#the untamed x reader
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drama--universe · 10 months ago
Marry me
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Requested by anonymous: Hello!🫰🫰 I'm back because like I said before - I can never get enough of Xichen! Request: The reader (female) has an injury in the past. She has scars on her face, which she hides with her spiritual power so that no one can see her scarred face and see her as before - a beauty. She befriended Xichen during a meeting in Lanling where she served as Jin Guangyao's assistant/representative. They both discovered that they had similar interests - playing the flute, books, etc...soon they confessed their love and got engaged. But the reader never revealed her biggest secret to him - her true face. She was afraid that by revealing her face, Xichen would no longer love her. Jin Guangyao was the only one who knew about her past injuries and covering her face, and the reader looked to him for comfort. But what the reader didn't know...Xichen already knew about everything from Guangyao a long time ago. Xichen then confronts the reader and assures her that he loves her and that he never saw her ugly🩷🩷🩷…
Pairing: Lan Xichen x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.3k words
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Guangyao had told you this would happen, that people would whisper and laugh at you, and yet you couldn't lift your head. It was clear why, you were the assistant of a bastard (not your choice of words) and thus in other people's eyes you weren't really worth being nice to. Yet it reminded you of your childhood, way before you were able to control your spiritual powers, where people would mock and laugh at you for the scars on your body. You remembered that day clearly, like it had happened yesterday.
It was a stupid freak accident, you didn't know how it even started. Fire had erupted in the west side of the manor in the middle of the night, in the room of the head of the household. You, along with a few hundred other maids or those who were learning to be maid, had been sleeping in the East wing. Chaos had already started by the time the fire reached your quarters. You weren't woken, not by a single person sleeping near you. Instead, you were left alone and still asleep. By the time you awoke, the flames were already licking away at your skin and melting your sheets. The screams you wanted to let out just settled in your chest as you leaped out of your bed. You were able to escape in the nick of time, watching as the building collapsed onto the unluckier people. The last thing you saw that night was the flames engulfing all that was left while screams filled the night.
Even to this day, your skin had never recovered from the flames, remaining a red and white colored scar that covered the left side of your body and face. It was not something you minded, but the looks and judgement were. Even now as you covered your appearance with a glamor, the idea that it was because of your scars was still lingering in the back of your mind.
But among all of the stares, one person was not staring. Or at least not in a menacing way like the rest, rather just out of curiosity or kindness. You didn't need an introduction to the man, his kind looks and robes said enough for you to realize who he was. Lan Xichen, as far as you were aware he was the head of his clan. A gentle smile rested on his face as he greeted Guangyao, clearly one of the only people in the room with some decent brains, before he turned to greet you.
"I don't believe we have met." He speaks and you're surprised with how formal he talks to you, unlike most who treat you as a maid (still). Your heart leaped out of your chest as he made eye contact with you before bowing slightly, which you quickly returned while introducing yourself briefly. The man gave another smile before turning to Guangyao, talking about business that you didn't understand and thus didn't pay attention to it. You took that time to look around slightly, taking note of all of the faces around you while trying to remember all of their names. It could prove to be handy later, no use in offending someone else. Especially not with how you were already viewed by others, anything to displease them would certainly cost you your head.
You were pulled from your thoughts when Guangyao called your name, gently guiding you to your seats. Coincidentally, you were sat right next to Xichen and the rest of his groups. You assumed that they were his juniors, their attires slightly less impressive than that of Xichen.
The meeting started, points carefully being brought up and discussed. You nor Guangyao spoke up much, receiving a casual shrug and being spoken over when you did, and the same went for Xichen. Yet when he spoke, elegantly and refined, everyone listened to his stance on the topic. It was almost comical how quickly the room went quiet, all eyes turning to him and carefully listening to every word that exited his mouth. When he finished, flashing that gorgeous smile that you were certainly falling in love with, everyone would nod along and agree without even thinking farther about it on their own.
At the end, you were escorted to your room and once again near Lan Xichen. Well, sort of anyway. You slept in the same room as the female Lan disciplines and thus straight across of Xichen's room.
As the days of the banquet continued, you saw more of Xichen and he even approached you without Guangyao near you. You had quite enjoyable conversations, always finding yourself smiling for hours after your interactions, and you assumed he enjoyed them the same since he kept approaching you. Your conversations ranged from talking about the points of the meetings to talking about some book either of you had read. If not those subjects, it was about what you had for dinner since you never seemed to join the dinner meetings, but you weren't about to tell him that you didn't get the chance because of your exhaustion and lack of energy to keep up the glamor on your face. So instead, you buried yourself in work and wallowed in solitude.
Like now, where you sat at your work table with papers thrown around on the desk while your food rested on your lap. It was something simple, just a regular broth that you had eaten every single day at this point. One of your hands was focused on writing, slightly messy (not that it mattered), while your other hand focused on feeding yourself. Usual routine, except that Guangyao was seated opposite of you and doing the same as you were, all be it more clumsy. Why he was here, you had no clue. However, you did enjoy the company, even when there was only the scribbling on and the rustling of paper to cover the silence.
"Can you hand me the notes from... 3 days ago? You know, the one about that... Well, you know which one I mean." Guangyao's voice broke through the silence and you looked up before rustling through the papers as you searched, knowing full well which he meant. But even when knowing what it was and where it should be, you could not find it. You went through them once again but still nothing.
"I don't have it..." "Ah! Got it, sorry..." He spoke again as he pulled out the paper from his own stack, to which you only scoffed before returning to your own work once more. You didn't get far as the silence was broken once more as Guangyao spoke up again.
"I forgot to mention, but I asked Xichen to drop by. I asked if he could drop by some stuff from yesterday." He said, to which you nodded before pulling your dress to cover your legs and pulling the front tighter around you so it would cover you enough. Then you sighed softly and focused your energy to cover up your scars. Just as you did that, a knock interrupted the silence and you looked up to see Xichen. He gave you a smile before joining you, looking over the notes on the table once as he sat down near Guangyao. You decided to just focus on your work as the two talked, but you answered the questions thrown your way ever so often.
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"You're staring again." Guangyao subtle jab made you jolt before you looked away from your topic of interest, which happened to be a very nice and tall man. You just scoffed in response, but you could not refute him as your gaze flickered back to said man. He was talking to some of his juniors, who were attentively listening to him with a gleam that you could only chuckle at.
"You can just talk to him, you know?" "I can, but I'm not going to. Besides, he's talking with them right now." You pointed at the group around Xichen before turning away from him and sighing again. Guangyao only laughed again at you before focusing on his snack. You did the same, eating the fruit before flinching when someone sat beside you. You recognized him as someone from the Lanling Jin clan and couldn't help but sigh softly again as you waited for what he was going to say. It was the usual conversation with the casual flirtatious remarks added in along with some comments that made you grimace, none of them clearly realized how insulting the comment 'You don't look like a maid, rather a rich girl' was. You were neither, not that either was insulting to you, but for them to assume that a maid was ugly and a "rich girl" was pretty was just weird if anything. So, like usual, you just nodded before continuing to do what you were doing before. However, this guy seemed to not take that as a clear answer and continued.
"I apologize if to was not clear, but I'm spoken for at the moment." You gave a smile that you were sure he understood was fake before turning away again in hopes that he'd finally give up.
"Really, do I know him?" The tone of his voice was mocking you and you could only scoff while your eyes darted around again. You couldn't use Guangyao, everybody knew that you had a sibling relationship. Instead your eyes landed on Xichen again, who seemed to notice your gaze immediately as if he was already looking at you. The slightly panicked expression on your face seemed enough for him to make his way over, so you quickly sprung into action.
"He seems to be walking over right now and I do assume you know him." You gave another smile, hoping that he hadn't noticed you and Xichen share a look. Seemingly, he didn't as his face just paled slightly while he greeted the clan head. You found it hilarious as you smiled at Xichen before flinching again when the man beside you excused himself in a hurry.
"Spoken for, huh?" Guangyao teased while Xichen looked slightly confused as he sat down beside you in the spot where the previous guy sat.
"I seem to have missed something..." Xichen said with a small smile and you shook your head with a laugh. "I needed an excuse for him to leave, the solution was you." You said in a teasing manner, hopping he'd take it as a stupid joke and didn't think too much about it.
"She told him that you and her were courting." Guangyao spoke up and you gave him a pointed glare before softly slapping his arm. Xichen looked at you with an amused look and you awkwardly looked at him before scoffing again.
"I said a was spoken for, not courting." You gave another pointed glare to Guangyao before he was able to speak up. "Technically those are the same." Your glare moved over to Xichen and his eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Not that I know anything about that." He backtracked and you nodded before turning to your snacks again, angrily munching while you tried to ignore the pang of embarrassment that shot through your mind. And like a rolling ball down a hill, you felt all energy suddenly drain after and you paused before groaning as you dropped your head down. Guangyao, guessing what was happening, was quick to jump up and move to your side.
"I'm going to my room, headache is starting again." The lie didn't seem obvious as Xichen didn't react to it, rather watching you walk off to your room. Neither he not Guangyao followed, just remaining in their seats with worried looks as you sauntered off.
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How you ended up here was slightly confusing, but you were here. Right opposite of you was Xichen, who seemed fully content while you tried to hide your embarrassment. How you hadn't realized that your hang-out was in fact a date, was a miracle and it didn't help that Xichen had to point that out. Not that you minded it, you could just not believe that you were that oblivious. Instead of having your existential crisis before the date, like you would usually do when you realized that your crush liked you back, you now had to do so on the date itself. Hence why your head was placed on the table, your eyes closed while you tried to ignore the low chuckling from the man opposite of you.
"I should've made it more obvious." "No, no, no... I'm just stupid, sorry." You lifted your head for a second to apologize before letting it drop again, hoping for the hit against the table to knock you out. Not connecting to the table made you pause before opening your eyes to see Xichen's hand.
"Can you just not be a gentleman for a few seconds?" You asked and he let out a laugh, one you had never heard before. Normally, the man was reserved and quiet, maybe even a bit uptight. Now, however, he seemed relaxed and a bit more open. It was nice, made him a bit more attractive than he already was. I mean, who didn't like someone more when they felt more relaxed around you.
"I don't think I can agree to that. I had to promise Guangyao to treat you to the best of my capabilities." He said with another one of his charming smiles, but you could only scoff at the mention of Guangyao and laying your head on his hand again.
"Of course he did... He knows my weaknesses." You mumbled and Xichen pushed your head up to look at you. "Me being nice is attractive to you?" He asked and you chuckled at him before sitting up.
"Oh, God. You have no idea, do you?"
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"No, no, no... Teach me that again!" You exclaimed as you tried to follow Xichen's fingers on the strings of his instruments. Xichen chuckled before plucking at the strings once more, showing you the rhythm and melody. You grimaced before doing the same, wincing when the notes came out wrong once again.
"I think I should stick with woodwind instruments, strings don't agree with me." You joked, looking back and chuckling at Xichen before dropping your head backwards and on his shoulder.
"Giving up isn't allowed, come on." He took ahold of your hands and guided them on the strings, bending his fingers with yours to make you play. The notes, while not all right, sounded much better then before.
"You know, that's one rule of yours I agree with." "Which one do you not agree with?" He asked and you looked up before kissing his cheek.
"No public affection." You smiled before kissing him on the lips once, feeling his smile against your lips before he pulled away. "Now that's a rule I'm willing to break soon." He said and you raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm afraid we have to be married for that-" The smirk on his face made you stop in the middle of your sentence before your eyes widened and you jumped up from your seat between his legs.
"Are you asking me to marry you?!" You exclaimed and Xichen shrugged softly, awaiting your reaction and seemingly looking disappointed when you whined at him.
"Do you not want to marry me?" "Yes, I do! But that was so... so unromantic." You whined as you stepped closer to him again, cupping his face and chuckling.
"But I will marry you."
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"Why did I say yes?!" You complained to Guangyao, who just sat on your bed while trying to get you to stop pacing and stressing. You couldn't help it, hands pulling at your hair while you paced.
"I don't see a problem... He's the love of your life, no?" "Yes!" You answered and Guangyao made a motion, asking what the problem was. You stopped pacing and pointed at your burns, more specifically those on your face and neck. Once again, Guangyao asked what was wrong.
"I look disgusting! People think I'm a monster that they warn their kids about!" You almost screamed at him and Guangyao was quick to get up when he noticed how distressed you were, tears streaming down your face. He marched to you, placing his hands on your shoulders and trying to get you to calm down.
"Let's not go back there, alright? We talked about this before, you are not a monster. You will never be one and those scars do not make you one." Guangyao said and you scoffed at him as you tried to escape his grasp, unsuccessfully. Instead, Guangyao's grip tightened on your shoulders as he tried to make you to face him.
"I know you're not and you know that too." He continued and you groaned, letting yourself fall to the ground and let yourself go. Tears started streaming down your face as you pushed Guangyao off of you, pushing yourself in a corner and hiding yourself. Guangyao seemed to get the hint as you heard the door open and close.
You don't know how long it was as you kept crying, but long enough for your throat to get dry and scratchy. No tears remained as you sobbed, which made you even more annoyed. When the door opened, however, you could only groan and raise your head.
"Get out, A-Yao." You exclaimed before freezing as you saw Xichen in the doorway, looking at you with a worried face. He approached while you stared at him in fear, not even thinking of covering your face as you tried to process the fact that Xichen was standing before you.
He kneeled down, caressing your face as he wiped away tears stains before pulling you closer to him. Your face got pressed against his shoulders and you let yourself go again, wrapping yourself around him and sniffling to yourself. His hands rubbed circles on your back to try and comfort you, which you had to admit was working slightly. After a few more minutes of this and then you leaned back, staring at Xichen with tears still in your eyes.
"Guangyao said you were having a panic attack, I came as quick as I could." Xichen explained and you could only groan as he said it, slightly annoyed at the fact that this was not even something you were surprised about. His hand soon found your face, thumb grazing over the scar on your face before softly placing a kiss on your cheek.
"I do not care for your scars, you are beautiful like you are. If you feel better hiding them in public, I will not judge you or try to change you. I do, however, want you to know that you do not need to around me. If you'll still have me, I will marry you however many times you want." He gave you a soft smile, one that made your heart melt and your façade crumble.
"Do you really don't care? I mean, I look like a monster and-" "I'm stopping you right there. You do not look like a monster, rather a strong person that survived a terrible thing. Guangyao had told me your story and I know what you've been through. It might not have been his story to tell, but it happened to slip out during a conversation of ours." He continues and you frown, not really understanding what he was trying to say.
"So I think I have to ask you again." He kneeled before you and took ahold of your hands, kissing your knuckles softly before continuing.
"Will you marry me?"
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thirteenis-myluckynumber · 11 months ago
Wedding vows
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Man, choosing a gif is harder than I thought *cries*
Pairing: Nie Huaisang x f!reader
Word Count: 4856 words
Warnings/tags: fluff, just love all around, Chinese wedding ensues, suggestive content, smut, this one is nsfw minors dni
Notes: (C/N)-your clan's name, (Y/N)-your name
A/N: This is the 2nd part of Proposal. You can read this is as a stand-alone, but some context might be lost. I can't believe its done, have a feast, dears!
Special thanks to this post, for providing information about Chinese weddings. I did take some liberties, but at least I did it knowingly.
It's been almost a month now that you were living in the Unclean Realm. Your brother agreed, begrudgingly at first, to let you go before the wedding because he saw how painful it was for you to stay away from your soon-to-be husband. In the end, he saw it was the right decision to let you get used to your new home beforehand.
Just one week before the wedding basically everything was turned upside down in the Unclean Realm. Both you and Nie Huaisang took part in the planning as there were no close relative of his who could take on the task. He, of course, had an exceptionally good eye for decoration, and while he was busy with clan leader's stuff, you coordinated the disciples and servants when needed.
You quickly got used to the almost colourless picture of the Unclean Realm and appreciated the calmly elegant black-grey-silver colours of your new home. The vivid red and gold decorations of the upcoming wedding, hinted with a little bit of silver, almost felt weirdly out of place now. As you entered the main hall to check on the servants' progress before retiring for the night, you stopped in awe at the entrance. Almost everything was in place now, only some adjustments were needed here and there. A huge smile spread across your face, as you couldn't help but imagine yourself entering the hall on Huaisang's arm, dressed in beautiful red and every guest's attention on you.
Speaking of Huaisang, you wondered what he was doing, as you haven't seen him all day. You decided to check on him before returning to your chambers. As you passed down the hallways, the servants were busy lighting some lanterns for the night. The sky already started to darken, and they politely greeted you as you passed them by. The guards also haven't paid attention to you, you were allowed to move freely, and they quickly got used to your presence after you moved in.
When you approached Huaisang's door, you knocked lightly to let him know of your presence but didn't actually wait for him to open the door himself. With guards present, his door was unlocked so you figured he hasn't retired for the night yet. You entered and instantly noticed his sitting form by the desk. He seemed to be completely engrossed in something, which you assumed was official documents. A light, calming incense could be smelled in the air of the warmly lit room. As you stepped closer, you noticed the not-so-neatly scattered papers on the table and some even around it on the ground. You also noticed a brush and ink, probably for writing letters. His usual fan also sat discarded on the edge of the table. Yes, he was definitely working all day, you concluded.
You stepped next to the table on his left side and shot a quick glance at the paper in front of him. It was clearly clan business. He only became aware of your presence in that moment, and he looked up at you with a tired but happy smile playing on the edge of his lips.
