#ffxivwrite2021 day 11
autumnslance · 2 years
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In FFXIVWrite2020, I wrote a prompt near the end about a secret Alberic kept, concerning my WoL, Aeryn's, past. In FFXIVWrite2021, I ended up writing quite a few more prompts about that, creating a story about Corran Striker's actions, what Alberic did and why, and the dragon at the center of it all, an ancient red named Avengret.
I've finally gotten a draft more or less hammered out; re-ordering, revising, adding, removing, and shuffling the original prompts into an actual (I hope) story. I'll be posting to Ao3 every few days, with notifications here on Tumblr (and probably other places).
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In the meantime, the initial prompts in their original versions and order for perusal (and for me to see how very much I've done with this...). Set in that nebulous time between the very end of Shadowbringers and the start of Endwalker, there might be some random out of context spoilers for sprouts not through those expansions yet.
1. Paternal - X’rhun discovers a past truth Alberic keeps hidden. 2. Aberrant - Backstory; Corran Striker starts his doomed path. 3. Scale - Backstory; more of Corran’s heretical history. 4. Baleful - Keeping the Warrior of Light out of trouble is tough. 5. Passion - Corran & Emelia’s spicy followup to “Aberrant” 6. Speculate - Backstory, Ser Alberic Bale seeing through a promise. 7. Friable - Backstory. Vignettes of Emelia’s POV over time. 8. Heady - A reason Alberic feared Aeryn meeting Avengret. 9. Preaching to the Choir - Brotherly understanding after “Heady.” 10. Strained - Immediate follow up to "Preaching", more Estinien. 11. Thunderous - Aeryn finally Echoes That Moment from Alberic. 12. Devil’s Advocate - Plans to deal with Avengret are debated. 13. Soul - Aeryn has concerns about Alberic versus Avengret. 14. Bow - The team attempts their plan against Avengret.
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apowersodivine · 3 years
#FFXIVWrite2021 Day 11//Where The Grass Is Green
It was very odd, being in a place where the Empire wasn’t constantly lauded.
But Prisca quite enjoyed it.
She had been forced to salute any officers that visited the facility, on risk of severe beatings or even death.
But in Ul’dah or the other city-states, she came across so many people who were like her. Who hated the Empire and would kill any Imperial they came across. It was like music to her fuzzy ears.
It might not show on her usually blank face, but she found these free places so refreshing. So colorful. So wonderful. She would be content to just be like this; be free.
(For prisca.carrd.co)
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idanwyn-et-al · 3 years
(XIV|21-11: Preaching to the Choir. Jeveh’li Rivenroot.)
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Windswept horizons often offered possibilities, but seldom offered answers. It didn’t stop Jeveh’li from seeking omens where dark met light; he was all out of other options.
The Spinner’s Lantern was in drydock. It was long overdue, as were many other things on the vessel’s musty manifest. Captain Nora Goldentide had been mentally deteriorating at an alarming rate since they’d made their latest trip to the Lost City of Nym. Even their customary stay at the Warmwine Springs didn’t seem to help her; her eyes were so often blank, nowadays, her brow furrowed by some internal struggle she wouldn’t let her crew help her fight.
In subsequent moons, her orders had become erratic, oftentimes outright contradictory. Each one put the crew in needless peril, something the well-educated Captain was not at all known to do. Her First Mate, both in rank and in bonding, was shouldering the stress of it, attempting to ensure her Captain’s orders were followed while privately trying to help her wife.
The Lantern’s crew sorrowed to see this; on a ship, there are no secrets, save for the ones that remain entirely unspoken. Nora kept her silence, and Kyoko suffered for it. Though the First Mate tried to amend as many of Nora’s orders as she could, she had a deep-seated sense of loyalty and duty. The Hingan native’s blue-black hair was shot with fresh strands of grey; her dark eyes hollow, shadowed by exhaustion.
Jeveh’li heard Kyoko Winterborn approach; another sign of her weariness, as she was usually lightfooted as a spirit. “First Mate Winterborn,” he said, turning to give her a salute. “What news?”
