#next up: probably still gonna be tim and bernard going over clues
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audliminal · 5 months ago
It's Just a Game, Right? Pt 4
"Okay, so like. We start with this video." Bernard says, bumping Tim's shoulder lightly. Huddling over a laptop together is a familiar experience; before they actually started dating they both regularly used laptop videos as an excuse to get close. It's a memory that Tim sort of cringes at, because now it seems so silly to be scared of Bernard not liking him back, and yet now he finds himself thinking back to those early days. The thrill of huddling together to solve a mystery is a little different from the thrill of being around your crush, but there's something there, a sort of excitement in questions yet to be answered.
"All right, hit me." And as Tim leans into Bernard a little harder, his boyfriend presses play.
The video is definitely weird. That much is immediately obvious. It seems to be a slideshow of pictures, complete with audio, but the pictures just seem off in a way that Tim can't describe and the audio is - it's a little sticky, but that is definitely Space Oddity, only it sounds kind of wrong like somebody's playing certain notes off key.
"Oh, that is definitely a Caesar cipher, huh?" Tim mutters. There's a line of text written beneath every photo in the little slideshow, but they're all garbled nonsense - it would seem entirely random, but Tim can already see a touch of pattern, some of the letters definitely appearing more common than others.
"Spy phase, huh?" Bernard teases. "I should've known you would already be on this stuff."
Tim grins and does his best to pretend he's not blushing. He's never been more grateful for his tendency to go overboard with his interests. The last thing he needs right now is Bernard asking questions about why he knows so much about code-breaking. Sure, he wants desperately to tell him all about Red Robin, but it's complicated with the rest of the family being implicated in your own identity.
The video continues in the same line for the whole duration of the song, then abruptly cuts off the second the last note of the song plays.
"Well, my first thought is that it seems kind of basic." Tim offers, at Bernard's expectant look.
"Right? Like when I first watched it I was kind of like what's the hype even about? But like, every video follows this general format, but the gradient of apparent code just keeps increasing, and it's like. What if there's more here and nobody ever realized they needed to look for it?"
"Okay well, the text has already been deciphered, right? So what does it say, and how'd they decode it."
"Here," Bernard switches tabs, to a document with screenshots of the various images. The first image was a simple photograph of a man, with the translated text reading Jonathan, January Thirteenth. The next photo, which was of an empty street, dusted with snow, read Hawthorn Way, Johnny's birthday. The rest of the photos followed in the same line. Simple labels describing who or what the photo showed and when they had been taken. None of the information seemed odd or suspicious, just the kind of photos that a family might take.
"Okay, it's a Caesar cipher, but each time the alphabet is being shifted a different amount."
"Yeah. And I already tried writing down the amounts in order to see if that meant anything but like.... No luck." Bernard gestures to his notes, where there is indeed a long number sequence.
"Okay, but how'd you solve it? Did anybody look for a clue to imply the shift or did they just brute force it?"
"I mean, there's literally websites that will run it for you, so I think people just did that." Tim hums, tapping his pen against his ear. The number sequence Bernard had shown him -
"None of the shifts are greater than eleven." Tim says. Bernard blinks, and glances back over his list.
"Huh. You're right, but what does that mean?"
"Means we need to figure out what's eleven." Tim reaches out and switches back the video and starts it again. The music still seems weird to him. He's no expert musician by any means, but he did take piano lessons for a bit when he was little, and more than that, he trusts his instincts. "There's only seven notes in a scale so it's not that..."
"A scale? Do you think there's something in the music? I mean other than it just being creepy?" Tim stares at Bernard.
"Bernard, you literally told me that you think it's all been more intentional than anyone realized. If that's true then the music definitely means something."
"Huh. Yeah, that is. Oh, we definitely needed new eyes on this, huh?" Bernard's huffs, then leans into Tim. "Okay well some the notes in the song are just straight up rank so maybe it's something to do with that?"
Tim hits play on the video again, focusing on the music. Six seconds in, a note hits, sounding very off.
"See?" Bernard says hitting pause. "It does that sometimes. Just plays a wrong note. I thought it was just to fuck with us, make us on edge, but maybe it means something?"
"We need the sheet music on this."
"Yeah? Do you know how to transcribe it?"
"Not reliably enough. But I know how to find someone who can."
"Babe, you're doing it again." Bernard laughs. "That could not have sounded more like Mafia energy if you tried."
"Oh my god, shut up."
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