#first is worst but it has to be to get better. anyway
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bluemerakis · 2 days ago
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đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY has reoccurring nightmares. He has deep-rooted trauma from both the physical and emotional wars of his past—his abusive childhood, the bloody battles fought, and the years he spent as the russians’ experiment. He’s brash and forward in most aspects of his life, but not when it comes to confronting his trauma head-on. Thus, it tends to accumulate and lay siege on him during the time when he’s most vulnerable—in his sleep. He often wakes up in a fit amidst the dead night, and the first thing he does isn’t grounding himself with a few, steadying breaths or a doing scan of his surroundings—it’s to instinctively reach across the bed to make sure you’re still there beside him. To make sure he’s not alone. He’s so plagued with the need to be loved and valued, that he’s latched onto the one person who’s shown him nothing but. So, funnily enough, losing you might be the worst nightmare of all time.
đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY wears a simple, silver promise ring on his left index finger. After a year of dating, you gifted it to him as a commemoration of your relationship milestone. His first instinct was to bitch about it, but it came from a place of unfamiliarity—Ben’s not used to gifts. He’s barely adjusted to the stability of the lifestyle he’s founded within you. But he takes it, anyway—briskly slipping it into his pocket while he practically herds you into the bedroom for a gift of his own. He kept it stashed aside in a memoir box—yes, he owns one and he hoards all his gems of the past in it for nostalgia’s sake because he’s just an old-timey boy who never fully adjusted to modern life. And after gnawing his ear off about never wearing it, he looped a chain through it and wore it like a dog tag—afraid that it’d get lost to some combat commotion if he wore it on his hand. And then one day, you’d absentmindedly brought up the idea of marriage, and later that night, Ben finds himself considering the lifestyle by finally slipping that ring onto his finger. As time passes, he finds himself absentmindedly playing with it whenever he’s idling around or unwinding from the day. And it’s something he specially reaches for when he feels overwhelmed or anxious. It quiets his brain, like the mere touch of it is the calming tether that keeps him grounded in the midst of his mental storms—reminds him of the solid rock that is you.
đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY often experiences the “Proust Phenomenon”—where certain smells trigger vivid memories of the past. Due to his Supe nature, Ben’s olfactory senses are enhanced—like a k9 with extensive years of training. It was a handy skill when it came to operations and the element of surprise surrounding rigged locations, where he could detect the biting scent of chemical agents and certain metals that smelled like sure death. But, ironically, it’s also a perforation in his balls-of-steel armour. And now, in the modern days—stemming from the PTSD of his past—there are certain smells that remind Ben of his time in the Russian compound. Of the torture he endured. Metal traces, gunpowder, general anaesthetic—which shares the same undertone of the novichok gas used to put him to sleep. Fun fact—when you had to get your wisdom teeth removed, Ben dropped you off and picked you up but refused to step foot inside the building. He can’t tolerate the smells—chemicals, gas, death. It overwhelms him, and it’s unwelcome on his mind. And later that night, he wouldn’t go within ten feet of you—bothered by the scent of the anaesthetic still clinging to you. Eerily familiar. It was an eye-opening moment for you and the true magnitude of his trauma. So, overtime, you both worked on a way to counter-condition the trait—using smells he could associate with better memories. Something like the scent of your perfume. Everyday, before he leaves the house, he makes sure to spurt a drop of your perfume onto the neckline of his shirt—so that it evades his nose at all times. So that there’s no room for his senses to entertain a smell other than yours. It keeps him grounded and wards off the other scents threatening to invade his fickle peace of mind. And best of all, it smothers him with every thought, feeling and memory associated with you. Another way for him to be consumed by all that you are, even when you’re miles apart.
đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY craves your proximity. It’s not something he’s aware he does, but it happens, regardless. When you first started dating, it wasn’t anything too serious—mutual benefits with minimal strings attached. But unbeknownst to him, he’d come to crave your company like relentless clockwork. And he was a colossal prick when he didn’t get it—especially on the late nights where he’s taunted by his thoughts. A phone call that found you in the midst of a club amongst men—any man that wasn’t him—was a line of static corrupted with heated words. And a few minutes later, he’d show up like a relentless tractor, ploughing through the crowd with the sole objective to pluck you from the masses and lead you back to the car with a firm grip on your wrist. His possessiveness is something you helped work him through, and he’s surely dialled it down to a stinging glare and a tongue bitten raw whenever another guy spares you attention that extends beyond a polite conversation. He is refined, though—more subtle in his possessiveness. Like when you’re in the kitchen making dinner, he simply grabs a beer and sips on it while standing a little ways away from you, leaned against the counter while he watches TV from across the apartment. If you drift to the island to start plating the meals, he strays to the other end of it—all while his eyes remained glued on the TV. He doesn’t know he’s doing it—it’s like an instinct to be tethered to you at all times, following, guarding, yearning.
đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY always opens doors for you. Car doors, restaurant doors, apartment door. Any door. Initially, out of habit, he’d always enter the space before you and do a quick sweep of the area—like he’s on the scout for potential danger, or like you’re the president that he’s tasked with keeping safe—before beckoning you inside. It was a prevalent routine in the initial months of his domestic life, but you’d sat him down one night to talk about it—how he doesn’t need to be on such high alert anymore. And admittedly, how it hurt a tad bit that he didn’t let you in first. Almost as though those words had flipped a switch about how unaccustomed you are to his Soldier habits—he made sure from that night onward, that he always lets you in first. He’d wanted to argue that he was doing it from a place of good intent, wanting to keep you safe from any potential hidden threats, but he’d bit down on his tongue. Because it didn’t matter. There was not a damn thing worth doing if it didn’t favour your happiness. Now, he always makes sure that he opens the door to a room and steps aside to usher you in with a jerk of his chin. But once you’re inside, he still executes a subtle scout—a brief survey tossed over your oblivious shoulder and a hasty sweep of the outside before he trails in after you. You’re his gem, after all, and he can’t risk having you stolen from him.
đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY drives with one hand on the wheel, and the other on you. Whenever you’re his passenger princess—which is always because he still believes in misogynistic chivalry, his hand always manages to stray from the gear and onto the hump of your thigh. Always. He holds you there, strokes an absentminded thumb over the skin, or rubs soothing lines that sometimes dip far too close to your core. And not once will he look at you while he does it—as if it adds to suspense of his clingy encroachment—but you might catch the corner of his lip spreading with a knowing smirk. He also has one hand on your headrest whenever he’s reversing, and then it’ll trail down to tuck your hair behind your ear, or run two fingers down your jaw before settling in its rightful place amongst your thigh.
đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY likes TLC. I feel like this started with one of those times he was sat on the sofa watching TV, and you snuck up behind him to run your hands through his fluffy hair—because come on. At first, he might’ve flinched away from the unfamiliar intimacy—habitually moving to seize you at the wrist and yank you away with a low muttering of “the fuck you doin’?” But you shake him off with a giddy laugh, telling him to lay off the armour of stress for two seconds before returning your hands to his hair. He still tenses under the touch, but the longer your hands spend entwined with the hairs flowing from his scalp, he starts to melt under the touch—like you’re loosening the strings woven through the very DNA that renders his every muscle tightly-knit. Scalp massages turn into neck and shoulder massages, and that turns into rubbing out his back—and it even extends all the way to arm and head tickles. Sometimes, while you’re laying in bed, he’ll settle himself down beside you with a kiss to your jaw before he’s leaned his head against the side of yours—and he won’t say anything, but there’s a newfound stillness to him that screams expectancy. And when your hand wanders up his back and around his neck to settle in his hair, you feel him start to relax—unwind. And once, he let slip a soft and strained groan of pleasure, like he was desperately trying to swallow the truth of how much he enjoys ed it. But it never escaped your notice, and it wasn’t the last time he did it.
đ–Šč SOLDIER BOY loves doggy-style for a quickie, and cowgirl for a stickie. When this man is hard and craving a quick release, he does love the idea bending you over beneath him and sending you to heaven. He’s a refined type of rough, never pushing limits he knows would hurt or leave a bruise you’re not keen on sporting. However, if you ask for it, he’s happy to oblige. And he LOVES holding you at your waist—loves it. Absolutely clings to it like a lifeline—kneading, gripping, pulling you into his every thrust. And he loves drinking in the view of your back—arching and flexing with silent pleas for his touch. But on the slower, softer nights of the week, he’s quite fond of cowgirl—back against the head-board with you on top of him, riding him at a pace that suits your current mood and needs. His hold on you is firm, but open for adjustment—guidance. And he’ll be damned if he doesn’t admit that the mere view of your face—contorted with pleasure and effort alike—gets him worked up in addition to your every movement. God, you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever had the pleasure of calling his, and he watches you like he’s trying to memorise every detail about you. And if he doesn’t also love watching the way you swallow his length whole—and the way he glistens with the mingle of your combined pleasure. This man loves a cream pie—said what I said. And dirty talk.
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a/n ─ first ever headcannons 👊 happy birthday to pookie schnooks! can you tell i worked hard on these? pls it’s almost 1 am now and i’ve been busy since 9 pm. and it’s all 100% canon in my head idc what y’all say.
thank you for reading! all likes & comments & deeply appreciated, but reblogs go a much longer way—so please support your writers with it! <3
tags ─ @gibson-g1rl @bohemianblasphemy @fallbhind @angelicjackles @deansbbyx @titsout4jackles @figthoughts @dulcescorderitas @starzify @ultravi0lence14 @honeyryewhiskey @daylighted @deansbeer @deansbbyx @figthoughts @dulcescorderitas @jasvtsc @st4rmarley @bakugotypecrashout @jaydensluv @chi-raz @youdontknowe @misatxox @lixiesbrowniess @ilovedeanwinchester4 @beelzebzb @lunaleah @kr804573 @idontwannabehere7 @lanasgirlfr @cas-only-angel @lucky-beheaded @nperoconelcositoarriba @mahi-wayy @alidiggory92 @idk-123-0 @tuxedoe @cassiecourtemanche @rositaslabyrinth @abox-of-rocks @viluren @h8aaz @cowboysandcigarettes @bejeweledinterludes @emeraldcrs @jensenacklesballsack
want to become part of the taglist for any future soldier boy works?
other works ─ the boys masterlist
© bluemerakis ─ do not plagiarise or steal any of my works.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 days ago
My brain has two common nightmare settings. The first is zombies. Can’t explain it, but I am utterly unable to consume zombie media of any kind lest I have some extremely vivid night terrors.
And it doesn’t have to be exclusively zombie media to kick off zombie dreams. Anything scary will do. Or even something not scary.
Like The Mummy. It’s all goofy jokes and the glory of Rachel Weiss but it kicked off a round of nightmares for me cause the plot may be silly but some of the visuals are horrifying enough that my brain went, “Hey what if that were real?” I woke up drenched in sweat, clutching my cats for safety. It is a great tragedy I don’t get to rewatch it or see subsequent titles.
For the same reason I avoid any zombie-adjacent games. It’s a bummer, cause things like Fallout and Bioshock seem cool but it’s not worth night terrors. Also the amount of people who go “wELl tHeY’Re not TeChNiCaLLy zOmBieS” when I say why I can’t play those games fills me with rage, you deal with night terrors and tell me those aren’t zombies.
(I often spend zombie dreams looking for Leeloo. Surviving is important but not as important as saving my little cat from the apocalypse.)
But on a completely different side of the spectrum the other type of horror dream I have is a 180 pivot from zombies and doesn’t have a specific trigger. It’s just a random theme that happens on occasion and it’s not recurring because the circumstances are always different but yeah anyway I have nightmares about being pregnant.
Literally one of the worst things I can imagine is growing a thing inside me.
To all the people with a uterus who are full of joy and power in that act of creation, more power to you, but to me it is the stuff of my worst imaginings to have a parasite sucking the nutrients from my teeth and clawing its way free from me.
A common theme to these nightmares is that the pregnancy is spontaneous immaculate conception but no one believes me. My beloved leaves me, thinking I cheated on them. It got to the point that my beloved promised they would believe that I hadn’t cheated on them if it ever happened in real life because it came up so frequently. This actually helped to reduce that plot line.
These dreams just pop up sometimes, usually for unknown reasons, and I always start the dream pretty heavily pregnant and past when I can really abort the fucker inside and I spend the dream in a desperate panic to know how I let it go this far and dreading the imminent pain and horror of child birth.
