#free music lesson listings
cryptidghostgirl · 8 months
Are your requests still open? I was hoping for a request for a Lucifer x sinner reader where she was once in love with someone when she was alive but they betrayed her leading to her death causing her to be afraid of letting others in. She's been a resident of the hotel since the pilot, but doesn't really talk much about her feelings or past life but is convinced by Charlie who says singing helps her when she needs to get out her own emotions. So when she thinks everyone is gone for the day on one of Charlie's bonding field trips, she uses the piano in the main area to sing her heart out, not realizing Lucifer decided to stay. The song I'm thinking of is "Perfect Doesn't Last" by Beth Crowley. So when she sings it and he overhears listening and watching her he's reminded of Lilith and feels for the reader understanding her more than when they first met during his first visit to the hotel (ep 5). I'm not sure of how to end it, so if you want to add anything to it I'm totally up for it. I just thought this song would match him so well.
A/N this is my first time writing for this man. Also,, i think it’s so funny that everyone is just like “short king” even tho alastor is canonically at least seven feet tall and charlie is at least like six feet tall. that’s so silly of us.
Encore (Lucifer x Reader)
Paring: Lucifer x Reader
Warnings: Domestic abuse briefly mentioned.
Word Count: 2,169
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Lucifer had just wanted to visit Charlie. With their relationship on the up and up, he was eager to not give up his chance to fix things with his favorite and only daughter. However, when he arrived at the hotel, throwing the doors open in unadulterated excitement, it was to find the normally busy lobby area empty.
The door fell shut behind him and his smile slipped from his face. Carefully, he ran his eyes over every inch of the room. There really was no one to be found.
"Maybe they're just all in their rooms, yeah." he said aloud to himself, "Charlie is probably... in her office! It must take a lot of work to run a place like this. Yeah, that's what it is."
Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had asked her to come with them to the movies. It was supposed to be a reward, for how hard they had all been working. They had really tried their best to convince Y/n to join them but, as always was the case when activities that took them out of the hotel were not required, Y/n had declined the offer.
Y/n was still getting used to Hell in all its big scary wonder, she still hurt. Everything was so complicated and while spending time with her thoughts didn't make her feel good per-say, spending time with others had been making her feel even worse. Besides, Charlie had given her some advice a few days ago she wanted to test out and she didn't exactly feel comfortable doing that while the hotel was crawling with people.
Y/n trusted Charlie. She was the first person to have extended a kind hand in her direction since her arrival in Hell. When Charlie had found out Y/n had been a concert pianist in the living world, she was elated.
"That's perfect!" she had said, leaning across the desk towards her, "We have a piano in the Hotel's auditorium!"
"I... I don't know if I really can... perform, right now. If that's alright." Y/n had replied, wringing her hands and unable to keep eyecontact.
"What? Oh no! That's not what I meant at all. It just seems... well if you did it for a living, you must have loved it. And it seems like you always have a lot on your mind, lots of stuff to process, and I know you don't like talking to people about it and, well, music always makes me feel better. It feels freeing, like I'm getting everything bottled up inside me out when I sing."
"I... I don't think I've ever really thought about it that way." she had admitted in response, "It was just something I had always done. I started lessons when I was three."
"Well, you should try it some time." Charlie had smiled back, "Maybe it will help."
Once she was sure everyone was gone and the hotel was hers alone, Y/n had slipped quietly from the confinement of her room. It had taken her a bit to find the auditorium. When she finally did and saw the piano it held, her breath caught in her throat.
It was a beautiful old baby grand made out of a warm cherry wood that matched the hotel's theming well. The lid had creaked when she had opened it, the keys had been dusty to the touch.
It had been a long time since she'd played. With mild joy, she let her fingers run the usual scales and arpeggios, finding a comfort in the familiarity of it all. Once satisfied her fingers were all warmed up and ready to play something real, she posed them over the keys.
Lucifer had lost himself in the depths of the labyrinthine hotel. The twists and turns of the hallways were unfamiliar to him despite the tour Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had lead him on. His hope at finding his daughter and spending some time with her had long since flickered out. He was on the verge of going home, his hand half raised to open a portal, when he heard it.
A faint echo of music flooded the hallway and Lucifer froze. It was haunting and distant, it drew him in. His sights set on a new sort of entertainment for the afternoon, he listened carefully and began to follow the sound.
As he got closer to its source, Lucifer realized that who ever was making the music was not just playing the piano but singing. Their voice was soft and lovely, nearly ethereal in its sheer humanity and anguish.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
I couldn't get enough
It was a fairytale come to life
Lucifer at last reached the half open door to the room the music appeared to be coming from. Not wanting to disturb the artist just yet, he transformed into a snake and slithered his way silently into the room. There, sitting at the piano on the stage, was Y/n.
I had your heart
At least that's what I thought
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
He didn't really know much about Y/n except that she was new to Hell. Charlie had mentioned off hand that she had died in an incident of domestic abuse. Lucifer had no idea why she had ended up in Hell or what she was really like. When he had visited the hotel the first time, Y/n had been quiet and reserved. She had stood to the side and watched, barley even introducing herself to him.
At first, he had thought it to be disrespect. Not every demon in Hell was his biggest fan after all and while he was used to it, it still stung that even one of his daughters would be reformed sinners would be blatantly rude to him. He had quickly realized however from her flittering eyes and the way she clutched at herself that it wasn't disrespect at all. Y/n had been nervous.
Of course, Lucifer had made an attempt to make her feel more comfortable but, when he had extended his metaphorical hand, Y/n had just closed herself off even further. According to Charlie and Angel Dust, that was just what the demoness was like. She was shy.
You got inside my head
Taking up every inch of space
'Til there was no room left
Her hands flew across the keys with a practiced grace. Lucifer felt she knew he was there, watching. He felt that she just might be performing for him.
So many parts of me erased
You had my heart
And tossed it in the dirt
As he listened to the words she sung, they resonated with him. For a split second, he could have sworn it was Lilith sitting there at the piano, not Y/n. He shut his eyes, shaking his head slightly. He was oddly grateful when he opened them again to find it had just been his imagination.
Now that was a first. Since Lilith had disappeared seven years ago, Lucifer had been a mess. Lucifer was always a mess but, Lilith leaving like that really did him in. She had been his rock, his guiding light, his everything. He had risked everything for her and he had lost. At least, back in the old days, he had gained something out of the chaos. A daughter, a wife, a world to try and shape. One after another, they were all taken from him. Even now, even with their relationship improving the way it was, he felt Charlie slipping away again.
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
I just keep asking
Would this have been worth it if I knew the ending all along.
Without really thinking about it, Lucifer retook his normal form and sat down in one of the auditorium's front row seats. Thankfully, Y/n was too wrapped up in her own world to notice and she just continued to play.
What started so perfect was over too fast
I should have seen the warning signs
'Cause perfect doesn't last
Perfect doesn't last
Light shined off her face, that was how Lucifer had realized she was crying. Despite the tears, her voice never wavered. A performer at her core, just like him.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
As the last lingering notes echoed through the room, he began to clap. Y/n jumped at the noise, turning to face him with wide eyes and cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Lucifer was undeterred and, getting to his feet, gave her a standing ovation. After a few moments, he ceased in his applause.
"That was beautiful." he said, breaking the new silence that had fallen between them.
"Um, I'm sorry." Y/n's gaze fell back to the piano.
"No! No no no!" Lucifer exclaimed, jumping up onto the stage.
He kneeled before her, lifting her hands from her lap and taking them in his own. She turned to him, surprise drawing out the features of her face once again.
"Don't apologize for taking up space."
"I... I just didn't mean to disturb you is all. If you're looking for Charlie, she's out at the movies with everyone else."
"I was but, I can talk to her later, when she gets back. You didn't disturb me at all, Y/n. As I said, it was beautiful. It was..."
He trailed off, the smile slipping from his face.
"Oh fuck!" Y/n exclaimed, "I didn't mean to upset you! I'm really sorry, what can I do to make it better?"
"You didn't upset me." Lucifer shook his head, "You just... somehow managed to put words to the very things I've been struggling with the past couple years."
A smaller, much kinder and more genuine smile made its way onto his face.
"If you'd like to play more, I'd love to hear it."
Y/n's cheeks flushed red again.
"Theres no pressure." Lucifer shrugged, "Just giving you the option."
"An audience of one... well, it's a little intimidating." she admitted bashfully, "I'm used to the faceless mob of the crowd."
"I can see why. You have an undeniable gift."
"I guess... I don't know. Charlie just said it might help me process stuff. To play again, I mean."
"Was she right?"
Y/n paused in thought for a moment before nodding slowly.
"I think she might have been. My chest does feel a little lighter now."
"Then play."
"Um, mister... king of Hell? Sir?"
Lucifer laughed.
"You can just call me by my name. No formalities necessary. 'Mister king of Hell sir' was my fathers name."
Y/n laughed lightly at his terrible joke. The sound sparked a sudden joy in Lucifer's chest, one he hadn't felt in quite a long time.
"Well, Lucifer." she began again, stumbling a bit over his name.
"I'll... um, I'll need my hands back. If I'm to keep playing."
He looked down and his eyes widened. Lucifer hadn't realized he had still held her hands in his. Immediately he dropped them, getting to his feet and looking away in mild embarrassment.
"Sorry, about that."
"Don't apologize for existing." Y/n parroted his earlier words.
When he turned back to her, it was to find she was smiling slightly.
"How bad would it be if I said sorry again right now?"
"You'd be sounding like me."
"Lets make a deal then: no sorries unless something is actually wrong."
"What if I can't tell if your mad at me or not?"
Lucifer looked down at the seated demon. In not one of his wildest dreams could he ever imagine being mad at her but, that wasn't exactly something he could say.
"Then you can always ask."
"And you promise you wont lie to me?"
"I promise."
"Promise promise?"
She eyed him suspiciously for a moment before nodding her head. Turning back to the piano, her hands found their place on the keys once again. She hesitated.
"I..." Y/n shot Lucifer a look over her shoulder, "Thank you."
"Thank you. There is some solace in knowing someone else out there feels the same way I do, if for different reasons."
"Yeah. There is, isn't there? Maybe part of our deal can be helping each other figure that all out too."
