#first time using the gradient text!
jwivity · 4 months
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where are you @b-ubbleberry ?
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i wanna step out with you; 1
more time in this world..
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invidiatechdemo · 24 days
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In my sight I was born To bring death at the footsteps of your home
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osaemu · 1 year
omg omg i love the new theme !!!
AHH thank u sm rylie ! ! <333
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illudens · 1 year
the amount of times i have searched 'how to do _ css neocities' today is kind of insane. i also almost cried several times. but hey i made one (1) page on my site
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jaewritesfic · 1 month
Everlasting Trio DPxDC Nobody Knows Au Pt 3
Parts 1 and 2
They both fall silent and stare. 
That's an answer to one of many questions they've been asking themselves for years, isn't it?
Their best friend disappeared, and it wasn't abduction or murder. It was an escape.
“You guys don't have contact with Jack and Maddie, do you?”
Tucker swears there's a record scratch in his brain.
Sam gapes. “You mean your parents?”
Danny smiles, small, grim and humorless. “Jack and Maddie.”
Jesus Christ.
Sam glances over at Tucker and they exchange a look. Tucker knows they've been feeling a shared guilt for a long time, feeling like they didn't do enough. They had suspicions about something fucked going on in Danny's home life since the beginning of freshman year, but they never blew the whistle about it.
Rationally they know it wasn't their responsibility. All of Amity had suspicions - someone should have called CPS, and it shouldn't have been a couple of kids. A goddamn adult should have stepped up.
It doesn't keep either of them from feeling like they failed their childhood best friend.
“Considering I've spent the last four years suspecting they killed you and chucked your body into the portal to hide it? Hell fucking no, Danny,” Sam asserts.
The set of Danny's shoulders relaxes significantly. “Good,” he breathes. “Good. Please keep it that way.”
“What the fuck was going on in that house, man?” Tucker asks, a little sick to his stomach. He knows right away he shouldn't have asked.
Danny's expression shutters into something polite and pleasant to hide discomfort, and he immediately starts ‘casually’ gathering his papers and computer into his bag.
“Listen, I'm really happy to see you guys - seriously. I really should get going though, I-”
Sam reaches out and snatches him by the scruff of his shirt before he can even stand up all the way, yanking him back down into his chair.
His dumbfounded expression makes Tucker snort a laugh, so familiar and puppy-like. Danny is still all big blue eyes and nearly visible question marks when taken off guard. Tucker missed that face.
“You're not going anywhere until we get your phone number,” Sam argues, not a hint of wiggle room in her face or tone. “We'll get lunch or something, all three of us. Go to the mall. We're living in the same city, you know I'll hunt you down.”
When Danny hesitates, her face and tone melt into something softer.
“Please, Danny. We miss you.”
Danny melts a little, sighing and smiling. “...yeah. Yeah, I missed you too. I've missed you guys so much.”
“So?” Sam prompts, holding her hand out.
Danny huffs a little laughing breath and fishes around in his pocket, unlocking his phone and plopping it into her hand. 
His nails are black and green. Gradient.
Tucker doesn't know much about nails, but he knows there's a difference when Sam paints them and when she splurges for acrylics.
“Are those professionally done?” he asks, bemused. Danny had never expressed an interest in that kind of thing as a kid. It's kind of cool to see signs that he's, like…growing into himself.
Danny shrugs, and it feels good to see that he doesn't even seem to consider Tucker might give a shit in a bad way.
“I'm on my hot girl shit,” he deadpans, and Sam nearly drops his phone with the force of her startled laugh.
Tucker snorts. “Oh, well about time.”
“Hey!” Danny protests, offense fake and eyes dancing. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, nothing! You had a glow up is all.”
Danny snickers and kicks him gently under the table.
“Okay, dick.”
It's like they never parted at all for a moment.
“Here, Mr. Hot Girl Shit,” Sam says, handing Danny his phone back. “I put our numbers in and sent a text in a group chat so you can't forget to reach out. I'm serious, Danny. We missed you, don't disappear. It was scary enough the first time.”
Danny grimaces, at least looking genuinely apologetic. “I know. I'm sorry. I really do need to get going today, though. I've got an appointment.”
“What kind of appointment?” Tucker asks.
The grin Danny gives him is mischievous and has a few teeth sharper than he remembers there being. 
He breezes past them and out the door with an impish response of, “Hide and seek with furries.”
Part 4
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userpeggycarter · 2 months
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hi! someone requested me to do a tutorial based on this gifset!
this tutorial requires an intermediate knowledge of gifmaking. i won’t teach you how to do gifs from scratch, there are other tutorials for that out there.
[tutorial under the cut]
first off, the gifset in question is based on this gifset by @/eddiediaaz and i got permission from them to explain the process. i won’t be sharing the template because it’s a near replica of theirs (that isn’t shared to the public) and i don’t feel comfortable doing so, but you can recreate it by yourself just like i did!
also, ESL, so please pardon any mistakes.
Circular ST (Medium & Black). download it here & here.
clipping masks are the way i put images and gifs inside of shapes. i used that method in the first and second gif of the Spotify gifset as you can see here. what does a clipping mask do? basically, it links two or more layers together in a way it follows the “shape” of your base layer. ie, everything that is shown follows the “shape” of your main layer and nothing more. your base layer can be anything: a shape, an image, a gif, a text, an adjustment layer, really everything. let’s see an example:
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the original image (Gun 'n' Roses logo) is intact, as in, it’s not cut like a circle, something that cannot be undone. instead, everything outside the limits of the blue circle is just hidden. if i delete the base layer (the circle layer), the original image will appear as it originally is, as an rectangle. talking about layers, let’s see my layers panel (some things are in Portuguese, but i think you can understand):
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notice the little arrow pointing downwards to the “circle” layer. that is the clipping mask symbol. the base layer always needs to be below what is being clipped. if the base layer is deleted, the chain is broken and every layer clipped will now act independently and have its original shape. you can have as many clipped layers as you want. you can also have multiple chains going on in a .psd, each one with its own base layer. to clip a layer, you just need to press ctrl+alt+G or cmd+option+G while having the layer you want to clip selected (NOT your base layer). or, you can go to LAYER > CREATE CLIPPING MASK.
let’s see the same example, but with text instead:
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because adjustment layers are clippable, you can completely gif by using clipping masks. this is very useful when you have more than one gif inside a canvas and don’t want an adjustment layer to affect everything besides a certain layer/element.
let’s take my first gif of the Spotify gifset as an example.
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the circle is the base layer. the “Carol smiling” layer is my gif converted to a smart filter. above that “Carol smiling” layer, there is a black and white gradient map and two color fills of white so i can achieve the coloring you see. all those layers are clipping onto the circle layer, making my now b&w gif have the shape of a small circle as well. those layers are in a folder in the .psd of my first gif, so i don’t have multiple files sitting on my PC to assemble just one gif. i could have giffed that small gif separately and pasted it onto my canvas as well, but i like to do this way so i can adjust everything i want in real time instead of redoing a gif over and over every time i want to change something.
all gifs are 540x540px.