"Miss (C/N), it's so good to see you! Only you can make this miserable day better!"
"Oh, Huaisang, I'm sorry you had to work all day! I stopped by the main hall, and everything is almost completely ready now. You should check it out tomorrow. What's all this anyway?" You asked gesturing at the scattered papers all around his desk.
"You wouldn't believe it! Almost all of this are letters offering support, inquiring about accommodation, or asking for details about the banquet. There are also official papers about finances and clan politics. And I have to sort these out before the wedding! Why does everybody want a piece of me?"
"Hmm, I think," you pretended to think hard while you sat down next to him on the ground, "you are quite a catch."
He let out a disbelieving sound, but you continued, counting on your fingers.
"You are wealthy, the leader of one of the four big clans, a clever and intelligent man, you are a very talented artist, you have great taste in clothing, you do what you need to but don't meddle in other's business, you are funny and kind. Oh, and have I mentioned exceptionally handsome?"
"Ahh, stop, stop, stop, stop!" He protested, nose scrunched up and hands held out in front of his chest.
You let out a short laugh because of his adorably childish attitude and turned your body so you were sitting face to face now. You reached out and grabbed his hands. So warm and soft, they fit perfectly into yours.
"I'm serious," you said looking into his eyes.
And he believed you. His face straightened out, his eyes searching yours, lips parted only a tiny bit in awe, but you couldn't help but notice. He also noticed where you were looking, his eyes wandering down to your lips in turn. When your eyes met again, you could see the question in his eyes and you leaned closer to him, a barely noticeable movement. But that's all he needed. The next moment he leaned in, and his lips were on yours, hands moving around your waist to pull you closer. You gasped, one hand touching his chest for purchase, the other reaching up to cradle his cheek. His kisses were slow and sensual.
"I don't think you should praise me this much. I might become overly confident," he whispered into your lips between kisses.
"Well, surely we don't need another peacock."
You let go of each other's lips and burst out laughing, your foreheads touching the whole time.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
The day of the wedding arrived quickly. As you were getting ready with help of your maids, you listened to the commotion outside as guests continued to arrive. Everyone had to settle in their temporary rooms and led to the main hall where the wedding will take place. Once everyone was here the ceremony started while food and drinks were being prepared by the servants for the following banquet.
You were quite nervous because basically the whole cultivation world will witness your union. At least the other three big clans, the Lanling Jin, the Gusu Lan and the Yunmeng Jiang were obviously invited, and some of the smaller clans too thanks to your side. Jiang Wanyin was Huaisang's old friend, while Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao were Nie Mingjue's sworn brothers so you were sure they will be attending. Lan Wangji apparently made up some excuse, so he didn't need to come and if you were honest, you liked it this way. His achievements certainly deserved respect, but he was famously uninterested in, even disgusted by celebrations which involved lively music and drinking.
Putting on the wedding dress was the quickest part of the whole procedure as braiding your hair in the Nie style and preparing your make-up took a few hours. Finally, your head was covered with a red veil to complete the look. Soon you were being led out to meet your husband the entrance of the main hall. Nervousness rose in your chest, but it subsided somewhat when you arrived. You were signaled to stop, and you felt warm hands gently wrapping around yours.
"Huaisang?" Your words came out as barely a whisper because somehow you felt like the wedding atmosphere shouldn't be bothered by talking.
"I'm here," he answered in kind and squeezed your hand a little as reassurance before wrapping a soft red silk ribbon around your wrist. It was to ensure you won't trip as you could barely see anything through your veil, and it also symbolised your union.
You only noticed the soft music and light chatter in the background when you started to walk up the few stairs leading to the main hall. But the hushed voices completely stopped when you stepped into the hall. Thankfully you knew how the room was prepared, so you remembered that you only had to take a few steps before you reached the pillows placed on the ground for you to perform your bows. Huaisang also made sure to make measured movements and helped you the best he could in signalling when you needed to stop walking and kneel down.
Being led by Huaisang while you almost couldn't see anything felt strangely romantic to you, like he was the only person in the whole world you could trust and to whom you could give complete control over yourself. This vulnerability felt frightening at first as you could feel every guest's eyes on your back, like realizing a dangerous predator is stalking you in the forest. But soon your senses focused completely on Huaisang. You could almost feel his warmth radiating through the cloth that bound your hands together.
You bowed in sync, first to pay respect to Heaven and Earth, second to Huaisang's parents, and finally to each other. You stood up and felt your legs shaking from relief and happiness. You were married! You still couldn't believe it. Soon you heard the commotion as your guests stood up and drank a cup of liquor to your marriage. One by one they approached you to congratulate you and wish you health and happiness. Huaisang held your hand in his and you could feel his palm was sweaty from nerves, but you didn't mind. You thanked the guests for their well-wishes and also said farewell. You recognized some of the voices and you were glad that your husband will be taken care of by people like Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin during the banquet.
The few hours you spent alone, sitting in silence on your now shared bed in Nie Huaisang's room felt like a relief after the ceremony. So far everything went well, you completed the wedding without any mishaps, and you hoped that everything goes smoothly at the banquet too. Time flew by surprisingly quickly while you meditated. Your focus was disturbed by muffled voices coming through the closed door. When it slid open, you could hear the finishing sentences of the two people's conversation outside.
"Don't be nervous. Everything will be fine," you recognized the soft and calm voice of Jin Guangyao.
"Thank you, San-ge," replied Huaisang, and closed the door behind him as he stepped into the room.
He didn't move for a few seconds and the anticipation in you grew stronger and stronger. You were patient the whole day, but now you just wanted to finally see him, see him in his wedding robes. He walked closer, ever so slow, hesitation palpable. In the dim light of the candles, you could see his silhouette when he stepped in front of you. You felt it when he finally grabbed your veil at the sides and with a quick motion, he lifted it up, letting it float down to the floor.
You were not one of those old traditional couples in the sense that you already knew each other before the wedding. Yet now, when both of you finally looked at each other, it felt like seeing a heavenly being for the first time. Wide eyes, lips parted you marvelled at each other's beauty. He has seen you in your dress during the ceremony, but your face adorned with tasteful make-up and your hair decorated with jewelry, braided specially to signify you were now the wife of a Nie took his breath away. You, on the other hand, had to take in his full visage. His red robes, with gold and black woven in, were of a thinner material than his usual attire, so it perfectly accentuated his snatched waist and wide shoulders. The guan in his hair were gold and it had a bolder style than his usual silver ones, just like the braids. When your gaze stopped at his face your breath hitched in your throat because of the open love and desire you saw in his eyes.
"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he finally spoke, his voice low.
"I...," you had to clear your throat after not speaking for such a long time, "we should drink the alcohol," you managed to say, standing up and walking to the table nervously.
You poured the fine liquor into two small cups and handed one to Huaisang. He took it gently and waited for you with his arm held out. You joined him, holding your own cup, and you intertwined your arms as you drank the alcohol with one gulp. When you finished you looked at each other, arms still linked and smiled, feeling the tension of the day leaving your body. You almost knocked your heads together as you wanted to put the cups down back on the table at the same time.
"We should sit down," he suggested, but the suggestion sounded like a tentative question.
You nodded your head. He must be tired after entertaining your guests, you thought. Luckily, he was not drunk so his friends must have kept a close eye on him. He could also direct some of his qi to get rid of the alcohol, but that also exhausted him after a while. You knew what was expected of you on your wedding night, but you didn't want to pressure him if he felt too tired after such a long day.
So, you sat on the edge of your bed in silence for a few moments before you felt his hand reaching out for yours. You flicked your gaze over where your hand rested on the bed between your bodies. His hand was not much bigger than yours but still big enough to cradle yours, and you always marveled at how soft and warm they felt. You noticed how his other hand were playing with the jade pendant hanging from his belt and you moved your free hand to gently lay on his thigh. You intended to soothe his nerves, but the moment your hand connected with his leg, you felt his muscles twitch. You looked up into his eyes and what you saw made your breath quicken. His dark brown eyes looked almost completely black now as his pupils widened. For a split second his gaze moved down to your mouth, and you did the same in return. You noticed how his lips relaxed, opening only the slightest amount and you found yourself wanting to kiss him so bad. When your gazes met again, he leaned towards you slowly, still holding your gaze, gauging your reaction.
And your lips connected.
It felt like fireworks exploded between you. You felt how his hand pushed yours into the mattress as he leaned in closer, his body weight shifting to his arm between you. His other arm sneaked around your waist to pull you closer, as he always did when you were kissing, only this time the kiss was different. It was much more forceful, brave, and charged with desire.
When you let go of each other's lips for a moment, both of you were breathing hard.
"I love you so much. You are the best thing in my life," he breathed into your lips, and you swore you saw his eyes shining.
"I love you too, I love you-," you said in return, the last syllable muffled as he captured your lips again.
Sitting with your feet on the ground while your body turned towards him started to feel uncomfortable, so you moved to sit on his lap, not letting go of his lips or hand for a second. When you settled your weight on his thighs, he moved his hands to your cheeks at first, then moved them down to your neck, tracing your collar bones with his fingers. You grabbed onto his robes and let go of his lips with a sigh. His hands moved away immediately, thinking his touch were unwelcome.
"Don't stop. It... felt good," you said nervously and smiled shyly at him.
This time he moved his hands to your waist, where the sash held your garments together.
"May I?" He asked seriously, his voice trembling a little.
You gulped and nodded your head rapidly. His touch was featherlight, you almost couldn't feel it when he reached for the opening of your sash and carefully removed it. The material of your robe loosened, and he moved to remove your outer garment entirely. You realized you were sitting on the skirt, so you needed to stand back up if you wanted to remove the whole thing.
"I need to get up to get this out of the way," you said to him when he freed your arms and only your undershirt remained on the upper half of your body.
You quickly realized that part of his nervousness came from the fact that he didn't want to scare you away, so you warned him of your intentions beforehand. He nodded and reluctantly let go of you as you stood up from his lap.
The room was warm, but you still felt a slight chill as your outer robe descended to the floor. The coldness faded when you looked into Huaisang's fiery gaze and the air suddenly felt impossibly hot as he stepped closer to you. His hands moved to your shoulders, gently caressing them and slowly moving towards your chest. Your breath quickened, his light touches searing hot through your thin undergarment. A shiver ran through your whole body as his hands gently cradled your soft breasts and he sucked in a sharp breath when your nipples hardened under his thumbs.
"Please, Huaisang, I want to feel your touch on my skin!" You felt a little embarrassed about how whiny your voice sounded, but you wanted to show him how much you wanted his touch.
He leaned in to kiss at your jawline and neck while his hands deftly removed your undergarments. As your clothes pooled around your ankles, he took a step back to admire your naked body. You suddenly felt self-conscious, and your hands instinctively moved to cover yourself up. Huaisang noticed it and took your hands into his to stop you.
"Don't be shy. I still can't believe I've managed to get myself such a beautiful and intelligent wife" he said, looking into your eyes the whole time.
You wanted to say something witty and clever, but the moment felt too sincere for it, so instead you answered:
"Don't forget that I wanted to be yours."
He stepped closer to you again, his mouth finding yours. He kissed you like a drowning man, never wanting to let go of you. His hands roamed over every part of your body he could reach and you wanted to finally touch his skin too. Your hands tugged on the lapels of his dress, signalling you wanted it off. He broke the kiss when he felt a more insistent tug.
"Take it off!" You managed to breath out and he chuckled at your insistence.
"You want more of me, huh?" He asked with that cocky self-assurance he only used with his closest friends back at Cloud Recesses.
You crossed your arms across your chest with a defiant look and you must have looked funny standing like that while being stark naked. But it worked, and Huaisang looked at you as if he were saying "Fine, fine," and reached for his belt. The strength gradually left your arms as you watched him undress, and by the time he only had his white underrobe on, your arms were hanging by your side.
When he moved to remove it too, you couldn't just stand there anymore and stepped in front of him, grabbing onto his hands. Your sudden movement startled him a little as his focus were completely on his clothes. You reached for the cloth that bound his underrobe together and undid it slowly, looking into his eyes the whole time. He moved his hands out of the way and followed the path of yours with his eyes as you reached up to his shoulders, pushing the light fabric down.
And he stood there only in a pair of white trousers, chest bare, skin like pristine jade, accentuated by his dark hair cascading down his back. You couldn't help but marvel at his beauty. As a healer you saw many men and women in various stages of undress, mostly injured soldiers. At those times your interest was not particularly focused on their looks, but you remembered how strong and muscular they were. Now, as you were looking at your husband's bare upper body, you realised that you never really found them attractive. Compared to them Huaisang had a soft body, but his chest was nicely toned and you could see the lean muscles of his arms.
You reached up and traced his collar bones with your fingers then moved downwards and stopped on his chest. You could feel how strong and fast his heart was beating under your right palm. His skin was so soft, smooth and warm, you couldn't help but tenderly caress the shape of his pecs, noticing how his small nipples stood at attention from your touch, much like yours before. You slowly slid your hands down to his stomach, following the made-up path of the cute little moles that were scattered everywhere on his skin. You felt the muscles tensing under the skin of his stomach as you went even lower, stopping where a soft patch of dark hair disappeared under the band of his underpants. As you ran your fingers over his happy trail, loving how the soft hairs tickled your fingertips, you heard Huaisang biting back a whiny moan. Your eyes moved back to his face and oh, what you saw took your breath away. He bit down on his lower lip, eyebrows furrowed, as he watched with half-lidded eyes where your hands were going.
You moved your hands out of your line of sight and your gaze lowered past the waist of his pants. He was already hard enough to form a nicely visible tent in his pants. You realised there was no turning back if you took the next step and it scared you a little, but also made you incredibly excited. You wanted it and you wanted him, but it still surprised you how boldly you reached down and caressed him lightly through his pants. This time his moan was deeper, more guttural, and he almost literally fell on you as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. Your knowledge was mostly medical about how the male body worked, so the late-night conversations with your already married friends came in handy. You felt proud about how much your touch affected Huaisang. Your next caress was a little firmer and you felt him twitch under your palm. Gathering his every strength, Huaisang stepped back and pulled you towards the bed.
"(Y/N), please, it's been too long, and I fear I won't last long if you keep this up. I want all of you tonight. Can I show you how much?"
"Okay," your voice was barely a whisper, and you let yourself being laid down on the bed.
Huaisang quickly got rid of his remaining garments and carefully removed the intricate guan, now only a black silk ribbon keeping his hair together. As he climbed on top of you, you instinctively opened your legs to make room for him as he rested his weight on his elbows next to your shoulders. This way he was the only thing you could see, but there was nothing else you wished to see at this moment. A large amount of his long hair fell over his shoulders and caressed your cheeks. He was so beautiful as a soft smile played on his lips and you reached up to kiss him. It quickly turned heated and Huaisang soon left your lips in order to kiss all over your face and neck. Then he moved lower and grabbed one of your breasts with his hand while he occupied his mouth with sucking on the other nipple. Your sighs of pleasure encouraged him to move his hand lower while his mouth kept playing with your nipples.
At first your hips shied away from his touch but when his deft fingers found the most pleasurable spot between your legs you couldn't bite back a moan. His mouth left your breasts as he moved to carefully watch your reaction while his other hand kept your legs in place.
"You are doing amazing, you are so wet already," he praised and slowly pushed his index finger inside you.
"Huaisang...," you moaned his name as you watched his finger disappear inside you.
This was something you already tried yourself on lonely nights but the fact that it was his finger made the experience completely different and so much better. He moved his finger slowly in and out of you and when you felt like you couldn't take it anymore, he removed his hand. You whined at the sudden loss of contact, but he moved back on top of you and kissed the complaints off of your lips.
"Are you ready?" He asked, and you were never this sure about anything in your life.
"Yes, I want you, please."
He reached down and guided his cock to your entrance, rubbing it over your wetness, using your combined arousal as a lubricant. Even this little delay and the feeling of his hot member so close to where you wanted it made you squirm. He was looking into your eyes the whole time and you saw how he had to fight he urge to close them when he started to finally push inside you. He was slow and careful, and when he was fully seated inside both of you stopped to catch your breaths. The stretch was unfamiliar but not unpleasant. You moaned when you felt his cock twitching and your insides tightened around him in response. Now it was his turn to let out a shaky breath as he let his forehead rest against yours. He simply couldn't hold his composure anymore, so he slowly started to pull out and push back again. At first you felt a tiny prick of pain, but it soon faded and was replaced by pure pleasure. And he was quick to react to your signs, so when you reached up and grabbed onto his hair to find support, he knew he found that special spot. Soon you were a moaning mess, being so close to your release and he was no different, his skin shining from sweat and strands of his hair sticking to his cheeks and neck.
"a-Sang!" You repeated over and over, and finally hearing you calling him that, it was enough to push him through the edge.
He sealed your lips in a desperate kiss, one of his hands reaching down to rub your clit, his other arm shaking from the effort of keeping his body from fully collapsing on top of you. The feeling of his desperate thrusts, his hand on your most sensitive spot and his shaky moans calling your name finally triggered your orgasm. You felt your inner walls clenching impossibly tight around him and you desperately clawed at his back, not really caring at that moment if you were leaving marks on his skin.
He collapsed on top you, the last of his strength leaving his body as both of you tried to catch your breath. Your vision slowly cleared, and the ringing disappeared from your eyes as you subconsciously caressed his head and shoulders. He burrowed his head into the crook of your neck, and you swore you could hear him practically purring like a cat.