Kyoko shook her head, gesturing for him to come closer. He hopped down from the aft, in repairs as it was, and leaned in, eyes searching the officer’s face for clues. “It’s worse, Jev. She’s...she wants us to sink the ship. Right away. Thinks it’ll take us to Llymlaen’s halls, where she can speak face-to-face with Her over a game of Triad.” Kyoko made an attempt at a laugh; Jeveh’li smiled to encourage her. “The sage...I think he might’ve given us our best shot at helping her. But...she won’t sign off on any orders. No crew are to leave the ship, not even to visit friends, family, or the markets.” She paused for a long moment, running a weathered hand through her loose collection of beaded braids. “I think...well, I can’t countermand her. You know that. But I can,” she paused, shuddered, tears slipping over her cheeks. “I can keep her occupied if you and the others can, yanno. Do something. Something I won’t be privy to. Savvy?”
Jeveh’li wanted to embrace her, take some of the weight from her strong shoulders. Instead, he kept it light; he offered his words as service. “Preachin’ to the proverbial choir, Kyoko. Never got any orders. Just off to check the jolly boats, the lifeboats, an’ all, yeah? All’s bene, dove.”
Kyoko patted his forearm; she who was always so strong, so fearless at sea, seemed in this moment small and fragile as a hummingbird’s egg. She turned and headed belowdecks, where Nora paced grooves into the planks, muttering in tongues unknown to any save herself.
Jeveh’li thought for a long moment, eyes on the horizon without really registering it. He put his clawed index finger to his linkpearl---a different one than the Lantern’s crew usually used---and spoke the orders, soft and urgent.
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karoiseka · 3 years
FFXIVWrite2021 Master List
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Welp, I got another year fully done, all 31 entries.
Yes, I’m proud that I did, despite feeling like from the first week I was running a loosing battle in time and... talent.  I’m glad I got these out, glad I got things written, and new things figured out.  I do really like several of these, so I’m not all down on myself about it.  I was basically out of spoons as I finished the month, and probably should have just let it be, but I was being stubborn.  I do hope that those that read, enjoyed.  Thank you again to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for hosting such an amazing list once more!!  I do look forward to this!!  
Already posted to AO3 HERE! 
Soul Memories:
1) Foster:  Pre-Calamity, Karo meets Seirlait and Feophaux
2) Aberrant: 5.3 Spoilers for Kar’azem Story
3) Scale: Late base ARR, Karo has some insecurities.
4) Baleful: 5.55 Technically with a small reference, Karo and Tataru silliness
5) Free Day 1: 5.0 Spoilers, Rak’tika-ish timeframe.
6) Avatar:  5.3 Spoilers for Kar’azem, MSQ is second major solo duty in SB
7) Speculate: 2.5-ish Spoilers.  A now-deleted MSQ mini-questline! Karo/Tataru
8) Adroit: 5.3 Spoilers.  Karo/G’raha shippy lemony goodness
9) Friable: 5.0-5.1 Spoilers.  Karo/G’raha shippy softness
10) Heady: Late HW Spoilers, Karo/Thancred firsts and softness
11) Preaching to the Choir:  5.0 generic spoilers.  Karo and Ardbert
12) Free Day 2: 5.0 generic spoilers, Karo and Ardbert
13) Oneirophrenia: Karo at the Calamity
14) Commend: 5.3 Spoilers for Kar’a, Hythlodaeus and Hades
15) Thunderous: 5.0 Spoiler (generic) for Thancred x Karo Song lyrics!
16) Crane: 2.1-ish, Karo with Urianger, teasing about backstory
17) Destruct: No real time frame, poor Karo in the kitchen.
18) Devil’s Advocate: 5.0 Spoilers, Karo and Ardbert in Amaurot
19) Free Day 3: 4.0 Spoilers, Karo and Hien bonding (special guest Lyse)
20) Petrichor: 5.3 Spoilers for more than just Kar’a and Convocation talk
21) Feckless: Pre-Cal Karo family!
22) Fluster: Late HW, Tataru teasing Karo after #10 Heady!
