#Freyja scrybe of the lost
junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
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I both blame and thank @scrybeofchance /@sasaleleselfships for convncing me to design a fankid! We were talking about fan children yesterday/today and suggest I make one. And ya know what I wanted an excuse to draw something Inscryption related again and so here we go! Everyone meet Freyja, the fankid of Juno and Grimora!
Had a lot of fun designing her and everything. She is so cute and I love her!
Facts about this little bean are down below! Hope you all like her! ---Misty
Like her both of her mothers, Freyja is a scrybe. Or rather a scrybe in training as she is still trying to perfect making cards. Her method of inscription is Pyrography which she performs with a special fountain pen that rather than writes with ink, burns the card inscription into the card surface which can vary between wood, paper, and stone. Freyja is still deciding which material looks and feels the best for her cards.
Like Juno and and Grimora, Freyja has her own little entities that she looks after called “The Lost ones” who she cares for deeply and uses as the main subject for her cards.
Has a few shadow abilities similar to Juno, She is able to blend into the shadows around her and primarily uses this ability to pull pranks on the other scybes and the mini bosses as well. Her shadow walking abilities still needs work. But fortunately she hasn’t developed Juno’s suns sensitivity, although she herself is still nocturnal like her mothers. 
When not practicing making cards, or looking fro “The lost ones” Freyja is often found exploring all the islands, chatting with the mini bosses and scrybes whenever they are free. Or siting some place reading a new book she got from the Trader. She’s always moving and enjoys being able to see the world even if that world is still somewhat small
Has a nack for crafting, it doesn’t matter what it is this little one is so creative she can make something from nothing. She sees the beauty in both life and death, and dark and light and is always creating something. She’s even learning how to make totems from the Woodcarver as well as wood bead jewelry
Has a sweet tooth! The girl loves sweets primarily cookies and strawberry candies. Grimora often times makes her the former but when it comes to the latter she often trades crafts she makes with Trader in order to get a few pieces of strawberry candy. 
She is acutely aware of the OLD_DATA and all that has happened because of it. She knows about it because Juno told her. She doesn’t know everything, she mainly knows about the DATA existing, and how all the scrybes, save for Juno, use to fight for it in order to get control of the game. As well as how it had a negative effect on Juno. She doesn’t ask either her mothers questions about it, although she has thought about asking someone else about it. Like the Bone Lord or the Mycologist, or sometimes even Eira. But she refrains. She knows that poking around that information might reveal things that she doesn’t want to know and thus does her best to stay away from it. 
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junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
Ah Freyja how lovely it is to see you! I do have a question for you, would you like to visit my domain during the day? I can have the others bake a nice batch of sweets just for us as we discuss things that happened recently! I do have some drama on Mags of course!
Keep in touch!
- Santino @healing-with-chaos
"Oh wow my first ask how exciting!" The young scrybe in training proclaims with a large and giddy smile. "And from Miss Santino too how nice! Of course I would love to visits, Mother has been wanting to visit you recently as well so perhaps she can come along as well"
When reading over the rest of the ask Freyja's smile falters slightly before sighing
"Oh no, what did that mean old coot do this time? Am I going to have to scare him again for being rude to his students?"
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junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
What Freyja thinks of the other scrybes
Little bit of info on how Freyja views the other scrybes! Was going to put this in the first post for her but I didn't want it to be too long so here we go! This what Freyja thinks of the other scrybes --Misty
Leshy: Freyja sees Leshy like an uncle, and tends to visit him the most out of all the other scrybes. He’s been helping her with crafting stories she may use in the future. He’s often the one that will offer to watch over the little one when Juno and Grimora want to have a date night.
Of all the area's of the isle besides her mothers' domains she enjoys spending time in Leshy's the most primarily because of how quiet and peaceful it is and is often times sitting beside Angler on the bridge reading a book as he fishes. Or she'll nap under a tree or sometimes in a tree when things are really calm. It's just a peaceful place for her visit, and everyone in Leshy's domain is always happy to see her
P03: Gets along with P03 fairly well surprisingly. Though her mothers and the bot don’t entirely see eye, to eye. The Scrybe of Technology doesn’t mind Frejya’s company and has helped her a bit with her training in terms of mechanics as well. Her visits to the factory aren’t very long though as the smell of oil tends to make her light headed after a while
She also has to stay within the main room of the factory less she has earplugs, or something to cover her ears with. The rest of the factory besides the storage room is too loud for her to be in so she stays to the main room in order to avoid her ears hurting from the loud machine noises so she hasn't met Dredger, Inspector and Melter.
Magnificus: Dislikes Magnificus quite a bit. She thinks he is a obnoxious cruel old fool and doesn’t agree with his methods of testing his students. She also finds him to simply be a bore and only goes to his tower to visit Goobert, Pike, and Lonely Wiz who are always happy to be her inscription training buddies as its not often that they get visitors.
Often times he is the prime target for her pranks, mainly scaring the ever living day lights out of him by hiding in the shadows and jumping out at him when he enters a room. Because of how quiet this is, this is relatively easy to do. And is the only prank she can really pull off because of his ablity to have premonitions. He may be able to tell that she will scare him, but where she will pop out from he has no idea. She does avoid scaring him near any stairs though as her mothers requested. Scaring him is fine, just so long as no one gets hurt.
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junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
Freyja is now open for ask and interactions!
Yep it's been not even minutes after sharing this little fankid to ya'll and I've already decided to let her be available for ask and interactions! Because why not?
SO! If ya'll have any questions you'd like to ask this little bean feel free to do so, All other characters such as the scrybes, minibosses, the shadows and Juno are still available for asks as well! So feel free to send some to the ask box if ya got any!
Me: "Anything you want to say Freyja?"
Freyja: "I look forward to meeting all of you and answering your ask! I hope we can all be great friends!"
ASK BOX OPEN!!---Misty
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