The air in the room slowly started to dry off the sweat from your bodies and it soon made you both shiver. Huaisang rolled off of you with a series of unintelligible whines and went to fetch a cloth to clean yourselves up. He wetted it with the prepared warm water and carefully cleaned your most sensitive spots. He couldn't help but leave some lazy kisses around your hips and thighs in the process and the feeling of his gentle touches were almost enough to lull you into sleep.
He quickly cleaned himself up too and climbed back into the bed next to you, pulling the luxurious covers over your naked bodies. You moved to lay your head on his chest, positioning your ear over his heart, its steady beating made you feel completely safe. He sneaked his arms around you, pulling you even closer. You looked up at him and you smiled at how his hair was a complete mess now, yet he looked so handsome in the faint glow of the candlelight, his eyes shining with so much love you thought your chest will explode because of it.
"Thank you, tonight was incredible," you said as you drew small patterns on his chest with your fingers.
You swore you could see his ears redden even in the faint light, and you planted a soft kiss on his pecs before you fully relaxed in his arms.
"I love you a-(Y/N), get some sleep now," you heard him say before you fell into a blissful sleep.
ps. I have a half written morning-after snippet, let me know if you are interested and I'll finish it.
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mdzsfan · 1 year ago
Hi, can I request an OS with Lan Wangji and female reader? Reader was given as a gift to Wangji to serve him as a maid by another clan. Reader belongs to a poor background (she was an orphan grown up in a foster home). Reader feels honoured to be his maid and serves HanGuang-Jun with all her heart. Slowly, Wangji developed feelings for reader and started loving her secretly. He becomes protective of her and started getting jealous whenever she gets attention from other mdzs boys. Reader has a crush on HanGuang-Jun but she never expected that someone like Lan er-gongzi who is a noble man belongs to the highest social class can like her, let alone love her(reader is an underconfident maiden because of her poor background). Wangji started dropping subtle hints for the reader to show his love for her. Like, one day, Wangji took reader's hands in his and made her touch his forehead ribbon, which reader misunderstood as a mistake. Another day, he played guqin for the reader when she was unable to fall asleep. Some other day, he kissed her forhead & cheeks when she was playing with his rabbits. One day, Wangji takes the reader to Caiyi town for Yuan Xiao festival. Reader loves going to festivals and fairs a lot since she never got a chance to go there during childhood (she mentioned it to him casually one day) where they both light a lantern together and wish to stay together forever. Wangji couldn't stop himself from kissing her when he feels the reader so close to him which made her really surprised since she didn't believe what has just happened😳 Wangji takes her to a restaurant to eat where someone spiked her tea and reader got drunk. They decided to stay in a hotel in same room and Wangji takes care of the drunk reader. Her cute antics made him laugh and gives him a hard time to control himself as he doesn't want to take advantage of her in drunken state. (You can add as many cute antics as you want as drunk reader is quite adorable and cute). Once she became sober, there, sitting on his lap, reader asks Wangji, "why does he not treat her like a maid anymore? Why did he kiss her?(touching her lips while saying that), What does he feel about her? Why is he holding her in his arms like this as it is forbidden to be like this with a maid?" To which Wangji replies that, "he will never treat her as a maid because she is his woman and he consider the reader as his wife, his soulmate, his everything. And he is holding her like this because she is his and she will remain in his arms forever." Listening to this, reader kisses him and Wangji couldn't control himself anymore so they both kisses each other passionately and things got heated from there between them and they had sex in the hotel room(you can write implied nsfw if you are not comfortable). Lying naked in each other's arms, reader asked Wangji if it is okay to be intimate with a maid? Is it not forbidden to have a relationship like this between a master and servant? To which Wangji made her touch his forehead ribbon and declares that only she is allowed to touch his forehead ribbon as he considers reader his spouse. Reader gets emotional and they had sex again, this time Wangji being gentle with her as she was already sore from previous rounds. Next day, when they go back to cloud recess, Wangji tells Zewu-Jun that he wants to marry the reader ceremoniously and Zewu-Jun shows his concerns regarding Shūfù's reaction as he will never accept reader (a maid from low class) as Wangji's wife. When Shūfù called HanGuang-Jun and Zewu-Jun to talk about this matter, to convince him not to marry the maid reader, Wangji declared that the reader has already became his woman because Wangji has embraced the reader and had taken her virginity, her honour. The marks she bears on her body are the evidence of their passionate night together. Shūfù has no other choice so he accepts their relationship and reader and Wangji gets married in a traditional ceremony and declares their love to each other and vows to stay with each other forever. Thank you in advance😊
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this oneshot that I wrote. I unfortunately did had to split into 3-5 parts as it was very long, and there are some parts such as smut that might be uncomfortable for some readers. As not everyone is okay with the idea of smut however, I really hope that you like the one shots, as I personally loved writing it!
Unspoken Bonds
From the earliest days of y/n's life, a sense of unrelenting hardship took root, as she navigated a world that was harsh and unforgiving. Abandoned to the streets with neither family nor means, she fell into the hands of a family that offered shelter, but at a cost that was far from kind. This supposed refuge, unfortunately, evolved into a crucible of cruelty that shaped her formative years.
Optimism, naive yet persistent, had once painted this family as her potential saviors, a way out of the torment she had known. Yet, the stark reality unfolded with a grim contrast. Instead of the sanctuary she yearned for, she became a target for their frustrations and anger. Mistakes, no matter how minor, ignited storms of abuse that rained down upon her fragile shoulders.
Her daily life became an endless cycle of servitude. Cooking and cleaning were the tasks she was relegated to, her hands worn from the labor that sustained the very family that ought to have nurtured and protected her. But instead of gratitude, they rewarded her dedication with disrespect, dehumanizing her by spitting on her, a poignant reminder of her status as the lowest rung in their household.
Time went by, and the cruelty only intensified. The shadows of her circumstances grew darker, blotting out any semblance of hope that dared to flicker within her. The family's satisfaction seemed to derive from her suffering, twisting her dreams into nightmares she couldn't escape.
And then, when their need for her waned, they made a callous decision that would forever alter her fate. Selling her, as if she were mere chattel, became their solution to an inconvenience they no longer wished to tolerate. To a neighboring clan hungry for power and willing to pay, y/n was a transaction, a cruel exchange of money for a life.
In the face of life's unrelenting challenges, y/n remained resolute and unyielding. Despite the difficulties that surrounded her, she refused to surrender to adversity. Over time, her indomitable spirit led her to forge meaningful connections with the fellow maids and servants who, like her, dedicated their lives to serving the illustrious Xiao family. Through shared experiences and a mutual understanding of their circumstances, the bonds of friendship blossomed, offering solace and camaraderie in a world that often seemed harsh and unforgiving.
Yet, as the hands of fate would have it, echoes of history began to resurface. Just when y/n believed she had found her place amidst the companionship of kindred spirits, an unexpected twist emerged. Rumors spread, whispered in hushed tones among the manors' inhabitants, conveying a revelation that cast a shadow over the newfound harmony y/n had cultivated. It was decided that y/n would be entrusted as a gift to the revered Gusu Lan Clan, an act motivated by a deep sense of gratitude.
The Gusu Lan Clan, renowned for their steadfast support of the small clan to which y/n had belonged, offered her presence as a token of appreciation. It was a gesture meant to convey not only the Xiao family's acknowledgment of the Gusu Lan Clan's assistance but also their genuine desire to strengthen the ties between their clans. 
Prior to y/n's entrance into Gusu as Lan Wangji's maid, a myriad of rumors had reached her ears, painting a multifaceted portrait of the enigmatic man. Whispers echoed about his piercing gaze, capable of peering into the depths of one's soul, and tales circulated of his unwavering adherence to rules and decorum, lending an air of unwavering obedience to his presence, seemingly mirroring the very essence of Lan Qiren.
However, as y/n stepped into her role and began to interact with Lan Wangji on a more intimate level, she found that reality diverged from these conjectures. The man who stood before her was not a mere embodiment of rumors; he was a complex individual with layers that extended far beyond the whispers of gossip. Yes, there existed an initial distance between them, a consequence of his accustomed solitude, yet this did not deter her from pursuing a genuine connection.
As y/n assumed her role as Lan Wangji's dedicated maid, a profound sense of honor enveloped her. Each task she performed, every moment she spent in his presence, was imbued with a deep reverence for the man she served, HanGuang-Jun. Her heart swelled with pride as she tended to his needs, and she approached her duties with an unwavering commitment that stemmed from a genuine admiration for his character.
In her eyes, every action was a testament to her devotion. She meticulously arranged his belongings, ensuring that his environment was one of tranquility and order. The act of preparing his tea became a ritual, a delicate balance of precision and care. As she observed him from the periphery, his presence radiated a quiet strength that commanded respect and kindled an unspoken understanding between them.
Amid the tranquil rhythm of their daily tea ceremony, Lan Wangji's voice cut through the stillness with a question that echoed like the delicate chime of a distant temple bell. "Do I frighten you?" he inquired, his words carrying a weight that seemed to stretch beyond their immediate context.
Caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry, y/n paused in her meticulous task, her movements stilled by the gravity of his question. Her eyes met his, a moment of connection that held a world of unspoken sentiments. She could sense the complexity within those eyes, a depth of emotions that remained enigmatic yet inviting, like the surface of a tranquil pond concealing the currents below.
In response, her voice carried a gentle timbre laced with a touch of reverence, as she inclined her head in a respectful bow. "I'm sorry, Hanguang-Jun," she murmured, her words threaded with sincerity. "I didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive me."
With the pot placed delicately on the table, a fleeting impulse surged within y/n. An impulse to escape the room, to retreat from the intimacy of the moment. But before she could act upon it, her attempt to slip away was thwarted by the firm yet gentle grasp of Lan Wangji's hand. His touch was unexpected, a tether that pulled her back from the precipice of her own uncertainty.
"Stay," his voice resonated, carrying a command that was as soft as it was compelling. His gaze, steady and unwavering, met hers, and in that instant, she was held in his gaze as if suspended in time. His finger extended, pointing to the table that held the tea they were meant to share, a silent insistence that resonated more deeply than mere words.
Caught between his unspoken desire and her own momentary hesitation, y/n found herself rooted to the spot, her instincts conflicting with the undeniable pull of his presence. It was in this very moment that the lines between servant and master, duty and emotion, blurred into something more intricate and profound.
As she remained by the table, a swirl of emotions stirred within her. The unexpected touch, the commanding yet not unkind directive, created a fissure in the façade of their roles. A hint of vulnerability flickered in Lan Wangji's eyes, a vulnerability that mirrored her own feelings of uncertainty and longing.
This moment was the very beginning. A small, unassuming step that would unknowingly set the course for a transformation within her heart. The tiniest seed of affection, of admiration for the man who stood before her, took root and began to flourish. The reverence she had always held for him deepened, evolving into something more personal and profound.
As they shared the tea, the air between them seemed to shimmer with unspoken emotions. Her heart, once steady, now danced to the rhythm of a new melody, one that resonated with the harmony of unspoken feelings and secret desires. 
Throughout their shared moments that accumulated over time, the connection between y/n and Lan Wangji had deepened and gave a rise to an enduring love that seemed to flourish with each passing day. The tender affection they nurtured for one another became a beacon of warmth in their lives, radiating an exquisite glow that illuminated even the darkest corners of their hearts.
Lan Wangji's regard for y/n was a testament to the transformational power of genuine love. Unlike the treatment meted out by the previous clans, he adorned y/n with the dignity and respect that she deserved. Each gesture, each word he spoke, was a brushstroke on the canvas of their relationship, carefully painting a masterpiece of equality and mutual admiration. The societal boundaries that typically governed interactions between different strata of society held no dominion in their bond.
On a serene day, with scrolls in her hands meant for Lan Wangji, y/n embarked on her journey towards his presence. However, her path was momentarily intercepted by the boisterous voice of Wei Wuxian. His voice echoed in the air, calling out to her, "Hey there, pretty lady!"
Pausing, y/n turned to face Wei Wuxian, a playful smile tugging at his lips. His inquiry was direct, laden with curiosity, "Why do you always hang around with that grumpy, old, boring, mean man?"
A chuckle escaped y/n as she contemplated the question. Wei Wuxian's amusement was evident, yet there was a genuine inquisitiveness in his gaze. "Grumpy, old, boring, mean man?" y/n repeated, a glint of humor dancing in her eyes. Then, with a sly grin, she ventured, "Lan Wangji?"
Wei Wuxian's nod confirmed her guess, and y/n couldn't help but offer a gentle smile. "You see," she began, her tone thoughtful, "It's my role to serve Lan Wangji, to assist him with tasks that are entrusted to me." Her words carried a sense of purpose, a conviction that underscored her actions.
The accusation that Lan Wangji was mean warranted a soft shake of her head. "Oh no, he's not mean," y/n corrected with an air of certainty. "In fact, he's anything but that. Lan Wangji has been a savior in my life, a pillar of support and understanding. His demeanor might seem reserved, but beneath that lies a depth of compassion and wisdom."
Y/n's words carried a weight of sincerity, a testament to the profound impact Lan Wangji had on her life. Her steadfast defense of his character was unwavering, rooted in the countless moments they had shared and the understanding that had grown between them.
She continued, her tone soft but unwavering, "It's true that his sternness may seem directed at times, but it's often a reflection of his dedication to principles and order. And as for you, Wei Wuxian," she paused, a playful glint entering her eyes, "you might find that his 'meanness' is a response to your rather inventive interpretations of the rules."
Wei Wuxian's laughter rang out, a melody of amusement that danced through the air. Y/n's steadfast loyalty and her ability to see beyond the surface intrigued him, a curiosity stirring within him like a hidden current beneath the surface.
Lan Wangji's arrival on the scene was as graceful as ever, his presence a calming breeze that stirred the air. A smile graced his lips as his gaze fell upon y/n, the sight of her never failing to evoke a sense of serenity within him. However, the tableau before him quickly shifted his emotions in an unexpected direction.
Observing the easy camaraderie between y/n and Wei Wuxian, their laughter and exchanged smiles, Lan Wangji felt a subtle pang in his chest—a twinge of jealousy that seemed to tighten his throat. The warmth that had previously filled him was now juxtaposed with a slight discomfort, a feeling he struggled to name.
"A-y/n," he addressed her, his voice steady but tinged with an undertone of something he himself couldn't quite grasp. Stepping into the midst of their discussion, his gaze fixed upon Wei Wuxian, his stare carrying a weight of warning, like a hawk assessing its territory.
Y/n's attention shifted seamlessly, her focus now on Lan Wangji, her demeanor respectful and attentive. "Hanguang-Jun," she acknowledged with a graceful bow, the gesture a testament to the deference she held for him.
The air seemed to hum with unspoken tension, the energy between the three of them palpable. Lan Wangji's reaction was a confluence of emotions, protectiveness for the bond he shared with y/n. A hint of insecurity at the sight of her engaged with another, and a flicker of curiosity about the nature of her rapport with Wei Wuxian.
Y/n's posture remained poised, her ability to navigate these subtle undercurrents a reflection of her perceptiveness. As her eyes met Lan Wangji's, there was a gentle reassurance in her gaze, a silent message that affirmed her unwavering regard for him.
Wei Wuxian, though he had been met with Lan Wangji's glare, seemed to take it all in stride. His own expression was a blend of mischief and curiosity, a playful acknowledgment of the tension that had arisen. It was as if he recognized the significance of Lan Wangji's feelings, perhaps even the depth of his emotions, without needing explicit words.
Amidst the charged atmosphere, Lan Wangji's composed demeanor remained a steadfast anchor. His subtle gesture caught y/n's attention, a silent communication that conveyed it was time to depart from the scene. Y/n's acknowledgment was swift—a nod that reflected her readiness to follow Lan Wangji's lead.
As if choreographed by an unspoken understanding, y/n gracefully turned her attention back to Wei Wuxian, her respectful bow a final farewell gesture. The act was imbued with a sense of gratitude for the exchange they had shared and a promise of a future encounter.
However, before the moment could dissolve into the annals of memory, Wei Wuxian's voice reverberated through the space like a lightning bolt. "DOES LAN WANGJI LIKE A-Y/N!?" The words were proclaimed with a volume that defied subtlety, and echoed. 
The scene that followed was a mix of reactions that could only be expected in the wake of Wei Wuxian's exuberant declaration. The elder Lans, though mildly scandalized by the outburst, were not entirely surprised, a testament to Wei Wuxian's notorious reputation for audacious behavior. 
"WEI WUXIAN!!!" Lan Qiren's stern voice shattered the calm like a thunderclap, a sharp reprimand that cut through the atmosphere with a forceful command. His displeasure was evident in both his tone and expression, a manifestation of the elder Lans' commitment to decorum and discipline. The echoes of his voice lingered in the air like a tangible reprimand.
Startled by the force of Lan Qiren's shout, Wei Wuxian's eyes widened and his heart raced. He was well accustomed to Lan Qiren's disapproval, yet the suddenness of it always managed to catch him off guard. Without a moment's hesitation, he turned on his heels, his quick retreat evidence of his familiarity with this routine. 
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asumi2020202 · 10 months ago
A Family
Pairing: Xue Yang x reader x Xiao Xingchen
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Summary: After escaping from a haunting past, you're found by some unknown people whom you have never seen in your life. It is as if fate brought you all together.
AU: Xue Yang doesn't betray Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing.
About Reader: You have been described as a female. You have heterochromia which is basically having two different eye colors. You come from a clan called the Zenin clan. { not the one from jjk........ Exactly the one from jjk (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) }
A/n: I know I haven't been writing anything for a long time but now that i'm back, I shall enlighten you all again.(⁠๑⁠´⁠•⁠.̫⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠`⁠๑⁠). I'm sorry it's a bit cringe .
