#french marauders
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marauderegulus · 8 days ago
Pack of French things Sirius Black would say :
“Rohhh lalaaaa” (typical, pissed french noise)
“T’as du feu?” (Do you have a lighter?) / “T’as une cigarette?” (Do you have a cigarette?)
“Retenez-moi” (Hold me back, ((before I do something I regret))
“Oh mais ta gueule” (oh shut the fuck up — oh mais ferme ta gueule works too)
“T’as vu Remus?” (Did you see Remus?)
“Hein?” (typical, confused french noise)
“J’sais pas et j’veux pas savoir” (Idk and I don’t wanna know)
“Vas-y, m’énerve pas” (don’t piss me off)
“C’est mon jour” (it’s my day, means everything’s going wrong)
“Eh merde” (Oh shit)
“Je m’en fous” (Idgaf)
“Oh, un revenant” (Oh, a revenant)
"Salut, mini moi." (hey, mini me)
"Connard / Connasse " (idiot, scorn, bastard - gradual)
“Oh, mon majeur se réveille!” (oh, my middle finger is waking up)
“Mon frère, James? Mon frère?!” (My brother, James? My brother?!)
“J’ai des migraines à cause de tes conneries.” (I have migraines because of your bullshit)
“Je vais tuer quelqu’un.” (I’m going to kill someone)
“Écoute moi !” (Listen to me)
“Oui, maman, je sais.” (Yes, mom, I am aware/I know)
“C’était pas dans mes plans, mais bon.” (it wasn’t in my plans, but oh well.)
“Ça te dérange si je fume ?” (does it bother you if i smoke?)
“Ah, parce que c’est marqué “prend moi pour un con” sur mon front, hein?” (Oh, because “take me for an idiot” is written on my forehead, hm?)
“Tu peux me parler, tu sais?” (You can talk to me, you know?)
(will be adding to the list!!)
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illustratinglaura · 4 months ago
I just want to read an interaction between Regulus and Sirius containing increasingly wulgar french insults.
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eweexiy · 4 months ago
*the black brothers gossiping in french*
sirius: who's the hottest guy in school?
regulus: my james, of course.
sirius: no, you're dating him, it doesn't count-
regulus: your boyfriend.
sirius: WHAT-
*regulus looks slyly at lupin and grins*
*remus and james, who don't speak french, look at each other nervously and uncomprehendingly*
black brothers; wolfstar; jegulus;
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del-stars · 10 months ago
james getting really stressed out when regulus and sirius are speaking heatedly in french meanwhile they're just discussing where they want to go to dinner
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moonyswarmsweaters · 7 months ago
Regulus: Tout est de ta faute
James, sighning: Yeah, I know
Sirius: Since when do you speak french?
James: I don’t, I just know the phrase "this is all your fault" in every language he speaks
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randommmthoughts · 4 months ago
James would do anything for Regulus
But he would do ANYTHING for Regulus if he asks it in French
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faerie-remuslupinsversion · 1 month ago
My version of the marauders first year is so funny to me.
Remus: heavy welsh accent, barely speaks English
Sirius: heavy French accent, speaks English but in a barely understandable way
James: Indian accent, least out of all of them, best english, is the translator
Peter: heavy Aussie accent, swears every three words, incomprehensible
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forthestarsx · 3 months ago
french terms of endearment, featuring: jegulus
okay, so, i've been seeing a lot of posts talking about regulus speaking in french and making james go crazy but i absolutely adore the soft side of it. for example, different nicknames reg would use:
ensoleillement (sunshine) (edited from soiling 😭 thx for telling me 😭😭) (OR probably mon soleil would better as 'my sun' but ive been editing this too much help)
mon cœur (my heart)
mon chouchou (my cabbage - which, yes, sounds a little bit weird but it's just the equivalent of sweetheart) (also edited from 'little cabagge' to allow it to make more sense)
bébé (baby)
mon amour (my love)
and then, one time, everybody's hanging out together in the common room and remus, who's trying to learn french for sirius, asks regulus how to say my dear/darling in french. regulus replies a little too loudly with 'mon cheri' - so james absentmindedly says 'yes, love?'. cue sirius sticking his head out of the door with an 'i beg your fucking pardon-'
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solarconstellations · 1 year ago
James and Reggie doing that tiktok trend where two people are walking and the camera pans back and forth between them.
