o-bucky-my-captain · 1 year
Chapter 7 of “Look both ways (before you cross my mind)” or #Steddie, the musical is out!
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Chapter 1.07 - “Maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be okay” is out!
Don’t forget to check the playlists!
Full playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dAjlPrpY37hhTLP6YZPp2
Eddie’s songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4l6xjTdSRbX9uChWwQdWPg
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o-bucky-my-captain · 1 year
Btw, does anyone here ship Steddie too?
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"Look both ways (before you cross my mind)", AKA the Steddie Musical, is finally here!
Chapter 1 - "Broken with no way to mend. No, you ain’t gonna like how this ends."
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o-bucky-my-captain · 2 years
It's normal to feel this way about fictional men
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o-bucky-my-captain · 2 years
It’d be revolutionary if the middle aged queer men in my shows could run away with their boyfriends successfully just once
19K notes · View notes
o-bucky-my-captain · 2 years
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475 notes · View notes
o-bucky-my-captain · 2 years
Bucky Barnes | One Shot | Sniper
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Agent!Reader
Plot: Reluctantly, you get thrown into an assignment with Bucky and Yelena, but Bucky doesn't trust you as far as he can throw you. When he's proven to be correct, it turns out you're still a hell of a good team.
Warnings: 18+. Smut, violence and light angst.
Words: 8,9OO
A/N: This fic has been a LONG time coming and just kept building and building, so it's basically a massive slow burn with HEAT. It's closer to what my first fic was like, so please let me know what you guys think!
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“I’m not helping.” You conclude and put the last of your laundry away, an indication that you are no longer interested in the conversation.
When the unlikely duo stood in front of your door half an hour ago, you cursed yourself for ever getting out of bed. Your quick reflexes abandoned you when the tiny, blonde widow stuck her foot between the door and invited herself inside. Sharing a quick look with the large super soldier you recognised as Bucky Barnes, you sighed in defeat and allowed them into your home.
You regret telling Yelena your address the last time you spoke to her. As much as you adored the quick-witted spy, especially after performing so well on your assignment together about two years prior, you had recklessly assumed she would forget you and would never see her again. After all, your line of work didn’t exactly leave much space to maintain any long-term relationships, friend or other.
And then there’s Bucky. A twisted, nonetheless incredibly skilled ex-assassin that intimidated you beyond comprehension. You had worked with him about two times in the past and encountered him a couple times in between. He had frustrated you with his stubborn and pessimistic nature and you eventually called him out on it, assuming you would never have to talk to him again.
Clearly, you have to stop assuming your problems won’t follow you to the present.
And now they are here, in your secret home hidden in de crowded city of London, proposing you help them out with an assignment that should prevent the end of the world as you know it.
Like you haven’t heard that one before…
The disappointment that briefly flashes over her excitable face punctures your heart. You amicably decided to hear them out before you denied their request for assistance. With them, you mostly mean Yelena, since Bucky is stood with his arms crossed and a thunder cloud hanging over his head as he visibly judges your interior and lets her do the talking.
But then Yelena turns to Bucky, a childish grin forced onto her features. “You see, Bucky. My friend here, who has a skill set that would put yours to shame, is …retarded.”
“-Retired!” You quickly correct the Russian as you roll your eyes, huffing at Bucky when you realise you shouldn’t have taken the bait so quickly. You’re not sure Yelena knows that you and Bucky have met before and you are suspicious as to why Bucky didn’t tell her.
“Retired.” Yelena recovers with her thick accent and a dismissive wave of her hand before turning back to Bucky “She has lost her skills, you see.”
Gritting your teeth, it requires all of your energy not to give into the provoking blonde and defend yourself. After two deep breaths, you decide to show her exactly how skilled you still are by swiftly slipping a knife from the holster under one of your cabinets and flinging it her way, making sure to chop off a few strands of hair sticking out on the side of her head as the blade penetrates the wall behind her.
“My hair!” Yelena cries out and narrows her eyes at you “Do you have any idea how much a good hair cut costs nowadays?!”
Bucky rolls his eyes and shoots you a glare, slowly wiping the satisfied grin off your face.
“Look, clearly we’re not getting her to help us, so let’s just head out before things escalate.” Bucky presses his hand to Yelena’s shoulder gently to keep her from diving at you, signalling with his eyes to her that it is time to go. Of course Bucky was never behind the idea of involving you.
“Yeah. Listen to the trained, cold-blooded killer, Yelena. He sure as hell will keep you safe.” You spit sarcastically and turn back to your tasks.
Your harshness is a defence mechanism that you are very familiar with and you scrunch your eyes closed at your degrading tone, disappointment towards yourself blooming in your chest.
“What happened to you?” The pain in Yelena’s voice is evident and you drop your head, pressing your palms to the counter in front of you as you let out a deep breath. The woman had been through enough in the past years and guilt is eating at you now. You swallow hard before turning around to face the two heroes again.
“Yelena, you can stick around here if you want, but I’m just not helping you out with your little plan. I’m done with all of that.” You lie and Yelena cocks her head to the side curiously as she narrows her eyes at you, trying to read your thoughts. After a long moment of silence, the tension in the air palpable, she nods slowly before dropping her head to look down at her attire.
“Can I please take a shower then? My outfit isn’t white anymore.” She pouts and raises her eyes back to you. Smiling at the way she easily moves on from your crude behaviour, you throw her one of the towels you just folded.
