#ftc ask
13leaguestories · 1 year
I feel so dumb for asking but in Superstition, is Lucia the witch from the For the Crown realm the same person as Lucia the witch from the real world?
No, and I wouldn't have even realized that I used the two names if you didn't say anything. But damn that would've been a cool little world blend huh, the witch managed to like divide or something. I don't know, lol.
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whilomm · 1 year
to help spread the word a lil, ask a mortician just put out a new video, this one specifically about proposed FTC regulation changes for U.S. funeral homes, and theres a comment period that closes October 10th, 2023 to ya kno. comment on em. tell em to help make funerals a lil cheaper.
I would really reccomend watching the video as she explains it a lot better, but the TLDR is that the FTC is thinking of adding some rules to the regs on how funeral homes disclose a couple of things, like prices (making them list prices online, so you dont need to drive to 7 diff funeral homes to price shop the day your son died, and cause hidden prices=more expensive), and make it clearer WHEN embalming is required (that is, that its NOT required by law, but might be required by the funeral home themselves)
like i said, watch the vid for a better explaination, but both of those things contribute to funerals being Mega Fucking Expensive, so. if you feel like it, go to the FTC and tell em to implement the changes!
comment period ends october 10th, 2023!
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adecila · 1 month
Has “for the cameras” been discontinued? 🥺
No, darling, I just girl bossed too close to the sun, and I became so important at my day job that since November last year, I couldn’t have any hobbies because I didn't have any free time 😂
The good news is that my big project is done and results were amazing. Now I just came back from a month long holiday, so I am finally working on FTC. It will come (hopefully soon)!
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exclamaquest · 1 year
PLEASE tell me how post wwi tax breaks lead to my little pony
-Advertising agencies help supply propaganda during WWI ->
In return, the government gives them large tax breaks by counting advertising as a business expense ->
Advertising in America grows from something most people are at the very least wary of to a lynchpin of capitalism ->
The FTC expands their powers and abilities to combat deceptive marketing, which includes advertisements ->
The FTC signs into law the funeral rule of 1980 which places consumer-friendly restrictions on how funeral homes can sell their products ->
Then they pursue legislation that would lead into the KidVid scandal. The laws would control what kind of ads can run on kid's television and when ->
Ronald Reagan runs on a platform of deregulation, and ropes the pissed off funeral home industry (among others) into supporting his campaign. The animosity the FTC drilled up helps get him elected ->
In 1980, a new act was signed into law that harshly limited the powers of oversight the FTC had over TV shows ->
Hasbro debuts My Pretty Pony in 1981 and then My Little Pony in 1982, complete with tie-in animated specials that would never have been legal otherwise.
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riftdancing · 1 year
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haunt·ed (adjective) 1. inhabited or frequented by ghosts. a haunted castle. 2. preoccupied, as with emotion, memory, or idea; obsessed: His haunted imagination gave him no peace.
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Unfortunately for me, it's both. It's been over two decades since you passed, but I still see you in the mirror every morning. Your judgement echoes in my ears and your haunting white eye continues to scrutinize my every move. My technique. Never quick enough. Foot work is always sloppy. Missed a spot cleaning that revolver barrel…
Was it love or obsession? Did you really love me, or were you chasing the remaining desire for my late Mother? I see her when I look in the mirror too. In my own reflection. In my features. I was not woman enough to be the daughter she wanted. I was not loyal enough for my Father's pride. I was not obedient enough for my Brother's care.
They all share your grave now.
Sometimes I feel ill when I miss you.
I remember when Father gave me to you. Like an object or a toy he'd discarded, something he'd grown bored of after I didn't fulfill his expectations. After I filled him with disappointment. I don't blame him entirely. After all I betrayed all of them. Not just the family… but the entire crew too. Even when he gave me to you, you didn't want me and I wanted nothing to do with you. I was a burden, but you made me useful. While Father ensured I'd never see the inside of another cockpit you honed me into a fine weapon. At first I hated you for it, but you taught me discipline and over time I learned how to be a ghost, just like you. Your very own protégé...
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...But you are gone, and I still feel your gaze from behind. I still feel you watching when I look over my shoulder. When I am with someone new. Heckling me about having a particular type. That I am still soft. Vulnerable. Weak. Womanly. A hound ready to obey. Maybe I am.
He says it too and in many ways, he reminds me of you. He is one of the few people on this star who has proven to be worthy of my subordinance. But unlike our troubled past, he doesn't force me to be something or someone I don't want to be.
He is the catalyst to my healing.
He has taught me my choices are my own.
From now on I will no longer be a slave to my past.
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((There's a bit of context in bullet points under the cut for this if it interests you but it's really raw because she's got a very long and complicated story as I've been writing her since 2011.))
