#freyja. headcanon.
largemandrill · 3 months
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They are married for taxes and also for their deeply violent love <3
I have a myriad of thoughts about them under the cut
For more context on my thoughts heres this post which outlines my base thoughts for their dynamic from a romantic perspective
I’ve noticed that these two are my fav ship from the dlc and they aren’t even divorced 😁 (I’m improving I think)
Them being very clearly happy with each other is very important to me. They are objectively not great people who have a lot of blood on their hands, but they’ve managed to make this work. Their bond is what functions properly in their lives and little else is as easy for them. I don’t think they would get together without Miquella bringing them together tbh, but thats just because I can’t imagine them being friendly to each other without that godly guidance. It’s like when a shitty friend is what led to you meeting the love of your life.
I said in my previous post about them that (and I quote) “Leda tops” I will not be taking criticism on this point. Frejya being allowed to be soft is what makes her interesting for me. The war woman should be allowed to be gentle and a bit submissive for her tiny violence wife. If they got modern married I want Leda wearing a white mens suit and I want Frejya wearing a beautiful long wedding dress that trails back twice her height.
(and again, if anyone needs clarification on my handwriting I am more than glad to help clarify)
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randomtheidiot · 3 months
What the Norse gods probably smell like.
This is a comprehensive list of what I think all the Norse gods smell like. Do not ask me why I wrote this down, why I wanted to post this on the internet or why I even asked the question in the first place. Everything can be explained by mental illness and sleep deprivation.
If your favorite deity isn’t on here, it’s because they suck.
-Óðinn (Odin): A mix of beer, sausage and that old man sweater smell.
-Þórr (Thor): Alcohol, body odor and an inordinate amount of Worcestershire sauce. The smell is strong enough to knock small birds straight out of the air.
-Loki: Fireplace soot and the kind of mulling spices you’d use in apple cider. You’d think it’d smell good, but the sooty smell kind of ruins it. A bath would definitely help.
-Frigg: Some sort of strong perfume, along with cheap wine and potpourri. She just kinda does, I don’t know why.
-Freyja: She has that cat scent. I don’t know if any of you know what I’m talking about, but she smells like a cat.
-Freyr: Apple scented shampoo. This is a conscious choice on his part.
-Baldr: Flowers. Real ones, too. Not the fake perfume shit. I suppose now he smells like a corpse that was burnt on a pyre, but when he was alive, he smelled like flowers.
-Höðr: Wintergreen mouthwash… for some reason.
-Nanna: Fruit preserves like jam and shit.
-Hœnir: He smells like a dad. Whatever you think a dad smells like is what Hœnir smells like. He smells fatherly.
-Skaði: Pine sap. She is covered in pine sap and if you look closely, she probably has some pine needles glued to her hair.
-Sif: The bread aisle in a grocery store.
-Iðunn: Apple based food products. She’s not exactly running low on apples.
-Sigyn: Olive Garden. She smells like the inside of an Olive Garden. Do not question me on this.
-Mímir: Very strong incense to cover up the corpse smell. It is nearly impossible to breathe around him.
-Týr: Go up to a man. Any man, doesn’t have to be a specific kind of man. Now smell him. That is it. Týr smells like a man.
-Heimdallr: Piss and vinegar from all the hate in his soul. There’s a million goddamn signs of Ragnarök and his dad still has him keeping watch like he’s a fucking security robot. That horn ain’t gonna do shit and he knows it.
-Njördr: He smells bad, but it’s not really clear what’s on him. It could be anything from tacky deodorant to motor oil and judging by his general weirdness, I’m not sure I wanna find out.
-Ægir: Alcohol. He practically wears Heineken as a cologne and it smells fucking terrible. Add on his natural ocean smell and it’s just fucking unpleasant to be around him.
-Rán: Fish, and not for the reason you might be thinking!
-Jörð: She’s a fucking earth goddess. Stick your face in the dirt. That’s what she smells like. Don’t ask me this again. Fuck you.
-Laufey: Tree. :)
-Njörðr’s unnamed sister-wife: The nursing home.
-Lofn: Shitty rose flavored Turkish delight that I got from one of those generic ass Marshall’s stores that white moms really seem to like. It was only slightly better than the lemon one.
-Forseti: That incense they use at Catholic Churches. I don’t know why, he just does.
-Hermóðr: Sweat and various other body fluids, as well as traces of whatever menial task Óðinn last assigned to him.