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the first gif has 6 elements. the elements are: a big gif serving as a background (a close-up of Carol), a smaller gif inside a circle (a b&w gif of Carol smiling) as a profile picture and four static images for the featured artists. i giffed as i normally do (loaded screencaps, resized the gif, sharpened the gif, etc) for my background gif. to achieve the coloring, i’ve added a gradient map (layer > new adjustment layer > gradient map) purple to pink. to the profile picture, i made a 160x160px circle in the top left corner. the color of it doesn’t matter. the next step is a matter of taste: i giffed the smaller gif in the same .psd thanks to clipping masks that i explained earlier, but you can do it in a separate canvas too. for the featured artists, i made four circles with 98x98px each. for the images, i had to check Spotify for their selected PFPs. after that, i googled “[band/artist] spotify” to find the images. the PFP of bands and artists in the Spotify app are displayed in black and white, so you might have to make them b&w if you happen to find them only in color. to make the artists PFPs pop a bit more, i transformed them into smart filters and added a bit of sharpening to them (intensity 10 x radius 10). you can adjust the colors and the brightness if you want, too. the sizes of the texts in the gif are: 58px (username), 20px (top artists of the month), 15px (name of the artists), 12px (only visible to you + show all + profile) and 11px (following and follower numbers).
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for the chart, i created a black rectangle (490x308px) that i set its blending mode to lighten (thus making it transparent) and i added an internal white stroke. i added the text and the little squares next to the top 6 numbers. the font sizes are: 17px (top tracks this month), 11px (only visible to you), 14px (song title, show all, top 6 numbers), 13px (artist/band, album title, length of the song). i added the album covers — that i made b&w — by clipping images onto 32x32px squares. for the coloring, i added a gradient map (dark purple > light purple).
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there are three types of playlists in this gif: a Spotify original playlist, a playlist made by a user and a Mix. you don’t have to follow this formula if you don’t want to, but in the case you do, here’s how i did it: browse Spotify for an original playlist of theirs. chances are, if you google the playlist’s name, you can find its cover on Google Images. at least, i found the “All Out 80s” cover that i used in my gifset. you can also create your own. for the user playlist, just pick four songs and find their (album) covers, also on Google. create a square canvas on Photoshop and make four squares, each in one quadrant of the canvas. paste your images onto your canvas and clip the images to each square. then, add a gradient map (black + whatever color you want) to all those images and title your playlist (font size: ). save that collage as a PNG and load to your gif canvas or merge all the layers+transform into a smart filter and drag the smart filter layer onto your gif canvas. now, the trickiest one. while you can invent your own Mix, i wanted to use a real one, but i had no idea on how to find them. thanks to reddit, i discovered that, if you search “made for you” on Spotify, you will find their Mixes! some of them are very whacky and specific! i just picked the Mix that made the most sense for Carol from that (gigantic) list. before doing the next step, i would advise you to google the name of the Mix you picked to see if you are able to find the cover of it with good quality. i wasn’t able to find mine (Karaoke  Mix), so i just screenshotted my Spotify app, pasted that screenshot into Photoshop and cut the Mix cover and pasted that onto my canvas. the quality wasn’t great, so i transformed the cover into a smart filter, added a bit of gaussian blur and then sharpened it (intensity 10 x radius 10). the color wasn’t what i wanted either, so i used Hue/Saturation to change the hue. because the original image for the Mix was smaller than i wanted and i stretched it to make it bigger, the quality of the text and the Spotify logo was botched. i painted over the Mix cover and created a text with the font i linked earlier to replace its now pixelated title. i also painted over the little Spotify logo, found a logo in the internet and pasted over the Mix cover about the same size of the original logo. to achieve the “3D effect” of the gif, i made my b&w gif, the base. then, i duplicated all layers and added a gradient map (black > pink) and merged all the layers of that duplicate. i made a second replica of my gif, now with a different gradient map (black > blue). i set both replicas to the ligthen blending mode. you will notice that the replicas will "disappear" and only the original b&w gif will remain. if you move the replicas a bit, that colored border will appear. this doesn't work much in very bright gifs without a lot of dark areas, btw.
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this gif used an altered (by me) version of this template. (i changed the fonts to match the rest of the gifset, too.) for the color text effect, you will have to gif with the timeline bar. take your gif’s length and do the math to find how many frames are ⅓ of it. take your lyrics’ layer and cut it into three equal parts or close to it by using the scissors icon in the timeline panel. in each third, change the color of just one line, line by line. when you play your gif, the colors of the lyrics will change like in Karaoke. you can do the same thing with frames iirc, though. i explained the timeline method because that’s the one i used in this gifset and use in general gif making. for the coloring, i added a gradient map. to make the colors pop a bit more, i add two gradient maps: the first one is in black and white, the other is in color. that adds depth to the blacks and darker colors of the gif.
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like in the Top Playlists gif, i wanted for my Daylist to be real as well. to achieve that, i listened to my Carol Danvers companion playlist (that you can listen here) for a long time until my Daylist refreshed itself. (Daylists refresh in certain times of the day — don't worry, Spotify will tell you when.) then, i just copied what it told me — the title and the genres i listened to generate such a Daylist, plus the genres i should check it out. you can invent your own Daylist if you want, but because it is generated by AI, i find very difficult to mimic its crazy titles, but you can try! you can also search in the web for other people’s Daylists if you want, but usually people don’t tell you what they listened to to get those playlists and nor what was recommended for them to listen to and i, at least, find that information important for the gifset. be aware that Daylists aren't available for every country yet (like in mine), but i found a way to work around that. the browser Opera GX offers a free "VPN" — not exactly a VPN, but it works close enough — so you can set your location to the US and listen to in-browser Spotify. i recommend not log into Tumblr while using Opera's VPN as there is a myth (that could easily be true!) that Tumblr terminates people's accounts that use a VPN. font sizes: 43px (daylist title), 13px (text), 12px ("daylist" & "made for"). for the flare effect, i searched for flare overlays on YouTube and downloaded one of those videos with 4K Video Downloader, a free software. i loaded the overlay into Photoshop and added a gradient map (purple > pink) over it, thus changing its color. i pasted the overlay onto my b&w gif and set its blending mode to screen. voila!
that's it! i hope you liked it and that i was able to express myself well. if you have any questions, feel free to contact me, i love helping people about their gifmaking questions! 💖
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illubean · 2 months
Hi ! Can I request a famous cook reader with Kurapika,Killua,Gon and Feitan?
