#filled with misinformation
atlasisntdead · 2 years
Um hot take but I really hate psych2go
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fungi-maestro · 6 months
Happy tdov to fat trans people. 🏳️‍⚧️ Biggest thing that helped me as a trans kid was seeing older fat trans people. There were a lot of really irritating "advice" posts going around early in my time on the internet with a lot of misinformation in them, but one that I constantly saw (in addition to people claiming you should wear your pants rediculously low or only wear button ups) were posts saying you had to lose weight to transition. Can confidently confirm that is completely untrue. 👍
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skumhuu · 6 months
Proshipper = you're against censorship and harassment over fiction & curate your experience on the internet to have a healthy distance from things that make you uncomfortable
Antishipper = you're okay and even encourage harassment towards "freaks" and "weirdos" society deems acceptable to hurt
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kelin-is-writing · 3 months
Some of you… Guys… who lack empathy and overall emotional intelligence, kinda love to run your mouth waaaaaay too much and end up saying things that make 0 sense. This fandom is also waaaaay too comfortable with victim blaming Rei and Touya for everything that has happened to the Todorokis while Endeavor gets away with it, for no reason at all at that.
“OhHh BuT hE fElLs SoRrY fOr EvErYtHiNg He DiD”
I’m going to be completely honest with you all: I don’t give a flying fuck that he’s now swimming in his sorrows. He better be drowning in them actually. Because there’s a consequence to everything we do. ALWAYS. Besides, if he was going to feel ohh so sorry about what he did to his family, then he simply shouldn’t have done none of it to begin with.
He can’t go on fill his child like a balloon the way he did and then expect said balloon to not explode after he had blew way too much air into it. That’s egotistical.
You also can’t buy your wife (who was still a minor at the time), have her pop out kids like she’s some kind of kids machine for your greedy needs and even force two of them on her before you go ahead and start physically and mentally abusing her, then expect for there to not be any repercussions on your family’s relationships.
Blaming a kid who got his whole life and being manipulated and then gaslighted by his own father, who remembered he indeed had an eldest son only when it was too late, and a woman who was sold to a greedy, egotistical, egocentric, narcissistic and selfish man when she was a kid who had one option worse than the other (We all know that the Himuras ain’t any more sane than Endeavor) is so weird guys, please.
Touya was treated like a human weapon by his own father, who as soon as he saw no more use in him and his quirk just casted the kid aside (which was before Natsuo was even conceived btw). So where’s the favoritism in this? Where? Because I can’t see it anywhere, no matter how hard I look for it. And why is that? Because there’s none. So you lot can stop being delusional about this topic, ‘cause it doesn’t stand up not even if you force it. You can’t erase the manipulation (into making him think he could become the #1 Hero, surpass All Might for his father and be the strongest) and then the gaslighting (telling him he can’t do any of that anymore since his quirk won’t permit it, telling Touya he should give up on his dream because it will never happen after Endeavor ingrained all that into his mind) just like that, then call all of this favoritism. Do you all even know what favoritism is? Or you just find out words on the Internet, ignore completely their meaning, and run with them blindly? Because I am bewildered by how some of you guys be coming on here to just say anything… Touya got failed by his parents and his siblings, because he was ignored and neglected by his siblings as much as he was by his parents (Shoto excluded because Endeavor was busy grooming him this time around) but none of you guys even call them out on Touya going through all of that alone, for some reason, while being okay with what Natsuo and Fuyumi told him as soon as they got into the battlefield. Like they ain’t bad siblings too and Endeavor wasn’t the reason they all lost each others as a family, literally do not piss me off I beg. I’m firmly convinced some of you guys pick and choose who you defend in the Todofam, but like… Everything you guys say makes no sense? It just shows me that some of you lack, as I said at the very beginning of the post, empathy and emotional intelligence. Which is sad.
You all can say “We’ve all gone through hard times alone” as much as you want, but that is not normal at all, towards any time of relationship but especially towards family. It’s not healthy and it can hurt a person a lot, making them close in themselves and when it starts to hurt from the inside the moment you stop getting all of the pent up stress inside it’s no good at all. And for the record, Touya (or just anyone) venting or opening himself to Natsuo about what he’s going through it’s not trauma dumping. It’s never trauma dumping if you genuinely care for someone (clarifying this before any of you emotional ignorant peoples come at me about this 🫠). So Natsuo and Fuyumi being in all of this too shouldn’t be used as an excuse for pushing their brother’s concerns and feelings under the rug, families are supposed to go through these type of situations as a family if they want to keep living happily as such, but they remembered this after one of them died and their youngest sibling was being still raised as a fighting machine by their abusive father. So, mind you, but they all (except Shoto) owe Touya some big ass apologies written down on a letter with tears if I gotta be honest.
