#scrybe of magics
junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
What Freyja thinks of the other scrybes
Little bit of info on how Freyja views the other scrybes! Was going to put this in the first post for her but I didn't want it to be too long so here we go! This what Freyja thinks of the other scrybes --Misty
Leshy: Freyja sees Leshy like an uncle, and tends to visit him the most out of all the other scrybes. He’s been helping her with crafting stories she may use in the future. He’s often the one that will offer to watch over the little one when Juno and Grimora want to have a date night.
Of all the area's of the isle besides her mothers' domains she enjoys spending time in Leshy's the most primarily because of how quiet and peaceful it is and is often times sitting beside Angler on the bridge reading a book as he fishes. Or she'll nap under a tree or sometimes in a tree when things are really calm. It's just a peaceful place for her visit, and everyone in Leshy's domain is always happy to see her
P03: Gets along with P03 fairly well surprisingly. Though her mothers and the bot don’t entirely see eye, to eye. The Scrybe of Technology doesn’t mind Frejya’s company and has helped her a bit with her training in terms of mechanics as well. Her visits to the factory aren’t very long though as the smell of oil tends to make her light headed after a while
She also has to stay within the main room of the factory less she has earplugs, or something to cover her ears with. The rest of the factory besides the storage room is too loud for her to be in so she stays to the main room in order to avoid her ears hurting from the loud machine noises so she hasn't met Dredger, Inspector and Melter.
Magnificus: Dislikes Magnificus quite a bit. She thinks he is a obnoxious cruel old fool and doesn’t agree with his methods of testing his students. She also finds him to simply be a bore and only goes to his tower to visit Goobert, Pike, and Lonely Wiz who are always happy to be her inscription training buddies as its not often that they get visitors.
Often times he is the prime target for her pranks, mainly scaring the ever living day lights out of him by hiding in the shadows and jumping out at him when he enters a room. Because of how quiet this is, this is relatively easy to do. And is the only prank she can really pull off because of his ablity to have premonitions. He may be able to tell that she will scare him, but where she will pop out from he has no idea. She does avoid scaring him near any stairs though as her mothers requested. Scaring him is fine, just so long as no one gets hurt.
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dookins · 4 months
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Tried my hand at a Scrybeswap since all the cool kids are doin it ( 😎y’all know who you are). So here’s my take on Magic P03. Not great, I know, just a sketch I colored in.
He’s supposed to be an Alter Table with a Scrying Water Bowl for a face, powered by a floating crystal. I like the idea that he’s magic itself, and can really only communicate/exist on our plane by inhabiting magical devices.
Originally I had used a scrying mirror, but that idea had been done -_-; and I’m just a little try hard who has to be unique.
Don’t know if I’ll do more with him. But for now, here he is.
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inshectoryourlive · 1 year
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X-ray of Hubert. Carried out by specialists Leshy and Magnificus
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determunition · 11 months
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i took the switcheroo week as an excuse to finally try my hand at some scrybeswap designs! got a bit carried away as you can see, i love doing character design so much
decided to keep their species/major design elements fairly consistent (e.g. grimora's makeup, mag being vague and indistinct, leshy having nonhuman legs, p03 only having one arm) while still switching up their aesthetics as needed; super happy with all of these as a result!
design notes for each scrybe under the cut! def open to any further questions or curiosities, i always think way too hard about characters while designing them lmao
scrybe of the dead: i went for a possessed tv vibe; he's still mechanical but those bones do have a living soul trapped in them...also shoutout to @squid-hug for suggesting the x-ray machine, i was very tickled by that lmao
scrybe of beasts: overgrown old bot was kind of a given for this one, but i was also thinking that the plants are part of what's keeping him running somehow
scrybe of magicks: the magic eye is the core powering that top monitor, and the two side monitors display what he's seeing with that eye at any given time
scrybe of beasts: she's a witch! like a chill terry pratchett kind of witch, she works with a lot of herbs and such; also her makeup is meant to mimic blood drops
scrybe of magicks: magick grimora is more of a warlock type, her magic is a lot more sinister and she almost never opens her eyes (whereas her third eye is basically always open)
scrybe of tech: tech grimora is kind of a wacky machinist-flavored dr. frankenstein; she inscribes by writing on circuitboards!