I always announce to my beloved the morning, “Had another pregnancy nightmare,” and they always kiss my cheek and remind me that they’ll believe me. I guess it’s still slightly better than the zombie dreams. But only barely.
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stellasdrafts · 1 day ago
Wanted/Woman (Arthur Morgan)
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Summary: two stranger outlaws find themselves captured by bounty hunters (Arthur Morgan x outlaw!Reader)
Word Count: 3.8k
Content: female reader, capture and bindings, violence and death, light gore, mentions of infertility, forced proximity, manipulative reader, enemies? (not quite but they dislike each other) to tension, crude language, male slander
Notes: surpriseeee new hyperfixation (dw will still be writing for leon too!! just added a new fictional man to the roster yum). i imagine mid-honor Arthur for this :) (also idk shit about guns so bear with me thanks). this is kind of an amateurish attempt of mine at criticizing misogyny bc i’m pissed off about today’s political climate. clichĂ© on purpose.
The last thing you remember before going dark is the stinging pain of being pistol-whipped in the face by some bounty hunter’s grimy revolver.
As your consciousness comes to, you see flickering firelight from behind your eyelids. Even before you open them, you mentally curse at yourself for even letting yourself get in this situation in the first place. You had always prided yourself on your talent of finding secluded areas to camp out in. As well hidden as they could be when your picture was plastered on fences and announcement boards across three states with a bold, capitalized WANTED above it, anyway. You suppose you had gotten comfortable – sloppy. You slipped up and somehow those bastards found the shitty abandoned house you were using as a hideout, ambushing you while you were stubbornly focused on patching up a hole in one of your boots.
It takes you a moment to gather your surroundings in the haze of post-unconsciousness. The tent you’re being held in is hot, despite it being dark outside. The air is thick – stuffy and incredibly unpleasant. The smell of animal carcass lingers on the canvas as if it had recently been used to hold some hunt. You hear the muffled sound of men discussing by the campfire roaring outside – something rather serious, you assume by the tone of their voices. It doesn’t sound like too many of them, only two by the clean back-and-forth flow of their conversation. Somehow, the most obvious detail of your capture is the one you register last – the burn of rope at your wrists and feet, and the warmth of another body at your back. You’re bound to someone.
Your heart rate picks up at the sudden realization and you tug, beads of blood drawing at your skin. You’d typically consider yourself a rational person, but with the fog of having just woken up, your brain jumps to the worst conclusions. There’s no way of knowing if the person behind you has been shot dead already, they’re completely still
 That is until he speaks.
“Would you stop that? Rubbin’ your wrists raw won’t help either of us.”
Take a breath. You’re better than this. The bounty hunters outside are men, and now you know the person behind you is one as well. Maybe some good old feminine charm could be your ticket out of here. It wouldn’t be the first time your conniving passive woman act got you out of scrapes. They might kill the man first, anyway.
You look around, making sure to make him feel you squirm. Your breath quickens and you summon a more proper accent. You won’t go down. Not like this. “W-What the hell is happening?”
The man’s body shakes lightly behind you – the sonofabitch is chuckling. “Oh, quit playin’ dumb. I saw you when they brought you in. You got posters from here to Colter.”
You make sure to yank at your ropes the way a panicked woman would. He hisses at the pain and you’re glad you don’t have to hide your prideful grin. “No, I don’t know what’s going on! There must be some mistake!”
The hunters haven’t even checked in on the two of you yet, but by the timbre of their conversation outside when you awoke, they’ll get the gist of this one too, and you’ll be damned if this stuck-up man leads to your demise.
“There ain’t no mistake, woman.” Looks like there won’t be any fooling this guy. He must be in the business, you assume. “Tryin’ to play the damsel in distress won’t help you any, so quit your whinin’ and stop pulling at the damn ropes.
“I’m not!” You sniffle. “M’not who they think I am!”
You may as well feel his eyes roll. “Right. What’s your name then?” You give him your usual decoy as he attempts to sit up straighter. “And what’s got an innocent thing like you in this kind of trouble?”
“I don’t know!” you cry. “I was mending some clothes when they burst in my house and knocked me out!” you recite with ease. It wasn’t a total lie, after all.
The man listened to your sob story, wanting to get a read on you, you presume. “Is that right? You were
 just sewin’ when they magically came out of the woodworks and took ya?”
The goddamn attitude on this man
 “Yes!” You start crying again. “Oh god, this can’t be real!”
You hear your companion let out a heavy sigh. “Alright, cut the dramatics, darlin’,” he grumbles. Twigs snap outside and both your heads whip in the direction of the two hunters’ shadows near the flaps. He lowers his voice. “I know you’re puttin’ on that act and it’s getting’ real old. It’d only work on someone dumb as rocks so-” he’s interrupted as the two bounty hunters waltz in, surely having heard you wailing seconds prior.
You flinch hard and make yourself fall to the side. You’re a pathetic, blubbering mess – the complete opposite of what they’ve surely heard of the outlaw they were chasing. You will make them doubt themselves. Manipulation is your specialty, and men are so simple minded~
“Please! Please-”
The captors look a bit startled by your distress. One of them, the bulky one, kneels down at your side. Men just can’t help themselves, can they? They just have to save the pretty tormented girl. He tries to soothe you by placing a grubby hand on your knee. “Calm down, sweet thing.”
You try to hide your recoil. It’s not like you can scoot backward anyway, since you’re tied to the pessimistic wanted man. “P-Please, will you just tell me what’s going on?” You blink with tear-soaked lashes, being a convincing little housewife.
The hunters share a look, as if silently trying to contemplate the legitimacy of your cries. The bulky one returns his attention to you, seemingly placated. “We ain’t gonna hurtcha unless you give us a reason to, sweetheart. We’re just here to bring you down to the sheriff’s office.”
You hear the other wanted man scoff behind you. Surely, they weren’t actually falling for this?
The taller one hanging back grins cockily. “Gonna get us that nice little bounty on your head,” he adds.
It’s your turn to bite back a scoff. Little? There’s nothing little about a hard-worked two-thousand dollars on your head alone. You’d even been dubbed Bullseye.