HXH W/ a FamousCook!Reader
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Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika Kurta, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!Reader
Warnings: none
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Gon Freecs & Killua Zoldyck
these kids literally beg you to cook for them all the time
they both can eat a LOT; they're growing boys and your food is good so you can't blame them
every time you are available there is a new food request and you would be evil to tell these sweet boys no especially when they ask you so nicely >:(
if Killua actually liked his family he'd hire you to be a personal in home chef
the white haired boy probs likes to brag about you to Leorio (or anyone else who will listen, really)
he just likes the eating part but Gon on the other hand can be a big help
he will go out and find the freshest ingredients for you every time he has a request because he is such a sweetheart
you need fish? he will go catch some for you. you need a very specific herb that only grows on the side of high cliffs? gear up Killua, they're going rock climbing
Kurapika Kurta
he never really cared much about cooking and saw it more as a chore if anything
before meeting you that is
he's not the best cook and knows enough to get by and survive; meaning he doesn't really pay much mind to taste
but when he tries your cooking for the first time; a well renowned PROFESSIONAL; he cannot go back
like no wonder why your famous this shit is DELECTABLE
he may ask you politely to cook for him every blue moon but he usually waits until you offer or show up with something new for him to try
since you both are usually busy with work, most of the time when you use him as a guinea pig for new recipes its in your restaurant's kitchen, way after closing
it's almost like it becomes your guys' weekly date night ^__^
Feitan Portor
another one who only cooks for survival and still barely knows what he's doing..
pls don't let him anywhere near the kitchen he will burn the entire building down
he is only allowed to watch from a safe distance. do not let him near any kitchen appliance.
if he REALLY wants to help though maybe he can chop veggies or something
the guy really knows how to use a knife...
you probably have to cook for him all the time if you care about him getting enough nutrition because this guy probably just survives off of packaged stuff
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mmadeinheavenn · 9 months
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jelly text tutorial! (works with shapes as well)
what you need: ibis paint x, premium or free version doesnt matter
step 1: color
yes we're starting with color! I highly suggest using multiple colors for a prettier finish. I prefer parallel gradiation but as long as its blurry anything should look nice. pick analogous colors for the best result.
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step 2: write the text or draw/import the shape.
as it says! if youre drawing it, make sure its on a new layer above the gradient! I suggest using rounder, bubblier fonts/shapes, one of my favorites to use is starborn on all uppercase. the color you use does not matter as it will be the background color in a short bit
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step 3, the jellificationing
this little friend called "water drop (rounded)" in effects under style is your best pal. its here to help you and make the process so much easier.
so just press it and fiddle around with it until you're happy with the result.
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step 4 (optional): refracting
to help it make look more 'realistic' I tend to add another layer of the water drop. to do this I simply copy the previous one and go do the same effect on the top layer
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step 4.5: tips
you need to make sure the refractive index for the second one is turned down all the way, or itll look weird, streaky, etc. make sure the highlight and highlight size settings are lower than the previous time you used this effect. and make sure the little sun symbol (the light source) is on the edge of the opposite direction of the previous time you used the effect. so if the first layer of jelliness had the light source coming from the top right, the second layer should br on the very edge of the bottom left.
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step 5: begone, background
yeah, we're done with that, this will also be the big reveal of the final image
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and then you just crop to fit and then save as a transparent
bam! heres the final thing!
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I dont know how good I am at explaining but I hope this helped! if youre confused dont be afraid to ask!
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simplydnp · 6 months
WAD: Cover Art
dan is still working on selling the distribution rights for We're All Doomed! so i decided to make some DVD/Blu-ray disc jacket art!
this is my attempt at a traditional jacket design! none of the images used are mine, but i did create the concept and design:
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as i was making the first one for myself, i was struck by the fact that 'well, it's for me, so it doesn't have to look like a stereotypical jacket cover' which led me to be more artsy in my approach for the next one:
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i was really enjoying the creativity and space to explore, so i went looking for more inspiration for a third design. this led me to dan's favourite Muse album: Origin of Symmetry, which i paid homage to:
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after the first Muse album, i looked at their catalogue to see if there was more inspiration there. i was just thankful dan's favourite was easy stylistically to mimic, unlike say, 2009's The Resistance...
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thank you @danielhowell for the inspiration!
nerdy stuff & reference pics below the cut!
General notes
i don't know how to use photoshop! i entirely brute-forced my way through the whole project, and the only tutorial i looked up was for the gradient text in the 4th cover
this wasn't even the original project i was working on! you'll eventually get to see that though
and this one also inspired art for the disc itself so stay tuned 👀
i will do anything for authenticity so these are Full of intentional details
matching fonts is a nightmare
the traditional cover
took the longest, as it was the first.
the barcode numbers are the date of the first video he uploaded on dinof, and the last tour show date (in m/d/y)
i changed 'iceland' to 'poland' on the front cover, as he never actually went to iceland, and poland wasn't ever on the list even though he did go there
the orange may look a little off-center in the front, but these designs need to include space for a spine between the front and back cover, i promise it's right 😂
the black and white cover
inspired by the 'i want to believe' aliens poster
the cover art comes from his metal band merch shirt design
i had to manually shrink the text, line by line, and ensure it all lined up on the back!
i even made the logos on the back greyscale
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the Muse: Origin of Symmetry cover
a shockingly perfect style for a WAD cover. i'm so glad i used the cubes, even if they couldn't be orange.
there's some versions of the art online where the sky is even more orange and it baffles me how i haven't seen any parallels like this before
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the Muse: The Resistance cover
this cover was never supposed to see the light of day! i meant it when i said i was grateful i didn't have to try to adapt this complex design... and yet, i tried anyway.
i did all the grid lines by hand, including the jagged/broken edge parts, shading each section, and then drawing every star.
the hardest part was getting the gradient on the back text to cooperate. photoshop's gradient settings are surprisingly limited
gotta shout out @amazingphil for being the reason i knew what this cover looked like--it's the only muse album i knew the art of before embarking on this quest!
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obligatory sob story:
i've been extremely and suddenly ill for 6 months. it is difficult to function moment to moment, but especially in doing little things just for me. this is the first and only art project i've been able to feel inspired to not only work on, but to finish, and despite the pain and long hours, i enjoyed every minute of it. thank you, dan, for creating this space for me to explore, and thank you, everyone here, for being wonderful support during this time 💞
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st4rbe0m · 2 months
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how would enhypen prepare for their first date with you!
