anacewhowritessmut · 2 years
The Pomegranate - Part 2
Tags: fingering, m4f, choking, fainting, aftercare, vague consent 
“Keep singing,” Tannis demanded, backing her up against the counter and sitting her on the edge, his fingers still fucking her as his mouth moved down her chest. The shirt was loose enough that he could pull it down both her shoulders to expose her breasts to him. “I said keep singing!”
But Arianna could barely focus, her body wiggling around, toes curling, needing to move. Her mouth opened to continue her song and all that came out were breathy moans. Tannis held one hand still clutching her crotch while the other left her breast for her neck instead. Arianna let out a tiny gasp in surprise, staring at him with wide helpless eyes. 
“When I tell you to do something, I want you to do it. Do you understand?” Tannis asked in a low snarling tone. He stared back, not breaking eye contact as his hand began to tighten its grip around her throat. He was a wolf and she was his meek prey. Arianna was so entranced that she didn’t respond. He could feel her pulse quickening beneath his fingers. 
“Answer me,” he ordered, his hand starting up again inside her and thumbing at her clit hard. Arianna’s eyes closed, getting more and more lost in her own euphoria. She nodded as her answer but that wasn’t good enough. Suddenly Tannis’ adjusted his grip to cut off her air supply. Arianna’s eyes opened again, fear striking her as she tried to breathe. 
“Come for me,” Tannis demanded, still locking eye contact. “That’s an order.” The fingers inside curled up getting right to her G-spot. Arianna’s heart beat faster. She tried to crane her neck up but Tannis held her steady. She couldn’t take a full breath, gasping and squeaking pathetically. Tannis licked his lips and watched her closely, waiting for her to reach the edge. She was getting close. The anticipation of it all kept mounting. His fingers were slick, moving fast within her. She was reaching the peak. She grabbed the arm holding her by the neck to just hold on to something, anything, as it all culminated and her orgasm finally took over. 
Tannis growled in satisfaction, feeling her wetness come dripping down his wrist and hearing her still desperately fight against his thick fingers at her throat. At long last he released her neck and she coughed and gasped, the color rushing back into her cheeks. 
“See now? That wasn’t so hard. Now, I want you to sing for me a.. Ari? Arianna?” Arianna swayed on the counter top, eyes rolling back in her head. All of Tannis’ hunger and roughness evaporated in a second. “Arianna!”
He quickly caught her as she slumped to the side, scooping her up in his arms and bringing her over to lay her down on the couch. Her cheeks were flushed as her chest rose and fell in rapid succession. Tannis held her hand tenderly, staring down in utter panic. Was he too rough? Did he hurt her? 
“Arianna! Ari, please, wake up. I.. I didn’t mean to.. I’m so sorry,” he begged her, gently cupping her face. Arianna groaned as she leaned into his hand, her eyes slowly opening and smiling weakly up at him. 
“Tannis..?” “Yes! Yes, my love, my darling, I’m here. Please say you’re- Huh?” Arianna giggled.  “Wha- What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?” “That was.. wonderful~”
Tannis’ entire face turned beet red. Arianna laughed again and took a deep breath, exhaling with glee. She reached to hold his face in her hand in return, the stars visible in her eyes. 
“I didn’t know you could be so.. commanding like that,” she explained, still giddy from the aftermath. “You scared me for a moment. It made it so much more thrilling.” 
“Thrilling? You mean.. You liked it?” She nodded with a smile. 
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anacewhowritessmut · 2 years
The Pomegranate
Tannis groaned and rolled over on to his back, the sun demanding to be seen by him through the slit in the curtains. He couldn’t ignore it anymore and finally opened his eyes to wake up. At least he had his beautiful lady to wake up t- His hand only met his own sheets. He lifted his head. Where did she go? Tannis sat up slowly, trying to ignore his morning wood and slipping a loose pair of pants on. 
He exited the bedroom to the main living room of the hotel they stayed the night in. The rest of the crew got their rooms down the hall but the suite was left exclusively to the captain. The sun was still rising and splayed its rays across the floor, over the luxurious couch, and towards the kitchen area where Arianna stood with her back to Tannis. 
She had borrowed his shirt and, being a few sizes too large for her, it hung down over one of her shoulders and ended just below her hips. Her long dark hair was arranged in a messy bun on the top of her hair, a few tendrils hanging down haphazardly. She was currently taking seeds out of a pomegranate and gathering them in a small bowl for them to share. Tannis kept quiet and chose to watch her for a moment. 
The tiny thunks of the seeds falling into the bowl were drowned out by Arianna’s soft singing voice. Thinking her lover was still asleep, she kept her voice down and hummed a few lines in between. 
“Lover tell me, when we’ll wed, who’s gonna buy the wedding bands? Time’s being what they are..”
Tannis’s felt like a fox watching rabbit: hungry.
“Lover, when I sing my song, all the rivers’ll sing along. They’re gonna break their banks for us and with their gold be generous. All the flashing in the pan, all to fashion for your hand..” 
