#found a way to draw for myself while having a job after 84 years
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aonekoda · 11 months ago
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mikus from my storyboard pro doodle file at work
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pocketmosaic · 4 years ago
Who am I and why this blog?
What a good question, I am so glad you asked.  I am a 45 year old, mother of three, who has fibromyalgia, cfs/me and arthritis.  I guess I should also say that I am single as that is usually one of the first questions people ask when you meet them.
My children are aged 26 (yes, I know I was young when I had him), 20 and 18.  My eldest lives in the Midlands (UK) which is where his Dad and his family are, I don’t see him very often but I have been fortunate (in some ways) to have been able to spend 2 months with him this year.  I say fortunate in some ways because the reason he stayed with me for so long was because he was having a bit of a crisis and needed to get away.  Thankfully while he was here he helped me almost, if not more than I helped him.
The younger two live with me in East Anglia (UK), their father (who is a different man to my eldest’s dad) lives 10 minutes away.  My 20 year old is my main carer, he also helps with the 18 year old who has autism and social anxiety.  My 20 year old has been my rock through the years and I don’t believe that I would be sat here today if it hadn’t been for him and his support (and yes I do make sure that he knows that he is a very amazing person, even if he doesn’t always believe it).  Sadly he lost his job in the hospitality industry during the COVID-19 epidemic, as did so many others.  He didn’t work full-time but I do think that it was important for him to have that outlet, where he could make friends and do things that were not related to helping me and his sister.  We are trying to do thinhgs to help him rejoin the working world when the shielding is over.
As I mentioned my daughter has autism and severe social anxiety.  Around Oct 2017 she had total meltdown and refused to go to school, leave the house or even go near a door that was open to the outside.  She was in mainstream school before that, she is very clever and quite talented when it comes to anime drawings.  Sadly we did have quite a few problems with bullying, which the school did try and help with, even getting the police involved when the situation called for it.  Unfortunately, despite my asking for help several times, everything going on in the outside world just became too much for her and she put on the brakes.  We have had a little bit of help and after a lot of hard work on our part we managed to get her to leave the house.  She would go down to the local shop and the chip shop next door (about a 5 minute round trip), and we managed to get a volunteer to come and take her to a cat sanctuary once a week.  Two weeks after she had started doing this the cattery shut its doors to all non-necessary staff and then we went into lockdown mark 1.  Since then she has taken several steps backwards (although she does still do the shop trip if she has to).  I have been trying to encourage her to come out of her room and she refused to speak to me for 8 weeks, she wouldn’t even look at me.  We are now talking but she doesn’t come and search me out as she did before.  I am sure we will be okay and once the pandemic has some solution then we will work again at getting her out there.
I started by telling you about the children because it does tie in with what I am about to say in a few.  I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and CFS/ME about 15 years ago, gosh that was a long road to get the diagnosis.  It took about 4 more years to get my arthritis diagnosis because whenever I mentioned the pains they automatically put it down to the fibro/ME no matter how hard I tried to convince them that this pain was different.  Thankfully someone eventually listened and that meant that I could learn to do things that could help.  I do have other problems which impact my life slightly less than these, but we could be here a while if I went to deep into that and I am sure you don’t want that lol.
Long story short, I put on a lot of weight (about 6 stone or 84 pounds or 38.1kg), I was struggling to stay awake long enough to cook a meal and so I would just grab easy convenient snacks which we all know are not great substitutes but if I hadn’t done that then I probably wouldn’t have eaten anything.  I also wasn’t moving around anywhere near as much as I used to do, I had always been doing something before and although my diet wasn’t great I was burning up a lot of those calories so while I have never been skinny I wasn’t a big girl,
Up to the present(ish), I have battled with depression and anxiety for a long time, some of it because of how I looked a lot of it because of what I couldn’t do.  I forgot to focus on what I could do, what I did have.  A few weeks ago I went for a short walk by the quay (all my walks are short because it hurts so much and after a short time I struggle to pick up my feet).  I was watching the water, which I find very peaceful, and I saw a branch floating by on the current.  I was taken by an major urge to jump in and float off with it, which I am sure you will be glad to hear I managed to resist.  I thought about just getting into my car and driving until everything and everyone I knew were far behind me.  I felt like they would be better without me in their lives.
Somehow I managed to get back home and I tried to figure out how I had got to this point in my life.  I know I was missing my eldest, I was pleased I had managed to help him out but it had left a big hole when he went back home.  While he was with me we managed to sort out my house and threw away most of the clutter, which was great I felt like things were starting to move the right way.  So why had I spent weeks crying night and day?  I was awful to be around, even the woman who comes in to help me with the things I struggle to do wasn’t able to help with how I was feeling.
I knew I was lonely, although I have two children living at home they spend the majority of the time in their rooms, my daughter was ignoring me (even looking at the wall when she came to a room I was in so she didn’t have to look at me).  Every time I watched the television I would hear stories on how the lockdown had brought families together and how they were doing more as a family.  I couldn’t relate to that at all.  There was also so much talk about how people were keeping in touch over zoom or the like, I hadn’t even had one talk like that.  I don’t have a lot of friends, I am not good at keeping in touch and after you have had to cancel last minute so many times people stop asking you to do things.
I hated the way I looked but I had no clue on how to change it, every time I have tried to do any exercise I have suffered for days afterwards, even having a conversation with someone would leave me drained.  I had managed to lose 3 stone before the first lockdown but, after struggling to get deliveries and when I did it seemed that the things they couldn’t provide were all the healthy options I tried to get, I put back on 2 stone.  My face was starting to show the ravages of time, the worst being the hooded eyes I now have. I have always liked my eyes so it is sad they are not as noticeable as they used to be.
I think I might be coming up to the menopause, my period was over two weeks late at that point (it took another week before it said hello).  Any of you women out there will know that when your period is late it causes your hormones to go out of whack.  Looking back I know that had something to do with how I was feeling.
I remembered something my Dad had told me, “If you can do something about it then do so, if you can’t then all the worrying in the world won’t do anything”.  I decided that I had to try and do something to fix the problem areas I saw in my life.  I couldn’t do much about my hormones, expecially as it is the first time in over a year that it has taken so long which means the doctor wouldn’t do anything.  That meant I just had to let that one sort itself out.
I knew that if I listened to some Toby Keith or Kellie Pickler I always felt better (well Kellie does have two songs which make me cry because they cut so close to home but in a strange way even that makes me feel less alone), so I decided I was going to start listening to them, amongst others, more and if I could I would dance to them, that would at least get me started with moving.  It helped because I did lose 6 pounds in the two weeks leading up to this second lockdown.
Facing another month of lockdown I wanted to do something that would help me and also stop me from worrying about the fact that I couldn’t go for a cuppa with my carer and her partner on a tuesday morning.  So I decided to set myself a challenge.  I want to leave lock down looking better than I did when I entered it.  This meant looking for exercises that I could realisticaly do, I can’t see squats ever being a big part of any exercise routine I ever do.  I found some arm exercises that could be done sitting down, then I learnt about the wall push or standing push-up, I tried it and found that I could manage that so I added that one in.  I also looked at loads of videos for slimming down the stomach, the one exercise they all included was the plank.  Now I didn’t think I would be able to manage that, especially getting down and back up again, but I am pretty stubborn so I figured that I would try it.  The first time I thought I was going to die by the fifth second but I managed it and I am now going to try and do it as often as I can, after all no-one is about to see the crazy ways I have to use to pick myself up afterwards.
I also decided that I needed to lay down some house rules.  I drew up contracts for the two children who live with me (by drew up I mean I found some templates online and adapted them to suit).  Part of the contract stipulates that they need to spend some time with me while they are both home full-time.  That has stopped me from feeling so isolated even though they are here.  I have been making plans on what I want to do when the world returns to some sort of normality.  My life has basically been on hold for the past 15 years, I don’t even know how that happened, but it did and I am determined that I am going to put myself out there when I can (I might change my mind later, but at least for now it is giving me something positive to look forward to).
I had always said that when my youngest reached 18 (which happened during the first lockdown) I was going to start travelling.  This is definitely something I plan to keep to when travel plans can be a little more stable.  I used to be an active member of the theatre when I was in the Midlands but I didn’t even know we had one here until last lock down.  I want to look into joining them and doing some theatre stuff, that was the job I always wanted a far cry from what I ended up doing which was mechanical engineering.  I have a couple more things in the “to-do” bank but they are just the ones I am going to mention for now.
I don’t want to get back to that place where I want to disappear, to keep me on track I started this blog.  I want a record of where I started and how I am progressing, and it kinda gives me some sort of accountability.  It also makes me write something every day which is going to help me with another dream.  That, however, is a story for another time.
Take care and believe in yourself, you CAN do it, whatever IT may be.
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thecomicsnexus · 6 years ago
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Krona, an exiled Oan villain from another Universe who has gained the powers of entropy, begins destroying entire universes in his obsession to find out how they are created. The Grandmaster, an alien who is obsessed with games, offers to give Krona the knowledge he seeks but only if he can beat him in a game. The game consists of forcing the Avengers and their heroic counterparts, The Justice League of America, from that Universe's Earth to battle each other in a race to find twelve items of incredible power that have been hidden around their worlds. With help from Metron of the other Universe, the heroes are tricked into participating. Krona is given the side of the Avengers and Grandmaster is given the side of the JLA.
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When Batman and Captain America discover this, Captain America allows the game to end with a victory for the JLA, but Krona refuses to accept this and uses his powers to steal the knowledge directly from the Grandmaster's mind. In turn, the Grandmaster uses the power of the twelve artifacts to merge the two universes, trapping Krona at their center. However, this results in a chaotic world, and Krona begins to cause the universes to collapse, since he now knows that universal creation comes from destruction. The Avengers and the League join forces to stop him, aided by many other members from both teams' pasts (brought together by wild changes in time).
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In the end, Krona is turned into a "cosmic egg" from which a universe would be born in a trillion years. The two universes return to normal, with everything that Krona destroyed being recreated as well (this would have consequences for the Anti-Matter Universe, as seen in a further Justice League adventure).
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In 1979, DC and Marvel agreed to co-publish a crossover series involving the two teams, to be written by Gerry Conway and drawn by George Pérez. The plot of the original crossover was a time travel story involving Marvel's Kang the Conqueror and DC's Lord of Time. Writer/editor Roy Thomas was hired to script the book, based on Conway's plot, and although work had begun on the series in 1981 (Pérez had penciled 21 pages by mid-1983) and it was scheduled for publication in May 1983, editorial disputes - reportedly instigated by Marvel Editor-In-Chief Jim Shooter - prevented the story from being completed. The failure of the JLA/Avengers book also caused the cancellation of a planned sequel to the 1982 The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans crossover.
An agreement was reached between the two companies in 2002, with a new story to be written by Kurt Busiek and drawn by George Pérez. In a joint panel at WonderCon 2000, Busiek (then writer of the Avengers title) and Mark Waid (then writer of the JLA title) stated they had nearly come to an agreement to begin the crossover within the regular issues of the respective titles but the two companies could not come to a business arrangement. When the series was approved, however, Waid was unavailable due to an exclusive commitment with company CrossGen, and Busiek became the sole writer on the project. Perez also had an exclusive commitment with CrossGen, but had a clause written into his contract allowing him to do the series if and when it was approved.
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Kurt Busiek: I don't know if this is actual irony, but it's a coincidence at least, so it's the Alanis Morissette version of irony. One of my last jobs as a fan journalist, when I was working on a news magazine about comics, was to do an article announcing what was going to be the 1984 book. This was back in 1981 or 1982. I didn't know much about what was in it at that time, but over the years as it fell apart, there were interviews that were done about it where everybody kind of shouted at each other.
The problem with the first one was really a matter of personality clash. Dick's style of editing was "let's just get moving and we'll fix it along the way." Dick Giordano, as a long, long time award-winning inker, didn't believe there was any comic book you couldn't fix in the inks. And Jim Shooter was a very intellectually driven writer, who wanted it all in the outline. If it wasn't in the outline, it was wrong. So Dick was like "Yeah okay we have a plot, and maybe bits of it that don't make sense but we'll fix it as we go along" And Jim was like, "no, you can't start until you have an outline that works."
The final tally on work produced on JLA/Avengers '84: one fully plotted issue that may or may not have been approved, 21 pages of penciled artwork, and a litany of memos back and forth between Giordano and Shooter detailing which of their respective editorial teams were not at fault. After management changes at both companies, new crossovers between Marvel and DC characters to began to hit the stands.
Between 1994 and 1999, the companies would collaborate on 11 standalone stories featuring the likes of Spider-Man, Batman, the New Gods, Galactus, Superman, the Silver Surfer, Captain America and dozens more characters from each companies' respective library. They also put out Marvel vs. DC, a four-issue mini-series that was more like a battle royale pitting iconic characters against one another, with the outcomes voted on by gleeful fans.
It took another change in management to get the original JLA/Avengers idea rolling again.
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Tom Brevoort: I was intimately involved in getting this crossover to happen. At the time, Joe Quesada had been installed as Marvel's new EIC and he was working through a program he referred to as "unfinished business": creator relationships that had fallen on hard times, projects that had never been completed as a result of some difficulty or another, that sort of thing. And so, at a given point, he asked me why the JLA/Avengers project hadn't happened back in the day. I gave him a rundown, and he said, "Okay, go make it happen."
I checked with our contracts people about the particulars of the overall deal for the Marvel/DC crossovers, and I discovered something: the deal called for each company to produce an equal number of books, but at that moment, DC had done four more than Marvel had. So that gave me some bargaining leverage.
I don't know what the decision-making process was like on DC's end — for Marvel, that was the whole of it. We did all meet once or twice to hash out some of the business aspects, agree upon the length and the creative team, as well as the publishing rights to the collection. That went to DC, as Marvel didn't have a machine in place at that moment to do collections—something else that Joe Q was instrumental in building.
So as the wheels were set in motion to get JLA/Avengers started, the talent currently working on both books were becoming aware this project might suddenly have new life.
Busiek: When things were fine between Marvel and DC, we heard about it and that there might be a possibility. I was writing Avengers while Mark Waid was writing Justice League and we came up with elaborate plans to do a JLA/Avengers #1, and then have the story appear in the next six issues of Avengers and JLA. Then there'd be a finale in JLA/Avengers #2 where we'd write our halves of it and we'd co-write the bookends. Ultimately Marvel and DC didn't want to do that because they didn't want to have any issues of the Avengers that they couldn't reprint because they were subject to a co-publishing deal.
An unlikely player then got involved: an upstart comic book company called CrossGen, which was founded in 1998 by Mark Alessi. Determined to make a huge first splash, they offered exclusive contracts to many of the industry's most talented creative talent. Two of the creators who chose to take Alessi up on his offer were Waid and Pérez.
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Busiek: I was still on Avengers, while Mark left DC to go to CrossGen. There was no new writer on JLA. Mark was finished, or at least on the way out. I was the only guy left standing and they offered it to me and I thought, well gee, that sounds nice.
Brevoort: We also had to work around George's situation. At the time, he had finished his run on Avengers for me, and joined CrossGen as a staff artist. But he had a clause inserted into his contract that stated that, if an Avengers/JLA project ever happened, that he would be free to do it. So we needed to negotiate a little bit with Mark Alessi in order to work out the timing and make this happen, because the book was going to take George a year and a half to draw, since he wanted to ink it as well, which is a long time to have a key artist off the boards. And this is why we announced the project at the Orlando Megacon, a show which at that time was affiliated with CrossGen — it was their hometown show.