The suggestion had been half thought out. Y/n hadn't really meant to give it a voice, it had escaped her locked lips. She quickly turned back to the piano.
"Sorry. That was dumb."
"What did we just say about sorries!" Lucifer exclaimed, "No apologizing for existing. I think that suggestion sounds rather nice."
"Okay. I... I'm actually going to play now. Is that okay?"
With a snap of his fingers, Lucifer reappeared in the seat he had previously inhabited. He crossed his legs, resting his hands on his knee.
"Whenever your ready."
Song is Perfect Doesn't Last by Beth Crowley as requested :)
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peachsukii · 2 months
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𝓲𝓷𝓴 & 𝓻𝓱𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓶 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 『 band au | strangers to lovers | slow burn 』
pairing // artist!reader x drummer!bakugo status // in progress rating // explicit (18+ themes) #✩.ink&rhythm + crossposted to AO3
✩ summary // Distortion is the hottest band in town, making waves in the underground scene with their unique sound. Led by your college best friend and music prodigy, Kyoka Jiro, alongside her misfit group of friends, they've been playing shows every weekend for the last few months and have gathered a decent following. You're whisked into the whirlwind of their rockstar lives when Jiro commissions you to design a band logo for their merch, reconnecting with her and meeting the members of the band. Your eyes immediately gravitate to their powerful drummer, Katsuki Bakugo. Fresh out of a nasty three year on/off relationship, he's not looking for anything or anyone while shutting out the world around him. He's focused on the one thing that keeps him sane; music. You're six months free of a breakup as well, looking to repaint your world with new colors and experiences, but turns out it's more tumultuous than anticipated. Explosive fights, newfound fame, clashing egos, dive bars, stolen kisses, black out dreams, messy exes and hard lessons; but somehow, love finds a way to bloom like a flower in the desert - deep in the hottest, driest wasteland of two broken hearts.
✩ tags & warnings // rock/punk/alt band au, slow burn, meet cute, strangers to lovers, various smut, smoking/drugs/alcohol consumption, talks of emotional & physical abuse from past partners, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, mild violence, mentions of cheating from past partners, miscommunications, jealousy, long distance, stalking, attempted sexual assault (not from bakugo or the bakusquad!), bakugo & reader suffer from relationship traumas (Camie & dabi are nasty exes), bakusquad are in a band, friend breakups & makeups
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꒰ track list ꒱ ✩ Prelude: Holding onto Hope is a Different Kind of Pain ✩ Track One: Shine a Light into the Wreckage ✩ Track Two: Flowers Filled with Vitriol ✩ Track Three: Boulevard of (Broken?) Dreams ✩ Track Four: You Can Throw Me in the Deep End ✩ Track Five: Every Canvas that I Paint is a Masterpiece (of My Mistakes) ✩ Track Six: Band-Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes ✩ Track Seven: Good Girls Stay Alive ✩ Track Eight: The End of Me, The End of Me ✩ Track Nine: If It Means A Lot To You ✩ Track Ten: Hand on the Throttle ✩ Bonus Track: We Are Distortion, 1-2-3-go!!
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꒰ info ꒱ ✩ all characters are 24/25 years old ✩ reader co-owns an art gallery and has a BFA ✩ reader's artist alias is "glxtch" (glitch) ✩ bakugo drives a custom built orange & black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R ✩ relationships: momojiro, kirimina, ex-bakucamie, ex-dabi/reader
✩ band name: Distortion ✧ Kyoka Jiro | lead singer, electric guitar (Barista - Degree in Music Production) ✧ Denki Kaminari | electric guitar, backup vocals (Waiter) ✧ Eijiro Kirishima | bass, backup vocals (Bartender) ✧ Katsuki Bakugo | drummer, backup vocals (Bike Mechanic) ✧ Mina Ashido | keyboard, backup vocals (Makeup artist) ✧ Momo Yaoyorozu | band manager (Marketing assistant)
✩ vocal inspirations ✧ Kyoka Jiro ⇢  addie amick (halocene) ✧ Denki Kaminari ⇢  rory rodriguez (dayseeker) ✧ Eijiro Kirishima ⇢  tim mcilrath (rise against) ✧ Katsuki Bakugo ⇢  eric vanlerberghe & acoustic (i prevail - harsh vocals) ✧ Mina Ashido ⇢  maggie lindemann
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꒰ mood board ꒱
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✩ pinterest board ✩
꒰ playlist ꒱
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⇢  tag list ; @/bells-28 @/simp-plague @/nemisimp @/hotttamalee @/mymysenpai @/ttulipwritezz @/bakunianadecorazon @/yoyolovesdaiki @/eeeeeevesstuff @/alloueate @/dollukisposts @/Rikakhai @/blazedbakugou @/lillizxzz ♡ last updated // 08.09.24 dividers, banners & moodboard by taurus-magicka
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horrortember · 3 months
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Calling all lovers of darkfic, grimdarks, creepypastas, and scary stories! I had yet to see a monthly writing event themed around horror, so I made one! The event will occur in September, so you have plenty of time to get ready.
If you feel like participating, tag your fills with #horrortember2024, and I'll reblog as many as I can! Fanfic is strongly encouraged, but original fiction is accepted as well. And, depending on how many people join, I'll post a list of completionists or participants at the end of the month!
A written list of prompts is under the cut:
2. BUT THEY SAW SOMETHING THAT’S REAL: pretending to be human, identical, visceral
3. WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD WOLF: vampires, zombies, werewolves
4. IT’S ALWAYS BEST WHEN THE LIGHTS ARE OFF: music, silence, echoes
5. BURIED ABOVE THE GROUND: dust, overgrown, forgotten
6. WHAT HAVE I DONE: losing memories, possession, cursed
7. DREAMLESS SLEEP: sick, survivor, injury
8. NOW ONLY DOGS WILL FOLLOW ME: cannibalism, eaten alive, maggots
9. HAVE YOU HEARD THE STORY OF THE RABBIT IN THE MOON: meta, cosmic horror, forbidden knowledge
10. WE DIDN’T GO IN THERE ALONE: hunted, solitary, darkness
11. YOU CAN’T RUN FROM ME FOREVER: obsession, yandere, overpowering emotions
12. I WEEP AND SAY GOODNIGHT, LOVE, AS MY ORGANS PACK IT IN: doomsday, apocalypse, certain death
13. WHAT DO YOU KNOW: nightmare, prophecy, inevitable
14. I CAN MAKE THE WORLD SEEM SLOW: polaroid, motel, record player
15. DON’T KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE: doll, reflection, facet
16. NEVER SHALL WE DIE: immortality, decay, cyclical
17. WHAT DID YOU BURY BEFORE THOSE HANDS PULLED ME FROM THE EARTH: oops, self-made monster, playing god
18. SHE’LL SAY SHE LOVES YOU, EVEN THOUGH SHE ONLY WANTS TO STEAL YOUR SOUL: haunting the narrative, inseparable, devotion
19. ARE YOU ALIVE, AM I AWAKE: chills, hallucinations, paranoia
20. IN THE RED, YOU’RE BETTER OFF DEAD: hunger, craving, unconventional needs
21. HOW DO I BREAK YOU BEFORE YOU BREAK ME: unreliable narrator, serial killer, manipulation
22. THERE IS NO END: help isn’t coming, final girl, trauma
23. LIFE CAN BE LIKE A DREAM: gone wrong, descent into madness, distrust
24. HEAR THEM LAUGHING UNDERNEATH: hollow, below the surface, remnants
25. I’LL SAY GOODBYE SOON: timeloop, lesson learned, consequence
26. NO CURE IS COMING NEAR: animals, rabies, primal fears
27. WHY DON’T YOU LET ME BE FREE: hanahaki, soulmates, trope inversion
29. WHERE LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL ALL THE TIME: man-made, perfection, out of place
30. YOU ARE CALLED TO THE TREES: climb, descend, mass migration
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 48
part 1 | part 47 | ao3
cw: mentions of smoking/sexual activity
Chapter 11
For two and a half months, Steve’s life goes perfectly. He didn’t realize how far into a pit he’d fallen until Eddie showed up to help Robin and the kids lift him out, but the difference is jarring. Golden hour sunlight after catching a matinée.
Steve spends two months blinking.
He sloughs off his sadness like a snake shedding skin; spends the winter getting back to being Steve, restocks his favorite hair products and restarts his fitness routines — morning runs through the woods, afternoon pick-up games with Lucas and some of his teammates when the weather doesn’t suck. Weightlifting in the evenings because Eddie says he likes how Steve’s arms look when they get a little big, says it’s more fun to pin him down when he knows it’s just for show.
And he tries new things, too, just because Eddie likes them or because the kids think they're cool. He reads a Vonnegut novel. He eats Indian curry. He even learns a song on guitar.
...Sort of.
(Actually, that whole thing goes pretty horribly and takes for-fucking-ever. Eddie spends an afternoon patiently encouraging him and doing his best not to tease while Steve clumsily moves through a beginner chord progression, and then breaks down wheezing when, after the sixth attempt with no improvement, Steve puts the guitar down in a huff and threatens to demote his pinky finger from his hand if it doesn't start cooperating. Eddie laughs so hard he tips face-first into Steve's crotch, and it takes them a sticky-spitty-sweaty half hour to get back to the lesson.)
Anyway, he likes the way their lives entangle. As easy as weaving his hands through Eddie’s hair.
He gets invited to band practice; he sits in on D&D. Sometimes he watches sports with Wayne when he's got a day off, then he heads out with Eddie for long joyrides through the countryside.
Eddie blasts his metal music when they get out to the backroads, and he talks too loudly over the bass and laughs even louder and rants about nothing and smokes cigarettes while he headbangs to his favorite guitar solos — almost lights his hair on fire on more than one occasion, fucking dumbass — and he does this silly, lewd shit that makes Steve's chest just ache. Makes it clench around the word that's been burning a hole in his tongue since New Year's Eve. Eddie wags his brows and palms himself through his jeans and asks if Steve wants to take another joyride when they get home, and Steve thinks:
God, I love you.
I love you.
How could I not love you?
And really, how could he not? And how much longer can he keep not telling him so? When it feels like the word is going to burst out of his chest Alien-style any second.
