cracked door. “May I come in?”
“Yeah,” Kara’s voice cracked.
What was that? Entering, I set the clothes on the counter and hung the towels by the opaque shower door. Closing the toilet lid, I sat. “Once you’re settled for the night, I’ll get us food and you a phone, if you’d like. It’ll take me a while to get jammers set up to cover any phone calls we need to make.” Hearing more sniffles, I shifted. “Kara?” A sob echoed through the bathroom as Kara slid down the shower wall. That’s a dangerous kind of sob. I crossed the distance between us in a few steps. Whoever might be listening, help me. “I’m coming in.”
Opening the door, I saw Kara sitting with her knees against her chest, forehead resting on her arms. Water streamed over her. Kneeling, I pulled her into my arms. “Hey, I’m right here.” Shifting, I sat and Kara moved so she could cling to me. Burying her face in my chest, she wept. “If you need to scream, scream. No one is around to hear you,” I paused, remembering what happens when she claps too hard. “Unless the sound wave is going to shatter my bones. Then, maybe, decrease the volume a bit.” A soft chuckle was muffled by my now drenched clothing. I can’t reach the knob to turn the water off. I don’t want her to think, even for a second, that I’m leaving her.
We sat under the water until it stung like ice. My clothes stuck and hung from my body as I began to shiver. Calming down, Kara sniffled. “You’re shivering,” she murmured. Looking at the stream of water, she realized the hot water was gone. “How long have we been sitting here?”
“45 minutes or so.” Feeling that Kara was in a better place, I reached up and turned the water off. “You can shower later. At least you got rinsed off.” Getting to my feet, I grabbed a towel and held it out for Kara to step into. Standing, the older woman sighed, exhaustion clear in her dull blue eyes. “Let me do it.”
Carefully, I dried her off starting with her arms, her shoulders, her back, her stomach, and I knelt to dry her legs. I averted my eyes the entire time. When I had to dry the more intimate areas, I paused. “May I or would you prefer to do it?”
“I’ll do it.” Taking the towel, Kara finished drying herself.
Gathering the sleepwear and underwear, I turned back to face the now towel clad woman. Tossing the clothing over my shoulder, I squeezed the excess water from her hair. “There’s some food here so I’ll cook once you’re dressed. I heard your stomach growl a few minutes ago.”
“You did…” Looking over her body, Kara shrugged. “It’s almost like you know my body better than I do right now.”
“You’re talking to someone who has clawed her way back from dark places more often than I’d care to admit.” Reaching for a fluffy robe, I held it out and the clothing to let Kara choose. “Either is perfectly fine. I just can’t have you walking around naked.”
A soft chuckle shook the woman’s shoulders. “Even with you dressing me, clothes sound like a lot.” Taking the robe, Kara slid into it and tied the belt.
“I completely understand.” As we passed through the bedroom, I tossed the clothes onto the bed.
“I don’t know about snacks but I think there’s beef jerky. I’ll definitely do a grocery order soon.”
“That works.” Taking the package, Kara tossed a few pieces into her mouth. “Before food, will you take the tracker out of my suit?”
She really doesn’t want to be found right now. “Sure. I’ll be right back.”
Finish reading on AO3
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
So Agent Piper works for the D.E.O. and Jiaying runs an illegal alien fight club... excuse me while i go scream into the interdimensional crossover void
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wesavegotham · 2 years
I already covered the preview pages of Batman vs Robin #3 in a previous post so I'm going to jump straight to the new ones.
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Waid continues bringing up drama that has already been resolved in previous stories. Talia has expressed her desire to have Damian back with her quite a lot in recent years. She also asked him to heal as a family in Robin #12:
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To which Damian agreed.
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Er...Talia honored Ra's deal after Shadow War. She made a deal with the D.E.O to work as their spy if they leave Damian alone. Angel Breaker is leading the Shadows (new name of the league of assassins) now.
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Btw it turns out that the palace Talia is in is only a comfortable illusion Damian/Nezha put her in. In reality she is imprisoned:
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We jump back to Bruce who is making his way through the jungle and gets attacked by a possessed Tim Drake wearing a cloak that can make him invisible, just as poor poor Timmy has already felt for years😒:
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Cry me a river, Tim. There is so much factually wrong with this. Damian was introduced in 2006, but didn't join the batfamily and didn't become Robin until 2009. Bruce didn't like Damian at first and assured Tim several times that Damian showing up changed nothing about how Bruce felt about Tim. Bruce didn't look for Damian after the explosion on the boat. At first he only made a few phone calls when Talia asked him to protect Damian from Ra's. He only expressed mild sadness when Talia took Damian with her at the end of Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul and continued not looking for him. Then Bruce got lost in time. Which is why Alfred and Dick made Damian Robin to keep him on the heroic path without Bruce around. When Bruce returned he doubted that Damian could work as his Robin. It wasn't until 2011 that Bruce decided things couldn't continue like this and he needed to improve his relationship with Damian. And since Rebirth in 2016 DC has done their best to keep Damian far away from Bruce while Tim has since then basically returned as the Robin working at Bruce's side. He lead the Gotham Knights for him in Tec, he wears the robin colors, he goes by Robin again, he has the Robin ongoing and he's working with Bruce to defeat Failsafe in the main Batman book right now. Shut the fuck up, Tim.