Arianna paused to eat a few seeds herself, humming in satisfaction at their sweet tart flavor. That hum sent Tannis into a frenzy. He bit his lip as he stared at her. She swayed her hips as she hummed the rest of the song, putting another few seeds into her smiling mouth. He couldn’t take it anymore. 
She reached to take another seed but Tannis’ hand grabbed her hand, turned her around, and pulled her into a hard, needy kiss. She let out a tiny gasp in surprise as Tannis held her close to his body, one hand on her back and the other on the back of her head, his fingers holding tightly on her bun to keep her mouth exactly where he wanted it. He could taste the fruit on her tongue, found the pits of the seeds, and spit them out to the floor himself. Arianna’s face was soon flushed and breathless. 
“Good morning, captain,” she sighed, taking a moment to catch her breath from the sudden kissing. “Did I wake you- Ah! Ah...”
Tannis tightened his grip in her hair, forcing her head back so he could get at her soft neck. Every suck, every nibble, every bite made delightful noise after delightful noise come from Arianna and it only spurred Tannis on. He smoothed his hand over her ass and grabbed it roughly before giving it a solid slap. She yelped and laughed at herself for being so loud. 
“Sing for me,” he growled. “Wanna hear you..”
“Oh.. Oh, darling, please believe me. I’ll never let you- Oooh. I’ll never let you down. Believe me when I tell you, I’ll never leave you alo- Ah! Alone..” 
Tannis gave her another slap before moving his hand under the hem of her shirt to her cunt, one finger slipping inside with ease while his thumb rubbed at her clit. Arianna cried out at the sudden stimulation, her knees buckling. She was getting wetter by the second. Good. 
“Keep singing,” Tannis demanded, backing her up against the counter and sitting her on the edge, his fingers still fucking her as his mouth moved down her chest. The shirt was loose enough that he could pull it down both her shoulders to expose her breasts to him. “I said keep singing!”
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anacewhowritessmut · 2 years
A Pirate’s Treasure - Part 2
Arianna spent the morning overlooking the sea in every direction the ship had to offer. She never knew the sea could look so endless, not seeing a single town or city. She cowered away from the crew’s leering eyes, some licking their lips at the sight of her. Not all the crew were predators. Some tipped their caps as she walked by and some even bowed. One offered her an apple with a flourishing gesture and dramatic bow and she finally smiled for the first time that morning. 
“Golly, she’s a pretty one.” “Lovely mouth.” “Lovely bum.” “Oy, show some respect. Clearly she’s a lady of stature she is.” “Wonder what the captain’ll do with her.”
Gibbs huffed at the thought, watching Arianna with narrow eyes. She caught him staring and quickly hurried up towards the farthest point of the bow to escape the crew entirely. She leaned against the railing with a sad sigh, not knowing that the captain had walked up behind her. 
“Lovely, isn’t it?”
Arianna startled, turning around quickly. Tannis raised his hands, showing he had come in peace. 
“Apologies, my lady, I was just enjoying the view.” “The view?” “Same thing you’re looking at I’m sure,” he said, gesturing to the open ocean and settling in beside her. “I’ve been at sea for most of my life but it never gets old. Just wait until you see the sunset and all the colors of the rainbow stretch across the sky softly bleeding into one another for miles and miles.”
Arianna cocked her head at him. “That was.. rather poetic.” “Are you surprised?” “Well, maybe a little. I was always told pirates were a rather unintelligent group of people who only knew how to be cruel and steal.” Tannis laughed. “My lady, we simply must disparage this terrible preconceived notion of my kind! How dreadful we must seem to you.” “Not everyone on board this ship is like that, you’re certainly not.” “Oh?” Tannis grinned.  Arianna couldn’t hold his gaze. “No, you’re rather charming and clearly intelligent and capable and I can easily see why you’re the captain.” Her cheeks began to flush again as she adjusted the large coat she was practically swimming in. 
“I might have something else you can wear in the meantime, my lady, if that is uncomfortable for you,” Tannis offered. Arianna paused and nodded, following Tannis back down into his cabin. He had bits and pieces from his own wardrobe and of articles left behind by those whose names he forgot ages ago. He left her in his cabin to get dressed. 
Arianna emerged in one of his own baggy shirts that was so long it could be a dress for her, a pair of high waisted trousers underneath, and a corset to tie it all together. The crew whistled and hollered as she slipped some hair shyly behind her ear. 
“She looks better in your clothes than you, cap’in!” “Get back to work, the lot of ya!” Tannis shouted, shooing them away. “You look the part now, my lady. If you’re not careful I’ll sign you into my crew.” “Actually that’s exactly what I’d like to discuss, captain.”
Tannis and Arianna discussed their terms with Tannis promising he’d return her to her home but only after the reach their next destination. She would not belong to any man aboard the ship but she would do her part as a temporary crew member. They shook on it and Tannis noted how soft her hand was in his. 
Arianna spent the rest of the day trying to assist with the sails but the ropes made her delicate hands turn red and sore. The crew immediately set her to another task better suited for her, leaving the physical labor to the men. She helped to mend any torn parts of the sails, washed rum steins, and took stock of their canon balls. By dinner she was exhausted, barely able to keep her eyes open as she ate. One by one the crew trundled off to their cots when Arianna realized she didn’t have one for herself. 