When it feels like Eddie's the reason he even has a home to get to.
Slowly — so slowly, hours spent thrifting and bartering and keeping an eye out for free stuff left out on the curb, even more hours sanding and painting and caulking and sweating to death between trips to the hardware store — they redo Steve's whole trailer. Floor to ceiling, wall to wall, they exorcise the haunted tin can. They make it his; they make it theirs.
Eddie injects life into every inch of the space, fills it with weird art and funky lamps and a big, comfy leather couch that he likes to bend Steve over. Comes inside him in every room when they get done working on it as a reward; gasps in Steve's ear about how he always wants to be inside him: in his home, in his body, nestled deep inside his heart. "Keep me right here, baby," he breathes as he fucks Steve against a wall, his left hand gripping Steve's chest while he fills him from behind.
It’s perfect.
It's perfect.
Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts unless Steve asks.
And then, because this godforsaken town and everyone in it are fucking cursed, one day it isn’t anymore.
part 49
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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samiiy20 · 1 year
♡ 𝑯𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑯𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒏 ♡
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𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: Hyunjin x fem!reader 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑒: Smut 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 3.5k 𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: Age difference (keep in mind that they are both of legal age, but still with a notable difference), oral sex, unprotected sex. 𝑆𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: You're in love with your art teacher, but you've never told anyone until he finds out.
N/A: I've had this idea in my head for a while and hadn't been able to express it, but I finally got it, I hope you like it. Not without first clarifying that this type of behavior is illegal and that I am not in favor of it.
N/A2: This is the first long work I've done in a long time, it took me a long time to do it so I hope you like it
Here is the link to pt.2
masterlist II tag list
This content NOT is for minors!!!
This is merely entertainment, this does not represent any real person.
It is forbidden to copy or translate my work.
English NO is my first language.
The music resonated in your head while your hands moved across the paper tracing confusing lines. You weren't passionate about art, but drawing from time to time kept your mind calm, although right now your thoughts were shrouded in a cloud of confusion.
Your hands had left the pencil and you looked at your creation, you cursed when you saw the result, but you still put it in your things and went to sleep to stop thinking, although you knew that in your dreams you would also see it.
You knew that today wouldn't be the best day since you woke up late, the weather was ruining your shoes and you had forgotten some things in the rush, but the only thing that could cheer you up was art class. You had signed up to fulfill something, but you discovered that you liked it more than you thought and not just the class.
When you entered class had already started so you ran to sit in one of the empty chairs at the back without looking at anyone. You took out your things excitedly, you put all your attention on what the teacher was saying.
"…art is more than simple lines and strokes, they express everything that each of you can think and feel…" his gaze met yours for a couple of seconds, but you felt as if he were going through your head and he could see through it. You avoided his eyes by looking down at where the hundreds of his drawings were.
You couldn't help it, since you entered the first day and looked at him you thought he was the most beautiful being your eyes could have ever seen, for a moment you thought he was just another student, so you were quite surprised to know that he would be your teacher. The passage of time only helped you torture your thoughts with images of him, his free hair, his bright eyes, his sweet smile, his relaxing voice, the curve of his neck, his hands on the pencils; Everything about him made you forget anything.
After a short lesson on some new types of strokes they started to work but you couldn't concentrate with him hovering and you could only feel the intensity of your thoughts between your legs, the excitement that stained the fabric of your panties just by imagining his hands on your body.
Although your thoughts tortured you, you tried to stay calm to continue drawing, but you couldn't concentrate, your strokes were unsure and misaligned, the sheet that was originally white was now dirty and messy.
"What's happening?" You were excited when you heard a voice behind you, but you didn't need to look to know who it was.
"Nothing, it's just… I don't know what to do."
"Mmmm… I don't think so" you turned to look at him but when your eyes met you went blank. He took the paper on your desk and looked at it carefully. "I think you're not listening to your mind, you're trying to capture something you don't want."
"I… I can't draw what I want."
"Why not? What's stopping you from doing it?"
You shook your head forgetting that thought and trying to get your work, but he pushed it away.
"You should draw what you feel," he touched your forehead with two of his fingers and you grunted when he pushed your head a little, "not what you force yourself to think."
He broke the paper he had and went to his desk, you sighed trying to get out all your frustration and ignoring the fact that his fingers had touched you even for a second.
You took out your own folder and looking to the sides in case anyone saw you carefully opened it revealing what you really wanted. Him. Each page of that folder was Hyunjin's things, his lips, his eyes,his face, his smile, his hands, his body; but you couldn't give it to him, he would be scared just by seeing it, so you tore off a blank sheet of paper and closed the folder, hiding it.
In the end you drew the rainy landscape of the window, you were satisfied with the result and you handed it to your teacher praying that he would not reject it. He took it and after a quick glance at the page he looked at you sighing, leaving it in the pile of drawings on his desk. You looked at the time and noticed that it was already too late for your class so you ran out with a too light weight in your backpack.
When classes ended you decided to stay a little while the rain cleared, but it didn't seem like it was going to end. You decided to go to the library to do some work and maybe get some sleep, when you were taking out your things you noticed that something was missing. Your folder of drawings, you started to get alarmed and panic. Without thinking twice you ran to the art classroom praying that no one had found it.
If someone saw what was inside they would realize the obsession you had with your teacher. You were almost crying just thinking about what could happen, the burning in your lungs not caring when you turned and saw the classroom.
You opened the door without knocking and noticed that there was no one except Hyunjin at his desk. He turned to look at you through the glasses on his nose and raised his eyebrow.
"What's happen?"
"…n…nothing… it's just that…" you stopped for a bit to take a breath and tried to continue "I forgot some things."
Before he told you to come in, you were already in the middle of the classroom looking for your folder on the desks. When you got to where you had sat, you felt like your soul left your body when you couldn't find anything. You began to go around each of the chairs in search of your folder but when you didn't see anything, the tears in your eyes accumulated.
"Are you looking for this?" Almost forgetting that Hyunjin was there, you looked at him holding your folder in his hands. You didn't know what was worse, losing it or him having it, but hoping he hadn't seen it, you nodded, trying to calm your trembling legs as you went to get it.
With every step you took you wanted the earth to swallow you more, but when you finally reached his desk the only thing you hoped was that he wouldn't say anything. He extended the folder and you took it without objection, feeling a little relief, but when you opened it slowly, making sure he didn't see anything, you were scared when you saw that all the pages were blank. You flipped through the pages trying to find the evidence that gave you away, but there was no trace of it.
"But where…??" you went through the entire folder without finding anything "this is not mine."
"I guess this isn't either?" He threw a pile of leaves on the piece of wood and you looked down finding all your drawings of him, you swallowed and dared to look at him "well?"
"I…that…isn't mine" your voice shook a little and when he sighed, lowering your head, you stayed still. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, getting up from his place. You felt small when you noticed the height difference but you were so afraid that you couldn't move from where you were.
He walked around the desk until he was in front of you, you couldn't lift your head and you only looked at his feet.
"So what were you looking for?"
"So that's not yours?" You denied looking at the floor, but you noticed how he moved his body a little closer to take the drawings "then I'll have to ask one by one who he is?" You stayed silent looking at the drawings he was holding, you mentally scolded yourself for having drawn them.
You heard a long sigh from him and then one of his hands grabbed your chin to lift your face. Your eyes went somewhere else away from his face and you were holding back the urge to breathe.
"Answer me, is that what you really want?"
You clenched your fists and dared to exchange glances, you were fighting to stay on your feet, to not breathe and calm your mind, but everything was too overwhelming. You felt vulnerable having him so close and feeling the warmth of his skin on you.
"You always try to hide/repress what you want, but what you don't know is that you're an open book" you kept your gaze steady but a blow to your stomach was present.
"I do not know what you are talking about…"
"You think I'm stupid?" His hand gently descended down your neck to your collarbones. "Do you think I don't feel your gaze all the time? Do you think I don't notice how your little body tenses when I talk to you or how your legs tighten when I get too close?" You closed your eyes trying to suppress the emotions in your chest, but his breath hit your neck and you felt like you couldn't hold your breath anymore.
"That is not true."
"Then why does your heart feel like it's going to burst out?" He pressed his lips to your skin beneath your collarbones and you finally let out all your pent-up air. “Your drawings reveal who you really are, they show what you want.”
Hyunjin withdrew a little, for a moment you felt relieved but on the other hand you thought about the possibilities of this happening again, everything you had been holding back was overflowing from that little kiss and you couldn't hold it back anymore. Before he went too far you grabbed his shirt and pressed your lips against it.
You sighed, letting yourself feel the emotions that tickled your body, while you melted into her lips. Everything around you stopped making sense and nothing mattered other than savoring his kisses, you didn't care that he was your teacher or that someone could come in and see them, or the only thing you could keep in your mind was the shape of his lips.
You were so dizzy from his kisses that you didn't realize the moment his hands ran down your body to your waist. They both immersed themselves in a deeper kiss, letting their tongues get to know each other. You allowed yourself to tangle your fingers in her hair while holding your breath, thinking that this way the moment would last forever. You tried to memorize each of his kisses, each of his caresses on your waist and before you knew it he withdrew, cutting off the moment.
For the first time you saw his eyes and your brain reacted to what just happened. You covered your lips and stepped back a little embarrassed, you thought about saying something but the words weren't enough for the regret you were starting to feel.
"I'm sorry…"
"No" you saw him approach again and he grabbed your chin making your body start to shake again "do you know how long I held back from doing that?" you denied automatically, analyzing his words "every time you looked at me like that it made me want to take you in front of everyone" his fingers contoured your lips and you opened your mouth instinctively to suck one "but now that I've tried a little I won't be able to stop until devour you."
His hand went down to your neck, cutting your breath a little and without noticing it, he made a soft moan from you. Hyunjin was fighting with himself not to lose control, but he couldn't take it anymore, he needed to take you on his desk or he would die.
His lips collided aggressively with yours and his hands grabbed the hem of your shirt to remove it. You let yourself be carried away by the sensations and you let him kiss your collarbones and massage your breasts while you covered your mouth so as not to moan. His kisses trailed down to your abdomen and he paused a little to unbutton your pants, but you didn't let him do it because you wanted to do something first.