23) Soul:  5.3 Spoilers, Karo and her crystal(s)
24) Illustrious:  5.3 Spoilers for Kar’a, Final Days
25) Silver Lining:  5.3 Technically mild spoilers, Karo unwraps and old gift
26) Free Day 4:  5.1 Spoilers, Karo reflecting on Gaius
27) Benthos:  4.0, Karo freaking out Hien and Lyse to the rescue
28) Bow: 4.0 Spoilers, Seirlait still finds a way to take care of his girl
29) Debonair: 3.2-3ish Spoilers, Karo gets surprised
30) Abstracted: 5.55 Spoilers, Karo and the Scions at home
31) Free Day 5: Late ARR, attempted poetry once more
Stats and some more commentary under the cut!
I actually somehow wrote almost 600 more words this year than last, though I swore I only wrote half as much.  I think my favorites were Heady, Oneirophrenia, Avatar, Illustrious, and Silver Lining all for different reasons.  I had quite the little sappy set up there in the beginning of the second week, and kinda went a bit more angsty for the rest.  I did... notice this and attempted some happier stuff near the end.  I wrote most of this at work, or super late at night, and probably pushed myself a bit more than I should have.
The shortest was the last one, the poetry of course at only 57 Words.
Longest was Heady at 1630
I really liked talking about Karo’s dads, and I do have... reunion setting and ideas in my head, but I kinda need Endwalker to come out so I have the proper lore setting without messing anything up (or time) because I do like to stick mainly to the big plot points/timeframes even if I take some liberties.
I also wanna give a little mini-shout out to the Writer’s Lounge of @onyrica​’s Discord, and three of the best cheerleaders I could have asked for: @autumnslance​ , @elveny​, and @sami-at-ciela​ .  I think some of the comments you left me there are honestly what kept me going this month, and I truly appreciate it with all my heart.   THANK YOU.
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years
[ It’s been a month you guys! Wow, I was actually scared for a moment that I couldn’t be able to keep up - and I know the quality of my work started to hit the fan towards the end due to some medical complications. But looking back on the past FFXIVWrite challenges, I want to say that I’ve definitely improved! It was so fun to get to know your characters a little more, and even get to know new ones along the way too!! Don’t mind me as I reblog literally everyone’s recaps as I come across them so that I may immerse myself in the prompts I missed! ]
[ Each title of the prompts are named after songs (with said songs linked in each prompt), because I love associating music with my writing! Also I’m really bad at titles lol. Even if the prompt may not be for you, I highly recommend each song I’ve posted! It was really cool to see a lot of you jumping on the music bandwagon as well, because I love hearing what y’all like and what you associate with each piece or character! ]
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[ Little notes! Characters listed will be my characters only, if there are NPCs or other characters, they won’t be listed here (unless the character belongs to another person). Content warnings are at the top of each prompt, please read them before reading the prompt, so that you don’t walk into anything you might not want to read. ]
Prompt #1 - Foster: First Day of My Life Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #2 - Aberrant: Fire Characters: Ashley Tucker
Prompt #3 - Scale: Our Own House Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #4 - Baleful: Long Way Down Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut
Prompt #5 - Extra Credit: Laughter Lines Characters: Ashley Tucker
Prompt #6 - Avatar: A Sky Full of Stars Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #7 - Speculate: Kill Your Heroes Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut (cameo: Lothaire Voilinaut)
Prompt #8 - Adroit: survivin’ Characters: Ashley Tucker
Prompt #9 - Friable: Magnum Bullets Characters: Kokhjin Qalli
Prompt #10 - Heady: Choke Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut
Prompt #11 - Preaching to the Choir: My Fault Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut
Prompt #12 - Extra Credit: Mercy Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #13 - Oneirophrenia: High Characters: Ashley Tucker
Prompt #14 - Commend: Good Grief Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut
Prompt #15 - Thunderous: My Body Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #16 - Crane: Black Water Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #17 - Destruct: Deconstruct Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #18 - Devil’s Advocate: Carried Away Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Mayve McRae
Prompt #19 - Extra Credit: Paper Heart Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #20 - Petrichor: Dirty Paws Characters: Liliah’to Zhwan
Prompt #21 - Feckless: Punching in a Dream Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut
Prompt #22 - Fluster: After School Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #23 - Soul: Soul Meets Body Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Lothaire Voilinaut
Prompt #24 - Illustrious: Winter Sound Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #25 - Silver Lining: The One Moment Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #26 - Extra Credit: The World at Large Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut (cameo: unnamed business partner)
Prompt #27 - Benthos: Electric Love Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
Prompt #28 - Bow: Holding On Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut
Prompt #29 - Debonair: The Funeral Characters: Cedrenaux Voilinaut
Prompt #30 - Abstracted: Northern Lights Characters: Maximiloix Voilinaut, Caromont Allard
[ Here are links to the tags for the previous years prompts! ]
2020 2019 2017
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theimperialnuisance · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Master Post
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FFXIVWrite2021 Info // Prompts // Oc info (Kien’s temporary one) N’noah (coming soon!)