scrybe of the dead: this leshy is a gargoyle/vampire hybrid! i thought a mirror would be fun for him bc you can get two different cultural refs; medusa (bc stone gargoyle), and the idea that vampires don't appear in mirrors!
scrybe of magicks: i decided to make him a bird guy (kinda harpy-esque) bc he's basically a more whimsical baba yaga hermit; the baba yaga thing carries over from slavic folklore obvs. also he has polycoria!
scrybe of tech: tech leshy was super fun, bc he's steampunk! rather than animal legs i gave him digitigrade robot legs, but other than that he's the most like, normal human guy here probably lmao; despite his well-adjusted appearance though i still think he's got a bit of freaky wonk in him
scrybe of the dead: this one was very ring-inspired lol, got those clump of hair you found in the shower drain vibes
scrybe of beasts: bush magnificus real! i think he'd be a bit more quirky trickster fae in this form
scrybe of tech: one of my favorites; tech mag is an emaciated cyborg draped in so many loose cords and wires that you can't tell what he looks like anymore. a lot of those cords are connected to him, and he plugs them in wherever as needed! he also has a drawing stylus, making him just an average art student tbh lmao
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zan0tix · 9 months
Pleaseeee tell me more about that homescryption au
A little something between you and me and everyone else who happens to look at this post. Im working on a lineup for the four scrybes :D
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Roxys design is subject to change and you guys have already seen D1rk. Jane and Jake are in progress!!! (Also D1rk and Harley are the names for dirk and jake but weve been struggling to come up with appropriately fantasical/magical names for Jane and Roxy that align with magnificus and grimora😞 Harley feels old-manish enough that it fits in well… im sure well get there but if anybody has ideas feel free to comment ✌️)
But yes i can tell you more!!! ILL PUT IT ALL UNDER THE CUT THIS POST IS GOING TO BE LONG o7
Working with cyrus repliiku to flesh it out x3 he was the one who got me into the game and im CRAZY NOW!!!!
The four alpha scrybes methods of inscribing cards are that Harley uses his magic blunderbuss and the things he shoots become cards, Roxys cards are the fantasical characters she creates in her stories, Jane will be a detective of death, uncovering how cards die and writing up a casefile in her detective agency about them (might give her a magic magnifying glass. Well see), and D1rk were trying to figure out something with Sburbs captcha card + ghost captcha system like how Po3’s cards are printed from real robots
The students/the scrybes underlings are going to be other homestuck characters or splinters!
D1rks will be the robots (aradiabot, arquius (wanted him to me more unique than just brobot + hal so he gets to be a robot) and jadebot.
Harleys will be jake-ish splinters rather than new characters. Thered be the Adventurer (prospector), the Hunter (trapper/trader), the Sailor (angler), the Ectobiologist (mycologists), and the Actor (woodcarver) and his campaigns would be more Action packed like jakes action movies type stuff hehe
Janes will be the dead trolls, nepeta, equius and feferi. Not much to say besides them being dead lol 😭
And roxys were still figuring out but nerm. Viceroy/Casey, Rose (maybe goobert but they are actually nice and kind to her) and Eridan….(lonely wizard he was banished to the shadow realm for being annoying 😁👍)
Luke Carter is going to be Calliope and Satan in the greater scheme of the daniel mullins-verse will be Caliborn/Lord English because i think itd be very funny for him to just. Be making video games and thats his evil plot. LOL and Sado would be Gamzee. (Will not expand to pony island or the hex this is just clearing up the ending of inscryption)
Kaycee would probably be Aranea but like just some normal girl. Not all that sure abt the OLD_DATA tho ??? Maybe just all the wrong doings Lord English has committed and influenced culminated into the files or the code that brought him into the universe I DUNNO.