🩷 now playing - on melancholy hill by the gorillaz
🩷 contents - includes kissing! no gendered terms used but makeup is mentioned in Jake's. enha as losers who are trying their best™ on first dates
🩷 a/n - unlocked how to make gradient text im basically unstoppable now. this is my first time writing a headcanon sort of thing!! so I hope it's good. pls do reblog and leave comments - I would love to hear from readers :)
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HEESUNG would be the type to try and play it cool and then lose his mind then play it cool again like an on and off switch. He would ask Jay fashion advice super nonchalantly, but Jay would be able to see through his shit IMMEDIATELY lmao. But like the good friend Jay is, he helps Heesung pick out a cool yet not over-the-top fit. Definitely picks up flowers on the way so that they're fresh, and maybe even spritzes a bit of mouth freshener before ringing your doorbell because of course he ate onion rings before leaving the house out of nervousness •́‿,⁠•̀
I feel like he'd take you to an arcade for a first date - not only because it gives you both bonding time while playing games, but he also gets to show off his shooter skills in those lcd zombie games (the playing league all night is coming in clutch for him right now). Definitely also the type to stand at the claw machine for half an hour trying to get you a toy. "Seung it's always rigged, come on we can play another round of ice hockey instead." "It's not about being rigged anymore Y/N. It's a matter of pride and courage. Life or death." Like boy T-T it's never that serious king. Would walk you home while you clutch a GIGANTIC bear plushie that he may or may not have bribed some poor arcade worker for while pretending he won at the totally not rigged claw machine, which was concerning, but also very sweet. Sweet enough to warrant a kiss on the cheek by the end of the date ;)
JAY would literally be the most perfect, gentleman-ly guy and just drop dead gorgeous and AHDJKD sorry my first date feels for Jay are RAGING right now. Definitely would be jittery for sure, but is calm and level-headed. I feel like he's the type to ask you out on a date very traditionally after harbouring feelings for a while, watching from afar kind of like the XO music video you know, with the flower shop? Bouquet with red or white roses are a MUST and he'd extend his arm out for you to hold while he takes you out of your house (definitely the type to charm your parents that has them pushing you out the door because that boy is PERFECT)
He would probably take you out to a restaurant or OR hear me out - an in home date where he's kicked his members out somehow and has the living room set up like a restaurant with a table with some candles and dim lighting, food he prepared (house-husband material. wife him up right NOW.) so that he could show off his cooking skills. Wonderful date, would drop you off home as well. Honestly I don't see him kissing you on the first date because of all that chivalry you know, but don't worry he's just building it up to the more perfect moment to be your perfect boyfriend.
JAKE, this happy puppy would be so SO excited he'd be counting seconds up to when he would meet you :( He's so ADORABLE he would literally tell everyone knows about how he's scored a date with the finest person alive and then would proceed to spend a whole week just grinning in happiness cuz he's going on a date with you!!! I think more than flowers, he'd get you some sort of trinket or some chocolates as a gift :D and he'd be skipping along the way. TONS of compliments about your makeup and your outfit and just you in general.
I feel like he'd have a picnic-park sort of date thing setup, bonus if you have a dog because you best believe he'd be bringing Layla along. He'd ask his mom for help and pack the most scrumptious picnic ever, and just spend a day basking in the sun with you. The evening might even end up with you both walking hand-in-hand by the riverside, just chitchatting because this boy is a pro-yapper, and just enjoying each other's presence. Wonderful date that would end in a kiss wink wink ;) because he's just so so enamoured by you that he will literally lose his mind if he lets this shot go.
SUNGHOON is a loverboy at heart - as cool and chill he may seem on the outside you best believe he's giving that smile that makes his eyes crinkle while escorting you to your date. He's sharply dressed and has received the apropos speech from his sister about first date etiquettes even though he's quite a mindful man with great manners already. I see him getting white or pink tulips for the date.
He'd take you to a - I know it's a cliché, but an ice rink!! Because it's his element, and that confidence is what he wants to show you. That he's the one for you, or at least who he's trying to be. Sunghoon may seem like a player or someone who doesn't do serious attachment but with you, it just feels different. Giggling along with you and pushing you along gently, guiding you around the contours of the ice rink has his own heart doing pirouettes. And of course as clichè this is heading already, the date concludes with an accidental kiss that happens when you slip on the ice, bringing him down with you. You're both laughing at your hopeless nonexistent skating skills and all he can do in that moment is give you a small peck on the lips that makes his pale cheeks blush violently.
SUNOO is such a sweetheart, I have a feeling you would have already been friends for a while and that his feelings for you had been garnering for a while, until he just had to tell you. And so here he is, dressed down to a tee with the help of Jay's good fashion sense, and of course adding his own personal touch to it. This smitten cutie would be going all out with the gifts, trust. With a medium sized bouquet, he would also get a box of chocolates for you and maybe something else, like a scrunchie or a charm bracelet you'd mentioned you'd been eyeing for a while to him before.
Sunoo, in my mind, seems like such a pottery date kind of guy to me. He adores creativity and spending that time to do something a bit artsy with his favourite person just sounds so cute. He would maybe make a dish bowl sort of thing for him to keep at his sink for his skincare or balms or even vitamins, while you would make a key holder or a soap box. And he'd help you out with your paints, giving you ideas on what you could make, and listening to your inputs as well. Since you both were already friends before, it's a comfortable and secure environment around you both, that just makes this sunshine boy beam more than ever possible around you. "Sun that looks great!!", you'd encourage him, as he'd just wipe away whatever flecks of paint had gotten on your hand, basking in your praise. He might even take the opportunity to hold your hand, to which you of course had no complaints.
JUNGWON is panicking and Jay and Heesung are trying their best to call him down. Panicking because he overslept on his nap to freshen up for his date. But fear not, because this is where Efficient Wonie comes in and saves the day. It's like everything that must be done becomes natural to him - it's in his second nature to buy you flowers and ring up your doorbell, flashing that all so sweet grin of his. And after calming down the raging butterflies in your stomach, you both set off on the date he's meticulously planned.
I see Jungwon as a multi-activity date kind of guy, you know? Why not get the best of all the worlds with this guy? He has the date planned in his head for months now, considering how long he's been itching to ask you out. He starts the date off with a nice, cozy cafe visit where you both can pick up some beverages to set yourselves right. Following would be a movie, something he'd find meaningful enough for a first date. And he's trying his best to focus on the movie instead of the fingertips brushing against yours inside the popcorn bucket because he needs to know the plot for the next part of the date!! Which is taking you to a small diner after the movies to talk about what you both found interesting about the film - whether it was good or bad, characters and the theme. And just from there the conversation would flow. Jungwon would be so easy to converse with that you wouldn't even know where the time has gone, until you find yourself in front of your house with him, hours past in a blink. And with how adorable his dimples look under the street lamps as you bid him goodbye, you can't help but place a sweet kiss on them as you depart, leaving him lovestruck on the street.
RIKI wants to have a bit of fun on dates. Sure movies and arcades and picnics are fun. But this boy is a ball of energy when he's around the people he likes - if it isn't obvious from the way he's around his members and their comfort. And that's how you made him feel as well, comfortable in his own skin. So much so that it warranted a date with the dance prodigy, who couldn't get you off his mind at all. He'd definitely be much more confident in this date than the others for sure, but that doesn't mean he isn't a bit nervous!! But sweet boy is more nervous about making sure you have a blast tonight with him. And with the way you're laughing and accepting the flowers he got you, placing them in a vase, those worries fade almost immediately.
Riki would take you to a town carnival or an amusement park sort of setup for a date! This teasing little shit would totally use this opportunity for poking fun at how you would scream on the faster rides like the rollercoaster, and would claim how he would "protect you" if anything did happen (like dawg this is not a fight for honor it's legit just a rollercoaster). He'd win you some prizes from the side stalls, and you'd both share a large cotton candy. Would whine about the animal ears you insisted that he wear during the duration of the date, which you had bought from a concession stand. But he would also complain when you said he doesn't have to wear it if he doesn't like it like T-T bro. The date reached its final note on the Ferris wheel, and it's not like you were scared of heights, it's just that you'd severely underestimated how high the ride went. "You can hold my hand if you're scared", Riki says jokingly. But you take the offer instantly, tightly clutching his hand as your eyes are wide and looking around as awe starts replacing the terror in your eyes. And despite the view, Riki could only look at you. Feeling his gaze on you, you turned your head around to only find yourself encaptured in a sweet and romantic kiss, surrounded by cool air miles above the ground.