“Go ahead, I’ll wash your clothes and make some dinner.” You offer a smile and she hurries over, wrapping her arms around you and whispering in your ear that she’s glad to see you again before skipping past you into the bathroom that you had gestured towards.
That leaves you and the overly strong soldier you just offended. You chew your lip nervously and give him a guilty look with another one of your deep sighs “Sorry that I snapped. I know you’ll keep her safe.”
He narrows his eyes at you and slowly walks over, his arms still crossed over his chest as his approaching face reveals more of his handsome appearance to you. He studies your body language, the judgement clear on his features before settling his eyes on yours.
“Something tells me you have a whole lot of things to apologise for.”
Flicking on the light above the kitchen counter to grant you some vision in the middle of the night, you peel open one of the folders that was delivered to you this morning after you requested them. Raising your glass of water to your lips as your eyes scan over the jargon of words scattered across the papers, you finally find some peace in your own home now that Bucky and Yelena are fast asleep.
If it weren’t for Yelena’s lively anecdotes and excitement, dinner earlier would have been beyond uncomfortable. It felt odd having Bucky in your home and to see Yelena again after such a long time. The memories of your life from that time like nails being hammered into your chest. Luckily you could keep yourself busy by tending to your guests, eventually offering Bucky the attic and Yelena the guest room to stay in for the night.
However, Yelena refused to fall asleep until you agreed to help them out. You should have known she wouldn’t drop the request and you tried to fight her -you really did- but eventually told them you would do whatever you could from your current spot. But you wouldn’t under any circumstance get back into the field.
Not after everything…
Too engrossed in the information in front of you, hoping to finally discover the missing puzzle piece to your personal quest, you don’t notice the light footed figure sneaking up on you.
“There are better books to read, you know.”
His rough voice startles you to the point where your heart almost slams out of your ribcage. You swallow the sudden gasp and as a reflex, grab one of your hidden revolvers and aim it at your undiscovered target.
Letting out a breath of relief when you notice it’s Bucky with his eyebrows raised in amusement at your fast reflexes, you slowly drop the gun and lay it onto the surface of the kitchen counter, though no less apprehensive.
Wearing a white shirt and some loose grey sweatpants, he almost doesn’t look threatening anymore. But one look at his face and the harsh lines indicating his default frown makes you pull your guard right back up.
“Jesus, Bucky.” You groan and run a hand through your hair.
“Retired, my ass.” He scoffs and walks over slowly, causing you to calmly shut the folders in front of you. The corner of Bucky’s mouth twitches at the sight and he gives you a suspecting smirk.
“Why are you up?” You ask him quickly, yet casually to avoid him from asking any questions he shouldn’t be. To him and Yelena, you are still retired after all.
“Why are you?”
Rolling your eyes and raising your glass of water into the air, you give him a forced smile “Water.”
“So who’s the target?” He asks, ignoring your terrible distraction entirely.
You should know better than to think a trained assassin with severe trust issues would let you off that easily. The man in front of you is blunt and harsh and he would have never gotten away with his attitude if he wasn’t so dangerous …and attractive.
“Buck, we all have side jobs. Let me do mine and I’ll let you do yours.”
“I don’t have a side job. This assignment is my main job.” He shrugs his shoulders casually as he crosses his muscular arms over his broad chest, as if this is the obvious way of thinking about their current mission.
“This is not a main job. I mean, it is hardly monitored by the government, is it?” You roll your eyes at his stubborn nature and his clear judgement of your stance. Whatever it is that the two of them were doing, it wasn’t on the radar of the United Nations, let alone any government.
“It’s my main job. And it should be yours. So what is it that is splitting your focus?”
“None of your goddamn business.”
“The second I stepped into this house, you became my business. Now stop fucking around and tell me.” His tone is sharp and you grit your teeth at the audacity of him talking to you like he has known you for years and has any fucking right to decide what you can and cannot do. Still, you finally understand why he was named a sergeant, the authority sharpening his tone capable of making anyone oblige.
“Or what?”
Bucky gives you a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes and he slowly steps closer until his lids lower from looking down at you. Before you can reach for the gun, he gives it a quick tap as it slides out of reach for the both of you.
“I’ll be your biggest nightmare.” He spits, his voice nothing short of a promise. “This mission is more important than any of your little games. I don’t care for your private endeavours. If you agree to help us out, I need you in a hundred percent.”
You grind your teeth and as much as you hate him for it, you understand where he is coming from. So you sigh and snatch up the folders, stepping around him and brushing against his shoulders as you walk past to signal him to follow you.
Leading him to your stairs, you open the sealed door under it by pressing your fingerprint to a small panel hidden under one of the steps. Not giving Bucky another look, you let him follow you into another dark room, specifically altered to let you research and plan your private operations by yourself.
You approach the table in the middle as Bucky looks around the room dumbfounded and activate it with your fingerprint again. A dozen of hologram screens flit up with pictures and information that you have gathered over the past few months.
Bucky’s sight returns to you as his head tilts up to read the screens, his body stiffening and eyes widening when he notices one particular slide that you select to emphasise. A familiar photo to Bucky with information under it that he has memorised.
“This is my side job.” You tell him, reluctancy tugging at your chest.