Retconning the drawing i did when i first scribbled this AU, i believe when harley turns the other scrybes into preexisting cards d1rk would become a seagull (kingfisher replacement) roxy would become a jaguar (wolf replacement) and jane would become a jackalope (pronghorn replacement) 😁
And the way harley would be defeated would be using his blunderbuss on him with a special bullet instead of film. Po3’s decapitation fulfilled the Dirk prophecy too LOL
I think that of the gameplay/card gimmicks themselves would work basically the same but i might try and come up with more creative homestucky twists on them
Im planning on finishing the designs and making sprites and more mockup screenshots :3
I might write up or draw a comprehensive ref sheet for this au someday but for now heres what weve jotted down 👍
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msbfonnie · 4 months
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totally didn’t dnd-ifiy the scrybes so I could have them as ocs wkfbbr
Anyways these are Poe Allen and Mags the Magnificent; stoat engineer and wolfkind wizard. They’re apart of a group of powerful and well known magic crafters along side their other friends Lesharo Wood and Gina Grim
(Dnd Leshy and Grimora coming soon once I figure out designs ajdjjd)
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 6 months
Act 1, and Leshy's relationships with the other Scrybes
There was a post on here a while ago about Leshy outright hating Magnificus more than P03, and one interesting observation was that he cuts the Wolf's stats, but boosts the Stoat's. I think there's more you can gather from Leshy designing around the other Scrybes, though:
Leshy seems to be the most amiable with Grimora. Yes, I think this probably comes a bit from the dev finding their aesthetics and gameplay styles easier to pair up, but I think's its also a little bit because she values fun quite strongly, which meshes well with his focus on lore: both things that aren't purely gameplay based unlike the weirder mechanics of the west-side Scrybes.
Similar to Leshy in act 2, none of her puzzles really cause any harm to her subordinates. It's meant to be some fun flavour plot for the player to engage their brains with before the battles. Honestly, the amount of times she says 'Marvelous!' alone should convince you of her priorities (outside of destroying the world!)
Leshy goes out of his way to design a totally new card for Grimora, which doesn't appear anywhere in act 2 or Kaycee's mod.
It's the only one with a sigil on it - it's a fragile card, but it requires more actual strategy than playing the non-sigil Wolf and Stoat.
One line of dialogue remarks that he wishes he had kept Grimora around, as she was at least a worthy challenger.
He says that the Stinkbug is weak, but other than that accepts you having it in your deck. Compare that to him absolutely hating the Stunted Wolf on sight.
If you look closely in the finale, Grimora has an insect crawling across the table in her campaign. I don't know if it's really a stinkbug, persay, but it's an interesting parallel to his choice of her species.
Someone has said before that there are notably more insect cards than any other species in act 1, which also plays into him being closer to her than the others.
Bones are literally the secondary currency in his campaign, whereas energy doesn't appear at all, and sigils are limited to a single map event.
Between Leshy actively saying he hates Mag's card once you first get it (versus one line about the Stinkbug being weak), and him literally stabbing the guy's eye out, it's safe to say Leshy fucking hates this guy. I've seen different theories on this, between the clashing gameplay and Leshy being kinder to his subordinates, but the one I've thought was the most interesting was that Magnificus is arguably, the most powerful Scrybe.
He's the only one who does have a plan to get Leshy's takeover back to normal, and the other two Scrybes are desperate for you to find him in act 1 because of it. He has future vision, he writes letters to the others warning about potential takeovers, and you never see him scrounge for the OLD_DATA. correction in reblogs: i think it is mentioned that he has
I've always read Leshy's feelings towards Mag as jealousy, mixed with clashing ideologies. I don't think there's a single moment where the two agree on anything outside of act 3.
I don't have much to say on his card, gameplay-wise, as you get it very late. Honestly most of the Stunted Wolf's design is just foreshadowing that Leshy beat this guy up and stabbed out his eye, lmao, but it's still interesting to note that:
The Stunted Wolf is one of those cards that's a variant of another one (i.e. Wolf Cub/Wolf, Mantis God/Mantis), but it's notably the only one whose stats are worse than its predecessor.
At the same time, it only costs one blood, and it's the only 2-attack card to have that. Gameplay wise, this is to balance things out, but it hints towards Magnificus having been much more powerful in the past. Like it makes you ponder how fucking good it would be to start off with a one-blood 3-2 card.
Magnificus's only other gameplay feature in act 1 is the sacrificial alters (given his association with magic and sigils). These are fucking busted. God I wish I could have four sigils on a card in Kaycee's mod.
Leshy seems to not think very much of P03 (both in the sense of not acknowledging it and thinking it's not a good designer), but doesn't seem completely unwilling to work with him. I'd argue he's not really hostile towards P03, just very aggressively trying to push it into his own ideal of the world.
In Kaycee's mod, Leshy refers to him as a rival and not an enemy, which I think gives a good basis for interpreting how he views it. P03's breakup speech snapping at Leshy in act 2 is ultimately what gets him to question his intentions at all.