“You may use mine, my lady!” “Mine’s is nice an’ clean, I promise!” “Mine is high away from the rats!” “The lady shall sleep in my quarters tonight,” Tannis said, gesturing for Arianna to head back to his cabin. The crew grumbled at their defeat in the matter but said nothing to the captain’s decision. 
“Looks like captain’s really likes your treasure, eh Gibbs?” a crew mate chortled, elbowing Gibbs in the arm. Gibbs growled at him and watched as the captain and Arianna closed the door behind them. 
Arianna yawned as she shuffled back towards the bed. “I don’t understand how you all do this everyday. My whole body is aching,” she complained, kicking off her boots and trying to undo the ties of her corset. 
“Allow me, my lady-” “Wait!” Tannis moved to undo her laces but Arianna stepped back. “What?” “This isn’t a job for a man to do, much less a pirate,” she stated, still trying to undo the knot behind her back. “I don’t understand, I was able to put it on by myself but now- Urgh!” She sighed and let her hands fall. Tannis waited with a raised eyebrow for her to give in and turn her back towards him so he could assist her. 
He found the knot of the corset and loosened the ties so she could slip out of it. Once the corset came off so did the trousers and she paused again, looking back at him. 
“You can turn around now.” “Ah, of course.” Tannis turned his back but positioned himself to watch her in his mirror instead. She put everything in a neat pile, brushed out her long brown hair, and decided to keep his shirt on for the night. She pulled back the blanket to lay down and Tannis went to the other side to join her.
“What are you doing?” she asked, sitting up right gripping the blanket close to her chest as Tannis made himself comfortable. 
“Uh, laying down for a good night’s sleep?” “B-but you can’t- I thought you said I-” “My lady, this is my bed and I’m letting you share it with me. I never said I’m giving up my entire bed for you,” he explained, continuing to settle himself in. Arianna opened her mouth to rebuttal but her argument evaporated. She settled in beside him, facing the wall and hoping he couldn’t see her blush in the dim light. Tannis blew out the candle and the room went dark. 
“Pleasant dreams, my lady,” he said, closing his eyes to drift off. 
“Pleasant dreams,” she wished him back, her tired eyes closing just as quickly as she fell asleep. 
Unfortunately her dreams would be far from pleasant. The gentle rocking of the ship felt like a raging storm outside and Arianna was at the eye of the hurricane. She couldn’t escape the rain or wind with the water rising and grabbing at her from all directions. She whimpered and began to cry in her sleep, waking Tannis beside her. He turned to see her curled into a ball and gently moved closer to wrap an arm around her, her back right against his warm chest. 
A life raft appeared in Arianna’s dream, something whisking her away from the storm and to somewhere safe again. She turned her body over and was facing him, her own hands holding Tannis’s body and her face resting on his chest. It was Tannis’s turn to blush as he held her close, letting her do whatever she needed to to get through the night. 
The morning after, Arianna found herself in Tannis’s arms with him still dozing peacefully. Arianna didn’t dare move lest she wake him so she stayed beside him, her hands gently smoothing over his strong arms. His chest hair was coarse but smelled of musk and salt. She could hear his strong heartbeat under her ear. If he didn’t wake up for another hour or two she wouldn’t complain.  
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anacewhowritessmut · 2 years
A Pirate’s Treasure - Part 1
They came quickly and without warning. They rode through the city, smashed windows to get in, to have a laugh, or both. They took jewels, coins, flowing coats, anything they could grab and harmed anyone who tried to stop them. Arianna rushed to her window to see what all the commotion outside was and gasped at the violence and fires that multiplied around her. 
“Miss! Miss, you must hurry!” a maid shouted as they entered her room, coaxing her to the door. Arianna turned from the window just as a large man crashed through feet first. She was just barely able to jump out of the way as the man rolled to his feet and laid eyes on her. His smiling mouth showed yellow teeth as he leered at her. 
“Don’t you dare touch her!” the maid shouted but immediately regretted speaking. The man turned to her instead and moved to hit her but Arianna grabbed his arm. 
“RUN!” Arianna yanked the man’s arm back only for the man to grab her hair to get her off. She cried out in pain and the maid disappeared. The man raised Arianna up off the floor and she kicked and flailed, much to his amusement. The man smiled once again and tossed her to the floor. She scrambled away and backed up against the wall, looking for something, anything, she could use as a way to defend herself. The man laughed as she chucked a book at him, swatting it away as he loomed over her. 
“You’re cute.” He grabbed her arm to get her off the floor and then held her by the neck, pinning her to the wall to watch her struggle. “Captain said we’s could have whatever treasure we’s want and whatever we’s can carry back to the ship. You look like you’d fit in me bunk just fine.” 