T/W: abuse, traumatising past.
Chilled Breezes came and blew away, people laughed and strolled through the path they were walking.
Children chasing each other playfully.
Suddenly all seemed silent, as a child's cry filled the atmosphere. A h/c haired child stood under tree, getting scolded by a man while a little boy, a year older from her perhaps, stood beside the man crying.
Tears slowly started pouring from the h/c haired girl, but the man paid no mind to it. She had a cut on her arm and blood dripping from it. Yet the only thing the man cared for was the tiny little scrape that the little boy had on his hand.
That man was no other than the father of both the children. The leader of the Zenin clan.
The leader of the Zenin Clan was known to be a cruel man. Only caring for his sons and mistresses.
His wife on the other hand, was a gentle lady. She cared for everyone around her and helped them. She loved all her children equally yet she was not allowed to be with her only daughter, her little Y/n.
Y/n was the only daughter of Lord Zenin. Everyone was delighted when she was born, but that was until she opened her eyes, her adoring and curious eyes.
It was as if everything stopped for a time. She was born with two different colored eyes. One was a fierce e/c eye whereas the other was a bright and shine filled gold eye.
Her father ruthlessly took her from her mother's embrace to further inspect her. He was... shocked. Unable to accept his daughter being different he called her cursed.
She was seperated from the rest of her family. Her mother was heartbroken that her child was taken from her by none other than her husband. As Y/n grew older, her mother would sometimes gaze outside only to see that her daughter was either bullied by other children or framed by her brothers about something and getting scolded and hit by her husband. That poor child was mistreated and abused.
Time went by as y/n grew older. By now she was 17. She had been busy all day with work. She was treated no more than a maid, sometimes even worse.
She sat down to watch her brothers and their companions train . She was suddenly called by a servant, asking her to follow him as the lord was asking for her presence.
Upon her arrival Lord zenin's face turned into a disgusted one. Without any further discussion he told her that she was to marry a lord of another clan. Perhaps it would have been easy to bear if the lord has been somewhat around her age. But no he wasn't rather he was almost like a uncle to her.
"you have never been useful for me ever since you were born . You are a cursed child, atleast marrying you off to the lord would strengthen the bond between our clans and I would be able to get rid of you." Said Lord Zenin as y/n stood frozen.
After a second, she replied "How could you do this to your own daughter?! I have done everything i could just to be acknowledged by you, just to get the love my brothers get too. Yet you try to marry me off to someone who almost as old as an uncle to me. I won't! I won't do it!" To which Lord Zenin replied " I have no daughter. You are just a curse living inside the Zenin household. Hence you will agree to what I say, you have no will of your own! Your marriage will be held the day after tomorrow, so be prepared."
Later that same day, when all was silent and night had fallen, she planned her escape. Yet after a while she had fallen asleep without even noticing.
The dreadful day came, she woke up early when it was still dark. The gates were all closed and guarded so she had no option but to climb over the walls.
While climbing, a guard had noticed her, instantly informing the lord. Y/n tried to run as fast as she could. On the other hand, lord zenin ordered that the guards catch her by any means even if it's violence.
Y/n ran and ran when suddenly an arrow was shot at her , piercing her upper back. She ran near the town and tried to disappear between the crowd to which she was successful. She sat down near a broken house and took the arrow out of her back. She was loosing blood . She fell and her consciousness started to fade as she saw a figure crouch down above her.
I opened my eyes slowly, trying to focus my vision. I sat up and noticed that my back and chest was bandaged. I was about to get up when someone said " don't move too much, your wounds might open." I got startled. It was a man in full white, he had a piece of cloth cover his eyes. He later clarified that he was blind.
He started to converse with me when two more figures entered the room. This time it was a girl and behind her was another man. He was wearing all black.
After sometime, I got to know the names and identity. The white clothes man was called Xiao Xingchen. The girl was called A-Qing and the black clothed man was called Xue Yang.
Xingchen offered that I live with them when I healed after sometime and opened up to them. The four of us grew closer and closer.
It was as if I found my family. Not the one who threw me aside because I had different eyes, not the one who called me a cursed child. It was a new feeling to me.... Being loved, feeling loved.
1 year later
Slowly and slowly, Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen felt a connection towards each other and y/n. Xue Yang even shared his story with the two. Both felt the need to comfort Xue Yang.
The two men had figured their feelings for each other. Both deciding they would confess to y/n together and ask her to be their second mate.
Love certainly effected them both. Xue Yang forgot about the murders and crimes he did. He was mesmerized by his lover and y/n. Though he would certainly stab anyone if they give too much unwanted attention or make his mates uncomfortable anyway. He is the most jealous one out of the trio.
Whereas Xingchen offered to help y/n whenever Xue Yang left to get food and requirements with A-Qing.
A-Qing had become a little sister to y/n. Y/n had found out that she was not blind, but that remained a secret between the two.
A week after their discussion, the two decided that it was finally time to confess. They took the girl to somewhere quiet . They confessed to the girl who actually had been in love with the both of them ever since they saved her.
A-Qing was both worried and happy for y/n. She was delighted because y/n finally felt loved and worried because she thought y/n might get hurt knowing that both the men are cultivators.
Years Later
Over the years their bond grew stronger and unbreakable.
Xue Yang had slowly started to accept the revenge isn't all and tried to be forgiving even though his past still haunted him but with his lovers by his side, he felt at ease.
Xue Yang, Xiao Xingchen and Y/n Zenin had gotten married to each other. It was not known by many as not many people came to the coffin house. A-Qing acted as the priest and witness of their love.
They had re-constructed the coffin house . Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen helped heal injured people, A-Qing as their helper. The physical part is mostly done by Xue yang under Xingchen's guidance.
Y/n on the other hand would take care of their household. Cook them meals to eat and create a warm place for them to return to.
Xue yang, tho difficult, tried to forget his past and move on. He would sometimes get nightmares of them. During those time, Xingchen would sit up supporting y/n, while she held Xue Yang close to her chest as both of them comforted him.
Same with the others when they would get nightmares of their past.
Y/n learned different sweet dishes, even chocolates, knowing both of her lovers love sweet things, especially Yang.
Xingchen loved to lay on y/n or Yang's lap when resting or napping. The way their hands moved through his hair , lulled him to sleep. He could rest at ease with his mates by his side.
The three of them could never be separated from each other. Even while sleeping, all took turns to be in the middle and hold each other close. Even while making love, they would appreciate each other making no one feel left out.
So, even if any of their past comes to haunt them, they know that the other two would give their life to protect them. After all.......
......They are A Family. One that they always craved to have.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years ago
Hello🤗 I love your writings❤️ can I request a fluffy smut about Lan Wangji x female reader where they had a fight over Lan Xichen(as Lan Wangji was jealous & possessive of her). After the fight, angrily, reader went the forest without informing anyone and Lan Wangji gets deeply concerned for her. He searches for her everywhere and in the forest, reader gets into some trouble but Lan Zhan saves her in time. In anger, reader said some hurtful words something like, "why are you here? I'm nothing to you, you shouldn't save me etc" and he becomes so angry on the fact that she doesn't understand his feelings for her and how much he loves her and protective of her, so he takes her to a nearby cave and makes love to her and also confess his feelings for her. This makes reader so happy and they continue their love making session throughout the night forgetting that everyone is waiting for them back in Cloud Recesses. In the morning, when they come back from the forest, everyone teases them but their reactions are quite different. Reader gets shy and embarrassed while Lan Wangji is happy and relaxed. Also, the reader is tiny heightwise(only 160cms) so their height difference is remarkable and kinda cute. Lan Wangji's body covers the reader's body entirely whenever he gets on top on her😍 Thank you in advance❤️
A/n: Thank you anon for the request, I enjoyed writing it! Its 🔞 so MDI ⚠️⚠️🔞‼️
Lan Wangji x Reader: Mine
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Summary: Lan Wangji is a jealous and possessive man, wbk. But he has no way to express that. (This occurs in a different au and they are all adults, around 17).
"Thank you for your assistance in the class Ln Guniya, everyone speaks so highly of your musical skills, but I got to see it for myself and I can say it's really inspiring. You don't miss a note and play all the sharp one exactly the way they are supposed to be." Zewu Jun and you were walking through the corridors of Cloud Recess, after you helped him take a musical lesson for the instrument using cultivation students. He was now walking you to your quarter. "Zewu Jun is just very kind," you said, smiling. 
What you didn't notice was Lan Wangji walking by another parallel corridor, who was headed towards you two and heard two juniors discussing "Zewu Jun and Ln Guniya look so good together" one said. "Look at the way they smile at each other, what a cute pair". Wangji gritted his teeth as his palm tightened around Bichen. 
"Zewu Jun, Shifu is calling you urgently," Wangji said. "Well, I was walking Ln Guniya back to her chambers-" Zewu Jun tried to speak, but was interrupted by Wangji "I'll do it" he said. A look at Wangji made you blush, you couldn't help but ogle as he spoke, his perfectly well carved face, his broad shoulders, his hair tied perfectly with his forehead ribbon. You were so lost you didn't notice when they were done talking and only realised when he had already walked away.
"Let's go" Wangji said calmly and walked away, in long strides, it was only when he noticed your struggle to keep up that he slowed down. "Wangji Xiong, did you get you read that book I gave you the last time I came?" You asked as you matched pace. "Mn" he said, "I heard you enjoy reading poems, so I got that one for you" you said smiling to be able to spend time with him. But, he didn't reply, you found it strange and stopped. Generally, Lan Zhan tries his best to always converse with you by saying a word or two here and there, especially when you two speak about books. Suddenly a thought hits you. "Wangji Xiong?" You called and followed behind him again but he didn't stop, "Oi, Wangji"you called again and he didn't stop. "Lan Zhan!" You finally called him and he stopped. You mentally thanked the heavens that there was nobody around. He looked straight at you and you asked "Are you angry with me?". "Mn" he said, turning to restart walking, now it's your turn to get angry so you do the best thought that comes to your mind, you use your brother's binding talisman and catch his left wrist, stopping him in his tracks. "Lan Wangji, you can't just say Mn and walk away. That's not how things work, why are you even angry? I arrived yesterday and was in a class with Zewu Jun the whole morning" you said. "Reason" he simply said, "What? Because I was with Zenu Jun?" You repeated and he looked away and said "Mn" he responded. "You're really testing my patience here. Wangji, why would you be angry because I was with Zewu Jun, he is your brother" he said. "Can't stay close to Zewu Jun" he said, and it seriously frustrated you. Why would he say that? He has never reacted to your romantical advances. He always retracted his hand if you placed yours even a little close to his, he has never invited you to meals or even tea, he never even sits beside you during meals, he has made it clear that he isn't romantically interested in you so why? It's not like you were hitting on Zewu Jun. "You really frustrate me Lan Wangji" you said and walked away. 
"How can he be so insensitive like this?'' You spoke to yourself as you paraded inside the room. "Uh" you said, finally being done and feeling suffocated and left your room, walking start towards the forest shortcut you found the last time you came that led to a lake just outside the periphery of Cloud Recess, it wasn't that far, but you could easily return before curfew. You made the walk for it, you reached the lake and took off your shoes and dipped your feet in the water, you lied back down to watch the pretty sky. The cold water was relaxing after the whole day.
What you underestimated was your fatigue and before you realised you dozed off to sleep and how quick warm afternoons in Gusu can change to cold evenings. 
Inside Cloud Recess
"Zewu Jun! Zewu Jun! Ln Guniya is not in her room, when I went to call her for dinner, her pipa was left in her room. We searched around the premises, she wasn't here".. as soon as Zewu Jun and Wangji heard, they stood up. "Never late" Wangji informed Zewu Jun "something must have happened" Zewu Jun said and summoned some disciples to immediately go look for you.
"Brother, I'll go" Wangji said and went off, he quickly asked your attendant to bring your Pipa. He got out a tracking talisman and used it in the Pipa. 
When you opened your eyes, you sat straight up, you legs were numb from the water that was now freezing cold. "Gods!" You exclaimed, as you had to physically pull your legs out. You tried to get up but could not, your legs needed time. Suddenly you heard some weird sounds from a close by bush. When you looked you noticed motion, that looked like 3 walking corpses. You were done for, you can't run because you have hills on two sides and the now closed protective walls of Cloud Recess and the only exit was were they are arriving from. You looked around and realised you didn't even bring you pipa when you left your chamber. 
Is this how you'll die? You won't even be able to see Wangji one last time before you pass! Would it hurt? Will you vecome one of them? You hoped Wangji killed you before you hurt someone else or-
Your chain of thoughts was interrupted by a sharp sound. A sound you've heard so many times when you joined Wangji and your brother on Night Hunts. A wisp of white came flying and stood between you and the walking corpses. One more strike of the guqin and they were down dead (well, more dead than they previously were)
"Are you okay?" Wangji looked at you on the ground and pulled you up. You felt glad to see him for a moment, only to remember what he'd down back then. You removed your hand from his and went off on him. "Why are you here? It's not like you care about me? Why are you here?! And why did you sav-" you were yet again interrupted by more sounds of grunts and you both look to see the 3 corpses up again and 3 more arriving. "No time, poisonous corpse" Wangji said and in one fast move he literally swept you off your feet and picked you up bridal style and ran. You tried to resist but none of that effected Wangji. He entered a cave with you in his arms and placed you down on the cave ground. He then put a few protective talisman, to guard the gate. 
"I refuse to stay here a minute with you" you said and stood up. In a blink of your eye Wangji was infront you and he pushed you aginst the cold wall of the cave towering infront of your short shape, you craned your neck to look at him. 
"Zha- Lah-Lan Zhan! What are you doing?" You asked. 
Wangji looked at you and you felt like you'd melt right then and there. "Show Y/n my love" he said and crashed his lips onto yours. This was a foreign feeling to you. The way he devoured your lips and you reciprocated felt like sparks. You felt a fire in the pits of your stomach or below. He asked you "trust me?" Looking deep into your eyes, and all you could do was shake your head. He slowly slid your outer robe and you did the same for him. Slowly all the layers came off, you found yourself tracing his chest with your hands, it was more toned that you imagined.
As the layers were now off, he slowly sat down on the cave floor and pulled you on his lap. You loved how your small body fit with his. "So pretty" he said as he kissed your neck and sucked on the skin, making you moan. "Mine" he said before he went further south but holding you up by your ass. "Lan Zhan~" you moaned as his mouth took your hard nipple into his mouth. If there was heaven on earth, it was here right now for you. He slowly laid you down and climbed on top of you, covering your whole body with his. He looked at you for permission, which you granted and his hands reached your wet core. His touch felt like fire, he slowly reached down and drew circles around you clit, making you moan his name harder. 
He slowly inserted one of his slender fingers inside you and started pumping making your mind dizzy. Then he added one more finger and by then you were panting, a knot was forming inside your belly that tightened and tightened and as soon as he added the third finger and pumped a few times. The knot came undone, your toes curled and you bit his shoulder, making him moan. "Ready?" He asked and you nodded, "i need more" you said panting, "make me yours" you told him. And he lowered and inserted himself inside you slowly pushing little by little. You felt his hard member throbbing inside you. You felt whole, invincible and on cloud nine. Lan Zhan grunted as he thrust inside you slowly to let you adjust. He kept picking pace, "yes Lan Zhan, yes" you said encouraging him and he increased his speed, hitting in the right spot that made you eyes roll back. 
You moaned his name louder, "I'm close" you whimpered. "Together" Lan Zhan said looking into your eyes, you pulled him closer and kissed him. "Now" he said and you let go the two of you moaned and grunted as Lan Zhan rode you through your high. 
The two of you lied beside each other and suddenly you said "didn't we do a taboo?! Lan Zhan did you break rules?!" You whisper yelled. "Not in Cloud Recess" he said asuring you. "Still be did a taboo" you said, but he just wrapped his arms around you and said "mine". "Why were you behaving that way then?" You finally asked the question that has been lirking on your mind. "Y/n was with Zewu Jun, Juniors said you both looked good" he said pouting. You wanted to squish his cheeks "Was Lan Zhan jealous?" You asked, only to get a "Mn" in response that melted your heart. "I'm yours, I can't be or even think about anyone else" you said.
Wangji suddenly turned and started kissing you hugrily, but you pushed him away and strandled him and started kissing him. He pulled you on his lap and this time made you ride him until the two of you came and lied down with you on top of him, in his arms and the two of you fell asleep. Tiredness took over you as you both found comfort in each other. 
Inside Cloud Recess
"First Ln Guniya was missing now even Wangji is mossing with her" Zewu Jun said pacing around, he hoped Wangji atleast found you before any harm could happen to either of you. That was when they saw Wangji riding in on Bichen with Y/n on his back. You attendants rushed to you as soon as they sae you. You explained how you went for a walk and then fell asleep and how later Wangji saved you. Wangji told them how you two had to spend the night in a cave as the Corpse were poisonous. 
"I'm happy you both are safe, please refrain from going on walks around the gate closing time. Even for two people who are supposed to be bethrowed, they shouldn't spend nights together before wedlock" Zewu Jun said.
"Bethrowed?" You repeated. "Yes, you and Wangji are to be bethrowed soon, I proposed the offer and your brother said you accept" he said and you just nodded and said "sorry I'm just tired" and thus Zewu Jun asked you to go rest. You turned to your attendants and said "He was serious about that question. I thought when Wuxian asked about the marriage, he was joking! I'll kill that-" you were interrupted yet again by the love of your life, who came to back hug you one last time before you both part. Before releasing you he mumbled one word into you ears, "MINE". 