You took courage and held his face to stop him, you kissed him while your hands explored the material of his shirt as you undid his buttons. You reached his pants and without stopping to think you unbuttoned them, feeling his trapped erection. Your kisses traced a path across her chest and you heard how she let out small sighs while she realized where you wanted to go.
When you were on your knees in front of his still wrapped cock you looked up at him only to smile at him as you pulled down her boxers. He caressed your head in approval and you watched the tip of him dripping, savoring the flavor, you moved closer to paint your lips with his essence. Hyunjin moaned when he saw the intentions in your eyes and grabbed your hair so you could open your mouth once and for all.
You began to introduce his member little by little, trying to get used to it, but he didn't give you time and began to move his hips, making everything go into your mouth. You had imagined this for a long time and didn't believe it was happening, but the sensations in your wet core let you know it wasn't a dream.
You held his thighs with your nails but you enjoyed the mere way he moved and since he was still in control, you looked up recording the expression on his face. His eyebrows furrowed, his mouth open releasing curses and his eyes locked on yours at all times.
"You like this right?" He stopped and let you breathe a little. You nodded still with his member in your mouth "is this what you had in that little head?" You sucked on his member in response and he moaned in response. He pulled your hair back, leaving only the tip on your tongue to see how it painted. You savored what he gave you and moaned as you felt the tension in your core. You squeezed your legs together looking for some friction and Hyunjin noticed.
He lifted you up and cleaned your mouth, he imprisoned you in the middle of the desk and his body at the same time that his hands reached your clothed center. You squirmed a little when you noticed him but his movements were slow.
"Tell me what else have you imagined?" He whispered into your neck, leaving the mark of his teeth.
"I…only you."
"Tell me the truth" another bite on your skin made you squeal "I will fulfill each and every one of your fantasies pretty girl, you just have to tell me."
You pursed your lips trying to remember something, but his teeth and his caresses on your center were stealing all your attention and you couldn't concentrate.
"I…imagined that…you were fucking me on your desk, that you were holding my hands while you kissed my back."
With quick movements he made you stand in front of his desk with your back to him. He kisses your neck, getting rid of your bra and all your clothes, leaving you completely naked. You felt his cock on your butt as he came over to bend you over his desk while he grabbed your hands behind your waist. You couldn't help but moan when you realized how you were, you opened your eyes only to realize that you were on top of all the drawings you had made, each and every one of them represented your fantasies, but now they were coming true.
You were about to say something, when his fingers touched your sensitive pussy, drowning out your words. Your legs closed instinctively but he interrupted you by placing his own in the middle. He began to massage your clit and you arched your back a little trying to release the sensations in your chest. He was torturing you by going very slowly, but he just wanted to tease you and make you say your name.
His fingers explored your entire core and then he introduced two of them, making you let out a louder moan that echoed throughout the room. You couldn't move much because of the restrictions on your body but that somehow made you feel better. Notice how you could only accept the excitement and nothing else, but that was starting to go on for too long and made you desperate trying to let go to find release.
Hyunjin was more ready to end this, but he was turned on by the way that no matter how much you struggled, you couldn't do anything but moan, but no matter how much he could continue torturing you for hours, he knew that they weren't in the right place to do it.
He removed his fingers from inside you and lined up his cock to replace it. Without letting go of your hands behind your back, he engraved the silhouette of your body on the papers and since it had been stained a little by the charcoal, you were a work of art in his eyes and now that he had you in front of him, he would use your skin as his canvas and his kisses and caresses would be his brush, he would make clear what his mark was.
He introduced his member slowly, feeling how you squeezed him and recording the sound of your voice in his mind. He leaned over your back to have a better position and started to move, he moved your hair back to kiss you and mark your neck. Your moans were better up close, so he quickened his pace to hear you.
Feeling the heat of his body on yours made you lose your mind, his kisses on your back and the movement of his hips colliding with yours made you pray that it would never end, but your body couldn't take it anymore. You noticed how your legs were shaking, your hands were clenching, your insides were tightening more and more and how your stomach was contracting.
Your head was spinning and you couldn't handle all the emotions, it wasn't working properly having your teacher fucking you like you had always imagined, it was all too much and your moans were just the proof of it all.
"Come on pretty girl, I know you're close," you heard Hyunjin say as he increased the pace even more, "let me feel you."
His words seemed to be what was missing for you to release everything you could no longer contain. You felt your body tense for a moment and in a second you sighed, letting yourself be carried away by the release in your center. You moaned his name over and over again as he continued hitting your insides seeking his own release and a few seconds later you only noticed the hot liquid spilling down your legs.
He withdrew a little to free your hands and lay on your back again, leaving kisses and caressing your hair.
"You have done very well, now you can rest."
You closed your eyes processing everything that had just happened, but before you finished you felt the absence of heat. You were dazed and tired but you stood up slowly thinking about the consequences. When you turned around you found Hyunjin with a tissue in his hand, without saying anything he approached you and helped you clean yourself. Still a little sensitive, you held onto his shoulders but without looking at his face.
They didn't say a word while they were getting dressed and before taking your things he finally spoke.
“We shouldn’t have done this,” you hung your head, knowing he was right.
"I know, it's my fault," you said, releasing the burden you had been carrying for some time now, "but I couldn't help but fall in love and now I involved you in this, I understand if you don't want to see me again, I will drop out of class and I promise that You will never see me again, it was all my fault.
"what are you taking about?" Hyunjin grabbed you by the waist and you stayed still when you had him so close again. "You don't even know what I feel, why do you assume that I don't want to see you again?"
"Shhh, we'll talk about that later, okay?" A little dazed and excited, you nodded, looking away from him. "Why don't we go home? I think I'll have to teach you to look at my face when I talk to you."
You smiled nervously as you hugged him, letting this moment remain in your memory to capture later.
Here is the link to pt.2
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oillipheist9000 · 8 months
So, this is mostly just a fun timeline I made with little research backing it, but I thought it might be cool to share?
It goes through what historical events happened throughout Alastor’s life that might have impacted him and sets the stage for what his life might have looked like. It does hinge quite a bit on US history, so I will also touch on parts of that for our friends who aren’t from the US and don’t know : D
Now keep in mind that this is more of just a list of fun facts that i’ve shoved into a readable outline, than anything put together lol.
Alastor is said to be in his 30’s or 40’s when he died in 1933, this puts his year of birth at a rough range of 1890-1900. For the purpose of this timeline, I will be assuming that Alastor was born in the year 1902 because I want to. This would make him 31 at the time of his death.
In 1892, the supreme court ruled on Plessy vs Ferguson, which was what established the idea of ‘Separate but Equal’ <- (i'm assuming people know what that is and stuff, if you don’t know, feel free to ask, I can give more of a history lesson)
From 1900-1909, education past the 5th grade did not EXIST in New Orleans for black children. This is a large part of why I believe a birth year of at least 1900 would be more accurate for Alastor, as he would have been 7-9 (2nd-4th) when middle school (6th-8th) became available to him.
In 1917, McDonogh No. 35 High School became the first public high school for black teens. Alastor would have been 15 in my timeline. This means that he would have likely been out of school for a year under the assumption that he wouldn’t be able to go anymore. (There were a couple private schools, but those were Expensive!!)
1920: KKK reemerged in Louisiana <- (again, assuming people know the history on this, if you would like a quick history lesson, lmk!!)
In 1921, Alastor graduated! Yay!! He is now 19!
Now, a fun fact! Throughout all of this, radio has not existed as a Thing in New Orleans. Alastor would not have grown up listening to the radio. It would have been new tech for him!!
In 1922, the first radio station came to New Orleans!!! It’s called WWL and it runs … drumroll please … ADS!!! In an attempt to raise funds for Loyola University! Exciting, right? : D
By 1927, the Federal Radio Commission was established in an effort to help organize airwaves, which had become messy and disorganized from the abundance of unlicensed, random people broadcasting.
1933: Alastor dies D:
Also 1933, oddly enough, A newspaper somehow managed to get radio stations in New Orleans legally banned from airing news from the last 24 hours?????
An interesting note. This ban went through in the summer. Deer season is in the winter (Dec-Jan), so it was either banned 6 months before or 6 months after Alastor’s death
1934: FRC is replaced by the Federal Communications Commission
This is pretty much all I have. I also am including some of the links to sources that I thought were interesting. Super open to discussions and questions lol. Hope someone enjoyed reading all this lmao
And also @nunalastor cause you seemed interested and I finally got everything together lol
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
Pad See Ew and Parking Spots
The last thing you need while sick is the equivalent of a Hangnail over.....or is it?
Another entry to the Parking Spots Universe read part 1 and part 2!
Warnings: Banter, teasing, Jake being an absolute simp, no y/n but reader's nickname is Venus
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Your head felt like someone had filled it with cotton and was pressing down. Stuffed and fuzzy, the pressure on your sinuses made turning your head a labor of work.
The constant pressure on your face made it impossible to enjoy the unexpected time off from work, as watching TV was too strenuous.
Instead, you put yourself on bed rest, trying to find a comfortable spot so you could close your eyes and nap.
Just when sleep was within reach, the loud vibrations of your phone ringing pulled you out of your moment of peace.
Pushing away the used tissues and weighted blankets, you found your phone, the name of the caller lighting up.
Human Hangover.
Of course. It's like he had a sixth sense, always able to annoy you at the worst possible time.
You put the phone back in the midst of pillows, allowing it to continue to ring. Sure, you could text him, but why should you?
You were getting too close anyways.
During the last parking lesson, you actually smiled at the Men's Health poster child.
It wasn't even something you noticed yourself doing. He just looked so fucking ridiculous, blasting 'Venus' by the Bananarama in his dumb Jeep as he waited for you to walk up.
You had half a mind to turn around and shut the door. He was ridiculous, bobbing his head up and down to the music, giving you an exaggerated wink.
Had he not said anything, you wouldn't have gone the whole night not realizing what you had done.
But he was obnoxious, so naturally he had to let out a breathless wow as he leaned his head against the steering wheel with stars in those sea green eyes.
"What?" You asked, rolling your eyes as you got into the passenger seat.
"Your smile."
The worst thing was that you couldn't even muster up a sneer, an eye roll, a snarky remark.
