#first amendment
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nagisingnapinoy · 2 days ago
Do you have to disrupt fellow students when you protest? Do you have to take control of properties not your own?
When you do is that speech?
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bonnibelleangelica · 2 days ago
An Australian PSA for Americans
I’m scared, people. Its come to my attention that some of you have no idea what Australia is like at all and genuinely believe we live in desert mud huts, cooking cans over a fire. So, here are some fun facts to give you a better understanding of Australia since I don’t want you thinking I’m an uneducated mud child.
1) Almost no one lives in the deserts. 90% of our populations live on the coasts (not just the east coast) in full blown, million-people cities. Imagine an American city, but everyone has a weird accent. Wifi, electricity, tiktok, teenage girls, techbros and even a few hundred Macdonald’s.
2) Kangaroos are like deer. They’re everywhere outside the cities, they don’t bother anyone and they eat grass in fields. Often times, we hit them with our cars. Possums climb our fences at night, foxes eat our chickens and magpies occasionally swoop us, though I’ve only experienced it twice.
3) It’s hot, but not that hot. We have green lawns and lakes, forests and rain storms, and in the summer, most people will only have to deal with temps of 30-35 degrees (85-95f). We dont generally get snow, but we get floods all the time.
4) Our politicians are racist too. We have a left and a right but our elections aren’t the game show yours seems to be. We also legally have to vote and everyone hates it.
5) Universal health care is cool. Sometimes emergency rooms are a little shit and our medicare doesn’t cover stuff perfectly, but as someone with multiple health problems, it’s not a health crisis by any means. Private cover is available anyway, so if you want to, u can pay for better shit.
6) Bali is our national holiday location. Everyone has been or will go at some point, its only a few hours away and everything is cheap as hell. Otherwise, bouncing between the coasts or from city to country and visa versa is the way to go.
7) A lot of Australians hate America. Some of it is fair, some of it isnt, but i thought you should know since apparently some people think everyone loves America. In my experience, the bias goes the other way.
8) Our version of rednecks are bogans. Flannel, cigarettes, beer bellies and questionable political correctness, we’ve got it all.
9) We also have a racist, problematic history of genocide and segregation. In my mothers life time, we used to steal aboriginal kids to force them to act white and “breed away the black.” Australia day (our 4th of July) is very controversial because its on the day the first real colonisation started. And at this point, a lot of people see celebrating it as support of the problematic undertones it represents. Australia flags are a relatively rare sight.
10) Lightning round! We have religion, but it isn’t really brought up very often. There are a few churches in every town, but thats it. We also don’t say the pledge of allegiance, or sing the national anthem unless its a special memorial day. Gun control has been in place for decades and most people are fine with that. And lastly, our car accident death rate is a third of America’s (adjusted for population) so maybe get on that.
If you knew all of this, thank god! I hope this is completely useless. If you didn’t know one of these, that’s fair. Maybe go follow some Australia creators and remember, there’s rich snobs and bigots in every corner of the globe.
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liberalsarecool · 14 days ago
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This is serious.
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kcinpa · 6 months ago
This is kind of brilliant, and necessary.
A group of adult entertainment actors is about to spend $100,000 in the next 29 days running anti-Project 2025/anti-Trump ads on adult websites targeting their male audiences in seven battleground states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.
Page 5 of the 920 page Project 2025 manifesto says of pornography:
It has no claim to First Amendment protection. ... Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.
Now whether or not you approve of the porn industry, it's clear that Project 2025 is talking about a much broader thing: whatever these right-wing zealots determine to be "pornographic." Note how teachers and librarians are mentioned specifically. Some bookbanners have called children's books pornographic simply for featuring a lgbtq character.
Closer to tumblr's heart, smutty fanfic and fanfic sites would certainly be swept up if Project 2025 ever came to pass.
So kudos to the adult film stars for stepping up and spreading the word.
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bonesashesglass · 2 months ago
Just deleted TikTok. That Trump saving TikTok notification was the most overt propaganda I’ve ever seen in my entire life and no way am I sticking around after that. Moving to Rednote is the right move for everyone over there.
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catkora · 21 days ago
This is a direct attack on the First Amendment. A lot of universities are going to use this as an excuse to crack down on campus protesting.
If you are a professor, make sure your students are informed of what's going on.
If you graduated from college already, send a message to your alma matar letting them know you stand with students and their right to protest.
And if you are a student, don't stop voicing your opinions. Don't stop protesting. Students have led a lot of protests throughout history, and those protests have helped make policy changes. Don't ever stop being awesome.
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dinosaurwithablog · 23 hours ago
It's way past time to take action!! I want my country back, don't you?
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months ago
The dawn of Newspeak is on the rise...
And you claim you are for "free speech"...
Just in case you don't want to read the article. These are the words Trump has forbidden:
biased toward
biases towards
black and latinx
community diversity
community equity
cultural differences
cultural heritage
culturally responsive
diverse backgrounds
diverse communities
diverse community
diverse group
diverse groups
diversity and inclusion
diversity equity
enhance the diversity
enhancing diversity
equal opportunity
fostering inclusivity
gender diversity
hate speech
fostering inclusivity
gender diversity
hate speech
hispanic minority
implicit bias
implicit biases
increase diversity
increase the diversity
indigenous community
promoting diversity
race and ethnicity
racial diversity
racial inequality
racial justice
sense of belonging
sexual preferences
social justice
under appreciated
under represented
under served
women and underrepresented
Don't believe me? Here's more about it.