As for Rei; she became a mother young, went through a lot all alone because mind you Mr. Husband was waaaaay too busy trying to groom their son into a Hero machine that could beat someone he is incapable of beating (Because a nullity will always be a nullity after all, even when becoming a #1 after the former #1 retirement, if they insist on projecting ofc) to help and guide his young and inexperienced wife through a wedding like theirs. How was she supposed to not lose her mind after being sold, neglected, beaten up, verbally abused, forced to pop out kids like a gachapon, seeing her fourteen years old son lose himself into the void because of his father and then he dies too, without never getting love nor affection from his father (the one he looked up to) the way a kid wants, needs and is supposed to get which is something I’m 100% sure led her to depression. You all diminish too much the grief a mother feels when she loses her kids. There’s much a mother, a human, can handle; and for Rei it got to a point where every trace of Endeavor disgusted her so much her whole body rejected his entire existence leading her to a mental breakdown. One that was due to come earlier if we think about it, but she was strong enough for her remaining kids until she couldn’t do it anymore. What she did to Shoto is wrong, I know and I acknowledge, but she’s a traumatized person who sees her abuser everywhere she goes because, unfortunately, it’s the person she was forced to marry. She apologized to Shoto right away, because she was still mature and sane enough to recognize her mistake right when it happened.
But Endeavor’s ego is so big that it took him his eldest son nearly blowing everyone up and becoming a walking torch before he finally apologized to the whole family for his wrong doings of 10 years prior. Which is crazy to me.
So I’m gonna need you all to stop erase Endeavor’s wrongdoings and try to gaslight the whole fandom into blaming Rei and Touya for the mistakes of someone else, because they’re the biggest victims in all of this shit.
That being said, hope y’all get well soon 🫶🏻💜
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outlying-hyppocrate · 4 months
my mother is reading that awful terf rhetoric book and i think i'm going to scream.
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Are everyone's alters super dramatic? Do they all put up a front and play a role that a child would think is intimidating, or funny, or comforting, or evil? Do they all want so much reactions from others, they're willing to overdo it at all times?
Is this happening because alters split in such young age, so the core of their behaviour is forged in a child's mind? Is that why there are so many introjects, characters from children's media that encapsulate concepts and emotions that would make perfect sense to a child? Does anyone's else's inner world look like a child created it? Almost unnecessarily over the top, but extremely expressive, filled with symbolism, atmosphere, subtle signs of what happened to them?
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alright, i need opinions on something
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im trying (struggling) to design a birdgender flag, and i need to know how it looks
all my notes on it so far:
-feather instead of wing because wings differ between species. using a feather helps eliminate any bias towards a specific species. feather is black because black is what you get when you combine all colors. one feather for every species of bird, yknow?
-circles represent bird eye- halftone (not the correct term but you know what i mean) on account of the nictitating membrane. eye is greyscale to represent extinct birds
-the meanings of the stripes, from top left (<) to bottom right (>):
-navy for corvids and dark colored birds in general
-light blue for shorebirds/waterfowl
-slate for songbirds and kingfishers
-dark red for birds of prey, especially vultures
-light red for aves in general, including birds that unfortunately did not get their own stripes
-pink for hummingbirds and birds of paradise
-off-white for strigiformes and passerines
-brown for woodpeckers, parasitic birds, and toxic birds
-dark brown for ratites and tinamous (whether or not tinamous are ratites is. surprisingly hard to get a concrete answer on. just in case, were listing ratites and tinamous separately)
link to the image used to draw the feather (site is not secure, be careful about that)
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tearsofrefugees · 21 days
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sasucaty · 3 months
tiktok naruto fandom makes me want to kms
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cherrysnax · 1 year
its not elitist to tell ppl who wanna get into comics to read comics im sorry
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minotaurfemme · 6 months
in a perfect world i think i would be a science teacher
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blorbocedes · 2 years
i have no source for that literally just made it up🤭
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wholegrainbitch · 1 year
another day another hundred advertisements for weight loss regimens featuring visibly underweight women on my dashboard...
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ackermental · 1 year
Friendship ended with Li Susu ❌ now Sang Jiu is the Best Girl ❤.
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zpxck · 1 year
a centrist will be like " you're really missing out on great friendships when you bar out folks with different views than you" and that said person views the world through racist, bigoted and every kinda -phobic lens. bro get the fuck outta my face ????????
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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