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epicestwriter420 · 2 months ago
I like the idea of Xue Yang with a s/o who is essentially his ride-or-die. A serious yes-man who supports literally everything Xue Yang does even though it goes against their own morals. They normally think murder, obsessive years-long grudges, demonic cultivation and the like are wrong, completely unacceptable and unforgivable, but when their bf does it? It's fine! Completely justifiable! I mean, do you know what he's been through? A-Yang is only protecting himself!!!!!
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crazystarfishbear · 1 year ago
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Am telling you guys look at this man
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realitydisociation · 2 years ago
I need someone to write a Jin Guangyao x reader fic based on “Bad Romance” or/and “Judas” by Lady Gaga. Because he is the only one that comes to my mind when I listen to these songs 😩
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anaargent · 7 months ago
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*After watching season 4, we became orphans and widows. But the idea of a coffee shop with a bunch of fives is not bad at all.* (this is my first attempt)
-Stay here with Allison, I'll be back soon - Five said with a soft look as he lightly squeezed her hand, before letting go and turning around. You watched apprehensively as he walked to Lila and they disappeared together in a space jump.
-Well, maybe we should go after Klaus then - you said, looking at Allison, with no idea of ​​when Five would return and give some satisfaction.
It shouldn't bother you so much anymore, the sudden disappearances, the lack of explanations, it had been six years, maybe you should expect more than a sincere relationship with Five. But you still waited, you still clung to any minimal show of affection you managed to get from him, even if it was a simple handshake.
You didn't know Five before his chaotic return in 2019, old hargreeves adopted you years after his early disappearance, for some reason you were younger than your 'brothers', but he never explained to you why. He called you 'the void', claiming that one day you would be very useful to the team, that day never came.
dinner at Diego and Lila's house
Something was different, you knew it the moment Five and Lila returned in the middle of Christmas dinner, faces closed and thoughtful. You didn't dare ask, but you could deduce from the looks the two shared. Then Diego noticed, then the whole family noticed. You were silent, what should you say? that she felt betrayed by the revelation that Five could show affection so freely after 7 hours with Lila, and not with you despite everything they had together?
It's over anyway, you let out a bitter laugh, finally gaining Five's attention, the attention you had been chasing so hard to gain - I guess we're settled then.
You really wanted to come out on top of all this shit, with grace and maturity after being dumped. But then Diego attacked Five, the same Diego who took care of you after your entire family dissolved and you had no one, the same Diego who took you to live in his not-so-safe apartment while he became a sort of vigilante at night.
-we're not done when we don't even have something solid- five says with his superior tone ,maybe it wasn't on purpose, maybe you had underestimated Five's talent and sensitivity for human relations up until that point.
Who could blame you, right? - You son of a bitch - when you realized, your hands were connected to Five's perfectly aligned hair, pulling with all your strength. Then everything became a mass of people, Klaus and Allison in the distance shouting "pull harder S/N!", Diego and Luther grabbing me in an attempt to get me off Five, who was trying not to lose all his hair, and Lila trying to pull Five back.
-What the hell is going on here? - A deep voice rang out above all the noise, everyone froze and looked towards the door, where a Five, looking more adult and rumpled than the Five I was attacking, stood in the doorway.
Everyone shared a lost look, watching the new five jump especially in the middle of the crowd and separate you and your five - I looked for you in so many timelines, darling - the adult five smiled sweetly, caressing your cheek, it would be a lie to say that this didn't shock you. - And you - he turned to the disheveled five - we need to talk
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imonawholedifferentlevel · 5 months ago
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Wtf are these men so fine!
This just proves your sexy no matter what you are!!!!
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drama--universe · 5 months ago
Hospital Love
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Requested by @creepypastacrazier93: Hey hey! I was wondering...how about a Jiang Cheng x 21st century reader oneshot? I won't elaborate, I'll leave it to your imagination :-) good luck and thx!
Pairing: Jiang Cheng x reader
Word Count: 1.6k words
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Jiang Cheng couldn't help but groan as he exits the restaurant, removing his tie after yet another unsuccessful date. It was the fourth one this month already, another woman his mother had chosen for him. They were all too preppy for his liking, none interesting in any way for even a second of the date. All of them were just daughters of other wealthy businessmen, spoiled and rotten. He had a headache from this date, the girl her voice had been shrill and annoying, especially because she wouldn't shut her mouth for a single second. He got to his car and got in, slamming the door shut before groaning as he leans his head back against his car seat. With another loud sigh, he starts the car and gets ready to leave.
He takes the long route, wanting some peace and quiet before getting home. He didn't want to see his mother for now, knowing she'd yell at him for ruining another date. He drove as slow as he could, enjoying the view around him. The night might be cold and dark, but Jiang Cheng loved the night sight of nature. Most creatures were asleep, only the rare spotted nocturnal animal awake and flying or running around in absolute silence. Jiang Cheng couldn't help but look to the side as he watched the forest. He was, however, pulled out of his admiring by a loud car horn, eyes snapping to the front just in time so he could swerve out of the way for the other car that had swerved into the wrong lane. He felt the wheels of his car hit the side berm before hitting the guard rail, the car coming to a straight stop and sending Jiang Cheng flying forward. The seat belt stopped his movement and he felt his collarbone and maybe even a few ribs break, the airbags deploying and sending his head backwards. After a few minutes, he heard voiced beside him but his head was ringing and he could barely see due to his fuzzy vision. It felt like hours before he heard voices, not able to make out what they were saying. He felt people grabbing his body and dragging him out of the car, flashing lights and sirens surrounding him as people surrounded him. Asking questions to him, but he's unable to answer as he feels his vision blurring.
When he wakes up again, the first thing he sees is you. You're adjusting the wires on his chest that are connected to monitors, seemingly very focused on your task. He goes to speak, but stops when he feels a pressure in his throat and he moves his hands up to feel what was going on. You see him move and your eyes widen before you grab his hands.
"Just a second, you're attached to a breath monitor." You speak calmly before moving your hands up and grabbing the tube that went down his throat, carefully but quickly removing it so he could breath on his own. Once the tube was gone, Jiang Cheng took a deep breath in to fill his lungs. Once he is breathing again, he looks at you again but you speak before him.
"You're in the hospital, you had a car accident a few days ago. You took a big hit to your head and to your back and left leg, so you can't move too much." You explain shortly and he almost wants to scoff, but when he feels the ache in his body he realizes that he should swallow his pride and listen for once. He sighs heavily and looks up at the ceiling. He doesn't know how to feel for once in his life, whether to be annoyed that he was stuck in a hospital for a considerable time or glad that he had a decent reason to not come home for awhile. That meant while he'd be bored out of his mind, but no forced dates either.
And thus he stayed in the hospital, using the free time for healing both mentally and physically. He had days where he only had physical rehabilitation and others where he had mental evaluations to check if his brain didn't have some later damage.
All the while, you remained his nurse, always waking him up in the morning to change his bandages and check his vitals. Then you'd bring him some food, sneaking in some regular food sometimes for him to enjoy instead of the regular hospital food. The only times he didn't see you was when you were checking other patients or when he was at rehabilitation with another nurse or doctor. But some days, you'd stay with him for hours, just talking about basic things and as much as he disliked to admit it, he liked talking to you.
In fact, he couldn't live without it. He couldn't live without you.
The days he dreaded being in the hospital were quick to chance to dread of ever leaving the hospital and you. Even when he hated the food and the constant checks on his mental and physical health, he just didn't want to leave.
Unfortunately, however, he was being discharged today and he had no way of fighting back.
He sat in the hospital gardens, going over the paperwork for his discharge as slow as he could. He'd read and reread the papers, signing the papers where he was supposed to with his good hand while a small frown was on his face.
"Don't wanna leave, huh?" You walk closer to him, leaning down to see the papers. Jiang Cheng looks up to you before sighing as he put the pen down.
"It's certainly a mental workout to leave this hospital." He grumbles as he leans back in his seat and taking a deep breath of the fresh air. You sit down beside him and grin. "Yeah... It definitely is a chore." You chuckle. "So... What you going to do now then, huh? Go back to speed dating?" You tease and Jiang Cheng groans instantly, annoyed at just the thought of it. He gives you a playful glare before scoffing.
"Sure... I'll tell my mom to give you a chance then?" He decides to tease you, but there is a slight genuine tone to it that he hopes you don't pick up on. You do, however, and grin softly as you lean on the table with your elbow. "Mhm... Might as well give me your number." You tease back and you can see a soft tint of red on his face appearing, which makes you smirk softly as you stand up again.
"Get that paperwork finished, okay? No use for you to stay somewhere you don't need to be." You smile before walking off to continue to your rounds.
After he's discharged, it takes a few more weeks for him to get back to his usual life. Luckily his mother left his alone mostly, no blind dates until he looked "presentable". His mother's words, not his own.
But then, after two more months, he was sat in a restaurant again for yet another double date. He tapped his fingers on the table in annoyance as he waited for his date to arrive.
"Look, I don't feel like pretending, so I'm just going to say hi and leave-" You speak before pausing as you notice Jiang Chen sitting at the table that was meant for your double date. You pause as you look at him. "Wait... You're my date?" You stare at him with wide eyes as he looks up, seemingly just as shocked as you were. You blink before just sitting down opposite of him, putting your bag down.
"Don't mind if I stay then?" You grin as you look at him. He looks a bit confused, still dazed until he finally snaps out of it. "You're my date?" He asked, repeating your previous question again. You chuckle and nod. "Apparently, yes." You smile sweetly. He sighs softly, leaning back in his seat.
"Is this allowed..? Not that I don't you want be here! But since I was a patient of yours..?" He asks and you lean back, shrugging. "Well... It's not illegal or anything, but it can be frowned upon. It really just depends on the situation" You shrug before looking up as the waiter arrived.
The night passed by quickly as you ate and drank, the conversation never dying down at all. The topic changed every now and then, but neither of you got bored of the conversation.
Normally, Jiang Cheng would leave after half an hour to an hour of the date, but this time he stayed in the restaurant for longer. Even after two hours, he remained in place with pleasure. By the end of the evening, he just felt disappointed that it had to end. So he offers to ride you home, desperate for those extra minutes.
And now, you sat in his passenger seat of his car as he drove (very carefully, of course). The radio was on, filling the silent atmosphere with some soft music as he tried to make the drive as long s possible without making it too obvious. But eventually, he arrived at your house and parked the car with a soft sigh.
"Tonight was fun." You smile at him, unbuckling your seatbelt. He looks at you, nodding softly but not saying anything. You open the door before looking at him. Then you just impulsively lean closer and kiss his cheek softly. "Let's do this again sometimes..." You mumble softly, your face heating up a bit before you get out of the car and walk to your house. Jiang Cheng, meanwhile, is blushing furiously and almost wants to hit his head on the steering wheel to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
That day, Jiang Cheng couldn't wipe the smile of his face as he drove home.
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thirteenis-myluckynumber · 1 year ago
Proposal - Nie Huaisang
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Pairing: Nie Huaisang x f!reader
Word Count: 1669 words
Warnings/tags: none i think, the events leading up to the wedding, fluff
Notes: (C/N)-your clan's name, (Y/N)-your name
A/N: I planned this to be a one-shot but I got carried away, so the actual action *wink wink* will happen in the next chapter.
I did some completely unnecessary research for this (my adhd ass basically got distracted) but nothing specific. My cultural knowledge is from the show so I'm sorry for any possible mistakes regarding culture. This is my first time writing The Untamed. Also English is not my first language.
Part 2
You met Nie Huaisang at one of the cultivation meetings Jin Guangyao held in Carp Tower. You were a member of one of the smaller clans, so you didn't attend such gatherings in general. That one time your older brother insisted for you to come, as there were some issues to be discussed which might need your expertise as a healer.
During the many battles of the Sunshot Campaign, you actively participated in the healing of wounded soldiers, so many members from the bigger clans also knew you. So it was no wonder they were all pleasantly surprised to see you there at the meeting. After the greetings and toasts you were free to mingle, and almost everyone greeted you with a pleasant smile and grateful eyes. You also greeted them politely, asking about their family and health.
After a while you noticed that Zewu-jun were looking at you, wanting to invite you over to where he was standing with his brother Lan Wangji, Jin Guangyao and another finely dressed young man. As you walked over Lianfang-zun excused himself to greet the other guests. You turned to the remaining three men with a smile, and they bowed to you in return.
"(C/N)(Y/N). It's so nice to see you. What brings you here?" Lan Xichen asked with a small smile on his lips.
"Apparently, Lianfang-zun requires my help with something. And I took the chance to reunite with old acquaintances."
Lan Wangji stared at you in his usual way, not showing any of his emotions. You also wanted to ask what brought him here, but with a curt nod to you and his brother he also excused himself. Finally, you turned to the man now standing next to Lan Xichen. You had an attention to detail, so only a quick glance was enough for you to notice his handsome face and elegant clothing however, you didn't remember meeting him before.
"It's nice to meet you, Master...," you trailed off somewhat nervously as you didn't know how to address him.
He appeared lost in thought for a moment as he seemed to ever so slightly jump at your words. Still, he quickly schooled his expression into a calm and dignified look, but you could still see his nervousness underneath.
"I am Nie Huaisang. Pleased to meet you Lady (C/N)," he said as he bowed to you again, holding his fan in his hands.
As you realized your previous mistake, you were quick to return his bow.
"Ahh, please excuse my rudeness Clan Leader Nie."
He didn't seem offended at all as he glanced at you with a small smile, which appeared to be sad to you. You knew the story of his ascension to clan leader, after all his brother's death was still a widely discussed topic between cultivators. You also heard the various mean stories about Nie Huaisang himself, in which cultivators often referred to him as the Head Shaker or Good-For-Nothing. Stealing another glance at the man, he didn't seem quite as incompetent to you as these stories described him. He might not carry a sword and appear generally nervous, but you could also see the intelligence in his eyes. Right when you wanted to ask him about the situation in Qinghe, your brother called out to you to return to your tables. You exchanged bows with the two men again and returned to where your clan was sitting. However, you didn't seem to think about anything else that day but the handsome and mysterious Clan Leader Nie.
In the upcoming weeks you had the chance to meet with Nie Huaisang many more times, at political meetings and at night hunts too. You were not one to attend often, but as time went by you became more and more interested in the leader of the Nie Clan. As far as men go, he was the first one with whom you could always stir up meaningful conversations about various topics, not just politics or war. As someone who were always interested in music and arts, you found it exceptionally refreshing to listen to him talk about his passions, especially painting and his favourite fans. Looking at him, it always made you happy to see him quite relaxed during your conversations. After a while he even became bolder and started to show you his beautiful smile and laugh and you had to realize, that you, at the same time, started to fall in love with him.
Your brother always had a watchful eye on you two and he always let you know when he thought you spent enough time in the company of the clan leader. You understood his reasoning of course, so you always rejoined your family after a short conversation with Nie Huaisang.
After a few such meetings though, you started receiving gifts from him. At first you didn't know from whom they came from, but one time a messenger, who delivered some letters to your brother, handed you a neatly packaged hand-painted folding fan. It was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, and you instantly knew who it was from. As you carefully traced the intricately painted lines on the fan with your fingertips your heart was beating so hard you felt it might jump out of your chest at any moment.
The next week your brother informed you that Clan Leader Nie requested a lunch with him and that you should also attend. Despite his reputation, everyone in your home made sure the preparation for the lunch were going smoothly. Everyone seemed excited to host such a high-ranking cultivator in your home. To say that you were nervous when the day finally arrived was an understatement. Actually, you thought you were never this nervous before.
During the lunch you were actually becoming calmer until your brother finally steered the conversation toward the actual meaning of the whole thing.
"Clan Leader Nie, may I ask the reason of your visit?" Your brother inquired after you exhausted all the general conversation topics.
Nie Huaisang seemed rather nervous too during the whole lunch, but looking at him now you were worried he might actually faint. Good thing you are a healer, you thought. For a few moments he sat there completely silent and almost motionless. Only his hands fiddling with his closed fan revealed his emotions. He looked up at your brother and opened his fan to hide behind it. The longer he spoke the quicker his hand moved the elegant accessory, and it seemed his face got redder by the minute.
"Clan Leader (C/N), as you probably noticed, we became quite well-acquainted with your sister. I would like to believe we became rather close even in the past few weeks. And you didn't seem opposed by my advances either. What I mean by all this is that...," he trailed off, even his ears were bright red by now. He appeared to be steeling himself for his next words. Finally he reluctantly lowered his fan and looked at you with frightened but hopeful eyes. God, you just wanted to hug him at that moment. But you couldn't, so you mustered your most encouraging smile and nodded at him. You were certain your cheeks were also red at that point. Nie Huaisang looked straight into your brother's eyes and said:
"I would like to ask for your permission to take your sister as my wife."
When he finally said it, it seemed like a huge stone was lifted off of his shoulders. His posture became more relaxed, but the fan opened again, only at his chest though, not covering his face. Now it was your turn to nervously glance at your brother. His face didn't show anger or disgust, only deep contemplation, which was a good sign, you thought.
"Clan Leader Nie, I am honored you think so highly of my sister. I have to say however, your bad reputation is not something I can ignore..."
"Gege!" You exclaimed, looking at your brother shocked and scared. Thinking back, you never thought your brother believed all those mean rumors about Nie Huaisang because he was just as good at reading people as you were.