Pardon the appearance! It’s my very first time participating in this writing challenge so still adjusting to making the master post look pretty! Most of the stories will be involving Kien but I may throw a few with my other oc’s as well! I will do my best to follow through and challenge myself to work on each new prompt every day! Look forward to it!
Prompt 1: Foster (Pre ARR; Kien)
Prompt 2: Aberrant (Pre ARR; Kien)
Prompt 3: Scale (ShB; Crystal Exarch)
Prompt 4: Baleful (Kien)
Prompt 5: Free day (Laundry) (Kien x G’raha)
Prompt 6: Avatar (N’noah)
Prompt 7: Speculate (Pre Heavensward; Kien)
Prompt 8: Adroit (ARR; N’noah)
Prompt 9: Friable (Kien, G’raha, Alisaie, Tataru)
Prompt 10: Heady (Post Heavansward)
Prompt 11: Preaching to the choir
Prompt 12: n/a (Free day/make up day)
Prompt 13: n/a
Prompt 14: Commend
Prompt 15: Thunderous
Prompt 16: Crane
Prompt 17: Destruct (ShB Lightwarden stuff)
Prompt 18: Devil’s Advocate (KienxG’raha)
Prompt 19: n/a (Free day/make up day submitted prompt 18)
Prompt 20: Petricdhor (Crystal Exarch)
Prompt 21: Feckless (Pre-ARR Kien)
Prompt 22: Fluster (Kien, G’raha, Alphinaud)
Prompt 23: Soul (ShB Kien and Thancred)
Prompt 24: Illustrious (Crystal Exarch and Kien)
Prompt 25: Silver Lining (a random Kien Drabble)
Prompt 26: n/a (Free day/Make up day submitted prompt 24)
Prompt 27: Benthos (SB Kien)
Prompt 28: Bow (Kien, Alisaie, G’raha)
Prompt 29: Debonair (G’rahaxKien)
Prompt 30: Abstracted (ShB Kien and Ardbert)
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erahsae-ffxiv · 3 years
FFXIVWrite2021: Prompt #3 – Scales
The altercation went as they usually do.  I’d seen this dance more times than I can count.  It was always some greenhorn trader getting the short end of this.
“What do you mean 11 ponze? I carried this thing myself!  I had it checked and documented!”
“Yeah, mate, but that’s what it says, 11 ponze.  Yer manifest only said 8 for this one.  What are we gonna find?”
Three whole ponze? This was going to be good.
“Box’s been sealed the entire way.  I swear. Look, m’lord, please.”  
Oh crap, he called a pirate ‘lord’.
“Do I look like I’m on the bloody Syndicate?  That I got all dolled up to sit in a chair all day just for you?” bellowed the Yellow Jacket.  The Roegadyn seaman was a rugged creature, towering over the smaller Hyur.  I could almost feel the tradesman shaking from here.
“No, no… sir?” the Hyur meekly replied.  “I guess there must have been a mistake at the last port.”
“That’ll be four hundred gil to cover it.”  A hand was offered to the trader.  