Arianna dug her nails into the man’s tightening hand but his rough skin was like a bee sting to an elephant. She gasped for air, darkness already beginning to cloud her vision as her fighting began to weaken. The man laughed and let her fall to the floor again before scooping her up over his shoulder. He placed a solid slap to her ass in triumph as he exited the window and down to the garden below. Arianna screamed as the man jumped back down to earth and headed toward the forcibly opened gate, the guard with a sword sticking out of their chest. The man stopped for a moment to retrieve it as Arianna’s lip trembled at the sight. 
“Let me go! Please, someone help me!!” she shouted but her voice was drowned out by all the other screams and pleas for help around her. No one noticed the flailing woman as the man followed his crewmen with their treasures back to their waiting ship. The man got to his dingy and dropped her in. He pushed off and began rowing back but Arianna wasn’t going to give up yet. She tried to grab a hold of an oar but the man slapped the back of his hand across her face. 
“If you don’t sit, I’ll make you,” he threatened her. Arianna tasted blood in her mouth. The dingy was already so far away from shore. The ocean waters looked black without the moonlight on them. She had to try. She jumped as far away from the dingy as she could, the icy saltwater feeling like a thousand needles on her skin. Her thin nightgown offered little protection from the temperature. She fought to get back to the surface, gasping as the her face hit the night air. 
“OY! Crazy bitch, you’re mine!” the man cursed from his dingy, trying to maneuver his boat to capture her again. His crewmen laughed at him, their own various treasures in hand on their way back to the ship as well. 
Arianna’s head kept slipping below the surface. The cold and, more importantly, the fact that she couldn’t swim made her body stiff and confused. She choked as she swallowed more and more sea water, her mind racing in a panic. Surely she was about to die. To have stayed on that dingy she would have at least been alive. This was a very stupid plan. She reached her hand up, just her fingers above the surface as her consciousness began slipping away, when suddenly a strong hand grasped hers and pulled her from the water. 
The hand got her into the boat as she coughed and shook, trying to just take a full breath of air. She heard men cheering and laughing uproariously around her. 
“Some treasure you got, eh?” “Looks like it’s captain’s treasure now!” “Can’t keep track of one thing, can ya? HA!”
Arianna sat up and found herself on a different dingy, one with other pirates and actual treasure on board. The dingy was already at the ship when that same strong hand offered itself to her. 
“Would you care to climb or shall I carry you up?”
Arianna looked up to find a very handsome, ill shaven man grinning down at her. For a pirate his teeth weren’t nearly as yellow and his shaggy hair framed his strong jaw line. 
“Better answer now or I’ll pick.” “Wh- What?” “Alright then.”
The man took Arianna up in his arms and over his shoulder how her first captor did but with a sense of decorum and grace. Arianna barely had time to comprehend what he asked before he was climbing up the rope ladder back to the deck of the pirate ship. 
The crew cheered as the men arrived back with gold, furs, and, hey, a woman. The man set Arianna down on her feet and her knees immediately buckled, causing the man to hold her close to support her. 
“Whoa now, you’re still with us, yeah? Not still drowning are you?” the man asked her with a cheerful tone. Arianna gazed up at him, still so scared and in her panic that she didn’t know what to do but nod her head and shiver. 
“You look like you’re about to fall back off this ship, my lady. Might I suggest you-”
“Captain! She’s my treasure!” 
Arianna’s original captor’s pocked face was beet red with a mixture of rage and embarrassment. He stormed up to the man now with his arm around Arianna’s waist. “You said we’s could have any treasure we bring back and she’s mine! Give her here!”
“Yeah, she’s belonging to Gibbs!” “Naw, she’s belonging to captain now. He’s the one that actually brought her to the ship, see.” “Gibbs could barely carry his treasure to begin with.” “Gentlemen, please-”
The crew all silenced themselves as the man holding Arianna, the captain, spoke. His hand on her waist stayed steady and Arianna could barely move out of fear. 
“Gibbs. You say this young woman is your treasure, yes?” “Yes, I do, captain!” “Did you find the treasure yourself?” “Yes, captain!” “Did you take it yourself?” “Of course, captain!” “Did you bring it back to this great vessel, our home and our ship, without any assistance from any other crew member?” The crew grumbled.  “Er.. Yes!” “Yes?” The crew backed away from the captain and quietly placed their bets. The captain took a moment to take his coat off to wrap around Arianna’s shaking shoulders before stepping forward towards Gibbs, standing within inches of him. Gibbs was both taller and broader but the captain’s confidence and prowess was unmatched. 
“Yes, you brought her here without any help?” “Er, what I mean, captain, is-” “You mean that when your treasure tried to escape your grasp that you were the one to retrieve it from the water?” “W-Well, no, that was-” “Was it you or someone else who rowed back, got your alleged treasure, and carried them to this very deck we’re standing on right now?” “That was you, captain, but I-” “BUT YOU WHAT, GIBBS?” The captain swiftly took Gibb’s own knife from his belt and held it at his own throat, backing up against the mast of the ship. “If you interrupt me one more time, you will not get to answer any of my questions now will you?”
The crew all collectively held their breaths. Gibbs dared not even swallow. 
“Now I’ll ask you once and only once: did you bring this woman on to my ship or did I?” Gibbs grit his teeth and sighed in defeat. “You did, captain.” “What was that I couldn’t hear you?” “T’was you that brought the treasure aboard, captain, not me.” “Ah. I see. Well then!”