Instead, a warm flush had overtaken your cheeks due to his statement. His stupid, corny words were having an effect on you, one that didn't give you an immediate migraine.
As fun as it was to get free dinners, have picnics on the beach, and take jabs at him, it had gone too far. You found yourself that night looking at his lips much longer than you ever intended.
So getting sick was actually perfect. You would ignore him, giving him that final push to go talk to the long list of other girls who were waiting for him. Girls that would let him into their beds, let him treat them as a hump and dump.
Sure, his patience was admirable-you truly thought after the third date-parking lesson- he would finally get the hiny. But he was just playing a long game. As soon as you'd let him in, he'd leave. Therefore, you should leave first. It was perfect.
You downed some NyQuil and put your phone on silent. A pang of guilt flared up in your chest when you saw the several missed calls.
It was for the best. The last thing you wanted, nay, the last thing you needed, was another person to remind you that you're only good enough for a fuck, not a relationship.
So you swallowed the guilt and closed your eyes, finally able to drift off to sleep.
Whether minutes or hours had gone by, you couldn't say. The loud banging on your door not only woke you up, but caused your heart rate to skyrocket and your blood to run cold.
Who the fuck…..
You had half a mind to pull the covers over your head. But something in the back of your head told you that the pounding wouldn't cease.
Using all your strength, you willed yourself out of bed, pushing away the covers and used tissues, grabbing your glasses to clear your vision. Slowly but surely, you made your way through your apartment to the entrance door.
Upon opening it, you immediately wished you had stayed in bed.
“Oh my god, you’re ok-wow, you look rough. Are you okay? Are you sick?”
“I can see why the navy kept you, your observation skills are astounding,” you deadpanned. Your reflexes were too slow, bogged down by the cold you had, allowing Hangover to prevent the door from closing on him.
“Why are you out of bed, you should be sleeping!” He said, sounding closer to your mother than his usual obnoxious self.
“I was doing that until you came,” you gritted out between your teeth.
Jake stopped dead in his tracks, “You wear glasses.”
Jake didn't think it was possible to find you more attractive. But you wear glasses apparently. Why don't you wear them more often?
"Yes, I also have exactly one head if you didn't know by now," you rolled your eyes, "Officer Hangover-"
"Lieutenant Hangover, is there anything I can help you with? Because right now my priority is getting better-"
You stopped as you felt one of his hands gently press against your forehead. When did his eyes get so bright and intense? You had to look away from his stare.
"You're burning up," he murmured, his voice low and deep. God, you hated his voice. How it was smooth like whiskey, topped off with that slight drawl.
His stupidly large fingers gently grasped your chin, the cool metal of his class ring grazing your skin. Before you could comment, he titled your jaw up, forcing you to look at him and his ridiculous eyes.
"We gotta get you to bed V."
"That's what I was trying to do before you- hey!" Embarrassment flooded you as he picked you up like it was nothing. Within seconds, he was carrying you bridal style
"Put me down Seresin!" Jake couldn't help but smile at your words. Seresin. It was his last name, but you were calling him by one of his names.
"Y-you're gonna get sick, put me down!"
"I'm in the military. I've had every vaccine known to man and then some."
You tried to jerk away from the circles his fingers were drawing on your back. Instead, your face landed right into his chest, the smell of cedar wood so strong, you could smell it faintly through your stuffed nostrils.
You pretended to gag, needing something to distract you from the fact he just picked you up so damn easily and was able to maneuver your body like it weighed nothing.
"Y'know how I can tell that you worked at Hollister? You douse yourself in that damn cologne." You mumbled against his broad chest.
Jake shrugged, "You don't complain."
He had a point, and that was the worst part.
"I-I need to sleep," you mumbled, something Jake found adorable.
"That's what I'm doing." Suddenly your back was touching your mattress. The hand Jake had on the back of your skull (when did that happen) gently guided your head to your pillow. His hands moved to your glasses, gently taking them off and placing them on your nightstand.
"How….how did you even find my bedroom? Are you stalking me?" Your weighted blanket was pulled over your chest, bringing warmth to your shivering body.
Jake chuckled, "You live in a one bedroom apartment. I'd be worried if I couldn't find your bedroom."
You knew you were ill because Crimson Chin was making sense. He needed to leave and you clearly needed more NyQuil.
A snarky comment was about to leave your lips when it was silenced by his hand gently tracing the skin on your cheek. Fuck, why was he so touchy? It was weird and you hated it, given the fluttering your stomach was currently experiencing.
"Just sleep, okay? I got ya Venus."
No, he most certainly did not. You two weren't anything, he was just some weirdo who couldn't park for shit and looked at you like he was seeing the wide open starry sky for the first time.
You were adorable sleeping. The way your lips were slightly parted, a cute little snore escaping from your mouth.
Jake could stare at you sleeping all day. He was quite tempted to, but he had other things he needed to do.
"Hey, Venus. Wake up." When did you fall asleep? How long had it been?
Given that the sun was now setting, it couldn't have been too long, right?
Regret filled your entire being when you opened your eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" The human persona of regret and annoyance was in your fucking bedroom.
"How much NyQuil did you take?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"Clearly not enough, as it didn't keep me from waking up to a nightmare."
He let out that low chuckle that made you so angry, your face heated up, "A nightmare? Most folks usually refer to me as their savior."
"It's been made pretty well known that the United States government doesn't have the greatest judgment, so I don't know why you're counting them."
Jake shrugged as he sat at the edge of your bed. It was then you noticed that he had one hand behind his back.
You reached for glasses, putting them back on. It took everything in Jake to stick to his plan and not tell you how absolutely stunning you looked.
He definitely needed to come up with a plan regarding getting you to wear your glasses more often.
"Well, I think this will change your mind," He grinned as he revealed what he was hiding behind his broad, well-defined back.
Your brows knit together in confusion as you stared at his hand. You look up at his face, then back down.
A container of Pad See Ew.
The question why forms on your tongue. It dies before it can even leave your lips, as memories of your first parking lesson flood back to you.
How could he…..better yet, why would he? Why remember such a minute detail, especially one that was a rare situation?
"I'm not going to sleep with you." Tension fills your body as you shift away from him. The air in your lungs feels constricted, almost as if part of you felt regret over your words.
It was the part of you that you had tried to squash so many times; the part that still had hopeless, naive dreams about being wanted. The part of you that always led to heartbreak whenever you followed it.
"Is that all you think I want?" His voice is soft.
Jake's not angry. If anything, he's fucking concerned because he thought that within the past month, he's made it pretty dog-gone clear he was crazy about you. That he thought the world of you.
Maybe Javy was wrong and he should have shown her the list of potential baby names he had saved on his phone. Perhaps that would have convinced you-
"Why else would you remember such a stupid detail?" You wanted to believe your anger was directed at him. But deep down, you knew it was also directed at all the jerks before him, the ones who made it impossible for you to enjoy a nice gesture.
Because it was never just to be nice.
"Because it's important and I enjoy listening to you?" It comes out as a question, though Jake's more so questioning why you find it so hard to believe that he wouldn't pay attention to you.
"I-I always remember what you say-the jokes and the non-jokes," He's trying to reassure you, but all you do is move away from him.
"You're wasting your time, Hagman. Just cut your losses now and go talk to the other girls who are dying to let you into your pants."
Your words are sour, much like the cold medicine you had taken hours ago.
"Why do you think that's all I want from you?" The tone he's using is new to you; it's not just soft, but there's a sadness that hangs around his words.
You shrug, your eyes now focused on your nails, "It's all anyone wants from me."
Jake's mind is now filled with the potential scenarios that would have led you to say such a thing, to believe such a ridiculous thing about yourself.
He has to remind himself to put down the container of food so he doesn't crush it out of anger or worse, spill it on your comforter.
"Who told you that?" You ignore his words, your brain too busy scolding you.
Why did you ever say yes to him? Why did you think you could control yourself? Stupid, stupid, stupid! You get yourself hurt every damn time.
"Hey," his hand on your shoulder breaks you out of the trance, "Who the fuck told you that?"
You jerk away at his touch. Why was he making this so damn difficult?
"No one had to tell me, I was able to figure it out pretty quickly when every attempt I've made at a relationship ends with the other person leaving me after they get bored."
Your eyes refuse to look at him; you can't. Not when memories of goodbyes over text messages and it's just not working, sorry are replaying in your head, mixed with flashbacks of nights where the loneliness was so overpowering, you cried yourself to sleep, desperate for something, anyone, to make the heartache just stop.
It was why not feeling was easier.
"Just stop wasting your time and leave me alone." There's a bitterness lacing your words as you spit them out. Your knees are brought to your chest, forcing your back to straighten.
Of course you're bitter. You dreamed about love, how great it would be to find someone to spend the rest of your life with. As a child, you didn't imagine your wedding but rather being married.
The world was cruel in the "lessons" it taught you. Not that you took them to heed, as now you were using all your willpower to not cry in front of the latest mistake.
It's an attempt to make yourself look stronger, tougher, not fragile. Jake knows it because it's what he's done so many times for God knows how long.
The front you put up is like staring at his own reflection. Deflect, make a snarky comment, and then push everyone away. No one can see that you're imperfect if no one is around.
Anger fills his body. Not at you, but at the fact he wasn't able to meet you before all those idiots filled your head with the idea that you weren't good enough. Angry that he couldn't go and beat those assholes up for making you think you weren't worthy of anyone's time.
So instead, he scoots his hand closer to you; not on your skin, but close enough to feel his presence.
"Look, I recognize I can't go and beat those assholes up for being the biggest idiots I've never even met," maybe if your thoughts hadn't consumed you, you would have chuckled at his words.
Jake Seresin isn't the best with words. Or emotions. Always was told they were bad (thanks Dad).
But like hell if he's going to just sit there and let you think that he doesn't think the world of you.
So, he swallows all the doubt trying to creep into his mind and is honest.
"But, I can tell ya this. I like you. A lot. Everyone on base is telling me I need to go get my head checked, but I know it's just because being with you on the ground is the closest I've felt to flying."
"And yes," he sees the way you look at him, question forming on your tongue, "I did compare being with you like flying. It's my life and I don't know…..I always thought it would just be my life and then I met you in that parking lot and you're bright and passionate and always say what's on your mind and I don't know I just....I want to do shit with you. Like take you to dinner and watch movies and bake cookies."