For your own sake, your eyes go wide as saucers, as if you’re truly repulsed by the idea of having committed any crimes. “Bounty?! That’s impossible. I’ve never sinned in my life. Please, there must be a mistake-”
The tall one chuckles and you feel flames of anger licking at your insides. “Oh, there ain’t no mistake. You must’ve done some reeeeal bad things. Bounties like that ain’t given out for no reason.”
The bulky man nods to corroborate his friend’s words, but judging by its slowness, he seems a bit more apprehensive. “
You seem too soft to have a bounty of a couple grand on your head.”
Your new wanted companion whistles from behind you, impressed.
“Goddammit, Wilson!” curses the tall one.
There’s the crack you need. You keep pushing, sensing the foundation crumbling between the two. You shake your head feverishly. “I don’t know who you think I am! I’ve told you my name. I’m a housewife. M-My husband’s name is Elijah. Really, I barely ever go out. I don’t know what’s going on here.”
The two idiots glance at each other again, brows raised. Wilson tilts his head. “Roberts, maybe we fucked up. I mean, look at’er! The law has been after the girl for years. The
 The posters are old. They’ve been up so long that they’re kinda faded
 Maybe her and Bullseye really do just look alike.”
The tall one – Roberts – doesn’t answer right away. You’d venture to guess he’s more trigger-happy than his partner. “I didn’t see no husband inside the house.”
“He’s off on business in the next county at the moment.”
Again, they seem to communicate without speaking aloud. Wilson stands with a groan and nods in my direction with urgent eyes, evidently commanding Roberts. The latter steps forward with a sigh, his arms crossed. “Fine. I’ll bite. If that’s the truth, miss, how long you been married?”
You smile weakly, pretending to recall a memory. “Since my Elijah and I were nineteen.”
“All this time and no children?”
You drop your shoulders and strategically let your smile fade. You’ve been waiting a while to use this one. “No, sir, I been having
 issues,” you admit shamefully. And you’re so proud of yourself that you hope even the non-believer tied to you is starting to wonder if he accused you of being a liar a little too quickly.
Both the hunters are taken aback at that. A woman shouldn’t be talking about private matters to strangers. The dumb bulky one breaks the silence first. “I-I’m sorry about that, ma’am
” he mumbles awkwardly.
You nod solemnly and wipe a skillful tear from your cheek with your shoulder. “I begged him not to go- begged him! A-And now I’m tied up-” You gasp and try to put some distance between yourself and the man you’re tied to, but it only yanks at both your binds. “Does that mean I’m tied to a killer?! Oh God!” you cry and squirm violently.
Wilson raises his hands the same way one would calm a horse. “Ma’am, calm down-” In an attempt to calm you down, he grabs a knife from his belt and cuts your wrists’ bindings while Roberts rushes to make sure the other outlaw doesn’t try to pull some stunt. Unlike yourself, he leaves him fully bound and secures him to one of the tent’s support posts.
Now that you aren’t back-to-back with him, you catch a glimpse of his face for the first time. Oh shit. You recognize him immediately – it’s impossible not to, not in your line of work. That’s Arthur Morgan, one of Van Der Linde’s men. One of his most feared men, actually. No doubt he has a pretty bounty on his head as well.
You don’t have time to dwell in your thoughts because that half-witted hunter speaks again. “I won’t untie your ankles, though. Can’t have you runnin’ off on us until we’re sure you ain’t it,” he says with a chuckle.
You want to punch that condescending little smirk right off his face
 But you can do even better.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of running.”
“Well, that’s good ‘cau-”
He trips over his words when you snag the knife from his naively relaxed grip and jam it into his neck with all your might. As he topples over, you swiftly grab the revolver from his holster and shoot Roberts a couple of times in the chest before he can even react.
“Goddamn fools,” you mutter as you undo the rope around your ankles, seemingly unfazed by a tied-up Arthur Morgan some feet away from you.
Even writhing on the ground, Wilson disturbs your newfound peace, gargling on his own blood. You roll your eyes and put a bullet between his own. Standing, you stretch your limbs, rubbing where the rough rope had dug into your skin. You retract the bloody knife from the bounty hunter’s neck, giving it a twirl. It was a pretty knife, engraved with some intricate swirls. You earned it.
You finally look up at Arthur. “You were right, I s’pose.”
“Seems that way,” he replies, carefully watching every movement of yours. You’d seen that look in men before. He was trying to gauge if he was going to be the next recipient of your wrath.
You grin and lean back against some crates, enjoying seeing such an infamous man be so unsure. “Now, what to do with you?” you ask rhetorically.
You watch as his eyes go from the dead man at his feet to your calm figure. Evidently, you had managed to impress him. Pride swells in your chest. He nods toward his bound ankles. “Well, are you going to get these off? That would be greatly appreciated,” he inquires dryly, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You hum, giving the knife a couple more twirls. “I bet, Van Der Linde.”
The outlaw raises a brow, otherwise utterly composed. “So you know who I am
 Or at least who I run with.”
“Mhm.” You trace the edge of the bloody blade with your index. “You’re no small feat, Arthur Morgan.” You push off the crates and nod at the corpses on the dirt. “They would’ve lucked out.”
“I’d say the same for you,” he replies, his gaze unrelenting.
The two morons had spoken your alias, but it’s the fact that Morgan recognized it that sticks with you. A sick sense of satisfaction bubbles within you at the knowledge that your name has been spread to one of the country’s most notorious gangs.
“Well ain’t you sweet,” you quip sarcastically.
Arthur looks down at Roberts, mere inches away from him. “Your aim on him could’ve been a bit better, though. Too far right.”
You? Aiming anything other than perfect? You scoff, your eyes narrowing as you search through a sack on the crates for your confiscated guns. “I don’t have to let you free.”
“And I don’t have to be pleasant,” he retorts gruffly, and for a second, you’re reminded of who you’re talking to. The adrenaline from your victorious escape begins to simmer down and you realize that perhaps you shouldn’t be speaking to an accomplished killer this way.

But you’re one yourself.
You look over your shoulder with a smile. “You’re tied up, hun.”
The man scowls. “Oh really? I hadn’t noticed.”
Amusing, this one. But perhaps you aren’t exactly in the position to have Dutch Van Der Linde and his boys on your tail for taking out their best man. You sling the bag full of your belongings over your shoulder and crouch before him, pushing Roberts out of the way with one foot. “I can’t see why we can’t be amicable, can you?”