The captain released Gibbs, put his knife back in his belt, and opened his arms to his crew in a welcoming manner, completely dropping all malice. “As promised, whatever treasure you have brought aboard is yours to keep and do with as you wish! Jack, let’s head east and break out the rum. We have a fine night ahead of us!”
The crew burst into cheers and celebration, some breaking out into song while others immediately reaching for a stein. Gibbs quietly retreated with his tail between his legs, glowering with other pirates that failed in their treasure attempts. The captain returned to Arianna with a glowing smile. 
“Now, my dear, you must be famished!” “Got a nice one, you did, captain!” “Quite easy on the eyes, wouldn’tya say?” “My lady? Are you alright?”
Arianna’s head was spinning. She was aboard a pirate ship, in the middle of the night, after nearly drowning, cold, wet, very much alone and very, very scared. Her knees buckled again and the captain quickly caught her as she fainted. 
The sun slipped through the holes in the curtains of the four poster bed Arianna found herself on. She still wore her nightgown from last night and someone had placed an old luxurious woven blanket over her. She sat up as the events came back into her head one by one. Kidnapped by pirates heading to some far off location with nothing but a nightgown. She gripped the blanket and began to cry slowly and then all at once with sorrowful sobs. 
“My lady, have you awakened?”
The captain’s voice came from behind the curtain. Arianna gasped and grabbed the blanket up over her body as the same handsome man from last night gently revealed himself. His shaggy hair was up in a messy bun and shirt untucked. He offered her a smile and a handkerchief. 
“I truly am sorry about your predicament, my lady. I strongly discourage claiming other humans as treasure but my rules do state that they claim whatever they can carry and it seems Gibbs chose unwisely. Not unlike him if I’m being honest,” he explained as Arianna watched him from under the blanket. “My name is Tannis and I am the captain of this ship the Black Dove. Once you’re feeling up to it we can discuss your prospects with us, what you’d like to do, and where you’d like to go.”
“Wha- Where I’d like to go? I want to go home!” Arianna exclaimed, finally coming out of her hiding place. “You kidnapped me from my home! He took me and when I tried to escape you just helped him finish the job!”
“Would you have rather drowned?”
“N-No! Yes! That’s not a fair question. It wasn’t my intention to- The water was so- And I thought I’d be able to- It doesn’t matter, you kidnapped me too!”
Tannis laughed and sat down on the bed, much to Arianna’s displeasure. She recoiled from him and kept the blanket in her hand like a shield. “My lady, I merely saved your life and nothing more. You really should be a little more grateful.”
“Grateful?!” Arianna seethed, quickly standing up to both stay away from him and assert her dominance. “You are nothing but a pirate and I have no reason to be grateful to you for stealing me away from my home, frightening me, and now claiming I have some choice in the matter that we can discuss. I will be grateful if and only if you turn this filthy boat around and bring me back to my home right now! That is the only thing I will discuss with the likes of you.”
Tannis only smiled and stood up as well, looking Arianna up and down. 
“What?” she asked, annoyed.
“You’re cute when you’re angry,” he stated with absolute glee. 
Arianna’s already pink cheeks turned a firery red and her nose wrinkled in the same shape as her pouting lips. She let out a noise of pure frustration and turned to leave the captain’s cabin. Tannis quickly grabbed her arm and, without thinking, Arianna turned to strike Tannis with her free hand. Tannis caught her hand in midair and pinned her to the back of the door. Her eyes widened and Tannis could sense fear and.. something else as he gazed down at her. 
“You really shouldn’t go out there in your nightgown, my lady,” he said in a soft volume, gently releasing one arm to fetch his jacket from the hook on the wall, offering it to her without moving an inch away and without breaking eye contact. He kept her other hand pinned over her head but she didn’t try to free herself. Instead, she accepted the jacket and nodded in agreement. Tannis smiled. 
“Should you want to discuss your status on my ship later, my lady, you know where to find me.” “My name is Arianna.” Tannis paused. “Arianna. Beautiful, it suits you.” He slowly released her hand and brought it to his lips to place a kiss on her knuckles. Arianna’s heart beat faster. His dark eyes felt like he was searching through hers for some secret, some mystery to uncover. For some reason she didn’t mind. 
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anacewhowritessmut · 2 years
I wanna write some more but I can’t decide if I wanna continue the story or write a new meet cute/fuck. What kind of scenario can Tannis save Arianna from this time (and then immediately fuck afterwards)? 
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anacewhowritessmut · 2 years
My savior, my lover (part 1/?)
((Whenever I’m in a smut mood I go for my two favorite stock characters: Tannis and Arianna. Tannis is basically a more muscular Legolas and Arianna is the sweet maiden who just happens to be horny all the time. A perfect match. 
In this little story you’ll find an assassination attempt, lustful glances, a mysterious plot, and, hey, smut. I’m still new to posting my writings so please please let me know if I’m doing my tags wrong and/or if there’s others I should add.))
“Look, it’s right over there! I told you.”