“That is not a side job. I’ve quested this target. He’s a main job.” Bucky tells you, his eyes still on all the info you have gathered on him. You are in way to deep, he knows that for sure.
“Hunted and failed?” You scowl, getting a little sick and tired of him underestimating you constantly. If he was such a good assassin, how come this man is alive and now your target?
Bucky glares at you “He was my target. Not to be terminated then.”
“Well, he is now.” You conclude and raise your arms to close all of the tabs and head back out.
Bucky grabs your arm “You can’t.”
“I’ll decide that for myself, thanks.”
“No, you don’t. This is no longer your job. Your focus is on me now.”
“I swear to God, disobey me and I will-“
“What?! You will do what exactly, Barnes?” You spit in his face, knowing for a fact that your rage tops his right now as your breathing heaves your chest.
Your name falls from his lips sharply, the warning clear in his voice. But you refuse to back down and you take a step closer to him, leaving barely an inch between your chests.
“Either help me, or leave my goddamn house, Barnes.”
Bucky stays quiet for a full moment, his mind running a million miles an hour as his eyes dart over your face in search of any give within your tenacity.
“What do we have on him?”
Both hands attached to your gun, you jog up the stairs with your chin up and all your senses on high alert. Having no idea what is around every corner or behind any door, you have to move quickly, swiftly and cautiously. Bucky is hot on your tail and you don’t have to check to know he’s making sure no one is following you without being told to.
You’re both trained professionals after all.
The second Bucky realised how important his target was to you, he helped you figure out a way to distract Yelena for long enough to help you get to him. But he had to admit, part of him wanted to get revenge for what he knew the target was capable of. Back in his Winter Soldier days, he had tracked and observed the target for months, not able to take him down. Maybe together, he finally could.
Entering a hallway so dark it might as well represent a black hole, you focus on your hearing, trailing your fingertips that stick out from your leather gloves gently along the walls to discover an entrance. You can’t see anything but darkness, the only light coming from the stairs behind you, but being swallowed by the void.
When you feel a light ridge under your touch, you stop walking. The next thing you feel is Bucky bumping into your back and clutching onto your hip as a reflex, tugging you in to stabilize the both of you. Your eyes widen at the feeling of colliding into his firm body and you swallow hard as you force yourself to remain professional. A quiet and uncharacteristic ‘sorry’ is mumbled from behind you and you quickly brush it aside.
One hand holding your gun as the other encounters a doorknob, you twist it and enter a bright, empty room with Bucky closely behind.
“This building doesn’t make any fucking sense.” Bucky complains sharply, keeping his gun ready for fire as he circles the room. You sigh, agreeing with him as you still squint to adjust to the sudden brightness.
“Told you we should get a map.” You can’t help but provoke him.
“There wasn’t any time.” Bucky huffs, annoyed by your know-it-all nature.
“You’re right, we’re so much better off wasting our time searching through a maze.” You grumble sarcastically as you continue your path by stepping through another door and stepping into a concrete hallway this time, illuminated by red emergency lights. The air around you is cold and you frown when you realise that instead of walking closer to the core of the building, you might actually find yourselves back in the outer ring.
From Bucky’s silence, you assume he has realised the same thing. Noting that the hallway is completely empty, you finally turn towards him and lower your gun.
“What do you suggest we do, Sergeant?” You dare him to come up with a plan to get you out of this mess. You’d been roaming the hostile building for over half an hour with no clue as to where you’re going. Cursing the thick outer walls, you wish you could make contact with someone on the outside right now.
“There has to be an entrance somewhere here. If this is the outer ring, there has to be a way in.” He mumbles as he looks around, mostly just thinking out loud to himself.
“Did you manage to bring any snacks along with you so I can eat something while you go try to figure that whole thing out?” The annoyance in your tone is obvious and you can see Bucky’s jaw tick at your incessant need to thwart him.
He takes a few threatening steps towards you and glowers down at you angrily “Stop being a fucking brat and do your goddamn job.”
Opening your mouth to make a smart remark, Bucky’s eyes widen and ears perk up. You don’t get to follow your colleague’s heightened senses as you get thrown against a wall in one of the crevices of the tunnel, his chest pushed into yours.
Both of you sucking in a deep breath and holding it, you twist your head to the side to note anyone walking by. Your instinct when a dozen hostile agents run past the two of you is to squeeze your eyes shut, Bucky’s is to press himself against you tighter, his shallow breaths fanning through your hair.
Once the group has passed, both of you let out a long breath and you roll your head against the wall, tilting your chin up as you look at the ceiling. What you don’t notice is Bucky’s eyes fixated on your parted lips as your chest heaves with adrenaline pumped breaths, because when you open your eyes and look at him, his eyes are on yours instantly.
“We either follow them or find out where they are coming from.” You whisper and Bucky takes a peek into the hallway, still not breaking away from the close proximity.
“They’re hunting someone down -possibly us- so we go where they came from.” Bucky decides and you give him a brief nod, not finding it too difficult to agree with his orders when it really comes down to it.
Both of you move in sync as you step out from the small cavern and jog in the opposite direction you saw the agents run into. Bucky at the front this time as you follow closely behind.
Pressing the barrel of the gun under your target’s chin as he almost tips back in the chair he is tied to, you throw him a sneer “Answer the goddamn question.”