-Ullr: Tobacco. On his breath. Staining his beard. It’s horrible.
-Sól: Orange juice and sunscreen.
-Máni: Grape scented for unclear reasons. Probably nefarious ones.
-Bragi: Bragi smells like a disappointment of a child. His siblings are Þórr, Baldr and Týr and he’s just there with his stupid poetry and shit. He smells like those stupid Yankee Candle candles that never actually smell like what’s on the label. When I see “tropical seabreeze” on a label, I don’t expect it to smell like dishwashing liquid, but it always does. Bragi is tropical seabreeze candles. Bragi is dishwashing liquid.
-Angrboða: Plums.
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ilomilodailystuff · 9 months
(from a cute video I saw on tiktok, also including @alicerovai 's Freyja, Loki and Mobius's daughter 😭💞)
Freyja : Dad, mommy's making me a cheese sandwich. Do you want one too, my sweetheart ?
Mobius, working : Thank you, princess, I don't want a sandwich. Um... But can you ask mommy to make me a coffee, please ?
Freyja, 2 min later : Mommy didn't know how to turn the coffee machine on.
Freyja : I tried to tell her but she didn't listen.
Mobius, chuckling : tell her... You have to press the on button, and it turns on.
Mobius : Say to her : if you use your two braincells, you will figure it out.
Freyja, later : Mommy is very annoyed. Say sorry.
Freyja : she says she gonna put you in a bin.
Mobius : I wasn't being rude ! She's being rude now. Why don't you tell her off ?
Freyja : Dad, I'll put on timeout now, okay ?
Freyja to Loki : MOM. GO ON TIMEOUT. NOW.
Freyja to Mobius : she's on timeout for 4 minutes, dad, don't worry.
Mobius : that's my princess. You tell her. Tell her to fix up her behaviour.
Freyja, cutely : love you my sweetheart !
Mobius, melting and chuckling : love you too, baby, love you too.
Freyja, dead serious : dad, you will get your coffee.
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ryebread-x · 18 days
Freyja and Freyr (Pre Vanir-Aesir war)
Since I drew my interpretation of a younger Sigyn, I wanted to draw young adult/ pre Vanir-Aesir Freyja and Freyr as well(since they were all friends in my au). Like Sigyn, both of them are psychically in were their mid 20s as well pre-war. They are both slightly younger than her in immortal years.
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Some heacanon/au stuff(mainly about Freyja):
Freyja is the eldest twin(which meant she was supposed to be next in line to becoming the leader of the Vanir) while Freyr is the youngest twin.
When she was younger, Freyja was more shyer while Freyr was pretty much the same personality wise, being pretty laid back and chill(as both a young and older adult)
Before the war, Freyja was training under Gullveig learning seidr and magic. When Freyja met Sigyn(who was training in combat in Vanaheim at the time). She asked if Sigyn could train her in combat, too. Sigyn agreed, but only if Freyja taught her magic in return they soon became more than just friends.Gullveig wasn’t really a fan of Sigyn hanging around Freyja. She saw Sigyn as immature and having a bad influence on Freyja.
To say Sigyn and Gullveig didn't get along is an understatement (which becomes pretty ironic later). Which made things even more difficult for Freyja.
After the war when Njord, Freyja, and Freyr were forced to join the Aesir. Freyja trained as a valkyrie, advancing her combat skills from there eventually becoming the leader. Becoming more confident yet jaded over time.
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abyssmalice · 3 days
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In regards to death and dying, Tonia has very specific opinions about the subject.
Mainly, that while dying is a terrifying experience, death is simply that - the termination of life, the endpoint of mortality. The most prevalent and consistent law of the universe; the immutable fact that everything will end someday; a cycle of living and dying, beginning and ending -
It is not something to be surpassed or ignored. Or rather, while someone can have every right to do as much, and may have complete and unrestricted freedom to attempt as much—it does not mean that this must be accomplished from a position of avoidance or disdain.
A person can devote themselves to escaping mortality so long as they do not fear or hate mortality itself. A person can try to reach for greater heights without forgetting the foundations they started from.
Similarly, there must still be a sense of respect afforded for the concept they wish to discard. They can try to obtain immortality, but they must not do so through an utter perversion of mortality, of life and death and the cycle of living itself.