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ghostselkie · 6 months
Okay so I think there is something weird going on with Lenore
And it's not what you think. Well I'm not sure what I'm even thinking; tbh it feels like I'm pulling on a thread that's not meant to be puled yet but well hear we are.
So I think there is something about Lenore that is fundamentally different than the other students, and it's not just the prior bond she has with Annabel. It seems like, and this is going to sound completely insane, that she has some connection to nevermore, or something about her is closer to the entities that inhabit it.
Hear me out.
Warning: this is unhinged.
Upon entering the grounds of the academy she had that weird eldritch vision.
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A vision Annabel didn't seem to have.
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A vision the Deans knew she had.
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And then there it the thing with the orbs. In chapter 45 Poppet stats them to be insentient, but they don't seem to act that way. They talk, and even try to protect Lenore.
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Now it's unclear weather Annabel can hear what they are saying, as this feels like it's from Lenore's pov but I wanted to include it any way. These orbs feal sentient to me, maybe not sapient, but it feels like a weird thing for a teacher, do get wrong, or knowingly mislead us with.
And then there is the Raven. The mother fucking Raven. He is the first character we see Lenore with.
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He states that the only reason that he talks to her is that she addressed him first. Something that no other student has done.
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And then there is this.
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Why would his curiosity about Lenore be destructive!? Like, Lenore is the person he'd said he would eat if she tried to escape. It cant be Merry and Mourn that pose a threat to him since he's snooped around the academy grounds before.
Now what I'm going to say next is going to enter thumb tacks and string territory but...
I think Lenore and the Raven have some weird connection.
First off, there's the obvious, Lenore has a bird motif, ravens specifically, and well she befriends a raven.
Then there is their mutual association with the color red. Lenore with her, well, everything, and the bird with his speech bubbles. And said speech bubbles seem unique. At first glance they seem like the speech bubbles we see with characters specters, but something about them seems different, and it's not just the colors. They seem more blotchy.
Now this is what character thoughts normaly look like
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White text, with a colored gradient around them. But you wanna know what Lenore's thought's look like after she talks with the raven for the second time?
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Red and blotchy, just like the ravens speech bubbles.
Now this is the only time her thoughts appear like this but I still felt like mentioning it.
Also you wanna who Lenore and the Raven's dynamic kinda reminds me of?
Merry and Mourn!
But like a Merry and Mourn that don't know each other well yet.
There is something going on here, but I have no clue what it is.
@blacknedsoul-blog Look you're one of the best meta writers in the nevermore fandom, and I feel like I'm going insane. HELP!
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robin-buckely · 5 months
hello! I love your edits and I wanted to know, for the "Steve Robin and Nancy" Gif you posted.. How would I go about doing something like that? More specificly, the bottom two where it says "Height Difference" and where it labels them as "Princess, Jock and Loser"
Thank you! Sorry this took a while to answer. I finally had time to sit down and write this. Link to original post.
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Quick notes: I'm using Photoshop 2021 on Mac and working in video timeline. Must have basic gifmaking skills and know how to use layer masks. This is primarily a gif layout and text tutorial.
Fonts used in first gif:
Pea Wolfe Tracks — link here
King & Queen — link here
Fonts used in second gif:
Kiera — link here
Post — link here
Ellianarelle's Path — link here
Heina's hurry — link here
I used a light leaks/film texture, ripped paper textures, folded paper textures, and transparent pngs (arrows + post-it notes + smiley face).
We'll start with this gif.
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Make your gif! The gif here is 540x600px. I color and sharpen it to my liking. Go to image > canvas size > change height from 600 to 770px. I left the anchor in the middle, though it doesn't really matter.
I drag and drop my folded paper texture and change the layer order so it's under my gif. Then I change the blending mode on my gif to Screen so the texture shows through the gif, but I keep the texture at 100% Opacity and Fill.
Now I move my gif around and add my ripped paper textures. I wanted to give it a sort of poster-like feel to it, so I made more room on the bottom for my main text and ended up with something like this. Blending mode is set to Lighten for the ripped paper textures.
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I then use layer masks to hide what I don't want shown and add my light leaks/film texture. Blending mode on light leaks/film texture set to Pin Light, Opacity: 50%, Fill: 70%.
I use Levels and Brightness/Contrast adjustment layers to darken the gif up a bit more, then I add a patterned paper texture. Blending mode for patterned paper texture set to Lighten, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 75%. Result:
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Now on to the text!
I'm going to be honest here, a lot of this was clicking around until I settled on something I liked. There's three layers to create this text effect. The font used here is King & Queen.
For the first text layer, the font color is set to black (#000000), font size: 87 pt, leading: 80 pt, tracking: 25.
Layer styles used here are stroke and drop shadow.
Text Layer 1
Stroke settings:
Size: 1px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Hard Light
Opacity: 40%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #5911ed
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #2d5ba8
Opacity: 85%
Angle: 70°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 7px
Spread: 0%
Size: 6px
Contour: Cone - Inverted
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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Blending mode for text layer set to Overlay, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 85%.
Warp text settings:
Style: Wave
Horizontal: checked
Bend: +60%
Horizontal Distortion: +10%
Vertical Distortion: 0%
With all those settings applied, the first text layer looks like this:
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Duplicate the layer, clear all layer styles, and change the color for the second text layer to white (#ffffff). All other text settings (including warp settings) should stay the same. The only layer style then applied to this text layer is stroke.
Text Layer 2
Stroke settings:
Size: 1px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Difference
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #d48f16
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Blending mode for the second text layer is set to Difference, Opacity: 90%, Fill: 100%. Nudge the second text layer a bit so the first text layer is a little more visible or move to your liking.
With both those layers active, it looks like this:
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Duplicate the second text layer, clear layer styles, and change the color of this third text layer to a dark grey (#1a1919). Again, all other text (and warp) settings should stay the same.
Layer styles applied to this layer are stroke and gradient overlay.
Text Layer 3
Stroke settings:
Size: 1px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Difference
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #d48f16
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #cd3f00 > #ffdb5d
Reverse: unchecked
Style: Reflected
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: 90°
Scale: 100%
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Blending mode for the third text layer set to Exclusion, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 100%. I also moved the third text layer around, down and to the right a few pixels to give it that 3-D Word Art effect.
With all three text layers active:
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Next are the arrows.
Take your transparent pngs and place them to your liking. Blending mode for these is set to Difference, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 100%.
Command + click on an arrow thumbnail to select all the pixels in that layer. This is why the image must be transparent!
With that selection made and on a new blank layer, right click the selection and click on stroke. Settings for that are width: 2px, color: white, location: center. Move that a couple of pixels over.
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Do this for all arrows for a total of 6 layers for arrows. I group them together to keep my workspace clean, then I duplicate my arrows group with no further changes made to the second group to get what you see in the final gif.