Bucky sighs and inspects his nails as he leans against the wall casually. When the target stays quiet, you turn to Bucky and suck in a sharp breath.
“Would you like to make yourself useful, Barnes?”
Throwing you a clipped smile he mutters a ‘finally’ as he steps over, pushing past you and grabbing the target’s throat. His jaw clenched as dark eyes peer down onto his victim. The way his arm clangs and jitters with its movements has adrenaline rushing through your body. Thankfully, you and Bucky are finally seeing eye to eye when it comes to this particular assignment.
“Remember me?” He mocks, his voice a low drawl, but no less threatening as he keeps his jaw locked tightly “You heard her. What sick plan are you involved in this time?”
“Your tiny blonde friend should know.” The man chokes out through Bucky’s grip and Bucky looks at you with a worried frown. The comment comes as a shock to both of you, even though you know that you shouldn’t believe this douchebag over your trusted colleague.
You give him a confused shrug in return, not feeling any wiser than he does right now, and Bucky turns back to the man clasped within his vibranium claw “Be vague again and I’ll rip out your vocal chords.”
“Charming.” You quip, a mixture of awe and disdain at his choice of threat. It is undeniable that your impatience is slowly getting the better of you and your teeth start gnawing at your bottom lip.
When your target gives Bucky an unimpressed glare, you lose the last of your patience. Flicking the knife out of your thigh holster and twirling it between your fingers, you don’t hesitate to cut off his pinkie, a cry leaving your target’s lips.
You don’t notice Bucky’s face twitching to hide an impressed smile, gritting his teeth to contain himself from the thrill rushing through his body when you heave a deep sigh at the target’s silence and slice off his ring finger.
The target glares up at you with almost as much thunder in his eyes as Thor and actually shoots Bucky a pleading glance for some mercy from your brutality. But Bucky simply shrugs innocently.
“I’d hurry up if I were you.” He backs you up, his voice deep and rough, humour dripping off his lips as his grasp doesn’t falter “I don’t want to know what she’ll cut off once she is done counting down your fingers.”
The panicked look in your target’s eyes makes you roll yours and you heave another deep sigh, raising your knife to slash down again. But before you can drop the knife onto his middle finger, he gasps and scrambles for words as quickly as he can.
“The weapon!” He gasps “The weapon you are after. I’m a distraction. They knew you’d come after me.”
When you twist your head towards Bucky, you watch his eyes widen slightly before a mask expertly covers up his emotions. It frustrates you to the bone that you are never able to decipher the soldier. But the brief look that you saw in his eyes is enough to send a surge of fury to rush through your body and you turn back to your target once more.
Wrapping your fingers around the nape of his neck, you drive the blade into his abdomen, twisting it around as you keep your eyes connected to his. A gasp leaves his lips and it doesn’t take too long for blood to fill his mouth and cover up his teeth, the nausea of the blood in his stomach turning him bleak.
“I know you feel oh-so useful right now, distracting us from our actual mission, but I am here to tell you that you are nothing but a waste of fucking space, you know that?” You spit in his face, twisting the knife further as you drive it deeper.
As fatigue makes his features melt, your target gives you a disgusting smile, bright red blood covering the yellow of his teeth as his eyes shine with promise.
“Hail Hydra.”
The drive back to London is quiet for the most part. The sun has only just started to come up, colouring the city in a bright orange as the brisk air slowly warms back up. It had been a dreadful night.
The look you saw on Bucky’s face when he heard those final words come from your target’s mouth sent chills up your spine. His face went completely pale and hollow, his eyes darkening and his posture stiffening at the mention of a corporation that was supposed to be dead.
Not sure how you are able to tell, but the second you saw Bucky’s face, you knew this was his worst nightmare unfolding in front of him like the biggest disturbance and shock of his life, yet like all this time he had been waiting for it to come.
Those two words were enough to send Bucky into a blinding rage that snapped the target’s neck within seconds. You couldn’t blame him if you tried. You would have never been as cruel as you were if you didn’t know what your target was capable of. As your first instinct was to reassure Bucky, you could tell he wasn’t up for talking. He wanted out as soon as possible.
But as you are sat in the taxi taking you back to your house, you can’t help but sneak a few glimpses of him. When you both step out of the car, rounding it before stepping up to your home, you gently put your hand on his shoulder to stop him and he spins around to face you.
“Do you want to talk about what he said?” You ask him and his face remains impassive.
“I’ll cook tonight.” Is his only response and you study his face intently before giving him a simple nod. Him cooking dinner is his way of taking his mind off or processing on his own. If you even understand a fraction of the trance he is in right now, you would give him his much needed space.
So you bring Yelena up to speed when you see her, the shock of your betrayal quickly covered by the shock of your latest discovery. You kindly ask her to pick something up for you that might help you further since both you and Bucky are completely beat after your own little mission. The long drive home granted you enough time to contact your private investigator and collect some much needed intel.
As Yelena closes the front door behind herself, you turn to Bucky hanging out on your couch as he filters through some files and you decide to prepare the both of you a strong drink from an ancient bottle hidden in one of your cabinets.
Gently sliding the glass over to Bucky, he finally makes eye contact for the first time since you stepped back into the house. He drops the files and slips a cloth from his pocket.
“So why did you retire?” Bucky asks, his focus on his vibranium arm as he rubs the cloth over the dirtied material.