But keeping these principles in mind during the process of escaping samsara is easier said than done. Hence, life and death are not concepts to be surpassed or ignored - not easily, at the very least.
As for why Tonia thinks as much...
That is because of her own experiences with death and dying.
Tonia knows exactly how it feels to die - the process of dying and the end-state of death. Of course, her end was but one of many ways it could have happened, and the permanence of that end was nullified afterwards through the Irminsul's (Freyja's) intervention. So perhaps, in some sense, she does not have a complete experience, only a biased one.
But not many can boast that they have died - well and truly died, heart stopped and consciousness terminated - only to come back to life after. Even if her experiences are biased, it remains that they are among the very few that exist at all.
And as a rare holder of such an experience, Tonia has eventually come to this conclusion:
Resurrecting the dead is wrong.
The benefits of a second chance at life do not matter, practical or emotional. It doesn't matter whether someone could serve a key role in a greater future, so long as they stay alive. It doesn't matter whether someone deserves to continue living or to live again. It doesn't even matter if they had originally died a horrifying death and should at least reach a kinder ending.
It's wrong. The dead should stay dead. No matter how they died or what potential they held. They should never—never—be disturbed again.
The act of bringing the dead back to life would appear to be the same as surpassing the concept of mortality, of escaping the cycle of living and dying - but to Tonia, it's not the same. To her, reviving the dead is more like denying these concepts in its entirety. "Rewriting their death" is no different from saying that you're ignoring the ending already written.
To wake the dead is to forcefully pull them away from the empty eternity of sleep and the quiet dream of nothingness - the peace and promise of finality.
It is denial. It is ignorance. It is deciding someone else's fate and manipulating their story without even bothering to ask if that's what they would have wanted anyway. It is the act of playing god upon people who ought to have the free will and agency to choose for themselves and it doesn't matter what the damned intentions are behind that act -
Tonia did not ask for a second chance at life.
It doesn't matter how pitiful her circumstances at the time were. That her life had been cut short to an abrupt ending. That her end was sad, painful and horrifying. Without a doubt, her death—whether known or perceived—would have been seen as a tragedy to everyone she ever knew. Understandably, it could be said that her resurrection set her on a different path to a softer ending and to a happier future with her remaining loved ones.
And she was never asked if that's what she wanted. She never had a moment where she consciously chose to come back to life.
(Why her? Why not the people around her? Why not anyone else who also "deserves" to live?
Tonia has not experienced every possible life and every possible end. She only knows of her short "first" life, the excruciating agony that consumed her at its sudden end, and a brief eternity of non-existence before her soul was brought back into the realm of the living. In that sense, it can be said that she does not have a complete experience of death and dying, only a biased one.
But that one experience was enough. Enough for her to understand that she shouldn't be alive. That it shouldn't cost anything to be alive. That the dead have their own rights and dignity and wills, and ultimately, they all should be left as is - not jerked around by the living and still-living.)
As such, these opinions thus boil down together into this:
People are free to seek immortality and surpass their own mortality, provided it is done in some "respectful" sort of way. But don't bring anyone else into it, not without consent and certainly not without some very clear explanations. Experiment on yourself if you're so inclined. But don't drag clueless bystanders into this bullshit.
Of course, there may be some flaws and maybe even exceptions to this perspective of hers. And Tonia is still someone with more empathy than she would like on a good (or bad) day; there is always a possibility to sway her from this stance, to water it down or outright ignore it.
But it's a distant possibility nonetheless. This is one of the very few, rare subjects that Tonia completely refuses to budge on, no matter what - she will always endeavour to be immovable on this, regardless of the debates thrown at her or the incentives to bribe her logic.
For the end is absolute. She will not allow anyone to flagrantly deny it in front of her - nor will she allow others to deny her the promised ending that she deserves and desires herself.
