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The palm-print panel was cool under Lena’s touch. She pressed her hand to the rectangular plate next to her front door and waited for the brief moment it needed to scan her skin. The door unlocked with a meaty thump and she pushed it open with her other hand, absently checking her phone as she stepped inside. As the system scanned her biometrics, it detected stress and dimmed the lights, automatically turned on the television to an abstract screen saver with cool tones, and began to play an arrangement for a violins to soothe her nerves.
She kicked off her heels and walked barefoot into the kitchen, where she skipped the countertop wine cellar and pulled out the half-empty box of Trader Joe’s vintage that she’d taken a liking to thanks to Kara. She pours herself half a tumbler full as a silent fuck you to her mother and took a swig, then walked out into her living room to sit down in the gloom for a few minutes and think.
Supergirl was sitting on her couch, head flopped back over the back so that her hair fanned out across the white leather. She sat splayed with her knees apart and legs out, arms resting on her thighs. Lena wasn’t sure if she was awake.
As she drew closer, she caught a small gasp. Supergirl had a black eye, and there were scrapes on her cheeks and the backs of her hands, the blood barely crusted. Both her hands and her face were bruised and she had a tiny split in her lip.
Lena placed the wine on the table, nerves jangling when the bottom rattled against the pale marble from the shaking of her hand. Her heart raced as she drew closer. Supergirl had taken off her cape and draped it over the couch. It was none the worse for wear but was covered in scorch marks.
Suoergirl’s broad chest heaved once and she let out a long, pained sigh.
“Hello, Supergirl.”
She let out a little laugh, wincing. “Do we need be so formal?”
“I don’t have anything else to call you,” Lena said, coolly. “Mind if I ask why you’re in my apartment?”
“You don’t lock the balcony doors. You should.”
Lena sighed and folded her arms. “I said why, not how.”
Supergirl didn’t look at her.
“I just got the snot beaten out of me. Everything hurts.”
“I didn’t think that was possible.”
How was it possible? Curiosity tugged at her, but concern shot through it, making her fidget with her hands. Lena hated fidgeting. It made her look weak, and she could still remember the pain when Lillian cracked the ruler across her knuckles to break the habit.
“Can I have some wine?”
Lena swallowed hard.
“Sure,” she said.
She went to the kitchen and poured. When she returned to the living room, Supergirl was sitting up, hunched forward and leaning on he knees. Lena started a little at the sight. Sitting that way displayed the wide, muscular set of her shoulders and arms, especially her meaty biceps. Her back was a rare sight -she wore a cape, after all- and just as exquisitely muscled.
She was looking at her hands, at the damage to her muscles. Lena offered the glass and she took it. Her fingers were warm when they brushed against Lena’s, strangely soft.
Supergirl took a long pull of wine and smacked her lips, then winced.
“It’s times like this I wish I could get drunk.”
“You can’t?”
“Not on wine and not for very long.”
“So I have a problem,” Supergirl said. She was still looking at her hands.
“And that is?”
“I have to call off work tomorrow. These will heal, and I’ll look exactly the same. I don’t get scars anymore. But they’ll be visible for a day or so.”
“I see.”
“But I have to get brunch with someone, and they’ll be able to tell. Concealer won’t do much for this.” She touched her eye, wincing.
“Wait here,” said Lena.
She came back a moment later with some wash clothes soaked in cold water on a tray. Hands still shaking a little as she placed it on the table. Tenderly, she took one of the washcloths and dabbed the back of Supergirl’s hands, cleaning away the grime and dried blood from the abrasions.
Supergirl sighed. “That feels good. Thank you.”
“May I?” said Lena.
Supergirl hesitated, doubt flashing deep within the endless depths of her blue eyes, but she turned to Lena and tilted up her chin. With shaking fingers, Lena cupped Supergirl’s face gently and used a fresh cloth to clean and cool the cut on her lip. Supergirl closed her eyes and sighed.
Lena’s eyes wandered up, to the small mark above her eye.
“You don’t scar. Did you get that on Krypton?”
“Yes. I slipped and fell when I was a little girl. You should have seen me. I bled all over.”
“Must be nice, not getting hurt anymore. Not feeling pain.”
“I still feel it.”
Lena paused.
“I feel every bullet and blow and bomb blast just like anyone would,” said Supergirl. Just because it doesn’t harm me doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt me.”
“I’m sorry. I had no idea.”
“It’s okay,” said Supergirl.
She opened her eyes -eye- and looked at Lena reverently, one pretty blue eye glittering while the other remained bruised shut. She smiled a lopsided, honest smile, looked at Lena in a dreamy, almost adoring way that-
“Oh my God,” Lena breathed.
“Hi,” said Kara.
“Oh my God. Oh my God,” Lena whispered. “Oh my God, what happened, how did this happen to you? You’re hurt!”
“I had a tough time with a very determined alien and had to worry about civilians,” said Kara. “It happens.”
Lena’s pulse raced and her breath quickened. Her gaze darted, searching and noticing every detail. She was so beautiful, and she was so Kara.
“Why now?” said Lena. “Why this time?”
“I don’t know.”
Lena bit her lip, and the tiny gesture had a noticeable impact on Kara. Her eyes widened and her gaze fell to Lena’s bottom lip, then flicked back up.
“So your brunch,” said Lena. “That was with me.”
“Yeah. I thought about cancelling but I can’t. I needed to see you now.”