There was a pause. The hyur’s eyes cast around the docks for help. “Four hundred… The original tariff was only supposed to be one hundred.  This should be about one hundred and forty at best?”
“It’s for covern’ the discrepancy and paperwork we’ll have ta’ deal with on account of you.”
The smaller man finally realized the game.  He grew a spine and met the Yellow Jacket’s gaze.
“This is absurd.  I’ve seen the schedules.  This is a scam!  I won’t pay it!”
“You try and cheat Her Admiralty by tryin to skimp on taxes, and then you’ve got the gall to accuse us of cheating you?  Go spend a night in the gaol then we’ll see if your willin’ to pay in the morning.”
With a short burst of yelling and scuffling of feet it was done.  At first light, the scene would play again, but the coin would change hands, and not a word would be said of it after.  This was how business worked sometimes.
I looked over to the customs officer who’d been waiting patiently for me.  
“The 10 gil was covered for ya’ already.  You know the drill.  Just sign the papers and get on with it.”
My stomach growled.
“Aww, common, Walking Smoke? Just put yer thumb on the scale a little, just like that guy?  I’ll make a good show of it!”
It was Sunday, the gaol would be serving the unwanted parts of the catch tonight.  It’d been days since I had a good meal.  My plea was met with an exasperated sigh.  Paperwork was shoved in my direction instead.
“Just sign the manifest, Zhwan.  We’re not given ya free board again tonight.”
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miqojak · 3 years
FFxivWrite2021 Master List
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FFxivWrite2021 Official Carrd/Rules/Prompts
My carrd: miqojak.carrd.co
1. Foster
2. Aberrant
3. Scale
4. Baleful
5. Free Day
6. Avatar
7. Speculate
8. Adroit
9. Friable
10. Heady
11. Preaching to the Choir
12. Free Day
13. Oneirophrenia
14. Commend
15. Thunderous
16. Crane
17. Destruct
18. Devil's Advocate
19. Free Day
20. Petrichor
21. Feckless
22. Fluster
23. Soul
24. Illustrious
25. Silver Lining
26. Free Day
27. Benthos
28. Bow
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sins of omission
For FFxivWrite2021 Day 11, “preaching to the choir”. Late Heavensward postgame (Stormblood pregame, really), no further spoilers, about 600 words.
Philosophy, war, and Ala Mhigo.
“Is there a difference between…not having helped, and refusing to help?” Frydlona asks, picking at a seam on her tabard. There’s a loose thread, and she should mend it, but instead she just worries the leather. Better her gear than one of the tables here at the Rising Stones; Tataru would have something to say about that.
She could fix the table just as easily, she supposes.
“What do you mean?” Alphinaud asks, looking up with a frown from the papers he’s been poring over. He’s been brooding, lately; Frydlona wishes she had a better problem to catch his interest with than this one, but it’s all she has.
“They keep—everyone keeps saying I wouldn’t help Ala Mhigo.” She looks guiltily across the aisle at Yda and Papalymo, who certainly both have been, Scions or no. “Ilberd, now the Griffin’s people.”
Alphinaud doesn’t even wince at the mention of Ilberd. He gives her his full attention, though, pushing the papers aside. “We would risk a great deal of harm to the people of Eorzea if we unilaterally declared war on the Garlean Empire, but…” He sighs. “It is…hard, knowing that people are suffering right now.”
She wants to ask if it’s worse that she wants to help, that she’s been outraged by how the Ala Mhigan refugees were treated since she first came to Ul’dah. Stonesthrow, Lost Hope, the dark and filthy corners of Pearl Lane…
She wants to ask, but for all his strength of character, and all the surprising wisdom and kindness his mistakes over the time she’s known him have carved into him, Alphinaud is still over a year shy of his twentieth birthday. Her mother would take him—well, maybe not him—on as crew, but not as anything more than a common sailor, there to follow orders and not to give them. He’d need another three or four years’ time beyond this before Captain Merlgeim would make him carry even the youngest cabin boy’s doubts.