Leaning back in one of your big seats and staring out the window as the sky darkens, you try to process his question. But realising you don’t exactly have anything to lose and that Bucky will give you a hard time either way, you give in to his curiosity. Besides, he could use the reassurance that you both carried some sorrow.
“The Blip.” You mutter, looking anywhere but at the large man opposite to you “I was in the middle of one of the most important missions of my life. Nothing too important in hindsight, but all consuming back then. My friend and colleague, a ray of sunshine similar to Yelena actually, was my partner at the time.”
You can feel Bucky’s stare on you as you start telling the story and you almost want to stop talking. His gaze is strong and you feel heat rise to the surface of your skin at the intensity of the man. Voice softening and hands fiddling, you continue your confession.
“I had finally taken out the two men hoarding me and turned around to help her out. I saw one of the other agents pull a gun on her and felt a certain… splintering coldness crawl up my back. I dove forward as the shots went off and saw my arm fragmenting into dust.” You drop your head and look down at your feet “Last thing I saw before I blipped was the three bullets penetrating her chest. The first thing I saw when I returned was the same cement room, completely empty with splatters of her blood permanently colouring the ground.”
Bucky is completely silent as he listens to you telling about that awful memory and you raise your head to see his reaction. He doesn’t reveal anything however and you decide to conclude your story.
“Never wanted anyone’s life to depend on me again, so I work solo now.”
“Why did you let me help?” His voice is quiet, careful.
“Because I don’t care for you dying. I’m rooting for it actually.” You quip playfully, earning a soft chuckle from the both of you before Bucky rolls his eyes away and takes a big gulp of his drink.
A soft tune from your phone brings you back to reality and you dart your eyes to your screen which is lighting up with a text from Yelena.
‘Mission is a shit show. Be back in two days. Don’t start without me!’
You chuckle at her eagerness. Even though she was forced into becoming a widow at a young age, she did love her job. And she was damn good at it too. How she managed to brighten up a profession this sinister, you could only hope you would one day reach that.
“Yelena is held up. I say we get as much preparation done before she comes back so we can hit them where it hurts.” You mumble, downing the last of your drink and pushing off of your chair “But first, I’m going to need some rest.”
“Cutting off fingers will take it out of you.” He huffs with light amusement as he leans back on the sofa, taking a small sip of his drink as his dark eyes raise up to yours.
“It was too much fun too pass up on.” You shrug and he nods slowly at your words.
“Sure was.”
“Goodnight, Bucky. Thanks for your help today.” You give him a sincere smile as you round the corner to head up to your room, not waiting for him to respond either.
Trying to avoid accidentally bumping your shoulder with Bucky, who’s lying on his stomach next to you, you spy down onto the massive concrete building spread out in the middle of the forest. A large wall of mountains obtain the base from being spotted by anyone, except from the three vantage points you discovered a few years ago.
“So what is this place again?” Yelena asks from her vantage point through her in-ear.
“The most secret and secluded Hydra base in the world.” Bucky mumbles under his breath, keeping his eye narrowed through the scope on the sniper rifle clutched to his shoulder. You and Bucky had set up on one of the vantage points together, whilst Yelena took another point for her role in this assignment.
“When Hydra fell,” you elaborate for the tiny blonde through the comms, “all existing Hydra agents suddenly became jobless and collectively fled to this place. It was a head-hunting field day for all of the other criminal organisations who were looking for eager, skilled and suicidal agents. But since Hydra seems to still be active, this would seem like the right place to look now.”
“If it’s so secret… How do you know about it?” Yelena asks suspiciously – rightfully so.
You share an unsure look with Bucky, the only man who knows exactly why, and he gives you an indifferent shrug before focusing back on his targets.
“Because doing what I did at the time, it required me to know what every active criminal organisation was doing and where they were doing it, to avoid crossing them.” You explain, keeping your voice even as you pray that she doesn’t ask her next question.
“Did you know where the Red Room was?”
You are sure you even noticed Bucky tense up at the question and you drop your head, not at all wanting to disappoint the Russian even further than you already had so far.
“It wouldn’t have mattered, Yelena.” Bucky surprisingly backs you up and you turn your head to look at him, the expression on his face still indifferent as the last rays of sunlight descend behind the mountains.
You seem to hear a soft huff through the comms and you breathe a sigh of relief. All of a sudden, the three of you brace yourselves as you spot movement within the camp. Just like you predicted, the guard rotation. This is Yelena’s cue to get settled with her technology to infiltrate the security system.
“When do we go?” Bucky asks, flexing his hands over the rifle.
“When Yelena has disabled the security system.”
“And if she can’t?”
“We wait until the next rotation.”
“That’s eight hours.”
You receive a brief glare from Bucky before he shuffles over the ground and braces himself “Let’s hope the tiny spy can make herself useful then.”
You roll you eyes at his snarky comment and frown at him “Aren’t snipers supposed to be the quiet types?”
He gives you a brief side eye “We are. You know why?”
You raise your brows in expectation, giving him a bored look as Bucky still refuses to turn to you and a sly smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
“Because usually when we’re in this position, we’re eating pussy.”
The heat that rises to your cheeks is so sudden, you have to bite back the gasp and instantly turn your head back to the view ahead of you. Trying to play off the fluttering feeling erupting in your body, you shake your head.
