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dazaiilover69 · 1 day ago
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inter-st · 7 months ago
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《They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.》
The first time they saw each other was across the crowded room, with the dizzy feeling of alcohol and mischievous smiles of recognition.
They were going to fall for each other like never before and they didn't even know it.
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spnseasonsgirl · 4 days ago
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#entertainmentweekly #firstlook
#supernatural #season15 #episode14
#supernaturalthursday #thursday
#samwinchester #jaredpadalecki
#mrsbutters #meaganfay
#deanwinchester #jensenackles
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antion-bewitching-bitch · 9 months ago
The budding flower of Hearts
Descendants x male Oc (you can read it as a self-insert if you want)
Next Chapter
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An: This will be a teaser to a fanfic I'm planning to start. It’ll be a descendants fanfic with a male oc who is the child of the queen of hearts (yes i saw descendants 4, i think i won’t like it nor use it. I’ll centre more on descendants 1, 2, & 3). This won’t be beta read, I'll be the one who’ll mostly check for mistakes but if you do see some, maybe comment and I'll try my best to edit! Hope you like it!
1.5k words. No Trigger warnings that I know off.
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“And who might you be dear?” The lady in a metallic blue dress asked; She was Fairy Godmother. The school’s mere environment with all its beautiful architecture, clear blue skies, greenery which was a far cry from the deserted land me and the others came from; just a few minutes ago.
“Eli” I muttered, lost in the new environment. Taking in the beautiful clear sky that looked so polluted and clouded back then, It was this beautiful blue now.
I was pulled back to focus when I felt a bump by Carlos, I was asked again. “Eli?”
“Ah! Sorry, my name; it's Eli des Lamproca Van Der Heart.” I tried to push through with how long my name was. “Please just call me Eli!” with a greeting of a low nod and a smile. My heart painted lips curving. They were staring at our alien appearance compared to them.
“Eli, a lovely name.” The Fairy gleefully said with her high pitched voice, doing her best to greet the weird kids who just showed up. “Welcome to Auradon prep! I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress.”
Mal then quickened “The fairy godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo"?”. “Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it.” The Fairy replied with a smile.
Everything else was forgettable, for I was annoyed that Jay was eying a random girl next to the Fairy. He was skittish and all that nonsense while loudly chewing the gum he had in the limo. I sighed as I continued looking around and noticed Carlos was still trying to fix his clothes with chocolate still in his lips.
I was then brought back to the conversation when the man spoke. “It's so good to finally meet you all! I'm Ben.” I then slanted my head wondering who this ‘Ben’ was. I saw his gaze go to mine.
“Prince! Benjamin. Soon to be king.” The girl next to him followed up quickly, so he was the reason we’re here. 
“You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess.” Evie walked forward towards him, spinning around a bit and showing him her hand.
The girl then shook her head “The evil queen has no royal status here” Then i saw it “And neither do you.” her smile widened. She had this look in her eyes, gleeful to say the next line putting Evie in her place.
I pulled Evie back a bit next to me. Ben then awkwardly laughed and introduced this girl “This is Aubrey….”
“Princess! Aubrey.” she said while pointing her finger. She was reminding him, she was also royalty. “His. girlfriend.” she was wearing this fake smile. While Ben continued to look at her awkwardly. He isn’t fond of her. It seems so. “Right benny-boo~?” Ben was feeling uncomfortable while she wrapped her hand towards his.
Mal and I smiled back at them. I truly didn’t care for the next gibber gabber of the Fairy with all that talk about some library in the end. 
Ben was behind her and I noticed Aubrey trying to take his hand once but he harshly took it back not wanting to be all touchy in front of us it seems. After the fairy walked away, He stepped forward and offered his hand towards Jay to shake.
 “It is so, so, so good to finally me-meet you all.” Jay, that idiot. He pushed him away. But smiled back at him, He didn’t want to shake his hand while he shook his head. He continued to Mal and shook her hand then stared a bit…
“This is a momentous occasion,” he continued while Mal then shakes her hand like it had been infected “and one that I hope will go down in history. Is that chocolate?” What a mess; Carlos with his already messy face had chocolate covered hands; But then the prince licked his finger clean, and gave me a look. Weird. “As the day our two peoples began to heal.” He shook Evie’s Hand while Aubrey behind him eyed her as she stared at him.
He finally reached me, “What was that pause earlier with Mal?” I asked him while we shook hands and he stared at me and smiled brightly “Ah. nothing! It wa-was nothing. Eli right? Beautiful name”. Weird. 
Aubrey was getting a bit annoyed at him staring at us, but now more so at me. “Hey! You're the mad queen’s son right?” she directed towards me while I nodded with a fake smile; with Ben still staring at me but still wasn’t letting go of my hand. What exactly is going through his mind? “Yeah, you know what? I totally don’t believe the rumours, you’re not that insane!” 
What a bitch. 
Ben then was back to reality when he saw my smile fade a bit and realizing the situation while finally letting go of my hand. I just said nothing since if I did I might have slapped her. He was now looking towards Aubrey and seemed to be thinking of something.
