#prisca scaevola
prisca-scaevola · 2 years
Moral Alignment Test
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Lawful Neutral
Lawful Neutral people typically believe strongly in ethical concepts such as honor, order, rules, and tradition, and they tend to adhere strongly to the personal code that they follow. Lawful Neutral individuals prefer that laws are strongly enforced and that the social order of their group is maintained. For this reason, they tend to ascribe a high value to traditions and historical precedents. The soldier who follows orders because he believes in the chain of command, or the judge who metes out justice exactingly in accordance with the word of the law, might be examples of the Lawful Neutral alignment at work. This does not mean, however, that Lawful Neutral individuals are immoral; it is simply that – to them – moral considerations come in second when compared to what their code, tradition, or law dictates.
Taken from: @luck-and-larceny​
Take it here!
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apowersodivine · 2 years
New blog roll!
@ashxnightwind (Witchy side blog)
@wordsarevines (Poetry blog)
@unbreykmyheart (Star Wars blog)
@ashthtic (aesthetic blog)
@ashrenime (Anime/Manga Blog)
FFXIV Character/OC blogs:
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apowersodivine · 2 years
#FFXIVWrite 2022 Day 20//Someday. Soon.
The kindly scientist always told Prisca that she’d be able to go outside the cold, metal facility soon. Soon. It was always soon. Years and years and he was always reassuring her it’d be soon. She didn’t argue because it’d be difficult to do so via the written word. She’d just nod.
Someday she could feel the sun’s warmth. See the moon. Things she hadn’t seen in years and years.
Someday she’d breathe the fresh air. Watch the shifting weather.
Someday she’d smell the soil, the plants, the everything that would be all around her.
She’d see the people. People not like her and the others. Normal, every day people.
And then that someday came, not like she thought it would. Smoke billowed throughout the facility. Muffled yelling and cries could be heard down echoing hallways. 
The kindly scientist laid dead with a bloodied chest, salt and pepper hair in disarray, gray eyes staring lifelessly up at the ceiling.
She found herself kneeling beside him, blood on her own white, thin clothing, but not his. She felt something wanting to well up in her, something that couldn’t quite break out from whatever was holding it back. 
Instead, she reached out with her clawed hand and carefully slid his eyelids down, closing his eyes. And then she rose to her bare feet, chilly because of the tiled floor below. Almost casually, she walked out into the hallway. 
Somehow, she knew how to leave, turning down multiple hallways and padding down each and every one until she found huge, heavy sliding doors. At one time, you’d have to input a sequence of numbers and insert a key to get out or in, but there was no need for her to do so. It had already been done, before the keypad was smashed, sparks shooting from it here and there. One less thing to do.
Looking toward the doors, which were sliding back and forth, she set a hand against either one and pushed them open just enough so she could get out safely.
And then it all hit her at once. The sights, the smells, the sounds. All the feelings you could only feel outside of her barless cage. It overwhelmed her. The hair on her tail stood on end, her ears flattened, and her big eyes squinted. 
She stood there like that for a bit before reaching out, as if feeling for danger. Then her eyes blinked open, though they stood low, as she stalked away from the cold, sterile building, and toward freedom.
(Written for my character @prisca-scaevola)
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apowersodivine · 3 years
#FFXIVWrite2021 Day 7//Nothing But Blue Skies
Prisca had traveled, or escaped from that facility, mostly at night so as to not be seen.
She found herself in the middle of Thanalan at the edge of dawn. She was exhausted, falling down onto her knees on the rocky, dusty ground and looked out across the landscape. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was still better than where she had been.
But then the sun began to rise, painting the sky, and also the land, a variety of colors.
Her pale eyes widened a bit as she watched on. She wasn’t sure that she had seen anything so beautiful. Even the sharpness, the dryness, of the place was suddenly so vivid and welcoming. So hope inspiring. 
She found herself pushing herself to her feet, content to stand there as the sun rose further in the sky, the sky becoming less colorful and more blue. Still beautiful, but a different kind of beautiful. She felt a warmth in her chest.
Maybe this was a sign of the things to come. Warmth. Color. New experiences and textures and sights. Yes. That’s exactly what it was.
She would make it. She would be free. Finally.
(For my character @ prisca.carrd.co)
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apowersodivine · 3 years
#FFXIVWrite2021 Day 22//Over Before It Began
Prisca rarely stepped foot inside the loud, packed place that smelled of desperation called The Quicksand. But after working out in the hot desert, she needed something to drink, and she needed it fast. So in she went.
She zig-zagged her way through the throngs of people, huffing and puffing as she went. She was so uncomfortable already and all these strange people pressing up against her only made it worse. Her cheeks flushed further than normal due to the heat and stuffiness alone.
After being bumped and jostled around by people, and doing her best not to slice anyone accidentally with her metallic claws, she finally reached the bar counter. The mute miqo’te made a drinking motion with one hand. Momodi understood what that meant by then and a glass of water was soon placed in front of her.
Plopping down on the stool, she began to gulp down the water, finishing half of it before placing the glass back down on the counter. Her eyes slid shut as she tried to just relax and cool down, but that was short lived. 