Lena shifted closer on the couch, until they were hip to hip.
“Because I just got punched in the head by an alien with big stupid bone spurs coming out of his fist and I need to see you. I won, by the way. It was really cool. I ripped a fire hydrant out of the ground and hit him with it.”
Lena looked her up and down. Her jaw began to quiver.
“Oh God. Is it worse than it looks? Are you hurt worse than you look, Kara? Are you…”
Kara shook her head, then winced. “No. Not that bad, promise. I just…” she sighed. “I’m tired of going to lay on a sunbed and going back to my empty apartment and spend a sick day napping on the couch.”
Lena let out a slow breath. “So you came to see me.”
“Yuuup,” Kara said, slowly.
Lena shifted awkwardly in her seat. Kara slowly reached over with her now clean hand and curled her fingers around Lena’s chin.
“Lena?” she whispered. “Is this okay?”
Kara turned and leaned into her, pressing the slightest, lightest kiss to Lena’s lips, not a quick peck but something slow and soft, warm and inviting.
“Ow,” Kara muttered.
“Kara,” Lena whispered.
“I have any idea. Since I can’t make brunch… how about breakfast?”
Lena leaned against her, gently draping her arms around her as they fell back into the soft cushions together.
#supercorp#supergirl fanfiction#supergirl#supercorp fanfic#lena luthor#kara danvers#kara x lena#karlena#supergirl fanfic#supercorp fluff#tooth rotting fluff#so much fluff#total fluff#fluffalicious#here at Natalie’s fluff depot we have all the fluff you could ever want
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Keep your Christmases, your New Year's Eves, your Thanksgivings, your Ramadans, your Passovers, your All Hallow's Eves and your Kwanzaas...
🍂 🍃 Hello and welcome to our third annual Flufftober 🍂 🍃
We’re so excited to be back and to once again have you here!
As always, let’s fill the month of October with as much fluff as possible 🥰 and for that to happen, we not only have 31 prompts for you, no; we also have something special this year...
Prompt Extras
Last year's Prompt Substitutes were very well-loved and a lot of you used them to replace some prompts from the original list. You're more than welcome to do this again if there's a prompt that doesn't work for you for whatever reason - no explanation needed.
Once again, we offer you last year's top five fan favorites (as voted in the end survey). In addition to that, we also offer five scenario prompts.
If you don't want to replace any prompt from the original list but still love the additional ones - or you simply want to challenge yourself - you can also mix them all together!
So in whichever way you use these Prompt Extras, have fun with them and go wild 💚
Below the cut you'll find all our rules, posting info, all the prompts in writing, as well as some explanation for prompts we feel might need clarification. If you have any more questions, please feel free to send us an ask 🥰
We hope you like these prompts, and now
Happy Creating 🥳
Standard Blog Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won’t be reblogged. See further down for clarification.
No hate or ship bashing - we’re all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn’t go against rule #1, it’s allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it’s all fine as long as you tag it.
There’s absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can’t force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event 😉
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
You can replace prompts from the original list with either or all of our prompt extras; you can also mix them with the original prompts or create for them in addition to the 31 original prompts, that's completely up to you.
It’s okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you like to or even write for multiple ships for one day.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it is months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as they’re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Since this has often been asked in previous years, please let us clarify the no inc*st or p*dophilia rule:
No inc*st: This rule does not apply to distant cousins and such, as you might find in the LotR fandom (or basically in all of European Monarchy). The line we draw is at direct blood relations (siblings, parents, kids) and/or legal guardianship.
No p*dophilia: This rule does not rule out fandoms that feature teenagers such as Harry Potter, Heartstoppers, Hunger Games, etc. It also doesn't mean you can't write about their time together as teenagers! It was mostly aimed at ships in which one is a minor and the other is not - but since even that got complicated over time, the rule is now this: if you keep it SFW, all is good and allowed, we don't care; if it turns NSFW, be mindful of the legalaties of the world/society/times your characters live in.
Posting to tumblr
Please use the tag #flufftober2023
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to also add @flufftober in your post
We will try to catch them all, but please don't be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged a bit late
If you're absolutely certain a post has slipped past us, feel free to send an ask with the link to your post
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #flufftober2023 #day [xy] #[fandom] #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you're using a prompt extra tag it as #alt [number]
Posting to ao3
You can add your creation to the collection flufftober2023 or flufftober_2023 (yes, we've once again claimed both)
Late entries are always welcome, on tumblr as well as the ao3 collection! Neither will close - but like always, reblogs will become less regular the more months have passed...
Prompts (and explanations)
1. “I’ve got you”
2. Family, Friends, Loved Ones
3. “Wait you love me?” - “I always have”
4. Cinderella Moment (the "ugly duckling" gets their moment to shine)
5. x + 1 (can be a classic "5+1 things" [or any number you want] creation or literally a plus one for an event or really anything else you can think of)
6. Corn Maze
7. Porch Swing
8. Rainy Day
9. (...) at first sight (think "love at first sight", "enemies at first sight"...)
10. Love of my Life (even this does not have to be romantic 😉)
11. Sweet Tooth
12. Fire & Ice
13. Wrong (...) (think "wrong number", "wrong train", "wrong person"...)
14. “I hate it” - “No, you don't”
15. Emergency, Confession, Adventure
16. Singing one another to sleep
17. Encouraging someone to achieve a goal
18. “Did you plan for this to happen?”