A deep chuckle, soft and disarming, floats from Bucky’s lips with an amused shake of his head and you purse your lips in an attempt to push back the heat in your face.
You don’t know how you got it in your head that after everything Bucky has been through and being the type of person he is now, he’d abstained from any sexual activity. Supposedly, you assumed he wasn’t nearly inviting enough for women to approach, though you could see why that would have its own appeal. He is awfully masculine and strong and attractive, but you hadn’t yet connected him to being a potential sexual interest.
That was until you heard him speak such filthy words.
And all of a sudden you find yourself praying that Yelena would succeed in her job to prevent you from having to stick around here for eight hours with no distraction from Bucky other than the man himself.
Dismantling the rifle as he stuffs it back in the suitcase, Bucky watches you put up the tent with the minimum amount of light allowed on your vantage point.
“Have you brought a puzzle or something to kill time?” Bucky comments sarcastically, another dig at the fault in your plan. Eight hours of keeping quiet until your next window for execution. In your defence, there wasn’t another option. This operation was risky enough as it is. You’d simply have to stick it out.
“No. But I hid clover fours all through the woods for you, so you can keep yourself busy for the next eight hours, you child.” You retort with a roll of your eyes, bending over as you press the tiny inflatable matts into the tent.
You don’t see Bucky biting back a smile at your rebuttal as he closes the suitcase and readies the other weapons for quick use in case that would be necessary tonight. Walking over to the tent as you crawl out, he looks down at you.
“Should we check on Yelena?” He asks and you smile at his inability to hide his affection towards the tiny, bright agent. You did find the two of them an odd duo to work together.
“Sent her a text. She’s fine and has set up her own tent.” You answer him and grab your backpack as you rummage through your belongings “I’m going to try and get some sleep, should we keep guard?”
“Nah, there aren’t going to be any agents over here. They have technology for that job now and they would have already spotted us if it reached this far.” He explains and you nod “Go sleep.”
So you do.
But as complete darkness engulfs everything in sight, you can’t help but stare up at the ceiling of the tiny tent, your imagination swirling against the blinding void above you. Your breathing is slow and quiet, but you feel like an endless amount of energy is coursing through your body. Safe to say you had hoped for a little more action around this time and there’s not a cell in your body that feels like sleeping right now. Even worse, after Bucky’s earlier stunt of letting you in on his sex life, every cell in your body is screaming for only one thing.
Bucky’s head between your thighs.
And you’re sure your adrenaline makes it worse, the throbbing between your legs and the filthy thoughts. Like how he’s got a good mouth on him. Pretty lips and a restless tongue. Good hands, too. Strong. Capable of wrapping around your thighs and pulling you in. You wouldn’t stand a chance. Full head of hair between your legs that you can only imagine stroking your fingers through and knotting into it as you pull him closer to where you need him most. Fuck.
“Would you stop writhing?” His deep voice grumbles from beside you and you sigh, willing you body to still as you turn on your side, your back to him.
But you can’t help it. Tiny ruffles of your clothes whenever your rub your thighs together or a shudder rolls down your spine, you run overly hot. Cheeks and neck glowing with warmth, your hair feeling uncomfortable against your skin and your lips aching as your keep chewing them.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Stop moving.” Bucky growls again, irritation evident in his voice.
“ ‘M just cold.” You lie and roll your eyes at yourself. If anything, you’re quite the opposite.
What you don’t expect is the solid feel of Bucky’s large body pressing into you, your spine locking up when you feel his breath fan over your cheek. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip in an attempt to stop your eyes from rolling back, you finally open your mouth to speak up, only to hear Bucky speak up first.
“I don’t mind sharing body heat to preserve warmth…” he starts, his voice low and almost threatening “…but you seem to be burning up.”
He’s playing it off like he’s surprised, but you know damn well he has figured out you’re lying. As his flesh arm curls around your shoulders over your front, his metal hand grabs a hold of your hip and pulls you into him further. His lips brush over the shell of your ear and you shudder against him, making Bucky bite back a chuckle at the response.
“Why so hot all of a sudden?” He whispers and you are sure there has never been anything hotter than the sound of his whisper against you as your body heat seeps into him.
“I…” You start, but fall short.
“Speechless?” Bucky asks after a moment silence “Here I thought I would have to try a little harder to attain that.”
The hand on your hip slides down to the thickness of your thigh, his fingers spreading and digging into the cloth-covered flesh, the tip of his middle finger awfully close to the inside of your thigh as he exchanges your heat back to you through his vibranium palm.
“Bucky…” You warn.
You grit your teeth, the pressure of him against you growing completely unbearable and you can’t stop yourself from your legs squeezing together. Which is all the confirmation Bucky needed as he lets out the menacing chuckle that’s been threatening to come out.
So you leap.
“Tell me more about…” Bucky waits patiently for you to follow through with your request, his fingers massaging into your thigh as his hand slowly moves to the spot between your legs “…being a sniper.”
His breath is hot against you and your let your eyes fall shut, not even thinking about your request and just hoping Bucky takes you up on it.
“About being a sniper or eating pussy?” He asks and you stop the moan clawing its way up your throat at his words.
You swallow hard “…Eating pussy.”
“Why don’t I show you?” He sounds so cocky and you shake your head as much as you can in his hold, trying to prevent your voice from coming out too pathetic.