She heard two sets of feet lightly waltz up to her, and felt two areas of heat sandwiching her. She could tell without opening her eyes that whoever these people were, they towered over her. But that was hardly anything rare. She was a small woman, after all. Her eyes opened up to look from side to side. An au ra stood on one side of her, and a hyur on the other. And they were both shirtless.
She closed her eyes again and let out a silent sigh.
“Hey, cutie,” The hyur started, a husky chuckle escaping him as he brushed against her just a bit. “What are you doing here all alone? I think you need some company.”
As her eyes opened again, she glanced up to see the two men smirking at each other and sending silent messages via their ridiculous facial expressions. 
The au ra was apparently dared to do something foolish because he was soon brushing his knuckles against the side of her arm. “Hey, why don’t we--” He began, cut off by Prisca quickly rising to her feet. She looked from man to man and steepled her fingers up near her face, clacking her sharp claws together. It just so happened that her hands were a very short distance from either of the men’s crotches. The blank expression on her face only made things more tense; not for her, but for the two men who were bothering her.
They didn’t like that, both cringing away from her. “You crazy--” The hyur began, just to be grabbed by the arm and pulled off. She could hear something about them needing to find their shirts and get out of there. It wasn’t worth it.
Prisca turned back, only to finish her water off and calmly place gil down on the counter. And then she got out of there as quickly as she could.
(For prisca.carrd.co)
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apowersodivine · 3 years
#FFXIVWrite2021 Day 12//Our Blood Will Stay
Content/trigger warning for blood, violence, and death.
??? Years ago
Prisca stood in a line with nine other people who lived in the facility. Each was completely different from the next. Different races. Different colorings. Different heights and sizes. Different augmentations.
Prisca stood as straight as she possibly could, her arms tucked behind her back. And the others did as well. They did as they were ordered, after all.
They were to be paired off and whittled down to half their number by fights to the death. A higher up decided too much time, effort, and resources were being put into these experiments. Or perhaps that better “applicants” could be added. Or maybe both. It wasn’t up to Prisca to think too hard on or question. She had only one goal: stay alive.
She watched, unmoving, as the first four were paired up, not even flinching when four fell before her, or when their blood splattered at and across her bare feet. They all had no shoes on their feet, and all only wore flimsy white shirts and pants. Better to show the blood, it seemed.
After what seemed like forever, it was Prisca’s turn. Prisca and a young, lanky raen man with clay-colored skin and stark white hair, a predatory grin on his face. Oh, right. She had seen him around. He was the one with the-- 
She looked down at his arms. Metal jutted out the sides of his forearms, bending after only an ilm or two and forming into double sided, barbed blades. Most people would think how dangerous they looked. Prisca could only wonder what the scientists were thinking. I guess they were all called experiments for a reason.
Prisca, the small girl that she was, didn’t balk in the presence of this older, taller person. She got into position, her clawed hands held out before her, one foot behind the other. There were no pleasantries or really any rules at all. So not long after she got positioned, the man shot at her.
A long leg was sent at her, and she easily ducked down. The raen sent his elbow downward toward Prisca, trying to slice her, but she slid away from him easily enough and sliced right back at his arm with her claws, opening four lines across it. He hissed and grabbed her by the arm, throwing her in his anger.
She struck the metal flooring pretty hard and rolled a few times before dragging her claws across the floor, sending sparks flying and helping her come to a stop. With her unnaturally strong and nimble legs, she sprung back to her feet and charged back in, swiping and slicing at the young man. He held his arms up after dodging backward a couple of steps, once more getting his arms sliced open, blood seeping out and dripping onto the floor.
His anger overcoming him again, he threw one of his arms outward at her, one of the barbs biting into her like a coeurl’s claw. She had to push his arm away to get it out, but that only damaged her flesh more, her teeth clenching. 
He saw the pain clearly on her face and it made him overconfident. He reached out carelessly with one hand, as if to grab her by the scruff of the neck like she was a naughty puppy. She simply ducked down again, and with one fluid motion of her straight-fingered hand, opened up a line across his throat. He gasped wetly and reached up to grab at his throat, stumbling back as blood bubbled up from between his fingers and ran down in thick rivers down his chest.
Prisca, panting a bit, looked at him, and then over at the other experiments. The scientists. The officers. They all watched on with a cold detachment, the scientists taking notes.
And then she found that she herself felt nothing for the person who was taking his last breaths while sprawled out on the slippery floor. Why didn’t she feel anything? Didn’t she feel something before?
She set a hand against her chest, feeling for her heartbeat as she was taken by the arm and led silently from the room.
(For my character prisca.carrd.co)
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apowersodivine · 3 years
#FFXIVWrite2021 Day 11//Where The Grass Is Green
It was very odd, being in a place where the Empire wasn’t constantly lauded.
But Prisca quite enjoyed it.
She had been forced to salute any officers that visited the facility, on risk of severe beatings or even death.
But in Ul’dah or the other city-states, she came across so many people who were like her. Who hated the Empire and would kill any Imperial they came across. It was like music to her fuzzy ears.
It might not show on her usually blank face, but she found these free places so refreshing. So colorful. So wonderful. She would be content to just be like this; be free.
(For prisca.carrd.co)
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prisca-scaevola · 3 years
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