Some bullet points on Blink's early history:
Blink was born into a life of Sky Piracy.
Her Father was the Sky Pirate Captain of the Harbingers.
His First Mate was a man named Judas, who was known in more public circles as a ghost-like assassin.
Blink fell in love with a pirate in a rival crew and tried to secretly elope with them. Her Father found out, he saw it as a huge betrayal, and sent Judas to hunt her and the lad down.
Judas killed the guy in front of her, brought her back to her Father.
Her Father disowned her after arranging her marriage to Judas (something neither of them wanted)
Judas viewed her as a burden, and basically decided when life gives you lemons, you turn them into your protégé and train them like a soldier.
This brought the pair of them closer over time… and as they'd both been screwed by the Crew's bullshit hierarchy and politics they decided to do something about it together.
Judas wound up fighting Blink's Father for Captaincy, and won. While it was supposed to be a fight to the death, he let the man still walk away with his life.
He was a good Captain for a while, with Blink as his First Mate and under the two the Crew had a prosperous window.
But, unfortunately her brother thought he was entitled to inheriting the title of Captain and was furious about Judas killing his Father. So eventually he wound up fighting Judas and killed him-- in front of Blink, taking up the role as Captain (and he was terrible at it.)
Blink wound up going into hiding for six years after this. There was some more trauma laced in this I won't get into. But when she surfaced again she had enlisted with Garlemald to become one of their soldiers. Which is a whole other arc I won't get into tonight. But… that's some context to this story/post.
Fast forwarding past the Garlemald years... I will at least say that Blink eventually wound up fighting to get the Harbingers back and served as their Captain for a good while (The crew's choice). It was basically the crew's golden years with her in the lead. However, eventually she decided it wasn't the life for her, so she wound up retiring to do piloting work and that's how she fell in with Firelight Trading Co. To this day, the Harbingers still revere her as their Captain even though she's passed that title on to someone she trusted.
But yeah, ask me about those Garlean years sometime... those are a doozy. Like an Event Horizon inspired arc through Void Ark... :|
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
I’m not done reading your third chapter of the sk boys BUT so far I’m absolutely adoring it! The part where sunny gets yanked back into the apartment was such a fun image to imagine, you’re very talented!
hehehe, I love portraying their goofy shenanigins XD
You would have no idea they just killed someone the night before~
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memurfevur · 1 month
What does ftc mean in your “show off your sona reference” image post?
Hi! FTC in this context means fantroll community! We are a community of Homestuck fans who roleplay original characters based off of that universe.
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inrainprose · 1 year
I'd like to vent 🙋‍♀️
narutos complete non reaction at finding out kakashi, jiraiya and hiruzen knew about his parents the whole time but just didn't say shit pisses me off SO MUCH. if there was ONE time he deserved to just rage a little. it was then!!
Been said before but to me it makes it really obvious that this wasn't planned at all and kishimoto came up with it later in the story. Otherwise he would have hinted at something, and they would have been written and would have reacted much differently.
It's either that or they were all terrible people and the story never goes back on that. What a mess. Naruto should have decked them.
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confined-existence · 7 months
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Find The Chomiks Realm: Backrooms; Level 28: Stormstone Keep
Absolutely in love with this level aksjbfkafn
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seraphicveins · 2 years
Ugh.. where r the kpop homestuck fans I really wanna make adopts based on some songs.. specifically kpop songs bc the mvs r always SICK.. love the fashion it'd always my inspo.. so I want feedback on which songs I should do.m ugh... I want the ones w the coolest fashion..
Future me problems.. first I finish my emoji adopts..
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baflegacy · 8 months
AMANGELA BREAKUP ALBUM IN BOTB AU..... unbearably juicy. love it.
not to create an au within @jovenshires au but you KNOW ftc fans wouldve lost their minds when amanda released that album, similar to when taylor released folklore or when phoebe released punisher……fans collectively suffering bc the album means that 1.) she was possibly in a relationship this whole time and that 2.) it was devastating enough that amanda had to write an album about it
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13leaguestories · 7 months
I just realized that For the Crown was canceled 🤦‍♀️. Is there a post or something where I can read about that? I'm terrible at searching
I think there's a forecast about it but if you mean a post like I did for Dragon Racer then no. FtC may or may not come back, even if it's done in a smaller form.
Basically tho, FtC just got left behind as a project. That's the biggest negative of having long time projects plus growing still, you go back to some of the older ones and realize that you have tons of mistakes you want to fix but fixing them is basically requiring you to do an entire rewrite. In the end, it ends up just being better to drop the project instead of convoluting it.