Stephen Wacker: I believe I only found out that it was finalized just a couple days before the 2001 Megacon where it was announced.
Brevoort: George was a no-brainer based on his connection with the original, aborted JLA/Avengers project from 1984. And I think DC wanted to be in the Kurt Busiek business, and saw this as a way to begin to establish a relationship.
The next step was hammering out the logistics of this event.
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Brevoort: In all honesty, it wasn't too difficult. We had made arrangements to stay down in Florida an extra day following the Megacon announcement, and so myself, Dan Raspler from DC, Kurt and George sat around talking through the project and the story. Kurt already had a bunch of the pieces for what he wanted to do, and we very quickly all agreed that we weren't going to approach this from a company vs company standpoint where we'd be counting character appearances or worrying about who "looked better" or not.
We were just going to build a story that worked for us, like any other story — it just happened to star characters from two separate companies. Thereafter, there was a snowstorm that blanketed New York, and so Kurt and I rented a car and drove for 26 hours straight up the coast to get back to New York, and during that time we had plenty of further weary discussions about the project.
Wacker: We had some lunches which were friendly but the bulk of the work was done in email. And there were thousands. You could probably fill three omnibuses with them!
Busiek: I wanted to do a bigger project. The original idea to do it back in '84 was a 40-page book and I had impressed upon Tom a number of times, let's go bigger than that. Marvel versus DC and other projects that had been done as multi-issue projects. At one point, they came back to me with wanting to do three prestige format comics. I said, let's do four, because there are two publishers and you can't split three books into two publishers.
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Wacker: I recall there was some worry that this was really just Marvel's Avengers creative team handling something that was supposed to be half DC. On the other hand, Kurt had co-written a Wonder Woman mini as well as a Red Tornado mini that only I bought in 1985, so I was on his team!
Busiek: I came up with the idea of having Marvel issues be called JLA/Avengers and the DC issues Avengers/JLA, because that way nobody seems more important. And more to the point I thought JLA/Avengers had a better rhythm than Avengers/JLA.
They also wanted a more ambitious story than had been done before.
Brevoort: The key idea was to not just do a typical fight between characters as had been done before, but to really delve into what made the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe different — to point out the stuff that each company did differently.
Busiek: I didn't want it to a story that just said, hey, here's the JLA, here's the Avengers. They team up, they fight somebody. They win, nothing happens that isn't on a pure superhero level. I said I want something deeper and that turned out to be exploring the differences between the two universes.
There's a reason why DC characters and Marvel characters don't just cross the dimensional gulfs — other than ownership — and team up all the time. It's because they're different places with different styles and even different physical laws. And I made the point along the way that the DC earth is slightly larger than Marvel earth because it's got more fake countries and fake cities to fit in.
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Wacker: I know there was a lot of anger from fans about who could beat who, but I was always a believer that any character could win against any other character given the right set of circumstances.
Busiek: We wanted to get into the idea that, that the Marvel Universe is a place where heroes struggle and the DC Universe is a place where heroes are lionized. Superman is everybody's big brother, and The Flash is the pride of Central City. Even in Gotham city, Batman may be a scary guy, but he's THEIR scary guy. In New York City, Spiderman's a scary guy, but he's just a scary guy. Marvel has a lot more of a sense of the superhuman as dangerous. Whereas with DC, it's traditionally neatly divided into hero and villain.
Brevoort: That idea permeated throughout the plot and the series, including the one sequence that we couldn't make work to our satisfaction in issue #3 wherein we postulated what the Marvel characters would have been like had they been created in the DC Universe and vice versa. That failure led to the situation that broke the story, as it turns out.
While somehow making the heroes work together was crucial, they didn't ignore the villains, either.
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Busiek: Tom and I were talking about what could be done and I had cooked up the idea that we need to involve Krona and the Grandmaster, right from those early discussions. Tom and I said this doesn't need to be exactly balanced at all. If we have Krona vs. Grandmaster and we have Metron involved, we don't need to have another Marvel supervillain involved at the same level just so that everybody gets the same number of seconds of dance montage.
So they had an outline. Now they just needed a story. That story told over four issues ended up being starting with a cosmic scavenger hunt with Krona on one side, and the Grandmaster on the other. The JLA and Avengers wound up being used as the chess pieces in this high stakes quest to gather 12 objects of power from the Marvel and DC universe, including a Green Lantern power battery and the Spear of Destiny from the DCU, and the Cosmic Cube and Infinity gems Marvel.
The story begins with the present-day versions of both teams at the time — Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Quicksilver, Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye squaring off against Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, the Flash and Plastic Man — but through the course of the four issues would grow to touch on and contrast the full rosters of both squads.
The final issue ends with a knock-down, drag-out fight against Krona for the fate of both universes that is remembered by most (whether fondly or with scorn) for the image of Superman wielding Captain America's shield AND Thor's hammer during the battle. And in the end, Hawkeye (yes that Hawkeye) ends up winning the day for the heroes. Kurt's affinity for the character may have had had "something" to do with that.
It was an amazing four-issue run, but it didn't happen without its share of hiccups, as what goes on the page at times can pale in comparison to what it takes behind the scenes to put these projects together. often due to two completely different (and in DC's case shifting) editorial teams.
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Busiek: I always got the impression that DC was looking over their editors shoulders on JLA/Avengers. That when I sent something to Tom and Dan Raspler for approval, approval came back from Tom 20 minutes later. He said this was fine, let's go. Dan read it. And I got approval back three days later because — they never said this, but I got the impression that it had to go up the chain and had to be seen by, Mike Carlin, by whoever was above him.
We had at least a lot of flexibility on the Marvel side since this was the Avengers creative team putting together the comic. Joe Quesada was not looking over Tom's shoulder. He would say "It's just going to say JLA/Avengers on it? It's going to have George Pérez art? It's gonna sell through the roof? I honestly don't care what Dr. Light does."
The main hiccup seems to have occurred around the story in the third issue.
Busiek: Issue four was difficult to do, no offense to anybody involved and I'm sure they were always all using their best judgment. But, the DC side of the process broke issue three. We had an outline. It had been approved by everybody. Issues three and four were originally intended pick up the merged Earths in 1983, and we see the teams that would have met in the original 1983 crossover. And then as time and reality collapsed and warped, they keep shifting to later versions. We would get to see the different forms that the JLA and the Avengers have taken, with multiple teams and such over the years.
We got told by the DC side of this, by Dan (Raspler) — I don't know how much of that was Dan and I don't know how much of it was people looking over Dan's shoulder — that no, we could not spend all this time in a JLA/Avengers crossover with Hal and Barry as a Green Lantern and the Flash. And the reason was that Hal and Barry were dead. They were never coming back. No one cared about them. It was Wally and Kyle Rayner. So spending too much time on Hal and Barry was just aiming it at the oldsters. And we needed to aim it at the younger fans so we had to pull apart issue three and put it together differently.
That meant that what was supposed to be a structured flow of time moved forward in a chaotic way. There just wasn't any structure anymore. It was just chaotic things as they're happening. And we tried to make as best an emotionally satisfying event out of it.
Brevoort: Mike Carlin — who was then DC's Executive Editor — and I got along very well, and were almost always on the same wavelength, which made coordinating and conceptualizing these crossovers relatively pain-free. Mike came on to edit the end of JLA/Avengers for DC, and that made things even easier. I kind of regret that he didn't come in just a few weeks sooner, as that was the point where the interaction happened that broke the back half of the story in my opinion, and that would almost certainly have been avoided had it been Mike at the helm at that moment.
Busiek: Issue #3 pretty much got reworked in ways that we weren't happy with. And issue #4 was kind of a mess because of that, but people seem to like it. So I guess we did it well enough. But yes, it was a lot of work at the last minute and I think we would've had a better book if we'd stuck with the original outline.
What no one had any regrets over was the work down by George Pérez
Busiek: We had close to 200 pages and we had George. When I started writing Avengers, George was the artist, and I asked do you know which Avengers do you want to use? And he said all of them. When JLA/Avengers comes along I said, well, which characters would you like to focus on? And I knew it was coming: George said "all of them." So everybody up to and including the Yaz showed up at least once.
Brevoort: We were able to schedule the series in such a way that George was able to ink as well as pencil every single page of it. I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure that it represents the largest body of work that George both penciled and inked himself.
Wacker: Dealing with George was without a doubt the highlight of the project. I couldn't believe my life had progressed in such a way that I now had his phone number! My favorite memory was a voicemail message from George that I kept for years. He was … shall we say very "frustrated" that none of the references for JLA's moon base were consistent. I geeked out at every minute of him yelling at me!
Brevoort: The one fannish thing I did insist on in our earliest story meetings — and it's something that nobody objected to — was that the Flash be the first character to breach the dimensional barrier between the DC Universe and the Marvel Universe, much as he was the first character to travel from Earth-1 to Earth-2. In my office, that sequence was referred to as "Tom's page", and in fact, I did buy the original art for that page from George when he put it up for sale after the event had seen print.
Busiek: George finished the cover to number three that had every JLA member ever and every Avenger and he wrecked his hand. The fourth issue was late because George had had tendonitis from drawing that, which was a huge complicated cover.
Brevoort: At a certain point, we needed to send the original artwork for the cover to issue #3 — the huge piece in which George had drawn every single Avenger and Justice leaguer — back to George. But my intern at the time had misunderstood our instructions and instead sent George back a full-sized Xerox.
I remember coming into the office in the morning and finding a message on my answering machine from George, and I've never before or since experienced him speaking so quickly and so breathlessly. He was afraid that the original art was either lost or destroyed, and he was half out-of-his-mind with concern. Upon looking into things, we worked out what had happened, and were able to calm things down and get it back to him.
Given the size of the superhero business now, with sprawling cinematic and television universes even more prominent to the general public than the comics source material, it would seem unlikely that these two companies would team up again. The fact that they're owned by two multinational conglomerates — Marvel is Disney property, while DC is owned by the freshly minted Time Warner/AT&T — as unlikely as Captain America and Superman becoming North Korean citizens.
Brevoort: Those were really the final days of both companies being "Mom & Pop" shops. Now, with both Marvel and DC being integrated multi-platform companies, the inter-mingling of competing IP is a much more complicated and complex situation, along with the fact that you wind up spending considerable resources on a project for which you only recoup half of the eventual profits (and that you cannot utilize across other lines of business beyond the publishing) make it a lot more difficult to justify. It's hard to justify both the allocation of resources and also the difficulties of navigating the politics between two competing corporate giants. So it's not impossible that it could never happen again, but the factors against it happening are considerable.
It would be nice, though, if we could get JLA/Avengers and the other Marvel/DC crossovers of the past back into print.
Busiek: We got to do JLA/Avengers. I had a lot of fun with it and a lot of people read it. They thought it was cool. So the fact that it didn't stay in print is disappointing to me, but it doesn't outweigh the fact that we got to do it in the first place.
Wacker: At the time Marvel was in the beginning of a cultural reawakening that would climax with the movie and TV studios getting built. DC was just starting to wake up as well and really start taking seriously the need to compete with Marvel.
You can get lost in those pages. So many characters and references (even to the original plot of the series). This is the most ambitious mini-series I can remember right now (Crisis on Infinite Earths did the same with just the DC Universe, but this incorporates everything post-Crisis, plus the Marvel Universe).
It’s just amazing. And it’s not just the art. For a crossover, the Krona story is very advanced, it has more in common with Crisis than, let’s say, Batman/Spider-man.
This is also the last crossover between DC and Marvel. The corporate culture at both companies changed too much to allow another of these events, and most importantly, once Marvel got out of their bankruptcy, they had no reasons to boost DC sales (this was usually the excuse to not do the crossovers, as Marvel has been dominated the market for decades).
I am kind of glad that the 1983 crossover failed. I don’t think it would have been as powerful as this.
There are some problems in the third chapter. And everyone knows that. The issue had to be rewritten and it just stops the pace of the story. You could kind of not read it and you would get the same story (minus some valuable exposition).
If you are going to buy this book, I recommend the one with the companion book, that includes interviews around the failed project, (plus penciled pages for that book), and an exhaustive index of all the characters, page by page.
I give this book a score of 8
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bringbackmaes14 · 4 years ago
I found this “About Me” template here on Tumblr. I’ve reblogged it on my account if you wanna see the blank one.
1: Name - Gracie
2: Age - 19
3: 3 fears - The dark, heights, and spiders
4: 3 things I love - Ducks, math, and singing
5: 4 turn-ons - Being dependable, a good listener, funny, and artistic
6: 4 turn-offs - People who are messy, narcissistic, only care about looks/like me for my looks, and ignorant
7: My best friend - My sister, Caroline
8: Sexual Orientation - Panromantic Demisexual
9: My best first date - I saw Black Panther and got ice cream with my boyfriend
10: How tall I am - 5’8”
11: What do I miss? - South Carolina
12: What time was I born? - 7:57 a.m.
13: Favorite color? - Purple
14: Do I have a crush? - Do crushes on fictional characters count? If so, my current crush is Fatgum from My Hero Academia
15: Favorite quote? - “Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, and don’t be afraid to be the dumbest one in the room because that gives you the most potential to learn.” - Markiplier
16: Favorite place? - Lexington High School
17: Favorite food? - Ambrosia
18: Do I use sarcasm? - Frequently
19: What am I listening to right now? - My cat purring
20: First thing I notice in a new person - Probably their hairstyle
21: Shoe size? - Women’s 13
22: Eye color? - Hazel
23: Hair color?  Dark Brown
24: Favorite style of clothing? - Graphic Tees or Dresses; there is almost no in-between
25: Ever done a prank call? - Nope.
26: Meaning of my url - My URL (BringBackMaes14) is based on one of my favorite animes, Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood is better you can fight me) and one of its characters, Maes Hughes. His death was the first anime character death I experienced, and he died in 1914 which is where the 14 comes from.
27: Favorite movie? - Robots (2005)
28: Favorite song? - There’s a Platypus Controlling Me from Phineas and Ferb
29: Favorite band? Panic! At the Disco
30: How I feel right now - A little bit tired, and my back hurts, but my mood is good
31: Someone I love - My sister, Caroline
32: My current relationship status - Single
33: My relationship with my parents - My relationship with my dad has always been bad. He was pretty abusive. My relationship with him is okay right now, now that I don’t see him but once a year. I’ve always been really close with my mom, and a big part of that is I’ve been disabled my whole life and so I’ve always needed her by my side, so we’re just together all the time. Things are a little rough right now though.
34: Favorite holiday? - Thanksgiving. It has all the same big meals and family gatherings as Christmas, but I don’t have seasonal depression then or gifts staring at me from under a tree for three weeks, driving me mad with anticipation.