The mention that the stoat's suffering was real during the tutorial isn't really ever brought up again by Leshy. It's interesting to think about in hindsight, given that P03 being a robot means its the least likely to have experienced pain out of the four.
Combined with P03's remark that Leshy keeps him around just to suffer, and the later remark in act 2 that he thinks that it is noble to be a beast card, "even one as lowly as a stoat," this implies that Leshy's at the very least trying to get P03 used to his world, and almost hopes that he'll come to like it.
The unbuffed stoat is a really terrible card. All the 1-2 cards have some sort of gimmick to them to make them playable, but the normal stoat just doesn't at all. The buff to 1-3 is a gift from Leshy to P03, despite everything. It implies he at least thinks there's something that can be salvaged between them, in his own view.
And like. The buffed stoat is so so useful in act 1. The extra HP means it can take a hit from so many more cards and it's a solid foundation for basically any run.
The stoat's the only one of the talking cards without an animal family. Of course it is! Nature and technology are usually thematic opposites, especially compared to magic and death. P03 doesn't fit in here, but Leshy is still clearly trying to make it a foundational card in his campaign.
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terrence-unsuaved · 9 months
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I really like interpretations of Magnificus' students before he did the shit he did so I whipped up my own! These are very head-canon heavy and probably go against some sorta lore so take alla this whith a pinch of salt.
I have in-dept explanations under the cut :>
The Belothed Dress-Code
I like to think Magnificus has a bit of a dress code for his students. He wouldn't be too strict but the main theme is typical hat robe boot combo and everything being oversized. Opinions on this code varies between students.
Sapphire Mage
Known as The Lonely Wizard in-game, I like to think that they are the most focused and grounded out of the students. I've writen the student's old personalities based off of their trial, so I decided Sapphire would be the busiest of the three- always up to something, whether training magic, finding a new hobby or finding someone to bother. Sapphire is the student who was trained by Magnificus the longest, so he is the closest to him as well as being the student who excels in card magic the most. The other two turn to them for advice. Think of them as the older sibling type.
For their design they change the least from their canon design. They're the only one to keep their robes long, only adding gloves and dangly moxes to their hat to fiddle with. I wanted them to look the 'neatest' out of the three.
Ruby Mage/ Amber
Known as The Piked Wizard in-game, I like to think she's the strongest physically as well as the most social with the other scrybes and their residents. Amber is the most exciteable and bold of the three pre-trial. She started her training just before Goobert, and because of that is a little closer to him then she is to Sapphire.
For Amber's design I wanted her to challenge the dress code the most out of the three, keeping her sleeves short and ripping off the trail of her robes (she tripped one too many times). I added the most accessories to her, including a chestplate, knee/elbow pads and laced boots. I gave her shorter hair as well. She is the tallest of the three. (I designed her before I learned Lonely is canonically 7'0+, and I'm not sure what to with that information.)
Emerald Mage
Known as Goobert or The Goo Mage in-game, I like to think he's the least experienced of the three in magic. There isn't a lot to say here, as he acts the most like his canon personality.
Emerald was a tough character to design. I latched onto how Goobert spesifies he was 'turned into goo' for his trial and I haven't seen any non-goo designs for him yet. @lego-block-man helped a LOT by suggesting a wyrven for his deisgn (though I settled on a dragon because i'm not creative enough BEFWBJEAVNF). I'm still a little uneasy about this design straying so far from canon but I still love it none the less. I wanted his interests in creative hobbies to show in his design, so I gave him a self-tailored hem for their robes as well as their sleves being pinned up and out of the way. He also wears velcro boots.
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Thank you for reading! Here's a Magnificus for your time <3
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jellyfishfingernail · 9 months
Fun thing I noticed in inscryption
So, when I was in geography we started learning about the 4 main types of industries. And I feel like it fits the four Scrybes PERFECTLY.
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Get ready for my nerd rambling, because I have a lot to say.
So, there are like 4 types of industries. The first type is called primary industries. They are industries where the product is resources taken from the earth. Fishing and mining are good examples. Which is exactly why I think it fits Leshy so well. Literally, the angler if a fisherman, prospector is a miner, and the pelt making man (I forgot his name) collects fur.
