primepaginequotidiani · 2 months
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PRIMA PAGINA Il Piccolo di Oggi lunedì, 05 agosto 2024
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hungryfacesart · 5 months
4 looks with friulane mary jane
I’m absolutely smitten with my latest fashion find: friulane Mary Jane. Ever since I laid eyes on it, I knew it was destined to be mine. With its nod to the chic Italian style, these shoes perfectly captures my love for chic yet laidback fashion. The simple silhouette, crafted from luxurious velvet, adorned with delicate strap, speaks to my fashion & comfort sensibilities on every level. Я…
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permanentstyle · 2 years
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Day in, day out: On uniform dressing and travel
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orangekingfisher · 9 months
Non mi ricordo nemmeno dov'è l'Abruzzo figurati
okay a est seguendo la costa hai friuli, veneto, emilia romagna, marche e poi c'è l'abruzzo. poi molise e puglia
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rullinibrutti · 2 years
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Le cose che sembrano lontane.
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campadailyblog · 2 months
Friuli Venezia Giulia: Un viaggio tra natura e tradizioni
Il Friuli Venezia Giulia si trova nel nord-est dell’Italia. È conosciuto per la sua posizione strategica e la sua diversità culturale. Questa regione è un mix di montagne, coste e tradizioni uniche. Le città come Trieste, Udine e Gorizia sono ricche di storia e arte. I vini friulani sono famosi in tutto il mondo. Non mancano neanche i Castelli di Miramare e Duino e le Dolomiti Friulane. Il Carso…
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pikasus-artenews · 5 months
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Una collettiva di giovani artisti nel cuore del parco naturale delle Dolomiti friulane
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martaray00 · 7 months
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sauolasa · 2 years
Pasolini il friulano: nella prima delle "perle in villa" le poesie friulane con quartetto
Il ciclo di concerti "perle in villa", a Pordenone, si è aperto con la lettura delle poesie friulane di Pierpaolo Pasolini, di cui ricorre quest'anno il centenario della nascita. Voce, quartetto d'archi e clarinetto, con una toccante composizione contemporanea
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Pellegrini's map of the languages of Italy, 1977.
via u/Normal_Kaleidoscope
There are a lot of maps around. One posted quite recently in this community. However, most of them contain incorrect information. This map was done by an actual linguist, yes it's old, but scientifically sound. Here's how to read it. Each color represents a group of mutually intelligible languages. It does not mean that one color corresponds to one language. Every town has its own languages, but they can be divided by mutual intelligibility and common features. More or less, it is like giving the same color to French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian, because they are all Romance languages. Starting from the deep south:
violet is the area of extreme southern Italo-Romance. Sicilian, Southern Calabrian, and Salentino belong to this group.
pink is the area of continental southern Italo-Romance. Apulian, Campanian, Lucanian, Northern Calabrese, Molisano, Abruzzese, and Southern Marchigiano belong to this group.
light pink is central Italo-Romance. Laziale, Umbro, and Marchigiano belong to this group.
green is the area of Tuscan.
yellow is northern Italo-Romance. It's divided in yellow (Emiliano-Romagnolo, Ligure, Lumbard, Piedmontese) and light yellow (Veneto).
orange (north east) is Friulan.
light grey is Slovenian
dark grey is German varieties
coral (north west) is Franco-provençal
light brick orange is Sardinian
Within each area, you can see red lines (isoglosses). These lines constitute language borders. So for example, if you zoom in you'll see the isoglosses separating Piedmontese from Lumbard, Campania from Apulian, etc. As you can see, the map uses different terminology from the maps that you can usually find on the internet. Just to give an example, amateur -made maps describe Neapolitan as being spoken everywhere in continental southern Italy, while in fact this is not the case.
Tiny letters represent alloglot languages (Griko, Slavomolisan, Arbereshe, etc.)
You can find the original here. Enjoy!