35: Tattoos and piercings I have - My ears are pierced
36: Tattoos and piercings I want - I want a rubber duck tattoo, probably just a small one on my shoulder
37: The reason I joined Tumblr - To look at anime memes
38: Do my last ex and I hate each other? - No, things ended on good terms. We’re still friends and we talk occasionally
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? - No
40: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? - No
41: When did I last hold hands? - It’s been a few weeks
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - On a regular morning? Maybe 10 minutes. On mornings that I shower? About 45 minutes
43: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I haven’t shaved my legs in 19 years
44: Where am I right now? - In my living room
45: If I were drunk and couldn’t stand, who would be taking care of me? - Probably one of my sisters
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - I only turn songs way up when they have great bass
47: Do I live with my mom and/or dad? - I live with my mom, my two sisters, and my brother-in-law. It’s my older sister and brother-in-law’s house. I have a brother who still lives back in South Carolina where I’m from
48: Am I excited for anything? - I’ve got a virtual Halloween party I’m going to this week
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? - No
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? - Not very often. I wear my emotions pretty openly
51: When was the last time I hugged someone? - Last night I hugged my younger sister
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone right in front of me? That’s none of my business really. We never actually dated and I don’t talk to her a lot anymore.
53: Is there someone I trust even though I shouldn’t? - Not that I can think of
54: What is something I disliked about today? - It rained while I was in the middle of going on a walk.
55: If I could meet anyone on Earth, who would it be? I’d like to meet J. Michael Tatum. He’s a voice actor in a lot of animes that I’ve watched and I really like his voice.
56: What do I think about the most? - Probably myself
57: What’s my strangest talent? - I wouldn’t call it talent but I can make a really disturbing horse-like noise.
58: Do I have any strange phobias? - I’m afraid of swingsets and trampolines
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? It doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t take a lot of pictures of myself, but it doesn’t have to do with not liking having my picture taken
60: What was the last lie I told? - “I’m not in a lot of pain.”
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - I actually prefer video chatting. It seems more personal.
62: Do I believe in ghosts? - Yes. I’ve seen my twin sister’s ghost several times in my life.
63: Do I believe in aliens? - Yes
64: Do I believe in magic? - No
65: Do I believe in luck? - Yes
66: What’s the weather like right now? It’s 60 degrees Fahrenheit and cloudy
67: What was the last book I read? Mother Knows Best: A Tale of the Old Witch Best by Serena Valentino
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - No
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Boo, Gracie Pie, Dot
70: What was the worst injury I ever had? - I broke my spine when I was 16
71: Do I spend money or save it? - I tend to spend it but I’m trying to save it right now
72: Can I touch my nose with my tongue? - Yes. I can also touch the bottom of my chin with my tongue
73: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of me? - Yes, there’s a pillowcase and a blanket
74: Favorite animal? - Panda Bear
75: What was I doing last night at 12 a.m.? - Sleeping
76: What do I think Satan’s last name is? - I don’t know, Smith? We’re probably all overthinking it and it’s something much more simple than Morningstar
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Flashy by GameBoyJones
78: How can you win my heart? - By not judging me based on my past and my disabilities
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - Quacked to Death
80: What is my favorite word? - Feshnickit - the act of consuming alcohol until a point is reached where an individual is unable to function normally
81: My top 5 blogs on Tumblr - lady-raziel, just-shower-thoughts, plus-ultra-writings, drawing-prompt-s, and writing-prompt-s
82: If the whole world was listening right now, what would I say? - What that tongue do? (Idk I think it’d be really funny if the whole world just randomly heard that in their heads). If we’re talking like I’m on tv and broadcasting to the whole world and I’m not just telepathic/mind reading, then I’d probably say something about rights for women, colored people, and LGBTQ+ people
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - Nope
84: Superpower of choice? - The power to affect probability. What’s the probability that I’ll ace this test? 100% What’s the probability that it will rain on my wedding day? 0% What’s the probability that my dad will shit his pants every time he hears the word “dragon”? 80%
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - Have you been handcuffed before and if yes, then why?
86: What is my current desktop picture? -
Tumblr media
87: Had sex? - No
88: Bought condoms? - No
89: Been pregnant? - No
90: Failed a class? - Yes. I failed IT twice and Java Programming once.
91: Kissed a boy? - No
92: Kissed a girl? - Yes
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - No
94: Had a job? - It wasn’t an actual paid job, but I worked as a student aid in my school’s library in my senior year of high school.
95: Left the house without my wallet? - Yes
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - I’ve bullied people in real life, but not on the internet.
97: Had sex in public? - No
98: Played on a sports team? - I played basketball with a church league for 6 years
99: Smoked weed? - No
100: Done drugs? - I take prescription drugs for my disabilities, but I’ve never “done” drugs, no.
101: Smoked cigarettes? - No
102: Drank alcohol? - No
103: Am I a vegan/vegetarian? -  No
104: Been overweight? - I currently am
105: Been underweight? - No
106: Been to a wedding? - I’ve been to 4 weddings
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Yes
109: Been outside my home country? - No
110: Gotten my heart broken? - Yes, but not in a “I got dumped or turned down” kind of way. Someone close to me told me something really devastating.
111: Been to a professional sports game? - I once went to a Clemson Tigers vs University of South Carolina Gamecocks game, which was a pretty big game for South Carolina
112: Broken a bone? - I broke my L5 vertebrae
113: Cut myself? - Never on purpose, but yes. I sliced open my thumb knuckle once and had to get 3 stitches.
114: Been to prom? - I threw my own prom at home my junior year of high school because my school’s actual prom was 3 days after my spinal surgery so I wouldn’t have been able to go. I went to my school’s prom the year after and the theme was Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz
115: Been on an airplane? - No
116: Flown by helicopter? - No
117: What concerts have I been to? - I once went to a concert at my church for a Christian barbershop quartet called Soul’d Out
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - Yes
119: Learned another language? - I took Spanish classes for 3 years and French for 6 years
120: Worn makeup? - I’ve worn makeup before for stage performances but I don’t like to wear it regularly. Every once in awhile I’ll wear some mascara.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - No
122: Had oral sex? - No
123: Dyed my hair? - I’ve dyed my hair purple, and blue. I liked it better purple.
124: Voted in a presidential election? Voting day for the 2020 election is in 8 days, and it’s the 1st presidential election I’ll be old enough to vote in, but I don’t think I’m going to vote.
125: Rode in an ambulance? - Several times. I had a lot of seizures when I was a little kid. My longest one lasted at least 2 hours.
126: Had surgery? - I’ve had 2 major surgeries: I had my gallbladder removed and I had a spinal surgery to fix my broken vertebrae where they screwed 3 of my vertebrae together and used part of my hip to make a bone graft to cover it.
127: Met someone famous? - Unless the guys from Soul’d Out count, I don’t think so.
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - Definitely not (and if I had, I probably wouldn’t tell you guys)
129: Peed outside? - Do Porta Potties count?
130: Been fishing? - Yes. I went once when I was maybe 8 years old, and I was the only one of my siblings to catch a fish. I caught it by the eye socket though and its eye fell out. I’m still not sure exactly how that happened.
131: Helped with charity? - Yes. I don’t remember what the charity was called, but I worked in a warehouse once to collect shoes for homeless shelters
132: Been rejected by a crush? - Yes, but it was when I was 11 so I don’t know if that really counts
133: Broken a mirror? - No, but I’ve punched a hole in a wall before
134: What do I want for my birthday/Christmas? - The number one thing on my list is some Artemis Drawing Figurines. They have adjustable and interchangeable hands, and they come in both male and female shapes.
0 notes
lil-loucifer · 7 years ago
1-100 unusual asks ;)
Bruh how long ago did I reblog this?
1: Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
2: is your room messy or clean?
Messy af
3: what color are your eyes?
Plain-ass brown
4: do you like your name? why?
I don’t not like it? I guess? I can’t really see myself as anything else, so yea
5: what is your relationship status?
Kinda single, kinda not
6: describe your personality in 3 words or less
Impassive as fuck
7: what color hair do you have?
Black, normally with a shock of blue at the top
8: what kind of car do you drive? color?
Hey guys guess who still doesn’t have his license yet
While I’m learning tho I drive my mom’s silver jeep, and when I get my license, I’m inherit my shitty cousin’s shittier old blue sedan
9: where do you shop?
10: how would you describe your style?
Dark as shit, in more ways than
11: favorite social media account
I only ever use tumblr, so...
12: what size bed do you have?
Twin size? I think?
13: any siblings?
One (1) sister
14: if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
The moon
Because fuck humanity
15: favorite snapchat filter?
I don’t... use snapchat??
16: favorite makeup brand(s)
I don’t really know makeup lmao
17: how many times a week do you shower?
Five, normally. For school days.
18: favorite tv show?
Uhhhhhh fuckin Young Justice I guess??
19: shoe size?
9 1/2 I think in mens, and whatever my mom’s size is in womens
20: how tall are you?
About 5′10
21: sandals or sneakers?
Sneakers 100%
22: do you go to the gym?
23: describe your dream date
At home, under a blanket or some shit, netflix and cuddles?? I dunno man I don’t like going out
24: how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
About $15.
25: what color socks are you wearing?
Right now? Barefoot
26: how many pillows do you sleep with?
27: do you have a job? what do you do?
I am and will continue to be a useless member of society
28: how many friends do you have?
29: whats the worst thing you have ever done?
That’s personal
30: whats your favorite candle scent?
Candles have scents?
32: 3 favorite boy names
Honestly I don’t really have any
33: 3 favorite girl names
^^ Same
34: favorite actor?
^^ Ditto
35: favorite actress?
^^ Yup
36: who is your celebrity crush?
Uhhh I dunno I guess Sebastian Stan is hot??
37: favorite movie?
Probably Patch Adams
38: do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
I read a fuck ton of books and I don’t really have a favorite
39: money or brains?
I mean, if you have brains, you can probably make money...
40: do you have a nickname? what is it?
Lou is in itself a nickname, but I’ve got several others. Like Hayden, or you I guess, calls me Lulu sometimes (but he spells it as “loulou”) 
41: how many times have you been to the hospital?
Never been there for an injury to myself, but I’ve visited family members a ton of times
42: top 10 favorite songs
Bruhhhh don’t expect me to choose
43: do you take any medications daily?
44: what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
Dry af 
45: what is your biggest fear?
Being unwanted?? Like, if people don’t want me around anymore, I guess
Lmao I’ve got this irrational fear that a bunch of people just tolerate me and that every one of my friends from high school or some shit is glad I’m gone
Maybe I’m just bad at keeping in touch
46: how many kids do you want?
None honestly
47: whats your go to hair style?
Undercut, sometimes with a ponytail
48: what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
49: who is your role model?
I don’t really have any that I know of
50: what was the last compliment you received?
...I have recently realized that I can never remember compliments
51: what was the last text you sent?
(my sister offered me her chicken nuggets)
52: how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
I never really believed in Santa lmao
53: what is your dream car?
54: opinion on smoking?
55: do you go to college?
56: what is your dream job?
Pays me enough to live in relative comfort
57: would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
Suburbs, probably
58: do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
I haven’t been to a hotel in years 
59: do you have freckles?
Not to my knowledge
60: do you smile for pictures?
I prefer to make a silly face
61: how many pictures do you have on your phone?
A couple years’ worth
62: have you ever peed in the woods?
63: do you still watch cartoons?
Sometimes, yeah
64: do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Wendy’s sells chicken nuggets?
65: Favorite dipping sauce?
Probably just ketchup lmao
God forbid I say szechuan sauce
66: what do you wear to bed?
S k i n
Sometimes underwear
67: have you ever won a spelling bee?
Never even been in one
68: what are your hobbies?
I come up with stories, but suck ass at writing them
Also I play video games a lot
69: can you draw?
Poorly, but yeah
70: do you play an instrument?
Nope lmao I suck
71: what was the last concert you saw?
My own middle school choir concert??
72: tea or coffee?
73: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
74: do you want to get married?
I dunno
75: what is your crush’s first and last initial?
H. E. 
76: are you going to change your last name when you get married?
It’s a possibility?
77: what color looks best on you?
Everything looks like shit on me
78: do you miss anyone right now?
79: do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Closed as fuck
80: do you believe in ghosts?
Kinda?? Like I’ve never seen one but like... Anything’s possible
81: what is your biggest pet peeve?
I dunno I’m a pretty tolerant guy
82: last person you called`
@slightlyunofficial just to chat
83: favorite ice cream flavor?
Either chocolate chip cookie dough or cookies & cream
84: regular oreos or golden oreos?
85: chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
86: what shirt are you wearing?
That dank-ass Punisher t-shirt that’s been through so much
87: what is your phone background?
A drawing of a cat that Cassandra Jean posted on her blog
The artist, not the actor
88: are you outgoing or shy?
Shy as fuuuuuuck
89: do you like it when people play with your hair?
Depends on who does it 
Like, an old lady who tries to reach for it while I’m not looking? Hell fucking no
A close friend or loved one (or just someone cute lmao)? Fuck yea
90: do you like your neighbors?
Y’know, all of eighteen years of life, and I’ve never really talked to them
91: do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
...no I’m a dirty boy
92: have you ever been high?
Lmao no
93: have you ever been drunk?
94: last thing you ate?
My sister’s chicken nuggets
95: favorite lyrics right now
“Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts,
It’s not easy facing up when your whole world is black”
96: summer or winter?
97: day or night?
98: dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate ;u;
99: favorite month?
December?? I dunno, I just like how the word sounds lmao
100: what is your zodiac sign
101: who was the last person you cried in front of?
Okay so I never cry in front of anyone because I hate showing emotion to people, it makes me feel super vulnerable and I hate it lmao
But once after watching the movie “Patch Adams” in class it gave off such a bittersweet ending feel to me that I actual shed one single tear
This girl happened to glance over and I’m like “I’m not crying you’re crying shut up” 
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princerazzie · 7 years ago
Tagged by @scribblindown
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
@pineapplerobots, @magicfox3, @sumomo220, @princessofimagination, @theamazingrosinki, @spikewerks, @eds-art-factory, @theactualcel, @duskybunny feel free to ignore me if you don’t want to do the tag.
1. Drink: coca-cola mixed with some vanilla brandy(this is gonna get wild or just plain sad by the end, HOPEFULLY THE FIRST)
2. Phone call: My job 3. Text message: to my friend nate about how much I love werewolves, and how i miss dating someone with a hairy chest. 4. Song you listened to: Dead Girl Walking -reprise- from Heathers 5. Time you cried: probably wednesday, I missed my mom again. 