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songoftheabstracts · 4 months
Alfonse/Líf, Fjorm, Laegjarn, and The Serpent Trio are 100% bisexual. No explaination needed
Freyja is canonically the Goddess of Love in one of her quotes, so there's that
Sharena is probably a panromantic asexual, the idea of this little blob of friendliness having any sexual thought doesn't really sit right in an obvious way
Commander Anna is only attracted to gold
Veronica/Thrasir gives off heavy sapphic vibes (Further backed up by Veronica's Bride Alt) so maybe bisexual but prefers girls
Thanks to that one fanartist who ships EirFjorm. I now believe in Eir being sapphic
Peony and Mirabillis probably haven't been taught about the birds and the bees yet
Triandra and Plumeria are asexual, they want cute fluff over nasty smut
Reginn and Dagr are 100% sapphic while rest of the Book 5 cast are as straight as a line
Heiðr is innocent incarnate so she's in the same waiting room as Peony and Mirabillis
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piratespacex · 5 months
Idk why but I made this headcanon where when freyja just isn't in the right mental state or something else she leaves her daughters in the hands of the valkyries to watch over them.
maybe discipline them bc let's be fr the valkyries are kinda intimidating
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maddness-and-myths · 2 years
Little Logyn Headcanon #17
Loki is so severely allergic to cats that being near loose cat fur makes him sneeze violently. This makes being near Freyja very difficult when he doesn’t take an anti-allergy potion Sigyn makes for him.
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ancicntforged · 10 months
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I just think that creepypasta with my muses wouldn't work, especially Ruby. Because you know what Ruby would do if she saw some dimension-warping eldritch horror abomination? She wouldn't lose her mind, she'd take one look at the Cthulhu looking motherfucker, pull out her to take a picture and then proceed to fold its ass thirty six ways to next saturday.
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moe-broey · 11 months
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I also want to say this main screen dialogue makes me so soft............. doing things to me. Emotionally.
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Gods of love on taskmaster though???? (there's five of them and zero hinges present)
It's episode 12 and Cupid still doesn't understand how the points system works
Actually, none of them do
Aengus tries to sit in Greg's throne every week because "it's his size" - he barely fits in the smaller seats, arms folded, shifting grumpily
He brings a tupperware container of cheese and crackers onto the set and the have to be confiscated because the mic keeps picking up his crunching
Valentine gets a bit too sarcastic and almost makes Alex cry
Insists that he's always announced as Saint Valentine of Rome, no exceptions
Aphrodite refuses to wear panties and keeps doing a Basic Instinct whenever Greg looks at her - you know what I mean
Freyja is genuinely trying to win and shoots death-glares at the others which they think is the most adorable thing they've ever seen - imagine a kitten trying to be scary and there you have it
When it comes to actual tasks, it's carnage
Aengus goes off on tangents talking to Alex about something he's remembered from his many millennia and by the time he finishes his story he has exactly 40 seconds to do the task
Freyja gets so stressed trying to remember the rules she just flops down on the grass and lays there for a bit
Aphrodite somehow always has a glass of rosé and sips it s l o w l y whilst listening to Alex tell her the task, eyes narrowed
Cupid surprises everyone by being the most efficient, even himself
He sits on Valentine's lap in the studio, looking like a smug cherub
Valentine tries to rewrite the rules of every task if he's not immediately good at it
For tasks that require groups, Alex almost quits due to stress
Getting them to stop bickering and actually do the task is impossible
Aphrodite takes every opportunity to flirt with Greg and Alex
Actually, they all do
When asked to bring in different items, Valentine always brings something random from Aphrodite's bedroom and claims it's a religious relic
Even he admits it's a hard task to pretend those beads are rosaries
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freyja-official · 9 months
KHDR Headcanons #1!!!
Vala and Vali are cousins
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watchiingover · 2 years
I am once again feeling emotional over Freyja getting hurt in the Swiss base explosion.
She didn’t get caught in the initial explosion as she wasn’t in that area of the building, but when the rest of the building began to crumble, she noticed that a section of the ceiling was about to fall on a couple of workers and - knowing only she could get to them in time being on skates - she launched herself forwards and pushed them out of the way, only for the falling rubble and debris to land on her instead. A large portion landed on her legs, and crushed one of them below the knee. She eventually regains consciousness but is entirely alone in the remains of the room, pinned under the rubble, and is left crying out desperately for help until her voice goes hoarse, eventually passing out again due to the concussion she sustained and the extreme agony she was in.
The next time she wakes up, she’s in a hospital bed. There was nothing they could do to save her leg, and so the doctors had obtained consent from Jóhanna and Kristján (her parents) to go ahead with amputation, as much as it pained them to give it - knowing how much grief it would cause their daughter. She wakes up, still groggy from the anaesthesia, and asks the doctors what happened. They remind her about the explosion, and as she begins to remember, she also remembers the pain she had been in. She looks down at her legs, and sees that one looks shorter than the other under the blanket. She throws it off, ignoring the doctors pleas to slow down, and when she sees the bandaged stump, it all hits her. Below the knee, her leg is gone. She completely shuts down, and everything else is a blur. All she can think about now is what the future holds for her. Would she ever be able to skate again? Would Overwatch discharge her? Was there even an Overwatch to go back to? Were her friends okay?