“And you! You’re Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?” She then directed at Mal and stepped a bit closer to her. “Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff.” she rambled.
“Oh! my mom's Aurora. Sleeping~” She proclaimed, faking dumb; she stared at Mal insuating for her to continue. “Beauty!” Mal continued the atmosphere now being awkward.
“Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening.” They smiled back at each other. “Water under the bridge” Aubrey replied smiling. “Totes!” Mal wasn’t backing down. 
What plastics honestly.
Ben grabbed Aubrey away from us and continued while defusing the situation “Okay! So, how about a tour?” We all were silent. So was I. I was just observing really. “Yeah?” He showed us forward and we walked behind him. Evie continued to walk beside me and linked our arms; while Mal was in front of us behind Ben and Aubrey. With Jay and Carlos messing around with each other behind us.
“Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father wh-” 
The yapping of Ben faded as Evie gave me a look of concern. She began “Do yo- Do you think other royals will hate us?”. It was a genuine concern, both me and her were of true royal blood. “Do you think your father will hate you?” I asked her, she was a child of not only the 'Evil Queen' but also the King. She and Snow White were half-siblings.
“I haven’t really met him, I’ve never had…” She continues on. She asked me “Do you think your aunt will hate you?”. The White Queen, the sister of my mother. The one who sentenced her to the wastelands for unity with the other nations.
“Mother said she would have loved me. Though, we haven’t met either” I was going to continue but then we all came to a stop. Ben saw Carlos.
“Carlos.” He said. Carlos was behind Jay’s back, now terrified of the bronze? Statue that was earlier a man now a beast. Carlos must be afraid since it looked like a dog. “It's okay.” He was trying to reassure him to not be that fearful.
“My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible.” His father. The king of this united land. I heard of his father’s tale with the beauty that is belle. “Do you resent the witch who cursed your father?” I remembered the beginning of the tale.
“Do you even know the witch? I never heard of them just of their curse towards him”
He laughed again before answering, but now it wasn’t a forced one like earlier with Aubrey. “For the first question, no. I don’t resent them. For the second. I think… even my father doesn’t know them?” He started to scratch his chin while thinking back. Aubrey asked back “Why ask Eli? Why so curious about curses?”
It was clear my curiosity was for him and the witch itself, not the curse. She was clearing trying to put words in my mouth. I laughed a bit at her question, I replied with a smile. “Why not? Scared of my madness?”
“So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?” Mal asked changing the topic while we continued walking inside the school, clearly ignoring the conflict while also using it as a time to gain some information. “Like wands and things like that?”
Ben stole a glance at me before answering Mal’s question. At first it was Mal he was staring at, now me? “Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired.” he smiled a bit. “Most of us here are just ordinary mortals.” He nodded with us now being inside the school and at the center of a grand hall with large staircases leading to places we haven’t seen yet.
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im sorry if you wanted more and etc. but i just wanted to show just this and i might even change some more stuff in the future just in case too.
If its bad just tell me so I can delete this since I am just generally shy since its my first time posting stuff like this
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gebo4482 · 10 months ago
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‘Return to Silent Hill’ Movie Reveals First Look at Pyramid Head, Previews at Cannes Film Festival (EXCLUSIVE) (variety.com)
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imyandme · 7 months ago
Picture it with me…and let me paint the future with your smile🥂🍥
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Advice, please?
So, I've been drawing Firehouse 13 traditionally. I like the control it gives me over my lines. Pen and ink also just has a very great and satisfying feel to it. Yet-- the problem, this whole time, is that I've been prepping it in grayscale in the hopes that the free digital art program on my desktop-- that I've been using for years-- had gradient mapping in its repitoire.
Gradient mapping, as a concept is entirely new to me, but the idea of being able to cut down on production time through mapping color through grayscale variations... was absolutely immeasurable, something I sorely needed and vied for.
But, as I found today, none of the free programs I've used in the past had it except for in their paid versions. Access to these game changing modes being controlled by a capitalistic paywall was a frustrating thing to learn. Don't misunderstand: the people behind these amazing programs absolutely deserve to be recognized and paid for their hard work, tenfold even. I however, am one broke pigeon.
I absolutely love these programs, and would kill to have a lifetime license to the paid versions, but I have found the lack of positive reviews on these paid products to be quite off-putting and discouraging.
I have read, however, albeit briefly, about a program that strives to leave free, open access for artists and authors of all backgrounds and demographics. This would be Krita, and I would like to hear accounts of users experienced in this program to give me their opinion.
The other option i have in mind is to color traditionally as well, then overlay lighting and shadow and spoken text digitally to save time.
What are your thoughts on this?
To also be honest, I've had a lot of problems struggling with my drive and motivation for doing this comic and the contest. I've been struggling with the thought that everything needs to be perfect and that I NEEDED to win this contest in order to prove my worth, feel secure in my talents as an artist, and feel as if I truly weren't a waste of space.
I know none of those things are true but it's still a very persistent and nagging thought pattern that I definitely need more therapy to work through.