6. Dated someone twice: Uhhh, so like get back together after you broke up?? if so twice then :DD one i regret the other i’m like ehh about. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah, i have kissed a bad kisser before V_V not fun but it was an experience ya know. 8. Been cheated on: not really?? i mean i had this online bf and he “cheated” on me technically but he just like rp kissed someone XDD  9. Lost someone special: Yeah....... 10. Been depressed: *POINTS TO #9* 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: HAHA, NOT YET AND I WANNA KEEP IT THAT WAY. THOUGH I HAVE DRUNK BOUGHT STUFF ONLINE BEFORE 
ehh it changes alot but! GREY
15. Made new friends: Yes! at saikoucon and at my college! 16. Fallen out of love: nope!!! i’m a grey-rom  17. Laughed until you cried: yeahh!! we were messing with my friend while he was using his VR by like interrupting him, it went on for like 15 minutes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Hmmm, nah, i mean there was that one time my friend told me about an ex friend of mine not really caring about me at all. :/ that made having the friendship break off easier honestly! but meh
19. Met someone who changed you: not really? i guess my ex, he made moving on from old shit alot easier and help me realizing, i’m not the worse? 20. Found out who your friends are: Yup!! I love them to death! 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: ehh, yeahhh my last bf >_>
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: ehh maybe like 40?? i guess 23. Do you have any pets: MY CLINGY BOY, SABLE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE(THIS MIGHT BE A FUTURE TAG COMING TO A RAZZIE BLOG NEAR YOU) 24. Do you want to change your name: NAH, i wanted to when i was younger because my name is super common 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: CRY!!! AND THEN eat cake with my sister and niece while trying not to cry again. im a very sad person. 26. What time do you wake up: Around 10am  27. What were you doing at midnight last night: petting sable probably 28. Name something you can’t wait for: TRANSFERING TO MY NEXT COLLEGE 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? .....I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING wow i’m like tearing up abit, APRIL 17th when we buried her. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I focused more on art so i could have felt more comfortable with making that a main part of my future 31. What are you listening to right now:  the sound of my fan and my 5pm alarm going off.  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ehh not since like being at my last college 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: *DRINKS MORE* LEGAL STUFF 34. Most visited website: THIS DAMN HELLSITE. 35. Mole/s: EHH MY right middle finger, my shoulder, my thigh, my tit, both my wrists, my upper arm, my leg, i have alot of moles like you can play connect the dots  36. Mark/s: like scars? or stretch marks? because i have tiger stripes some on my hips, and i have a stitch scar on my forehead. 37. Childhood dream: like almost every child*looks off into the distant* a veterinarian   38. Hair color: Dark brown almost black with a dyed brown part in the front of my hair 39. Long or short hair: Medium, i’m growing it out to cut it AGAIN! :DDD 40. Do you have a crush on someone: KINDA BUT i’m not trying for it. :/ i don’t think it’ll work out anyway
41. What do you like about yourself: I’M PERSISTENT WITH WHAT I WANT! also able to do things on my own if needed, i’ll find a way if i really need to.  42. Piercings: EAR PIERCINGS!! 43. Blood type: i think B positive  ??? its something on the rare side if i remember right. 44. Nicknames?: raspberry, ash, some others but i’m blanking. 45. Relationship status: single...i’m not too bent out of shape over it, like i need to get myself together before i can start looking at people. also there’s noone im really interested in aside from Nyx, but he’s fictional soo yeah 46. Zodiac: Leo 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Hmmmm, probably Rick and Morty since Still Star Crossed was cancelled 49. Tattoos: I want  like lace across my arm, with white ink but i’m a bitch with pain  50. Right or left hand: Right-hand, though i can draw somewhat with my left :D. thank you art class warmups. 
51. Surgery: nah never 52. Hair dyed in different color: ahaha, *side glances* red in high school three times, brownish black to get the red out, and now a copperish brown   53. Sport: ahah i wish, i wanna be in shape bro! tho i;ve been wanting to take up boxing lately 55. Vacation: HERSHEY PARK! unless cons count then SAIKOUCON!  56. Pair of trainers: no??
57. Eating: Leftovers from eating out with my sister. 58. Drinking: STILL DRINKING THE COLA WITH BRANDY, i’m about to pour some brandy into root beer 59. I’m about to:  give up on goggling the missing questions, i’m doing that inbetween writing this and it’s kinda weird. it raises the question on where this question meme started, and who started it 61. Waiting for: the next time i play DND, its GETTING SO GOOD FAM. 62. Want: to figure out what i’ll be doing with my life also get better at art.
63. Get married: In the future, it would be cool to wake up to someone i feel i can trust and love 64. Career: I’m not quite sure lately, something in psych or art maybe both  65. Hugs or kisses: HUGS I NEED WARMTH 66. Lips or eyes: lips, lips have an attractive curve to them. >d 67. Shorter or taller: Taller if guy, shorter if girls 68. Older or younger: Older >_> 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS!!! BUFF ARMS ARE THE BEST. PICK ME UP AND SQQUEEEEZEEE ME
71. Sensitive or loud: loud, loud is fun!! i can be abit distant when i get into a mood and that hurts people >_>  72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship!! i wanna cuddle and talk!! JUST CUDDLE AND TALK 0__0  FUCK SEX  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: ehh i wanna say hesitant but i always seem to get along better and have more fun with Troublemakers because deep down i’m super mischievous 
74. Kissed a Stranger: Nah, but it’s not out of the question >D unless they have something weird  going on with their health 75. Drank hard liquor: CURRENTLY AM NOW KEKEKE,  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: EVERY MORNING 77. Turned someone down: Yeaaa >__> 78. Sex on the first date: ....i wanna say no, but with my last bf, ahahah, i wasn’t in the best state of mind emotionally. though it was pretty nice because he didn’t treat me like I was easy and was like serious about me???  79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe? idk i mean i guess i ccould have with my breakups 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah it was pretty bad 81. Been arrested: Nope and least have it stay that way 82. Cried when someone died: WHY WOULD I NOT! 0/10 bad question!! 83. Fallen for a friend: ...DON’T YOU MEAN EVERY AND ANY FUTURE RELATIONSHIPS I HAVE. 
84: Yourself: Somewhat. 85. Miracles: Yeahhh 86. Love at first sight: Nope!! that’s saved for fiction!  87. Santa Claus: I’m like 24, HE’S VACATIONING IN HAWAII. (no) 88. Kiss on the first date: ....if they’re cute 89. Angels: yeaa
90. Current best friend name: Nate 91. Eye color: Dark Brown, basically black honestly 92. Favorite movie: idk ?? too tipsy to remember fam
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retrauxpunk · 8 years ago
Tagged by @younglusts, thank you!
Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: Peppermint tea
2. Phone call: I think it was from an online money transfer service so I could change the phone number associated with my profile (ah the administrative joys of moving countries)
3. Text message: Mike (the boyfriend)
4. Song you listened to: Jason Derulo’s ‘Want to Want Me’
5. Time you cried: A few days ago lmao
6. Dated someone twice: Yes... twice officially and another third time unofficially AKA for every single relationship I’ve had because that, apparently, is my dating trademark
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: SO MANY??? A disproportionate number of my people-I’ve-kissed have been terrible regretful decisions
8. Been cheated on: Yes
9. Lost someone special: Broadly speaking? Yes
10. Been depressed: Not clinically, I think
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes. Once. On a cruise ship in the Mediterannean after seriously abusing the unlimited drinks package we’d purchased.
12. Pink
13. Yellow
14. Teal
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: I don’t think this has ever happened! Which is disappointing!!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, in a fucking ridiculous chain of events which, 5 years later, still grinds my gears
19. Met someone who changed you: Yeah
20. Found out who your friends are: I mean I guess sure yes, that’s ... a key part of leaving school, it seems
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them
23. Do you have any pets: No
24. Do you want to change your name: Yeah, kinda. I mean, I go by Rain online and to a few close friends and that’s a nickname I happened to pick myself so I guess I have already done so, in a way.
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: oh my god my boyfriend took me to the Melbourne Comedy Festival and we saw a shit-ton of shows and then he surprised me with tickets to the Book of Mormon, during which I was absolutely intoxicated, and it was incredible
26. What time did you wake up: 6?
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping, I think
28. Name something you can’t wait for: my ASOS order to arrive! I just bought two dresses and a pair of shorts. I need to now not buy any more clothes until I get a job because otherwise I’ll drive myself broke, I CAN FEEL IT
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: A week ago, at the airport
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I want to HAVE A DESIGN JOB that I’m good at and which pays well. Also, friends. I currently have none in this country lmao
31. What are you listening right now: Traffic sounds
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My brain, which has a spectacular ability to latch on to negative things that are no longer relevant and obsess over them for days
34. Most visited Website: probably Tumblr now ... or Inbox
35. Mole/s: A few
36. Mark/s: Some
37. Childhood dream: Artist
38. Haircolour: Naturally black, currently a rather bright kingfisher/peacock-ish blue :D
39. Long or short hair: Short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: *whispers* roger waterssss
41. What do you like about yourself: Drawing and writing ability, and the ability to achieve things if I actually try and work hard
42. Piercings: Just the standard earlobe pair
43. Bloodtype: B? I think?
44. Nickname: Rain! Rainy. Countless others.
45. Relationship status: shacked up with the boyfriend I just moved to another hemisphere with
46. Zodiac: Aries
47. Pronouns: She/Her
48. Favourite TV Show: THERE’S SO MANY. I remember loving Suits and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Black Books and The IT Crowd are also excellent.
49. Tattoos: None
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: Mmm I got my wisdom teeth taken out while I was sedated, I guess that counts? Nothing serious
52. Hair dyed in different color: Blue!
53. Sport: Am absolutely terrible at basically all of it, though once I got told I was a natural at horse-riding. I have also picked up (basic) waterskiing quite effortlessly. Everything else I am terrible at (occasionally just average at).
55. Vacation: These are really ... concise questions. I’m going to the States next year. Maybe if I get a job I’ll pop over to Europe or something this year.
56. Pair of trainers: One. Currently in a shipping container somewhere, I think.
57. Eating: currently nothing, but wanting: Pasta. Ramen. I miss carby delicious noodles oh my god
58. Drinking: ditto above but: Lemon and mint tea is real nice
59. I’m about to: Get ready to go to ITV Studios for an audience thing
61. Waiting for: Time to leave to go to aforementioned studios
62. Want: My brain to be more chill and to be happy
63. Get married: Yeah at some point
64. Career: WILDLY SUCCESSFUL novelist or graphic novelist
65. Hugs or kisses: How dare you make me choose (honestly the best kisses often entail hugs anyway)
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or taller: TALLERRRR
68. Older or younger: I’d rather older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship overall, though hook-ups have their place too
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: Oh haha yes
75. Drank hard liquor: Yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes, glasses, on a theme park ride. Amazingly, they got reutrned to Lost and Found and I recovered them.
77. Turned someone down: Yes
78. Sex in the first date: No
79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes
80. Had your heart broken: Ugh yes
81. Been arrested: No
82. Cried when someone died: No
83. Fallen for a friend: Only a very acquaintance-y friend, so I don’t think this really fits the spirit of the question
84. Yourself: Yes
85. Miracles: I mean, I believe in incredibly crazy coincidences/unexplained shit, but not miracles in a religious sense.
86. Love at first sight: Intense attraction at first sight that later blossoms into love, yes.
87. Santa Claus: No
88. Kiss on the first date: Yesssss 
89. Angels: No
90. Current best friends name: Lia
91. Eyecolour: Dark brown
92. Favourite movie: I like heaps but if people ask I’ll say The Matrix
TAGGING! @lucy-pepper @led-head @richard-are-youready @joewalshisokiguess @loserofliverpool @errol-harrison @stroyent @catscoffeeandcactuses @theoccultostrich @ccerebrum @hallowedbethybooty @annaturaldisaster @linnythealien @adamwildesdrawings @four-star-day-dream @whatsersurname @sardoniyx @jd-morrison @if-i-were-a-swan @and-all-that-you-give
(I don’t know why some of these names didn’t come up with links, I’m sorry D:)
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ofthewind01 · 7 years ago
Another Tag Thing
Tagged by @hyrulehearts1123​ - am I supposed to be doing things?
...Yes actually. But screw that.
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people.
1. What is your nickname?
I don’t have too many, I prefer my real name (which I’m not revealing), but I have been called Windy and Sketch a lot.
2. What is your zodiac sign?  
Taurus. Whoo.
3. What is your favorite book series?
I don’t read as many books as I used to, but the original Percy Jackson is up there.
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Not really.
5. Who is your favorite author?
Uhm...unsure. Again, I don’t read a lot. NEXT!
6. What is your current favorite song?
Ok, my favorite song pretty much changes weekly, but right now it’s a mix of Dangerous (Left Boy Remix), Two Birds and Older and Taller (Regina Specktor), Animal (Minor Key Version, Chase Holfelder), and who knows what else.
7. What is your favorite word?
Puscilanimous is a fun word. I like that one. I like many words. Too bad I can’t always speak them right.
8. What was the last song you listened to?
Closer + All Star Remix (DJ Dwibbit). I don’t even know why but it’s not bad.
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
The Great British Baking Show. It’s just so comforting, and honestly so much calmer than American Baking shows. Just so sweet and welcoming.
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
I spend more time on Youtube than on movies. It’s kinda sad. That and I overanalyze movies way too much. That being said, I just found an amazing movie called Ethel and Ernest and I’d highly reccomend that as a feel good (or feel bad) movie.
11. Do you play video games?
Heheheh no
12. What is your biggest fear?
Being unnoticed or unsuccessful. Or that I’m not doing enough. Or FOBO.
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
Uhm... I’m quiet? I’m not loud and obnoxious. Or interesting.
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
I’m too quiet, and really passive. And I have a weird way of jumbling the English language.
15. What is your favorite season?
Fall and Spring are especially pretty.
16. Are you in a relationship?
Good question.
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
Times where kids in the neighborhood would play outside together. Nowadays everyone is inside on their devices.
I’m not blaming them though, it’s friggin hot and humid down here in the day.
18. Who is your best friend?
I’ve got 4ish irl best friends, and some good friends all around, but I’m hoping to continue making new ones.
19. What is your eye color?
20. What is your hair color?
Brown. I’ve got the complexion of a turd.
21. Who is someone you love?
Family and close friends
22. Who is someone you trust?
Completely? Not many people. My parents? Probably?
23. Who is someone you think about often?
Characters I’ve made. It’s dumb but I think about fictional situations a LOT.
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
I just started concepting a new comic that I’m hoping will be a success - right now it’s got a bit more potential than my other ideas.
25. What is your biggest obsession?
Writing and art, and Youtube. All good.
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
I watched a lot of PBS kids as a child, we didn’t have cable. But Fetch with Ruff Ruffman was a good one I always loved.
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
Not really? I’m not that interesting. 
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
Behind. I want to work in film after all.
29. What is your favorite hobby?
Concepting, for art and stories alike.
30. What was the last book you read?
I haven’t read a book in a while =u=‘ I can’t remember. I’m probably going to read Les Miserables soon though.
31. What was the last movie you watched?
Ethel and Ernest. Great movie. Srsly.
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
I played French horn for a while, I could still pull that off.
33. What is your favorite animal?
EVERYTHING, mostly cats though. And dogs.
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
I don’t pay much attention to tumblr.
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
Flying. Or wind. Both very useful. However, the process of growing wings is awful.
Trust me I would know.
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
The beach at night.
37. What makes you smile?
Corny puns, being in good company, cracking bad jokes.
38. What sports do you play, if any?
I was in Marching Band for 4 years - IT’S A SPORT
39. What is your favorite drink?
Sweet Tea, original or wild berry.
40. Are you afraid of heights?
If I have no protection, yes.
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Arrogant people who will defend a point without compromise or insight. And sudden loud noises. And little brothers. Ahem.
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
A few, nothing hugely popular though. Mostly Christian stuff... I need to get out more.
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An artist? I didn’t think about jobs much, but I always wanted to create.
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
Something peaceful. Zootopia would be cool.
45. What is something you worry about?
I worry a lot ok that’s not new. What other people think of me is a big one.
46. Are you scared of the dark?
Only when alone.
47. Do you like to sing?
I’ve been in choir since kindergarden - what do YOU think?
48. Have you ever skipped school?
Nope. I was a good kid. Good and boring.
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
Not sure, I haven’t been too many places. Florida beaches are really nice though. And so are the North GA Mountains.
And LA is especially beautiful. It’s pretty much all of that rolled into one.
50. Where would you like to live?
Big city, big opportunities. Like where I live now - ATL.
51. Do you have any pets?
A skiddish cat and a younger brother.
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Early bird - I’m always the first one awake at a party. But I can play with the family pets then.