"You can bake?" No, that wasn't what you took away from his declaration (something you thought only was a thing in movies). But you needed more time to process what he had just said.
"Every year my mom puts on a Christmas Eve dinner and goes balls to the walls with cookies. My siblings and I always got roped into helping her, so we learned all her recipes. Of course, since I was the youngest, I mainly watched and stole spoonfuls of the dough until I was sixteen. But I can make her famous snickerdoodle cookies with my eyes closed."
It was then you noticed that when he smiled, the corners of his eyes creased.
It was endearing. Absolutely, completely endearing. His smile was comforting, like a warm fire on a winter night.
"Earl gray and lavender."
His brow knitted together in confusion; was it at your statement or that there was a small sliver of a smile when you finally looked at him?
"That's my specialty cookie," you explained as you reached for a tissue to wipe your nose, "I'll show you some time. Preferably when I'm not full of mucus and snot."
Some time. As in, you wanted to see him in the future. Show him a part of you.
"I'd like that a lot," he passed you the box of tissues.
The silence isn't uncomfortable. It's nice, serene even.
The small meow of your cat, Rugleach's way of alerting you that she was about to jump on your bed broke the quietness.
"Hey girl," Jake said to her, leaning down to scratch her chin. Your eyes widened at the sight of your cat, who hated all men, who was now purring and straining her neck to receive more pets from Jake.
Well, if that wasn't a sign.
"So this is the girl with more kills than me?" Jake asked, a cheeky grin adorning his handsome face.
"Yup, that's Rugleach. My protector from mice and birds," You smiled, leaning over to scratch her head, her purring being heard over your sniffles.
"You know," Jake paused, "I do have a security clearance so if you were to give me the names of those asshats , I could-"
"What, do you get a free stalking pass from the NSA?" You snorted.
"Yeah, it's part of my benefits," Jake responds, not missing a beat.
The corners of your mouth turn fully upwards and the most amazing sound comes out.
A laugh.
It's beautiful and melodic, just like you. The corners of your mouth are fully turned upwards, revealing a smile so bright and big, the corners of your eyes crease and your nose scrunches up.
Jake is thankful he's sitting down, but if he wasn't, he would have gotten on one knee and asked you to marry him right then and there.
So instead, he settles for leaning over to gently adjust your glasses that had been crooked.
"With a smile like that, why on earth would anyone let you go?"
His words combined with the tender action left you speechless, realization hitting you like a freight train.
Fuck, he was being sincere.
He was sincere the whole damn time. Ever since you first yelled at him in the parking lot.
A crumbled, used tissue hit his chest.
"Sap," you said, eyeing him with a teasing grin.
"This sap just brought you your favorite sick food. Besides," He leaned in, breath hot on your ear, "You don't seem to be complaining."
"I would never complain about Pad See Ew, Jake" you turned, hoping he couldn't feel how warm your skin was from his proximity.
It's the first time you said his name correctly. He loves it, loves the way you say it, how it rolls off your tongue so naturally. How sweet it sounds coming from your lips. How it’s your way of not just acknowledging what he said, but also how you felt about it.
He’d do anything and everything to hear you say it again.
He handed you the container, along with a pair of chopsticks. In return, you handed him the remote.
"If you put on some American military propaganda film, I'm kicking you out," You told him before taking a bite out of the dish, the noodles and sauce comforting on your throat.
Jake laughed, his hand squeezing your knee, which was a little annoying because it sent more heat through your body, "I mean, I just get really hard when Apocalypse Now comes on, can ya blame me?"
Your eyes couldn't roll back any harder, "That's a movie I've never seen and I know I'm not missing out."
"Wait, you've never seen it?" Jake's emerald eyes narrowed, concern filling them, "it's actually a great movie-not that it's my favorite, I mean, I thoroughly enjoy it but I don't get hard while watching it-"
He was rambling. Gone was the cocky pilot and instead was a guy who looked downright nervous.
You loved it.
"If I weren't so sick, I'd kiss you right now," his lips parted, though no words came out, "You should ramble more often Hangover, it's a good look on you," no attempt was made to hide your smirk at his reddening cheeks.
Jake sees this and it was ridiculously hot but also somehow totally adorable, probably due to the way the tip of your nose was so red from blowing into tissues and he just couldn't help himself.
A hand cradled half of your jaw, tilting your head up, making your lips in the perfect position for Jake Hangover Hangnail Hangman Seresin to kiss you.
You moved your lips against his, as best as you could when holding chopsticks and a plastic container.
His lips were like electricity, coursing through your veins. Your body was frozen, but not due to panic (which was the usual reason).
With anyone else, you would have been pissed that they thought kissing you while you were sick was a good idea. But with Jake….you didn't just expect it, you didn't mind it?
Yeah, you….didn't mind it at all.
Unfortunately, having a stuffy nose made breathing quite difficult, which is why you had to break away.
"You taste like Pad See Ew and NyQuil," Jake commented before pressing his lips against your right cheek. It would have to suffice while air returned to your lungs.
A laugh escaped your lips, "What did you expect? Again, you really should look into suing the government for all the brain cells you lost while in-what's it called? Grid lock?"
"So you do listen to me!"
"Can you not remind me of my mistakes? Thanks," you deadpanned, not minding the chuckle he let out. His lips pressed against your forehead, bringing a small smile to your face.
"Also, if you get sick, you can't blame me. Nor will I feel as inclined to bring you Mac and Cheese," you added before taking another bite of your food.
"I don't ever get sick," He scoffed, making you roll your eyes as you adjusted your glasses.
"That is exactly what someone says before they get deathly ill. I'm not going to figure out parking in a government military base. We're not there yet."
"So what you're saying," he leaned in, his breath once again on your ear and God, he needed to stop doing that or else you will kiss him again and will double his chances of falling ill, "We will get there?"
"You still need to learn how to park, Romeo," you paused, "speaking of which, you parked in the visitor lot, right?"
"No, that's too far away from your building. I just parked in front and hung up my work tag," Jake explained, as if that was the most sensible thing in the world.
"Jake….you can't….you have to park in the visitor's lot or else your car gets towed."
"V, they're not gonna tow someone who clearly works for the military."
"How much ya wanna bet?"
@abibliophobiaa @maxmayfield @rae-gar-targaryen @sebsxphia @hangmanapologist @mygyn @sovereign-lights @cherrycola27 @k-k0129 @princessphilly @mxgyver @misshoneypaper @topgunruinedme @loveless-simp @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @readerthatreadsss @fandomxpreferences @teenwolf01 @toastedside @fictionwhores @awesomebooklover17 @helluvapimp @itllbefineeeeee @whatislovevavy @phantomxoxo @ouralcohol @untoldshortsofthefandoms @dreamsofouterspace @chavivaelisheva @the-untamed-soul @afuckingshituniverse @dogbarkbark4445 @krmy2386 @callsign-scully @avaleineandafryingpan @dissonannce @sometimesicryintheshower @potato-girl99981 @princessofglitterland @wildbornsiren @mrsjaderogers
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Can you please do Blue Daisy and Anemone for Crosshair with a Bounty Hunter Reader? I really love your stories, you're doing amazing!
For The Love Of A Sniper
Summary: You're a Bounty Hunter and Crosshair is your partner in every way. And when your family threatens you, Crosshair offers to deal with it.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1234
Warnings: Crosshair is soft
Prompts: Blue Daisy - Long Term Loyalty, Anemone - Undying Love
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I hope this is close to what you wanted, I was going to make this a sequel to my recent Crosshair series, but I had a better idea!
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When you were a little girl, your parents planned your life almost to the minute. You were ferried from school to dance lessons or music lessons or voice lessons or language lessons. Every second of free time had to be accounted for.
You didn’t have time for friends, and barely had time for family.
Your parents also planned your outfits, frilly dresses in pastel colors and your hair meticulously curled every morning, and then styled with bows and ribbons. And shoes that were so uncomfortable that, on more than one occasion, you considered cutting your toes off so it would hurt less.
Even your schools were devoted to making you the best daughter. High end boarding schools with even more high end finishing classes, with the end goal of sending you to Naboo to attend Theeds Law School.
Perfection was the expectation.
And you were never perfect.
The day that your parents dropped you off at Law School, you dropped out. You managed to get the school to send the refund, nearly 3 million credits total, to your personal bank account, and then you spent a massive chunk of money cutting and dying your hair, and then buying a new wardrobe. 
Within a week of your parents dropping you off on Naboo, you were gone.
That was four years ago. And over the last four years, you’ve made something of a name for yourself as a bounty hunter. You have your own ship, painted vibrant purple and named Spoiler, and you often bounce between cargo delivery and Bounty Hunting, based on what is the most profitable at the time.
Sometimes you do both at the same time, just for funsies.
And you know, because you’ve seen it, your name is plastered on missing persons lists and on bounty boards. Too bad that you don’t look anything like the cherub looking girl on the posters anymore. 
In fact, the only person who might recognize you as the girl in the poster is your boyfriend. And even then, only because you told him. 
Speaking of said boyfriend-
You hang your body armor on the rack in the cargo hold, and climb the stairs to the main part of the ship. You slide open the door to the bedroom, and grin at the man stretched out on the bed. “You ever planning on getting up, handsome?”
Crosshair seems to stretch out even more, and he tucks his arms under his head, his dark eyes locked on your face, “I thought I’d be lazy today,” He drawls, “You could join me.”
You lean against the doorframe, a small smile on your lips. He really is too handsome. Especially lounging in your bed wearing nothing but the dark sweatpants that you bought him. He looks healthy, finally, having put some weight on now that he’s no longer with the Empire.
“See something you like, doll?”
You grin at him, lazy and slow, “I see something that’s mine.” You tease.
Crosshair chuckles and shifts to free one arm, “Come here, princess.” He almost purrs. And, really, how are you expected to deny that request?
You kick your boots off and climb on the bed to drape yourself across his chest. You take a moment to press a light kiss just over his heart, before you slide up to tuck your head against his neck. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mm, I did.” He wraps an arm around your shoulder and presses a light kiss to the top of your head, “And then I got an alert-” He uses his free hand to grab the datapad on the side of the bed, “Someone put a flag on all accounts attached to your old name.”