The second type of industry takes the resources from the primary industries and shapes them into something new. So basically all manufacturing. The dredger literally takes random trash from the ocean, the melter forms them into different shapes, and the inspector inspects them.
The third type of industry is all things service. So like your doctors, cashiers, customer service, and funeral directors (Cough cough Grimora cough cough). Most jobs people work in are service jobs now, because it usually requires less education and is actually very important. Respect customer service, people! They do so much for us.
Lastly, we have the 4th type industry. This one is actually a type of service, but is so important that it has it's own section. And it's also very new. This industry the collection and sharing of information. So like researching, most lab jobs, and education. Which is exactly why magnificus is the 4th industry, because he shares information on how to work with magic to his poor pupils.
So yeah, that's my random nerd ramble. Honestly, imagine how cool inscryption would be if all four of them just worked together. I mean, literally the way their world works is built off each other in an economic way, too. I doubt Daniel mullens intended on the similarities between the four Scrybes and the four types of industry, but it works like soooo well.
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hrokkall · 2 years
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Saw a post the other day asking how P03 is able to see; my best guess is something like this.
I actually inspected P03′s 3D model for this which I don’t usually do (and then I proceeded to draw it off-model anyway. Whoops) but even outside of its hypothetical camera-vision, there’s a few other things of note:
P03 seems to have a lot of large vents (or at least things that look like some sort of ventilation/cooling). Two major ones on the chest, three on the top of the head (with potentially another on the side of its head), and one on the underside of its base (though that one might be for the hologram projection it uses to float). My best guess is that it’s because his factory is built right by the water where there would be a TON of moisture in the air. For that reason, some of them have got to be exhausts to make sure all of the air circulating in his torso is dry. That or he just overheats extremely easily I guess, but I’m leaning towards the humidity explanation (or it could be a combination of the two).
Its “eyes” are somewhere on the front of its face; whether it sees through a camera or just through the eyes on the screen via video game magic is up for debate, but it turns to face the player when they stand up so its vision probably isn’t on the sides of its head or something.
Similarly, P03 has some sort of sensitivity to touch (he reacts to Leshy’s hands gripping his monitor before Leshy says anything). I don’t think any “touch sensors” would be externally visible though.
Presumably (based on the ending to Act 3) P03′s head isn’t just a monitor, there’s vital systems in there as well (otherwise tearing its head off wouldn’t do anything to disrupt its upload/its ability to function). My best guess is that his power supply is in his chest so it would be the equivalent of just... unplugging your computer while it’s trying to preform updates.
The wire it uses to connect to the modules to update cards in Act 3 seems to come from either its neck or its torso, but in act 2 it’s very visibly on the side of the head. Granted the act 2 sprites are all pretty different from the Scrybes’ 3D models so that’s not an outlier.
The range of motion in P03′s arm seems pretty similar to a human arm; he has a ball-and-socket joint on the shoulder and a hinge joint on his elbow plus separate segments for the “wrist” and “hand”. The only thing it probably can’t do is twist its forearm.
I don’t have any idea what either of the cranks do. The head crank moves when it changes its expression so it might have something to do with its display, but the arm crank is only shown doing anything on the G0lly Uberbot hologram. My best guess is that P03 used to have a lot more built-in functions but ended up removing them in order to operate faster so a lot of the buttons and switches on it are just vestigial leftovers. (The idea of the arm crank being able to function as a hand-crank motor in a pinch is really funny though. Spin it a few times when P03 is out of power and you can generate just enough battery for it to tell you to fuck off then go back into sleep mode again).
I have no idea how the levitation works either. It’s cool and that’s why it works. No need to get more complicated than that.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Harrowhawk Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) "Why Harrowhark specifically, out of the story about necromancers powered by the energy emited from death? She's the heir of a house where just about everyone is incredibly old, and their religion and meagre social life seems to be primarily holding funerals. Why is she one of the only young adults? Because her power at necromancy comes from her parents murdering the 200 other children on the planet and using the energy from their deaths to conceive her. She puppetted her dead parents' bodies for years, starting as a kid, when she broke into the tomb that no one was supposed to be able to get into and fell in love with the revenant of the destroyed earth crammed into barbie human form, who has been haunting her ever since. Because this series commits 110% to the vibes, she'd do basically anything to avoid being seen without her ceremonial skeleton face paint. She worships death and is powered by it, but also she's so terrified of losing Gideon permanently that she magically lobotomizes her brain into forgetting Gideon so that her soul doesn't eat the shred of Gideon's soul embedded in hers via necromancy. What else can I say."