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
Sunsets. You don’t have to be up super early.
54. Do you know how to drive?
Yep. Not the best though, I’ve hit a parked car before.
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
Earbuds, they’re not as clunky.
56. Have you ever had braces?
Yep. For 2 years.
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
I’m not picky, but Alt. is my favorite.
58. Who is your hero?
Too many people, my parents are up there with people like Malala Yousafzai and John Lasseter. 
59. Do you read comic books?
Sometimes. I read a few webcomics, and run one myself though.
60. What makes you the most angry?
Sudden loud noises, and consistent loud noises. And arrogant world leaders. And arrogance in general.
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
Real book, I do get a bit more bored with electronic reading. Plus, books can’t die.
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
Art! And calculus. Not sure how that works.
63. Do you have any siblings?
A younger brother. He’s awful.
64. What was the last thing you bought?
...food probably. I like food. I think it was Moes.
65. How tall are you?
5′2″. It doesn’t help I’m skinny and short.
66. Can you cook?
I can, with a recipe. 
67. What are three things that you love?
Thinking, writing, drawing. 
68. What are three things that you hate?
Loud noises, rampant childishness, and those who think that the first two will give them power.
69. What is your sexual orientation?
I’m somewhere between straight and ace. Does that make sense?
70. Where do you currently live?
Georgia! Come for the who knows what, die of humidity.
71. Who was the last person you texted?
@hyrulehearts1123​ and another writing buddy. Yay writing buddies.
72. When was the last time you cried?
I think Sunday, for all of 10 seconds. I hate crying. I just do.
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
IHateEverything, as of right now. Having fun with that series.
74. Do you like to take selfies?
Sometimes, they don’t really turn out all that good though.
75. What is your favorite app?
If I had a favorite it would probably be iFunny.
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Pretty good, they’re great parents.
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
Children with accents - it’s just so friggin cute!
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
England, or anywhere in Europe really. I’ve never been there.
79. What is your favorite number?
Yours ;) jk I don’t have one
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
Space. Galaxies are breathtaking.
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
I’m pretty much the opposite of a daredevil.
82. Are you allergic to anything?
One type of obscure medicine. That’s about it.
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
Pretty often, even if it’s not my fault. That’s not healthy is it?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
I like both too much to choose. Forest (when safe) is probably better though.
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
“If you don’t feel stupid, you’re not working hard enough.” - My dad about working hard
87. Are you a good liar?
Occasionally. I wouldn’t let you know though.
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
Gryffendor and Hufflepuff. Gryfflepuff? 
89. Do you talk to yourself?
More than I talk to real people.
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert. 100% Unless I’m around extroverts. Then I’m a dork.
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
Only of story ideas.
92. Do you believe in second chances?
Yes, but it’s less likely someone deserves them after a long period of time of repeated actions.
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
Yeah, people can change. But people can also change back.
94. Are you ticklish?
I used to be... thanks friends.
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah, a bunch. Is that a new thing?
96. Do you have any piercings?
Nope, I hate needles. Hate them.
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
idk. All fictional characters have pros and cons to bringing them to the real world.
I’m too analytical aren’t I? Let’s just go with Calvin and Hobbes. They’re harmless.
98. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope. I’ve only thought about one, but, once again, NEEDLES.
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
When I switched from a public school to a private school.
100. Do you believe in karma?
Eh, not really. People make choices that affect them in the long run, that doesn’t mean it’s a supernatural thing.
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Nope. I’m the only one with perfect vision in my somewhat extended family, until you hit some of my cousins.
102. Do you want children?
I couldn’t handle more than one kid. Maybe a dog will work instead.
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
My dad, personally.
104. What is your most embarrassing memory?
I can’t think of anything ultra-embarrassing right now, but I have a tendency to screw up the english language in strange and creative ways.
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Only once, a while back. I need my beauty rest.
106. What color are most of you clothes?
Solid colors, mostly T-shirts. I look like a middle school boy most days. Not fun.
107. Do you like adventures?
Sure! I’m up for failing miserably.
108. Have you ever been on TV?
I was almost an extra in a Netflix movie - my family was up in New York City and we stumbled onto a set, and got to take part in it. I don’t think the scene was in the actual film though.
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
“Do not let anyone define you because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.”
-My senior quote, from Ratatouille 
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
Savory. Sweet isn’t bad though.
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you?
Most of them have (not too badly though) at some point, but I love them anyways.
113.  What is your favorite scent?
Home sweet home. Too bad you can’t bottle that one up.
114. Random fact you know?
Banging your head against the wall burns 150 calories an hour. Go try it.
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
They’re painful and tedious, and don’t always work out, but if the relationship is strong enough you’ll perservere. Why do you ask?
PS screw tagging people. Just screw it
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fab912 · 8 years ago
I was tagged byyyyyy @blurryfaceimagines! To answer all these questions. Now see, I would have answered them all my phone...but I’m not crazy. So on my laptop it was lolol. Anyways
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag however many people you want
1. Drink: Coke
2. Phone call: I think my friend RV on discord (I didn’t talk but darn it it was a call lol). If not that then my mom
3. Text message: My friend Kevin
4. Song you listened to: Die Anywhere Else from Night in the Woods
5. Time you cried: Last Tuesday I broke down
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Ive never even dated 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Never kissed anyone either 8. Been cheated on: Can’t be cheated on if I’ve never been involved in anything, eeeeey 9. Lost someone special: Yes/no? I mean it just hurt cause I knew em but I didn’t excessively know em. 10. Been depressed: …ya 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I don’t drink lololol. I’m a pretty boring person
 LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Most blues, green, and a darker red (way to go me lol)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yus! And I’m super thankful for all ya ;w; 16. Fallen out of love: Nah 17. Laughed until you cried: I wanna say yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I mean…if it was at work then I usually hear cause I hear all. Usually it’s just them mentioning me or something. If someone was talking bad about me, I would be like “Ouch…what did you want me to really care further?” 19. Met someone who changed you: I would say so, I think it’s mostly been good tho. 20. Found out who your friends are: I guess?? Kinda? I dunno? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I am a kiss virgin lol Smooch smooch ;3;
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: The majority of em I’d say. 23. Do you have any pets: While they’re not mine because I don’t pay for anything of em…my family has a parakeet, some fishes, and a dog. I just have to feed em sometimes and care for em. 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah, I’m good with it. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went to work. The exciting world of me working all the time, rip 26. What time did you wake up: Uh….12:43pm….listen I stayed up for late last night. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching hxh with bahare and the others 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Errrr….I dunno…the day all my loans are payed off? The day I get my own room/own space? The day I get a new computer so I can draw/animate? The day I feel motivated and don’t feel like a burden ;w; 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Yesterday night. She works today 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: That I could stop caring so much about what people think about me and that I could make myself happy. The need for validation. Whoops got too deep there lol 31. What are you listening right now: My meme song playlist on Spotify. So right now it’s Renai Circulation playing lol 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: We talking about Myspace Tom? Neighborhood friend Tom? …lol but yes I have, my 5th grade teacher was named Tom. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The fact that I both wanna draw and not. Too many ideas and yet when I get in front of my paper…I feel I have to draw what I “owe”….whoops 34. Most visited Website: Probably youtube due to the fact it’s what I watch/listen to at work. Then it might be Tumblr (since discord isn’t a website ;w; )
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: Nope 36. Mark/s: Well I have beauty marks on my face, arms, legs, hands, foot? And I have some freckles on my nose. And a birthmark on my stomach. I also think I may have a birthmark on the back of my right leg? 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be something successful…president or doctor. Then it changed to voice actor, and then an animator. And look where I am now….none of those things lol. But I’m happy for my job, it’s in the art field! :3 38. Haircolor: Dark brown (part of the reason I just color my hair black in my drawings, it’s so much easier lol) 39. Long or short hair: Medium? Right now it’s a bit passed my shoulders, but I may get it cut to shoulder length ish soon. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: I don’t know? Like I legit don’t know. I’m like Jumin Han…like I don’t know feelings of love or affection towards others that is not meant to be friendly lol 41. What do you like about yourself: I don’t really know? I like my kindness? I would like to think I’m kind/nice 42. Piercings: My ears 43. Bloodtype: I don’t actually know 44. Nickname: Well teeechnically ‘Jacky’ is a nickname lol. But I guess Fab is a nickname too. That’s about as far as that goes lol 45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Virgo 47. Pronouns: She/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Aw jeez….Steven Universe, Rick and Morty, Miraculous….uh…I’m sure there’s more but I’m suddenly drawing a blank 49. Tattoos: Nope! Although my mom has asked why I don’t get the Zelda triforce or Majora’s Mask. I wouldn’t cause I’m a wimp and kinda don’t want a mark, yknow? 50. Right or left hand: Right! 51. Surgery: See this is the weird thing…cause I think my mom mentioned I may have gotten a small surgery when I was suuuuper little? But I can’t remember the story? 52. Hair dyed in different color: Nope! Once a long time ago I wanted to die my hair a really dark blue. So my hair would shine blue all cool. But then I was like “nah I like my hair I guess” 53. Sport: AhahahaHAHAHAHAHA that would mean exercise. 55. Vacation: Yes plz. I mean…no yeah yes plz. I know it’s asking for a place but I would happy with a few days off of work even if I just stayed home 56. Pair of trainers: Am I that old that I don’t know that word? I can tell ya I only own like 3 pairs of shoes: my Nintendo hightops, a pair of black boots for colder weather, and some brown boot kinda things that are Converse (those are my 707 cosplay shoes, but I wear em sometimes with the pants I used for my Seven cosplay)
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: A peach 58. Drinking: Nothing actually 59. I’m about to: Probably force myself to draw or sketch some of these things gosh darn it 61. Waiting for: My sisters to get back from the store so we can make pasta cause I’m hungry 62. Want: A break (ok ok enough with the breaks and vacations from work lol). I dunno…food? To draw? To talk to people? All of the above!   63. Get married: I dunno. 64. Career: Well the job I have no is a career job I believe. Like I got a job in the industry right after I graduated. So I’m good being in this field tbh.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: I am veeeeeery awkward with physical contact. So whenever someone hugs me I just kind of freeze up. And kisses, meeeeeeeeeeh? 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes are the window to the soul in my case theyre as black as my soul I mean huh 67. Shorter or taller: Taller, but then again it’s not that hard to find someone taller than me lol 68. Older or younger: I kinda wanna say I prefer people who are closer to my age? As long as they are a bit mature or can be? And by closer to my age I mean like a few years difference in both directions. I feel if they’re closer to my age then we can kinda relate to each other’s problems a bit more 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t care? 71. Sensitive or loud: If they’re a good person I don’t think it should matter? 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I would prefer hesitant but I mean, I can’t control people. So they can be as they are. Like I said, if you’re a good and friendly person then that’s fine by me
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Noooo 75. Drank hard liquor: I don’t drink at all                                                                         76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I can’t say yeah or no. I usually just misplace em cause I don’t need to wear em. 77. Turned someone down: …yeah…in 2015 I was apparently a magnet? Or something? Cause 3 people told me they liked me in that year and one had asked me out. I turned em all down. They are all good people too but I just didn’t feel it. I felt bad for saying no to all of em, even tho it was super flattering 78. Sex on the first date: Dude, y’all would be lucky to even get a hug on the first date tbh 79. Broken someone’s heart: I mean going back to (77)…I don’t know if I did? I don’t know how much those people actually liked me? 80. Had your heart broken: No 81. Been arrested: Cops can’t catch me lololol 82. Cried when someone died: Yup 83. Fallen for a friend: I don’t know? I think it might infatuation? But I really don’t know? I’m seriously like the beginning of the Jumin Han route, like what are these feelings
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: magic? In a young girls heart lololol 84. Yourself: Sometimes 85. Miracles: Don’t see why not 86. Love at first sight: Eeeeh? 87. Santa Claus: The big red guy? Don’t think so people the easter bunny tho 88. Kiss on the first date: Listen, y’all can do what you want. I will give you a firm handshake or a pat on the shoulder/arm on the first date. If I like ya enough, you may even get a hug
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: Aaaaaaaaah…I don’t think I have no? I have friends who are a bit higher on my list but I don’t think I have a best friend? 91. Eyecolor: Super dark brown/almost black like my soul 92. Favorite movie: See I don’t know. But I do love Yellow Submarine a lot!
As for who I’m tagging? These are a lot. So if any of my mutuals wanna do it so I can learn more about you? If not that’s cool too! ^^
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countcalebwrites · 8 years ago
My military experience Pt. 1
I wanted to travel and get the fuck outta Louisiana. My dad and my brother had air force experience. I figured I’d join them. So I called a recruiter and started the process. My mother was really angry.
Shit man. A lot of my cousins around where I was raised are drug dealers. I was a late teenager who was homeschooled that wanted to get away without tons of college debt. The military just seemed like the answer. So I went to the recruiter. Had to train for a few months and make sure I was able to run and be in shape.
My body and running don’t mix. I have an uneven natural balance and my feet are large (I wear size 17) and rigid with no shock support. When I run, my back my hips, and my feet hurt. A lot. I remember running one morning and trying to take all the pain I possibly could and then fainting on the side of the road. This one lady stopped her car and said “oh I thought you were dead”
Anyway, my physical shape was acceptable. I still couldn’t run but I hoped that’d fix itself somehow down the line. I had to focus on the other part: passing the test to get in in the first place. So eventually I got transferred to a base in New Orleans. I had my own hotel room! (that I ended up sharing with this navy dude but whatever) My memory a little hazy but I remember there was a waitress at the restaurant connected to the hotel, and while we were eating, the navy dude made a motion like he was sucking her boobs. I don’t know why I felt the need to share that detail, but yeah. She did have big boobs I guess.
Anyway, we go to the base to take the tests. I think first test I took was the ASVAB. Something like that. Just know it’s an air force assessment test. I had sinus issues and my nose kept running while I was taking the test so I took it slower than my peers I remember. I didn’t want anyone to see my nose running so I waited a bit so I could sneak out unseen and maybe get to the bathroom for some tissue. When I walked out, I instantly get handed the test and everyone is looking at me and the guy is like “nice young man you got an 84!” and everyones looking at me and clapping. Then someone is like “yeah we were waiting on you, about time”
I’m just trying to make sure no one is noticing my nose running the whole time.
I was happy with my score. I didn’t study for the test or anything and it was high enough to get me the job I wanted: Cyber Systems Operator. My main goal with the military was to get computer science experience for 4 years and go get a programming job or something.
Anyway, I had to do physical tests too. The recruiter kept saying don’t mention things you don’t need to mention or you’ll probably get sent home. I understood what he meant. We had to take a drug test. I remember going to the bathroom and this black dude was like yeah do your thing brotha. I was like aight…
I was pretty proud of myself that I was able to piss on command like that. One dude kept having to go back and drink water.
I also remember us getting our blood drawn for something. This one army dude who kept talking all tough was yelling and screaming when the nurse went to draw his blood. The nurse was like “Are you really…a grown man..afraid of getting your blood drawn?”
When it was my turn she said “I hope you not gonna cry like that last guy” lmao
I remember a doctor having to examine me and he asked if I had any birthmarks and I told him I have one near my chest. He asked to see it and I said I didn’t feel comfortable taking my clothes off for that. He looked really annoyed. Later I get the same doctor for another test where he has to feel my balls for something. So I told him “well since you know….we’ve gone this far…I guess I can show you my birthmark. And sorry.”