“Another one?” You roll slightly so you’re able to see the screen, and then you sigh, “This is, what, number five? Six?”
“Eight in the last six months.” Crosshair corrects.
“Well, following the money is step one in the ‘how to find someone who doesn’t want to be found’ handbook, I suppose.” You mutter under your breath as you roll again and fold your arms on his chest.
“You would know, wouldn’t you, princess.”
“It’s fine. It’s not like those accounts are attached to my name anymore.” You reply as you look down at his face, “Which is a shame, there’s nearly 3 million credits in that account.”
Crosshair reaches up and slides his fingers across your cheek, “Those credits have so many strings attached, you might as well be a puppet.”
“Mm, don’t I know it.” You lean in and kiss him gently, “Luckily, they won’t find me. And 3 million credits is a lot less than I would pay to never be their perfect little doll ever again.”
His eyes glitter, “Even if they did, if you think I’m giving you up without a fight-”
A soft laugh falls from your lips, “Aww, I knew you loved me.”
His lips curl up into an amused smile, “You’re alright, I suppose.” In spite of his light, teasing, words his hand tightly clutches at your hip. 
You shift and press feather light kisses across his face, “I’m not going anywhere. Not willingly.” You whisper to him.
His grip loosens slightly, “Of course not. You’d never find anyone as good as I am.” His hand slithers up your side to grip the collar of your shirt between two strong fingers, and he pulls you down to crash your lips against his. “We do, however,” He murmurs after a moment, “have to deal with this.”
“Can’t we ignore it?” You whine.
“You know we can’t.” He finally moves his other arm from under his head, and he wraps it tightly around you, “Let me handle it.”
You nervously bite your lower lip, “I don’t know-”
“I’m not going to hand you in,” Crosshair murmurs, as gentle with your anxieties regarding your family as you are with his anxiety about you leaving, “My loyalty is to you. Now and forever.”
You sigh, “I know. I just don’t like you going off on your own.” You kiss him quickly, and then press a longer, slower, kiss against his lips, “I never wanted to demand your loyalty.”
“You never had to.” There’s something soft and vulnerable in his gaze, and you think you love him a little more for it, “You didn’t expect my loyalty like my brothers.” He kisses you just under your eyes, “And you never demanded it like the Empire.” He drags his lips across the bridge of your nose, “You were loyal to me, so I became loyal to you.”
“That might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” You say warmly.
He rolls his eyes, “Then how’s this? I love you. Forever. Until there’s no more breath in my lungs. Until my heart beats it last.”
You press your forehead against his, “You’re going to make me cry and mess up my make-up.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll never say anything so gross ever again.” He jokes. “What do you say, Princess? Trust me to handle this?”
“Deal. You can handle it, and I’ll just…hang out in the ship for you.”
“Deal.” He pulls you back into a deep kiss, “Later though. For now you’re on top of me and won’t stop squirming-” You release a bubbly laugh as he flips the pair of you and pins you to the bed, “Really, you brought this on yourself, princess.”
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𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
go for a walk
take a nap
go to a pet store
play just dance
look at grosspo
find a new aesthetic
design your dream wardrobe
make a list of movies/tv shows/books you want to watch/read
write a short story
make a vision board
make spotify playlists
write a letter to your future self
go to the gym
draw your dream body
have a photoshoot
explore somewhere new
join discord/insta/tumblr groups
learn a language on duolingo
make a new social media account
find new makeup + hairstyles to practice
watch a childhood movie
declutter your phone
online quizes
at-home spa day
make a time capsule
play roblox or minecraft
make a photo wall
start a manifestation journal
test old pens and markers
rearrange furniture in your room
unsubscribe from emails
make a birthday/holiday wishlist
upcycle old clothes
make a bucket list
clean your car or room
declutter bags
find a new podcast to listen to
update your resume
apply to jobs
paint or draw
practice gratitude
start a bullet journal
create a 5 year plan
start a free course
discover new music
work on your insta feed
sell clothes online
start a blog
organize a drawer
clean your makeup brushes
learn a new skill
start a youtube channel or podcast
call a family member
build a puzzle
plan your week
paint your nails
learn a new dance
write a letter to a friend
find a pen pal
write 3 short-term goals
work on current goals
plan your next vacation
explore your neighborhood
do a face mask
organize your closet
find new blogs to follow
do a hair mask
do mirror work
take a shower or bath
pinterest crafts
watch youtube
dust your room
tye dye clothes
facetime friends
make a comfy fort
invite a friend over
go to the mall
amusement park
binge a movie/tv series
make slime
sidewalk chalk
have a tea party
make friendship bracelets
plant a flower
go through old magazines + make collages
hand massage
make your own face scrub
create a skincare routine
research something you've been meaning to learn more about
make popsicles
create a budget
drink water!!!
meal plan
sign up for volunteer work
watch a random documentary
follow new tags on tumblr/insta
hug your pet
organize stationary
watch a ted talk
clean mirrors in your house
reply to old texts
write your own list of things to do
make lists
visit a museum
go to the beach
sign up for a workout class
tidy your desk
make a warm drink
practice hand lettering
5 minute doodles
follow a disney animation lesson (youtube)
watch animal videos
online crossword puzzles
find live shows in your area
play board games
go for a drive
go through junk drawer
pick flowers
start a nature journal
do therapy worksheets from pinterest
make weekend plans
research your family tree
create your own game
make a fruit salad
print coloring worksheets
ride a bike
play a childhood game (mine's animal jam :) )
search for your spirit animal
paint rocks
random act of kindness
make a busy box
plan a yard sale
start/join a book club (can be virtual :) )
shop ikea online
make room decor
closet fashion show
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studentbyday · 5 months
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❤️‍🩹 small commitments challenge ❤️‍🩹
I overwhelmed myself yet again with too many, too-ambitious side projects, considering where I'm starting from. So now I'm trying out making the smallest possible commitments so that I hopefully stop feeling overwhelmed by my to-do list, getting discouraged, then just giving up. Serious progress is not made with an all-or-nothing mindset. 😤
🧮 minimum commitment for math: 1-2 lessons per day (weekdays)
🎼 minimum commitment for music theory: 1-4 pages per day, 1-2 exercise questions per day (weekdays)
🎹 minimum commitment for piano practice: sight-reading
👩🏻‍💻 minimum commitment for R: 1 page of book per day (weekdays)
⚗️ minimum commitment for ochem: 4h per day (weekdays), try to end each current week by getting started on the next week's material and don't skip on the practice questions (try to read a little, then do relevant practice Qs on what you just read)
🚙 minimum commitment for driving practice: practice every weekday, review theory/try to improve my reaction time (my brother suggested i play valorant 🙈) on weekends after reset routine
Asides from wanting to keep up all the side projects for their own sake, if I want to work up to being able to handle the max courseload when I transfer uni (smth I'm seriously considering...a topic for another post, ig), I have to start by being able to do all the things on this list. For each week that I succeed at this, I'll increase the smaller minimum commitments by just a little bit (to the point where I feel like it's just under "may slightly overwhelm"). I'll be tracking my progress with weekly posts.
(Feel free to drop your small commitments as well, and we can do this challenge together! 💗💪🏻)
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peachsukii · 5 months
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Hello, loves! I will be participating in the fics for gaza initiative to use writing to benefit a good cause. 💜
@ficsforgaza // how to participate
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𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒘𝒊𝒑 & 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔
Rei's Rate; $1 USD per 100 words
Instructions: Follow this link to choose a vetted fund to donate to. Afterward, send an ask or message to myself including a redacted screenshot with your donation (hiding any personal information), a link to the fundraiser you’ve donated to, the name of the WIP you’re sponsoring.
Example // Hi! I have donated to PCPF and I would like to sponsor Crimson Veil [screenshot of $5 donation for 500 words]
** Current wips are under the cut! Word counts are all subject to fluctuation. if nothing is to your liking, be sure to check out the list of writers to support. i'll be adding any WIPs to this list as they come, so feel free to check back for anything new! minors, please do not donate toward/interact with the nsfw content included.
『 updated! // 08.23.24 』
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𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒑𝒔
𝗂𝗇𝗄 & 𝗋𝗁𝗒𝗍𝗁𝗆 // drummer!bakugo x artist!reader music au | tags; rock/punk/alt band au, slow burn, meet cute, strangers to lovers, various smut, smoking/drugs/alcohol consumption, talks of emotional & physical abuse from past partners, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, mild violence
Distortion is the hottest band in town, making waves in the underground scene with their unique sound. Led by your college best friend and music prodigy, Kyoka Jiro, alongside her misfit group of friends, they've been playing shows every weekend for the last few months and have gathered a decent following. You're whisked into the whirlwind of their rockstar lives when Jiro commissions you to design a band logo for their merch, reconnecting with her and meeting the members of the band. Your eyes immediately gravitate to their powerful drummer, Katsuki Bakugo. Fresh out of a nasty three year on/off relationship, he's not looking for anything or anyone while shutting out the world around him. He's focused on the one thing that keeps him sane; music. You're six months free of a breakup as well, looking to repaint your world with new colors and experiences, but turns out it's more tumultuous than anticipated. Explosive fights, newfound fame, clashing egos, dive bars, stolen kisses, black out dreams, messy exes and hard lessons; but somehow, love finds a way to bloom like a flower in the desert - deep in the hottest, driest wasteland of two broken hearts.
current word count; 2,500/20,000+ donation goal word count; 1,500/5,000
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𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗆𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗏𝖾𝗂𝗅 // bakugo x reader soulmate au | tags; hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending
In a world where soulmates are established via a multitude of different systems, yours is a tattooed marking on your wrist - a constant reminder of your fate sealed to someone you don't even know. You despise the soulmate systems, purposely avoiding the topic at all costs with your family and friends, covering the mark from the world to keep your heart safe. The first day of getting accepted into UA High's support program turns sour when you walk past a boy with the same tattoo on his wrist as yours - Katsuki Bakugo of the hero course.