“Do you want to bring it up with the Alliance leaders?” Alphinaud taps a finger on the table, the sound muffled by the stack of his notes. “Ser Aymeric would be happy to give you an audience, I’m sure, little as Ishgard is concerned by Garlemald’s current ambitions. And the Sultana has always been concerned by the plight of the refugees.”
Frydlona shakes her head, not in disagreement. Nanamo ul Namo is deeply kind, something like an oasis in her own stark desert. “Me bring it up with the Alliance leaders? No thank you. You could do it, though, or—” She looks across the aisle again.
Papalymo is staring at nothing, so deeply lost in his own thoughts that he hasn’t even said anything about the way Yda is sitting: both feet up on the table, heels bouncing nervously off the wood even as she tips her chair back on two legs.
“You could do it,” Frydlona says to Alphinaud.
He makes a quiet hmming noise, but doesn’t refuse as she’d half-expected he would. It is politics, and politics on a grand scale—something she wasn’t sure he had the faith to try again yet after the Crystal Braves. “We may have to,” he says instead, drawing the papers back in front of him. “If we present it as a necessity…I will think on this, Frydlona.”
He’s smiling a little as he flips one of the pages over and starts making notes. It does little to help with Frydlona’s own nagging guilt—any of Frydlona’s own nagging guilts—but it’s good to see nevertheless.
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safestsephiroth · 3 years
#11: Preaching to the Choir - Gui Charlemalde, Jaraku Drake (FFXIVWrite2021)
[content warning: NSFW language] “Thanks for, uh, getting over your issues with me.” Gui Charlemalde cast a nervous glance around the bar. “I’m still not sure why you asked me here.”
Jaraku Drake beamed at him. There was more than an onze of malevolence in it. “Getting over is a little much. I called you here, however, because I find myself with a dearth of people to talk to about Issabel.”
“Wait, what about her? Your wife, right?”
“Yes. You see, she’s the very best. Love is magnificent.”
Gui said nothing, though he sensed a ‘but’ coming.
“She’s marvelously talented, her intellect unrivalled, and she is spectacularly beautiful. And more than a little skilled at dancing. Love is a magnificent thing. An inspirational thing. It brightens the darkest days and blots out the sun by comparison on the best. Issabel and I have shared in our greatest triumphs and most bitter defeats. Marrying her was the best decision I’ve ever made and the greatest achievement, despite all my body of work as a writer and musician. Issabel helps me deal with my inner demons, she helps me feel alive, more than I ever have.”
“I, uh. I see.” Gui spun his fork around the spaghetti far more than necessary.
“Issabel and I also get up to the most radical and ridiculous things in the bedroom.”
“Like, all sorts of things are involved.”
“Innovations the mind can scarce comprehend.”
“And there is no greater joy than making her not just happy, but content. For so ambitious a woman to have a moment’s rest from her achievements by my efforts? Splendid. Spectacular.”
“Were you going to get to a point, or-”
“Love is a beautiful thing the likes of which I have no compare. My life with her is the grandest, greatest fantasy utterly fulfilled.”
Gui’s fork spun faster.
“And so, Gui Charlemalde, I have called you here to let you know I pity you. What good is there in jealousy when you earn such pity from me?”
“Wait, what?”
“You could never experience anything like this, yourself.”
Gui’s jaw slackened. His head tilted.
“Mister Drake, I don’t think you understand what you’re saying.”
“But I do! You could never have an Issabel in your life, you goody-good stuck-up-”
“Actually, Marion is really great. We do a lot of, um, stuff together. She’s really creative and much more clever than me, and when we go on adventures it’s always a wonderful time. We’ve made so many things so much better, helped so many people, and she even helps me deal with some... issues I have, too. My, uh. Inner demon.”
Jaraku’s eye twitched.
“And not just that, she’s, uh. She guides me on a lot of stuff, and sometimes there’s pretty women who she... well.”
Jaraku’s grin wavered.
“Oh, and she helps me manage my money. I found out I won the lottery awhile ago and she’s been helping me make sure I could basically go the rest of my life without working. She refused to let me give it all away, so now we can do whatever we want.”