19. Keeping someone safe
20. Pumpkin
21. Swoon
22. Picking (think "picking flowers", "picking up someone", "picking out a dress", "picking a song for the wedding"...)
23. Trinket
24. [melting emoji] (does anyone even know what this emoji stands for? No? We neither but we would love for you to get creative with it 😉 but also, think "melting in the heat", "melting from embarrassment"... also, I would've loved to add it here but tumblr doesn't have this emoji yet)
25. Nook
26. Fireplace
27. Outdoor Event (think "hiking tour", "concert", "picnic"...)
28. Soothing Touch
29. “Hey, wake up!”
30. Self-Worth / Self-Love
31. Dreams Do Come True
Prompt Extras
Last Year's Favorites
Alt 1: Hot Chocolate
Alt 2: “You’ve told your parents?”
Alt 3: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
Alt 4: Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
Alt 5: “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
Alt 6: Reverse all the Roles
Alt 7: Create a Fairytale Retelling
Alt 8: Give your character a new occupation
Alt 9: Create a crossover of two or more fandoms
Alt 10: Have your characters share the last table at a café
#flufftober2023#prompt event#flufftober#writing event#i exaggerated#love other holidays too#but seriously#is there a more feel good time than flufftober?
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Ahh Spring! Tis the Season for Shedding — Adventures in Cheeseland
Greetings. Snoops and Kommando (and Sgt Stripes) here. Monday is the spring equinox which means it’s the first day of spring. And spring means more sunlight here in Michigan. And more sunlight means more shedding. None of us are extremely fluffalicious, but Mom swears she could build a new cat out of the excess fur […] Ahh Spring! Tis the Season for Shedding — Adventures in Cheeseland

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Hi hello Can I request pregnancy hcs for Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang, and Jin Guangyao? 🥺
Hello, dearie ❤️ Your request has been granted~ I hope you enjoy the fluffalicious headcanons.
P.S. I am just LOVING the fact y'all are asking for NHS. He deserves the world. And gosh, seeing reqs for JGY and NMJ warms my heart.
Nie Mingjue
Have you ever seen a boulder cry? No? Well now you have. The moment he learns you are pregnant, with HIS child, a child symbolising the strong love you have for each other, he'd go deadly soft. No, he wouldn't necessarily cry, but if you squinted you'd notice how his eyes would turn slightly glossy.
For once his constant scowl will actually disappear and he'd look (and feel) genuinely happy.
At first, he'd stay silent, thinking over what you'd just told him, before lifting you up gently (as gently as Mr.Muscle can) and giving you a big hug. Then he'd let go of you, straighten up and resume his previous resting scowl.
"I will do my best to be a good father."
Truthfully, most of the cultivation world didn't think he could even actually keep a lover around for long, much less go as far as to start a family, so news of a little Nie heir would come as quite literally - a shock. Suddenly, the entire world's eyes would be on you, much to Nie Mingjue's displeasure. Because of that, he'd become MUCH more protective of you. The world can be cruel, people can be cruel and life can be unfair, so he'd make sure absolutely nothing can hurt you.
Before he learned you are pregnant, he was already pretty gentle with you, but after telling him - he doubles on the care. He'd randomly come check up on you through out the day under the pretence of having to ask you about your opinion on "very serious matters at hand".
He'd also double on the meditiation sessions, trying to best his anger for the sake of your well-being. In fact, as secretly nervous as he is about the whole situation, somehow the very thought of you and your future child would bring peace to his heart. Though that is something Zewu-jun would conveniently forget mentioning to him. Alas, he'd suddenly remember once the two sat down for a cup of tea.
Nie Mingjue would secretly hope he could teach his child about the art of war and have actual proper sparring sessions, which he couldn't have with his brother. He would occasionally imagine, telling him stories of their ancestors, choosing their saber, showing them all of the Nie traditions and so on and so forth.
He'd also vow not to let his child turn into another Huaisang. (although knowing how complacent Nie Mingjue can be when it comes to his loved ones, spoiling this kid ROTTEN wouldn't be too far from the realm of possibilities.) Frankly, as long as his child can grow up to take good care of themself and the sect, he'd be content either way.
And above all, he'd be thankful, that he ended up with a family made on the foundations of mutual understanding and respect, and a child on the way, which is a symbol of true love.
Nie Huaisang
Does he absolutely love you to death? No questions asked. But the news of a child would catch him completely unprepared, which is fairly uncommon for the all-seeing mastermind that is Nie Huaisang.
Suddenly, saber practice and tests at Gusu seemed like a breeze. That isn't to say he wouldn't be happy, or glad, or proud - believe me, he'd be ELATED. It's just- is he ready to be a father? Is he ready to raise a child? Is he ready to be a ...role-model? Create a legacy?!
"But- I'm trash. What if I can't take care of this child? What if I fail at raising it? What if I'm a dead-beat dad? What if I die suddenly? What if war starts? What if the child doesn't like me? OH MY GOD WHAT IF THE CHILD DOESN'T LI-"
Please save him from his own self-doubt, he's more worried than Wei Wuxian and his self-worth equals that of a washing sponge. In reality, Nie Huaisang is so used to being underestimated, considered a mere spoiled prince, that the determination and unconditional love in your eyes would take him aback. Even more so, the trust you have in him, especially for raising a child, would leave him speechless.