He told me it didn’t matter anymore and he understood my anxiety.
After all that, it turns out I was SPECIAL and had to go to a doctor who wasn’t on the base about my ears and my feet. So I had to stay in the hotel again then head to the appointments they set for me
My new roommate was an army guy. I didn’t really know much about him but he liked putting the TV on cartoon network. He didn’t seem like he wanted to kill people or anything. Just some white dude who said he wanted to be a cook or something, I don’t remember.
So anyway, I head off to my appointments. I first went to a doctor for my foot. I remember a really hot receptionist chick. I was like damn I wish I lived in New Orleans. I was afraid to make eye contact with her!!! I felt so adultish, filling out paperwork and etc on my own while being afraid of a hot receptionist chick. The doctor talked to me and the whole convo was basically I don’t know if your foot can handle it but hey, might as well try. I agreed.
The other doctor I saw cleaned my ears and things suddenly were louder to me. That blew my mind. I had never really been to an ear doctor before and I didn’t know that was possible.
Blah blah. I go back to the base. After I wait in the waiting room for like 8 HOURS I finally got to go back home. I’m not exaggerating 8 hours. I saw Gridiron Gang and some other movie and I played Halo. I remember when I was playing Halo there was a black chick next to me giving me advice. She was like “you gotta shoot them!!” and I was like “thank you for telling me that I have to shoot people. in this shooting game” She was kinda cute but her yelling was making me nervous which is why I was just like ok I’ll just put the TV back on movies.
So fast foward I end up going back to the New Orleans base months later and I got sworn in as a trainee! I remember this one fellow air force dude said the plot to Inception was bothering him a lot so I tried to explain it. I don’t think my analysis got through to him, but whatever. We get our plane tickets and all that shit. I remember one dude was like “Damn our souls basically belong to the government now” and I was thinking “wow kinda late to be thinking about that huh??”
Fast forward we on the plane. I didn’t get seated next to my fellow air force ppl. I sat by this white lady leaving New Orleans. She was really nice to me. I was kinda spooked by it. I was like “why is this white lady being so nice, she plottin some shit??”
She asked if I was a boy scout or something cause I walked in with a bunch of other teen boys and I was like “Nah we air force” etc. She told me “Thank you for your service” and I was like “well I didn’t really do anything yet ma’am haha” (and I wanted to say I’m doing this to make a better life for myself not for the country but whatever)
I got off and got on another plane in Texas. This plane had a lot more military ppl on it. I sat by this black dude from chicago. He told me I seem really chill, then he pointed at a dude in front of us and said “see that dude? He’s 18. And married.”
“what an idiot. I’ll fuck a girl but I ain’t about to marry her you know??”
I just kinda nodded and said something like “heh yea I’m not tryna do relationships right now, especially marriage tho”
Off the plane. And the whole atmosphere changed. I suddenly felt anxious. I was right to feel that way.
Suddenly people are yelling “GET ON THE BUS” and etc. I realized this is it. This is the start of training. I got on the bus. They explained a bunch of shit to us and told us to walk in the building. This training instructor kept yelling NIKE and I was like who that. And I had a nike shirt on. He was talking about me. Oh shit. I don’t really remember much stuff here but I remember getting yelled at a lot. Stuff like “get up the stairs you moron!” and etc. I later found out these verbal insults are scripted and I shouldn’t take them to heart.
After a bunch of brainwashing seminars and shit we get sent to our dorm. The training instructor who escorted us there was this white man and he swore a few times. Then he told us that if we like rap then we shouldn’t be offended by the swearing. I guess his logic made sense. I didn’t really care but yeah.
The next day we get our REAL training instructor. A black dude. Dude was ripped. And terrifying cause he seemed like he had mood swings. Another  scripted Training Instructor trait. We had to go get our underwear, uniforms, etc. I remember when I had to get my boots. They didn’t have any boots in 17. I was confused. and afraid. I just took a random pair and walked off and this one lady called me back and gave me a pair of 16s. They fit pretty decently. But I was late because of all that. So when I rejoined with the group, the instructor was like “and that’s how you cuff your pants” and I was like “shit. this is gonna come back to haunt me isn’t it??”
It did. I got yelled at for not having my pants cuffed properly several times.
Here’s another thing about my foot: I also can’t stand for long periods of time. I can walk around just fine. But standing in place hurts too. I get fidgety and shift my body to stop the pain. That got noticed by my instructor very quickly–he eventually pulled me aside and asked me what my problem was. I told him and he told me I should go to the doctor soon.
I went to the emergency room. These two chicks had basically graduated from training were there for something, don’t really remember. They asked what was wrong and I said my foot. They went “Awww” and I honestly didn’t know how to take it because there’s this kinda toxic masculine culture I picked up quickly in the military so I couldn’t tell if they were being sarcastic or really saying “aww poor you”
Anyway, I saw the doctor. He told me “hah, you’re fucked” after looking at my foot, which was turning blue. In those words. He asked where I was from and I told him. He mentioned the term “Coonass” that he picked up from when he was stationed in Louisiana. When I told him “coonass” is probably a racist term, he told me “whoa woops I didn’t know.”
He told me he liked me cause I was really laid back and jokey with him despite all what was going on and wrote a waiver saying I can sit or exclude myself from physical activity whenever I wanted.
Hell yeah! (Kinda)
I wasn’t going to be able to graduate with that waiver, so in the end, it was just a temporary relief thing.
I took a psych eval test somewhere in this week and it asked all kinda questions about mental state, suicide, depression, etc. I admitted I was depressed. It was very depressing being in this hostile environment with a foot that was preventing me from doing everything properly.
I later got called in by the psych eval people. I was really worried that saying I was depressed was gonna get me in trouble or something. Turns out I had left a question blank.
“Have you ever considered suicide?”
Well….damn. I think I spaced out when I saw that question. I told the truth. I did as a younger teen. (and I was getting close to there in this situation, because I felt like dead weight and my brain was going numb, but I wasn’t going to tell that psych eval dude that)
He asked why I didn’t do it and I told him because it would bring too much stress on my family. That was that. Back to my dorm. I had an appointment scheduled for my foot (a doctor that wasn’t an ER doctor). Somewhere in all that, I remember we had this speech by this Carl Winslow looking ass instructor. He walked in and said “Yo ass is grass, and I’m the lawnmower.”
My dad told me that quote a lot. I smiled because I finally realized where he got it from.
I didn’t smile after he told us that the government owns us and could sentence us to death if we don’t cooperate though.
Anyway, I remember going to church. You (kinda) have to go. You don’t HAVE to, but if you don’t, you gotta stay back in the dorm and clean up. I’d rather pretend to listen than do that. So yeah. There were two sessions. First session was this small study session or something. This lady put on this christian military music video and I found it a perfect time to nap a bit, as I was pretty sleep-deprived. I woke up and this dude was crying saying it was so touching to see the story of the troop guy coming home to his wife. I was like “yea dope or whatever” (I didn’t see it, as I slept)
After that, we got to the main part of the church. There were different kinds of services you could go to. Even wiccan! But I chose christian, cause I didn’t really want to stand out or anything. It was ALL PROPAGANDA.
Like extremely. The preacher said God wants you to go fight and God doesn’t like cowards. I was like “Alrighty then” and started tuning out anything after that. Whack ass shit.
Fast forward, got to go to my doctor’s appointment. The air force was coming off some type of sex abuse scandal, so the rule was: you can only travel in groups of 2 or more. You cannot travel alone. So I had a partner to come with me. I went to my doctor’s appointment and the doctor told me my foot issue will probably only get worse and I should probably seperate from the military unless I can somehow numb the pain. Damn. I walk out, and my wingman is gone. I was stranded at the damn’s doctor office for hours and I ended up missing lunch. Cool.
I remember calling the office for my dorm and explaining my situation. He kept saying “Trainee, where’s your wingman?” and I kept saying “I don’t know.” Then he said “”You are a waste of The USA’s resources. Goodbye.” and hang up. That kinda hurt my feelings lmao but the doctor near me told me “well it’s not your fault”
That was that. I got transferred to another dorm later. I’ll continue this another time and talk about what happened in that dorm and the end of my military career.
P2 here
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wrath-and-ruin · 8 years ago
Rules: Answer 92 statements and (if you want) tag some people. Thank you @savvy-mutant-turtle-banger for the tag!
Last: 1. Drink? Earl grey 2. Person you called? Husby 3. Person you texted? Step mother 4. Song you listened to? Power by Little Mix 5. Time you cried? Uhhhhm… like a month ago? Maybe…? 6. Dated someone twice? I guess if you count taking a break in a major relationship as ‘dating twice’ then like 6 years ago. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it? About 13 years ago. Got a bit too drunk… 8. Been cheated on? Yeah, about 6 years ago. 9. Lost someone special? My afi in 2006, a close friend in 2000. 10. Been depressed? Battling on and off for the past 8 years. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? About 8 moths ago. Drank and then smoked pot… silly me. Always do it the other way around.
List 3 favorite colours: 12. Burgundy 13. Byzantium 14. Cobalt
In the last year, have you: 15. Made new friends? Made a couple of really awesome ones right here on Tumblr, but I’m usually a pretty social person, and with my job I’m always meeting new people and making new friends. 16. Fallen out of love? Well… recently went through a bit of a rocky patch in my relationship (won’t get into details) but we were able to figure stuff out.. so no… as of yet. 17. Laughed until you cried? Of course. I love to laugh. 18. Found out someone is talking about you? Haven’t really found out anything specific… but I’m sure someone is. Some people don’t appreciate that I’m very upfront. 19. Met someone who changed you? I’ve met some pretty awesome people this year, and I do think a couple of them have positively influenced me, yes. 20. Found out who your friends are? I’ve known that for a long time. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list? Yup. Husby irl.
General: 22. How many on your Facebook list do you know? The majority. It’s rare I accept a friend request from someone I don’t know. 23. Do you have pets? One snake, Hubert. 24. Want to change your name? Uhm… no. Don’t think so. 25. Something you did for your last birthday? Dyed my hair purple. 26. What time did you wake up today? 7:05 approximately. 27. What were you doing last night at midnight? That’s rated MA… 28. Something you can’t wait for? To travel. 29. Last time you saw your mom? On Thursday. 30. Favorite food? Japanese. 31. What are you listening to right now? My kids laughing at the show they are watching in the other room… sounds like Transformers RID. 32. Talked to a person named Tom? This is a weird ass question. Yes, I’ve talked to a Tom. 33. Something that gets on your nerves? Passive aggressive people. Jut say what you mean, don’t do that manipulative read between the lines bullshit. 34. Most visited website? Oh… Uhm, probably a four way tie between Google, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Deviantart. 35. Background? Like… my heritage or my phone background? Phone is a snake… heritage is all over he place, but mostly Norwegian, Austrian, and Irish. 36. What are you wearing right now? A bra and sweatpants cuz it’s my day off! Woot! 37. Hobby? Way too fucking many. I write and draw, dance, do a bit of woodworking, play around with the forge, hike when I can, and read of course. 38. Hair colour? Natural is like a sandy blonde, but it’s currently half dyed, and the lower bit is a lighter golden blonde. 39. Long hair or short? Long 40. Do you have a crush on anyone? A few… 41. One thing you really like about you? I would have to say my confidence. We all have flaws, but the fact that I’ve made it to a place where I am quite comfortable with myself makes me really proud. 42. Piercings? Two in each ear 43. Blood type? This seems like an unnecessary thing for people to know… 44. Relationship status? Technically common law, but I call him husby because it’s been 10 years, and we are practically married. 45. Zodiac? Gemini 46. Nicknames? My full name is technically Jessi, but everyone calls me Jess. One of my best friends call me Jay. 47. Pronouns? I’m a she 48. Favorite TV show? Game of Thrones 49. Tattoos? None yet, but I’ve got plans for a few. 50. Right handed or left handed? Right 51. Have you ever had surgery? No. A couple kids and some broken bones but no surgery. 52. Favorite scent? Cinnamon, campfire smoke, sawdust, rain, freshly brewed coffee. 53. Sport? UFC, though I’ll watch football from time to time. 54. Vacation? I wish. Been all over Canada and the US, but I haven’t vacationed in a long while.
There were no 55 or 56 so BONUS QUESTIONS: 55. Fears? Dolls and clowns *shudder* 56. Aspirations? Wanna be a teacher. Wanna see the world.
More general: 57. What are you eating? A banana and some cashews. 58. What are you drinking? Coffee. 59. I’m about to? Go pay some bills. 60. What is one thing you are waiting for? To move. 61. One thing you want? More time to write and draw. 62. Getting married? Perhaps, eventually. Not in any huge rush. We’re already practically married, the rest is just paperwork as far as I’m concerned. 63. Career? Bartender and manager/supervisor.
Which is better? 64. Hug or a kiss? Well its rare that a kiss doesn’t come with a hug in my experience, so kiss. 65. Lips or eyes? Lips. Holy hell a man with a nice mouth… unf. Panty soup over here. 66. Shorter or taller? Taller. Like wayyyy taller. I have a size kink. 67. Older or younger? Preferably older. 68. Children or no children? Already got some. 69. Nice arms or nice stomach? Oh come on?! I don’t wanna choose! I want him to be shredded… like he could pick me up and crush me! 70. Random hookup or relationship? Currently, relationship, back in the day, hookups were preferable. 71. Troublemaker or hesitant? I bring the trouble.
Have you ever? 72. Kissed a stranger? Yes. 73. Drank hard liquor? Yes. 74. Lost glasses or contracts? Don’t have either… though I’ve lost my sunglasses a few times. 75. Turned someone down? On a regular basis… story of a bartender’s life. 76. Sex on a first date? Back in the day. 77. Broken someone’s heart? Yup. 78. (MAKING THIS ONE UP BECAUSE AGAIN THERE WAS A MISSING NUMBER) Broken someone’s face? Yup. 79. Had your heart broken. Once. 80. Been arrested? … maybe… 81. Cried when someone died? Yes. 82. Fallen for a friend? In high school.
Do you believe in: 83. Yourself? Yes. 84. Miracles? No. Make shit happen. 85. Love at first sight? Sure. 86. Santa Claus? No. 87. Kiss on a first date? If it went well. 88. Angels? I believe that ghosts and spirits are real, whether I would call them angels… probably not. 89. (ANOTHER MISSING NUMBER) Life after death? I think I’m a tiny speck in the universe and that there is no possible way for me to know exactly what awaits me. The possibilities are endless. There might be something I could never have imagined, or there might be nothing at all.
Other: 90. Name of current best friend? Stephanie. 91. Eye colour? Blue. 92. Favourite movie? Hmm that’s a tough one. I love Gladiator, Shawshank Redemption, the Hobbit trilogy, As Above So Below, the Secret of NIMH (I realize that’s a cartoon but it was my favorite as a kid and the animation is so dark and beautiful, so go ahead and judge me).
This one is a bit loaded, so I won’t tag anyone. If you want to do this please do!! I’d love to learn about all of you!!