"Meimei, let me finish," your brother said not even looking at you, a slight warning in his voice.
"Clan Leader Nie, as you said, I never opposed your relations with my sister. You seem to me an honorable man, and you never behaved inappropriately around her. But you have to understand, my sister's future depends on me. That's why I brought up your reputation. They say you are incompetent, but that's not what I see. I think you are very good at this whole political game. All I ask of you is to take care of my sister and don't let her reputation be ruined."
As he finished speaking you instantly turned to Nie Huaisang, who seemed to freeze, only his eyes turned impossibly big. His mind probably stuck to the same thought as yours, because that meant your brother actually agreed, right?
With his next sentence, he confirmed your suspicions: "I accept your proposal. If my sister agrees, she is yours."
You could only nod your head furiously as Nie Huaisang stood up and bowed deeply to your brother in thanks.
"Clan Leader (C/N), I assure you, your sister's happiness will always be my top priority. I will take care of her until my last day," Nie Huaisang said, his voice shaky.
As he straightened up, you could see his eyes glistening with unshed tears and you couldn't hold yourself back anymore. You basically jumped up, walked around the table and grabbed his shaking hands.
"I would love to be yours, Nie Huaisang," you said squeezing his hands.
He looked at you with that self-assured half smile you loved so much, and which he showed so rarely these days, but it always signaled some kind of mischief.
You didn't notice your brother looking at you two with a fond look on his face.
To be continued
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mdzsfan · 1 year ago
Unspoken Bonds Part 5 *NSFW
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GIF by jay070490 on tenor
Lan Wangji's longing for y/n burned like a fervent flame, a molten intensity that seemed to transcend the very boundaries of their beings. The air around them was charged with a palpable electricity, an unspoken promise of the passions about to unfold.
As their lips met in a passionate collision, it was as if time itself held its breath, allowing their souls to entwine in a dance of heated fervor. Y/n's response was nothing short of exquisite; her heart's rhythm synchronized with his, an unspoken symphony of desire echoing in the chambers of their chests.
Their connection deepened as she found herself instinctively drawn to his lap, a throne of desire where she perched with a grace that mirrored her essence. The subtle friction of their bodies meeting sent shivers down their spines, a delicious reminder of the decadent journey they were embarking upon.
Yet, with every stolen kiss, the hunger within Lan Wangji's gaze grew, an insatiable appetite that mirrored his fervent heart. Each press of their lips was a confession, a silent proclamation of a love so intense that it defied conventional boundaries. The taste of her, the sensation of her breath mingling with his, fueled a wildfire within him that threatened to consume every fiber of his being.
It was as though he had tapped into a wellspring of desire, his once-controlled restraint giving way to an intoxicating greed. The layers of y/n's hanfu became the embodiment of his yearning, a metaphorical barrier that begged to be stripped away. With a mixture of urgency and reverence, his fingers sought the hidden clasps and ties, unveiling her form layer by layer.
The unveiling was a ritualistic unveiling of not just clothing, but of inhibitions, of doubts, of fears. Each piece that fell away was a testament to their shared vulnerability, a surrender to the emotions that had been building between them. The silk and satin cascaded to the floor, leaving her bared to his adoring gaze, a masterpiece of curves and contours that he had longed to explore.
As the last layer of fabric surrendered its hold, their connection became an unbreakable thread, woven from the strands of their souls. Their gaze locked, and in that shared moment, there was no room for shame or hesitation. Only the raw, unadulterated truth of their desires, a truth that beckoned them closer, binding them in a dance of fervent love and insatiable lust.
With a hunger that resonated deep within his core, he leaned in, his lips brushing against her delicate skin, igniting a trail of fire that coursed through her veins. His touch was a symphony of sensations, each note played upon the canvas of her being. Tenderly, he lowered his gaze, his eyes locking onto her bosom, a shrine of her femininity that beckoned to be worshiped.
He planted kisses like delicate blossoms upon her breasts, his lips bestowing a devotion that knew no bounds. His mouth explored every contour, every rise and fall, as if seeking to etch her essence into his very memory. Her breath quickened, a melody of desire escaping her lips, a sweet chorus of pleasure and longing.
"Wangji," her voice trembled, a melodic plea that hung in the air, woven with vulnerability and anticipation. "It's not fair," she whispered, her voice a soft caress, "I stand bare before you while you remain adorned in yours."
A commanding gentleness lingered in his gaze, his eyes ablaze with a possessive ardor that bespoke his longing. "No," he asserted, his voice a resonant echo of dominance, "You are mine."
As if guided by an irresistible force, his ardency deepened, his fervor leaving behind an indelible mark. His lips, now on a passionate quest, journeyed southward, bestowing fervent kisses that ignited flames of pleasure. With a deliberate hunger, he tasted her skin, teeth grazing against the peaks of her desires, leaving imprints of his ardor in their wake.
A symphony of sensations enveloped her as he ventured further, his lips descending like raindrops on parched earth. Her neck, that slender bridge between body and soul, became a canvas for his fervent artistry. His tongue danced upon her skin, tracing intricate patterns that spiraled into a crescendo of ecstasy, each movement a testament to his unquenchable yearning.
"Say it," his voice was a whisper, an enchanting spell woven into the fabric of their shared passion.
A quiver of pleasure escaped her lips, a harmonious response to the crescendo of sensations that his touch elicited. "I'm yours," she moaned, the words a surrender to the tidal wave of pleasure that engulfed her, an admission of her heart's deepest longing.
Embraced within the cocoon of their desire, he cradled her in his arms, their connection transcending the boundaries of the physical. The bed received their fervent devotion. With a deliberate tenderness, he bound her wrists together.
Blindfolded with the ribbon that adorned his forehead, she surrendered herself to him, her vulnerability a testament to the trust that flowed between them. Stripped of physical coverings, she stood bared not only in body but also in the profound vulnerability of her heart, a canvas upon which he painted his love. Wangji," she murmured, a soft pout gracing her lips as her doe-like eyes were veiled beneath the silk embrace of a forehead ribbon. A ribbon that concealed her vision yet unveiled the deepest recesses of her yearning heart.
A flicker of something in his gaze, a smoldering ember of want, stirred as he corrected her, voice low and commanding, "Address me as Hanguang-jun." The words dripped from his lips with a potency that resonated through the room, a command as much as a declaration of his dominance. His hand moved with purpose, tightening the ribbon gently but firmly, ensuring that her sight remained shrouded, her sense of sight relinquished to the whims of the unknown.
Yet, his gaze lingered upon her form, tracing the contours of her body with a fervor that bespoke of an unquenchable thirst. The layers of his hanfu, once a symbol of restraint, now transformed into tools of seduction, fell away like the petals of a forbidden flower. Each fold revealed a glimpse of his taut, sculpted physique, each bared inch a declaration of his intent to unravel not just her clothing but her very inhibitions.
Their hunger for each other was palpable, an electric current that surged through the air, leaving no space for inhibition. As he gazed into her eyes, a primal fire ignited, consuming every rational thought and kindling the flames of their most forbidden fantasies as she licked his cock.
The tug of her hair sent a shiver down her spine, a prelude to the intense sensation that was to follow. Her breath hitched as a mixture of anticipation and excitement swirled within her, a storm of emotions that mirrored the tempestuous passion building between them.
As the crescendo of their fervent embrace approached its zenith, he surrendered to the intoxicating tide that surged within him. A guttural moan escaped his lips, a testament to the building storm of ecstasy that could no longer be contained. With a primal urgency, he released the essence of his desire, a molten offering that spilled forth and cascaded into her waiting mouth.
Her lips enclosed him in a fervent embrace, a willing vessel for his ardor. The taste of him was a heady cocktail of passion and submission, a sensation that seared itself into her senses and left her craving more. The flicker of hesitation was swiftly consumed by the flames of her own burgeoning appetite, and she drank him in with an eagerness that mirrored his own unrestrained yearning.
His gaze, heavy-lidded with a hunger that could not be denied, locked onto her. It was a gaze that stripped away all pretense, baring the raw intensity of his desire for her. As her struggle to accommodate the intensity of his offering became evident, a surge of possessive pleasure coursed through him, igniting the smoldering embers of dominance that lay just beneath the surface.
She quivered, a mix of sensations coursing through her as she battled to fully embrace the potent intimacy of their connection. "Too much!" she managed to gasp, the words a mixture of surrender and defiance. The vulnerability in her voice only served to stoke the fires of his lust, reaffirming his grasp on the reins of their shared passion.
A sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a hint of wicked amusement dancing in his eyes. "You can keep going," he murmured, his voice a velvet caress that held a command she couldn't resist. With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, she felt his firm hand against her head, a directive that propelled her to take him deeper once more.
With a controlled release, Lan Wangji relinquished his grip on her head, a silent signal of the transition from one layer of their connection to another. As his fingers tenderly guided her hands to encircle his neck, they embarked on a journey of shared intensity that would etch its memory into their very souls.
Her touch, tentative yet determined, conveyed a yearning that mirrored his own. With a surge of fervor, he surged forward, allowing the entirety of his arousal to claim her with a force that bordered on the primal. The initial sensation of his entry was an electric shock that rippled through her, setting her nerves ablaze and erasing the line between pleasure and aching need.
The rhythm they established of desire, a primal cadence that echoed the tempo of their racing hearts. His thrusts were a potent blend of dominance and intimacy, each movement a declaration of his ownership of the moment, of her very being. The sensation of him pushing in and out, a carnal ebb and flow, was intoxicating, a visceral reminder of the depths to which they were willing to descend in their pursuit of the ultimate ecstasy.
With every powerful thrust, her body responded in kind, a dance of submission and voracious craving that left her senses reeling. Her eyes fluttered and then rolled back, a visual testament to the waves of sensation that coursed through her, leaving her breathless and teetering on the precipice of something sublime. Beads of sweat traced erratic paths down her forehead, glistening like precious jewels in the ambient light, a testament to the fervor that consumed them both.
A moan, deep and fervent, spilled from her lips, the syllables a mixture of plea and surrender. "Please," she gasped, her voice laden with a desperate need that held an unspoken promise of release. The sheer vulnerability of her plea was met with a sly chuckle, his voice a dark velvet that cut through the air like a dagger of desire. "Use your words," he goaded.
The plea for release hung in the air like an unspoken promise, a crescendo of need that defied the constraints of language. And in response to her fervent appeal, he leaned in, his lips brushing against her tear-stained cheeks. The taste of her salty tears was mingled with the taste of their shared desire, a heady cocktail that threatened to unravel them both. "Together," he murmured, his words a whispered command that ignited a surge of anticipation within her.
As their bodies moved in a synchronized rhythm, the culmination of their fervor loomed on the horizon, a climax that held the promise of release and fulfillment.
"No more," y/n whimpered, her plea laced with desire and urgency, her body quivering from the lingering waves of climax that had just washed over her.
As his eyes met hers, smoldering with a mixture of tenderness and hunger, he leaned in with deliberate intent. His body pressed against hers, his hardness finding its way back to her warmth. The moment their flesh met, an electric jolt of anticipation coursed through her, igniting embers that had never truly extinguished. She was a willing captive in his embrace, yearning for more of the exquisite agony and pleasure he so expertly bestowed upon her.
With a commanding yet achingly tender hold, Lan Wangji guided her movements, their bodies were in a synchronized rhythm of desire. He claimed her lips in a kiss that was as fierce as it was intoxicating. His lips moved against hers with a controlled urgency, and his tongue danced with hers, igniting a fire that seemed to burn from deep within her core.
Her gasp was swallowed by the voracious kiss, and in the midst of their passion, his lips traced a fiery path down her neck, leaving a trail of bites and nips that marked her as his. The mixture of pleasure and pain was an intoxicating elixir, heightening every sensation and melding their souls together in a way that was both primal and profound.
With each rhythmic thrust, the ache between her legs intensified, the boundaries between agony and ecstasy blurred into an exquisite fusion. Lan Wangji's skilled hands roamed her body, igniting every nerve ending with their possessive touch. He was her tormentor and her savior, the architect of her deepest desires and the sculptor of her most intense pleasure.
As their bodies moved in unison, a symphony of moans and gasps painted the air, a testament to the passion that bound them. In this timeless moment, y/n existed solely in the realm of sensation, her senses overwhelmed by the symphony of touch, taste, scent, and sound that enveloped her.
Their bodies glistening with the aftermath of their shared passions, y/n and Lan Wangji found solace in each other's arms, their bare forms pressed close in an intimate embrace. The air was thick with the heady scent of their desires, a tangible reminder of the boundaries they had crossed.
As the hushed moments passed, y/n's voice emerged, a delicate murmur that cut through the lingering traces of their shared ardor. "A-zhan," she breathed, her tone a mixture of wonder and uncertainty, "Do you realize the path you chose? Is it not forbidden for a master and servant to share such a connection, to be so intimately intertwined, especially between a maid like myself and a person of your status?"
Lan Wangji, his gaze soft yet resolute, responded with a gesture that transcended words. His hand reached out, gentle fingers entwining with hers, guiding her touch to the silken ribbon that adorned his forehead. It was a symbol of him choosing her as his wife. 
As her fingers brushed against the fabric, a silent message passed between them, a declaration that defied societal norms and echoed with the depth of his emotions. He was claiming her as more than just a servant, more than just a passing desire. He was acknowledging her as a cherished part of his world, a connection that went beyond the constraints of their roles.
Tears welled in y/n's eyes, shimmering with a mixture of emotions too profound to contain. His lips, tender and compassionate, brushed against her cheeks, tasting the salt of her unshed tears. Each kiss was a soothing balm, a promise that he would wipe away not only her tears but also any doubts that clouded her heart.
With delicate reverence, his lips trailed a path from her cheeks to her neck, a journey that resonated with both tenderness and fervor. The sensations rippled through her, awakening the embers of desire that lay dormant within her once again. The space they occupied became a sanctuary of shared longing, where every touch, every sigh, was a testament to their unspoken bond.
In the hours of their clandestine love, y/n and Lan Wangji surrendered to their yearning once more, a union that defied societal norms but resonated with a resonance that was undeniably real. The world beyond their cocoon of intimacy faded away, leaving only their shared desires, their whispered promises, and the intoxicating rhythm of their intertwined souls.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years ago
Poly! Yizhan x Reader: Charmer
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A/n: Could be read as the next part of ✨DRAMA✨ or as an individual story. This just has an established relationship between Idol! Reader and Idol/Actor Yibo. The reader is a KQ girl group member.
⚠️There's a lil bit of smut, so beware.
Summary: You've known your boyfriend was bisexual. But what will you do when you find out Xiao Zhan is actually his ex and the guy is now flirting with you, even though he knows you're dating Yibo. He says he doesn't want to take you from him, then what is his motive?
"My girlfriend speaks CHINESE?!" Yibo exclaimed at his manager who was equally shocked as yours.
"Babe! We've been dating for 4 months! Howcome, you don't know that?!! I literally have Chinese members!" You said laughing.
"THEN WHY DID YOU NEVER TALK TO ME IN CHINESE?" He asked in chinese this time.
"Because it's weak and I don't use it much, but Wooyoung did tell you once." You said
"I thought he was joking" he said protesting.
The two managers shook their heads at your bickering.
"NOW NOW!" your manager brought your attention back to them "As we were speaking, China isn't like Korea, here we can manage the crowd and use means to not let news spread. But there it would be impossible. So?"
"We lay low" you said as you leaned into Yibo, who held you close.
"We don't want people to know unnecessarily so you'll be at your home" he pointed at Yibo and then pointed to me and said "you'll stay at a hotel, but. You can sneak in and out, we'll keep that option for you" his manager winked, as yours shook his head.
"We'll be leaving in a month, to start practice, script reading and costumes" your manager had told you.
"So basically I can't kiss you on set" Yibo pouted, you walked over to him and kissed him, your intention was for a peck, but you felt his strong hands immediately pulls you into him, closer until your bodies were smushed against each other. You feel him engulf your lower lip and suck on it as you complied with his intentions and gave in. His lips soon detached from your lips and attacked your neck, finding your sweet spot instantly and assaulting it, he inspected the area after giving it a satisfying hickey.
"You can't do that there!" You said
"I can only imagine how good you'll look in a Hanfu. How am I supposed to control myself?" He said tucking his head in the crook of your neck, rubbing his nose in a line, up your neck, as a shaky breath left your lips.
You both parted ways as you left the plane in Beijing. He left through his assigned door as you left yours, after waiting 2 hours in the airport. Yes you could have left on two different flights but Yibo insisted on either of you waiting. You walked out of the gate and were swarmed by body guards. You waved at your fans who cheered you on.
You reached the hotel and crashed on the bed as your phone rang, "Yes?" You asked
"Reached safely?" Your boyfriend asked.
"Tired?" He asked
"Very" you mumbled
"Get something to eat first and then rest, I'll see you tomorrow morning before practice, okay?" He said
"Yeeeaaaa" you said and ordered some food before getting a shower.
You brought out the script as you dried your hair with your towel. Damn the directors are bolder this time. There are literally kiss scenes, you had one. You've already watched Yibo kiss another girl for acting, but you didn't know how you'd feel with the idea of his bring close to a guy in that sense. You'll meet the other cast today, you're actually looking forward to meeting Xiao Zhan and Liu Haikuan, they have been your favourite cast since back in the days.
It was not early in the morning (if you can call it that) when you heard your phone ring "Hello?" You said groggily.
"Babe. Open the door" you heard your boyfriend's voice.