Next is the smaller text. It's three separate text layers for each word, so I can move each of them around to my liking.
Font used is Pea Wolfe Tracks, font color: white (#ffffff), font size: 24 pt, leading: 6 pt, tracking: 25. Bold and italic options checked. I set the blending mode to Difference, Opacity: 100%, Fill: 100%.
And that's it! That concludes the tutorial for this gif!
Now on to this gif.
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We'll start with the background gif. There are three separate gifs. You could make them one gif, but I wanted the option to order them differently if I needed to.
All gifs in the background are the size of the canvas: 540x770px. Color and sharpen to your liking, but keep them all black and white. To get the blurry effect go to filter > blur > guassian blur. Set radius to 7.0 pixels. Add this to all three gifs.
Then I add two folded paper textures. Blending mode for one set to Lighten, Opacity: 60%, Fill: 100%. The other set to Screen, Opacity: 70%, Fill: 90%.
I found this tutorial a while back for a halftone effect. They include links to the halftone pattern used here as well as textures and gradient maps not used here.
I'm only using the halftone pattern here.
Pattern fill settings:
Angle: 66°
Scale: 8%
Link with Layer: checked
I also added a gradient overlay layer style to the halftone pattern which gives the gifs the color you see above.
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Overlay
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #0059ac > #a33600 > #e6b801
Reverse: unchecked
Style: Linear
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: -100°
Scale: 100%
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Now on to the square shapes with rounded corners. In the interest of keeping this tutorial short(er), I found this tutorial on youtube that explains how to make squares with rounded corners.
I set my stroke size to 6px, stroke color to white (#ffffff), and fill to no color. I don't use the stroke layer style to make the borders of the shape like in the video! I'm only linking the video to show how to curve corners with square shapes.
Note: Be sure you know how big or small you want these to be and how they're going to fit on your canvas in order to make all the shapes and edit them. It can be tedious to change the settings.
Duplicate and resize to your liking.
In this instance, I wanted to make three squares total, so I had to duplicate twice and resize until I had something I liked.
Settings for the shapes used here are:
Innermost shape: W: 200px, H: 280px, corners: 50px
Middle shape: W: 220px, H: 300px, corners: 60px
Outer shape: W: 240px, H: 320px, corners: 70px
Once I have the size I want for all three shapes, I group them together to make a set and duplicate that group twice, then adjust each set on the canvas for my layout.
What the sets look like all together:
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Colors used: orange #e47100, blue #0062d1, yellow #ecac00
To add color to the shapes, either change the color of the shape itself or use layer styles. I used layer styles.
Note: I didn't add the colors until the end after I knew what gifs went where and what color scheme I wanted, but I don't want to add more images than I need to here.
To keep this short, I found this tutorial on youtube that explains how to wrap text around a shape. However, I wanted the text to align on the outside where the white line is and not the green line (left image):
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So I created another shape just inside the innermost square and used that as a path for my text (right image). Adjust the text to your liking until you have your text where you want it. Refer to the video tutorial if you need help moving the text along the path!
You don't need the shape path once you have your text where you want it, so use the layer visibility tool to hide it. You can hide your other shapes too so you can work with your text.
Do not delete your shape path!
I duplicate it once I start working with my "jock" text since all the sets are the same size. The "loser" text has to be worked a little differently, but we'll get to that later.
For the princess, jock, and loser text, there are two text layers to create the overall effect. For both layers, font used is Kiera, font color set to white (#ffffff), font size: 60 pt, blending mode set to Normal.
I added a gradient overlay layer style to the first text layer which I'll call the base layer. Opacity for this layer is 100%, Fill: 100%.
Base Layer
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Normal
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #f0b002 > #e7f0fd
Reverse: checked
Style: Diamond
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: 90°
Scale: 100%
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The second text layer is your stroke and drop shadow layer. For this layer, opacity is set to 100%, Fill: 0%.
Stroke and Drop Shadow Layer
Stroke settings:
Size: 2px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #0064cb
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #fb7c00
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 30°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 5px
Spread: 0%
Size: 0px
Contour: Linear
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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End result looks like this:
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When I make my shapes visible again (minus the one I used as a path), I get this:
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The shapes are clearly in the way of the text, whether they're above my shapes layer or under it. I use layer masks to hide what I want, so the text is legible. It looks cleaner this way and I wanted the text to be a part of the shape itself. I do that for each rounded square.
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Now on to my smaller gifs. I like to crop, resize, sharpen, and color separately because my laptop and Photoshop would kill me if I tried to do it all on one canvas. I use the size of the middle shape for my gifs (220x300px), so I can have a little wiggle room when adjusting. I then use a layer mask to hide the parts of the gif that are outside of the shape.
A quick way to do this is to command + click on the thumbnail of the innermost square. With that selection made, I got to my gif layer and add a layer mask. Sometimes you need to invert it. Use command + i with the layer mask selected (not the gif) to invert the layer mask.
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I repeat this process with my Steve and Robin gifs. I have to go back and forth with all the layer masks to hide parts of the gif/shapes I don't want for each set. It's kind of a long process, but not all that difficult. I label and group my layers together as I work to keep things clean and it helps me keep track of what I edited and what needs to be edited when it comes to things like this.
The picture below shows where I hid the bottom right corner of Nancy as well as the shapes that make up her set using layer masks. I also did this with the Steve and Robin sets, hiding the bottom left corner of Steve.
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Similar text settings used for jock. The gradient overlay layer style for this base layer is different than that of princess because of the positioning of the text. Again, same as princess, two text layers are used here. Blending mode, opacity, and fill for both are the same as the princess text layers as mentioned before.
Base Layer
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Normal
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #007aec > move bottom middle dot to 80% > #e7f0fd
Reverse: checked
Style: Diamond
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: -140°
Scale: 100%
Stroke and Drop Shadow Layer
Stroke settings:
Size: 2px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #a05700
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #ffba00
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 30°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 5px
Spread: 0%
Size: 0px
Contour: Linear
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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Image 1: We start with Robin.
Image 2: To make the loser text, I had to create a new path.
Image 3: I make it so the text is on the inside of the path instead of the outside. (Hint: Refer to video tutorial if you don't know how to do that.) I then adjusted the tracking between the letters in the word "loser" so they didn't look so squished together.
Image 4: Then I use layer masks to hide the parts of the shape I don't want shown.
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You can then hide the path or delete it. You only need it if you want to adjust the placement of the text. I keep it (hidden) just in case.
Text settings for loser are just like those for princess. Blending mode, opacity, and fill are also the same.
Base Layer
Gradient Overlay settings:
Blend Mode: Normal
Dither: unchecked
Opacity: 100%
Gradient: #eb6400 > #e7f0fd
Reverse: checked
Style: Diamond
Align with Layer: checked
Angle: 90°
Scale: 100%
Stroke and Drop Shadow Layer
Stroke settings:
Size: 2px
Position: Outside
Blend Mode: Linear Light
Opacity: 100%
Overprint: unchecked
Fill Type: Color
Color: #e1a900
Drop Shadow settings:
Blend Mode: Difference
Color: #0068de
Opacity: 100%
Angle: 30°
Use Global Light: checked
Distance: 5px
Spread: 0%
Size: 0px
Contour: Linear
Anti-aliased: unchecked
Noise: 0%
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: checked
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Next are the post-it notes! This is probably the easiest part of making this gif. You just have to repeat this process for however many post-it notes you're making.