And then would come the realization of the situation - he will be a father. And he will start a family with the love of his life, successfully continuing the Nie lineage. He'd be well-aware of the humongous responsibility that comes with raising a child and after taking a breather, he'd be more that ready to take on the world. And god forbid anybody dares say anything about his family.
After that whole fiasco, things would actually die down. Nie Huaisang is no idiot. The more obnoxious he is, the more unwanted attention he'd bring about. He'd be pretty casual with his care, often just lying with you, making blind guesses about the baby.
Sometimes, just to get a reaction, he'd ask like a spoiled child "are we close now" "are you there yet" and so on and so forth, generally aiming at making you laugh.
He has already made up his mind - once the child is born and is given a name, he'd paint it on the finest wooden fan imaginable. In FACT, getting to teach said child how to paint would his little not-so-secret dream.
As long as you're healthy, Nie Huaisang would more more than content with this turn of events. In fact, he'd be so proud to have you by his side.
Deep down he'd be totally soft and utterly emotional over the fact that he'll be a father, but those are emotions saved for later stages of your life together. (wait till you actually give birth)
Jin Guangyao
Imagine the sweetest, fondest stare in the history of stares ever. That is what you'll first see, once you inform Jin Guangyao of your pregnancy.
"What truly joyful news, my love."
He may be many things, many things indeed, but he isn't unattentive. You are his wife, his lover, the mother of his child and he would take great responsibility for that. He'd take care of you more than ever before, though he's always been extremely considerate.
Any darkness or intent of murder in his heart would dissipate once he sees you, and tripple should anybody so much as look at you the wrong way. After all, he has enough experience in the art of murder to know how to get around.
Living in a brothel with his mother showed him how harsh the world and society can be, so he'd vow to himself to give you and your child the life you deserve. Remembering everything his own father, if you could call him that, had or hadn't done for him, he has been given a good example of what not to do. He's promised to himself to be a good, loving father, who'd raise his child right. Simply he'd want his child to grow up without having to worry about surviving.
He'd fall utterly in love with this child before it is even born. He'd be constantly talking to your stomach, stroking if gently, leaving sweet kisses along your skin. That of course would only happen behind closed doors, yet the more your belly would grow, the more you'd get to spend time with Jin Guangyao.
While he wouldn't make a big deal out of your pregnancy, he wouldn't really hide it either. Lan Xichen, of course, would be first fo know, so he'd quickly come to give the two of you his blessings. Slowly news of the future heir would travel, so Jin Guanguao's overly cautious behavior would double. You'd still be allowed to go outside, of course, he is no monster, (his words, not mine) but he'd require you to go down town only when accompanied by him, or one of your most trusted people. He'd have spies everywhere, all to ensure your well-being.
He'd know almost immediately whenever you'd feel sick or generally uncomfortable because of the baby. And he'd be prepared with natural herbal remedies, massages and a ton of cuddles. Simply, he'd respond to your every beg and call. (I mean- he already does that but shhh)
Despite being, essentially, a criminal mastermind, there is no denying he is intelligent, resourceful, diligent and a good leader, in the core of it. Now, to that list can be added a good husband and a great father. After all, he'd want his child, no matter the gender, to be treated with respect and given all of the love it would require - what he always wanted, yet never received.
Thank you for reading~
#mo dao su zhi#mo dao zu shi#grandmaster of demonic arts#grandmaster of demonic cultivation#mdzs fanfiction#the untamed#mdzs#the untamed nie huaisang#nie huaisang#nie mingjue#nie clan#mdzs nie huaisang#jin guangyao#mdzs meng yao#meng yao#the untamed x reader#lianfang zun#chifeng zun#zewu jun
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Admin Michelle here with another SPNFanFicPond Fic Highlight! (Belated happy birthday, Admin Marie!)
The best part of this fic is when our beloved Y/N asks the age-old question:
We've already highlighted a previous entry in this fluffalicious series, so those of you who read that will find this verse familiar. Our Y/N is bound and determined to give our boys a vacation filled with fun and relaxation at a ski resort! The skiing goes about as well as you could expect, really. Which is, to say, hilariously bad. 🤣 Inside the resort, though, they have a better time. (If it were me, I would spend the whole vacation inside, but I fear hurtling down a hill at high speeds on two sticks.)
So, if you're looking for some fluff with both brothers in a slice-of-life kind of fic, then this is definitely for you!
A Little Trip : Ski Edition
Summary: The brothers and the reader goes on a Ski Trip.
Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Reader (I think)
Word Count: 1846 Words
Warning: Fluff, Domestic, mention of smut, ski fails… alchool.
Beta by: @thinkwritexpress-official
This is part 3 of my Little Trip series. It can be read independently.
There hadn’t been a hunt in the last two weeks. There didn’t seem to be any activity since the last snow storm, which was unusual for Texas but there wasn’t any indication that it was due to supernatural causes, and now the three of you were bored. Sam had cleaned the entire bunker while you tried to organise and transfer files on the computer so it could be easier to find and Dean had washed every single car in the garage and managed to try new recipes from Pinterest.