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ladyofthecampfires · 8 years ago
1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?I would read a bunch more.2. What is your favorite piece of clothing you own / owned?I like my plaid shirts that I stole from my brother3. What hobby would you pick up if time & money weren’t an issue?I would take piano lessons and art lessons4. What does your perfect room look like?A small room in a log cabin with a big bed and a bunch of fluffy blankets and floor rugs with Zapotec patterns.5. How often do you play sports?Pretty much never6. What fictional place would you like to visit?The Shire. Very much the Shire.7. What job would you be terrible at?Motivational speaker or counselor 8. When was the last time you climbed a tree?I don’t know9. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a medal for?I really don’t know. I’m not super talented at much.10. What is the most annoying habit that you or other people have?Speaking over others. Other people do that, I don’t :p11. What job do you think you’d be really good at?Proofreader 12. What skill would you like to master?Learning to draw would be cool13. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?A camping adventure! In some mountains somewhere14. If you had unlimited funds to build a house to live on for the rest of your life, what would the finished house look like?A nice cozy log cabin15. What’s your favorite drink?Depends on my mood. I do like Dr Pepper though :p16. What state or country do you never want to go back to?Don’t think I’ve been anywhere I hated17. What songs do you have completely memorized?Way too many to list18. What game or movie universe would you like to live in?Tolkien universe would be incredible19. What do you consider to be your best find?My brother found a homemade wand in the middle of the woods. I didn’t find it but it’s mine now.20. Are you usually early or late?Almost always early. I’m scared of being late.21. What pets did you have when you were growing up?Cats, dogs and I had a hamster for a while22. When people come to you for help, what do they usually need help with?Proofreading something haha 23. What takes up too much of your time?Worrying about things I can’t control 24. What do you wish you knew more about?Literally everything. Religion and mythology? 25. What would be your first question after waking up from being frozen for 100 years?Can I go back to sleep?26. What are some small things that make your day better?Talking to friends, coffee, my pets27. Who’s your go-to band or artist when you don’t know who or what to listen to?Frank Turner or the Hamilton soundtrack 28. What’s the best way to start the day?
The way I started it yesterday morning actually. A cup of coffee, donuts and the comics page of the newspaper 29. What TV shows do you like?Currently American Gods, Preacher, Brooklyn Nine-Nine 30. What TV channel doesn’t exist but really should?One that runs Harry Potter and LotR marathons just 24/7 31. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?I’m sure there are people but I can’t think of any right now 32. What age do you wish you could stay at permanently?
I feel like 10 was good 33. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?13 Reasons Why 34. What’s your ideal way to spend a weekend?It depends on my mood I guess. A nice balance of going out and staying in. Yeah that’s vague but I’m too lazy to think about it. 35. What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don’t think you could live without?Sanitary products, according to the government 36. What is your claim to fame?I won a battle of the bands contest once? 37. What is something you enjoy doing the old-fashioned way?I dunno38. What’s your favorite book or movie genre?Fantasy I think 39. How often do you people-watch?Sometimes 40. What have you only recently formed an opinion about?I didn’t really think about politics much until I got to college 41. What’s the best day of the year?I don’t think there is one 42. What subject interests you that not many people have heard of?Paleography!! 43. How do you relax after a long day of work?Browse tumblr 44. What’s the best book series or TV series you’ve ever read or watched?Hannibal? Maybe? 45. Where is the farthest you’ve ever been from home?Went to Rome last year 46. What’s the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen?Once when it snowed at school I was watching from my dorm window at like midnight when several kids came outside and started making snow angels on the lawn. It was just really serene47. What is the most annoying question people ask you?Why are you so quiet? 48. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation?Roman stuff probably if I didn’t die of a panic attack first49. If you were the dictator on a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do?I would resign immediately and put someone better in charge 50. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?Get to know someone completely different from them 51. Would you rather go hand gliding or whitewater rafting?Rafting! 52. What’s your dream car?Something reliable with good mileage 53. What’s worth spending more on to get the best?Food, relationships 54. What is something a ton of people are obsessed with, but you just don’t get?Sex 55. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?Being settled and hopefully happy with where I am 56. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?Rome! 57. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but haven’t gotten around to it?Dunno 58. What is the best thing that happened to you last week?I graduated lol 59. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind, only to experience it for the first time again?Hannibal 60. If all jobs had the same pay rate and hours, what job would you want to have?Musician61. What amazing thing have you done that no one was around to see?No idea 62. How different was your life 1 year ago?I was still in college 63. What quirks do you have?I’m sure I have some but I can’t think of any 64. What would you rate 10/10?Sleeping 65. What fad or trend do you think should come back?Dunno66. What is the most interesting piece of art you’ve seen?the Bernini statues in Rome were beautiful67. What kind of art do you enjoy most?Dunno, not that into art68. What do you hope never changes?I don’t know69. What city would you most like to live in?Don’t like cities that much70. What movie title best describes your life?I can’t think of any71. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?I’m not doing anything right now72. What’s the best way a person can spend their time?Making someone else smile73. If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make?Art74. Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?Cloudcroft New Mexico!75. What’s the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you?Don’t know76. Where would you rather be from?Northern California sounds nice, up in the mountains77. What are some things you’ve had to unlearn?Bodyshaming, misogyny, junk like that78. What do you look forward to in the next 6 months?No idea79. What website do you visit most often?Tumblr80. What one thing do you really want but can’t afford?Lasik surgery81. Where do you usually go when you have free time?My room I guess82. Where would you spend all your time if you could?In some mountains somewhere83. What’s special about the place you grew up?Six Flags?84. What age do you want to live to?Dunno85. What are you most likely to become famous for?Nothing86. What are you absolutely determined to do?Keep being a good person87. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?Play bass? I guess?88. What do you wish you knew more about?A lot of stuff89. What question would you most like to know the answer to?Not sure90. What question can you ask to find out the most about a person?I don’t know91. When was the last time you changed your opinion or belief about something major?Eh I don’t know92. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?Someone told me I had a cute nose once93. As the only human left on earth, what would you do?Do something like try to scale Mt. Everest and probably die there94. Who inspires you to be better?No one I can think of95. What do you want your epitaph to be?Dunno96. What haven’t you grown out of?I like playing in mud/sand. Is that weird? I don’t do it unless I’m at the beach or something though97. In what situation or place would you feel most out of place in?Pretty much everywhere98. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?Not sure99. If someone wrote a book on an event in your life, what would the book be about?It would be a pretty boring book, don’t know100. What’s something you will never do again?Plenty of things101. How do you hope you’ll change as a person in the future?Hope I can be a better and kinder person102. What keeps you up at night?Depends103. What’s the most surprising self-realization you’ve had?You like girls, it’s fine104. What is the most illegal thing you’ve ever done?I smoked weed once :o105. How do you get in the way of your own success?Second-guessing myself106. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?Nothing107. What is your biggest regret?There’s plenty108. What do you look down on people for?Being willfully ignorant109. What bridges do you not regret burning?With an ex110. What lie do you tell most often?Not sure111. What would be your spirit animal?Dunno112. What is the best & worst thing about getting older?Freedom/responsibility113. What are you most likely very wrong about?How to fix a car114. If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?Dunno115. What’s happened that changed your view on the world?The election116. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?Can’t pick117. What is the most immature thing you do?I dunno, I’m pretty mature I think118. What are you famous for among your friends & family?Nothing119. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be?Dirt120. What one responsibility do you wish you didn’t have?Having to work121. What are 3 things you want to accomplish before you die?Find something I like to do, find someone I want to share my life with, travel somewhere cool122. What do you want to tell your 10-year-old self?Try not to worry so much but also don’t trust people123. What’s the best thing you got from your parents?My sense of humor124. What’s the best thing about you?I care a lot?125. What blows your mind?Space126. Have you ever saved someone’s life?No127. What are you really good at but embarrassed to be good at?Don’t know128. What would a mirror opposite of you look like?Elegant129. What are 3 interesting facts about you?I can’t think of anything right now130. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?I have one on my stomach from surgery when I was a baby?131. What’s the title of the current chapter in your life?Aimless132. What were some of the biggest turning points in your life?Going to college133. What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned?You can’t always make things go the way you want134. What do people think is weird about you?I’m not very talkative135. What mistake do you keep making?I dunno136. What have you created that you’re most proud of?Dunno137. What do you doubt?My judgment138. What are some of your morals?Be a good person139. What do you want to be remembered for?No idea140. What do you regret not doing in your childhood years?Learning a second language141. What is your favorite fragrance?Pine trees!142. What do you think your last words will be?No idea143. Who or what do you take for granted?Dunno144. Why would you be annoying as a roommate?I feel like I’m a pretty good roommate. Maybe I’m around too much.145. What is something you’re insecure about?Literally everything146. What’s the best & worst piece of advice you’ve received?Dunno147. What irrational fears do you have?Emetophobia, also don’t love heights148. What makes a good life?Helping others149. What’s the last adventure you went on?Went to a concert on Saturday? Is that an adventure?150. What is the most memorable gift you’ve received?I can’t think of anything right now
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datingadviceonreddit · 7 years ago
Good evening to all ladies and gents visiting this subbreddit, I would just like to say first that I appreciate the time taken to read through this text and that I am thankful for any clarification and/or advice you could provide. I have discussed my issue with various people, but just can’t seem to put my finger on the exact problem. I must apologize for the length of this post, but I am in no way forcing you to read it if you considered it too long, dull, pathetic, etc. I tried to explain my situation to the finest detail, because I am in serious need of either reasoning or advice (or both). With that being said, let's see what we have here:I met this girl about three and a half years ago, in a town not too far from my hometown. I was having a gig with my band, in which I'm the singer and bassist, so you could say that I’m sort of in the main spotlight when it comes to performing, and if I may say so without sounding arrogant, I do a fine job at it. I don’t normally look at the crowd while I play, but this particular night I noticed a remarkable set of eyes glaring at me the whole evening, attached to a very fine-looking young girl, and I thought to myself “Well that’s something you don’t see every day”.After a couple of days, I noticed a friend request on Facebook, which wasn’t unusual at all - after every gig there was bound to be someone who would add you, but there was no mistake about this one; it was the same girl, in all her stunning beauty, and a few hours after I accepted her request she messaged me, asking unusually interesting, eloquent, and conversation-opening questions. We continued to talk every other day, and for her 18th birthday (she is five years younger than me) I decided to surprise her, and with the help of a few common friends, I showed up at her b-day party unexpected. To say that she was ecstatic would be an understatement. I also learned from the same friends that she would go on and about me for days before I arrived, telling her closest friends how much she admired me and how much she is attracted to me.I kissed her on a friend’s balcony the same night, truly a romantic moment, filled with passion and longing, with the moon shining over us, the summer breeze blowing lightly, and all that jazz. She went home afterwards and I crashed at a different friend’s place.The following morning she left for a two-week vacation with her mother, but we remained in contact nearly every day, despite the scarce availability of internet connection on her side. We were counting days down and I felt like a little girl waiting for her to return. When she did, I immediately traveled to her town and spent a total of four days with her.The best four days of my life. Understandably, her mother would not allow for me to sleep at her place because I was a fairly new person in her life, so we would stay together every night until about 4am, I would sleep for a few, wait for her mother to go to work and then sneak into her flat and spend the whole day with her. I didn’t mind, she was worth every damn bit of it.The chemistry between us was insane, I could feel her with every fiber of my being, and I felt so very loved at the same time. The sex was unbelievable, it felt as if our bodies were designed for each other, and everything she did seemed divine to me - from her moves, to the sounds she’d make. At the peak, she would let out strong chuckles of ecstasy and passion, all the while begging for me not to stop. The mere thought of it sends shivers throughout my body. No topic was left uncovered, there was never a dull moment, and when there was silence, it was the beautiful, soothing, relaxing silence where you simply co-exist with the person right next to you in absolute harmony.I gave her a gift when I arrived - an intricate drawing of a mandala, and a hand-engraved wooden necklace with her initial on it, both hand-made (I’ve been making all kinds of artsy stuff since I was very young). She wears the necklace to this very day, and the drawing is stashed someplace safe. She was flabbergasted when she saw them, explaining how she didn't received many gifts in her life and that she doesn’t know how to react properly when she receives something nice and thoughtful.All her friends adored me, thought and openly said how I was interesting, unusual, exotic, and what not. My band was fairly popular on the underground alternative scene, so it wasn't uncommon for someone to approach me and say things like "Ay, you sing in that band, you guys effing rock!" despite the fact that I've never been in that town before. I even got to hang out with her mother (her parents are divorced), and she spoke highly of my manners and my respect towards older people, as well as the gifts I had given to my girl. When I left the room, she told me that her mother crossed herself (in a religious act) and said "Oh good lord, finally you found somebody who's awesome. He seems so nice and kind."Alas, the fourth day, hell started.I was getting ready to head back home and I noticed that she was awfully quiet and distant. I asked if everything is okay before I entered the bus, and she said she’s fine. A quick glimpse of her as I was pulling away from the dock saw her frantically typing on her phone with a worried expression on her face.Two hours later, I received a message that said that she can’t be with me, that she’s incredibly sorry for twisting me around and something else, I can’t remember, I pushed it back deep into secluded corridors of the mind. I asked her whether she just needs some time to think it over, and she responded with “No, it has to be this way, I’m sure of it. I’m sorry”I’ve never felt too much female love. Grew up with an emotionally detached and incredibly strict mother and an utterly cold older sister, so no love there. I’ve had girls, many of them, of all ages and nations, but nothing could compare to this girl. I never felt something like this before. I showed up in her town a couple of weeks later unannounced and asked her via text whether she would go on a walk with me and tell me what’s going on. She refused saying how “it wouldn’t be a good idea” and told me it would be better for me to leave. I went back home, broken and hopeless.An awful period of crippling depression and self-destruction followed. I drank heavily, a full bottle of something distilled every day, Stock 84 or Red Label whisky, the majority of it during night hours, depriving myself of normal sleep for multiple days in a row at times. When alcohol wouldn’t help, I opted for heroin, which would soothe me during the fix, but the aftermath would devour me. Please note that I'm not trying to make a glorified martyr out of my image, nor do I think any of these actions should be considered adequate or "cool", but am simply trying to better explain to you all the amount of pain I felt at the time. It was terrible, and I condemn my actions heavily.At the peak of my insanity, I decided to ask fate, God, call it what you will, whether there was any point in going on. I played three rounds of Russian roulette with three bullets placed inside the cylinder for the sake of balancing out the odds, on the 15th, 19th and 21st day of that month. All three times the gun clicked and I realized that I had to move on. I got clean cold turkey and did everything I could to occupy my mind during days that followed by working hard, drawing, painting, composing music and writing poetry. I tattooed the three dates on my ribs as a constant reminder of the darkness that entangled me and carried on.A few months later I received a message from her on Facebook, a long and sorrowful apology in which she said many things. To sum it up, she said that what I met is not the real her and that she’s going through a lot at the moment, and that words cannot express how sad she is for what she did to me. I responded with “It’s okay, one day you will understand.” and nothing else. All contact ceased, and for a while I had no idea what she was up to, and thought it was for the best.Two years later, I gave an interview for a local magazine about my band’s upcoming album and as I was walking back home I felt something in the air, as