Image 1: To start, place your transparent post-it note where you want it. You can also rotate it if you'd like.
Image 2: Then create a text layer and write what you want. Font used here is Post. I wanted this text underlined to give emphasis, so I click on the underline option. I also adjusted the leading because I wanted more space between the word and the line. Rotate the text so it looks like it's written on the post-it note. Note: It looks better if you choose a font that looks handwritten.
Image 3: I wanted another line to give emphasis to the "Dingus!!" text and make it seem more handwritten. I use the line tool to create another line.
Image 4: Then I adjust that line to my liking.
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Fonts used for notes: Post, Ellianarelle's Path, and Heina's hurry
Repeat this process for all post-it notes!
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That finishes the tutorial! (And I hit the 30 image limit lol.) I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, feel free to send an ask or IM and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.
Happy photoshopping!
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perfectlynormalbooks · 2 months
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Three copies of WELL WE ALL THINK YOU’VE PICKED A GRAND SIDE, my Sanders Sides surreal Antigone-ish Antigonick-esque playscript AU, done in casebound folio. Properly formatted and also fully annotated with all the references and in-jokes explained, as if I'm not pretentious enough about the things I write.
One copy is for my darling @lifewithoutrainydays (who made the mistake of saying 'sure, send me an annotated copy of your fic'), another's for @shadowling-guistical as thanks for EVERYTHING and who also made the same mistake, and the other one was meant to go to a specific person, but they never got back to me... so I guess I'm keeping it for myself for the moment
The book itself is half-and-half in a lot of respects - half plain white sheet-bookcloth, half Brickett Duo. I painted the edges with a gradient that hopefully matches up with that cover.
Typeset for the playscript side of things is Georgia, the annotations are in Gadugi. Tiny lil golden snake on the (red sash) bookmark, because it just seemed perfect, and I had a bunch of floral artsy paper for the endpapers that also seemd pretty perfect. This is my first time using Affinity to typeset a full binding, and I don't think I'm ever going back.
I modelled the typeset a lot off the plain-text edition of Anne Carson's Antigonick, which I took a hell of a lot of inspiration from for the fic itself. I briefly considered doing it in the style of the artbook script, but that would have required doing overlay illustrations AND probably writing the full thing out by hand... maybe next year.
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cha0s-boyy · 2 years
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some blinkies and stamps i made! :D f2u just please credit me!
(first one is dog park dissidents lyrics)
[ID: 1. a black and hot pink blinkie that says, "i'm a bad bad bad bad dog," in block letters. the colors invert every frame and the "dog" frame has rotating bones on either end and the letters are only an outline. 2. a scrolling rainbow gradient blinkie. 3. a magenta blinkie that says "hey, lover." in capitalized serif typeface. it has a black border and flashing hearts on either end. 4. a blinkie that says, "hot pink," in block letters with hearts on both ends. it flashes in different shades of pink. 5. a blinkie that says "I heart Boys" (using a drawn heart) with the mars/male symbol on either end. it alternates between hot pink on white and white on blue. 6. a blinkie made to look like a text bubble in which the words, "oh my god neil cicierega" appear, followed by a heart eyes emoji. 7. a blinkie in the TF2 achievement colors with the TF2 logo on either end upon which, "team fortress 2," appears word by word, letter by letter, then, "TF2," flashes 3 times. 8. a blinkie that says, "awooooooooooooo," in all caps white text on a black background. the letters bob up and down in alternating order. 9. a 99x56 stamp featuring a brown wolf in front of a night sky, with the text, "Awoo..." 9. a 99x56 stamp with a dark rainbow gradient background that says, "sparkle," in white all caps with a pink and black sparkledog with a rainbow mohawk beside it. 10. a 99x56 stamp that says, "werewolf," in bloodstained white letters above a set of white fangs on a dark red splatter background. /end ID]
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mikelogan · 8 months
gif tutorial
i was asked to make a tutorial for this set i made, so let's get right into it!
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first things first, i downloaded the music videos from youtube in 1080p using 4k video downloader. unfortunately, the quality of youtube videos always seems... not great, to put it simply. plus these music videos are from the 90s, so they've been upscaled to 1080p after the fact. all of this works against us, but i've definitely worked with videos of lesser quality than these, so at least there's that!
when i gif, i import video frames to layers rather than screencapping. this comes down to personal preference. after everything has loaded, i group all my layers together and set the frame delay to 0.05. i then cropped my gif to 540x500.
the next step in my process is sharpening. i did play around with my settings a bit given the quality of the footage and the dimensions of the gif. i compared both @hellboys low-quality video gif tutorial to my regular sharpening action and my vivid sharpening action and in this case, i preferred my normal vivid sharpening action. i used this tutorial to create the action for myself, and you can find other sharpening tutorials here. this action converts my frames to video timeline and applies sharpening.
once my gif is sharpened and i'm in timeline, i begin coloring. i wanted to simplify the amount of colors used in these gifs, again because of the video quality -- i knew it wasn't going to have the crispness i would normally like for my gifs. here are my coloring adjustment layers and their settings (not pictured: my first layer is a brightness/contrast layer set to screen) (explanation in alt text):
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all of these layers and their settings will vary depending on your footage and its coloring (and obviously, feel free to make the gradient map whatever colors you like if you aren't going for this exact look).
pretty basic coloring, especially with just slapping a gradient map on top (my beloved), but at this point, i still didn't like the quality of the gif, so i added a couple textures/overlays.
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i put the left one down first and set the blending mode to soft light and the opacity to 8%. depending on what look you're going for, you could increase or decrease the opacity or play around with different blending modes. i like using this texture with lower quality footage because even when it's sized up a bit, it adds some crispness and makes things feel more defined. for the second texture, i set it to overlay and 75% opacity. we love and respect film grain in this house.
now for the typography! sometimes i really enjoy typography and other times it's the bane of my existence for the sole reason of just how many fonts i have installed. anyway, here are the settings i used for this set:
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make sure the color of your font is white and then set the blending mode to either difference or exclusion. i can almost never see a difference between the two, but for this set, i used exclusion. below are the blending options (double click on your text layer to bring up this menu or right click and select blending options).
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now we have to add the warp effect. with your text tool still selected, click this icon at the top of your screen:
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from the dropdown menu, select twist. these were my settings, but feel free to play around with different warp options and their settings. the ones i use most often are flag, fish, and twist.
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this last step is completely optional, but it's an effect i use in most of my sets with typography. duplicate your text layer (select the layer and ctrl+j), turn off the layer effects (click the eye icon next to effects), and set the blending mode to normal. right click on the layer and select rasterize type. right click on the layer icon itself and choose select pixels.