After a while, you were browsing around the internet when you stumbled upon a ski resort ad. Everything seemed perfect and you immediately booked a room for the three of you, despite the fact that there wasn’t any space until the next month. You all deserve a vacation anyway. In the meantime you also booked them a series of ski lessons while you booked yourself a day at the spa. You then went in search of an outside winter outfit for each of the boys. You found the perfect snow suits for them - they were even plaid. You were sure the boys wouldn’t get cold with them, and you didn’t care that they might not want to go with you. They were coming with you and it wasn’t a choice. If you had to, you would tell them about a fake case. You also took the time to buy them new dress clothes for the restaurant you wanted to try.
During that month, you dropped hints of vacations and what was coming, but neither Sam or Dean seemed to have picked up on it. You went to the post office to get your packages and still, there wasn’t a single hunt on the horizon.
Keep reading
#dean winchester#sam winchester#reader insert#dean x reader x sam#sam x reader x dean#dean x reader#sam x reader#series#dean series#sam series#fluff fic#dean fluff#sam fluff#spnfanficpond fic highlight
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Natsu: Birthday’s get me all fired up 🔥🔥
Happy birthday to @unashamed-shipper <33 !!
#Natsu Dragneel#Fairy Tail#hope you have a really good birthday!! your fics are just so fluffalicious never stop writing! never!!#+ i tried to make a red velvet cake hehe i was that anon that asked c:#i made a new brush so i tested it out!!! :3 + used the blender to color ^o^ im really starting to like that blending tool XD#audrey#auds#my art#hinas art#art
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Created for the MI6 Mini Bang to go with @midrashic’s fluffalicious story, which you can read here!
James Bond is fluent in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, BSL, and, just for fun, Esperanto. He never thought he’d be adding “Cat” to that list.
#mi6cafeminibang#fic rec#myart#00Q#James Bond#cats#No I haven't left the Sherlock fandom#you can’t get rid of me that easily
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Am I Fluffy enough?
Am I Fluffy enough?
FLUFFALICIOUS: A combination of the words “fluffy” and “delicious”….yep, SHE says that describes me after a day at the Spa.
After SHE finished mopping the floors, SHE turned on the fan to get them to dry faster and I took advantage of the opportunity to work my Fluffaliciousness!
So what do you think: Am I Fluffy enough?
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Strangers ch. 21
You move in with the guys, and the music video is finally released.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluffy fluffalicious flufflefloof
<–– Prev Next ––>
You bolt upright, gasping for air. Your bedframe is creaking under your weight. When you check the time, you see that you’ve only been asleep for an hour, it’s still morning, your apartment is uninhabitable, and your cheating boyfriend is coming back tomorrow. Speaking of…
2 missed calls from Xiumin.
You shake your head, banishing him from your mind while your thoughts turn to your dream. What a weird… you kissed Yoongi in your dream, you’re sure of it. And yeah, there’s nothing weird about that– you used to dream about Yoongi all the time before you became friends in real life.
Ugh, but kissing Yoongi– even in a dream– right after finding out about Xiumin? What’s the matter with you? And it was so real; he tasted like toothpaste and whatever he’d been drinking last night.
You slide off the shaky bed and walk around you waterlogged apartment, collecting your valuables and necessities. You won’t be able to sleep in your own home for a week at least… for the thousandth time since walking in on Xiumin, you’re cursing your own idiocy.
You rummage through your jewelry box– you don’t want to leave your nicest pieces lying around while you’re away. A spot of color catches your eye and you smile fondly: it’s the Starry Night necklace that Yoongi gave you while you were in the hospital. You stopped wearing it when you began dating Xiumin– it felt wrong, somehow. But now… you fasten the thin chain around your neck and allow the cool glass bead to rest against the hollow of your throat. With that, you gather your things and head to the street to wait for the magic teleporting car.
As soon as you step outside, you hear a voice that turns your blood to ice.
“Y/n! Surprise, sweetheart,” and Xiumin’s arm snakes around your shoulders, he pulls you into him and you feel stiff, frozen, painfully aware of the fact that not two nights ago he was sleeping with another woman.
You push him away. “Don’t touch me.”
Xiumin’s face falls. “Y/n-ie? What’s the matter?”
“I’m…” Breaking up with you. Done being lied to. Stronger than I look. So, so scared. “I’m just… tired,” you say eventually.
“Aish, go up and take a nap, then! What are you doing with all this stuff?” Xiumin prods at one of the boxes you’re holding. “Are you donating your old clothes or something?”
“Uh…” in your peripheral vision, you see the sleek black car approaching. It’s now or never. Where once you would’ve let Xiumin’s actions slide, or let your relationship end quietly, you now feel a fury so intense you might boil over. Your words hit you like a lightning bolt– you stand up straight and look at Xiumin dead in the eye.
“Yeah. Yes, it’s charity. You could say I’m doing spring cleaning,” you say, “getting rid of everything that I don’t need, everything that makes my life more complicated. You know, the junk.”
“Uh huh…?”
You shift to balance your things on your hip so you have a free hand as the car pulls up beside you. “Sometimes people need to take out the trash, and in my case, that includes you. And however many people you were fucking on the side.”
He stares as the chauffeur gets out to take your things and open the door for you. You wave at Xiumin before getting into the car.
“See ya, Xiumin. Don’t call me; I’ll call you. Or, wait…” you pretend to think. “No, I won’t. Bye!”
And with your��ex-boyfriend still gaping on the sidewalk, the car pulls away.
You don’t see Yoongi in the car; he must be busy, and so you silently celebrate your little victory before pulling out your phone and calling your best friend.