"When you said you'll see me in the morning I had actually expected it to be after sunrise" you said as you walked to the door to open it. You felt his hands instantly push you inside and pull you to him, he held you close with one hand and used the other to lock the door.
"The thought of you being here but not beside me was killing me" he whispered.
"Your down bad" you said patting him
"You're worth it" he said pulling you into a loving kiss. You pulled him to bed and the two of you got cosy and fell asleep in each other's arms.
"Are you excited to meet Xiao Zhan again?" You asked Yibo as he ate his toast.
"Um.. I-I I-" he fumbled "I gotta tell you something, babe" he looked at you.
"What happened" you left trying to tie your hair and sat beside him, his eyes were glossy. "Baby whats wrong?" You asked
"I am- Zhan ge and I had a thing, like-" he started.
"Like a ritual?" You tried to help him, but he shook his head
"No I mean we um-" he stuttered again and then you got it.
"Oh my god!! Don't tell me you're saying what I think you're saying! Yizhan was real?" You asked
"What? Yes" he said looking down
"Are you bisexual?" You asked and he nodded "Ok. It's okay. I'm glad you told me" you said holding his hand.
"You're not angry?" He asked
"No. Surprised yes, but not angry" you said smiling and pecked his cheek. As he pulled you into a hug.
"I get it, it's nerve wracking to having to shoot with your ex" you patted his back "But you can do this Bobo" as he nodded. So, finally, after kissing all over your face and neck he left. You smiled at yourself and at the thought of your boyfriend. Soon, you started getting ready. You can't act intimately on the set, but you can't act unacquainted as well because it's a fact that you've done a drama together. So, it's friends. Hardly did you know what was waiting for you.
You entered the set greeting everyone with your manager. Your eyes landed on Yibo who smiled and waved at you as you waved back. You introduced yourself and were immediately swarmed by Zheng Fanxing (Lan Sizhui), Qi Peixing (Jin Ling) and Ji li (Nie Huisang). You looked around and found Xiao Zhan looking at you, did he smirk? Must be my imagination you thought as you spoke to them about the directors and scenes. You were playing Lan Sizhui's love interest, Nie Mingjue's daughter. So most of your scenes were with the juniors and Nie Huisang. Soon the directors came and welcomed everyone. That day you all practiced greeting, and bowing and talking politely. After lunch you ran a few scenes.
You were excited for the new day, Yibo had spent the night and left in the morning. This was the day for dresses, your character is supposed to wear Grey and blue. When you were all dressed up, you left the room to show the others. Fanxing, Ji Li and Peixing started clapping and cat calling, you found Xiao Zhan walking towards you he walked up to you and bowed "Hello, Nie Gunia, you look wonderful today" you immediately bowed back and said "You flatter me, Master Wei" you felt nervous. There was something in his aura, that intimidated you. And he walked walked away. You heard your phone notification
Bobo sent a message:
Baby you look ravishing.
-You look so handsome
-I can't believe I am seeing you in this outfit!!!
Someone's EXCITED
-Shut up
And you looked at him to find him looking at you. Your manager cleared his throat and you immediately looked away. Unknowing you two, a pair of eyes were already on you two. During practice Fanxing (Lan Sizhui), Peixing (Jin Ling) and Guocheng (Jingyi) helped you alot and you were actually having fun running lines with them and Ji li occasionally. There came a scene when Xiao Zhan held your hand to protect you from a corpse and it took everything inside Yibo not to pull you away from the man he almost dropped his character.
1st day of shoot
You had your make up and dress up done and were waiting for the others to step out when Xiao Zhan walked up to you and you greeted him, he was still in his regular clothes. "You seem nervous" he said. "I still get the 1st day chills" you said "like even after performing so many times I still feel giddy before I step up on stage". "Well I do too, both actually so I understand" he said. "You? Impossible" you said. "No really. I'm human too" he said. This moment talking to him, you had forgotten all the past smugness, this seemed and felt real. His bunny smile felt real and you felt blessed to have seen it in person. Fanxing and Peixing soon left the make up room as Xiao Zhan greeted them and walked in. Gosh you almost hurt your neck to look up to him, literally. When you walked on to the set you found Yibo there waiting for you, well he said he just wanted to get the feel of the series back before his parts came up. "All the best" he told everyone, while passing you with a smile. One by one the scenes were being done. Your stylists running and fixing your make up and hair often. Sometime among this Yibo also got dressed. "You look good" you tell him in korean, "Yeah I get that a lot" he replied smugly and you shook your head.
Later in your hotel room as you lied down you received Yibo's call. "Hey baobao" he said making you blush you still weren't used to it even after all these months. "How was the rest of the shoot?" you asked as your group was done earlier. "It was not awkward, me and Zhan ge actually cleared the air. He was actually praising you, your accent and stuff" he teased. "What about you though?" You asked. "You look really pretty in them. But that Fanxing (Lan Sizhui) better keep his hands to himself" he said with his gremlin smile. "Gave you some deja vu?" You laughed, ne he wasn't necessarily jealous as you have worked on the same drama with different love interests. "You're still wearing make up?" He asked noticing now, "Yeah I came in just an hour ago, me and the other juniors went for dinner first" you said and watched Yibo pout. "Why are you pouting?!" You asked, "they can hangout with you like that, I can't even hold your hand in public" he said and you laughed at his cuteness.
3 weeks into filming
"Ssup?" You heard the voice and almost got shocked, you were early to set and were waiting while reading your script, Zhan's voice startled you. It was one of your first scenes with him and Yibo today and you were excited. "I'm excited to finally meet the infamous Wei Ying" you said. "Hey, you meet him everyday almost" he said with a charming smile, that almost (ALMOST) made you blush. "Not this way, like directly, you won't understand" you said. "I wish I would" he said and walked off not before passing you a wink.
"What was that?" Guocheng (Jingyi) asked. "What?" You said. "Zhan gege was flirting with you!" He said excitedly. "No he was just being friendly" you said. "Yeah yeah of course you'd say that, you only have eyes for Yibo" he said. Your eyes went wide "WHAT?" you asked. "What? You don't have a crush on Yibo?" He said with a face that said he wasn't even joking. "Who doesn't" you said brushing it off and running away with a sigh of relief when your stylist called for your turn.
"Master Wei, Hanguang Jun" you said bowing, as they bowed back. "Sizhui, report" Yibo said in his deep Lan Zhan tone. "Hanguang Jun, there are walking corpses all around, they seemed to be quite potent but not under control or anything" he said. "CUT" the director shouted. As all of you sighed in relief and walked off to the nearby chairs.
Yibo, Zhan ge and Fanxing literally picked up their skirts calling it ventilation, they all had shorts inside, so did you but it wasn't appropriate now was it. So, you sat there struggling in the humid weather, fanning yourself with the portable fan, suddenly your felt more breeze. You turned to see literally 2 more fans pointed at you. Zhan ge and Yibo, "Guys I'm fine" you said. "It's okay" two said at a time. At a distance you see Guocheng giving you a knowing smirk and you glared at him.
You were anxious for the next scene, this was your first fight scene, even though you've done these back in Korea, but this is the first with a sword. And you were excited, you have practiced a lot. As the director gave his queue you and your opponent started. And after 3 takes you were finally satisfied. And you hung from the harness, Fanxing who was also beside you asked "So how was it?". "I loved it" you said and he laughed at your excitement. You were given rest for the rest of the day. You went to get your make up off when you noticed your manager not where he generally stays, you checked your phone and found hid text.
-Y/n, please get a cab to the hotel, I have to handle some emergencies.
"oh damn" you cursed. "Where's manager nim?" Yibo asked and you showed him your screen and he said "It's okay I'll drop you".
"Something wrong?" You heard Peixing ask and you explained your situation. "But Yibo's house is in the opposite direction, I on the other hand would pass through there. Come Y/n I'll give you a ride. Yibo could go home and rest" he said. "But-" Yibo tried to protest but his manager stopped him and you were left with no other choice. You got into the passenger's seat of Zhan ge's car and he smiled at you before driving away.
"I must say I'm a huge fan of your group and your acting. Loved the music style it's so different that the other gurl groups of your time." He said. "We try, it's all thanks to the pd-nims" you said. "You write songs too, don't you?" He asked. "Yeah" you shyly said "I have a habit of carrying my equipment everywhere" you added. "I know how it is" he said with this charming smile, your heart skilled a beat and you internally regretted, get a grip Y/n. "Yeah the activities need to keep going" you said. "Did you eat something? I'm hungry, let's get some ____ (your favourite snack)?" He said and You nodded. Gosh you were really hoping to get to the hotel soon, Yibo might be waiting there. He went through a drive through and ordered. "So, what about you and Yibo?" He asked, his eyes said he has been dying to ask this question. "W-what about us?" You asked, shit you stuttered. "Aren't you dating?" He asked "C'mon we're friends now right". "No we're good friends" you said even saying that sounded wrong, but duty calls. "Really? But your eyes say otherwise" he said looking dead into your eyes. You tried to get something out of your mouth but nothing came, so you resorted to advert your eyes and take a bit of your food.
When you reached you bowed and thanked Zhan ge "You don't have to bow you know" he said. "It's a habit" you said and bid him bye and walked inside. You rushed to your room, opening it to find your man waiting. He stood up as soon as saw you he stood up. He didn't see you that much this week, outside shoot. You jumped onto him and he caught you as he pulled you as close as he could. "I missed you baobao" he said. "Me too babe" you said. And you crashed your lips onto his, him immediately reacting to them like it was second nature. He shoved his tongue inside your mouth as he put you down on the bed and climbed on top of you all without breaking away the kiss. You grabbed him tight against yourself as he tilted his head to gain better access. He finally broke away and immediately attacked your neck with kisses careful to not leave marks. You pushed him off yourself and climbed on him and pulled him by the neck and kissed him eagerly, pouring all your feelings for him in the kiss, you undid his buttons and peppered kisses, he moaned as you kitten locked his nipple, you knew he liked it and gosh did you love to hear his moans as one of his hand was on your neck and the other gripping the sheets. He pulled off your top in one go and felt you up and you kept abusing his neck and nipples additionally grinding onto him, making both of you moan. You felt him hard against your core and knew you were wet as well. You kissed your way down. And lets say the two of you were soon moaning messes. You ended up cuddling naked and going to sleep.
"I can't believe how you call them the boys, like how you refer to us as the girls" Nix, your group member said, her pout visible through the screen.
"Oh come on, are you really jealous of the Juniors?" You said laughing. You laughed, "But actually today, even Yibo, Zhang ge and Haikuan ge were there" and the girls 'awed'.
"Is it just me or isn't Xiao Zhan to cozy with you, he and Yibo literally follow you around" Aera pointed out. "Now it's justified for Yibo, he's your boyfriend but Xiao Zhan" Nix shook her head "Even in the leaked photos, his eyes are mostly on you" she added but you brushed her off. "It could just be the moment, any ways, I'm returning the day after tomorrow for the festivals and cons. I miss Soojin's food." You said. "I'll make you a good meal" Soojin said from across the screen, and you smiled. "Will Yibo stay there?" Nix asked and you nodded.
Later that night
-I heard you're leaving for Korea -xz
Yeah :) got group schedules. I'll be back in a month tho.
-The set will be empty without you.
Please, you'll hardly notice me gone.
-Not true
It was strange, he could have written that in the group chat, but you shrugged and went to sleep. The next afternoon you walked in and found Yibo, Zhan and Yubin laughing at something, you felt happy to see his playfulness come back. You were almost worried about leaving him here alone. Thank god he's warming back up.
Back In Korea
"You're joking!" Aera said as you and her went back to the dorm, she came to pick you up, it was great to get your leader alone, you needed to talk to her alone and this was secretive stuff.
"I swear" you said, she sat for a moment still trying to wrap her head around this new info. "That makes him Bisexual, right?" She asked and you nodded "Maybe Xiao Zhan is too" she said. "I doubt it, he must be gay, and no he doesn't flirt with me, he's just friendly". "But Y/n was it okay to leave him there alone while you're miles away?" She said. "We do it all the time, what do you mean?" You asked. "Yeha but you don't leave each other with the other's ex's all the time, said ex who seems to be a smooth flirt" she said. "No. He would never do that to me. And even if he does" he stopped and sighed "We'll see". "More like me and girls will whoop his ass" she said with her fists in the air.
You and Yibo talked almost every other day, when you weren't half dead from practice. The Juniors video call you from the set often to tell you how much they miss you. They even watched your kpop festival performance and made a video of them cheering sending them to you and congratulating you on your performances. Xiao Zhan also texted you often, telling you how great you looked and did or random things that happened at set, or how Yibo messed up or he did and one teased the other.
You were excited to go back to China, you missed your boyfriend to pieces. So much that you went straight to set to meet him. You saw him do a scene and stood in the side lines. As the director yelled "Cut", a few staff came up to talk to the actirs on scene, namely Him, The Juniors and Zhan with Yubin at a corner. You walked up to them and Yibo's eyes lit up and without even realising you ran into his arms and he hugged you back. "Your back" he said, in his Lan Zhan voice and you giggled, suddenly realising what you did, but you kept your calm. You released and went on to hug each of the juniors who welcomed you with open arms, Yubin you side hugged you and Xiao Zhan, who gave you a warm engulfing hug. You couldn't help but get lost in his scent, his own mixed with the scent of his colon. You snapped yourself out and pulled away.
They all told you how much they missed you and Zhan suggested for all of you to go for dinner, they all insisted and you agreed. You noticed how playful Yibo has gotten teasing Zhan ge. You smiled seeing him happy in his element. The dinner was fun as always, you sat with Yibo on one side and Zhan on another, both constantly making you laugh. At a point Yibo's leg brushed against you and you let it there for a while. Yibo and decided to 'drop' you at your hotel. All of you went to your different ways. You two discreetly walked inside the hotel, he ripped off your mask and attacked your lips with his. "I missed you" he said and hugged you tight.
He told all different things that happened, things that reminded him of you and how much he missed you. How much he wanted to be there and watch you perform and how everyone was in awe for your performance. You told him about the new idols you met and the groups you watched. And you ended up cuddling and talking until you two drifted off.
Shooting the next segments was fun as they were mostly outdoor segments. China was a beautiful country and shooting and seeing new places was fun. You were a lot closer with the others too, and being away from the main city gave you and Yibo a lot of time to sneak around.
Zhan, Yibo and you went on coffee. "One (Your favourite drink other), One Americano and One Iced Latte" Yibo said, at the counter and you were surprised for him to know both of your and Zhan's orders by heart. Yours was quite obvious as he brought you coffee quite often but- You didn't think much. The three of you immediately got engrossed in a conversation, about the new advertisement campaigns these two were doing, they did a lot of these when they did the first season, when they were dating. You smiled and wondered if you could ever get there? In a campaign with your boyfriend. "What's wrong Y/n?" Zhan asked and you shook your head "Nothing, I was just thinking about the script" you said and smiled.
You looked at the time and cursed "My next scene is scheduled next, I better go, see you both later" you said and walked back to the set, some people looking at you as you passed, of course they did, you were wearing a full-fledged hanfu.
"How dare you?" You said and pulled out your sword, pointing it at the other guy's neck, "Let it go, Y/n. He's not worth it" Fanxing said, and you gripped your sword tighter, eyes never leaving the man "I'm sorry Gunia, I didn't know" he man kept pleading. "huh" you mocked and put down your sword and turned around, making sure the long sleeves flip as you do so. And walked away pushing Peixing. "Cut" the director yelled. "That was so good Y/n" Peixing said, "you looked like you'd really kill him" he said and suddenly you heard laughter. You all looked toward the vanity and found Yibo and Zhan messing around and laughing as Yibo hit him with his long sleeves. "Thank God they are back like how they used to be" Peixing said. And then it hit you like they used to, back then, when they were dating? Are you missing something? Was Aera! No. He would never.
They both stayed back, that is where he stays, it's too convenient, be careful Y/n. The voices rang in your head. Was that the reason why Zhan was so friendly with you? Was that his motive all along. You breathed in and out. No, you can't jump into conclusions. You needed to calm down.
"Y/n, are you okay?" You heard Guocheng's voice. "Yeah? Yeah, I'm absolutely fine" you said pulling a smile. "Really" he asked, his face said he saw through you, but you nodded your head.
However, your world came crashing down on you 3 days from then, when you walked into the wrong vanity and found Zhan holding Yibo's hand hus word "I still do love you Yibo", and the reply came "I know, I- Y/n?" Yibo's eyes went to you and he pulled away his hand. "Y/n baobao, it's not what it looks like" he rushed after you. "Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That" you said. "Y/n please listen" Zhan followed him, approachung you from the other side and you put the prop sword in your hand on his chest, keeping him at a distance. "I don't want a word from either of you. I trusted you Yibo, I thought you'd tell me if you ever felt something like this. I know I'm nothing like him and you could always love him. But, at least I deserved honesty!" You said tears in your eyes. "Y/n it's not-" Yibo started but you cut him off. "Save it. Don't ever show me your face outside the set" you said and walked away.
"That bastard, I'm booking a flight right now" Aera said. As you cried and your members were teary eyed too. "No, don't be stupid, you still have your Show to conduct" you said. "We cannot leave you like this okay" Soojin said. "Then I'll go" Nix volunteered "I'll accompany Y/n unnie and visit home later" she shrugged. "You don't have to do this for me please-" you were cut off. "NONSENSE SHE'S GOING THAT'S FINAL, SHE'LL BE IN THE FIRST FLIGHT TO BEIJING CITY" Aera said and you lied down having your member would of course feel better. And that happened the next evening when you reached your hotel, you ran into Nix's arms, you didn't have shooting but other side projects that came along with this project.