Peace, Love, and Pigeons,
-Pigeon Fingers
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221bbees · 6 months ago
oh, to be loved
The first time Henry sees him—he’s sitting on a bench. The weather is unbearably beautiful, indulgent, welcoming, aiding the life and living in a way that was unimaginable just a few weeks ago. And it’s all true in theory, Henry knows, and he sees it in practice—the grass is green, the sky is blue, the flowers are a vibrant myriad of different colours—he is seeing it, right now, and it’s all lovely and lively and golden. In theory.
Seven seasons, seven benches, and Alex and Henry's relationship in seven different stages.
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sameerakarter · 7 months ago
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I tried journaling. 230824.
Source: Mine.
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aaliyahunleashed · 4 months ago
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Earlier in 2024, fashion designer (Hayden Williams) hinted that he was pleased to be working on something for the Estate. Fans speculated on what it could possibly be, with the majority pondering if it was more clothes or a doll (like the Funko Pop doll).
Fast forward to September 2024, a Barbie Doll Blog IG page @a_plastic_tan_2 would drop some details of an upcoming Aaliyah Barbie doll by Mattel (which is a famous American multinational toy manufacturing and entertainment company); in the comments, Williams would respond with a “hehe” emoji and send fans on a speculation frenzy of what iconic look Mattel would use. The promo images offered December 31st 2024 as the release date (at the time).
As of a few days ago (Black Friday holiday 11/29/24), Turkey's Largest Toy Store @toyzzshop would LEAK the upcoming doll in their display only show box on their floor for all to see; of course the Aaliyah fanbase is EVERYWHERE so a lucky fan who was in the store ( @koleksiyolog ) was able to sneak a few photos (which are currently going viral throughout the fanbase now.
I was a little hesitant to talk about this doll until I found more information on it (since there are so many Aaliyah fan made dolls), but Williams came out with a short statement saying “These weren’t supposed to be seen yet, but I’m excited for ya’ll to see her in her full glory”.
The Barbie doll (HRM80) was inspired by Aaliyah’s iconic ‘One In A Million’ look (where she is in black leather and laying on the hood of a black 1959 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible).
The doll is now set to be released January 16th 2025 for a price of $59.99 euros ($63 USD).
What do you guys think? Are you excited about this Barbie doll?
Thank you to @Thebest.aaliyah , @motorcityb_ & @Bombaaliyah for the heads-up and images.
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mellow-plum · 11 months ago
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ZehSer - Their first glance.🫀
Teşkilat | Season 1, Episode 1
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rashi-pov · 1 year ago
for them,
how do i explain my thoughts to you? how does one say “i’m dying in agony because i miss him, because i miss his smile, his voice, the way he talked to me the way i felt” when i know that he was the reason behind my tears, insecurities and pain.
how do i tell them that i’m only pretending to move on FOR THEM not because i want to?? I see them moving on and finding their love, how do i tell them i cannot even look at mine because they’d hate me if i did so?
understandably so, he’s done nothing worth loving for them but how do i explain- it’s love? we do not get to choose.
my eyes saw him and declared it, right there and then, he was it for me.
i don’t like my name but when i hear it come out of his mouth, i feel like i’ve never heard anything more beautiful. whenever his eyes fell on me, my body felt worth loving, whenever he smiled at me, my heart felt worth beating.
a guy once said “break my heart into a thousand pieces, do whatever you want.” and i’d never related to anything more.
how do i tell them that every single molecule in my body yearns for his look and touch and love.
how do i tell them, my friends, that i hate myself for loving him but its the only thing i know how to do without any efforts?
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elinorasims · 6 months ago
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spent some time recently learning the basics of rendering sims in blender! i have some more to learn about lighting and camera work i think - but it's genuinely really fun to do <3
this is Elinora Wils - my playtest/'me' sim
i think i'll do a couple of rendered shots of my sims as a 'first look' and then link through to their household/download post and lookbooks - what do you think?
| dag dag fn. <3
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gwunc4nlover · 1 year ago
I’m gonna leave the introduction of the story for you guys to have an update and the first look
I’m still trying to have an account on ao3 but already have a fanfiction.net one.
This is not finished! Be free to comment whatever you feel of this introduction! I’ll be really happy to answer questions and follow suggestions.
Pleaseee tell me if you like it or not! It’ll help me a lot.
I’ll leave it below for you guys to read.
The real us
No one's POV
As they were setting the camera and the lights to the proper angle in their house studio, a much older Gwen and Duncan were preparing theirselves mentally for everything that was going to happen after the release of this video. The video in question was much more than a video, it was almost a documentary of their lives till this point in time. They weren't sure it's going to be the best or the worst decision, but it was already taken.
After their Total Drama contract ended, the worst they could get from that crew was diffamation and gaslighting. All of their actor friends, who worked with them, had already been informed of the upcoming publication of the video and, of course they weren't going to be exposed as such.
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paprikaries · 11 months ago
EXPIRED (still active for customers that wrote me before 6th June 2024)
DISCOUNTS FOR THE FIRST 2 MONTHS (discounts will end on June 6th 2024) Someone just made me notice that i confused July with June ! I need a mega facepalm emoji because i wrote it so many time and now i feel so silly! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 My bad!
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gebo4482 · 10 months ago
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Terminator Zero
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