“Helloooo~” Lisa sings into the phone.
You laugh. “Why didn’t you decide to major in music again? You’re a born singer.”
“Production and management is my calling, babe. What’s up?”
“I broke up with Xiumin.”
“WHAT?” Lisa’s ear-piercing shriek is so loud you notice the chauffeur flinch through the half-lowered divider. “Wait, what? How? When? Why? Where? What?”
“Yeah, he was cheating on me–”
“What. Did. You. Say?” Your friend’s voice has lowered to a dangerous tone, and you remember the last time you heard her like this: right before she punched a guy for getting too handsy.
“Don’t do anything stupid, Lisa, I’m practically over it,” you assure her.
“Me, stupid? I never do anything stupid,” Lisa replies innocently. “Anyways, I have to go. Bye!”
The click of the line going dead fills you with uneasiness– she’s up to something, you’re sure, but you don’t have time to think about it since you’ve arrived back at the apartment. You head upstairs with your things and knock on the door. Seconds later, Hoseok swings the door open and greets you with a blinding smile.
“Hey,” you say, getting to the point, “My landlord says it’ll be at least a week before I can move back in. And even after that, how am I gonna afford repairs and the rent?“I really hate to impose, but can I stay here for a few days more? I’m a decent chef, and I’m tidy, really, just let me sleep on the couch–”
“No,” Hoseok interrupts, and your face falls.
“No, you can’t sleep on the couch,” Hobi begins to crack a grin. “Otherwise what would we do with the new bed we just bought?”
Your jaw drops. “You’re kidding.”
“C’mon, you’ll be rooming with Jungkook, is that okay?” Hoseok tugs you down the hall.
“M-more than okay,” you manage. “Hoseok, really, I– I can’t thank you enough, this really isn’t necessary–”
“Ah, we all insisted,” Jungkook says, standing to greet you as Hobi opens the door. Across the room and separated by a paper divider is a brand new bed, complete with a pillow and clean sheets. “Hiya, roomie.”
“Oh my god!” you squeal, throwing your arms first around Jungkook and then Hoseok. “You guys, I can’t… I’m so lucky, I don’t deserve…”
“Sure you do,” Jungkook says seriously. “Y/n, we love having you around, honest. You’re probably going to be the best roommate ever– do you even sleep?”
“I do go on a lot of walks,” you admit. Since you whaled on that drunkard with your textbook, you feel bolder, safer, walking around at night.
“See? So I’ll basically have my own room, but with good company. It works out,” the maknae says, and you can’t help but grin.
“Are you sure that all the guys are okay with this?”
“Yoongi hyung was the one that told me to buy a bed, and Taehyungie said that even if you had some other place to stay he’d want you here,” Hoseok says, and his words make your heart swell.
“B-but I haven’t done anything for you…” you stammer. On what planet do you deserve this kindness?
Hoseok laughs. “You don’t understand how friendship works if you think you need to do something for us. Get settled in, you can stay for as long as you want.”
“What about the whole ‘fish and visitors’ thing?”
“You’re not a visitor,” Jungkook says. “You’re family.”
The kindness of your friends in the face of the shittiest two days of your life brings tears to your eyes, and you blink hard to clear your vision.
“Kook and I are going to head to the studio, but make yourself at home, yeah? Just be careful about who sees you leave– you know how crazy the fans can be,” Hobi says, reaching for the door. “Do you have anything you need to do?”
You rub your eyes. “Yeah, homework. I have… a lot of homework.” You’ve not been half as productive as you should’ve been lately, for obvious reasons. The door closes behind the two idols and you grab your phone. You want to do something to thank the boys, but what can you do that they won’t be able to get on their own?
Idea. You grin and call your best friend.
“Long time no talk, y/n.”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s been like half an hour. Listen, Lisa, I need a favor.”
“Does it involve killing your ex? Cause I know a guy.”
“What? No. No killing anyone, okay? Promise me.”
“Anyways, what’s the favor?”
“You’ve still got solid followings on Tumblr and Twitter, right?”
“Yeah… why?”
“Great, here’s what we’re going to do.”
After hanging up with Lisa you pad to the living room and settle on the couch, scrolling through your to-do list. You’ve got to study for history, and do about a week’s worth of math homework, and practice a monologue for theater, and…fuck. You’ve got about a dozen poems due Friday for your writing portfolio. And you’ve written exactly none of them.
You crack your knuckles– it’s a long week ahead of you. Time to get to work.
“I’m glad it’s been fun,” Seokjin says, leaning back from where he was peering over your shoulder. “Anyways, I just popped in to let you know you’re gonna have the place to yourself for a few days.”
“Why, what’s happening?”
“Ah, just publicity– our comeback was pushed way back because of some management errors, I dunno. It’s finally back on though, so the guys and I are going to be away for a little while.”
“And you’re okay leaving the apartment to me? What if I throw a raging party?”
“Y/n, the only times you’ve moved except for school and work is going from the couch to your bed and back,” Seokjin chuckles. “Somehow I feel safe knowing you won’t trash the place when we’re gone.”
“Well, at least let me cook dinner tonight as a thank you,” you say, sitting up on the couch and stretching. “Who knows, I might be ready to go home before you get back. This could be a farewell dinner for all of us.”
“Oh, that’s not depressing at all,” Namjoon says as he wanders into the living room holding a Koya mug. “Good morning, you two.”