One of his brows quirks up. “Depends on your definition of amicable, miss,” he dryly speaks your family name.
“Charming manners.” You tilt your head. “I reckon we ain’t that different, you and I. Two of the most notorious criminals. Everyone knows our names. We were, well-” you gesture to his bound current state. “-both tied up. On the same team, if you will. We live the same lifestyle. I don’t see the point in goin’ off and tattlin’ on each other.”
Arthur lets out a quiet huff. “So you’re suggestin’
 What, an alliance?”
“I’m suggestin’ silence. You go off without worryin’ about me sending the law after you, and I do the same.”
“And how do I know I can trust you?” He’s skeptical, and you can’t quite blame him after he’s just witnessed how you swindled those men.
“It’s a two-way street, Mr. Morgan. I’m the same as you, it’d be hypocritical to turn you in. Plus, I don’t quite care to alert the law of my presence by going in to report you.”
You can practically see the gears turning in his head. “Fine. But I’m not forgettin’ this.”
But his mention of an alliance lingers in your head. You hold up a finger. “On second thought, I’ve got a better idea. More fool-proof terms, if you’re hesitant to trust me.”
He rolls his eyes, obviously not enjoying being at your mercy. “And what would those be?”
The corner of your mouth quirks up. “It’d be idiotic for members of the same gang to snitch on each other, wouldn’t it?”
A look of realization washes over his face. “It would,” his voice drops lower, not liking where this is headed.
“Then, I’ll be joining the Van Der Lindes. I’m tired of sleepin’’ with a pistol in my hand.”
His expression shifts, seemingly amused by your conviction. “Oh, are you?” he retorts with a chuckle. “What makes you think they’d even let you in?”
You grin. “You knew exactly who I was when you heard those twits call me Bullseye, that’s what.” You stand up straight. “And you’re going to give me a shining recommendation.”
“Am I, now?”
 Or I could throw you on my horse out there and we could have ourselves a nice little ride to some sheriff’s office. I figure Saint-Denis would have the most intense security. You don’t think they’d recognize me if I just rode by and dropped you on the doorstep, do you?” You jeer as you rummage through the tent, looking for anything of value to take.
Despite your threats, a small smirk creeps onto Arthur’s face. He takes a moment to study you, weighing his options.
“Confident, ain’t ya?”
“With reason.”
A beat. You just stare at each other.
“Can you untie me already? We’ve got a lot of ground to cover to get back to camp.”
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blueishspace · 3 days ago
Hero, Villain God 61
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*Grian's pov*
Joel and Lizzie eventually leave, apparently It's 'akward' and feels like they are 'invading' your space. You would call bull but honestly, you don't really care ... you are sure Joel is going to find you and finish your conversation at a later date anyway... You are going to make that as hard as possible of course.
Scar and Cub stick around for a while longer, not as much as you would have liked though since they apparently still need Joel's car to get back and he refuses to wait too long for them.
At one point Scar tried to share with you some of the shows he likes for you to watch while stuck in the clinic... which eventually devolved into him talking you trough the plot of the clone wars. That's how you end up learning that you'll have to stay here a while longer for some tests.
Amazing, great, fantastic, you are going to die of sheer boredom.
At least you aren't going to completely be alone the entire time, Scar promised up and down to visit every day and Cub told you that he's required to look after you until you are better by the association, arguably not the worst situation ever...still.
Now, boredom strangely enough is not going to be the main issue, not as much as the tests they are going to do to see if you are ok to leave... and It's really your fault you'll have to admit: Cub already did tests to you and you are pretty sure your divine blood broke the machine completely, so yeah, that's going to go swimmingly. Not to mention that you can't even turn your body mortal during said tests because that would make Cub only more suspicious.
You are going to have to be smart about this unfortunately, you can't mess around and find out your way out of this... Hmmm, you have an idea that might just work.
*Grumbot's pov*
[Dad #2 has sent a message one god to another]
[Message received]
[Targeted clinic medical equipment]
[Control has been taken]
[Command has been given]
[Confirmation had bern sent to Dad #2]
*Grian's pov*
And he was even faster about it then you thought. That feeling that might just be parental pride rises up again... well, now all you need is for those tests to start and you'll have full control of their results.
And to think about what results you should manipulate and how, making them look like a regular human's would just make Cub just as suspicious as changing your body to be more mortal... Ugh, you haven't yet had to manipulate any of the important mortal's minds yet, you'd hate to have to do it now because of something so stupid. It's would be so not fun.
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littledeathdove · 2 days ago
Aah those headcanons were so good! I'm having such Miri brainrot x3 could you maybe write some hcs about Crow Wife and a partner who is very fragile and sickly?