And before someone hits me with "but Tee maybe have less projects." Yes, I know. Ain't gonna happen, next statement.
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Why Can't Americans Afford Funerals?
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celticsalternia · 2 years
hiii kit ily <3
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exclamaquest · 2 years
I can imagine you as Ms. Frizzle's sibling
this is the nicest thing anyones ever said to me im honored
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riftdancing · 7 months
You asked for it, so it begins.
First Question! Lets start with the obvious. Mihli Mihgo. What was it like stepping from one world to the next? Was she lost? Was it horror? Was there wonder in seeing a new world? I can only imagine there were a lot of feelings. Does she ever want to go back, or has she found home here?
It was in short, very traumatic. Where she comes from she was a hero, much like a Warrior of Light. But right now she's not even sure if she managed to save her people, or if they were simply left defenseless without her.
When Mihli arrived in Eorzea, she washed up on the shores of La Nocea with out any recollection of who she was, or where she came from. Luckily, she was found by Sea's character, Ashely Hawke, who brought her home to Shiro, an employed Doctor for Firelight Trading Company. As his house was already full with one stray (one of my other characters - Poki Mewri), he sent Mihli to live with a colleague in Ishgard, Lysander Ervaut under the idea that through his research, Lysander might be able to help Mihli regain her memories.
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In return Mihli would live under his roof, but would provide some basic domestic chores (such as cleaning, fetching parcels and groceries, and cooking) to pay her board while he investigated her case.
As a man who fought in the Dragon Song War... he also has some hellacious trauma centered around dragons. And Mihli... just happens to have a small dragonet she's adopted as her daughter named Sasavi. While it was tricky at first, Lysander (though he'd outright deny it verbally) warmed up to Savi pretty quickly.
In hindsight, putting a feral street raised cat and a baby dragon in a Noble Dragon Traumatized Isghardian's home... It's safe to say these three had a bit of a rough start.
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But it wasn't without a bit of proper etiquette training. Mihli spent her first few months with her nose stuck in many various books learning first and foremost about Isghard's History and her customs, but also about much of Eorzea so that she could better blend in with the populace. (IE: See the picture above: No, Mihli, you shouldn't go out in public with holes in your clothing...)
They were also able to acquire a small bit of fantasia, which when taking a singular sip helped her look less Mithran (left) and more Miqo'te (right). Naturally she retained the majority of her appearance, but as you can see some qualities like her ears and tail, were more altered than say her facial features.
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I've been pretty loose in Mihli's history in this post and earlier posts. I had some Lore drawn up for her that I've currently put on hold due to Dawntrail bringing with it a FFXI-based Alliance Raid. I kind of want to see what they do with that lore before I concrete her backstory. Mostly whether or not Vana'diel is simply a completely different timeline of the source, or if Vana'diel is it's own shard. Or even... something else entirely.
Originally I was writing it as if it were it's own shard. But we'll see what happens and after that I'll probably be a lot more in depth about writing her character publically.
Currently, Lysander has helped Mihli regain her memories and she is currently struggling between the ideas of both worlds. I have referenced it in a few places like this, but ultimately I don't think Mihli wants to go back to Vana'diel permanently. In fact I think she may even be a smidge apprehensive about going back short term. Not because she doesn't miss Vana'diel or it's residents (lord knows she misses her adopted Mom something fierce). But because she's afraid of the unknown. What if a lot of people did die because she failed them? Would she be better off not knowing? Can she live with the idea of not knowing long term?
These are all questions I intend to play with during Dawntrail for her writing. Especially since, like I said before, the Alliance Raid will help me fill in some of the blanks of her canon. ...Since XI will be fully canon in some way at that point. Ultimately though, Mihli has come to love Eorzea. In truth she is more at home in this universe than she was in Vana'diel. There are so many friendships and bonds that I don't think she would ever be able to go back to Vana'diel long term. Given the choice, I think Mihli would pick Eorzea in every timeline.
Mihli is also extremely inquisitive, curious, and adventurous. She has a lust for adventure and a thirst for knowledge. Equal parts bookworm and adventurer, exploring Eorzea and meeting people from all walks of life and cultures has been an incredible experience for her. Also seeing where things line up with both universes has been a delight for her. After all Vana'diel and Eorzea share similar if not the same races like the Mamool Ja. There have been several instances where a friend or colleague of hers will insist something is called what Eorzean's call it and in turn Mihli will absolutely insist on the Vana'diel terminology. Its very cute.
If you're interested in more about Mihli's character or past I've touched on it lightly here when talking about Sasavi. I should really talk about her more, but until Dawntrail I kinda wanna play it cool.
I am excited to blend her story better into the canon lore!
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