Jaraku stood up, dropped a bag of coin on the table, and walked away.
“...Wait! You haven’t finished your food!”
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xiakha · 3 years
FFXIVWrite2021 Prompt #11 - Preaching to the Choir
"Judge me all you want, but I still had hope."
Emet Selch shrugged and sighed, as was his wont, "You know, I'm left quite surprised that you didn't see it yourself."
Lahabrea was silent.
"Ah, forgive me, you weren't quite yourself then, were you? That's right, while I was lording it up as an Emperor, you were still hopping bodies like a virulent plague with something to prove."
Emet walked over to where Lahabrea stood and leaned against the wall, "It's definitely him. No matter how much the Miqo'te may deny it. I'd recognize that aether anywhere, even after all of these years. You would have too, I'm sure of it, had you the sensibilities. Or perhaps, you did? I wonder if you attacked her knowing, consciously or not, her true identity."
The unspoken name was Azem.
"If there was anyone who could surpass any and all expectations, it would be him. So really, testing this so called Warrior of Light and her companions and letting them muck about here until I can figure out exactly how they got here in the first place wasn't necessarily an exercise in futility. Despite how much there is to dissect from the Exarch, it's not as if they can cause any permanent harm to our plans."
He glanced to the side at Igeyorhm. Lahabrea and she were inseparable after all.
"Oh, don't give me that look. I had hope. I honestly did. It's not repeating the same mistakes. There was a chance that this time around, it would be different. After all, they are half rejoined now, and we've shattered civilizations with one arm tied behind our backs. What if she could do the same? She could have risen to the challenge. He definitely would have. It wasn't nearly out of the question as you'd presume."
Igeyorhm didn't change her expression.
"Am I wrong to try to sway him, or this facet of him, with words and deeds? We weren't so at such intractable odds as to require an immediate coming to blows, were we? I thought having this facet spend time in what little remained of the First would awaken her understanding of the mess that the sundered make of their lives, how quickly they turn on each other, and how meaningless their existences are."
He sighed again and rose from his lean into his habitual slouch and walked across the parlor to sit next to Loghrif on the plush couch he had dreamt up earlier that day. It had a fold out bit that allowed him to prop up his feet that he quite enjoyed.
"And I know I shouldn't be sentimental about the sundered, but whenever I see her, whenever I'm just in her presence, it's him. I can't shake the idea that it's him." He leaned back and interwove his fingers across his stomach. "Wouldn't it be great to be all back together? I just want to talk to him, like old times. I want to listen to his stories again. I just want to enjoy his presence without this blasted feeling of loss."
He looked over at Loghrif, "Is it wrong that I don't want to fight my friend?"
She didn't respond.
"Right, right, she isn't him. She is a puddle in comparison to the vast ocean of his depths. To fight such a mockery of his essence is to honor his image, his legacy."
Emet sat up, and leaned forward, his chin resting on his still interwoven hands, "He'll understand. Once this is all over and everything is restored. He'll understand. I'm sure of it. By Zodiark's will, it shall be done. Not for my sake, not for our sake, but for the sake of everyone. For those that we've lost, for those we shall save."
Emet got up and waved his hand, dispelling the shades around him. He had an appointment to make. One last push to make her understand. To reach out to him.
He looked back at the now empty parlor room and said to no one in particular, "I just hope he can forgive me after all of this."
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years
My Fault
[ FFxivWrite2021 Prompt 11: Preaching to the Choir - MAKE UP ]
[ Content Warnings: losing custody of own children ]
[ hhhhhhhh might have to do every saturday prompt as a make up one with my schedules... this one was particularly bad, with having getting done with streaming at 6am and then having to wake up at 9am for work (thankfully the only morning day, cause i’ll be night shift) ]
“Please, jus’ a chance at provin’ it! I can care fer ‘em, I really can!” “Mister Voilinaut.” Maximiloix’s heart stuck in his throat, beating boiling blood through his veins - the clergy addressed him so firmly, he knew he had no chance. “Do you have a stable job?” “Aye - chocobo breeder.” “Do you have a roof of your own - completely of your own - to house them?” “I-.. Mmh.” “I see. And what of plans to educate them? Would it not be better for them to stay with her?” “I - I can figure it out, M’sure, I jus’ need a little time--” “And how does it reflect on you, wanting to keep your children hungry and homeless while you “find time” to acquire all of these things needed to raise them?” Maximiloix leaned his elbows on the table, burying his face in his hands - he knew he was losing this battle. He lowered his arms with a sigh, turning a look of regret to his three children, who were all watching their embarrassment of a father fail to keep their custody.
