I just want someone to tell me that I matter
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‪Push forward. Make changes. Break out of your current reality. ‬
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My beautiful friend.
Taking a few days off it might lead to a lasting distance between us.
I hope for change.
I want to feel happy again.
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Leave him alone. He will live a full life, with someone much better than you for him.
That’s what you do for people you love.
You give them away. You let them experience how it feels to love someone so deeply. So much deeper than they could have loved someone as common as you are. Love so intense that if they were to leave you your heart would continuously break every morning when you wake up and remember they don’t love you anymore. You hope they find that kind of love, but you hope that they never have to experience the loss.
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Just because he feels so great to you, does not change how small you are to him.
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You’re everything I never knew I needed.
I am so many things.
But not to you.
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by Pietro Tenuta
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Rejected but I feel free from my own fears
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Can’t believe I got what I wanted.
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Don’t feel like dying but maybe that’s because my heart is still full of hope for the things that my brain KNOWS will never happen.
I want to let go. I know i need to, but every time he texts me (stuff hes probably sending to everyone) it just sparks back up.
Hes the only person i want..
I need to stop responding.
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“I am nothing. I’m like someone who’s been thrown into the ocean at night, floating all alone. I reach out, but no one is there. I call out, but no one answers. I have no connection to anything.”
— Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
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i’m done
today i said goodbye to a wish.
when i said bye i realized that the dream was keeping me happy. i’ve been so happy.
without it i am saying bye to hope.
i am accepting all the pain ive caused to others was for nothing.
i am realizing once again that i am not worth shit, that i am no one, and i am nothing.
i really just want to die right now.
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over coffee with my mom this morning: “sometimes we hesitate to invite people into our life because we feel like our space isn’t good enough yet. things are a little messy, or our place settings don’t match, or our situation isn’t quite what we want it to be. don’t let that stop you. invite people in anyway.”
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“May the next few months be a period of magnificent transformation.”
— It is time.  (via victorux)
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You don’t need anyone and that’s okay.
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I was wrong. What i did was wrong.
It could have been okay, but I knew it wouldn’t be given the people.
He was wrong. He does have a good heart. He reacted too much. That’s not okay.
I shouldn’t have done what I did.
Everyone was wrong. I could control my actions, but I chose not to.
I’m sorry for being so selfish. Sometimes it leads to good things. This time... no.
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