“Okay okay, let’s just get this over with. I wanna get paid.”
Tannis opened his eyes and lifted his head. So much for his quiet nap. The gentle flow of the river behind him made for such a tranquil setting that was being rudely interrupted. Two burly men came up to the other side of the bank, one of them holding a body over their shoulder. Tannis raised an eyebrow but kept his presence unknown and looked on.
“So go on, dump her in.”
“No, wait, we gotta prove we did it, right?” The man holding the body kneeled down and let the unconscious person roll to the ground. Tannis narrowed his eyes. The beautiful woman laid there with her hands tied behind her back and her lips parted. Tannis couldn’t tell from his distance if she was even breathing, in such a deep and clearly drugged sleep.
The men looked her over and the opposite man crouched down with a devious grin. He fiddled with the top fabric of her dress and ripped a piece of the fabric off. He smelled it and held it up triumphantly to his partner.
“Eh? Pretty great, huh? Sort a shame, she’s got quite the body.”
“Can we finish this?” The larger man was clearly disinterested. The other rolled his eyes, tucked the fabric away, and grabbed the woman’s feet. The larger man took up the woman’s shoulders and the two of them tossed the woman into the river. Tannis audibly gasped at the sudden violence, his entire body tense. His hands dug into the tree root, watching the bubbles get smaller and smaller on the surface of the water and waiting for the men to leave.
“Told you this would be easy.”
“That guy better give us what he promised. He’s definitely rich enough.”
The men’s voiced faded as they left the area. The second he no longer heard them Tannis jumped in, diving down to the slowly sinking body of the drowning woman. Tannis grabbed her arm, quickly cut her bonds, and wrapped a strong arm around her waist to pull her to the surface. He swam back to his side of the shore and pulled her into his arms to get her to safety, laying her down well away from the bank.
Tannis gently opened her mouth but felt no breath leave her. He placed his mouth to hers and breathed into her, placing his hands below her ribs to try and force the water out. Her skin was cold. Tannis’ heart raced. Another breath.
“C’mon.. please..” he begged. “Please, wake up..” Another breath. He pressed sharply on her chest. Another breath and-
The woman suddenly choked, coughing up the water in her lungs and gasped for air. Tannis sighed in relief, setting her lay on her side and she struggled to regain control. He watched the color come back into her cheeks, her chest heaving. She really was beautiful even in such a state. 
“You’re safe, my lady. Just breathe. You’ll be alright now,” he said softly, sweeping the wet hair from her forehead. Her eyes started to open but she couldn’t focus, her pupils dilated. Tannis pursed his lips. Whatever drugs she was given still had its claws in her. Her eyes closed again, losing consciousness as soon as she regained it. She needed medical attention.
Tannis gathered his belongings and scooped the poor maiden up in his arms, keeping a careful eye on her as he brought her through the woods and to the nearest community. He came upon an inn next to a small farm and asked to use their room to tend to her wounds. A local nurse offered to brew a potion to help flush the drugs from her system as Tannis watched over her.
No one seemed to know who she was but from the quality of her dress and the intricate jewels sewn in she was a lady from a very well off family. Tannis sat in a chair across from the bed she laid on in thought, trying to put the story together and not having enough pieces of the puzzle.
The sun was just starting to rise when the woman finally began to stir. She whimpered, her brows furrowing in distress. Tannis stood up on alert and immediately rushed over as she started to panic as she came to.
“Nn.. No.. No, please.. stop... Stop! No, let me go!”
“My lady! You’re safe, you’re safe.” Tannis took her hand as her eyes fluttered open, looking around wildly until she finally stopped on the elf holding her hand. She paused, taken aback by his gentle yet strong hand.
“W-Where am I? You’re not one of those men who-”
“No, I’m not. I saw those men bring you to the river. I believe they drugged you and were hired to kill you,” he explained, trying his best to keep the anger from his voice lest he scare her. She looked so fragile. “It was very fortunate I was there, my lady. I fear you would have surely perished by their hand.”
She sat there and her eyes welled up with tears. “They just.. They came into my room. They were so fast, they just grabbed me and I felt something sharp and.. everything went dark and...” She began to cry and hid her face in her hand.
Tannis sat beside her, still holding her hand, and warmly smoothing his opposite hand over her back. The woman leaned into his touch and slowly raised her head to meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry..”
“You have nothing to apologize for, my lady,” Tannis said, placing a small kiss to the top of her hand. “Please, will you tell me your name? You may call me Tannis.”
She nodded, already starting to calm as she gazed into his piercing grey eyes. “My name is Arianna, daughter of Leland Everwood.”
Everwood? So she truly was from a wealthy family. Perhaps this was an assassination attempt.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Arianna. You have nothing to fear here.” He cupped her face and dried a spare tear with his thumb. Arianna felt her heart skip a beat. Tannis had a strong desire to put his lips to hers, wondering how they felt without her life hanging in the balance.
“Did you save me from the river?” she asked shyly. “I remember seeing someone pulling me from the darkness. I think it was you.”
“Like I said, it was fortunate I was there, my lady.”