I have such a weak immune system I swear I'm fighting some type of sickness like every other day atp xP
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Scenario; Miranda with a sickly and fragile lover
A/N; EEEK thank you so much, I’m glad that my headcanons for MM made you satisfied! Also I love this request because Miranda with any topic of sickness? Yes give me it cause imma make some good fluff or angst with it đŸ«Ą. I don’t know if your currently sick anon but if so I hope you get better, I’ll feed you some brain rot food to help ofc
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ First off, the Miranda that everyone knows is not the one you have come to see daily. Miranda can be very cruel, dismissive of things that don’t catch her interest, and overall selfish with her time and energy — since obviously she has more important stuff to care about. All of this? Yeah, all of these features of Miranda just go out of the window when she is with you.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Miranda is very caring — as she can be — and attentive of you. While she already doesn’t have that much time to herself, she would sacrifice even that little bit of time to devote herself in watching over you and your state of health whenever needed.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Miranda knows how gentle she must be with someone as fragile as you, so she is overall very gentle and cautious with her actions throughout the relationship. But there is times where that rougher side of her can show, usually it only comes out in two situations. First one is that you go against her orders which could possibly cause you to get sick.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Miranda hates when you do this, definitely not because it reminds herself of her own stubbornness actions when the Spanish flu was going around which lead to a death you know very well about. Miranda is strong and confident in her abilities to make sure you never get too deadly sick, but she still has that lingering fear that you could end up in the same situation Eva was in.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ The second situation is when the frustration of her unsuccessful attempts to get her. This situation is always the worst to go through since Miranda would distance herself for a while but she will still take care of you from this distance. Now Miranda doesn’t apologize but she shows some subtle actions of apologizing, they are very subtle though.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Now there is times where Miranda could be seen as neglectful but that truly only when you are in a better state of health and she is able to spend more time in the laboratory thanks to that. Honestly you do have to learn to just get used to this since Miranda still is learning on how to manage her time wisely with this relationship. Plus, Miranda would automatically believe you would just understand her need to be in the laboratory for such extended periods of times from the get go.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Miranda would be very obsessed over keeping your health as perfect as possible. I swear that woman goes into a state of tension whenever you fall back under the weather. Is it because of Eva situation? Well yeah. Anyway, this woman will be doing daily checkups on your health almost as soon as she gets out of the laboratory/village and you into her hands.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ To just explain how obsessive this insane woman can get over your wellbeing, let me highlight a new change she caught.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ We all know by the state of her laboratory that Miranda is likely not the cleanest person, definitely not dirty but just likely to let shit clutter up. Well that is the second most drastic change in Miranda, cause now that woman keeps the place as clean as possible. She doesn’t even let dust stay on something for to long, it’s a crazy to see, but also so cute.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Miranda is a curious person I will say, so she is usually always questioning you about something over your health. Rather it be how you feel to predictions of when you could get sick again. So hopefully you’re ready to experience that cause she will make you answer every question to the best of your ability.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Trust these questions do come in handy to keep you from getting too sick since Miranda can usually figure out what’s wrong with your body just by simple answers and knowledge on small symptoms in certain illnesses. The woman is VERY intelligent after all and that smart brain don’t just come in handy for the mold.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ When it comes to your fragility Miranda doesn’t play when it comes to who you’re around. Honestly you will be staying in the house more just because of how paranoid and anxious Miranda could get over you getting possibly hurt. She knows first hand how someone fragile can meet their demise with a small slip up, and Miranda refuses to be in the situation of watching someone she loves experience the consequences of this slip up again.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Thankfully Miranda is a very devoted and thoughtful — enough — lover when she is in love, so she makes it her mission to make sure you don’t get too bored when she demands you to stay home for the sake of your health. She will have her crow’s entertain you with silly actions, she’ll buy you books from the Duke (that she of course looked over before she accepted that they were of approval), and maybe even get you a tv that only takes films/DVDS if your more of a watcher then a reader
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ While Miranda is definitely one prone to brag and show off, she will show you off more vocally then physically. It’s not like she doesn’t want to, but she just can’t risk the possibilities. She might take you to a lord meeting or two, maybe even to some meetings with Alcina — since Alcina takes it very serious to make sure your health stays safe by making the maids clean everything spotless, all to Miranda request of course.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ The winter lasts more longer in the village, and Miranda treats winter as if it’s the end of the world when it comes to you. She would buy you so much clothing that will be suitable for the cold weather, and if she has to go to such extremes she will even demand ask Donna to make you any clothing you need to stay warm. This is especially when you want to certain look in your new warm clothing.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Soup season goes crazy with Miranda, I believe making soups is one of the top things Miranda is best at cooking. Miranda makes sure to make soups that will give you as much nutrients that you need to help you stay at least a bit more healthy.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Though Miranda prioritize your nutritional intake she will still wish to satisfy your preference. So funnily enough this will lead to you being sat down at a table and becoming basically a judger of the soups she plans to make for you in the future. And Miranda is pretty strict so she’ll make sure to milk out all of your opinions of the soups she’s feeding you. (Also a showing of her perfectionism, but you didn’t hear that from me) This leaves you no excuse to eat all of the soup when gives it to you later on.
*°:⋆ₓₒ‱ Now let’s say that you somehow caught something from someone like in the village. Crash out Miranda will be coming out as soon as she finds out, cause of course it would that woman is always one step off from doing some crazy shit. I don’t even have to tell you what she does, but just know it’s bloodshed that night.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
A/N: Yelp that’s all I got! Loved making this little post, again it’s always interesting to have the trope of a sick lover with Miranda. Anyway,
I do hope you enjoy these headcanons anon!! đŸ«¶đŸŸ
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luguangs · 2 days ago
Gaby my love pspsps drop the Girls Last Tour propaganda pls đŸ€Č
maz beloved thank you for allowing me to rant about girls last tour ily okay let's go!!!
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girls last tour, as the name implies, follows two girls on a tour journey through the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world. they scavenge for food and fuel, encounter remnants from long-forgotten cultures, and day after hopeless day they choose to carry on forward.
while this may sound bleak and depressing, it's actually an iyashikei (slice of life). and let me preface this by saying i usually do not enjoy iyashikei stories, but i wholeheartedly think girls last tour is nothing short of a masterful work of art.
the reason i think it stands out from all others in its genre is because it doesn't shy away from despair, but despite it (or perhaps even because of it) still has this undercurrent of hope and a profound appreciation for life.
this juxtaposition of a world ravaged by war and death against two girls trying to make the most of their life day after day is beautifully poignant and poetic. we see the best and the worst of humanity—and it's surprisingly wholesome in its melancholy.
borrowing from the official synopsis:
But as long as the two are together, even an existence as bleak as theirs has a ray or two of sunshine in it (...) For two girls in a world full of nothing, the experiences and feelings the two share give them something to live for

so yes, it's a slice of life, but if you're willing to look deeper, it has some incredibly profound themes. it gets very philosophical but it doesn't intend to give you all the answers; rather, it simply allows for contemplation on humanity and life as a whole, and it brings it all back to the here and now.