You check your watch. “It’s eleven o’ clock, Joon. Did you fall asleep late again?”
He yawns. “More like early. Hey, but at least you know my next mixtape will be fire.”
“Who’s mixtape? Are we talking about me?” Yoongi asks, plopping down on the chair across from you. He’s wearing a worn gray t-shirt and plaid pajama pants that hang a bit too low on his hips.
“Hyung, why are you even awake before noon?” Jimin asks, appearing in the doorway with Hoseok.
You stifle a giggle at Jimin’s question: you found Yoongi asleep in his studio late last night, his face pressed against the keyboard. When he startled himself awake and tried to keep working, you’d insisted that he go to bed.
“I can hear you typing through the wall,” you’d lied. He’s been working himself to death lately, and you’ve hardly seen him at all. If you didn’t know him as a crazy workaholic, you’d guess he’s been avoiding you. Even now as you try to catch Yoongi’s eye, he seems to be looking in every direction except yours. Oh well, you’ll talk to him later.
“Excited for tonight?” Taehyung settles next to you and lays his head on your shoulder.
“Why, what’s happening?” you ask.
“Have you been living under a rock?” Hoseok exclaims. “And here I thought you were an ARMY.”
“I haven’t been paying attention– I’ve been working!” you protest. You stay away from the internet as much as possible when you’re finishing an assignment. As far as BTS updates go, you practically have been living under a rock.
“The music video is coming out at midnight,” Jungkook offers. “The one you filmed with us.”
“Are you serious? Why did it take so long?” you ask.
The maknae shrugs. “Bureaucracy. Hey, at least we’re not changing our hair colors.”
“Are you excited? This could mean a lot of opportunities for you,” Seokjin tells you. “You should definitely start auditioning more.”
“Yeah, of course. I’m so glad for you guys!” you grin. “I won’t be surprised when you break all of your own records. Again.”
“We’re not the ones that are gonna win the award for cutest backup dancer, though,” Hoseok says, tweaking your nose.
You wave him away and stand. “Yah! I’ve got a class to get to, and don’t you guys have places to be? Dinner’s tonight and I’m cooking, so no one’s allowed to be late.”
The boys cheer and begin sitting down for breakfast while you sling your bag over your shoulder and head out the door. As always there’s a small crowd of girls waiting outside the main entrance and so you sneak out the back, taking the bus to your old apartment to wait for Lisa to pick you up. Since she doesn’t know about your friendship with the members, you have to go the extra mile to keep up the charade. You honestly despise this, the remaining lie that blossomed from your crazy friendship with Yoongi, but as sweet as Lisa is, she’d scream it from the rooftops if she caught wind that you’d even met any of the members.
“Hey girl! How are you doing?” Lisa calls as she pulls up and you hop into the passenger’s seat. She’s as bubbly as always but underneath her cheerful tone you hear the underlying note of concern that’s remained a constant for the past few days, ever since she heard about Xiumin.
“Great, you?”
“Awesome. You excited about the new music video tonight? I’m totally gonna stay up, are you? I wish your apartment was fixed so we could do one of our comeback sleepovers. I heard the new track is gonna be a ballad, I’m literally going to die if I hear Jimin belt, that man makes my heart explode a thousand times over, I think I would give my firstborn child for him to even blink in my direction–”
“Lisa!” you laugh, interrupting. “Breathe, please. Save your lungs for the comeback performances!”
“Damn, you’re right. I’ll live-text you my reactions, okay? We can pretend we’re having a comeback sleepover. Where are you staying, anyways?”
“With some family friends, they’re nearby.”
“Have I met them?”
“I think I’ve told you about them,” you respond vaguely. “Ooh, look, a good parking spot!”
“Yes!” Lisa whoops as she pulls in. “I knew we started carpooling for a reason.”
“Yeah, because you give me a ride and I make sure you obey the rules of the road,” you tease. “And I pay half the gas.”
“Fair, fair. Hey, I have to get to class early to meet with my professor– I’ll see you later, y/n!”
“Yeah, see you.”
Your classes pass quickly and without incident. Your theater professor actually compliments you on the delivery of your monologue, and you use your history class time to edit the trash fires that your poems devolved into with the boys’ contributions.
It’s late afternoon by the time you run to the grocery store close to campus to pick up the things you’ll need for the night. Seokjin keeps his precious cupboards mostly well-stocked, of course, but you’re making this dinner for them so you at least want to buy your own ingredients. You peruse the shelves, picking out produce, meats, and spices before hurrying back to the apartment, using the spare key to let yourself in. As usual, the place is empty– the boys are rehearsing, and the space seems unnaturally quiet.
It’s weird, you muse as you begin to cook, I’ve always preferred living alone. But now you’re sure you’ll miss the guys once your apartment is dry.
Two hours pass, and seven exhausted men stumble into the room.
“I want to lie down and never get up,” Seokjin announces, flopping onto the couch. The others murmur agreements.
“Today was a short workday anyways,” Namjoon mentions. “We’re lucky the choreographer let us leave early.”
“Oh, get up, you lazy bums,” you nudge Jimin, who appears to have fallen asleep on the floor. “I made food. Eat it while it’s hot or I’ll personally guilt-trip each of you forever.”
The eight of you move to the dining table, where you’ve already set out platters of the guys’ favorite foods. Sure, a bit of light stalking was done to ensure you were making the dishes just as they liked them, but the members don’t need to know that.