current word count; 0/5,000+ donation goal word count; 0/1,500
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𝗐𝖺𝗅𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗅𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗅𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 // ex-bf!kirishima x reader in-universe | tags; fluff & smut, emotional hurt/comfort
Things ended mutually with Kirishima, you both agreed that you didn't have enough time for dating at this point in your careers and it's better for you two to stay friends...until he comes knocking on your door in the middle of the night, begging for you to take him back after a life-threatening incident.
current word count; 0/1,500 donation goal word count; 0/1,000
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𝟧𝟢 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗌 // marine vet!bakugo x art teacher!reader romcom collab - 50FD au | tags; fluff, comfort, cheesy romance
Katsuki Bakugo is a dedicated marine veterinarian at Wavecrest Haven, rehabilitating native animals and living out his island life dreams to the fullest. The catch? He only dates tourists to avoid any serious commitments, easily able to bounce from one fling to the other without repercussion. One fateful day, that all changes when his boat breaks down and he's forced to wait for the Coast Guard at the local café. While waiting, he encounters a beautiful art teacher making a house out of her waffles. He assumes she's a local and avoids her gaze, only to be captivated by her the next morning at the same café. Taking a chance, he asks to join her, forming an instant connection and agreeing to meet up the following morning for a breakfast date. There's just one problem - she doesn't remember anything about Bakugo the following day, insisting they've never met before.
current word count; 500/5,000+ donation goal word count; 0/2,500
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𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗍𝗅𝖾𝖽 // adventurer!kirishima x witch!reader soul mate & magic au | tags; strangers to enemies to lovers, emotional hurt/comfort
((extension of this post)) Eijiro is the heir to the Kirishima family, set out on an adventure to travel the world and find his soulmate via the precious Kirishima family jewel. The jewel has been passed down for generations, glowing when the wearer is close to their soulmate. One day while traveling from town to town, he stumbles upon a hut in the woods, enticed to investigate by the wonderful smells emitting from it. Little does he know that you're the wicked witch they warned him about...only his crystal glows the moment he's inside your home.
current word count; 200/2,500+ donation goal word count; 0/1,000
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𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗍𝗅𝖾𝖽 // incubus!bakugo x succubus!reader supernatural/demon au | tags; strangers to lovers, smut
((extension of this post)) Katsuki is an incubus, feeding off of weaker mates with his insatiable appetite, until he meets you - a succubus, ready to play the game until the other cracks.
current word count; 450/2,500+ donation goal word count; 0/1,000
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𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑝𝑠
𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖼 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁 // bakugo x tattoo artist!reader modern/no quirks au | tags; smut, friends to lovers donation goal word count; 500/500
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𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗍 // kiribaku x reader tangled hearts series | tags; fluff, splash of angst donation goal word count; 500/500
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Alternative ways to help! support thread // donation thread
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『 all work belongs to Peachsukii & zanarkandskylines on archive of our own. please do not steal, plagiarize, modify, or repost any of my content. ♡ 』
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ros3ybabeslanguages · 5 months
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Language Resources 🎀
*that I currently use for studying Spanish. When I pick up studying Japanese again, I will make a list for that as well <3 I currently use a handful of resources for learning Spanish, and they've all proven very useful so far!
🩷 My Current Resources for Spanish
Busuu - hands down my favorite language learning app. So much better than Duolingo, in my opinion (especially for languages with a different alphabet/writing system). I bought the premium for a year, which will expire in Septmeber, but I'm debating renewing again because I love it so much.
LingQ - I like using this for reading in Spanish. It gives me different types of things to read about, and while I don't have premium, I do put all the words I don't know into flashcards on AnkiApp on my laptop and translate anything I don't know using SpanishDict.
SpanishDict - favorite translation/dictionary app. I know it has lessons you can use, tho I haven't tried it yet, but I really do love this app. It's super helpful when I'm making flashcards or writing random vocabulary notes.
Goodnotes - This is a general note-taking app, but I love it because it allows you to import and write on PDFs, and that's just perfect for me! I've downloaded free PDF short stories/children's stories in Spanish and made notes of words I don't know, and taken notes in the app too. Definitely my favorite notes app, ever.
Italki - I know this is a website, too, but I use the app. It lets you work with professional teachers/community tutors in your target language. You can have structured lessons or just use it for conversation practice. I did a trial lesson not too long ago and have an upcoming lesson booked out in about 5 days. You pay per lesson, so there is no subscription, and there are so many languages and teachers/tutors to choose from. I did a lot of research before choosing a teacher, and I'm very happy with my decision so far. Definitely useful if there's not native speakers near you or you're like me and not confident talking to people you know in your target language/their native language.
Quizlet/AnkiApp - I use AnkiApp more then quizlet, and the Anki I'm referring to is NOT the same way everyone else uses, but it's the flashcard app of preference at the moment. I tried the AnkiDroid app and hated it. But yeah, AnkiApp is useful for flashcards and I really like it. I have it on my Chromebook and my Ipad.
Netflix - I love watching shows in Spanish on Netflix so much. I am currently watching La Reina del Sur on it (used to watch that sporadically in the past at a friend's house) and plan on watching some other shows, including Elite.
Spotify - I enjoy listening to Spanish music and podcasts right now. The music is more of an entertaining/enjoyable fork of audio input, and the podcasts help me get a feel for speaking and pronunciation and I choose podcasts that speak on topics of interest tk help with vocabulary in those areas I'd like to be able to speak about.
Textbooks - I have 2 PDF textbooks, Gramatica de Uso del Español: A1-B2 and Gramatica de Uso del Español: B1-B2. I've heard these are great for learning Spanish (and they're both only written in Spanish, like there's no English in them) and plan on using them once I figure out how to take good and useful textbook notes! I definitely need to improve on my grammar.
Those are all my current Spanish resources! I'd definitely say my current level is like a high A1 right now, nearing A2, but I have just a little bit of work to do before I get there. These resources are definitely gonna help, tho!
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shiraishi--kanade · 6 months
I keep seeing people being surprised/shocked about Touya starting piano lessons at 3 years old, and can I just say... Yeah, that's super common in classical music. My guess was actually 4 years old, 5 if we're being generous; 3 is still on an earlier side, but it's sadly extremely common.
Chloe Chua started at piano at 2 and a half years old, started violin at 4. Ray Chen, started violin at age of 4. Hilary Hahn, 3 years 11 months, violin. Joshua Bell, 4, violin. Leia Zhu, 3, violin. These are all just people I can list from the top of my head - and all of them are still playing and genuinely love classical music.
I'm not saying that's a good thing. Honestly, the ethical debate on this can go on and on, so feel free to cast your own judgement; but classical music industry is practically built on child abuse, and it's extremely rampant in it. But you also can't deem an early start as something that's inherently child abuse, because often it's just not. It's a complicated topic on which jumping to conclusions is something I'd advise against. In Touya's case, we know it was abusive because of the... "Methods" Harumichi used, but we don't have that kind of privilege or knowledge to judge real people's situations.
Anyway, yeah, I did fully expect something like that from Touya's story. I can't say it's not upsetting, but is it surprising? Not at all.
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puppamoon · 2 months
Can you write about caregiver Moondrop?
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ଘ : Cg Moondrop headcannons!
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reqs open (๑′ᴗ‵๑) // thank you for your request!
only active at night
bedtime stories
"light's off starlight... you know the rules.."
gently strict (gentle reminders of when to go to bed, eat, clean up)
helps clean up after playtime
turns on soft music to help you sleep
"are you still up?.. Don't worry, come sit with me for a while."
will check under the bed/in the closet before bed every night in case you're scared
keeps an eye on you throughout the night, making sure nobody wakes you up
"goodnight starlight, rest well..."
fluffs your pillow every night before bed!
free plushies to help you sleep
sometimes thunderstorms keep you up, he has a list of rainy night activities for this!
will sing lullabies
"rest your eyes little one, ill watch over you... I promise."
puts on little puppet shows (usually ending in lessons about how sleep is good)
gives great hugs!
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☆.. ☁️🌙☁️ .. ☆
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akelafang · 3 months
I'm curious, what instruments do you think Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, and the knights can play (if any)
Here are some of my ideas (bear in mind I am not a musician or a musical expert in any way shape or form, and especially not in medieval instruments so if I say something that is wrong or list an instrument that has not been invented yet I'm sorry)
I reckon Arthur has some basic knowledge of a few instruments thanks to some tutors but he hated the lessons and dropped them the first chance he could so he could focus on his sword work
Morgana also got music lessons but unlike Arthur she loved them. She can play the harp, lyre, violin, flute, and any other instrument she could get her hands on long enough to practice with. I don't think pianos were invented yet but she'd be all over them if they were. She had less time to practice the older she got but as long as she had access to an instrument she tried to find time for it
I remember seeing a post that pointed out a lute style instrument in Merlin's room so I like to imagine he's pretty decent with one of those. I can see him playing a few songs from back home in Ealdor to unwind after a hard day of saving Arthur for the 100th time that month. He's a bit shy about it though and doesn't let anyone but Gaius listen to him
I don't think Gwen plays anything but she really enjoys singing. She hums to herself while she does chores and has sung Morgana to sleep many times after she has a nightmare
Gwaine plays the bagpipes and you can not change my mind on this. He's also pretty good with a lute and has used both to earn some extra money while traveling
Leon had music lessons like Arthur and Morgana and has tried out a few instruments. He took a liking to Violin and was pretty good at it too but had to stop playing when his training to be a knight took up all his time. He tries to play every now and then when he has free time but he's noticeably rusty which frustrates him
I'm undecided on whether Elyan, Percy, or Lancelot play anything but I can definitely see at least one of them surprising the rest of the group with an amazing singing voice.
Please let me know what you think, I'd love to hear others takes on this.
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ladybugsimblr · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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Going with my boy Legend (Legz)!
My wild child from birth. Pretty much down for anything, anytime, anywhere especially if it's a squad ting.
Inherited his parents' love for music. He played the violin as a child but is now interested in the guitar. Also starting to be interested in music production.
Loves his tech even if he can't keep his phone screen crack free. He's always trying to figure out how things work so maybe one day he'll be fixing his own screens.
Has suddenly taken up an interest in yoga. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Sage's SimTube page.
Very upset with the EA Department of After School activities because he wants to do Scouts and join the Football and Computer teams at the same time (don't forget music lessons).
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