"I'm so sorry you have to go through this. When do you have to shoot next?" She asked. "Tomorrow" you deadpanned. "It's okay, I'll fend them off, I'll stick to you like gum" she assured.
Hence, the next day Nix went with you, she was true to her word. When Yibo tried to approach you, she stared him down to a point be couldn't even walk close to you and so was Xiao Zhan. They both knew that you weren't going to listen to either of them. And a week went, Yibo came to your room a couple of times, but was driven away by Nix. Even his manager tried to call you but your manager helped you in making it stop. Meanwhile you felt like crying even when you looked at him, doing the scenes were so tough. Even the others noticed how you seemed off all the time.
You were angry in Yibo for cheating on you, but you also felt cheated by Zhan, as you knew he flirted with you but found him professing his love for Yibo. You were angry at yourself for letting this happen to even have intrusive thoughts of Zhan. You were cursing yourself for even trusting these two men.
A week went by, you were feeling much better, you managed to not feel like crying and stopped having bad dreams. Nix had to go back and so she went home, though your members didn't want you to be alone so Aera and Soojin video called you. You heard the bell ring and you bid them farewell thinking it was your room service. You opened the door to see the last person you expected it to be.
"Please let me in" he pleaded, looking deep into your eyes. His eyes were screaming at you and you did, you moved aside letting him in and closing the door.
"5 mins" you said looking straight at Xiao Zhan. "Okay, what you thought was wrong, Yibo wasn't cheating on you per say" he said. "Did he send you here to spew all this bullshit?! You didn't even know" You asked him sheeting in anger. "I knew you two were dating and Yibo doesn't even know I'm here. But please trust me I wasn't trying to snatch your boyfriend from you" he said. "Really?! Cause it seemed to be like that was your intention to get me to be comfy with you and then you take him away" you said. "NO NO. I WOULD NEVER.-" he was cut off by you. "You left me alone, you took him away! I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU" you said. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! ONLY THING I DID WAS TO LOVE YOU!" he said. "Excuse me what?! Are you tryna two time us or something?! Weren't you telling Yibo you love him? The fuck is wrong with you?" You said. "Yibo loves you" he said and you scoffed but he went on saying "but he loves me too. I knew I was still in love with him but the more I saw you, the more I fell for you too". "What do you even-" but he stopped you and continued. "I didn't want to break you, I wanted to be a part of you too. And don't even lie two, I see the way you looked towards me how your body acted towards me" he said and put his palm on your cheek, you tried to flinch but you couldn't, he caught you. "We both love you so much. But, it depends on you. If you say yes we could give it a try, but if you say no, I'll walk away, please don't leave Yibo, he's lost without you. I am too, but it's essential for me that the two of you aren't hurt." He said and tears stung your eyes, you fisted your palms and hit his chest as you broke into more tears and hit your face in his chest. You couldn't hold it in any longer. It's true your own head has been a mess. And now things looked clear but were you really up to this.
"Please say something. I swear we can figure this out. Please" he said he pleaded, you look up to see that even his eyes were red it's that you noticed tear stains. "I need time" you finally said pulling away. And wiped your own tears "leave" you instructed and he did wordlessly with his head down.
The past few days were gloomy on the set nobody talked much, laughed much. You three weren't seen together for over a week. People were talking a lot. You on the other hand were running late the next day, having been thinking the whole night and not getting any sleep. No you've never cared what people said but can what he said really happen? And you looked up on the internet to see there have been many in the past and are still there. It's not something odd or unlikely. You thought back to Yibo to all those memories and Zhan, could you really give it a try. This thing Zhan suggested.
You were still contemplating when you were buying coffee, later at noon, if you should do it. And you finally did it, you walked to the vanity of the two main protagonists and pulled the door open and entered startling both the men inside. Both silent, almost forgot to breathe, watching every move you make. You simply walked up and took a seat on the couch, placing the three coffees, on the table and smiling at the cups.
It's as if Yibo knew what you were thinking, he rushed to hug you the impact, sent you both backwards falling on the couch, you could see tears in his eyes. "I thought I lost you, I thought you'd never see me again. Oh God! Y/n I missed you baobao" he kept on rambling, it was actually the first time he was so vulnerable in front of you. It was almost to a different level. You slowly sat up with him still attached to you, you looked up at Zhan who looked at you with a faint smile. You were holding and patting Yibo with one hand, you extended your free hand and signalled him to join you both and he literally rushed in to hug the two of you. You thought you'd feel strange but you didn't, you strangely felt at ease after a long time. "I don't know how this works but I'm willing to give this a try and see how this works" you said and immediately felt two pairs of lips on both of your cheeks and closed your eyes feeling a blush creep unto your face. "I love you" the two said almost in sync, "I love you Yibo and Zhan ge, I realised how much I fell for you even though my feelings for Yibo were intact. How much you meant to me, how much I missed you. And how much this thought excited me." You confessed.
Life came back to the set in no time. Currently you were giggling at how your hair was flying every time you did jumps on the harness. You were literally laughing as you hung while Peixing and Fanxing were laughing standing below along with Yibo and Zhan ge.
The three of you went to get coffee together like before. Sometimes dinner, it was one such day that you finally got the courage to invite them to your room. "We don't have shoot tomorrow right so, do you wanna come upstairs, watch a movie or something?" You said. And they agreed, they both let you choose a movie and you put on a studio ghibli movie. "Come here" Zhan ge said, patting at the place between him and Yibo. You laid on Zhan's arm as Yibo engulfs both of you with his arms. It was comfortable, being there with the two you loved. Their smell was intoxicating to you, and you felt bold, you contemplated if you should act on your impulse and your impulse won. You placed a kiss on Zhan and then on Yibo.
Yibo took no time to immediately connect your lips to his, moaning into your mouth as if he's been dying to do it. He pulled away and held your chin turning it towards Zhan. Who looked towards your eyes as if looking for permission which you granted and he placed his lip on you it was soft at first, but you lightly bit his lip and he moaned when you felt Yibo's lips on your exposed neck, leaving kisses. You felt two sets of hands roaming your body and it turned you more on. You pulled away and ducked down, pushing their faces towards each other, their kiss was hot and filled with want. Suddenly, Yibo pulled away and pulled you up in a sitting position so as you were on his lap but facing Zhan. You felt Yibo's member against your clothed ass, as he pulled down the shoulder of your shoulder to gain better access and Zhan kissed you, holding onto your waist, as he made you grind onto Yibo. Yibo reached out one hand slinding down to your core other to Zhan's and you both moaned in each other's mouth.
Soon Yibo picked you up and laid you down on the bed. "May I?" Yibo asked, holding onto your top, and you nodded. "You both too" you said and in one pull both pulled out of their t-shirts. Damn, it was like you were in bed with two gods. Fine body, and their smell was clogging your brain. You were pushed down as you felt a pair of lips on your chest, looking down to find Zhan and then a pair between your legs kissing your inner thighs. "Fuck" you cursed, you knew you were done for.
"I've been dreading this day" you heard Zhan say. "What's wrong?" You asked. "It's that scene today"Yibo said and then you realised it was the day your little kiss scene with Fanxing was scheduled. "Trust me, I have faced worse" Yibo declared, remember the other time he had to witness you deeply kiss your love interest.
"He better not lay a hand on you" Zhan said. "It's just acting gege" you said and got ready for the scene. The scene is simple, you fall on top of Sizhui and your lips touch for a moment.
Yibo laughed as he watched Xiao Zhan watch you do the scene. "This Fanxing is having too much fun" "Was it supposed to be this long" "At times I wished your sword was real". To all Yibo responded with "It's okay" "Calm down" "It's acting".
You on the other hand had to do the same scene 4 times, half way by the second Yibo had walked off taking Zhan with him. "Oh god really?" You said as you laughed and took the piece of nugget into your nugget into your mouth that Zhan ge was holding for you. "Yeah, I had to hold him down" Yibo said rolling laughter.
The promotions were fun #Yizhan/n has been trending, since you started going from city to city. Watching the fans fangirling over the boys was something. It was your first time giving interviews in chinese, without your members and you were nervous. Whenever a question was thrown at you and your face went blank Yibo knew and would rush to your ear to explain it in Korea, you didn't even had to ask.
You were sitting in your room sitting and scrolling through your private twitter account, seeing what the fans have been posting when a tweet thread caught your eye.
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You smiled and clicked on the thread. It was filled with various comments.
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It was true that Xiao Zhan travels ALOT, but it's also true he has been visiting alot. Yibo has always been on both sides, but the three of you try to take time out for each other, as 2 or sometimes as 3. Try to spend time even if it is on a video call. And that the three of you often went out, cause it's difficult and not always all three can be at the same place so you try even if its any 2 at the time. You often get insecure and the two always give you assurance. "We found what we were missing the last time. It was like something was missing" Yibo said. "Yeah like there was a missing piece. And It's you, Y/n" Zhan said. "You completed us" Yibo said. But you shook your head and said "in the end we all complete each other. It's us three, that's it" and the two kissed your cheek and you felt all your insecurities melt away.
You were smiling to yourself while sipping coffee and reading comments when one comment caught your eye and you choked.
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Imagine? Well. You though.
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drama--universe · 6 months ago
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Requested by @creepypastacrazier93: Warmly greet (surprise!😅). I haven't asked for anything in a long time, so I hope you don't mind if I join the other requests. I feel like Jin Ling hasn't been here for a long time...so something for him. The reader/girl/teenager/cultivator has a twin brother with whom she has such a special connection. Whenever one of them gets hurt, they also hurt the other. If one of them dies, the other dies too. But that brother is not a good person. He starts fighting, fights with others and is generally troublesome. His sister is the complete opposite - calm, kind, generous. One of the other fights was a bit over the top though. This time he attacked Jin Ling. The aggression started to increase and there was blood on the scene. The reader sees all of this and so in an attempt to help Jin Ling cuts herself and also cuts her brother. Both then passed out from blood loss. The reader wakes up and the first thing she sees is Jin Ling. Jin Ling begs the reader to never take such a risk for him again. Both then realize how much they care about each other. He subsequently helps her recover. The brother later apologizes for everything. Seeing what his sister was capable of doing to save someone else softened his stone heart. It's a bit of a Hellboy 2 reference.😊 Please cutieee again!🖤🖤🖤
Pairing: Jin Ling x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k words
Warnings: injuries, close to death encounter
You sighed as you noticed the millions of new bruises on your arms forming, indicating your brother was once again fighting somewhere. You stood up as you started to search for your brother, ignoring the pain and soreness of the new forming bruises on your body. You found your brother in the courtyard, straddling another boy as they fought. You called his name to get him to stop, but he doesn't. In the end, some of the cultivators of Cloud Recesses have to pull them apart.
It's then that you meet Jin Ling for the first time in the infirmary. Your brother and the other boy are being patched up as you sit on the side. As usual, your brother is not physically punished since you didn't do anything and they didn't want to hurt you as well. Luckily, he did get punished by having to help out in the kitchen and thus having to wake up at 4 am. Jin Ling overhears your brother ordering you to go in his stead.
"It's your punishment, not hers." He comments sternly and you instantly know that your brother is going to react badly to it. So you quickly try to push your brother back, but it's too late as he lunges at Jin Ling. You can only watch in horror as the boys start to fight, throwing punches and kicks at each other. You can feel every hit that Jin Ling lands on your brother and can't help but wince. Jin Ling notices this and tries to not punch your brother, rather to just get the other to stop by locking him in place or something along those lines. And of course, this pisses off your brother even more as he pulls his sword out of it's sheath.
"Are you crazy?!" Jin Ling exclaims as he steps back, but your brother doesn't listen as he lunges at Jin Ling. He swings and slashes at Jin Ling, who dodges and blocks the attacks. You rush forward to grab your brother's arm and pull him back, only to feel his sword slash across your face. You let out a loud yelp, but try to pull your brother back nonetheless. He trashes in you grip as you pull him backward, turning around in anger. In return, his sword slashes your stomach and cutting deep. You freeze as you feel the pain of the wound, noticing the blood seeping through your brother's robes as well as the same wound appeared on his body due to your curse. You can see the realization dawn on your brother's face and the slight shock on Jin Ling's face before your vision blurs and blacks out.
You wake up hours later, your eyes fluttering open to see Jin Ling's worried face. Your whole body ached, bandages wrapping up all of your wounds. You tried to sit up, but found yourself unable to due to the pain in your stomach. Jin Ling, now seeing that you are up, gets up and walks to your side.
"You okay?" He asks and you nod before looking around the room to find your brother, but he wasn't there. "Don't bother, he's somewhere else." Jin Ling grumbles as he sits next to your bed. You glanced at him, noting the small wounds on his hands and the bruises on his face.
"Sorry that you got hurt..." You mumble and he scoffs, crossing his arms. "It's not your fault, don't apologize." He mumbles sternly, looking away from you. You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his attitude, rough yet caring.
As you healed in the infirmary, Jin Ling often spend his time there with you. He always insisted he wasn't there for you, finding any decent excuse to pretend. You saw through it, but didn't say anything except for giggle at how ridiculous his excuses got. Nonetheless, you enjoyed his company immensely. Your brother had apparently been in much worse shape then you and had been isolated as well, so you had yet to see him days after the incident. You also learned that he would be punished much worse then usual, having someone by his side constantly to keep him in check along with multiple hours of work in the kitchen and library.
After a couple of days, you were finally allowed to head back to your life and lessons. Nonetheless, Jin Ling often remained by your side. He sat next to you during lessons, forced you to partner with him if it was martial arts lessons, would just walk with you everywhere. All under the pretense that he didn't want you to kill yourself accidentally again. Once again, you just ignored his excuse and stayed quiet about it because you genuinely enjoyed his company.
Today was no different. It was lunch and you were sat at a table along with Jin Ling and his friends; Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen. Jingyi and Jin Ling were arguing, like usual, while you and the other two boys were just watching and listening. You ate silently, only chuckling at how ridiculous the argument between Jin Ling and Jingyi was.
"A-Ling, calm down." You mumbled to Jin Ling, the nickname falling from your lips with ease, and the table grew quiet. Jin Ling looks at you before pouting, but backing down.
"A-Ling..?" Jingyi asked in disbelief and you look up before realizing your mistake, blushing softly. Jin Ling scoffed at Jingyi, giving a subtle glare that only made Jingyi smirk. You glance at Jin Ling, only to see him frowning and all tense. So you follow his gaze and turn around only to see your brother, who is walking closer to your table. Before you could say anything, however, your brother kneeled on the ground in front of you and bowed his head to the ground.
"Uh..." You frown as you look at your brother in shock. You brother looked up before apologies started to fall from his lips to you. You could barely register his words, the sight of your brother not only apologizing but on his knees as he begged for your forgiveness.
"Wait... Hold up." You mumble as you turn to face your brother fully. He looked up and you sigh. "Get up, please..." You mumble softly as you pull him up. Jin Ling glared at your brother and he looked at Jin Ling before apologizing to him as well.
"Don't bother, I'm fine." Jin Ling grumbled, looking away with a huff. You chuckle softly before looking at your brother again, nodding at the apologies before watching him leave.
"You're not actually forgiving him, right?" Jin Ling scoffs and you look at him before sighing. "Well... Maybe not immediatley, but maybe someday. He's still my brother after all..." You mumble and Jin Ling scoffed.
"Just tell me if he hurts you again." He says before getting up and walking off. You watch him walk off and chuckle, shaking your head. It was almost funny how much Jin Ling pretended to not care when he clearly did. You get up and run after him.
"A-Ling!" You throw and arm around his shoulder, pulling him down a bit to your height. You grin as you walk with him, teasing him as you poke his cheek and sides. Jin Ling, meanwhile, is grumbling while also trying to hide the forming blush on his face.
He might not say it, but he definitely cared more about you then he'd like to admit.
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thirteenis-myluckynumber · 1 year ago
Innocent love -- WIP
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Pairing: Wen Ning x f!reader
Tags/Warnings: pure fluff, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli playing matchmakers, some trauma description, mature content in later chapters, everybody deserves a happy ending
A/N: So the time has finally come for me to post my first fan fiction on tumblr. This will be a canon divergence au. Characters are based on the live series (Chen Qing Ling/The Untamed) both in appearance and back story. I will pick up the story during ep.26 after Wei Wuxian finds Wen Ning. Alive! The pursuit of the Wen Clan's remaining members is cancelled and Wei Wuxian won't become the Yiling Patriarch. Also him and Lan Wangji are together in this because I make the rules.
I'm not promising a quick update as I am busy with my intern year BUT I will be free in two weeks time. I will happily tag anyone who would like to get a reminder when this gets posted!
Summary: You are the distant cousin of the Lan brothers. Even though you didn't grow up with them, you spent a lot of time in Cloud Recesses. After your parents died, you moved in to Cloud Recesses. Your best friends are Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli.
After the Sunshot Campaign, the members of the Wen Clan are pursued and killed. Wei Wuxian, with the help of his family and the Lan Clan, manages to stop the massacre and save the remaining innocent members of the Wen Clan. Wen Qing and Wen Ning are temporarily moved in to Cloud Recesses to recover. This is when you finally meet the saviors of Wei Wuxian and his siblings. You are indescribably grateful to the Wen siblings, and do everything in your power to help them. However, one unexpected thing happens: you fall in love with the kind and soft-spoken Wen Ning.
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