James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Regulus is already hopelessly and completely in love with me before it even starts." Regulus: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course James is going to be compared to the sun."
James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course there's going to be background wolfstar, dorlene, and rosekiller"
Regulus: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Sirius and I are going to start speaking French and James and Moony are going to get horribly turned on."
James: *points phone down at his feet* "Wait, can you do that right now?" Regulus: *off screen* "No James, we're in the middle of making a video." James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Reggie is going to slip up and accidently call me James after calling me "Potter" for the last 40 chapters." Regulus: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Sirius is going to go crazy as soon as he finds out me and James are together." James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Reg can't swim." Regulus: *points the camera down to his feet* "James, what the fuck, that was a low blow." Regulus: *with revenge in his eyes* "It's a Jegulus fic, of course James and my brother have a ridiculously unhealthy obsession and codependency with one another" James: *with love in his eyes* "It's a Jegulus fic, of course I love my star so much that I would live, die, or kill for him" Regulus: *drops the phone, only their feet can be seen as he runs to James* "Tu vas payer pour m'avoir fait rougir, chéri"
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themarvelmarauder · 2 years ago
James: You think about shagging all the time time don't you?
Regulus: ugh shagging. Trust the British to come up with the least sexy word for it
James: What's wrong with shagging?
Regulus: sounds like something you do to a carpet
James: Yeah what do the French call it?
Regulus: *smirking* faire l'amour
James: *swoons*
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marauderegulus · 6 days ago
French things Regulus Black would say.
« Attends, quoi? » (hang on, what?)
« J’peux pas me le faire. » (I can’t stand him/that)
« Ça me fait ni chaud, ni froid » (idc / doesn’t make any difference to me)
« Et alors? » (So what?)
« Hors de ma vue. » (Out of my sight, very sassy, I wonder who he gets that from…)
« T’as vu Sirius? » (Did you see Sirius?) / « Où est Sirius? » (Where is Sirius?)
« Je ne sais pas où il/elle est. » (I don’t know where he/she is)
« J’ai tout vu. » (I saw that / I saw everything)
« Je révise, laisse-moi tranquille. » (I’m studying, leave me alone)
« Je n’ai pas envie de parler » (I don’t want to talk)
« J’en ai rien à foutre. » (I don’t give a fuck)
« C’est pas mon problème. » (It’s not my problem)
« T’as vraiment pas honte, hein? » (you really have no shame, huh?)
« Mais t’es con ou tu le fais exprès? » (Are you dumb or are you doing that on purpose?)
« J’attends la partie où ça devient intéressant. » (I’m waiting for the part where it gets interesting)
« Désolé. » (sorry) / « Je suis fatigué. » (I’m tired)
« T’as eu une révélation? » (Did you have a revelation?)
« Tu penses vraiment que j’ai du temps à perdre? » (you really think I have time to waste)
« Garde les détails pour toi. » (keep the details to yourself)
« James, vas t’en, s’il te plaît. » (James, leave, please)
« Merde. » (shit)
(will be adding to the list!!)
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illustratinglaura · 5 months ago
Finally found wolfstar content in French. Now this is the kind of comprehensible input I have been looking for.
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regeditt · 1 year ago
james: i love it when you speak french
regulus: voulez vous coucher avec moi?? ce soir??
james: what's that mean
regulus: don't worry about it
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losver07 · 17 days ago
sirius calls remus ma lune send post
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lexithwrites · 1 year ago
my roman empire is imagining remus quietly walking out of sirius's room at like 3am and then turning around to see james coming out of regulus's room and they both just stare at each other for a long time before going downstairs and silently drinking beers together not discussing it
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randommmthoughts · 3 months ago
Jegulus - Any au
After discovering that James is hopelessly captivated by his French, Regulus starts using it to manipulate James into doing things for him. He’ll say something unrelated in French, knowing James won’t understand, and then switch to English to make a request. James, dazed from the French, happily complies every time. Regulus finds this arrangement highly amusing.
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