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nociaograzie · 28 days
sai che è ancora estate quando sei in balcone con solo mutande e friulane addosso
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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Filo, Ricamo, Nodi e colore
La creatività al femminile
a cura di Giuseppe Bergamini e Marialisa Valoppi Basso
Arti Grafiche Friulane Società Editrice, Tavagnacco (UD) 2005, 212 pagine, 24x27cm, ISBN 9788878570177
euro 25,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Mostra Udine, Chiesa di San Francesco, 15 luglio - 21 agosto 2005
Il libro prende in esame il ricamo della regione Friuli, partendo dalle testimonianze più antiche, ancora oggi conservate nei musei regionali, sino ad arrivare ad interpretazioni attuali di ricami eseguiti ai giorni nostri. Tanti sono i riferimenti storici e le fotografie a colori dei capi che ci trasportano a epoche lontane, che ci hanno tramandato tecniche e punti molto belli. Interessante è notare come l’arte del ricamo, spesso definita “arte minore”, abbia conservato inalterato il suo fascino e possa vantare ancora una grossa popolarità a dispetto di altre arti, forse più rinomate, ma meno praticate. 
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noneun · 7 months
Non tutti i cacciatori sono bracconieri, ma tutti i bracconieri sono cacciatori. E non sorprende che chi uccide per divertimento possa uscire dalle larghe maglie della legalità e compiere atti ancora più crudeli, come questo.
Il fatto che lo sciacallo dorato sia una specie protetta non è un deterrente, evidentemente.
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ninfettin · 8 months
ha detto che mi scoperebbe anche con le friulane. se non è obnubilamento amoroso questo
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heikeee · 6 months
i bought some new balances without trying on both shoes and turns out one of them was one size bigger than the other 😂 just went to the store to try and exchange them but they were the very last pair. so i got store credit and got myself a cute pair of shorts, a pair of pants and a pair of green friulane (with straps) that I've been wanting forever!!! now I'm walking home with a skip in my step I'm so happy
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pearlsofthec · 9 months
Christmas Gift Guide
The favourite Daughter (me btw)
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King’s writing paper… very fitting for a princess! 
Breakfast at tiffany’s hardcover edition by Graphic Image
Anything LSF will be much appreciated… but you cant go wrong with a party dress or a going out top!
The box alone is such a dream. But the macaroons and jam will also be appreciated
Luna by Penhaligons, just so dreamy
Any gorgeously ornate necklace… These by La hormiga will do…
Southern Hemisphere Christmas
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Emilio Pucci foulard (a vintage one would do too)
A little something glittery for reveillon 
A mini bag that fits only a sunscreen and nothing else
ANYTHING by MH studios, specially their mission notebook quotes series! 
Minimal, sleek and fun, the perfect silver bracelets to channel her inner amazonian queen!
Brilhe na natureza… a reminder of what she does naturally! 
Never too melancholic to enjoy the festivities
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A dramatic silk dress, you can't feel melancholic without looking melancholic
Perfume… rotten and decadent
She honestly believes she’s the daughter of aphrodite… so it' very fitting to have a pomegranate lying around
The pink and red combination. She’s a modern day vampire, she needs modernly gothic glasses to drink blood out of!
She’s enigmatic, but she needs everyone to know she appreciates a dirty martini, so this purse is perfect
Just because she’s obviously a scorpio
21st century CBK
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A classic heel with a hint of color
Any of the byredo makeup products would do but this set is to DIE FOR
A good pair of leather gloves. Everyone needs a pair, but she’d LOVE  any pair
A life changing statement hair piece… a dream
It doesn’t get more 90s minimalism than a pair of cat eye ysl sunnies
To put it simply: the perfect scarf. 
A classic, but a must: The sleeveless white top
Girl who changes personalityy according to latest trip
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Personalized luggage tag, to remind her of her true self! 
Any Taschen travel book will do, but this is my favourite by farr
Waffle robes and slippers… so she can feel like she’s in a hotel even at home
No true radical chic traveling woman is complete without her friulanes
A lavish jewelry case to keep everything stored while she’s away
An album for collecting memories… 
Can’t celebrate. Gotta study
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When she sleeps, IF she sleeps, she’s gonna need a good pair of pjs
A perfect mix of comfort and professional… The gilet of any girl’s dream
A backgammon set to exercise the mind during leisure time
A sweater to represente her current mental state
A candle to set the study mood
Her university’s embroidered pillow! Stimulating!
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