Their hands still held each other as their bodies drew closer.
“Yes. Yes it was.. fortunate.”
Her eyes closed as her lips waited for his. Tannis wasted no time and pressed his lips to hers hungrily, holding her face still as the kiss continued. She was so warm and inviting. He felt her heart under his hand racing as it smoothed down to her lower back. He wanted to never let her out of his sight, to protect her. She really was so fragile.
Knock-knock. “Tannis, is she awake yet? The potion is ready and should be taken as fresh as possible.” A voice came calling through the door and both Tannis and Arianna froze, quickly separating as the door opened and an older kindly woman came in with a hot mug of floral smelling liquid.
“Aw, you poor thing! You’ve been asleep for sometime, my dear. And just look you’re all flushed still!” The woman took Tannis’ place beside Arianna on the bed and helped her into an up right position so she could drink her medicine. Arianna and Tannis locked eyes for a moment over her shoulder, both giving each other sheepish expressions. But there was no escaping the lust in her eyes. Tannis picked up on that instantly.
“Now, Tannis, why don’t you get yourself something to drink too while I take care of- Oh, what’s your name, dearie?”
“Arianna.” “Arianna.”
The both answered simultaneously. The woman laughed. “It seems you know each other already, how lovely!” Arianna’s blush lingered.
Tannis waited at the bar until he heard the door open again. The woman emerged first and held the door open for Arianna, fully dressed and back on her feet. Tannis smiled and honored her with a bow.
“I’m certainly glad to see you well again, my lady,” he said as Arianna curtsied back to him.
“Now she’ll need to rest more once she’s home and I’m gonna put some food in your pack for the two of you,” the woman said, gently patting Arianna’s shoulder.
“The two of us?” Tannis asked.
“You’ve done so much for me, Tannis, but I was hoping you would help me in escorting me home,” Arianna explained, slipping some of her long brown hair behind her ear. “I don’t know where I am and I’m afraid that.. Well, I’d rather not run into those men again and I don’t know how to get home and I...” She ducked her head but Tannis softly tilted her chin back to look at him. There was that blush from her again.
“It would be a great privilege to escort you safely back home, my lady.”
Arianna smiled as they gazed into each other’s eyes. The rest of the bar floated away until the woman cleared her throat, eyeing them both suspiciously (not that it wasn’t obvious). She handed Tannis a knapsack of supplies and gave him a knowing glance.
“You see her home first, you hear me?”
Tannis nodded. Arianna’s blush stayed right where it was.
Tannis lead Arianna to the main road of the community and bartered their way on to the back of a wagon heading west where the city lay in the distance. It would be about a day’s journey to get there.
“It truly makes me wonder who wanted to dispose of you in such an extreme way. The river makes it way right past the city yet those men came all the way down here to do the job,” Tannis posed, taking the moment to polish his knife before cutting into an apple for them to share. Arianna fussed with the ends of her sleeves, sitting with her limbs close together. “You said you’re from the Everwood house, yes? That family has lived on these lands for generations. Did you or your father have any enemies that might have wanted revenge?”
Arianna shook her head. “My father is well mannered and well liked in our circle of friends. I don’t know who would..” She paused and hugged her legs close to her body. “I don’t even know how they got into my room. There are guards posted at night and they came through my door, not my window.”
“So someone must have let them in,” Tannis mused. Arianna frowned and shook her head.
“N-No, that’s.. That’s impossible. He’s cruel but he-”
Arianna froze. “Please, let’s not- I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
Tannis watched her closely. She couldn’t meet his gaze. Clearly she wasn’t telling him something. There weren’t any rings on her fingers. He offered her some of the apple and she uncurled herself to eat it. The rip at the top of her dress was still present, exposing just a few more inches of the soft skin of her chest.
“I’m sorry to upset you, my lady. It’s hard to not be curious about the situation. It’s also not often I find myself rescuing beautiful women from nefarious plots.”
“Not often?” Arianna quirked. “I would have assumed other wise.” The smallest of smiles crept in at the corner of her mouth. “You’re an elf, right? I know many girls who pine after the few in our city. They’re all rather handsome and blithe but their personalities are as shallow as a tea cup.”
Tannis burst out laughing at her comment. “My lady, I did not expect you to have such ripping quips. I’m scared to wonder your opinion about me.”
“You’re certainly not like the elves I’ve met. You at least carry a sword and you’re strong and capable and tall and exceedingly handsome and-”
Tannis’ grin only grew as she showered him with compliments. He leaned forward towards her and she paused and once again her cheeks were pink.
“You blush easily, my lady,” he spoke quietly. Arianna opened her mouth to retort back but couldn’t find the words. From his angle, Tannis could see the gentle rise and fall of her breasts. He leaned in closer, moving to kiss her again, when the wagon went over a bump in the road. The bump sent Tannis backwards and Arianna forwards, ending with her body on top of his.
“Whoops, sorry about that folks!” the driver shouted behind him but Tannis and Arianna barely registered the apology. Tannis held the small of her back as he righted himself, allowing her to sit on his lap. Arianna let him maneuver her as he wished with an arm around his broad shoulders. He let his fingers slip into her hair, gently guiding her head closer to his. Arianna filled the gap on her own, placing her lips to his and holding his face in her hand in turn.