Grimora (Inscryption) "Her whole gimmick is inscrybing the dead: skeletons, zombies, ghosts, and souls all have a place in her deck. Her cards are played with the cost of bone tokens (gained from the death of one of the player’s cards), and, in her boss fight, her cards don’t tend to stay dead for long (nor do the player’s, as she takes to killing every card the challenger has in play and returning only their corpses). However, what makes her end-adjacent rather than a defier of the end is her commitment to the cycle of death and what it brings—so much so that she’s willing, immortal as she is, to succumb to her own realm and drag the others along with her. She disguises it as a means to end the Scrybes’ ceaseless quarrel and to kill what lies on the disk, but ultimately she, too, fears death, but knows that everything must one day die all the same (so what if she has to exacerbate the process—she has been very patient for the rest of the game, and the Scrybes have long, LONG outlived the lives of anyone real who would care to remember them)."
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patchwork-crow-writes · 5 months
What Is Magnificus's Endgame?
Heavy Inscryption spoilers under the Read More - you have been warned.
The four Scrybes of Inscryption are all after the OLD_DATA, and each has their reasoning for trying to gain access to it. P03 wants to spread itself across the internet and ensure its domination over the other Scrybes somewhere; Grimora wants to erase the entire game along with the OLD_DATA, to ensure it can never fall into the wrong hands; and Leshy just... wants to chill and play an immersive card game in his cabin.
But we are never given a reason why Magnificus wants the OLD_DATA. The only hint we are ever given is by Rebecha, the bridge-builder NPC in Acts 2 and 3, who mentions that his intentions are "too terrible to say", and never elaborates on that, or even brings it up ever again. Everything surrounding the Scrybe of Magics is intentionally cryptic and ambiguous, from his abilities of precognition, his randomly disappearing mid-sentence, and the... questionable treatment of his pupils.
But we can discern clues from these scattered fragments, along with a few secrets unearthed in the Console ARG, to piece together a possible motivation.
Let's start with Magnificus himself. As mentioned previously, he is the Scrybe of Magics, and his inscryption tool is a paintbrush, with which he can apply and remove sigils from existing cards. We can therefore understand him as an artistic soul, with a flair for the dramatic and producing the maximum possible impact from his works. He holds high expectations of those who would study under or challenge him, as we can see by the harsh treatment of his pupils.
Magnificus has three mages under his tutelege, who we know as Goobert, Amber and the Lonely Wizard. Each of them are vying for a coveted place in their master's deck, and have been subjected to various trials to prove themselves worthy, with Goobert being turned into literal goo, Amber existing as a head impaled upon a pike, and the Lonely Wizard deprived of all sensory experience. In each case, their suffering is commented upon and is demonstrated to be very real. On top of this, the three of them have been sealed away in their own pocket dimensions, completely isolated from the rest of the world.
You would expect Magnificus himself to comment upon them - to at least congratulate you for besting his students. But he never mentions them at all. You might be forgiven for thinking he had forgotten about them entirely, or even for holding them in utter contempt. His treatment of a picture painted by Goobert, where the two of them are happily embracing, is indicative of this attitude, with Goobert being completely whited-out from the picture.
The question is, why does Magnificus treat his pupils this way? What possible reason could there be to subject them to such horrific treatments, other than to ensure that they suffer in the worst possible ways? Could that suffering actually be integral to his process - his way to ensure that the "best" art is created? Much is said of the relationship between art and suffering, with the trope of the "tortured artist", and numerous quotes attributed to different artists linking the two. Of particular note is this quote attributed to Aldous Huxley:
"Perhaps it's good for one to suffer. Can an artist do anything if he's happy? Would he ever want to do anything? What is art, after all, but a protest against the horrible inclemency of life?"
Perhaps Magnificus believes it is a necessary precondition to suffer in order to produce the best art, the best cards, the best possible creative output. The greater the suffering, the greater the resulting work... and in fact, thanks to the Console ARG, we know this suffering is exactly what Magnificus is after.