“N-No. Tell me.” You breathe and Bucky’s brows raise, impressed with the inquiry.
It stays quiet for a while and you feel like you might explode, the warmth from his hand burning through the fabric of your tactical pants.
“I’m a lazy eater sometimes.” He drawls out quietly and you swallow hard, his fingers tracing circles over your thigh “I like getting comfortable. Have my meal right in front of me. Spread out and ready to be eaten. Warm…”
Your breathing is already becoming heavier and your hands have wrapped around his lower arm around your shoulders. But that arms moves as his hand trails down to cup your breast, giving a firm squeeze as his finger traces over your nipple.
“Some soft thighs draped over my shoulders that I can squeeze and hold in place. Maybe bite a little, because I’d like to get you squirmy…”
You… You in particular?
“I bet you smell so good...” He almost groans, inhaling as his nose buries into your neck “…taste even better…” His teeth dig into the sensitive skin and you jolt, letting out a soft whimper at the feeling before his tongue smooths over the patch of skin “Maybe I’ll get extra lazy – let you do the work and ride my face.”
Your eyes do roll back this time and in doing so, your entire body rolls back against him, making his hand wrap around your thigh again as he gives your nipple a gentle squeeze, making you gasp.
“You’d like that? Grind that soft pussy of yours over my mouth? Get me all wet to get yourself off?” He taunts and you’re full-on throbbing between your legs now, pulsations of your slick dripping in your underwear “Sit down and get comfortable on my face? Wouldn’t that be a fucking treat…”
That’s when you assume Bucky loses his restraint as his hand fully cups you between your legs now, his middle and ring finger pressing up against your core and making you press down in response. It’s barely any relief, but the pressure just feels so good.
“Oh Bucky…” You moan softly and Bucky buries his face in your neck, that sound nearly enough to make him bust on the spot. Rolling his fingers against the fabric covering your scorching heat, Bucky bites down onto your shoulder when you start grinding against his hand wantonly.
You’ve shifted slightly, your hips bucking upward to chase his touch as Bucky’s lips are pressed to your temple, parted as heavy breaths slip through them and his fingers increase pressure between your thighs.
It’s unbearable, the faint feeling of his fingers only riling you up more with your pants and underwear in the way, and your hands reach down to undo the button of your pants. You fear you might seem too eager, but Bucky is quick to abandon his previous spot and rip the zipper down before swatting your hand away and diving his own into your underwear, pressing three firm fingers against your clit and making you almost cry out at the feeling.
Firm circles are drawn over your clit by his metal digits and it’s not nearly enough. It’s torture, the way he sends warm jolts of electricity through your body, but doesn’t feel the need to detonate the bomb.
“Please…” You whine and buck your hips again. You have never been this worked up and wet before in your life.
His lips drag themselves back to your ear and he takes your earlobe between his teeth before humming softly “Want me to eat you out, sweetheart? Get a good taste of you?”
You nod frantically and your fingers move to drag over the front of his chest, clammy skin peeling at the cotton of his shirt. Bucky presses a soft kiss to your cheek before completely abandoning you and depraving you from his touch. You squirm in the dark, trying to locate the menace responsible for your current frustrations, until you feel a harsh tug at your pants, pulling it down your thighs along with your underwear and tugging you into place simultaneously.
A gasp bursts from your chest and you immediately help Bucky undress your lower half, the eagerness heating up the small space in the tent. You hear a zipper again, from the tent this time and your eyes finally adjust to some moonlight shining into the tent from the square Bucky opened up.
Swallowing hard, your eyes settle on the sharp lines of his jaw and cheekbones, where it bulges because he’s clenching so hard, lids hanging low as his eyes are focused on their next destination at the apex of your thighs. And this is when you find out the tent is large enough to your liking, because Bucky pushes you to the edge, bends your legs so you’re bare and spread open for him, before laying down flat on his stomach and positioning his beautiful face above your throbbing core.
Your fingers twitch in anticipation as you lean up on your elbows and look down at the sniper between your legs. His large eyes peer up at you and a filthy smirk curls at his lips before he sinks his teeth into the softest flesh on your thigh, making you whine softly. But you asked for this. So you take it. Every drag of his mouth over the inside of your thighs, every bite to your skin before he sucks the tender flesh into his mouth until you’re sure there’s a mark there. And another. And another. Claimed.
“Bucky… Please.” You whisper and he pulls away slightly, licking his lips. Arms wrapping around your thighs and firmly spreading you open in front of him with his fingers splayed wide, he locks his eyes onto yours before slowly leaning in and pressing a warm kiss to your pulsating clit as his eyes zone in on your response.
Breathing a deep sigh, you swallow hard to stop yourself from breaking out into begging and channelling all of the patience you can muster. He smiles at this and his eyes drop down to where you convulse and drip for him, quickly wiping the smile off his face.
That’s when the tip of his tongue drags through your folds, through your slick and up to your clit, which you think has never been more sensitive – and it’s your downfall. Your arms quiver from underneath you as you melt like putty to his mouth. Wrapping his warm lips around your clit and eagerly sucking it into his mouth with a satisfied hum, you let out a long, raspy moan and collapse onto the ground, one of your hands flying to clasp onto his metal hand as the other immediately finds home in his hair.