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at this point, you should see the moving black and white dotted line showing that only your text is selected. then go to edit > stroke. here are the settings i almost exclusively use.
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this is what your text should look like now:
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using ctrl+T, move the layer off the canvas so you can't see any of the text anymore. you should be left with only your outline. click anywhere on your canvas to de-select the text we just moved. use ctrl+T again as well as your arrow keys to nudge the outline over to the left 2px and up 2px. this is personal preference as far as the positioning, but i almost never move it any other way. you can leave it like this, which i sometimes do, or you can set the blending mode to soft light like i did for a more subtle effect.
and that's it! rinse and repeat for each gif in your set or use a different warp effect on each gif to switch it up! if you have any questions about this tutorial or would like me to make one for anything else, please feel free to ask any time!
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entamesubs · 6 days
How the Fansubbing Process Works for entameSubs
The delays have brought about speculation and misinformed assumptions of how our work is done.
This post explains our entire process to put this misinformation to rest, and also informs those curious of how fansubbing works.
For those unaware, each subbed episode comes with a section of credits at the very end that are specific to that particular episode. For example, EP124 was translated and timed entirely by me (entame), while EP122 was translated jointly by tessa (batsugeemu) and yona (angelthinktank), while I took a proofreading role. Each episode's credits are different, and I always make sure to credit properly based on who worked on what.
Step One: Translation
The job of the translator is to just get from point A (Japanese) to point B (English). One full run-through of the script, no stops in-between. Work is not edited, proofread or checked in any way, it is simply translated and then moved onto the next phase of the assembly line, so to speak.
Leave typos in, leave mistakes in, leave phrases you cannot translate or parse alone and move on. Awkward or literal translations are fine. The goal is to finish the whole script. A couple lines missing here and there is fine - they will be caught later. The first step is just to get it done.
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Translating a full script can take anywhere from 2-6 hours, depending on the episode or any extraneous circumstances. To be clear, 2-3 hours is the absolute fastest that it can possibly happen, and it is an outlier. I can count the amount of times it has taken 2-3 hours on one hand. Those are usually reserved for our dedicated "speedsub" episodes, where we have everyone on deck to work continuously, without break. This is not a norm, nor should it be assumed so.
A normal episode will usually take around 4-6 hours working time to translate. Sometimes this is done a couple hours on one day, and another couple on a separate day. Sometimes it's done all in one sitting. It varies depending on the translator's schedule.
Step Two: Proofreading
After that, the proofreader then goes through for a second or third watch to do edits and checks. The proofreader is strictly in charge of making sure the translation itself is correct as well as fixing any missed lines from the translator. Grammar, typos, various other minor corrections are not expected to be done in full here, the main job of the proofreader is to just make sure the Japanese to English translation is complete, correct, and makes sense.
Is the subject correct? Is this the right verb to use in English? Are they talking about themselves or someone else? Is the context the original translator took correct/accurate? A second/third pair of eyes is essential to making sure everything comes out properly.
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The translator may mark specific lines that stumped them or they need a second opinion on for the proofreader to pay special attention to. Maybe the translator can't think of an appropriate way to make something work, or need pun ideas.
Proofreading and translation roles are entirely switchable on request, because both proofreader and translator must know Japanese.
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Step Three: Timing
At the same time, the timer begins the tedious work of timing the subs to the episode itself, making sure sentences show up at the correct place, for the right amount of time.
They ensure subs cut at scene changes, that the lines shown on screen are properly broken up if a character pauses, and are instering forced line breaks where necessary so subs don't awkwardly fill the entire length of the screen and are instead always centered.
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Step Four: (not) "Final Check"
"Final Check" as I'd like to call it, is always done by me. Once proofreading and timing are both done, the sub files are sent to me.
I add in the opening and ending, I do all the fancy text effects if need be (such as scrolling text, rainbow text, gradient text, translating signs or posters shown on screen and blending them into the episode, etc - this is all under "Typesetting"), and I also do a third check of the script on a watch through to further edit any lines that may feel awkward to read on screen or I have thought of a better translation for.
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The state that the subs come in pre-final check are subs that only contain the very middle of the episode itself. This means the prologue, the opening, the ending, UTS Report and preview are entirely unsubbed, alongside any signs or extraneous text on screen. Subs are not done pre-final check. There is a reason they must go through me first and that is because I am the only typesetter on the team.
To be clear, timing and typesetting are two entirely different skill sets. Getting the subs timed properly is one thing, getting the subs to look nice, flow well, and not feel awkward to read is another.
Typesetting is usually known as an "invisible" job. When it's done poorly, you notice it. If it's done well, you don't.
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At this point, I also go over and double check things like character voice and make sure it's following our style guide. While this is a consideration made during step one and two as well (translating and proofreading), this is the point where things are tightened up.
Extraneous TL notes may also be added here in-episode if needed.
Step Five: Quality Checks
After everything has been bundled together and ready-to-go, it gets sent to our Quality Checker for the very last and final run-through. QC checks spelling errors, typos, grammar, weird English, missed casing, missed lines, style guide errors, etc.
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The QC does not need to know Japanese (though it is a nice bonus if they do!), they only need to know English so they can check for grammar and weird phrasing. At this point, all of the translation work and check has been done, it is just making sure stuff makes sense to an English audience now.
After QC sends in their changes (or lack thereof), the timer usually goes back to fix up the final file for publishing.
Step Six: Distribution & TL Notes
Finally, the person who hits publish and uploads the episode file to all relevant sites is me, since I know how to setup, run, and seed torrents.
A lot of people may not know this, but all anime pirate sites (R.I.P.) pull their content from Nyaa's feed. If it's not on Nyaa, it won't be on a pirate site. In order to actually ensure proper distribution of the episode, it needs to be uploaded through Nyaa. Once it is on there, the pirate sites will all update of their own volition.
Translation notes, if any are necessary, are also written entirely by me, even if the episode may not have been translated by me initially. These are usually only written if I have time or if there is a specific concept/idea that I really want to make sure comes across properly.
Final Words
I hope this gives you better insight into the entameSubs process and how episodes are usually worked on/made.
A lot of our team is scattered across different timezones, with one person being 9 hours ahead, and another one being 6 hours ahead. This means things are done at different times and at the leisure of whoever is in charge of their role. If someone is busy, then there is nothing else anyone can do but wait.
It may be that after waiting for someone to finish, someone else in the chain becomes busy, and the process of waiting starts all over again. Steps are done like this so that we have appropriate checks in place. This is just how it is. None of us are paid, and all of us are doing this for fun.
Most of all, I take a lot of pride in the team's work. If something is not up to snuff, or I don't feel comfortable publishing it until we've been able to correct something that's been bothering us (whether that's a line, typesetting, or etc), it doesn't get published. These subs are not just "my" translations, but the work of the whole team.
Call it arrogance, but I'd much rather put out something we're proud of than something rushed through the wringer just for the sake of getting stuff out. You may disagree with lines or certain translations, but they are our work at the end of the day.
And it is a lot of work.
Thank you.
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