Okay. Sorry. Tim rant over.
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Oh, by the way, Tim and Dick are also the only ones Bruce will have anything nice to say about. But poor poor Tim always has it the worst, hasn't he?😢😒 Okay, now I'm done.
Damian doesn't interact with Bruce at all in this issue if you wondered. He is with Mother Soul and Nezha who interrogate a new prisoner:
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On one hand it's good to get a bit more information on why Nezha does what he does, on the other hand I'm not happy to hear that there is an even more powerful devil waiting to strike. DC has an escalation problem. I miss Batman and Robin 2011 which had mostly small stakes and didn't shy away from making the villains the B-story and Bruce and Damian's relationship the A-story.
We jump back to Bruce who still has several Robins to go through:
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Not sure why Bruce insults Stephs fighting skills here, I think she's doing better than Tim in this fight.
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DC, acting like Jason was a violent child during his time as robin is a disservice to him and his old stories.
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Joe Chill was a random mugger, how is that comparable to Jason's situation?
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As predicted in an earlier post of mine it doesn't take Bruce long to defeat them and he moves on to the only one who is presented as a challenge, Dick.
But before that we go back to Damian who has some questions of his own for their new prisoner:
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Bajie, he's only here to give Bruce personal stakes in this, this story has actually very little to do with Damian as a person so far.
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This is probably the least epic scene of a possessed person fighting for control of their body and mind I have ever seen.
Also, maybe Bruce can talk Nezha and his son into joining him and Damian on a father-son-bonding trip. I would feel more excitement for that story than for another "epic fight for the future of the earth".
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I'm still confused by the rules and the exact extend of Nezha's possession. It's hard to tell what is supposed to be Nezha and what is the normal character of the possessed person.
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This might be the first original grievance of a robin Waid came up with. I will leave it to Dick fans to decide if they think it fits or not.
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I don't think that's the conclusion you should settle on, Bruce🤦‍♀️
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I assume I was supposed to be shocked by Bruce using Alfred as a shield, but I called Bruce already knowing Alfred was Nezha's spy all along last issue. I mean Bruce would have to be an idiot not to suspect it. Alfred showing up alive because of magic being in disarray was too weird and the timing too convenient not to be connected to Nezha.
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Er...he did blame Damian at first. That's canon. He stopped blaming him later on. And he already told Damian so two times. It wasn't perfect, but we really didn't need to do all of this to give Bruce a third attempt.
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Sorry, but Tom King's Batman had been so damn full of himself for predicting everything Bane would do and coming up with a convoluted plan that included abandoning the city and for some reason leaving Alfred behind, plus apparently not even being close to Gotham when he gave Damian the signal to set the plan to take back the city in motion that I simply refuse not to at least partially blame Bruce for all of this.
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I assume that means Alfred and the Waynes are in DC's version of a heaven. Which reminds me that Damian always seems destined to end up in hell, no matter what he does. To be fair that's not Waid's fault though. Just a thought I had.
Yeah, er, what to say about this issue? Guess the fans of the other robins know now how Damian fans felt because of the first issue?
Overall I predicted most of this. Bruce would deal with the robins rather quickly. The sword would play a role in making Bruce feel bad for how he treated them all. There would be the twist that Bruce was never fooled by the villains and only played along. Very little focus on Bruce and Damian. So far this entire book seemed more interested in Bruce and Alfred's bond than in actually exploring Bruce and Damian's relationship even though it's called Batman vs Robin. Which I had feared it would do even before the first issue came out.
This continues to be a story that I think most people can only enjoy if they are a Bruce Wayne fan and are fine with everyone else being written kinda badly so Bruce can have this underdog story against a powerful demon and deal with magical items along the way. It really doesn't feel like a Damian story so far, even though his name is in the title.
And as a Damian fan I find that disappointing.
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nfcomics · 4 months
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SUPERGIRL TP VOL 04 PLAIN SIGHT REBIRTH • cover art • Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau [2018]
This public service announcement is brought to you by the Department of Extranormal Operations! You saw how Supergirl hid a murderer underneath National City right before our eyes. What other secrets is she hiding? D.E.O. agents will be stationed at every school to ensure their safety! Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Collecting issues no.15-20.
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
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"We've met." "I remember."
(Action Comics #1010)
Also 'a friend of a friend of a friend' has to have had Cameron Chase somewhere in that line (Chase, why are you missing from this epic crossover of all of my favourite terrible DC secret organisations?)
But I just double checked ALL of Bones and Kate's post Flashpoint appearances, and they do not cross paths in Batwoman 2011, so the fact that they have met very much means that Manhunter 2006 is back in continuity especially for Leviathan Rising/Event Leviathan.
I want to roll around in this.
And yeah Bones, why would Kate Spencer want to kill you. What on earth could be on your conscience that might mean she might not like you. It's like you've blackmailed and manipulated her before for the D.E.O. or something.
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