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it's about choosing to keep going—to keep living another day even as the world is falling apart around you. it's about finding joy in the small things you stumble upon along your way. it's about watching these two girls rediscover humanity through what we leave behind and learning to see your own life through different eyes.
it's about choosing not to succumb into despair. yes, maybe you could've made better choices along the way—but you still shouldn't bring yourself to regret the life you've lived.
it's about realizing life is about making the most of it that you're able to amid your circumstances and living it to the fullest. it's about how the people you meet, the experiences you've lived, the things you've learned... you carry them with you always.
it's about how humanity is interconnected through our inherent curiosity and passion and love and perhaps our beautifully pointless endeavors, and how all of these give us meaning even if it will all come to an end someday.
plain and simple, it's about how beautiful it is to live. how even despite all the horrors, you can still find joy in living.
i don't think it's an exaggeration to call girls last tour life-changing, and if any of these themes resonate with you i'm sure you'll end up loving this story too.
some people say this story gave them depression. but tbh i think they're missing the point: this story will cure your depression <3 (yes i'm being hyperbolic but ykwim)
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anyway if you'd like to get into it i'd recommend watching the anime first!! (i think the manga's visual contrast and use of negative space work better for the tone, but the anime genuinely did such a wonderful job with the music and some sequences in particular, and imo even elevated them. so for your first experience i'd say 100% anime)
however, the anime didn't adapt the full story and while you are able to get the overall themes from the anime, imo some of the best chapters can actually be found towards the end of the manga.
it's a very faithful adaptation otherwise, so you can pick it up from chapter 30 if you don't want to read from the beginning (and it's only 47 chapters so it's super short!)
also if you watch/read pleaseeee let me know what you think i literally don't know anyone else who's into it and i've been kind of going insane about it 😭
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TLDR: if you like stories that are philosophical and contemplative, that don't shy away from despair but also choose to find the beauty in life, then this story is for you <3
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wall-eye · 1 year ago
Falling back into the leverage pit 👍
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine's Day! (and this blog's first post anniversary!)
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peachyutdr · 1 year ago
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i finished it, was kicked out of the game, and then spent the next 10 minutes drawing this. i will now go take a shower, most likely cry, and then go through the emotional turmoil of convincing myself to reset so i can do a geno run. i hate it here :D
#undertale yellow#uty#my art#<- ifg#spoilers under these tags beware. although it is mostly just me being very very sad#that entire thing was heart wrenching. anyways#CEROBAS FIGHT??? HELLO???#i had to exit out of it the first time (i got to the last phase) to get better items but i came back and won pretty quickly#but THE CUTSCENES?!?!?#JFC NO WONDER THIS WOMANS SO MESSED UP. HER HUSBAND PRACTICALLY DIED IN HER ARMS AND THE LAST THING HE LEFT HER WITH- HIS DYING WISH- COULD#ONLY BE FULFILLED BY PUTTING THEIR ONLY CHILD IN DEATHS WAY. AND THEN WHEN SHE TOOK THAT RISK THE WORST THING HAPPENED AND SHE NOW HAS TO#LIVE WITH THE GUILT OF BEING THE ONE TO. MOST LIKELY. KILL HER ONE AND ONLY DAUGHTER#ALL THE WHILE SHE WAS PUSHING AWAY HER CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND AND CONVINCING HERSELF THAT SHE WAS IN THE RIGHT TO SACRIFICE CLOVER WHO HAD#BEEN ONLY KIND MERCIFUL AND JUST THIS WHOLE TIME. EVEN TO THOSE WHO WERE TRYING TO KILL THEM. FUCK.#AAND WHEN CLOVER HUGGED HER I DOUBLED OVER IRL BC *THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO DO IN THAT MOMENT* I HATE IT (read: love it) HERE#n dont even get me STARTED on after that. when clover started moving on their own and the gd white screen came up and we got flashbacks of#everyone's words. thats when the tears rlly started coming bc it clicked for me. 'oh. this is it. isn't it?' and IT WAS#WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR FUCKIGN HAT AND GUN AWAY TO MARTLET AND STARLO WELL THATS WHEN I REALLY STARTED CRYING#AAND THE GROUP HUGG#I WAS SOBBING WHENEVER I HAD TO WATCH THEM CRAWL UP AGAINST THE WALL AND DIE AND HAVE FLOWEYS WORDS PLAY OVERHEAD#AND THE FUCKOGN#THE F U C K I N G#AFTEWRCREDITS SCENE WHERE WE GOT THE 'You heard someone calling for help. You answered.' I GOT CHILLS SO BAD#to think that all the other souls have stories just as expansive and emotional as clover n frisks. how fucked up is that. in a good way tho#and finally the last scene where we got all 4 of our main friends sending us off in waterfall and we see clovers items end up in the dump#just waiting to be found by bratty and catty. fucken hell man this was a masterpiece#anyways time to reset and obliterate everyone and never emotionally recover from that ever!! really is feeling like 2016-17 again w the way#this game has me sobbing my eyes out and feeling the guilt of knowing that i dont HAVE to kill them all but im too curious not to#oh well. at least i have the balls to do it this time around instead of letting a youtuber do it for me ig
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javierduffy · 17 days ago
 it’s a bit girly 
 no?” javier examines himself in the reflection of his knife’s blade, looking this-a way and that, the dark blue of a large silken bow now peeking sheepishly around his neck as it sits gently in his hair. next to him, kieran clams up a smidge, hands still held close to his chest nearby his completed ribbon project on javier’s head. he finds it in himself to wring his hands a time or two rather than immediately undo his work as javier seems to continue to formulate his final opinion. “you 
 think so? look at me?” kieran asks, politely as a mouse. javier easily complies, turns at his hips and looks behind, up at kieran where he sits on the stump above him.
kieran, as he peers over, can’t help the meadow of flush that blooms over his neck, then his ears, then his nose and his cheeks. he can tell javier is deep in thought by the look on his face, mouth twisted just a might sideways, cocking his mustache awry, and the deep wrinkle sat between his brows. the ribbon he used matches javier’s vest perfectly, and the shine of the silk warms bright in the sun, just like every piece of jewelry and metal javier has adorned himself with. with this ribbon, javier’s hair sits lower on his head, ponytail draped down his nape and more hair framing his face in his bangs. kieran resists an urge to tuck one side back behind his ear.
kieran thinks that he looks like a painting, a muse, a love letter so heartbreakingly full of adoration that the only language it could be written in is bright swipes of pigment on a canvas. as he makes eye contact with the silk squinting around the red of a necktie, he thinks that javier may be right, if ‘girly’ could sum up ’poetry written in effeminate reverence’.
kieran always did think women made better art, wrote better books- found a better way to love. softer. warmer. prettier. like javier.
the world sounds like it’s underwater.
“i think 
 it’s very pretty. it suits you real well.”
earnest to a fault, the look in kieran’s eye dances gingerly with javier’s internal voice. it dips and sways him, and javier, despite his instinct, finds himself charmed by its rhythm.