if time itself has shifted into a different period. I thought of her, and what she is doing (knowing that she enrolled at my hometown’s university and that she, in fact, now lives somewhere pretty close to me) but I decided that I don’t need to dig old wounds.Few hours later, I received a very long message from her. I couldn't believe it, it looked like something from a movie and it felt like reading the words of a ghost. She said how she had read my interview, and how she’s really happy for me and how she’s sure the album will be awesome because I am awesome and that she hopes I’m doing ok. She also said she understands if I don’t wish to respond to it, that she simply had the need to reach out. I responded to it some time later with a positive tone, and we went on to chat deep into the night. She said she wanted to explain what had happened and I asked her to meet up so she could tell me in person. This time, she accepted.When we got together, to my shock, she explained how at the moment when our thing was happening, she was actually together with another person for nearly two years. She said that it was bothering her heavily, that the relationship felt like a choke, and that she saw freedom in me that she lunged towards without a second thought. However, when she took into consideration the various facts, like the fact that I am from another city, she panicked (despite my particular line of work not demanding a fixed location) and bailed out, out of fear of what could've been. She said that she realized how big of a mistake she made less than a month later, but thought that it was too late to change anything at that point. I told her that I wished she would've tried at least, but understood that she had her share of issues that she couldn't cope with with me being in the picture. I still felt a great deal of chemistry going on between us, but learned that she was with a different boyfriend at the time so I decided not to make any moves. We wrapped the night up with a long talk on all the topics imaginable to man, I walked her to her flat, and then went home, confused beyond measure.At that point, my head exploded with hope and over the following year (up to today) I've kept an eye on her activities. Not stalking, but rather monitoring. We hung out on a couple of occasions, and every time I would feel something strong still lurking between us, but she was somewhat reserved. This one time I was about to say something random to her and I made kind of a sweet introduction with a compliment to her, to which she stopped me and said "Please don't say something nice". I wasn't planning on, but her reaction intrigued me heavily.I gave her another gift not too long ago - a set of plywood slabs, connected together on a single, larger slab, about 60cm (23 inches) in width in total, with Armenian letters forming a text about the beauty of infinite love hand-engraved into it (she doesn't know what it says, but I promised that I would translate it to her one day). I've been making it for the past two years and once it was finished I was torn between destroying it and giving it to her, opting for the latter in the end. She was bewildered by it, and couldn't believe how beautiful it was, and again couldn't find the words to express her gratitude. I also detected a hint of worry on her face, and I feared that I may have made her feel uncomfortable.I learned also from a common friend that she is currently with a different boyfriend for about three months now, somebody who that friend didn't speak of too highly, calling him a "pansy" and "completely uninteresting". It worried me, but I didn't put too much thinking into it. There was no indication on her online account that she was taken, no pictures, statuses, nothing. Couple of weeks ago, feeling I could no longer contain all the love, I recorded a live session dedicated to her, of me playing the guitar and singing, two songs of my own and a cover of a song me and her would use to play a lot while we were together. I haven't had the opportunity to give her the recordings yet because she is being awfully elusive as of lately. I was the first to initiate a conversation online for a couple of times in a row recently, and I feel that I am beginning to push it and making my intentions obvious, which I don't know how will result, and therefore cannot stop obsessing about. I am over-analyzing everything she does and says, even the songs she posts on her Facebook account, and I feel like I am spiraling out of control, all because I am too afraid of losing her again, definitely.It might be unnecessary to mention, but I haven't even looked at a single woman since she re-appeared with any romantic or sexual interest. I would find all kinds of flaws on them the moment I spoke to them, while considering the girl to be perfect in every way possible.So this is what I ask of you, all of you who've had the patience to read through this huge block of text - would you advise me to act or wait? Waiting kills me, for I feel useless and I hate leaving important things for them to work themselves out on their own, but I fear that by directly acting I am rushing it too much and head-on facing a problem that shouldn't be tackled head-on.My main problem is that she is being elusive and very reserved at times, and then enigmatically emotional on a different occasion. She would sometimes say how I am her ex and that she thinks it would be a mistake to lose contact, and then the next time I see her I would be giving her a full body massage where she would literally be lying on her stomach naked (I finished many massage courses, and she has plenty of knots that need breaking, that's how we got to it), or we would be having deep, conceptional conversations on the most interesting of topics. I cannot know whether she's playing with me and keeping me as a reserve, or longing for me all the while wrapped up in a new batch of personal issues.I do not care about her boyfriend, nor will I ever. I do not know him, and I don't know whether she loves him, but I am certain that he cannot say the things I can to her, feel her the way I did, and love her with such strength and passion as I do. Call me an arrogant asshole who thinks he knows better than anyone else, and I will only shrug, convinced that what I feel is pure. I would do literally anything for another chance, although I fear the disappointment I may end up with in the end. Is there any hope, or am I just being delusional?Am I being fucked with, kept as a backup option, or is she unable to let go, while being scared at the same time? Should I find out now or let it unravel on its own?TL;DR Met a girl, fell crazily in love with her, she left me after four days, re-appeared with certain reservation, I went through hell without her, I want us to get back together more than anything and can't even look at another girl with any interest, she keeps hinting but not committing, I know what I want to do but I'm not sure how to do it.P.S. I apologize for any mistakes, English is not my native language.Godspeed via /r/dating_advice
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lolaetfox · 8 years ago
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07.18.17 | New life, New Goals 
 I am in a season of transition.
Maybe it’s a stretch to use the Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief (or changer curve?) analogy, I think I`m on the bargaining step. The honest truth is that it still hurt. It hurt in a way, so specifically, my heart automatically began putting up a protective wall, so I isolated and I haven`t walk away. But, during this period of total confusion and lack of financial independence, at least I was able to read, watch, listen to many self-help topic podcasts and reflect on my down times. I`m slowly building myself back after tons of wake up calls.
I wrote down a few goals on paper for the first time. After all, every self-help book, videos, even podcasts state setting goals is beneficial for starting over as a fresh start. I just found out, there`s a mind blowing study in the Harvard MBA program showed only 3 percent of the students had written goals and plans to accomplish them, 13 percent had goals in their minds but haven’t written them anywhere and 84 percent had no goals at all. After 10 years, the same group of students were interviewed again and the conclusion of the study was totally astonishing. The 13 percent of the class who had goals, but did not write them down, earned twice the amount of the 84 percent who had no goals. The 3 percent who had written goals were earning, on average, 10 times as much as the other 97 percent of the class combined. See? Mindblowing! It inspired me to write down my goals.    
 Here`s my goals:
1. Clean eating so I can feel energetic, lower sugar & greasy food consumption.
2. Make eating raw garlic as a daily habit & do detox every once in a while
3. Have a work-life balance, well-rested 
4. Be in shape & have a transformation photo
 5. Workout at least 30mins everyday 
 1. Start a 1 hour daily devotion to God’s word 
2. Sing more praises & worship
3. Cheerful giving back to people in needs. Always keep in mind that Jesus himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
4.  Testify about God works, both to personal or to crowds 
1. Earn twice as much as my previous salary 
2. Saving money consiously. I aspire to be to "sort of okay” with money. 
3. Start investing. On long term goal hopefully I can invest on properties to be rented to gain a passive income. I`m at the age where I`m supposed to learn how to be one of those people who takes money and turns it into more money.
1. Get a 9 to 5 job with a stable income. I will make a living out of something I love & enjoy doing. 
2. Working on my side projects and really get money from it. It has to work, failure is not an option. 
3. Rebranding my personal branding We’re all our own PR agency and it’s our job to make us look like who we really are. I want to take headshots photos, manage my online presence, gain at least hundreds new follower in 2 months.
 4. Find a mentor & work closely with them. 
Main goal: Be charismatic 
 ♡ Stands out when I walk in the room 
♡ Well respected, trusted, influencing 
♡ Know what exactly what I`m doing 
♡ Competent, people trust my credible capability
1. Confidence Display
 -I will master the art of posive body languages. 
I will walk confidently with my chest wide and shoulders back. Look everyone in the eye and smile. I will practice ``High Power Poses`` 10 mins a day. 
-I will train myself to always bring positive energy to all that I do, just like Adeline morrin, Lilly Singh. 
 -I will speak loudly, fake it till you make it, I`m dominant, I wont settle for less 
-I will have a CAN-DO attitude, I will be calm and collected, yet brave enough to ask a SMART questions, shut up when I dont know I will have interesting stories and at least seem to know what I am doing. I want people to believe how competent I am. They will be attracted to my confidence, they trust me and believe in my capabilities, and I will get many opportunities easily. 
 2. People Skill 
- I will practice to have a small talk 
-I will learn and practice how to make people laugh. I dont want looked at as too tense 
-Active social life 
-I will do more networking & unashame about it 
 3. Become a compelling storyteller
 In the past I poorly express myself, so I really want to get better with my public speaking / my communication skill.  I want to be seen as a strong leader. 
- Learn to organize my thoughts to putting a story together for any audience 
- I will be persuasive and mastering negotiation. I will become an outsanding  influencer, which means I can influencing someone to make a decision that they’re not consciously making effortlessly. 
- Practice various tonality when I speak
- Expanding my vocabulary 
 - Use positive body language 
 4. Creative Freedom
 I will embrace my creativity more. I don't know how many times I get this strange urge to do something creative, like randomly drawing things or writing down some thoughts / ideas that I have. Full of fresh ideas and good time management.
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sacahoewea · 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure people are supposed to ask me a number and i answer it but it's 3:30 am and I'm not tired and I've watched everything I want to watch on netflix so imma answer them all now. And no one would ask me any so like ok here we go. 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify 2. is your room messy or clean? Messy but I want to keep my next apartment clean and if I get a greyhound I'm gonna have to. 3. do you like your name? why? Eh yeah no complaints. 4. what is your relationship status? Single 5. describe your personality in 3 words or less. Better when drunk 6. what color hair do you have? Brown 7. what kind of car do you drive? color? A 2008 black mercury grand marquis aka Tom I love you my child ❤️ 8. where do you shop? I realized I haven't gone to a store for anything other than food since like Christmas. Maybe I'm wrong idk it's 3:30 9. how would you describe your style? Trying while trying not to seem like I'm trying 10. favorite social media account? snapchat 11. what size bed do you have? Queen 12. any siblings? 27 yo sister 13. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and idk. Maybe Orlando I'm not sure. Hopefully Greenville nc 14. favorite snapchat filter? I guess the current city one. It's cool when you're in an interesting place. 15. favorite makeup brand(s). Is this supposed to be for girls whoops? 16. how many times a week do you shower? It varies a lot week to week but I'd say an average of 5 lol 17. favorite tv show? The office duh 18. shoe size? I've been a 12 since high school but lately I've been wondering if I've been buying shoes too big for years so im going through an existential foot crisis. So maybe 11 19. how tall are you? 5' 9? Plus or minus an inch 20. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers 21. do you go to the gym? Mostly run but sometimes I do but nothing crazy. I always feel like I'm doing the machine or exercise wrong and people are laughing at me. 22. describe your dream date. Sex and then a big meal. Not the other way around for obvious reasons. Is that even a date? Idk it's my dream I can do what I want. 23. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Probably like $80 idk I'm too lazy to look. 24. what color socks are you wearing? None 25. how many pillows do you sleep with? 0 FUCK pillows 26. do you have a job? what do you do? I DO 😬 I'm an environmental engineer. I haven't started yet though 27. how many friends do you have? Like 8 I think 28. whats the worst thing you have ever done? I can only think of stuff I don't want the world to know. 29. whats your favorite candle scent? Cozy nights lol 30. 3 favorite boy names. Luke Tom Wilson 31. 3 favorite girl names. Crystal idk that's all I can think of 32. favorite actor? Jim Carey? 33. favorite actress? Amy pohler 34. who is your celebrity crush? Connor mcgregor lol 35. favorite movie? Yes man 36. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Nope but the glass menagerie by Tennessee Williams or the pearl by john Steinbeck 37. money or brains? Both 38. do you have a nickname? what is it? Not really. 39. how many times have you been to the hospital? Like for myself idk not many maybe like once to get stitches when I was 8 40: top 10 favorite songs. Top 3 are sams town, loner phase, and shake me down. After that it's hard to rank them. 41. do you take any medications daily? No I can barely take a multivitamin daily 42. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc). A little of both at times. I like my skin though it's served me well for how little effort I put into it. 43. what is your biggest fear? Being stuck in a life I hate without hope of it getting better. 44. how many kids do you want? -1 I'd like to return myself. 45. whats your go to hair style? Like normal and then a lil swoop to the side in the front lol 46. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)? A 5+ acre property with a stream running through it and a large two story house in the middle with no neighbors in sight and a long drive way leading up to it and on the second floor i want the master bedroom to be on the corner of the house and have floor to ceiling glass windows and my bed be in that corner so I can look out and be relaxed as I fail at falling asleep. 47. who is your role model? Small parts of several people. 48. what was the last compliment you received? Having a good idea? Idk 49. what was the last text you sent? Happy pi time. Wait no I said yaaaas after that. 50. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Idk like 12 I have no idea tbh 51. what is your dream car? I'd like to keep Tom and then get a Silverado and a grand Cherokee. 52. opinion on smoking? Cigarettes gross. Weed ok but not for me 53. do you go to college? Just graduated UF woo 54. what is your dream job? An R&D engineer researching alternative energy. 55. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I want the population density of rural but the proximity to urban of suburban. Which probs doesn't exist. 56. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No but my dad does 57. do you have freckles? Yeah mostly on my back. 58. do you smile for pictures? Yeah but not with teeth 59. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 5202 lol. 60. have you ever peed in the woods? Yeah aw reminds me of tailgating :( 61. do you still watch cartoons? Yeah but like bobs burgers 62. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Chick fil a idc if that's not a choice 63. Favorite dipping sauce? Chick fil a sause 64. what do you wear to bed? XXL boxers. I hate wearing anything at all tight to bed 65. have you ever won a spelling bee? HA bitch please 66. what are your hobbies? Soccer running taking self adventures netflix YouTube 67. can you draw? If I try really hard but I don't have the patience so no 68. do you play an instrument? No 69. what was the last concert you saw? Sia! 70. tea or coffee? Neither. Water 71. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Neither but DD if I had to choose 72. do you want to get married? No 73. what is your crush’s first and last initial? AH 😏 74. are you going to change your last name when you get married? NA 75. what color looks best on you? Like a dark blue grey. I think it has a name but idk what it is 76. do you miss anyone right now? POOP :( 77. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed for sure 78. do you believe in ghosts? Not in the traditional sense but like maybe in a scientific way of like multiple dimensions overlapping or something like that. 79. what is your biggest pet peeve? Absent minded slow people. 80. last person you called? Dad 81. favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip 82. regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular 83. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow. I would lol 84. what shirt are you wearing? None 😏 85. what is your phone background? A person jumping off a cliff on the outside and a greyhound overlooking a meadow on the inside. 86. are you outgoing or shy? Shy 87. do you like it when people play with your hair? Usually no but lately in some settings lol 88. do you like your neighbors? Yeah we've never said more than hi but they're quiet so I like them 89. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Neither lol 90. have you ever been high? No 91. have you ever been drunk? Yes I wish I was drunk rn 92. last thing you ate? Chuys ❤️ 93. favorite lyrics right now? The entire song goats in trees by foster the people. Applicable af rn for me 94. summer or winter? Summer 95. day or night? Night 96. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark 97. favorite month? June but maybe not anymore. I liked it bc it was the beginning of summer with the comfort of knowing you still had another whole 2 months of vacation left. But now that I'm gonna be working so idk 98. what is your zodiac sign. Sagittarius 99. who was the last person you cried in front of? Honestly no one. I cried on the phone to my parents freshman year of college but no one will ever see me that vulnerable. 100. what color are your eyes? Blue/green
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