“Do not even *think* of letting this cretin take those children! He’s too volatile to take care of them regardless of status!” The clergyman let out a heavy sigh. “Yes, Madam Fauvier, we have taken your statement already. Personality is not at fault here, rather than a lack of basic necessities for growing children. So your request to have custody over your grandchildren will be granted - however, you two will need to come to a mutual agreement about visiting times; as well as allow his children to choose to return to him if he meets the requirements for housing and income.” Maximiloix smiled softly - while he knew his mother-in-law loathed his existence, he was thankful in knowing he wouldn’t be cut out completely. He tried to be reasonable with her, he felt like he wasn’t asking too much - especially since it *wasn’t* much.
“I’m okay with twice a moon on estate, n’whenever off it.” “Absolutely not.” “...Erm… once a moon on estate?” “Like hells I’m letting a *rat* onto my estate! You get once a year outside the gate, and if they can find the time after their studies, *they* can visit *you* whenever they would like.” “Are y’kiddin’? They’re *my* kids, once a godsdamned year isn’t gonna cut it!” “That’s all you’re getting, I won’t have you tarnishing their new reputation as nobles by treading your filth over my property.” Maximiloix snarled, about to put a bite to his bark, until the clergyman stepped in again with another, annoyed, heavy sigh. “If you cannot decide soon, then I will set them up at a local orphanage for adoption instead - and make certain that they are well aware to not let *either* of you adopt them.” Maximiloix dropped his head towards the table again, burying his face in his hands again. He inhaled sharply, then nodded. “...Let me visit fer a few bells on their birthdays each year, at th’gate. N’one full day outta th’year, either at th’gate ‘r ‘round th’city.” The woman thought for a moment, her gaze turning to the clergyman… then shook her head. “I don’t trust him one bit to return them during a full day.” “...Yes, Madam Fauvier. We know. This discussion is between you and him, not us.”
Her eyes hesitantly went back to Maximiloix, afraid that even looking at him would somehow soil her “reputation”. She pursed her lips. “You get their birthdays each year for a few bells and that is it.” He really wasn’t going to win this fight, was he? He had to take the losses and consider them a win. “Alright.” His voice didn’t say it was alright, but what choice did he have? The clergyman nodded. “So the childrens’ birthdays each year, for a time to be determined at each date, at the gate of the Fauvier estate; or until Mister Voilinaut is able to acquire a proper living situation for them, and they make the choice to stay there themselves.”
“No, no, no.” There she went again - entitled, as always. “Those are the *only* times he is to see them, there will be no going back to him no matter what! The murderer will see them dead right next to their mother!” “She was *sick*! I ain’t at fault fer that, nor her choice in not gettin’ help! I *asked* if she wanted t’talk t’you - y’know what she said? “Not even death could convince me t’see that hag ‘gain”! Now yer bringin’ me here, sayin’ I can’t even see my own kids! Back off - if I get a decent place n’wage, they can make th’choices themselves, they’re old ‘nough fer it!” “Mister Voilinaut, calm yourself or I am like to agree with her.” Maximiloix dug his nails into the palms of his hands, tightening his jaw shut just to keep him from making any more mistakes. The clergyman turned to the woman and shook his head.
“The latter part of the agreement is not up for negotiation, Madam Fauvier. It is as he has said, they are old enough to make their own judgements; and once they are completely of age, then they may decide to live with him regardless of housing situations. Now. Mister Voilinaut, say your farewells while the documents are being written up.”
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