“-b-but! i could take it out! if you don’t-“ javier looks down at himself in his knife again, the sunlight filtered through the leaves glinting a yellow green around his dark features, and kieran hands him patience on a silver platter. a rich blue makes friends with bright green quite easy, javier thinks. this is how he must look through kieran’s mossy lens.
 yes. you know, i think you may be right. i’ll keep it. gracias.”
#oizy asked me at some point to write about the exchange that happens when kieran first gives javier his first big ribbon 
 i think#and i’ve been thinking about it this whole time :’] and i’ve been wanting to write them for a long while now too so i thought it would be fu#n to just jot it down :’] 
 this could have been written better but i fear if i don’t post it now i never will LOL i’ll just overthink it đŸ„Č#i have a few more writing drafts started that i hope i can finish soon 
. writing is very fun for me ! i just 
 run out of steam easy and th#en never pick drafts up again 💔💔💔 i’m kinda the worst creater ever LOL#anyway ! yeah i think javier initially was very put off by it but kieran with all of his autismo wisdom simply does not gaf about gender#gender* roles. he just thinks ribbons and bows are so pretty and javier walks around like a little peacock so kieran thinks that he (literal#ly) deserves a big pretty bow on top !#this is still in horseshoe overlook actually. right before they move though. in the cusp of that time where javier begins to get curious abo#ut kieran and kieran begins to feel just a teeny weeny bit braver when it comes to 
 having a personality around the other gang members LOL#and at this point kieran’s attraction to javier (at the very least physically) has been fully realized. javier never really did like him (or#so he thought) but he’s left him completely alone for the past month or so and so kieran thinks he’s got enough emotional berth to try and#give him a gift. that’s why they’re so awkward and weird lowkey LOL javier is still a bit spiteful but i think towards the end of horseshoe#he has moments where he’s able to be very very calm about kieran and try to empathize with him. especially in the moments where kieran is so#kind to him that javier simply cannot find it in himself to think that it’s an act of some sort. it was immediately after this that javier w#ent hunting and gutted a rabbit so hard on accident that he ruined the meat by puncturing the intestines. he confuses even himself sometimes#pining ! but in a really weird and subtle and calm way ! i do think they have their moments where it’s like a wildfire in them and they just#get completely burnt up by it 
 but sometimes they also pine like the wax and wane of the ocean lapping at the bank. easy. calm. warm. love#unrealized yet but ever-present still. they carry the weight of love in their hearts around every day. these two are burdened by it. but whe#n they are together 
 this weight 
 the pits in their stomachs that they cannot rid themselves of 
 when they are together all of the sudden#it seems as though the world around them slows down. and it’s easy to feel 
 calm. like they belong there. like they’re okay and safe and ..#free.#anyway. i like them a normal amount :) and sometimes their dynamic is really complicated to me ! and they contradict themselves sometimes !#and that is really fun to me !!!#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#kieran duffy#javier escuella#javieran#hero more like shakespeare
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girlivealwaysbean · 4 months ago
i think growing up is just life repeatedly sucker punching you and saying bitch you thought things were gonna better lmao no you're so naive and stupid for having hope in 20 years the world will be flaming bag of garbage and no matter how hard you work you'll get eliminated at some point
#and then you just have to get up and keep living anyway because what else is there to do?#but man my heart keeps feeling heavier with every blow#2024 has literally been the worst year ever god personally too#like everytime i think it can't possibly get worse than this it does#i remember literally 9th jan i had such a horrible breakdown in an auto because the first friend i ever made#after school was leaving my work and therefore my life#9 days into the year. seriously. and i was so happy on 8th because it was my birthday#i don't know im trying hard to think okay this doesn't even affect me it's fine im privileged enough that even my own countrys politics#barely affects me#but just. india is already so behind in everything. if developed nations are doing shit like this then well#it will never get better right like who do we even strive to be#i want to get more into indian politics but my god. it's so horrifying and depressing all the time#like i remember resolving to follow politics closely few years ago and the first news#i read was about some minister talking about how girls skirts lengths IN SCHOOL is the reason boys do sa and boys will be boys etc etc#i know i could just follow business news stuff like that god knows it'll help in my field but it just. doesn't resonate with me doesn't#make me feel anything at all. like i so desperately want to care about ooh stock markets and how to grow your money etc etc#but when i think about being rich enough to invest idle money all i can think is sitting in my own home peacefully#drinking a glass of cold coffee and just being able to breathe freely because me and my sister used to joke in childhood#when dad went thru a coffee v bad for health phase and he wouldn't let us drink it so we would drink it very sneakily#at night when he was asleep or went out for an hour and make absolutely no noise while mixing the sugar. we said that we know#we'll* know we have achieved true freedom and happiness in life when we can peacefully drink cold coffee in the hall and not secretly#in the dead of night in our room#i don't even know what im talking about and my period is late again and nothing is working and my lazer focus#that i had built in the past few weeks is gone because suddenly im like what is the point????#i just don't understand how the fuck humans can fight over stupid fucking things like who is kissing who and who is doing what with their#body instead of focusing on collective issues like our planet is dying so fucking fast and every summer is getting impossibler to survive#i hate that the united states control the UN fuck this world fr man i hate being born in such horrible helpless times#like call me a kid or dumb or whatever but i cannot understand how MILLIONS of people do not#have sympathy for ppl around them and who don't care about the planet at all like how????? how did you grow up????#not trying to boast but this is so natural to me!!! didn't you make save water save earth posters in school!!! didn't anyone
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brown-little-robin · 6 months ago
(to myself) why don't you calm down and paint more chickens. then you'll feel better
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orcelito · 28 days ago
I wrote. 1k words today!!!!!!!! For dad vash au!!!! So the document is now 3.5k words long (almost a third of them written just Today)(I've been working on this WIP off and on for Months now.....) so that's exciting!!!!!
Idk there was just a feeling midday of like. My brain being surprisingly clear?? Weird bc I didn't get enough sleep last night. But I took full advantage of it.
Hope that this kinda thing keeps up. Maybe I can actually fucking post something finally.
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citrlet · 11 months ago
very sad this morning seeing Ryan and Shane leaving youtube to start yet another exclusive subscription service :/
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lovely-v · 1 year ago
it's crazy how skyward sword is becoming my favorite zelda game despite the fact that I've spent 2/3 of my time playing it suffering unbearably
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kindasleepycryptid · 6 months ago
I havent been able to speak in 10 days and its ruining my fucking week
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