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crim50n-r8er-reblogs · 2 years ago
Senate Bill 686 of the 118th Congress (The Restrict Act)
I’m honestly a bit disappointed here at Tumblr for not talking about this bill more, so I’m going to share what I’ve learned about it with you all
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The link above goes to a pdf file going over the entire bill that has only been introduced atm as shown in the image just above from congress.gov.
Now, people only see this as a means to ban Tiktok, but that’s just the mask this truly cruel bill is hiding behind.
To boil it all down, this bill lets the Secretary of Commerce to have the power to ban…basically ANYTHING on the internet.
This includes hardware like video game consoles or Wifi networks as well as software and applications such as VPNs.
It also gives the government the power to monitor, basically everything you do online, private messages, posts on social media, streams, you name it, they can monitor it.
And the punishment for using, say, a VPN to access Tiktok, will result in 20 years in prison with a 1/4 million fine, a full million if you did it on purpose.
Now, I please ask you all to go to your representatives and tell them about how you don’t want this bill to be passed whatsoever. Heck, if you have to, (passively) threaten them with supporting their opponent in the next primary in any way they can. Just remember to be respectful and civil.
If you don’t want to do that, I respect that decision, and I understand that you wouldn’t want to deal with politics. But, I at least ask you to signal boost this post by reblogging it to your own followers and give any other thoughts about this that you might have in the tags or just normally.
I don’t want this lovable hellsite we all call home and made such good friends and memories on to be under the eyes of those pedophilic heathens who can’t seem to even know how to unlock a smartphone.
I thank you all for reading this, and I hope you all have a good day/night.
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political-us · 9 days ago
Los Angeles protests for Mahmoud Kahlil
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porterdavis · 27 days ago
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thoughtportal · 10 days ago
The Power of Grass Roots Organizing
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postmoderntongues · 3 months ago
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I made a video breaking zero laws and violating zero terms of service stating that refusing to let Luigi Mangione use the restroom until he wet himself and then photographing him in his soiled clothing is a form of torture and it’s especially heinous because he hasn’t even been found guilty and TikTok dirty deleted I fucking hate that platform
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liberalsarecool · 20 days ago
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The fascist Felon is very obvious.
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davidaugust · 1 year ago
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It’s true.
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thebadchoicemachine · 22 days ago
The top comment:
As of this moment this legislation is in front of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transport. I have taken the liberty of compiling a list of all the names and phone numbers of every Senator on that committee, and I've put the names of Senators up for re-election in 2026 in bold.
I will note that this is the third time this legislation has been introduced. In 2022 it ended up dying in Committee when introduced in the Senate and the same happened when it was introduced to the House of Representatives in 2023. Obviously we should all be concerned and take action, but don't go into full blown panic unless it exits committee. At that point I intend to have a list ready of all 100 Senators stating which ones are up for re-election and are considered at risk of losing seats.
Also my advice for calls:
- When talking with Republicans play up the fact that this would force Elon to implement age verification systems on X (yes do call it X during the call). Elon's been threatening to primary Republicans who stand in his way so there's fear of him. Also play up concerns about "Liberals" doxxing people or Chinese hackers.
- When talking with Democrats, play up the connections to Project 2025 and suggest voters will not be happy to see Democrats siding with it.
Ted Cruz, Texas (Chairman) - Phone: (202) 224-5922
John Thune, South Dakota - Phone: (202) 224-2321
Roger Wicker, Mississippi - Phone: (202) 224-6253
Deb Fischer, Nebraska - Phone: (202) 224-6551
Jerry Moran, Kansas - Phone: (202) 224-6521
Dan Sullivan, Alaska - Phone: (202) 224-3004
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee - Phone: (202) 224-3344
Todd Young, Indiana - Phone: (202) 224-5623
Ted Budd, North Carolina - (202) 224-3154
Eric Schmitt, Missouri - (202) 224-5721
John Curtis, Utah - Phone: (202) 224-5251
Bernie Moreno, Ohio - Phone: (202) 224-3353
Tim Sheehy, Montana - Phone: (202) 224-2644
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia - Phone: (202) 224-6472
Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming - Phone: (202) 224-3424
Maria Cantwell, Washington (Ranking Member) - Phone: (202) 224-3441
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota - Phone: (202) 224-3244
Brian Schatz, Hawaii - Phone: (202) 224-3934
Ed Markey, Massachusetts - Phone: (202) 224-2742
Gary Peters, Michigan - Phone: (202) 224-6221
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin - Phone: (202) 224-5653
Tammy Duckworth, Illinois - Phone: (202) 224-2854
Jacky Rosen, Nevada - Phone: (202) 224-6244
Ben Ray Luján, New Mexico - Phone: (202) 224-6621
John Hickenlooper, Colorado - Phone: (202) 224-5941
John Fetterman, Pennsylvania - Phone: (202) 224-4254
Andy Kim, New Jersey - Phone: (202) 224-4744
Lisa Blunt Rochester, Delaware - Phone: (202) 224-2441
script courtesy of the comment section comment:
Here is a script I just wrote - feel free to use!
Hi, my name is [], and I am one of Senator []’s constituents. I live in [city, zip code - leave your full address if leaving a voicemail].
I am calling in regards to a bill that was recently introduced in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transport: the SCREEN act.
I am asking Senator [] to either take no action or vote against this bill because of its implications for freedom of speech. [insert one of the other concerns listed above]. Thank you for your time and for listening to my concerns.
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