During her recovery period, she spends most of her day watching all of the news reports about the Swiss base explosion. She learns of Commander Morrison and Commander Reyes’s deaths. She watches footage of others being pulled from the rubble. She watches coverage of the hearings held by the UN, interviews with Overwatch agents. All of it makes her heart sink further and further. Overwatch is disbanded, and Freyja eventually returns home - but the depression remains well into her rehabilitation.
She still has nightmares about the event, and though she now accepts her prosthetic leg and has adapted to her new life, she still has bad days.
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ryebread-x · 8 days
Daughters of Freyja
I wanted to make a little lineup piece for my interpretation of all Freyja’s daughters . I headcanon Sjofn, Gefjon/Gefjun,and Lofn to be the daughters of Freyja’s and the sons of Ivaldi. While Hnoss and Gersemi are her two myth named daughters with Odr. I drew all of them awhile ago, but I wanted to update their designs a bit. I gave them each a little jewel or gem as well(because of how Freyja's daughters are often referred to as her jewels).
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abyssmalice · 2 months
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(coming to the fun realization that maybe Freyja's biggest fear and trauma stems from loneliness - which is fun and funny bc she will never, ever, fail to say that she doesn't feel or think she's lonely if questioned. bc she has the irminsul, the memories of the living and dead alike, so she doesnt feel nor think she's alone.
except if one considered taking the irminsul's memories of all things away, she would probably start panicking bc those memories are all she has - or at least, she believes as much - bc she actually does fear being utterly and completely alone.
she was alone when she fell into the abyss, alone when she roamed it, alone when she climbed out, and most of her journey back home was also devoid of people whatsoever. she was probs only sane during her journey bc she did, very rarely, meet someone, but there was always the lingering fear that everyone was gone and that she was among the last people still existing, ever
partly why shes so dedicated to her job as a tree caretaker now......... even mere memories of someone existing are better than nothing to her)
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junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
What Freyja thinks of the other scrybes
Little bit of info on how Freyja views the other scrybes! Was going to put this in the first post for her but I didn't want it to be too long so here we go! This what Freyja thinks of the other scrybes --Misty
Leshy: Freyja sees Leshy like an uncle, and tends to visit him the most out of all the other scrybes. He’s been helping her with crafting stories she may use in the future. He’s often the one that will offer to watch over the little one when Juno and Grimora want to have a date night.
Of all the area's of the isle besides her mothers' domains she enjoys spending time in Leshy's the most primarily because of how quiet and peaceful it is and is often times sitting beside Angler on the bridge reading a book as he fishes. Or she'll nap under a tree or sometimes in a tree when things are really calm. It's just a peaceful place for her visit, and everyone in Leshy's domain is always happy to see her
P03: Gets along with P03 fairly well surprisingly. Though her mothers and the bot don’t entirely see eye, to eye. The Scrybe of Technology doesn’t mind Frejya’s company and has helped her a bit with her training in terms of mechanics as well. Her visits to the factory aren’t very long though as the smell of oil tends to make her light headed after a while
She also has to stay within the main room of the factory less she has earplugs, or something to cover her ears with. The rest of the factory besides the storage room is too loud for her to be in so she stays to the main room in order to avoid her ears hurting from the loud machine noises so she hasn't met Dredger, Inspector and Melter.
Magnificus: Dislikes Magnificus quite a bit. She thinks he is a obnoxious cruel old fool and doesn’t agree with his methods of testing his students. She also finds him to simply be a bore and only goes to his tower to visit Goobert, Pike, and Lonely Wiz who are always happy to be her inscription training buddies as its not often that they get visitors.
Often times he is the prime target for her pranks, mainly scaring the ever living day lights out of him by hiding in the shadows and jumping out at him when he enters a room. Because of how quiet this is, this is relatively easy to do. And is the only prank she can really pull off because of his ablity to have premonitions. He may be able to tell that she will scare him, but where she will pop out from he has no idea. She does avoid scaring him near any stairs though as her mothers requested. Scaring him is fine, just so long as no one gets hurt.
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