Tannis’ arms around her immediately tightened, holding her close as his hands began to roam. Arianna couldn’t help but whimper slightly as his hand squeezed her ass only to then travel to her chest. His mouth left hers to kiss down her neck to the exposed skin he couldn’t keep his eyes off of. Arianna bit her lip to stifle the adorable tiny sounds of pleasure but that only made Tannis’ blood pump faster. Suddenly Arianna pulled away.
“Wait wait.. We should stop.”
Tannis blinked up at her confused. “Wha- Why?” But Arianna giggled.
“No, we should stop and get off. The wagon, I mean.”
It took Tannis a moment to realize what she was suggesting. “If we get off now we won’t get you home until tomorrow.”
Arianna only smiled, that stunning look of lust in her eyes he saw from earlier couldn’t be ignored. It was all Tannis needed. 
He shouted to the driver to stop, paid him for his time, and the two walked away from the road hand in hand. There was a small cabin not too far and, lo and behold, no one was home. Tannis locked the door behind them, dumped his belongs on the table, and wasted no time in sweeping Arianna off her feet towards the empty bed. She made a small squeak of surprise and kicked her shoes off just before Tannis laid her down.
His body was on hers in seconds, one hand furiously trying to remove his clothing while the other touched her everywhere and anywhere. Arianna’s hands explored his strong chest and arms, gentle hands gliding over the curves of his muscles. She felt safe with him. Tannis paused his heavy petting only to pull his shirt over his head and Arianna took the opportunity to sit up and undo the pulls of her dress behind her. The fabric drooped down over her shoulders and, as she tugged it off, leaving her only in her chamise. Her brown nipples showed through the fabric, inviting Tannis closer.
Tannis had no patience. He yanked the thin fabric down to reveal her breasts and kissed and sucked hungrily. Arianna cried out in pleasure as she laid back down, her eyes closing in bliss. It spurred him on more. One breast got his mouth while the other had his hand, cupping and rolling her eager nipple in between his deft fingers.
“Yes.. Oh gods, yes...”
Tannis growled. He could listen to her like this for hours, for the rest of his life perhaps. He kept at it as a spare hand found itself under her chemise to her warm groin. He adjusted his position to cup her vagina in his hand, inserting a finger and rolling his thumb against her clit. He was an expert. Arianna cried out again, her eyes widening.
“Oh! Oh my.. Don’t stop!”
His finger curled, beckoning her to the edge which she headed for willingly. He watched her face, waiting until the right moment, and stopped. Arianna lay panting but understood what his intentions were. Tannis stroked his erect penis to the sight of her. Arianna spread her legs. They were ready.
Tannis arced her hips up and entered her fully, the both of them sighing in satisfaction. Tannis pulled her up so she was sitting directly over him, still inside her, and held her close as his hips rocked under her. Arianna’s mouth hung open in between passionate kisses, moaning into his mouth as Tannis worked her from underneath. He propped himself up and thrusted upwards, going at a faster pace and making her whole body shake. Her breasts bounced with each thrust.
“Tannis.. Ah! Ohh..”
He sensed her tightening around him. He laid her back down and, without missing a beat, began to pound into her hard and fast. She pulled his mouth to hers as her toes curled, begging him to not stop. All he could do was mumble in agreement, wanting nothing more than to please her, to satisfy her, to do anything he can to make her happy. She was beautiful, she was perfect. He felt his own climax about to take place when Arianna let out a loud gasp and a shudder. He buried himself deep within her and reached down to stroke her clit as their ecstasy intertwined and the stars around their heads exploded into supernovas.
The moment seemed to stand still as they slowly, so slowly, came back down to earth. Tannis stayed inside of her as Arianna’s half-lidded eyes gazed up at him with an adorably dazed smile. His next kiss was gentle as he removed himself and laid beside her on the now disheveled bed. 
“I take it I pleased you, my lady?” 
Arianna chuckled as Tannis placed kiss after kiss across her nose and cheeks. “That was.. You are.. I’ve never..” She was practically speechless. 
“Wait, you’ve.. never?”
“Oh, no, I have. I just never.. I didn’t know I could feel this way after,” she elaborated with a smile. She kissed his lips and settled in arms, keeping her body close to his as her eyes closed in her bliss. 
“You know, my lady, if we-”
“Call me by my name. Please.”
It was Tannis’ turn to blush. “Arianna. If we stay here then we surely won’t return to the city until tomorrow.”
“Oh dear. That’s a terrible circumstance,” she replied without an ounce of urgency in her voice. She let out a small yawn. “Simply awful.”
Tannis grinned and closed his eyes as well, very glad they were on the same page. “Tragic, really, to make you wait a whole other night.” 
Arianna only replied with a tiny hum of agreement as she drifted off to sleep. Tannis joined her in sleep, dreaming of what they would do when they woke up. If this was what an afternoon could be, Tannis could only imagine what the night could hold for them. 
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