A chorus of “thank you for the food!” is music to your ears as you all dig in. You’re not the best chef, but BTS-favored dishes you could make with your eyes closed.
“That... was... amazing.” Yoongi sighs, speaking for the first time that evening. Seokjin is helping Namjoon load the dishwasher while the rest of you are sat around the table. “For real, how did you know to spice the lamb that well?”
You shrug. “I’m just that good.”
“Guys, the music video is premiering in an hour!” Jimin yelps, and that hour passes far too quickly. A minute to midnight and you’re all squished around Taehyung’s laptop.
Tae refreshes right at midnight and BTS’s new music video pops up on his screen. Before he can even click play, you get a call from Lisa. You walk a little ways away to answer it.
“Lisa? I thought you were going to text me–”
“Y/n,” Lisa’s voice sounds strangely hollow, and your stomach drops.
“Lisa, what’s the matter?”
“You’re... why didn’t you tell me you... y/n, how could you?”
A/N Thank you lovely friends for being so amazingly patient with me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always, my inbox is open and feedback is not only welcome but thoroughly appreciated. Please feel free to drop me an ask to let me know your thoughts!
#bts#bangtan#bangtan sonyeondan#bantansonyeondan#bts au#beyond the scene#bulletproof boy scouts#suga au#yoongi au#bts suga#bts yoongi#min yoongi#min suga#bts fic#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts fluff#bts angst#bts drama#bts drabble#suga fic#suga fanfic#suga fanfiction#suga fluff#suga angst#suga drama#suga drabble#yoongi fic#yoongi fanfic#yoongi fanfiction
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ive never read the book recc'd by the prev anon but ive read the actual series amd i can Assure you the relationship described is adorable and fluffalicious
i love adorable af relationships perfect
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❓ #QOTD - What's the hobby you know the most about. Not necessarily one that you do or even like, but what's the one you're most familiar with? . Happy Friday, friends! Oh! Can #FiberFriday be a thing? Anywaze, I've got a whole gaggle of pics for y'all today; I couldn't decide on just one, so swippity-swipe away! . There's a pretty long yarn incoming. Strap in. (See what I did there? 😉). . The other month or so when I visited family, my mom let me at her yarn stash. "Whatever you want to take is fine," she said. Y'all, that is like letting setting a toddler free in a candy shop and telling them to go wild. <commence running around and squealing like a squirrel> 😆 🐿. . Okay, so here's the thing. My mom has been a craft queen for decades. So I got some really lovely stuff from her. Cotton yarn from Greece, silk and rayon, some lovely wool blends, tweed acrylic. What's in the first picture is a mere fraction of what I brought home from her. Thank you, Mom! 🧶 💖. . Now, my fiber knowledge game isn't very good, but I am NOT about squander these lovely yarns. So on the recommendation of one of @tlyarncrafts latest YouTube videos, I picked up a copy of "Yarn Substitutions Made Easy" by Carol J Sulcoski. . This book knows its stuff. We start off by examining what different yarns look like on the microscopic level and how those microscopic differences give different materials the traits they have. I'm only on section 2 and I already feel like buckets of understand have been dumped on me. Like Gatorade on the winning coach at the Superbowl. . Yeah, I know. This is peak nerdy, but if you're at all interested in fiber, I cannot recommend this book enough. . Side note: Do y'all see that fluffalicious pup beside me? Do you think we could get some good yarn from him? . . . . . #booknerd #books #booksarelife #booksaremagic #bookstagram #bookstagramcommunity #bookstagrammer #bookworm #read #reader #reading #lovetoread #bookdragon #bookwyrm #booknerd #booknerdigans #danafraedrich #yarnbooks #booksandyarn #yarnandbooks #bookandyarn #yarnandbook #yarnbook #yarnlove #fiberlove #crochetallday https://www.instagram.com/p/CLeRbOIs_Vx/?igshid=17pwqzase7ew9
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Fluffalicious 💕
What Ifs
Summary: Dean meets an insecure woman who changes everything he thinks he knows about life.
Characters: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3,304 (including lyrics)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Insecure reader I guess? This is mostly fluff.
Author’s Note: My super late entries for @samwinjarpad’s Love and Heartbreak Challenge and @queen-of-deans-booty’s 2K Fluff Challenge! My prompts were the song “What Ifs” by Kane Brown ft. Lauren Alaina and window shopping. Thank you ladies for being so patient! Having the flu and trying to find a job kinda put a wrench in writing…
This is also my first entry in my @spnfluffbingo card!
Huge shoutout to @maximumkillshot and @herbologystudent252 for betaing!
Square Filled: Engagement
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Mr. Fluffalicious 😹 #catsofinstagram #catsofig #instacat #igcat #cat #cute #tabby #adorable #fluffy #citrusnation #excellent_cats #cat_features #topcatphoto #bestmeow #bestcats_oftheworld #flaffy101cats #catoftheday #pixeltheplanet #meow_beauties #cutecatcrew #ilovemycat #igcutest_animals #igbest_cats #bestcataward #igmeows #club_of_cats #sundaykittyfeature #bestcatsclub #themeowdaily #featurecatmeows
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This little purring fluffalicious fluffball is just too precious this morning not to share!
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http://ift.tt/2yut1cY via /r/cats
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