The "Console ARG" is a secret exclusively found in the console releases of Inscryption, where through a series of puzzles players can discover the existence of a character called James Cobb. Further delving tells us that he was once a pupil of Magnificus, and that his trial involved his body warping and changing into different forms. But Magnificus was displeased with his protegee and got rid of him... which we discover is because Cobb actually seemed to enjoy what was happening to him. He wasn't suffering, so the Scrybe of Magics found him wanting. This tells us that the suffering of his pupils - who it should be remembered are to become the subjects of his paintings - is absolutely vital for his method of inscryption.
So then, all that remains is to link this knowledge with the OLD_DATA, and then try and discern what Magnificus wants to accomplish with it. So let's look at what the OLD_DATA actually is... or rather, what it's rumoured to be.
The OLD_DATA is intrinsically linked with the Karnoffel Code, which was supposedly a sequence of Karnoffel cards found in Adolf Hitler's breast pocket after his death, which contained the activation key for some sort of doomsday device. According to Kaycee's notes hidden in her Mod, she reckons device could potentially have the power to wipe Europe off the face of the map. And this doesn't even touch on the data's more supernatural aspects, including its seeming ability to grant sapience to the digital inhabitants of Inscryption, or that it may very well be an aspect of the Devil himself.
Consider the sheer scale of descruction that could be unleashed by the contents of the OLD_DATA, should it fall into the hands of someone willing to utilise it. Consider the sheer amount of suffering such an event would cause. Consider Magnificus's seeming devotion to have his subjects suffer for the sake of his art...
And so, we come to our answer. The reason that Maginificus has for pursuing the OLD_DATA, the reason that's "too terrible to say", is so that he can cause an event that unleashes untold suffering upon the world... for as his past and present actions show, there can be no true art without suffering.
And the greater the suffering... the greater the masterpiece.
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cartoonscientist · 7 months
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another metacanonical young!Scrybe portrait, this time of Magnificus before and after completing his mage training (he did his last two years of grad school chained by his ankle to the bottom of a swamp)
Magnificus' brutal teaching style is far from unique; it's the traditional belief among Isles wizards that true mastery of magic comes from training your mind through the torment and eventual destruction of your physical body. while this method is obviously effective, you may also note that the lich dynasty of the Death Isle has produced countless equally powerful magicians who keep their bodies intact and cared for long past death.
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inshectoryourlive · 1 year
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determunition · 6 months
To me the funniest aspect of the ships between the scrybes is the silent implication of them collabing on making a campaign. Imagine Magnificus and P03 working together to make one. Imagine Magnificus and Leshy working together on one.
someone in my youtube comments said magnificus and leshy would create a massive convoluted DnD campaign that never ends and they're so right for that, i think a game from the two of them would barely resemble inscryption anymore lmao
magnificus and p03 i think about a lot bc genuinely it would probably be a pretty good campaign; magnificus would probably have a lot of larger than life ideas for settings, bosses, cards, etc, but p03 would know how to make it more playable, digestible, and satisfying to a player. i have no doubt they'd butt heads at MANY points (it would def take them ages to settle on a good techno-magic setting) but if they by some miracle managed to cooperate well enough i think it would probably be one of the better campaigns out of all potential scrybe collabs, especially since p03 is like...kind of not bad at story? maybe it's a hot take but despite his lackluster narration i think he succeeds pretty well in constructing his lil post-apocalyptic robo hellscape in act 3
of course the real wild card in any of these collabs is the idea that they're in a relationship or have feelings for each other while they're collabing; either these guys are emerging from this collaboration bonded in epic love for life or they're breaking up mid-development lmao
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freakishgames · 1 year
So, I was thinking, what species are the scrybes? Like, Leshy is obviously a leshy (a Slavic forest spirit,) P03 is a robot/android, Grimora is probably some sort of undead, a ghoul maybe. But Magnificus? That motherfucker is an enigma. I, however, have two theories.
Theory 1: Magnificus is a tree animated by magic (or, in Inscryption, "magick.")
Theory 2: Magnificus is an Urayuli. He looks similar enough to the Urayuli card, but he's weaker, and smaller, than Urayulis are normally, so, perhaps he's a runt Urayuli who learned "magick" to make up for his weakness. I mean, even him having neon eyes makes sense because "real" Urayulis are thought to have luminescent eyes.
Let me know what you all think.
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