Briefly, you hesitate whether grabbing his hair was the right move, until Bucky wraps his entire mouth over your dripping pussy and licks in and through you with so much hunger, you can’t help but knot your fingers into it for leverage.
Warm, thorough and filthy are the words you would use to describe the way he licks and sucks as he’s buried between your legs. Hands squeezing your thighs as he hauls you closer and dives his head further into you core, you cry out when his tongue plunges into your clenching hole. He must be covered in you, the way he eats you so wildly.
But as you steadily burn hotter, grow closer, drip wetter, Bucky’s groans and hums of pleasure are what make you skyrocket towards your high even faster. The pressure in your abdomen is almost overwhelming, the urge to push him away almost as great as it is to pull him closer and your heels dig into his shoulders as your head falls back and your hips shamelessly grind against his face, seemingly only edging him on more.
Head rolling from side to side as Bucky keeps you spread out in front of him, his mouth alternating between licking your arousal straight from the source or manipulating your clit to his own will, tugging on it like it’s attached to your sanity, you feel like the orgasm might take you out and you grow fearful of letting go, dangling off the edge by a string.
But Bucky lives for it. Your taste, your warmth, your cries of pleasure. He’s never been in a more comfortable and rewarding position, the smell and taste of you overtaking all his senses as he kneads possessively into your skin, the feel of you making him want to growl like an animal.
There isn’t enough power in your trembling limbs to clutch onto him anymore, your thighs shaking and your fingers gently combing through his hair as Bucky sighs against you happily, still not coming up for air as he is glad to be where he is and never wants to leave. And when he wraps his full lips around your clit one more time and sucks it into his mouth whilst rolling his tongue over the sensitive bundle – you cave.
Arching your back to the sky and crying out for mercy, Bucky only pulls you closer as he buries you in your orgasm. Shaky thighs held tightly in his grip and tongue wildly raving through you, you flinch and shudder and twitch against his face. You curl up, knotting both hands into his hair and watching the last of the moonlight disappear behind black spot in your vision.
And just when the fog in your mind seems to lift, two warm fingers glide into you with way too much ease, curling up against your swollen walls and pressing into a spot that has you almost squeal from the sensitivity.
You look down to tell Bucky to take it easy, but your words get stuck in your throat when your eyes land on him and the feral look in his own eyes as his mouth laves over your clit again. You watch the tip of his tongue run through you as his wrist flexes with his fingers curling up inside of you and you shudder so violently, it almost makes Bucky chuckle.
Over and over, he grazes your spot with his rough fingertips and each stroke feels like its own tiny orgasm, his tongue lovingly gliding through your folds to coax you towards your next high as your heavy breaths and moaning fill his ears.
“Bucky, oh my God…” You whimper and he hums against you again, his eyes falling shut. The way his fingers move within you, in time with the drags of his tongue towards your clit has you seeing entire galaxies, your next orgasm drawing vacuum inside your belly and feeling tighter than you’ve ever experienced.
And as his wrist twists and his hand moves faster while his mouth latches onto your clit again and the filthy sounds filling the space almost become intolerable, you get thrown over the edge so suddenly, you let out a loud scream of his name. Clamping onto him as you burn through your orgasm like a thousand fires surround you, your body shakes and shatters at his touch, crying for him to let up. Which – after you’re sure you’ve drowned and resurrected – he finally does. So you pull your knees together in an attempt to shield yourself as pleasure still wracks through your spine in shocks.
Trying to catch your breath, Bucky slowly crawls up next to you, lying on his side and looking down at your face, brushing your hair from your forehead.
“I’m tired.” He murmurs and you finally manage to pry your eyes open.
“You’re tired…” You repeat with a weak frown, disbelief lining your voice.
“Yeah.” He says and rolls onto his back “Get on my face.”
Your eyes widen and he turns his head to look at you.
“Bucky, are you insane?!”
“This is taking too long.” He grumbles and manhandles you with so much ease, scooting down and rolling your hips until you’re hovering over him and fall forward to lean on your hands to you keep yourself up above him.
“Bucky, I’m not sure I can…” You huff in defeat, but you can already feel yourself throb again and curse you own body for betraying you.
His hands wrap around and grab onto your hips, smirking up at you.
“You can and you will.” He promises, his voice not much less indifferent than you’re used to from the sergeant “And if I ever catch you on that weird hovering shit again, I will make you regret it. Now sit and come for me.”
Next thing you know, your hips get pulled down and you’re sure Yelena can hear you all the way from her vantage point as Bucky ruins any and all men for you.
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
Persephone: When I was small-
Hades: *snorts*
Hades: “Was”
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
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@stucky-week Day 5: Alpine/pets
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
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Stucky week is over, I had a blast. Here's a compilation of everything posted for each day 💙
#1 Memories /#2 Stars /#3 Weapons /#4 Injuries /#5 Alpine /#6 Art /#7 Free space
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
A different angle
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Previous: 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13.,
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
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pose from fashion photo
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
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♪~ ♬~ ♩♫ ♬~~
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
✨ the feminine urge to be a whore for bucky barnes ✨
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
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48K notes · View notes
o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
Holy hell 💦💦💦💦💦
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51 notes · View notes
o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
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Bucky Barnes and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day in 2016
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o-bucky-my-captain · 3 years
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soundtrack: the heaviest of weights + oh, the winter we’ve had
ref: x
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